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Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 48 3/5/19

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:49 pm
by L-J-L 76
Wow Max and Liz had a perfect date. The kiss was sweet. Poor Max I think he is going to need a lot of cold showers while dating Liz. But it is worth it so he can be with Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 48 3/5/19

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 7:40 pm
by RoswellFan68
L-J-L 76 wrote:Wow Max and Liz had a perfect date. The kiss was sweet. Poor Max I think he is going to need a lot of cold showers while dating Liz. But it is worth it so he can be with Liz.

L-J-L 76
I think Max is willing to endure the cold showers for Liz.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 48 3/5/19

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:00 pm
by SmileeUk
Glad to know Liz has finally accepted her new found relationship with Max :D

I can picture how Diane would be around her grandkids :lol:

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 48 3/5/19

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:36 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn There most likely will be a number of cold showers in Max's future. Liz does know that he is the perfect father for Ashlee. But she does need to time. Not just for herself but get past what just happened to her.

L-J-L 76 It was the perfect date. Max will take as many cold showers as it takes to be with Liz.

RoswellFan68 Max will endure as many cold showers as it takes to be with Liz. He will do it because when she is finally ready to make love it will be much more special.

SmileeUk Liz really has accepted her relationship with Max. Diane would make such a great grandmother wouldn't she?

Part 49

Liz parked her car in front of the ranch style house not far from the Evans house. She got out of her car putting her keys in her pocket as she walked up to the door. This was where Sarah Davis lived with her mother according to the records at the hospital. Taking a deep breath Liz knocked on the door. A woman about her mom's age opened the door.

“May I help you?”
“Ms. Davis?” asked Liz
“I'm Dr. Parker from the hospital.”
“Please come in.”

Liz followed the older woman into the house. Liz could see that it was warm and welcoming.

“Dr. Parker, what happened to my daughter has broken her. She hardly eats. I don't think she sleeps much. I am worried about her. I have taken to keeping all the medication in the house locked up, as well as anything sharp.”
“I understand that. I think she knows who attacked her. But she is too scared to name him.”
“I am sure of it. She has been having nightmares.”
“I would like to try and talk to her. Get her to tell the truth.”
“She is in her room. She rarely leaves it.”

Liz followed Ms. Davis to Sarah's bedroom. Ms. Davis knocked on the door before opening it.

“Sarah, Dr. Parker from the hospital is here to talk to you.” Said Ms. Davis

Sarah didn't say anything just stared off into space hugging a stuffed bunny that she had to have had since she was a little girl. Liz walked over and pulled the desk chair up next to the bed.

“Hi Sarah. I don't know if you remember me.” Said Liz
“I remember.” Said Sarah softly
“What is your bunny's name?”
“Like the rabbit in Bambi?”
“It was my favorite movie as a kid.”
“I liked it too. You want to know something. A very good friend of mine gave me his favorite stuff dog a long time ago.”
“Why he do that?”
“Because two big boys pushed me off the swing when I was in kindergarten. My friend was in first grade and he took me to the school nurse and gave me Ralph.”
“What kind of name is Ralph for a stuff dog?”
“I don't know.”
“You hurt your hand?” asked Sarah noticing the brace.
“Kind of. Someone I once trusted attacked me and I am sure would have raped me did this. I fought back. I carry a taser with me most of the time. I think this is the same man that raped you. Sarah if you know his name you really need to tell the sheriff. I know you are scared. I was scared once. When I was in college I had a boyfriend that wanted to take our relationship to a place I didn't. Mind you I wasn't a virgin at the time. I had, had sex with a few guys. But I didn't want to be with him like that because I knew that we would go nowhere. He tried to force me. He had taken his pants and boxers off, he was trying to remove my jeans.”
“How did you stop it?”
“I got my foot between his legs and slammed my foot as hard as I could where I knew it would hurt the most.”
“You told the police?”
“Yes. I knew if I didn't he would do it or much worse to someone else. Someone that might not be able to fight back. I vowed never to let myself be a victim again. The thing is by doing that I became cold. I didn't want to let anyone in. But that was only hurting myself and my daughter.”
“I have a three year old daughter. She is the result of a drunken one night stand. He father gave up his rights two months after she was born officially. He had told me he didn't want any part of her life. So he was never named on her birth certificate. Remember my good friend that gave me Ralph?”

Sarah just nodded.

“Well he and I went on a date last night. He knows what I have been through everything. The thing is I think it has made him love me more. I know that you think if a guy finds out what happened to you he won't love you. But I know that it's not true. Sarah, you won't truly stop being a victim if you let him get away with this. He will own you forever.”

Sarah looked at Liz and knew she was right.

“I'll ask my mom to take me to the sheriff station.”
“Dr. Parker thank you.”
“You're welcome. If you don't want to go back to the gift shop, stop in the Crashdown. I am sure my dad will hire you. Just tell him I sent you.”

Sarah nodded and Liz headed out.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 49 3/7/19

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:14 pm
by RoswellFan68
Liz was able to relate to the Sarah more than anyone else. Sarah's statement should keep Sean locked up.
Sarah does need to get into counseling.

