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Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:16 pm
by madroswellfan
Liz nodded quickly, cursing herself. How could she have done that? She was meant to be getting Alex back… not kissing her hired date. She swallowed as she decided once they were on the plane that she would most definitely tell Max that she didn’t want that to happen again…

Or did she? That kiss was… mind blowing. If they had been in an empty room… would she have been able to stop herself. ‘Get over it Parker. He’s a hired date. You are winning back Alex. Come on, you like Moon Doggie more than the guy you’ve just met.’ Hmm…Moon doggie… she hoped she would still get a chance to email him and maybe even instant message him whilst they were still at this several day wedding.

Deciding she had to take control she sped up and passed Max so she was infront of him in the queue. It moved very quickly and soon Liz was at the front handing over her ticket. She smiled as the attendant said her seat – aka 1A. First class… maybe she could have a drink to calm her nerves and then tell him that nothing more was going to happen… or was it… No. It absolutely wasn’t.

She walked up the gangway, not waiting for Max to come through with her. She needed a moment to clear her head. Quickly she boarded the plane and got in her seat. Yes, Max was no one…. He wasn’t even a moon doggie! He was a cute guy she didn’t even know. And there was no way that any more kissing would be shared between them. No possible way…

She bit her lip as her head replayed the kiss in her mind again and again.
No way…

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:16 pm
by madroswellfan
jp for madroswellfan and faithfulangel24 for Max and Liz

Max watched amazed and quite frankly stunned as the remarkable woman passed him and kept walking. He did his best to keep up. She was obviously disturbed about something. 'Was that kiss to forward?' He questioned.

Liz quickly put her bag in the overhead before sitting down in her seat and looking out the window. She knew she should say something but she still wasn’t sure what… ‘No, I have to tell him, no more kissing…’ She looked at him determinedly and took a slightly sharp intake or breath when she looked at him. She swallowed, realizing that he was probably worried about the flying. Before she could stop her self she smiled at him and patted the seat next to her. “I’m right here Max. I’m with you all the way.”

Her comforting words immediately eased his fears. Taking a seat beside her he took a deep breath and was greeted my a wonderous scent.'Vanilla and...strawberries?' Curious he looked around wondering where this delicious flavor was coming from. Much to his astonishment the heavenly fragerence was radiating off his companion. 'Wow' He thought captivated by the enticing smell. 'She smells like...paradise.' That pondering snapped him back to reality. 'What am I doing? I seduce women for a living. I don't fall for clients. It simply isn't ethical. I....I wonder what it would be like to see those ravenous dark locks sprawled across my pillow....' That's when the flight attendant starts her speech.

Liz smiles and looks out the window, flinching that she didn’t do what she intended. She had to tell him that that was that. No more them. He would fool everyone else but they would be living a lie. She looked back at him and couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Slowly she took his hand and gave it a squeeze. She smiled at him as the plane slowly started to move towards the runway.

The plane began to speed down the runway causing Max to break out into a cold sweat. Then the angel beside him took his hand in hers and it took everything in him not to shiver. Trying to remain calm was becoming increasingly difficult. His breath came out in uneven pants.

Trying to concentrate on the beauty beside him and not the distance between the place and the ground he asked, "So what's so special about this Alex guy? You sure are going to a lot of trouble for him. I hope he's worth it." Was that a note of jealousy in his voice?

Liz swallowed before saying, “Well… he’s my best friend. He’s… sweet, cute, charming… we were like two peas in a pod once. He promised me that when we reach the age I am now… which I’m not going to disclose…” she said with a small laugh, trying to keep the mood light and keep his attention on her rather than his fear. And she certainly didn’t mind him looking at her… ‘Stop fantasing. He’s a cute guy that’s it’ she reminded herself. “… He promised if we were still single we would get married.”

She looked down and said, “And when he moved away, we inevitably drifted apart. So when he rang I thought he was going to make good on his promise… but he rang to say he was marrying someone else.” She looked at him, feeling terrible for the hunk of a man sitting next to her. She continued talking about Alex but as she did her mind was on him. “He’s meant to be with me… he… we’re made for each other. And I need to get him back.”

She bit her lip, seriously contemplating kissing him to get his mind off the flying. But would he want her to? Besides she knew she shouldn’t… but then again… why on earth had he even kissed her in front of everyone? It wasn’t as if he was acting for someone or had a reason to kiss her like that. And she was only purely doing it to make him feel better.

