Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 31 - Updated: 01/23/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Serena be truthful with her! Max, you really need to talk to Serena. Hurry with that test!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics!

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 31 - Updated: 01/23/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This is so good that Bella/Molly is now remembering.....
I know Serena is being cautious.....but she needs to tell Max immediately about this.
Poor Liz had been in pain for so long and Bella deserves the chance to go home and she all of her family.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 31 - Updated: 01/23/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Maybe Liz will be healthy enough to return to LA to get her daughter with Max.
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Lost & Found - Chapter 32 - 01/26/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

“Dad,” Max was saying as he watched his father approach as Serena was trying to comfort an emotional Molly back in California. The realization that he was back in Roswell showed up again. “Were you here to visit Liz?” he asked as they stood across from each other.

Phillip nodded. “When did you get back?” he asked. “Your sister didn’t tell us you were coming back.”

“She doesn’t know,” Max acknowledged. “It was very quick my decision to come back.”

“How long do you think you’re going to be back?” Phillip asked as he wished he and Diane were closer to their son. Things had gotten tense before he left town all those years and he and his wife regretted their actions although a lot of it was brought on but their children’s need to be secretive but when they were let in on the secret they became a lot more appreciative of the lengths the kids had to go to keep their lives as normal as possible. It only made sense and for he and his wife, it made them wish they could see their son and now they had their chance if only Max stayed…

“I am sure I am here until the weekend,” Max murmured. “But a lot of it does depend on how things go with Liz.”

Phillip nodded and inner prayed for it to work out. “If you do need a place to stay, you can stay with us, and stay in your old room?” Phillip asked as they started to walk towards the hospital.

Knowing he had to make peace with that part of his past as much as anything else and he didn’t want to put the pressure on his sister and Kyle to have him to stay there he nodded. “I appreciate that Dad,” Max sighed. “I think I would enjoy that.”

“How is Liz,” Phillip smiled at the step forward his son was taking towards their family.

“She’s stronger and trying to keep a positive mood” Max sighed. “Dad, did you and Mom know about Isabella?

“About what?” Phillip asked confused for a minute before it hit him of what his son could be referring to. “So, what, you know?”

“Yes,” Max said. “Did you and Mom know?”

“Not because Liz told us or anyone really. We figured it by simply looking at the child, she had too much resemblance to you and Liz and especially as Isabella grew up.”

“I now know why your pictures were in Bella’s room at Liz’s place.”

“She was our granddaughter without it being officially told. She was always in our lives even though Liz tried to keep it at times more of a distant relationship, but we tried to be there for her…”

“I appreciate it,” Max said. “I wish I could have been here…”

“Would you have been here son?” Phillip asked.

“Yes Dad, if I knew I would have been here…” Max said although he didn’t know exactly how it would have worked during his darker phases and whether he would have been able to put Liz and Bella through that, but then he might have gone as deep if he had something to fight for, for his sanity to fight for…

Phillip nodded as he knew that while he hoped his son would have been able to be around, well, they would truly never know as they approached their desired hospital room.

“I am out of here,” Liz announced as she saw Max and Phillip walk into the room.

“Really?” Max asked unsure what comes next.

“The doctors will spring me tomorrow,” Liz smiled. “I guess my labs are all positive and they feel confident I can do better at home than he in the hospital.”

“I am glad,” Max said.

“Phillip it’s nice to see you,” Liz said as she saw that Max with his father, “I hope you’re able to have a nice reunion with Max.”

“We’re just glad he’s back,” Phillip said as he looked at his son and knew from the looks of Max and Liz that their bond was just as intense as it was back in high school.

“I am glad he’s back too…” Liz said.

Max smiled as the whole room lit up and Phillip couldn’t help but hope it continued for the sake of both his son and Liz.


Serena didn’t how to explain it to the child. She was so small there sitting on her bed confused about the life she was trying to lead. Molly looked at Serena like she had the answers. “Please tell me.”

“All I know is we’re trying to figure out some oddities to your case,” Serena said as the little girl eyes shot up. “I know this sounds confusing to you and it is. It’s confusing to us adults, so I can’t imagine how it feels for you to live it”

“What does that mean?” Molly said as she pulled herself together and faced the detective. “Do you guys know who I am?”

“We have an idea,” Serena admitted because she sensed that despite her age Molly could deal with it and understand what was going on with the whole complicated situation. “We’re waiting until we can get it confirmed.”

“But you think you know?” Molly asked.

“We think you were kidnapped…” Serena said quietly.

