TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - COMPLETE - 7/12/15

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 171

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Yep, things are turning in the right direction. They’re working hard to get Aaron back.

CandyliciousLovah: There’s more golf ball mischief to come.

Earth2Mama: Yep, it’s a very important factor.

Kyle and Tess, they’re definitely taking their time and letting things develop at their own pace.

Philip and Diane stepping in have made a big dent in their worry but Max and Liz really want Aaron back home with them. That process is in the works and these recent arrests may just help out.

Natalie36: We’re glad to be back and all of those things are in the works. ;)

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

They’re all so ready for normal to come back to their lives.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! We’ll be getting back to them soon and seeing how they’re doing.

Eva: Things are finally looking up for our group.

Knowing that there are some positive turns really has changed the mood for them and it’s easily visible in their tone and actions.

We’ll be spending more time with Michael and Maria today.

begonia9508: Ah, he was trying to deflect attention from Sam’s remark that Maria kinda looked like Hawk’s ex by mentioning that she was the one in the ad that was shot in his tat studio.

We may catch up with them briefly.

Midnightdreamer: Welcome to our little corner of the world!

Lol, we’re glad that you’ve stuck with TT. Yep, Max and Tess were never intended to make it as a couple in this story. They just kinda had a moment and it passed quickly enough. Now they’re just good friends and they’re both happy with that. Richard and Trent do deserve to be mowed down by a bulldozer… or any other vehicle of choice. Thanks, PTSD is such a problem for vets and there is a huge stigma attached to it. It’s unfortunate that there isn’t more research into it and that there isn’t better treatment for it.

Unfortunately, Courtney won’t get a clue until she’s ready to face what she already knows to be true. Common sense says you don’t go into a relationship with a guy you know deep down has feelings for another girl… but she’s hoping to defy the odds. She has witnessed their relationship and she’s not comfortable with it, that right there is a red flag, but she’s doing her best to ignore it. She wants that closeness with Michael, but she’s blinded herself to the fact that she’s not Maria so she’ll never have that place in his life.

Yes, Trent’s abuse goes so much deeper than bruises. It’s a big part of the reason why it took so long for her to get out.

Power and control are weapons of choice for abusers like Trent, and he knew exactly how to wield them with Liz. Lol, we would’ve loved to see Max go off on him but he’s tried his best to keep it under control for the sake of Liz and Aaron. The little guy sensed right off that Max was one of the good guys and he sure took to him right off, didn’t he? Max does have his issues in this story but he’s got a big heart and he’s fighting to get everything right. Liz has lost a lot of her self confidence thanks to her toxic relationship with Trent, but with the help of her new friends and Max she’ll find her way back from that. Like you said though, it does take time.

We’re pretty sure if Liz’s grandmother back home in Roswell was able to help she would’ve, so there must be some reason she was unable to do so. Liz has never said, but maybe one of these days she’ll reveal why nothing was left to them after the accident. As for the university job, she probably wasn’t able to dedicate the hours necessary after bring Aaron home with her and the job was given to someone who could.

The little guys in this story have some very good guys in their lives. The three of them are a lot of fun to write. Liz has faced a lot of disappointments in the past but like the others, she’s seeing a turn in her luck. Michael is the proverbial bull in the china shop, but his intentions are good, and bringing Liz into their group is something that’ll be good for all of them. Lol, Aaron has no intention whatsoever of letting Max get away. He just knows he’ll be so good for Liz and him. Liz’s job shouldn’t be a reason to take Aaron away from her, but the judge seemed to be biased against them and their situation from the get-go and he didn’t give them much of a chance to plead their case. The therapy he’s insisted on for Max isn’t necessarily a bad thing though.

No, Philip never imagined his boy would end up in the middle of a warzone. His only intentions were to keep his son from ending up in prison, from having a record that would follow him for life. It was a good deal and we think deep down Max knows that. He was coming to grips with that before he ended up going to war, but that set his progress back on that front. Alex will have the help he needs to recover from his ordeal. The relationship Max and Liz have is so good for both of them and Aaron gets a lot of credit for the changes that both of them have gone through, but especially for Max. After all he’s been through, little Aaron’s innocence reached something inside of him that was closed off and shut down after coming home.

Michael does have a hard time recognizing when he’s the one who needs help, but he’s got good people around him who’ll make sure he has the help he needs.

kismet: Those things are all in the works.

The gang is growing and Max’s Army buddies do seem to fit with the group.

sarammlover: Lol, he wasn’t gonna miss that and neither was Maria. Disappointed, yes, but mad at him? Nah, not over this one. Thanks, it’s good to be back!

SmileeUk: Thanks!

Lol, Michael was just not happy to the reference to (or the idea of) blue balls.

We’ll be catching up with the guys very soon.

Alien_Friend: Lol, we can't leave this fic alone for too long, can we?

Our couples all deserve a break from reality and they will get it just in time. ;) Just believe in the good, lol.

PS: Our new fic "The Assassin" is starting today as well!

Part 171

First Date

As expected, the ball missed its goal several inches.

“Um-hmm,” he muttered as he lined up for his next shot. He paused to grin at her before judging the distance between her ball, the border and the hole. With a careful swing he banked off of the border behind her ball, smacked into it, and sent both of them rolling towards home. His mouth dropped open when her ball disappeared into the hole and his balanced right on the rim before stopping.

Maria laughed. “Well, thanks, babe.”

“That doesn’t count,” he grumbled as he walked up to the hole and smacked his inside before leaning over to retrieve both of them.

“For me, it counts.”

He shook his head when she marked it on the scorecard as a point and he rolled his eyes when she put a big fat zero in his box for Hole Two. “That’s okay, you can have that point.” God knows she’d need it.

“Gimme my ball,” she held out her hand when they got to the third course.

He held it out to her but jerked it back at the last second. “What’re you gonna give me?”

Hands on her hips, she glared at him. “Give you?”

“Well, you want something and I think I should get something in exchange. Nothing’s free, Sexy.”

“Nothing’s free?” She tipped her head to one side and studied him. “Not even for me, huh? Gotta remember that next time you ask me for something.”

He just grinned and waited. “C’mon, what’re you gonna give me?”

“Dude, I hope she gives you blue balls,” a teenager muttered as he tapped his putter against the ground in annoyance.


The kid turned to look at the girl with him. “What? If he thinks he’s gonna score like that he’d better think again.”

The girl rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. “Let’s just skip this hole and go on to the next one.” She glanced apologetically at the man who had been engaged in the teasing conversation with his girlfriend. “If you guys don’t mind if we cut in front of you?”

Michael gestured to the next hole with his putter and shot a look at the teenager when he passed by and shook his head. “See that attitude? Bet he’s not getting any,” he said as he turned his attention back to Maria.

“I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek,” she teased.

“Oh, so this’s a G-rated date.” He nodded and leaned in closer. “I’ll remember that.”

She giggled and gave him a peck on his cheek. “You said it’s okay to take it slow.”

“I can do slow,” he assured her and gestured to the green. “I think it was your turn.”

“It was,” she took the ball from him and went over to place it at the starting spot once more. This course had a little barrier in the middle and you had to guide the ball over a small bridge to reach the hole at the other end. Maria prepared herself and then made her move, following the ball when it started nicely, but dropped on its way halfway over the bridge.

Michael shook his head. They had been playing mini golf since... hell, for as long as he could remember and she wasn’t much better at it now than she had been at the beginning. “I’m never gonna make a golfer out of you, am I?” he asked with an affectionate smirk.

“And I won’t ever make a model out of you.”

“No, but I might be persuaded to pose for you once in a while.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe even do a little striptease.”

She laughed. “I’ll be happy to return the favor.”

He grinned and sent his ball racing over the bridge, fisting the air when it bounced off of the short wall behind the hole before dropping inside. “I’ll be happy to be your audience.”

“You know, I wonder why you chose mini golf for our first date.” She rolled her eyes with a smirk and then went to the next number.

“Well, it wasn’t my first choice.”

“Wonder what the other option was. What else are you better than me at, hmm...?”

“Can’t think of any competition factor in that other option, but I’m not sayin’ what it was. You’re just gonna have to wait.”

“I’m good at waiting.”

“But not so good at mini golf,” he said and made a face when she missed the hole. Again. “Here, look.” He leaned over and placed his ball on the mark and hooked his putter over the sign for the Fourth Hole before taking her hand and tugging her over to stand behind his ball. “You’ve gotta get your stance and swing right otherwise you’re just gonna have the one... two points,” he corrected when she shot a look at him over her shoulder, “that you’ve racked up so far.” He stood right behind her, his front pressed against her back as he covered her hands with his, controlling her swing. “You’ve just gotta kinda move into it,” he breathed as he took a practice swing without actually touching the ball. There wasn’t a lot of movement required with mini golf but he wasn’t complaining. “Take this shot for example. You’ve got the obstacles blocking the hole from two sides and a hill in front of it so either you’re gonna bank off the wall to the right or from behind.” He’d never understand how she could be so good at pool and suck at mini golf. “We’re gonna bank it off the wall on the right and to do that we’ve first gotta get it there, so aim for the left wall, take it over the hill, bounce off of the left wall, connect with the right, and right in the hole. Got it?”

“Didn’t hear a thing you said after obstacles,” she admitted with a smirk.

He shook his head. “Then I guess we’re just gonna have to keep doin’ this until you get it right.”

“This’s gonna be a long night,” she mused and then hit the ball with her putter gently.

“Got nowhere else I wanna be.” He watched the ball race over the hill, hit the left wall, and in a move that he was sure defied logic and physics, made a detour to bounce off of one of the obstacles.

“I guess I’m un-teachable.”

He snorted softly and shook his head. “Doesn’t mean we can’t have fun practicing.”

“Yeah,” she looked over her shoulder at him and detected another pair of players waiting for them to free up the course.

Michael turned to follow her gaze and after a moment he collected their balls and nudged her aside as he gestured to the course. “You guys go ahead.”

“We’re holding people up,” Maria rested her chin on his arm while she looked at him, amused.

“Only if we hog the course and I’m in a generous mood tonight. I said they could take their turn and move on.”

“Tell me about Alex. How are things looking right now?”

“He’ll recover. He’s in the early stages of pneumonia but they started treatment immediately and he was dehydrated. The guy who kidnapped him took a few kicks at him and he has a fractured ankle. All in all it could be a lot worse. Isabel stayed with him so he’s not alone.”

“I’m so glad he’s been found.”

“Yeah, me too.” He nodded at the couple when they finished and moved on to the next course. “Now maybe with him safe we’ll see a few more things fall into place.”

“I like it when you’re positive.”

He gave her a lopsided grin and shrugged. “Well, the guy’s gonna spill his guts first chance he gets. The truth’s gonna come out about Kennedy and Dick, and I figure Dick’s gonna just about knock himself out cooperating so he gets out of this mess with minimal jail time. That’ll knock Evans’ drug case right outta court. Unfortunately it won’t stall out the custody issue, but it will take the other thing off the table and that’ll help their case.”

“I really hope you’re right about all of that.”

“I’m right,” he said confidently. “After that scene at the restaurant and knowin’ that his lackey’s been arrested? Dick has nothin’ to lose. He has no choice but to give it up about Kennedy or face heavier charges.”

“They can both rot in prison for all I care,” she shook her head and placed her ball down on the starting spot once more. “If this ball goes in I’ll walk around naked in Times Square,” she said and sent it off, grinning when it missed.

“That’s a shame and then again it’s not.” Michael chuckled and dropped his ball on the green, nudging it with his foot to bring it back to the mark. “If this one goes in you can walk around naked when we get home.” He swung his putter lightly, sending the ball on the path he’d tried to teach her and grinning when it hit its target. “Looks like you’re gonna be naked.”

“And you think the others will enjoy the view as well?”

“Some of them might.” He retrieved their balls and led the way to the next course. “But we don’t wanna start a riot so we’ll have to contain your nakedness for my eyes only.”

“And how’re we gonna do that?”

He shook his head. “We’ll figure it out.”

Maria chuckled and placed her ball on the mark once more. “If this goes in, I’m gonna make breakfast tomorrow.” She knocked it off extra hard, intending to miss again, but her eyes grew wide when the ball went over the course furiously for a while and then slipped into the hole like it never had been a question it wouldn’t. “Damn.”

“Breakfast, huh?” He dropped his ball on the ground at his feet and nudged it into place. “Ever cooked naked? ‘Cause I’m thinkin’ if I make this shot that’d be a nice incentive to get up early.”

“If you think I’d ever fry bacon naked, then you’re surely mistaken, Guerin. I like my body the way it is... smooth and unburned.”

Of course, he loved bacon and eggs for breakfast and he’d hate to miss out on that. She always got the bacon just right. Crispy bacon or naked Maria? Damn, what a choice to have to make. He laughed and shook his head. “Doesn’t have to be anything fancy.”

“Well, first ya gotta bring that ball in, buddy.”

“Like that’s gonna be a problem.” He lined the hole up, pulled the putter back, and took his swing. But just before it came in contact with the ball a child on one of the courses behind him screamed shrilly in excitement and he misjudged the force behind his swing and the ball hit the hole and bounced right back out. “You can’t count that,” he insisted when he saw her pencil drawing a zero for his point on the scorecard.

“You bet.”

“Then you agree I get a do-over,” he said as he went after the wayward ball.

“Nope. We move on to the next.”

He shot a glare at the family trailing a few courses behind them. He loved kids, but sometimes they just needed to not be so distracting. “Fine.”

“Don’t glare at the poor kid, Michael.”

“Naked breakfast, Maria.”

“Shut up,” she snorted.

“What’s the score?” he asked, certain the way this game was going they had to be about even.

“Three to three. I guess I’m not that bad, huh?”

“Yeah, well, the mini golf gods must be on your side tonight.” He gestured to the course. “Your turn.”

She studied it for a while, looking at it from different angles. “Hmm, so how do you suggest taking it?”

He doubted any of his advice would help her on this one. But then again, she’d surprised him a couple times tonight already. He studied the course and scratched his jaw. “Well...” This one was a little more complex, with barriers, two hills, and a small waterfall. “Bank off of the wall on the right,” he moved forward to tap the bricks. “Hit it right here. This one that has the notch in it. Hit it right there and it’ll bounce over to the rock on the other side of the hole and rebound to hit your goal.”

She did as he had suggested, but the ball went in a totally different direction as soon as it hit the wall. “You’re cheating.”

“I’m not cheating!” he denied. He shook his head at her and snatched up the ball that was now sitting on the wrong side of the course. “Watch me.” He took the shot he had just outlined for her and it sailed across the turf to drop in the hole. “See? That’s exactly what I told you to do.”

“That’s exactly what I told you to do,” she muttered under her breath. “My ass.”

“Wanna see it again?” He dropped his ball on the ground and repeated the shot once more. “If I’m cheatin’ how am I makin’ the shot usin’ the same directions I told you to use?”

“You’re such a mini golf nerd,” she complained and used her ball to throw it at him.

He caught the ball effortlessly and moved to collar her with his right arm, lowering his head to give her a quick kiss. “And yet you still love me.” He winked and handed the ball back to her. “Your shot again.”

“I’m a total mini golf loser.” She made a face but went for it anyway and wasn’t surprised when she missed once more, but at least the ball went close to the rim this time.

“Aww,” he said and then grinned at her. “We could always head over to the go cart track. You’ve always been damn good at that.”

“I was indeed,” she grinned, remembering the last time they had hit a track and she had managed to beat him almost every time. Of course, he had blamed the carts for it, but still... she had rocked it.

“So mini golf’s not your greatest strength.” He tried not to laugh when she took her next shot and managed to hit the hill too hard and launched the ball right out of the course and into the next one.

“Sorry,” Maria muttered when the people there glared at her.

“Ya know what? It’s alright, folks. She just gets a little spastic when she’s off her meds.” He grinned as he jogged over to retrieve the ball.

She stared at him in disbelief. “You did not just say that, CB!”

“I did.” He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked at her. “Gonna do somethin’ about it?”

She walked over and stood right in front of him with their bodies almost touching. “Not immediately.”

His gaze traced over her features. “That a threat?”

She smirked. “That’s a promise, Guerin.”

“Then I look forward to it.” He glanced over her shoulder when someone cleared their throat. “Guess we’d better move on.”

“I’m curious if you’ll still think that later.” Maria grinned to herself and then moved on.

He frowned as he followed her. “Why?”

“Just sayin’. I have my ways of punishing you, ya know? And maybe then you’ll wish you would’ve just shut up.”

That made him snort. “You wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I was content to behave all the time.”

“An’ you wouldn’t want me if I didn’t react to it.”

He chuckled and took his next shot. “You couldn’t be more right.”

“And that’s where we agree.” She grinned at him but it fell when his next ball went straight to the hole. “The hell with mini golf. I saw an ad for an outdoor movie. Let’s go there.”

“What? You wanna quit in the middle of the game?”


“Well, no...” He glanced over the rest of the course. “I guess a movie’s cool. It’s not some chick flick is it?”

“No clue. Didn’t get the chance to check.”

“Alright, let’s go see what’s playin’.”

“If it’s just some bull we’ll find something else to do.”

He laughed as they wound their way back to the rental counter and turned the equipment over to the bored looking girl sitting there. “Well,” he hooked his arm around Maria’s shoulders as they headed back out to the car, “we’ve never had a problem findin’ somethin’ to do.”

“No, and we just extended our possibilities.”

“How’s that?” He opened the car door for her and waited, one hand resting on the roof as she stood between him and the car.

“Well, we’re not limited to just friendly things only anymore.”

“Uh-huh, and what could we do that’s outside the friend zone?”

“If I really need to answer that question then I think we don’t know each other at all,” she snorted.

Oh. She wasn’t talking about places they could go. Right, he knew that. “I think we’re gonna be getting to know each other a lot better on certain levels.”

“Yeah,” she agreed, her gaze dropping to his lips.

She was temptation in the flesh and his resistance was at an all time low where she was concerned. He leaned in closer to her. “Y’know,” he murmured against her lips, “I’ve got the big screen at my place and more movie channels than I know what to do with.”

“And you have no roommates at the moment.”


“Did you get rid of my extra pair of sleeping shorts when Courtney came into picture or are they still there?” She had slept countless times at his place but it seemed like a lifetime ago.

“Why would I get rid of them?” He kissed her again. “And who says you’re gonna need them?”

“Let’s go then.” She shivered.

He helped her into the car and shut the door before hurrying around to his side and sliding in behind the wheel. Her place was a lot closer than his, but he wasn’t about to complain.

Maria walked into the apartment, throwing the keys on the little cabinet next to the front door and kicked her shoes off at the same time as Loco shot out of Michael’s room towards her. She chuckled and cradled the pet in her arm, walking with it through the living room. “You haven’t been getting a lot of love lately, huh? But that’s going to change. I’m planning on spending a lot of time here now.” She set him down on the ground again and threw a small plastic ball across the floor. Loco took off after it quickly.

“The cleaning lady did a good job, huh?” she mused aloud with a snort and went to the kitchen for some drinks.

There were several kinds of beer stocked in the refrigerator as well as a lot of semi-healthy food. “An’ I see he paid her extra to go shopping.”

“Talking to yourself?” he asked as he walked in after squeezing into a tiny parking space since some idiot had taken his.

“I was just wondering what ya did to make your cleaning lady go grocery shopping as well.” She pulled two beers from the refrigerator and bumped it closed with her hip.

“She usually does the shopping. We just leave a list for her and I tip the doorman to have someone bring it up for her.” He made a face at a few of the items in the pantry when he opened it up to look inside. “Of course, she has a tendency to add things that she thinks we should be eating.”

“The woman deserves some credit for putting up with you two dickheads for so long already.”

“Hey, we pay her damn good for her services and she gets extra for doin’ the shoppin’.” He grimaced as he glanced around the apartment. He’d paid her double her usual rate to clean the apartment this time though.

“I wouldn’t want to clean your mess.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” he defended himself.

“You mostly aren’t,” she agreed. “But from now on ya gotta clean up behind yourself.” Maria smiled at him sweetly.

“I usually do. Well, kinda.”

“Uh-huh,” she pressed the beer into his hand.

He accepted the bottle and took a long drink, glancing down when tiny claws scratched at the leg of his jeans. He bent over to give the ferret some attention but before he could touch him Loco ran over to his bowl, jumping in it and then back out several times. He shook his head and grabbed the animal’s food, carrying it over and filling the bowl. Loco chirped happily before shoving his face in the bowl and scattering food all over the floor. “I’m not the only slob that lives here.”

“Poor Loco probably hasn’t had anything to eat in days.”

“I do make sure he’s fed and watered and cleaned up after regularly, Maria,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “You know how dramatic he is about food.”

“Must be something in the water here.” She grinned and took a sip of her beer while leaning her back against the counter next to Michael.

He took another drink of his beer and glanced at the big screen television and the entertainment center bordering it. The equipment was all polished to a high shine, just waiting to be used. “So, you um, you wanna watch a movie?”

“Do you?”

“If you want me to be completely honest, no.” He shrugged and shot a grin at her. He also didn’t want to move too fast and screw things up. “I mean, I’m good with a movie if you wanna watch somethin’. I can always distract you. I’m good at that.”

“I want you to be completely honest,” she nodded and set the beer aside on the counter. “So tell me what ya have in mind.”

He stared at her, his expression completely serious. “Don’t let me fuck this up.”

She frowned. “What makes you think you would?”

“I just don’t wanna move too fast and screw it up before it even gets started.” He inhaled deeply and slowly released the breath. He didn’t wanna bring Courtney up right in the middle of their first date but he couldn’t just shut out the fact that he’d pushed ahead with things because he was trying so hard to make it work and it’d blown up in his face and he’d hurt her in the process. “I’m more than ready to take you straight to bed. Give me the right look or say the right thing and we’re there, but if it’s too fast...” he shook his head. “Is it too fast?”

She smiled at his worry – an unnecessary worry – and hopped up to sit on the counter. “Is it too fast?” she echoed his question and brought a hand to his chest before grabbing his collar. “I think we’re already ahead of any normal couple. We’ve had years of foreplay and getting to know each other. What else is there to know before we have sex?”

His hands settled at her waist as he considered her words but all of those thoughts fled the moment he realized their positions. “Wasn’t that long ago we were right here.” One hand dropped to her thigh and moved over her skin in a repetitive motion. “I wanted you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone else and I knew I couldn’t have you.”

“Now you have me,” she said, leaning back and resting her weight on her hands while she studied his face.

“It’s kinda like stickin’ a man who hasn’t eaten in a week in front of an all-you-can-eat buffet,” he murmured as his heated gaze moved over her. Leaning back as she was brought more attention to her breasts and he snorted softly at her recent comment that there wasn’t much there.

“What’s on your mind now, Guerin?”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 171 - 1/25/15

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Lol, it’s about time, huh?

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

Eva: It definitely is. Thanks!

CandyliciousLovah: Loco loves the attention, lol.

Earth2Mama: We’ll find out soon.

Rodney: Lol, putt putt or mini golf, they’re definitely the same thing.

That’s one advantage of their shared past.

Yeah, that was just an unfortunate color choice, lol.

sarammlover: But not for long…

Midnightdreamer: Thanks! That’s one thing that’s definitely true of cowards. Faced with someone that actually stands up to them they’ll back off, and faced with anyone or anything that threatens the power they wield they hide. And too many times they have someone who’s more than willing to let them hide and cover for them, which of course, means they learn nothing. Max’ Army buddies are great guys and they know how to handle dangerous situations, whether it’s something like what happened with Isabel and Alex or something holding potential danger like what happened with Max at the club. Alex isn’t willing to stand down or hold back with Isabel or anyone else, really, and it’s something that she admires – even if she’s not willing to really admit that early on.

Kyle’s mom had poor reasons to excuse her cheating. She had the option of putting an end to her marriage without doing what she did and potentially ruining her relationship with her son.

Max’s parents are well off. He simply hit that age where he and his dad locked horns over everything and he rebelled in every possible way.

Chase is an opinionated little guy and he’s not afraid to share those opinions.

Being a cop is the perfection occupation for someone like Trent. It gives him authority and power and he abuses both. Unfortunately it also tarnishes the occupation and casts a dark shadow over officers that are good and dedicated and trying to do the job to the best of their ability.

Lol, we’re not sure Courtney ever had a chance, even during the beach weekend. The lines were drawn pretty much from the beginning and then of course, there was Max, who didn’t bother hiding the fact that he didn’t like her. Putting that ultimatum out there wasn’t the right thing to do and in the end it only backfired on her. Max isn’t used to people trying to help him but he’ll get there. He has to get past the fact that not everyone sees him as damaged goods or a threat, the way he perceives himself to be viewed by others. Kyle may well have noticed Tess earlier, but if he did it was subconscious and he hadn’t allowed himself to acknowledge it.

Lol, you could be on target with Tony and Ava. And nothing would make Chase happier.

His involvement with the group and particularly Liz and Aaron has prompted Max to make some changes that have greatly benefited him.

As much as Max would like to give Trent a good beat down he knows it would jeopardize too many things. And he wants to set a good example for Aaron especially, so he has to settle for waiting until the right time comes and they can turn the tables on Trent legally.

The others all really stepped up to support Maria and be there for her when Michael pulled away at Courtney’s request. He was doing his best to do the right thing by his new relationship even though it didn’t feel right. Having never been in a real relationship he was trying to find his way and we all know it’s a learning process.

Cooper’s a good cop and not one to be swayed by someone of Trent’s caliber. He knows the guy’s no good, but as with anything else, without hard evidence there’s little that can be done.

Lol, like “Shadow,” huh? We thought it suited Max too.

There are good foster families out there, but unfortunately most of the time it’s the bad ones that get all the publicity. And like bad cops, they give others a bad reputation. Having Philip and Diane step up and offer to take temporary custody of Aaron was a big help.

It would be an interesting situation if their dads all got involved.

The therapy sessions will be good for Max and he even admits that, albeit grudgingly, lol. Dr. Rodgers is great and while he isn’t jumping for joy at the prospect of more sessions, he is doing his best to make the best of the situation.

There were plenty of times along this story’s path that we wanted to pull our hair out too, lol. Max is approaching the point where he’ll face the realization that helps him reach past his anger to see that his dad only did what he felt was best at the time.

Domestic violence is something that certainly doesn’t discriminate. It’s easy to stand back and say, “I’d never stand for that” or “Why doesn’t she just leave?” But unfortunately it’s not that cut and dried. It strips away so much of a person’s confidence and self-worth and it’s hard to overcome that without help. But first there’s the hurdle of finding the courage to ask for help.

Michael had a lot of things to sort out in his mind, a lot of things to consider and weigh before he decided to take that step with Maria. He’s taking a huge risk and he knows it.

Not this part, but the next two parts will both have time with Max and Liz. Michael isn’t in danger of having a stalker ex. Lol, one of those for the story is plenty. Kyle’s the perfect person to act as a sounding board for the group and he has an interesting insight into things that seems to be helping all of them.

Alien_Friend: Lol, right? It took quite a time to get them there. And we are Candies. See how much we had to suffer, too? LOL


Part 172

Love is in the Air

“Seein’ you naked.” His eyes flashed wickedly with amusement. “We’re in the kitchen but you don’t have to cook anything.”

“Not planning to.”

“Good, I’m not really in the mood for food.”

She snorted. “Well, that’s something new.”

“One for the record books, huh?” His gaze raked over her. Nothing in her demeanor suggested she wanted to take it slow and if she wasn’t gonna put the brakes on she probably didn’t want him to either. His hands tightened on her thighs for a moment before he pulled her closer.

“Yeah,” she muttered, enjoying the feel of his rough palms against her thighs. “Bet we can work up your appetite quickly though.”

“Probably,” he muttered gruffly, the feel of her skin under his hands distracting.

“So tell me, Michael,” she whispered, taking her hands from the counter and trailing them over his chest to his shoulder, “what ya got in mind?” She leaned in to kiss his nose. “Somethin’ kinky? Or somethin’ slow?”

His eyebrows lifted at her tone. Just the thought of getting her naked and in his bed was about as far as he had gotten. “Oh, I don’t know. How do you feel about kitchen counters?”

“I feel like I’ll look at ‘em a lot different soon.”

