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Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:52 pm
by Maxssoulmate
I just found a picture of shiri appleby and shane west together. she was wearing a pink waitress uniform and a pink head band thing. does anyone know if thats a movie thats coming out or tv show? I'v looked at her filmography and her upcoming films but hes not in any of them and i was just wondering. if anyone can help that would be great. thanks. :D

<3 tay

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:14 pm
by Fehrbaby
Maxssoulmate wrote:I just found a picture of shiri appleby and shane west together. she was wearing a pink waitress uniform and a pink head band thing. does anyone know if thats a movie thats coming out or tv show? I'v looked at her filmography and her upcoming films but hes not in any of them and i was just wondering. if anyone can help that would be great. thanks. :D

<3 tay
Weren't they together in A Time For Dancing?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:18 pm
by Maxssoulmate
I dont know, but i'll check it out. thanks! :D

<3 tay

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:19 pm
by Maxssoulmate
yep, thats it thankyou so much! :D dang it only took me a minute to find it! he he he. lol does she have a big role in it? semi?

<3 tay

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:08 pm
by Fehrbaby
Maxssoulmate wrote:yep, thats it thankyou so much! :D dang it only took me a minute to find it! he he he. lol does she have a big role in it? semi?

<3 tay
She has a really big role in it. You should see it. It's a very good movie. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:11 pm
by Maxssoulmate
Thanks. I'm like begging my mom right now to take me to the store to buy it. hopefully she'll cave! :wink: i went onto the officail site and saw the trailer. and i'll doing anything to see it! :lol:

<3 tay

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:41 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi everyone,

Yes I still have to see a time for dancing I hear it is a beautiful and powerful movie and I want to add it to me DVD collection as well. :D

Ok this might be Off Topic but it kind of relates I guess ok for those of you who live in the Colorado area or near there and want to do something that is fun celebrity and Roswell Shiri Appleby related please read.
LullabyEvans well this has nothing to do with what you guys are talking, but it is news;)
USA, 2006, Length: 95 min, 35mm

World Premiere

Directed By: Eric Steven Stahl (IMDB)
Writers: Eric Steven Stahl, Sean McLain
Producers: Eric Steven Stahl, Robert Egan, Mirela Girardi, Hector Elizondo
Cast: Beau Bridges, Rosanna Arquette, Mathew Botuchis, Shiri Appleby,
Baelyn Neff, Hector Elizondo

This raunchy, contemporary satire on greed, fame and collapsing family
values follows the Bellingers as they become infected with the
Internet virus called success. When 17-year-old Colby decides to get
back at his sister by secretly wiring the entire house with web cams
and then streaming the footage on, his revenge prank
turns into a major money maker (yes, his sister's hot!). When the rest
of the family finds out about the website, they are pissed, yet
curious. Victims of downsizing and the Enron stock scandal, the
Bellingers are strapped for cash and can't ignore the financial
solution the website offers. They agree to keep up the charade and
then go one step further, "programming" their own lives to suit the
demographic tastes of their target market, including makeovers and
sexy cooking lessons with their new Italian boarder.

American Beauty meets American Pie in this morality tale for the new
millennium, anchored by the performances of Bridges and the rest of
the talented cast. ... howShorts=

Show Schedule
Date Time Venue
Wed, Mar 8 1:00 pm Isis 4
Sat, Mar 11 2:45 pm Isis 2



I contacted Pathway Enterteinments asking about the movie and this is
what they replied:

I-SEE-YOU.COM world premier screening is at the HBO film festival in
Aspen March 8-12. Hopefully it will be in between 1000 and 1500
theatres sometime this year. For more info go to and
contact FilmQuest Pictures.

Hope this helps.So if any one of you are in Colorado or live near there you should go to the film festival coming up next week on March 8th! I love Film Festivals they are a blast and it might give you something to do to beat the winter blues plus you might see and meet some celebrities maybe even Shiri and thats always a good time. :D


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:47 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the double post but I had to share! :D

I was an extra in Shiri Appleby and Marc Blucas new movie The Killing Floor on Feb 3rd and on Feb 17-18th in NYC. I even got a chance to work with both of them in the scenes I was in.
Here is my account on the set of The Killing Floor if you want to put it up on your websight.
February 3, 2006 Also my account is spolier free because of copyright issues I know nothing about the script or as to how our scene relates to the movie plus and I want you all to see this movie so I just wanted to make that clear so I don't get into trouble. Thanks :D

I was an extra on the set of Marc Blucas and Shiri Appleby's new movie The Killing Floor on Friday Feb 3rd in NYC. It was amazing. I loved it! Even though I didn't get to see Shiri at all. I still had a blast. It was great to get back into theater again. I was a theater minor in college and have always had a deep passion for it. So it was great to be in that environment again.

