Lost Soul (X-Over Lost * Slash*ADULT) AN 2/10

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 21

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 21

The small group blinked and found themselves in a different room, in front of a humming device, its purple and black hues swirling actively.

“Home sweet home?” Zan asked sarcastically looking around the small bomb shelter.

“Right.” Max huffed. He broke away from the circle turning to the Granolith and pressing several of its symbols. “All right. The Granolith will begin sending out a distress signal at sunrise. Rescuers should be here on the Island within three days.”

“Why so long?” Boone asked. He was worried how the others and his sister fared. “I mean, a plane would certainly be able to get her by the evening…wouldn’t it?”

“There’s something about this island. Its magnetic field is altered. I don’t know if it’s the Granolith or if it’s just natural, but the signal will take longer to be received. I’ve also placed a warning in the signal, letting them know that it’s dangerous for airplanes and helicopters. Their only choice would be a ship.”

“Makes sense.” Serena said walking around the room her hand brushing along the walls.

“True…and it will give everyone time to get things ready for rescue.” Boone nodded.

“Can we go up?” Ava asked standing by the ladder and looking up.

“The Granolith won’t open it until morning when the signal starts. We can take advantage of the time to rest.”

Everyone agreed and set up pallets with the multiple blankets that were found in the cabinet. The adults let Alex have the cot. After he was tucked in and asleep, Max sat next to the cot and watched him sleep.

“You know, you should get some rest also.” Serena said coming to sit next to Max.

“I slept for three years. One night of watching my son sleep won’t kill me.”

“I understand.” She said looking to the small form in the cot. “After my sister died, I used to sit in Alex’s room at night. I’d sit there and watch him, waiting for him to disappear like the rest of my family.”

“He’s meant for more than this planet can give him.” Max said softly.

Serena nodded. “You’re right. I’ve always known that there was something different about him. Like he knew more than we did. Like he knew there was something bigger out there waiting for him.”

“An entire planet.”

“That’s a lot for a five year old.”

“Yes, but it’s his when he comes of age.” Max brushed a lock of hair from Alex’s face. “Now is the time for him to learn and live as normal of a life as he can, around people who are like him and love him.”

“He’ll have plenty of love.” Serena said before standing up and joining Zan on his palate.

Max continued his gaze on his son. “Yes, he will.”


Boone was propped on his elbow watching Max as he slept. He wanted to reach out and caress his lover’s cheek but decided not to disturb him. He knew that Max had not been asleep long. He’d stayed by Alex until he couldn’t hold his eyes open any longer. Boone had heard Alex later when he’d moved from the cot to Ava’s palate snuggling close to her.

Boone wondered who it was that picked him to help Max. What was it that was so special that Max needed? Boone didn’t see himself as anyone special. He was an ordinary man, one who ran his mother’s company and tried to keep his sister out of trouble. What did he have to offer an Alien King?

“How about love, honesty, and loyalty?” Max’s sleep filled voice broke him from his thoughts.

Boone smiled. “I thought you were sleeping.” He leaned down and gave Max a quick kiss on the lips.

“I would if someone wasn’t overloading their emotions with silly questions.” Max smiled at him. He’d sensed Boone’s uncertainty more than he heard his thoughts.

“I’m sorry.” Boone lowered his eyes in shame. He hadn’t wanted to worry Max with is petty doubts.

Max reached out and brushed Boone’s cheek. “It’s ok. I want to know what you are thinking and feeling. I want us to be honest with each other.”

Boone looked back at Max, meeting his eyes. He opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by a series of beeps coming from the Granolith then a loud click echoing throughout the shelter.

“It’s morning.” Boone sat up, his eyes already going to the stairs that lead to the island’s surface.

“Go on. I’ll wake the others and meet you out there.” Max gave Boone a little push as he sat up.

“No need to wake me.” Zan’s voice sounded.

Max rolled his eyes. “Go on.”

Boone got up and made his way to the exit and disappeared from sight. He smiled and went to wake the others so they could go up to the surface.

Boone made his way up the ladder, anxious to see his sister again. The days he and Max were gone, he’d been able to talk with her three times briefly in her dreams. It was a strange experience for he and Shannon but it made them both feel better.

Boone found the hatch and turned the handle letting out a sigh of relief when it turned without resistance. Using as much force as he could, he pushed the metal up. It opened smoothly without problems. Cautiously, Boone climbed out, remembering the strange animals on the island. Before he could get a clear look around something hit him, nearly knocking him off his feet. His arms flared for balance then felt something push on his back.

“I don’t think you wish to push him back down there, do you Shannon?” Boone heard Sayid’s accented voice.

Shannon immediately let up on her grasp and pulled back a little. “I’m just so happy to see that you are all right. Sometimes, I thought that I was going crazy, that I’d really lost you and that you were only alive in my mind.”

Boone chuckled and pulled Shannon back into his arms. “No. I’m alive and well.” He comforted her knowing that at times he felt the same way since meeting Max.

“How did you know I’d be coming out?” Boone finally asked after pulling away from his sister and getting his first look around the area. It looked the same as when he’d entered.

“Max. He…well, he visited me during the night.” Shannon said smiling. “He told me that you were back and to be here at dawn. I, of course, wanted to see you right away but he insisted that I wait, that you were tired and everyone was getting some much needed rest.” She looked at him and couldn’t help but touch him, taking his hand into hers as her fingers stroked his skin making sure he was really there.

“Yeah, we’ve done a lot of traveling.” He looked over at Sayid who was standing behind Shannon now. “How long have I been gone?” He asked out of curiosity.

“Almost three weeks.” Sayid answered.

“Three weeks?” Boone repeated astonished. It had only taken then a few days to travel to Alex. They’d stayed a couple days there then came back. By his calculations it should be only less then two. He shook his head not even wanting to try and figure out the time difference.

Just then Max climbed out of the hatched followed by the others.

Shannon stepped up to Max who positioned himself next to Boone. His hand was on the small of Boone’s back giving support. She raised her hand and gently brushed Max’s face.

“You really are here.” She said softly in awe, her gaze turning to Boone. “Wow.”

“Yeah, it’s a trip, isn’t it?”

Shannon nodded and smiled at her brother. It was strange. They had not gotten along in years. Now, after the crash, they were almost as close as they were when they were small. It was nice. Of course living on this island, away from the world, had changed a lot about her.

Boone made the introductions before they headed to the caves where Jack and the others were waiting.

“Do you feel it?” Alex asked aloud as they followed a path Locke and Boone had made after they first found the hatch.

“What’s that?” Serena asked.

“Life…death…it’s everywhere.” Alex said softly looking around, his eyes wide with wonder.

Serena looked around and opened herself to the place surrounding her. She’d always been intuitive but since Zan healed her, she could sense more of her surroundings if she opened herself to it. She was also not surprised by the words Alex spoke. Often he spoke in words and understanding much older than he was.

“Yes. I do.” She whispered feeling the oddity of the island. There was something strange about it, more than just housing the Granolith. It felt almost…alive.

They walked in silence the rest of the way to the caves, each in their own thoughts as Sayid took lead. Jack was waiting at the entrance. He was surprised to see so many people.

Boone made quick introductions and Max could sense Jack’s unease. He hoped to ease the man’s concern because Max easily saw that everyone looked to Jack for answers. Not too unfamiliar from his own life.

Jack had them all come into the caves where Kate, Hurley, Michael, Sawyer, and Locke waited. Introductions were once more done. Max recognized from everything that Boone had told him about the people who had survived also, that this was the main core group. The ones that made sure that the others were safe and things were taken care of.

Max saw Sawyer sitting in the back of the cave. He was close enough to hear everything said but far enough not to part of the main discussion. Max stared him down knowing the problems Boone had had with the man. Max was impressed that Sawyer not once looked away. Max sensed a deep anger within the man, one that had simmered many years. But he knew the kind. He appeared gruff and coarse on the outside, never letting anyone become close but deep inside he hid a secret. He hid someone that could love, that could give himself. Max was not intimidated. He’d grown up with Michael. No one could be worse than him.

Locke, Max noticed, was also toward the back of the group and not saying much at all. Max could sense nothing from the man and it made him uncomfortable. Kyle had once explained that some people could block their emotions and it was apparent that Locke had learned to do this. Max left it alone and turned his attention back to Jack.

Alex was immediately drawn to Walt and his dog. The two sat near the opening of the caves and played with the dog while Max explained the situation and how he’d been able to send out a signal for rescue. The survivors were excited at the thought of getting off the island…most of them anyway.

Word quickly spread and even though doubts were still there, the survivors went to work gathering the things they wanted to take with them. The atmosphere was that of excitement and buzzing with activity.

Zan and Serena went out to the beach, taking advantage of some alone time. Boone was with Shannon, off down at the beach helping Sayid with some duties that still needed to be done before the ship came. That left Max, Alex, and Ava in the caves near the water supply. They had brought much of the food in storage from the shelter to share with the plane survivors and they were sorting through the cans.

Alex suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked to Max.

“Alex. Is something wrong?” Ava asked knowing that Alex sometimes sensed things that others didn’t. She’d learned long ago to trust in the boy’s instincts.

“Alex?” Max looked over.

A smile lit the boy’s face. “She’s here.”

“Who?” Ava got closer to Alex, looking around but seeing no one.

“Mama Tess.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 22

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 22

“Alex, Tess…she’s…she’s dead honey.” Max said softly but looked around.

Alex shook his head. “No, Mama Liz tol’ me that I’d see her again.” He looked at Ava and Max, his eyes begging to be believed. It was sometimes hard to remember that despite his wisdom, he was just five years old.

“Alex…Son…” Max started. How did you explain to your son that his mother couldn’t possibly be on this island in the middle of nowhere when she was dead?

“No.” Alex said firmly and stood. He turned in a circle looking. “She’s here.” He took several steps toward the nearest entrance then stopped. He turned and started toward where there were several tunnels that led away from the water.

“Alex, wait.” Max and Ava both said but he wouldn’t stop. He started running down the tunnel on the left with Max and Ava running after him.

They heard a baby cry in the distance and by the time Max and Ava caught up with Alex he’d stopped.

“Alex! When I say…” Max started to reprimand his son when he suddenly felt her. He’d not felt this sensation since that night she died. Max slowly turned his head and found a blonde haired woman in the shadows sitting next to man. In her arms was the fussing baby.

“I tol’ you.” Alex took a step toward the woman but Max stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

“No…it can’t be.” Max whispered. He turned to Ava but found that her head was bowed and she was suddenly interested in the ground. “Ava…you knew? You knew she wasn’t dead? Like I never felt Zan die…you never felt Tess die.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you. I never thought we’d…” Ava started as she looked up at Max. He saw tears in her eyes and felt her regret.

