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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 50 2/16/17

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:05 am
by keepsmiling7
Now Max has a very special birthday surprise for Liz.......
But I liked his welcoming surprise when she came back from hearts and all!

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 50 2/16/17

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:51 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow that was a hell of welcome home Max did. So glad that Kate's parents are being understandable. But Sarah is right Kate's brother Zack will probably never change. Loved how Amy and Jim welcomed Serena in their family and How Jim and Any got upset about Serena's father. So Kyle, Serena and Max are planning a surprise birthday party for Liz. So glad that Parkers, Michael and Maria will be there. And so glad that the Parkers and finally going to be meeting Max.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 50 2/16/17

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:15 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Max has a nice surprise for Liz's birthday. Oh I wouldn't mind coming home to Max in my bed in boxers!

L-J-L 76 That was a wonderful surprise Max had for Liz.

Part 51

Liz woke on her birthday to Max kissing her neck. She moaned as Max started to nibble at her ear. She started to reach for his boxers but he stopped her.

"Not so fast my beautiful birthday girl."
"Max, you know you want me to help you with your little problem."
"Today is all about you my dear."

Liz groaned as Max went back to his sweet torcher of her body. Finally he removes his boxers and reaches for a condom. Liz reaches for his hand to stop him.

"Max, I want to feel you today."
"Liz are you sure?"
"Yes I have been on the pill since we first went out. I know that we will be OK."

Their love making was sweet and tender. They both experienced it in a way they never had before. When they finally came down from their shared ogasms they just laid in each others arms.


Michael and Maria led the Parkers through the airport in LA to where their driver was waiting to take them to first their hotel and then onto Kyle and Serena's house. Liz still had no idea that they were coming for her birthday. Jeff and Nancy may not have met Max in person but he had planed to give their daughter a wonderful birthday with her family and friends.


Kate and Sarah had arrived back in LA late last night. Kate had wanted to stay longer but her father had told her to go back and help her friend celebrate her birthday. Kate felt good that she and her father had been able to work through their issues. Zack was a pain the whole time. In fact at one point her father had taken him into the study and when Zack came out he couldn't sit down. Kate had gotten one of those spanking as a kid. She had stolen a pack of gum from a store. She never did anything like that again. She knew that Zack would only change if he wanted to. It hurt to know that she might never get back the closeness she and Zack once had. But she wasn't ever going to deny who she really was just to make him happy.


Stephanie finished wrapping the gift she got for Liz. She knew that Liz was the only reason she got a chance for this role. She was greatful for her help. Getting her career back on track was one of the reasons that she was determined to stay clean. That and she hated who she had become while she was hooked on the pain pills. She did a lot of things that she now regretted.


Max led Liz up the walk to Kyle and Serena's house.

"Max what are we doing here?"
"Liz, I am not saying anything."
"Please tell me."
"Begging won't make me budge."

Liz sighed knowing that she wasn't going to get anything out of him. They walked right in which Liz thought was strange. What was stranger was that there were no lights on.

"Max what is going on?"

Just then the lights came on.

"Surprise!" Yelled everyone

Liz looked around and saw not only Kyle and Serena, but Alex and Isabel. She also saw Stephanie. Kate and Sarah were there too. Then she saw Michael, Maria and even her parents.

"Happy birthday sweetie."


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 51 2/17/17

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 5:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Loved the way Max woke Liz up for her birthday. Now that was a hell of way to wake up. So glad that Kate and her father are working through their issues. Zack got what he deserve from his father. So Michael, Maria and Parkers got into to LA with no problems. Loved the surprise party with everyone Liz loves.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 51 2/17/17

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:34 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max could wake me that way any day! Everyone had a nice surprise for Liz.

Part 52

Liz couldn't believe that Max did this. That he planned a surprise party for her. Not only that but he got her parents and Michael and Maria to come too.

"Happy birthday Lizzie!" Said Maria wrapping her in a hug
"Thanks I can't believe that you are here." Said Liz
"Yeah well thank moon doggie. He planned this whole thing. He only got Kyle and Serena to play host." Said Maria
"Happy birthday Liz." Said Michael giving Liz a hug
"Thanks Michael."
"He really makes you happy doesn't he?" Asked Michael
"More than you could ever know."
"Just remember he breaks your heart tell me. I will kick his ass."
"Thanks Michael I will remember that."

Next Liz greeted her parents.

"Mom, dad why didn't you say anything about coming out here for my birthday?"
"It wouldn't have a surprise then." Said Nancy
"Happy birthday honey." Said Jeff hugging and kissing her.
"Thanks. Mom, dad this is Max Evans. My boyfriend."
"Nice to finally meet you Max." Said Nancy
"You to Mrs. Parker. I know where Liz gets her beauty from." Said Max
"I like him Liz. He is a real charmer." Said Nancy
"Max, I can see that you are taking good care of my daughter. She may get her beauty from her mother. But she gets her hardheaded stubborn streak from me." Said Jeff
"Liz, has shown me a little of that stubborn streak. But that is one of the things I love about her. I do have one question which one of you do I thank for her great cooking skills?" Asked Max
"So that is how my daughter won you over? By her cooking skills?" Asked Jeff
"Nope, it is her kind and warm heart that won me over. The cooking is what made me stay."

