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Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:21 am
by madroswellfan
I have to bite my lip hard to stop myself from gasping when I feel him touch my cheek. I can't help but be amazed at the softness of his touch.... it makes me feel so...

“Hey, it’s going to be okay. Personally I like the idea. Let’s just hope nobody asks me to cook.”
He likes the idea? I can't help but smile at that. He likes my absolutely awful idea!

“Poptarts are my only specialty.”
I can't help but smile at that. Im a secret poptart lover. I watch as he smiles and its this gorgeous that smile that I would imagine my perfect man having.

“I promise this weekend will be perfect. I will do everything in my ability to make your fellow envy me and want you.”
And now Im smiling too. "Really?" I sigh happily. "Thank you Max... thank you so much... you have no idea what this means to me."

I smile at him as I lead him to a free person and start to have my luggage weighed. "So um... you probably need to know things about me and vice versa...where shall we start?" I ask nervously.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:22 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Really?" Liz smiles and the whole world seems brighter. What is it about this girl that just leaves me undone? "Thank you Max... thank you so much... you have no idea what this means to me." Nor does she know what this means to me. I allow her to lead me to the place where are luggage to be weighed.

"So um... you probably need to know things about me and vice versa...where shall we start?" I can tell that she’s more then a tad nervous so I shoot her my infamous grin. “Well, first things first.” I lean down and cup her cheeks. Capturing her lips I swallow her surprise and put everything I have into the kiss.

She tastes like strawberries. Her scent fills my senses. I draw back stunned. Her touch burned. Breathlessly I pant, “I wanted to get the first kiss out of the way. When we do it in front of your friends it has to look natural.” I explain as best as I can.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:19 pm
by madroswellfan
And then theres that...simply AMAZING grin. It makes my whole body tingle, making me feel so alive...
“Well, first things first.”

He cups my face. Im too stunned to move as he captures my lips. The world goes into complete slow motion as he gives me so much to think about. The kiss is so deep its like every cell in my body finds his and it feels so... perfect.

And before I can start to truely enjoy the perfectness of the moment... he pulls back. And my cells are alone again. The dream kiss is over. Im alone.

“I wanted to get the first kiss out of the way. When we do it in front of your friends it has to look natural.”

And thats it. I know that that meant nothing to him and it... it wont mean anything to me. I quicky put my head down and give a smile, "Right...uh... good idea."

As my suitcase is weighed and tagged, I stand aside to give Max some room. Ive never been kissed like that.

Alex will kiss me better. Yeah...yeah, Im sure of it. I mean we are meant to be.... he promised. We're best friends... no one but Alex could give me the truely perfect kiss....right?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:05 pm
by madroswellfan
"Well, we talked a bit out her dogs, my painting and just stuff you know. We danced for a little while, but then the paparazzi made this huge scene so she had to leave. She asked for my number, so I gave it to her."

My head snaps slightly as I survey him. "You gave HER your number? Oh Michael thats awful!" I say annoyed. I bet thats not a reaction he suspected but he CLEARLY hasnt a clue what hes doing and REALLY needs my help. "You dont give your number, you get hers! Now you have no way of making the next move... or at least you wouldnt if you werent a lucky son of a gun and coming with me, making me look gay."

I roll my eyes, amazed that the guy hasnt even asked why my nose is covered in metal from the previous night. Guess hes too on cloud nine. And Im CERTAINLY not gonna mention it!!! "Ok so...whats your plan then. How do you normally woo a woman?"

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:54 pm
by aliensister

The floor, the bed, the kitchen table...every surface is covered in my extensive collection in all the colours of the rainbow. I'm normally a super tidy person, more then once Alex has called me a freak and the only reason I don't kill him is cause when he say it it's cute so I can't...ok, ok deep breath I'm panicking again...why am I panicking you ask, well today Alex's two best friends are flying and they're both girls...

"What if they hate me?" I say with dread and begin to chew my lip as I stand in the middle of our clothes strewn bedroom in my most modest lacy white underwear.

Moving to stand in front of the mirror I hold up a deep purple shirt and then pull my hair up with my other hand...that doesn't look to bad, No...that'll never do, I mean it's just not right. Full blown panic.