With Max distracted Alex slipped from Max’s grasp and kneeled in front of the woman. He smiled at her then down at the baby. Gently he reached out and took the baby’s hand and the fussing stopped.

“Mama Liz tol’ me I’d see you again.” Alex smiled broadly at Tess. “She tol’ me to tell you something.” He stopped, his brows scrunched together in thought.

“Zan.” Her voice was so soft that it was almost unheard but the awe in it was obvious. She reached out and touched the child’s face. It resembled his father; there was no mistaking who had sired him. His eyes were just as deep and knowing as his fathers.

“Oh, I ‘member. She said that she knows you’ll make the most of your second chance. That you’ll keep doing the right thing. That your heart will lead you to happiness.” He said, obvious that he was reciting something he’d learned, his brows scrunching together.

Tess’s eyes filled with tears and she allowed one of them to fall down her cheek. The man beside her shifted and wrapped an arm around her.


“I’m ok.” She said not taking her eyes from Alex. “Liz told you that?”

Alex nodded.

“Well, she is a very smart woman. Thank you.” She shifted her gaze to the two people still standing a few feet away.


Max moved forward and she could see that it was not in a welcoming way. His body moved stiffly and his expression was anything but friendly as he stood in silence glaring down at her.

Tess turned her attention back to Alex. “Alex is it?”

He nodded. “Yep. Alexander Philip Coleman Evans.” His chest puffed out, very proud of his name. “I added Evans when Daddy came back.” His voice was supposed to be a whisper but everyone heard. This was news to Max and his eyes widened.

Tess chuckled. “That is a very good name Alex. Strong and it fits you.”

Alex smiled at her comment.

“Would you like to meet your brother?” Tess asked looking down at the baby in her arms.

Alex looked down at the hand that he still held. It was so small even compared to his own. “What’s his name?”

“Aaron.” She glanced to the man next to her. “I haven’t figured out his middle name yet.”

Alex lifted the little hand and was so gentle with him. “You will and it will be a good strong name.”

“I hope so.”

“Alex, why don’t you go with Ava and find Walt for a little while. Tess and I need to talk…alone.” Max said looking at the man next to her.

“But Daddy…” Alex started to whine.

“Come on Alex. Maybe you can teach Victor some new tricks.” Ava persuaded her nephew. She knew Max was mad at her and he had every right to be. She had plenty of opportunity to tell him that her dupe wasn’t dead but she didn’t. When Boone had commented that she looked like one of the other survivors, she knew her dupe had been on that plane. But she had hoped that they didn’t have contact with them all. Ava had felt her the moment they appeared on the island and she knew Tess felt her also. They’d tried to keep their distance but Ava never thought Alex would sense her.

Alex reluctantly let go of his brother’s hand and stood. He went to Ava and followed her out the way they came. Max stood silent staring down at the man sitting next to Tess, his arm still wrapped around her waist.


“No, I’m staying right here.” He protested.

“This is between me and…” Max started.

“Let him stay.” Tess said shifting so that she could hand her son off to Charlie. “He knows about me.” She stood and watched as Max began pacing.

“You’re supposed to be dead.” He accused, running a hand through his hair.

“I know. And Tess Harding is dead.” Tess clenched her hands together in front of her. She had hoped to never have to confront Max again, putting that part of her life past her. “I can explain.”

“What? More lies? How am I to believe a word you say?”

“Hey!” The man she called Charlie stood and stepped toward Max. “Let her talk.”

“This is none of your business.” Max yelled, letting his simmering anger loose.

“Stop it!” Tess cried and the baby started screaming. She turned to Charlie. “Take Aaron outside. Calm him down.”

“I’m not leaving you with him.” Charlie pulled David closer to him but stood his ground.

“Go Charlie. I’ll be ok. Max won’t hurt me.” She looked at the man who had once been her husband. “Go.”

After hesitating a moment, Charlie left them alone as baby Aaron cried louder.

It was Tess who broke the silence. “Liz was right. I was given a second chance. One without someone telling me who I was to be with or how to feel.”

“So she knew also? I don’t understand.” Max said frustrated. He was tired of being left out on the important things of his own life.

“Neither do I.” Tess said leaning against the cave wall and sliding down until she was sitting. “Can I tell you what happened?”

“Lies. That’s all you’ve ever told me.” Max stared down at her.

“I was wrong. I did a lot of things back then I’m not proud of. I know I could have said no or told you but…” Tess shook her head. “I was confused. I didn’t know what to do.”

“Fine.” He sighed. “I’ll let you have your say. Tell me what happened.”

“It’s not too clear. I remember Liz driving me out to the base. Without Za…our son, it was easier for me to get us out of town. I melted through the fence, broke into their research department and started a chain reaction of explosions. There were gunshots everywhere. I remember getting hit a couple of times but all I could think of was making it safe for our son. To destroy those that wanted to hurt him.

“The next thing I remember is waking up not far from the destruction. Only I didn’t remember who I was, or why I was there. Before the explosion I had somehow managed to change my appearance, different hair and eye color. I wandered the desert until an elderly couple found me and took me in. I didn’t know my name, where I was from, or even where I was. I still don’t know how I escaped and survived the base.”

Tess let out a breath and leaned her head back. “Will and Lily invited me to stay with them until I was better. I somehow knew I couldn’t go to a hospital or the law, and they didn’t push me to. I stayed on their farm and helped them. We created a name for me, I had always like the name Claire, and I lived in peace for six months, content in knowing that I may never remember who I was. I liked where I was. I was in the middle of nowhere, it was quiet, calming.”

“But you remembered.” Max prompted when she paused.

“Yes. It started returning in nightmares. They were confusing and scary. I saw horrible gruesome scenes. I didn’t know why I was having them. Then suddenly my powers returned and they went crazy. I was very glad to be out on a farm in the middle of nowhere.”

“Did Will and Lily see it?” Max sat across from her.

Tess nodded. “Yeah. I nearly destroyed the barn.” She smiled. “They were so understanding…and still accepted me. They made me realize that there were good people out there. That I could be accept for who and what I am.”

“I tried to tell you that Tess. I tried to show you. You had people willing to accept you but you blew it. You lied, you deceived us. You killed. Then you were nothing but more lies when you came back.” Max was frustrated. He thought he was done having Tess in his life. She had brought him nothing but grief. She had tried to separate him from Liz…and Kyle. She nearly destroyed his life with her deceit.

“I know.” She looked down, her hands twisting. “But I’ve changed Max. I’ve realized, maybe a little late, what Nesado tried to keep me from becoming. My true self. I’m human, and I’ve found that it’s not my weakness.”

“I’m having trouble trusting you Tess. Your record is not a good one.”

“It’s my fault I know.”

“How did you get here?” Max changed the direction of their conversation back on track.

“After I got all my memories back and my powers back under control I knew I needed to leave. I couldn’t take advantage of Will and Lily’s kindness any longer. I had to learn to make it on my own. I kept my new identity and started anew. I traveled and ended up in Australia.

“I got a job, an apartment, and even got involved in what I thought was a great relationship. We were happy. I lived as a human, suppressed my powers. Then I got pregnant. At first he was excited. We were planning for our child’s arrival. I thought he wanted the child…us.”

“He didn’t.” Max stated. He knew how that felt. When he first learned that Tess was pregnant, he was in shock. He felt so many different emotions at once. But as he felt his son, connected to him, he knew that he would do anything to protect him. Even give up his true loves. The father of Tess’s baby obviously didn’t have that connection; he chickened out of his responsibilities.

“No, he didn’t. I became unsure if I wanted the child. I’d already had one child I gave up. Then this happens. I began wondering if I was fit to be a mother. I wondered if I was somehow being punished for my past deeds.”

“It doesn’t work like that Tess.”

“I know that now. But someone…he told me he set up a husband and wife to adopt my baby. They were California. I got on the plane to meet them…” She looked at Max. “I found out later that there never was anyone waiting on me, wanting my child. After my own trials here on the island…I decided that I was meant to raise this child. He was mine. Unlike Alex, who I knew from the time I conceived, he would never be mine. He was meant for something more than what I could give. Something only you could provide him with.”

Max was familiar with that train of thought. He’d often told himself that same thing every time he regretted giving Alex up.

“And Charlie? How did he find out about you?”

“He helped with the delivery of Aaron. It was a lot worse than what I went through with Alex. Antarians have something to suppress our energy during the birthing stage. This time I had large energy surges. I managed to block it from Jin and Kate…but Charlie, for some reason I couldn’t warp him.”

Tess met Max’s eyes steady. “He knows who I am. He knows what I can do. I’ve even told him…about my past. He wants to be with me. He wants to help me with Aaron and…I think I could love him.”

Max closed his eyes and exhaled. He reached inside himself for calming before reaching out to her. He searched her emotions, her words, everything he could find to analyze. Her emotions hit him like a load of bricks. She truly regretted what she’d done and was trying hard to turn her life around. To be a better person.

He opened his eyes. “I laid my past to rest. I forgave myself for my mistakes a long time ago Tess. I’ll never forget what you did to me and my family but I have forgiven you.”

His words were true. While they were on the road running from the government and Skins, Max had put all his regrets to rest. He had more important things to worry about, like keeping those he loved alive.

“But I see that you have changed. I guess we both have.” He sighed. “Listen, there is a ship coming to rescue the survivors. Alex and I…along with Ava, Zan, and Serena are going to Antar. You and your son are welcome to come. I know Alex would like to get to know his mother and brother.”

“Thank you Max but I’ve been to Antar, remember. It wasn’t very welcoming to me.”

“But Khivar and Nicholas are no longer there. I will hold the throne until Alex is old enough to take it. No harm will come to you.”

“No. My place is here on Earth. Here with Charlie, raising my human son.”

“All right.” Max stood and held out his hand to Tess. She took it after a moment of hesitation then he helped her up.

“When did you become so wise and understanding Max?” She asked.

“When I watched my family die and was given a second chance at life.”

Tess didn’t hide her surprise. She’d heard about what had happened in Roswell and how they all died in a fire. Sensing that Max was still alive had shaken her. But he had just admitted to have been given a second chance in life, one that was obviously not on this planet. One with his son…she was sure he could understand her need to make something of herself.

“And until we leave Tess, feel free to get to know Alex. He’s a great kid.” Max offered as he turned and started to exit the cave with Tess following.

“It’s Claire now…and thank you.”

Max hoped he wasn’t making a mistake and went in search of his son.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 23

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 23

As darkness descended upon the island, its occupants settled down for the night. After dinner, Tess summoned the courage to spend some time with Alex. Max kept them in his sight still not trusting her, even with their own son. He knew he would never truly trust her again after all the lies and damage she caused. But Alex was happy as he talked her ear off, telling her about his life and anything else he could think about.

