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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 96 Pg19 8/31

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:17 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 97:
As Max was leaving a car started to follow him. Max looked in the mirror and saw the car following him. Max started to speed up. He looked behind him and saw the car was spending up. Max started to go another direction and the car still followed him. Max knew he had to lose the car. Max kept turning and going in different directions to get away from the car.
What Max didn't know was that Matt's plan to keep Max away from the club. A few minutes later Max lost the car. He started to drive to the club. He kneew he needed to hurry because he had a feeling something could go wrong.

Meanwhile at the club:
Liz and friends heard motorcycles outside. Liz walked up to the window and saw Mtt and his goons on motorcycles circling the club. Liz turned nd looked at Jim. Jm looked at Liz.

"What?" Jim asked.

"There here," Liz sid as she turned nd saw Matt looking at her.

"Liz get away from the door," Jim said as he walked up to Liz.

Jim grabbed Liz's hand and started to walk backwards down the steps to the bar. When they got to the bar Jim turned nd looked at Ben and Bear. Ben and Bear looked at Jim.

"Guys keep her away from the door,"Jim said.

"No problem Jim," Ben said.

"Where is Max? He should be here by now," Liz said.

"I don't know where he is but he should be hre soon though," Ben said.

"God I hope so. I don't know what they are up to. but the look Matt gave me was the death look," Liz said.

Evryone heard the explosion outside. Jim walked up the steps to the door. When he got to the door he saw all their cars were on fire. Liz walked up to Jim and put her hand on his arm. Jim turned nd looked at Liz.

"What was the explosion about?" Liz asked.

"They blew up all the cars. We are stuck here," Jim said.

"Jim, how bad re we right now?" Liz asked.

"We are a 15 in bad right now," Jim said.

Jim turned and that is when he noticed a motorcycle coming up the steps. Ji grabbed Liz and hid her behind him.

"Micheal do you have the bomb ready yet?" Jim asked.

"We got 6 of them. We still got 20 more to go," Michael said.

"Well get them up here and start throwing them now," Jim said.

"What is going on?" Michael asked.

"Their driving up the steps as we speak. Get a move on," Jim said.

Michael grabbed the 6 liqure bombs and ran up to Jim and Liz. When Michael stood next to Jim Michael handed Liz and Jim the liqure bombs and they all threw them. Each of the bombs missed Matt and his goons. They stepped back as a guy on a motorcycle rode up to them and stopped next to them.

"I want what I came for," Matt said.

"What do you want?" Liz asked.

"I want you Lizzie," Matt said.

"Well you can't have me," Liz said.

"Oh, yes I can. We got to finish what we startd in the club we went to in college," Matt said.

"Like hell you are," A new voice said.

Jim, Liz, Micheal and Matt all turned and saw Max. Max walked up to Matt and punched him 3 times in the face. Max turned nd looked at Liz. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"Liz get on the bike. Michael and Jim can you keep them busy til we are gone?" Max asked.

"We can do that. Well give you time to get away," Michael said.

Liz was about to get onto the motor when she turned and walked up to Jim. Jim and Liz hugged. Liz stepped back and turned and got on the motorcycle.

"Max whatever your going you need to protect Liz," Jim sid.

"You know I will. Ready Michael?" Max asked.

"Yeah, get ready," Michael said.

Max and Liz got onto the motorcycle. Liz wrapped her arms around Max's waist as Max turns at looks at Michael. Michael and Jim look at Max.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

"Let's do this," Max said as he started is motorcycle.

Micheal and Jim threw the bombs and made a bath for Max and Liz to get away. As Jim and Micheal watched Max and Liz ride off they turned nd saw Matt was still passed out. They grabbed Matt and took him inside the club. When they got Matt in the club they walked up to a chair and tied him up to the chair. Maria and girls looked at Matt and then turned and looked at Jim and Michael.

"What are you gouing to do with Matt?" Maria asked.

"We're going to find out where the lady guard is. And where they are hidding," Jim said.

"Good. I can't wait for this to be all over," Maria said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Michael said.

After Matt was tied to the chair. Ben and Bear walked to the door and saw Matt's goons were gone. Ben and Bear turned and looked at Jim. Jim looked up and looked at Ben and Bear.

"Jim Matt's goons are gone," Ben said.

"That is good. Let's wke this asshole up and find out what he knows," Michael said.

"Ben can you find out where Liz and Max are?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, I'll check. Hopefully I'll be able to find them," Ben said.

Ben walked to the office and opened the door. When he opend the door he walked in and turned on all the monitors. Ben looked all through them. He find Max and Liz walking in the cabin. Ben pressed the intercom.

"Jim I found Max and Liz. They are at the cabin," Ben said.

"Good. We'll be in there in a few minutes," Jim said.

Ben turned the monitor and made it bigger. He watched as Max nd Liz looked around and put their things in their rooms. After that they took a shower and came down stairs and met in the living room.

Meanwhile in the club:
Matt woke up and looked around. When he looked up he saw Jim and Michael stand infront of him.

"You better start answering our questions or you will be sorry," Jim said.

"What do you want to know?" Matt asked.

"Where is the ldy gaurd? Is she a live?" Michael aked.

"For me to know and you to never find out," Matt said.

"Oh, yeah, You will be sorry if you don't answer our questions," Jim said.

"Now tell me where the hell the lady guard is?" Micheal asked.

"She is with my men," Matt said.

"Where is she?" Jim asked.

"I'm not goin to tell you," Matt said.

"Jim come on let's go check on Liz and Max. It will give him time to think," Michael said.

"Yeah, your right," Jim said.

