TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - COMPLETE - 7/12/15

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 161 - 10/12/14

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: It’s been a while, but it was worth the wait. Kyle and Tess took their own time getting to that point.

We’ll get to that meeting today and see what’s going on.

Natalie36: Thanks! They’ll get to working on that very soon!

Eva: It took some time, but they’re moving at a pace that’s right for them.

Michael and Maria have taken that first step, the first of many.

They’ll be working on that plan very soon.

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! They’ll be getting on that real soon!

CandyliciousLovah: Lol, they’re sure getting there.

begonia9508: The conversation between Kyle and Tess was a long time coming and it was something good to come from his accident.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! We’ll be catching up with Max and Liz soon. They have some pretty big things going on too. The plan is in the beginning stages but we’ll be learning more about it soon.

kismet: Lol, definitely interesting with these two guys. We’ll begin learning about the plan today.

keepsmiling7: Lol, a joint love of writing and dedication! Thanks for reading!

sarammlover: They’re on track and Kyle and Tess are taking steps in the right direction too! Taking Trent down is in the works. ;) And the search for Alex is getting underway!

SmileeUk: Yep, the two of them are heading in the right direction at a pace that’s comfortable for both of them.

Lol, who would?

The plan to find Alex is getting underway.

killjoy: Yeah, they’ve had a long road to get to this point, but they’re definitely getting to a good place.

Part 161

On A Mission

“They seem to be okay.”

“Yeah.” He still wasn’t sure about the guy who was interested in his girl.

“Try to not get jealous,” she told him knowingly when his expression easily revealed the path of his thoughts to her. “There’s nothing to be jealous about.”

“As long as he understands you’re taken we won’t have any problems.” He nodded when she just looked at him. “I’m not gonna get in his face or anything. This meeting’s about Alex, nothin’ else.”

“Good,” she leaned forward and kissed his lips briefly, “because I already told him that I’m into someone else.”

“You told him that, huh?”

“Yeah, and I’m glad it worked out because when I told him I didn’t have much hope.”

He cleared his throat lightly. “That uh, that after that last time you came by the apartment?”


He nodded. “Wish I’d handled that differently.”

“Doesn’t matter anymore.”

He accepted her words, knowing without a doubt that she meant them. “You said you’re workin’ today. Any idea what the job is?”

“Workout clothes for a new catalog. The company actually works with a big chain of gyms.”

“Yeah? So what’s the deal with Graham? Is he gonna be workin’ with you from now on?” He didn’t know much about how that worked out with photographers and shoots, but suddenly he found himself a lot more interested in what she did and how it all worked.

“Not always. Graham works as a freelance photographer, which means he gets booked by a lot of different companies for shoots.”

“I guess most of the time you don’t really know who the photographer’s gonna be until the shoot starts?”

“Yeah, most often that’s the way it goes.”

He nodded. “How far in advance will you know your schedule with the new company?”

“Well, there’s always a chance of a short-notice booking when someone else gets sick or the weather for an outdoor shoot changes, but generally I get a two-week plan.”

“Hell, that’s a lot better than the last one.”

“Yeah, that and the pay. Oh, and the people.”

“Good, I guess Max’s admirer did well then.”

“Yeah, I really owe Graham. He’s done so much for me.”

“You should get Evans to pose for him. That’s be all the thanks he needs.”

She chuckled. “Doubt that’s ever gonna happen.”

“Probably not, but damn, I’d pay good money to see that.”

“You weren’t so bad yourself.”

“Yeah, well, still wouldn’t care to do it full time.”

She chuckled and let her hand run down his bare upper body until it reached the hem of his boxers. She loved the ups and downs her fingertips made over his six-pack and her eyes followed the path. “Don’t care to share this body either.”

He was following every move she made. “Y’know I’m gonna catch hell from the guys at the station for that, don’t you?”

Her hand went up again just reversing the path and she smiled to herself when it spread goose bumps over his skin and his nipples hardened. “You gonna survive it?”

“I might need a lotta therapy.” His breath caught in his throat when she made another pass before moving up again. “The hands-on kind.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Good, it’s one therapy I’m all about.”

“Think you need your first session immediately?”

“Yeah, I’m thinkin’ I’m past due.”

She snickered and dipped her head to breathe little kisses against his neck and chest while her hand wandered further down to cup him fully. “I can’t wait to spend a full day in bed with you, Guerin.”

“Lookin’ forward to that. And maybe we should hit up my place for that... less interruptions and no roommate at the moment.” He closed his eyes at the feel of her hand on him.

“Agreed. But I think you need a new bed.” She ran her hand over his length fully, loving the sound of his hitched breath.

Michael was doing his best to follow the conversation, which was getting a little difficult at the moment. “Why?” he grated out.

“Too much sex in it,” she teased and tightened her grip around him.

He rolled his eyes. It wasn’t like he never changed the sheets. “Fine, pick one out and I’ll buy it.” His eyes rolled back for a moment. “Sooner’s better than later.”

“You’re very agreeable in this state, I need to remember that,” she mused and licked a path along his neck, blowing over it when she was finished.

He shuddered in response. “Like I’m ever gonna say no when you’ve got your hand on my dick.”

Her lips wandered up until they reached his ear. “So all I have to do it touch you to get what I want?” Her hand slipped into his boxers and grazed over him gently but in no way satisfying for him.

Like she had to ask! “M’ria,” he growled, his hips shifting in an effort to increase the friction.

“You’re lucky we don’t have enough time to draw this out,” she teased and took him in her hand with a surprisingly tight grip. “Next time this won’t be over so fast,” her teeth bit into his neck in promise and then she started to move her hand over him with pressure.

He groaned, not bothering to try and suppress the sound. “‘m okay with that.” Hell, he was more than okay with it!

The sounds he made where like music to her ear and she once more wondered how all of the sudden it had turned out to be all so good between her and Michael. Only a few weeks before they had been friends without any further thoughts and now here they were, in bed, almost naked and touching each other. Her hand around him tightened even more and she increased the speed to send him over the edge.

Michael dropped his head forward to rest on her shoulder, his muscles feeling like jelly in the aftermath. “Guess I’m not the only one who’s good with his hands,” he muttered after a few minutes.

“I sure hope not.”

His arm tightened around her and he pulled her up against his chest so he could give her a proper kiss. “Definitely the way a mornin’ oughta start out.”


“Think we’re gonna have to make a habit of it.”

“Hmm,” she pretended to think about it for a moment. “Yeah, I think I could get used to that.”

He rolled over onto his back and pulled her with him. “We’ll have to start that asap too.”

“Yeah,” she rested her head on his chest for a while, but she knew they had to get up soon so she forced herself so sit up and rubbed her face. “I’m gonna make some breakfast.”

“Guess I’ll grab a shower,” he said and scrubbed his hands over his face.

“Yeah, okay, towels are under the sink.” She forced her legs over the side of the bed and stood, looking around for her tank top and finding it on the floor so she bent over to pick it up. “Pancakes?”

His eyes roved over the view she presented him with. “Huh?”

She glanced over her shoulder with a knowing smirk. “Pancakes?”

Why were they discussing pancakes when she was standing there looking like that? Focus, Guerin! “Yeah, yeah, that sounds good too.”

“An’ bacon,” she pulled the tank top over her head and smoothed it down over her upper body.

“Coffee, don’t forget the coffee,” he groaned. “Damn, I hope you’ve got plenty of cold water.”

She grabbed her jeans from a stack on a chair and pulled them on with a grin. “Never forget the coffee.” She walked up to the bed where he was sitting and leaned down to kiss his nose. “This’s definitely a good morning.”

He gave her a smile that lit up his eyes. “I’m glad we’re doin’ this.”

“Me too. Hell, me too!!”

He wrapped his arms around her as he stood up, lifting her up against his body with little effort so he could kiss her one more time. “Crispy bacon, Sexy.” He put her back on her feet after letting her slide down his body very slowly. “Now get outta here before I forget that we have plans and drag you into the shower with me.”

“Very tempting,” she straightened her clothes once more and then walked to the door. “I’ll see you in a little while.”

He growled under his breath and headed for the bathroom and a long cold shower, but in spite of that he was in the best mood he’d been in for longer than he cared to think about.


Max paced back and forth on the porch like a caged animal. The guys had given him plenty of space, not asking any questions when he seemed to get edgier with every passing minute as the clock counted down to the noon hour. He had purposefully avoided social interaction with the guys from his unit, trying his best to push the memories of that time into a place where they couldn’t come out and remind him of what he’d done over there.

Maybe he should be able to just ignore it, and maybe if he’d been older before being dropped in the middle of a war, he could have done that. His sessions with his therapist had been getting intense and she was slowly drawing him out. She had started with the writing assignments, and true to her word, she had never once asked to read what he’d written. He had struggled with it at first, certain he’d never be able to get those moments down on paper, but to his surprise, once he’d started he actually had difficulty stopping. She gave him a new assignment with every session and sometimes he sat up for hours scribbling down thoughts, memories, and he knew there were plenty of places where the thoughts were disjointed, the material was raw, but it remained unedited.

He felt his heartbeat accelerate when he heard the motorcycles before he saw them. Hawk and Ramrod moved through the street at a sedate pace out of respect for the neighborhood and he lifted a hand and waved to get their attention. It had been difficult enough hanging out at the club with them recently, but inviting them this far into his life was creating a lot of conflicted feelings.

They were good guys; he’d trusted them with his life and they’d trusted him with theirs. With this meeting they could be deciding to trust them with his future, Alex’s life, and Liz’s ability to regain custody of Aaron. That was a lot to put on anyone. He knew the guys could handle it, knew they could be discreet and investigate the situation, but they were dealing with a finicky justice system and a dirty cop.

“Shadow, why’re you lookin’ like you just swallowed a case of fresh lemons?” Ramrod asked as he kicked the stand out and dismounted.

“Pretty sure that’s his usual look,” Hawk said as he swung his leg over the seat and stood, flashing a grin at them.

The guys made their way up the sidewalk and Blake automatically slowed his stride when Mike began the slow process of climbing the steps.

“Didn’t know you could still ride,” Max said conversationally, his gaze locked on the bikes rather than his buddy’s progress.

“Prosthetics have come a long way and I lucked out.” He grinned. “Got to keep the knee, that makes life a little easier.”

Max swallowed hard at the memory of Ramrod lying there covered in blood and sand, his entire body shaking, muttering things that made no sense as he went into shock. “Yeah, guess so.” At this rate he might have to continue seeing the therapist well after the court appointed sessions had ended.

“Let’s meet these friends of yours,” Mike said and slapped him on the back when he finally managed to step up on the porch.

“Sure, c’mon in,” Max went first and held the door open. “This’s the girl’s apartment, so behave.”

“You do know we’re both capable of behaving properly on occasion, don’t you?” Blake rolled his eyes and glanced around as he walked inside. He hadn’t asked if Maria was going to be there and he couldn’t help but wonder. They’d made tentative plans for Friday night and he hadn’t had a chance to catch up with her since then.

“Yeah? That’s something new.” He led them into the kitchen where Tony and Kyle were sitting with a bag of chips between them. “Guys, this’s Blake an’ Mike,” he turned to his Army buddies and pointed behind him, “Tony and Kyle.”

Mike glanced over at Max. He wasn’t exactly surprised to see that his cage was rattled, but he hoped he’d relax soon. Well, as relaxed as he ever got. “We met the other night,” he said and shook Tony’s hand. He shifted to take the other man’s hand when he held it out in his direction. “You’re the other firefighter, right?”

“Yeah, I know I look like a boxer that’s been smacked around ring right now. Nice to meet you.”

“I’ve been around worse, believe me.” He grabbed one of the barstools and took a seat. “How come I don’t see any girls around if it’s their apartment?”

“Tess’ out grocery shopping, Isabel just left for work, Liz has been at work since the morning an’ Maria’s at the hospital,” Max explained.

Blake’s head shot up, his search for a beer momentarily forgotten. “What’s wrong with ‘er?”

“Nothin’,” Tony told the other guy and smirked at Max when it was obvious the guy still had it bad for their friend, “she’s just visiting someone.”

“Ah, okay. That’s okay then.” He went back to his search and frowned at the contents of the refrigerator. “Why do girls always have all this crap in the fridge?” He nudged a few things aside. “Shadow, tell me there’s beer buried in here.”

“I don’t know if there’s any beer,” he told him and glanced at the clock. Michael would be there soon and he felt the need to warn Hawk before he talked himself into trouble.

“Call us over here and don’t know if there’s any beer.” He shook his head and clapped his hands together. “Okay, rather than dig through health food hell any longer, why don’t you let us in on why we’re here?”

“We’re waiting for one more person,” he informed him, running a hand through the hair at the back of his neck. “An’ you wanna cool it about your obsession with Maria while he’s around.”

“Hey, it’s not obsession, and a little healthy competition never hurt anyone.”

Kyle snorted. “I think he went from competition to boyfriend last night. Sorry, man.”

“Wait, is this the moron best friend? The one in the ad with her?”

“The one in the ad,” Tony agreed, shooting a stunned look at Kyle. “Not sure about the moron an’ not sure about the boyfriend? Valenti?”

“Any guy who’s got a girl like that hot for him an’ just walks away is a moron,” Blake wouldn’t be swayed in his opinion.

“I’d say the will-they-or-won’t-they question’s finally been answered,” Kyle answered with a smirk.

Max chuckled. “Saw ‘em this morning?” His eyes widened when he realized what he had said. “Uh, you know what I mean.”

“You guys can all quit trippin’ over yourselves with words like ‘see’ and ‘watch’ and ‘look’. Seriously, you don’t have to do that. An’ no, I didn’t see them this mornin’, but he was still here when I woke up for breakfast and they were in the kinda stupid good mood that indicated things are headin’ in the right direction.”

Max slapped Blake’s back hard. “Better learn the truth now.”

“Damn,” he muttered. “Guess it’s better to know now than to make some wildly inappropriate comment around him later.”

Tony snorted. “I’d like to see that.”

“Sounds like that could be an interesting match,” Mike said.

There was a knock on the door and Max went to get it. “Guys, no fights over a woman, alright? We’ve got other things to discuss.”

Blake grumbled under his breath and wished he had a beer. It just figured the first time he really had any interest in a woman beyond just getting laid she’d be taken before he even had a chance.

Michael stepped into the apartment when Max opened the door and he welcomed the cool breath of air conditioning. It was freaking hot again and he had left the hospital late so he didn’t have a lot of time here either. “Hey, Evans.”

“Figured you got held up at the hospital. The guys are already here and I know you don’t have much time so we can get right down to business.”

“Yeah, I need to be at the station at two,” he agreed and walked further into the room, letting his eyes roam over the men inside.

Blake sized the newcomer up as their eyes met and locked. His posture was deceptively relaxed but his hands were clenched into fists in his pockets. He knew without confirmation that the other man was doing the same thing, watching and waiting.

“Shadow says you wanted to meet,” Ramrod said as he leaned over and held his hand out. He could tell his buddy was waiting for an opening and rather than let the other guy give him one he decided to intervene. Yeah, he’d known the other night that Blake wasn’t just interested in a one-nighter with Maria. “I’m Mike, but you can just call me Ramrod, and that guy over there, that’s Blake.”

“Michael,” he told him shortly, shaking his hand and then glancing at the other guy with a stern nod. “I heard you helped Maria out when that fuckwad mugged her in the subway, so thanks for that.”

“No problem, glad to help.” He didn’t offer his hand though.

Okay, that was out, he’d said his thanks, but he didn’t have to like the guy, Michael thought and placed a bag of burgers on the counter. “Grab it if ya want it.”

“Hey, you know Sal?” Mike asked as he dug in and grabbed a burger. “Man makes the best burgers in the state.”

“Everyone in Manhattan with any kinda taste knows him.”

He grabbed a second one and tossed it to Blake. “So, you guys had some time to think about what you wanna do about your friend?”

“I don’t think I’ve done much other than think for days,” Max ran his hand over his face and tugged on his hair in frustration, “but I can’t think of anything that might help.”

“I had an interesting conversation this mornin’,” Michael said, taking a seat on one of the barstools.

“Share with the rest of the class,” Kyle mumbled around his burger.

“Okay, so if I said blue arrows circling around each other in front of a red background, what would you think of?” he asked, curious to see if he was the only one who would make a connection.

Max shrugged. “No clue.”

“Wait,” Kyle held a hand up and slowly lowered it, feeling around to find his bottle of water. It didn’t tip over when he hit it with the back of his hand so he assumed one of the guys was holding it down to prevent that from happening. He uncapped it and took a drink as he tried to picture the logo Michael was describing. It was familiar, but where had he seen it before? He set the bottle down and snapped his fingers when it came to him. “Infinity Holdings,” he said.

Michael smirked. “Exactly.”

“Someone wanna clue the rest of us in on what that means exactly?” Ramrod asked as he shot a confused look at Blake. Judging by his buddy’s expression he was just as clueless about the information.

“Infinity Holdings is a company founded by Richard Mason’s father,” Kyle said, turning his head in the direction he suspected his best friend to be in. “But what’s it mean? Why bring it up?”

“Because while I was at the hospital I ran into Salazar and he said the investigators have been talkin’ to everyone who was there.” He shrugged. “They haven’t gotten around to us yet, but he was pretty sure you’re gonna be up soon since you were on the front lines when it happened. Anyway, he was sayin’ he remembered seein’ the logo wedged into some of the debris when they were tryin’ to dig you out just after the explosion. He’s gonna call the investigator back and let him know he remembered that little piece of information, but in the meantime it’s a place to start.”

“It could be pure coincidence,” he mused.

“Yeah, it could be.” Michael gripped the edge of the counter as he leaned forward. “I’ve gone over the reports,” he shook his head when Kyle turned in his direction, forgetting for a moment that his friend couldn’t see the motion. “Don’t ask how I got my hands on them. I didn’t make the connection until I talked to Salazar. Based on the reports and the estimations of where you were in the tunnel when you called back the warning that it was about to go up, the building you found the barrels in belongs to Infinity Holdings.”

“Holy shit,” Max muttered. “Are you sayin’ Dick’s somehow involved in that mess too?”

“I don’t know if he’s directly involved in that or not, but his dad is. Or at the very least he’s responsible for that explosion. But that got me to thinkin’. Dick might be brilliant when it comes to investments, but he doesn’t have the brains it’d take to kidnap Whitman and hide him away. His father owns countless companies and who knows how many of them are under other names? I mean, that’s the way all these holding companies and investment schemes work. He’s gotta be keeping Whitman someplace that’s convenient for him, someplace he thinks is safe.”

“Infinity Holding is pretty unknown,” Kyle threw in, “which would make it perfect to hide Alex in one of the buildings belonging to that company.”

“So all we have to do is get a listing of the buildings owned by Infinity and get a look inside them,” Blake decided.

“You make it sound like it’s nothing,” Max shook his head.

Ramrod shook his head. “C’mon, Shadow, who’s better at intel than Stryker?”

“What’s with that nickname, Evans?” Michael frowned.

Max rolled his eyes. “I blend in with ‘em, okay?” He turned his attention to his Army buddies. “You’re sure he’s onboard with this?”

“Hell, he’s so ready for a break from his family he was ready to bolt when I called to check on him the other day.” Blake shrugged. “Didn’t tell him about this ‘cause I didn’t wanna get his hopes up. I’ll holler at him and go pick him up tonight. He could use the change of scenery for a few days.”

“Now we have a start,” Michael agreed and reached into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out a photo. The photo of the man who had probably planted the drugs in Max’s jeep. And maybe the same man who was helping Dick with the dirty work.

“Who’s the lowlife?” Ramrod asked, frowning at the picture when it was placed on the counter.

“It could be someone who helped kidnap our friend.”

“What makes him a suspect?”

“Two things,” Michael stated. “First, he’s been to one of our parties but none of us knows him and it was the party that Evans left drugged. Second, we know he knows Kennedy.”

“Kennedy’s the cop, right?” He nodded when a glance at Max received a positive response. “You have proof they know each other?”

“Yeah, they worked together in the past.”

“Wait, this guy’s a cop too?” Blake asked.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 162

Post by Double Trouble »

CandyliciousLovah: There is a lot going on, but now that they have some help things should start moving along pretty quickly.

Roswelllostcause: Having the guys there to help out is going to make a difference.

begonia9508: Lol, you’re right about that! They’re in the process of putting all of the pieces together and it won’t take long now before they get some results.

Natalie36: Yes, it’s all coming together now.

sarammlover: They’re putting it all together and they have quite the conspiracy to unwind, but they’re up to the task. Thanks!

keepsmiling7: It’s taking time, that’s for sure.

Lol, Max’s Army buddies are definitely all guys!

Eva: Yep, the plan is being put together as we speak. Lol, well, you don’t have to say, but we sure do love to hear it!

kismet: Lol, well, we have more today… and more of all the guys too!

SmileeUk: The guys are putting together a plan to find Alex!

Spending more time around the guys may just be one of the things that gets Max to a good place.

Alien_Friend: Alex’ chances definitely increased!

Blake is a good guy, he definitely deserves some happiness as well.

Part 162

We Have A Past


“That’s just great,” Ramrod muttered. “What the hell, that’s not gonna stop us from lookin’ into the situation if you guys give us the green light.” He bit back a smirk. They’d already agreed to look into it after a recent conversation with Isabel, but the guys had more information than she did.

“We’re not sayin’ go after this guy,” Max made clarified.

Michael nodded. “Yeah, just keep your eyes open if he crosses your path while lookin’.”

“Smart money’s not on goin’ after the cop or the ex-cop directly,” Blake agreed. “We have Stryker gather intel, we’ll do some recon, and once we’ve identified the target and verified his location, we’ll call in an extraction team.” He glanced at Michael, easily reading his annoyance with all the military talk. He knew he should just let it go and accept the fact that this was the guy Maria wanted but even though they had barely gotten the chance to know each other it still stung that he was already out of the running. “Y’know, we’ll call in an anonymous tip.”

Max looked at his friend’s pissed off face. Great, this was perfect timing for a jealous battle between two alpha males, he thought.

“Yeah, we could go in an’ get him ourselves, but that could blow the case outta the water if you want this to go down legally,” Ramrod spoke up. “So we’ll pull Stryker in, have him do his thing, and we’ll go in an’ check out the buildings covertly. Once we’re certain we’ve got his location we’ll phone in the anonymous tip like Blake suggested.”

“Sounds good,” Tony agreed.

“You have any idea what other buildings this company owns?” Blake asked.

“Not a clue,” Max shook his head.

“Yeah, me either,” Kyle said. “I mean, he pushed the investing thing but Isabel finally told him to back off.”

“So she might be in a position to have information about the company’s holdings,” he mused and glanced at Ramrod. “Maybe we oughta talk to her, see what she knows.”

Michael narrowed his eyes. “I’ll talk to her.”

“I don’t think she’s gonna have a problem telling them what she knows,” Kyle said. “I’ve got a feelin’ she’s behind their investigation one hundred percent.”

The other man snorted. “Believe me, that’s not my concern.”

Max frowned. “What is?”

“You know her. She’s not the type to patiently talk and wait. I don’t want her to do anything stupid.”

Kyle snorted quietly. That was just one more thing the Guerin siblings had in common. “Yeah, he should talk to her.” Hey, a guy had to be supportive of his best friend. Besides, Michael was dealing with jealousy for the first time really, and he needed to keep his mind off the other guy that really wasn’t the other guy.

Blake rolled his eyes but caught the warning look Mike gave him. “Fine, whatever ya want.”

“When did you guys wanna get together?” Max asked, speaking up before Michael or Blake had the opportunity to say something else. They sure as hell didn’t need any more drama!

“Let me talk to Striker an’ then we’ll talk,” Ramrod suggested.

He nodded. It was good to see the guys again but it did have a tendency of bringing up the past. He wondered how it didn’t affect them the same way.

“Good,” Michael pushed himself from the chair. “I’m gonna grab a shower and head in to work.”

Ramrod shoved his elbow into Blake’s ribs before he could make a comment. “I’ll talk to Stryker and like Blake said, he’ll probably head out an’ pick him up tonight. We’ll give you a shout when we know what’s goin’ on with him.”

“Cool,” Max shook hands with his Army buddies and led them back to the door. “Thanks. You guys know you don’t have to do this. right? We don’t owe each other anything.”

“What’s owing each other got to do with anything?” Blake asked and intentionally bumped his shoulder against Max’ as he passed him on his way outside. “Don’t be a stranger, Shadow.”

He let it pass without comment and watched as the guys stepped out on the porch.

Ramrod slid his sunglasses on before shooting a glance at Max. “You still ride?” he asked with a nod at the motorcycles parked at the curb.

“Haven’t in a while.”

He wondered how Evans functioned with everything he was keeping inside. “You still own one?”

“No, I don’t have the space to keep it. An’ with the shop, I don’t have a lot of time anyway.”

