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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:03 am
by destinysucks
*Max asks Tess if she'll be able to hide us and she nods in the affirmative,I hope we get away with this I need to be sure that the others okay,it'd be nice if Liz and Maria arent involved in this but I'm not stupid they wouldint of frozen me if they had'nt frozen them I'm of alot less impotance than them*

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:32 pm
by M

I nod at Max's question and then pause. 'Max? Wouldn't it make more sense if we left the two of them here? I mean, it would take less energy to hide two of us, and it's not like they have powers of their own. We can scout out the situation, find anyone else who's here and then come back.'

I glance at Alex and Kyle who are both looking displeased- though for apparently different reasons- and look back at Max, willing him to agree with me.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:48 pm
by isabelle

"No," I tell Tess. "We're alone, apparently a thousand years in the future. It might not be safe. I need us all to be together while we find the others and figure this out. This is not a good time to split up."

I can see Tess's expression dim as I reject her idea. I look at her, trying to read her face to figure out what she's thinking. "If you don't think you can hide us all, we can just do our best to stay out of sight. Or maybe you just save it for if we see somebody."

As far as I know, her power only works on people. If there were a camera or something in the hallway, we'd still be sunk. Of course, if that were the case, they'd probably already know where we all are.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:30 am
by destinysucks

*Just as I finish thinking about Liz and Maria Tess suggests that they leave me and Kyle here I glance at Kyle and he looks as displeasd at this idea as I do*

"No way Tess me and Kyle want to see the others just as much as you do"

*Everybody gazes at Max awaiting his awnser he quickly dissagrees with Tess and me and Kyle both breath a sigh of relief I think I'd go a tiny bit crazy if I didint get to see the others,I only hope Tess can protect all of us if she cant then were surely going to get cuaght*

End Alex

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:06 pm
by M

' I can protect us Max, that isn't really the issue.'

I take a step closer and lay a hand on his arm, lowering my voice so he has to lean in closer to hear me.

'It just seems like an unnecessary drain on energy. We can come back for them, I just think we could be more sucessful alone- just the two of us'

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:38 am
by isabelle

I nod at Tess's words, managing to avoid showing the frown I feel at her words. In the guise of 'protecting' Kyle and Alex, she really just wants to get me alone. It's still us-versus-them. Hybrid and human. Destiny. Doesn't she realize we're all lost together here?

"It would be easier for two to move around than four, you're right - but I can't leave them alone. We don't know that they'll be safe when we get back. As you said, they have no powers to protect them. What if something happened when we were gone?"

With a short use of power, I unlock the door, turning back to the guys before opening it. "Everyone ready?" They both nod, coming up close to Tess and me. Tess nods her readiness, too, looking grim and unhappy. "Let's go."

I open the door and the four of us step into the hallway. I intend to continue to the left, as my room and Alex's were to the right. But then I hear voices from the left.

"Are you cold, Isabel?"

It is her. Isabel. Walking down the hallway with a doctor of some kind. The four of us squeeze against the wall. Tess maybe able to keep them from seeing us, but they're bound to notice if they walk into somebody they can't see.

"When the doctor turns her back, hide Isabel, too," I say. Tess nods, and a moment later, I see Isabel gasp. "Max!" she cries. "Alex!"

I hurry over and give her a strong hug. "Thank Goodness you're okay," I tell her. Before she can answer, I pull her over to the wall with the others. "Tess is hiding us but she can't do it for much longer. We need to find a room."

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:05 am
by Liz_Parker

Once I turn back around from grabbing a blanket over te counter I find Isabel no longer standing there.

"Isabel?..", I say softly and look up and down the hall. Where in the world did she go?

"Isabel?! This isn't a game......we don't have time to play hide & go seek young lady....", I huff and look around for Dr. McLean, once I spot him I rush over and turn him around. "Dr. McLean, Isabel Evans is missing".

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:10 am
by destinysucks

*We walk a little way down the corridor and remarkably we see Isabelle the elief that floods through me when I she says my name and I can see she isint harmed,Max pulls her into a hug and briefly fills her in on whats going on it seems that she has as smaller clue as we do as to where everyone is*

End Alex

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:13 am
by KatnotKath

I look around the room again, searching for anything that might give any indication as to exactly where I am. I think it’s a hospital of course, but the scenery outside is like nothing I’ve ever seen so I’m pretty sure I’m not in New Mexico…

Unfortunately the contents of the room are as cold and impersonal as the walls. Cold, white, stark, they give me nothing…

Glancing again at the door and listening carefully for any sign that someone might be coming, when I’m satisfied by the silence I kneel down in front of the small unit next to the bed. I go through the drawer and then move onto the cupboard underneath. The drawer is empty, while the cupboard seems to contain some spar bedding. It’s not what I’m looking for though and I close it again, sinking down onto the floor for a moment.

