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Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:10 pm
by Lolita
max and liz believer (Josephine) already has a story like this on the AU board, killjoy. I can't remember the title though. Whoever wants to take your challenge up should pm her first.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:12 pm
by killjoy
Yeah I kind of thought that idea might have been thought of before :oops: I caught the movie last night and thought hey..... :oops:

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:56 pm
by killjoy

AU All Human
Any rating is fine but naughty is better
This can just be a K/T story if you want but having it K/T, A/I,M/M and M/L would be better.

Tess and Ava Harding are identical twin sisters.So identical that most of the time only their parents can tell them apart on sight alone....and even than they get it wrong sometimes.

So when Ava has a problem she thinks she hits on the perfect solution.It seems Ava wants to go on a romantic get away for a few weeks with her boyfriend Zan but she can't get the time off from work.This is where twin sis Tess comes in.

Tess knows that at the moment she's unemployed and needs the money.And Ava has offered to let Tess stay at her apartment and keep however much of Ava's salary she earns while filling in for her.But she really can't go through with this can she? Could she really pull off impersonating her sister?

Can Tess really pull off being the personal assistant of business man Kyle Valenti?

What happens when Tess starts to fall for him but he thinks she's Ava?

What happens when Ava comes back?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:08 pm
by killjoy

AU All human.

Any rating you want

M/L,A/I,M/M and K/T

Back in high school Max Evans was a complete jerk.He was cruel,heartless and he's also now very ashamed of his past.It seems that Max had a soul changing experience and grew up while in college.And now he looks back on those past days with complete regret.He is now a changed man,a very nice guy and everyone in his adult life loves him.

As an adult Liz Parker is far from the nerdy Elizabeth 'Teacher's Pet' Parker she was back in high school.She no longer wears her glasses (contacts/surgery),she is no longer a wall flower and thanks to being an adult and not having to wear what her parents demands she no longer dresses in nun apporved clothing that covers ever inch of her skin.

One night Max runs into Liz in a club.They went to high school together but Max doesn't recognize Liz seeing how much she's changed and how she went by Elizabeth back in school

But ohhhh boy does Liz remember Max.In fact Max was the cause of Liz most painful and embarrassing moment back in high school(nothing VERY bad like attacking her but something very humiliating).And so now,not knowing about the change in Max,she's out for revenge.Her plans? Seeing how he doesn't know who she is she's going to play him along,get him just where she wants him and than crush his heart under her stylish shoes.

But what happens when slowly over time Liz starts to learn Max is no longer the mean kid she knew back in school?

What happens if Max suddenly finds out who she is and why she started going out with him in the first place.


Liz's parents were major strict and very old fashion So when she turned eighteen Liz rebelled against them.and so now they do NOT like how she leads her life

Liz makes her good friend Alex,who didn't go to high school with her so Max doesn't know him,go on a double date with her,Max and Isabel who will be his date.But when Alex and Isabel hit it off and start something this puts Alex in a tough spot on where his loyalties lie.

Of course Maria is Liz's friend and Michael is Max's friend.They clash,argue and don't get along....what else is new.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:27 pm
by Zanity
#157 Trading Places AU w/o Aliens M/L, K/T

Ok I got this idea from the promos of a television series...

Max Evans and Tess Harding are engaged. They are both High Society kids who were born into rich families. They live in Boston. They grew up with each other and they care about each other, in fact their best friends; but they aren't in love. They're only getting married because their parents think it's a good match and they've both been raised to tote the line and given their relationship they know they could make a marriage work. That they could find a measure of happiness in it.

Max is studying Law at Harvard so he can one day take over his parents Law Firm. While Tess is planning on taking over her parents line of Cosmetics and sees no reason for further education.

Liz Parker's parents own the Crashdown Cafe. A small diner in Roswell, New Mexico. She has always dreamed of going to Harvard and becoming a scientist, but due to a fire in the restraunt, they just couldn't afford it. So she's currently managing the restraunt. She's been dating Kyle Valenti for the past three years.

Kyle is the sheriff's son. He always thought he'd get out of Roswell on a sports Scholarship but a injury during senior year ruined those plans. So now he's following in his fathers footsteps.

Tess Harding and Liz Parker are selected as participants for a new reality series called Trading Places. Tess and Liz get to spend one month living each other's lives. They both agree and the show begins.

Over the course of the month Max and Liz fall in love and he both proposes to and marries her on the air.

Tess and Kyle don't mind because they've fallen for each other as well. They also get married before the month's over. And the TV people are happy with the ratings and say they plan on making a second season. (Different people will be involved in that though so this is where the TV crew leaves the fic.)

Now while Max's parents are happy for Max and welcome Liz to the family; Tess's parents are really upset at Tess for marrying beneath her standards and disown her and cut her off financially.