“I was taken?” Molly eyes opened wide as her brain tried to figure out if that was true from her memory. “From where...”

“We think you might be from a town in New Mexico, called Roswell. Do you recognize the name Roswell?”

Molly’s eyes went wide as the name hit her as she felt it was right. She didn’t know if she was from that town, but she felt like it was right. “I think so… my memory is still funny.”

“I realize that, and I don’t want to push you,” Serena said as she sat by the girl.

“I need to know. I am not a baby,” Molly said quietly.

“We know you’re not, but we also know this is pretty complicated for someone your age or anyone to deal with and so we’re trying to make sure it done in its own speed.”

“So, you think I belong somewhere else… Which means I am not a Davidson? Molly asked.

“No,” Serena shook her head. “We think you were taken from your real home about a year ago… Do you remember anything from about a year ago…”?

Molly shook her head, but it was slow, and Serena suspected that it wasn’t wholly the truth as she knew the little girl was struggling with the information she was being told. “Molly, do you remember anything?”

“I remember men. I remember being carried somewhere… It’s dark, and I don’t know what happened then…”

“Do you recognize them…” Serena asked.

“Molly shook her head. “Only they didn’t like me. I remember leaving a bedroom.”

“Anything about that room?” Serena asked.

“Just that there were big letters on the wall…” Molly said quietly. “Do I have parents where you think I am from… This Roswell…”

“Yes,” Serena smiled. “You have a Mom and a stepfather…” and I have identified your biological father she thought but didn’t because it would confuse the girl.

“If I am this person…” Molly asked.

“Yes, if you’re this person…” Serena smiled as she got a ping from her phone to see CJ right away. “Why don’t I leave you here with this and you can figure out if anything comes from your memory?” Serena asked.

Molly nodded as she watched the detective get ready to leave. “If I am this person, is my name Isabella?” she asked, and Serena turned around. “I am right, aren’t I?”

“We think so,” Molly nodded.

“I guess that is why I have so many memories with that name in them?” Molly asked as she watched Serena leave as the young girl was left wondering about finding her true home. She picked up her pad and started drawing.


Back in Roswell Max looked in front of him as he saw the Crashdown. He hadn’t been here yet since he came to town. Liz was relaxing back at the hospital and he figured it was time to figure out what he was going to do it. He had only been taking a walk when he found himself near the Crashdown and he couldn’t help but bring back memories as watched the bustling restaurant. “Max…” came a voice. He turned and saw Kyle.

“Hello Kyle,” Max sighed as it was reminder that he hadn’t seen Kyle since he returned to town.

“When did you get back?” Kyle asked.

“Late last night,” Max said. “Are you headed into the Crashdown?”

“Yeah meeting Dad for lunch,” Kyle nodded. “Have you told your sister that you’re back?”

“I plan to,” Max said as he knew he had to reach out to Isabel to tell her that he was fine. “I understand I put some concern into people around here, and I am sorry for worrying everyone.”

“Did you have to do it?” Kyle asked as he referred to someone they both knew.

“I didn’t expect it,” Max acknowledged. “But he was speaking trash and he pushed one button too many and I suspect you would have been pushed into it too if you had been there.”

“Look Max…” Kyle said as he knew that Max was probably right about if he had been in the room with Sean.

“Kyle, I know you’re worried about both your wife and Liz. I promise I am not here to hurt them. I want to make up for the past, and I plan to. I appreciate all you did for them, and for Liz and Isabella.” Max sighed and instantly Kyle knew that Max knew the truth.

“So, you know?” Kyle asked as they walked into the Crashdown.

“Yes, I know,” Max acknowledged. “Again, I appreciate all you did while I was gone. I don’t want to hurt Liz and I plan to help find Bella and when she does come home then Liz and I can make some decisions about what the future holds but know regardless of what happens with the future I am not trying to replace you. Even if I wanted to, I know I can’t. You were here, and I wasn’t…”

Kyle nodded.

“Bella considered you her Dad, and no matter what does happen with the future. I want to know her, and I don’t plan to misuse this opportunity.”

“Max, I don’t want either of them hurt.” Kyle muttered.

“I realize that Kyle, and while I am back now. I can’t say what the future holds. No one can, but I am not about to abandon them again.” Max said with passion. “I have a chance to make up for the past, and I plan to use it and any decisions will be mutually agreed upon…”

“But it doesn’t erase the past,” Kyle muttered.