For an instant I wonder about giving up, simply waiting until someone comes into the room to ask them about what I’m doing here and such, but then I realise how stupid that idea is. I’m only thinking it because I’m tired and worried. I’d never think of something like that usually because anyone in their right mind knows that something is very wrong when you end up in a locked room… Whoever will come in, I have a feeling I don’t really want to know.

My mind is racing with possibilities as to what I’m doing here… Have I been in an accident…? Well that would explain the hospital gown and such sure, but I can’t say I thought locked rooms were generally good practice… Ok, so not an accident… I hate to say this, but in my mind that probably leaves one thing, something to do with knowing Max, or even more likely something to do with the fact that he healed me… This realisation makes me stop a moment, stiffening, because I know only too well who will likely be involved if this is the case… The FBI…

I think the fact I don’t remember anything that happened is one of the things that worries me the most. How did I get here…? Oh, and probably more importantly, what do they want…?

Max, Isabel, Michael, Tess…Kyle, Maria and Alex…where are they…? Somehow I doubt that I’m all on my own here… Of course I don’t know that all of them will be here, but I have a feeling some of them will be and although part of me hopes that Max won’t be one of them, that he will be spared a repeat of his ordeal last summer, another part of myself wants more than anything for him to be here because just knowing he was nearbye would help. I know that I’m the one that has been pushing him away, and I know that I say that we can’t be together…that I walked away at the cave not him, but it doesn’t mean I don’t still love him. I wish more than anything that things could be different…because if I know one thing, I know that I love Max Evans more than anything in the world…

A noise outside makes me snap out of these thoughts and I to the end of the room, waiting there silently, waiting to see if anyone will come in. Luckily the footsteps pass by and I’m alone once again. My position at the far side of the room now gives me a better look of a machine that stands at the far side of the room. There are a number of wires coming from it, with pads on the end of the type that you would usually stick onto someone’s chest. I can only assume that they have been, or are intended to be used on me at some time and the thought makes me shiver. The machine is like nothing I have seen before and I’m not sure that I really want to find out what it does.

Not wanting to think about it too much, I turn away again and turn my attention to the closet, the only other fixture in the room. Pressing the panel to open it again, I go through it again but still come up empty handed. There’s nothing in there to help…a few pairs of shoes of the same style I’m now wearing, some skirts, a few dresses…a couple of blouses… All are in the same style, the only thing that’s different is the colours…

Everything looks so uniform, so ordered… I know that people say that I like order, but this is way too much even for me. I don’t like this place one bit and all I want is to get out of here…preferably before whoever put me in here comes back…

I try the door handle again but still it doesn’t budge and in desperation I go back over to the window. Looking down I can see that I’m several stories up, and I don’t know what I think I’m going to do if it moves, but I reach over and try to open the window.

It comes as little surprise when it doesn’t open at first but I look around the room, searching for something that I might be able to force it open with. There’s nothing… “Nothing…nothing, I’m just stuck here until they decide to come and deal with me” I mutter, rattling the window again.

I look out at the scenery outside, my eyes locking onto more and more unfamiliar objects. I might never have been to any big cities with the exception of when I was down in Florida, but this is like nothing I have ever seen…well except in movies… This looks like the sort of thing that hoverdrones and robots would fit right in… I swallow and try to tell myself I’m being stupid. Movies…hoverdrones…don’t be ridiculous…those are things out of sc-


Oh my G**, what the hell…? I look down at the noise and can’t help screaming at what I see. Green sparks, dancing over my hand, but what’s more, the side of the frame now has a mark on it, almost like it’s been scorched… Ok, what is happening…?

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:15 am
by Anna-Liisa
ooc: Sorry, I've been really busy and I had my 17th bday this wednesday so I haven't been in a big mood for posting anything. I don't know what to post for Kyle, but I'll post for Mclean. *looks up at the Liz post* that's long. Wish I could post as long as that, but I can't.


When Serena turns me around and says that Isabel Evans is missing, I sigh and nod.

"Well, so is Valenti, Max Evans, Whitman.." I tell her. I guessed they were starting to wake up. And starting to being rebel from the start. Troublesome, so troublesome.

"Don't worry, we'll find them all. They can't leave the hospital without us knowing about it" I pat her shoulder.

I guess I seemed a little too carefree, but ah well, I was. The patients could take care of themselves. They'd want some information and find me sooner or later.