Alternate Universe Challenges

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Post by Alien_Friend »


AU - Without Aliens
Couples: M/L & M/M you may also add the other CC gang as well it’s up to you.
• it’s simple fun fic
• it’s POV from the guys perspective
• Max and Michael are best buddies since they were really young. They did everything together. They even went to college together
• It’s some times hard to believe they are friends cuz they are the total opposite
• Max is a little more conservative
• Michael is a little more adventurous and creative
• But they are both down to earth honest and loyal guys
•So here is a the situation they both get married Michael to Maria and Max to Liz they have a family maybe they both have twins (you decide and decide how many kids)
• this fic would be about raising a family from the guys perspective
• What it’s like to be husband to Liz and Maria (maybe they are sisters or best friends too but both are very strong willed, independent women, and knows how they can get what the need or want from there husbands but of course Michael and Max are willing participants)
• Mainly it’s what it’s like to be dad’s: What’s it’s like to be dad’s to babies, what it’s like to be dad’s to young kids, teens. OR you can just pick how old the kids are and go from there which ever is easier
• just have fun with it
• maybe you want M/L kids to date or have a crush on M/M kids up to you
• Think War At Home meets Still Standing any fun family comedy you can think of. It doesn’t have to be a Teen rating kind of deal though.
• Think guys being guys and all the basic stereotypes you can think of
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Post by xmag »

# Challenge 146

AU fic with alien, M&M + general CC.

The shooting happened, Liz told Alex. The couples are M&L and A&I. Tess has been killed by the group when she tried to mindwarp Alex for her plan. But Maria wasn't there because when she was 7, her parents decided to give their marriage another chance and they left for LA.

Ever since she was a little girl, Maria was like sleep walking. Except that she wasn't asleep. She would be in class and then suddenly she would get up and leave. She was always found in strange locations and she didn't know why she did that. Except that she felt that she had to, as if she was in a transe.

So her parents sent her to a school for children who were differents or whose artistic talents were explored, because there is more freedom and understanding for them. It's a kind of an alternative school.

Soon, her "episodes" slow down and only happen once in a while.

Now it's college time and the Roswell gang decide to stay together, and Liz, Max, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Michael go to LA for college. And Maria's episodes come back, while she hasn't met the group.

Pm me if you are interested and if you want to know more about the plot and Maria's episodes.

Michael : From day one, I knew you were the girl for me, I never wanted anyone else.
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Post by Bubblegal »

Challenge 147

Minority Report: I got this idea from watching this again.

Max Evans is a Precrime Cop, it's his job to stop the murders from happening before they happen thanks to the Precogs who see the victims.

Claudia Parker was the one who started up Precrime with the Precogs - one of them happens to be her granddaughter - Liz Parker.
There is a history with Liz and seeing the future, she had been seeing the future since she was a kid and once she saw her parents die in a vision then in real life because no one would listen to a kid, she asked her grandma to stop any future murder from happening.

Max lost his sister to a madman when they were younger and that alone drove him to prevent anyone else from going through the same thing.

Liz Parker is a normal human being with the ability to see the future so she can come in and leave the building when she wants. She and Max have an attraction toward each other but they don't act on it because there is a law against it.

Max finds himself in trouble, someone is after him to frame him for something and Liz is reliving a murder that happened years ago - His sister's.

Must Have:

Max must 'kidnap' Liz and they are on the run.
Max and Liz must give into their desire and sleep together.
Max's friends are trying to help him while trying to figure out who is betraying him.

Anyone can be the bad guy - Khivar, Nicholas, Trevor(Book), Sean - it's up to you.

Isabel doesn't have to be killed off - you could make it that Max had another sister and she was killed off or you just can have Isabel dead.

Michael, Kyle and Alex are the good guys.

Tess has to be good in this fanfiction - she is Liz's best friend.

Max DOESN'T get his eyes removed and changed (God, i hated that part of the film) Just make that there are special glasses that prevents you from getting your eyes checked (Hello, it's the future, you think they have invented them by then). Nor does his facial changes.