“That’s a shame. Feels good to hit the open road once in a while.” He slapped him on the back. “Who knows, maybe we’ll get you back in the saddle one of these days. Let’s hit the asphalt, Hawk,” he nudged him as he passed him, hoping to pull him out of his thoughts. “We’ll talk soon, Shadow.”

Tony followed as soon as he heard the motorcycles running. “I’m gonna head home, need to be at the station for my shift soon. You’ll call when there’s any news, right Max?”

“Yeah, soon as I know somethin’ I’ll pass it along.”

“Cool, take care,” he rushed down the steps and grinned when his cell rang and showed Ava’s picture on the screen.

Max snorted at the goofy look on Carter’s face and went back inside.

“So Evans, think you could bring everything ya need to replace the piercing?” Kyle gestured to his lip.

“Yeah, it’s an easy fix.”

“Good.” He was thankful for every distraction he could get and hell, if maybe someday in the future, he got be back on his feet he sure as hell would be glad if the thing was already healed up again.

“Lemme know when you wanna do it. I’m tied up tonight, but I’ll have time tomorrow.”

Kyle gestured around the room. “Well, man, I’ll be here. All damn day, so whenever ya have time, just stop by.”

Max sat on one of the barstools. “How’re you doin’ hangin’ here?”

“Good so far.”

He was silent for a few minutes. “How about Tess? How’s that goin’?”

“It goes,” he told him lamely. “We’ve been avoiding the obvious for a while, but I guess we kinda started to work on it last night.”

“Yeah? Well, that’s good.” They were slowly but surely getting there.

“It’s a start,” Kyle agreed. He wasn’t ready to commit to anything right now, but he wasn’t so freaked out about it anymore.

“Yeah, well, sometimes that’s the hardest part.”

“Yeah. Few weeks ago you an’ Parker were taking each other’s heads off every chance ya got.”

He laughed and shook his head. “An’ just a day or so back Guerin an’ Maria weren’t even talkin’. Things change fast, huh?”

“Apparently, yeah.”

“The girls said anything about plans for the weekend?”

“Not sure,” Kyle scratched his neck. “I don’t think so. But Dan’s funeral’s on Sunday an’,” he sighed, “yeah, I guess I’m gonna go.”

“Not easy to do, is it?” he asked quietly.

“No, no it isn’t.”

“My parents have somethin’ planned for Saturday so me an’ Liz will be gone in the afternoon. We might stay the night if the damned court-appointed social worker approves it.”

“How long before you finally go to trial?”

“It’s still weeks away. My lawyer has an investigator lookin’ into things and I’ve told her everything we know so she’s leaning in that direction.”

“I hope this’s all over soon an’ we’re back to some kinda normal. Ya know, I think once this’s all outta the way we should go back to the beach house for a whole week.”

“Hell, we’d be in for that.” He sighed and ran a hand over his face tiredly. “Feels like it’s been forever since we were there.”

“Agreed,” Michael said as he walked back into the living room with his hair still wet from his shower. Wow, last time at the beach house Courtney was with him and everything with Maria had been kinda strained. Yeah, looking back on it now it had already been so forced and he hadn’t been able to see it clearly.

“Maybe it won’t be long before the guys find Alex’s location and once Dick’s implicated in that whole mess he can point the finger at Kennedy for the mess I’m in.”

“Sounds about right.”

“They’re right about Stryker bein’ so good at gathering intel.” Max shrugged when Michael looked at him. “We wanna know where Alex is and we want the dirt on these guys, he’s the one we want lookin’.”

“You know him, so we’re gonna trust you with this.”

“There’s a lot ridin’ on this. I wouldn’t risk it or ask you guys to risk it if I didn’t trust them.”

“We know that.”

He nodded. “So... you an’ Maria?”

“Me an’ Maria,” he said more to try it out than a real answer.

Max chuckled, recognizing what Michael was doing. “I guess that’s a yes.”

“About time,” Kyle added his two cents.

Michael shot a glare at him that didn’t go unnoticed in spite of his friend’s inability to see. “When have we ever done anything according to anyone else’s timetable?”

“It is what it is,” Max said as a peace offering.

Kyle held his water bottle up. “You two might be stubborn and up until recently clueless about what the rest of us have known for some time, but we wouldn’t change either of you.” His best friends never took the easy route and it only made sense that getting them together wouldn’t be any different.

“So are you two taking it slow an’ like... dating? Or is it an official a relationship already?”

“We’re gonna take it like we take anything else,” he answered with a shrug. “I mean, we’re gonna go out an’ stuff, an’ we’re just gonna be seein’ each other so that pretty much makes it a relationship.” Okay, maybe he wasn’t the resident expert or anything, but when they had talked about it they’d agreed to give a relationship an honest shot, so that’s what it was.

“Michael tied down for good.” Kyle snorted.

Max bit back the comment about it being about time. “Yeah, guess business isn’t the only thing that came outta that photo shoot.”

“You had that all planned,” Michael shook his head.

“All I did was set it up. Whatever happened after that’s on you.”

“He’s telling the truth.” Kyle grinned to himself. He knew a lot more than Evans as far as he knew.

“I’m just sayin’ I know you couldn’t stand Courtney an’ you orchestrated that whole situation to push me an’ Maria at each other.”

“Well, I guess now I can admit that’s the truth and I was right.”

“You’re not a complete idiot so I’m sure you knew she had feelings for me.” He shook his head. “You had no right to use that.”

“Everyone but you knew she had feelings for you,” Kyle interrupted. “Ever since Courtney entered the picture it was pretty obvious.”

“That’s true,” Max agreed.

Michael sighed in frustration. Had he really been that dumb?

“She was as clueless as you were until you started actually dating Courtney.” Kyle shook his head. “And maybe the photo shoot was convenient to get you to open your eyes, but that wasn’t its original design.”

“Yeah, whatever,” he didn’t want to talk about what was in the past. He wanted to look to the future – a future he’d hopefully manage to share with Maria. “I need to get ready for work:”

“You workin’ a double?”

“Man, I hope not, but if it means I get tomorrow night off, I will.”

“Big date?” Kyle teased.

“Big mouth?”

Max snorted. “I’d say that fits for both of you.”

“I’m outta here,” Michael shook his head.

“You can run but you can’t hide,” Kyle called after him and shook his head. “You’d think he’d be more grateful for all the help we’ve given him.”

“I bet he is, he can’t just show it,” Max snorted.

“Well, I’d be disappointed if he changed that much.”

“Exactly. Say, is there a burger left?”

“I dunno.” He reached for the bag and shook it. “Yeah, here.” He tossed it in Evans’ direction and heard him catch it. “So what’s up with you? It’s pretty obvious you respect those guys and for whatever reason they seem to like you, but it’s like you’re uncomfortable around them.”

Great, he was so obvious that even their resident blind guy was aware of it? “It’s different when you run into guys at home when the only time you knew them is at war.”

“You don’t have any interest in hangin’ out with them?”

“No I do,” he sighed. “Look, those guys always had my back and the other way around, but... they’re connected to a part of my live I’m tryin’ to forget, so...”

“What’s your shrink say about that?”

“Nothin’ I’m gonna share with you, Valenti.”

“Who would I tell?” He shook his head. “They don’t seem to have the same reservations.”

“Yeah, maybe they don’t or maybe they just deal with it differently, I don’t know.”

“Y’know, you didn’t have to hide the fact that you were over there.”

“So what? I wasn’t an open book. But who is?”

“Just sayin’.” He turned the water bottle between his hands. “I don’t guess you wanted to be there, but I’ve got a lotta respect for people who serve in that capacity.”

“It’s a bullshit war, Kyle,” Max gritted his teeth. “Stupid and senseless. You can be a lot more proud about the job you do.”

“I’m not sayin’ it’s a good thing, but it takes balls to do what you did. We fight fires and we deal with traumatic incidents, but at least no one’s shootin’ at us.” He smirked. “Well, at least not on a regular basis.”

“It doesn’t take balls. I was sent there, didn’t matter if I wanted to be there or not, alright? I didn’t volunteer for it. I’m not some kinda hero.”

Kyle held his hands up. “What’re you doin’ at your parents’ on Saturday?”

“I dunno. Probably goin’ to the park with Aaron. He likes it there an’ once we’re there he won’t shut his mouth for hours.”

“Sounds like a kid. They get excited about the weirdest things.”

“Yeah. Wish he wasn’t always so sad when we left,” Max mumbled and started to clean up the kitchen. There were burger wrappers and little pieces of lettuce all over the counter. He doubted the girls would like to see their kitchen in this state.

“We’ll get it figured out, Evans, and then you’ll be able to bring him home and he can drive you crazy inside your own four walls.”

“I’d love that,” he said honestly.

“They’ve been good for you.” He smirked and held onto the counter as he got to his feet. “I’m gonna go find somethin’ to watch. You stickin’ around for a while?”

“A little while,” Max told him. “Gonna head home soon and grab a change of clothes before work.”


Maria forced her eyes to stay open as she lay next to her brother’s sleeping frame on the hospital bed. Michael had left about an hour ago and it was almost time to go for her as well, but her mother hadn’t returned from her short run to take care of some errands yet.

Cody’s been asleep for the most part of the morning and it hurt to see him like that. His normal impatience at getting out of the hospital had been replaced with exhaustion. He hardly felt strong enough to sit up and some days he was even too tired to watch TV.

She turned to face him and ran her hand through his hair gently. “I’d give you my heart if I could,” she whispered and kissed his temple.

Her brother shifted in his sleep, pulling Quackers closer against him. Her eyes landed on the fluffy arm of the stuffed animal and she had to smile at the memory of this morning when Cody had talked Michael into drawing a little tattoo on its arm. A tattoo that looked a lot like the one that was inked into her boyfriend’s skin.

My boyfriend, she thought with a little jump of her heart. It felt surreal and yet so good. How had things gone from bad to worse to awesome in less than a week? There was no good answer for it, but she liked, no she loved it, and could only hope that it would last, that he didn’t get cold feet suddenly or whatever. That would surely break her heart for good.

The door opened quietly and Amy stepped in, carrying a paper bag with several items from the drug store. She hadn’t been home for more than a few hours all week and she wondered if there would ever be a time when she returned to the apartment she lived in without feeling loss and pain. “Hey, I’m back,” she greeted her daughter quietly. “You look tired.”

“I am,” Maria got out of the bed slowly, thankful that she managed it without waking Cody. “But there’s no time to sleep yet. I’ve gotta be at work soon. I’ve gotta run by my old company so they can sign my release papers.”

Amy dropped the bag on one of the stools next to the small table in the room and gestured out into the hallway. “You got a few minutes left to talk to your mother?”

“Sure, Mom.” She frowned and followed her outside. “What’s up? Don’t tell me there’s more bad news,” she begged.

“No, at least it didn’t look like bad news to me,” she said with a small smile.

“Huh?” Her face was blank. “So tell me. If there’s anything good then I sure wanna know.”

Amy sat in one of the chairs that lined the hallway and motioned to the one next to her. “So, you and Michael?”

Maria couldn’t help the stupid wide smile on her face as she sat down next to her mom. “We’re giving it a shot.”

She nodded, her heart nearly bursting in response to the expression of happiness on her daughter’s face. “What changed?”

“Oh, hell, I don’t really know, Mom. It happened so fast I can’t actually believe it. His girlfriend – uh, well, ex anyway, came to me and asked me to talk to him because he wasn’t talkin’ to her and-” she stopped when she realized she hadn’t told her mother about the history before just to save her some drama.

An eyebrow lifted in question and she made a rolling motion with her hand. “Just get it out.”

“I guess I have to go back a little more.” She used both of her hands to twist her hair around and place it over one shoulder. “During the photo shoot for Max’s tat studio something happened between me an’ him. We kinda... made out. Sort of.”

“Um-hmm, you kinda sorta made out,” Amy said slowly. There was no ‘kinda sorta’, you either did or you didn’t as far as she was concerned. She wasn’t a prude by any means and she’d always encouraged openness and honesty with her children, in anything and everything, so if Maria needed to share then she was prepared to listen and advise if need be. She hoped.

“We made out,” Maria clarified with a little bit of embarrassment. “And things went really down from there, ya know? There was obviously something he felt as well an’ I tried to be honest with him. I told him I didn’t regret it and he said he needed time to figure it out. I was giving him the time, but then his coworker – the one who was in the accident with Kyle – he died and I went to see him because I knew he’d be taken back by that.”

She had known Michael a long time and she knew how he had reacted to the tragedies that had occurred in that time. He and Maria had always turned to each other, but if things had changed between them she was sure it had left him lost and confused, and he probably hadn’t reacted well. “He wasn’t doing well.” It wasn’t a question, just an opening to continue.

“No, not at all. He had avoided his girlfriend after our... incident, and for days he wouldn’t talk to anyone else and he wasn’t talking to me either. The talk didn’t go very well. I think he kicked me out after just a few minutes.”

“That must’ve hurt.”

“It did,” she admitted. “But looking back now, I was probably too hurt and confused myself to really reach him, ya know?”

“Yeah, the emotions you were dealing with aren’t the kind that’re easily set aside to deal with someone else. Especially when your feelings for that person are all tangled up.” She was quiet for a moment. “He pushed you away.”

“Yeah, he did,” she sighed. “And I was totally gonna leave him alone. I was mad at him for being so rude after all these years, ya know?”

Amy chuckled and leaned her head back to rest against the wall. “I’m sure after a lifetime of being the only one he’s allowed close when things got really rough and suddenly being grouped in with everyone else you were hurt and very angry.” And she knew most of that anger would’ve come from being so hurt by his rejection.

“Well, anyway, Courtney showed up at my apartment and begged me to talk to him since he’s been avoiding her and for some reason I agreed.”

She didn’t need to ask why Maria had agreed. She already knew why. And if his girlfriend wasn’t completely blind to the fact that there was more between them than just friends then she had to be desperate to go to Maria for help with Michael. “So you went to him.”

“Yeah, I found him where I expected him to be and I talked to him again.” She rolled her eyes. “Okay, I pretty much begged him to get outta this because ya know, I needed him as well. He’s always been my best friend no matter what had recently changed. I didn’t expect it, but we had a very good talk then. I admitted my feelings.” She shrugged. “I guess he suspected it before, but I openly told him about my feelings and I guess it was the right thing to do. I felt a lot better once it was out.”

“And what about him?” She had suspected for a very long time that what was between her daughter and Michael went much deeper than just friendship but she had never pushed them together. If it was right, if it was what they needed, she had known they would find their way. She had watched them together earlier and she had known something had changed. It was in their body language, in the touches that held more depth than ever before, it was in the way they spoke to each other, the way their voice changed when they spoke the other’s name.

“He was still hesitant, I guess. I mean, he was still officially Courtney’s boyfriend and he wanted to talk to her first, before anything between us moved in any direction.”

“That was a wise decision.” And one that should have been taken into consideration before he and Maria made out, but she kept that thought to herself. “He broke off the relationship?”

“Yeah, last night he went to see her,” she agreed.

“And now the two of you are...?”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 163

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Yeah, the little man’s still in a very tough position.

Eva: Things are going to be moving pretty good now.

Kyle really does tend to see things a little differently than most, and now with his eyes out of commission temporarily, he’s seeing even more.

CandyliciousLovah: Mother and daughter have a very close relationship and Amy’s very perceptive as well. Maria could use some support from her mom and vice versa.

begonia9508: Thanks! The guys are on the job and they won’t stop until Alex is found.

keepsmiling7: Yeah, a little jealousy doesn’t hurt.

Cody’s a great little guy and he’s always held a special place in Michael’s heart.

sarammlover: Cody’s situation is still touch and go, but we’re working on it. ;)

Max still has some work to do, but he is making progress. It’ll take time to get to a place where he accepts his past and can find a way to live with it. But Dr. Rodgers is a good therapist and Max is cooperating with her. Yep, gotta love it when a plan comes together, right? Lol. Thanks!

Natalie36: The gang’s working together to hopefully find a way to make most of those things happen. Maria loves her little brother and she’d do anything she could to save him.

SmileeUk: Yes, we are! Michael’s got a real soft spot for that little guy.

Lol, Kyle’s really got a gift here. He’s always been intuitive, but it’s even more apparent now.

Alien_Friend: The DeLuca family definitely deserves some good news for once!

Our gang is definitely heading in lots of right directions. There are still a few things to get over with, but finally there is some light at the end of the tunnel, right?

Part 163

Facing Truth

“We’re... together,” a smile broke loose for the second time. “He came to Brooklyn in the middle of the night after he talked to her.”

Amy couldn’t hold back the smile. It was just so good to see Maria genuinely happy for a change. “And the two of you have talked? I mean, really talked about what you want and how you feel? You didn’t just fall into bed first.”

“We did talk,” she agreed. “He stayed the night.”

And she wasn’t going to ask the next question that popped into her head. “The two of you seemed very happy earlier.” She leaned over and wrapped her arms around her daughter. “I hope you’re both very happy together for a very long time, sweetie.”

“Thanks Mom. I hope so too. It still seems too good to be true, but I decided to not let my worries get the best of me. I wanna enjoy that feeling.”

“And you should, Maria. Enjoy it and embrace it with everything you have.”

“Alright,” she looked at her watch. “I need to go so I can get that paper signed before I need to be at the catalog shoot later.”

She nodded. “Take care of yourself, Maria.”

“You too, Mom. An’ call me if there’s any change in Cody’s condition, alright?” She looked at the closed door to his room and felt her happiness slip down a few notches. “I wish there was something to do besides wait.”

“As long as we’re waiting there’s hope. Just hold onto that.”

“I will,” she agreed and got out of her seat. “I’ll call ya tonight.”

Amy smiled and watched Maria head for the elevators after looking in on Cody once more. Her steps were a little lighter and for that she was so grateful. She tipped her head back and closed her eyes. “That’s one down and one to go,” she whispered.


The fact that it was another burning, meltingly hot day and she was sweating after being back outside for less than two minutes didn’t bother her at all today. She just kept walking the two blocks until she reached the building that housed her old company and stepped inside, welcoming the cold blast of air conditioning that greeted her.

The skin on her neck felt sweaty where her hair clung to it and so did every other part of her body that was covered with any kind of clothing, but not even that could bring down her mood. “Hey, is Nancy in her office?” she asked a passing model.

“She should be,” the girl nodded.

“Good,” Maria crossed the wide hallway and knocked on the wood door of her former boss’ office, opening it when she heard a muffled ‘come in’ from the other side.

Nancy Wilson glanced up from her phone call with one of her photographers, doing her best to soothe his ruffled feathers so the shoot could continue as scheduled. If there was a way to do photo shoots without these high maintenance photographers she’d jump on it. She smiled when she saw Maria standing there and waved her in. As soon as she could she ended the call and gave her soon-to-be officially former employee her full attention. “How are you, Maria?”

“Good, I’m very good, Nancy. I’m just here to get the last of my things out of my locker and to ask you to sign the papers.”

The woman watched her for a moment. “I’ve spoken to your new company and assured them that they can expect the highest quality of work from you.” She had always known that Maria wouldn’t be with her agency for long. They’d had a good working relationship and she was happy to see her have the opportunity to move on to something that might take her to greater heights. Her agency was small compared to many others and it was often more of a stepping stone for her models.

“Thanks, I appreciate that,” she smiled.

“I have your paperwork prepared and I think you’ll find everything in order.” She reached for a folder and opened it up, holding it out to the girl.

“You’re giving me a folder with my shots?”

She smiled. “Well, with most of my employees, agreeing to break a contract would be difficult, and with you it is as well, but for a different reason. So yes, I’ve decided to release your dossier to you, and you’ll also find your contract release inside. I’ve already signed off on it. I’ll just need you to sign it and leave a copy for me.”

“That’s very nice,” Maria smiled brightly and grabbed a pen from the desk to sign the forms as well. “It was fun working for you, Nancy.”

“I knew from the first time we met that you were destined for something much greater than you would find here. I hope you’ll find it with the new company, and should you ever need anything I hope you won’t hesitate to call.” She chuckled. “And if you ever find yourself in a position where you need a little something extra I’m sure I’ll be able to find a job for you.”

“I was lucky when I found this job by accident,” the younger woman got out of her seat but before she even know it she found herself hugging her former boss. “Thanks again. And I I’ll stop by when I’m around.”

“I’ll look forward to it.” She turned her head when her phone rang and she reached over and punched the speaker button. “What is it, Allison?”

“Your two o’clock appointment’s here, ma’am.”

“Alright,” Maria grabbed the folder and went to the door. “See you around.” She stepped outside and made her way to the lockers. There wasn’t much in it other than a book and some lip gloss, but she wanted to empty it anyway.

The sounds of her heels echoed in the hall and almost swallowed the other person’s words when she spoke. “If this just isn’t my luck.”

She felt her spine stiffen in response to Courtney’s biting tone. She turned slowly and forced her posture to remain relaxed as she faced off against her boyfriend’s ex. “Courtney.”

“Not happy to see me, huh?” the other girl said, hands on her hips. “I wonder why?”

“Look, I’m not getting into this with you.”

“Oh, come on. What the hell is your problem? You won, alright? You got what you wanted from the very beginning. If anyone doesn’t want to get into THIS then it should be me, don’t you think?”

“Then let it pass.”

Courtney snorted. “Let it pass. I came to you and asked for help and you just fuckin’ lied into my face.”

“No, I didn’t! I had no idea things were gonna take the turn they took!”

“Oh really? And you what? Forgot that you seduced my boyfriend on the floor of that tattoo studio?”

“Excuse me?” She didn’t know what exactly Michael had told Courtney, but he wouldn’t have told her that much.

“You knew he was with me and yet it didn’t stop you. How could you do that?”

Maria bit back the automatic denial. She should’ve stopped, she knew that. “I’m not excusing my behavior, and I’m sorry you got hurt, that was never my intention.”

“I don’t know what your intentions were in the first place, Maria. Ever since you introduced me to him you’ve become more an’ more of a bitch. Why introduce me to him if you wanted him? That’s a shitty thing to do.”

“If I had realized early on that things had changed I wouldn’t have told you there was nothing between us.”

“That’s bullshit. You must’ve known. Everyone seemed to know besides the two of you,” Courtney said, frustrated. “And you know it sucks to be pulled into the middle of this. What was I? Some stupid girl you could use to make him see he wanted you instead?”

Maria sighed and shook her head. “I didn’t introduce you to him thinking he’d ever ask you out or decide to give a relationship a shot. I just thought maybe we’d hang out and have some fun. There wasn’t some underlying plot to use you.”

“Hello, Courtney,” Nancy showed up next to them with a frown. She wasn’t sure what was going on between her employee and ex-employee and she didn’t want to intervene, but she had to leave for an emergency on a set downtown, so she needed to get this information out. “I have good news for you.”

“I could use some,” she muttered.

“I just got a call from Colton Starling and he said you should come in tonight for a tryout.”

Courtney’s eyebrows shot up and her mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding? Isn’t he producing the new Usher video?”

No way, Maria thought. No freakin’ way!

“He is, and Usher seems to like you. I heard they’ve invited two or three girls to the tryout and Usher himself will make the final decision.”

“Oh, my God, really?” She glanced at her watch. “What time’s my audition?”

“You’re supposed to be at Top of the Rocks at 5pm.”

She shot a look at Maria. She may have managed to steal Michael from her, but she wouldn’t be taking this job! “I’ll be there.” She impulsively hugged her employer. “Thank you!”

When would this competition finally end? Maria wondered bitterly and went to her locker. She tried to remind herself that she had the one thing that really counted. Michael’s love. But it still stung that Courtney was now still messing with her job without even knowing. And she hadn’t heard anything from Starling yet.

Courtney went to her own locker and opened it up, pulling out a few things before she broke the silence. “Well, you’ll have to excuse me if I don’t wish you good luck with whatever you’re gonna be doing now. I have an audition to get ready for so goodbye.”

Maria bit her lip until it hurt. “Bye,” she muttered under her breath, telling herself over and over again that she was better than that.


Isabel pocketed the key to Alex’s apartment as she closed the door behind her and leaned back against it. Her eyes moved around the shadowed interior, thinking back to the night of the blackout. She had learned so much about him in a few short hours of darkness. That brief time had given her the opportunity to see him in a completely different light and she’d been surprised to learn that he wasn’t the guy she’d always assumed him to be.

Then she’d learned even more about him after they had struck that ridiculous deal that had forced them to spend more time in each other’s company. Before long she’d realized she actually enjoyed being with him, talking to him, and debating different topics. He was an intelligent conversationalist, he was intuitive, he was an exceptional listener, and he had an amazing ability to cut through the bull to get to the heart of the matter.

She glanced around when a phone started to ring and it took a moment for her to realize it was her phone. She hurried to grab it from her bag and frowned at the unfamiliar number on the screen before answering it. “Hello?”

“Good afternoon, my name’s Shannon Dewitt and I’m trying to reach an Isabel Guerin?”

