Alternate Universe Challenges

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Post by Zanity »

#136 AU w/ Aliens M/L

Young King Maxwell Zander (Publicly King Zan, Privately Max) at the age of 18 has just ascended to the throne of Antar after the tragic death of his parents in a shuttle accident.

His people are pushing him to choose a queen and start a family to secure the royal line.

He can have his pick of any woman on Antar but he wants to marry someone he can love. So he asks the Granolith to summon his perfect mate, the woman destined to be the love of his life... it obeyed but the result wasn't what he expected.

Elizabeth Parker (Liz to her friends and family) has never been serious about boys, her grandmother Claudia always told her she'd know her soulmate when she met him and she wanted to save herself for him. At 18 Liz is a brilliant young lady who earned a full scholarship at Harvard where she plans to study Molecular Biology.

Liz grew up in Roswell but she most definately does not believe in aliens.

So what happens as on her first night in Cambridge she is suddenly seized by the Granolith's energy and transported across the galaxies away from her life, away from her family and friends, away from all her dreams, and directly to her soulmate.
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Post by killjoy »

137#AU No aliens

Burrow Alaska challenge taken by OrangeSky
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Post by FrenchDreamer »

138#AU No Aliens

M/L (centered), M/M, T/K, I/A
Mature or more is better.

Parker Family:
Michael, Liz and Tess (you choose their ages but Liz must be in her senior year )
Evans Family:
Max, Isabel and Kyle (same as the Parker Family and Kyle must be in the same year as Liz

Liz has a big crush on her little sister's boyfriend, Kyle.
Maria and Alex her best friends are the only one who know.
One day, Michael and Liz have a car accident , Liz breaks one of her leg and arm in the accident.
She becomes depressed and can't go to school anymore.
Her mother decides then to pay her a tutor until the end of the year .Max.
At first, they don't get along at all but finally they start to get to know eachother and fall in love.
Max panics when he see the effects she has on him and decides to end the tutoring sessions when it becomes non professional , leaving them both all alone .
Meanwhile, everyone is ploting to put them back together.
Liz heals just in time to go to prom and find Max there (there : well you choose if you want them to meet at the prom or somewhere else).
They get together and end the night ,sleeping together.

You continue where you want or stop it here.
If there's something you don't understand, you have more questions or you already have a fic similar , don't hesitate to pm me .

EDIT: Taken by DreamerLaure
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Post by FrenchDreamer »

139# AU No aliens or With Aliens
Mature or more
The challenge is based on the song 'We Will Meet Again' by Vast.
I think the lyrics of the song give enough to make a fic so i'll let your imagination go where you want with that...
But just one condition, they Have to meet again .
Where have you gone
My love, my friend ?
Somewhere without the rain
I feel afraid now
I feel alone
Will we meet again ?

Can you recall what we once knew ?
Somewhere without the pain
I feel afraid now
But not alone
We will meet again

I can't hear your voice
But you know i feel your soul

I can't hear your voice
But you know i feel your soul

Where have you gone
My love, my friend ?
Somewhere without any pain
I'm not afraid now
I'm not alone
We will meet again
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Post by killjoy »


M/L mostly but you can bring in the others.

AU All Human.

Any rating you want.

This one is a play off the movie Bounce.

Max Evans has it all and he knows it and flaunts it!

He's attractive not to mention he's rich both from his family and his own job interests.He has a girl in every town....hell he has many girls in many towns.He's living the life most men dream of.

But that all changes when fate steps in.

During a delay at the airport Max makes a hook up with a beautiful woman that he wants to wine,dine and later bed.

So in order to do so Max swaps plane tickets with a guy he befriended at the bar.Later the next day after a wild night of partying and sex Max finds out that the plane he was supposed to have been on crashed killing all aboard,including the man he swapped tickets with.

Feeling guilty Max uses his money and power to learn the name of the man who took his place....Sean Deluca....and the fact that he was engaged/married(I'll leave the choice of which up to you)

Max travels to Sean's home town.Roswell New Mexico.Why? To be honest he doesn't know why? But while there he meets Liz,Sean's wife/fiancé.

The rest.....well you know the rest from here.
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Post by Zanity »

#141 M/L AU w/ Aliens

What if the ship that crashed wasn't the only one?

What if there were Alien populations living all over the world?

What if Philip and Diane Evans were Aliens that were out there searching for children who may have survived the Crash because they new when the power from the stasis pods would run out?

What if because of the way the adult survivors of the crash were treated by the US government the entire Alien population has a fear and mistrust of humans even though they live among them? And they never strayed romantically from their own kind?

What if Max and Isabel grew up being taught exactly who and what their people were... refugees from a dying world?

What if Michael was also adopted by an Alien couple?

What if in addition to their public schooling they were also home schooled in the advanced sciences from their world?

What if Max Evans had always been in love with Liz Parker? What if on September 18th 1999 Liz Parker was shot and Max saved her? What if because of his knowledge of who and what he was he wasn't as afraid and stuck around to finish the cover up?

What if Liz has had a crush on Max since junior high?

Now Liz is the first human in over 50 years to be let in on the Alien secret. And now that she knows her dream is coming true and Max is finally willing to have a relationship with her.

But what if as she spends more and more time with Max things start to become strained between her and her two best friends Maria and Alex?