Liz gets pregnant due to her and Max's nights of passion.
Grandma Claudia gets involved in looking for Max and Liz.
The Evans knows who killed Isabel but didn't have any proof and kept this from Max.
(None of the above has to happen, those are just optional for you to play about with).

The frame can be about anything - Max was getting too close to something that the guy didn't want uncovered. An ex-boyfriend of Liz or someone Liz knocked back and he saw her and Max flirting. Maybe he jumped to the wrong conculsion about Max and another girl and thought they were involved, it's up to you.

I really hope someone will take this fan fiction up - i was planning on doing it myself but if i were to take it up, i wouldn't be able to work on it for a while so i wanted to give everyone else a chance on it.

Let me know if you really want to take this up.
Dani's fics

"I have an irrational fear of Pingu the Penguin, it's not the plasticine that scares me, its the beak that's the abomination." Me to my friend.

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Post by nibbles2 »


taken by Lissalou72 AKA mmcherron

A spin on ten things I hate about you. (or the taming of the shrew)

Liz and Michael are twin brother and sister, being raised by a widowed father. He's super strict, especially with Liz and has a whole list of rules to keep her away from boys.

One of them is that she can't date unless Michael goes along on a double date with her. Which Michael refuses to do. Partly because he's protective of Liz. Partly because he wouldn't be caught dead going on a date with his sister and partly to annoy her. So even though Michael can go out and date on his own, Liz is left sitting home alone.

Max is the new guy at school and falls madly for Liz and really wants to take her out. Liz is crazy for Max too but no amount of pleading will get Michael to agree to a date. When Liz protests to her father about the unfairness of it. He bans Michael from dating unless Liz is along with him. So to get back at Liz, Michael informs her that he's not going to go on any dates.

So basically Max and Liz have to find a girl for Michael to fall in love with.

Must be CC.
Last edited by nibbles2 on Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by nibbles2 »

#149 Take by MariaDeluca285

Max, Isabel, Tess and Michael are the stars of a tv show. (About teen aliens if you want.) It's a massive show and it's made them all millionaire superstars. On the show Max and Tess play a star crossed couple who are madly in love. They have an amazing romance that has millions of girls across the world hooked on the show and besotted with them. Michael and Isabel are their friends, they dated on the show but broke up in the previous season. They were supposed to be minor characters but they've become stars too over the years. Michael has made a couple of huge hit movies during the summers between the seasons so the producers have made his role bigger. Isabel is really sexy in the show. She hates it but the producers know that it draws in the male audience. They're all bascially nice people but fame has gone to their heads a little.

The producers of the show however have decided to shake things up for a while. They cast Liz in the show. Her character falls for Max's character and tries to break him and Tess's character up. The producers want everybody to hate her character. And they do. The fans start a campaign against Liz's character, write fics where she dies a painful death, have anti-her fansites. Basically they feel about her the way die hard dreamers feel about Tess. :lol:

Max of course falls for her but he knows that if the fans found out that he was dating her in real life that they would go crazy and it could ruin the show. He's had a hard time crossing over into movies because he's so typecast from the show so he really needs it to be a sucess.

Liz, is actually really sweet and nice but everybody thinks she's a bitch because she always plays the bitch on shows and in movies.

Meanwhile, Maria is brought in as a new love interest for Michael's character. She hates him because they worked on a movie together during the summer and she thought he was arrogant and rude. But she got drunk one night and ended up sleeping with him. Michael really liked her so he asked the producers to cast her in the show. (which she doesn't know) They think the story of what happened between them is great and copy it for the show.

Isabel is worried about it means for her now that Liz and Maria have been cast. Her character was always just the best friend and the girlfriend to Michaels but now that he's moved on and the fans love Maria's character she thinks that she's going to be written off the show. So she starts to try and make a name for herself. Up until that point she tried to keep a low profile but she starts to hit the party scene hard, poses for saucy photographs. When she's approached by her agent to pretend to be the girlfriend of a really hot but secretly gay moviestar Jesse Rameriez she agrees because she knows it'll generate lots of press for her. Then she meets Jesses' assistant, Alex and falls for him.