He smirked. “Yeah, me too.” His hands skimmed up over her sides, dragging the material up and letting his fingertips ghost back down.

Maria let her own hands wander along the shirt covering his upper body. She brushed against the short sleeves and dipped her fingertips under it, then trailed them along the ink on his arm.

Her touch brought feelings to life that he’d experienced before but there was a heightened awareness with her that had never existed before. His hands flexed at her sides for a moment before he leaned in and kissed her, his mouth soft and mobile as he explored her.

A kiss hadn’t ever felt this good before, she mused, enjoying the way his lips moved over hers – careful and yet with so much electricity. How often in the last weeks had she closed her eyes and imagined this? It still felt like she was dreaming and she didn’t want to wake up.

He couldn’t remember a kiss feeling this good and he’d kissed his share of girls. There was something so intense, so electrifying with her and he hoped it never stopped. His hands returned to the edge of her top, nudging the material up once again.

She nudged him with her nose, breaking the kiss enough to take a few breaths. “Think we can do this forever?”

“Maybe,” he drew in a deep breath, “maybe if we stopped for a breather now and again.” He met her gaze directly. “Never really spent much time on kissin’, but I think that just changed.”

“It that so?” She grinned, running a hand though the hair at the back of his head and giving it a gentle tug.

“That’s so.” His hands moved under her top to lift it up and over her head. “I’m thinkin’ there’re a few other places that might need some attention though.”

“Think you could give attention to both?” she asked in a husky tone and crashed her lips to his without waiting for an answer while she shifted her body closer to him.

He mumbled an affirmative response, pulling her closer with one arm wrapped around her and using his free hand to cradle her breast. He shifted slightly and rasped the pad of his thumb over her nipple.

Maria groaned into his mouth, not feeling embarrassed about it. With him it seemed like she had no need to hide anything.

He increased the pressure, pinching the nub and drawing another moan from her. Every sound she made only increased his need for her and he pulled her tighter against his body.

“Get rid of that shirt,” she told him breathlessly and pushed him away enough to let her fingers fight with the buttons.

He waited until she’d freed the first couple of buttons then reached behind him to grab the back of the shirt, fisting it and jerking it over his head.

“I like the way you think,” Maria muttered and leaned in to lick along his pecs.

“Not as much as I like what you’re doin’,” he groaned.

She bit one of his nipples gently and then soothed it with her tongue. “I’m not planning to stop.”

“Don’t want you to.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and dropped his head back as the sensations coiled inside of him.

Her fingers started to fumble with the belt on his jeans, opening it impatiently and then continuing with the button and zipper.

He growled and hurried to release the fastening on her shorts before wrapping one strong arm around her waist and lifting her up to rid her of them. “So much better,” he rasped as he set her down again.

“Not yet,” she mumbled, still tugging his jeans away from his hips. “Come on,” she looked up and nipped at his bottom lip, “help me.”

He chuckled gruffly and hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his jeans, giving them a decent shove. “Better?”

“Yeah,” she glanced down. “Now step out of them.”

“Demanding much?” He chuckled and kicked them off.

“Just makin’ sure we do this right,” she winked at him.

“Pretty sure there’s not a wrong way to do it.”

“Maybe not,” she agreed and pulled him closer by the waistband of his boxers, “but you ever saw those movies – an’ I mean movies, not porn, Michael – where the guy keeps his clothes on and his jeans and boxers are just dangling around his feet?” She made a face. “That’s so ... ungh.”

That made him laugh. “Well, if you’re gonna be starin’ at my feet the whole time...”

“Wasn’t planning to.”

“Can’t say I’ve ever paid much attention to where a guy’s clothes are,” he mumbled between kisses. “Especially if there’s a naked woman in the scene.”

Maria looked down at herself. “There’s an almost naked woman in this scene.”

“And I’m not lookin’ at my feet.” His hands moved over her, learning every curve, dip and hollow.

“You wanna look at my feet?” she teased, raising one leg up. “I had my nails painted by Tess yesterday. Don’t they look cute?”

His gaze dropped automatically but he wasn’t focused on her toenails. “Uh-huh,” he growled.

“Not interested?” she chuckled and used her leg, wrapping it around him and tugging him closer. With her hands, she pulled her upper body against him and kissed him hungrily.

“No, I’m sure they’re great.” He was so damn close and he couldn’t help but press against her center. “M’ria,” he mumbled as his hand ran up and down the leg wrapped around him.

“Right here.”

Rational thought was difficult to maintain with her so close but when she rubbed against him it went right out the window. His hand slipped between her legs, pushing the barrier of her panties aside so he could touch her. Hot and wet and her unrestrained moan caused him to harden even more. He leaned back just enough to look at her. “You ready for this?” They were about to cross the point of no return and once they did everything would be different. He was ready to blow, his erection throbbing and begging for an introduction.

“Past ready, Michael,” she breathed.

He wasted no time ridding himself of his boxers. He had to extract himself from her so he could duck down and grab his jeans. He lifted his gaze as he fought to free his wallet from his back pocket and his breath caught in his throat. He straightened back up slowly and dropped the condom on the counter as he ran his hands over her thighs before tugging her closer to the edge. He placed his palm flat on her abdomen, feeling the stomach muscles contract at his touch and he slid it further up, settling between her breasts. “Lean back,” he whispered gruffly.

“Okay,” she said trustfully, slowly doing what he had requested. “Enough?” she asked, her eyes heated from the anticipation as she rested herself on her lower arms on the counter.

His dark eyes moved over her when she complied and he leaned over her, hands braced on either side of her as he placed open-mouthed kisses over her upper body, taking his time moving down. His tongue traced around her navel before dipping inside, smiling when she shifted restlessly. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of the tiny scrap of material covering her and slid the lacy panties down and off. His hands pushed her thighs farther apart, running his thumbs over the swollen, glistening flesh that was just begging for his attention.

His gaze flicked up to scan her flushed features when she gasped audibly and dropped her head back. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he rasped, his breath ghosting over her and drawing a shudder from her body. Unable to wait a moment longer he separated her folds with his thumbs and after the most intimate of kisses ran his tongue over her, teasing her clit before repeating the move again.

Maria moaned louder than she had thought she would at the contact, finding it hard to steady her body with her arms since every muscle in her body felt so weak all of the sudden. In the last weeks her mind had wandered into territory like this more than once, but nothing had been as good as the reality.

Finally, she was with Michael and he was with her. Thinking about it now, she wondered if they had always been meant to be and the fact that it had taken so long was only an advantage because they had both had enough experiences in life apart from each other first to now have the real thing.

Michael reveled in every sound she made, urged on to wring every ounce of pleasure he could from her. He teased her entrance with his tongue before testing her readiness, slipping two fingers inside as he nipped and sucked on her clit.

“I think I’m gonna die,” she muttered, grabbing a handful of his hair.

He chuckled and the vibrations had her arching up against him. “No chance.” He felt her body trembling and he added the pressure she needed to achieve orgasm.

She squirmed against him on the counter, grumbling in frustration when his grip on her prevented her from moving the way she wanted to. Her head was spinning, her skin was sweaty and her mouth felt dry from all the panting, but the moment he grazed his teeth over her clit gently she forgot about everything and groaned her way through her orgasm.

Michael grabbed the condom, his hands shaking as he tore the wrapper off and quickly rolled it on. He pulled her trembling body towards him, satisfied that she was prepared as he lined himself up and thrust his hips forward. He reached out and pulled her up, urging her legs to lock around him as he lifted her up to carry her to his room. He managed to knock several things off the walls, unable to keep his mouth off of hers and having to pause several times to use the wall for support.

“Good thing no one’s home,” she giggled against his lips, but it soon turned into a groan when his hands on her ass tightened to press her against him.

“Yeah,” he rasped, “lucky us.” He shouldered his way into his room and the door banged against the wall. As soon as the backs of his legs met the bed he fell back, grinding her against him as he kissed her. “Damn bed’s higher than my old one.” He bounced experimentally before rolling them over and bracing his forearms on either side of her head. “Great resistance though,” he said with a grin as he withdrew and thrust again.

She let her hands wander over the sheets, testing. “When did ya buy a new bed?”

“The day after you said the old one had to go.” He nudged her chin up with his nose and his lips nibbled along her jaw, pausing when he reached the tender spot between her shoulder and neck and biting into the soft flesh as he rolled his hips again.

She frowned, trying to remember when she had said anything like that, but somehow it was hard to concentrate. “I said that?”

“Um-hmm. You were pretty adamant,” he said conversationally. He could feel the sweat on his skin when one of her hands slipped as it tried to find purchase. He sought out her other hand that seemed to have some sort of fascination with the new sheets on the bed and he interlaced their fingers, locking them together.

She closed her eyes and smiled at the way he was so passionate and yet so gentle with her. “So this’s the first time for the bed?”

“First time for the bed. First time for the sheets. First time for us.” He punctuated each sentence with a heated kiss and a roll of his hips. His body was demanding more and he kissed her fiercely as his hips picked up speed, setting a faster, more demanding rhythm. “M’ria...”

“That a lot of firsts,” she whispered thickly, squeezing his hand.

He grunted, his focus on the feelings coursing through his body. He was close, he could feel it. His nerve endings felt like they were snapping with energy and it was just a matter of seconds before he came. He thrust hard and deep one final time and it felt like an electric shock went straight through his body. He panted heavily as he rolled them over, his hands on her hips encouraging her to move.

Maria rocked her body against him, but for a moment she was too distracted watching him while he came down from his high. Gosh, he had no clue how sexy he was in her eyes.

Michael forced his eyes open, watching her lazily as he nodded. “C’mon, Sexy,” it took an effort but he lifted his hips to nudge her, “I know you’re close again.”

She grinned and leaned down to kiss him while she ground herself against him with more effort now. “I could come just from lookin’ at you.”

“Sounds like I could be a real distraction,” he chuckled and reached down to where they were joined to tease her.

“Could be?” She snorted, but it turned into a moan. “You are, Michael. Fuckin’ perfect distraction.”

He pushed himself upright, bracing his weight on his free hand as he nipped at her lips before urging her to kiss him as he stroked her clit.

Maria could feel the building pressure in her lower body, which grew more and more with each passing second. Her fingernails dug into the sweaty flesh of his back and their kiss deepened when she fell over the edge a second time. “God, Michael,” she pulled her lips away to breathe heavily.

He fell back on the bed and pulled her down with him. “Yeah.”

“I think we should stay like this forever,” she muttered, exhausted.

“You won’t get a single complaint outta me,” he mumbled under a yawn. He nudged her aside to deal with the condom before pulling her back into his arms and rubbing his forehead with the back of his wrist. “Bet we don’t have any problem sleepin’ tonight.”

“No,” she smiled and intertwined their hands, kissing all five bent fingers one after another.

The next day was gonna be busy so he welcomed a decent night’s sleep. He yawned again, wondering at the strange feeling that washed over him as her lips made brief contact with his fingers before snuggling closer to him.

Maria lay there and listened to his steady even breaths and the strong heartbeat in his chest. He was probably already asleep, but she wanted to linger in the moment for a while longer. “I love you,” she muttered against his chest and kissed it. “I love you so damn much, it’s scary.”

Michael made a sound of acknowledgment and rubbed her arm, the motion barely there in his half-asleep state.

She chuckled. “Men an’ their habit of fallin’ asleep right after.”

“‘m not ‘sleep,” he mumbled.

“You’re not?” she asked, amused. “Well good, then go an’ make me pancakes. I’m hungry.”

“So I’m s’posed to just go cook for you?”

“Yeah, didn’t I tell you how hungry sex makes me?”

“No, but I’d have to agree that it does do somethin’ for the appetite.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair and yawned once again before opening his eyes and looking at her, taking in her sexy, rumpled features. Yeah, he was gonna have hell ever saying no to her, he thought. “Pancakes, huh?”

“With extra chocolate chips?” she asked hopefully.

“I’ll have to dig around, not sure I’ve got chocolate chips.” He smiled internally. Like he wouldn’t have stocked up on them when he made a grocery list for their cleaning lady.

“NO chocolate chips,” she muttered.

“There might be an old bag in the fridge,” he said as he rolled over and sat up.

“Shut up,” she hit his back with her hand. “You have ‘em. I know it.”

“Maybe. And maybe I’ll just put blueberries in ‘em.”

She sat up and looked around his room for something to cover herself. She smiled when she saw one of his fire department tee shirts hanging over a chair and went to get it.

Michael grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on, his eyes following her as she crossed the room and snagged one of his shirts and pulled it on. “Nice,” he muttered, pulling her into his arms for a kiss when she neared him.

She fisted the material with both hands and brought it to her face to sniff it. “Mmm, it smells of you, I think it’ll be my new favorite shirt.”

He chuckled. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t return the favor.”

“Now, that would be fun to see.”

He just looked at her for a moment before shaking his head. “Don’t hold your breath.”

“Bet I could make you.”

He snorted. “No.”

“Not even if i promised kinky stuff?”

“That’s not fair,” he grunted and pulled her down the hall with him. “How kinky?”

She stumbled after him and hugged him from behind, leaning in until her lips touched his ear. “I’d do anything for you.”

His right eyebrow lifted and he turned, easing out of her grasp and hefting her up over his shoulder to smack her ass as they walked into the kitchen. “Would you now?”

“Something ya got in mind already?”

He chuckled and set her down on the counter as he kicked their clothes out of the way. “Pancakes first. You’re gonna need the energy.”

“That a promise?” She smacked his ass.

“Always,” he said.

She rubbed her thighs together. “Can’t wait, Guerin.”

Her movement caught his attention and his mouth went dry. “I hope you can eat fast.”

“I hope you can cook fast, I’m starving.”

He laughed and nodded. “No problem.”

“An’ don’t forget the chocolate chips,” she said in a sing-song voice.

He opened the pantry door and pulled out a new bag of chocolate chips, turning to toss them to her while he rooted around for the pancake mix.

“I knew it,” she smiled and ripped the package open to snatch a few.

“You never could resist chocolate.”

“Why would I? Best invention ever!”

He shook his head, unable to argue with her because he was something of a chocolate addict himself.

“It’s second on my list of favorite things.” She waggled her eyebrows.

“Second on your list too, huh?” He set the pan on the stove and glanced at her over his shoulder. “Imagine that.”

“Yeah, first is Sal’s burgers,” she stuck her tongue out at him.

“You’re gonna pay that for that one.”

Maria chuckled. “I was talkin’ about food. Ya thought it was about something else?”

“Maybe.” He poured the batter in the pan, making four small pancakes.

“An’ that was?”

He shook his head. “Nope, you’ve already said what was on your list.”

“Too bad.”

Michael glanced at her over his shoulder. “Wanna revise it?”


He chuckled and flipped the pancakes over before turning around and snagging the bag of chocolate chips. He shook the bag lightly. “Eat enough of these things?”

“Not ever.”

“And I suppose you want extra chips on yours?”

“You can count on that.”

He sprinkled them over the pancakes, watching the chocolate melt into them. As soon as they were ready he grabbed the spatula and slid them out of the pan and onto a couple of waiting plates. He moved the pan and then turned to hand her one of the plates. “Your chocolate with a little bit of pancake tossed in for good measure.”

“You’re the best,” she grinned and took it from him

He laughed and grabbed a couple of forks before pulling a stool around to take a seat. “Just for a chocolate-y pancake, huh?”

She took a huge bite and chewed it, leaving a thin layer of chocolate on her lips. “Not just for that.”

He leaned in and captured her lips, ridding them of the warm chocolate. “Mmm, s’good.”

“Indeed.” She stopped him from backing off again and placed her plate next to her on the counter the same time as she reached out for the waistband of his jeans.

He nearly knocked his own plate over in his haste to stand. “Got somethin’ in mind for dessert?”

“I have something in mind for dessert, main course and appetizer.”

“Can’t see any reason to wait any longer then.”

“Me neither,” she opened his pants in a hurry, not caring if he took them off completely this time.

He grabbed her by the backs of her knees and pulled her closer to the edge of the counter, chuckling gruffly at her rush. He shoved his jeans out of the way, not bothering to do more than push them all the way down or off.

“Great recovery time by the way,” she teased, leaning back enough to pick a piece of her pancake up and shove it in her mouth.

“Just one more advantage to bein’ 21.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “One more advantage for us waitin’ for this.”

He shook his head at her, enjoying the easy laughter and carefree expression on her face. His left hand curled around the back of her neck, urging her closer so he could kiss her again. His erection rubbed against her wet heat and he groaned at the feeling of skin against skin.

“I think we have every right to catch up on it now, huh?” she asked huskily.

He nodded wordlessly and started to push forward before growling and fumbling around, trying to find his wallet where he’d left it on the counter earlier. He flipped it open and shook it, mindless of the money and pieces of paper that fell out as he made a grab for the condom. “Time to restock,” he said and snorted.

“Or if we plan to make this a serious relationship... we could both get tested,” she suggested and bit her lip while she waited for his answer.

“I think that’s a good idea,” he said, his eyes locking on hers intently. “And, M’ria, if I didn’t intend for this to be serious, I never would’ve taken you to bed.”

She let go of her lip and smiled a faint smile before leaning in to kiss him briefly. “I love you.”

He smiled slowly. The words tugged at something inside of him, made him feel alive like nothing else did. “You say that and I feel like I could do anything.” His thumb stroked over her bottom lip. He loved her without question, had loved her for as long as he could remember. Was that somehow different than being in love? He didn’t know, didn’t really understand how all that worked, but he did know the thought of her not being in his life wasn’t even worth thinking about.

“I’m afraid to tell you that you can’t.”

He rolled the condom on and his grip on her tightened as he nudged her with his erection before pushing inside her. “Sure ‘bout that?”

“Isn’t it too late to ask that question?” she asked in amusement and moved forward to take him in.

He snorted but it ended on a contented sigh when he was all the way inside. “Probably, but don’t think it really matters.”

“What matters is that I have my two favorite things in reach,” she agreed and pulled another piece of pancake from her plate.

Michael rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe she was still thinking about food. “How can you be eatin’ at a time like this?” He withdrew and thrust back in.

She groaned and licked her finger. “They’re just so delicious, I can’t help it.”

“Sex and chocolate, I should’ve known,” he muttered, nipping at her finger before taking her lips in a deep kiss.

“So what’s your second favorite thing?” she whispered against his lips, using her arms to wrap around his neck.

“Huh?” He kept up a slow steady rhythm. “Depends on what we’re talkin’ about.”

“Talkin’ about anything in the world.”

“Second favorite thing, huh?” He changed his angle slightly and thought about that for a moment. “I dunno, hangin’ with you’s always been pretty high on the list.”

She snorted. “I know I’m on top, but what’s the second, so next time we can combine sex with it.”

“Hangin’ with you, that’s pretty close to the top,” he agreed, nipping her lips before kissing her again. “Bein’ inside you,” he thrust harder, “that tops the list.”

“Guess we already combined your favorite things then, huh?” She rested her head against his neck and held onto him tightly.

“Yeah, can’t think of a better way to combine them.” His hands gripped her hips and he increased his pace.

Her eyes fell close when his scent combined with his moves took over all of her senses. “Michael.”

His name on her lips was a breathy moan that shot straight through him and he found himself right on the edge again.

Her legs around him tightened in an effort to bring him to an angle where she could rub herself against him in the most satisfying manner. Once she had found the right position, it only took two more thrusts from him before she came for the third time tonight.

Michael growled as the feeling of her inner muscles clamping around him sent him hurtling right over that ledge once more. “Damn,” he muttered as he slumped against her.

She held him against her and drew lazy patterns on his back while his breathing evened out. “I bet you’re uber-tired, huh?” she asked softly.

He wanted to say no, but the past few weeks were starting to catch up with him. “Yeah.”

“Then let’s go to bed for real this time.” She kissed his cheek and took care of the condom before slipping from the counter to guide him down the hall to the bedroom.

“That sounds good,” he agreed and followed her.

She pulled him into bed and then placed his head on her chest, taking him in her arms. For once she wanted to be the one comforting him and not the other way around. “Sleep tight.”

“Night, M’ria.” He snuggled in closer, draping one arm heavily over her waist. “Love ya, Sexy.”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 173

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Yep, they were meant to be!

keepsmiling7: There’s no question about that!

sarammlover: Lol, yeah, it was! We’ll be catching up with some of the others today.

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

Eva: There’s something to be said for a foundation of friendship.

CandyliciousLovah: It took about forever to get them there, but they’re finally in a good place.

Earth2Mama: Lol, we’re glad you enjoyed!

Natalie36: We’ll be catching up with some of them today.

Midnightdreamer: Lol, that’s one definite disadvantage of being all caught up! Your dreamer heart will be getting some Max and Liz today and next weekend too. ;)

Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: Lol, isn’t it though?! We’ll be learning about Trent and Dick before too long. And catching up with A&I today.

Alien_Friend: M&M grew up together, shared everything possible in their lives. Everything but sex until now, lol. It couldn’t be other than perfect for them. ;)

Part 173

Watching Over

“You gotta let go of him, Aaron,” Liz tried to convince her brother and stepped closer to him. “We’re just going to the park. You can cuddle and play with him later.”

“But he wants to come, Lizzie,” the boy protested, trying to lift the bristling cat from the grass in the backyard of the Evans’ home.

Poor cat, Max thought when he watched the little boy and then shot an amused look at his lover. “He’s not lookin’ like he really wants to go, is he?”

Aaron turned his head to look at him without letting go of Garfield. “How can he wanna be ‘lone?”

“Everyone needs to be alone now and then,” his sister said, crouching down beside him to get his full attention.

“Not me,” he denied.

“Hey,” Philip stepped out on the porch after witnessing the little show for a while, “I think I heard the ice cream truck outside. Anyone want one?”

“ME!” Aaron was up on his feet so quickly that he almost stumbled over them when he started to run across the yard.

“Slow down,” Liz called, but her warning went unnoticed by her brother.

“Well, at least he forgot all about the cat,” Max said, reaching down to offer her a hand.

“Yeah.” She took his offered hand and let him pull her up. To her surprise, he gave her a little tug and she ended up collapsing against his chest. “Hey!”

“I hope ice cream wouldn’t be a distraction for anything I wanna do to you tonight,” Max rasped in her ear. Since the Brooklyn apartment was so crowded lately they’d agreed to spend the night at his apartment in Manhattan.

She shivered in anticipation. “It really depends on the other offers.”

He chuckled, the sound low and rough. “What offers could you possibly get that’re better than spendin’ the night at my place?”

“Hmm, spending the night at Channing Tatum’s place maybe?” she teased, laughing when he gripped her sides tighter.

He shook his head, as baffled as Kyle about the girls’ obsession with some actor he’d only heard about because some chick flick had made him a household name. “Yeah, only if you wanna see him get his ass kicked by an ex-soldier.”

She bit her lower lip while she looked at him. “Ya know, I kinda would like to see that.”

His left eyebrow lifted. “Really?”

“Bet it’d be sexy.”

“Liz Parker, I had no idea you enjoyed that sorta thing.”

“Only if it involves you,” she promised and sealed it with a quick kiss on his lips.

He laughed at that. “I did get into a few matches when I was enlisted, but it wasn’t bare knuckles.”

“Who won?”

“I won more than I lost.”

“That’s no surprise,” she let her arms hang around his neck loosely. “Should we go?”

“I guess we should. I don’t think that little guy’s gonna wait much longer.” He shook his head. “At least it’s early enough that he’s got plenty of time to burn off all that excess energy he’s gonna have after ice cream.”

“Yeah. Your parents are spoiling him rotten.”

“Isn’t that what grandparents always do? Spoil the kids and then hand them back over to their parents?”

“Yeah, I guess,” her expression became a tad somber, “but it’s not like they can just hand him over again.”

He mentally kicked himself for that slip. “Maybe not today, but it’s just a matter of time.”

“I really want him back,” she sighed and looked at the open door leading back into the house where laughter could be heard. “I miss him so much and coming here for a visit now and then just isn’t enough. It feels like he’s slipping through my hands a little bit more an’ more each time I see him becoming so comfortable here.”

“Him bein’ comfortable here’s a good thing, darlin’.” He reached into his pocket for his cell when it started to ring. He leaned in to drop a kiss on her lips as he shot a smile at her. “They’re never gonna take your place.” He glanced at the caller ID as his thumb slid up to silence the call, freezing when he saw the name on the display.

“What?” Liz caught his worried expression. “Who is it?”

“Kathleen.” His gaze lifted to hers as he pressed the call button and lifted the cell to his ear. “Evans.” After a moment his eyebrows shot up and he looked up at the sky for a moment, his eyes squeezed shut as he listened to what she had to say. “And you’re sure?” He nodded at her response. “Yeah, I’ll be there.” She started to disconnect but he called her name, stopping her. “Thanks, for everything.” He ended the call and exhaled loudly as he opened his eyes and looked at his girlfriend once more.

“What’d she say?” Liz asked anxiously.

“The DA’s dropped the drug charges.” He pulled her into his arms and lifted her off the ground as he swung her around in a circle. “They dropped all of ‘em!”

“Max,” she squealed and laughed in relief. “Are you serious? You’re out of any danger of ending up in jail?”

“I’m home free, Liz. No jail time, the charges have been dropped, and all I have to do is sign some paperwork. And then I have the option of filing charges.”

“You should,” she nodded. “Those assholes have to pay.”

“I’ll file charges,” he agreed. “In the grand scheme of things they won’t be the biggest thing they have to worry about. Trent’s been named as an accomplice by both Dick and the ex-cop who grabbed Alex and held him so they’re all lookin’ at worse charges.”

“Good. I hope they rot in jail for a long time,” she said coldly. “Do you think there’s any chance they’ll figure out that Trent or someone he paid off turned us in to child protection services?”

“It’s possible, but I think we’re still stuck provin’ ourselves to that fool judge. I know it’s his job to make sure Aaron gets the best possible home and that he’s safe, and people like that are necessary to keep kids safe, but he uses his position to pass judgment on people based on his personal moral code rather than the law. That’s the kinda judge that has the potential of doin’ more harm than good.”

She rested her cheek against his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. “I wish this was all over. It feels like it’s been going on forever. It’s tiring.”

“We’re gonna see it end before long, darlin’. My sessions with Dr. Rodgers are more than halfway over and I’m sure she’s gonna give him a favorable report.”

“She’d better!”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” He shook his head. “She sure talks a lot.”

“That’s her job, isn’t it? And I guess she’s been pretty good with her current nutcase so far.” She gave him a gentle knock on the cheek with her fisted hand and winked.

He snorted and grabbed her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “Yeah, it’s her job and she’s damn good at it.” He ran his free hand over the back of his neck. “Now if she’d just back off all the talk about things that don’t have anything to do with the situation.” Which, in his opinion, was about 99 percent of what she wanted to talk about.

“Are you two coming?” Diane stepped out on the porch with a warm smile on her face and a picnic basket in her hand. “We’re ready to leave and Garfield’s gone into hiding so we should take this opportunity to go.”

Max chuckled and hooked his right arm around Liz’s shoulders. “Let’s go.”

“Yeah,” she rested her head against his shoulder with a small smile, deciding that this afternoon had brought some good news and it deserved a little celebration.

“We’re gonna have a good day.” He chuckled when Aaron ran out to them and grabbed their hands, pulling insistently. “And I guess we’d better get goin’ before it’s somebody’s naptime.”

“No nap,” the boy denied.

“You sure about that?” he asked as he scooped the boy up and hooked his forearm over the backs of his knees as he hung over his shoulder.

Aaron’s reply was a mixture of laughter and yelping.

From the kitchen window Philip watched Max with the little boy and his heart ached at the distance he couldn’t seem to bridge between himself and his son. He had witnessed the changes in his boy, had watched him begin to embrace life again, and it hurt that he just couldn’t seem to find a way to fix things.


Alex rolled his head on the pillow, his eyes moving behind his eyelids as he struggled to wake himself up. He inhaled deeply and immediately woke when it set off a coughing spell. He rolled onto his side, hating the pull and tug of the wires he was attached to. He could see the sun filtering in through the blinds that had been turned to keep it from hitting his face directly and he blinked blearily as he pushed himself up a bit.

His attention was pulled to his right when he heard movement and his gaze fell on the woman sleeping in the chair next to his bed. He glanced up when the door opened and he saw a nurse step into the room. She went through the routine of asking him how he felt, taking his vitals, and after marking everything down in his chart she left him alone again.