And what if not everyone in the Alien community approves of her presence in their midst?

Could Max and Liz's relationship survive and prove that Alien/Human relationships are possible?

I'd like to see this follow their relationship as they grow closer over the years, get married, struggle through complications of a hybrid pregnancy etc.

I'd also like to see the friction it causes between Liz and her friends and family as she hides Max's secret, and the friction it causes between Max and his family and the alien community as he accepts a human into their world.
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Post by killjoy »


Ok the way I see this challenge is a series of stories one for each couple.But having said that if you take the challenge and want to write it all as ONE big story than hey that's ok to.You're the one writting it so go for it. :D

AU All Human

Couples-M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Rating-what ever you want it to be.

The Evans family have been police officers as far back as the family can remember.The family is proud of it's community service and all of the current generation of Evans are serving in law enforcement now.

Max Evans-The youngest ever homicide detective on record.Many of the older crowd resents him for it.Wrongfully thinking he got where he is through family connections.Max doesn't care about any of that for he is busy working on his current case,which consumes all of his waking and dreaming hours.He is trying to track down and take out The West Side Serial Killer(you can change this name if you want to).His big break comes when the serial killers latest victim,Liz Parker,escapes his sadistic clutches.Max must now protect and work with the traumatized girl in hopes of catching her attacker.

Michael Evans-The oldest not to mention moodiest of the Evans children.Michael's abrasive attitude and bad boy looks makes him perfect for undercover work.He is currently working in Vice as an undercover narc on the streets.When a new designer drug hits the streets Michael tracks it down to a new club in town.Michael gets a job there working the bar.There he works his magic trying to get close to and info out of the club's owner,one Maria Deluca.Is Maria in charge of the drug ring that seems to be working out of her club? Michael hopes not because he's starting to like the young fireball that is his 'boss'.And how will Maria act when she finds out Michael has been lying to her this whole time?

Isabel Evans-Still works for the police dept but took a different route than her other siblings.Isabel lets her brain and scientific knowledge do her work for her.Isabel works in the Crime Scene Investigation arm of the police force.A super model body but with a steel trap mind Isabel is perfectly suited for gathering and piecing together evidence.She's also use to being in charge and in control.Which is why she hates it when the FBI steps in on HER case.And she hates it even more when FBI agent Alex Whitman seems to be just as if maybe not smarter than her!

Tess Evans-The baby of the family.She angered her family when she announced she was skipping college and going into the family business.Being five foot nothing,blonde and female everyone seems to think you're weak.But Tess graduated from the Police Acadamy at the top of her class and has now been assigned to her new partner.Of course it would Kyle Valenti.The most chauvinistic, stuck on himself partner Tess could have ever gotten stuck with.And to make matters worse,half the time Tess doesn't know if she wants to hit Kyle or kiss him!
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Post by killjoy »


AU All human

Ok let me say this challenge is a little weird.I also need to say that I didn't come up with this idea.This is from an OLD TV movie from years past that when done was a lot better than this will sound.Let me give you the start of how the show started.....ok here goes.

You have two women standing on the sidewalk next to a busy street in a big town (NYC,LA....) One is on one side of the street and the other is located across on the other side.

One woman has a small toddler child with her.She takes her hands and eyes off the child for a split second....and like most kids will do it took off on a run.Unfortunately the child ran out into the street and in front of a large dump truck style vehicle.

Now the mother froze in panic,but the other woman seeing what was going on,ran out into the street,grabbed the child,threw the child behind her and instead got hit by the truck.

The woman who was hit had her body totally destroyed.Most major organs ruptured,just about every bone pulverized.Only the fact her brain refused to give up was the only reason she was still alive.

Now for the other woman,the mother,she didn't see the other woman run out and save her child due to the angle and other people.So when she heard someone get hit she thought it was her child.The woman than collapsed.We find out she had an unknown aneurism in her brain.The stress,fear,adrenalin and her pumping heart beat brought on by the situation caused the aneurism to burst.Her brain was destroyed and she was brain dead.

Now here's the deal.We have one woman whose brain is alive but her body is destroyed beyond saving.We have a woman who is gone,brain dead vegetable,but her body is still ok.

Yep you guessed it.They took the brain out of one and put it in the body of the other.

I know it sounds dumb but I swear it was done well.

The husband of the brain dead woman was in shock and felt gratitude for the woman who saved his child.So he gave permission for the surgery swap to be done.So in effect he signed over his wife's body to another woman.

Now this is an example on how the challenge might go.

Liz is the woman who runs out in the street to save the child.And who is hit by the truck

Maria is the mother who has the aneurism,who is brain dead and Liz's brain gets transferred in.

Max is Liz's husband who is grateful that his wife is alive but now must get use to her in this stranger's body.

Michael was Maria's husband who not only has to raise their child but has to also not only deal with the fact his wife is dead but that her body is up and moving around controlled by another woman.

It was weird even for me.So I thought I'd throw this out here.


This is a Max/Liz and Michael/Maria story.The others can be in it but the two women can only be Liz or Maria.Which one gets to be which in the accident is up to you.

Max/Liz and Michael/Maria do not know one another before this and have never met.
Last edited by killjoy on Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nibbles2 »

#144 taken by Dream weaver
Last edited by nibbles2 on Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dream Weaver »

Great Idea......I have an option for it, I'll PM you! :D
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