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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:48 pm
by Athenea

When Amy asks Andrew to open the door for her because she says her hand is hurt I am automatically suspicious. If she hurt her hand why didn't she just heal it? Plus I get the feeling like she's trying to hide something from me so when Andrew and Christina go inside I quickly shut the door using my powers to keep the door locked from the inside so they can't come back through.

“Open the door Amy.” I say crossing my arms waiting on her awnser.I…I told you I hurt my hand. I can’t open it…hey!” I snatch her hand and look at it and as I suspected there is nothing there. “Looks fine to me. Now open the door.” I say and watch as she tries but her hand goes right through the door.

"What were you just going to go through the rest of the day putting your hand through doors? Why didn't you tell me you had a new power?" Amy just shrugs. "Ok then. We got to figure out how to get you...whole...again." I say not really sure what to make of it. "When I grabbed your hand and caught you off guard it was whole so all I can say is your doing it you just have to figure out how to control it."

"Control it! How am I supposed to control it, it just happened!" Amy yells

"I don't know Amy. All I can tell you is it's got to be used in the same way you heal. You wanted my hand healed so it was maybe you just got to want it to stop badly enough and do it calmly. I think your powers are tied into your emotions. You probally got nervous or something that's why you can't make it stop." Amy is still looking at me unconvinced. "You can do it Amy. I know you can just take some deep breaths and settle down and try the door again."


Isabel stands up and puts her plate in the sink then asks me. "Alex, do you think we should pay a visit to Max and Liz? Maybe even call together the old crew? I have a feeling our children aren't the only one's exhibiting changes.We also need to consider telling them the dangers involved."

"All of us back together again dicussing aliens. It will be just like old times." I tell her smiling trying to get her mind off the 'alien hunters'. "Come on lets take a drive and see that brother of yours and my best friend." I say grabbing mine and Isabels coats and helping her in hers. Then I grab the car keys and we are out the door.

Liz (temp)

“Liz we need to talk about the children.” Max says to me

"What is there really to talk about Max. We always knew this was a possibility." I say still slightly living in deniel and then there's a knock at the door. I give Max a questionable look before awnsering the door to find Alex and Isabel standing there.

"Hey guys. Come on in." I tell them

"Hey Liz." Alex says giving me a hug then he walks over to Max and shakes his hand. "Well I'll just get right to the point. Erik and Sabrina...well... Let's just say what we all feared would happened has."

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:43 pm
by Crystalbehr
Anna-Lissa. Has anybody taken Michael's other son. If not I can be him


"LISTEN. NO. I.....I.....didn't.....didn' microwave. Mom dad. I cooked it with my hand. It was in my hand and it was unopened and uncooked and now....." I point to it on the floor. and then look at my hand. "And now it's cooked. I'm going quite crazy. I mean that's not possible. It's scientifically impossible to cook Popcorn with my hand. I'm crazy. You guys are gonna have to lock me up in the loony bin. I'm gonna have to take crazy pills everyday. God can you imagine what this is gonna do to my social life,. I mean my sex life. What if I'm not really on the basketball, football and lacrosse teams. What if my craziness is kicking in. What will I do. I mean are you two even standing here. Am I even standing here? Who am I?

Tyler looks at us as if he truly beleives that he is crazy. Well I knew this day would come. I just had no idea how sson it would actually come. I mean Tyler's too young and naive to hold the responsibilities that come with knowing he's an alien.

I sigh and look at Maria. I honestly don't have any idea what to do. Imean Ty's gonna think Maria and me are crazy. But he needs an explanation for what happened. Otherwise he's gonna call and have himself admitted first thing tomorrow morning.

I look at Tyler and then turn back to Maria.

"Maria. You were right. I guess we should have told them this a long time ago"

I turn back to Tyler.

"Listen Tyler. You aren't crazy." That's all I can say. I mean Am I really ready to tell this to my son. I jsut hope christina not somewhere going through the same thing.


Oh my gawd. What the fuck. What does he mean he should have told me a long time ago.

"What the hell. What should you and mom have told me DAD. And Yes I am crazy. God.......Wait a minute. Are you two trying to tell me that this whole family is crazy....That I've just come into my craziness. Oh NOOOOO."

I run from the kitchen to my room and slam the door. While I'm running. I hear my mom and my dad calling after me. I just need some time alone. It's not everyday that your realize you live with a bunch of loons. I close the door and lock it knowing that my parents can't get. In. I just need a minute to pull myself together. I hear my parents knocking at the door.

"GO AWAY" I yell. "YOU GUYS ARE WRONG FOR NOT TELLING ME THAT WE'RE ALL CRAZY." I know I'm being totally irrational but there's no other explanation for what happened.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:58 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I watch Tyler run from the room. I grab Michael by the arm and drag him down the hall to Tyler's closed door. "Blow the handle," I say to Michael stepping back to make sure I don't get hit.

I watch Michael put his hand up and then the door knob is gone and Tyler's still screaming that he is crazy. I push the door open and walk in with Michael following me. "Tyler shut the hell up."

That quiets him. "You're not Crazy you're an Alien so would stop with the screaming already."[/b]

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:26 pm
by StormWolfstone

As we arrived at my brother's I glance at him and Liz even as I keep myself beside Alex and draw in a deep breath. As Alex tells them the basic I add, "Yes, and they both know about what we are and the others. I don't know if they have been saying anything or not, but we had no choice but to open up."

I looked between my brother and Liz and narrowed my eyes, "Lily and Amy have realized it too, haven't they?" I shook my head, "Damn it, Max I tried to call you last night. Why didn't you answer? I was going crazy wondering if it was just our kids that had become aware.."