It surprised Max, despite the mistrust, that when he saw Tess laughing and smiling over something Alex said his heart softened toward her. This was the woman who’d given birth to Alex, the woman who protected him from Khivar, who killed to keep the government from getting their hands and needles on their son. He knew by the look on her face that she hated missing so much of his life.

She raised her eyes and met his at one time and he knew that she’d changed. He felt it. She wouldn’t miss anymore than she had to of her new son’s life. He could also see by the look in her eyes that she would carry this time with Alex with her until her dying days and use her experiences to assure Aaron got all the love and support he would need.

Max shook his head and looked at the people around him. He was picking up vibes from them all. He felt their fear, excitement, and anxiety, along with so many other emotions. He couldn’t help wondering how Kyle had dealt with it all. How had he seemed so calm when his powers were developing, as he learned control? So much stimuli was giving him a headache.

Boone came over and sat next to him, his hand going to Max’s thigh. “You ok?” He somehow knew of his lover’s discomfort.

Max nodded and gave Boone a crooked smile. “Yeah, just a little headache from all the emotions going around. I think I’ll walk down to the beach. Want to join me?”

Boone nodded and smiled. He went to Shannon and told her he’ll be back while Max asked the others to keep an eye on Alex. He knew he didn’t have to, he knew Zan would protect Alex with his life…but it still made him feel better.

Boone and Max walked hand in hand down the worn path to the beach. They were silent as the jungle noises echoed around them. This was all new to Max but found that he liked it. It felt…familiar somehow. Once they reached the white soft sand Max took off his shoes and left them by a tree. He took several steps and let his feet sink down into the cool sand. He wiggled his toes and couldn’t stop the sigh.

There was something about the feel of sand under bare feet. Something almost freeing. He remembered a time when the group had gone to Florida during their time on the run. They’d stayed by the beach for three weeks that time. Max had enjoyed his morning runs with Kyle and nighttime walks with Liz on the beach near their home. The ocean air had a way of cleansing his soul, of allowing him to let go of all the pain and guilt he held, even if it was just for a while.

It was during this time, when he’d sometimes sit alone and watch the waves crash over and over onto shore, when he’d let himself forgive his past mistakes. When he would allow all regrets and sorrows to be taken away with the waves. When he was merely a young man, striving to make it in the world instead of a King of a distant planet struggling to come to grips with his role in this life.

“You’re quiet tonight.” Boone said, as they sat down not far from the surf.

“A lot has happened in a short period.” Max looked out at the dark sea. There was only a sliver of moon tonight so he saw little of the black waves but their roar sounded loudly.

“I think I’m still in shock about Tess…or should I say Claire.” Max shook his head but stared out into the darkness. “I can’t believe she’s still alive.”

“Do you believe that she’s changed?” Boone asked. He knew who Tess was by Liz’s journals along with what Max told him. Boone was still surprised that it was she that had been one of the survivors. That probably explained how her baby had survived the crash as well.

Max nodded. “I feel it in her. She wants to be better, she wants to leave her alien self behind.”

“You can’t. What makes you think she can?” Boone was curious. The longer he was with Max, the more he realized just how much Max fought with the alien side of himself. How much Max tried to keep the two separated.

“Tess has always been different. She was raised by Nesado…he taught her things, ways to suppress her human side. Now she is using those methods to suppress her alien side. She may succeed or she may fail. I don’t know. The crystal ball hasn’t kicked in.”

“Crystal ball?”

“That’s what Michael called Liz’s premonition abilities.”

“Oh, ok. I see now.” Boone took Max’s hand in his. “I hope she succeeds.” He hadn’t gotten to know Claire too much but he did know that Charlie was head over heels in love with her. He could only hope that it all worked out.

“Me too.”

They sat there awhile longer in the dark, the silence settling over them. Boone was comfortable sitting there, Max’s hand in his, feeling calm, but not yet totally complete. He felt something was a little off but said nothing. He hoped it was just the excitement of the day. Hoped that it would settle down once they were on their way from the island.

As the sliver of moon rose higher in the air, they decided it was time to get back to the caves. Later, Walt, accompanied by his father Michael, slept in the bomb shelter with Alex, Zan, Ava, and Serena. Max stayed in the caves with Boone so he could spend extra time with Shannon. When everyone settled down for the night, the lovers feel asleep in each other’s arms.


She was here. Her gentle smile filling my sight, her scent filling my nostrils. Her brown eyes, I can clearly see the love that still shines in them. I reach out and softly caress her cheek.

“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

She leaned into my hand and nuzzled it. Her skin was so warm and soft. It had been so long. I felt comforted by her presence.

“I’m always here.” She put a hand over my heart.

“Yeah, but it’s not the same.” My thumb rubs circles over her cheek. I shake my head. “I must be dreaming.”

“You are.” She said pulling away from my hand.

“And…” I start but then I feel a warm body behind me and his breath on me neck.

“You think I’d let her do this without me?” His voice is deep and hushed. I savor the sound and sigh.

“I had to make sure you were happy.” She tilts her head and looks at me. She diverts her eyes to meet the ones that are behind me. “I was right.”

His hands run up and down my arms, his touch relaxing me. “I told you he would find that one to his liking.”

I roll my eyes and chuckle. Their banter over me was like old times. But then my laughter dies and my mood sobers. “You won’t be there when I wake. You’ll be gone and I’ll be alone again.”

“We’ll be gone…” She says.

“But you’re not alone. You are with those that care and love you.” He finishs.

I look over my shoulder and meet the deep blue eyes that always drew me in, before turning to my other love. They are right. Like usual. I’m not alone.

“I have Alex. Then there’s Zan, Ava, and Serena. They are here with me. Then there’s Boone.” I meet her eyes. “I love him. He’s a part of me.”

“You have to finish it.” She says.

“Finish what?”

“You know.” He answers.

“It’s time to go.” She says as she pulls me down for a kiss. It is tender and filled with all the love she ever had for me.

“I don’t understand.” I say as I watch her pull away.

“Yes you do.” He turns my head and claims my mouth one last time, filling my body with hope.

He pulls away and stands next to her, their hands joined, and tears shining in their eyes.

“No! Liz! Kyle!” I scream as they disappear and my heart falling apart like the day I lost them.

Blood…I’m surrounded by the thick red liquid . A pulse beats rapidly, its boom thundering in my head. Then it begins slowing until it is nothing more than a weak thump, barely audible. I look down and find my hands covered with it. Fear races through my body and my head aches. I look around but I can’t see where it’s all coming from.

“It’s time.” Kyle and Liz’s joined voices call out. “Finish it.”

“What? I don’t understand!” I scream out but they don’t answer me. My body trembles as the hair on my neck stands. I swing around and find Boone standing in front of me. Blood…blood is dripping down his neck, onto his shirt, and his eyes are cold, dead. His mouth is moving but I hear no voice. I reach out but he’s just beyond my grasp.

“NO!” Max screamed jutting up from where he slept. He reached out for Boone but he’s gone.

“Max?” He heard Jack’s voice but he paid it no attention.

“Boone.” Max called out softly, not wishing to disturb the others, hoping he’s nearby. “Boone.” He called louder. No answer.

“What’s wrong?” Jack, followed by Kate and Sawyer approach. The three didn’t look as if they’d been sleeping but he couldn’t worry about that now.

“Boone, he’s missing.”

“He probably went to take a wiz.” Sawyer grunted.

“No.” Max shook his head. “Something’s wrong.”

‘MAX!’ Boone’s voice screamed inside Max’s head.

“Boone.” Max whispered as fear roped around his heart. He took off running into the jungle not heeding to Jack and Kate’s warnings. All he knew was that he had to find Boone. His lover was in danger. He could feel it. “Shit, shit, shit.” Max cursed as he ran blind in the darkness letting his connection to Boone lead him. “Why the fuck now Liz?”

Max wasn’t aware of the three people running after him. Sayid had woken too and was about to follow but Jack ordered him to stay with the others. Max also wasn’t aware of the two sets of eyes that had popped open the minute Boone called out to Max. The two who were crawling out of the bunker and following their King’s subconscious call for help.

Zan was cursing the entire way as he smacked away brush making his own path. He knew what this meant and he wasn’t exactly happy it was happening at this time. It was a known fact that Max held the seal of Antar, just as they all did, including little Alex. The difference was that Max’s was active and it was calling out to form the four-square once more. With Max King, he was in need of a General, a warrior to lead a King’s army. With Michael and Rath gone, the seal was calling upon Zan to fill that position whether he wanted it or not.

Zan also felt the seal calling upon Ava. Her role, due to who she was in their past lives, would be that of Princess. She would act as a diplomat, a negotiator between the King and the other systems. All that was needed was a fourth and Zan knew who that would be. The fourth was reserved for the heart of the King. Long ago it had been the original Ava. Here on Earth it was Liz. Zan could feel it. The seal was calling out to be complete. He wasn’t sure how it would all end, but he knew it would all come together tonight.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 24

Post by magikhands »

Sorry about the long wait. Between my muse abandoning me for another project, RL, Holiday shopping and everything else, I've had little time for this but here's my next chapter. I don't think it's my best but I'm tired of looking at it again and again.

Chapter 24

Max abruptly stopped when he found his lover. Jack, Kate, and Sawyer nearly smashed into him but caught themselves.. Zan and Ava showed up a few seconds later. All were shocked at the sight that they found.

“Let him go.” Max commanded. He met his lover’s eyes and saw their blue depths even in the darkness. They glittered with fear and tears. There was a stream of blood coming from his temple.

“Locke…” Jack said taking a step forward holding his hands chest level to show he meant no harm.

Locke was standing behind a kneeling Boone who was bound with rope. Boone’s hands were bound behind his back and there was a loop of rope around his neck pulled taunt. If Boone were turned around, they would see that the rope bound his ankles and wrists and if it were pulled on right, it would put more pressure on his neck.

“Don’t move.” Locke said shifting the knife held to Boone’s neck.

Zan and Ava raised their hands. Zan shot a blast of energy to throw Locke away while Ava’s energy was meant to disable him. Max immediately shot his shield out in front of Boone and Locke.

“No!” He shouted. The power hit Max’s shield and gave a small show of fireworks brightening the darkness for several seconds.

“Max, he’s got a knife…” Zan argued.

“I know, but no powers.” Max commanded. “None at all.” He looked pointedly at Ava knowing what her mindwarp could do. Zan and Ava could do nothing but obey.

“Fuck.” Zan muttered. He had now had a responsibility to protect all that belonged to Antar but Max wasn’t letting him. How messed up was that?