“No, it doesn’t,” Max nodded. “I wish it could, but I know we all have to live with what choices we made and pray the future is easier on us.”

“I wish that too,” Kyle said as Jim walked in and sighed when he saw his son and Max. “Dad…”

“I hope I am not interrupting anything…”

“No, I’m grabbing something to eat and heading back to the hospital to see Liz. She’s being released from the hospital tomorrow, so I promised to bring her a burger if I made it this far.”

As they watched Max walk in the direction of the order counter, Kyle turned to Jim and he saw a worried expression on his father’s face. “Dad, you can say it.”

“I guess a new chapter has begun…”

“I guess so,” Kyle said as he and Jim went to a booth while Max picked up a takeout order for himself and one for Liz and then left the restaurant to head back to the hospital.


“Max is back?” Isabel asked as she arrived at the hospital only to learn her brother was back in town. “He didn’t call?” she muttered as she thought of her brother and his inability to let her know what he was doing.

“He didn’t call anyone,” Liz commented as he thought of Max and she hadn’t been able to think about much else except maybe her daughter since she first saw Max again and now that Max knew the truth, well, it brought off a ton of weight of her shoulders and now she just wished they could find a clue to where Bella may be.

“Naturally,” Isabel grumbled.

“He’s sorry…” Liz thought.

“He always says that then he does something that ends us make us mad at him,” she thought as she looked at Liz. “I am sorry.”

“Don’t be. Max is here, and I don’t think he’s going to be leaving anytime soon.”

“Why do you say that…” Isabel asked softly.

“Because he now knows the truth about Bella,” Liz said quietly. “I didn’t have to tell him as he found out his own way.”

“Please don’t tell me Sean told him…” Isabel asked dismayed at the mere idea of Sean telling Max before he managed to die on them.

“Apparently Max figured it out by looking at Bella’s birth certificates. The dates match didn’t match up precisely…” Liz said softly. “I always knew it, but I wanted to believe people could believe it.”

“Unfortunately, we knew how intense things you and Max were before he left town, so it was easy to connect the dots.”

“I know,” Liz sighed.

“Liz we never were angry…” Isabel said although she knew her parents were a little hurt that Liz wouldn’t tell them the truth and they had to be a little more on the sidelines than she knew they would want to be with their first grandchild.

“If I could go back, I would change a whole lot of my life.”

“We all would….” Isabel nodded.

“You have Kyle and the baby on the way,” Liz reminded Isabel with a warm smile. “You are so lucky.”

“I am, but I we all have choices we wish we could have done better…” Isabel smiled. “So, if my brother is back, how is having him around again”

“It’s definitely weird and yet it feels normal because it feels like nothing has changed and yet we’re very different. We’re not who we once were but when I look at him…”

“You see the memories…” Isabel asked

Liz nodded as a flood of the intensity of her Max rushed through her, and she saw the good and the bad of their short relationship and yet life changing years for her. “If we could find Bella…”

“We will Liz, we will…” Isabel said.

“I hope so…”


Serena made it back to the station and down to the forensics lab and saw CJ by the computer. She prayed she got the answer and still she knew she had to figure out how to tell Max but that would come at another time. “So, do we have a winner?” she asked.

“Good, you are here…” CJ asked as she checked and saw Serena coming towards you. “Where were you?”

“Visiting Molly.”

“Well Detective, you don’t have to call her that anymore…” CJ Baker confirmed. “She has a different name.”

“So, she’s Isabella Maria Valenti,” Serena asked.

“Yup.” CJ confirmed. “So, have you told Max that we found his daughter?”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 32 - Updated: 01/26/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Great part. Now Serena needs to call Max and let him know she has information on Isabella's case. Liz should be able to go to California with Max to get her daughter.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 32 - Updated: 01/26/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Like there was ever any doubt that Molly and Bella were one and the same. Serena time to call Max and tell him to bring Liz to LA to get her daughter to bring home!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics!

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 32 - Updated: 01/26/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It appears that Molly finally remembers she is Bella.........but not all of the abduction details.
Wonder why she can't remember, was her mind wiped clean??
Liz acknowledges to all of the family who the bio father is.......at last. Now they can be a real, close family.
Serena has the conformation she needed, so don't waste any time get on the phone and contact Max!!
Can't wait for Liz and Bella to be together again.......with Max too.
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Lost & Found - Chapter 33 - 01/28/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Hours later Max walked into the living room of his childhood home having toured the house. Sighing at the rush of memories, good and bad. He had spent the afternoon with Liz but now it was time to face the reality of returning to his hometown. His parents were in the living room. Isabel and Kyle were also sitting there, and he sighed as he faced his family. “I know I have disappointed you…”

“We do want you to be happy honey, no matter where you live.” Diane smiled as she relished having both her children back in her home. It was as if life was finally righting itself after many years of disappointment.