Shannon, Shannon, she mused. The name was familiar but she was certain she didn’t know anyone by that name. “You’ve reached her. What can I do for you?”

“Oh, thank goodness. I work at the Glendale Residential Care Facility – “

“Yes, of course! I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize the number.” She had called and spoken with the director of the facility personally as soon as they had been certain that Alex was missing, making sure they had her information. She had been surprised to learn that he’d already left her name and number in case there was an emergency and they couldn’t reach him.

“Has there been any news about Alex?”

“Not yet. The police are looking, but so far they haven’t managed to turn up anything.” She paused a moment. “Is anything wrong?”

“I’m afraid his sister’s condition is rapidly deteriorating and she’s not expected to make it through the night. I was hoping he’d been found, but I knew if he had he would’ve been here already.”

“Shannon, if it’s alright I’d like to come out and sit with Sandy tonight.” It was the least she could do for Alex. And no one should have to die alone. She disconnected after getting the woman’s approval and after one last look around she left his apartment.


Liz sat in the outer office at Dr. Rebecca Rodgers’ professional office suite, her eyes following Max over the top of her magazine as he paced back and forth. She had been expecting him when he’d shown up to pick her up, but she’d been surprised when he’d gripped the steering wheel tightly and asked if she’d accompany him to his session with his therapist. She had wondered if his therapist would ever suggest it, but she hadn’t asked, not wanting to push. If he wasn’t comfortable with it she didn’t want to make it worse.

She had a feeling he’d half-expected her to say no, had maybe even hoped for it. She hoped this was a good sign, that his request meant he was prepared to let her in just that much farther. She knew he was getting hit from all sides now that his old Army buddies had come back into his life and all of his friends now knew that he had served. She could only imagine what he was going through and it touched something deep inside of her that he was willing to go to these lengths for them as well as himself.

The inner door opened and a woman stepped out of the office, nodding in their direction as she crossed the room with a middle aged man. The psychiatrist waited until the door had closed on the patient she had just finished with before turning to face her next appointment.

“Max, it’s good to see you again,” she said with a smile. At the end of their last session she had asked if he might consider bringing his girlfriend to one of his appointments, leaving it up to him if he wanted to take that step. He was making progress and while he hadn’t yet shared anything he’d written she could tell that he was beginning to work through some of his issues. She turned to the young woman and extended her hand. “You must be Liz.”

She placed the magazine aside and smiled. “I am. Nice to meet you, Dr. Rodgers.”

“You too. I’ve heard quite a lot about you.” She motioned to the inner office. “Won’t you come in and have a seat?”

“Yeah,” her eyes shifted to Max. “Sure.”

Dr. Rodgers waited at the open doorway after the young woman had gone inside and she pulled the door nearly closed as she faced her patient. “Max, I’m pleased to see you’ve taken this step.” She watched him for a moment. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“As ready as I’m ever gonna be, I guess.”

“Let’s get going then.” She opened the door again and waited for him to enter.

“Yeah,” he muttered, not really looking forward to it.

She took her seat, smoothing her hand over her skirt as she crossed one leg over the other. She rested her notebook on her knee and held it in place with her right hand. On Monday she had asked Max to work on his next assignment, recalling his first meeting with the people who had become his friends after he had been released from duty. “How’s the writing going?”

“Good, I guess,” he scratched his neck without looking at her or Liz.

“I understand the two of you have plans to spend Saturday with Aaron,” she said with a glance at Liz. “How has he adjusted to being away from home?”

“He’s adjusting okay, I think. It helps that he’s with Max’s parents. They’re lovely and Aaron knows that they’re Max’s parents so he knows we’ll come to visit him.”

“That’s good. Being able to remain in a stable family environment is good for him as well as for you. I wonder if I might ask you how things are going between the two of you? It must be a challenge to a relatively new relationship to deal with all of this.”

Liz glanced at Max and when he wasn’t about to say anything, she answered. “It is a lot to deal with, but I think we’re doing good considering everything that’s happened. We haven’t been together that long, but it feels like we’ve known each other for years, ya know? Max easily accepted Aaron as a part of our life no matter if he was my child or my brother and I really love him for that. I brought a lot of baggage into our relationship.”

She nodded. “And Max’s service and resulting medical discharge... any concerns there?”

“Concerns how?”

“People suffering with PTSD can exhibit symptoms that can be of some concern to others, even loved ones. Nightmares, flashbacks, mood swings. You have a young child you hope to regain custody of, a child who, if you succeed, will be living under the same roof as a man who deals with these issues. Do you feel that Max’s condition is something that could be a danger to Aaron or to yourself?”

“No,” Liz eyes widened. “No, I never really thought much about it.”

Max forced his hands to remain relaxed. Dr. Rodgers had warned him that she would be asking these questions and it was one of the reasons he hadn’t been able to decide whether to ask Liz to accompany him. But in the end he’d been unable to let that question go. He needed the answers but if he was honest with himself he was terrified of them too.

“And now that it’s been brought up, do you feel like it’s something you need to be concerned about?”

“No, I don’t think there’s any need to be concerned. I mean, yes, I know how serious it is, but Max has never taken any of that out on anyone but himself. And he lets me know when he needs space so that helps.”

Dr. Rodgers nodded and made a notation in her notebook. “Max, how do you feel about that?”

What kinda question was that? How did he feel about it? “I’m not gonna let Liz or Aaron get hurt over my problems. At least I try not to. I’d never do anything like that on purpose.”

No, she had seen nothing in their sessions to indicate he’d ever react violently against his loved ones intentionally. “Have you noticed any changes since they’ve come into your life? Since your history of military service has become known to your friends? Have the nightmares increased or decreased?”


“So you’re sleeping less? How’s that affecting your mood?” She glanced between the couple, letting them know either of them could respond to the questions.

“Neither of us has been getting much sleep lately for several reasons and we’re doing okay,” Liz answered first.

“I suppose that’s to be expected,” she agreed. “Max, I thought maybe we could discuss the situation with your father today. If you’re comfortable with that.”

His gaze wandered to the door and all he could think about was running out and never coming back, but he knew that wasn’t an option if he ever wanted a real chance with Liz. “What’s there to talk about?”

“Do you blame him for your time overseas?”

“No,” he snapped.

Liz frowned at him and then looked at the other woman. What he had said wasn’t true and they both knew it.

Dr. Rodgers nodded and contemplated her notes for a moment before speaking again. “The hostility in your tone would suggest the opposite.”

Max glanced out the window, wishing to be anywhere but there at that moment. “He made that deal for me. It was either join the Army or going to jail.”

He wasn’t answering the question directly. “How’s your relationship with your father today?” she asked, changing direction.

Liz watched his jaw tightening as he tried to keep it together in front of her and Dr. Rodgers. She wanted to help him so badly, but she knew she had to come to terms with this one on his own.

“We’re getting along for Aaron’s sake,” he told her.

“So Aaron acts as a buffer between the two of you.” She made a notation and nodded. “Where do you think you’d be today if your father hadn’t been able to broker the deal that kept you out of prison?”

He lifted his head and looked at her with narrowed eyes. “How the hell should I know? I know I should be thankful that I didn’t land in jail, but what if it wouldn’t have messed with my mind the way the war did? No one will ever be able to tell me that.”

“No, you’re right about that. Looking back on it, knowing what you know now, do you think you should’ve taken the other option?”

“I can’t take it back so there’s no reason to wonder about it. What happened, happened. I don’t go around wondering about the what-ifs.”

“Have you ever had it out with your father over what happened? It’s pretty apparent there was already a growing space between the two of you before you were arrested and it sounds like that hasn’t been bridged.”

“Something you should know about my father, Dr. Rodgers,” Max snarled, “is that I was always a disappointment in his eyes. Started in high school when my grades weren’t where he wanted them to be and it only increased when he didn’t like my friends or the hobbies I had.” He ran a hand through his short hair. “If I said white, he said black, if I wanted baseball, he insisted on football. It was always like that, I just couldn’t do anything right.

She had a feeling his issues with his father were holding him back a lot more than he knew. “And before high school? Your relationship with him wasn’t filled with disagreements and disappointments?”

“He’s always been rigid with things,” he shrugged one shoulder, “but he wasn’t as demanding when I was younger.”

“And do you think that changed because as you got older you started making your own choices about things? Did he take issue with that? Or was it more because some of your choices were of a dangerous nature?”

“He didn’t agree with most of what I was doin’ long before I started to act out,” he snapped.

This was an incredibly touchy subject, she thought. “Has he tried to reconcile with you since you came home?”

“Yeah, but only on his terms.”

“On his terms?”

“Yeah, he wants me back in his life, but does it mean he admits he made mistakes too?” Max shook his head. “No, not at all. It’s still my fault.”

She looked at the young woman seated across from her. “What’s your take on the situation, Liz? You’ve met Mr. Evans, spent some time with the family. I know you see things from an entirely different perspective and you don’t know Mr. Evans as well as Max does, but how do you see their relationship?”

“It’s strained,” she admitted and looked at her boyfriend briefly. She didn’t want to say anything to upset him, but this therapy was about honesty and getting over certain things, right? So she couldn’t just come up with something that wasn’t the whole truth. “I think both of them don’t really know what to say or do because they already expect that whatever they say won’t be good enough or it’d just offend the other one. You know what I mean?”

“I do know, yes.” Interesting. “Max, how’s your relationship with your mother?” She had a feeling it was the easier of the two.

“Better. She’s like the neutral pole between us.”

She smiled. “She tries to bridge that gap between you and your father doesn’t she?”


“How does that make you feel?”

“Makes me feel sorry for her,” he admitted.

“Why is that? I mean, she’s your mother, your father’s wife, it stands to reason she’d want to do whatever she can to bring her family back together.”

“Yeah, but it’s like she’s been trying for years and doesn’t get a break from it.”

“Then what keeps you from taking that first step? From accepting the olive branch he’s extended in spite of the fact that you feel it’s only being offered on his terms?”

Max frowned. “Why would I try to hurt my mother anymore than she’s already been hurt?”

“You think it would hurt her?”

He looked at her in confusion. “It wouldn’t hurt her if we got along better. I just meant I don’t wanna hurt my mom by making things with my Dad any worse. It doesn’t mean I can just forget and pretend things are okay.”

Dr. Rodgers watched him for a moment before she spoke again. “Let’s assume things work out the way you hope they do.” She gestured between the couple. “The two of you stay together and you have custody of Aaron.” She nodded at Liz. “You’re his sister, but you’re significantly older and you’ll be raising him.” Her gaze shifted to Max. “The two of you will be raising him as a couple and you’ll be parental figures to him. He’s only four years old and Liz, you’ve already had custody of him for what,” she glanced at her notes, “more than a year now. Any memories he has of your parents are probably few and far between, so as time goes by he’ll see you more as a mother figure than a sister, if he doesn’t already. And Max, you’ll be cast in the role of father figure.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “How do you see your relationship with him? I mean, you’ll obviously want what’s best for him, and I have no doubt you’ll work hard to provide him with a stable home life, but what do you see in the future? Was there anything about your relationship with your own father that you’d like to incorporate into your relationship with Aaron?”

He thought about it for a while. Of course he knew what her question was really about, but he was willing to consider an honest answer anyway. “There would be some things,” he nodded after a while. “My parents gave me a good childhood. I had everything I wanted or needed. I felt safe and loved and I was well cared for.”

Dr. Rodgers glanced at the clock on the wall. In her opinion these sessions always went by so fast, but she had a feeling the young man across from her would disagree. “Well, we’re about out of time for today.” There was no way to miss the relief that washed over his features but she schooled her expression so he wouldn’t see her amusement. “I’d like to change up the theme for your writing assignment for Monday’s appointment.” She nodded when she saw the look of suspicion on his face. “Your assignments so far have focused on your time in the military. Now I’d like for you to focus on your life before that. I’d like for you to write about the night you were arrested and what led up to it. Focus on your father’s reaction and how he followed up on it. And then I’d like you to end it with a ‘what if’.” She had a feeling he knew where she was going by the look on his face. “Try to put yourself in his shoes. I want you to imagine yourself twelve years in the future. Aaron’s sixteen, almost seventeen years old, and put him in your place when you were that age. Imagine your reaction, the options available to you. What do you do to effectively save your son?”

He was about to protest, but kept his mouth shut. Surely, he could come up with a better plan than how his father had handled things, right? Not to mention he couldn’t imagine Aaron ever getting into so much trouble, but IF... well then he would surely be able to prevent things from happening the way they had with him.

“Liz, you’re not in court-appointed therapy, but I wonder if you might be willing to participate going forward?”

She looked at Max with uncertainty. “I will if that’s what Max wants too.”

“You would only share sessions if Max is comfortable with it. I can understand if he isn’t, or if you aren’t for that matter. These sessions can be very personal and they can also be very intense, so I don’t want either of you to agree if you aren’t sure.”

“We’ll talk about it at home,” she offered.

“That’s an excellent answer.” She looked between them. “And there’s no pressure, okay? It doesn’t reflect negatively on my report to the court. It’s just a suggestion because I think there’s potential here, but it’s in no way mandatory.”

“Okay,” Liz smiled and took Max’s hand in hers, feeling the tension there.

Dr. Rodgers smiled and stood. “I know you probably don’t see it, Max, but your sessions are going well.”

She probably said that to every patient, he mused and stood, pulling Liz with him. “I’ll see you next week then?”

“Monday, as usual,” she agreed with a nod.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 164

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Lol, that was one way to start the day. Dr. Rodgers’ idea may be very helpful for both of them.

Eva: Isabel’s taking a big step and being supportive the only way she knows how to at the moment.

We’ll see how the audition goes today.

The sessions are hard and they’re making him face things he’s done his best to suppress. Not easy, but beneficial in the end.

begonia9508: That’s gonna be hard for Alex, but hopefully it’ll help to know she wasn’t alone.

Liz attending the sessions with Max could really help both of them.

It would’ve been impossible for her to overlook the obvious, but she sure tried.

Earth2Mama: Lol, we’re not sure about how it’ll end, but we’ll find out today how the audition goes.

The search for Alex is underway and we’ll see things really swing into action over the next few weeks.

No, Max definitely didn’t want Liz to be there, but these sessions could end up being a big help to both of them. Dr. Rodgers’ newest assignment may just be very helpful for Max and give him the perspective he needs to face what happened and gain some understanding.

Natalie36: Thanks! Isabel knows this may be the only thing that gives Alex some comfort later on.

Lol, round two is coming right up.

We may see more progress with Max and Liz sharing sessions.

kismet: Dr. Rodgers made a good call by bringing Aaron into the mix. We may yet get the opportunity to view that assignment as Max recalls what happened and considers how he might handle the same situation.

We’ll catch up with the girls at the audition today.

keepsmiling7: The sessions could prove to be beneficial for both of them.

Lol, that’s gonna make Max think.

Max and Philip will be doing some talking very soon.

sarammlover: That first meeting is out of the way… the next one is on its way.

Max is making progress though and now that Liz is attending sessions with him, it may just help both of them.

killjoy: Dr. Rodgers is working with Max in an effort to get him to deal with his past and to consider the root of his anger towards his father. Yeah, he’s definitely the one who made the choices and he has to live with the consequences. Now he just has to find a way to look at things from a different angle and perhaps gain some understanding and let go of that anger.

Isabel’s actions will mean a lot to Alex.

SmileeUk: It was indeed intense and very uncomfortable for Max, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Maria and Courtney will get their little contest today, lol.

Alex… yeah, we promise to hurry to his rescue soon!

Part 164



She spun around in her last outfit for the day’s shoot and looked at Bethany Cohan, her new boss. She smiled and held a cell out to her. “There’s someone who wants to talk to you. They couldn’t reach you on your cell, so they called the company.”

“Who is it?”

“Colton Starling,” she answered with a knowing smile.

Maria’s eyes grew wide and she took the phone from the older woman, ignoring it when the hairstylist next to her complained when she moved. “Hello?”

“Am I talking to Maria? Maria DeLuca?”

“Yes, that’s me. Sorry, I’m in the middle of a shoot so you couldn’t reach me on my own number.”

“Oh, I hope the shoot won’t last much longer because we’d like to extend an invitation to the final casting for the music video we were talking about.”

Her eyes searched Bethany’s, who nodded silently. “We’re almost finished here.”

“I could be there in about half an hour. I’m not far from your location.”

“Good,” the deep male voice seemed to be pleased. “I’m looking forward to seeing you again.”

“Is there anything I need to bring?”

“No, just be there at six.”

“I will be,” she promised and they said their goodbyes.

“Is that what I think it is?” her boss asked, amused when she saw the excited look on the young woman’s face.

“Yeah, it is. And I’d already written it off because I knew someone else had been invited, but obviously they want me to be there too.”

“Then I suggest we hurry, huh?” She turned and brought two fingers up, whistling to get the photographer’s attention. “Marc, my dear, we’ll take Maria’s shots first. She has more important things to do tonight.”

“Whatever you want, Beth,” he smiled and waited until his model was completely styled before he took her last pictures for the day. “You’re a natural, darling. If I wasn’t already married I’d be inviting you for dinner.”

Maria smiled. “Thanks. And if I wasn’t already in a relationship, I’d accept.”

It only took a few minutes and her shots were done. The good thing about getting invited to this video cast at the last minute was that she was already styled, which would hopefully make a good impression.

She hurried into the building to find her street clothes and then left with a few quick goodbyes to her coworkers. The casting was only two blocks away, so she decided to walk since it would probably be faster than attempting to hail a cab first.

As soon as she reached the other building she saw the long line of models in front of it and her good mood sank. How many people were in the final casting? This was a waste of time, damn it.

Not in much of a hurry now, she approached the others and looked for the end of the line, but spun around when someone tapped her shoulder. “Are you Maria?” a young man about her age asked and glanced at his clipboard and then back at her.

“Yeah, why?”

“Maria DeLuca?” He turned the clipboard and pointed at her name next to a very small picture of her.

“That’s me,” she agreed.

“Thank God,” he said, relieved as he shot a little look up at the sky. “I was afraid I’d never find you with all the people out here. I’m Aiden.”

“Well, hello Aiden,” she greeted, confused.

“Let’s go,” he took her hand and pulled her with him.

“Hey, wait,” she stopped him. “Where’re we goin’?”

He looked at her, puzzled, but then understanding crossed his features. “Oh, you thought you were gonna have to wait in line?” He made a dismissive gesture. “These girls are just trying out for the background stuff. You’re trying out for the lead.”

Her eyes widened in surprise but she hurried to keep up with him when he spoke into the headset he wore, affirming that he had found her and they were on their way. “Wow, is it always like this?”

“If you’re working for Usher, then yeah, it’s always like this. But somehow New York is just a little crazier.”

“It’s the heat,” she said with a laugh.

“Yeah, the freakin’ heat makes me insane,” Aiden agreed and pushed a door open, where nice cool air washed over them. “Ah, that’s much better.”

“Do you know what’s going on? I mean, is this another audition or are they actually making a decision tonight?”

“It’s the last audition for the lead. Only you and two others are left.”

She was in the top three, she realized. She’d already gotten farther than she’d ever expected to when Graham had first brought it up. “Does Usher make the final decision?” Would he actually be there?

“His assistant mostly decides, but you never know.”

“Is it a group or solo audition?”

“You’re very curious, huh?” he asked as they stepped into the waiting elevator. “It’s probably both.”

“Well,” she laughed, “it never hurts to ask, right? Other than being told when and where to be, I haven’t had much information to go on. They kinda just tell me what to do when I get there.”

“They always do that, chica,” Aiden shook his head with a laugh. “Usher wants it that way, ya know? He thinks if the actors for his vids don’t have time to prepare it’ll be much easier to separate the good from the bad ones.”

“I hope so.”


“No, just cautiously optimistic.”

“I’d say your chances are good.”

Did he know something? “Then I’ll think about dropping the caution.” She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “Well, maybe when I make it past this audition.”

The sound of the elevator announced their arrival and as soon as the door opened a huge hall could be seen. It was full of people who were running around crazily, wearing headsets on or the cells in their hands. “Welcome to perfectly organized chaos, Miss DeLuca.”

She swallowed in an attempt to dislodge her sudden bout of nerves. “Will it be long before the audition begins?” She really hoped when the music producer had called and said six, he meant six and not that the audition would be held after a ridiculous amount of time spent standing around waiting.

“Seriously? In this business you never know.”

“Yeah, time seems to stand still or pass at the speed of light in this business. It never seems to just pass at a normal rate.”

“Yo Miranda,” Aiden called over several heads to get a woman’s attention. He gestured to Maria when the other woman turned to look at her. “Time to say goodbye for now, Maria. Miranda will show you where to go from here.”

“Okay, thanks...” she started but he was already on the move.

“Has he already told you about your task?” Miranda asked as she walked, expecting her to follow.

“Um, no.” Maria hurried to keep up with the other woman.

The woman sighed. “Alright. There are three of you. First, you’ll have to wipe all that makeup off of your face. The audition will be done naked,” she chuckled. “I mean blank without makeup. Not without clothes of course.”

Well, that was a relief, she thought, hoping her expression hadn’t given away her shock at the woman’s words. “Of course. Why is that exactly?”

“Because the video will be done without make up. Usher wants natural beauty. His song’s about something like that.”

The camera had a way of picking out flaws, she thought as she nodded. “I don’t think I’ve come across a request like that in the past.”

“Well, they say new challenges allow you to grow, right? This could be your breakthrough.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” Me and two other girls.

“You wanna meet your opponents?”

No. “Sure,” she agreed with a smile. When she had stopped by her old agency earlier that day to meet with Nancy she had given Courtney the news that she had been selected and had told her to be there at 5pm. She wondered what the chances were that Courtney was still there and that she was one of the two other girls that had made it.

“Go ahead,” Miranda opened a door and gestured for her to enter. “Someone will pick you up soon.”

“Thanks for...” and once again she was left mid-sentence while the other person took off, this time effectively shutting the door in her face. She turned around and smiled, feeling her heart drop into her toes when she saw Courtney staring daggers at her from across the room. The second girl was drop-dead gorgeous, lowering a fashion magazine to give her the once-over, and then moving her eyebrows in a dismissive manner before turning her attention back to the magazine. Well, no point introducing themselves, she decided.

“Looks like you made it past the last cut,” Courtney said and refused to look away.

“Yeah, isn’t this just my luck?” Maria replied and went over to the little table where everything she needed to get rid of her makeup was lined up.

“I wouldn’t count on making it past the final cut.”

I wouldn’t either if I was you, she thought, but bit back the comment.

“Where’s your cheering section? Leave them home this time?” She picked up a magazine but didn’t bother opening it up.

Maria rolled her eyes while she faced away from the girl. “I’m capable of doing things on my own.”

“Wouldn’t know it from the way they’re always around.”

Go and find some friends of your own, she thought and started to clear her face of any makeup. She should be thankful she’d introduced her to so many nice people. It was her own fault no one could really stand her. She’d just picked the wrong guy. And I got him, she added with some satisfaction.

“I’m surprised your personal bodyguard could let you out of his sight.”

“Isn’t it obvious that she doesn’t want to talk to you? Jeez,” the third girl in the room complained.

“Was anyone talking to you?” Courtney snapped. “Keep your nose out of it, Tiffani-with-an-i.” As soon as they’d been introduced the other girl had quickly pointed out that her name was spelled with an i not a y, like she gave a shit!

“No one’s talking to you either,” Maria pointed out. “So why don’t we all just wait here in silence.”

Tiffani chuckled and shot a wink at the blonde sitting at the table before shifting her attention back to her magazine.

The door swung open and a new man walked in, also equipped with a headset and a clipboard. “Ready? We’re gonna take your shots.”

“I’m ready,” Courtney said and jumped up so quickly it was like her seat was spring-loaded.

“Almost,” Maria said, brushing the cotton pad over her face to get rid of the makeup she’d had to wear for her previous shoot. Ungh, things were starting out just great here.

Tiffani stood, taking her time dropping the magazine and running a hand through her tousled hair. “You’ll have no trouble knocking her out of the running.” She grinned confidently as she moved to the door. “I won’t be as easy to take out.” She walked out into the hallway. “Good luck,” she sang over her shoulder.

I’m surrounded with bitches, Maria thought, her nerves stretching even thinner. “Whatever,” she sang back.

Courtney followed the man and did her best to ignore the others. They walked down the hallway and then took the elevator to another floor. When the doors opened they were on the move again, ending at double doors that slid open when the man leading them swiped an access badge across the electronic panel to the right. “Alright, ladies, take the center aisle straight down to the stage. The crew’s waiting, just ask for Rick, and he’ll let you know what you need to do.”

“Thanks, dear,” Tiffani winked at him and headed in that direction.

“Thanks, dear,” Courtney mocked and rolled her eyes.

“Bitch, I will take you down after this audition’s over,” she warned.

I think I landed in kindergarten, Maria thought in frustration and followed them, leaving enough space so she wouldn’t get pulled into any kind of cat fight between the other two.