“Locke, let’s talk about this.” Kate said trying to take some attention from the others. She tried not to think of the little display they’d been given. She didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the newcomer’s wrath.

Jack joined in. “No one will do anything stupid. Just let Boone go and we’ll work this all out.”

Locke shook his head. He had lit a small fire nearby and its glow showed his eyes wide and wild looking.

“No, he’s mine.”

“What? Like a puppy?.” Sawyer gruffly huffed.

“Shut up!” Jack and Ava said together. Sawyer shook his head but said nothing more.

“I will not let him,” Locke used his head to indicate Max. “Come in here and take what’s mine.”

“Boone is not someone’s property. He’s a human being. He’s got free will like the rest of us. He’s able to chose to do and be with who he wants.” Max tried to rationalize with Locke. His eyes were locked with Boone’s, his emotions flowing freely through their connection. Max could feel his lover’s fear, anxiety, and trepidation.

“No.” Locke shook his head but his voice wasn’t as confident. Confusion fogged his eyes. The knife shifted and Boone’s whimper sounded in the night air. A thin stream of red oozed from where the knife had sliced through a layer of skin.

Seeing the blood made Max want nothing more than to blast Locke’s ass away from Boone. It took all of his control to keep from doing so. His mind screamed for vengance, but his body wouldn’t move. His instincts made him protect both Locke and Boone from attacks. Something deep inside awakened, taking control of his body and thoughts. In a flash, as information flew across his mind he knew what was to be done. Max fought tears at the thought of what has to happen.

“Do it.” Max said softly.

“What?” Locke asked cocking his head unsure of what he’d heard.

“I said to go ahead. Slice his throat. Kill Boone if that is what you are threatening.”




“That would be the easiest way to deal with this.” Max continued as he ignored the others and their protests. “You won’t let Boone choose what he wants. And if you can’t have him, if he doesn’t want you…no one can. And I will not give him up so easily. So do it. Kill him. That will solve everything. There will be no one to fight over.”

Locke looked at Max shocked. He was speechless. The hand holding the knife trembled as indecision set in. Locke never expected anyone to agree with him. He thought this was a way to keep them away from him. To keep what was his in his possession. Locke had even thought to hide out until the rescue ship left, keeping Boone hidden also so it would just be the two them.

“What?” Locke’s voice was scratchy and filled with unease.

“Do it!” Max yelled. He drew upon the energy within him. His power, the combined essences of his family, was so strong he had no need to raise his hand for direction of his energy.

Time and motion slowed as everyone watched in horror. Locke’s hand began to move, sliding the knife along Boone’s throat, the razor edge slicing through his skin. Locke looked down at his hand in shock. He was not moving it of his own free will.

“No…no…no…” Locke chanted as if it would stop his hand.

“Doesn’t feel too good to have your free will taken from you, does it?” Max asked his voice thick and harsh.

“Stop!” Kate screamed moving toward the three.

Zan put a shield up between Kate, Jack, and Sawyer and themselves, blocking them from interfering with Max. As he watched Max’s control and felt the seal’s call, he realized what must happen tonight. He knew it wouldn’t be easy for Max, but was what the seal demanded. Zan reached out and took Ava’s hand, their energy swirling together, answering the call of the seal.

“You can’t stop what’s been started.” Ava said to the onlookers.

Jack, Sawyer, and Kate were in complete shock. Watching the aliens use their abilities, along with how the three managed to work together without speaking amazed the three. They knew who Max and the others were. They’d heard Max’s story and how they came to be at the island. At first they’d not believed it, but after some show and tell, they had no choice but to believe. But what they were doing now…was a different story. This was not some little show of powers. This was real and it scared them. A person’s life was on the line.

Boone had watched Max’s eyes tear up. Heard his words. Reached out to his lover. He felt Max’s turmoil. It mingled with his own fear. He kept his eyes fastened to Max’s, grasping hold of any type of comfort he could find. As time went by, as Locke and the others spoke, Boone felt warmth and understanding soak into his mind and body. He had no idea what was about to happen, but he knew that Max would take care of him, keep him safe.

Max’s eyes hazed with tears, making everything blury but that doesn’t stop him. He forced himself to pull his eyes from Boone’s to watch the thick red flow from his lover’s creamy neck. He could hear Boone’s heart pounding as loud as his own. And with each beat more blood was lost, slowly draining the life from Boone…and Max’s heart.

“Even in death, he will not be yours.” Max said softly making Locke finish the job. “It is done.” He said as he watched the love and understanding in his lover’s eyes begin to fade as his body slumped to the ground. Max didn’t hear or see Ava and Zan push Locke back with their powers or even Locke’s screams as death claimed him.

Max rushed to Boone and gathered him in his arms. With a wave of his hand, the ropes disintegrated freeing Boone’s limbs. Max placed his hand over the cut immediately feeling the warm liquid rushing from his lover’s body. He’d made sure Locke missed the jugular on each side of the neck knowing the slightest knick would have Boone dead in seconds instead of minutes.

“Look at me Love.” Max encouraged. “Stay with me. That’s it.” His voice was shaking as was his body but that didn’t effect the control over his powers. Boone’s eyes stayed on his but the light of life was fading fast. Max felt the sudden burst of energy shoot from his body into Boone’s. He concentrated on repairing the veins and vocal cords that had been sliced. He pushed his power deep with in Boone’s embedding it into his soul, bonding them forever.

Boone gulped a lungful of air as his airway opened again but didn’t take his eyes from Max. The amber depths calmed and soothed his fears. He trusted Max with his life. He understood Max had things he had to do, ways of securing his future…and loves. Boone had already put two and two together, realizing Max had loved both Liz and Kyle before their healings. It was that love that brought them to him, that sealed their bond to Max. Now, Boone would have the same.

Boone reached up and touched Max’s cheek, wiping the tears from it. “I love you.” Boone’s voice was scratchy and his throat was a little sore. “I’m ok.”

Max looked worn and tired but instantly felt Boone’s love pour into him. He managed a smile and pulled Boone’s head to his chest. “Yes…you are ok.”

“What the fuck just happened?” Sawyer shouted. He was looking around waiting to be next on the aliens’ list to be attacked.

Zan had lowered his shield after Max finished healing Boone. He and Ava stood behind their King and his lover ready to defend them from the three survivors.

“What needed to happen.” Zan answered matter of factly.

Jack looked nervously over the two shoulders at the body lying lifeless beyond Boone and Max. He wanted to go to him, he was a doctor, he had to help.

“He’s dead.” Ava said noticing the edginess in Jack. “You can’t help him. No one can.”

“You killed him!” Kate screamed. She was upset and a couple of tears escaped her eyes but she wasn’t hysterical. Sawyer reached out and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him. His distrust shone brightly in his eyes.

“Yes we did.” Zan said calmly. His normal cocky self had rescinded, leaving this composed and controlled man in its place.

“There were other ways to resolve this.” Jack’s voice rose as his anger started climbing over his shock.

“Possibly, but this was how it had to be. He tried to kill one of us. He had to be punished. We couldn’t allow him to succeed.”

“One of you?” Sawyer asked looking at where Max still held Boone. They were talking softly, completely ignoring their presence. “He had the knife to Boone’s neck, he was threatening Boone’s life, not one of you…freaks.”

Feeling Zan’s anger rising in, Ava stepped in with an explanation. “Boone is Max’s lover. They have started the bonding process. When complete, he will be the King’s confidant. That position is the same as that of royal birth, the same as one of us, the King’s equal. We protected what was ours.”

Three jaws dropped open in shock. There were bits of information that had been left out before. They knew Max, Zan, Ava, and Alex were some sort of alien hybrids. They knew that they were going back to their planet once the rescue boat got there. It was obvious that Boone and Max were together but no one judged them. Of course, the key leaders of the plane survivors only knew this information, it was too dangerous for everyone to know the details of their visitors. But they had said nothing of Max being a King of this other planet or the fact that Boone and he were…bonding.

“Zan. Make sure they get back to the caves safely.” Max’s voice broke the still night air. He and Boone were standing. They were both blood soaked and tired. Neither looked back at Locke’s dead body. “We’ll be back to the shelter later.”

Zan nodded knowing the final phase is about to be completed.

“Wait. Where are they going? Shouldn’t I take a look at Boone?” Jack asked. His mind was still having a hard time harnessing all this foreign information. He felt as if the island was finally making him mad.

“No need. Max healed him fully. Not even a scar will be seen.” Ava said stepping up to Jack. She saw the concern and confusion in his expression and she suddenly felt the need to take it all away. “Come on. Let’s get back to the caves and we’ll talk some more.” Ava was willing to answer all their questions. She knew that when the time came to separate from these survivors, she and Tess would wipe their memories of all they’d learned. But until then, she’d appease them.

“What about Locke?” Kate asked.

“Sawyer and I will carry him back.” Zan volunteered, his eyes daring the blonde man to argue.

Sawyer, despite the urge to disagree with this man knew better than to argue at the moment. He was slowly learning how to pick his battles. But that didn’t stop him from making smart ass remarks.

“Don’t you have some hocus pocus power to do this for us?” He asked as he bent over and lifted Locke’s feet.

“Yeah, but doing it the hard way will remind you not to fuck with us.” Zan mumbled as he picked Locke up by the armpits. He did concentrate a bit of his energy on the dead body, making his end lighter while Sawyer’s was heavier. He couldn’t stop himself. He saw a bit of the old New York Zan in Sawyer.


Not caring of the others, Max pulled Boone through the jungle. He knew Zan would make sure the others were safe leaving him free to fulfill what his mind and body were insisting.

Boone kept up with Max but feeling a little less sure than his lover about what was happening. What had happened to him was a complete blur of events and sensations. His mind couldn’t process them all as his body was flooded with energy and awareness. His body hummed with every movement Max made. Max filled every sense that Boone had. He could smell him, hear his heart pounding rapidly, taste him in his mouth, and feel his body pressed to his though they were not touching but by their joined hands.

Max stopped them at a small lagoon. The slight breeze caused ripples in the waters. Birds echoed their nightly calls above them in the trees. He could feel the Granolith inside, demanding that he finish what was started. Turning around he grabbed Boon and pulled him against his body. With a touch their clothing disappeared so skin touched skin.

“Max.” Boone hissed as his body shivered in ecstasy.

Max claimed Boone’s mouth with a fierce demanding kiss. His body ached for his lover. It felt as if it had been months since they were intimate. Max’s energy swirled around them encasing them in purple, black, and silver hues. Max moved them toward the lagoon’s edge, slowly moving into the water until it came up to their waists.