Isabel began to stir when the door closed, the quiet click waking her and she pushed herself upright. “Hey, you’re awake.”

He shrugged one shoulder.

“How’re you feeling this morning?”

“Like I’ve been locked away in an ice block for days,” came his dry, hoarse reply.

She winced. “I guess you’re not gonna be a big fan of anything cold for a while.”

He didn’t reply, instead staring down at the wires he was attached to. “Why don’t you go home and rest? It’s probably been uncomfortable sleepin’ in that chair.”

She tapped her thumbnail against her bottom lip. “I don’t mind.”

He didn’t look at her, didn’t say anything because he had no clue what to say. Somehow the last few days had drained every bit of strength and joy from him.

“Alex, I know nothing I say can help or make up for what happened, but I’m sorry.”

“You’re right,” he looked at her briefly and then closed his eyes, “it’s not helping.”

She bit her lip. His words hurt but she couldn’t blame him. “Is there anything I can do? Anything you want?”


She nodded when he responded with the negative reply and didn’t look at her. “Do you want me to leave?”

He wanted to say yes, but on the other hand he knew it would hurt her and she didn’t deserve that either. “I dunno, Isabel. I’m not myself.”

She nodded. “Maybe you’d like some breakfast?”

“I’m not really hungry.”

“Y’know, you’re gonna have to eat to build your strength up.”

“I’ll eat later,” he gritted out.

She had a feeling he was wishing he’d said yes in response to her question about leaving. “You’ll probably be able to go home soon.”

“Yay,” he answered ironically. What would be so great about being home other than no one would be bothering him there?

“Your doctor came by a while ago and he said you’re responding well to the medication.” She was struggling to come up with something to talk about because she could tell he wanted to be alone.

“Isabel,” he sighed, “I don’t wanna talk, alright? You can leave if you want.”

“I don’t want to, but I kinda have a feelin’ you’d rather I did.”

“There’s nothin’ you can do here anyway.”

“No, I guess not. I just wanted you to not be alone.” She shrugged. “Hospitals can make you feel pretty isolated.”

“Not after where I spent the last few days.”

She couldn’t seem to say anything right today. “No, I guess not.”

He coughed slightly and turned his head to look at her. “How’d they find me? Do you know?”

“There were some guys that served with Max and they helped. They tracked down the guy working with Trent and he led them right to you.”

“I’ll have to thank them later,” he nodded briefly.

“They’ll be around.” She shifted unconsciously. “He was arrested along with Trent and Richard.”

“Good. How’d the police find out? I imagine you didn’t go to them with all that illegal information.”

“I worked with Max’s friends and Detective Cooper.”

He frowned. “How?”

“When I found out that they had experience in searching for people and information I brought up the situation. They agreed to help and I’m not really sure what all they did, but they managed to find you. That’s all that matters.”

“How did you help, Isabel?” he asked a second time, his voice stern.

“I violated my own restraining order and met Richard for dinner last night.” She looked away. “He agreed to release you if I gave him a second chance.”

He fisted one hand. “You shouldn’t have done such a reckless thing.”

“It was the only way I knew to force his hand.”

He knew he should be thankful for everything she had done to save him, but the only thing he could feel was hatred for that man and fury that she had put herself in danger.

“I had backup the entire time. Detective Cooper and Blake, he’s one of the soldiers who served with Max, they were both there.” She glanced outside. “And so was my brother.”

“Michael agreed to that?” he asked in disbelief.

“No, he didn’t exactly agree to it,” she hedged.

“No surprise there.”

She shrugged. “But I didn’t need his permission either.”

“You’ve always been too stubborn for your own good.”

“Yeah, well, it paid off in the end.”

“I guess.” He used the arm not attached to wires to wipe his face. “Thanks for everything, but don’t ever do anything like that again.”

“Well, I have no plans to ever get involved with another psycho, so I think we’re safe there.”

“That’s a start.”

“And as long as no one threatens anyone I care about again I guess I’ll be able to keep that promise.”

He grunted and rested his head against the pillow, feeling the tiredness and weakness in his body. “I’m gonna take another nap.”

“Alright. Is there anything I can get for you? Maybe something you’d like to have around or something that sounds good to eat later on?”

“I think I have everything I need here.”

“Would you mind if I come back later?” She was scared to ask if he wanted her to come back.

“Can I prevent you from coming back?”

She drew in a deep breath before forcing the words out. “If you don’t want me to come back...”

He sighed. “Since when do you talk so damn much?” He shifted his hand, feeling around for hers and then closing his fingers over hers briefly. “You can come back after you’ve rested and showered and eaten something.”

Every bit of the tension inside of her suddenly eased at his words and touch. “It’s your fault,” she said, her voice teasing. She leaned over the bed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be back this afternoon.”


Maria felt hypnotized as she stared at the heart monitor and watched the small green line moving up and down constantly, followed by a quiet beeping. Every now and then the sound would switch from a regular to irregular rhythm and it made her own heart clench.

“You want a coffee?” her mom asked quietly.

She turned her head from where she was lying in bed next to her brother, her stiff neck hurting when she moved. “Yeah, that’d be nice,” she whispered back.

“I’ll be right back.” Amy left the room and hardly made a sound as Maria turned her head back to her brother.

Cody had been pretty much asleep since Michael and she had arrived that morning. Not once had he said a word or acknowledged their presence and when it had been time to leave to meet up with Dan’s family in preparation for the funeral, she had talked to her boyfriend and he had understood that she couldn’t join him like she had promised the day before. She couldn’t leave her brother’s bedside yet.

Reaching out, she took his small hand in hers and squeezed it lightly. The doctor had told them that Cody needed a stronger medication to steady his heart and that fatigue was a very likely side effect. She didn’t understand. His failing heart made him fatigued and now the medication they were using basically made him sleep most of the time. Hearing it and seeing it were two totally different things though. It felt like his life was slowly slipping away and no one could prevent it.

Nor had she been able to prevent the silent tears that ran along her cheeks like a small flowing river all afternoon. Happiness and sadness were always so close together, she thought, remembering the joy she had felt at finally being able to be with the man she wanted. But how could she really enjoy the feeling?

Michael peered around the doorframe, watching his girl for a few minutes. He could see the weariness in her body as she watched over Cody. It didn’t require a medical degree to see that the little boy was weakening before their very eyes. His condition was getting worse and they were fast approaching the time when medication would no longer be effective. He stepped into the room and reached over her shoulder to brush her tears away. “Hey,” he whispered and kissed her cheek when she turned her head.

“Hey,” she echoed, collecting herself. “How’d things go?”

“Little bit rough, but I expected it to be.”

His features gave away the truth that it had been more than just a little rough, but she nodded anyway. “Everything set for tomorrow?”

“Yeah.” He rested his hip against the backs of her thighs and he reached over her to straighten Cody’s blanket. “You don’t have to go tomorrow if you need to be here.”

“I don’t know yet,” she told him honestly while new tears fell. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Don’t think about it right now, M’ria.”

She tried to calm herself with deep breaths while she nodded. Michael would understand no matter what she did, she knew that, but she wanted to be there for him as well. Tomorrow would be hard for him and he deserved some support as much as her brother.

He could see how torn she was and he rubbed her arm as he thought about the situation. “Y’know, I’m gonna be busy with my duties for the funeral so maybe it’d be easier if you spent that time with Cody. They have the get together over at the family home afterwards and I’m sure you could catch a ride over with Tess and Kyle.”

“We can decide tomorrow.” She rolled from the bed, groaning at the way her muscles hurt from lying in the same position for hours. Going over to the little in-suite bathroom, she splashed cold water into her face.

Michael’s gaze followed her for a moment before shifting back to the little boy in the bed. It was easy to hear just how labored his breathing was and it hurt to see the way his life was just slipping away. And it was killing him to see the way Maria carried that weight with her. He turned his head to the side when quiet footsteps caught his attention and he smiled when he saw Amy come into the room.

“Oh, hey,” she greeted him quietly. “If I had known you’d be back already I’d have brought another one.” She lifted the coffee in her hands.

He shook his head. “I’ve had enough coffee today to keep me up half the night.”

Maria came out of the bathroom again and took the offered cup. “Thanks, Mom.”

Amy smiled and nodded as she walked around the bed to run her fingers through the hair that flopped over to rest on her little boy’s forehead. He was struggling to breathe even with the oxygen and no matter how positive she fought to remain, the reality of the situation couldn’t be ignored.

“They really should work on the coffee here.” The younger woman made a face and rolled her shoulders to loosen her muscles.

Michael chuckled. “Well, that’s one constant, doesn’t seem to matter which hospital you’re in.”

“They should open up a Starbucks in every one of them”

“Maybe you oughta suggest that.”

“I will,” she agreed and walked over to the window to look outside. “What time is it?”

“Almost two,” he answered after a glance at his watch.

“Still got plans for today?”

He shook his head. “No, already had the meeting at the station and been to meet with Dan’s family, so the rest of my day’s all yours.”

She smiled, but it fell quickly. “Not sure if I’m gonna be enjoyable company today.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not exactly a barrel of laughs myself.” He shrugged. “Tess left me a message, said if we’re not busy she was tryin’ to get everyone to come by the apartment for dinner and a movie. Think she’s hopin’ to distract Kyle for a couple hours.”

“Not sure how distracting that’ll be,” she chuckled. “The guy’s watched so many movies lately, he’s probably ready to blow the TV up.”

“Get a bunch of us in a room together and the TV will probably be the last thing getting any attention.”

“True.” Maria looked at her mom. “If you wanna head home tonight I can stay here. You’ve been here almost the whole week.”

Amy smiled at the offer and shook her head. “No. I think I might go here in a bit and have a shower and try to grab a nap but I’ll be back before long.”

“You sure?” Spending nights in the hospital was tiring, but she’d feel bad if her mother did it all the time by herself.

“Take the night off, Amy,” Michael urged. “We’ll hang here with little man an’ keep an eye on him.”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 174

Post by Double Trouble »

begonia9508: Thanks!

Yep, Alex wants to just forget about everything for a little while. He appreciates Isabel’s attempt to draw him out but he’s just exhausted by everything that’s happened.

That’s true, lol, you just never know. But, with the drug charges dropped things are looking up.

Keep your fingers crossed for a heart for Cody!

Earth2Mama: That could be potentially damaging if Alex were to lash out in that manner. He has a lot on his mind, a lot to sort through, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Cody’s situation isn’t good so keep your fingers crossed.

There are a lot of people working together to get Aaron back to Max and Liz. Philip wants that so much and we may just yet see a step in that direction very soon.

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Things seem to be heading that way. He sure does.

Natalie36: Only time will tell, so keep your fingers crossed.

CandyliciousLovah: Lol, poor Garfield was ready for a little break from his new buddy.

Eva: Yes, he does, and we have a feeling you’re right. But we also have a feeling Isabel will be back very soon.

Cody’s situation is getting worse, but we have to keep hoping!

sarammlover: Charges dropped, one item off the list, lol. Cody, well, he’s still a work in progress. Isabel has no intention of going anywhere. She’ll be back soon. Thanks!

Midnightdreamer: Thanks, we appreciate the compliment! While we’re sticking to one update per week, we appreciate the enthusiasm! However, with more Max, Liz and Aaron in this update, maybe that’ll help. ;) Lol, yeah, poor Garfield was ready for a break from his new buddy.

A/N: Since one of us is going on a vacation trip, we will put TT on a hold and be back with it March, 8th. TA will be posted regularly.

Part 174

Strong For You

The older woman smiled at the offer. “Thanks, but no. Not this time. You have a long emotional day ahead of you. The last thing you need is to spend it here without any real sleep.”

“I’m not gonna get any sleep anyway,” he said with a shrug.

“I wouldn’t either if I wasn’t with my son. It’s really nice of you to offer, but it’s a parent thing.”

He nodded. “Alright, well, we’ll hang here while you take off for a bit to recharge your batteries.”

Amy nodded. “Sounds good.” She walked around the room to collect a few things to take home with her and then went to kiss both of her kids. “Love you,” she whispered to Maria.

“Love you too, Mom.” She waited until she left the room before she turned to Michael. “Thanks for being supportive.”

He shook his head. “You don’t ever have to thank me for that.”

“No, I do,” she protested. “It’s not something anyone should ever take for granted.”

He took her hand and pulled her close. “I’ll be here for you no matter what.”

“I know.” She sighed and inhaled his scent, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

Michael wrapped his arms around her while he watched Cody. With all the advancements in medicine, why hadn’t they discovered a way to solve this problem?

“I think you can spoil me with a massage tonight. My body hurts.”

“I can do that, huh?” He smiled and turned his head to nip her earlobe as he whispered, “A nice long massage? Warm massage oil, these big ol’ hands, and miles and miles of your naked skin?” He chuckled roughly. “I think I can handle that.”

It was a miracle how he was able to pull a reaction from her body even in their sad surroundings. “That sounds like an evening to look forward to.”

He nodded. “Better than dinner and a movie with all our friends?” he teased.

“Well, we can still do that before if you want. Your choice.”

“Damn.” As tempting as it was to blow off a movie with their friends he knew the only reason his little sister had suggested it was because Dan’s funeral was the next day and Kyle’s mood had taken a nosedive the closer it got. “Well, we don’t have to stay long.” It was unlikely they’d ever get around to a movie anyway; they rarely did when a bunch of them got together. It probably wouldn’t hurt group morale for everyone to hang out for a while. The next day was going to be stressful, especially for those who had worked closely with the older man.

She smiled and kissed his nose. “The funeral’s not that early in the morning, right? So we can spend the night in Brooklyn and you’ll still have enough time to get ready in the morning.”

“No, it’s not that early. We can stop and grab my uniform on the way to your place.”

“And we can retreat to my room for that massage after watching the movie.”

“Yeah, we could do that.” He grinned. “So long as you don’t mind the fact that the only thing separating your room and Tess’s is the bathroom.”

“Guess we’ll have to be quiet then.”

That made him snort. “You?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means, Sexy,” he growled into her ear, “that you’re a very enthusiastic and vocal lover.”

“I can be quiet if I need to be.”

“Okay, but if no one else in the apartment gets any sleep, it’s on you.”

“Or you,” she smiled at him sweetly.

“I won’t be the one screamin’ the roof down.”

“But you’ll be the one responsible for it,” she whispered in his ear.

“Mmm, I see the dilemma.” He turned his head to steal a quick kiss. “Unfortunately solving it only creates another one. And keepin’ my hands off of you just isn’t a solution I find agreeable.” He stole another kiss. “Guess I’m just gonna have to keep that mouth of yours busy.”

“Are you two kissin’?” The quiet question was whispered from the bed behind them.

“Hey, little man.” Michael leaned over and bumped his fist against the little one Cody tried to lift from the bed. “Better ask your sister about that.” He shot a grin at his girlfriend when the boy looked at her expectantly.

She smiled encouragingly and leaned down to kiss his temple. “He kissed me,” she agreed quietly.

“But not like friends,” he said, his eyes darting between them. “You said so, ‘member?” He hadn’t forgotten that day in the car when they’d tried to explain the different ways people kissed and insisted that friends didn’t kiss the same way boyfriends and girlfriends kissed.

Maria looked at Michael and smiled faintly. “No, not like friends.”

“Are you gonna do that all the time now?” His voice was a raspy whisper, but his eyes were constantly in motion as he waited for an answer.

“Not all the time, but a lot.”

He smiled faintly. “‘Cause you love her, huh, Mike?”

Michael smirked, but his face went serious as he stared into Maria’s eyes. “Yeah, I do.”

“An’ now that other girl won’t be your friend no more.” His little fingers latched onto the man’s hand where it rested next to him. “An’ you’ll take care of M’ria forever an’ ever now.” He rubbed his eyes sleepily with his other hand. “‘m glad.”

“You want somethin’ to drink?” Maria asked gently.

He nodded and made a token move to sit up but it was just too hard to move. Michael got up and moved around the bed, going to the other side where there were fewer lines and monitors connecting Cody to the machines and he carefully picked him up, settling him in his lap so he could lean back against his chest.

Maria went to the little table set next to the window and filled a sipping cup with fruit tea. “Are you hungry?”

He made a face and shook his head. “They make the food all yucky.”

“I brought you some watermelon. You do like that, don’t you?”

His tired eyes brightened just a bit as he nodded once.

“Bet she brought the seedless kind,” Michael growled and kissed the top of his head. “That way we can’t have a contest to see who can spit them the farthest.”

Cody laughed quietly, the process tiring. “She never liked that.”

“Yeah, because who always gets stuck cleaning up after the two of you?” Maria asked as she went to get the fruit.

“Just wait, we’ll have us another contest,” Michael insisted. “Maybe next time we can get her to join in.”

“Do you live together now?” Cody leaned his head back to look at the man steadying him.

“Um, well, not exactly, no. I still have my apartment and Maria has hers with the girls.”

“But when you marry her, you have to move in,” the boy insisted.

He chuckled. “You gonna help us pick out a house?”

The little boy’s mood sank drastically at the question. “I don’t know, Mike.”

“No?” He jostled him gently. “Y’know, findin’ a house with the best tree for a tree house in the backyard’s awful important.” He tapped his chest lightly. “Once you get your new ticker you’re gonna be swingin’ from the branches like a little monkey.”

Maria turned her back to them, so her brother couldn’t witness how much the conversation was affecting her. He was starting to realize that his life was slipping away and that wasn’t good.

“Besides,” Michael went on conversationally, his heart aching for the boy he held and the girl he wanted so badly to fix this for, “how could we get married if my best man wasn’t there?” His arms tightened around Cody for a moment before relaxing again and dropping his head forward. “I know it’s hard, but you’ve just gotta hang on a little longer, buddy,” he murmured against his hair.

“Okay,” Cody breathed.

Maria didn’t realize how tightly she was holding the box with the fruit until her palm cut into the rim. She released her grip around it and placed it on the table while she wiped her tears with the other hand.

“We’re gonna get through this,” he said, the words directed at both of them. No, he didn’t know what the outcome would be and maybe he wasn’t a very religious person, but even he prayed for a miracle that would save the little boy and his family.

“He’s right,” she agreed, trying to keep her voice steady while she placed the fruit in a little bowl. “You’re at the top of the list, buddy. The next heart’s yours, we’re almost there.”

“Hear that? You’ve almost finished your race, Cody. You’re about to score that winning touchdown for the home team.” He kissed the top of his head again. “Don’t lose sight of that goal.”

“Okay,” Maria took another deep breath and then faced the boys again, walking over to them with the food in her hand and sitting down in the chair next to them.

“Hey, will you look at that?” Michael reached for one of the cubes and held it up in front of Cody. “I’m pretty sure we just found SpongeBob’s cousin.” His nephew watched that stupid cartoon and he knew Cody watched it too. It drove him crazy. It was annoying and he had no idea how anyone found it amusing, but kids seemed to enjoy it.

Cody chuckled weakly. “I can’t eat him.”


“No,” he shook his head.

“Hmm, okay,” he set that one aside and picked up the next one. “What about this one? Think it looks like anybody?”

“It looks like a melon,” Maria said, shaking her head.


Max was watching Aaron as he crouched down on the sandy shore next to the shallow river that ran through the center of the park. His mom had rolled the legs of her jeans up and she would occasionally walk out into the riverbed, leaning down to point out the fish that swam around. He’d had to laugh earlier when she and Liz had tried in vain to catch one of the fish as Aaron ran back and forth on the shore, shouting directions at them.

His dad was nearby manning the barbecue grill and the smell of the food was making his stomach rumble loudly. He shook his head and laughed when Liz suddenly grabbed Aaron up in her arms and ran out into the water, the boy squealing loudly when she threatened to get him wet. Aaron was laughing and hanging onto his sister for dear life as he did his best to avoid the water below.

“That’s one happy little boy,” Philip commented.

“Yeah, he is.”

“What’re your intentions?”

“My intentions?” Max echoed.

“Do you see marrying that girl in the future?”

He smiled and shrugged. “I wouldn’t discount it.” He cleared his throat and turned to look at his dad. He didn’t really care to discuss that right now. “Was the Army really the only way out of jail time?” he asked, and he could see the question had taken the older man off guard.

Philip looked back at the grill and when he was sure nothing would catch fire, he wiped his hands on a towel. “If there had been any other solution I wouldn’t have kept it from you.”

“So it wasn’t a matter of thinkin’ the Army would straighten me out?”

“No, son. That wasn’t my intention when I agreed to the deal. Did I hope it would give you some structure, some boundaries, and keep you from throwin’ your life away? Yes, I did.”

“I ended up in a fuckin’ warzone.”

“I know.” His dad ran his hands over his face. “No one could’ve foreseen that.”

“Would you have made the deal if you’d known I’d end up in a sandpit bein’ shot at?”

“All I wanted for you was a better future, Max. And jail would probably still be the worse option. You can’t erase something like that from your life and it has the potential of destroying your future. Would I have still made the deal? I don’t know, I probably would’ve asked you what you wanted.”

His eyes narrowed as he stared at his dad. He seemed to have aged in the short span of time since the conversation had started. “You did ask me what I wanted,” he muttered finally.

“Look, Max, I didn’t do it to get back at you for anything. You were young and you made a few mistakes. I’m still proud that you’re my son.”

That caught him by surprise and he wasn’t fast enough to hide his reaction. “You are?”

“Of course. You went to hell and back to fight for your country, you came back and found your way back into society, you found yourself a place to call home, you make a good living with a job you love, and you’re in a good healthy relationship. What else could I want for you?”

“I dunno, maybe for me to not be a head case,” he muttered.

“The only one thinking that of you is you.”

He shook his head stubbornly. He’d seen the looks when he’d come back; pitying, disgusted, and a myriad of others. “That judge thinks it.”

“Because someone made false accusations, Max. That has nothing to do with reality. Soldiers often struggle when they return home, a lot of them need a little help and too few receive it. You did the right thing when you started talking to the doctor, but it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.”

His dad didn’t think he was damaged, somehow that made a difference. “You think we stand a chance of getting custody of Aaron?”

“I have no doubt about that, son. They don’t have any reason to deny you custody.”

“That judge took a pretty quick dislike to us because of my history and Liz’s second job.”

“That’s his job and there’re so many people out there who mistreat their children that they do forget now and then that not everyone’s guilty. Don’t take it personally.

“It’s hard not to. Aaron should be at home with us where he belongs and because that prick has the authority of the legal system behind him we’re only allowed supervised visits.” He shook his head. “We appreciate you and Mom keepin’ him for us, don’t get me wrong about that. He just...” He sighed in frustration. “It’s tearin’ Liz apart, Dad!”

“I can see that.” Liz wasn’t the only one affected though. “You’ve gotta be strong for her as long as it takes.”

“He sat up there and talked to her like she was some streetwalker.” His hand fisted at the memory. “If it wouldn’t have hurt our case I would’ve shoved those words right back down his throat. Everything she’s done has been done so Aaron could receive the care he needs. She’s always put him first and that dickwad refused to see that. We don’t fit the traditional family model so he decided we weren’t fit to raise that little boy.”

“Max,” Philip approached his son and placed a calming hand on his shoulder when he could see how overridden by his emotions Max was, “don’t let those words get the best of you. No one who knows you would ever believe it to be true.”

“I don’t like that she works there, Dad. I haven’t liked it since I found out, but her other job doesn’t pay enough to cover his medical expenses and she took the job at the club because making sure he has his medications and that if he had to go to the ER she could cover the cost was more important to her than anything else. She never wanted that job, but she needs somethin’ that either has the right hours and pay that she can replace the waitress job and the one at the club, or she has to have a second job that pays well and has damn good insurance. And then there’s the issue of hours. That job at the club leaves her afternoons and evenings free to be with Aaron.” He shook his head. “We’ve all been searching but we’re comin’ up empty.”

“Maybe your mother can help.” Philip smiled at him encouragingly. “I knew she’s been asking around.”

“She has? I didn’t know that, she’s never said anything.”

“It’s not all nailed down yet, but I think it looks pretty good.”

He smirked when his dad didn’t say more. That was the way Dad was, never giving too much away until he had the answers. He reached up to rub the back of his neck. “That’d be nice. I know she’d really like to have a steady job with normal hours and it’d be good for Aaron too.” He turned to watch them for a moment. “Especially when he starts school next year.”

“We’ll find something. I don’t have a doubt in me.”

Max nodded as his thoughts drifted to that last assignment Dr. Rodgers had given him. He still hadn’t come up with another option other than the one his dad had chosen. What would’ve happened to him if he’d gone to prison? He’d still be behind bars, he knew that much. He’d probably be screwed up, just in a different way. Yeah, the war had changed him, but not all of those changes had been bad. He’d met some pretty incredible people during his time in the service. And if not for three of those guys, who knew where Alex would be right now? He never would’ve met Liz and she wouldn’t be in his life. He wondered how different his life would be if not for that single decision, how many others it would’ve affected. It was time to start letting the past go and live with the hand he’d been dealt. “Maybe once all this mess settles down you’d like to meet some of the guys I served with?”

Philip looked at him, stunned, but he covered his expression quickly. “I’d like that.”

He nodded. “They’re good guys. Little rough around the edges, but, good guys.” He’d never allowed those two parts of his life to meet, but the guys seemed to mesh pretty good with his friends and that was easing the stress that his colliding worlds had caused. The talk with his dad had been good, he’d gotten some answers, and he was finally finding some peace with the past.

“Max, Max,” Aaron ran up to him shouting and he fell into his lap giggling. “Liz made my feet all wet.”

He picked the little boy up, taking a look at the wet feet in question. “Yep, those look like they got a dip in the river.” He lowered him and two little feet landed on his jean-clad thighs and they immediately started to move as the boy tried to dry them off. “Catch anything?”

“Just a snail,” the boy made a face.

“You didn’t eat it, did you?”

“No,” the boy laughed. “Duh, noooo.”

“Just makin’ sure. Some people eat them.” He nodded when Aaron stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. “They do. Big fat snails.”

“That’s gross.” The boy shuddered.

He chuckled. “Gonna have to agree with you there. That’s not real food and who wants to eat a slimy ol’ snail anyway?”

“No one, I hope,” Liz says when she joined them, pushing her water cold hand into the back of her lover’s tee shirt.

Max jumped and shot a look at her over his shoulder when Aaron started laughing. “Almost as cold as your feet,” he said with a shake of his head.

“You should’ve come, it was fun.” Liz sat down next to him and bumped his shoulder.

“Next time,” he promised.

“Who’s hungry?” Diane asked with a smile and pulled the salad out of the basket.

Aaron leaned back against Max’s chest and frowned when the first thing to appear was salad and he turned his head to whisper, “Do you like that?”

“No, I don’t, but don’t tell anyone.”

He pondered that for a moment. “Are you gonna eat it?”

“Just to make the girls happy.”

The boy glanced at his sister. “Okay, but we don’t gotta like it, right?”

“Everyone needs veggies, Aaron. Especially kids.”

He made a face. “She putted carrots on it.”

“Carrots aren’t that bad,” Max tried.

Aaron shook his head before turning back to Diane. “Did you make the mac an’ cheese?”

“What do you think?” She chuckled.

He pinched his lips between his teeth for a moment before a grin broke free and he nodded vigorously. “Yes!”

She laughed and pulled the bag out to show him. “Yes!”

He freed himself from Max’s loose hold and ran over to help now that he’d confirmed that there was indeed something better in the picnic basket than salad.

“He’s so spoiled,” Liz whispered in Max’s ear, underlining her earlier statement.

Max shook his head. “Trust me, he’ll eat the salad before it’s over. She’ll never let him leave the table without getting it down.”

“That’s good.”

“She never compromises when it comes to nutrition.” He made a face. “Believe me, there were certain things I tried every trick in the book to avoid eating.”

“That’s the Mom job. Because kids don’t know what’s good for them.”

“No, but I’ve gotta agree with him about carrots in salad. Cooked I don’t mind so much, but raw carrots suck.”

“You obviously never ate a cake with raw carrots.”

“Gross. Why would you put raw carrots in cake?”

“It’s delicious. You can’t even tell they’re in it.”

He snorted at that. “There’s no way.”

“Uh-huh, we’ll see.”