“I am glad I am here too,” Max said. “It was time to understand where it went wrong…”

“Honey,” Diane asked.

“Mom, honestly I am fine. I needed this and I am glad you’re back…”

“We’re glad you are back too…” Phillip sighed at how he loved having his children back in their house and it felt right. “I am glad you’re making peace with the past, and does that past include Liz?”

“Yes,” Max smiled. “Whatever happens next, I don’t intend to disappoint anyone and that includes you guys, and Liz and especially Bella when we find her, and she comes home.”

“Your father tells me you know…” Diane asked.

“Yes, Mom I know,” Max acknowledged as he looked at Kyle who looked away. “I don’t blame Liz or anyone for not telling me. I gave you guys enough of a reason not to, and I blame myself for putting Liz in the situation I did. We both made decisions we regret, and I wish we could go back but we can’t. So, I take consolation that the past is the past and the future is here…”

“Did Sean Deluca really have a role in Bella’s disappearance?” Diane asked appalled. She never liked the man and knew firsthand how Jeff and Nancy fretted over their daughter’s involvement with the man, and even when things went south… they were constantly worried, and she hated knowing that the man might have had his greatest revenge.

“It isn’t looking good for his innocence. I just wished I hadn’t been goaded into the actions I did.”

“He’s lucky it was you… I would have done worse…” Kyle muttered as he thought of the madman. “Dad is checking in with the prison to see if Sean had any belongings that can give us some clue.”

“I hope he finds something,” Isabel sighed as Kyle went with Phillip to check on the barbeque. Diane went into the kitchen to finish up dinner, and so it left her with her brother. “I am glad you’re back.”

“Me too Isabel,” Max smiled. “I know I have disappointed you but that is going to end now.”

“Is it?” Isabel asked.

“Yes,” Max said. “I promise you.”

“Don’t,” Isabel sighed as she stared at her brother. “Please don’t promise me, okay” Isabel sighed because as much as she sensed things were different now that her brother knew about his daughter, well, she didn’t want to be disappointed, not again. “We know you have a life in California.”

“But I have something here to fight for now…” Max promised. “I should have come back before now but I was scared to face you guys and face the past. But that weight is off my shoulders now, so no, you’re not going to lose me. Sure, I don’t know what the future holds but I can promise that you won’t lose me again from your life. I will always be around…”

With those words Isabel knew the ballgame had changed everything for her brother, and for Liz and yet knew the pain that comes with reengaging with the past. “Max, Liz has been hurt by these last ten years,” Isabel sighed. “She has a lost a lot…”

“I don’t plan to hurt her again…” Max promised. “Whatever happens will happen, but I promise I will do what is best for the situation and that goes for Liz and Bella when she comes home.”

Isabel nodded.

Max knew he didn’t have the trust yet from his sister but knew he could build on it when his phone went and saw the text from Jim to call him, so he planned to do it after dinner as he went and joined his family as he prayed the end to their heartache was approaching…


The next morning,

“Unbelievable,” Maria muttered as they sat airport waiting for the flight to California to take off. She wasn’t going, but Max and Liz were… The call with Jim the previous night indicated evidence was in Sean’s cell to point to his involvement in Bella’s disappearance. A map of California was found under his bed. And then email on his prison account found correspondence that was murky but still showed traces of his knowledge of the girl’s whereabouts… as well as the hatred he harbored for his ex-wife and Bella and finally there were links to a missing child website which indicated he was tracking the search. Once they knew the horrible news, Max rushed back to the hospital and barely prevented Liz from falling apart and wrecking her recovery which would have pushed back her release date, and the doctors were satisfied by her recovery and so they signed the discharged papers and now they sat waiting for their flight.

Maria sat keeping company. Michael had taken Betty to camp and had to be at the office for some meetings, and so now because of the belief that Bella might be in California. Max had made the decision to go back, and Liz refused to be left behind and he wasn’t about to let her stay behind. So now they were on the way back to Los Angeles and use his place as a base, so they could continue their search for their daughter. They didn’t know if they were as close or far away from their goal… and of course they really didn’t know how close they truly were…

“Are you okay?” Max asked Liz as she sat by him as they waited for their flight. He couldn’t understand how she was taking the news that all evidence was that Sean was responsible for Bella’s disappearance.