Tess was dating a musican but she's just found out that he's been cheating on her. She's devastated but fans of the show are thrilled because they think she can finally get together with Max now. But Tess is determined to stay away from famous people and only date normal people from now on. That's when she meets Kyle, he's been cast in a new show that's shooting in the lot next to them. When they meet he's a nobody but his show becomes a smash and he quickly becomes a star. Will Tess stay with him now that he's famous.

Must be CC of course.

At the end of the season, Liz's character is to be written out of the show.

It doesn't have to 25% focused on each couple but I don't want 95% about one couple only either. :lol:

Must also focus on the friendships within the group.

pm me if you want to take it.
Last edited by nibbles2 on Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zanity »

#150 AU w/ Aliens M/L

What if Liz had never dated Kyle and the shooting happened late at night, Maria had called in sick and Liz had been closing up alone?

Max was the only other customer in the diner when the gun went off and the two with the gun hightailed it out of there.

There were no witnesses to the shooting/healing, and Max didn't run off after. Instead he stayed and told her everything that night. And from that point on they dated in secret.

They never told Isabel and Michael that Liz knew the truth.

The shooting was never reported.

There was no investigation.

When the stars start coming into alignment in February Max and Liz do find it hard to control themselves but they do manage to maintain the secret of their relationship.

They make love for the first time that night after finding the orb... cementing the relationship and bonding them together.

Max tells Isabel and Michael that he just got the flashes spontaneously and found the orb.

Max and Liz continue to keep their relationship secret until Junior Prom is coming up and Max knows that Liz wants to go, even though she's putting up a brave front and trying to deny it.

So Max surprises her by asking her to prom in the middle of Lunch at the quad.

Michael and Isabel are furious and drag him off. He doesn't tell them anything but just stands his ground and tells them his going to date Liz and he's not going to let them stop him.

They date publicly for the next year with Michael and Isabel constantly objecting.

Max proposes at Senior Prom.

When Michael and Isabel object to that saying that she's definately going to find out their secret if they get married is when Max finally tells them how long Liz has already known.
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Post by elodie »

#151 AU with or without aliens

The Bone Staircase</center>

Isabel Evans leads a perfect life. She has a perfect family, perfect friends and a perfect boyfriend. But when her loved ones start dying one by one, Isabel is left alone in the ruins of her life. Is she next? Or is there some greater plan for her?

*You don't have to keep the title, but I actually thought up the title first and based a plot around it. It's a whole metaphor about how Isabel would have to piece together the mystery by studying each death, and each clue she finds is another step up the staircase. Let me know, and I'll change the banner if need be.

*You decide whether there's going to be alien madness or not.

*I was originally planning on writing this, but then I figured someone else could do it much better justice. I imagined it to be Isabel/Alex, but if you want to pair her with Jesse, that's fine too. I can switch the banner around.

*Comes with the nice shiny banner! I'll add your name and everything. :D I think I like making banners more than actually writing fics...
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Post by nibbles2 »

#152 taken by ashleyt

Liz and Tess are twin sisters, as different as chalk and cheese. Their parents died when they were twelve and since then they have been raised by their older brother Michael. It's been a struggle but it has made them close. They have a family business that Michael runs and the girls help out in, it can be a farm or a restaurant or whatever you like. They've been away at different colleges for a year and are back for the summer.

Trouble strikes when they return home because Michael has hired a new assistant named Max. Both girls fall for him at once. They've never both liked the same guy before so this is new territory for them. They've both changed in the time they've been apart and are both determined to get Max. It's war. Sister versus Sister and Max is the prize.

The only thing that unites them is Michael's new girlfriend Maria, whom they both dislike for absolutely no reason and want out of their brother's life. She has a daughter that both Michael and max dote upon and it drives the twins insane with jealousy.