While Liz finally gets her dream of going to Harvard (with Max); Tess suddenly isn't on easy street anymore and needs to figure out what to do with her life. She isn't completely broke but she has to go through some major lifestyle changes and ends up staying in Roswell.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:48 pm
by Alien_Friend
#158 - Taken by alizaleven

Challenge text moved to:


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:21 am
by killjoy

Taken by chanks_girl

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:36 pm
by CME
#160 AU w/ Aliens - possibly Alien Abyss

I was going to write this one myself but as with all things, I've lost my interest but it was too good to dump into the recycling bin so I'm offering it up for anyone who wants to take it and continue it.

Here's the introduction:

The year is 2018 and aliens have taken over Earth.

They are everywhere. They are your judges, your politicians, your industry presidents. They have implanted themselves in positions of power. They control our education, our economy and our government.

It all started with a virus.

Seven years ago, a pandemic swept the globe, wiping out a quarter of the Earth’s population. The Centers for Disease Control had their most gifted scientists working on a cure, but even some of them succumbed to the virus.

It didn’t discriminate. The virus affected men and women, children and the elderly. In desperation, countries blamed other countries and a war was fought and raged for years, further depleting the Earth’s population and resources.

Out of this chaos, emerged a man named, Aleksi Khivar. He promised the world a cure. He offered it freely. No prices or consequences were stipulated.

The situation was perfect. People were desperate and Khivar was like a messiah. No one thought that the offer was too good to be true. No one questioned his true intentions.

The vaccine was dispersed and the war came to an end. However, the fear of sickness ran rampant throughout society.

People were desperate for the medication.

In order to accommodate the demand, Khivar formed Grano Pharmaceuticals, which ran twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It provided the medication that society needed at a cost that everyone was willing to pay.

People took the medication religiously. They became addicted to the drug. It gave them a strange sense of mental clarity, an unexpected beneficial side-effect of the antiviral. It kept Grano Pharmaceuticals in business and Khivar rich.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the medication also made people sterile. So population growth became minimal. It was feared that humans would cease to exist in a couple of centuries.

However, Khivar’s group didn’t anticipate another small side-effect. The vaccine reacted with the human neocortex and cerebellum which was supposed to stop the multiplication of the infected cells. The only problem was that in a select few the drug had an adverse reaction – precognition.

I am one of the few that were affected.

When the side-effect became known to Khivar, he executed an order to have those who exhibited precog abilities to be rounded up and brought to him.

Over the span of a week, people began to disappear. No one knew why or how, but I did.

I saw it in a dream. Men in black suits knocking on doors in the middle of the night. People were taken away and never returned.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I didn’t understand the dream, but it didn’t surprise me. I never understood any of my visions. Every time they came true it was like a feeling of deja-vu – strange and disconcerting.

Over the years, the visions came fewer and far in-between. But still, people disappeared.

Khivar became one of the most powerful men in the country. His pharmaceutical company was the largest in the world and it was no secret that he controlled the president. His influence stretched far and wide.

As time passed, rumours began to circulate of Khivar’s ‘other-worldly’ status. It was rumoured that he was an alien. No one knew from where. However, no one could prove it. His circle of trust was very small.

A small group of human rebels formed a secret organization whose sole purpose was to eradicate Earth of these aliens and to restore the balance of society. The group was called, the Resistance – ordinary citizens who were fighting to free Earth of the alien parasites.

My name is Liz Parker and I am a member of the Resistance.

Things you need to know:

- Khivar is old. He's still a skin but his husk is slowly decaying. However, Max and Isabel don't know this.

- Liz is not only a 'seer' but is also addicted to the drug. However, she's trying to ween herself off of it but is suffering withdrawal. She was also working as a scientist for the CDC when the pandemic occurred. She was one of the ones that was infected by the virus.

- Society is all sorts of worse for wear from the virus. Some came out of it unscathed, but others have long-term lingering effects. It's up to you to come up with their disabilities.

- The pod squad are still aliens. However, they don't necessarily have to be together or know of each other.

- Isabel and Max are still siblings. They weren't adopted but were raised through the foster care system. They weren't abused but they didn't feel loved either. Both have a longing to have family. When the pandemic broke out, Khivar found them and took them under his wing. He told Max that he's gearing him to take over the operation and possibly return 'his' people back to Antar - all of which is a lie. Khivar has his own intentions and it's nothing good. It's up to you what you want that to be.

- Liz gets a mission and she's told to kill Khivar and his apprentice (Max). However, she has a seizure and is unable to complete the mission and gets capture. Max meets her while she's imprisoned.

- Max isn't sweet. He's quiet and introverted and very, very smart. He's also very cautious and has difficulty trusting people. However, when it comes to Khivar he's got his blinders on. To him Khivar can do no wrong. Even his sister is starting to suspect something but she's too afraid to do anything about it. She tries to tell him but he dismisses her fears. When he meets Liz he's intrigued but knows that she's an enemy.