Diane watched them as they bantered back and forth. She smiled and glanced at her husband, nodding when he indicated for her to speak. “Have you had any luck with your job search?”

Liz turned her attention away from Max. “Not at all. I have an interview next week for a job in a pharmacy, but I don’t think there’s much of a chance I’m gonna get it.”

“That probably won’t compensate for both jobs though,” Philip said.

“No,” she sighed, “probably not. But it’d be a little more than I get at the café and it’d mean steady hours.”

Diane reached for the stack of paper plates and started prying them apart. “You said you have an interest in the field of biology if I remember correctly?”

“That’s right,” she agreed. “I’m majoring in microbiology. It just takes me a while longer than it normally would because with my jobs I can’t take as many classes at once.”

“And Max said you worked in the university lab before you lost your parents?”

“That’s right.”

“Do you have any experience in biology research?”

“I had an internship with a company in Brooklyn my first year here,” she nodded.

“Well, if you’re familiar with the research aspect, I spoke with the head of research for Bio-Tech...” she smiled. “They’re a large contributor to one of the foundations I chair, and Melinda Davis has been looking for someone to fill a recently vacated position. I believe the hours would work well for your situation and she’s assured me it pays well. It’s an actual position with the company so there would also be health insurance, vacation time, and bonuses. If you’re interested she’d love to meet with you for an interview.”

“IF I’m interested,” Liz asked, stunned.

“Well, I didn’t want to make assumptions,” Diane said with a chuckle. “Melinda said she’d be happy to conduct the interview on Sunday if that works better with your current schedule. I have her number and she said if you’re interested that you shouldn’t hesitate to give her a call.”

“Sunday, that’s tomorrow, right?”

“That’s tomorrow.”

“Uh, okay, yeah. I’m definitely interested.” Wow, that was quick but she could do it, right?

Philip finished assembling his hamburger and then squished it down, making Aaron laugh. “You’ll like Melinda. She’s a taskmaster, but she’s honest and fair.”

“That’s very nice of you, Mom,” Max said, hugging Liz from behind.

Diane smiled at her son. “I’m happy to help.” She reached over and wiped a smudge of ketchup off of her husband’s chin. “When Melinda mentioned the position I couldn’t help but bring you up in the conversation. I’m just so glad I haven’t overstepped.”

“Not in this case, Mom. We need a decent job for her.”

“Good, then I hope things will work out for you. Philip’s right, you’ll like Melinda.”

“Thank you, Diane.” Liz reached over to squeeze the woman’s hand. “It really means a lot.”

The woman nodded and smiled, her eyes misting. Liz had no idea just how much she had done for their family simply by loving Max. She could see the changes in him and that was worth more than anything in the world to her.

“Seems like this weekend is getting better an’ better, huh?” Max nuzzled his girlfriend’s neck from behind and tightened his grip around her waist. Things really were finally starting to look up.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 175

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Yes, and it’s about time! That was an amazing thing Diane did and Liz won’t waste time getting around to making that call.

Earth2Mama: This story is full of ups and downs, lol.

Cody’s been a strong little fighter through this whole story so don’t give up on him. It means so much to him that his favorite people are together. It is tragic that for his miracle to happen tragedy has to befall another family. His journey has been a tough one but it isn’t over yet.

That judge does have to be dealt with and that’ll come in time. They’re doing everything to make him see that they’re capable and responsible parents. That talk was the first step to rebuilding their relationship. Diane did a wonderful thing by paving the path for Liz with that potential job.

We’ll peek in on Kyle and Tess in today’s update… and more of them next week. ;)

pandas2001: It’s been an uphill battle but it looks like good things are finally happening.

Natalie36: Keep your fingers crossed for him.

Midnightdreamer: Thanks! It would be great if the medical field had the ability to make such repairs and it does seem as if with all the advancements that have been made we should have those capabilities. Max and Philip have taken a very important step in rebuilding their relationship.

Philip and Diane want to do whatever they can to help. Aaron is quite the little man and his confidence is growing by leaps and bounds now that Trent is out of his life and he’s settling in. Max is making an effort, with his dad, for Liz and Aaron, and while he may not realize it, even for himself. Max’ mind was on his past so he didn’t want to get caught up in what his future holds.

Cody’s much too old for such a little boy. He wants so badly for his family to be okay and for him, the way for that to happen is for Michael to be there all the time. Lol, these little musketeers definitely keep the guys on their toes.

sarammlover: Thanks for that great compliment! It’s been a rough journey for Max and Philip but they’re finally getting to a place where they can find some common ground to build on.

The little man is tired and that fight is taking a major toll on him, but he promised Mike he’d keep fighting.

Thanks! Vacation was great but we’re happy to be back!

begonia9508: Thanks!

Yes, it’s sad to hear Cody’s relief at Mike finally being in a relationship with Maria. For him that knowledge means she’ll be okay.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! Max’ parents have been very instrumental in their battle to keep custody of Aaron.

killjoy: Lol, we’ll catch up with them briefly today and then more in next week’s update.

Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: We’ll see how that job interview goes soon. Well, lol, you know how it is when you’re on vacation… time always flies!

SmileeUk: Lol, guess she wasn’t kidding about being hungry!

Good chance Max and Liz will be having their own celebration.

Alex hasn’t bounced right back from his ordeal, but he’ll pull through. The gang will make sure of it – Isabel especially.


kismet: There is something nice about getting to read multiple parts at once! Things are finally looking up after the bumpy ride they’ve been on. Alex just needs some time to get things straight in his head. He won’t push Isabel away and she wouldn’t let him anyway, lol. Michael and Maria… they’re very much Michael and Maria. And Max and Liz, they’re finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

Thanks, it was great!

keepsmiling7: Lol, it’s been a rough ride but they’re finally making some headway.

Max and Philip have taken some very important steps in rebuilding their relationship.

Part 175

A Bit of Normality

Kyle listened to the activity going on around him since just about everyone in their group had converged on the girls’ apartment within the past half hour. They had taken a vote and pizza had won hands down since it was easy and fairly quick. Or it usually was. When they’d called the order in they’d been told that delivery was backed up and it would be nearly three times longer than the normal wait time.

Tony and Michael had been volunteered to make the pizza run and they had just arrived maybe five minutes ago, laden down with cartons of pizza and hot wings. And apparently the girls had snuck salad onto the order because he could hear Tess going back and forth with Michael about the value of sticking a hunk of lettuce on his plate and eating it.

“That argument will never fly,” he muttered to himself.

“Get that crap off of my plate before I throw it on the floor,” Michael growled. “I didn’t ask you to fix me a plate in the first place.”

“Y’know, some people just say thanks when a loved one cares about their health.”

“Thanks, now get it off because I’m not gonna eat it.”

He could practically hear the eye roll along with the huff of irritation at his utter lack of gratitude. Seconds later she hollered for Maria and he smirked when Michael started grumbling about how he wasn’t eating it for her either. He felt the air around him shift in accompaniment with the sound of feet crossing the floor and he tipped his head back. “There’s no salad on my plate, is there?” he asked.

Tess snorted. “Not this time. Two slices, deep dish meat lovers pizza with extra cheese and a side of hot wings.”


“No, the marinara on the pizza is more than enough spice for you today.”

“Don’t ya just love the thought of getting back to our apartment an’ ordering some nice unhealthy food?” Michael slouched down next to him on the couch.

Kyle smirked. “I dunno, depends on what you an’ your girl are getting up to.”

“I doubt ya wanna know that,” Tony snorted.

“Only as far as it affects my ability to get around my apartment.” He used the fingertips of his left hand to balance his plate and reached for a slice with the other.

“You don’t have to fear any of your abilities where that’s concerned,” Maria informed him when she passed the couch on her way to the kitchen counter, giving him a slight slap on the back of his head.

“Hey,” he grumbled when she startled him and he almost dropped his pizza, “wounded man here.”

“Too late to play that card, Valenti.”

He made a face. “Still true.” He took a bite of his pizza and sighed contentedly. Now if he just had a beer it’d be perfect.

Michael studied his friend for a moment. He looked a lot better than a few days ago, but he still had a lot recovery time before anything would be normal again. “How’re thing goin’ with Ava?” He shifted his attention to Tony.

“Things are good.” The firefighter dropped down into one of the chairs and stretched his legs out. He placed his bottle of beer on the table and flexed his hand before snagging a slice off of his own plate. “She was gonna come by tonight but Chase decided to wash that classic car your dad has stored in the garage and he washed it with this special soap he made all by himself.” He shook his head. “Yeah, mud, glue, laundry detergent, little bit of sand and water. Not a good combination. So she decided to stay home with the little troublemaker.” He chuckled. “I’m gonna go by if I don’t leave here too late.”

“Fuck,” Kyle chuckled. “Adam probably had a heart attack.”

Michael winced and shook his head. “Yeah, he probably did. He spent years working on that thing to restore it.”

“What kind?”

“It’s a 1960 Austin-Healey 3000.”

Tony whistled. “Decent, man!”

“Yeah, she handles nice too.” He made a face as he pictured his father’s reaction to Chase’s ‘wash’.

“Hey, did you guys hear the DA dropped the charges against me?” Max asked as he approached them. “Let’s drink to that.”

“Hey, that’s great news, man,” Kyle said as he raised his glass of apple juice. It just wasn’t the same as a beer, he thought as he took a drink. “Now you’re just down to getting that judge to get his head out of his ass and you guys are set.”

“Yeah. Still a got a ways to go but things finally look promising.”

“That’s gotta be a load off,” Michael said as he propped his feet up on one corner of the coffee table.

“It is.” Max leaned back on the couch, twisting the beer in his hand and pulling at the label. “I never thought I’d want that quiet boring life with a woman an’ a kid but right now it’s the best fuckin’ thing I can think of.”

Michael snorted. “Yeah, when the hell did that start lookin’ like a good thing?” He wasn’t ready to think about kids just yet, but he was surprisingly okay with being with just one girl. Maria.

“They say it’s the first sign of getting old,” Tony snorted.

“This from the other guy who’s involved with a girl who has a kid,” Kyle said and shook his head.

“Hey, it means another addition to a big family.” He and Ava hadn’t talked about stuff like that yet but he hoped he was up for some more kids.

“Well, since they’re already so thrilled that she’s seein’ someone stable you’ll be a welcome addition,” Michael said as he slouched down further.

“How’s Cody?” Tony asked quietly so Maria wouldn’t hear.

Michael’s gaze shot to his girlfriend and he watched her conversing with the girls and putting things together for a moment. “He’s not doin’ too well and it’s takin’ its toll on all of them.” He shook his head. “She’s tryin’ to hold it together but we’re getting close to the time when getting a new heart’s gonna be a helluva lot more than just giving him a chance to have a life.” He rubbed his forehead and sighed. “If it doesn’t happen soon he’ll eventually reach a critical point where even the transplant won’t be enough.”

“Damn it,” Kyle muttered. “Why can’t they put more money into medical research rather than wasting it on other unimportant things?”

“I wish I knew. How the fuck can they clone a sheep but not a viable human heart?” Michael ran a hand through his hair and exhaled loudly. “Makes no sense to me.”

“He’s gonna get that damn heart,” Max muttered, looking over his shoulder to check on the girls. “They have to.”

“Alright, I don’t know what you guys are talkin’ about over here but you look way too serious,” Tess said as she made her way around the furniture and stepped over several pairs of legs to get to the spot that was rightfully hers – the seat right next to Kyle. She set a couple more drinks on the table along with a large bowl of popcorn that she just dared any of them to touch with a single look.

“An’ you’re the boss here or what?” Michael snorted.

“I am the boss here,” she said as she shot a defiant look at him.

“No, you’re not.” He stretched his leg and kicked the bowl on the table lightly.

“Go ahead and knock it over,” she said sweetly. “When Kyle finds out you stuck your big foot in his popcorn you’re gonna be in trouble.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Maybe if you were nicer Maria would make some for you.”

He narrowed his eyes. “If I was nicer?”

She just shrugged. “I didn’t stutter.”

“I’m nice to her.”

“You’re still not getting any of this popcorn.”

“She bein’ mean to you?” Maria joined them, nudging his legs with hers.

“Yeah, won’t share the popcorn, verbally abusing me...”

She waited until he lowered his feet to the ground and then seated herself in his lap. “Sibling love they say.”

“Is that what they say?” He snorted at that and elbowed his sister when she picked up the bowl of popcorn, sending several dozen of the fluffy kernels flying up around her.

“You’re an annoying ass,” Tess muttered.

Michael just grinned at her. “You still love me though.”

She snorted and threw a piece of popcorn at him, gawking when he caught it in it mouth.

“Jealous?” he asked with a smirk.

“Ungh, Maria. I don’t know what you see in him.”

Maria smiled softly as she played with the hair at the back of his neck. “It’s a mystery.”

“It surely is,” Isabel shook her head when she joined them, grabbing a few pillows and getting comfortable on the floor.

Max nudged her. “How’s Alex?”

“He’s still weak, but physically he’ll be okay soon I think.”

Tony shook his head. “Man, it’s been a crazy few weeks.”

“Crazy is way too understated.” Liz set a bowl of M&Ms on the table and sneaked into her boyfriend’s lap.

Max snorted. “That’s for damn sure.”

“At least you guys aren’t blind and immobile,” Kyle grumbled.

“Aww, somebody’s feeling grumpy,” Isabel teased.

“Yeah,” Kyle muttered, “sucks to be like you.”

“Hey!” She leaned over to smack his leg. “I am not a grumpy person.”

Everyone in the room laughed. “Sorry, Iz, but you are sometimes,” Tony said with a shrug.

She just shook her head at their obviously incorrect belief. “Whatever.”

“What movie do you guys wanna watch?”

“Guess that depends on what our choices are,” Kyle said, snagging a handful of popcorn and shoving it in his mouth. “Mmm, you got the perfect amount of butter an’ salt on it.”

“Does anyone need anything?” she asked when Isabel and Kyle started to argue over the best DVD selection.

“Yeah, for someone to explain to Kyle that Napoleon Dynamite isn’t funny,” Isabel grumbled.

“Huh-uh, I pass.”

“I’m gonna have to side with Iz on this one,” Tony said and shook his head.

“We should’ve just skipped the movie,” Michael growled under his breath.

“And miss this intriguing debate?”

“Intriguing?” He shook his head. “It’ll take forever before they finally agree on something.”

“Settle it for them and you pick something.”

“Not necessary,” Liz had overheard them and stepped up. “Guys, shut up. We’re going with ‘The Fast and the Furious’ an’ if anyone dares to complain then he or she is free to do it in their own room.”

Max shot a glance at her when the room fell silent. “That was kinda hot,” he growled.

She laughed and snuggled against him. “Thanks.”

“Okay, not that I’m complaining or anything,” Kyle said after a few moments, “but me an’ Tess just watched that.”

Maria groaned and thumped her head against the side of Michael’s neck. “You’re right. We should’ve gone straight to bed.”

“Well, I haven’t seen it so it has my vote,” Isabel spoke up.

That caused all conversation to cease. Everyone stared at her, speechless.

“You haven’t seen it?” Kyle asked, stunned. “Like not seen it for a while or...”

“Like ever.” She shrugged. “What’s the big deal?”

He snorted. “I don’t know you, Guerin.”

“Whatever.” It was just some race car movie. Guys driving fast cars and trying to beat each other. She really didn’t get the point. “Let’s just watch the movie.”

“Yeah. Otherwise we’ll still be sitting here in the morning,” Maria whispered to Michael.

He snorted softly. “They might still be here in the morning, but I can guarantee you we won’t be sitting here.”

“That’s good. Wouldn’t be any fun.”

He chuckled. “Gotta agree with you.”

Kyle got a little more comfortable on the couch and leaned towards Tess. “If I had known we were gonna have to watch this again tonight I seriously would’ve preferred the other option.” That morning they had discussed watching a movie with their friends or taking him out to have at least one unhealthy dinner at the closest McDonalds.

“Would it be wrong to ditch them?”

“Hmm, technically we have already seen the movie.”

“And it’s never too late for a cheeseburger...”

“Or some fries.”

“You’re right. I say we get outta here for a while.”

“What do we tell them?” he hissed.

She turned her head to look at him. “Why didn’t you tell me that prescription had to be refilled today?” She rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky that pharmacy doesn’t close early. And just for that you can go with me to pick it up.”

Tony frowned. “Ya want me to make the run?” He was the only single man in the apartment tonight so he wouldn’t mind a short escape.

Tess smiled at him and shook her head. “Thanks, but it won’t hurt him to get out for a bit.”

“Ya know, one might think you wanna buy some time to make out.” Maria narrowed her eyes at her best girlfriend.

Tess stuck her tongue out at Maria. “Yeah, one might think that, huh?”

“As if you two don’t think about it all whole damn time,” Isabel rolled her eyes at her blonde friend as well.

Maria snorted. “Not denying that. We just didn’t think you wanted to see the show.”

“No, we sure as hell don’t want to see it. Whose idea was this movie night anyway?”

“Mine.” Tess shrugged. “But I can’t help it if we need to run out and grab his prescription.”

Max groaned into Liz’s ear, “Man, are they getting on your nerves too?”

“Well... I can think of a thing or two we could do if we weren’t doing this,” she said with a quiet laugh.

“Gosh,” Tony made a face, looking at Isabel. “Where are we? Porn land?”

“I think we are.” She rolled her eyes. “I could be sleeping right now.”

“We’re out,” Tess helped Kyle up.

“Well, guys, we could all play a round of Twister,” Maria suggested to the others.

“Naked two-person Twister sounds fun,” Michael growled.

“Twister? Seriously, Deluca?” Max groaned.

“C’mon, it’ll be fun.”

“Yeah, I agree.” Liz got up.

Max slouched down and yawned. “Twister, huh? What the hell.”

“It’s fun. Or are you too old, Maxie?” Maria teased.

“Old,” he scoffed. “Bring it on ‘cause you’re gonna eat those words.”

Maria grinned and jumped from Michael’s lap to get the game from her room.

“Really,” Michael growled, “a Twister challenge?”


“Hell, no. I can just think of better things than pretzeling myself around your ass.”

Max made a face. “Ditto.”

Liz snickered. “I think that sounds like a good time. And no,” she said before Michael could say anything, “I’m not referring to the two of you.”

“I never got the excitement over this game,” Isabel grumbled.

“It’s only fun if it’s one on one,” Tony said with a laugh.

“Come on, guys,” Maria came back. “It’s gonna be a good distraction from all the shit going on.”

Max shoved himself up and reached over to give Michael a cuff on the shoulder. “Let’s go, Guerin.”

“Yeah, c’mon, we’ll do it for the girls,” Tony snorted.

“I think the guys should play and we’ll make bets on the winner,” Isabel commented.

“Nope, you’re gonna play with us, ladies,” Tony denied.

“Fine, but just know this isn’t my game.”

“Why?” Maria asked curiously. “You’re not one of the people that get in strange positions and fart, are you?”

“Are we all about to regret that bean burrito you had for lunch today?” Michael asked with a smirk.

“Shut up, both of you,” she rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, this’s fun,” Maria insisted.

“Let’s get it over with,” Michael groaned, flicking the spinner.

“This’s seriously what my life’s come to,” Isabel muttered under her breath. “Playing a kid’s game when I could be – “

“Right foot red,” her brother called. He narrowed his eyes at his sister and they both pounced for the same spot at the same time. “Are you playing, Isabel?”

She shoved him when he tried to push her foot off of the red circle. “Bite me.”

“It’s been a while since I played but isn’t only one person supposed to be on a circle?” Tony asked, shaking his head at the battle over the circle.

“Technically, yes, but since we have so many people we can share the circles. We’ll just keep the other rules for elimination,” Maria decided. “If you fall or if any body part other than your hands and feet touch the mat, you’re out.”

“Works for me,” Max spoke up. “Maybe someone needs to explain that only one person at a time takes a turn.” He watched Michael and Isabel as they continued to shove each other over possession of the red circle. “You two never played well with others growin’ up, did you?”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 176

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Yep, they needed a break to unwind.

Natalie36: Thanks! He still has a chance.

Earth2Mama: Lol, you should try it!

begonia9508: Thanks, we’re glad to be back!

Yes, it was about time for them to get a break!

L-J-L 76: Thanks! They needed that little break from reality.

keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading!

Eva: Lol, especially since they’re the ones who started the whole evening!

CandyliciousLovah: Lol, well there are still a few people out, who don’t know the movie. Shocking, huh? :D

Part 176

Weight of a Day

The house was quiet on Sunday morning. Liz and Max had stayed at his apartment the night before, Tess had said she had some errands to run, and Maria and Michael had left the night before after everyone had tired of playing games and watching movies. He knew the couples had been planning to stay at the girls’ apartment but for whatever reason they’d changed their minds. Kyle lifted his head when the front door suddenly opened and he could tell from the hurried pace and the familiar scent that Isabel had come back for some reason. She had spent the past couple of nights at the hospital, watching over Alex, and making sure he wasn’t alone.

“Thought you’d be getting ready at home,” he said after she called out a greeting.

“I am.”

He frowned at her response. “Isn’t your home in Manhattan?”

“Way to make a girl feel wanted, Valenti,” Isabel muttered.

He could hear her moving around but he wasn’t sure what she was doing. “I’ve already had breakfast.” He hadn’t wanted to eat, but Tess had finally managed to talk him into eating just a little bit and after a while he’d given in. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings but the last thing he wanted was a full stomach right now. Of course, they’d still managed to get into an argument, which he was sure was the real reason behind her errands.

“That’s good, wasn’t interested in cookin’ for you.” She glanced over at him, taking in the slump to his shoulders. “So, we’ve only got a couple of hours before we need to start leaving if we’re gonna make Dan’s funeral.”

“Then why’re you here?” He wasn’t in the mood for riddles.

Isabel crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at him, certain he felt it when he shifted uncomfortably and turned to face away from her. “Because in spite of your attitude you’re gonna get my help.”

“I didn’t ask for your help,” he grated out. “I’m perfectly capable of getting myself ready.”

“I stopped playing dress-up with dolls a long time ago and I’m certain they were more cooperative than you’d ever be. Now, that being said, after you chased Tess outta the apartment she called me.”

“Great, that’s just fuckin’ great.”

She ignored his muttering. “Now, the way I see it you have two options: Max or me.” She smirked when his head jerked around. “That’s right, Tess told me all about your fit this morning. Now, you want a shower and I completely understand that.” She wrinkled her nose as she shot a quick glance at the half-bath that occupied his level of the apartment.

“You’re not givin’ me a bath,” he muttered mutinously. The stairs creaked, signaling another arrival to the conversation. “And he sure as hell isn’t either.”

“That’s good ‘cause I’m not interested in getting a look at your fuzzy ass, Valenti,” Max growled as he opened up the box Isabel had carried in and started assembling the handful of parts inside.

“Yeah, none of us are lining up for that pleasure,” Isabel intoned. “Tess said you got pissy with her because you wanted a shower and that means you’d either have to go upstairs or downstairs and you refused to let her help you.” She went on before he could interrupt. “Fine, I get that, and I do get where you’re comin’ from. However, in this mood you completely ignored where she was comin’ from.”

“I do not need to be babied!”

“And she wasn’t tryin’ to do that, dumbass.” The understanding in her tone took the sting out of the words. “Now,” she glanced at Max when he motioned to the finished product and she nodded. He grabbed the bag she had left on the counter and sprinted upstairs. “Tess had a valid point about you wearing yourself out if you attempted the stairs. Your doctor hasn’t given you the green light for that kinda activity just yet and if you push it you’re only gonna succeed in putting yourself right back in the hospital.”

“I can handle a few steps.”

“Kyle, there are twenty-seven steps, and in your condition – which I know you hate being reminded of – that’s just too much strain for your healing body. And it’s especially too much when you intend to reach your goal and stand in the shower. Your balance will be thrown off more than it is right now with the temporary blindness and you could injure yourself and end up right back in the hospital.”

“Fine, I’ll take another wipe-down bath and hope to God I don’t hear people passin’ out left an’ right.” He was in a bad mood, pissed at the limitations his own body was imposing on him, and he was taking it out on anyone who dared to speak to him today.

“What is it Tess sees in him again?” Max asked as he rejoined them.

“Fuck you, Evans.” He was tired and he just wanted to crawl in a dark corner somewhere and be left alone. He snorted at that thought. All he had were dark corners. He hated feeling sorry for himself, but it was just one of those days when he couldn’t seem to get his head clear enough to see beyond this moment.

“Alright, you wanted a shower and Tess said if your mood had any chance of improving we needed to find a way to make that happen. This’s an adjustment for your friends too, Kyle, and taking her head off because she was trying to keep you safe is one of those things you’re gonna have to apologize for because even though she knows why you’re acting like this, it still hurt her feelings.”

“She should’ve just left it alone.”

“And we’re not gonna get into that again. Now, Max has graciously offered to carry you upstairs so you can have your shower.”

“No,” he denied, crossing his arms over his chest. “No, I’m fully capable of washing myself. I don’t need either of you to…” he frowned when she started laughing. “It’s not funny, Isabel!”

“No, it’s just funny that you assume either of us jumped at the chance to get in the shower with you for a scrub-down.” She reached for the item Max had assembled, carrying it over to Kyle and reaching for his hand.

Kyle frowned at the shape of the thing Isabel put his hand on as he traced around it. “What is it? A chair?”

“It’s a chair that you put in a bathtub so someone who isn’t quite steady on their feet can bathe themselves.” She shook her head at him. “You’re gonna have to let Max carry you upstairs though because your body’s still not ready to make that climb. Tess has already talked to your doctor and he agreed that you could be taken off of the heart monitor for the shower. She said you just changed the electrodes out but you don’t need to take them off while you’re in the shower. We can take the bandages off of your eyes but you have to keep them closed.” They could leave the bathroom light off just to make sure he didn’t expose them to light but she didn’t say that aloud.

Max shrugged when Valenti turned in his direction, not really considering that he couldn’t see the motion. “I carried guys bigger than you in combat. I’m not gonna drop your ass.” He glanced at Isabel. “We’re gonna need a trash bag and tape to cover his cast.”

She nodded. “I’ll grab it. Max will get you upstairs and we’ll leave you alone to get undressed. You can cover up with a towel and when you’re ready he’ll help you into the shower and once you’re sitting down we’ll leave you alone until you’re finished. He’s already assembled the detachable showerhead so you’ll be able to reach it with no problem. When you’re done you can cover back up, he’ll help you out and we’ll wait until you’ve dried off and put a pair of boxers on. Then he’ll carry you back downstairs and we’ll leave you to get dressed on your own. Okay?”


Loco walked along the top of the dresser, snooping into everything he encountered until he found the small wooden chest with the open lid. He chirped excitedly when he saw all the shiny pieces inside and he wasted no time leaning over to paw through the treasure trove. His dark eyes widened when light reflected off of something and the reflection danced over the mix of cuff links, tie clips, and the masculine chain bracelet made of thick silver links.

One tiny clawed paw reached out to touch the moving reflection and when he was unable to capture it he looked around, trying to find the source of the light. Movement drew his attention and his eyes locked on something shiny and he scrambled over the box of treasures to go after it.

Michael’s focus was pulled away from staring at his reflection in the mirror as he fussed with his tie when the ferret stood up on his hind legs and reached out to grab for his left cuff link. “Not today, Loco,” he admonished quietly and carefully set him on the floor. He picked out a few of the older pieces and leaned over to scatter them in the corner where he wouldn’t step on them by accident in the event they didn’t all meet Loco’s exacting standards.

He went back to getting ready, studying his reflection with a critical eye. He slid his arms into his jacket sleeves and it settled into place on his shoulders with one last shrug. He brushed his hands over the material before reaching for his badge and running his thumb over it. The black strip of material ran through its center and he nudged it slightly to keep it even.

His head lifted when movement drew his gaze to the bedroom door and he remained silent when Maria crossed the threshold and stepped inside. He watched her as she reached out to cover his hand, her fingers nimbly removing the badge and running her other hand over his jacket where it would go.

“It’s freaking hot outside again,” she said desultorily while her slim fingers worked on adjusting the badge skillfully.

Michael didn’t say anything. He just stared down at her while she tugged on his clothes in a calming way. The black knee-length short-sleeved pencil dress hugged her body and outlined every perfect curve, yet it looked chic and classy rather than sexy or intrusive. The heels of her matching black pumps made her taller than she really was, but he was still able to look at himself in the mirror above her head without an effort.

