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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: Sorry it took so long. School has gottin hectic. But here my post I hope it alright. BIC:


"... because you were hurt and I could help," Max stated. I looked at him in amazement. I bet if I was a hopeless person he would still help me and that amazed me. I would probably do is give the homeless person some food and money here and there but that’s all. But Max, Max would go out his way to do what he could and that makes him special well in my own eyes it does.

I looked into Max’s eyes and suddenly I’m pulled into Max’s mind. I listened carefully as his thoughts are being said. I never thought I would have to defend myself for using a healing spell. It doesn't matter that she's a lower-classman or from another house. She needed help. Of course, it didn't hurt that she was Liz and I had a crush on her all last year. It was pretty nice to be able to touch her like that...

Max got up to picked up my chair and looked at it carefully. It looked like one of bottom a leg was crack and that may be reason why I fell down…hard. Max turned to look at the class and everyone faces turn

Did I heard right? Max Evans….Max Evans six year students has a crush on me? Why haven’t I noticed before? Well whatever reason I didn’t noticed before is over with the reality now is that I know. But the question is what was I going to do about it? I never knew I had anyone like me in that way well not that I knew about.

I putted my hand on Max’s shoulder and I looked at him, “Max I’m fine. It doesn’t matter who crack the chair what’s done is done. Let’s just look forward of the rest of year being partners…” I said with a smile.
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Post by isabelle »


Still waiting for a Maria...
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Typical," Draco says, and I glare at him, daring him to tell me that I'm inferior. Which, of course, he will. Because he doesn't value his life.

"Most witches I know would threaten with a curse or at least a spell. Muggles use their fists. But of course, you're only a 5th year, and a Hufflepuff, to boot. I have defenses you don't so I guess the physical approach would seem wise." He adds, snarling out his words. Seriously, could he BE anymore snobby and gross? I mean, grease is practically dripping out of his hair. My god, I hate slytherins.

"Grrmmph," I say, before completely ignoring him. That boy will get his dues sometime soon, but I really don't want to start trouble in my favorite class.

"Let's just start the work."
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Post by KarenEvans »

OOC-Wating for Isabel...
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Post by isabelle »


A whispered word weakens the chair at the next bench just before the Liz girl sits down. She takes a tumble and it's all I can do to keep from laughing out loud. The only thing that would be better would be if it were that Gryffindor, instead. But it's fun to see the Ravenclaw fall, too.

Maria seems to completely ignore my comment, which makes me grin. I know she's not as unaffected as she's pretending. I heard her low growl before she spoke. Score another one for me! I think. Maybe I'll have a lot of fun here, even if I do have to be paired up with this miserable mud-blood.

"By all means. Let's get to work," I tell her. "I hope you can keep up."

I watch as Max helps the girl up. He's twice as pathetic as all of them -- except for Harry, of course. I scan the room and fix my attention on him, wondering what trouble he'll be causing here.


Liz's hand on my shoulder sends a warmth through my body. At least she's not being so defensive anymore. She seems to be glad to be here with me.

It doesn't matter, she says. How could it not matter? She could have been seriously hurt! How can that not matter? If I hadn't been here ...

"Partners, right," I say. I'd like to be more. I'd love to be friends, but I'll have to settle for partners and be glad for what I have.

I glance around the room and I see Draco grinning like a banshee. Did he do this or is he merely enjoying someone-else's pain? Nobody-else seems to be acting strangely. I'd bet it was him. I'm going to have to have a 'conversation' with him later.

I've already mended the chair, but I add a whispered, "Impervio" to prevent further magical interference. I send Draco a sharp glance that only seems to make his grin widen. Definately him.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Still fuming, I watch as someone whispers a spell at poor Liz, and she falls on her butt on the floor. LUcky for her, her nice, normal partner, Max helps her up. We'll most likely have a convo about that after class.

Meanwhile, Draco is still breathing my air, so I turn to him wondering if he's ready to get this over with. "By all means. Let's get to work, I hope you can keep up." he says in his oily voice, and I glare at him, opening the book to the page sprout specified.

Asshole. Why does everyone I ever work with have to be an asshole. We'll see who falls on their butt next class.

"Yeah, whatever."
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Walking up to Tess, I mumble out, "We're partners." Then I take the seat next to her and open my book. So much for a good grade. I'm bloody awful at potions, and all this Slytherin cares about is her hair. Seriously, why would Sprout put me with Malfoy's sister?
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Post by isabelle »


Watching Harry, I suppose I should count my blessings that I'm not coupled with that mud-blood. Everyone gives him credit for defeating Voldemort. As if! He was just a baby. He did nothing. Something-else happened. It was always something-else and him just happening to be there. Still, with Lord Voldemort alive now, I know his days are numbered. It's enough to give me some very nice daydreams.

I can't wait for Harry to start spouting off about it again. I know he will. In the meantime, I can just make sure that nobody believes him. Voldemort is even more powerful when people aren't looking for him. Then, when he's ready -- He'll take the world back in one fell swoop.

I tap my quill against my fingers, since Sprout hasn't yet said anything that I think is worth writing down. "That Harry is seriously off his rocker, don't you think?" I offer.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


"Partners, right," he tells me. I just nod. I really don’t know what to say. After I just find out Max likes me I’m not sure how I feel about it. I don’t want to jump into a relationship. I was hoping we can be friends. I could always use a friend but something tells me, deep inside me, that it could be more than that.

"Impervio" Max puts a spell on my chair and I smile. “Thank you Max” I said and kiss his cheek to thank him. I turn to my chair and sit down on it. I know he must feel embarrassed of what I just did. But all I want to do is thank him. I gather my stuff in one pile and turn to Max; I can see he is still red so I pretend I don’t see it, “So what do you think professor is going to do this year?”
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Post by madroswellfan »

ooc: Waiting for an Arriana post
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