Jeff and Nancy laughed.

"Are you going to be here for a couple days?" Asked Liz
"Yes Max has put us up in a very nice hotel." Said Nancy
"Then how about tomorrow I take you to see the house Max and I will be moving in to next month?" Asked Liz
"Sounds good." Said Jeff
"Next time you can stay with us. Even if Michael and Maria come. We will have the room." Said Liz
"That would be great honey." Said Nancy

Liz greeted everyone. Kate came up to her and handed her a glass of white wine.

"Now that you are legal you can enjoy a drink once in a while." Said Kate
"Thanks for coming. I got your message about seeing your father how did that go?" Asked Liz
"Better then I thought it would. He knows about me being a lesbian and accepts my relationship with Sarah. Can't say the same thing about my younger brother Zack. He said some really hateful things."
"Kate, I know that must hurt that your brother seems to hate you. But remember there are people who do love and accept you the way you are."
"I know."

Liz hugged her friend and gave Sarah a warm smile.


Max sat next to Liz as she began to open her gifts. The first gift she opened was from Alex and Isabel. They gave her a new skirt and blouse. Michael and Maria got her a bunch of sented candles. Liz knew Maria had to have been the one to pick them out. Serena and Kyle got her a new purse. Kate and Sarah got her a western style blouse. Stephanie gave her a charm bracelet. Her parents a pair of diamond earrings. But favorite was from Max. It was a white gold and diamond locket. She opened it to find a picture of her and Max. She also saw that he had it engraved. "You own my heart forever, Max." Liz wrapped her arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss not caring that her parents and all her friends were watching.

The party went on for a while. They had cake and just enjoyed each others company. Max and Liz arrived home to find a package by their door addressed to Liz. Max picked it up and carried it in. Liz opened it to find that it was from Jessica and her parents. It was a framed pencil drawing of Max and Liz kissing on the beach. Liz recognized that it was done from a photograph that had been in one of the tabloids. She looked closely and saw that it was signed by Jessica. Liz opened the note that was in closed with it.

"Liz, I wish that I could have given this to you in person. But I am not well enough to do that. I am getting better. Tell Max, thank you for looking after my mom. I hope that you have a very happy birthday and like this picture I drew for you. Jessica." Liz read
"Liz, this is really good." Said Max
"I know. I didn't know that she could draw like this."
"Liz, my mom has connections at one of the best art schools on the west coast. If this is something she wants to try to make a living at, we can make it happen."
"Well we will have to ask her about it."
"How about we finish celebrating my birthday in our room."
"Why Miss Parker if I didn't know better I would think that you were a little vixen."

Liz just smiled and led Max to bed.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 52 2/18/17

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:33 pm
by keepsmiling7
What a wonderful birthday day for Liz.......and she deserved every bit of it.
The park bench sketch was extra special.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 52 2/18/17

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:32 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz had a very wonderful birthday. The sketch is something she will always treasure.

Part 53

Liz woke during the night and slipped out of Max's arms. She pulled on her robe and very quitely made her way out of the bedroom and out to the balcony. She had really enjoyed her birthday. She had loved how he had surprised her with a party with her family and friends. It was one of the sweetest things he had done for her. She had almost given up on the idea of falling in love when Max walked into her life. The day they met hadn't been the first time that she had seen him. In fact she had seen him a number of times. She giggled at the thought if those stupid tabloids knew that she had been too shy to go up to him. So she set him up to see if he was really a gentleman like she thought he was. She was lost in thought and didn't notice him until he wrapped his arms around her. She didn't say anything just leaned into him.

"You OK?" Asked Max
"Yeah. Sorry if I woke you."
"I only woke because I missed your warm cute body curled up next to me."
"Sorry. I had some stuff on my mind. I didn't want to wake you by tossing and turning."
"Want to talk about it?"
"Well I have been thinking that I am very lucky to have found you."
"I am the lucky one. I am lucky that you would choose me over all those famous guys to date."
"But because of me your life is now all over the tabloids."
"Liz, I don't care. I love you. You will never understand how you made me feel when you told me you loved me the first time and when we made love the first time, I couldn't believe that you chose me to give your virginity to."
"Max, after what happened with Sean, I didn't think it was possible for me to love or trust a guy. But then you came around and opened my heart."
"What he did to you is horrible. He is no better than Zan. He tried to take your choice away from you."
"I know."
"Liz, remember that you can always tell me how you feel."
"I know. You have to be the best boyfriend in the world."
"Ready to go back to bed?"

Max picked Liz up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her back to bed.


Nancy laid in bed next to her husband of nearly twenty five years. She had to admit Liz had made a good choice of a man to have in her life. She still wasn't thrilled that they were living together outside of marriage. But Liz was an adult weather she liked it or not. Liz also wasn't like many of the young stars always partying and changing partners every couple of months. Max was a good man. When things could have turned bad for Liz, he pulled her back to who she really was.