Rick Jefferson took his ball cap off and ran the back of his wrist over his forehead. He hated the fucking stage lights. It didn’t matter how well the air conditioning was doing its job, the things radiated heat like small suns. He put the cap back on backwards and adjusted his glasses as he turned and snapped his fingers. “Martine, what the hell is this?”

His assistant rolled his eyes and ran over to look at the background that had been set up for the shoot. “It’s the set you specifically ordered.”

“It’s not the set I ordered.” He stepped back and raised his hands, the gesture meant to encompass the entire stage. “I can’t shoot these girls against this backdrop. Change it out with the backup.”

“Alright, gimme five and it’ll be done.”

“I’ll give you three and expect it done in two.” He turned, ignoring the muttered curse his assistant released even as he sprinted across the stage issuing orders. Martine had been his right hand for so long he knew the request would be handled immediately. “Ladies,” he greeted when he saw the three women approaching him. He motioned for them to line up and he walked back and forth, his appreciative gaze appraising. “You’re first,” he said, pointing to the tallest of the three. “Name?”

“Tiffani, that’s with an i,” she stipulated.

“Sweetheart, I don’t care how you spell it. You wanna impress me, get up there and...” he turned to yell, “Marco!” He waved furiously when the man turned at his summons. “Get your ass over here.” Damn choreographers! “Marco will run you through the moves. Memorize them quickly because I don’t have all night.”

This is just getting better and better, Maria thought. Maybe she had a little advantage here. Remembering all the moves for her fitness classes was something she had always done easily.

Rick shook his head when the girl took off after Marco. “Tiffani with an i,” he muttered under his breath. Was he supposed to give a shit how she spelled her name? “You, you’re next.”

Courtney pointed at herself to make certain he was talking to her.

“That’s right, brainiac, you.” He sighed loudly and whirled around to face the stage. “Martine!” he shouted, his bellowing voice echoing through the room and barely dying down when the new set was rolled into place. “Thank you!” He snapped his fingers. “Kat, let’s get that camera ready to roll!” he shouted at one of the video techs before glancing at the last girl. “You, you’ll be up last and my patience is already wearing thin, so watch Marco for your cues.” He went to his chair and settled down behind the camera. “I’m only doing this once, ladies, so watch yourselves!”

“What a freakin’ ass,” Maia muttered to herself and stepped out of the way to give them some space. She chose a spot where she would still have a good view of the stage to learn the choreo and be able to detect the mistakes the others made.

“Marco, we’re only running through the middle sequence, not the entire damn thing! It’s a sixty-second shot. Please, let’s not take the next sixty minutes to show her the moves.” He checked his watch. “Martine!”

“I’ve already called and changed your reservations and Gloria’s aware that we’re running behind schedule.” It had taken some serious convincing to get the woman to accept his apologies on behalf of his boss, but he’d finally managed to smooth her ruffled feathers, and get her to agree to rescheduling dinner for later that night. Rick was difficult enough to deal with, but having to work with him the day after his girlfriend locked him out – AGAIN – was never pleasant. “I’ve arranged to have one of the drivers pick her up and take her to the restaurant as soon as we wrap for the night.”

“Alright,” he nodded sharply at his assistant, “let’s roll this thing, people!”

Maria felt her nerves kicking in. No one around here seemed to care about giving them the time of day. One mistake and you were out. Or did it even matter what they did? Maybe they had already set eyes on Tiffaniiiiii since she was everything a man could want.

Rick’s sharp gaze followed every move of model number one’s performance. Her moves were flawless and there was no doubt she broadcast her confidence to the camera. Confidence was good, but it wasn’t all they were looking for. He watched the counter on the camera, giving her the full sixty seconds before he bellowed, “Cut! Let’s get that one upstairs, Kat. Martine, let’s get setup for the next one.”

Courtney went on the stage and tried to cover her nervousness. She could do it. She WOULD do it. There was no way she was letting Maria win on this as well. This wasn’t about the video anymore, she didn’t even care about getting the job, all that mattered was kicking Maria out of the running. She had stolen Michael from her! And now she wanted the video too? No way in hell.

“Go!” Rick called for her attention and made an impatient move with his hand.

Maria hung back, her attention focused on the stage and trying to memorize what irritated the man and what pleased him. It was actually a pretty easy answer. Everything irritated him and absolutely nothing pleased him. Yeah, that was nothing to be nervous about.

Man how she hated choreo, Courtney thought as she worked her way through the sixty seconds. By the end of it, she didn’t have a clue if she had been good or bad, but she was glad it was over.

“Numero Dos, exit stage left and Marco will let you know what’s next.” He rolled his shoulders. “Kat, Martine...”

“Got it under control over here,” Martine called back.

“You,” he turned to the third girl, “let’s get this show on the road. I’d like to get out of here before Christmas.”

“Okay,” Maria took a final last breath and then stepped up on the stage with a determined expression. She nodded to the man who was setting the music and waited for it to begin. As soon as the first sounds reached her ears she started to sway her hips and launched into the choreo. It wasn’t really that hard to remember, no, it was more like a combination of three steps in different directions.

Rick sat forward in his chair, his eyes glued to the monitor. “Kat, switch to camera two.”

This was a lot like doing fitness classes, Maria thought while she danced through the minute she had been given in order to convince them she was the right girl for the job. Her imagination wandered and she pretended that Michael was the only one in the room watching her.

“Back to one,” the director bit out, nodding to himself when the switch went flawlessly. “Martine, when we’re done, rush this upstairs.” The first girl had confidence in spades, the second had presented a perfect performance, but this one had charisma. The first two had run through the short routine with Marco before slipping into the audition, but this one... she had declined when the choreographer had stepped out onstage. She had memorized the moves while watching the first two during their auditions and hadn’t required anymore help.

Maria ended her performance and stepped from the stage, not expecting any kind of rating from this Rick guy since he didn’t seem to care about which of them got the job and it didn’t appear he was the one who had the final say anyway. Hopefully this would all be over soon. Even if she didn’t get the job, somehow it didn’t seem that important anymore. For all she cared, she just wanted to get away from Courtney and if Michael’s ex got the vid? Well, it would sting, but at least she got the most important thing in this deal. She had Michael and he only wanted her.

“Kat, let him know we’re wrapped for the night. Martine, have the girls fill out their contact forms and let them know we’ll have a decision for them in the next day or so.”

She shifted her eyes to the man who was supposed to give them their necessary information and followed him without so much as a question. From the corner of her eye she could see Courtney making an attempt to talk to Rick, but she already knew the guy wouldn’t be happy about any model approaching him afterwards.

“Look, sweetheart, I don’t make the decisions, I just take the tape, got it?” Rick shook his head at her. “Just go with the others and once the paperwork’s finished you can hit the pavement.”

They followed Martine through several hallways that were all filled with busy people. The mood shifted at some point though and everyone seemed to be a bit more attentive of what they said, how they walked and where they stepped and Maria frowned at the odd behavior.

“That’s just what we need,” the man said with a little groan. “Ladies, Usher’s onsite. So if he crosses our path do not jump his bones or try to get his attention in order to get this job, alright?” He shook his head. “What’s he doin’ here anyway?” he added more to himself than to the girls.

Tiffani’s eyes scanned the offices and corridors they passed. “He’s actually here?” She was going to be in a video with Usher!

Martine rolled his eyes. “Didn’t I just say that? You aren’t blonde, aren’t you?”

“Will he be the one who actually makes the selection?” Courtney asked.

“Now that he’s here,” the man shrugged, “could be.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath, chicken legs,” Tiffani said with a shake of her head.

“I need to get outta here,” Maria muttered under her breath and pulled her cell out to check it, hoping there was a message from Michael, but she knew it was ridiculous since he was working.

“Alright, ladies,” Martine said when they reached the reception area by the bank of elevators. He motioned to the clipboards lined up and waiting for them. “If you’ll fill these forms out Aiden will be here momentarily to escort you back to the first floor. You’ll receive a call within the next twenty-four hours to notify you of our decision.”

“Not much of a choice if you ask me,” Tiffani said confidently.

“Well, honey, I wouldn’t put all my money on that thought.” Martine shook his head. “It all comes down to what the man himself thinks.”

“He’s not into blondes,” she dismissed him and at that moment one of the elevator doors sprung open and three guys with broad shoulders stepped out, all of them wearing suits and sunglasses.

Maria couldn’t help but think about them as the men in black, but her thoughts were soon dismissed when they stepped further apart and the one and only Usher himself stepped up with earphones attached to his ears and sunglasses covering his eyes.

“Sir,” Martine said with a nod, sighing in exasperation and reaching out to stop the dark-haired model when she moved towards the man. “My apologies, sir.” He pulled her back away from the small group and held her firmly in place until they had passed.

Maria followed the man with her eyes only. He was definitely a fine piece of a man and she’d bet he knew that all too well.

“Forms,” their escort growled. He did not appreciate having to wrangle models.

“Could never wait to get back out into the heat so much,” she muttered under her breath and filled out everything that she thought was necessary. The parts where they wanted to know personal information other than her address and phone number she left blank, not caring to give them the details since she was pretty sure they were going to take Miss I anyway. She just seemed to be the type Usher would like to show up in a video.

“Thank you very much, ladies.” He snapped his fingers when he caught sight of Aiden, thrilled to be able to hand them over to the other man. He collected the clipboards, scanning over the forms and then stacking them on top of each other and disappearing down one of the corridors.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 165

Post by Double Trouble »

begonia9508: That would have to be the hardest part of the job!

Natalie36: We’ll find out soon!

Eva: Yes, it is, but at least we know Maria isn’t playing into it. We’ll know the results soon.

Earth2Mama: Yes, they can, and it really is. There’s really nothing to gain by treating each other badly, but that doesn’t stop it from happening.

She was and she isn’t done yet.

CandyliciousLovah: Well, things have already started heading that way, let’s hope they continue.

Roswelllostcause: Lol, that’d make for an interesting scene.

keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading!

sarammlover: Yeah, the claws really came out, didn’t they? There’s no doubt the three of them would have no trouble holding their own. Thanks!

Alien_Friend: That is a lot to deal with, but having something to fight for is giving Max the push he needs to get through therapy without just blowing it off. He’s definitely shouldering Liz’s baggage, welcoming it even. Now he just needs to understand that she’s there to do the same for him.

That would put a damper on things, wouldn’t it?

Yeah, they were! And that’s a good question! Courtney’s reacting out of anger and pain, not that it excuses her behavior. Michael’s a big boy and he’s responsible for his own actions and decisions. Maria’s just convenient and an easy target for Courtney to lash out at. Nope, once Michael’s made up his mind nothing stands in his way.

SmileeUk: We’ll have those results very soon!

Part 165

Bitches, Assholes and Angels

“Have a nice audition?” Aiden asked, his eyes focused on Maria since she had been the only one to give him the time of a day earlier.

“Oh, yeah, I felt so cared about,” she joked.

“Well, I heard you lucked out and pulled Rick for your audition.” He chuckled and reached out to hold the elevator doors open while gesturing for them to enter ahead of him. “He’s a taskmaster.”

“That’s definitely one way to describe him,” she agreed.

“He’s an ass, but he’s damn good at his job.”

Courtney rolled her eyes. “He can only make you look as good as you are. And you missed a step a few times,” she told Maria.

Tiffani snorted indelicately. “You should talk.” She tossed her hair back over her shoulder and smiled at their escort as she reached out to run her fingertip along his collar. “Do you have any idea which one of us they’re looking at?”

“Do I look like I know?” he asked dismissively.

“I think you know more than you wanna let on.”

He turned his attention back to Maria. “At least you won’t have long to wait for them to call. With some of the auditions it takes days for a callback.”

“I don’t mind waiting,” she told him and leaned against the elevator wall. “In this business everything’s uncertain. Either you get used to it or you need to find a job with a little more stability.”

“Well said,” he agreed with a light chuckle. “At least with only three to choose from your wait time won’t be as bad as it could be. The last casting call we had they narrowed the final choice down to nine girls.” He shook his head. “I didn’t think we were ever gonna get that video shot.”

“It’s not like this is a real competition,” Tiffani tossed in.

Courtney rolled her eyes. “You really think they’re into bitches that much?” The woman was stretching her already strained nerves.

“Well, they called YOU back, didn’t they?” She tossed her head and stared at the taller blonde with her most intimidating glare.

Maria and Aiden exchanged amused looks and shook their heads. “Can’t wait until I’m outta here,” she muttered. “Too much bad karma.”

“You should talk,” Courtney muttered under her breath.

The elevator announced their arrival on the ground floor with a ‘bing’ and the door opened. “Thank God.” Maria turned to Aiden with a smile. “It was nice to meet you.”

“You too.” He flashed a grin and a wink in her direction. “Good luck.” He just shrugged when the other two girls shot a look at him. He was the one charged with escorting the girls who auditioned and later who won the coveted spots for the leads in the videos that were cast so if he had his choice, he was going with wishing the nicest one the best luck.

“Thanks.” She pulled her cell out when she stepped onto the street again, surprised that the line of girls there had vanished already.

“You’re not gonna take this from me too,” Courtney bit out. The words were directed at Maria but her eyes were following Tiffani as she put distance between them to hail a cab.

“I didn’t take anything from you,” she told her calmly while she typed in a message for Tess about being home soon. “And by the way, you got that cover shoot that had already been half promised to me. I didn’t even know you applied for this.”

“Would it have stopped you from auditioning for it?” This wasn’t who she was. She wasn’t vindictive or bitchy as a rule, but she was still reeling from the breakup, and she couldn’t help but think that Maria had known all along that her feelings for Michael went deeper than she had admitted. She was still hurting, still angry, and she wasn’t going to apologize for it. She also didn’t want to be running into Maria and competing against her for anything else. She’d already lost too much to her.

“Maybe,” she shrugged one shoulder.

“You’re such a liar. It’s not enough that you took Michael, now you want to take my career too.” That was probably a bit over the top, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to find a way to move forward without having Maria in her face all the time.

“No way, man, it IS her!”

“I told you it was her, dumbass!”

She turned her head when the voices of two teenage boys caught her attention and she fought down the urge to throw up when she saw a copy of one of the solo ads of Maria that had been shot for Max’ studio clutched in the shorter one’s hand as he held it out to Maria.

“Hey, can we get your autograph?” he asked.

“Uh,” Maria blushed. Her autograph? She had never been asked for anything like that and it was totally weird because it didn’t make much sense to her why anyone would want that from her. “Sure, I guess.”

“Hey, thanks!” He reached over the ad and tapped it. “Any chance I could get your number?”

She chuckled, feeling honored as well as embarrassed about him hitting on her. How old was he? 16 maybe 17? “Sorry, I’m taken.” Taken, yeah, that sounded good.

“Oh.” He frowned but a moment later grinned at her. “I could give you my number,” he offered hopefully. “Things don’t work out you could give me a call.”

Courtney rolled her eyes. “What are you, 14? She’s not gonna call you, kid.”

“What’s your name?” Maria ignored the other woman.


“Well, Damian, if you ever want a cool tattoo, than just know Max’ studio is THE place to go.”

“Yeah, I know.” His gaze lifted from the ad and moved over her.

“Okay, c’mon, Damian, let’s go before you hand your balls over,” his friend said.

“Shut up, man,” he cursed. “It was nice to meet you...”

“Maria,” she told him and waved with a smile.

“That’s gotta make you feel pretty good,” Courtney snarled as she held a hand up to hail a cab. “Now you’ve got teenagers panting after you too.”

“Would you just quit with this stupid jealousy? I’m not rubbing anything in your face, am I? I always tried to be nice to you. I even gave Michael tips for your relationship even though it hurt me. I don’t think I deserve this kinda treatment from you.”

Her gaze was dismissive. “I hope you don’t think we’re gonna be friends.”

“No,” Maria said. “We’ll never be friends, but we don’t have to treat each other like this.”

“Speak for yourself,” she muttered bitterly.

“Fine.” She wasn’t going to beg for it.

Courtney sighed in relief when one of the cabs rushing by on the busy street finally braked hard and stopped in front of the curb. “You know, it’s bad enough that you took Michael, but I’ll get over it.” Eventually, she thought. She jerked the door open and leaned on it. “Maybe you’ve got him fooled, but you don’t fool me. You set him up. You and Max and maybe even the rest of your friends were involved too, I don’t know. But one of these days he’s gonna realize that you manipulated that whole ‘Max needs the ad and I need the job’ thing to get him into a position where he couldn’t ignore the fact that you’re a woman. You orchestrated that whole thing and one of these days when he can think using the brain in his head rather than the one in his dick, he’s gonna realize it and he’ll be gone.”

Maria swallowed at the accusations hurled at her. She knew the words were designed to hurt her and jealousy was speaking, but she couldn’t help the little insecure feeling that crept up her spine. Was she too sure about Michael? Would he question it once they were over the honeymoon stage and things went back to mundane everyday life?

Unknown to them they were being observed by someone standing in the shadowed recesses of the building’s entryway. The words being hurled by the taller woman were barbed and cruel, but the other woman wasn’t taking the bait in spite of the fact that the verbal weapons were making direct hits. He shifted as he reached up to tap the headset he was wearing. “Did you get that?” He nodded at the affirmative response before backing away and slipping back into the building.

Maria stared after the cab when it drove down the street and made a right turn at the end of the next block. She didn’t want to be affected by the words, but she couldn’t help it. The cell in her hand buzzed and she lifted it up to read the reply from Tess.

Spaghetti night. Come an’ get your treat, Chica.

She sighed, wanting the happiness she’d been feeling earlier to come back. Courtney’s words still stung and she couldn’t just pretend they hadn’t been effective. Maybe she needed to talk to Michael and just ask him if he felt like he’d been manipulated. She knew on some level he’d felt like that and they’d kind of talked about it, but did he still feel that way? She’d told him that while she’d wanted him to really see her she’d never intended for things to go the way they had and he’d seemed to accept her answer and move on from it.

I’ll talk to him, she decided and took a step toward to the street to flag down a cab for herself. If she just avoided it, she knew she’d wonder about it, so she would get it out of the way before her first official date hopefully. From a distance she saw a cab approaching and she lifted her hand.

“Maria?” Someone called from behind her at the same time the cab stopped at the curb.

She turned and saw Aiden waving at her from the building’s entry.

“Miss?” the driver called impatiently when someone honked behind him.

“One moment,” she held up her hand and turned to the other man when he approached her.

Aiden smiled and hurried to catch up with her, gesturing for the car behind her cab to go around or just shut the hell up. “Hey, Usher just went into a meeting with his label but he didn’t want to hold you up. I was asked to let you know to report to the set at nine o’clock Monday morning.” He held a paper out to her. “Here’s the address and I’ll be waiting to escort you around when you arrive.” He winked at her. “Congratulations, Maria.”

“I got it?” she asked in disbelief, staring at the paper held out to her.

“It’s yours.” He held his clipboard out along with a pen. “Sign at the bottom, initial by the X’s, and we’re official.”

“Okay,” she breathed, her hand shaking as she held the pen. “I didn’t expect a decision so fast.”

“Honey, it wasn’t a hard decision. Trust me on this.”

She smiled. “I can’t believe this.”

He laughed. So many of the models they used were overly confident and obnoxious. This girl was going to be a pleasure to work with. “My number’s on the paper with the address. If you wanna arrive an hour earlier just give me a call or shoot me a text and I’ll meet you on the set and give you the tour, let you know what to expect.”

“I’d love that,” she agreed and couldn’t help but hug him. “Thanks. That just made my day a bit better. No, a lot better, actually.”

“Then eight it is.” He released her and stepped back. “Have a good weekend and get plenty of rest. A day on the set’s usually pretty long and it’ll be a lot of work.”

“Oh, I won’t mind,” she grinned and climbed into the cab. “I’ll see you on Monday, Aiden.”

He waved and waited until she was gone before he turned and sprinted back inside. He had another group of models to escort in for the next round of auditions.


The corridor leading out to the parking garage was fairly busy with people coming and going, but as she stepped out of the hospital and began walking towards her car, it was suddenly eerily silent. The only sounds seemed to be her own footsteps and she jumped when someone stepped out between a couple cars and appeared in front of her.

“Sorry,” he muttered with an apologetic smile. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

Isabel waved him off. “No, no, it’s fine.” She hurried on her way, cursing the shift that had made her park so far away from the door. She hated parking garages, but there wasn’t much in the way of choices if you drove to work. There were other people around; she could hear their footsteps, snippets of their quiet conversations, and occasionally she’d catch glimpses of them.

Her grip on her key ring tightened and she ran her thumb over the key protruding between her fingers. It would leave an ugly scar if she ever had to use it to cut an attacker, and in spite of her career choice, she wouldn’t hesitate to defend herself if it ever came to that. She sighed in relief when she spotted her car even as she cursed the threat that made her relief so apparent. Her hand shook as her thumb shifted back to locate the button that would unlock the door and she swore aloud when she dropped the keys.

She glanced around before bending over to snatch them up, hurriedly pressing the button as she straightened back up and wincing when the trunk popped instead of the door unlocking. “Damn it,” she muttered and took the few steps to take her to the back of the car to slam the trunk shut. She whirled around, punching the right button this time, and gasped loudly when she came face to face with her ex.

“Richard,” she hissed, “what’re you doing here?”

“I think we need to talk, Isabel.”

“No, I don’t think so. In fact, you’re not allowed to come near me.” She made a grab for her door, but missed the handle.

He shifted into her space and effectively blocked the door. “What’re you gonna do? Call the cops?”

“Yeah, I will if you don’t back off,” she told him, trying to put some space between them. There were other people around. He wouldn’t do anything here.

“Go ahead.” He gestured around them. “I’ll be gone before they arrive and there’s no security features in these old garages. You’ll have no proof that I was ever here.” He rested his elbow on the roof of the car. “And it’d be a shame if Mr. Whitman had to suffer for your poor decisions.”

Her eyes narrowed at him and her fear made room for anger. “What’s your problem, Richard? You go after a man because I was seeing him to do what exactly?”

“You seem to have an extraordinary talent for ignoring the obvious here lately. You had no right to be with him!”

An idea crossed her and she tried to get one of her hands into her bag to hit the speed dial. Since her ex had started to follow her, the emergency number was always close by. They recorded those incoming calls, right? “I have every right to be with whoever I wanna be with. What’re you planning to do for the rest of your life, Richard? Kidnap every man I see?”

His eyes narrowed and his hand shot out to wrap around her wrist, jerking it away from her bag and pinning it to the car. “It would do you well to remember who you’re speaking with.”

“Why’re you here, huh? What do you want from me?”

“I have something you want, Isabel, and as luck would have it, you have something I want. Give me another chance. Have dinner with me,” he murmured.

She tried to suppress her disgusted expression at the thought of having to face him again. “And then what?”

“Then you’ll see that you made a big mistake letting me go.”

“What about Alex?”

“What about him? He’s an insignificant problem.”

“If I met you for dinner, would you let him go?”

“As soon as you’ve admitted your mistake and you agree to be with me of your own free will, yes, I will broker his release.”

It wouldn’t be that easy, she thought. He wasn’t stupid. She knew he wouldn’t just let Alex go. Alex wouldn’t just move on with his life without pressing charges against him. But maybe she could find out his location if she met with him. Could she set something up and work with Detective Cooper?

“I’ve made reservations. I’ll pick you up at seven.”


“This evening. That gives you enough time to go home and get ready.”

It was already after two in the afternoon. Would the detective be able to get everything arranged so soon? Would he even do this?

“Isabel? Seven o’clock?”

She blinked and looked at him. She had to try for Alex’ sake! “Okay, seven at my apartment.”

“At your apartment?” He shook his head. “I just told you I’ve made reservations.”

“You said you’d pick me up right? At my apartment.”

“Oh, yes,” he laughed, “of course. I thought for a moment there you were intending to exert your independent streak.” He stepped back. “I’ll see you at seven then. And Isabel? Don’t try anything. I’ll be watching.”

“I won’t,” she forced a smile. “Any hints about where we’re going?”

“Why would I give that away?” He made a tsking sound and took a step back as he opened her car door for her. “You always did love surprises.”

“Okay, I think I can be patient then,” she told him with a wink.

He smiled victoriously. “And you will be justly rewarded.” He shut the door when she slid inside. “Until tonight,” he murmured, knowing she wouldn’t hear him since the window was up.


“You seem to be in an awful good mood today,” Liz observed as she sat on the counter, picking her salad apart dully.

Maria glanced up from the can of paint she was mixing on the floor in the living room. Newspapers were spread under it so nothing would ruin the laminate there. “That obvious?”

Kyle snorted from the couch and turned the TV off. “That’s nothing, Parker. She’s been singing and dancing all day.”

“Wanna share the reason?”

“Uh, well… Michael? For the most part anyway.”

“Oh, right,” the brunette hit her forehead with her palm. “I’m such a bad friend, sorry. You two are really heading in the right direction now, aren’t you?”