- At one point during her captivity, Liz tries to escape and hurts Max in the process. However, he comes to and ends up capturing her outside the facilities.

- Khivar takes the opportunity to set Max up (remember he doesn't have good intentions towards him). He's now a wanted fugitive and it's up to Liz to convince him that Khivar is bad.

It's up to you whether you want to bring all the Roswell characters in. It would be neat if all the other couples aren't paired up but are still included in the story.

My only request is please don't make the Max and Liz romance uber cheesy. No amber eyes or chocolate waterfall of hair. Make Liz tough and kick-ass, yet have an underlying feeling of fear and confusion. She's not entirely sure who's good and who's bad. The attraction between Max and Liz isn't instantaneous. It's more of an intrigue and a slow admiration that turns into attraction.

You can give this any rating you want. Just pm me if you have any questions. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:11 pm
by killjoy

All human
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

In this story Isabel is NOT Max's sister so she needs a new last name.

The year is 1944.It is the height of World War II

During a dangerous bombing run the six men aboard a B-25 bomber decide to pass the time by talking.So as the long dark miles of the English Channel pass below them the men talk about home.

So in flashbacks we get to see them talking of their families,the life they had back home,but most of all they talk about the girl they left behind.

Max-Is the pilot of the bomber.Takes his job serious and puts his crew,than his plane above everything...even his own safety and life.A bit of a tight ass who follows the rules.He doesn't like it when things or people or his crew don't follow the rules.

Michael-Is the copilot,second in command and much to Max's dismay is a fly by the seat of his pants type of guy.There isn't a flying rule or military rule Michael hasn't broken yet.Although even through all of this and being complete opposites Max and Michael are best friends who trust each other one hundred percent

Alex-The navigator/bomber.The only college graduate of the bunch.Gets some ribbing from the others about his geekyness,his smarts and his goody goody ways.But it's all in a friendly big brother type way.

Kyle-One of the side machine gunners.Kyle is the religious,superstitious one of the group.Always with a prayer before everything and a couple hundred good luck charms his stashed on himself and around the plane.

Now a B-25 has a crew of six..that was only four.You can leave the other two out or you can bring in say......Rath and Zan...have each of them tell their stories of Lonnie and Ava...or bring in Sean with a different last name.But in the end the last two is up for you to choose.

But in the end this will be a story of the guys telling the others about the love of their life that's back home waiting on them.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:12 pm
by killjoy
TAKEN BY mmcherron

AU all human.

M/L and K/T (if you can find a way to bring in M/M and A/I well go for it)

Any rating is fine

Liz and Tess Parker are fraternal twin sisters.They spent their life's growing up on their parent's ranch in *name your state*.Their life's were great and fun and games until a little bit after their eighteenth birthday.That was when their mother suddenly died.

Both girls took the death hard.But Tess was hit the hardest of all,seeing how she had always been closer to her mother than anyone else.

Not being able to be around so much that reminded her of her mother,Tess left the ranch she'd spent her whole life on and moved to L.A.

There Tess was discovered and soon became famous as the new 'it' girl in the fashion modeling world.But after years of the grueling job Tess suddenly decides to break her modeling contract and go back home.

Liz Parker-Being a dad's girl Liz has never once regretted giving up her college scholarship so she could stay behind and help out on the family ranch.Liz took over her mom's jobs of cooking,cleaning and making sure her dad doesn't over work himself.Although she does love her sister Liz can't help but to have hard feelings over Tess's leaving the family when she was needed the most.The way Liz sees it she stayed behind and worked hard while her sister left to live an easy rich life.

Max Evans-Is in total shock.His biggest client,Tess Parker has up and quit on him.No warning no word just up and left!To make matters worse Max has already signed Tess up for a major photo shoot.If she's not there the company he works for could lose millions in lawsuits.So when Max finds out Tess has gone back home,Max follows her!He's got to get her to change her mind! And he's got to do it fast! Of course when he gets to the Parker Ranch a different Parker sister grabs his attention.

Kyle Valenti-Lived in the nearby town and was a long time childhood friend of the two Parker twins.He now works on the Parker ranch as a ranch hand.Back when they were younger Kyle and Tess were starting something but Nancy Parker's death destroyed that.Kyle has never gotten over or forgave Tess for not letting him be there for her and for her calling things off and running away.Kyle was there for Liz after her mom's death and Tess leaving.So the two have moved past just friendship and love each other like brother and sister.

Jeff Parker-Has never held Tess's leaving against her.Having lost both his parents to the passing of time he knows that grieving can go many ways.Welcoming Tess home was the easy part.Closing the chasm between his two daughters? Now that will be much harder.Maybe he can get Max and Kyle to help?