It was so great to meet new people as well. All of the other extras were really nice and great to hang out with. The cast and crew were also very nice as well. In the morning they were doing a running scene so we got to see Marc Blucas for a little bit while he was rushing off to do his scene. He said hi to all of us.

Later on I was called to be in a walking scene where Marc is running down into a subway entrance and I walk pass with another woman Alisa. So when we were on set we got to talk to him more. They shot our scene from 2 different angels. However we had to do it again and wait when the sum was setting to get the shot.

So it was cool we got to drive in a van with Marc and the rest of the crew to the set again later in the day. So that is when we really got to talk to him. We talked about the Superbowl and how he was rooting for the Stealers being he is original from Butler, Pennsylvania and lives right by where the boarder of Ohio is. He is a really cool lay back guy and thanked us for helping out and being extras.

The director Chris was also very nice and helped us with our cues and getting used to the whole Film shooting. Later in the day I also got to met the actress Reiko Ayesworth who plays Audery Marc love interest in the movie and I got to see a stunt being done when David first meets Audery. So it was interesting to watch and observe how they do certain shots.

My scene was really short so they might be able to use me again. They are trying not to repeat extras in every scene so that people in the audience won't be like wait didn't I just see that person. I am really hoping I get a call back for the 17th and 18th being I have a feeling Shiri will be there because they are shooting a club party scene and her character Rebecca mentions it in the script.

Either way I had a wonderful time and it was a great experience. I really LOVED it and I not have a new found respect for the time and dedication and hard work the cast and crew put into filming a movie. A 2 second scene takes a lot more time to get set up and ready then you think. I admirer how patient everyone was esp in NY where the streets can be very crazy esp during rush hour. I am glad they got most of there shots in due to the weather and crowed streets.

I really hope I get a call back. It would be awesome to see Marc as well as Shiri again being the first time I met her was at the 2005 Boston Film Festival to see her movie When Do We Eat! I also would love to be on set again and see everyone. I had a blast
February 17 & 18, 2006 Also my account is spoiler free because of copyright issues I know nothing about the script or as to how our scene relates to the movie plus and I want you all to see this movie so I just wanted to make that clear so I don't get into trouble. Thanks :D

Hi Everyone,

My adventures as an extra on the movie set of The Killing Floor.

It was my first movie I ever worked in and also got to work worth the two main leads so it was very exciting!

I can't believe I got to work with Marc Blucas and worked with him not once but twice for his movie The Killing Floor and then not only that but I got to meet Shiri again (being the first time I met her was in Boston at the Film festival in September. Shiri was the first real actress I ever met for my first "celebrity encounter" )

And how 5 months later I got to meet her again on set for her and Marc's film The Killing Floor) and this time work with her as well in my first movie as an extra! It's all so surreal!! (I have shared a lot of firsts with Shiri that's for sure!)

So yes it was a very magical and memorible night indeed. :D

The place where we were filming Friday night in the city Sky studios in NYC where we filmed we were in penthouse A in the living room for the party scene. Sky Studios was also used in for some scenes in the movie Hitch with Will Smith

Synopsis of The Killing Floor:
When scenes of death show up on his doorstep, David Lamont, a literary agent dubbed "the king of fright" will learn the true meaning of terror. Directed by Gideon Raff and written by Gideon Raff and Ryan Swanson, “The Killing Floor" is a contemporary thriller set in the high-stakes world of Manhattan. After David moves into a coveted 3-story penthouse apartment, he begins receiving violent crime scene photographs that appear to have taken place in the apartment, followed by stalker videotapes of his every movement. Despite the involvement of NYPD Detective Soll, an affair with his ravishing neighbor, Audrey and the assurances of his assistant, Rebecca, David begins to lose his mind.