“I hope so,” she agreed with a wide smile. “And you’re not a bad friend, Liz. A lot’s going on. What’s up? Is there some bad news I’m not aware of?” Please say no!

“No, no. I don’t think so. I just have a lot on my mind. Yesterday I joined Max in a session with his doctor and it just brought some things up.”

“You wanna talk about it?” Maria looked up to meet her eyes, nodding silently when the other girl just shook her head.

“So, you go on a date with Michael tonight, right?” Liz changed the subject, not comfortable talking about her and Max, especially with Kyle in the room.

“Yeah, I think so. He hasn’t called me yet but he had a late shift and still needs to catch up on his sleep, so-”

The rest of her sentence died down when the front door swung open with a loud thud as soon as it hit the wall. Leo barreled in with a loud ear shattering bark before Tess walked in behind him, or rather before she was dragged in behind him.

Kyle’s head turned to the side when he recognized the bark. “Leo?” He could hear Tess’ hurried footsteps as she tried to keep up with the big dog. The large paws padded across the floor, his pace increasing the closer he got to his human. “Hey, you big ol’ fur ball,” he greeted him fondly when the animal crowded into his space and pushed his big head in his lap.

“Be careful, little beast,” Tess warned him and tugged on the leash before the dog could hurt him.

“Nah, he’s fine,” Kyle assured her as he hugged the big dog. He leaned back and scratched behind the ears that were shifting as Leo listened intently to the tone of his master’s voice. “No jumping today though, Leo.”

The dog barked in response as if he had really understood the words.

“Your Mom was not very happy with me taking him, but thank God, your Dad convinced her.”

“Yeah, well, I have a feelin’ you would’ve gotten your way regardless.” He tipped his head back, sensing that she was right in front of him, and he grinned at her. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Don’t tell Tony the dog was in his car though, deal?” She walked around the couch and squeezed his shoulder, happy she was the reason for the happy look on his face.

He agreed with a silent snort. Leo could shed like crazy at certain times of the year. If she managed to hide that little fact from Tony she deserved a medal of some sort.

She went over to the girls, leaving Kyle and his dog alone for a moment. “Hey, chicas, what’s up?”

“Just starting to discuss Maria’s big date for tonight,” Liz said with a teasing smile.

“It’s not BIG,” she denied, but couldn’t hide the grin. She had no clue what it would be like since she didn’t know where they were going.

“It’s a date with Michael,” Tess insisted. “That’s a pretty big deal.”

“Don’t make me more nervous than I already am, alright?”

Kyle chuckled and shook his head at them. “What’s there to be nervous about? You guys have been out together a million times. He’ll probably take you out to a ball game and dinner’ll be a brief stop at a hot dog stand.”

“I’d be totally okay with that.” She didn’t need fancy. All she wanted was to spend time with him as a girlfriend and not only as his best friend.

“See? Nothin’ to worry about then.” That was settled as far as he was concerned.

Tess rolled her eyes at him, but focused on the paint Maria was busy stirring. “Got it ready?”

“Yeah. You think it’s okay? Or should it be a darker shade of violet?”

“I think it’s a nice shade now,” Liz commented. “But with this shade you might wanna make it just a bit darker so when it dries it’s the color you want.”

Maria studied the can in front of her with a frown and then nodded. “You’re probably right. And a little darker will be okay for the bedroom.”

“So, which wall are we painting?” Tess asked, her attention only partially on the current discussion. Her eyes kept wandering back to Kyle and Leo.

“The one next to my bed.”

“What’s the point of only painting one wall?” Kyle asked, picking up on the conversation again.

“Painting all of them would make the room too dark,” Maria explained with a tone that said: Man, isn’t that obvious? “We’re just setting highlights.”

He shrugged. He didn’t get it. Guys never just painted one wall. You painted all of them or you just didn’t bother. “If you say so.”

“I say so.”

He turned to Tess. “You’re not paintin’ your walls purple are you?”

“No, I was thinking about some kind of blue.”

“Blue’s a good color,” he said with a nod. Definitely better than purple, he thought with a shudder.

“It’s a cold color,” Maria shook her head.

“Cold?” he echoed, his voice expressing his confusion. “It’s a color, not a temperature.”

“You’re a guy, you wouldn’t have a clue.”

“I’m okay with that.”

“I’m okay with you being a guy as well,” Tess said with a grin, making Maria and Liz both roll their eyes.

“That’s two votes for me. Ladies, let’s make it unanimous,” he said with a waving motion of his good hand.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 166

Post by Double Trouble »

Eva: Isabel does have a plan. It is a short amount of time to get something set up, but she isn’t going in blind.

Happy news indeed! Lol, boys!

Roswelllostcause: No, he certainly can’t be trusted, but she’s going for help.

Earth2Mama: This situation does give Richard ample opportunity to do anything that comes to mind, but Isabel isn’t planning to blindly go into this. She does have a plan.

We’re sure Michael will be able to handle things when Maria talks to him.

CandyliciousLovah: Lol, Isabel has a plan in mind… it’s a plan in the works, but she isn’t just running in without going for backup. Leo’s loyal and he loves his human.

begonia9508: That is the kind of job that can show the worst side of people’s personalities.

Isabel has a plan and she won’t be keeping this meeting to herself.

Natalie36: Isabel’s gonna be working on that.

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

The outcome of that decision will unfold over the next couple of parts.

sarammlover: Lol, Isabel has exactly that in mind. Richard believes he’s untouchable… we’ll see about that. That was very good timing.

Part 166

Rescue Me

“I don’t know, Kylie,” Liz answered dryly.

“Really?” he growled. “Just for that I think I’ll have Leo go over and slobber all over you.”

“Huh-uh,” she grabbed the salad from the counter and dumped it into the trashcan since she couldn’t bring herself to eat it. “I’m goin’ in my room and since the door will be closed, your dog can kiss my ass.”

“Don’t tempt him.” He smirked. “You’re not takin’ part in this little paint party?”

“No, I’m not in the mood and I like my white walls.”

“You wanna come over here an’ talk to Uncle Kyle about it?” He patted the cushion next to him. He didn’t know what was going on, but she seemed to have a lot on her mind, more than normal, at the moment.

She snorted. “No, I don’t wanna talk. There’s not a lot to talk anyway and anything said at the doc’s office are private.”

“Hell, I don’t wanna know about the inner workings of Evans’ brain and shrink sessions are always private.” He respected that and fully supported it. He’d had to see a shrink on occasion, department protocol after certain situations, and he wouldn’t want that stuff shared with anyone outside of those four walls either. “We can talk about upcoming college courses. Huh? That’ll be fun.”

“I’m going in my room,” she stated, dismissing him with that.

He played with the remote and slouched back against the couch, Leo’s comforting bulk leaning heavily against his right leg. “Scratch counselor off of the list of potential careers if going back to my old one doesn’t work out,” he muttered under his breath.

“You’ll be able to go back,” Tess shook her head and went to her room to change into some older clothes.

“She’s right,” Maria told him. “You’re just gonna have to believe that. Anything’s possible.”

“I see your optimism’s returned full force now that Guerin’s gotten his head out of his ass,” he said, but there was a hint of teasing in his tone.

She chuckled. “Yeah, and I got a job that I thought would never be possible to have.”

“Yeah, but the job came first.” He paused and lifted an eyebrow. “Wait, we’re not talkin’ about the same thing. Did you get that job for the Usher vid?”

“Uh-huh,” she grinned from ear to ear. “They told me I have it yesterday.”

“And you’ve been keepin’ that to yourself?” He was surprised she hadn’t burst from the pressure. “That’s great news, congratulations!”

“Not completely. I told Tess last night. I didn’t want to scream it out because I wanna talk to Michael about it first.”

“Ah, gotcha. He must’ve ended up pullin’ a double since I never heard him come by last night or leave out this mornin’.”

“I’m not sure. Either that or he just blacked out at his apartment. He knew I had a very early job this morning.”

“Sounds like you’ve got plenty of reasons to celebrate then.” He shook his head at her. “And what’re you doin’? You’re getting ready to paint a friggin’ wall.”

“I’ve been planning this for a while and really wanna do it. Besides that, I might celebrate tonight.”

“You have any idea what he’s got planned?”

“No, not at all. But I really don’t care. Everything will be fine as long as we really get the chance to go out and fate doesn’t throw something in the way once again.”

He couldn’t help but be curious. He couldn’t imagine Michael doing anything over the top romantic, but Maria tended to bring the best out in him so there was really no telling. “I’m sure whatever it is it’ll be a good evening out for the two of you.”

“Thanks. I think you’re right,” she smiled to herself and looked at her watch. Still way too much time to pass though and he hadn’t even called or texted yet.

“There anything around here I can do to help out?” He was bored with sitting around and doing nothing all day.

“I’m sure as hell not letting you paint my wall,” she teased.

“Hey, it’s not that hard to push a paint roller up and down a wall.”

“Uh-huh, then maybe you wanna ask Tess. Could be she trusts you with her walls.”

He snorted at that but after a moment he sobered. “She’s not half bad, ya know?” he asked quietly, seriously.

Maria stopped her stirring of the paint and looked at him. “I do know, yes.”

Kyle motioned to the dog sleeping at his feet. “She does stuff like this and it’s just kinda nice.” He shrugged, embarrassed.

“She does those things for you because she really wants to make you happy, Kyle. You know that, right?”

“I’m getting the picture. It’s weird, ya know? I mean, you guys all do stuff to make me more comfortable or to make things easier, but I dunno, it’s just different when she does stuff.” He felt dumb talking about this, trying to put what he was feeling into words, but he wanted to test the waters, see what the others might think if things did go down that path he and Tess had talked about taking recently.

“Well, could it be that maybe there are some real emotions forming in your thick head?” She got up from the floor and walked over to sit on the backrest of the couch, her fist lightly knocking on his forehead.

“I don’t have a clue,” he admitted. Something was going on, he knew that much, but he hadn’t yet been able to pin down exactly what it was.

“You better wait until you’re sure before you start somethin’ again,” Maria warned. “Sleeping with her when you had no clue about her feelings was one thing, but doin’ it again when you’re aware of it is something else.”

“C’mon, Maria, I’m not that much of an ass,” he muttered.

“I know you’re not. Just a little reminder,” she ruffled his hair.

He tried to duck out of her reach. “What’s her favorite meal?”

“Uh, I think she likes tacos the most.”

“Tacos, huh?” He nodded. “Good choice.”

“Yeah, for some reason she’s addicted to them.”

He filed that information away. “She like fried ice cream?”

“Who doesn’t?”

He chuckled. “True.”

“Who doesn’t what?” Tess asked as she came down the stairs.

“Who doesn’t get bored every now and then,” Maria said and got up again. “Our boy’s frustrated but I told him he can’t paint our walls.”

“Give me somethin’ to do.” He turned his head so that he was facing where he thought Tess was standing. “Please?”

“You sound a bit whiny.”

“You try bein’ cooped up for so long with nothin’ to do,” he grumbled and slouched down as far as he could without being uncomfortable.

“Anything you’d like to do?”

“I don’t care. Just give me somethin’ to do.” He just wanted to feel like he wasn’t useless for a while.

Tess looked at Maria helplessly. What can he do? she mouthed.

“Well, the place is in pretty good shape right now.” Maria scratched her neck as she looked around. “I think about the only thing other than the painting we wanted to do in our rooms was the backyard and the flower boxes on the back porch. The yard’s not ready for a trim yet, but there’re a lot of sticks lying around that have to be picked up for when it is time to cut the grass. And we had talked about weeding out the flower boxes so we could plant fresh flowers.” She winced, not knowing if Kyle could even move around that much or if they should even let him.

He made a face. “Why don’t I watch some TV?”

“I thought you were sick of watching TV?” Tess asked as she gave Maria a thumbs-up.

“Not as sick as I thought I was.”

“Alright, then we’re gonna go paint and if you need anything just holler.”


Isabel walked into the police station, sidestepping officers and civilians on her way to pay Detective Cooper a short visit. She wanted to know where things stood with the investigation into Alex’s disappearance and to let him know about her plans for the evening. She wondered what the chances were he could give her a wire to wear and then discarded that idea. She wasn’t a genius where criminal justice protocol was concerned, but she was pretty sure a warrant would have to be issued for that action to be legal.

She glanced around when she finally caught sight of his desk and realized he wasn’t sitting at it. Damn it! As she neared his desk she noticed a mug of coffee precariously balanced on a stack of files and she reached over, letting her hand hover over it to detect its warmth. Too warm for him to be gone for the day, she decided.

“Looking for me, Miss Guerin?”

She turned around when someone spoke and she forced a smile. “Detective Cooper, I was afraid you weren’t here.”

He held up a file. “Nope, just had to run down to evidence lockup so I could add another file to my stack.” He motioned to the chair next to his desk and then dropped down into his own. “I’m afraid I don’t have anything new for you regarding Mr. Whitman’s disappearance.”

She nodded. “Right, you would’ve called.”

He could see that she had something on her mind. “So, what can I do for you today?”

Straight to the point, she thought. “Richard approached me earlier. He admitted to me that he’s involved in Alex’s disappearance.”

His eyebrows lifted in interest. “He came right out and admitted it?”

“Well, he wanted to see me for dinner and then he admitted it.”

He watched her for a moment. She was agitated but she hid it well. “You agreed to have dinner with him. Why?”

“Because of Alex,” she told him.

“And you insisted on meeting in a public place for dinner.” He could feel the muscles in his shoulders tightening as he waited for her to confirm.

“He didn’t tell me where. If I were to make a guess I’d say he’ll choose a small restaurant on the lower east side called ‘The Beauty’, but that’s just a guess.”

“If he doesn’t take you to a public place I’ll have no way to conduct surveillance.”

“Can’t you just give me one of those little microphones you use?”

He shook his head. “Not without a warrant and considering we have no hard evidence no judge will sign off on a request.”

“I told you he confessed to me that he has Alex. Isn’t that hard evidence?” she asked angrily.

He sighed and shook his head. “No, it’s not. Unless someone heard it and can corroborate, all we have is hearsay and that’s just not enough. I’m sorry.” And he was. His hands were tied by the rules and if he stepped outside of their boundaries he jeopardized the case he was trying to build against Matthews. If he was responsible for Whitman’s disappearance he had to have hard evidence before he made a move.

This couldn’t be true, she thought, frustrated. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to see what I can find out on my own then.” Maybe Ramrod and the guys could help.

“If you’ll let me know for certain where you’re going as soon as you know, I’ll do my best to conduct surveillance.” He shook his head. “Whatever you do, do NOT go to his home with him. At this point he’s become unpredictable and unstable. If you’re alone with him and out of the public eye, your life could be in jeopardy.”

Isabel swallowed, but put on a brave face. “If I just sit around and wait then maybe he’ll do the same to Alex and I’ll responsible for it.” She took her bag and got ready to leave. “I can’t let that happen. He’s already lost enough.”

“Miss Guerin, I’ll do everything I can to protect you, but if you agree to go to his home with him, I have no way of protecting you.” He could understand her frustration with the whole mess. The more time passed the less likely the chances were they would find Whitman alive, and with no proof of Matthews’ involvement, no proof of him stalking her, he had no way of legally stepping in. She had to feel like he was doing nothing to help either of them. “Has the restraining order been issued?” If it had she was going to render it useless by agreeing to meet with her ex.

“That’s something I have to risk. He doesn’t care about it anyway.”

“You understand I have to advise against this meeting. I know you’re concerned for your friend’s life, but if you invalidate that T.R.O. you’re putting your own life at risk and you may not be able to get another one approved.”

“I’ll let you know when I find out about our destination.”

He sighed and nodded before reaching for one of his cards and flipping it over to scrawl his number on the back. “This is my personal number. Put it in your phone under someone else’s name, someone he’d expect you to call or receive calls from.”

“Okay,” she agreed.

“He’s probably watching you, waiting to see what you’ll do after his meeting with you. He’s smart, so he knows you’ll come here and with no witnesses to your meeting you have nothing on him. He also knows you’re worried about your friend so he’ll play on that. Getting you to agree to dinner will invalidate that T.R.O. and make it difficult to get another one. Just send me a text to let me know where you’re gonna be and I’ll be close by. And put my number on speed dial.” He leaned in closer. “If he does anything threatening, I don’t care how small or insignificant it may be, you hit that number and drop the phone under the table, in your lap, wherever, and keep the line open. I’ll get to you.” It might blow his case against her asshole ex and put him on suspension but he wouldn’t lose another one to the system.

“Okay,” she was relieved he had offered some help. “Did you find anything out about his cell list?”

“We’ve found a few interesting calls to one specific number and we’re cross-checking both records looking for a third party they have in common.”

He must know about Trent then, she mused. “I’d better go and get ready.”

“Be careful tonight.”

“I will be,” she promised.

He nodded and leaned back in his chair, scrubbing his hands through his hair in frustration as he watched her walk away. He loved his job, but sometimes its boundaries only seemed to protect the guilty while endangering the innocent.


The club was much quieter in the afternoon. There was the occasional sound of quiet laughter, pool balls colliding, and hushed conversations that could be heard during lulls in the music coming through the sound system. Max was slouched down in his chair, his gaze roving around the club’s interior while he waited for Hawk to arrive. The lighting was low and he knew from experience it made it more comfortable to feel like you were blending in rather than standing out. He didn’t recognize any of the people hanging out at the bar or shooting pool, but he knew they were all military or ex-military.

“What’s on your mind?”

He looked up when Ramrod dropped down in the chair across from him. “Not much. I didn’t expect anyone else to be here.”

“The club doesn’t open until later and it gives the guys someplace safe to unwind. You know how it is when you don’t really wanna be around a crowd or you just don’t care to be surrounded by people who don’t get it.”

“Yeah.” He turned his head when a door opened and the late afternoon sunlight momentarily cut through the shadows, its blinding light preventing him from identifying the new arrivals.

“It’s them.”

“How do you know?”

“Hear that?” He nodded when Max closed his eyes for a moment to focus on the sound. “Stryker’s gait’s a little off with the brace.”

“Hey, he actually showed.” Blake slapped Max on the shoulder as he walked around his chair to get to the one on his other side.

He glared at Blake. “I said I’d be here, didn’t I?” He looked up at the fourth man in their group and he recognized the look in his eyes; the fear of rejection that he couldn’t quite hide, the weight his injury carried because it made him feel abnormal, and the need to just be accepted for who he was. “How’s it hangin’, Stryker?”

Sam Walker was just under six feet tall with short-cropped blond hair and green eyes. His posture straightened when he was greeted with a normal question and other than the brief cursory glance at the brace that encased his right leg, nothing more was said. “Little low and to the left,” he answered with a grin. He lowered himself into a chair, nodding at Mike when he shifted to one side to give him room to put his leg. “Blake says you’re doin’ good.”

“Could be worse I guess,” he agreed.

“Yeah, there’s always worse.” He rubbed his leg out of habit more than anything else. “What’s a guy gotta do to get a beer around here?”

Ramrod rolled his eyes. “Ask for it maybe?”

“That’s how civilized society does it,” Max said with a smirk. “Or so I’ve been told.”

“Ah, get him a beer for God’s sake,” Hawk said. “An’ make it two.”

“I’ve got it, boss man,” a woman said as she moved past them.

“Thanks, Rachel.” Ramrod hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “Best employee ever.”

“Single?” Stryker followed her with his eyes.

“Yeah, so far.”

“Then I might have to get her number.”

Max wanted to roll his eyes. So maybe his post-Army life was fucked up, but with Liz he seemed to have a much better chance of changing that than the other guys around here.

“Good luck with that. She’ll let you give her your number but she won’t give you hers.”

Sam frowned. “Why?”

“Because if you have her number you can call. If she has your number she can call or not. And just for the record, I’ve never known her to call any of the guys back.”

“Whatever,” he dismissed his friend and concentrated on the woman when she approached them carrying a few beers.

“Hey handsome,” she greeted him with a smile.

He gave her the killer smile, the one that had worked for him since he’d figured out just how much the girls liked it. “My buddy here tells me you’ve got a rep for never returning a call.”

“I don’t think that’s a rep, more a fact I’ve turned them all down,” she countered, smacking the back of Mike’s head.

“Hey, you can’t do that to the boss,” the big man grumbled.

Sam smirked, feeling some of his old confidence coming back when she gave him the once-over and while placing the drinks on the table repeated it. “I think you should break that streak and give me your number.”

“I’ll think about it,” she told him with a wink and then left the table again.

“She just said that to get back at me,” Mike said. “Why’d you have to day that right in front of her?”

“Why not?”

“Because like I said, she’s the best damn employee a guy could ask for. We don’t piss that type off.”

“She won’t just quit,” Blake kicked him under the table. “Relax.”

“No, but a woman in a mood is never a good thing.” He glared at Sam. “And it’ll be your fault.” He took a drink of his beer. “Got a C-note says you don’t walk outta here with her number.”


Max shook his head at them. “I’ll take that action,” he said and reached for his beer. He’d seen Sam in full flirt mode before and for whatever reason the girls practically handed their panties over before hitting the door.

“So Shadow,” Stryker leaned back in his chair and studied the other man, “you seem to be in good condition. Sure as hell got more ink since the last time I saw you. What’ve you been up to?”

Where to start with that one? “Just tryin’ to keep my head above water.” He explained about the situation with Trent and then shrugged.

Sam nodded. “Hawk told me about the shit goin’ on. Corrupt cops are the worst.”

“Yeah, they make it hard to beat a corrupt system.”

“But we’re gonna do it,” Blake said with conviction.

“Without risking your chances for custody,” Ramrod added when he saw the deep concern written all over Max’ face.

“So some chick finally nailed your feet to the ground,” Sam said with a grin. “Got the girl and a kid too.” He shook his head. “What’s married life like?” he teased.

“I’m not married,” he protested. Yet, anyway. Would Liz want to marry him?

“Man, you’re fighting for custody of her kid. If you’re not married now, you will be soon enough.”

“At least it gives my life some meaning.”

“Hell, if you have that you have everything.” He wished he could make sense of his own life. “What can I do to help?”

“We may find out soon,” Ramrod muttered when his phone started to buzz and he saw who the caller was.

“You got any leads on your missin’ friend?” Sam asked while Ramrod was busy with his call. “Hawk was sayin’ you think that dirty cop and the ex of one of your other friends is involved in it?”

“That’s the only thing that makes sense an’ we’re positive the two of them are working together somehow. The ex was stalking her and made some threats against Alex. Then he was suddenly gone an’ he’s not a guy who just takes off like that.”

“And the cops have no leads. The guy have a cell phone?”

“Who doesn’t?”

He nodded. “They’ve probably tried tracking it and if the person who grabbed him has half a brain he ditched it.” He scratched his jaw. “Or it could just be turned off.” He considered that for a minute. “But without any hard evidence they can’t run the calls... Wait, there’s a third party involved in this but the cops haven’t pinpointed who that is, right? What about you? Do you know who it is?”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 167

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: We’ll find out today.

Lol, they’re taking their time, but they’re getting there.

Roswelllostcause: Isabel does have help and the guys will have her back.

Natalie36: That would be the smart move, lol.

CandyliciousLovah: Det. Cooper knows she’s in a tough position, and one that’s very frustrating, but he’ll do everything he can to make sure she stays safe.

keepsmiling7: Lol, she just might at that.

It might… of course the judge they ended up with might just view it as a desperate attempt to make their point.

kismet: We totally understand and we love every bit of feedback when you do have the time! We’re definitely getting somewhere and the boys will be in on the action very, very soon.

We’ll be checking in with Alex next week.

Lol, another vote for that marriage proposal, huh?

Keep your fingers crossed about Courtney.

Alien_Friend: When Maria opens up to Michael, they’ll get that hammered out.

Richard’s put himself in a very precarious position and he doesn’t even know it.

She says that app wasn’t available in 2005, lol.

That is important information and we have a feeling she’s in complete agreement with you.

Michael’s keeping that one close to the vest at the moment. Lol, there’s always the chance that this issue might cause a slight delay in plans.

They’ll come up with something. We can’t have Kyle going insane from boredom.

Eva: Isabel’s plan hasn’t fully been revealed… we’ll see more today. If she were to go in alone she’d be taking a risk to great to contemplate. If he gets her alone that is way too dangerous!

begonia9508: Thanks!

No, that wouldn’t be much help at all, would it? But, Isabel’s plan is still unfolding. We’ll get the rest of it today.

SmileeUk: You could be right! They’re doing everything they can to find Alex.

Kyle’s making an effort to have that understanding before he moves forward.


sarammlover: Lol, the truth has been revealed! There are a lot of things all coming together at once. Tess and Kyle are taking their time and really getting to know each other and it looks like that’s working in their favor this time around.

Part 167

Still Rescue Me

“We have our suspicions,” Max agreed.

“Any chance you’ve got a number?”

“Not that I know of. We just have a photo.”

“What about a name?”