Boone tore his mouth from Max, lifting his head and gasping for air. Max’s mouth made its way down Boone’s neck drawing enticing moans from his lover. Max reached down between their bodies and grasped Boone’s hardened length.

“Please…” Boone begged knowing only Max thrusting in and out of his body would cool the burning power swirling in him.

Max turned Boone and pushed him over a large boulder that materialized out of nowhere. Max pressed his body against Boone in dominance.

“Boone…” He panted. “I’m sorry…I may be…rough.” His control was quickly slipping, the Granolith’s powers taking over, making sure the four-square was complete, foreplay was out the window.

“Do it Max. I need you. I can’t…wait.” Boone bucked his hips back against Max.

Max didn’t wait for a second invitation as his primal instincts took over. He’d only felt this way twice in his life. Both times were right before he took Liz then Kyle as his lovers, his mates. With a single thrust Max entered Boone using his powers only to make the way smooth.

Boone cried out in pleasure startling the wildlife. He felt every inch of Max drive in and out of his body. His body sang in pleasure despite the roughness of his lover. His head swam when Max bit his shoulder, marking him.

“Faster.” Boone panted as the rough rock surface scratched his front. The smoothness of Max’s skin rubbing against back mixed with the coarseness brushing his front sent him spiraling into climax. Screaming Max’s name he came, his cum bursting from his body.

Feeling Boone’s release vibrate through his body Max could do nothing to hold back his own orgasm.

“Mine!” He cried as he filled Boone with his seed and essence then collapsed, near fainting. Neither man saw the colors absorb into their skin but felt a coolness rush through their veins.

“It’s done.” Max breathed heavily feeling Boone completely embedded in his soul.


“What the…?” Sawyer gasped as he turned just in time to see Zan and Ava’s bodies glow and their eyes glow gold. It last only seconds but it lit the cave entrance where they stood.

Ava smiled. “The four-square is once more complete.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Post by magikhands »

Oh boy...I'm really out of it around here. I went to vote in round three this morning and found that this story has been nominated for best slash fic. :shock: Whoo hoo for me :P Thanks for who ever nominated me...


Don't forget to go and vote in support to all the writers here!
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 25

Post by magikhands »

Well, I'm back :D And thanks to all who voted for this fic in the awards. I got runner up against a very good fic that I adore :wink:
Anyhoo, hope all had a great and safe holiday break. Sorry it took so long.

Chapter 25

Dawn had broken some time ago, and only because of rumbling stomachs did Max and Boone start on the trail back to the cave. They had stayed the night by the lagoon, making love and talking until exhaustion made them nap.

It was a beautiful day, even if it was already getting a little too hot and muggy in the jungle. To Boone, everything looked new and bright. He was holding onto Max’s hand as they walked, smiles seemed glued to their faces. They were completely bonded, two persons now connected as one.

“I feel so…energized.” Boone said in wonder. He’d never felt so good before.

Max chuckled. Boone sounded like a little kid with a new toy. “Yeah, the high of bonding will last for a couple of days.”

“So this…it won’t last?” Disappointment edged in. He liked feeling Max within him and power surging through his body.

“The sensations will stay, they just…dull, flaring up sometimes.” Max tried to explain what Boone would experience. The healing and bonding had changed Boone but he would never be as powerful as the hybrids.

They stopped as a crashing sound startled them then Shannon was rushing toward them. Before Boone could catch his breath, her arms were around him squeezing tight.

“What the hell happened last night?” She demanded but refused to let go. “They brought back Locke’s body and said that he tried killing you but then they wouldn’t let me go find you.” She turned so that her eyes narrowed on Max. “Your damn arrogant look-alike used his damn powers to keep me in the caves.”

Shannon was pissed. Boone had to pry himself from her grip. “I’m ok Shannon. Really, look at me…one piece.” He smiled but Shannon wouldn’t look at him.

“I can’t believe you put him in danger like that. He was fine…safe until you showed up.” She started in on Max and took a threatening step closer to him.

All laughter and play was gone from Max’s expression. Boone could feel Max holding back his anger and trying to be patient with his sister but Boone knew it wouldn’t last long. Max had told him that with the merging of the others’ essences he’d also adapted some of their characteristics…like Michael’s short temper and impatience at times according to Max.

“Shannon, let’s go for a walk.” He suggested and pulled on her arm. With fire still in her eyes she huffed and relented. “Max, I’ll catch up with you after this.” Boone smiled at his lover who nodded and returned the smile before continuing the path.

Boone pulled his sister off the path a ways until they came to a boulder. He had her sit and though she was still pouting, he felt excitement build within.

“Last night…it was horrible yet the best thing that has happened so far.” He started.

“Boone.” Shannon turned her attention to him, looking him over carefully. Taking his hand she pulled him so that he kneeled in front of her. Her examination continued. She ran her fingers across his brow then pulled aside the collar of his t-shirt. “Where are your scars? You’ve had them since we were children…how could they have just disappeared?”

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” Boone smiled elatedly. “Locke kidnapped me last night, when I got up to pee. He was waiting for me. He hit me on the head and dragged me into the jungle. But Max…the connection we shared, he was able to find me.”

Boone’s smile faded as he remembered what Locke was going to do. He was going to hide them until after the rescue ship left. Locke had said that he belonged to him, that an alien didn’t deserve someone like Boone.

“Locke was talking crazy and held a knife to my throat. He wanted me for himself. He wanted to stay on the island, just him and me. He…he cut my throat.” Boone wasn’t going to tell Shannon that Max made him do it. He understood why his lover did so, and what had to happen.

Shannon reached up and touched Boone’s throat. “There’s nothing there Boone. Are you sure you didn’t have delusions?”

“No, Locke cut me but Max healed me. He saved me. I guess in the process he got in deep enough to heal some of my old scars too. Zan and Ava killed Locke once I was away. They had to Shannon.”

“But if you were fine, then why wouldn’t that ass let me find you. To see for myself?” Boone heard her anger emerge again.

“Because he knew Max and I needed time to finish our bonding.”

“Bonding? I don’t understand.” Shannon said her frustration clearly heard.

Boone sat and patiently explained to his sister about the connection he and Max had and that before Max could return as King he needed both his son and the active four-square again. Also, for Boone to hold the position of the King’s consort, he would have to be bonded to gain the protection and position that was due Max’s love.

Shannon shook her head. It was unbelievable to her. “This is all so crazy. I feel like I’m in a dream and I can’t wake.”

“Watch.” Boone drew her attention as he waved his hand over a leaf on a nearby plant. Once it passed there was a bloom attached to it. Shannon gasped. “Yeah, I’ve been working on it since we woke. Pretty awesome, huh?”

Shannon clearly heard the excitement in his voice and found it hard to be angry at what had happened. She saw that her brother was becoming someone she didn’t know…having a life that she wasn’t included in.

She looked down at her hands twisting in her lap. “That means you’re really going to Antar. Going away to some strange alien planet and never coming back.”

Boone heard her sadness and looked at Shannon. His chest tightened. In all the excitement he’d not thought about how Shannon would react to him going away. They hadn’t lived near each other in years, but he was always there when she called. Now it was all about to change.

He reached up and cradled her face in his palms. “I love you Shannon but Max…he’s my true love, my life. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to help raise Alex, to see him grow into a man. For the first time in my life, I want something that is all mine. Not something that was handed to me. I have Max’s love, his respect. I don’t want to leave you but I have to go. I can’t stand the thought of being without him.”

Shannon felt a tear slide down her cheek. He was right. He’d spent his life trying to keep her out of trouble then his mother had handed him the company to run even when he didn’t want it. He deserved to be happy.

“Sayid loves you. He will take care of you.” Boone said. “And I’ve made sure you were well taken care of.”

Shannon looked at Boone. “What do you mean?” She had nothing and all she ever gave him was trouble since her father had died.

“When I leave, the world will learn that I’ve died in the plane crash. But, thanks to Zan, I’ve got a will that leaves you all my assets, including my 60% share holdings in my mother’s company. It will be yours now.”

Shannon was speechless. She didn’t know what to say. She’d treated him like shit the past couple of years, making him come to Australia to con him out of money, only that backfired on her as well.

“I can’t…” She started.

“Yes, you can.” He smiled encouragingly. “You don’t have to personally run it if you don’t want. Use the money and go back to school. Get married to Sayid…I don’t care. Just be happy.”

“I don’t know how to…” She stared crying. Boone took her into his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the things I did.”

“I know. Now you have a second chance, just like I do. We have a chance to be happy.” Boone pulled away and looked into her eyes. “And if there is anyway I can, I’ll contact you. OK?”

Shannon nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I’m starving. Let’s go find something to eat.”

Shannon laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t eat either.”


Max met with Zan and Ava at the caves near the water supply.

“Where’s Alex?” He asked sitting down next to them.

“He’s with Serena, Charlie, Tess, and Aaron down at the beach. Alex has bugged Charlie until he promised to play his guitar for him.” Ava chuckled knowing how persistent her nephew can be.

Max nodded glad that Alex is able to spend a little time with his mother and brother. He’d found that family, no matter the relation or how strained the situation may be, was important.

“Everything go ok, boss?” Zan asked.

Max smiled. “Yeah, everything is great. Thanks for the time.”

Zan shrugged finally relenting to his new station.

“I was thinking Ava. There are too many people for you to mind warp. Maybe we can ask Tess for her help. What do you think?”

“If she’s willing, I’m game for help. Maybe it will cut down on the raging headache that accompanies such powerful use of energy.”

Max nodded. “I’m sure. We just need to get a story set. She can also help us fill in the blanks since we weren’t here the entire time.”

They stood to go when Kate, Sawyer, and Jack approached them.

“Could we speak with you for a few?” Kate asked.

The three hybrids exchanged glances then sat back down. The other three followed. Kate shifted. She seemed suddenly uncomfortably. Even the cocky Sawyer looked nervous.

“What can we do for you?” Max asked suddenly feeling like a diplomat.

“We were wondering…” Kate looked around before continuing. “Can this planet you are going to support humans?”

“Support humans?” Zan asked only acting confused. He had been weary of these survivors, especially after his experience with Locke the night before.

“She’s asking if humans can live on Antar.” Sawyer said a little impatient.

“We’ve never been there but from all the knowledge I have, I’d say yes.” Max replied.

“But you’re not sure?” Jack asked.

Max thought for a moment, searching the memories the Granolith had implanted in his mind. “We are hybrids. Our physical bodies are the same as humans, including our lungs and the air we need to breath. It is the Antarian DNA that runs in our cells that unlocks portions of our brain where our powers come from. So I would have to say that if we are able to survive, so would humans.”

“Why are you asking?” Ava asked curiously but her attention was on Jack.