Jim, Michael and a couple of friends walked into the office. When they walked into the office they saw Maria, Ava, Isabel, Serena, Ben and Bear sitting in the office. Jim, Michael, Alex and Kylewalked up to the desk and turned and looked at the monitors.

"Where are Max and Liz?" Jim asked.

"They just got to the cabin. Liz is in the kitchen and Max is in the living room," Ben said.

"For some reason it seems Max nd Liz are enoring eachother," Ava said.

"Turn up the speakers so we can hear what is going on," Jim said.

"The speaker are on," Ben said.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 96 Pg19 8/31

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:50 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 97:
"Good hopefully we'll find out how they are," Jim said.

Meanwhile at the club:
Liz was looking out the window when Max walked into the kitchen. Max looked at Liz then he walked up and stood infront of the counter.

"Liz I want to talk to you about something," Max said.

"What is there to talk about?" Liz asked.

"Liz remember you asked me a question earlier today. And I just left," Max said.

"What about it Max," Liz asked.

"I'm sorry I left like I did. I didn't mean to hurt you," Max said.

"Oh you didn't mean to hurt me. Well guess what you did," Liz said as she turned and looked at Max.

Max walked up to Liz. Max and Liz stood face to face.

"Liz I know I hurt you and I'm sorry," Liz said.

"Sorry won't work Max. You are nothing but a jerk. Now leave me alone," Liz said as she turned away from Max.

Max turned Liz to face him. They both looked at eachother.

"Sorry Liz I can't do that," Max said.

"Max leave me alone," Liz sid.

"No. Not til we talk about this," Max said.

"There is nothing to talk about," Liz said.

"Yes there is," Max said.

"No there isn't," Liz said before walking out of the kitchen.

Max walked out of the kitchen and walked up to Liz. Max turned her to face him. They both looked at eachother.

"Yes there is," Max said.

"No there isn't," Liz said.

"Yes. I still hve one more thing to say to you," Max said.

"Oh, yeah, and what is that?" Liz asked.

Max leaned in and kissed Liz. As they were kissing Max puller Liz closer to him. While they were kissing they started to walk backwards. They trpped and fell to the floor laughing. They both stopped laughing when they looked at eachother. Max and Liz leaned in and startd to kiss. As they were kissing they could feel the passion for eachother. Max and Liz both grabbed at eachother. Max started to kiss down Liz's neck. As he kissed down her neck to her shoulder. Max pulled away and looked at Liz. Liz saat up and puuled her shirt off. Then she leaned down and kissed Max. As Liz kissed Max she unbuttoned Max's shirt and pushed it off his shoulder. Max pulled Li's bra strap down and started to kiss one of Liz's breast. He took one and put it in his mouth while he rubbed the other breast.

After sucking on Liz's breast he kissed her stomach. Max and Liz both reached and untied the sleep pants. They both pulled eachother's sleep pants and underwear off. When they were both naked Max and Liz leaned in nd kissed. While Max was kissing Liz he entered her in a quick movement. They started to move slow against eachother at first. Then they started to move fast against eachother. Max and Liz were both trying to get to the edge on. When they both reached the edge they clled out eachothers name. Max rolled off Liz and pulled her closely to him as they both fell fast to sleep.

Meanwhile in the office: Jim, AlexMichael, Kyle, Ben, Bear and the girls were all shocked as they watched Max and Liz. No one ever knew about Max and Liz. And now that they did they knew everything would be different between Max and Liz. Everyone knew that they need to leave Max and Liz alone. And let them figure out what was going on with themselves.

"Wow," Maria said.

"Come on guys time to talk to Matt again," Jim said.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 97 Pg19 9/2

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:33 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 98:
"Hopefully we'll get the answers from Matt," Michael said.

"Or he won't say a word," Alex said.

"I'm hoping we will get some answers," Kyle said.

Michael, Jim, Alex and Kyle all walked out of the office. While Serena, Maria, Ava and Isabel all looked at eachother. Then they turned and looked at Ben and Bear. Ben and Bear looked at the girls.

"All I can say is wow. Who knew about Max and Liz?" Maria asked.

"I guess none of us knew. But all Ican say is Oh Boy," Ava said.

"I hope Max and Liz don't get hurt when this is all over," Isabel said.

"I agree with Isabel. I'm hoping no one gets hurt," Ava and Maria said at the same time.

"Well lets keep our fingers cross for them. You never know with Max and Liz. Theycould end up dating after this," Serena said.

"Yeah that could happen," Maria said.

"But we have to wait and see what happens hen they get back here," Ben said.

"Yeah that is true," Maria said.

Alex walked into the office and looked at Ben and Bear. Ben and Bear turned and lookd at Alex.

"WE got where the lady guard is," Alex said.

"Where is she?' Ben asked.

"Come and ask Jim," Alex said.

Ben and Bear stood up nd walked out the door with Alex. They walked up to Jim. Jim turned nd looked at Ben, Alex and Bear. When Jim moved out of the way they saw that Matt was leaning over.

"What happend to Matt?" Alex asked.

"He feel over," Jim said.

"Where is the lady gaurd at?" Ben asked.

"She is outside of town in a warehouse," Jim said.

"How many of Matt's men are there?" Bear asked.

"There are 6 men there. Now we got to decide what to do," Jim said.

"About what?" Ben asked.

"We need a couple of men to stay here and protect the girls while the rest of us go to the warehouse," Jim said.

"I'm going," Ben said.

"I'm staying," Bear said.

"I'm going," Michael said.

"I'm staying," Alex said.

"Ok. Now we just need to find out what Kyle, Ted and Zan want to do," Jim said.

"Where are Kyle, Ted and Zan?" Alex asked.

"We're right here. Wat is going on?" Kyle asked.