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:20 am
by CandyDreamQueen

“Damn it, Max I tried to call you last night. Why didn't you answer? I was going crazy wondering if it was just our kids that had become aware.”

I sigh in exhaustion. It had not crossed my mind that all of the other teens would start to develop their powers too. And everything last night had gotten so out of control that I hadn’t even had time to think about my own children.

“Look Isabel, I’m sorry. What do you want me to say? I was a little busy last night dealing with my own problems. Lilly got arr-” I stop remembering that I had not told Liz that Lilly was arrested last night yet, and I don’t think that now is the ideal moment to bring it up.

“Look, a lot of stuff happened last night. I didn’t have time.” I rub my hand over my have tiredly. “So Erik and Sabrina too huh? Do you know what powers they have?”


I shake my head at my sister.

“Lilly just stop it alright! I can’t just control this with a snap of my fingers or pure will! I’m not like you, I don’t want this! I just want to be a normal girl with a normal life, not some freak of nature!”

I’m totally going to owe my sister the biggest apology later, but right now, I don’t care, and I can’t the words from coming out of my mouth.

“You think this is all so cool, well it’s not! It’s the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, and I just want it to stop. I don’t want to be special or different. I don’t want to be able to heal people, or walk through walls or flash form here to there, or anything like this. I don’t want to have to hide form the world, or walk down the street in fear that somebody is going to come for me and do the horrible things to me that they did to dad! I hate him for showing that to us! I hate him for making us this way!” I gasp in shock and put my hand over my mouth because I can’t believe that I just said what I did.

My legs feel like rubber, and I just let myself slide to the ground, thanking god when I’m able to place my hand on the wall without having it go through. Well at least I’m whole again.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:39 am
by Athenea

As Amy crumbles to the ground I kneel down beside her and hug her tight. How could I have forgotten about what dad showed us. I remember how I felt about it and I still feel the same way.

"Amy, we are not freaks. We are who we have always been. Our powers are just coming faster. And we won't end up like Dad and Mom." I say this like I know its true. In fact I'm positive it's true. "We will not hide from the world as they do. We won't have too. We have to be stronger than they are Amy. I don't know how I know these things I just do. It is not our fate to hide forever in Roswell."

Amy looks at me with tears in her eyes. "But Lilly what about the FBI. If they know about us they will come and take us away."

"Let them come" is all I say.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:46 pm
by StormWolfstone

“Look Isabel, I’m sorry. What do you want me to say? I was a little busy last night dealing with my own problems. Lilly got arr-” Max stopped and I had a feeling just what word he was about to use, my eyes widened but I didn't say anything.

“Look, a lot of stuff happened last night. I didn’t have time.” I can see that he's tired but at the moment I don't have any sympathy. “So Erik and Sabrina too huh? Do you know what powers they have?”

I nodded, "Yeah, my daughter so far has an empathic reach, from what I can tell. My son, has pyrokinetics down to an art." I shook my head feeling weary as I leaned into my husband more.

"We should have told them sooner, Max... What can Lily and Amy do and what about Andrew, does he have any powers?" I decided to ask, thinking it the best thing to learn what we could.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:02 pm
by Athenea

"We should have told them sooner, Max... What can Lily and Amy do and what about Andrew, does he have any powers?" Isabel asks us. This is all like my worst nightmare. I never wanted to put this on any of our children.

"Amy can heal and God only knows what Lilly can do. I think she has visions like I used to get. But I think both there powers are growing rapidily. We were sitting here talking to Lilly and the next second she disappeared and Amy got up and ran to there room and there was Lilly. I don't know exactly what kindof power that is. And you know they've always had a connection to each other. As for Andy I hope he doesn't have any powers if he does he hasn't told us of them."

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:04 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: A quick post to get things going again...... (though I am not completely back)


"Amy can heal and God only knows what Lilly can do. I think she has visions like I used to get. But I think both there powers are growing rapidily. We were sitting here talking to Lilly and the next second she disappeared and Amy got up and ran to there room and there was Lilly. I don't know exactly what kindof power that is. And you know they've always had a connection to each other. As for Andy I hope he doesn't have any powers if he does he hasn't told us of them." Liz responds and I shake my head in a mixed feeling of awe and also concern.

"Well, I think whether he does or not, he's going to need to be aware of things. I think the time has come that we bring the Pod Squad back together and this time we have all our kids with us while we tell them everything. It's time we let everything out and let our kids know the dangers because I don't want to have to watch them look behind themselves for the rest of their lives if they decide to use their powers at the wrong time and in the wrong place." I tried my best to sound strong and certain even though inside I felt myself shaking like a leaf.

ooc: more to come if possible.... anyone know where Marcus is or their kids so I can figure out something for Tess a bit easier since I'm temping her...??

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:26 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: A quick post to get things going again...... (though I am not completely back)


Ugh! Morning already.. I really hate mornings.. well most of the time. I sigh as I turn over and realize immediately that my husband isn't in bed. Why would that surprise me? Well, it really doesn't. He's usually always up before me. Smiling, I stand and move to my closet, trying to decide just what to wear for the day. I hadn't found a job yet and was really tiring of looking. Still, I hated the stay-at-home-mom routine. My kids were growing up a great deal and it was time for me to be back out in the work force.

Dressing in one of my more business minded outfits, I did up my hair and with a final glance, walked out to see my daughter already seated at the table for breakfast. "Morning, Laura." I greeted and barely kept from giving her a motherly peck on the cheek. She's grown now, she doesn't need that from me. "Did you sleep well?" I glance over at my husband as I move to put his lunch together for him. I don't do it all that often, but I had started to do it at least a couple days a week.