"Jeff are you awake?"
"What is it Nancy?"
"What do you think of Max?"
"He is a good man. Takes good care of Lizzie."
"He loves her and she him."
"I know. Some how I think that they will be one of those lasting couples. That he will become part of our family."
"We aren't losing Liz. In fact since she got together with Max we have talked to her more then when she first left."
"I know. Nancy, get some rest. After all we will see our daughter's first house tomorrow."
"Yes. I am so proud of the woman that she has become."
"So am I."


Kate woke to her phone ringing. She reached for it and answered it.

"Katie, it's Zack he has been in an accident."
"What happened mom?"
"He was out with his friends and they were drinking."
"Is he.....?" Kate's voice trailed off.

Sarah had woken and was listening to her lover's side of the conversion.

"He was killed. He wasn't wearing a seat belt and was thrown threw the windshield. They say he died as soon as he hit the street."
"Mom, I will be there as soon as I can."
"You don't have to come right away."
"Yes I do. Zack and I may not have been on the best of terms but he was still my brother."
"OK honey. Just come to the house when you get to town."
"Ok mom. Love you."
"Love you too."

Kate hung up the phone and let the tears fall as Sarah held her.

Part 54

Liz sat in the front seat of the van that Max had rented for the day so they could take her parents and Michael and Maria to the house. They had already moved Max's furniture from his apartment over, and started to move some of her stuff too.

"Is this house far from your apartment Liz?" Asked Jeff
"No maybe five miles. Still in Malibu." Said Liz
"Near the beach I bet." Said Maria
"Actually it's on the beach. I mean you need to go down some stairs from the deck but it's right there." Said Liz
"You really have grown to love the beach haven't you Liz?" Asked Nancy
"Well it's more when I get the chance to watch the sunset over the ocean. It is just so peaceful. So different then in the desert." Said Liz.

Just then Max turned onto the private driveway and drove up to the house. Nancy gasped in shock at the house that her daughter now owned.

"Liz?" Asked Nancy
"It's really mine mom." Said Liz
"I don't understand. Do you really make enough to be able to afford this house?" Asked Jeff
"Yeah I do. Come on I will show you around."

Liz led her parents and friends through the house. Everyone was impressed with it.

"Liz, this house is beautiful." Said Nancy
"Thanks. After I bought it I had the whole place repainted. The person who owned it before had most of the rooms painted really dark colors. I needed to lighten the place up." Said Liz
"The view from the deck is amazing Liz!" Said Maria
"That was a big selling point for me."
"Who's furniture is this?" Asked Jeff
"Mine Mr. Parker. My lease was up before Liz's. So we had most of my stuff moved here and the rest will come when we officially move in." Said Max
"Daddy, I know that you really aren't happy about Max and I living together. But I am not a little girl any more." Said Liz
"I know you aren't a little girl. But it is just so hard to see how grown up you are now." Said Jeff
"Dad, just because I have grown up doesn't mean that I don't still need you."
"Love you Lizzie." Said Jeff

Liz hugged her father knowing that this was really was really hard for him.

"Mr. Parker, I promise that you don't need to worry about Liz. I will protect her. I love her a will only leave her if that is what she wants."
"I believe you."


Kate sat quietly in the car as Sarah drove through town to her parents house. It had only been a couple days since she had left her family, only to return now to help bury her younger brother who hated her for the way she was born.

"Honey, we will be there in a few minutes." Said Sarah softly
"I know."
"Kate, are you sure you are up for this. I know most of your extended family doesn't know about us."
"Sarah, I am not ashamed of our relationship. I am not ashamed of you. If my family can't accept us being together than that is their problem."
"You know I am not leaving you."
"I know baby. I want to thank you for coming with me. I know my brother was very hurtful to you."
"That is true. But that doesn't mean I hate him. Kate, the two most powerful emotions humans can feel are love and hate. I don't hate Zack, I do hate his opion of us. But not him as a person. There must have been so kind of love in him. You can't learn to hate, if you never learned to love. I forgave him for his opion of us."
"What about your father?"
"I forgive him. But that doesn't mean I want a relationship with him."
"Are you going to try and make admens with him?"
"Kate, he is not going to change. To him my being a lesbian is worse then me being with a black, or Hispanic man. He hates them too. Just an all a round bigot."

Kate just nodded and the rest of the drive was quiet.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 53&54 2/19/17

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:09 pm
by Lillmonster
Poor Katie. I hoped that her brother would change his mind like her father did.

Max and Liz... I mean who wouldn't be happy to have Max as a boyfriend, even if it was for my daughter. ;)

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 53&54 2/19/17

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:42 pm
by Natalie36
all caught up. I was not prepared for zack to die but I'm glad the father came around

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 53&54 2/19/17

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:53 pm
by keepsmiling7
So very sad when a very young person has to die. Sorry he never came around to Katie and Sarah before this happened.
And Liz's parents got the grand tour........yes, their little girl is now a grown woman, like it or not.