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Post by CalLen »


I am really upset when I hear that we had been assigned partners. I had been wanting to spend the day with Arriana since I hadn't had time to talk to her much since we had gotten here. I notice that Arri is partnered with Harry which means she isn't with me. I turn to her, "Great my favorite class and we can't even be paired together. This school is really starting to suck!" I look on down the list and I smirk as I notice who my partner is. "Michael? Who the hell is Michael?" I look around the room to see who is left. I look at Arrianna who is already half way across the room with Harry. "Thanks Arri" I say to myself as I search for my partner.
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Post by Athenea »


"So how are you finding Hogwarts?" Harry asks me and I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. That is a pretty safe question and I am thankful for it.

“So far I like it. There’s a lot more students here than at my school and it’s pretty cool to be going to a school with such a magical history.” I say.

I spot Draco heading off to find his partner and Reagan looking for hers. I turn back and look at Harry. He is virtually the only family I have left since I don’t consider my father family, and he doesn’t need to ever know. He also seems like a very humble person which isn’t what I expected from the boy-who-lived. He also seems to be carrying around a lot of guilt and I wonder why for a moment before remembering that he could possibly blaim himself for the boy from the tournament’s death or maybe he blaims himself for Voldermort’s return?

“So how do you like Hogwarts?” I say leading the conversation in his direction instead of my own.
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Post by madroswellfan »

“So far I like it. There’s a lot more students here than at my school and it’s pretty cool to be going to a school with such a magical history.”

I nodd. Shes right, the history here is amazing. The castles great and really I should be feeling lucky to be here... But thats not so easy when everyones muttering about how Im mad. How I made up Voldermort's return for attention.
She seems rather nice. Theres something about her....I can't put my finger on it. Something that just...I don't know. I think Im losing it. Maybe them all calling me mad is true.

“So how do you like Hogwarts?”

"Its nice" I answer looking at the table. "Loved it first few years. Practically felt like home. Now though... I don't know. I hated it when they whispered about me before... so now when they whisper about me like this... ever wish you could be invisible?" I try to give a small smile, but I don't think I manage it very well.

I don't think I want to know if she's...well... it would ruin my hopes. And I don't have a lot of them at the moment. It would be nice to have on good thing running for a moment or two.

"So what are you most looking forward to? Class-wise I mean"
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Post by isabelle »


I see Liz looking in my direction. I know she's seen that we're partners. I should go over to her and say hello. I should. I'm the upperclassman. I don't have to be weird about it.

I can't help it. My stomach is in knots. A whole year with her as my partner! I offer her a weak smile, hoping it looks better than it feels. Then I gesture towards the bench at the front and center of the class, the one I think she'd probably choose. I lead the way over there and sit down, waiting.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


When I walk into class with Liz, I'm almost giddy with excitement. A whole, entire year of advanced Herbology. This should be fun. I hear professor Sprout say something about partners, so Liz and I head to the front. Reading my name on the list, I realize I'm paired with Draco. Oh god, I hope that there is another Draco that isn't Slytherin...

Looking up, I see him staring at me with an expression that is a mix of disgust, and anger.. I owe that look to the fact that I'm not one of his cronies, and that I'm a half-blood Hufflepuff. But I don't care what he thinks. Giving him my most fake smile, I make my way towards the table he's already standing at.

"Okay...Draco," I say confidently, still smiling. "I plan on getting a good grade in this class, because I like Herbology, and I'm not going to let you screw this up. Got it?" I tell him, looking up at the board to see what we are supposed to do next.

I've never had a problem talking to people, or standing up for myself, and I'm not going to let this guy, no matter that he's a teensy bit good looking, push me around. I mean, he's a horrible, rude guy from what I've heard, but all the Malfoys are like, bred to be good looking. I can't deny fact. That doesn't mean he isn't a jerk.

"And if you make one annoying comment about me being a half-blood, I'll punch you." I add, for embellishment. I'm not lying.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


Maria goes to Draco without saying anything to me. Well that was kind of rude of her but then again Maria not the type of person that waits around, and then says it she is very straight forward and let everyone know it, even Draco knows it.

I look at corner of my eye and see Max sitting in the front. I guess he knows that I sit in the front. So walking to Max, at the table he picks for us, I go down and sit down next to him. I put my bag on the floor next to me. I turn to him and look at him, “Hi Max how was your summer?” I ask with a smile.
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Post by isabelle »


I smirk lightly as Maria starts some speech about getting a good grade and me not messing it up. Like that would happen. I'm getting a good grade, too. I'm a Malfoy.

"And if you make one annoying comment about me being a half-blood, I'll punch you." she says, finishing up with a glare.

"Typical," I say, dismissively. She looks like a Veela. She should be a witch but then she says things like that...

She glares, demanding answers, but she'd only just insisted on the opposite. Oh well. What do I care about her? "Most witches I know would threaten with a curse or at least a spell. Muggles use their fists." Well, okay. So do Crabbe and Goyle but I'm not talking about them. "But of course, you're only a 5th year, and a Hufflepuff, to boot. I have defenses you don't so I guess the physical approach would seem wise."


"It was fine," I say when Liz asks about my summer. She remembers me. Knows my name. That's nice. "I enjoyed helping with your class last year. It should be fun to be ... partners ... this time." I add with a smile.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


"It was fine, I enjoyed helping with your class last year. It should be fun to be ... partners ... this time." He said smiling at me.

“Yea…it was fun last year and I’m hoping this year as well. You look like you were having fun, maybe this year will be just as fun.” I said putting my hands on the desk. I look into Max’s eyes and try to get a read on him, but it is most likely I won’t.

I start to play with my fingers, I didn’t know what to say, “So…”I looked at him. I didn’t know what to say.

I felt my chair wiggle and when I lean to the side to see if I can fix it. My chair falls back with me a long with it. I hear my class laughing at me. Well maybe they think it funny but my back hurts like hell. I slowly got up from the floor, picking up my chair, I sat back down. I try to hide as much as I can in my chair, well blush red as an apple.

I just made a fool of myself and it is only first day back. Great Liz, good job. I saw a piece of paper on the desk. I grab it pretending to read it and cover my face with it.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

ooc: Sorry, I've gotten so behind on this RP. Can anyone catch me up to what's going on, so I can write Tess in? :oops:
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by CalLen »

OOC: I noticed that CandyKisses hasn't posted not once in this game. I have decided that I should recast her characters...well I am not sure if both of them are hers. I noticed that Athenea did post for him once but I she doesn't remember if she took that role over or what. Well, anyways I just decided that I would recast Michael. If anyone would like to play him or know someone who could do a good job at it...please ask them if they would like to join. Oh and by the way whoever is playing Isabel could you just post something saying I play Isabelle. Sorry for the inconvience.
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