“I am fine,” Liz nodded as she contemplated the big step she was taking, not only in looking for her daughter but potentially with Max. She was reopening a lot of gaping wounds that never really closed themselves up, and she was risking a lot by going with Max. “I just hope Bella is in California.”

“Me too,” Max nodded as he thought to once more he was leaving Roswell but this time with Liz by his side and with the acceptance of everyone in their inner circle maybe just maybe luck was on their side. He couldn’t help but wonder if the child was closer than she once looked.

Moments later their flight was called for boarding… Maria saw this as one more step to the future as she watched her friend walk off with her soulmate looking to get back what she lost, in so many ways.

Driving home, she stopped at Guerin Private Investigations. Arriving at the office. Michael sensed his wife’s presence as he looked up, “I haven’t seen you much because of that report you’re working on… and you spending time with your mother.”

“I have Ricki taking tonight’s telecasts as I wanted to spend some time at home with you and Betty because of the emotional flipflops of the last few days. Mom is deciding, and I wanted to be there for her… I just dropped off Max and Liz at the airport.”

“So, they got off?” Michael asked.

“Yup, Mom is feeling guilty.”

“Amy doesn’t need to. Sean did what he did on his own,” Michael reasoned but knew it was hopeless. Amy had taken a lot on over the years about her nephew and his conduct and the pain he caused to those she loved here in Roswell.

“She believes she does as she allowed him to stay with us which introduced him to Roswell and to Liz…” Maria muttered.

“He was sane the first time he came into our midst,” Michael allowed although he never trusted the guy and knew his wife hadn’t yet and tried her hardest to keep her best friend from his embrace and it mostly worked because Max was around, but with Max gone… it was a whole new ballgame and it fell apart and disaster visited their town.

“He was, wasn’t he?” Maria commented. “What happened to him.”

“I wish I knew,” Michael said. “Is the prison doing an autopsy?”

“I believe so,” Maria sighed. “I don’t know if we want them to, you know with the mitigating issues surrounding his death…”

“Might be helpful…” Michael said as Maria came around his desk and gave him a kiss. “I love you too.”

“I am glad I got a winner,” Maria smiled. “When we were young, it was so difficult, but we kept going and I will never regret it.”

“I got you and Betty… I will never regret anything…” Michael smiled as Maria let herself out as he went back to his computer and found a funny email on his account. “Hmmm what is this…”

The subject was… “To open when I die…”

He opened it and was shocked to see a message from Sean Deluca… or he thought it was from Deluca, but he now questioned it once he read the following words…

“Deluca was an easy target and you guys were an even easier target. Tell Max, he is lucky he made it back. Too bad I didn’t see him when he came to back to Antar…” said the message. The name at the end gave him a shiver and his hairs went up… “Thank him for taking care of Deluca for me as he was a nightmare to control”

“Holy crap!” he muttered out loud…


“What does this mean?” Isabel asked as she looked at the printout as she sat in her living room. Michael had arrived as soon as he closed his office, and now they were trying to come to terms with the implications of the message…

“Has Max said anything about Antar?” Kyle asked from behind as he paced the room.

“No, just that he found out Tess was dead and that the baby was a mind warp,” Michael muttered. Once she made it to Antar, they found out she wasn’t pregnant, and they took care of her… He hasn’t said much about it except he was lucky to make it back, and when he did his health was extremely iffy and he almost didn’t make it.

“He almost died, and we didn’t know” Isabel said as tears came to her eyes at the knowledge.

“Well he made it through to the other side,” Michael acknowledged. “He hasn’t talked about what he saw there… if he remembers that is…”

“Is this all an elaborate con by Khivar to hurt Max and Liz?” Isabel questioned.

“It does make you wonder,” Michael admitted. “I wish it didn’t, but it makes sense if you follow the dots. Deluca was a different man when he came back to town after Max left town."

“We know aliens can shapeshift?” Isabel admitted. “Nascedo did it with Max and Agent Fisher…”

“So, you can reason possession could also take place?” Michael wondered.

“So, we think Khivar took over Deluca and made him into a mad man over these last 10 years?” Kyle asked.

“All he had to do was get Deluca into jail, and disappear but then mess with Deluca every once a while and pull the strings and play puppet master in whatever his grand plan was…”

“Max left town. Why come to Roswell and mess with Liz…” Isabel asked.