“Arnold Westbury.”

He made a face. “Know anything about him? What he does, why he’d be involved?”

“We know he’s worked with Kennedy in the past. He’s an ex cop. That’s pretty much it.”

“No, man, if you know that much, you could have the key to the whole thing. No one’s lookin’ for him. He’ll be cautious but chances are good he’s got his own cell on him.” He nodded. “You get me to a computer and give me a couple hours to put security protocols in place I can narrow down where he’s at. If he’s the one holdin’ your friend, we can put a tail on him and he’ll eventually lead us to that location.”


“How fast can you work your magic?” Ramrod interrupted them when he ended the call.

“Just give me a couple hours and a computer.”

“Why?” Max interrupted. “What’s up?”

“That was Isabel. She agreed to meet the ex for dinner.”

“She agreed to meet the ex that’s stalking her?” Sam shook his head. “That’s not a smart move.”

“No, it isn’t,” Max muttered, worried, wondering what Guerin’s reaction would be.

“The cops won’t have anything solid to go on so if this guy gets her in his house...” Blake rested his forearms on the table. “She could disappear too.”

“I have to talk to her,” Max got up quickly.

Ramrod dropped his phone on the table. “She’s not gonna listen to reason.”

“Then I might have to involve her brother, he’ll make her see and he’ll lock her in a bathroom if necessary.”

“Look, maybe if we just follow her, keep an eye on things from a distance, maybe we’ll catch a break,” Sam suggested.

“Yeah, and if she can distract him long enough we might be able to get a hold of the missing friend as well,” Blake agreed, although he didn’t like using her as the bait. “I’m gonna stick to her heels and follow them, alright? Nothing’s gonna happen to her.”

“She said the ex is pickin’ her up at 7pm at her place. Traffic’s still heavy enough that he won’t spot you tailing them,” Ramrod agreed.

Max pulled at his hair. He didn’t like that thought at all and he knew Michael would kill him if he found out he’d let this happen.

“Relax, Shadow, we’ve got this,” Blake said as he reached over to thump his shoulder.

“Yeah,” Mike agreed, “an’ I don’t think you’ve got a say in this anyway. That stubborn blonde friend of yours sounded like she’d made up her mind already.”

One call to that stubborn blonde’s brother would take care of who had a say in this situation, he thought. “Fine, tail them, but, Hawk, if you lose them...” he shook his head. Isabel was putting herself in a seriously dangerous situation and there was no telling what Dick might do to her if he got her alone.

“I won’t.”

“I’m sure since he believes himself to be a true gentleman he’ll go to her door and walk her down.” Ramrod glanced over at the man on his left. “You bring your case of toys?”

Sam grinned and nodded. “I’ll give Blake the tracker and all he’s gotta do is put it up under the frame and we’ll be able to follow the signal. But if the cops get involved you’d better find a way to get it back before they impound the car.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Blake dismissed him, “don’t lecture me, I know how this works.”

“Right, well, where’re we gonna set up?”

“We’ll go to my place,” Stryker decided.

“Thought you were stayin’ with your family?” Max asked.

“They’re outta town visiting Niagara Falls with my niece.”

“Alright, so we have someplace to set up.”

“Yeah, I’ll just need to bring the tracker online and we’ll test it out when Blake heads over to wait for them outside of her building.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Ramrod got up first and slapped Max’s shoulder. “You just go home, Shadow. I’m positive this’s gonna work out fine, but in case it doesn’t, we’ll all claim you had no clue about what we were doin’.”

“You might fool some of ‘em into thinkin’ that, but you’ll never fool her brother so don’t let anything happen.”

“We’ve got it,” Blake got up as well.

He nodded. Maybe he should swing by and talk to Isabel before the plan got underway. He got to his feet. “We know Dick’s had help and if it’s the ex-cop like we’re pretty sure it is, he could be keepin’ an eye on things, so watch your back.”

“We will.”

“Just keep me in the loop. You’ve got my number.”


Isabel was digging through her closet, trying to find something suitable to wear when the doorbell chimed. She hated the momentary fear that came with the sound and quickly shoved it away before going to answer it. It was still too early for Richard to arrive, and James had agreed to call her just as soon as he let her ex into the building. His Christmas bonus would definitely be increased this year, she thought. He had more than earned it. She cautiously checked through the peephole, easily identifying Max on the other side, and hurrying to open the door.

“What’re you doin’ here?” she asked.

“It’s always so nice to see you too,” he muttered and stepped inside.

“Sorry, just wasn’t expecting to see anyone until…” she shook her head. “Just wasn’t expecting company, that’s all.”

“Until your ass of an ex arrives to pick you up?” He turned to lean against the couch, crossing his arms over his chest.

“They told you.” Her eyes darted to the windows, satisfying herself that there was no way Richard could see through the curtains.

He shrugged. “Yeah.”

“And you’re here to what? Change my mind?”

“Your brother wouldn’t approve of this.”

“My brother isn’t being stalked by an ex.”

“Not yet,” he muttered under his breath and then cleared his throat. “Isabel, you’re puttin’ yourself in a very dangerous position.”

“Don’t you think I know that, Max? I owe this to Alex. I have to do this.”

“I wanna find the guy as much as you do, but he wouldn’t want you to do this.”

“He’s been gone for too long already. It’s been a week Max!”

“I know how long it’s been. And I know the guys have your back and you couldn’t ask for better help, but you’re gonna be alone with Dick. There’s a big risk there and it concerns me.”

“Well, I can’t send anyone else since he wants me and only me. We don’t have a good chance of finding out anything if I don’t do this, Max. I just talked to Cooper and they still don’t have anything.”

“How do you intend to protect yourself if this thing goes south?”

She looked at him mutely. “Well... I...” she sighed. “I haven’t thought it all through yet.”

He nodded. “Have you ever fired a gun?”

“What? No.”

“I was really hoping you’d say yes.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “How do you intend to protect yourself?”

“I have to trust him to not hurt me,” she shrugged. “What do you want, Max? I don’t magically have a clue about self defense or whatever.”

He snorted and shook his head. “This guy’s orchestrated a kidnapping and engaged in stalking. How the hell do you expect to trust him not to hurt you?”

“You know, if you’re just here to throw all this shit at me then you might as well get outta here. You won’t change my mind, and I swear if you just run to Michael and tell him, I’m gonna kill you.”

“I should tell your brother. I oughta take my ass right over to see him and let him know that you’re insane.” He stared at her for a moment, seeing her resolve. “But that’s not why I came here.” He shifted and shoved his hand in his pocket to pull something out. “Let me see your keys.”

“My keys?” She frowned and looked around for them.

“Yeah.” He’d rather have given her the gun he’d brought with him, but no way was he putting a gun in her hand since she’d never fired one.

She found them on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room and threw them at him.

Max caught them deftly and set about winding the device in his hand onto the ring. When he was finished he tossed them back to her. “It’s small and he won’t be looking for it. He’s arrogant and he thinks your concern for Alex will be enough for him to control you. If anything happens and he becomes a direct threat, don’t hesitate to pull that trigger and hit him with a face full of that spray. It’s a combination of tear gas, mace, and pepper spray that’ll give him a lot of grief. It also has the added bonus of a marking dye so there won’t be any question that he’s the one you hit with the stuff. Anyway, that combination will drop him and leave him incapacitated long enough for you to make tracks.”

She glanced at it for several very long moments and then nodded. “Thanks.”

“Just take care of yourself, Isabel. You’re a pain in the ass at times, but I’d rather have you around.”

“Good to hear,” she snorted. “Don’t tell my brother. He’s having his first date with Maria tonight and I don’t wanna ruin it.”

“Then don’t give me a reason to,” he said with a wink. “The guys are taking precautions. Blake will be nearby, they’ll track Dick’s car, and they’re runnin’ down anything they can find on the ex-cop. If they find Alex they’ll pull you out.”

“Okay,” she agreed, feeling a bit better about the fact that she had a bunch of Army guys on her side that wouldn’t hesitate to help her.

“They’re the best at what they do.” He just wished he could be of more help.

“I know. Don’t worry, Max.”

“I wish I could just turn it off, but it’s not quite that easy.”

How could she ask him not to worry when she was worried out of her mind? “Just try to look at it with hope instead of doubt.”

“I wouldn’t trust Dick as far as I could throw him.” He shrugged. “I do hope this situation pans out and we get some answers. I’m just not willin’ to sacrifice you to get them.”

“I’ll be alright.”

He nodded. “Then I’ll get outta here and let you get back to your Kamikaze attack on your closet.”

“You gonna be with the girls tonight?”

“Someone’s gotta balance things out before Valenti starts enjoying chick flicks and discussing clothes.”

“True,” she laughed slightly. “Tess and him have gotten quite comfortable lately, huh?”

“Yeah, go figure. Took the guy bein’ temporarily blinded to see her.”

“Well, at least it did something good in the end then.”

“It sure as hell makes it easier to be around the two of them when they’re in the same room.” He rolled his eyes. “Well, in some ways.” Hell, it hadn’t been that long since that thought could’ve been applied to him and Liz.

“You know, not long ago it wasn’t possible to be in a room with you an’ Parker for any length of time either,” she teased, speaking out loud what he had just thought. “But same goes for Alex an’ me, so I guess we’ve all kinda changed.”

“You’ve got a point. I hope after all this you’re gonna take that guy out on a real date.”

“I’m not sure he’ll even want to see me after this.”

“Maybe not, but I wouldn’t put any money on it.”

“You’d better not bet on that,” she warned him and nodded at the door. “Get outta here, Max.”

He chuckled. “I’ll leave that to you an’ Valenti.” He waved over his shoulder on his way to the door. “Be safe tonight, Isabel.”

“I will be.”


Michael parked around the corner from Isabel’s building and turned the engine off at the same time as a new text message arrived. He grinned, already knowing it was another one from Maria. She had been begging him to tell her what he had planned for tonight and he was holding out on her.

I neeeeeeed to know. A girl needs to know, Michael! It’s outfit-dependent. I wanna look good for you!

He snorted when he read it. As far as he was concerned, she’d look good in a plastic bag.

Wear casual, he texted back. Jean shorts so I can see your prefect legs. One of those tops that shows off all your nice curves.

Dropping his cell into the middle console of his Avalanche, he got out and hurried towards the entry of the building. He had no clue when they had checked on her apartment last, but he figured her plants needed some water before they died and started to rot. He could picture his sister’s disgusted expression when she walked into her own apartment and took a whiff of the stinky air.

He made it around the corner of the building, forcing his way through a group of people and was about to enter through the main entrance when something caught his attention. He narrowed his eyes at a tall blonde silhouette, who was about to get in a parked limousine right on the street. Someone was holding the door open for her and the moment she ducked to climb in, he recognized his sister’s profile. The door closed behind her and the man walked around the car, glancing down the street to make sure no vehicle would run him over.

The blood in Michael’s veins ran cold when he recognized him. Dick! What the hell was Isabel doing?

It took him a moment to make his body cooperate with his thoughts and he began to jog after them, ready to pull the coward out of the car and give him the beating he deserved. He didn’t get far before someone suddenly blocked his way.

“Don’t,” Blake said simply.

For a moment Michael was confused, but then he recognized the guy. “What the hell are you doin’ here?” He glanced past him to Dick’s car and saw it already taking a turn onto the next street.

“I’ll explain,” the other man said and gave him a little push towards the street. “Get in the car first.” Blake glared at him when he didn’t move. “Now. We don’t have time to waste for your sister’s sake.”

He started to dig his heels in and refuse until he got an answer, but the guy clearly intended to follow Dick and his sister and if he held things up she could be in serious trouble. “I don’t know what the hell you’re doin’ here or what stupid fuckin’ harebrained scheme she’s cooked up, but you’d damn well better have a good explanation.”

Blake ignored him and went around his car, not caring if the other man followed or not. They had GPS but he didn’t want to fall too far behind.

Michael jerked the door open and jumped inside, barely getting his right foot off the ground before the guy was pulling out onto the street. He looked around the interior as he slammed the door harder than necessary and rolled his eyes. “You must really love military life,” he muttered.

“So what?” He hit a few buttons on the GPS device and relaxed when it showed the spot indicating the other car. They weren’t too far away yet.

“Just sayin’, maybe you should leave the camo on base.” There was enough of it to choke a horse.

“I don’t think I need any of your advice. If you hadn’t just run into my business I wouldn’t have let you in, in the first place.” Why, God why, he thought. It was just his luck to end up in the same car with this guy.

What the hell had Maria seen in this blockhead? “You wanna tell me what the hell’s goin’ on?”

“Your sister agreed to meet up with her ex after he approached her. Apparently he made some threats about the missing guy... Alex, and he agreed to let him go if she met him for dinner.”

“That’s about the stupidest thing I’ve heard all day. Dick’s stupid, but even he’s not THAT stupid. He doesn’t have any intention of lettin’ Alex go. Who the hell agreed to let her do this? Did she tell that cop?” What the hell was his name? “Cooper, did she tell Cooper?”

“I think she did but the guy said he was only able to help if they met in a public place.”

“And let me guess, they’re not gonna be in a public place.” He sighed in frustration. “If he takes her to his house we’re screwed. The place is like a fortress.”

“We don’t know where he’s takin’ her yet.” He tapped the monitor. “Where’s his house?”

“Carnegie Hill. The house has been in his family for generations.”

Blake nodded. “Well, let’s hope he’s not going there.”

But he was heading in the right direction. “Well, he also has a restaurant preference in that same area. It’s got some ridiculous name and prices to match.”

Something in the car started to ring and Blake pushed a button on his radio so Ramrod’s voice could be heard. “We got eyes on the ex cop.”

“That’s good news. Where is he?”

“You won’t believe it. He just left Kennedy’s apartment.”

“Are you trackin’ him?”

“You can count on that.”

“We could luck out. He might just lead you right to where they’re holdin’ Whitman.”

“I think I’m in a fuckin’ thriller,” Michael muttered.

“Who’s that with you?” Ramrod asked.

Blake glanced at the other man briefly. “Her brother. He just happens to have the worst timing.”

Great, that’s just what they needed. A civilian tagging along. “Yeah, no lie. Alright, just wanted to check in.”

“I’m on them.”

Michael rolled his eyes. They were talking about him like he was some civilian who didn’t know what he was doing.

“I could still drop you off,” Blake offered when Mike was off the phone again.

“And risk her getting too far away? Hell, no. What you can do is let me use your phone.”

“For what?”

“I’d like to make a call.”

“You’re a real smartass, aren’t ya? Who?”

“You really wanna know?” He shifted in his seat to look at the other man. “I’ve got a date and it looks like I’m gonna be late or miss it altogether and I’d like to let my girl know so she doesn’t think she got stood up.”

He looked him up and down. “You were goin’ on a date dressed like that?”

“I don’t think I need wardrobe advice from you, G.I. Joe.”

Blake shifted and pulled his phone from his pocket, throwing it in the other man’s lap. “I’ve got her number saved.” Take that, asshat.

“That’s good. I mean, I’ve had her number for years.” He didn’t bother searching for her number, punching it in manually and holding the phone up to his ear. “But you’ve got her number, so... guess that makes you the big winner.” He smirked. “Yep, you’ve got her number and I’ve just got her.” He pinned the phone between his shoulder and ear while holding his hands out in front of him, palm-side up like he was weighing something. “Yeah, look at that,” he said as his right hand dropped lower. “Phone number on one hand, the girl and the number on the other... I think I win.”

“Hey, what’s up?” Maria answered the phone, her voice sounding surprised and a little breathless.

Michael held the phone out in front of him for a moment, staring at it before putting it up to his ear again. “Hey, it’s me. We’ve had an unexpected hitch in our plans.”

“Michael,” she was stunned, “should I be worried that you’re on Blake’s phone?”

“No, not worried. Pissed that I’m probably gonna be late, yeah, but not worried. My sister decided to do somethin’ stupid and I’ve gotta make sure she makes it back out so I can rip her a new one.”

“Oh,” her disappointment showed through in her voice. “Okay.”

Damn it! Disappointment was worst than pissed off. “I’m not cancelling on you, and if it was anyone else I would’ve just left ‘em to their stupidity, but it’s my sister.”

“Yeah, sure, I understand,” she told him quickly. “Make sure she’s safe but don’t get in trouble.”

“Me? How can I get in trouble when I’ve got Duke here covering my back?”

“Duke?” she asked, puzzled. “Oh, from G.I. Joe,” she caught on and laughed. “Be nice, Michael.”

“I am bein’ nice. We’re still goin’ out, it’s probably just gonna be a little later than we’d planned. That cool with you?”

“Sure, I’d wait all night for ya.”

He grinned. “I don’t think it’ll take that long.” It’d sure as hell better not take that long! “You got my last text?”

She chuckled. “Yeah, I did. I still think I should wear something more special than what I wear like... always.”

“You know you can wear anything you want, but I’m kinda partial to that look.”

Blake rolled his eyes. “Ya know, it’d be helpful if ya cleared that line in case Mike wants to call.”

“Hey, babe, I’m gonna have to hang up. Apparently Duke didn’t get the call waiting option when he got his phone. My phone’s in the truck, so if ya need me I’m sure he won’t mind if you call.”

“Uh-huh, be careful with what you’re doin’.” Her tone was serious.

“I will. Call ya soon as I’m free.”

Blake snatched his phone back just as soon as the lovebirds got off of it and placed it in the center console. “You should’ve just gone straight to her apartment. Would’ve saved both of us a headache.”

“I know where she’s at and I know she’s safe. Isabel, she’s a different story, and I’m not leavin’ her in your hands just ‘cause you’ve got military training.”

He considered telling him he was nuts but would he react any differently if his family was in danger?
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 167 - 11/23/14

Post by Double Trouble »

keepsmiling7: Lol, Michael couldn’t resist that one.


Earth2Mama: We’ll find out if Michael’s presence causes any problems today.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! We’ll learn more today.

Roswelllostcause: Yes, they are!

begonia9508: Lol, put two guys who like the same girl in a small space and all kinds of things can happen!

We’ll check in on Alex today.

Thanks! Keep those pills close!

CandyliciousLovah: Don’t worry, we don’t have long to wait before the big date gets underway.

Natalie36: We’ll find out today!

sarammlover: Lol, the six days are up and we’ll find out today if someone’s gonna screw up.

SmileeUk: Our boys know what to do for the ladies. ;)

Another Sunday’s here, so on we go…

Alien_Friend: Yep, from all too characters to choose, we decided to put Blake and Michael in a tiny room, lol.

Now he’s going to be late for his first real date with Maria, but he has a good excuse, right?

Part 168


“You think there’s a chance the ex-cop’s gonna lead him back to wherever they’ve got Alex?”

“Could be. Matthews might think that at some point during dinner she’ll want proof that Alex’s still alive. He could put him on the phone, but for that someone will have to be with him.”

“That’s a good point. If the cops arrest Dick and the ex-cop, one of ‘em’s sure to roll on Kennedy in exchange for a deal.”

“That would be the solution to all our problems,” Blake agreed and took a turn when Dick’s limo made a right at the next street.

“Yep.” And then you can go back wherever you came from.

They drove in silence for a while. Blake concentrated on the street and the GPS signal instead of the fact that the guy next to him was the very same one who had claimed the first woman he had really been interested in since his ex. Guerin probably wasn’t a bad guy, but it was a little hard to overlook that fact. “Seems like he’s not heading to the house.”

“If he follows his current path he’s headin’ for the restaurant.”

“Got a name for it?”

“Somethin’ stupid... Beautiful... Beauty, somethin’ in there.”

Blake snorted and grabbed his phone to speed dial Mike. He waited patiently until his friend picked up. “They’re probably heading to a restaurant called Beautiful... or Beauty, whatever. Think you can get that info to the detective?”

“Lower East Side?”


“It’s called La Beaute, you cretins,” Ramrod muttered. “It’s French for The Beauty.”

“Sorry for our ignorance,” Michael muttered. His family had money but he had never bothered to try out those overpriced restaurants around town. He couldn’t see Maria liking them either. Right?

“Don’t even bother,” Blake said, shaking his head. “He takes his dates to the ballet and musicals too.”

The other man wrinkled his nose. “How old is that dude?”

“Not nearly old enough for all that.”

“You two do realize I’m still on the line, don’t you? And just for the record, women like a little class in a guy.”

“Was that class or ass?” Blake asked.

Michael laughed. “Seriously, the women I know would snore halfway through a ballet.” He made a face.

Ramrod snorted. “Cooper’s been notified and apparently he’s also tailing them. He said to tell you not to engage the suspect.”

“Dick had better not engage my sister,” Michael muttered.

“Why haven’t you kicked this guy’s ass already?” Blake asked.

He narrowed his eyes at the other man. “Ya know, my sister’s not a woman to share her problems with just anyone. By the time she told me that dipshit was following her around, Alex had been kidnapped.”

He nodded. “Bet you couldn’t stand him even before that.”

“No, I couldn’t. But if you think that’d keep my sister from dating him, then I have to disappoint you. She doesn’t need me to like or agree with her choice of boyfriends.”

“Yeah,” he laughed, “I got that from meeting her. Girl’s got a mind of her own for sure.”

“She’s too stubborn for her own good and ever since my brother died she tells half the world to fuck off.” As soon as the words were out, Michael wondered why the hell he would tell a stranger about Matt’s death. He shook his head slightly and stared out the window.

Blake rested his left elbow on the door and slowed down to let another car in front of them. “He was the oldest, huh?” He nodded at the grunt the other man gave. “Bet she doesn’t listen to you as well as you’d like.”

“She NEVER listens to me.”

“Maybe after this she’ll rethink that.” He glanced at Guerin and smiled slightly as they both said, “No,” at the same time.

Michael shifted in his seat. “Yeah, most likely never. But if we manage to get a hold of Alex, I guess I can sleep a little better with the knowledge that she’s dating a decent guy for once.”

“It’s gotta be hell havin’ sisters.”

“I’ve got three of ‘em. It’s not any fun.”

“Yeah, gotta pass on that fun.”

He wouldn’t want a life without them though, Michael thought. “Ya know what’s worse?”

“What’s that?”

“When they crush on your best friend.”

“Ungh, yeah, that’s not cool.” He shook his head. “Talk about havin’ to give a guy an ass whippin’.”

“Exactly. And they think you have no right to get involved as if their thing wouldn’t affect my damn friendship.” He snorted. “Sisters, man. I don’t know how I’ve survived all these years.”

Blake laughed. “I’ve got a cousin like that.”

“You can’t do anything right with three sisters.”

“No, I guess not. They probably appreciate all the stuff you do though.”

Michael nodded his head when the black limousine in front of them turned into a parking lot. “Drive past them, there’s a little parking area right around the next corner.”

“You been here before?”

“There’s a fire station where I worked for a while, so I know the place.”

“They got a back exit?”


“Wonder which one Cooper’s covering.”

“I’d like to say both.”

“Be hard to do unless he’s got backup, and given the fact that he doesn’t have a lot to go on, that’s unlikely.”

“Then I guess we cover the back.”

“Yeah, just in case he’s got it in his head that he should sneak out and take her somewhere else without anyone seein’.” He made a quick call to Ramrod, advising him of their location and letting him know to notify the detective.

“Will do. I’m headin’ to Harlem. Ex-cop’s on the move. We might be onto something here.”

“We might just pull this off to everybody’s satisfaction,” Blake said with a nod.

“Could be a good day,” Mike agreed. “Call ya when I’ve got news.”

“Watch your back out there.”

“You too, Hawk.”

Michael rolled his eyes and stared at the back of the restaurant. He really hoped this wouldn’t take long for all their sakes.


This must be the end, Alex thought when he blinked and saw a blinding light in the distance. It grew bigger and bigger with each heavy breath he took. His head was throbbing, his vision swimming, but it didn’t feel as bad as it had felt before.

Yeah, this was probably the feeling you experienced shortly before you died.

“How much longer you gonna drag it out?” a dull voice asked. The light suddenly shifted to the side and it took every bit of concentration for Alex to realize it had been a flashlight in the hands of his captor.

I’m on my way out, he thought, not caring about what the man might do to him anymore. He was certain he was already halfway through death’s door.

“You’re takin’ your sweet time.” He shook his head and swung the beam over his captive’s face again. “I hear your sister didn’t fight this hard.”

He couldn’t reply if he tried. Breathing felt next to impossible and talking seemed too much of an effort.

He turned his head when he heard something in the distance. It sounded like something had been knocked over. “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.” He didn’t bother closing the door. It wasn’t like Whitman had the strength to so much as crawl. “Damn bums,” he muttered as he hurried down the poorly lit hall. He’d chased out the occasional homeless person, making sure they stayed far away from his business and he was getting sick of it. He’d be so glad when this jerk just gave it up and died so he could dump his body somewhere and be finished with it.

“Freeze,” a voice suddenly shouted and as the hallway was illuminated, he detected not one, but a whole group of men in heavy gear, wearing helmets and holding weapons in front of them. What the fuck? Who had called the damn SWAT team?