"Do any of you want to go to the warehouse and save the lady guard or stay here with the girls?" Jim asked.

"I'm going," Kyle said.

"I'm staying," Zan said.

"I'm going," Ted said.

"What about you Jim? Are you staying or going?" Ben asked.

"I'm going. I want this to stop once nd for all," Jim said.

All of a suddne the lights ent out in the club. Ben and Bear went to the curict breaker and turned on the power back on. After the power was turned on they walked up to Jim and friends. When they walked up to Jim nd friends that is when they noticed lights on outside the door.

"What the hell is that?" Bear asked.

"What?" Jim asked.

"Look behind you," Ben said.

Jim and the guys turned and saw lights. Ben wlked up the steps to the door. When Ben got to the door he looked out and saw Matt's men were out there. Ben turned and looked at Jim and the guys.

"What is it?" Michel asked.

"Matt's men are back. I'm guess they are here for Matt," Ben said.

"What are we going to do?" Maria asked.

"We need to be ready for them incase they come in," Jim said.

"Ok. But how?" Bear asked.

"Maria you and the girls need to go hide in the office. Ben you and Michael need to stand at the door.Alex you nd Kyle say in the office with the girls," Jim said.

Kyle and Alex grabbed the girls and took them to the office. while the rest of the guys stood ready to fight. Kyle and Alex and the girls got in the office. They shut the door and looked at the monitor. When they looked ta the monitor they saw Max and Liz were waking up.

meanwhile at the cabin:
Liz woke up and turned. When she turned he saw Max was still asleep. Liz looked at Max then she grabbed a blankt and wrapped it around her. Liz walked up to the window and looked out. A few minutes later Max woke up and turned. He saw Liz looking out the window. Max sat up and pulled on his boxers. After his boxers were on Max stood up and walked up to Liz.

"What are you thinking about?" Max asked.

"Max did we just mke things more complicated between us?" Liz asked.

"Liz I don't think we made things complicated between us," Max said.

"Max I think we just did," Liz said.

"How?" Max asked.

"Max you never answered my question. And when we agrue we end up kissing or having sex. Things just seem to get complicated between us. We need to figure out what we can do to make things uncomplicated between us," Liz said as she turned and looked at Max.

"Liz things between us are fine," Max said.

"How are things fine between us?" Liz asked.

"Liz my job is to protect you. And I have been doing that," Max said.

"Oh, and what about the sleeping with me part?" Liz asked.

"Liz I feel something for you. I just don't know what my feeling for you are yet," Max said.

"Well fine whn you put it that way. When this is all over get out and don't ever come back to the club and cabin ever again. I
want nothing to do with you ever again," Liz sid as he walked past Max.

Max turned and watched Liz walked up the stairs to her room. Max turned nd lookd out the window. He didn't know what he was going to do. All he knew was he wished they were back at the club. A few minutes later Liz comes down stairs wear black sweats. Liz walks into the kitchen and she sees Max making a sandwhich. Liz walked past Max nd we to get a coffe cup. Max nd Liz both turned nd bumped into eachother. They both looked at eachother and then turned away from eachother.

Liz walked out of the kitchen and walkedinto the living room. She sat down and turned on tv nd watched a movie. Max decided to eat in the kitchen. After they ate Liz went back upstairs to her room. While Max sat down in the living room.

Meanwhile at the club:
Jim and a couple of guys grabbd their guns. They knew if Matt goons come in the club that there was going to be a fight going on. They stand ready for a fight. Then all of a sudden they were gone. Jim and the guys looked around. Jim walked up to the door and saw no one was there. Jim turned and looked at Michael and nodded his head. Michael turned nd opened the office door. When Michael opened the door Maria nd the girls looked at Michael.

"You can come out now," Michael said.

"Are you sure?"Maria asked.

"Yeah, come on. Let's go," Michael said.

Maria nd the girls walked out of the office and walked up to the bar. Ben nd Bear walked up to Jim. Jim turned nd looked at Ben and Bear.

"Jim we are going to check on Liz and Max. Hopefully everything will be ok with them," Ben said.

"Tell me if they are doing ok," Jim said.

"We will let you know," Bear said

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter 97 Pg19 9/2

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:22 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 98:
Ben and Bear walked towards the office door.

"Wait for me," Maria said as she walked uop to them.

Ben and Bear turned and looked at Maria. Maria looked at Ben and Bear.

"What is it?" Ben asked.

"I want to see how Liz is doing," Maria said.

Ok. Come on let's go see how she is doing," Ben said.

Ben, Maria and Bear walked into the office. Ben turned nd shut the door behind him. Ben turned and saw thatthe monitor was on.

Meanwhile at the cabin:
Liz sat up and walked to the door. She opened the door and walked down the steps. When Liz walked down the stairs she saw Max sitting and looking out the window. Liz walked up to Max.

"Max I decided on something," Liz said.

"What did you decide on?" Max asked.

"Max it's time to stop running and face the probelm," Liz said.

"What are you talking about?" Max asked.

"I want to go home. And stop Matt and his goons," Liz said.

"You know that could be dangerous. We don't have a plan to get back in the club," Max said

"I have a plan to get back to the club," Liz said with a smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling like that for? What are you up to?" Max asked.

"You will find out why I'm smiling latr. On finding what I am up to you will hve to wait and see," Liz said.

Max stood up and walked up to Liz. they both stood face to face looking at eachother.

"Liz promise me whatever your up to is not dangerous?" Max sked.

"Max I promise that what I am up to is not dangerous. So see everything is fine," Liz said.

"Why do I have a feeling that something is goign to go wrong?" Max asked.

"Max I told you don't worry everything is goin to be fine," Liz said.

"Yeah you say that now. But with you, you never know," Max said.