Genre: Psychological thriller similar to American Psycho

Director: Gideon Raff (Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Babysitter, “The Way to The Top")

Status: Filming

Production Country: USA

Marc Blucas ................"David Lamont"
Shiri Appleby .............."Rebecca Fay"
Reiko Aylesworth ......."Audrey"
Jeffrey Carlson .........."Jared Thurber"
John Bedford Lloyd ..."Detective Soll"
Roberta Maxwell ........"Ms. Alimet"
Joel Leffert ................."Goodman"
Derek Cecil ................"Garrett"

Many thanks to: Shanna Bowie

Here is my account of my night in NYC from what I remember I am trying to write it done so I have this day on record. Enjoy

Well let me tell you there is nothing like a party in NYC at a wealthy Manhattan penthouse party quite like that on the set for The Killing Floor!! I had a blast Friday night and an amazing and surreal time. I am so lucky and happy I got called back!!

I arrived in NYC around 4:30 to the location assigned. My friend Kristen aka Behrsgilr1230 called me earlier in the day the tell me that her and her friend Melissa were on set being Melissa was to be a waiter at the party. Kristen also told me that Shiri Appleby from the WB's Roswell who played Liz Parker on the show was on set which was really exciting and that she remembered Kristen from when we met her at the Boston Film Festival in September.

I got to the location and met up with Kristen and her friend Melissa. We talked for a while I saw Marc Blucas from the WB's Buffy who played Riley for a second walking out to do a scene. After that then the people who were "Party Goers" were set to a different location to gather and wait for our call.

It was there that I chatted with a few extras and met up with a girl Colleen who was a huge Buffy and Marc fan. It was cool talking to her. After that then Jen aka Dreamer4Ever arrived we talked and got ready for our scene. At about 7 we were sent to the original location I went to earlier in the day where everyone was waiting for our call.

The penthouse we shot our party scene at was downstairs a very nice place. If you saw the movie Hitch they used this place for a few scenes in that movie. Anyway I shot an opening scene at the party where Marc enters and greets his coworkers. He was wearing a white shirt grey pants and a velvet brown jacket. It was cool they gave us drinks well ginger ale and cranberry juice for Champaign and wine and I got to meet and work with the director Chris again.

After that I was sent back up stairs. I met a ton of interesting people and got to chart and enjoy the calm relax atmosphere. I saw Shiri for a second getting ready for her scene and talking on her cell phone in the back before she was called. She was so cute. She had on a blue coat and a grey skirt with cream color stockings and black shoes.

She then was called down to do her scene. In a while we were called down to do a full party scene where Marc is at the party talking to his friends at the bar. However Shiri was not in that scene.

Our scene was awesome we all mingled and "faked talk" where you talk but no sounds come out almost like miming. But it was fun again we had our drinks of ginger ale and cranberry juice. The director also told us when he would want people to walk to in the room so that we got to talk to different people.

After that we were back up stairs again to wait for the next call. However I had a blast back stage watching the whole process and hanging out with everyone. It was then that we saw Marc.

I said hi I told him how I worked with him on Feb 3rd in a 2 second walking scene. He said how he remember what a crazy day that was and we were joking saying how crazy it was trying to get scenes done that day.

Being he was off from his scene we asked him nicely for some photos, which he did gladly, and some autographs. We wanted to wait to catch him at a good time because after all this is work for them and we won't want to take time away from their scene.

After that the PA Tim called a few of us down for our next scene. When we got into the adjoining kitchen to the living room pent house we got to see Shiri talking to one of the cast and eating some string cheese.

It was then that Tim called that the scene was ready to begin and Shiri left. After that all of us girls were chatting about this experience and how good looking Marc looked in his brown suit and white shirt and how everyone looked great all dressed up.

Tim then came back in and said ok I need some people for this scene so he scanned the room and was like ok you, you, and you come with me as he pointed to Me, Jen, and Kristen. he then said ok you three stand there and Shiri come here and stand with them.

Well, needless to say we got to do a whole scene with Shiri. Her character Rebecca is chatting with us at the end of the night when they party is just getting started with drunken party guests and all. Then Marc characters David and Shiri's character Rebecca have a little intense chat after the drunken incident at the party goes on.

It was amazing seeing her again. She remembered all of us from Boston. She was so sweet and very kind. Her hair was long and braided into a braided headband and she had her bangs pushed to the side which the makeup artiest had to fix a few times. The makeup artiest was great and Shiri was having fun talking to her and us the whole time. She still had one the grey skirt and black shoes just not the coat but had on a pale pink sweater and pearls.