With that she moved closer to him, and with difficulty due to being strapped in, kissed him gently.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:08 pm
by Dream Weaver
Hey still need a Max? :D

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:13 pm
by madroswellfan
Hey dream weaver
Thanks for the offer but Faith has said she would like to keep Max.
Mel x

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 2:00 pm
by madroswellfan
jp for Max and Liz by MadRoswellFan and Faithfulangel24

Max admired the way Liz became animated when she spoke of her past love. He wished in vain that she would feel that strongly about him. Entranced by the way she bit her bottom lip he wasn't anticipating what was to happen. The plane hit a bit of turbulance but before Max had sufficiant time to freak Liz pulled him to her in a warm protective embrace.

In that moment he forgot everything around him. It was just the two of them in their own little world. When the kiss ended Max could not seem to force himself to sit back in his seat. Instead he remain frozen. "I,,,That was...yeah."

Reduced to incomprehendable babbling the poor guy was mesmorized by her beauty and ability to surprise him at the oddest of times. "Thank you." He whispered

Liz swallowed as she looked down quickly. She so shouldn’t have done that… and yet her brain was telling her to say, ‘Anytime’. But instead she managed to squeak out a, “Don’t worry about it…” She swallowed before saying, “So uh… have any ideas on how you can help me break up the wedding?” She needed to get control. No more kissing… no more… She had to make sure of it. They were not mean to be together… her and Alex were. She looked up at him, trying to force herself to think of ways to get Alex back to her.

Hiding his deep regret Max turned his face to the window as he spoke, "I suppose you just be yourself. I will take care of the rest." Actually this was an area he was a little unsure about .In his profession the break up has usually already occured. He was the solution not the cause it was normally just joining a newly single executive to a work function where her boss (and recent ex) would be there with a newer younger version of herself. This would be entirely different. "First we will make him insanely jealous about how happy we are. Then we will compete. More then likely in a sport or intelectual discussion of some kind. I will win. That will make him suddenly feel insecure. He will transfer that anxiety over to you. Afraid that he is going to lose you he will let his fiance go and pursue you." Feeling a tad bitter Max adds, "And then you two will live happily ever after." While the male whore rides off into the sunset. Alone. Again.

Liz swallows hard. She heard the emotion in his voice. And she immediately presumed to know what it was. She sighed, “You must think I’m a terrible person…” She said quietly. She turned to look out the window. “It’s just… he promised me first you know? I just… I think if she means that much to him he would have called me about her before. He would have told me, he would have…” Her voice broke for a moment before she said, “I know we’re meant to be together… I just know it.”

She swallowed and said, “He didn’t call for so long… I just…” She stopped talking and whispered, “I know you probably think I’m a awful person but I… I can’t lose him.” A silent tear fell down her cheek, not really knowing why.

Sympathy poured out of him in gentle waves. As much as he didn't want to admit to himself he knew that he cared more about the wondrous woman beside him then he'd ever cared about any other person in his life. Even if it broke his heart he would make all her dreams come true. Taking her chin in his hand he gently rose her face up so he could peer into those haunting dark eyes of hers. He almost winced when he realized how much pain lay within them. 'No one this amazing should ever feel anything but pure happiness.' Max pondered to himself. "Liz," He whispered her name as if it was a prayer of deep gratitude. "I don't think you are an awful person. In fact you are probably one of the most honest and kind people I have ever met." Taking a deep breath he tried not to imagine what it would be like to have her love. "I know you have your reasons for doing this and I promise to do everything in my power to help you in any way I can."

Liz couldn’t move. She could barely even breathe. How could this perfect specimen of a man have such a big heart? She stared into his beautiful eyes and murmured softly, “Max…”

She swallowed knowing she had to get her head together. “Thank you Max…” She smiled at him but still doesn’t move away, loving the way his hand felt on her skin. “Your girlfriend is very lucky to have a perfect man like you…”

Max took a deep breath and released it slowly. Now would be the time when he would have to explain why he didn't ahve a significant other even when his entire profession was about how he made the perfect companion. Rather iroic isn't it? "Actually..." He started rather nervously. "I am single." He paused allowing her to grasp the new information. "It's not that I don't want to be in a relationship it's just that in my particular line of work it's hard to find a woman that's willing to share." He smirked while remembering all the women who had asked him to give it all up. "I meet hundreds of lonely women a year. I laugh with them. I grieve with them. Yes, money is exchanged but on some level it is always personal." Max's eyes met Liz's in that moment and there was an almost understanding that was broken before it was even fully realized. "The last girl I was seeing didn't trust me. She was always jealous of my...clients. She cheated and said it was my fault." He explained although why he wasn't sure.