"Alex..." I whimper.

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:12 pm
by madroswellfan
"Hmm, Well, I'll probably see her sometime, and she might call me so I'm not sure."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh dear lord...." I sigh as I turn my body to face his. "Ok we have work to do. Firstly, to woo a woman, you give her gift, compliments, smiles, and of course you bump into her as often as logically and believeably possible. And the big flirt."

I take a deep breath before saying, "Okay....pretend I'm Maria. Flirt with me." I state in all seriousness. "Go."

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:06 am
by madroswellfan

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:35 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I watch in utter fascination as the love of my life dresses for the day. She has no idea how naturally beautiful she is. Chuckling light heartedly I rise from the bed when she begins to fret disapprovingly at the mirror. "What if they hate me?" My soul mate questions without even turning around. Isabel nibbles on her bottom lip nervously. That small act leads me to thoughts of last nights events. We made love until the sun rose high over the horizon.

I touched her in ways I had long since denied myself and now we are planning the ceremony in which we will become one. Isabel is to be my wife. I can't supress sthe smile that makes its way across my features. I don't believe there has ever been a man happier. Even her seemingly conservative pure white lacy undergarments makes my temperature rise. Isabel shifts so that she can see her reflection at a different angle. Holding up a bright purple top she examines the contrast between it and her smooth pearl skin.

Then right before my eyes she begins to have what I can only imagine is a perfect impression of a coniption. "Alex..." I go to her before I can even process what's happening. Scooping her up in my arms I press her soft cheek to my bare chest. "Shhh baby it's okay. You look spectacular in whatever you put on I assure you." I lift up her chin and then carefully place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"My friends are going to love you ,because I love you. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met and I truly believe that the world is a better place simply because you are in it. Now do you feel any better?" I look deep into her chocolate brown eyes for the truth that lies there. :D

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:42 am
by FaithfulAngel24
*Joint Post between Madroswellfan and FaithfulAngel24*

Max watches the petite brunette retreat a bit. Trying to catch his breath he concentrates on the sound of his heart pounding against his temples. He was used to making girls faint but he himself had never been so affected by the merest brush of lips.

Liz swallowed before saying nervously, “So… I’m thinking checking your bags in will get us moving…” She gave a little awkward giggle as she looked at her feet. She bit her lip hoping that things weren’t going to remain this… stiff. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…

Still reeling from that kiss Max swallows harshly before answering, "Right. That's what we should do." Afraid of revealing the fear building within him he made his way to the booth. The lady behind the counter flashed him a flirty smile but he ignored her not so subtle advances. It took a tad long to check his bags then he had anticipated but once they were done he turned to his nervous companion and grinned. "Just a quick question: you aren't afraid of flying are you?"

Liz looked up at him, “Afraid of flying?” She gave a smile before saying, “No… I mean my mother lives in the UK now so….” She swallowed as it dawned on her, “Oh… are you?” She bit her lip a little harder thinking that if he was maybe this really was a really, REALLY bad idea…

Caught between wanting to be truthful and still be the charming fantasy he is paid to be Max hesitated. "Well, um..." Brief pause. "Maybe." I don't want her to think that I am some kind of wuss. Still I have been terrified of planes since I was a little boy. I don't let it hold me back. I have flown when it was absolutely necessary but never for a job. This was a first. "Do you think less of me?" I try to pull it off as a tease but I am afraid my eyes will give me away.

Liz slowly looked up at him and locked eyes with him. She murmured quietly, “Are you kidding?” She smiled, “I think even more highly of you… I mean… I’m sure that you’ve had hundreds of other work offers you could have taken closer to home… work must be crazy…” She realized how bad that sounded and looked down at her black high heels once more. She wanted to say something more but for one thing she was far too embarrassed, and secondly, she had pretty much just insulted his lifestyle and living. So instead she kept her big trap shut.

A faint blush made its way across her delicate features. 'She looks so beautiful' He thought happily. A serene smile danced across his features. "My job is just like any other. It has it bad moments and then it has it's..." Taking her hand in his he continued, "Better moments." Rubbing his thumb over her soft palm he reveled in the softness of her skin. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He assured her and much to his surprise he sincerely meant it. He couldn’t think of anyone else he'd rather spend time with.