Now they just need to find Hank and get him locked up. It would be great if they could finally get him for Mark's murder.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 49 3/7/19

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:31 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz went to talk to Sarah and told her what happened to her. Glad that Sarah is going to tell the Sheriff what happened.So Sarah maybe working at the Crash Down. That will be a good change for Sarah. It looks like Sean will be going away a long time. Hopefully so will Hank. Can't wait for what will happen next for Max and Liz.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 49 3/7/19

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:32 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz went to talk to Sarah and told her what happened to her. Glad that Sarah is going to tell the Sheriff what happened.So Sarah maybe working at the Crash Down. That will be a good change for Sarah. It looks like Sean will be going away a long time. Hopefully so will Hank. Can't wait for what will happen next for Max and Liz.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 49 3/7/19

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 8:37 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz's visit to Sarah really made a difference. I'm glad she will now go to the Sheriff's office.
Seems like Liz is appreciating the person that Max is more each day.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 49 3/7/19

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:58 am
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 Liz was able to relate to Sarah better then anyone. I wouldn't worry about Hank much longer.

L-J-L 76 Sean will be going away for a very long time.

Carolyn Yes Liz made a difference. Liz does applicate Max more and more.

Part 50

Three Months Later

Liz sat in the courtroom as the jury came back in. They had come to a verdict in Sean's trial. Max was sitting next to her with his arm wrapped around her. She could see both Sarah and Beth sitting in the courtroom. Sean's father Hank was dead. He pulled a gun and Sheriff Valenti had been forced to shoot him. It was later when Hank's gun was tested they found out it was the gun used to kill Mark Taylor. Diane finally had closure for her brother's murder. Both Beth and Sarah had identified Sean as their rapist. The judge looked over the verdict wrote something down and sent it back to the foreman of the jury.

“The defendant and council will rise. Mr. Foreman will you please read the verdict.” Said the judge
“We the jury find the defendant Sean Walter Carson guilty of assault in the first degree, guilty of attempted kidnapping, guilty of two counts of rape in the first degree. Guilty of battery.” (Battery is the charge of exposing someone knowingly to HIV or other STDs in New Mexico.)
“The defendant has been found guilty of all charges. He is remanded into custody of the department of corrections to await sentencing.” Said the judge

Liz hugged Max knowing it was over. Liz watched her dad talking to Beth. Beth had moved in with the Parkers after her release from the hospital. She no longer worked at the Save Mart. She was only working at the Crashdown on the day shift. Beth was now taking online classes to get a college degree. Sarah was also working at the Chrashdown.


Serena looked up when the door chime went off. She watched everyone walk in that had been at the court house for the verdict.

“Guilty on all charges.” Said Jeff
“Good. I hope that he spends the rest of his life in prison.” Said Serena
“He should have been charged with attempted murder.” Mumbled Beth

Liz could understand how Beth was feeling. Sean actually knew he had tested positive for HIV nearly two years ago. He didn't care and continued to have unprotected sex. Beth had been lucky so far her test for the virus had come back negative so far. It also helped that as soon as the hospital found out she had been exposed they put her on strong antiviral medication.

“Liz, you ok?” asked Serena
“Yeah. Rena, you don't need to worry about me. I mean I wish Sean could go away for more. But that isn't going to happen.” Said Liz
“Liz, I need to get to work. I couldn't get the whole day off.” Said Max
“That is fine. We are still on for tomorrow night right?”
“Of course. I want to show you my house. I also want to cook for you.”
“I can't wait.”

They kissed and Max headed off to work. Serena had watched her twin the whole time with Max. She had never seen her so at ease with anyone other then family.


Jackson “Jack" Parker was the youngest of sons of Steven Parker Sr. His father had met and married the daughter of a wealthy New York business man. Annabelle Winthrop Parker his mother gave her sons everything. Both of his brothers had gone into careers that were expected of them in his mother's eyes. Steven Jr. Was a high power lawyer here in New York. His brother Robert was a plastic surgeon in LA. While he became a writer. He did tell the truth that he did work for the New York Times. But while most assumed it was for the business section. But that wasn't the truth. He actually wrote for the Art and Leisure section. He also covered a number of fashion shows. He enjoyed that stuff. But he had a big secret from his family. Of his brothers he was the only one not married. His mother was putting pressure on him to marry. She even said she would find him a woman from the “right" family. He had no interest in any of them. He actually was seeing someone. But not the kind of person his parents would approve of. He knew his Aunt Fran would be fine with it. He was sure his Uncle Jeff and his cousins would be cool with it. Jack knew from a young age that he would never be more then friends with girls. Jack knew he was gay, he was not out to his family. Though he had no problems with PDAs with his boyfriend of nearly two years. Aaron Jacobs was a hair dresser that he had met at a fashion show he was covering. They went out for drinks one night after the show and had been together ever since. He wanted to go to his cousin Serena's wedding with Aaron. But he needed to know with the exception of his parents that it would be ok for sure. So he made the decision to head to Roswell since he was up in Santa Fe covering an art festival to see his cousins. Heck he wanted to see how Liz's beautiful little girl was doing. He hadn't seen the little girl in nearly two years.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 50 3/8/19

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:19 pm
by RoswellFan68
Good that Hank is dead and Diane finally has closer. Good that Sean is getting locked up. I'm glad the Parkers gave Beth a place to stay.

I wonder what Max has planned for Liz at his new home this evening.

I'm sure that New Mexico Parkers will welcome their cousin and his partner at the wedding.