I got a chance to talk to her saying how I have done a lot of theater and stage work but not a lot of film. She said it is very different fun but different and there is a lot of waiting involved and that is a lot of hard work. I told her I understand and now have a newfound appreciation for film and all the hard work that goes into it.

We had a blast on set talking and fooling around in-between takes. She was very impressed and pound of Kristen's friend Melissa who was a waitress and had to do a stunt where a drunk guy falls into her. She said she was so cute listening to the director and paying close attention to the scene.

Then at one point they set up for the scene where she talks to Marc. Being Marc is so tall Shiri had to stand on a box at one point along with the rest of us to get the right angel and lighting and what not being I we are standing right next to her. It was cute seeing her and Marc fool around with each other and with us during rehearsal.

It was amazing just how grounded and down to earth she is. It's cute how sometimes Shiri can be so shy one minute and then so outgoing the next. She reminds me of myself sometimes. It was wonderful working with her.

One thing I have to say is that she is very grounded and you can tell that she is an actress who loves and enjoyes the craft and her line of work. It's not about being in the spotlight for her it's just about the passion she has for her work which is wonderful and a rare qulaity indeed.

Even though she was tired she was a trooper and I never heard her complain. If anything she jumped right in and helped with the whole filming process and she helped me and taught me a lot as well. I was amazing with how kind and gracious she is and how sweet she was showing me the ropes.

We were like at one point before they called action " Good luck or as as they say in theater Break a leg." and we shared a look and a laugh. It was wonderful and an honor to work with her. She made my first experience on a movie set very relaxing and enjoyable. I love every minute of it.

Even Marc made it a wonderful experience. he is great and I had a wonderful time working with teh cast and crew. The movie maybe called The Killing Floor but there was no killing going on with this group thats for sure. :D

It was funny at one point when Shiri saw Marc emerge from the staires she started singing "Stranger in the night" when she saw him and Marc just smiled and laughed saying "Ok can you tell it's late." It was hysterical. :lol:

Ok and as far as Shiri and singing goes I have studied singing and have been singing for years so let me tell you she is not as bad as she thinks. I have heard worse.

It was funny to hear her sing the line "Strangers in the Night' It was so random to hear her break out into song but really funny Marc and us all shared a good laugh. :lol:

So after that I was like oh I am so making my theme song for my night on the set of The Killing Floor plus we were at a party and I kepted on saying how we needed some good music at this party to get this party started. :lol:

Ever our scene had all of the drunks in it and the fights and some of the drunks did hooked up with some other drunk party people. :lol: So it was some raging NYC Penthouse Party thats for sure :lol:

So I made 'Strangers in The Night' by Frank Sinatra our theme song for The Killing Floor Penthouse Party!!

At one point Shiri was talking to the director about the scene and was like "don't worry about me I will be having fun talking to my girlfriends." and we all shared a laughed.

And I finally got to ask the age old question I have been dying to ask her for the longest time and I clear up a little rumor too.

Well while working with Shiri, we were chit chatting with her about working with Marc she mentioned other costars she worked with in the past and Jason's name came up. I decided ok here is my chance to ask her about Roswell and see if she can clear up this little rumor about the episode Graduation. All thanks to me I asked her if there was any "cementing" "making love" scene filmed between Max and Liz in the final episode.

At first Shiri was worried we were talking about the proposal scene and thought we had never seen it. We quickly explained which scene we were talking about after the proposal if Max and Liz ever made love in the final episode and if it was ever filmed.

Shiri was like no they didn't film it, if they did, we would have seen it on television. So thanks to the wonderful Miss Shiri Appleby, the rumor of that scene being filmed is finally put to rest.

I am so happy I finally got a chance to ask my question and solve this mystery. I guess timeing is everything in life.

It was so wonderful doing our scene in The Killing Floor with her. I can't believe she was standing right next to me. She is so sweet and very nice and was explaining all of the technological stuff as far as names and camera angels and placement goes. It was great I felt like I was getting a one on one film school lesson from her. Being I love theater I was having a field day.

Shiri is so sweet and so down to earth I felt like I was seeing an old friend again which in a way I was. It was a joy and honor to work with her. She is so sweet and a very nice caring soul but then again so is Marc and I had a wonderful time working with both of them.

You can tell just how much they love the craft and the passion they have for it and how much fun they have. I can't tell you how many times I saw them smiling and laughing on set. It was wonderful to see a cast and crew that relaxed and dedicated to their work.