"Whatever you say Max. I'm going back. And I'll see you in the morning," Liz said.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning," Max said as he watched Liz walk up the seps.

After Liz was gone Max grabbed a pillow and threw it across the room. Max turned and looked out the window. Then Max tuned and looked up the stairs.

"Why do I hve a bad feeling about this?" Max asked as he sat down on the couch.

Meanwhile at the club:
Ben, Maria and Bear all looked at eachother. Then turned and looked Max nd back at eachother.

"What do you think Liz is up to?" Maria asked.

"Who knows with Liz. But I'm agreeing with Max about the bd feeling," Ben said.

"You know when Liz smiles something bad always happens," Bear said.

"Yeah, I know that but the question is what is Liz up to," Ben asked.

"I guesss we will find out when or if Liz gets here," Maria said.
Authors Note:
Hey everyone
I wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends.Here are the days I will be posting new chapters to Life, Terror, Danger:

Tuesday September 9 - chapter 99
Sunday Septenber 14 - Chapter 100

There might be more chapters to come. But right now I don't know yet. I wanted to let everyone know I will be posting a new story called Romancing The Heart sometime this month. I hope everyone will read it and let me know what you think in feedback. Agin thank you so very much for reading and leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I hope everyone has a good relaxing stress free evening and week! I hope no one works themselves to hard this evening and week!

Thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. Max and Liz are safe at the cabin. On finding out what Max and Liz's friends will do you need to keep reading. Yes Jim, Ben and Bear are mad. But don't worry nothing bad will come to Max. It's not that they don't want Max and Liz together it's just Liz has been hurt and they are worried that she might get hurt worse with Max. I hope that helps a little. Keep readingto find out what will happen next.

thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I hope you will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. Thank you very much for liking the chapter.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg17 9/13

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:08 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 99:
"But no one never know when Liz will show up," Ben said.

"Come on we better tell Jim what is going on," Maria said.

"Yeah, Maria is right we btter go tell Jim," Bear said.

Ben, Maria and Bear all stood up and walked to the door. Bear opened the door and wtchd Ben nd Maria walk out. Bear walked out of thr office shutting the door behind him. Bear turned and saw Maria walking up to Jim. Bear walked up to Jim and stood besie him.

"Jim we my have a little problem," Ben said.

"What kind of little problem," Jim asked.

"It's Liz. She told Max that he wants to come home. Liz told Max he has a plan to put an end of Matt'a problem," Ben said.

"I don't like the sound of that," Jim said.

"We know. But we thought you hould know," Maria said.

"Don't tell the others," Jim said.

"We don't plan to. But we need to keep an ye out or Liz and Max though," Bear said.

"I agree with you there," Jim said.

"But how are e going to know is they are here or not," Maria said.

"Don't worry we will know. You guys better mke sure everything is locked up," Jim said.

"Ok. We'll be back in a fw minutes," Ben, Maria nd Bear said.

Jim turned and watched as Ben, Maria and Bear locked evrything up. After everything was locked up Maria ad Ben walked up to the bar and got something to drink. Bear went to the kitchen and fixed something to eat and drink. After veryone drinked and ate their food they all went to diffrent rooms and laid down. Jim turned and looked at where Matt was suppoe to be and didn't see Matt anywhere. Jim grabbed his gun and looked round. He saw Matt was no where to be found. Jim turned and that is when he saw Matt.Matt turned and punched Jim out.

Matt watched as Jim fll to the floor. Matt walked over Jim and went to the door and unlocked it. Matt walked out the door and down the steps he got on his motorcycle and rode off. Matt went to the empty wrehouse where his men ere hiding out. The men turned and saw Matt looking at them.

"We attack in 2 days. Make sure we have everything ready for the attack," Matt said.

"Yes sir," The Men said.

"Good. Now let me get some rest before we attack," Matt said.

Matt watched as his men left. Matt then stood up and went to rest on the couch.

Meanwhile at the cabin:
Liz woke up in a cold sweat. She at up and looked out the window. Liz didn't see anything but she knew it was time to stop running. All Liz hopped for was that Max and friends could forgive hr. Liz turned and that is when he saw Max standing in the doorway. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"Liz what is wrong?' Max asked.

"I just couldn't sleep is all,"Liz said.

"Why douldn't you sleep?" Max asked.

"Max tomorrow we need to make ure everything is closed and packed," Liz said.

"I know that. What I want to know is what is going on with you?" Max asked.

"Nothing is going on with me. Max I just couldn't sleep is all," Liz said.

"Liz tell me the truth?" Max asked.

"Max I'm worried that something could go wrong,"Liz said.

"Liz nothing is going to go wrong. I agree with you hen you sid that this has to end," Max said.

"You do?" Liz asked as she looked at Max.

"Yeah I do," Max said.

Max and Liz both looked at eachother. Max and Liz both leaned in and started to kiss. As they were kissing the kiss became more and more passinate. Max pulled Liz closer to him as they kissed. Max and Liz started to walk backward towards the bed. They both fell on the bed kissing. Max and Liz started to take eachothers clothes off. After the clothes were off Max laid on top of Liz and entered her in one quick movement. Max and Liz started to move slow then their movements became quick. Max aand Liz could feel that they were both close to the edge. Max and Liz both went over the edge yelling eachothers name. Max rolled over and pulled Liz close to him. They both fell fat a sleep in eachothers arms.

In the Morning:
Liz woke up and lookd around. She turnd nd saw Max sleeping next to her. Liz stood up and walked to her dresser and grabbed what she needed. Liz then walked to te bathroom and took a hower. After Liz took a shower she walked to her bedroom. When Liz opened the door she saw Max standing in her room in only boxers. Max turned and saw Liz looking at him.

