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Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:34 pm
by M

I've just about drifted off when I feel a taap on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Kyle standing there, looking a little uncomfortable. It looks like we're getting ready to move.

Turning a little more I can see the others following the doctors from the room and I nod in acknowledgement. I try to stand up, but I'm still really drained and I guess I sway a little because before I realise it there is a light hand on my arm and a small wave of energy joins my own as Kyle looks into my eyes Tess, I'm really sorry about before... it's just, this is all so crazy and I know that's no excuse but...I'm sorry!

I look down and where his hand rests on my arm and he removes it a little self conciously but when he looks up he's smiling a little. It's seductive and I find myself smiling back a little even though I hadn't planned on it. I feel weird in my stomach and I decide it's either the food, or possibly some human thing that I don't quite get yet. I shrug, a small shrug, and look at the floor.

"That's ok Kyle, I'm sorry too, you know, for saying it was ok... you know. I'm not very used to this... " I wave my hand, hoping he'll understand that I mean sort of everything, not just the future thing, but the human thing, and the group thing and, well, everything. "I guess we should follow the others?"

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:51 pm
by KatnotKath

Max doesn’t drop my hand as the doctor agrees to talk to us, suggesting that we go elsewhere. He turns back to the others, telling them we’re going to get some answers, and still I’m right there next to him. I know it might cause problems with Tess, but I don’t want to hide my feelings any longer…

As little as it is, being here, holding his hand, showing him I’m there for him, that’s something I can do… It’s one little way that I can try and make this mess a little easier, and that’s what I want to do, whatever I can…

We continue down the corridor, closely followed by the others, and as I look back over my shoulder a moment, I can’t help noting Isabel with Alex. I smile, pleased to see them getting on so well. There’s a hint of something between them I can’t help thinking, and I’m glad, they both deserve to be happy…even now, especially now…

It isn’t long until we’re entering another room, this one more of an office or a presentation area, and almost as though in silent agreement, Max drops my hand at almost the exact moment as I’m about to let it go, knowing that appearances are important, and realising that he needs to seem strong rather than like some love-struck teenager…

It doesn’t matter though, he’s close, and that’s the important thing… I know how he feels, I saw the flashes from earlier, I heard the way that he spoke, and that told me everything I needed to know. There’s no doubt in my mind that he loves me, and I love him too…

We walk together still, even if not holding hands, towards two chairs in the centre of the room, and then wait for the others to join us. I hear Serena’s some of Serena’s whispered words and chew my lip. We need to find some ground where we can trust each other…because otherwise, if we can’t, we’re just at a stalemate, and we’re not going anywhere…

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:08 pm
by emmylala

"That's ok Kyle, I'm sorry too, you know, for saying it was ok... you know. I'm not very used to this... " she says, waving her hand, referring to everything we'd all experienced.

"I guess we should follow the others?" She says. I nod quietly as I wait for her to get up from the table. We start towards Max and the others, but before we get there, I take hold of Tess' wrist, causing her to stop.

"If its ok with you, I'd like to take you up on your offer from earlier" I say, releasing my gentle grip on her delicate wrist " know, about helping me to control my power flare ups" I say, raising my supercharged hand.

"I figure, since this is a part of me now, I should probably learn how to control it, you know!" I say, awkwardly.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:33 am
by M

He nods and waits as I get up from the table and move to join him. We start towards to others, easily falling into step, but then Kyle stops and grabs my wrist. It’s unexpected and his grip causes my momentum to turn me back towards him slightly. If its ok with you, I'd like to take you up on your offer from earlier He looks down at our hands somewhat self conciously and then releases my arm. know, about helping me to control my power flare ups He raises a hand as if to demonstrate and I can’t help but smile at the chagrinned look on his face. I figure, since this is a part of me now, I should probably learn how to control it, you know! I smile again, more broadly, but he isn’t looking at me so I put my hand on his arm this time until he looks up.

“I think I’d like that Kyle. Learning about your powers can be fun… and with you I’m pretty sure it would be.”

I look ahead to where the others are entering some office or meeting room and leaving my hand on his arm pull Kyle along slightly as I speed up my steps to join them.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:15 pm
by isabelle

I notice that Max choses not to sit as his group gathers in the small conference room. Michael also looks very wary. I guess they have good reason to be. I hope I'll be able to convince them to relax a little. There's reason to be cautious, but it's not a war-zone...

"All right," I say as all eight of them find a place, some seated, some standing. "I want to make you all comfortable and explain what's going on. It's hard to know where to start even 'though I've been waiting for this day for years. I've prepared at least six different power-point presentations," I add, running my hand over the compu-pad and activating the screen behind me. "But I know it will take more than a multi-media presentation to make you fully understand."

"Please, just get on with it," Max says. He sounds polite but strained. I can only imagine the pressure he must be feeling. I wonder if he's afraid. I think I would be.

"Yes, of course," I say. I feel an urge to just let them ask questions, but I think I need to give them a better framework. I touch the compu-pad again and start up one of the presentations. Not my most recent, but an earlier one. I think it might be the better choice. Behind me, images of Roswell at the turn of the last century are displayed, followed by pictures of the cyro-tanks they were held in. "As you know, you were all captured in October of the year 2000. You were immediately put into cyrogenic suspension but due to a mishap with the machines, the FBI was unable to remove you safely before a thousand years had passed. Your families never knew what had become of you, but it's hard to keep a secret for a thousand years."