“The rescue ship should be here sometime tomorrow.” Kate shifted again and looked at her two companions. “We were talking and..well..”

“We have nothing to go back to.” Sawyer finished for her.

“What we are asking, is if we can go with you?” Jack quickly said.

Max studied the three. He reached out and touched each of their minds with his empath ability. He felt no deceit or mischief in their actions.

“Being humans with no abilities, it will be dangerous.” Max warned.

“Yeah, well, if we go back to the states it will be dangerous for us.” Sawyer huffed.

Max looked at Zan and Ava. Both shrugged leaving the decision up to him.

“Before I answer, I must seek your motives. I ask your permission to connect with your mind.”

Kate and Sawyer glanced at each other and it was obvious that they were uncomfortable with Max using his powers.

“I will only touch your temples and as long as you don’t fight my entrance it will be painless.”

Kate nodded and slid closer to Max. He reached up and let his fingers brush her temples while gazing into her eyes.

“Relax and clear your mind.” Max coaxed her with a soft voice.

Max entered easily. He saw flashes of her life, the things she’d done, the mistakes and felt her regret. Wrong place, wrong time scenario. Accidents. Grief and remorse. She never meant to cause deaths or pain.

Max pulled away and nodded approval, but his face was expressionless. He saw that if she were to get on that ship she’d go directly to jail. She had skills and knowledge that would be helpful. He would allow her to join them.

Max turned to Sawyer. He was a little more reluctant with him but gave Sawyer the benefit of doubt. Sawyer actually reminded him a little of Michael. Max repeated the same as he did for Kate. He locked gazes with Sawyer and found it a little more difficult to enter. Max pushed and Sawyer gave a yelp.

“Don’t fight.” Max growled then felt Sawyer give in to his intrusion.

Sawyer was different than Kate. He was a con man but Max saw what drove him. Flashes of violence and trauma…then death filled Max’s head but also regret. Sawyer was hiding behind a tough exterior, but inside all he wanted was someone to love him, someone who would bring the goodness out in him.

Max pulled away and gave the same nod and looked between Kate and Sawyer.

“However, you must understand something before you make your final decision. Once you leave Earth there is no coming back. You will be dead to all who knew you. No one will remember you when the others leave the island.”

“I can live with that.” Sawyer said liking the idea of starting over and not having any one remember the things he may have said or did since the crash.

“You are going to an alien planet.” Max continued. “There you will be the weak ones. You have no powers and will need protection.”

“What kind of protection?” Kate asked a little worried.

“You will publicly announce your loyalty to Antar’s throne and its King.” Zan picked up seeing where Max was going with it. “Only then will all know that to attack you is the same as attacking the King.”

“You both have talents that may be useful. We can provide you with a job and the things you would need to start your new life.” Max looked at Kate then Sawyer and waited for their decision.

Slowly they both nodded.

“Good, now if you will excuse us. I would like to talk with Jack.” Max said dismissing them but not harshly. His eyes had shifted to Jack who had been quiet most of this time and watching.

Kate and Sawyer got up, almost hesitantly. Sawyer walked off but Kate lingered a moment and looked at Jack before leaving.

“Is she worth everything Jack?” Max asked once the two were out of hearing, but he was looking down at the sand around his feet. He’d found a small stick and he was drawing designs in the sand.

Jack cleared his throat. “What are you talking about?”

Max looked up. “They were right when they said they had nothing to go back to…except jail. But you…why are you willing to give up everything to go with us?”

Jack looked a little surprised at Max, his eyes shifted to Zan and Ava who stayed silent. They were interested as well. Jack’s mouth open and closed a couple of times but his words stayed within.

“She’ll only hurt you. Is she worth it?”

Jack stared at Max. “Maybe it’s a risk I want to take.”

“She has feelings for you but…she’s drawn to someone else. He will win her heart in the end.”

“Why are you telling me this? How can you be so certain?”

“I can’t be certain. The future can be changed…most of the time.” Max added. Liz had known that no matter what they did, they would die. But she and Kyle had managed to save him, so he could continue the purpose the hybrids were created. “But I know what I sense, I trust it completely. You know what I say is true as well. You’ve seen her with him. You’ve seen the look in her eyes. I will ask again. Why do you want to give up your life to travel with us?”

Jack lowered his head and searched for the right words. “It feels right. My life, before the crash, wasn’t perfect. In fact, it was going downhill. I was searching for something and I feel…” He paused and looked up. “I feel drawn to go with you. To start anew. I can’t really explain it. I just know how I feel.”

Max looked at Zan, his new second. An unspoken agreement passed between the two before Max turned back to Jack. “You will be required to do the same as Kate and Sawyer.” Max gave Jack the slightest of smiles. “I’m sure Antar could always use a doctor.”

“You aren’t going to do your mind reading thing on me?” Jack asked confused, his brows drawing together.

“No. You are an open book to me. You and I have a lot in common.” Max rubbed the back of his neck feeling the tension settle in. The relaxation that he’d felt during his time alone with Boone was quickly fleeing as responsibility reared its ugly head.

“I don’t understand.”

“We were both thrust into leadership positions whether we wanted them or not. For some reason, others look to you to guide them, help them. And you…you can’t help who you are, just as I can’t. I spent years running from it, but no matter what, you can’t escape.”

Ava stood followed by Zan, Max, and lastly Jack. “But you’ll do fine and find your spot in life.” Max patted him on the shoulder then started toward the beach.

Jack stood there for some time replaying Max’s words before turning and leaving the caves. He couldn’t help thinking that Max was a lot wiser then his years.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 26

Post by magikhands »

Sorry it took so long guys...I've had a hard time figuring out where I wanted this to go and well...my muse kind of went kaplooey Image Hopefully, its coming back.

Chapter 26

Max and Ava spoke with Tess who agreed to help. They sat that evening and came up with a story to mindwarp the leaving survivors. Boone, Locke, Kate, Sawyer, and Jack would be remembered by the others as dead. Kate and Boone would not have survived the crash, Sawyer died by an infection early on, Locke died by a vicious beast in the jungle, and lastly Jack, just days before rescue by drowning in the ocean taken by a rip current. Max and his small band of aliens would be completely blocked out of their memory. The only ones who would remember them would be Tess, Charlie, Sayid, and Shannon.

The Granolith warned Max of the approaching ship hours before it could be seen with the eye. The three humans going to Antar has already cleared their things from the caves and beach. Tess and Ava worked together and mindwarped the remaining survivors. They did it slow and careful so their energy wasn’t wiped before the job was finished. Afterward the group headed down to the shelter.

While they waited, Tess spent the last of her time with Alex. Max and Zan sat nearby and watched amused as Alex made her laugh. Charlie sat nearby with Aaron in his arms watching the mother and son interact. Boone was with Shannon saying good-bye.

When it was time for Tess and the others to return to the beach she stood and wrapped her arms around herself.

“He’s a good boy. His heart is innocent and kind.” Tess looked to Max. “Like his father.”

“But he’s stubborn and strong like his mother.” Max complimented. He’d watched his son interact with Tess and there was no mistaking the mother and son bond they shared. Tess had protected their son with her life from Khivar. She’d brought him back to Earth for his safety, to Max. And though Tess had caused them a lot of trouble years before, he could see that she was changed. Her human side had conquered the alien in her. That would make her a good person, one who would love her sons and do what was best for them.

Tess gave a smile and turned to where Alex was saying good-bye to his brother. “Thank you Max. He will make a great King with you as his guide.”

“Yes, he will.” Max smiled and nodded, watching his son.

“I just wish that Alex and Aaron could know each other better.”

Max turned to Tess. “Don’t worry. They will cross paths again. Just make sure Aaron knows that he has a brother who loves him.”

Tess studied Max. She knew that he was different than before. He was stronger and wiser. She could feel the power that he held radiating from him. She had not questioned him about it, knowing that she no longer had the right to know those details; she’d lost that when she killed Alex. But looking into his eyes, she saw that he had knowledge that she’d never have or understand.

“Good-bye Max.” Tess said.

“Good-bye Tess. Take Aaron into your heart and teach him what you’ve learned.” Max leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Tess nodded and went to Charlie and her sons where she could say her final good-bye.

Later, hiding in the jungle, the small band going to Antar hid and watched the survivors pile into the rescue boat. They saw Shannon’s hesitation to leave as she lingered behind the others and her body was held rigid. Boone squeezed Max’s hand, silently hoping that he wouldn’t have to have Ava mindwarp her. If she tried to protest, he and Max had already made the decision to do so. Boone let out a sigh of relief when Sayid took her hand and led her away.

At the back of the gathering, they watched Walt turn and give a small discreet wave toward them.

“Wait. I thought you said that the others wouldn’t remember us.” Jack looked at Ava.

“They don’t but…” Ava looked confused as well.

“He’s special.” Alex said sadly as his new friend left. “He won’t tell anyone.”

Once everyone was safely off the island Zan led everyone back to the shelter. After the others climbed down the ladder, he took a moment to seal the hatch before joining the others. They gathered around Max where he was pressing symbols on the Granolith base.

“Is it staying here?” Serena asked looking up into its purple and black swirls churning.

“No. It has a place prepared in the Palace on Antar.” Max said turning to them. “Ready?”

Zan and Ava nodded. They were anxious to see the planet they’d been created on. Serena held tight to Alex’s hand still feeling a little unsure but she knew she would follow Zan to the end of the universe to be with him. Sawyer, Kate, and Jack looked down right nervous but held hands and waited.

“Here we go.” Max took his son’s hand and touched the Granolith.

They felt a little dizzy and light on their feet then with a bright flash of light they found themselves in a brightly lit room. Their first instinct was to shield their eyes but as they slowly opened them their eyes adjusted.

“We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto.” Sawyer mumbled looking around.
“You can say that again.” Serena said with awe.

The room wasn’t large but one entire wall was made of glass to show the view of a thick forest not far in the distance. The sky was an odd color of blue, more of a turquoise and the sun was more white than yellow as on Earth. All the colors seemed brighter and somewhat off than they had on Earth.

A door behind them slid open making Max and Zan throw their shields up around the group in protective reflex. Everyone watched with breath held as a tall man walked in. He was broad in width, long black hair held back in a ponytail, and black eyes without a hint of white surrounding them. He wore a red uniform waist jacket, gold braids hanging from each shoulder, and gold emblems decorated his collar. He had tight black pants and calf high black boots.

His eyes widened a fraction of a second and surprise flashed briefly in the coal eyes as he looked at the numbers in the group. The others didn’t seem to notice the man’s reaction but Max did. He felt the surprise for a brief second before it was quickly blocked. And despite the lack of whites in this being’s eyes, he saw how they seemed to narrow on Zan and the others before bowing.