"Hey," Max said.

"Hey," Liz said.

"Um I I better go take a shower. See ya in a few," Max said.

"Um, Yeah," Liz said as he watched Max walked past her.

After Max walked out of the room Liz walked up to her bed and mde it. After the bed was mde Liz grabbed her clothes and started to pack them. While Liz was packing she ws listening to music. After everything was pcked Liz walked down stairs and wlked into the kitchen. When Liz walked into the kitchen she walked up to the fridge and grabbed something to drink. Liz turned and that is when she saw Max standing infront of her. They both looked at eachother.

"So, um are you ready to go home tomorrow?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I miss the girls. what about you?" Liz asked.

"I just want to sleep in my own bed again," Max said.

"Yeah, that is an understandable," Liz said.

"so what do you have planned to gt us into the club?" Max asked.

"Do you really wnt to know?" Liz asked.

"Yes of course I want to know. And plus I wnt to make sure we're both going to be safe," Max said.

"See I knew that is what you are up to," Liz said.

"What can I ay?" Max asked.

"You can say nothing at all," Liz said.

"Ok. So tell me what is our plan to get into the club?" Max asked.

"Ok. I'll tell you but you have to promise you won't say a word about it,"Liz said.

"Liz I promise I won't tell a person. So what is the plan?" Max asked.

"Ok. But don't get angry," Liz said as he walked up to Max.

Liz whispered in Max's ear the plan. Max was surprised that Liz thought of this plan all by herself. After Liz told Max the plan
Max and Liz took a step back and looked at eachother.

"Well what do you think?" Liz asked.

"The plan will work. Hopefully everything will go smoothly," Max said.

Cross your fingers," Liz said.

"Oh, I will. So what are you up to?" Max asked.

"I just finihed packing my things. And now I'm cleaning up a little. What about you?" Liz asked.

"I packed all my things and I thought I would help you,"Max said.

"That is very nice of you. But I already got everything finished. All that is left is witing for tomorrow night," Liz said.

"Yeah that is true," Max said.

"What are you going to do when this is all over with?" Liz asked.

"I don't know. But hopefully I'll be able to rest before going back to work. What about you?" Max asked.

"I'm going to do what I did before this," Liz said.

"But what about taking a break?" Max asked.

"Max I don't want to. All I want to do is work," Liz said.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg17 9/13

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:37 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 99:
"ok," Max said.

Max and Liz walked into the living room and sat down. Max reached for his cell phone and called Jim. Max and Liz both looked at eachother. The phone ringed twice before someone answered.

"Hello. This is Jim," He said.

"Jim. This is Max we wanted to know how everything is," Max said.

"Max when you get back we are going to have a little talk," Jim said.

"What did I do?' Max asked.

"Oh, lets just say me nd friends know what is going on between you and Liz,"Jim said.

"What?" Max said as he looked at Liz.

"Yeah, so when you get back we are goig to have a talk. Do I make myself clear?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, It's clear. See ya," Max said before closing his cell phone.

Max turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Max and saw that he was a little shocked.

"Max what is wrong?" Liz asked.

"Jim and everyone know that we slept together. And when we get back Jim and Ben want to talk to me." Max said.

"Oh boy that doesn't sound good," Liz said.

"Tell me about it. I hope that whatever they have to say and do it won't be painful," Max said.

"Max you need to try and calm down ok," Liz said.

"Yeah, ok," Max said.

"Do you know anything about the new police station yet?" Liz asked.

"No. I guess I'll find out when we get back," Max said.

"Who knows maybe this one will be better and bigger then the last one," Liz said.

"Yeah that is true," Max said.

Max stood up and put his hand out for Liz. Liz looked at Max's hand then Max. Liz put her hand in Max's as she stood up. They both looked at eachother.

"What are you doing?" Liz asked as Max put his hand on Liz's hips.

Max and Liz started to move slowly. Max pulled Liz close to him.

"Max what are you up to?" Liz asked.

"Dance with me," Max said.

"Max there is no music," Liz said.

"Who needs music. Just follow me," Max said.

Max and Liz started to slow dance close together. They both looked at eachother and smiled.

"You know I think your doing good," Liz said.

"Thank you I think," Max said.

"Max what are you up to?" Liz asked.

"Well it's our last night here. So I thought maybe we could just hangout," Max said.

"That sounds like a great idea. so you re smart," Liz said with a smile on her face.

"Very funny Liz," Max said.

"Thanks. What is going to happen when we get home?" Liz saked.

"We will be friends. And we will see eachother at work and at the club," Max said.

"Max you know when we get home things change right," Liz asked.

"Yeah, I know things change when we get home," Max said.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg18 9/20

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:38 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 100:
"I guess after this everything will be normal," Liz said.

"Yeah, um, come on I'll fix us something to eat,"Max said.

"Ok. But I want pizza for dinner," Liz said.

"How did I know that was what you were going to say?," Max asked.

"I don't know. Where did you put the pizza?," Liz asked.

"It is in the frezzer. I'll get the pans," Liz said.

"Ok. And I'll get some Pepsi's for us," Liz said as she grabbed 2 cans.

Liz turned and watched Max put the pizza in the oven. Max turned and looked at Liz.they both smild at eachother. Liz walked up to Max and handed him a can. Max and Liz both turned and lookd at eachother.

"Liz are you sure your ready to go home?" Max asked.

"Yes Max I am. I want this to all end. And I don't want to see anyone get hurt," Liz said.

"I agree with you on wanting all of this to end and not see anyone get hurt. But are you really ready to get even with Matt?" Max asked.

"Max I will do whatever it takes to keep my friends afe. You should know that now," Liz said.