“You sure you wanna come?” His voice was raspy from lack of use this morning.

“Yeah,” she answered simply. They had debated it earlier in bed and after calling her mother the decision had been made. Cody was sleeping most time of the time, a side effect of the stronger meds he’d been put on and Adam had called to ask about a visit during the time they’d be at Dan’s funeral, so her little brother would be in good company. Being there for her brother had always been a high priority, but being there for Michael was just as important. He’d be busy during the ceremony since he was one of the pallbearers, but she knew he’d be aware of her presence and hopefully it would give him some strength. “I’ll sit with Kyle and your sister.”

“Take some water,” he said when her hands fell away from him. “There’s only so much shade and Dan was well-known and he has a large family, so there’s gonna be a big crowd.”

“Already have one in my bag,” she agreed.

He nodded and gave himself one more look in the mirror to make sure he was presentable. The minutes ticked by and after nearly five had passed he spoke again. “I hate funerals.” He shot a look at her and shrugged. “That’s stupid, I know. No one enjoys ‘em, but I just hate ‘em so much.” He shook his head after a moment of silence, knowing she was giving him the opportunity to get what he had to say off his chest. “His wife kept sayin’ this was a celebration of his life.” His left hand clenched tightly at his side. “It’s a fuckin’ funeral. It’s not a celebration. It’s a goddamn burial because some dickhead that’ll probably never be convicted was storing chemicals illegally.”

“It’s her way of coping, Michael.” She reached up and framed his face in her hands. “She has to find a way to deal with what’s happened and she has to be strong for her kids. And maybe for us it’s not a celebration, but it is a tribute to a man who died doin’ the job he loved. He died tryin’ to save a little girl and that shouldn’t be forgotten. The man he was shouldn’t be forgotten. He was a hero, day in and day out, because he got up every morning and he put that uniform on, and he answered the call of duty without hesitation.”

“It’s stupid, Maria. It’s so fuckin’ stupid. We all know this job’s dangerous, that there’s a great risk to what we do, but it shouldn’t go down like this.”

“No, it shouldn’t,” she agreed. “But we learned a long time ago that we can’t do much more than deal with the things that get thrown at us, didn’t we?” Her expression softened. “With each passing second so many good and bad things happen at the same time on this planet.”

And they had been on the receiving end of the bad things all the fucking time lately, he thought in frustration. Today’s funeral was just the tip of the iceberg after so many other things. Alex’ kidnapping, Cody’s deteriorating health, Liz’ and Max’ struggle to hold onto Aaron. And it just seemed to go on and on.

Maria knew exactly where his mind had gone. She stretched her neck and brushed her lips against his. “Focus on the good things.”

“But there’s-” he started, but trailed off. Well, there was at least one good thing happening in his life and it was standing right in front of him. Maria.

“That’s right,” she winked at him when he took the path she had hinted at. “Keep that in mind whenever you think you can’t take anymore.”

“Since when did you get so wise, M’ria?”

She shrugged. “That’s what I’m doin’ here lately. Whenever the bad catches up with me, I think of you.”

He smiled faintly. “Think we’re ever gonna outrun it?”


“All the bad stuff that keeps happenin’.”

“Outrun it?” She gave him a smile and shook her head. “No, but I think maybe if we focus on the good things it’ll help with the bad things.”

“I just want things to go back to bein’ normal again.”

“We’re gonna get there. We have to believe that.” She turned her head when a knock sounded on the front door. “Are you expecting anyone?”

“No.” He frowned and stepped around her, walking down the hallway to the front door. He gave the lock a turn and pulled the door open, frowning at the thin balding man standing there. “Yeah?”

“Good morning,” the man said with a nervous smile. “I’m Charles Whitman. My son occupies the apartment above you and I was told you might know where to find him?” He cleared his throat and reached up to pat his face with the handkerchief clenched in his hand. “It’s a bit warm out today, isn’t it?”

“You’re Whitman’s old man,” he mused, his gaze moving over the man slowly.


He nodded. “I’m sorry about your daughter.”

“That’s very kind of you, but we made our peace with her absence from our lives quite some time ago. We’ve come to close out the apartment but we can’t seem to find Alex. He hasn’t been home and the law office he was working for said he hasn’t worked there for some time now.”

Michael just stared at the man. He couldn’t believe the way he’d simply moved right on and showed no concern or sadness whatsoever at the loss of his daughter. How could anyone just accept such a loss and show no sign of grief? He shook his head. “Whitman’s been maintaining the apartment the whole time Sandy’s been a resident of – “

“Yes, but his mother and I were the ones who made it possible for her to lease the apartment and now that she’s gone we’ll be terminating the lease.”

“You can’t just terminate the lease. The guy lives there!”

“And now he’ll have the opportunity to move into something he can actually afford and let go of this nonsense. Now, if you wouldn’t mind just telling me where we can find him…” he took a step back when a young woman appeared next to the apartment’s occupant.

“Mr. Whitman, is that right?” Maria asked with a forced smile. She had been listening to the conversation and she knew if she didn’t step in Michael was going to go off on the guy.

“Yes, yes, that’s correct.”

“Right, well, we’re on our way out but if you’d like to leave your number and where you’re staying we’ll be sure to give that information to your son’s girlfriend. She’ll know where to find him and put him in contact with you.” She could just imagine Isabel’s reaction to this news.

“Oh, yes, of course.” He accepted the notepad and pen she held out to him and he quickly wrote the information down. “I do appreciate your help, young lady.” He patted his face with the crumpled handkerchief again. He made his farewells and turned back the way he had come.

Michael slammed the door. “You should’ve just let me give that asshat a piece of my mind.”

“I’m not saying he didn’t deserve it but, but I don’t think he’s worth the energy. Obviously, he doesn’t give a shit about his son. I mean, he didn’t even know Alex had been kidnapped and hurt.” She snorted and went to get her bag. “An’ it seems like Alex didn’t bother to contact his parents either. He wouldn’t want us to get involved in this.”

He knew she was right, but he couldn’t swallow the urge to kick that punk’s ass. “Maybe Dad can help. He knows the owner of the building and if Alex’ old man wants to terminate the lease, then maybe he can put in a good word for him to keep it.”

“We can talk to him later. He promised he’d be at the hospital with Cody until we make it over there.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Michael agreed, feeling a bit better. Whitman was still in the hospital and his parents were doing their best to make him a homeless guy. Unbelievable! He leaned against the wall next to the front door and watched her as she collected her stuff from the kitchen counter. That dress really fit her body – what a fine woman he had.

“What?” Maria asked when he kept staring with a blank expression when she joined him.

He blinked and focused his eyes on her face. “You’re mine.”

She giggled, but felt a rush of heat as well. “You just decided that?”

“Yeah,” he took her hand and dropped his gaze to the fine black ring on one of her fingers.

She squeezed his hand. “You’re the only man I’d want to say that.”

He smirked, but it faded when he brought his eyes back to hers. “I’m ready for this day to be over already.”

“Me too.” Maria reached for the front door and opened it. “Let’s go.”


Kyle ran his right hand over his tie and irritation spiked when he realized it wasn’t right. He slammed his good fist down on the counter, angry that his limitations were preventing him from doing something as simple as tying a stupid tie. After his shower, a feat he’d survived with his dignity mostly intact, Max and Isabel had taken off and left him to get dressed on his own. He appreciated Tess figuring out a way for him to have a shower, but more than that he appreciated that she hadn’t insisted on trying to help him herself.

Having Evans haul him up the stairs and help him into the shower was more acceptable than having Tess help him and see the weakness that made him feel like a prisoner in his own body. He exhaled in frustration and reached up to unknot the mess he’d made of his tie, jerking on it when it didn’t come free right away. He stretched his good hand out, feeling for the mantle above the fireplace and grasping it. He leaned forward, taking the majority of his weight on his right arm and sighing heavily.

Right now Michael would be on his way out the door, mentally psyching himself up to handle duties he should be carrying out. Tony was probably doing much the same, being a Color Guard in the Ceremonial Unit. He knew Dan would understand why he couldn’t participate, but it still didn’t feel right to not be involved in laying his partner to rest. He dropped his forehead to rest on the back of his hand as waves of guilt, anger and sadness washed over him again.

It wasn’t just Dan. It was the little girl that had ended up buried beneath the rubble. What the hell had she been doing there? Who had she belonged to? He had checked several times but no one had bothered to claim her and no one had been able to identify her. The rational part of his brain knew he’d done everything by the numbers that fateful day. But that other part couldn’t let go of the questions. Why hadn’t he gone up on that ladder? Why hadn’t he run faster? Why hadn’t he been able to save a little girl whose life had barely begun? Why hadn’t he been able to save the man who had taught him so much? A man who was one of the most dedicated men he’d ever known; husband, father and firefighter.

Everything he’d learned about fighting fires over the past couple of years could be attributed to Dan’s vigilance on the job. The man had enjoyed a good joke, he’d loved telling stories about his kids, he’d been married to his wife for twenty-two years, and he’d been so proud of his family. He should still be alive. He’d busted his ass to save that little girl. And in the process he’d ended up sacrificing his own life.

It was the job. It was a risk they took every time they were sent out on a call. It was something they all knew, but they didn’t let themselves think about it. It could be any one of them on any given day. Dan had made the ultimate sacrifice, and for what? That little girl had died. They hadn’t been able to prevent the explosions. Bales, the firefighter from Brooklyn had died from his injuries too. If not for the toxins illegally stored in that old building they could’ve gotten that little girl out. Dan would still be alive. Bales would still be alive.

Sometimes it all seemed so pointless. He froze when he heard the front door close and in the silence that followed he easily identified Tess’ footsteps. He shook the negative thoughts off and straightened up as he ran a hand through his hair, pausing when his fingertips brushed the bandages. He was going to the funeral bandaged up like the invisible man.

Tess had been watching him for several minutes before she had realized he had no idea she had come in and she’d backtracked to quietly open the door and then given it a good shove to close it again. His head had snapped up and she’d watched him as he tried to pull himself together, watched as so many different emotions passed across his features in just a matter of seconds.

“I was hoping you’d be getting ready,” she said by way of greeting.

Kyle shook his head slightly and gave the tie another fruitless tug. He had no doubt that Isabel had given her a call to let her know when he was on his own again. “Yeah, well…” He shrugged and tried to control his temper when the knot on the tie refused to budge and he just couldn’t seem to get his fingers to cooperate.

“Here,” she brushed his hands aside and reached up to unknot the tie.

“I can’t get it right,” he muttered after a few minutes. He felt the tie come loose and the back and forth motion as she lined it up to begin the process of tying it correctly. He fidgeted and rolled his neck. “I can’t go sloppy. It has to be right.”

“Don’t worry. Matt showed me how to do this.” She adjusted the length of the two ends and began the process of creating the perfect knot. “I talked to Dr. Taylor this morning.”

He tipped his head back when she nudged his chin with her knuckles. “Why?”

“To ask about your eyes.”

He reached up and caught her hand as he dropped his chin. “Why?”

“Because I know how you think and I wanted to know if it’d be alright to use a smaller bandage. He still doesn’t want your eyes exposed directly to light yet but he did give me instructions and told me what to buy to cover your eyes, so if you want we can remove your mummy bandages and replace them. He said he wants the mummy wrap put back on after you get back home from the funeral and he wants you to wear dark sunglasses as an added precaution until we replace the full wrap.” She nudged his chin back up and finished with his tie before securing it in place with the tie clip and smoothing it down. “There ya go.”

“Thanks,” he rasped gruffly.

“You’re welcome. C’mon, let’s go in the kitchen. Dr. Taylor said to change the bandages out in a room that was out of direct light, so you sit down and let me close the blinds.”

“You don’t have to do this.”

“No, I don’t,” she agreed as she went to get the things she’d purchased after talking to his doctor. “Did you take your painkillers?”

He shook his head. “Huh-uh, they make me all loopy and I’d rather have my brain focused for this.” He shrugged. “Pain’s getting more manageable anyway.”

Tess wanted to tell him to take his meds, but she knew he didn’t want them screwing with his head for the funeral. It was too important to him to be on top of his game, or at least as on top of it as he could be. She stood between his knees and carefully cut the bandages before peeling them back and tossing them in the trash. “I know you hate the eye drops, but he said they need to be put in before we put the new bandages on.”

Kyle nodded and tipped his head back at her urging.

“You’re gonna have to open them,” she said when his eyes remained closed. She rubbed his good shoulder when she felt him tensing up. “Two drops in each eye and you can close them again.”

His hesitation was due more to his reluctance at having her see the damage when he didn’t even know what it looked like. He had allowed Isabel to help him with the eye drops but he’d never had the nerve to ask her how bad the damage was. He finally forced them open, deciding it was now or never.

Tess stared into his eyes, wondering how it was possible that he couldn’t see anything. They were still that familiar crystal blue, holding hints of humor and intelligence, and doing little to hide the fear that he would never see again. “Y’know, I’ve always thought you had the most incredible blue eyes,” she murmured conversationally as she administered the drops. She grabbed a tissue to catch the excess moisture when his eyes watered in response, catching the liquid and then reaching for the smaller circular-shaped bandages.

“So I don’t look like I’m blind?”

She shrugged. “I can’t say I really know what blind looks like, but Dr. Taylor doesn’t believe the damage is permanent so no, I guess you don’t.” Her fingertips grazed his cheek as she studied his expression. “Close your eyes again.”

He heard the packages being torn open, heard the strips of medical tape being torn from the reel, and a moment later she gently pressed the bandages into place.

“There, I think that’ll do fine.” She leaned in closer to inspect the edges, making sure his eyes wouldn’t be exposed to any degree.

Her scent invaded his senses. She was so close, hands resting on his shoulders, her weight resting easily on him, and he wondered what she could possibly find so fascinating that it kept her attention focused on him.

Tess’ gaze dropped to his lips and she had to shake herself. “I should probably get ready. We’ll need to leave soon.”

He wrapped his good arm around her waist, keeping her from moving away. “I just…” Words failed him as he cast about for a way to express his gratitude for all that she had done for him. He pulled her closer and felt her leaning in even as he registered her resistance. “What’s wrong?”

With his partner’s funeral looming ahead of him she knew his thoughts had to be jumbled up and confused. She had seen the state he was in when she had returned from her errands and she knew his emotions were probably so up and down they were confusing the hell out of him. She could feel the weight of his conflicted emotions and part of her wanted to say the hell with it and let him follow through with his intentions. But the other part, the part that was able to take a step back and remind her that he might regret it later, that part warned her to be cautious. “Don’t kiss me out of gratitude,” she whispered. “I don’t wanna just be that girl you’re grateful to because she kept you company, or did a few nice things for you, or whatever. If you kiss me again I want it to be more than that.” She wrinkled her nose. Really, she wanted gratitude to be the last thing on his mind if he ever kissed her again.

Kyle nodded after a moment of consideration and slowly released her. He responded when she told him she was going to go and get ready and he sat there, thinking. He did appreciate all that she had done for him, but she was right. When he kissed her again it wouldn’t be about that. It would be about the things rioting around inside of him that he couldn’t seem to nail down; things that were all linked to her but he couldn’t define. She sure as hell deserved better than that.

He thought about what Dan had said to him that last day. The advice he’d passed along about finding that one girl that was right. No, he didn’t know yet if that’s what this thing with Tess was, but maybe it was time to find out. He’d agreed to them having dinner together but she hadn’t yet set a date for it to happen and he wondered if she was waiting for him to make that first move. He’d spent a lot of time thinking about her – and he’d be a liar if he said at least part of that time hadn’t been spent fantasizing about her – but surprisingly enough the way he thought about her, the way he was beginning to feel about her, it was more than just sexual.

Tess hurried to get ready, not wanting to do anything that might make them late to such an important gathering. She also didn’t want him to feel rushed because for the present time he wasn’t as fast on his feet as he normally was and she knew he didn’t want unnecessary attention drawn to him. Once she was dressed she grabbed her shoes and ran down the stairs, slowing about halfway down when memories of her dad and Nicole shouting at her to stop running on the stairs echoed through her mind.

She paused on the bottom step, her heart aching as she watched Kyle trying his damnedest to get his uniform jacket on over his casted arm. The cast would never make it through the sleeve and she could see his frustration with the situation building. She took a step back, finding the squeaky board and rocking on it to draw his attention to the fact that he wasn’t alone, and then going to join him in the kitchen.

She looked around for a moment before moving to the living room and searching for the sling he despised. “I know you don’t wanna wear the sling – “

“I’m not gonna wear it,” he bit out as he pulled on the sleeve that was hung up on his casted arm. He winced when pulling on it only caused his arm to start throbbing.

“Kyle, I know you wanna do this without the bandages, or the heart monitor, or the sling, but you’d probably also like to do it while remaining upright. It’s already hot out there and your arm’s gonna be itching like crazy, so unless you wanna add painful and throbbing to that, you’re gonna have to keep that arm in the sling.” She knew the moment he conceded defeat and she hated it. His shoulders slumped slightly and there was a note of dejection in his posture. She moved in close to him and carefully extracted his sleeve from his casted arm. Once that feat was accomplished she reached up to place the sling around his neck, adjusting the strap so that it was hidden beneath his collar. She eased his arm into the sling and made sure it was in the correct position before reaching around him to pull his jacket over the shoulder of his casted arm.

She ran her hands over his shoulders, brushing imaginary lint away as her eyes wandered over him. There was something so sexy about the whole wounded hero image, but in stark contrast to that, there was nothing sexy about the emotional and physical pain he was in. Her fingertips trembled as they ghosted over the thin strip of material that bisected his badge horizontally. He worked in such a dangerous profession and she knew the moment he was healed, if it was physically possible, he’d be right back out there.

“You look good, Kyle.” She bit her bottom lip, watching him as his hand felt around for his hat. She grabbed up her last purchase just as his hand located the hat, touching his hand and quietly telling him to wait. She removed the tag from the sunglasses and cleaned the lenses so there wouldn’t be any fingerprints on them before reaching up to slide them on his face. “There, now put your hat on.”

“Would you…” he cleared his throat and motioned to his head. “It’s a little longer than normal and I can’t see it…”

“Sure,” she pulled a chair out and nudged him backwards. “Here, sit down.” She grabbed a comb out of her bag and reached for his chin, holding him still while she ran it through his hair. His hair was a little shaggy but it was far from being unruly and it wouldn’t look bad at all once it was combed. She worked for a few minutes, putting it back in order and finally nodding in satisfaction. “There, now you can put your hat on.”

He stood up, carefully running his hand over his hair before he picked his hat up and put it on. He could feel her gaze on him as he pulled his shoulders back and straightened his posture. Her hands brushed over his uniform, patted his tie to smooth out imaginary wrinkles, and gave his badge a little nudge to make sure it was perfectly straight.

“You ready?”

Kyle inhaled slowly before nodding. “Ready as I’m ever gonna be.” He shifted after a few moments. “Tess?”

She picked up her bag before turning to look at him. “Yeah?”

“Don’t let me do anything that’ll make me look like a fool today.”

“I won’t.” She smiled and shook her head. “C’mon, we should go ahead and leave, give ourselves plenty of time to deal with traffic.”

He nodded and relaxed slightly when her smaller hand slipped into his. “Stay close.”

“Just try an’ get rid of me, Valenti.” She smiled and led the way to the front door, mentally preparing herself for the day ahead of them.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 176 - 3/15/15

Post by Double Trouble »

Natalie36: He really is!

keepsmiling7: Lol, she does but she’s not complaining.

There are still a few difficulties to get through but they’re getting there.

Roswelllostcause: It looks like you may have to get in line to get a shot in, lol. Thanks!

Earth2Mama: Kyle’s frustration was compounded by his inability to be there for his fallen partner. It looks like he and Tess are heading in that direction.

Had circumstances been different she just might have turned him loose, lol. It’s funny how sometimes that happens and there’s just no logical explanation as to how certain people could ever be related.

begonia9508: Thanks!

It’s terrible that there are people like that.

Yeah, Kyle appreciates all the help and support, but being unable to do things for himself does bother him a lot.

L-J-L 76: Thanks! Oh, he’s glad they’re there and willing to help him, he’s just having a bad day. Kyle and Tess are taking their time and figuring things out between them. Oh, we’ll be checking in with Liz today.

sarammlover: Yes, he is! The last thing they were gonna do was give him any information. We’re glad you enjoyed those Kyle and Tess scenes. Their development has made us pretty happy too. ;) Adam… yep, he’s pretty great and we’ll be seeing him again before long.

CandyliciousLovah: Kyle’s still grieving and it’s a tough thing. It’s far from easy, but at least he’s not alone.

Alien_Friend: Cody is very special. You can’t just not love that little guy and you feel for him, because he is so young and yet suffered so much already. Keep your fingers crossed for him.

True, it’s touch to get through the day when you go from strong independent guy to having to ask for help so much. It sucks, especially for a firefighter like Kyle.

It’s safe to say that Alex’ Dad is an ass!

Thanks and on to more…

Part 177

New Prospects

Liz stepped out of the Jeep and drew in a deep cleansing breath as she looked around. Their social worker had denied their request that they be allowed to spend the night at Max’ parent’s home but in spite of that her mood had refused to be brought down for very long. This job could be the answer they’d been hoping and praying for and she hadn’t wanted to do anything to risk ruining the opportunity.

Too excited to sleep the night before, she had scoured the web for information about the company while Max worked on his assignment for Dr. Rodgers. The campus that housed the company was large and boasted three buildings. The central Bio-Tech building was an impressive glass and steel structure that stood tall against the city’s skyline. It wasn’t the tallest building by any means, but she had no doubt its architect was proud of his or her achievement.

The grounds were perfectly landscaped and maintained, the grass a lush green carpet that spoke of a dedicated groundskeeper. The company’s name was spelled out in polished granite letters that rose up along a small hill next to the steps that led up to the front entrance and even from the parking lot next to the building they were easily visible. Inhaling one more deep breath she brushed her hands over her clothes and adjusted the shoulder strap on her bag before beginning the long walk up to the double glass doors.

She had no idea what to expect. She’d waited as long as she dared before calling to make an appointment for the interview. The woman had sounded harried on the phone and her tone had been brisk and no-nonsense when she asked how soon she could be there. She wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or a bad sign. She’d asked if an hour was too soon and the woman had told her she’d see her then and quickly disconnected.

She followed the sidewalk around the building to a side entrance and felt her nerves kick in as she reached for the phone in the small housing unit mounted to the wall by the door. After a quick conversation with someone from the security department she was told to wait. She forced herself to stand still, certain there were security cameras watching her even if she couldn’t see them. The last thing she wanted to do was reveal her nervousness to anyone watching.

She cleared her throat when she heard the locks turning and a moment later the tinted door was pushed open and a uniformed man gave her a quick once-over. “Miss Parker?”

“Yes.” She pulled her ID out and held it in his direction.

He scrutinized the drivers’ license for nearly a full minute before he nodded and motioned for her to enter the building. “Let’s get you signed in and get you a visitor’s badge. Mrs. Davis will be glad to see you,” he said with a gruff chuckle as he locked the door and turned to lead the way down a corridor.

“Do you know her?” she asked curiously.

“Mrs. Davis? Oh, everyone knows her.”

She looked around as he led her into an office. He walked around a long counter to the desk behind it and he picked up a log book that he placed in front of her. He placed a pen in the crease of the book.

“Go ahead and sign in.” He opened a drawer and pulled out a visitor’s badge that he placed on the counter next to the book after scanning it into the computer next to him.

“What’s she like?”

He smiled with a shrug. “She’s one of a kind.”

Well, that really didn’t tell her much. She signed her name and filled out the rest of the required information, glancing at the badge and writing in the number on it when he indicated the field needed to be filled out. She waited while he picked up a phone and from the short conversation she knew he was notifying his boss that her interview had arrived.

“Alright, if you’ll follow me I’ll take you to Mrs. Davis’ office.”

They took the elevator up to the fifth floor and she followed him down a long corridor to a large corner office. He knocked on the wood doors and waited for the muffled voice to grant permission. He smiled at the young woman with him as he turned the knob. “Good luck, Ms. Parker.”

“Thank you.”

She stepped inside while looking at him and when she turned around her eyes widened in shock. It looked as if a tornado had blown through the room.

“Forgive the mess,” a disembodied voice said and a moment later the owner of the voice popped up behind one of the stacks of folders piled on the floor.

Liz tried not to stare but it was hard. The woman looked every bit the mad scientist with her graying hair going everywhere, her glasses askew, her white lab coat unkempt, and her cheeks flushed from exertion. “You’re Mrs. Davis?”

The woman laughed and nodded as she got to her feet. “Indeed I am, Ms. Parker. But please call me Melinda. I don’t stand on formality unless the occasion demands it and this is most certainly not one of them. And just for the record, I abhor occasions where it is a requirement, although from time to time it is a necessary evil.” She moved around the desk and cleared off one of the leather chairs that faced her desk. “Forgive my manners. Please, have a seat.”

“Is this why you’re looking for an assistant?” Liz asked as she looked around at the chaos.

“Good heavens, no! To most people it probably looks like a paper factory threw up in here, but there isn’t a single piece of paper that I can’t lay my fingers on in a matter of seconds. I don’t normally conduct interviews or meetings in my own office for that very reason.”

“My dad was like that. No one else could find anything in his office but you could ask him for some paper from five years back and he’d go right to it every time.” She shook her head. “I never understood it, but I did appreciate his system. It was what worked for him. There was one year my parents were audited by the IRS and that agent thought he had an open and shut case but there wasn’t a single receipt he asked for that my dad didn’t have.”

“Yes, that’s it exactly.” She shifted a stack of reports to the side and took her seat. “I’m looking for a research assistant and Diane indicated you might be interested in the position.”

“From what little she was able to tell me about the job I’m very interested. I’ve been looking for something that would give me stable hours for a long time and now it’s even more imperative that I find something steady.”

“And why is that if you don’t mind my asking.”

“No, not at all.” She rested her hands on her bag and nodded politely when the woman got up to get a couple bottles of water from the mini fridge across the room. She accepted it with a nod of thanks and forced her hands to remain still when the urge to begin twisting the bottle pushed for attention. “Honestly, that reason’s likely to require me to take time off on occasion. I’m fighting to keep custody of my five-year-old brother. I’ve been working two jobs, one of which the judge isn’t happy with, and the other, which isn’t as steady as I’d like.”

“Children are a lot of responsibility,” Melinda mused.

“Yes, they are. I know there would be times when I’d need to take a day off because he’s sick or because there’s some activity he’s involved in that I need to be there for, but I can promise you that I give a hundred and ten percent on the job.”

“Are you planning to enroll in the fall semester?”

“Absolutely. I’m only taking one course right now, but I just couldn’t swing two courses with the two jobs and having time for Aaron. My boyfriend’s very supportive and he’ll be helping out with Aaron when the fall semester rolls around.”

“Diane said you’re working towards a degree in biology?”

“Yes, microbiology.”

“Considering the time it’s likely to take you with a little one at home, do you think you’ll change your mind at some point?”

“No. This’s what I’ve been working towards my whole life. It might take a while longer to earn my degree than I had originally anticipated, but it’s been my dream for as long as I can remember and I’m not giving it up.”

“I like that. My last research assistant resigned rather suddenly and left me in the lurch.” She had an acquaintance who worked at the university lab and when Diane had told her about the young woman seated across from her she had put in a call to him. He’d had nothing but positive things to say and his only regret was that he’d been unable to hold the position open for her when she’d been called home. “I’m a taskmaster, which both Philip and Diane most likely warned you about. The standards and quality of work we uphold here at Bio-Tech are stringent. The deadlines are sometimes a challenge, the work is hard, but the rewards are great. Are you able to work under pressure?”

Liz nodded. “I work very well under pressure.”

“And time constraints?”

“I have a great group of friends who’re very supportive.” And she’d have to learn to be better about asking for help. But she could do it, she was sure of it.

She listened as Mrs. Davis explained the job, feeling the excitement grow to nearly epic proportions. The job was exactly what she wanted. It was the kind of opportunity she’d dreamed of and she was almost afraid she was going to wake up and find out it was all a dream.