“Oh Max that’s awful…” she said, putting an arm on his shoulder. “Well she doesn’t know what she’s missing. Completely her loss.” She smiled at him and adds, “Some girls can never spot the best ones…” She swallowed and slowly moved away. She stood up and bit her lip as her leg rubbed against Max’s. She grabbed her bag from the overhead and brought it back to her seat. She sighed as she rummaged through her bag and her hands found the brown package. She swallowed before holding it out to Max. “It’s all there… count it.”

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:03 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Joint Post Between Madroswellfan and FaithfulAngel24

Max looked down and the envelope filled with money. "I trust you." He began to put it in his pocket but paused at Liz's look. "No no...count it..." Liz told his quickly. "Please I..." she looks down nervously. "I would make me feel better if you did." Wanting to please her he looked down and did as he was told. Indeed it was all there. "This is the amount we agreed on. Although if you wish to get intimate there will be an added charge." He stated in his most business like tone. Liz swallowed and looked away.

She was about to say, "Don't worry that won't happen, I find the idea of sex for money simply morally wrong," but somehow she couldn't bring herself to say it. She swallowed. 'Surely I'm not thinking of paying for sex with this guy... where are my principles..." So instead she nodded and looked out of the window for a moment. But worried that Max wouldn't like that she turned to him and smiled, "So Max... tell me something about yourself... that is if thats okay... I don't know if you normally do that..." she started to ramble nervously.

Max watched in fascination as the petite retreated into herself but only for a moment. Clearly his propostion made her uncomfortable. Hoping to put her at ease Max said, "Well, to be honest you are the first person to ever ask me about me." He chuckled whole heartedly to make light of the situation. "Usually I just play my part and then I'm done." He shrugged nonchalantly. "I love baseball. Maybe not the most soul defining confession but I do."

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 5:29 am
by madroswellfan
ooc: Sorry its bad I'm just posting quickly before rehearsal!
Liz smiled at him. Okay, clearly he wasn't exactly opening up to her or anything, but it was nice to know she was different from everyone who usually hired him. "Baseball huh?" She smiled at him before saying, "I'm not a big big fan of sports but baseball I like..." She smiled and added, "Ooh I think Alex likes it too... perhaps we could have met at one."

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:35 am
by FaithfulAngel24

She says his name and I have to fight a frown from making it's way across my features. This Alex guy must be a pretty sly guy to get an amazing girl like Liz to fall in love with him.

I can't help but start wondering what it is that he's got that I don't. Women fall in love with my image but never for who I really am. They want the fantasy not the realty. I force a polite smile and find myself stating,

"Whatever you want. Your wish is my command." I feel myself slipping back into professional mode. I don't want to get hurt because I make the mistake of opening up for the first time since...I don't even want to think about it. :D

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:05 am
by madroswellfan
I don't know why but I suddenly feel like he's shut himself off from me. I bite my lip and look down as I try to think what to say. "You know Max... i have to say... I'm surprised a wonderful guy like you is... well has this job." She swallows as she realises how bad that sounds. "Not that its a bad job I just mean..."

I sigh and look out the window and say not looking at him, "Sorry I'm just gonna shut up about now..." I then suddenly add, "All I meant was that well... you seem like one of the really good guys who deserves a really great job."

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:40 pm
by madroswellfan
~~~~~Max (part of a jp by Faith)~~~~~
Max studied the babbling brunette for a moment. He had never seen perfection until know. She was beautiful, kind, and considerate. He couldn’t help but think to himself. ‘Why in the world would she ever need to pay for a date?’ He tore his gaze away from her delicate features and focused on the window as he spoke, “Well, there’s no real story to it. I started out just needing some quick cash for college and then soon realized that I could make three times as much as a professional escort as I can Lit Proffessor.” He chuckled lightly. “It’s good money and I like helping people.” He ran an uneasy hand through his dark brown hair. ‘Is that turbulence?’ He worried to himself. “Umm…Most women have the exact love life that they want. All they need to do is decide what they want and go for it. Of course if I told them all that I’d be out of a job.”

I stare at him for a moment amazed that he opened up to me so much. He's such a sweet guy, and he's probably right. But it takes a special sort of person to be able to do what he does. But when he says that girls have the love life they want, I start to see red.

"What?" I swallow. "You think that... you think that I like the fact I'm about to try and bust up my best friends wedding and then get him to marry me? That I like the fact I'm alone and about to steal a brides groom?"