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:06 am
by StormWolfstone

As I follow the others in order ti finally get these long awaited answers, I keep looking over at Maria, hoping that she's handling this alright. Of course, I'm trying my best not to look concerned. Anytime it looks like she might catch me looking at her, I glance away and simply keep walking.

When we finally reach what looks like some sort of conference room, I choose to stand by the door, ready for a chance that trouble could come. I'm massively wary about the fact that we are even thinking about trusting these doctors.

"All right," Antonio begins, "I want to make you all comfortable and explain what's going on. It's hard to know where to start even 'though I've been waiting for this day for years. I've prepared at least six different power-point presentations." I watch his actions carefully, "But I know it will take more than a multi-media presentation to make you fully understand."

"Please, just get on with it," Max says before I can say anything and I have to say that if he'd left the please out, he might have sounded like me for a minute there.

"Yes, of course," Antonio replies, "As you know, you were all captured in October of the year 2000. You were immediately put into cyrogenic suspension but due to a mishap with the machines, the FBI was unable to remove you safely before a thousand years had passed. Your families never knew what had become of you, but it's hard to keep a secret for a thousand years."

As he was speaking images of Roswell as it was when they'd last seen it before waking up in this hell, were flashing and then the tanks they were in were shown as well. As Antonio stopped speaking, I looked at him and said simply, "Get to the point.. what the hell are you trying to tell us, Doc?" I really hate when people drag things out even if they think they have a good reason for it.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:01 pm
by emmylala

Filing into a small conference room behind Tess, I leaned against the wall, arms crossed against my chest, and watched as Antonio showed us a series of slides of Roswell and of the Cryo tanks that had been our home up until a few hours ago. He explained how the FBI had cryogenically suspended our bodies in these machines, which incidentally had malfunctioned in some way, making it impossible for us to be removed "safely" from them for a thousand years. Antonio goes on to tell us that our families never knew what had become of us and my mind instantly goes to my father, to the panic and dread he must have felt knowing in his heart that some grave thing must have befallen us. Him being the only other person besides us that knew about the aliens, he must have known that our disappearance from Roswell had to have had something to do with the FBI's Special Unit.

"...but its hard to keep a secret for a thousand years." Antonio finishes, and I cannot help the puzzled expression on my face.

"Get to the point...what the hell are you trying to tell us, Doc?" Michael says impatiently and for once, I had to agree with him. All this stuff we already knew, what we didn't know however was why they had frozen us? What was their purpose in doing so?. I still couldn't believe that they would go to all this trouble to care for us and bring us safely out only to kill us, but if not that, then what.

"...and what exactly do you mean by it's hard to keep a secret for a thousand years?" I say, adding my inquiry to Michael's.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:51 am
by POM

Whispering fiercly to the doctor..."they are not ready to hear all this...they will not understand what we did for them...what sacrifices we made for them in order to live a regular life. Antonio Please?" I asked him to reconsider.


I looked at Isabel and rapped my arm around her a comforting hug. This was hard on all of us...but I was glad that we had eachother...even if it was just friendly.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:00 pm
by isabelle

I watch the body language between Antonio and Serena, closely. She seems to be in some disagreement with him, although I don't quite catch what the problem is. I do feel she's not an immediate threat to us, so I ignore her for now, concentrating on Antonio and waiting for his answer to Michael's question, and Kyle's.

Antonio turns to face Kyle, clearly planning to address his question first. Of course, Michael's was a bit vague.

"What I mean," Antonio says. "Is that the general populace gradually became fully aware that aliens were real. Most people didn't believe it at first, but over a few decades it was pretty common knowledge. The general feeling about this varied as time went on. Sometimes people hated the idea of the others out there, other times, they were anxious to meet them."

I nod at him. "We've seen some of that ourselves. Movies where aliens are evil invaders, and then a few years later they're all gentle explorers." If only the "E.T." and "Starman" movies were the norm. Then, maybe we wouldn't have to have been afraid for our lives so much of the time. And now, as well.

"Uh, right. That's it," Antonio says, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Later, it became known that the government had frozen aliens hidden in the FBI laboratories."


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:17 pm
by emmylala

"What I mean," Antonio says. "Is that the general populace gradually became fully aware that aliens were real. Most people didn't believe it at first, but over a few decades it was pretty common knowledge. The general feeling about this varied as time went on. Sometimes people hated the idea of the others out there, other times, they were anxious to meet them."

Max nods "We've seen some of that ourselves. Movies where aliens are evil invaders, and then a few years later they're all gentle explorers."

"Uh, right. That's it," Antonio says, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Later, it became known that the government had frozen aliens hidden in the FBI laboratories." Freezing us to that we would all become Government lab rats, I thought to myself.

"From what you're saying Antonio, it seems to me that the world is no more or less reluctant to embrace aliens now, than they were back where we are from." I explain. "There will always be those who are curious and eager to meet extraterrestrial and others who want no part of them and would rather destroy them than try to understand them." I add, looking around the room at the others.

"So my question is, why are we in more danger now than we were 1000 years ago?" I ask, curious about why it is that we are being advised to remain in the hospital, rather then venture outside.

I hope that my question is not misunderstood, because while I trust Antonio and Serena, I am more than a little worried about what threats lay outside the safety of these walls. I know that no matter how long we remained here, eventually we would want or need to leave and I for one wanted to know just what awaited us on the outside.