“If I offered you the job and told you that you could start tomorrow, would you take it?”

The brunette cleared her throat. She didn’t believe in just walking out on a job without notice. Well, that rule didn’t apply to the club, but the café where she worked was a different story. No, it wasn’t a great job or anything, but she’d still feel better if she gave proper notice. This job was a dream come true and it could make the difference with the judge. “I’d ask that you allow me to give my other jobs notice. It’s the right thing to do and if I was working for you I wouldn’t quit without notice, so I’d hope you’d understand that and give me the time to do the right thing.”

“That’s an excellent answer. It’s also the right one. The research assistant job is full-time and has benefits. It’ll also allow you to earn credits towards your degree. There’s also paid vacation, sick time, holidays, company paid insurance, and bonuses. As you’ve been warned, I am a taskmaster and I push hard at times, but I’m also fair. You’ll be working from eight to five, Monday through Friday with an hour lunch. Once you’ve passed all of your background checks and satisfied company requirements you’ll be able to work part-time from home when you’re working on reports.” She reached for a folder that was nearly an inch thick. “You can fill these out and stop by any day this week to drop them off with human resources. They’ll take care of making an appointment to get you in for fingerprinting and to have your picture taken for your employee ID.”

Liz stared at the folder as she stood to accept it. “I have the job before I even fill out the paperwork?”

“I don’t hire based on paperwork. It’s just a necessary part of the hiring process. We’ll have the results from your background check within forty-eight hours of the time you submit all of your paperwork and fingerprints. Provided all of that passes muster and the hourly rate meets with your expectations, you’ll report for work two weeks from tomorrow.” She chuckled and stood. “I think Bio-Tech will benefit from your presence on our team.”


Alex glared at the controller in his hand when the damn bed wouldn’t do what he told it to do. How was he supposed to lift the head and upper body section without moving the lower part as well? He pressed the button with the little symbol that looked right but again, the mattress where his legs rested started to move at the same time as his back was lifted. “Fuckin’ stupid-“

His head snapped up when he heard the chuckle. Obviously she had been watching for a while and the thought only annoyed him further until he saw the person leaning in the doorway.

“Need some help, Mr. Whitman?” Isabel asked softly. From what she could see, he was in a bad mood and she was afraid the news she’d gotten from Michael and Maria wasn’t going to lighten it.

“I wish I could say no. Must be the lack of food and water that’s making me incapable of doin’ it right.”

“It’s not you,” she assured him and walked further into the room, placing her bag in one of the chairs before appearing next to him with an outstretched hand. “They’re a little tricky.”

He grumbled something unintelligible and handed her the controller.

“It’s the right button you’re using,” she told him, “but you need to lock or unlock the movement of the lower part by pressing this first.” Her fingernail scratched along another button. “See? Now only the upper part will move. That’s what you intended to do, right?”

“Yeah,” he rasped and tried it out. “Someone could’ve told me, but they just drop off your meal or kick you out of bed so they can straighten the sheets.”

“So cranky after only two days?” Isabel teased him carefully.

With a sigh, he adjusted the bed to his liking. “Sorry, I’ve never been bearable when I was sick. At least that’s what my mother always told me.”

While she didn’t want to believe anyone’s mother would ever say that to their child – especially a sick child – after what Maria had told her she didn’t find it that hard to believe. “That was always Michael in our family. He’s a grump when he’s sick.”

“I’ll bet your mom never told him that though.”

“Well, Mom never really knew what to do with us when we were sick. Nicole, on the other hand, she’s always been an angel. She knew exactly what to do and she always made us feel better. And Dad, he was always there when we were sick.” She moved her bag to the end of his bed and sat down in the chair. “Were you ever close to your parents?”

“My parents were very academically-minded and they were a little lost outside of a lecture hall. My father’s a law professor and my mother’s the head of the political science department, so they’re both very busy. They’re very dedicated to their careers and as you can imagine, there wasn’t a lot of extra time available for kids. Honestly, I’m surprised they found the time to have either of us.”

He dropped his head back against the pillow and stared sightlessly at the television mounted to the wall in front of him. “I doubt they even noticed I was missing,” he said tonelessly. “Or that Sandy’s…”

“You have contact with them?”

“Not really. After her last overdose we pretty much stopped talkin’. I still called once a week to let them know how she was doin’ but they never answered the phone, just let it go to voicemail. Guess it never registered on their radar when I missed the weekly update.”

“I’m very sorry about your sister, Alex.”

He swallowed hard and nodded. He continued to stare at the television for several minutes and then he cleared his throat. “I talked to Shannon this mornin’. She came by and told me you were with…” He could feel the knot in his throat and the tears threatening to break free and he looked away, his fingers fidgeting with the light blanket in a desperate effort to get himself under control.

Isabel noticed the nervous movement and reached out to place her hand over his. “It’s okay. Yeah, I was with her. I asked them to call me since no one knew where you were and they were kind enough to do it even though I wasn’t related to her.”

He pressed his trembling lips together and nodded, taking another minute before he was able to breathe at least the one word. “Thanks.”

“You don’t have to thank me,” she assured him with a squeeze of her hand. “It was the least I could do after dragging you into the mess of my life. I’m really sorry about all of that, Alex. You were right in so many ways but I ignored the signals and you had to suffer because of it.” It was her turn to struggle for control of her feelings. It hurt to know that he couldn’t be with his sister in her last moments because she had been too blind to see the truth.

“I agreed to your plan, remember? And you asked me to stay away but I wouldn’t.” He sighed at the huge mess they had both created. “I don’t wanna put any of the blame on either of us, Isabel. Mathews and that corrupt cop… why don’t we just put all the guilt on their shoulders, what ya think?”

His expression was serious, so she had no doubt that he meant what he said. He didn’t hold her responsible for what had happened – even though he had every right to be mad. “I don’t deserve you,” she muttered, not referring to anything in particular. Friend or boyfriend.

“No,” he chuckled deeply, “you probably deserve someone who’s a little more financially stable and has a more promising future than a career as a janitor.”

“That’s not what I meant,” she warned him, although his tone gave away the fact that he was teasing.

“A while back I wouldn’t have believed that.” He shifted to settle himself more comfortably in the bed. “I’m glad we’re past all the bull.”

“So am I.”

He turned his hand under hers, waiting to see if she’d pull back and encouraged when she didn’t. “You’ve got somethin’ else on your mind.” He nodded when her eyebrows shot up. “You get this little wrinkle between your eyes, right over your nose, when there’s somethin’ serious goin’ on up there.”

“What?” She lifted her free hand to rub the area he’d mentioned. “No, I don’t.”

“And now you’re stallin’ for time. Look, Isabel, whatever it is, just hit me with it. I don’t think it could get any worse.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that,” she muttered. “I talked to Maria at the funeral before coming here. It would seem that your parents are in town.”

“They’re here to terminate the lease on the apartment.” He shrugged. “They can have at it. As long as I get my stuff outta there it doesn’t matter. I can’t honestly afford it and I was holding onto it for someone who was never gonna come back to it.”

“But you have nowhere to go.” She shook her head. “Alex, we can talk to my dad. Matter of fact, Michael’s already planning to do that.”

“That’s very nice of him,” he shook his head, “but it won’t change my earnings. I never planned on keeping it forever.” Was his heart set on it? Yes, it was. But just because his sister had lived in it didn’t mean he had to hold onto it now that she was gone.


“Iz,” he tugged on her hand, “it’s really okay. I enjoyed living there, but the rent’s eating me up. I have no clue how I’m gonna afford it this month considering my absence from work. It’ll take a lot of pressure off of me once I find something different.” IF I find something different, he thought, but didn’t want to worry her. Affordable apartments were rare and knowing his parents, he wouldn’t have a lot of time before he needed to move.

“If that’s what you want,” she agreed reluctantly. “At least let us help you find something. My Dad knows a lot of people and so do the guys.”

Alex knew she only wanted to help and part of her still felt guilty about his situation so he nodded. “I’d appreciate some help, thanks. And please tell your friends and family that I’m grateful for all they’ve done for me.”

“Our friends,” she corrected him. “Alex, you’ve been part of the gang for a while now and you know what that means, right?” She smiled softly.

He couldn’t help but let her teasing affect him and the corners of his lips tugged upwards as well. “What’s it mean?”

“Well, that you’re stuck with us. Once you make it into the inner circle there’s no way out.” She leaned back in her seat without letting go of his hand. “I’m pretty sure they’re gonna show up here sooner or later. They just have a lot going on. Michael and Maria finally sucked it up and got together an’ I guess Kyle and Tess are working on it as well. They’re attending the funeral reception for a firefighter right now.”

He frowned. “The one that was with Kyle?”

“Yeah, Dan,” she nodded sadly. “He didn’t make it.”

“Oh.” Alex sighed. Life was never fair. “What about Max and Liz? That cop she was with was involved in my disappearance, right?” He still hadn’t learned any details and he had to talk to the police later that afternoon.

“Yeah, and your case will actually help them because they finally have something against Kennedy.”

“Good. Maybe now they can get Aaron back and life will start to settle down into somethin’ resembling normal again.”

She smirked and then shrugged when he looked at her curiously. “It wasn’t that long ago that normal wasn’t something you wanted to be part of where we were concerned. It’s just kinda nice to hear you say that.”

“I told you before you guys aren’t as bad as I thought you were at first.” His gaze dropped to their joined hands. “Who would’ve thought we’d end up here?”

Not her, that was for sure. She’d never really considered herself shallow. Everyone had a shallow thought now and then, but getting to know Alex had forced her to reconsider some things about herself and she knew she was a better person for knowing him. “Hospital food’s not what I had in mind for a first date,” she teased.

“Yeah, me either.” He grinned and shook his head. “I thought sure I’d at least be able to generously offer to supersize your cheeseburger meal at McDonalds.”

“I’d prefer a Big Mac.”

“Seriously?” he asked, amused. “Okay then, you can choose anything you want from the menu as soon as I can walk outta here.”

“Did they say how long you’ll have to stay?”

“Not much longer. Doc said I’ll be out at the beginning of the week.”

She frowned when his expression changed into one of exhaustion. “What is it?”

“Nothin’,” he tried to shrug it off. “Just got tons of things to do when they release me. Won’t be much time for rest.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She winked at him when he looked at her skeptically. “You’ve got a support system behind you now, remember? We’ll help with the apartment and stuff. If they kick you out, then you’ve got plenty of places you can stay until you find something else.”

Since he had come to New York City, he hadn’t had many friends thanks to his busy schedule. He had almost forgotten how good it felt to have people around who took care of each other. “Thanks. It’s been a while since I-“

“Mr. Whitman,” a nurse stuck her head through the half open door. She waited until she had the man’s attention before she spoke – her expression one of wonder. “Your father’s out here and he’s asked to see you.” Why would she have to ask his son for a visit first, she wondered but didn’t mention it.

How had he found out, he wondered.

“I told the staff at the facility where your sister was what happened. Maybe they told him,” Isabel said when she saw the question in his eyes. “Or maybe he saw something on the news. Maria gave him my name and while your identity wasn’t revealed, mine’s been in the newspaper the last few days.” She made a face.

“Well, if they’ve had your face in the papers then at least the photos have improved.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, because grainy black and white photos make me look fabulous.”

He tipped his head to one side as he studied her for a moment before laying back and relaxing against the pillow. “They might not have done you justice, but I could.” He sighed and shifted his gaze to the nurse when she cleared her throat quietly. “You can send him in.”

“You don’t have to see him if you don’t want to,” Isabel said when she felt the tension radiating in him.

“Hey, at least he came to evict me in person,” he tried to joke but it fell flat. Even if he didn’t really have much of a relationship with his parents it hurt. He looked when the sound of knuckles lightly rapping on the doorframe announced his father’s presence. “Dad.”

“Alex, I’m glad to see you’re doing well.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “I’m alive anyway.”

“Yes, I understand you’ve had a rather busy week.” His movements were fidgety as he fussed with his tie. He glanced at the blonde woman seated next to the bed, his gaze briefly resting on their joined hands.

“That’s one way to put it.”

“A busy week?” Isabel echoed incredulously. “Do you have any idea the ordeal your son’s been through?” She couldn’t believe how blasé the man was being about the situation.

“Iz, you don’t have to-“

“He’s been through hell,” she went on with a shake of her head. “I think that deserves a little more than just calling it a busy week.”

“You must be Isabel,” Charles said, not bothering to get into the fight she was trying to push. He wasn’t here for any of that. “My son’s girlfriend if what I’ve heard is correct.” He had to admit she was an attractive woman – not the type he had ever pictured being interested in his offspring.

“Isabel Guerin, that’s right,” she said just as coldly.

Alex smirked to himself when she didn’t correct him on the girlfriend assumption. Oh, he could definitely get used to that thought. “I suppose you’re here for some reason, Dad? And I don’t think it has to do with my wellbeing.”

Charles Whitman frowned for a moment, but then nodded briefly. “I’m here to inform you that the lease on your apartment will be terminated by the end of the week.”

“The end of the week?” the blonde echoed in shock and was ready to rip this man’s head off of his body.

“Yes, Ms. Guerin,” he told her sternly. “You may not be aware, but my son isn’t financially stable. He’s been behind on the rent for several months.” He turned to Alex again. “I spoke to the landlord and he’s willing to let you pay the past due amount in installments as long as you vacate the apartment by Sunday.”

“Your son… the man who’s been working two jobs to make sure his sister was housed in a facility with people who provided quality care and treated her like a human being?” She stood, her dark eyes blazing with controlled anger as she faced him directly. “He’s worked like a dog to make sure she was taken care of.”

Charles looked at her for a moment before nodding. “That was his choice.”

“I don’t suppose you’ll be staying for the funeral?” Alex watched his father as he pulled his handkerchief out and patted his forehead, the nervous motion one he had seen more times than he could count. He didn’t need verbal confirmation to know his parents wouldn’t be staying.

“No, your mother and I both have a very demanding schedule. We were forced to cancel several engagements this weekend to fly out and handle this apartment business.”

He squeezed Isabel’s hand when she tensed and started to take a step towards his father. On the one hand he’d give every penny he had to see what she’d do, but on the other he knew it just wasn’t worth it. “I’ll be out of the apartment by the weekend. Have a safe trip home, Dad.”

Charles stood there for a brief moment before nodding, his expression revealing his relief at the dismissal. “Goodbye.”

Isabel stared at the empty spot where the man had stood. “I can’t believe him!”

“Don’t get worked up over it.” He shrugged when she looked at him. “It’s not worth it, believe me. They threw in the towel with Sandy a long time ago and she wouldn’t want them there anyway.”

“Alex, about the funeral…” It was a delicate subject and she struggled to find a tactful way to bring it up.

“No,” he said when he realized what she was trying to say, “no, while I didn’t want this time to come I knew it was inevitable. I’ve been putting money towards it since I finally accepted the reality of her situation.” He’d been shocked to learn just how much a simple funeral would cost and when his parents had turned their back on Sandy he’d sworn he wouldn’t ask them for a single cent when the time came to put her to rest.

She sighed and relaxed in the seat next to the bed again. “And you’re sure you wanna give up the apartment?”

“Positive,” he nodded with a halfhearted smile.

“I’ll talk to my Dad. Maybe he has an idea where to get a new one that’s affordable. You can move everything to my apartment in the meantime.” Her words should’ve surprised and shocked her, yet she felt calm and sure when they left her lips. “You can stay with me.”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: TIC TAC - (CC,AU,Adult) - Part 177 - 3/22/15

Post by Double Trouble »

Natalie36: It seems like things are looking up.

keepsmiling7: About time, right?

It is, but the good thing is with the job things will really fall into place. Liz will do well in this job.

Alex is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel too.

Roswelllostcause: That can be hard to do, letting other people help when you need it, but at least they’ve got a good group to kinda give them a push when they need it. Thanks!

Earth2Mama: Lol, perfect description for them!

That job is going to be a good thing all around.

begonia9508: Thanks!

Isabel was right to react that way. The way Alex’ father came in and announced his son’s loss of a roof over his head was just cold.

Karma does have a way of coming back around.

Things have really turned around for Liz and it looks like she and Max may be well on their way to getting Aaron back.

Eva: It is difficult for Alex and it’s pretty obvious he hasn’t had a lot of that in his life. But he’ll also guard it closely.

CandyliciousLovah: The job is exactly what Liz wanted and she’ll benefit from it in many ways.

Rodney: They definitely missed out on the parenting gene as far as caring goes.

Yep, things are heading in the right direction for Liz.

sarammlover: It’s taking an effort on his part because he’s not used to having people who want to be there and help out, but he’s gonna get better at it. We have a feeling this job is going to be very good for Liz. She’s waited a long time to get to the good things in life.

Lol, we really are. Where does the time go?

kismet: That job’s going to be important for many reasons.

Yeah, Alex’ parents weren’t good for him. Lol, you just never know.

Well, TIC TAC is winding down but there are still things that have to be worked out, so it’s not over yet. ;)

Alien_Friend: Sometimes all you can do is wonder right? Parents should be watching over their children, support them in their decisions and be the person to turn to when everything goes down… Alex’ parents? Well, it’s safe to say they suck and he’s lucky to have a bunch of friends, who care about each other deeply.

It was an important step for Liz!

Part 178

Processing the Past

“You sure? I heard you freak out when someone crumples your pillows,” Alex teased. He knew she meant it, but he didn’t want her to offer it out of pity for him.

Isabel laughed a little. “Well, I guess I tend to be a little obsessive with stuff, but I’m workin’ on myself. Lately, I’ve discovered that it’s a nice thing to have roommates and for things to be a little… sloppier.”

“You’ve been with the other girls and Kyle, huh?” He nodded. It would make sense for her to stay with company after everything that had been going on lately.

“Yeah, but I’m ready to go home,” she rolled her eyes. “The apartment in Brooklyn’s nice, but seriously? It’s a zoo, Alex. Everyone keeps walking in an’ out of it the whole freaking time. It’s like the whole gang lives there.”

He chuckled. “Sounds like a nice place.”

“Yeah, nice, but not very private,” she admitted with a smirk.

“No, but that sounds familiar.”


“I remember plenty of times tryin’ to do homework while numerous people came and went down at Party Central.”

“Well, I don’t think it’s quite that bad. I mean, really it’s just the gang, which has expanded now to include three military guys that served with Max.”

He shifted to get more comfortable. “They’ll be a welcome addition.”

“So…? You didn’t exactly say yes or no.”

Alex chuckled quietly. “Yes, if you’re sure I won’t ruin your girly pillows I’ll stay with you.”

“Ruining the girly pillows could be reason enough for an eviction,” she teased lightly. “Don’t worry about the pillows. I have a guestroom and Tess has already moved all of her stuff out so it’s all yours. If they let you outta here in the next couple of days that gives us plenty of time to get your stuff packed up and the gang will all pitch in to get everything moved.” She rolled her eyes and made a face. “We wouldn’t want to miss your parents’ precious deadline. Oh, and if you’re feeling generous you can let me hang that gorgeous black and white picture you took of the sunrise over Manhattan over my fireplace.”

Before he could answer someone knocked on the door and a woman in hospital scrubs stepped inside. “Good afternoon, Mr. Whitman. I’m here to get your order for lunch.”

“That’s not necessary, Jamie,” Isabel said as she turned to look at the woman who had spoken. “I’ve got him covered.”

“Not a problem. You guys have a nice afternoon.”

“Please tell me it’s something that has some sort of flavor,” Alex begged. “The meals haven’t been the worst things I’ve ever eaten, but now that I’m startin’ to get my appetite back I’d like something that actually tastes like food.”

“Someone call in for an order from Sal’s?” Max stuck his head around the doorframe and held up a white takeout sack that he shook lightly.

Isabel grinned when she saw Alex’ surprised face. “Wow, that’s good timing, huh?”

He snorted and waved Max in. “No doubt.”

“Hey, Whitman, how’s it goin’?” The tattooed man placed the food at the end of the bed and went around to bump his fist.

“Better. It’s good to see you.” His gaze wandered to the paper bag and his mouth watered at the delicious smell coming from it. “Burgers, huh? I don’t think there’s anything better than that right now.”

“Yeah, no matter where you are, hospital food just sucks.” Max reached for a chair standing against the wall. He dragged it across the floor and sat down. “When’re they gonna release you?”

Isabel stood to unwrap everything from Sal’s to place it on the little tray on the moveable table next to the bed. She was glad Alex had agreed to her offer because she had been very anxious about a ‘no’ – especially after the last few days and everything that had happened.

“Soon,” Alex shifted higher on the bed and looked at the dark eyed man seriously. “I’d like to thank you for everything you’ve done, Max. Without the help of you and your friends, I don’t know where I’d be right now. I’m really thankful for all of you guys.”

“Without us you wouldn’t have been in this mess in the first place,” the other man shook his head. “Let’s just be glad it’s over. No need to thank me for anything. That’s what friends are for, right?”

“By the way,” Isabel turned to Max, “what’re your plans for the upcoming week?”

He frowned. “Well, there’s work an’ I’m not sure what’s gonna happen with Kennedy being arrested and my charges being dropped. Why?”

“Think you’ll have some time to move Alex’s stuff from his apartment to mine?”

“Uh,” he tried to hide his shock, but he knew he’d lost the battle when the other two started to laugh. “The two of you are plannin’ to move in together?”

“Yes,” Isabel deadpanned, “and the wedding invitations will go out the week after next.”

“We’ll expect you to dress appropriately.” Alex laughed at the look on the other man’s face and shook his head. “All kidding aside, it’s just a temporary situation.”

Max picked up a cheeseburger and balanced a carton of fries on his thigh. “Your lease up or somethin’?”

“Yeah, and I don’t have a lot of time to clear out.”

“I’m in. Word to the wise though – watch out for those goofy pillows on her couch.”

“But if they wrinkle Max knows how to fix them good as new.” Isabel arched an eyebrow. “That is what you said, isn’t it, Evans?”

“You’re a man of many… strange talents, Max.” Alex snorted quietly and dug into his meal. “So where’s Liz today?”

“Job interview. My mom had a lead on somethin’ that might just pan out and give her that leg up she needs where the job’s concerned.”

“Things are finally falling into place, huh?” Alex nodded. “That’s good.”

“Yeah, it’s been rough lately. I wouldn’t mind if things went back to normal again,” Isabel agreed.

“Normal?” Max snorted. “I doubt anything has ever been normal with our group.”

“Then let’s say: I hope everything goes back to the crazy good way it used to be at the beginning of this summer.”

“What about Maria and Michael?” Alex glanced between the other two. “Please tell me they’ve moved past the state of denial they’ve been in.”

“Seems like they have,” Max grinned. “Guerin picked her up for a date late on Friday after getting back from the hospital and we haven’t seen much of them ever since. I think it’s safe to say that they finally made it.”

“Thank goodness,” Isabel chuckled and picked at the lettuce on her burger. “It was long overdue.”

“How’s Kyle doing?” the man in bed went on. He hadn’t been missing that long, but it felt like an eternity.

“He’s frustrated as hell, but I have a feeling my little sister has her ways of distracting him. He’s been a little on edge because of the funeral. Hopefully after today things will lighten up on that front as well. He’s got an appointment with the doctor in a few days and if everything goes well he’ll be getting rid of the eye bandages because he’s starting to drive everyone nuts – including himself.”

“Ah, give the guy some credit, Guerin,” Max teased. “He’s been tied to the couch and had to rely on help from all of us for a long time now. It’s really not that surprising that his mood’s in the toilet.”

“He gets plenty of credit but it doesn’t change the fact that getting those bandages off will improve his mood.”

“I guess getting outta the hospital helped but then realizing he was just substituting one prison for another probably got him down.”

Isabel shot a look at Alex, gauging his mood after his last comment. She shrugged when he met her gaze and gave her a crooked smile, letting her know he was fine. “Well, he loves hangin’ out and he’s definitely had moments where he’s enjoyed being the center of attention, but he’s ready to get back on his own two feet.”

“I’m sure bein’ able to see again will go a long way towards him regaining his independence.” He took another bite of his burger and hummed happily while he chewed. “You guys are the best. I can’t tell you how sick I am of hospital food. I appreciate being able to eat but,” he glanced at Max, “like you said, no matter what hospital it is the food sucks.”

“Yeah, that seems like a rule, right?” He’d had his fair share of hospital visits as well and he didn’t remember much but the bad food when he was a kid. “Imagine how much more it sucks as a kid.”

“True. How’s Maria’s brother doing?”

“Unfortunately, not so good,” Isabel admitted. “They’ve put him on new meds because the others weren’t getting the job done, but they have more side effects and he’s so tired that he sleeps more than he’s awake.”

“It’s taking its toll on Maria,” Max continued. “The reunion with Michael really came at the right time.”

“What’re the chances they’re gonna find a donor in time?”

“He’s at the top of the list,” she said. “Even though his chances aren’t the best they’re better than they’ve ever been because he’s the first priority when a match is found.” She sighed. “We have to stay positive and believe it’s gonna happen.”

“Right now I believe just about anything can happen.” Alex wadded up the hamburger wrapper and tossed it across the room, aiming for the trash can and dropping it in with precision.

“Nice shot, Whitman.” Max mimicked his moves and fisted the air when he hit the target. “You get outta here and on your feet again we should hit the court.”

“Better make it one on one with no audience. I’d hate to make you look bad in front of your girl.”

That made him laugh and he shook his head. “In your dreams.”

“That’s just the reality of the situation, my friend.”

“Well, you’ve thrown the gauntlet down now.” Max leaned back and shot a glance at Isabel. “Can you believe this guy?”

Isabel couldn’t stop the smile as she rolled her eyes at them. “I think you’re both nuts but if the outcome of a basketball game is somehow proof of your manhood then by all means, go for it.”


The familiar beat of Nirvana played in the background of the two-story home owned by the Gilyard family. It was a surreal sound considering the reason for the get together, but everyone there was aware of Dan’s taste in music.

“You hungry?” Tess asked from where she was leaning against the wall next to the chair Kyle was sitting in.

“No,” he answered shortly. It was the first word he had spoken since they had climbed out of the car to attend the funeral earlier.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out he was hurting over the loss of his coworker and friend. The funeral had taken him back to the day their lives had changed. Again.

He hadn’t seen any of it but somehow hearing the sounds of crying, the sobbing, the hurt so palpable in everyone around them... it was worse when the scenes were left to the imagination.

Tess looked up when the woman of the house joined them, her steps slow. She admired the strength Rachel Gilyard exhibited. How was she able to walk around with her head held up and her feelings put together to a degree where she could talk to people? Stopping right in front of them, she nodded towards Kyle.

Tess gave her a small nod back. “I’m gonna grab a water,” she told him and left.

Kyle could feel his stress level notching up as he waited. He didn’t need an introduction to know who had come over. He could feel the change in the room and it suddenly felt like everyone there was holding their collective breath, waiting to see what would transpire between the newly widowed woman and the man that had been her husband’s partner. He started to stand in a show of respect but before he could move she placed a hand on his shoulder in a silent bid for him to remain where he was.

“Please, you’re fine where you are,” she said softly. “Would you mind if I join you?”

He shook his head and then cleared his throat. “No,” he rasped, “of course not.”

She took a seat on the couch and her eyes rested on a framed photograph that sat on the end table just in front of the lamp. It had been taken on their anniversary the year before. Dan had surprised her with tickets to the symphony even though it had been at the other end of the music spectrum from what he enjoyed. She could feel the tears threatening and she forced them down. The last thing she wanted was for Kyle to feel worse than he already did.

“I’m sorry,” he started to apologize but trailed off when she touched his knee.

“He loved being a fireman. In high school it was all he talked about and I thought it was the bravest, most romantic thing in the world.” She swallowed with difficulty. “That romantic viewpoint faded the first time he ran into a burning building and the reality of his career choice really hit me. Dan was a realist and he never made light of the job or the dangers it entailed. I think he would’ve tried to keep some of that from me for my sake, and maybe some women need that from husbands that’re in dangerous lines of work, but I needed to know what he faced. I’m a little long-winded so you’ll have to forgive me. My point is, I knew this day could come every time he walked out the door.”

“It shouldn’t have happened like that.”