'What is happening to me? This is just another booking. Right?' He questioned himself. Letting his gaze settle on her shiny dark hair and then scan over her vibrant brown eyes and luscious pink lips he sighed painfully. But she wasn't just some girl. She was The Girl. ‘Oh no I'm in trouble.' He thought.

Liz could just tell she was blushing. ‘I’m probably going to look like a beetroot!’ Her and in his hand felt so…. Right. But obviously with Alex it would feel so much… righter. It had to. She looked back at up him slowly and gave him a shy smile. She swallowed and said, “Uh… we should go… we have to… get on the plane and everything… don’t want it to go without us…” She tucked a loose hair behind her ear nervously. “So Max… uh… I expect you do weddings all the time right?” She asked as she started walking through the airport.

Max shifted anxiously from one foot to the other. "Actually, to be honest this will be my first wedding, but have no fear I am highly qualified." Afraid that she would think he didn't have enough expereince for this sort of thing he added, "I've done showers,company picnics, high society fuctions and even funerals. Normally I steer clear of weddings but for you I made the exception." He flashed her a warm rewarding smile. "Something about the way your voice sounded on my answering machine made it impossible to say no." He admitted reluctantly.

“Really?” Liz said startled. She looked towards him as she walked through yet another check in gate. She swallowed before looking away and giving a small laugh. “Well, I expect it was just… desperation.” When they get through the gate, they walked for a short way before reaching the gate to there plane. “Already boarding… good… I hate just sitting on the plastic chairs.” She smiled as she led the way towards the gate. “Don’t worry Max… I’ll look after you.” She then blushed before adding, “I mean… I’ll… I’ll look after you on the plane.”

Then Max did something that completely embarassed him. He blushed all the way to his ears. Every since he was a child he had been self concious about their tendancy to stick out. Covering them with his hands he immediately felt the warmth thru his hands. Wanting to distract her from his humilating display he did the first thing that came to mind. Max whirled her around and then dipped her so that his lips were a mere breath away from hers.

"I appreciate your kindness. It will make it some much easier to pretend to adore you." He smirked before erasing the distance between their bodies. When their mouths met it was like coming home. Max thought that he could kiss this woman forever.

Liz was completely and utterly stunned. For a moment her body just stood rigidly in position whilst he kissed her. But a moment later, she found herself kissing back, wanting so, so much more. She wrapped her right arm around his shoulders, wishing that he would just take her right now…

And then she heard the kids nearby cheering. It all came flooding back to her and she moved her head back slightly, her eyes locking with Max’s. She didn’t know what to do or say since he was still dipping her. So she just remained in place looking into those gorgeous amber eyes of his.

Realizing what a display he just made Max tensed up a bit before seeing Liz's reaction. She was entirely comfortable in his embrace and the mere thought of that left him trembling. Straightening up nodded toward the crowd before turning back to the dark haired lovely still in his arms. "We'd better board I do something we both regret." And with that he lead her toward the terminal.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:26 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

I reach the airport in record time. While boarding the plane I begin to ponder over all the events of the past couple of years. Alex and I were inseparable as teenagers and to be honest if it wasn't for his gentle encouraging I would have never had the strength to leave Billy. I just can't believe he is getting married! I wonder what lucky woman finally let him sweep her off her feet. I guess this shouldn't be so much of a shock but it is.

I guess in the back of my mind I always assumed Alex and Liz would get married. They were always flirting between friendship and more. I am thrilled that Alex has finally met his match though. I'm sure she's quite lovely. She'd have to be if Alex fell in love with her. I spent more time then I'd like boarding. Usually I get special treatment by spilling my A List status but I decided in an attempt to hide from the papparazi I would use an alias.

Introducing Ms. Margarita Salt. Granted not entirely original but it just seemed to fit. I crammed into coach with all the other 'normal' people and smiled for the first time since last night. Michael was entirely dreamy. I push those thoughts away. It would never work out. Besides this vacation is about getting away from men. I am fine by myself. I don't need to fall in love. The funny thing about lying to yourself is that it does no good. The only person you are truly decieving is yourself.