Alliances (ADULT/CC) Thread 2

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Post by KarenEvans »


"Come in."
If I am not mistaken there was a frustrated and slightly impatient note in her voice.
I open the door and step in,bowing before looking right at her.She looks a little tired but I suppose that is but natural seeing that she fractured her ankle,even if it just was a slight fracture yet her eyes are sharp and sparkling,"Good morning Milady.I trust you are feeling better today.Is there anything I can do for you?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

I scratch my ear nervously, as I look towards Liz once more. Ok...thats a lie. I haven't stopped looking at her since I came in the room. I may have flicked my eyes to Michael but that was about it.

"So..." I say nervously, wishing so much I could just kiss her and tell her the truth right now. But I cant. I need to know more first.
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Post by littleroswell »

Occ: Small correction on Maria's condition. Her ankle is sprained, not fractured. There is a big difference. A fracture is basically a break but not a big one, can be as small as a crack. A sprain is that the tendons and/or ligaments were pulled too far and are overstretched. (I'm in x-ray. LOL!)


I'm hit with a wave of desire when I glance up at Max and I'll admit that I'm not sure if it's coming from him or from me. I wave at the seat on the other side of my desk. "Why don't you sit down, Max. I'd love to hear more about Antar. How did you come to be in the king's service?" I ask him.

Anything to remind us both of what the future holds for me and to keep my mind on that goal. I can't begin to imagine the problems that would be created if I ever chose to go against the path I've been set to take.


I smile when I see that it's Michael and not Sir William. "Good morning, Michael!" I say brightly. "Actually, I am feeling a little better today, thank you. Please come in and sit down. I hate rainy days. How did you sleep? Everything ok?"

I know I'm probably babbling but I was surprised to realize how happy I was to have someone to talk to. I hate going to those audiences and I really didn't want to be left alone with Sir William when he gets here. I wonder if my smile looks a little over the top.
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Post by littleroswell »

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Post by KarenEvans »

OOC- :lol: I had forgotten whether is was a fracture or sprain so just went with what I thought was right.


She greets me cheerily and I enter and go and stand near the balcony door which is closed but the curtains are drawn back allowing the light of day to come in to the room even though it is dreary outside.

"Actually, I am feeling a little better today, thank you. Please come in and sit down. I hate rainy days. How did you sleep? Everything ok?"

Boy she really rattles off with the questions.I smile at her, "Yes thank you I slept very well although I felt like killing Max when he woke me up with morning. I am not much of a morning person. Is there anywhere you have to be? I can help you around the palace."
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Post by madroswellfan »

I sit down nervously on the seat opposite Liz. How I long to put her on the table and....

Stop it Max. Stop it now.

"Oh... um... well Zan and I used to be close as children... and when we grew up he worked it for me to get a job for him." I say, trying not to make too much stuff up. To be fair, Zan and I were close as children, just as we are now since we're the same person...

I stare up at her eyes, wondering if she really did have a crush on the version of myself she's met... and wondering if she would therefore have a crush on the real me or not.
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Post by KarenEvans »


I nod my head as Tess explains about not carrying the communicator Kyle gave her whilst she was out walking with Kivar.

"Do you mind if I come along with you? If I stay here I am going to drive myself crazy. I know I must remain calm and as thuogh nothing is happening but I am becoming jumpy and nervous. I keep expecting Kivar to come barging in here, ready to have me put under house arrest for trying to leave him."

Okay so I have been reduced to a pleading pathetic being but I can't help it. Freedom is so close and far. I have to try to keep my mind off things.
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Post by KarenEvans »


I nod and follow her to her room and sit down quietly as she checks Kyle's message and contacts him. My heart is beating really quickly.


Although I am in a meeting with one of my ministers I rise when I see the light on the communicator blink green, indicating a message, "Gideon, excuse me for a moment, I have to take this. We can continue this a little later." Having said that I exit the conference room and enter my private chambers, "Hello darling...I know you don't have much time so I'll be quick. The craft is ready and waiting just outside Taggora's atmosphere and it has a shield so it will remain undetected. You can leave right now if you want...but anyway I gave the pilot your communicator's coordinates, here is his S45VXO90. You can get in touch with him whenever you can get Isabel out. Please be craeful"
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Post by KarenEvans »


I hear everything Kyle had to say and I smile at Tess, ""Hear that? Everything is fine, so as soon as we can were gonna get you away."
"Yes, I did and I am happy but I know it's too soon to rejoice yet. Only when I have landed safely at Euralgon will I believe that I have left this nightmare behind."

Turning away from her I pace the floor, wringing my hands trying to get my thoughts in order. "Tess" I twirl around to face her "I know I am being impatient but how soon can you get me out of here? I take it that you met with your friends...those whom you said might be able to help us?"
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Post by littleroswell »

Occ: Sorry I haven't been around guys but I did something to my knee the other day and was up all that night at the ER because my entire leg was spasming. I've never been in so much pain in all my life. Anyway, they put me on pain killers and muscle relaxers that knocked me out all day yesterday. I'm doing better now though! Also, wanted to let everyone know that the next few weeks are going to be crazy because we're supposed to be moving into our home at the end of the month. I won't have any kind of high speed internet because we're moving to the boonies and all I'll have is dial up. Those of you who know about that know that going from a cable modem, which is what I have now, to dial up will about do me in. I won't be able to post as often because it takes so long to load pages. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know what's going on.


I nod at his description. "It's nice to know that his status doesn't keep him from making friends of all stations," I murmur. I smile at Max. "I admit that I've always been curious about my future husband but not as much as many people would think. I guess I just always accepted my fate."

I can't hold his eyes as I finish, knowing my heart will betray me. I've already started to allow it to feel too much about this man in front of me. "I hope you and Xan will continue to be friends as well as you and I once I have married him," I practically whisper.


I smile at Michael and say, "Well, actually, I was thinking about making my way to the music room. I need to practice my pianoforte and singing. Would you like to accompany me?" I ask. Then I grimace. "I just wish I could dance. I love to dance. Hopefully, it won't take long for my ankle to heal up."
Just call me Phoenix...cause I'm back from the dead!
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