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Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:50 pm
by nibbles2
ladygloria wrote:
tequathisy wrote:
Anyway, another thing that makes me want to bang my head against hard objects--people who write things without spelling or grammar checks. I understand that many people write from other countries, but in those cases I would hope they would seek out a beta to help with translations. (I know when I write in french or Spanish I do this.) Maybe I just take writing too seriously (and know that I'm in no way perfect at this myself), but I really think if you're serious about telling a story the right way that you wouldn't distract your audience with so many errors that it almost reads as gibberish.
If you go to the time and effort of writing a fic and have any pride in it, why would you post it when it's full of spelling mistakes and bad grammar. How hard is it to run a piece through spellcheck? If you don't have word or writer or any other word processing package, then all email providers have a spell check button. It takes a few minutes and it can make all the difference.

Another thing that bugs me is when people use big words or synonyms without knowing the real definition of them. If you're going to use a fancy word, make sure you're using it in the right context.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:31 am
by Pinky Banana
Hi Roswellians! I don't read much fanfiction anymore but I remember a few events on the show that made me want to bang my head on something.

At the end of Destiny I was disturbed when Max said, "It's the four of us now," or something like that, referring to Michael, Isabel, himself and Tess. The way he said it sounded like a separation between him and Liz. And then Liz ran away from the situation like a bat out of hades. Eh. It was just odd after the emotional intensity and what seemed like a solidified attachment between them earlier in the episode.

The End of the World. I did not like the contrived ludicrous premise. Why go through all the elaborate angst-ridden deception to get PresentMax to stop trying to connect with Liz just so Tess wouldn't get fed up and leave Roswell? Why didn't Liz just explain to PMax what FutureMax said and together think of a way to keep Tess in the alien troop? I think other challenges could have been written for this couple without breaking them up like that. I didn't like the way the events of this episode was like a cloud of gloom over the entire 2nd season either. What a mess.

I feel like Max was kind of emasculated by Liz's apparent rejection too. He seemed depressed most of the season and somewhat lifeless. It would have been better if he developed a bit of an edge after TEOTW and his torture in the White Room, just edgy enough to put Michael in check from time to time. I was hoping that at least in Viva Las Vegas Max would cut loose a little bit but he was simply painfully bland to watch.

I thought Zan was interesting during his two minutes of screentime. He was killed off too soon, before he got to meet the Roswell Four and their human allies, especially Liz. What a wasted character!

The whole Max/Clem/ Morgan Fairchild thing was just plain weird. Didn't seem like the Roswell I knew.

Tess kills Alex. A waste of two characters.

After all the conflict between Max and Liz, including Max getting Tess pregnant and her being the alien who killed Liz's best friend, I found it a let-down that at the start of season 3 Max and Liz are not only together but Liz is willing to do anything, even point a gun in someone's face, to help Max find a ship to take him away from her to find his alien child by killer Tess. Come on, really? Just addressing the gun situation, why not wait until the store was closed to break in? Was that little rinky-dink place in the middle of nowhere really a 24-hour store?

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 5:15 am
by Dreamgirl88
Hey Guys! :)
Im new to the forum but have been a Roswell fan since its first season ( I was in 6th grade at the time-yikes!) and a lurker for a few years. I finally decided to make my presence known! Pinky Banana, I have to agree completely with you. So much of season 2 and all of season 3 was such a let down.

Busted is by far my least favorite episode ever. No doubt Liz made mistakes of her own, but Max's half assed apology or "explanation" to liz on the dock totally broke my heart and seemed so out of character.
And to see Liz, our level headed liz, acting so OOC...pointing guns at people and holding up stores...just didn't make sense. :|
I was upset with the writer's, who took an opportunity to reunite these two beloved characters in a beautiful way, and threw it out the window.
Such a shame.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:02 pm
by killjoy
The whole the hybrid cells are different bit....mostly because it's one of those error things you have to over look due too it.

What I mean is when Isabel,Max and Michael were found as young kids wondering around in the desert you know they had to have been taken to a hospital to get checked out.And you know they drew blood during this time to make sure everything is normal.So you're telling me that during this no lab person noticed the difference?

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:16 pm
by SidneyAce
killjoy: That's exactly what i've been thinking about ever since i saw the show. It just doesn't make any sense.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:08 pm
by killjoy
SidneyAce wrote:killjoy: That's exactly what i've been thinking about ever since i saw the show. It just doesn't make any sense.
Well the only thing I came up with is that when first coming out of the pod their body was more human like and their alien cells didn't take over until they got older.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:11 pm
by jake17
killjoy wrote:What I mean is when Isabel,Max and Michael were found as young kids wondering around in the desert you know they had to have been taken to a hospital to get checked out.And you know they drew blood during this time to make sure everything is normal.So you're telling me that during this no lab person noticed the difference?
omg I never even thought of that!
that is so true!!!
Plus growing up they draw blood during your yearly visits...

I guess that is one of those things your supposed to blindly accept when you your watching a show about aliens ... :roll:

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:57 pm
by killjoy
If Nesdo found Tess in her pod right outside the town of Roswell.....why in the hell did he drive all over the US looking for the others? Wouldn't you think the other three kids would have been taken into the nearest town?!.....which would have been Roswell....and is what actually did happen.

All he had to have done is gone into town found them right there under his nose!

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:38 pm
by RoswellOracle
If Nesdo found Tess in her pod right outside the town of Roswell.....why in the hell did he drive all over the US looking for the others? Wouldn't you think the other three kids would have been taken into the nearest town?!.....which would have been Roswell....and is what actually did happen.

All he had to have done is gone into town found them right there under his nose!
Not to mention that 3 naked children found wandering in the desert must have been big news. Everyone in town must have been talking about it for years, making it really easy for him to find them.

One thing about Nasedo that always seemed so stupid to me is that Tess said they had been hunted all her life. Why?

How did anyone know who they were or what they were? Nasedo can change his face! He could make new IDs, change Tess' hair, and probably her fingerprints. How could anyone track them? Unless Nasedo was a complete mental deficient and kept leading the Special Unit right to them.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:34 pm
by April
Okay, Busted. The entire episode made me want to bang my head against the wall, because everyone just seems so out of character. Except for Michael. Michael's one of the few consistent characters in season 3.

I just rewatched this episode last night, and I'm trying to figure out for the life of me why on earth Max and Liz would decide that the only way to get to the ship was to stage a robbery. Couldn't Max have used his powers to make the clerk pass out or something? They could probably do that with their powers. And then Liz could have played lookout while he went to find the ship. I don't know. The whole robbery thing is just so far-fetched. And to believe that Max and Liz out of all the characters on the show would do that. Come on. That's something that only Season 1/early season 2 Michael would have done. And he sure as hell wouldn't have dragged Maria with him, so why did Max bring Liz with him? I would think that he would insist she stay out of it.

Poor Liz. I really feel for her this episode. What happens is not romantic. It's not romantic to do jailtime for the guy you love. It's sad. All I can think is that she was a little bit desperate to reconnect with Max, to re-establish her relationship with him.

And Isabel . . . she's out of character in this episode, too! The whole Jesse fiasco begins. :roll:

Ay, ay, ay. What an episode.