"I do know that. And you know I will do whatever it takes to make sure you and our friends safe," Max said.

"I do know that Max," Liz said.

"Good. We have an understanding ," Max said.

"Yeah, you could say that," Liz saaid.

Max and Liz both looked at eachother and smiled. A few seconds laterthey heard a ding. Max and Liz both turned away from eachother. Max went to get the pizza while Liz got the paper plates. Max turned and put the pizza on the plates. Max and Liz took their plates and went into the living room. They sat down and stated to eat their pizzas. While they were eatting their pizzas Max turned on the tv. He put on a movie and started to watch it. A few hours later Max and Liz were fast a sleep. Max was at one end of the couch while Liz was at the other end of the couch.

In The Morning:
Max and Liz woke up and looked around. They both sat up and lookd around. Then they both turned nd looked at eachother.

"What happened?" Liz asked.

"We fell sleep watching a movie. You better take a shower and get ready if we're leaving by night fall," Max said.

"Ok. What are you going to do?" Liz asked.

"I'm going to clean up down here and make sure everything is packed away before we leave," Max said.

"Ok. I guess I'll see you in a few then," Liz said before walking towards the stairs.

Max and Liz both looked at eachother then turned away. Liz walked up the stairs and went to her room. When Liz got to her room she walked in and grabbed a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt that showed off her thin tan stomach. After Liz got her clothes she walked up to her dresser nd grabbed her undergarments. Liz turned and walked towards the door. When she got to the door she opened it and walked to the bathroom. Liz walked into the bathroom and grabbed 2 towels. After Liz got the towels she turned and set the towels on the toliet lid. Liz reached up and turned on the shower. After the shower was turned on Liz stepped back and took of her clothes.

A few minutes later Liz got out of the shower and got dressed. After Liz got dressed she fixed her hair and put on her make
up. A few minutes later Liz walks out of the bathroom. She walks down the hallway and stops at the top of the stairs. When Liz looked into the living room she saw Max was still cleaning up.

"Max do you need any help?" Liz asked as she walked down the stairs.

Max looked up and saw what Liz was wearing. His jaw dropped to the floor as he started at Liz.

"Max what is wrong?" Liz asked.

"Is that what you are wearing?" Max asked.

"Yeah what is wrong with it?" Liz asked.

"Um, I think you um need to go and change clothes. Your showing to much skin," Max said.

"No I won't go and change. I like what I am wearing," Liz said.

"Liz are you bring extra clothes with you?" Max asked.

"Yes. I'll change in the van when we get there," Liz said.

"Fine. I can't believe your wearing that," Max said.

"Max I'm confortable in what I am wearing. Do you need help or what?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, sure I need help," Max said.

"What is left to do?" Liz asked.

"We got to um cover everything up. And pack everything we brought here with us. I think that is it," Max said.

"Max, Um there is something eles you forgot about?' Liz said.

"What?" Max asked.

'What are we going to do about the traps? And what about your motorcycle?" Liz asked.

"I'll take the traps down after this. Um I'll put my motorcycle in the van. Is that ok with you?" Max asked.

"Yeah, that is fine with me. Hopefully we can get everything taken care of before night fall," Liz said.

"You know we will. We better get back to work," Max said.

Max and Liz finish cleaning. After they cleaned they took the traps down and put the motorcycle in the van. After everything was finished Liz and Max walked in and ate dinner.

Menawhile at the club:
Jim, Ben and Michael were in the office watching Max and Liz. Jim turned nd looked at Ben and Micheal. Ben and Michael turned nd looked at Jim.

"So at least we know they re coming home," Michael said.

"Yeah, But there is still a chance that Matt and his goons could come and attack us," Jim said.

"So what re we goign to do?"Ben asked.

"We got to be ready for anything. And we have to make sure we can get Matt and his goons in cuffs hopefully tonight," Jim said.

"And we have to keep an eye out for Max and Liz. Hopefully we'll see them before Matt and thr goons do," Ben said.

"Yeah that is true. What are the girls going to be doing tonight?" Michael asked.

"They are going to be here in the club. They are going to be on tage praticing singing and dancing for friday night," Jim said.

"Their show is in 4 days and they went to pratice now," Michael said.

"Yes they ant to practice now til thursday night," Jim said.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg18 9/20

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:58 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 100:
"I'm did you find out when the new police station was goign to finish?" Michael asked.

"I'll call Amy and find out what she knows about the police station," Jim said.

"We better get everything ready for when or if Matt attacks tonight," Ben said.

"I arge with you," Michael and Jim said.

"Ok. Then let's get everything ready," Ben said.

Jim, Ben and Michael all stood up and walked out of the office. Wghen they walked out of the office they walked up to the bar and sat down. Bear walked up to them with 3 cans of Pepsi's. Bear set the cans infront of them.

"Is everything ok?" Bear said.

"Yeah, everything is fine. We just found out that Max and Liz are coming home tonight and Matt and his goons might be coming tonight also," Jim said.

"Wow that is a lot going on," Bear said.

"Tell me about it," Michael said.

"Where are the girls?" Ben asked.

"The girls are changing clothes as we speak," Bear said.

"That is good to know," Jim said.

"We have to keep an eye out for Max and Liz. And also keep an eye out for Matt and his goons," Jim said.

"Do you really think Max and Liz will really show up here?" Bear said.

"They said they would. But we're never sure when they will show up," Jim said.

"So your telling me they could be here right now. And we would never know it," Ben said.

"Yes that is what we are trying to tell you," Michael said.

"Oh boy I fel like this is going to be a long night," Ben and Bear said at the same time.

Menawhile outside the club:
Max and Liz pulled up into the parking lot. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"I'm going to change and then you better do the same," Liz said.