“Liz was pregnant with Bella…”

“She didn’t know…” Kyle said.

“But who knows what was in the winds, and I think anyone could have sensed it especially if you have powers…” Isabel wondered. “He comes back and messes with Liz and further pushes her away from us… and she runs to Sean in trying to get away from Max, and the memories.”

“God this is a mess” Kyle ached. “Should we let Max and Liz know…”

“No,” Isabel demanded. “They need to figure out if Bella is there in California. They need to concentrate. They don’t need to know yet if this was a master plan to hurt them.”

They came to an agreement and prayed this was going to come to an end.


It was dinner time when they pulled up in front Max’s house. Liz couldn’t help but look around and see that he was located more in the woods. “When I heard you were in Los Angeles,” she murmured. “I pictured more by the water?”

“Being alone fit me more than by the water,” Max commented. “So, I found this place that was more isolated, and the woods helped greatly to give me that peace I was searching for…”

“Did you really need the peace?” Liz asked as they got out of the car that Max had parked at the airport after his flight back to Roswell via New York as she looked around the spot Max had found to live in as it was so different than the home she had made for Bella and herself, and she had to admit it did seem very much something Max might gone for...

“I was a mess as I have told you some of it, but it got pretty bad and I felt the isolation spoke to me.”

“I wish you had given us a chance to help you,” Liz said quietly as they walked up the front walk. “It’s a pretty house…”

“I wish I had done a lot of things back then,” Max admitted as he couldn’t help wonder if his health might of benefited if he had indeed gone back to Roswell all those years before... but then he would never know because he also didn’t want to burden his family with how he was… and he had missed Liz marrying Sean, so he would have had to watch her be with someone new… and he knew he couldn’t have handled it… “If only we can do things differently.”

“We can now, but we do have to live with the choices we made” Liz muttered as she knew she had to live with what she had done, and what might have been…

“Unfortunately,” Max said as he opened the door as sudden thought of how he had left the house when he left… “Sorry for the mess. I kinda of left here in a hurry, and I never got around to cleaning up” he said carefully as Liz got a clear glimpse of the inner shell of Max’s sanctum. “I forgot how bad it was that night…”

“Wow,” Liz said as she saw the mess as they walked in… “But it’s a nice house.”

“Thanks,” Max said. “You’re being kind.”

“Honestly Max, I was way worse back when Bella was first missing. Until Maria and Michael literally paid to get a cleaning maid to come and help me out because I was in no condition to do anything or make sure the house was livable.”

“We will find Bella…”

“I hope so,” Liz said as she walked more into the open concept bungalow and she noticed the papers all around, and then the beer bottles and glasses of stale whisky, with empty bottles around the table… as memories flashed of the early days after Max left.

“Sorry,” Max said he rushed to grab his trash can and piled the bottles into it. “I truly have tried to clean up my act.”

“Have you?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Max nodded as he hated seeing the collection of bottles in the trash can, and knowing Liz could see how bad it was… “I was sober for much of the last five years.”

“You were…” Liz asked as Max knew she was wary of the claim given all she had seen him clean up.

“Truly,” Max smiled. “It was a dark period about five years ago when I first joined the force. I hadn’t cleaned up and was trying to put one over on everyone and Serena wouldn’t have it, nor my boss and I was this close to being kicked off the force and then I finally cleaned up, and for the last five years I had cleaned up my act if not my need for company at night he thought to himself. “I didn’t drink at all…”

“What sent you back…”

“You did…” Max said as Liz winced, and he knew how that sounded and he paled at the words. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like it sounded but memories for some reason started to infect my life more and more these last few weeks, although truthfully you never left my head.

“I can’t believe that,” Liz said softly. “You stayed away.”

“I stayed away but you never stayed away from my mind or heart…” Max said solemnly. “And that is probably why I screwed up my life so royally over the years. Because I knew I gave up the best thing in my life.”

“Max…” Liz said as her face went pale at his words, as she didn’t know what to say or how to respond.

“Don’t Liz, you don’t have to say anything. I screwed up. I know it and I know when I left Roswell and left us, well, nothing has been the same because I gave up the best thing that ever happened to me and I missed out on so much. I wish I could have been there for you and for Bella.”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 33 - Updated: 01/28/2019

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Max call Serena! She has important news for you and Liz!
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 33 - Updated: 01/28/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Khivar..........now this is a royal mess.
I'm glad Max and Liz came back to CA.......but I can't stand it. Max needs to call Serena.
Please put them out of their misery soon.......and me too.
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