“No,” she agreed, “no, it shouldn’t have. But it wasn’t your fault in any way, Kyle.” She drew in a calming breath when her chest tightened. She had to get this out without breaking down. It was too important. “There’s nothing you could’ve done differently. Dan trusted you, he relied on you, and you didn’t let him down.”

“I wasn’t able to save him or the little girl either,” he gritted out with two fisted hands. He should’ve been able to come up with something! He had to force his left hand to relax when pain shot through his casted arm.

“But not because you failed, Kyle,” Rachel tried to be calm and strong for his sake. She didn’t hold any grudges against the young man in front of her and neither would her husband. He shouldn’t punish himself for something like that for the rest of his life. “If you wanna blame someone, then blame the people who stored explosive garbage there because safe disposal would’ve cost them a lot of money.”

He knew she was right, he had told himself the exact same thing over and over again. “I wish they’d get a clue about that.” Maybe if they found out, he could redirect his anger and hurt to something or someone else.

“The head of the investigation unit called me this morning,” Rachel said hoarsely, remembering the strange call. She had wished they would find the people responsible for her husband’s death, but nonetheless she hadn’t been prepared for the news.

“What’d he say?” Kyle asked, the tight feeling in his chest worsening.

It probably wasn’t the best idea to tell him while the guests of the funeral were around, but she wanted to talk to him face to face when he found out and his condition still required a lot of rest after a day like today.

“Maybe we should take this conversation someplace more private?” Michael had overheard Rachel’s last words. He had no clue what was going on but he wanted to find out.

“Unless it’s somethin’ that could damage the case I’m sure we’re fine right here,” Kyle said. He’d been to Dan’s house many times but trying to maneuver through it blind, even with help, wasn’t something he wanted to contemplate.

“I’ll be right back,” Rachel said and excused herself.

“What’s going on?” Tess asked as she rejoined them.

“Sounds like maybe Rachel has some information,” Michael said, watching as the woman of the house spoke to a couple of people that looked familiar but he couldn’t put a name to. Within minutes they had cleared the room and she came back, retaking the seat she had abandoned.

“Okay, that’s better. It’s a zoo around here and it’s hard enough to navigate when seeing isn’t an issue. I know you’re invested in learning the truth about what happened and to be honest I’m surprised they haven’t contacted you yet.”

Kyle nodded. “They’ve discovered who’s responsible for the chemicals that were stored in the building?”

“Yes. The man who owns the building has been named as an accomplice. Apparently he and several others he does business with were storing the chemicals there temporarily while waiting to arrange transportation to another location. They conducted a raid in the early hours of the morning and at least a dozen of the buildings he owns were being used as temporary storage for other chemicals that were reported to have been legally disposed of.” She shook her head. “Most of those buildings weren’t even abandoned or empty, they’re apartment buildings.”

Michael looked at his girlfriend when she came to stand next to him. “Who’re we talkin’ about?”

When Rachel paused meaningfully, Kyle sighed as painful awareness of the answer set in. “It’s the senior Mathews, isn’t it?” It would just fit. After everything that had happened he wouldn’t be surprised if Dick’s dad had made that kind of deal. All that money had to come from somewhere.

“Yes,” she answered.

“Fuck a duck,” Michael muttered, running a hand through his hair. He realized what he had said when his girlfriend gave his arm a warning squeeze. “Uh, sorry.”

Rachel gave him a reassuring smile. Yesterday, Michael had visited her to go over the details for the funeral. They had talked for a long time and the young man had told her a few things about recent occurrences surrounding around him. Obviously the boy whose kidnapping had been in the news was a friend of his. The involvement of Richard Mathews’ father after what their family had already done to the group of friends was definitely another shock. And yet another reason to hate the Mathews family with a passion. “It seems like criminal behavior runs in the family.” And it had cost her husband’s life, she thought angrily.

“Their money won’t get them out of it this time,” Kyle growled, relaxing just a bit when he felt a hand settle on his shoulder. A hand that surely belonged to Tess. “Each of us and every single firefighter in New York City will see to that.”

She smiled faintly at his impassioned declaration and she reached out to gently touch his left hand, careful not to jostle his casted arm. “You’re a good man, Kyle Valenti. Dan was proud to be partnered with you and he respected you so much. You know he didn’t believe in living in the past and that second guessing and blaming yourself is a waste of time. He had his moments when he’d do one or both, but you remember what he always said?”

“Questioning yourself keeps you in check but do it an’ move on. That if you didn’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps and move on you’d end up wallowing in an ocean of self pity.” One side of his mouth pulled up and he nodded. “He was very adamant on that point.”

“I know sometimes that’s hard to do, but believe me when I tell you he wouldn’t have wanted you to blame yourself.”

He was almost grateful to be sightless at that moment as he raised his head. “If it had ended the other way around what would he have done?” He felt Tess’ hand clench on his shoulder and he reached up to cover it, squeezing it gently.

“You knew him so well, Kyle. He would’ve done the same thing you’re doing and then…”

“He would’ve pulled himself up by his bootstraps.” He turned his hand over under Tess’ and he closed his fingers around hers for a moment before releasing them. “I won’t disrespect his memory by getting lost in that ocean, Rachel. It might take time to get outta my own head, but I’ve got too many people on the shore waitin’ to throw me a lifeline.”

“You just remember that there are people to blame for what happened, that if they hadn’t done what they did that day wouldn’t have ended the way it did.”

Her words were heavy, Michael thought, yet they had a cleansing effect. Suddenly, the air seemed to be less thick and foggy. If she, as Dan’s wife, was able to think and move on that way, it should work for them too. Unconsciously, he squeezed Maria against his side and dropped a kiss on her temple.

Rachel looked up when someone called her name and she slowly got out of her seat to fulfill her duties of the tragic day. “Excuse me. Although I’d like to see this day come to an end, there are still people I need to talk to.”

“No apologies,” Tess nodded and dropped down next to Kyle. “Wow, she’s really strong. This day must be so tiring for her.”

She was sure as hell was ready for everyone to leave, Michael agreed silently and glanced at the clock on the wall. He was shocked to see it was almost three in the afternoon. “Maria an’ I are heading over to visit Cody. How about we stop for somethin’ good at Chunk-Mansion?” The name was ridiculous, but the owner, Gerald Mansion, had the best ice cream in town and it was on their way. They definitely needed something good after a day like this.

“I’d die for the strawberry-cheesecake kind,” Tess groaned.

“Valenti only eats that Moose Tracks crap.”

Maria elbowed her boyfriend. “Fudge and chocolate covered peanut butter mixed in ice cream, what’s not to love?”

Kyle shifted and nodded when Tess squeezed his arm, knowing she was asking if he was ready. He gave an affirmative response when Michael and Maria left them alone, going to let Rachel know they were leaving before heading out to get the car. “You see Dan’s youngest son?” he asked quietly.

She glanced around, her gaze moving over the people that filled the house. “No. I know you wanted to speak to him, but we can always come back another time. Maybe give things a little time to settle down.”

“Yeah, that might be a good idea.” He sighed and reached for her hand. “We’re in the home stretch. Don’t let me do somethin’ stupid before we get outta here.”

“You’re not gonna do anything stupid, Kyle.” She stuck to his side, guiding him by touch and speaking to other firefighters and family members as they made their way through the sea of people. It was as much out of politeness as to let him know when they were being approached and when someone was blocking his path. She felt him relax slightly when they finally stepped out of the house.

“It’s not that hot right now,” Maria said as they walked towards the car, face lifted up to the clear blue sky. There was a slight breeze; it made the weather almost comfortable. “I almost forgot what it feels like to be outside without being baked.”

Michael snorted. “It’s too good to last.”

Yeah, that’s what they’d all been thinking lately, Kyle thought and used his hands for orientation to climb into the car. Good things seemed to be few and far between nowadays.

“You’re too negative,” his younger sister stated. “Have a little faith, Michael. We’re back on the sunny side of life. Things are looking up.”

He exchanged a look with his girlfriend and gave her an encouraging smile. He knew as well as she did that their thoughts had immediately gone to Cody. They were helpless in this situation though – not a feeling he liked. “She’s right,” he muttered and brushed a kiss against Maria’s cheek, “thinkin’ positive.”

“And ice cream will make it much easier.” She got into the car and waited until he took his place behind the wheel. Now that the funeral was over, she could clearly see the shadows on his features dissolving. Kyle seemed to be relaxing as well so there was no reason to ruin the good moment with negative thoughts.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 179

Post by Double Trouble »

begonia9508: Thanks! Chances are good there will be a considerable amount of money paid out in addition to criminal charges and prison time. Knowing they will pay will help in some ways.

Natalie36: Thanks! Rachel was amazing and she knew she needed to be strong during that conversation with Kyle. It looks like Dick and everyone involved will pay for what they’ve done.

keepsmiling7: Thanks! Yes, after so long, lol.

The guys will make a great addition to the group.

That should be interesting, huh?

Lol, things are looking good as far as Michael and Maria are concerned. It looks like they’re well past that denial business.

We’ll be checking in with Liz today!

CandyliciousLovah: Thanks! Somehow it makes sense that the involvement would go up that high.

Earth2Mama: She really is! It would be so difficult to do what she did.

Lol, that could lead to all kinds of interesting situations.

Eva: She has an amazing strength! Her ability to stay in control and make sure she spoke to Kyle, that took great courage. You’re right, she’s the only one who could’ve reached Kyle in that situation.

Alex is healing in mind, body and spirit, and letting the others in and embracing the changes in his life is really helping.

Midnightdreamer: Welcome back! Kyle definitely didn’t want any help with his shower and it’s easy to understand that. Yeah, Mr. Whitman’s handling of that situation was really poor. Lol, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for the unexpected to happen when things suddenly start going good. On occasion something else does pop up to spoil the fun.

Lol, no, while Alex’ parents won’t be up for a parent of the year award any time soon – or ever – they’re in no way involved with Richard’s dad. The bad guys will pay for what they’ve done. It’s a very good thing for Max and Alex to spend time hanging out. They’re good for each other. There was an easy acceptance between them early on.

No, the ex-soldier we met so briefly at the club was never formally introduced and he isn’t one of the three guys that have become part of the group.

Lol, that could work and it would be cost efficient, but for now it looks like they’ll be keeping things as they are.

sarammlover: Lol, who would’ve thought these two would ever make it to this point at the beginning of the story? Max has made great strides and he and Alex may be opposites in a lot of ways, but somehow they work as friends. Kyle’s been through the wringer, but he’ll come out of it stronger and with a new outlook.


Roswelllostcause: Thanks! It looks like they’re finally heading in that direction.

Alien_Friend: Justice wins, right? ;)

A relationship with a firefighter? Yeah, it’s like dating a Marine or something, right? We’re sure Tess knows the risks that’ll come with a relationship with Kyle. It’s a price she’s willing to pay for the man she’s in love with for such a long time.

Yeah, right now the heaviest dark cloud on their sky is the fate of Cody. We will check in on him.

Part 179

Light and Shade

Traffic was heavy, drivers were as rude as always, and the sun was nearly blinding her as it glared off of the windshield in front of her, but in spite of all that her spirit was light. Things were finally looking up and nothing could possibly ruin her good mood. She ignored some jerk that cut her off to weave his way in and out of traffic and put her signal on when the hospital came into view. She slowed down to let an elderly man change lanes first and before she could move a taxi squeezed into the spot she had been aiming for.

Apparently no one else was in such a generous mood, she thought when no one bothered slowing down to let her get over into the next lane. On the contrary, suddenly everyone seemed hell-bent on preventing her from making the transition from one lane to the next. She had just about resigned herself to having to make another trip around the block when she caught sight of Max waving up ahead.

She nodded when he motioned for her to stay where she was and she rolled her eyes when he studied the oncoming cars for a few moments before moving. He moved between the cars effortlessly and she shook her head and slowed down so he could climb inside.

“Do me a favor,” she said as they started moving again. “Never do that when Aaron’s around to see it.”

He smirked and leaned over for a quick kiss. “I can do that.” His eyes traveled over her features and although she seemed to be a bit tired, there was a happy note there. “You seem to be in a good mood.”

Liz couldn’t hold back her grin. “I am.”

“So?” Max used his right hand to adjust the air conditioner vent so it wasn’t blowing directly in his face. “Are you gonna tell me how the job interview went?”

“Maybe,” she grinned and shot him a quick look with wiggling eyebrows. “It started out a little weird. The guy at the front desk really made me nervous with all his hints about the woman I was about to meet.”

“But I guess she wasn’t that bad?”

“Bad? No. Chaotic? Yes. Her office looks like several bombs were dropped. It’s havoc! She surely needs an assistant and soon.”

“So does that mean you can start there sooner rather than later?” It was a tease, but he really hoped he was right with that guess.

“Two weeks from tomorrow,” she answered with a grin. She had no doubt she’d pass the background checks. “It gives them time to run my background for clearance and time to put in my notice at work.”

“Thank God,” he couldn’t hold back the outburst of relief and leaned in for a short peck on the lips.

“Max,” she giggled and pushed him back into his seat. “Let me concentrate on the street, will ya?”

“You’re just gonna dump the job at the club, right? You don’t feel any obligation to put in a two-week notice there?” Ungh, please say no, he thought.

Liz waited until a signal in front of them turned red again before she looked at him seriously. “Consider it done.”

“Good.” He leaned back and looked up at the sky. “So the job sounds like somethin’ you’ll enjoy?”

“Yeah, I think I will. It’s finally something that would also help me with my college degree.”

“Even better.” He closed his eyes for a moment. “Oh, Isabel’s roped us into helpin’ Alex move.”

“He’s moving?” She raised an eyebrow. “Where to?”

“Yeah, apparently his parents have some kinda control over the apartment and they’ve terminated the lease. Gave him until the end of the week to get out. Nice, huh?” He glanced at her. “He’s movin’ in with Isabel.”

Liz nearly choked on a gasp. “With Isabel? Seriously? I mean, I know that they’re kinda dating or whatever, but I didn’t see that one coming so soon. Everyone says she’s picky about her apartment and she surely has a little tidiness issue.”

He snorted. “She’s a total neat freak, but they’re serious.”

“Well... I guess crazier things have happened.”

“In this group it’s probably not even the craziest thing that will happen.”

She thought about it and then smirked. “True. But ya know I’m really glad we’re part of this group because they’re like a rock in all the chaos. All of us together... we make a good team.”

“Yeah, as much of a headache as they can be at times havin’ them around has made a big difference.”

“And I really have a good feeling now. We can all make it work.” She looked at the street signs indecisively. “To Brooklyn or your place?”

He followed her gaze. “My place. The others will probably start getting home soon and they might need a little space after the funeral an’ everything.”

“Have you heard from any of them?” she asked while going to the right.

“No. Isabel was at the funeral but she went to the hospital afterwards. She said it was pretty rough so the guys are probably gonna want some space.” He shrugged. “I can respect that. I’d want the same thing. Sometimes it’s just hard to know the difference between space and isolation.”

“People deal with stuff differently.” Out of the corner of her eye she could see his face was serious, so she placed a hand on his thigh. “We all do stupid or weird stuff at times to keep the hurt away. You hid from everyone,” she shrugged, “I stayed with an asshole. But we’re past that.”

“Yeah.” He covered her hand with his. “And in this group you’d have a hell of a time hidin’ for long,” he agreed with a chuckle.

“So true.” She looked at a small restaurant to her left, remembering she had been there once when she had a day off and was taking Aaron out of the too small apartment. “Hey, you hungry? They have the best burritos I’ve ever had and I’m starving.”

“I never turn down a meal.”

“Cool,” she quickly pulled into an empty parking spot, ignoring the blare of a horn from an annoyed driver because she had changed lanes abruptly.

He raised an eyebrow. “You’re startin’ to drive like a New Yorker.”

“About time.” She turned and smiled at him. “These things happen when I’m hungry.”

He climbed out and hurried around to her side. He knew she hadn’t eaten anything before leaving for her interview, claiming she was too nervous to put anything on her stomach. “Well, I’d say you came to the right place ‘cause you won’t be hungry after eatin’ here.”


The hospital doors hissed quietly as they slid open to grant entrance to the couple approaching them. They paid little attention to their surroundings as they stepped onto the elevator and selected their destination. The doors opened onto the pediatric cardiac unit and they stepped out. The atmosphere was subdued; hushed whispers of conversation, the occasional sounds of muffled crying, the quiet rush of feet as doctors and nurses moved back and forth with purpose.

Adam knocked lightly on the door to Cody’s room, smiling when Amy looked up and saw him. He nodded when she motioned for them to enter and with just a few steps he was standing beside the little boy’s bed.

“Amy, how are you?” he asked as he gave her a tight hug.

“About as well as can be expected,” she said, releasing him to exchange a brief hug with his wife.

“And how’s the little man?” He leaned over the bed to brush a kiss against the little boy’s forehead. No fever, he thought, checking out of habit and not even thinking twice about it.

“He’s holding on.”

“Michael’s kept us updated on his condition,” Nicole said quietly. “If there’s anything we can do please let us know.”

Amy shook her head. “You’ve already done so much.” If not for them she had no idea how she’d have made it this far. The cost for the level of care her son was getting was phenomenal even with the best of insurance and without them she knew Cody might not have survived as long as he had.

“There’s no such thing.” Nicole rubbed her husband’s arm. “Why don’t I go see if I can round up some coffee and let the two of you talk,” she suggested. There were people who didn’t understand her ease with leaving Adam alone with his ex, especially since he and Amy had gone their separate ways but remained such good friends. But she trusted him implicitly and she’d made it a point early on to get to know Amy and over time they had become friends too. Amy and Adam shared a strong bond, but the relationship they had shared as a couple had run its course and left them with a great friendship in its place.

Adam nodded and gently ran his hand over Cody’s head, smiling at the way the little boy scrunched his face up before shifting to burrow closer to Quackers. “It’s funny how strongly they cling to these things when they’re little,” he said as he tapped the duck’s orange bill.

“And later on they’ll deny it,” she agreed with a chuckle.

“When Michael was little he carted around a dilapidated stuffed frog everywhere we went. That thing got lost on a road trip and I didn’t think we’d ever have peace in the house again.” He smiled at the memory. “I tried everything I could think of but nothing would take the place of that thing.”

“No, nothing ever does. But, once they’ve mourned its loss they find some new toy to take its place.”

He lifted his head to look out the window. “He’s had a rough few weeks and the funeral for that firefighter he worked with was today.”

“Maria told me,” Amy nodded, wondering if the man was aware of the relationship building between their kids. While Michael had always been open with his dad, talking about feelings had never been one of his strengths. He was a man of action more than words most of the time. But then again... that probably counted for most of the male species.

“You know, the day he told me he wanted to get into this line of work it scared the hell outta me,” he admitted.

“I think that’s a natural response and considering the loss you suffered right before, ‘scared the hell outta you’ is still a pretty calm reaction.”

“I wanted so badly to tell him no.” He snorted softly. “Not that he would’ve listened. He’s headstrong and when he gets something in his head he has to see it through. I’m not sure there ever would’ve been a good time after losing Matt, but I knew I couldn’t cripple my kids with my fears. But damn it, every time he’s out on a call, especially one like the one that took that firefighter’s life, I feel like I can’t breathe until I see him again.” His gaze dropped to Cody and he smiled. “I can just imagine that when your boy gets that heart he’s gonna put you in that same position one way or another.”

Amy smiled, but it was a sad smile and her lips trembled lightly. “I think a few quiet years would be good until we reach that point.”

“What’s the latest update on his condition?”

“They raised the doses of his meds because it’s taking too much effort for his heart to pump.” Automatically her hand went out to touch her son, feeling the need to let him know she was there. Always. “They can’t go any higher though,” she went on, swallowing when she remembered the earlier talk with Cody’s doctor. “The next step will be to place him in a coma. It’ll allow them to lower his body function and keep his heart rate at a bare minimum.”

He nodded and rested a hand on her shoulder. There were no words he could say to make the situation any better. “Do you need to take a break? Go home maybe, grab a shower or something? I can stay with him.”

“No, thanks, Adam, but I’ve got everything I need here, even a shower. I can’t leave my boy.”

“I understand.” He took a few steps back to take a seat in one of the chairs facing the bed. He wouldn’t be able to leave either.

“How are things going on your end, Adam?” Whenever they met their conversation circled around her life and family, but she was in desperate need of a distraction – even if it was just short term. “You still annoying the hell out of the people on Wall Street? Especially now that the Mathews’ empire is wavering.”

He laughed with a small shrug. “Can I help it if I’m good at the numbers game? And as far as Mathews empire? I’ll be very happy to see it all come falling down around his ears after what he’s put my family through.”

“I never liked that man,” she agreed. “I never met the son, but it seems like he’s got his father’s genes, huh? I’m glad Isabel didn’t get hurt in the process. Maria told me on the phone this morning that her boyfriend’s getting better.”

“It’s apparently not enough that I have a son who has to keep my nerves on edge, now my oldest daughter has to do the same.” He rolled his shoulders. “Alex, yes, he’s gaining ground and he’ll be out of the hospital soon. Have you met him?”

“No, but I heard he’s a good guy.”

“Yeah, he is.” He smiled. “Him I approve of.”

“Sometimes they have to learn the hard way, ya know?” She chuckled when it came to her that even his youngest – Ava – had also grow up quickly after having a child so young. Yep, the Guerin offspring were special all the way.

“Amy, I don’t think any of my kids have learned any other way.” He sighed and ran a hand over his face. “They’re hard lessons but they’ve made them stronger and they’ll never be forgotten.”

“I think you can be very proud of all of them. They do crazy things and sometimes they walk into situations blindly, but they’re kind-hearted, loyal to their friends and in the times that matter, they stick together.”

“Yes, they do. I’m so proud of my kids. And speaking of kids to be proud of, how’s Maria doing? I haven’t seen her in a few weeks.”

“She’s okay.” Her gaze grazed her son’s sleeping body briefly. “As okay as she can be. You know her... she’s always pushing herself to help this family and I’m really proud that she does, but it also puts so much pressure on her while she really should be out enjoying her college life.”

“She’s got a good head on her shoulders and she’s got good friends who try to lighten the load.”

“Most of them are your offspring,” Amy teased. Meeting the Guerin family was the best thing that had happened in their lives.

He chuckled. “They’re good for each other. She keeps them grounded. Mainly Michael.”

“And he keeps her above water,” she added with a smirk.

“They’re the perfect balance.”

“Wasn’t that always obvious?” Amy got up to look out of the window. Her legs hurt from all the hours of sitting. “Maria brought home a few boys, but none of them could ever keep up with your son, Adam. A few weeks ago she introduced me to another man. Tony. And for a moment I thought maybe he’d able to break through to her in a similar way, but...” She looked at the man and chuckled. “I think he’s dating, Ava, isn’t he?”

“The firefighter, yes. I’m not sure which of them is more in love with him, Ava or Chase.” He stretched his arms over his head. “I approve of him, too. He treats her right and he’s great with my grandson. Solid, upstanding young man, good head on his shoulders, and he’s gainfully employed.”

“It all falls into place, huh?”

“One piece at a time. I’ve got two of my girls settling into good relationships, the third potentially headed in that direction and now if Michael would just settle down.” He waved a hand dismissively. “I know he was dating that girl, what was her name, Courtney, but Tony mentioned he’d broken that off. Not much else was said about it. I’d rather have Michael tell me about it himself if he wants to though. To be honest, I’m glad. She was nice but you could see she felt like she was in competition with Maria and none of the kids really seemed interested in giving her a chance.”

Amy smirked to herself. So Michael hadn’t mentioned the recent developments to his father yet. Yeah, so not a man of many words, she thought again, wondering if she should shed some light on the darkness surrounding Adam but she decided against it. Maria had said she and Michael would stop by after the funeral. It couldn’t be much longer until they arrived and then the man would see with his own eyes.

“I thought for years the two of them were gonna get together.” He shook his head. “I remember us talking about that when they got old enough to start taking an interest in the opposite sex and you telling me things would follow their own course. I worried about them because they were so close I thought they might move too fast and make a mistake.” He rolled his eyes. “Several years later I started to worry for a completely different reason. Michael was chasing any girl that registered on his radar, which admittedly seemed to be most of them, and I wanted so much more for him. I started to wish he’d see Maria as so much more than his best friend and start thinking about settling down with that one special girl.”

“You obviously worried a lot, Adam,” the woman teased and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

He chuckled. “That boy gave me plenty to worry about. Sure, when I was a young man I did my share of chasin’ the girls, but it just wasn’t like it is today. I was tame in comparison to my son.”

“Maybe he needed that for a while to get his head on straight.”

“Yeah. I’d like to know he’s got it out of his system.”

The door opened and he expected to see his wife, but to his surprise his son walked in. And right behind him was Maria.

“Hey, everyone,” Michael greeted quietly as he held the door open until his girl was inside too. They had made a quick stop at home to change clothes, but he still felt sweaty because there hadn’t been enough time for a shower. Ungh.

Maria gave her mom an encouraging smile and hugged her briefly before she went to Adam. “Hey, good to see you. It’s been a while.”

“Yes, it has,” he said as he stood to give her a hug. “How are you?” he asked even as his gaze moved to his son, visually searching for any signs of stress.

“I’m okay,” she gave him her best smile. “It’s been a long day already.”

“I know it has,” he said sympathetically. “Michael, how’re you holdin’ up, son?”

He dropped a kiss on Cody’s head and then went over to sit in the chair next to his dad. “I’m okay,” he muttered. “Glad it’s over to be honest.”

“How’s Kyle?” he asked, remembering the young man had been partnered with the deceased firefighter.

“Better than expected and most of the credit goes to little sis.”

“Good.” He smiled and nodded to himself. He knew Tess had liked Kyle for some time, but being a couple of years older and already focused on what he wanted to do with his life had kept the young man’s focus elsewhere. “You have any time off coming up?”

“Not a lot, we’re still running short at the station.” Michael stretched tiredly and his knee bumped against the back of Maria’s leg while she was talking quietly to her mom about the latest update from Cody’s doctor. “Why’re you askin’? Something comin’ up?”

“Nicole and I were talking on the drive into the city. There are a couple of birthdays coming up here pretty soon and we thought about opening up the house in the Hamptons for a weekend. Nicole has all sorts of ideas for the party and of course we can work around your schedules.”

It sounded like a good idea, but he wasn’t sure if they could even find a way to make it happen with all their conflicting schedules. “We can try.”

Adam elbowed his son. “With enough notice we can make it happen.”

Michael looked up at his father and smirked when he saw the confidence there. “Yeah, whatever ya say, old man.”

“Old,” he snorted with a shake of his head. His gaze dropped to his son’s knee, watching curiously when Maria moved to remain in contact with Michael. They had been in each other’s space since they were kids, but this was different.

“Where’s Nicole?” The blonde brought him out of his musings. “Thought she was coming with you?”

“She went to get coffee and probably stopped off to check on Alex. He was our next stop.”

“We just stopped there briefly. Must’ve missed her,” she said, walking around Michael’s legs to sit in his lap with her focus on Adam. “He’s going home tomorrow.”

“His recovery’s going well,” he mused, still watching their every move.

“Yeah, thank God. He’s been through hell and for that he’s really doing well.”

“The people responsible will be held accountable. I’ve already spoken to the DA and the charges against them are piling up.”

“Any chance you sent the family attorney to see Whitman, Dad?” Michael lifted an eyebrow and used one arm around Maria’s waist to bring her closer against his body. He was ready to go home and spend the rest of the day in bed with her, but he knew she needed to be with her brother for a while first.

“She’ll be paying a visit soon. We didn’t want to overwhelm him, but he’s owed compensation for his pain and suffering and I want him to know he has options.”

His son nodded appreciatively. “The guy’s having financial problems and he won’t accept our money just like that, so she needs to be smart about it.” His face darkened a little when he remembered the conversation with Dan’s widow. “We just found out that Dick’s family was involved in the explosion.”

“Indictments are being handed down for that as well.” He shook his head. “Don’t you worry, Kathleen and I have spoken at length and she’s aware that he won’t accept the offer unless he can carry his own weight.”

“You Guerins save the world, huh?” Maria asked, amused, and leaned against her boyfriend’s chest, inhaling his scent and letting it calm the nerves that always showed lately when she entered Cody’s room.

“Well, we don’t wear our capes in public, but we do our best,” Adam said with a wink. He motioned to the two of them. “So, when did this happen?”