After the scene which lasted a good half and hour or more between stunts and rehearsal and takes we were done with the drunken party scene. Shiri said it was great to see us and hang out with us and high five us all for a great job. We thanked her as well.

After that we went up stairs again to sit and wait for our next scene while Shiri stayed down stairs to film some more. I loved hanging out up stairs and talking to everyone.

After that we were called down for another after party scene. Where Jen and this guy Art (Who was friends with the crew and owned his own film company) talked and me and Kristen walked by this drunk guy Jason with two girls on his arm lying on the couch.

During rehearsal we saw Shiri had changed into a grey wrap and boots and looked like she was ready to go for the night. She talked to the director Chris and he said she could go and that they would see her on Sunday.

She then out of no where walked over to Jen,Kristen, and me and gave us a hug and kiss good-bye saying how it was great to see us and how much fun she had with us. Jen and I told her we had a wonderful time as well. I was shocked she hugged and kissed us all good-bye it was so out of the blue and very sweet and endearing for her to say. She then left and we finished our scene with Marc.

After that the crew did a few other scenes and we hung out in the kitchen. We even got to chat with Marc a little bit which was awesome he is so cool and a very sweet person.

It was so endearing one of the girl who was an extra Bria (she played one of the drunk girls Jason lies on the couch with along with the girl Colleen) was from Ohio and her whole family was there talking to Marc back stage in the kitchen being they were fans of his and were down for the weekend because of the filming.

Well the girl Bria who was an extra had a younger sister who was 10 and she asked marc for his autograph and he was like sure and then he said "Come on I want to show you something" and he took her on set and was showing her everything.

It was the sweetest most endearing thing. I really got to see his true colors and let me say Marc is a wonderful man with a good soul. He will make a good father someday. The whole time Jen and I were watching and were like AW. Then Marc commented saying "I am getting a lot of AW's tonight." and we all laughed it was really sweet and a nice back stage moment.

After that they all said we could go it was about 2:30 Am at this point but I didn't care I had a wonderful time and wasn't tired it was all worth it!! We all got our stuff and said our good-byes. It was a wonderful time. I never felt separate from the cast and crew I felt like I was one of the cast and crew with how warm and welcoming everyone was. It was a great atmosphere to work in very alive and energetic.

It was great to know that everyone was working so hard and believed so much in the making of this production. It made me proud to be apart of such a wonderful fun loving group of creative down to earth people.

It was wonderful and it was a joy to work with everyone and I fell in love all over again as to why I enjoy and have a passion and love for theater so much!!! Over all it was a wonderful and great experience I will never forget and hold dear to my heart always.

The NYC Manhattan Penthouse party on the set of The Killing Floor was amazing and it just made me realize just how lucky life can be and how amazing the things you can do and that dreams can come true. It was a very magical night indeed.

They were very strict as to when we could take photos due to copyright issues plus I was very respectful being I knew this was work for the actors and crew so I am lucky for the ones I have. enjoy looking at the photos. :)

Some of my photos from my magical night on the set of The Killing Floor

(No photos of Shiri :( sorry guys I tried but as I said before they were very strict as to when we could take photos so I am lucky for the ones I have! :D )

However here is a photo of me and Shiri the first time I met her at the 2005 Boston Film Festival back in September to see her movie When Do We Eat.

My Photos from behind the scenes of The Killing Floor

Me on set at Sky Studios in NYC for The movie The Killing Floor

The stars of The Killing Floor Me, Kristen, and Jen aka Shiri's Girlfriends
Me and Jen
Me, Jason ( from LA who played drunk guy # 2 at the party he was awesome),and Jen
Me with our leading man of The Killing Floor Marc Blucas
The Killing Floor call sheet and Marcs message to me: "Erin-Thanks so much for being in our movie multiple times! Have a great 06- Love Marc Blucas

I hope you enjoyed looking at the photos and my account on set. It was all so surreal!! I can't wait for this movie to come out it looks like it is going to be amazing!!! :D

Hope all is well.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:11 am
by Topy458
That was awesome to read about. It made me feel like I was actually there! Great pics too!

Thanks so much for for posting it all!


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:51 pm
by Roswell 10/2/00
i am glad you enjoyed reading my account. I was trying to write it so those of you who weren't there felt like you were. I can't wait for The Killing Floor to come out!! It looks like it is going to be amazing! :D

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
What happends when two worlds collide?
Would you be willing to risk it all of the sake of Love?
Read my fic Aduction Seduction