As Liz sneaked into the back of the van Max grabbed her hand. Liz turned and looked at Max.

"We need to be ready to go in 20 minutes ok," Max said.

"Ok. I'll be back in a few minutes," Liz said as she vanishes behind the curtain.

Max turned and looked out the window. He didn't see anyone around. Max knew something wasn't right. But Max didn't know what could happen. A few minutes later Liz came up front wearing tight leathr pants and a black tank top that showed off her flat tan stomach. Liz was wearing black boots and her hair was all up in a bun on the top of her head. When Max saw Liz he was shocked to see that she could look hot in what shw ws wearing.

"Ok. You stay up here while I go change clothes," Max said as he went to the back.

Liz looked towards the club and saw everything looked fine. She was hopping that her friends were safe in the club. A few minutes later Max walked out wearing black jeans and a black t-shit. Max was also wearing boots. Max got into the front seat and lookd at Liz. Max and Liz both smiled and turned and looked at the club.

"How do we get into the club?" Max asked.

"Don't worry I know how to get into the club. Just let me know when you are ready to go," Liz said.

"We wait 5 minutes and then we sneak in," Max said.

"That sounds good to me," Liz said.

"Liz are you worried about tonight?" Max asked.

"No. I think everything is going to be ok," Liz said.

"I'm hoping that Jim and Ben won't kill me when they see me," Max said.

"Why would Jim and Ben kill you?"Liz asked.

"I don't know they said they wanted to talk to me when we get back," Max said.

"Huh I wonder why they wanted to talk to you for," Liz said.

"Who knows. Are you ready to go in?" Max asked.

Yeah, lets do this," Liz said.

Max and Liz get out of the van. Liz leads Max to a tree. They both climb the tree to Liz's room. When they get to Liz's room Liz pushes up the window and climb in. The climb into the room and close the window. Max and Liz both turn and look at eachother.

"How did you know?" Max asked.

"I use to sneak out all the time," Liz said.

"That's it when this is all over we are going to sit down and have a talk," Max said.

"Whatever you say Max," Liz said.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
I jsut wanted to say I'm sorry I have not been updating. I have not been feeling well for a couplre of days. I hope everyone can forgive me for not posting an update. I wnted to let everyone know I will be updating this story once to twice a week. Here are the days I will be posting new chapters

Friday September 26 - chapter 100
Tuesday September 30 - Chapter 101
Sunday October 5 - Chapter 102
Friday October 10 - Chapter 103
Tuesday October 14 - Chapter 104
Sunday October 19 - Chapter 105
Friday October 24 - Chapter 106
Tuesday October 27 - Chapter 107
Sunday November 2 - Chapter 108 {The End}

I hope that will be helpful to everyone when I will be updating the story. I wanted to let everyone know I will be starting to post a new story between October 10 - October 31. I hope everyone will keep an eye out for the new chapters and new story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out wht will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I hope everyone has a good relaxing stress free night and weeknd! I hope no one works themselves to hard tonight and this weekend!

L-J-L 76

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's note Pg19 9/28

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:12 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 101:
Max and Liz walked to the door. Max opened the door and they both looked out. They didn't see anyone in the hallwy. Max and Liz heard voices as they sneaked out of Liz's room and went to the hallway. They stood at the top of the steps looked down at their friends. Jim and friends were itting at the bar watching the girls on stage. Max and Liz stood in the drk watching their friends. Max grabbed Liz's hand and they watched their friends. Max nd Liz noticed Jim and Ben looking around. Jim and Ben didn't notice anything diffeent. But they could feel that something was about to change around them.

A few minutes later Matt and his goons walked into the club. Jim and friends turned and looked at Matt and his goons. Matt walked into the club with a smile on his face.

"Surprise to see me?" Matt asked.

"What do you want?" Jim asked.

"I want to know where Liz is," Matt said.

"And wht if we don't tell you?" Ben sked.

"Then you will pay for her not being here," Matt said as he looked at everyone.

Maria nd the girls took step back as they lookd at Matt and his goons.

"So tell me where Liz is now?" Matt asked.

"We don't know where she is. Even if we did we wouldn't tell you," Jim said.

"Is that right? Even if I do this," Matt said.

Matt grabbed the lady guard and put a knife to her neck.The lady guard looked ay everyone. She hd a tear slide down her face as she looked at Jim and friends. Jim and the guys were ready to finish this once nd for all.

"Tell me where she is?" Matt said.

Meanwhile at the top of the stairs Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"Liz what are you up to?" Max asked.

"It's time to end this once and for all," Liz said.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"I'm going to try and stop Matt. That is what I am saying," Liz said.

"You know your crazy," Max said.

"Max I'm not crazy. I'm just tired of guys like Matt and his goons trying to geta way withthings," Liz said.

"I know. We'll stop them," Max said.

"I hope you are right," Liz said.

"You know I am," Max said.

"We told you we on't know where she is," Ben said.

"Well we will have some fun til you tell us something," Matt said.

Matt looked at the guys and girls and smiled really evil aand said"Get them,

When Matt touched Jim. Liz and Max looked at eachother. Max nodded his head Him and Liz jumped down. When they touched the floor everyone turned and saw a man and woman looking at them.

"Who the hell are you?" Matt asked.

"Your worse nightmare," Liz said.

"Get them," Matt said.

One goon chased Liz nd while the other went after Max. Liz climbed up on the bar. The goon and Liz started to sword fight. Everytime the goon swinged the sword Liz would either jump or duck and kick the goon in the face. The goon flew acroos the room and laned infront of Matt and goons. Meanwhile Max and his goons started to stick fight. Max was doing better good til the goon knocked him down and held him there. Max turned and looked at Liz.