“Welcome Majesties. Your arrival has long been awaited.” The being said in a deep gruff voice that echoed through the room.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 27

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 27

Max lowered his shield and stepped forward. “You know who I am?” His eyes meeting the new arrival’s. He didn’t like the vibe he got from this being but until he could pin down what he was receiving, he had to keep his opinion to himself.

The man bowed his head before speaking. “Yes. You are King Maxwell, born of Earth.” Max sensed disquiet from this man as his name fell from his mouth.

His head rose and looked to Alex who was peeking around Max’s legs. “And Prince Alexander, born of Antar.”

“And who are you to know so much about me?”

“Forgive me Sire.” The man bowed from the waist. “I am Rajan Tarkon. General to Antar’s Army.”

Zan didn’t have Max’s empathic powers but he knew something was wasn’t quite right about this man. Zan knew that the group of pods he and Ava came from were made slightly different than Max’s group. They had a little more alien in them. They had known who they were in their past lives, how they died, and more control over their powers naturally. He too had seen how the man reacted seeing them all there. Zan didn’t like this man. Something about him made him distrust him.

Zan stepped up next to Max and narrowed his eyes on the man. “How did you know that we were here?”

“Lord Larek knew of your soon arrival. We were able to pick up a signal from the Granolith before your arrival. I have come to greet you and to show you to your residences. I’m sorry, we were expecting fewer of you.” His eyes went to the group standing behind Max and Zan.

“I’m sure your last minute accommodations will suit us fine General.” Max said with an air of authority. He was surprised with how easily it came to him. “Zan and I would like to meet with Lord Larek immediately.”

“Of course Sire.” Rajan nodded his head once. “May I ask who is with you and how many rooms are needed?”

Max felt Rajan’s interest in those he brought to Antar and he wanted to make things as comfortable as possible for them as soon as he could. He moved to the side and looked back. His arm wrapped protectively around his son’s shoulder. He made the proper introductions and he could feel Rajan’s distaste for the humans.

“Do you have a problem with my family and guests?” Max turned on Rajan unexpectedly. His voice was low and demanding. He’d had enough prejudice and fear on Earth. He would not tolerate the humans of his group to feel the same if he could stop it.

This surprised Rajan and he momentarily showed it by taking a step back and his eyes widening briefly. While his ‘King’ was introducing the others his feelings seethed of dislike for them. He could smell the human in them all. Even the ‘Prince’. He saw the human species as weak and inferior. And now it would be in Antar’s ruling house.

Rajan was an expert at hiding his emotions, of outwardly displaying the opposite of what he felt. That was how he’d risen so far in rank. He’d not expected this...boy to see through him. To have...the Sight. It was a rare power and the original King Zan or others of the Royal Four had not possessed it.

Rajan quickly set up walls around his emotions, unsure of how deep a glimpse the ‘King’ had gotten.

“No Sire. No problem. They are welcome here as your guests.”

Max suppressed response to the shiver that ran up his spine. He felt Rajan’s anger and contempt for them and he wondered of their safety if more felt the same.

Max nodded them continued. “Boone will share my rooms. These will have an adjoining door to Alex’s room. Zan and Serena will be on the others side of Alex. Ava’s room will be in the same hall. Sawyer, Jack, and Kate will each have a room to themselves near mine.”

Rajan nodded, his face stoic. “It shall be arranged. Excuse me a moment.” He turned and exited the room.

“Daddy, he’s scary.” Alex broke the silence.

“Yes, I’m sure he can be.” Max said watching the door and hugging Alex closer to him.

“So we wait?” Ava asked.

“We wait.” Zan answered.

Several minutes later, Rajan enters again. “Lord Larek has been summoned and your rooms are being prepared. I will take you to meet with Lord Larek.”

They followed Rajan through a series of corridors. Everyone was in awe of the sites around them. The walls were smooth, almost marble like with an off white color. The ceiling high and designed unlike they had ever seen. There were strange pieces of art hung through out the halls and most of the doors they passed were closed.

Rajan was silent. He didn’t care to explain where they were, who chose the art hanging, or even where some of the other corridors and doors led to.

“This is all so surreal.” Kate whispered as she looked around.

Jack, Sawyer, and Boone felt the same as they tried to take in the alien world.

“If you will wait in here,” Rajan instructed as he opened a door. “Lord Larek should be here momentarily.”

They walked in to what almost looked like a large dinning room. In the center of the room was a long table with surrounding chairs. But the walls were lined with shelves filled with books and charts.

“The battle room.” Zan said in awe looking around. He remembered this room from his dreams. A time when he would remember his past life. They were only bits and pieces that he remembered but the original Zan had spent many hours in here with Rath.

“You remember this?” Max asked looking at his twin. The Granolith had somehow given him the knowledge of the Palace’s layout but he didn’t remember anything from his past life on his own.

Zan nodded. “Yeah. This was where Zan, Rath, and the Elders would spend hours planning strategy.” He reached out and ran his hand on the smooth dark table. He suddenly winced as if in pain and gasped.

“What is it?” Serena moved up to him concerned.

“This was where Ava was killed. Khivar stabbed her and left her laying on the table, her blood draining, for...him. The first Zan to find.” Zan said in a soft voice but looking to Max. The two shared a moment that only they could relate to.

The door opened and a tall man walked in ushered by two guards who, with the man’s nod, retreated and closed the door behind them. Max stepped up and assessed the man. He had light hair with thick streaks of white throughout. His eyes were dark violet in color and his skin pale of color. He bowed at the waist before them.

“King Max. It is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.”

“Larek.” Max held his hand out and Larek took it. “Thank you for everything. And please…just Max. I’m not sure if I’m ready for all this King stuff yet.”

Larek chuckled. “As you wish…Max.” He looked around and smiled when he saw Alex crowding near Serena. Larek kneeled on the floor. “And you must be Alex. It is my honor to meet you.”

Alex was hesitant but moved from Serena and looked up at Max who nodded his approval. Standing as straight as a six year old could, Alex held out his hand to Larek. “Nice ta meet you.” He said with a smile. After he shook Larek’s hand, he looked up at Serena and smiled. “See ‘Rena, I do have manners.” His sweet child voice echoed through the room making everyone laugh.

“Yes you do Sweetie.” Serena bent down and kissed his cheek.

Larek stood and looked around at the others. His gaze lingered on Ava, Zan, and Boone. “I see that you have formed another four-square.”

“Something like that.” Max said.

Larek nodded his head, turned and took a seat at the table. “It is good. Antar needs a strong power base right now.” He waited until the others sat before he continued. “It has been three Earth years since you defeated Khivar Max, but only a short time has passed here. The government in unstable. There are still enemies of the crown out there. Ones that believe Khivar or his blood should be in power. I wish I could give you better news but there is still a lot of work to do to get things settled.”

Max sighed. Why did he think that anything in his life would be simple? He felt Boone’s hand on top of his and give a little squeeze, showing his support and encouragement.

“So we have to find out who is loyal to the King.” Zan said looking toward Larek. The impressions he had of his past life, Zan felt he could trust Larek. If he recalled correctly Larek was a good friend, someone trustworthy.

Larek nodded.

“How do you do that?” Jack asked.

“Very carefully.” Max answered.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 28

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 28

The doors to the battle room opened and a woman walked in. She wore a long flowing gown brightly colored, her golden hair swept high on her head. She walked tall and with fluid grace. As she drew closer, they could see that her eyes held an exotic slant and were the color of a stormy sky.

Larek’s face lit as he turned and wrapped an arm around the woman’s waist.

“This is my wife Dartyn.” He introduced while she smiled and looked at each person in the room.

Stepping away from Larek, Dartyn went to Ava and looked down at the young woman. She reached out and touched Ava’s face. “Still beautiful as ever.” She said making Ava blush.

“My wife and the original Ava were close friends.” Larek informed them as he caught Zan’s narrowed gaze on his wife. “They grew up together, attended the same school on Tarphon.”

Ava felt tears fill her eyes as unexpected emotions rushed through her mind. No images, no vivid memories, just feelings of laughter, mixed with sorrow, and happier times. But she knew the woman touching her was a friend. Someone she could count on.

“I’m sorry I don’t remember you.” Ava’s voice was soft with a hint of regret.

“It is the way of things. We shall be friends again. I can feel it. Your heart is warm, your aura bright despite the trouble you’ve seen.”

Ava smiled and nodded.

Dartyn drew away from Ava and looked at the others. “Your rooms are ready. I’d be happy to show you to them and help you settle in. You can rest before we gather for dinner.”

“Thank you Dartyn.” Serena smiled in gratitude before looking to Alex. “It’s past his nap time.”

“Rena.” Alex whined.

“Don’t give Serena a hard time Bud.” Zan said kneeling by Alex. “It’s been a long day and tomorrow will be longer.”

Alex lifted his head. “I know but I’m a big boy now. A Prince.”

“But even Princes need rest.” Zan reasoned with him. “Go and after a little while you and I will find something to annoy Serena with.”

Serena’s brow raised but Alex nodded and smiled.

“Zan and I are going to stay with Larek for a while.” Max said before turning to Boone. “Make sure they get settled in.” He indicated to the three other crash survivors. Max knew Serena and Ava would take care of Alex, but the others were completely on their own. Boone was their one link to this small band.

“Be careful.” Boone said giving Max a parting kiss.

“You too.” Max whispered remembering Rajan’s reaction to them.

“Come, I’ll give you the, as they say on Earth, two-bit tour.” Larek said after the others left with Dartyn.

Zan and Max laughed and shook their heads as Larek tried using Earth slang. It really didn’t sound right coming from him, but neither had the heart to tell him not to try. He was only trying to make them feel more at home.

Larek walked between the two men as he led them through the mazes of halls. Occasionally he’d point out a specific piece of art or room that may be of some importance to the reborn kings.

“A coronation ceremony will be held tomorrow. It’s a big spectacle for the people but it is more for show since they already acknowledge you as their king.”

“So I assume a lot of people will be there?” Max asked swallowing hard. He hated feeling like he was on display. He knew he’d never get used to being in front of a crowd of people. It had taken a lot of control to keep from yakking on the stage when he stood up at graduation so the others could get away.

“Yes, along with diplomats from other planets. It will be easy Max. You will be crowned, Alex will be recognized as your heir while Zan, Ava, and Boone will be by your side. The four-square.”

“And the others that came with us?” Zan asked worried about Serena’s safety. Yes, she had abilities like he but she was still human.

“The humans who came with you will publicly announce their loyalty to you so all of Antar will know that they are under your protection.” Larek answered as he stopped in front of a set of closed doors.