She frowned when she didn’t get the meaning behind his question at first. Leaning back she looked at Michael’s face just to see a cocky smirk there and her eyes widened a little. “You didn’t tell your dad?”

“There’s kinda been a lot goin’ on,” he said with a shrug.

“That’s your excuse?” She rolled her eyes.

“Well,” he said, dragging the word out, “yeah.”

Amy chuckled quietly when she saw the baffled look on Adam’s face. “I told you to be patient, didn’t I?”

“Yes, yes, you did,” he said slowly as a grin spread across his face. “Took their own sweet time, didn’t they?”

“It just happened recently,” Maria told him and looked at Michael.

“I gathered as much. I’m very happy for you.” He chuckled and shook his head at his son.

“What?” Michael lifted an eyebrow. “It’s not like you knew long before us, right? Everyone did or so they think.”

The door opened before he could answer and Nicole stepped back in, smiling when she saw Michael and Maria. “If I had known you’d be here I would’ve gotten more coffee.”

He shook his head. “I’ve had enough coffee today to float a boat.”

“Yeah, no worries, Nicole,” Maria got up and walked over to take the drinks from her to hand them to Adam and her mom. “I like your hair. Have you been to a new stylist?”

“No, not a new stylist. Diego does hair better than anyone in the city.” She smiled and brushed a hand over her hair. “I just wanted to try something new.”

“Definitely works for you.”

“Thank you. Isabel was saying your new agency’s been working wonders for you.”

“It’s not the agency,” Michael denied as he came up behind them, hooking one arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders. “It’s just her.” He focused on Maria alone for a moment. “Gonna make a quick visit to one of the firefighters still recovering here. I’ll be back in a few, alright?”

She nodded and turned her head to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Alright.” She squeezed his hand before releasing it.

Nicole watched them and tried to hide her shock. When Michael was out the door, she couldn’t hold back though. “Okay... what did I... huh?”
Last edited by Double Trouble on Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 180

Post by Double Trouble »

begonia9508: It’s been a long uphill battle to get to this point, but they’re finally heading in the right direction.

Thanks! Lol, isn’t that the truth?

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

L-J-L 76: Thanks! Yep, that job was an important step. This group will always find its inner strength and pull together, in good times and in bad. They have a strong bond and it’ll see them through whatever gets thrown at them. Well, Isabel may be a neat freak, but we have a feeling Alex will be able to see beyond that.

Midnightdreamer: Thanks!

This whole group has grown and changed over the summer, but some have seen greater change than others. Max is a character that you can really see that change in because Liz and Aaron coming into his life have encouraged so much of that change. And considering where Liz was at the beginning of the story, that change is also evident in her. Michael and Maria’s birthdays are both coming soon. Keep your fingers crossed for Cody. The house in the Hamptons promises to host a lot of fun.

keepsmiling7: Thanks! There’s been a lot of change for those two.

Lol, it did start out a little weird, but it sounds like her new boss is going to be a great person to work for.

Yeah, they’re something else.

Alex and Isabel have a promising future ahead of them.

Eva: Lol, leave it to Michael to leave out that little tidbit of information, right? Yes, with that group of kids, it’s certain their parents have plenty of wondering and worrying to do.

CandyliciousLovah: Thanks! Oh, Adam and Amy have remained friends through the years. Nicole has a unique perspective and she’s able to look beyond the fact that the two of them were involved in the past.

sarammlover: Having that kind of stability and strength to look up to makes such a difference and for the Guerin kids it’s made all the difference in their lives. Keep your fingers crossed for Cody. We know his situation is still very precarious but we’re working on it. Max has changed a lot over the course of this story and while he had friends at the beginning, he kept them at arms’ length, never really letting them get too close. The difference, of course, is Liz and Aaron, and his need to have them in his life has, over time, allowed him to seek change in himself.


Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Keep your fingers crossed for the little guy!

SmileeUk: Cody’s our toughest case right now, but we’re working hard to sort out his situation. Keep those fingers crossed!

Lol, well, we’ll get a chance to see how things are going with the new roommates.


Alien_Friend: Adam is really a special kind of a hero!

M&L are on their way to be okay. ;)

Part 180

Professional Help

“Well, if he didn’t tell Adam I guess that means he didn’t tell you either,” Maria said with a quiet laugh and rolled her eyes. “He’s not very good at keeping people informed, is he?”

“How come?” she asked, still surprised. “Wasn’t he dating that other girl?”

Adam scratched the back of his neck. “I thought sure I mentioned that he’d ended things with her. Tony brought it up briefly at dinner the other night.”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “You’re just as bad as you son, darling.” She focused on Maria and wasn’t able to hide the smile. “I knew you two would look past the friendship barrier you had set for yourself one of these days.”

“Apparently everyone knew before us,” she said with a smirk.

“We saw something,” Amy said from where she was still standing at the window, “but it was important you two took it at your own pace. I don’t think it’s bad that you waited.”

“No, we don’t think so either. And a lifetime of friendship gives us a pretty good foundation to build on. I guess sometimes it just takes the right thing to make you realize what’s right in front of you.”

“Courtney?” Nicole asked carefully.

She nodded. “She was a big part of it on my side.”

The boy in the bed stirred and everyone focused their attention on him when he slowly began to wake up.

“Hey,” his mother said gently and ran a hand over his hair, waiting until he opened his eyes.

Cody wanted to move but he felt so tired. He let the desire to move pass and settled for looking around the room with his eyes. His fingers twitched as he located his sister and a moment later she was taking his hand. “Where’s Mike?” he rasped.

“Just visiting a friend,” she said, crouching down next to the bed to be at eye level with him, “he should be back in a few minutes.”

“‘m tired, M’ria. I sleep an’ sleep but ‘m so tired.”

“I know,” she whispered and kicked off her shoes so she could creep into bed to hold him for a while.

He sighed quietly and made the effort to pull Quackers closer. “Do you gotta work today?”

“No, I’m not working.” She slipped one arm around him and let his head rest against her chest with his stuffed animal between them.

“‘m glad.” His body felt too heavy, breathing felt like so much work, and he just wanted it all to stop. “You work too much.”

She smiled sadly at the ceiling. “I got a new job, ya know? I’ll be in a music video on TV.”

“Uh-uh.” He dropped his head back to look up at her. “Really?”

“Yeah, do you know Usher?” She picked up her phone and scrolled down in the music player until she found his song ‘Yeah!’ to play for her brother.

Amy made a face as she listened to the lyrics. “I think it’ll be fine if he never knows that song.”

“I don’t know that.” He made a face. “Can’t you be in a ‘tallica video? They’re better.”

Maria had to giggle at that suggestion. “I don’t think Metallica want people like me in their vids, bro. But if I ever get the chance, I’ll try out for it, promise.”

“‘kay. I’ll watch it if you’re in it even if it’s a dumb song,” he promised.

“It’s not that song for the video. It’s just one of them. The one for the vid hasn’t been released yet.”

“Maybe he’ll make a cool song then. Not as cool as ‘tallica though. Mike says they’re the best an’ he knows.”

“Yeah, he knows,” she agreed with a slight eye roll.

Adam chuckled at the comment and stepped into the boy’s view. “Hey there, little champ.”

“Hi.” He tried hard to smile as he lifted his loosely fisted hand.

“I heard you’ve had all the nurses on this level fighting over who gets to bring you dinner tonight.” It was hard to see him like this. His situation had visibly worsened since the last time he had seen him and he didn’t need a doctor to know that time was running out rapidly.

“‘cause it’s not good an’ no one wants to bring it. They bringed chicken yesterday but,” he shook his head once, “it din’t taste like chicken.” He made a face. It hadn’t really tasted like anything.

“Are you hungry now?” Maria wanted to know.

He shook his head.

“Okay, but you gotta eat something for dinner. I brought you some fruit. They taste fresh and sweet, alright?”

“‘kay,” he agreed even though the thought of eating was tiring.

The adults in the room just glanced at each other and Maria closed her eyes, not wanting to see the lack of hope. Please, God, she begged although she wasn’t really a religious person, [/i]help him![/i]

“Did somebody say they brought fruit in?” Michael asked as he joined them again.

Cody lifted his head slightly, but it only lasted for a second. “Mike,” he breathed.

“Hey, buddy. Who’s she got hidin’ in that bowl of fruit today, huh? Scooby Doo? Maybe a superhero or two?” He could see the effort it was taking for Cody to participate in the conversation even in a limited manner.

“Spiderman,” he whispered.

“Good choice and I’ll bet you’re right.”

“But we can’t eat ‘im.”

“No? Well, there’s gotta be some cartoon character we can eat. Who could that be, hmm? Powerpuff Girls, huh? They’re kinda dumb.”

“An’ Pokemons!”

“Yeah, any of those things are up for grabs.” He’d never understood popularity of those stupid things. “Not sure what they’ll taste like though.”

“You two really have a thing for naming your food after comic heroes, huh?” Maria rolled onto her side and tugged her brother against her. Long visits wore him out, but she wanted to be with him, needed to be with him to make sure he was still a part of this world.

“You started it by cutting the fruit into weird shapes.” He made a face. “And you like to slip weird fruit into the mix so if we’re gonna eat it, it’s gonna have to be interesting.”

“The logic of men,” she sighed. Teasing them about their food habits really was her only way to not get lost in dark thoughts.

“‘cause men are smart, M’ria,” Cody said with a tired smile.

“He’s got that right,” Adam smirked and turned to Amy, realizing that the boy couldn’t keep up with so many visitors. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to give us a call.”

She nodded. “I won’t. And thanks again for stopping by.”

“Nah, not for that, Amy.” He gave her a tight hug. “Don’t lose hope. We won’t either.”

She smiled pressed her lips together tightly to control the trembling. After a moment she exhaled slowly and stepped back. She and Adam had known they weren’t going to have a future together and they’d parted as good friends and remained that way through the years. She’d had a couple of relationships since then and none since Cody’s father had cut and run after learning about his heart condition, but times like this made her wish for the solid, comforting presence of a man at her side. “You guys have a safe trip home.”

Michael got up from his seat and followed Dad and Nicole outside, leaning his head back against the wall next to the door. “I’ve got the early shift the next few days. Maybe Maria an’ I can make it out to the house one night to have dinner together.”

“That sounds good,” Adam said with a smile. “You just let us know what works with your schedules and we’ll make it happen.” He reached out to rest a hand against his son’s neck. “Stay strong and keep your thoughts positive.”

He snorted. “Yeah, tryin’ hard, Dad.”

“Michael, be careful at work,” Nicole added, “and you know to call if you need anything.”

“We’re gonna stop in to visit with your sister and Alex.” Adam nodded before Michael could say a word. “We didn’t get a chance to catch up with Tess and I’m sure she has her hands full right now so we’ll give her a call later.”

“I’ll tell her you said hi,” he agreed. “Maybe one of these days you’ll have time to have a look at the apartment in Brooklyn. It’s pretty nice.”

Nicole chuckled. “Your dad and I have every intention of stopping by just as soon as things calm down a little bit. We know things have been pretty hectic and plus Kyle’s been staying at the girls’ apartment while he’s recuperating and the last time we talked to her she said they had plenty of people in and out.”

“Translation,” Adam interrupted, “don’t come by yet.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll assume you’ve been over there pretty regularly. How are things developing between him and Tess?” He liked Kyle, thought highly of him, but he’d like to know that his daughter and he were taking things slowly.

“Hell, Dad. The girls give me shit for interfering in their stuff, so ask her. All I’m gonna say is it seems like they’re getting along just fine. But Kyle’s been in a mood an’ it has yet to be seen how things go when he’s better.”

“Well, sisters are like that. And I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate them sticking their noses in your business either.” He smiled. “And I have every intention of asking her.”

“But you won’t be that direct,” Nicole said with a shake of her head. She’d have to make sure she saw to that.

Michael just snorted. His father was just like him – asking in a not so direct way? Nope, wasn’t in them. “Look, I didn’t mean to keep the news of me an’ Maria from you. It’s been a few crazy busy days an’ we’re just getting started.”

“Michael, you do things in your own time, you always have. Don’t apologize for that, son.” He slipped his hands in his pockets. “I just want you to be happy, that’s what I’ve always wanted for you.”

“I’d be a lot better if there was good news for Cody.” Yeah, it was really the only thing keeping him and Maria from being really happy.

“There’s still time.” He paused a moment. “I know his situation’s getting worse and if he turns that corner the transplant will no longer be viable, but we haven’t reached that point yet.”

“And he’s at the top of that list,” Nicole said. “The next available transplant is his.”

“Yeah.” If he was a match. If his little body was strong enough. If he hadn’t crossed the threshold that removed him from the list. If, if, if... “I just wish it’d happen before...” he couldn’t voice the rest of that thought. Somehow just putting it into actual words felt like he’d be tempting fate.

“It will,” Adam said confidently, because he didn’t want to believe otherwise.

He nodded. “It will,” he repeated.


Alex looked up from pushing the food on his plate around when someone knocked on his door. His brow pulled down in a slight frown at the suited woman standing there. She probably had the wrong room, he thought. Either that or he was getting ready to be kicked out because they’d realized he didn’t have insurance.

“Mr. Whitman?”

“Yeah, can I help you?”

“I’m actually here to help you.”

“Okay,” Alex said slowly. He nodded when the woman motioned to the room, silently requesting entrance.

“My name’s Kristin Calloway and I’m the Guerin family’s attorney.”

“Uh-huh.” What did that have to do with him?

“Adam asked me to stop by and go over some of the legal options available to you in light of recent events.”

“I appreciate it, but I really can’t afford to hire a lawyer.”

“There’s no charge for a consultation and should you choose to move forward with one of these options we can work out an arrangement that’s satisfactory to both parties. Adam would like to cover any costs incurred,” she nodded when the young man shook his head, “but he had a feeling you’d decline the offer.”

“And he was right. Look, I appreciate Mr. Guerin’s offer, and I have no problem accepting help when it’s necessary, but as long as I’m able to take care of myself that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Very well,” she nodded. “How’s your recovery coming along?”

“They’re letting me outta here tomorrow so I’d say it’s goin’ pretty good.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, how has this ordeal affected your day to day life?”

“What, like has it screwed with my ability to sleep? Given me nightmares? Have me waking up a sweaty, shaking mess?”

“Have you spoken to a therapist?”

“Not yet.” He fully intended to just as soon as he could figure out how to pay for it.

She nodded and took a seat in the bedside chair. “I understand your sister passed away while you were being detained.”

Alex cleared his throat and nodded. “That’s correct.”

“I’m very sorry for your loss.” She moved on when she could see how uncomfortable he was. “Have you considered your options for compensation for your suffering?”

“Options for compensation?”

“You’ve been through a traumatic ordeal and you have every right to be compensated.”

“So, what, I could sue the guy that kidnapped me?”

“We can take action against everyone involved, up to and including the police department. They’re responsible for putting the officer on the street that participated in covering up your whereabouts.”

“I’m not sure the whole department should be punished for the actions of a single cop.”

“On the contrary,” the lawyer said with a shake of her head, “they have to be held accountable for the people they hire to serve and protect. Whether you decide to move forward with a lawsuit against the department, the man who held you captive, Richard Matthews, or all of the above, I would be happy to represent you.”

“And how does your rate figure in?”

“Ten percent of whatever you’re awarded would cover my fees.”

“That seems pretty low.”

“Normally my fee would be higher but should you decide to pursue all three lawsuits I’ll come out quite well. Either way, my offer stands.” She studied the young man for a few moments in silence. “There’s no excuse for what you were put through, Mr. Whitman. Nothing that can be said, done or awarded in a lawsuit will ever give you back what was taken from you, but it might make it a little easier to move forward. With the amount of money I suspect you’d walk away with you could wipe out your medical bills, pay your college tuition in full, and still not make a dent in the overall amount.”

“And what happens if we do this and I don’t receive any compensation?”

“Then I don’t get paid. And I never like it when I don’t get paid.” She chuckled. “I’ve been doing this for quite a few years now. You won’t walk away without a sizeable award.” She stood. “Why don’t I leave and give you some time to think about what you’d like to do.” She removed a leather sleeve her briefcase, pulling one of the business cards and holding it out to him. “Give me a call when you’re ready to proceed and we’ll get things moving.”

“Thank you,” he said as he shook her hand. He held the card up after looking at it for a moment. “I’ll be in contact after the weekend.”

Once he had been left alone he rested his head against his pillow and raised his right hand to stare at the card. He had a right to seek compensation for what had been taken from him. She was right though; it wouldn’t make up for the loss he’d suffered, nothing would. Even knowing it was coming, he’d always expected he’d be there the moment Sandy lost her tenuous hold on life. He hadn’t wanted her to go alone, whether or not she was aware of her surroundings.

He took comfort from the fact that she hadn’t been alone. Isabel had made sure of that. He smiled slightly at that thought and reached for the television remote, turning it on and flipping through the available channels without paying any attention to what was on. Maybe things hadn’t gone the way he’d expected them to, but that didn’t mean he was going to stop living. He had no control over what had happened but he did have control over how he handled the situation.

And his life was taking some seriously unexpected turns; an actual date with Isabel, not to mention sharing space with her – platonically of course. But a guy could dream, couldn’t he? There was attraction there and mutual respect, and they would build on that. His gaze dropped to his foot and the bandage wrapped around his ankle. He could bear his own weight within reason and he’d been given a cane as a precaution.

Not exactly the way he’d pictured his first real date with Isabel; him with a cane and her ordering a Big Mac at McDonalds. He snorted softly and dropped the remote, closing his eyes as he listened to the background music on the program. He’d be happy with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in Central Park if she was there with him, but he would like to take her out someplace nice. And he would but maybe he’d wait until he was rid of the cane. Somehow he didn’t think she’d care about the cane or if they went out to eat at a fast food place or some fancy restaurant.

With that thought on his mind he drifted off to sleep.


Max sat in the waiting area, his fingers tracing over the front cover of his project notebook. The cover was marked with nervous doodling and his scrawled thoughts filled more than half of the pages now, giving it a thick, worn appearance. He’d written for hours while Liz was busy preparing for her interview and as the words had come to life he’d finally been able to take a step back and look at the situation with more objectivity than ever before. The conversation he’d had with his dad on Saturday had helped. Knowing his dad didn’t see him as defective, that he was proud of him, it had made a difference. But it was the other conversation they’d had later that day that had made him really consider the situation from his dad’s side.

His mom and Liz had gone for a walk and Aaron was stretched out beside him on a blanket, sound asleep. His dad was busy packing the cooler and other things in the back of their SUV, preparing for their trip back. His mind was preoccupied with his impending assignment, his fingers slowly combing through Aaron’s hair. He looked up when his dad finished and took a seat at the picnic table facing him.

“What made you choose the military?”

“We discussed this earlier.”

He shook his head. “We talked about why you did it, but you never really said how you came to that decision.”

Philip nodded and inhaled slowly. “No, I don’t suppose I did.” He reached for the almost empty bottle of lemon tea Diane had left on the table, needing desperately to do something with his hands. “When you were little I was a lot more lenient with you and I know that changed as you got older. You became a teenager and started to really exert your independence and the harder you tried to pull away the harder I tried to hold on. Looking back now, there are things I wish I’d done differently. You weren’t a bad kid, Max, you never were.”

“They why-“

He held a hand up. “I’m getting to that.” He cleared his throat. “What I didn’t understand at the time was that my handling of the situation was what was pushing you further away.”

That caught Max by surprise. Never in his wildest imagination had he ever considered his dad blamed himself for the situation he’d gotten himself into.

“Even kids with the best upbringing get into trouble and how parents handle things has a lot to do with the outcome. Maybe if I had handled things differently you wouldn’t have been in that car that night.” He stared at the label on the bottle. “See, there’s something you don’t know, Max, and maybe it’ll help you understand why I was so hard on you before your arrest.” He shifted, not wanting to pull those old memories up. “You never had the opportunity to know your Uncle Brian.”

“Your older brother.”

He nodded. “Brian was a handful but my father believed in the old ‘boys will be boys’ rule and he let him go, let him get into trouble without imposing any kind of boundaries or punishment. It wasn’t that Brian was a violent person or that he ever hurt anyone intentionally, but the longer he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, the more trouble he got into, and eventually he ended up drunk behind the wheel and there was an accident.” He rubbed his face with a shaking hand. “He killed two people that night.”

“I didn’t know that.” Really, he knew very little about his dad’s older brother.

“No, you wouldn’t.” His father had forbidden anyone in their family to talk about the accident and all that had happened afterwards and over time it had just become easier to pretend it had never happened. “Brian survived the accident and he went to prison. My father wouldn’t even see him and he wouldn’t allow my mother to visit him or accept his calls. She eventually fell into a deep depression and,” the tip of his little finger traced over a knothole in the picnic table’s surface, “and she swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. My father blamed Brian for that.” He reached up to rub the back of his neck and sighed. “As soon as I turned eighteen I went to the prison to visit him. He still had about a year on his sentence at the time. I sat down across from him and I realized I didn’t know him. I mean, here was the older brother I had idolized my whole life and the man I was looking at was a complete stranger.”

He swallowed with difficulty at the memory. “My brother had always been larger than life and as a kid I wanted to be just like him.” He shook his head. “This man, this stranger, he wasn’t the brother I knew. He was broken in body and spirit and he didn’t want to see me.”

“He was hurt in the accident?” Max asked.

“No, like many drunk drivers he walked away without much more than a few bumps and bruises. He was involved in an altercation a few months into his sentence and he survived it but he was paralyzed from the waist down. It took a while but I finally put it together and realized my mother lost her battle with depression after he was paralyzed. When my father found out I’d been to visit Brian he gave me a choice: Never see my brother again or leave his house and never come back.”

Max remained silent, giving his dad time to pull himself together.

“I left that night and never saw him again. I got a job and started putting myself through college, which is where I met your mom. She was supportive when Brian was released and I invited him to stay with me. I wanted to help him and he accepted my offer. Over his last year in prison we’d started to build a relationship and I thought even though it would be hard, things were gonna be okay. But he had trouble adapting to life outside of prison; no one wanted to give him a chance, and it started to take its toll. One night he went out to get some air and he didn’t come back. The next morning I received a call asking me to come down and identify his body. They were never able to determine if his death was accidental or intentional.”

“So when I got in trouble…”

“I couldn’t let you go to prison, Max. I know what being sent to war did to you and if there was any way I could’ve spared you that pain I would have. You’re our only child and the thought of losing you…” He shook his head and stood up, turning away to compose himself. His son didn’t know it but he’d been their fourth and final attempt at having a child. Two miscarriages and one baby that had been born stillborn had left them believing they’d never have a child of their own. They had nearly made peace with that when they’d learned Diane was pregnant. They’d agreed it would be the last time because the risk and the emotional devastation was just too high a cost.

Max was their miracle. Keeping him out of prison had never been a question in his mind. He would’ve said, done or paid any price to keep his son from going through that. He had been so relieved when he’d succeeded and then he’d gotten word that Max was being sent to a warzone and his world had started to crumble around him. He and Diane had gone through a rough patch, had even separated for a couple of months at one point, but they’d managed to salvage their marriage and they were stronger than ever.

He’d wanted so badly to avoid the mistakes his father had made. He’d succeeded in some areas and failed in others. He’d never forget the day he’d learned his son had been wounded in battle. He’d been rushed to the hospital because his secretary had thought he was having a heart attack. Thankfully, it had only been anxiety. As soon as their son had been stateside they had rushed to his bedside. And Max had shut him down cold.

Max was going over everything he’d just been told and seeing his dad and the situation in a different light. As a little boy he’d worshipped his father and as a teenager that had been shoved aside as he fought for his independence. And in spite of the contention in their relationship his dad had come running the second he’d called and said he was in trouble. He’d made an effort to work on repairing things between them until he’d learned he was being deployed. He’d started to retreat, putting distance between them, and before long he’d allowed his fear and anger at the situation to turn itself into a weapon and he’d refused to talk to his dad. He hadn’t spoken to him once the entire time he’d been deployed.

He’d refused to acknowledge that the responsibility for his actions rested solely on his own shoulders. It had been easier to blame his dad than it had been to take a hard look at himself. His gaze shifted to Aaron and he thought about what Dr. Rodgers had said in his last session. He’d never thought much about having kids or about what that meant until Aaron had come into his life. It wasn’t a responsibility that should be taken lightly and it was too important to screw up by not giving it his best effort.

Fatherhood was so much more than just having the responsibility of a child; it was making sure he knew he was loved, that he was taken care of, that he was raised in a loving environment by parents that loved him and each other, that discipline and love were well-balanced, and that he had solid role models in his life. He rubbed a hand over his face as he looked at his dad’s taut shoulders. He’d had all of that and more. No, Philip Evans wasn’t perfect but he couldn’t have asked for a better or stronger role model in his life.

He looked at Aaron once more before gently shifting him over and getting to his feet. He approached his dad slowly, trying to put what he wanted to say into something intelligible. “Dad?”

Philip cleared his throat and turned his head, lifting his chin in question.

Max studied him for a moment, not commenting on the tears visible in the older man’s eyes. Tears that wouldn’t fall. Dad was a proud man, a strong man, and there were only two times in his life that he could recall seeing a tear track down his face. Once when he was eight and he’d fallen overboard on a fishing trip and nearly drowned, and the day Dad had come to see him when he’d come home after being shot.

“This fatherhood stuff is new to me…”

His dad cleared his throat and shook his head. “Max, you’re doing fine with him. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

“I had a great teacher and if I’m even half the dad to him that you are to me I figure we’ll be ahead of the game.”

Philip reached out, his hands resting against the sides of his son’s neck. “Son, you’re already ahead of the game. That little boy has parents who love him, who love each other, and he’s got a man in his life that would do anything for him. He may never know or understand the sacrifices you’ve made for him, but I do.”

Max shook his head. “I’m sorry, Dad.”

His father’s expression changed to one of confusion. “For what?”

“For puttin’ you an’ Mom in that position in the first place.”

Philip smiled and shook his head. “Max, you’re gonna learn an important lesson as a parent.” He chuckled. “Well, there are a lot of lessons you’ll learn, but the most important one is that even though your kids break your heart from time to time or just plain drive you nuts, nothing they do, say or become will ever cause your love for them to diminish. Aaron’s gonna make mistakes, he’s gonna do things that try your patience, and then he’ll turn around and do something else that’ll just about make your chest burst wide open with pride.” He squeezed Max’s shoulder. “I loved you before I had ever even seen or held you and you’ve made us so proud over the years.” His eyes glistened. “You’ll make mistakes, we all do, but the important thing is that you learn from them and move on. You’re a fine young man and you’re already well on your way to becoming a wonderful father and one of these days you’ll make that young lady of yours a fine husband.”

Max met his father’s gaze, his own searching. “I’m finally getting things straight in my head. Liz an’ Aaron, they’ve been a huge part of that.” He turned his head to look at Aaron. “That little boy makes me feel like I can do anything and Liz, well, she makes me wanna be the best man I can be.”

“The right one always does.” He was silent a moment. “They’re why you agreed to attend the therapy sessions.”

He nodded. “Yeah, and to be honest, I’ve spent a good part of the time thinking it was just a bunch of bull, but…” he shrugged, “maybe it’s not. Dr. Rodgers, she’s different from what I expected of a shrink.”

“It puts you on edge when she starts poking and prodding though, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. How’d you know?”

“Because I’ve been there.”

Max looked down when movement beside him registered and a moment later Aaron was tugging on his shirt. He reached down to pick him up, settling him against his side. The little boy yawned and rested his head on his shoulder before closing his eyes again and going right back to sleep.

“Fatherhood looks good on you, Max.” He rubbed Aaron’s back before moving back to the picnic table and taking a seat. “You keep doing exactly what you’re doing.”

He watched his dad for a few minutes, knowing the opportunity to ask about his earlier comment had passed. Maybe one day he’d learn when his dad had been seeing a therapist. Or maybe not, he mused. It wasn’t necessary that he knew. It was enough that his dad had shared that much. He turned his head when quiet conversation drew his attention. “Looks like Mom and Liz have finally had enough of nature.”

He looked up when his name was called and he stood with a nod at Dr. Rodgers. His world was coming back together and for the first time he felt like he was too.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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