"A little help here would be nice," Max yelled.

Liz turned and looked at Max. he reached into her top and pulled out a knife. Liz threw the knife and it went into the goons back. Max and Liz watched as the goon that held Max fell to the ground. Max turned and looked at Liz.

"No problem. We need to get the rest of them," Liz said.

"Let's do this," Max said.

Liz turned and saw a goon sneak up to Micheal. Micheal didn't even motice him.

"Michael look out!" Liz yelled.

Michael turned and punched the goonout. Michael turned and looked at the lady. Michael gave her thumbs up. Liz looked at Michael she didn't see Matt sneaking up to her. Max grabbed his knife and hled it in his hand.

"Liz duck," Max yelled.

"Max watched as Liz ducked. He threw the knife and stapped Matt in the chest. Liz turned nd watched Matt fell to the ground. After Max fell to the ground Liz turned and looked at Max.

"Thanks," Liz said.

"No problem," Max said as he stood up and punched the goon that tried to hit him.

Jim and the guys got the rest of the goons and tied them up. Max turned and handcuff Matt, Chris and scott to a poll in the club. Ben handcuff the one Liz fought at the bar. Max nd Liz walked up to eachother nd hugged. Jim went and untied the lady guard. While everyone was standing around. Liz turned and saw Matt standing up with a knife in his hand. Liz pulled Max's gun out of thr holder and pointed it at Matt and shott him 3 times in the chest. Max turned nd watched Matt fall to the ground. Max pulled away from Liz. They both looked at eachother.

"Are you ok?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ok?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Max said.

Max and Liz both looked at eachother. Then they turned and looked atJim and friends. Jim and friends looked at Max and Liz.

"Hi," Liz said.

"Liz is that really you," Maria asked.

"Yeah, we're home," Liz said.

Maria, Serena and Ava ran up to Liz and hugged her. They were all glad to see Liz was safe.

"So?" Isabel asked s she stood next to Max.

"So?" Max said.

"Have you had enough trouble now?" Isabel asked.

"Yeah, I think I have had enough toruble," Max said.

"Question what is going on with you and Liz?" Isabel asked.

"What are you talking about?' Max asked.

"Max we saw you and Liz sleeping together at the cabin. What I want to know is what is going on between theboth of you?" Isabel asked.

"What you saw that? Me and Liz have become close is all," Max said.

"How close are you and Liz?" Isabel asked.

"Probably a little closer then you and Alex are," Max said.

"How close is closer?" Isabel asked.

Liz walked up to Max and Isabel. Max and Isabel didn't notice Liz yet.

"Me and Liz have been sleeping together on and off for a while now," Max said.

"Do you have feeling for Liz?" Isabel asked.

"Tes. But I don't know if it is love or not," Max said.

"What were you goin to do after this? What about Liz?" Isabel asked.

"I'm going back to my apartment and try to get back to my life. And as for Liz I don't know yet," Max said.

"Great your going to break her heart when you leave. You better say something to hr before you leave," Isabel said.

"Yeah ok I will," Max said.

Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's note Pg19 9/28

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:57 pm
by L-J-L 76
Chapter 101:
When Liz heard what Max said. Liz walked away. She walked up the stairs nd the hallway to her room. Liz walked in her room and shut the door. Liz walked up to the window and looked out. While Liz looked out the window she started to cry.

Menawhile downstairs:
Max turned and saw that Liz was gone. Max didn't know where she could be. Max turned and saw Jim, Ben and Bear walking up to him. When Jim, Ben stood infront of Max. They all looked at eachother.

"Max we need to talk to you in the office right now," Jim said.

"What did I do?" Max asked.

"You'll find out when we get into the office," Ben said.

"Ok," Max said.

Jim, Max and Ben all walked to the office. They wlked in and Ben shut the door behind him. After the door was shut Ben turned and looked at Jim and Max. Ben walked up to Jim and sat down in the xhair next to him. Jim say on the desk looking at Max.

"Max you know we saw you and Liz together," Jim said.

"You did?" Max asked.

"Yes we did. What I want to know is what is going on between you and Liz?" Jim asked.

"I want to know how long you and Liz have been sleeping togther for?" Ben asked.

"We don't know what is going on between us," Max said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Ben asked.

"That is what I am trying to tell you. Me and Liz don't know what is going on between us. Because we're both friends," Max said.

"Ok. I can understand that. but Max you and Liz both need to decide what your going to do," Jim said.

"I know. I was going to talk to her before talkin to you. But she's gone," Max said.

"Max you and Liz need to talk and decide what are you both going to do," Ben said.

"I know. And I plan on talking to her," Max said.

"That is good. You better talk to her now," Ben said.

"I am right now," Max said.

Jim and Ben watched as Max stood up and wlkd towrds the door. Max opened the door and wlked out. When he wlked out he saw Liz was not around. Max walked up the steps and own the hall to Liz's room. Max opened the door and saw Liz was looking out the window. Max walked into the room and shut the door behind him. Max walked up to Liz.

"Liz what are you doing up here in your room?" Max asked.

"Max I wanted to be left alone right now," Liz said.

"Why what is going on?" Max asked.

"Max I just want to be left alone right now," Liz said.

"Liz I need to talk to you," Max said.

"What do we need to talk about?" Liz asked

"We need to talk about us," Max said.

"What about us?" Liz asked.

"Liz I know we became close. But I wnted to let you know that we still can be friends," Max sid.

"Oh, Um, Max I wnted to let you know that we still can be friends. And whatever it was that happened between us let's forget it ever happen. Lets forget that everything that happened betweenus ok?" Liz said.

"What? What are you telling me?" Max asked.