Max and Zan exchanged glances still worried for the other’s safety. They could feel the danger lingering around them. They weren’t completely safe…how can the others?

Before they could question Larek any further, he threw open the doors and stepped inside. Identical eyes widened in surprise as they took in the room before them. It was enormous. The paintings and tapestries hung on the walls were lined in what looked like gold. The floor gray but smooth and shining. Massive pillars ran along the length of the room, five on each side that were white as fresh snow. At the opposite end of the room sat a throne. On each side were similar chairs but smaller in size.

“This is…” Larek started.

“Incredible.” Max said in awe. He’d seen things like this in movies and even read about such descriptions of temples in Roman times, but to actually see it…the size was overwhelming.

Zan pat Max’s shoulder. “Could throw an radical party in this thing, huh?” He chuckled trying to lighten the mood more for his sake than Max’s. The moment he saw the room, a flash of images and feelings hit him. This had been where he’d died in his last life. This was the room Khivar killed him in. The room where he was made to watch as Khivar slowly tortured his sister and best friend. Where Khivar sat on the throne like a king and watched as all three of their bodies were drained of their blood along with their lives.

Max nodded numbly feeling a wave of discomfort coming from Zan. He turned and saw a tortured look in Zan’s eyes despite the smirk on his lips.

“This is where it happened isn’t it? This is where it ended.”

Zan sobered and nodded.

“It was bad.” It was a statement, not a question.


“Khivar is dead. It won’t happen again.” Max’s voice was low and confident.

“I know man. It’s just…”

“The past. We are the future.” Max laid his hand on Zan’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“You’re right.” He gave Max a slight crooked smile. “Let’s go see your new digs.”

Max huffed and shook his head. He couldn’t imagine ever thinking of this huge palace as home. He was just a boy from a small town in the desert. He never dreamed of fame and fortune. All he’d wanted was a normal life with the ones he loved.

“Tell me Larek. How would I go about putting Zan in charge of the Antarian Army.” Max asked as they walked across the room.

Larek ran a hand across his face and grimaced. “Not easily.”

“But he’s the King. Can’t he put whoever he wanted in the position?” Zan asked.

“Yes he can but not without some repercussions. You see, the position of General is an earned one. Without the soldier’s respect, your authority would mean nothing. Rath worked hard to get that position without Zan’s help. He was a ruthless warrior; eager to prove his place was among his King. His loyalty was unfaltering. He was an excellent leader, his soldiers both feared and respected him.”

“And Rajan did the same?” Max asked.

Larek nodded. “Pretty much. Khivar held a tournament after he took over Antar. He needed a General since he was sending Nicholas to Earth. You have to understand, Antarian soldiers, unlike Rath who was completely committed to Zan, give their loyalty to the Crown. Whoever rules Antar, they follow. There were many who revolted against Khivar’s rule but they either went into hiding or were killed.”

“Rajan won this tournament.” Zan said softly not liking how this was going.

“Yes. He killed every one of his opponents. It was a sickening display as he reveled in the blood he spilt. Khivar gladly appointed him the position. All Antarians fear him and his power.”

“What if it were to be found that he was disloyal?”

Larek raised a brow questioningly. “He would be executed.” He looked at Max. “Are you saying that he’s disloyal to the crown?”

Max shook his head. “No, but…well, let’s just say that he’s not happy we are here. Especially Zan.”

“Hmmm. Could be a problem.” Larek rubbed his chin in thought and looked at Zan. “Until we have proof, there’s nothing we can do. However we can put Zan in charge of your personal guards. He can hand pick the soldiers and he would have overall say in the safety of you and the others. Only you can overrule him. Rajan will have no control in that aspect. That will get his foot in the door and show the others what type of man he is.”

Max rubbed his neck feeling the tension build. “Guess that’s a plan for now. It will also keep Zan close to me.”

“Max, if you suspect…” Larek started.

“I don’t know Larek. I’ve got all these new abilities within me but I have trouble controlling them. I have Kyle’s empathy ability but it comes and goes still, but especially strong emotions pull at me.” He smiled at Larek. “Like the love you have for Dartyn.”

Larek’s face brightened and he smiled. “You don’t remember this, but it was you that introduced me to her. She came to visit Ava here before the two of you bonded. It was love at first sight.”

“I’m glad it all worked out Larek.” Max said glad that this war had not torn all happiness from this planet.

“I have a promise to keep so why don’t you show us where our rooms are Larek and we’ll pick up this chat later.” Zan broke in feeling a little uncomfortable with all the mushy talk.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 29

Post by magikhands »

Sorry it's taken so long...my muse has been dead this month due to some RL business...but here's a quicky :wink: while I work on the next part. Thanks sylvia for the fb :D *big hug*

Chapter 29

Max looked out over at the strange city that was his to rule. The night sky had been fascinating with its two blue colored moons and starry background, but the city had long ago drawn his attention. Below he could see homes that were made of stone and wood. The ones closer to the Palace wall were big and richly decorated while those farther away got smaller and less sturdy. The classes were clearly separated, much like it was on Earth.

Lights from fires flickered in the far distance and he could actually see shadows that walked by them. People…Antarians…walked around going about their nightly duties. These were his people. He shared the same DNA and essence as those that surrounded him, yet they were complete strangers. He was a stranger in a world he was created in. Where he had once lived and ruled.

Max felt Boone wrap his arms around his waist. His damp bare skin pressed on Max’s back. Max sighed and leaned back into his lover’s body allowing the smell of Boone’s clean skin filling his senses. They stood that way for several minutes without speaking, but Max could feel Boone’s concern. He’d been quiet since they’d returned to the room after dinner.

“It’s so hard to believe that I’m really here.” Max broke the silence. “I gave up hope a long time ago of ever seeing Antar. I was always curious of who it was that created us and sent us to Earth, but Michael…” He paused when he said his brother’s name. He knew Michael would have loved seeing this…or had he already been here, seen this? Max felt a fresh ache in his chest as he missed his brother, his best friend. Max didn’t think the ache would ever ease when he thought of his dead family.

“Michael used to dream of coming…home. Coming to a family…to a place where we belonged and no longer had to hide. Yet…I feel so alien here.”

Boone’s arms tightened their grip, pulling Max closer and kissed his neck.

“They expect me to be a King, to rule them.” Max shook his head. “But I’m not a King.” Tears filled his eyes and his voice cracked. “I don’t know what to do. They want me to lead them to a better world. They want me to fix things for them but…” He couldn’t finish his sentence as a sob escaped. How could he keep a whole planet safe from harm when he’d not been able to keep his small family on Earth safe?

Boone turned Max in his arms and embraced him, his hand smoothing through Max’s hair and comforting him. When he calmed, Max pulled back.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know…”

“It’s ok Max. You don’t have to apologize, not to me.” Boone reached up and cupped Max’s face in his hands. “There’s this aura around you. People look to you for answers, for leadership. You are basically the reincarnated King Zan. So is Zan but it is you who carries the active seal, the one that sired an heir to the throne. And yes, it is a lot of stress to have on your shoulders. A lot of responsibility. But you can do this. You have to show your son how to be a good person. You may make mistakes but isn’t that how you learn?”

Max looked at Boone and loved him more at that moment than before. “Make love to me Boone. Bury my fear with your love.” He begged. Max knew that Boone could deny him nothing and he would do just as he pleaded.

Boone said nothing but nodded as if he knew he could do just as Max said. Their lips met. The kiss was tender but filled with heated passion. Max knew that no matter how many times he was with Boone, he would never tire of his touch or caress.

Boone’s body was pressed tightly against Max’s, their skin heated with their desire. Max shivered as the cool night air rushed over his body when Boone broke their kiss and stepped back. Holding Max’s hand, Boone pulled his lover to the bed. With his free hand Boone reached up and caressed Max’s cheek, brushing away a remaining tear.

“I love you Max.” Their eyes locked. “You are stronger than any man I’ve ever met. The things you’ve gone through…I can’t imagine…” Boone paused. “I believe in you. Zan and the others believe in you.”

“Boone.” It came out as a choked whisper.

“It’s that same inner strength that is going to show your son how to be a good person and a great King.”

Max bowed his head and rested his forehead on Boone’s chest letting out a sigh. “I know.” Michael had once told him that he had an inner strength that he or Isabel couldn’t possibly possess. One that only a King could have.

Boone lifted Max’s head gently with his fingers. He lightly brushed his lips over Max’s before letting their kiss deepen. With practiced ease, the two men laid upon the bed, their clothing gone until only flesh pressed against flesh. Their mouths nipped at the other’s skin leaving little red marks. Max had learned that he enjoyed looking at the marks that Boone left on his body after a their lovemaking. Just the thought of seeing those small marks made him groan in need.

Wanting to give Boone total control of this time together, Max broke from Boone’s embrace and rolled onto his stomach. Boone knew exactly what his lover wanted and easily rolled on top so that his stomach was pressed against Max’s back. His mouth captured Max’s as their breath quickened and the temperature rose around them.

Boone’s hands slid softly down Max’s sides, brushing over his ribs and feeling the muscles flex under his touch to rest on his waist as he slowly enjoyed his lover’s mouth. Max lifted his hips so that Boone’s hardness would push against him. The movement made Boone gasp and release his hold on Max’s mouth.

“Tell me Max…” He whispered breathless in Max’s ear.

“I need you.” Max hissed as he felt Boone shift his cock to rest between his butt cheeks. “I want you inside…filling me.”

Boone groaned at his lover’s words, hearing the passion and need in every syllable. Moving his hands down, Boone spread Max’s cheeks so he could settle in. With practiced ease Boone pushed his length into Max and savored his groan of pleasure.

Max felt every slow, sensuous stroke Boone gave him. He opened himself up and felt his lover’s complete and utterly devoted love, swelling him with pleasure. Max knew that no matter how much he fucked up, no matter what decision he made, Boone would be right there supporting him. His own love had grown for Boone more every day they were together. He could no longer imagine his life without Boone, didn’t want to think of the possibility. Max knew his love for Liz and Kyle would never die, he would one day join them, but the love he had for Boone was different yet just as strong.

Soon Max felt his body tighten as his climax surfaced. He pushed back, making Boone’s strokes harder and deeper, needing to feel his lover tightly within him. Max cried out in pleasure as he felt Boone swell and allow his own climax to take him soaring.

Several minutes went by before either of them was able to move and their breath calmed. Max turned and slid into Boone’s waiting embrace. He knew he didn’t have to say the words, neither had to speak for their connection was wide open. Max felt Boone’s fingers brush his brow taking fallen hair with it. Max closed his eyes and snuggled into the warm body that held him tight. Together they drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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