Tess is not evil. Neither is Liz. But they both play hard to get Max and as the competition heats up they both do things that they wouldn't normally do. Max does not immediately fall in love with Liz, he might prefer her but he also likes Tess and is confused about the situation, especially because of the way the two girls are acting. It should end Max and Liz but it takes time to get there.
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Post by Bubblegal »

#153 This is complicated but it's AA (Kinda) But it's AU With Aliens.

I was thinking of this for a while - It's an angst story.

Liz leaves Roswell after EOTW and disappears, no one knows where she is - not even her parents.

Max and Tess grow closer because of Liz's actions.

Set 14 years in the future:

It look like no matter what Liz did, the end of the world was still going to come - the pod squad are struggling to fight back the skins and Khivar when a new vistior enters Roswell.

The Pod Squad are drawn to him like they were to Tess when she arrived in Roswell so they are excited about having someone else to help them when the visitor's actions becomes very clear.

He isn't there to help them, he is there for one mission only...

To Kill Max Evans.

Must Have:

Max and Tess are together and engaged.

Michael and Maria are married.

Alex and Isabel are married.

Kyle left straight after graduation when he got a mysterious phone call.

Mysterious Visitor - Ryan Parker Evans - He is Max and Liz's son - they both slept together before 'Future Max' came so Liz instantly knew that Future Max was a mindwarp but had no choice to go along with it to protect her baby. Ryan is 13 years old.

Liz is dead (Sorry) - she died and Ryan was brought up under the care of Kal Langley - who had been keeping an eye on Liz since she left Roswell.

Max must finds out what Ryan is his son and tries to form a relationship with him but Ryan isn't interested - as far as he's concerned, his father is dead and has been for years.

Told you it was angst.

Ryan can't be nice in this story - the only time he is nice is toward the memory of his mother and his Grandmother, Diane.

Ryan must try and kill Max but someone/something always interven.

You'll need to PM me for details containing Diane, Kal Langely, Kyle and Liz's death and for the ending.

I hope someone will take this one up.
Last edited by Bubblegal on Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dani's fics

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Post by killjoy »


This challenge is based off the move Return to Me.

All human

Any rating is fine

Couples,M/L,A/I,M/M and K/T

Max Evans-He once had it all.A great job,a family that loved him,great friends but most of all a loving wife and wonderful marriage.

That is until his wife's life was cut short in a tragic accident.

Now years later due to grieving Max's life has spiraled down hill.He's lost his job (mostly for not having the care or want to go to it) and even though they try to help he's almost completely estranged from his friends and family

Than one day Max finds out that his former wife had been an organ donor.This spurs something in Max.He finds he has a strong desire to find out what the people who received his wife's organs are doing with their life and her gift.

Liz Parker-She is the apple of everyone's eye.Everyone who knows Liz loves her.Add to the fact that by having a heart condition since birth everyone doted on her.Even though she had a bad heart it was still the biggest anyone had ever seen and so Liz loved everyone back.She had many friends,knew everyone who came into her families diner and had no enemies.

So everyone was overjoyed when word came down that there was a donor heart for Liz.Now healthy Liz helps out at her parents diner when she can while trying to do the things she was never able to do because of the bad heart.

But she really becomes happy when a handsome stranger comes into the diner one night,sets down at the counter,introduces himself just as Max and starts talking to her.Soon much to Liz delight Max starts coming in very often and she starts looking forward to his visit.

But how will Liz react when Max's secret of why he came to the diner in the first place comes out?


Due to them looking after her her whole life because of her heart problem her father and Alex is over protective of Liz.They don't like the fact Max hangs around her.Liz's mom,wanting her daughter to have fun,runs interference for the pair.So Nancy must have it out with Jeff and Alex over their over protectiveness.

Due to her former heart problem Liz didn't get out much to do and see thing in life.So Max takes her some where....walk in a park,down a beach...go to the fair...whatever is up to you.But Liz must have fun,do things while seeing things and people she's never seen before.

You can have Max meeting others who got his wife's organs or you can just mention that he did.It's all up to you on which one.

These lines must be in the story.Where,when and why is all up to you.

"You have no idea what my heart is telling me about you."

"You might be surprised about what I know about your heart."
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