Think quick!
“Hey, you guys got here just in time. There’s a guy back here, looks pretty bad. You’d better call the paramedics in.”

The man at the front of the line made a waving gesture with his hand and two men moved forward, pressing him against the wall while a few others moved past him. “This sick little game of yours is over, Westbury.”

He struggled against the hands holding him, which only earned him another push just before the handcuffs locked around his wrists. He dropped his forehead against the wall and swore a blue streak as more officers moved past him. “Don’t even bother with my Miranda. I want my lawyer.”

“You’ll get one soon enough.”

Shit! He had to talk to his lawyer before this hit the wire. He’d kept evidence of every transaction he’d had with Kennedy and Matthews, but he had to make sure his lawyer got it before one of them could find it. Otherwise he was going down for a shitload of crimes and he wouldn’t see daylight again.

“Captain,” someone called from upstairs. “We’ve found someone, send the paramedics in. We’re all clear.”

The Captain grabbed the radio on his vest and called back for the paramedics, meeting them at the entrance and leading them through the building to the man they had been called in to rescue. “What’s his condition?” The guy looked like he was knocking at death’s door.

“Shallow breathing, slow heartbeat,” one of the men at Alex’ side told them and let go of his pulse spot to make room for the medical equipment. “He’s got a bad rattle in his lungs.”

“What the hell did Westbury do to him?” It didn’t look like he’d been beaten. There were a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing that signified a direct beating.

“Mr. Whitman,” one of the paramedics crouched down next to him, talking in a calm voice while he took his stethoscope out to check his heartbeat and the sound of his lungs, “do you know where you are and what happened?”

Alex struggled to open his eyes and focus on the man speaking. The voice was brisk but calm, kind but authoritative, and he suddenly realized that he wasn’t hearing and seeing things. “... tried to kill me,” he rasped weakly.

“You’re safe now,” the other man said, preparing an IV bag and gesturing to one of his team to make everything ready for a transport.

He wanted to ask about his sister, about Isabel, but he couldn’t seem to string the words together to form a sentence.

“Don’t try to speak. You’re dehydrated.”

The litter was brought in and placed on the floor next to Alex while the paramedic worked on inserting the IV needle into his arm.

Dehydrated, he thought fuzzily. It seemed incomprehensible considering how much his captor had enjoyed shoving him underwater and holding him down.

“Let’s move him so we can take proper care of him.”

“Just take it easy, Mr. Whitman, we’ll have you outta here in no time.”

He couldn’t keep track of the voices as they started to blur together, but it didn’t matter. He had been found and they were taking him away from his prison and the man who had taken such pleasure in torturing him. His eyes drifted closed again just as he felt the warmth of the sunlight on his face.


Isabel stared at her dessert wordlessly. She hadn’t eaten much from the main course, but just the thought of taking one bite of her chocolate soufflé was making her sick. She glanced at the clock behind Richard for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour and wondered how long she had to bear his presence.

“I thought that was your favorite dessert,” his voice startled her.

She forced a nervous smile. “It is. I just had a big lunch today and I’m not really hungry.”

He frowned. “You’ll insult the chef.”

“Well, I told you I didn’t want dessert but you weren’t listening.”

Richard sighed and shook his head. “I suppose you want to speak to your,” his back teeth ground together, “friend.”

“That would be nice,” she agreed, her heartbeat rising at the mention of Alex and she felt drained. Her blood pressure had been through the roof since she had met him and she felt like was running a marathon that just wouldn’t end. “You said you’d let him go if I agreed to dinner.”

“What can you possibly see in him?” he asked as he pulled his cell out and made a production of dialing a number. “He’s financially unstable, he’s weak, and you can’t view him as a potential suitor.”

“I don’t rate people by their bank account.”

He snorted and frowned when the phone rang longer than expected. “Considering his finances, I suppose that’s a good thing.”

“He’s a good guy, never did anything wrong. Let him go, Richard.”

He held a hand up for silence when the phone was finally answered. “What the hell took you so long?” he growled, his voice low but the irritation showing through clearly. He didn’t bother waiting for a response. “I told you to stay close because she’d want to talk to Whitman.”

“You know, Mr. Matthews, I’m afraid your friend can’t come to the phone right now. He’s too busy shittin’ his shorts now that his ass has been busted,” the Captain said into the speaker calmly, holding the radio close to the cell so it would carry to Detective Cooper, who was observing the bastard. He had no clue how Cooper had figured this one out, but he didn’t care how he did it as long as it meant the asshats in the Matthews family finally got what they deserved.

Richard fumbled with the phone and his eyes darted around the restaurant. He got to his feet quickly, grabbing Isabel’s arm and pulling her with him. “Let’s go.”

Isabel struggled to her feet, confused about the sudden change in Richard’s behavior. Something must have happened, she thought hopefully.

The door to the restaurant was flung open before they could reach it and Cooper walked in, his hand close to the weapon on his belt. “If I were you, I’d give up now, Matthews.”

Richard shook his head, his wild gaze frantically searching for another exit. He grabbed Isabel and pulled her up against him as a shield, his arm wrapped tightly around her throat to keep her in place.

Guests in the restaurant made noise and moved out of the way as soon as they caught the situation. Cooper stood in the way calmly, maintaining eye contact with Isabel for a moment to assure her she was going to be fine. Matthews wasn’t a killer, just a rich asshole who thought money ruled the world and so did he.

“Let her go. You’re only making this worse.”

“No, no, just step aside and let us out.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He shook his head. Out of the corner of his eye, Cooper saw Officer Hanson entering through the kitchen. He had been impressed with Hanson’s reaction to their conversation regarding Kennedy. He had needed backup and his personal belief that Kennedy was somehow involved in this situation had sent him to the rookie officer. He had found several calls between Matthews and Kennedy, which in itself didn’t prove there was a connection to Whitman’s disappearance, but he didn’t believe in coincidence either.

Richard shifted, careful to keep her between him and the cop. He reached down, grabbing a steak knife from the table next to him and pressing it to Isabel’s throat. “You let me go or I’ll kill her.”

“You won’t kill her,” Cooper replied.

“No? You think I’m gonna just let you take me in?” His hand shot out and he waved the knife in the cop’s direction. “You don’t understand anything!” he screamed angrily.

“Good thing we don’t have to understand your twisted mind,” Hanson took the moment of surprise to land a hard chop to Matthew’s wrist. Hard enough to make him drop the knife. Then he reached around for his lower arm and pulled it behind his back, jerking a few times to make sure he felt pain. “Game over.”

“No! No, you don’t understand!” He made a grab for Isabel, but she ducked away from him and ran to Cooper. “Isabel, Isabel, don’t let them do this! Tell them! You can explain and they’ll see the truth!” He looked at the cop behind him when he felt the handcuffs snap into place and he struggled futilely against them. “Isabel, please! I love you! You have to know that!”

She didn’t listen and stared into the detective’s face hopefully. “Tell me you found him,” she begged as tears ran down her face, smearing mascara all over her cheeks.

“We found him,” he agreed softly and squeezed her shoulder. “He’s in bad shape, but they’re taking care of him at Mount Sinai Hospital.”

The front door opened again and Michael and Blake walked in. She looked up and cried even harder when she saw the concerned look on her brother’s face. “Michael. I’m sorry, I had-”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” he said, pulling into his arms for a warm hug. She was shaking and he knew she’d deny it if he mentioned it. He’d wait until things had settled down before he gave her an earful for taking such a big risk. “They found Alex.” He lifted his head to look at the detective. “You need her statement right now or can I take her on over to the hospital?”

“I can come to the hospital for her statement later,” Cooper nodded.

“Alright,” Michael looked at Blake, still unsure how to feel about the man, but he couldn’t deny he had been a great help in all of this. “Guess I’ll see ya later in Brooklyn.”

“Sure man,” he held out his fist and smirked quietly when the other man bumped it before he made his escape with Isabel. Blake turned to look between Matthews and Cooper. “Well, Detective, thank God someone accidently stumbled over our friend, huh?”

“Yeah, lucky break,” Cooper said with a brief nod. He was grateful for the help, and even more grateful that the guys had understood that they had to observe from a distance and not be directly involved in the situation.

“Don’t let his family’s money buy him outta his mess,” he said before he walked out of the restaurant with a grin. Ramrod and Stryker had said to meet them at the girls’ place in Brooklyn where Evans was already waiting for them so that was where he was heading now.

“Money, yes, I have money!” Richard tried to move closer to the cop who had first intercepted him. “You don’t need me. I can’t go to jail. I’d never survive!”

“I won’t cry if you don’t,” Hanson muttered dryly and shoved him forward out of the restaurant.

“I can give you someone bigger than me! I swear, just get me my lawyer and I’ll give you his name and you can let me go.”

“You’ll have all the time you want to talk to us once we get to the station.” Cooper opened the back of the police car for him. “Mr. Matthews, it’ll be my pleasure to take you for this ride.”

What the hell was he going to do now? His gaze raked over the interior of the car, taking in the wire grate that separated the backseat from the front and he winced when his new position caused the handcuffs to pinch his skin. He couldn’t go to jail. A Matthews just didn’t do such a thing. He could buy his way out of this mess, he was sure of it. Father wouldn’t be pleased, but as long as he got out of this with minimal scandal attached to the Matthews name he would eventually forgive him.


Isabel was silent as the taxi carried them through the busy streets to the hospital. They didn’t know much about Alex’s condition, only that it was serious. She stared straight ahead, her heart rate increasing when the hospital finally came into view.

“You know they might not release any information regarding his condition,” Michael said, shifting to pull his wallet out to pay the cabbie.

“I know if they know what’s best for them they’ll tell me. Professional courtesy if nothing else,” she said, her tone steely.

He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from saying anything about the risk she had taken. He needed to wait until she’d had time to recover from tonight otherwise they’d only end up in a fight. Which they were probably gonna do anyway when they had that talk. He leaned over the seat to hand the cabbie enough to pay the fare with a hefty tip on top for getting them there in record time. “Let’s go.” He rolled his eyes when he turned his head and saw the open door and his sister’s retreating back as she pushed her way through the entrance.

“I’m looking for Alex Whitman,” she said as soon as she reached the counter in the huge entry hall of the hospital.

“When was he brought in?” the woman asked.

“Maybe an hour ago.”

She entered the patient’s name and scanned the file as it came up. Her eyes widened for a moment before lifting to the woman making the inquiry. “And you are?”

“His girlfriend.”

“Of course.” She smiled. “He’s down in Emergency. Just check in at the nurses’ station there and they’ll be able to give you his condition and let you know if he can have any visitors yet. Do you know where Emergency is?”

“I know,” Michael showed up next to her.

“Let’s go,” Isabel insisted.

He nodded and led her down a hallway. It wasn’t the hospital they often brought their patients to since he was mostly called for emergencies downtown but he had been here a few times as well.

“No one’s said anything about his condition.” She was worried and she didn’t bother trying to hide it.

“They never do.”

“Well, they should.”

Michael didn’t argue with, he just led the way through the entry of the emergency section. “Be nice. Usually everyone’s a little stressed out in this part of the hospital and no one enjoys dealing with impatient relatives.”

She shot a glare at him. “I do work in the medical field if you recall.”

“Yeah, but you don’t work in Emergency. The area where those cases are first brought in is a little different than what you’re used to.”

“Michael, I understand your concern and...” She sighed and turned to look at him, nodding reluctantly. “This is more your area of expertise, so get me in to see him.”

“This won’t be easy.” He glanced at the counter where a middle-aged nurse sat, a grim look on her face.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 169

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Finally that’s over for him. He’ll have some healing to do, but he’s got some good people there to help him.

Lol, yeah, Richard definitely showed more of his true colors.

Alex has had a rough time of it and he still has a ways to go.

sarammlover: Alex is finally safe! We have a feeling Richard will finally pay for his crimes. He’s a huge coward and deep down he knows it. He’s about to learn that money doesn’t really buy everything.

begonia9508: Alex will heal now that he’s safe and away from Richard and his accomplices.

Money can and does buy many things, but Richard’s freedom won’t be one of them!

Roswelllostcause: Trent’s time is running out with Richard and the ex-cop under arrest.

Natalie36: They did take a couple of problems out of the mix.

keepsmiling7: He’s on the right road.

With Richard and the ex-cop in custody we have a feeling it won’t be much longer.

Our dreamer couple is on their way to getting little Aaron back.

Eva: Alex is in rough condition, but he’s in a good place and he has lots of people who are ready to help him however they can.

It was a big advantage for all of them to work together… and the beauty of fiction!


killjoy: Lol, that did go down fairly smoothly!

Alien_Friend: Thanks! Everything did go just like clockwork. Getting Alex out and away from his captor went smoothly and now he’s someplace safe where he can be treated and begin to heal. You can be sure Isabel won’t be leaving his side and they’ll heal together.

Lol, could you imagine what would’ve happened if they hadn’t found some common ground? With Richard and the ex-cop under arrest it won’t be long before we see Trent taken down.

We’ll be getting to that date soon.

Part 169

At Your Side

“Look at it as a challenge. You can charm the pants off all kinds of females... she’s just a little older than your normal age range.”

“My girlfriend would just love to hear that,” he rolled his eyes.

Isabel snorted, grateful that being with her brother was somehow keeping things normal. “Your girlfriend.” She shook her head. “Took you long enough.”

“Don’t get started with me,” he warned her, “you have no room to talk.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I’ll give you a briefing,” he muttered and looked over his shoulder at the nurse. “Later.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Just go show off that charm of yours so I can see Alex.”

Michael ignored her and went over to the counter where the nurse too focused on her paperwork to notice him at first. She was an attractive woman, mid-thirties if he were to guess. “Hi,” he greeted quietly and rested his lower arms on the surface, waiting patiently until she looked up because he knew how overworked the workers in Emergency usually were.

Nurse Wilkerson glanced up and smiled at the young man appreciatively. It was hectic enough in the ER and it wasn’t uncommon for people to be pushy when they wanted answers and she understood that. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m here with my sister,” he nodded over his shoulder. “She can be a major pain in the ass when she doesn’t get what she wants.” He rolled his eyes. “And I’m the one who’d have to suffer through it so I was hoping you’d show some mercy an’ let her see her boyfriend who was brought in about an hour ago.”

“Do you know if his family has been notified of his arrival?”

“No, his folks don’t live in town an’ my understanding is they don’t have the best relationship.”

“That’s a shame,” she murmured sympathetically. “His name?”

“Alex Whitman.”

She nodded and typed the patient’s name in, scanning over the information listed. “Yes, he was admitted just about an hour ago. It looks like he’s in bay 37.” She glanced over at the statuesque blonde. “And you say your sister is his girlfriend?”

“Yeah, they just started seeing each other not long before that dick kidnapped him. Alex had a sister who was a resident in a nursing facility but she passed away a few days ago of pneumonia. We don’t know if anyone’s told him yet, but my sister was with her when she passed because he couldn’t be there.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” She called another nurse over and nodded at a corridor to her right. “Evelyn, would you take these folks down to Bay 37?” She looked back at the young man. “The doctor may explain Mr. Whitman’s condition in light of the fact that he has no family present.” She looked him in the eye. “He may also ask that you leave. Chances are good that he’ll allow your sister to stay though, since she is Mr. Whitman’s girlfriend.”

“I’d be okay with that,” Michael agreed with a nod. “Thank you...”

She nodded with a smile. “Just go with Evelyn and she’ll take you to Mr. Whitman.”

“Alright, have a nice and hopefully not too stressful evening.”

Isabel hurried to join him. “What’d she say about his condition?”

“Nothin’. We’re meeting with his doc an’ we’ll see what he’s got to say.”

“He’ll have to tell us. There’s no one else to tell.” She shook her head. “His parents didn’t even want to be notified when Sandy passed on. Can you believe that? What kinda parents are they?”

“We can’t force any information out of him. Let’s just wait and see how much he shares.” He looked at his sister sternly. “We have no right to hear anything, remember that before you go off on him.”

“Professional courtesy if nothing else. He has to tell us!”

“Wait here for a moment,” Evelyn stopped at Alex’s bay. “I’ll check to see if his doctor’s available right now.”

“Isabel, are you sure you wanna do this?” Michael asked.

“Am I sure?” She frowned.

“Maybe you should just let me see him first. You might not be ready for what you’re gonna see.”

“Michael, I work in a hospital and while I may not work in the ER, I’ve seen a lot of things already,” she shook her head. “I’m not gonna just go away without seeing him.”

“Okay.” He held his hands up. “Just thought maybe you’d want me to get a look at him first.”

“I’m just glad he’s finally out,” she told him hoarsely. “He had to go through all of that just because of me-”

“It didn’t happen because of you,” he interrupted. “It happened because Dick is a twisted bastard.”

“I know, but I can’t help but blame myself. If I hadn’t dragged him into that mess in the first place he wouldn’t have gotten attacked. I paid him to see me, Michael.”

“And maybe at first that’s why he did it.” He shook his head. “But the guy genuinely likes you.” He bumped her shoulder with his. “No idea why, but he does.”

“Thanks,” she shoved his shoulder. “Why don’t you go have that date with your girlfriend?”

“I’ll go,” he assured her. “As soon as I know you’ve got everything under control here.”

They both fell silent when the nurse came back with the doctor walking beside her. “Good evening, Miss…?”

“Guerin,” she said and shook his hand. “And this’s my brother.”

“Mr. Guerin.” He shook her brother’s hand and then looked back at her. “I understand you’re the closest thing Mr. Whitman has to family here.”

“Yeah, he’s been living in my brother’s apartment building for a few years and we got to know him though that. The only family he cared about was his sister, but she’s been in a vegetative state and she passed a few days ago.” Isabel swallowed at the memory.

“I’ve heard of a couple of Guerin’s... one over in the Pediatrics wing at the hospital in Manhattan and another one workin’ as a paramedic. That the two of you?” He already knew it was. Nurse Wilkerson had paged him and apprised him of the situation.

“That’s us,” Michael agreed, not surprised the doctor knew.

“I’m Dr. Clemson,” he said after a moment. “Mr. Whitman’s a very lucky man. We don’t have all of the facts at this point, we don’t know what all he’s been through, but it’s apparent he’s a fighter. He’s got pneumonia, but it’s in the early stages, so we have the advantage there. His condition could be significantly worse considering the fact that his captor was an ex-cop with a record for brutality.”

“Is there anything other than pneumonia?” Isabel asked, her concerned gaze locked on the door.

“There are some bruises left from where he was held down, he has some abrasions on his right side that appear to have occurred after impacting with asphalt or concrete, his right ankle is fractured, there are bruising patterns consistent with someone who’s been kicked repeatedly, but by far, the pneumonia’s our biggest concern.”

“Okay,” she nodded, trying to focus on the facts. “Can we see him?”

He nodded. “We’ll be moving him to a room shortly. You can see him then.”

“A private room,” Isabel insisted.

Dr. Clemson cleared his throat. “It’ll be semi-private.” The patient apparently lost his insurance coverage when he lost a job recently and the second job he held down didn’t provide coverage. “But we’ll let you know which room he’s in as soon as he’s been moved.”

“If there’re any financial problems,” Michael said, “just let us know, Doc.”

“You’d have to talk to the billing department about that,” he said with a smile. Yeah, he thought, they were the same Guerin’s he’d heard about. Hearts as big as their wallets. “Give us about half an hour to get him moved and settled in and I’ll have Nurse Wilkerson let you know what room he’s in.”

“We’ll wait,” Michael agreed and pulled his sister towards a little waiting area. “Thank you.”

“Thank you, Dr. Clemson,” Isabel said and followed her brother. She dropped down into a seat and tapped her thumb against her lips. “His sister had pneumonia.”

“Yeah, but a different kind and her body had been weakening over a long period of time. You can’t compare the two things.”

She was silent for a while. “Michael?”


“Do you think he’s gonna want anything to do with us after this?”

“He doesn’t strike me as the type to blame others for things that happen to him under bad circumstances,” he shook his head. “He might need some time to deal with all of it though.”

“He didn’t get the chance to even say goodbye to his sister.”

“But that’s not your fault. As I said, it was a row of bad circumstances that can’t be changed. You need to give him time to deal with stuff.”

She nodded. How could he not blame her? If she had just listened when he told her to go to the cops or if she’d just told her brother what was going on sooner.

Michael squeezed her shoulder. “Hey,” he said gently, “he’s safe now, that’s the most important thing.”

“Yeah. He should be fine, right? Dr. Clemson said the pneumonia was in the early stages.”

“He’ll be fine,” he agreed.

She swallowed hard and nodded. He’d be fine. He was young and healthy and there was no indication that his condition was deteriorating. And Michael wouldn’t be reassuring her if it wasn’t true. “Thanks.”

“Nothing to thank me for,” he muttered and slouched down in his seat while they waited.

“I hate waiting,” she grumbled. “Being on this side of those doors is the worst.”

“You’ve never been patient,” he snorted.

She shrugged one shoulder. “No, I haven’t.” And she made no apologies for it, that’s just who she was.

Michael smirked as memories of past days in the Guerin household crossed his mind, each of them holding a pissed off and impatient Isabel. “You got that from Mom.”

She shoved her elbow into his ribs. “There are worse things I could’ve gotten from her.”

“No doubt.”

“So... you and Maria, huh?”

He wanted to look annoyed but ended up grinning. “Me an’ Maria.”

She snorted and shook her head at him. “What were you planning for your first date?”

“None of your business, sweet sister.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at him. “I sincerely hope you had something special in mind.”

“What ya think would be special?” he asked curiously. He’d thought about something she would probably like, but he had no clue if it was ‘special’.

“The complete opposite of what you normally do.” She crossed her arms over her chest and shifted in her seat to stare at him. “Tell me what you had planned.”

Michael thought about it. He really didn’t want anyone but Maria to know, but what if it was a stupid idea? Maybe his sister could give him a little advice on things? “I was planning to take her to the place where we kinda decided to be friends. You know Maria an’ I didn’t like each other at first when Amy and Dad started dating, right?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Dad an’ Amy made us go to Battery Park one afternoon to have a picnic. Maria an’ I weren’t really looking forward to it, but they dragged us along anyway. The parents were distracted with themselves so we wandered off in a different direction. She went to feed some of the chipmunks there. Some of her classmates found her and started to tease her about her weight.”

“And being the white knight you are, you ran to her rescue.”

Michael laughed. “Not at all. I watched from a distance.”

She made a face. “You watched from a distance,” she repeated, her tone incredulous. “How does that end up with the two of you being friends?”

“I watched her while she sat there alone, crying. She always kept to her pain to herself, she still does that. She stayed away so her mom wouldn’t notice an’ I don’t know, something in me snapped an’ I decided if she was gonna be my little sister then I might as well treat her like I treated my real sisters.”

“Yeah,” she said dryly, “I can see how that leads to true love.”

He chuckled. “I went over to her and told her to suck it up and that I’d make sure none of them came back and bothered her again.”

“Is that the day you came home with a black eye?”


“Was that Maria or one of her antagonists?”

“It was her,” he admitted. “She told me she didn’t need me to stand up for her and that she could defend herself. I told her to show me and that’s when it happened.”

“That sounds more like it,” she said with a smirk. “So, you were planning what? A picnic at Battery Park?”

“Picnic sounds gay,” he made a face. “I was planning to take her to Battery Park an’ order some food.”

“Just for your information, little brother, picnics are not gay. Maybe if you were plannin’ to go with Kyle and have a picnic... no, scratch that, definitely if you were making plans to picnic with Kyle, then it’d be gay. Taking your girlfriend out for a picnic is something completely different.” She shook her head at him. “And whether you take the food or order it, it still qualifies as a picnic.”

“Whatever,” he made a dismissive wave with his hand. Maria wouldn’t care what kinda food it was. She probably wouldn’t care about the location either. At least he hoped he knew her well enough to know all that mattered was that they spend time together on an official date.

“Well, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the sentiment behind the gesture.”

He made a face her tone. He shouldn’t have told her, now he had the feeling it wasn’t good enough. Great.

“I was being serious, Michael.”

“Uh-huh,” he looked at the clock that was already heading straight to 9pm. “We might have to do that another time.”

“You do realize you have a pretty major advantage on your hands right now, don’t you?”

He frowned. “What exactly do you mean?”

“I mean right now she’s just over the moon that you’ve jumped ship on that other thing and you’ve realized what’s been right in front of you all along. You have a window of opportunity here. There are no date expectations at the moment. Right now you could take her to Sal’s for a burger, a bologna sandwich on your balcony, or a taco in the front seat of your truck and she’d be thrilled. Because it’s all about you and her, the rest of it doesn’t matter right now.”

He smirked. “Yeah, I guess I know that.”

“Then I guess you shouldn’t be worried or think whatever you have planned isn’t good enough.”

“I wasn’t worried.”

“Yeah, sure you weren’t.” She shifted and glanced at the clock. “What is taking them so long?”

“It’s hasn’t been that long,” he told her, but he wished they would hurry up too.

“Are you sure?” It felt like it had been a lot longer than half an hour since they had talked to the doctor.

“Twenty minutes.”

“This’s ridiculous. No wonder people nearly go stark raving mad sitting in these waiting rooms.” She got up and started to move around, pausing at the window to look out over the city. “He enjoys photography, did you know that?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“He’s very good at it. He could make money with it, but he just does it for fun.” She watched as the light from the setting sun turned the tips of the trees below into a fiery orange color.

“Then maybe you should encourage him into takin’ a shot at it.”

“He wants to be a social worker.”

Michael shifted in his seat and looked at his wrist watch. “An’ what would he like to do as a social worker? Help people like his sister? Kids? Homeless people?”

“Probably. I think after what happened with his sister it really changed his life.”

He snorted. “The guy lives in an apartment he can hardly afford, it sure did.”

“You know what it’s like to hold onto somethin’ just because it belonged to someone you care about, Michael.”

He shifted his attention to her and they stared at each other for several long seconds before he nodded wordlessly.

“I don’t know what he’ll do now.” She bit her bottom lip and looked away. “His sister’s gone so there’s really nothing to hold him here.”

“Nothin’?” He lifted one eyebrow

She shook her head. “I... He asked me out, but now,” she sighed and rubbed her eyes tiredly, “I don’t know, Michael.”

“Why would he think about it differently now? You’re still the same person.”

“Yeah, and if I hadn’t kept my mouth shut all of this might’ve been avoided.” It was a senseless argument. There was a good chance Richard still would’ve done just what he had done if she’d gotten the restraining order sooner.

“Blaming yourself won’t help anyone, Isabel. Why don’t you just wait and see what he thinks about this?”

She nodded silently. “You’re right.” She glanced at him, practically feeling the smirk she knew was on his face before she even turned her head. “Don’t get used to hearing those two words together.”

He didn’t get the chance to reply when Evelyn approached them again. “You can see him now, but only a few minutes.”

Isabel jumped to her feet. “What room is he in?”

“214,” she told her calmly. “Just a few minutes.”

“I won’t stay long,” she promised.

Michael got out of his seat and followed his sister down the hallway.

“He’s still very tired and the meds are making him a little disoriented,” Evelyn informed him.

“Yeah, I imagine that’ll last a while after what the guy’s been through.” He’d probably welcome it, he thought.

She nodded. “Don’t pay too much attention to anything he might say right now. It probably won’t make a lot of sense. It’s just a side effect of his dehydration and the meds.”

He glanced at his sister when she paused at the door to 214 before taking a deep breath and stepping inside. He smiled at the nurse. “Thanks for everything, Evelyn.”

“No problem,” she smiled back at him, her expression holding a slight hint of flirtation.

He checked his watch again before nodding at her and following Isabel into the quiet, dim room Alex had been moved into.

She watched him from a distance for a long while. Her eyes roamed over his face and the little bit of his body exposed above the blanket and thank God, he didn’t look half as bad as she had imagined. The beeping of the monitors he was attached to, his pale skin and the fact that he hadn’t noticed them coming in spoke volumes though.

“This’s completely normal, Iz,” Michael murmured as he joined her. “He’s gonna be disoriented for a while between the meds and the dehydration.”

“He looks so lonely.”

He tilted his head, trying to see what his sister saw in Alex. “Maybe he is right now, but I wager that won’t last long.”

Isabel walked around the bed, careful to make not any loud sounds. She wanted Alex to know she was there with him, but on the other hand, she also feared his reaction.

Alex was vaguely aware of a presence nearby and he blinked in an effort to see who it was. Everything around him seemed to ripple and the longer he tried to focus on it the more nauseous he felt. He closed his eyes and turned his head away from the presence. He wasn’t up to another round with his kidnapper. He just wanted to be left alone.

Michael nodded towards the chair next to the bed. “Why don’t ya show him you’re here with him?”

She hesitated, looking at her brother uncertainly before inching closer to the chair and pulling it up to the bed. She didn’t know what all he had been through and she wasn’t certain he would welcome any contact, so she just leaned in close and rested her hands on the bedrail. “Hey, Alex,” she whispered.

He could hear a voice through the fog in his head. A female voice registered slowly as well as the fact that it couldn’t be his captor this time.

Isabel held her breath, hopeful and terrified at the same time. She had no idea what his reaction would be and part of her expected rejection.

Michael watched them, but the guy didn’t show much of a reaction. Maybe he was in too deep right now. “Just keep talking to him so he can hear your voice.”

There was another voice, deeper, but still not belonging to his captor, and in spite of that he pulled away from it.

“Hey, Alex,” she tried again gently, “you’re safe now.” She looked at her brother, feeling kind of embarrassed about talking while he was in the room with them. “We got you outta there.”

Michael bit back a smile, easily reading his sister’s thoughts. “Why don’t I get outta here? Let you two talk a bit before the doc tosses you out again?”

She nodded and got up quickly to hug her brother. “I’ll take a cab to Brooklyn from here later. Have fun with your date and thanks for everything.”

“I can wait for you, give you a lift,” he offered. “Maria will understand.”

“Nah,” she shook her head, “you go on and see how much you can still save of your first official date.”

“Alright, I’m not gonna beg to hang around waitin’ for ya.” He grinned and reached out to awkwardly pat Alex’s foot. “Get well, Whitman. Got a feelin’ you’re gonna need it with this one.” He winked at his sister and ducked out of the room before she could throw something at him.

“He can be such an ass,” Isabel said and took her seat again, “but you know that, right”?

Alex tried to focus on the voice, tried to separate his surroundings from the place he’d been held captive but he couldn’t quite get that scene out of his head. He tried blinking again and some of the room began to shift and take shape. His mouth felt like it was full of cotton and his head hurt. “Where?” he rasped finally after several tries.

“You’re in the hospital, Alex. Don’t worry, you’re gonna be fine.”

He tried to move his hand and he frowned in confusion when something pulled against it. He lifted it up enough to look at it, trying to make sense of the device attached to his finger and the lines taped to the back of it. “What...?”

“That’s just helping you to get back some strength, don’t fight it, Alex.”

His eyebrows pulled down, deepening his frown as he pulled on the wires experimentally and pain shot through his hand.

“Don’t,” she said gently and placed her hand over his lightly.

His hand tensed at the contact and he tried to pull it away. He couldn’t handle any kind of contact at the moment. It was just too soon after the ordeal he had been through.

“Sorry,” she muttered and retrieved her hand when she felt his uncomfortable reaction. “I’ll just sit here and keep you company for a while, okay? You’re safe.”

“Nobody’s safe,” he mumbled tiredly.

Isabel looked at his face with a worried look on her face. He was far from being good and she just hoped that he would fully recover from this... physically and mentally.

A/N: Double Empire has come to an end, but we've already begun working on a new fic that we'll begin posting some time after the first of the year. In the meantime we've been working on a little holiday cheer that we'll begin posting next weekend. As usual, while we're posting our Christmas fic we'll put our other fic TIC TAC on hiatus until it's completed posting.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 170

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: He’s in bad shape, but at least he’s in a place where he’s safe and he can begin to heal. Isabel’s feelings for Alex definitely run deeper than she’s allowed herself to admit to.

Lol, that’s M&M!

Roswelllostcause: Alex is already on the road to recovery.

sarammlover: He’s gonna get there.

Natalie36: We’re gonna see them find their way.

CandyliciousLovah: Alex and Isabel have a rough patch to get through, but they’ll find their way.

begonia9508: The people who did this to Alex will pay.

It’ll take a few days for his mind to understand and accept the fact that he’s no longer a captive.

keepsmiling7: Lol, he’ll have to keep that one in mind.

SmileeUk: Thanks!

Isabel will be there to make sure his recovery moves along.

The cops have their hands full with this bunch.

Rodney: It was a nice thing for her to do.

Alien_Friend: Alex has a rough road ahead of him and Isabel’s gonna be there to help him find his way back.

kismet: He’s on the road to recovery.

Keep reading… that fight’s gonna come to an end too. ;)

Hey everyone! So TIC TAC is back with weekly updates. And next week (1/25/15) we are going to start posting our new fic as well!
To watch the trailer klick here: THE ASSASSIN

Part 170

Looking Ahead

Kyle listened to the conversation going on around him, occasionally adding in his two cents, but remaining quiet for most of the time. As soon as Alex had been found the word had spread like wildfire and one by one the others had come by to wait for news of his condition. He was slouched down on the couch, his eyes closed behind the bandages, and the remote tapping ceaselessly against his right leg.

“I wish they’d call already,” Tess muttered beside him.

He reached over and took her hand. “They will. Just takes time to get him settled and run prelim tests.”

“What’d Kathleen say?” Liz asked, glancing at Max. He had been on the move constantly, pacing back and forth, since they had arrived.

“She said she’d call as soon as she hears somethin’.”

“That guy they arrested, he’s gotta try to make a deal, right?” Maria spoke up.

“He’ll be singin’ like a damn bird,” Tony nodded. “He’s gonna give it up without a fight because he knows if he waits, Dick’s gonna make a play for a deal.”

“That’ll be so good for you guys,” Tess said, smiling at Liz.

“Yeah, it’s gonna throw Max’s drug case out for sure,” she agreed. She turned her head to the side when she heard footsteps on the porch and then a knock.

“I’ve got it,” Max said before anyone could move.

“Shadow,” Blake greeted amused when the man was faster to the door than he had expected. “You on your way out?”

“Not even close.” He knocked his fist against the other man’s when he held it out. “Guess we should’ve called you guys in sooner.”

“Better late than never, man,” Mike said and walked in, grinning when he was greeted with the smell of pizza.

Max rolled his eyes. “It’s on the counter.”

All three men came in and handed greetings out while they took a place around the counter to grab a slice.

“So would you mind filling us in while you eat,” Maria made a rolling motion with her hand.

“Damn, she kinda looks like –“ Sam grunted when Blake rammed an unsubtle elbow in his stomach. “Y’know, I already walk funny. There’s no need to add to it.”

“Yes, she’s the one from my tat ad,” Max told him, waiting for an answer as well.

Blake glared at Sam when he nearly announced to the room that Maria bore a slight resemblance to his ex.

Mike liberated a few bottles of water from the refrigerator, shaking his head at the lack of beer. “Sam did his thing and while he and Blake were handling the other end of things with Dick and Isabel, I was followin’ the ex-cop. He went straight to the building where they were keepin’ your friend.”

“How is he?” Tess wanted to know. “And how’s Isabel?”

“He could’ve been in a lot worse shape, but he’s holdin’ his own,” Mike answered.

“And Isabel’s tough,” Blake added. “Her ex pulled a knife on her in the restaurant but we managed to put an end to things before she got hurt.”

“Gosh,” she winced when she heard the story about her big sister and her heart went out to her.

“She’s tough,” Kyle muttered just for her ears when he felt her whole body tensing next to him, “she’ll be fine.”

She squeezed his hand and nodded, forgetting for a moment that he couldn’t see it. “She’s at the hospital now?”

“Yeah, your brother was with me at the restaurant. Stubborn fool wouldn’t just hang back like I told him to.” Blake shook his head.

“Michael would never just hang back when his sisters are in trouble,” Maria said and held Blake’s gaze, “no brother would.”

He held a hand up. “Not sayin’ anything against him, just sayin’ he’s not trained for situations like that and her bein’ his sister could’ve severely complicated things.”

“The detective saw everything in the restaurant?” Max interrupted and looked up when Liz stood next to him with a hopeful smile. He shifted his stance and pulled her into his arms while his gaze stayed on Hawk. “There’s no chance that little prick’s gonna be back on the streets in a few hours?”

“There’s not a doubt in my mind he’s goin’ down hard for this.” He glanced at his buddy. “They heard every word of it.”

“Good,” Max looked at Liz and nodded.

“That help your case with that hard-nosed judge?” Sam asked.

“We really hope so,” Liz answered.

Yeah, now if the shrink just gave a good report and they could get Liz out of that second job they might have a chance to bring Aaron home, Max thought.

“It’ll work out,” Maria assured them. She had talked to Liz about setting up a room for Aaron, but the girl was still hesitant about it.

Tess nodded. “Yeah, Maria’s right. Things are finally startin’ to fall into place.” She glanced at Kyle. Yeah, they really were.

“In a lot of ways,” Tony agreed when he walked in from the back porch where he had been talking to Ava on the phone. He greeted the other guys and then bumped Maria. “Right, Deluca?”

“I hope so.” She had just spent their first date eating pizza with their friends. And she understood that he had to make sure his sister was alright, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed.

“Who would’ve thought things would start lookin’ up at some point?” Tess fell back on the couch in relief and smiled to herself when her gaze fell on her and Kyle’s intertwined hands.

“I guess goin’ through the tough times makes ya appreciate the good times more,” Kyle said. After a moment of silence where he could feel everyone staring at him he shrugged and cleared his throat. “What? Talk shows, okay? There’s not much else on in the afternoons.”

Maria chuckled. “It’s true anyway.”

“Dude, we’re gonna have to do somethin’ about what you’re watchin’,” Max said and shook his head.

“Not much longer an’ you’ll be able to take those bandages off,” Tess encouraged him. “Then you could... read?”

“Yeah, we’ll get you a subscription to a woman’s magazine,” Tony laughed.

“Shut up, Carter.”

A car door slammed and moments later footsteps pounded up the front steps just before the door was opened and Michael paused in the doorway.

“Frozen in place, Guerin?” Max asked when the guy didn’t move in immediately.

“Shut your trap, Evans.” His gaze moved over Maria for a moment before he hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Talk to ya for a minute?” he asked, hoping she wouldn’t tell him no outright.

She frowned, hoping he didn’t have some kinda bad news. “Sure,” she slowly slid from her barstool and walked over to join him outside.

Michael looked around at the others. “Do you mind?” he asked before stepping out on the porch and pulling the door closed behind him. He ran his hand over the back of his neck and let the screen door shut with a bang. “You look great.”

“Thanks,” she replied hesitantly.

“I know it’s late, but I was hopin’ you might still wanna go out.” It wasn’t a question but the way it was phrased made it sound like one.

“Yeah sure, if ya still feel like it,” she nodded.

He tipped his head to one side as he studied her, trying to read her expression. He nodded after a moment. “Yeah, it’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about.”

“That’s good,” she smiled, “me too.”

“Then let’s go before I get distracted.”

She pointed at the door, amused. “Can I get my bag first?”

“Yeah, I might be able to restrain myself that long.”

“Okay,” she turned and walked back inside to get her things.

“In a hurry, Deluca?” Tony teased when everyone turned to watch her.

She flashed him a smile. “To be honest, hell, yes. Have a good night, folks.” With a short wave to everyone, she opened the front door again and stepped back out on the porch. “Okay, I’m ready if you are.”

He felt like he’d been ready his whole life, which was just ridiculous considering he’d only just recently opened his eyes where she was concerned. Michael held his hand out to her, his fingers closing around her smaller ones as he led the way down the steps and to the Camaro. He spun her around under his arm and pulled her against him as he braced his free hand on the roof of the car. “I’m glad you said yes,” he growled before leaning in to kiss her.

“As if you had to have any doubts about it,” she breathed against his lips, her heartbeat so quick and her stomach so full of wild butterflies.

“You could’ve told me to get lost after leaving you hanging for a few hours tonight,” he said with a smirk.

“After I’ve just got you?” Her hand wandered up his chest and closed around the collar of his shirt. “No way, Michael.” And definitely not when he had such a good reason for leaving her hanging.

Okay, he had to admit he liked the possessive note in her voice. “Let’s get outta here before they start cheering,” he muttered, sensing that the porch behind them was packed with their friends waiting to see them off.

“Okay,” she stood on her tiptoes to brush a light kiss against his lips and then waited while he opened the door for her.

Michael helped her inside and closed the door before turning and making a slicing motion with his right hand before the group gathered on the porch could do something stupid and embarrassing. He loped around the front of the car and pulled the door open, sliding in behind the wheel and starting the engine.

“Where’re we goin’?” Maria wanted to know as she got comfortable in the leather seat. “Weird,” she said before he could answer, “I’ve sat in that seat so many times by now but it feels like the first time.”

“I had somethin’ else in mind for tonight, but since it’s later than I intended I’m gonna save that for another night. So, what would you say to mini golf?”

“Gosh, I haven’t played that since... forever,” she grinned, excited.

“You’re in luck. I found one that’s open until after midnight, so there’s plenty of time for you to remember how to play.”

“If I remember right I don’t have a chance at beating you anyway. You were always so determined when it came to that.”

“Gotta work with what you’re given,” he said with a grin.

“Maybe one of these days I’ll be better at something.”

He snorted. “You’ve still gotta give it your best shot. It’s no fun if you let me win.”

She snorted. “I would never let you win on purpose, Guerin.”

“There’s my girl,” he said with a laugh.

His words affected her deeply and for the first time she believed they weren’t motivated purely by friendship. When a signal in front of them turned red, she used the opportunity to lean over towards him. “Hey, Michael.”

She waited until he turned his head to look at her and then took his lips in a not so innocent kiss like the one he had given her earlier.

Michael didn’t need any further encouragement to lose himself in the kiss, in her. His hand lifted from the gearshift to cup the back of her neck, his thumb brushing against her jaw.

Only when the car behind them started to honk, did she back away reluctantly. “You should drive.”

He grinned and revved the engine loudly before releasing the brake and shooting through the intersection.

Maria leaned her head against her seat, but still faced him, running her tongue over her now slightly swollen bottom lip. “How far?”

“It’s just over in Queens, so not far.”

“Okay.” Her gaze shifted to the lights of Brooklyn outside, but it didn’t take long until it focused back on the man beside her.

“What’s on your mind?” he asked, feeling her eyes on him.


One eyebrow lifted. “Me?”


“Okay... why?”

“Because you’ve been the only thing I’ve been thinking about all day.”

“Anything you wanna share?”

“Probably not,” she smirked when he turned his head briefly to look at her.

“Somethin’ that’s gonna make you blush?” he asked, intrigued.

“If I told you? Yeah, definitely.”

“Then you should definitely tell me. You’re sexy when you blush and it’s even sexier when it’s because of somethin’ related to me.”

“Hmm,” she mused and then leaned in to kiss a spot on his neck while he drove. “I’d rather show you later than talk about it,” she whispered in his ear.

He jerked the gearshift harder than necessary as he downshifted to take a turn. “Keep it up and this’s gonna be the shortest golf game in the history of mini golf.”

Maria giggled and moved back to her seat. “Good thing we still have all night. You gotta work in the morning?”

“No.” He sobered. “Gotta get some things ready for Sunday.”

“The funeral?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Anything I can help with?”

He rested his forearm on the window frame and shrugged one shoulder. “Isabel picked our uniforms up so that’s taken care of. I’ve gotta meetin’ at the station so they can go over everything.” He exhaled slowly. “Then I’ve gotta go by the family’s house after lunch.”

“I was planning to go and see Cody in the afternoon, but if ya want me to come with you I could go in the morning,” she offered, not sure if her presence in Dan’s house would be much appreciated.

He gnawed on his bottom lip. He was just going by to check on the family and run a few errands for them. “I wouldn’t mind the company.”

She smiled and took his hand. “Okay then.”

“What time are you gonna go by and see Cody?”

“Guess right after breakfast.”

“We could go together.” He changed lanes to take a turn. “The meeting at the station isn’t until 11am.”

“Sounds good. He’ll like that.” She glanced out the window and saw a huge advertisement for the new Usher album, which reminded her of a few things he didn’t know yet. “Yesterday I had the final casting for the music vid.”

“Yeah?” He rubbed the back of his head. “How’d that go?”

“Good and bad, I guess,” she answered hesitantly.

“Good for the audition and bad for the final call?”

“Good for both but bad considering my opponents.” She had no clue how he was going to react to the news about Courtney.

He winced. He had a bad feeling he knew who at least one of her opponents was. “Courtney?”


“Was it bad?”

“She wasn’t playing very nice,” Maria wiggled her nose, “but I tried to stay out of it. “

“So you got the part? Role? Whatever you call it?”

“Yeah, I’m the female lead,” she stated proudly with a big smile.

“I knew you had it!” He glanced at her. “I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks. I’m really excited about it. This’ll probably be my biggest and best paid job ever.”

“It’ll sure give you exposure.” His head snapped to the side and he looked at her. “Speakin’ of exposure... you don’t have to show any serious skin for this thing do you?”

“I don’t know much yet.”

“Yeah, guess you’ll find out about all that later. Sorry you had to deal with that headache. She shouldn’t be pissed at you.”

“It’s okay. I know how hard it can be to be nice to the girlfriend of the man you want.”

“Yeah.” But it was more than that. Somehow in a short span of time Courtney had developed feelings for him and she genuinely cared about him. He hadn’t just broken up with her. She probably could’ve handled that better than him cheating on her and then breaking up with her. If there was an award for doing things ass-backwards he’d sure as hell have a wall of them.

She sighed. “We’re letting exes, funerals, and illnesses ruin the mood for our first date.”

He chuckled and shook his head as they finally pulled into the parking lot of the mini golf course. “Okay, no more of that talk for the rest of the night.”

“Good. Just one more serious question?”

He glanced at her as he cut the engine and after a moment he nodded. “Yes, you can have your way with me anytime, anywhere.”

“Slut,” she rolled her eyes.

He grinned. “So that wasn’t the question?”

“Not at all.”

“Okay, serious question. Hit me with it.”

“Okay,” she shifted in the seat again to face him and forced her eyes to lock with his. “Are you really into this as much as I am? Because Michael, I don’t think I could handle another rejection in a few days.”

He stared at her. He’d had no idea what she had on her mind but he hadn’t seen that one coming. “You remember that night at my apartment? The night after the shoot?”

She nodded. “Doubtful I’ll ever forget anything about that night.”

“I told you I needed time to think, to figure some things out.” He waited until she nodded. “Maria, I’ve spent most of that time thinkin’ about little else. I’ve given this more thought than I’ve probably ever given anything else because no matter what we’ve been to each other, best friends, drinking buddies, confidants, sources of aggravation and consolation, a couple, lovers, no matter what kinda label you put on what we have you’re not someone I ever wanna not have in my life.” He scratched his eyebrow with his thumb and the keys clutched in his hand jingled with the movement. “I pushed you away and I know I pushed hard, but I never intended to push you so far you wouldn’t come back. And because of who you are and what you mean to me, I wouldn’t go into this without the intention of givin’ it everything I’ve got.”

“Okay,” she whispered, touched by his words.

He cleared his throat when she didn’t laugh. Well, at least she didn’t think he was an idiot. “Okay then.”

“Ready to go? “

He nodded. “Yeah.” He got out of the car and hurried around to open her door for her. “At least it’s not a furnace out here tonight,” he said as he offered her his hand.

“That’s good,” she placed her hand in his and let him pull her out of the Camaro.

His eyes roved over her appreciatively. “Now aren’t you glad you’re dressed comfortably?”

“Definitely, mini golf in high heels would suck.”

He snorted and pulled her along with him. “C’mon, Sexy, let’s go see if your swing’s improved.”

“I doubt it, but this time I have ways to distract you,” she teased and followed him.

“Okay, that’s really not fair,” he complained just for show.

“Playing against you isn’t fair either considering your father has a small mini golf course in his basement.”

“Well,” he shrugged as they approached the counter to rent a couple of putters and he frowned when the girl handed Maria a green golf ball and dropped a blue one in his waiting hand. He glared at his girl when she snorted, a clear sign she was trying to hold her laughter in, and he quickly switched balls with her. “That’s not funny,” he told the girl behind the counter before ushering Maria through the gate that led onto the course.

“Where ya wanna start?” She turned to look at him with sparkling eyes. “At number one or is that too easy for you? We could move ahead to the more difficult section?”

“We start at one.” He shook his head at her. “At least that way you’ll knock a few in.”

“Hey,” she used her putter to smack his ass lightly.

“You can’t deny the truth.” God, it felt good for things to be so easy between them again.

“Whatever.” She shook her head and bent down to place the small blue ball on the marked spot on the first green.

“You’re already distracting me and it’s not even my turn,” he muttered as he braced his weight on his own putter.

Maria grinned over her shoulder and then widened her stance to take her first swing. Gently, she nudged the ball and watched as it rolled towards the hole at the end of the green. “Yay,” she clapped her hands when it hit home directly.

He snorted. “Easy shot.” He waited for her to retrieve her ball before placing his on the mark and making a big production of readying for the shot. He finally took a swing, bouncing the ball off of the bricks that bordered the green and sinking it.

“Poser,” she groaned.

“You’re just jealous.” He snatched his ball up and followed her to the next section.

Not anymore, she thought and placed her ball on the starting spot again. She knew she wouldn’t make it this time. Number two had always been a weakness, but she gave it her best effort anyway.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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