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Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:34 am
by Arianneleigh
her hand skimmed down his spine, from the base of his neck all the way down to the dimples showing just above the upper edge of his loin cloth.
Honey, you keep adding in lovely little details like that and you can make their life together as challenging as you like but I know they will get through it all with a little loincloth action!


Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:20 pm
by Michelle in LA
Speaking of loincloth action... Debbi, have you got something to share with the class? Was this not their first time together? You said they had taken weeks to arrive at this great level in their relationship... And if this was the first time, why did the camera pan away?

You can't give us phrases like, "...dimples showing just above the upper edge of his loin cloth," and "...her fur covered breasts yielding to the hard muscles of his bare chest," and then pan the camera out the lace-curtained window, :shock: We're not that kind of girls, :lol:

I know that, before, I've called you "Mistress of Pain," but I was kidding! Really. 'K, not so much... but...

Be merciful and propitious unto us, O Revered One (see, I call you that, too) and giveth unto us a break! (She loves it when I grovel, and go all Webster's Medieval Dictionary on her...)

Especially when we know that any little beneficences you throw our way, are the mere prelude to torments that you have up your sleeve! (And yet we keep coming back... what does that make us I wonder? Best not to ask, and better not to answer!)


Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:30 pm
by Michelle in LA
This is the business angle of a reply, so I've separated it into another post...

First, frenchkiss70 said:
Michelle I had noticed too, but if I even got started with Max in a loincloth I wouldn't be able to go out from my fantasy and lust and it wouldn't be good since my finals are getting closer and closer. Damn RL!!!
—I never doubted you for a minute! You! When we've been neck-and-neck on fb for so many stories? You render my existence almost superfluous, in that you always think my great (cough) thoughts before me, or after, just one step. I knew you were probably taking time out just to fan yourself, or to regain consciousness. (It was a stunner, stumbling across the image of Max in a loincloth!)

Ahhhh, you figured me out. Max and "Liz" in skimpy clothes, no zippers or buttons to get in the way, yards and yards of skin exposed, with more just waiting for that right moment to be liberated.

Alas, will they or won't they? Or will fate interfere?
With you, O Revered Mistress of Pain? (see how I combined them there? Your two titles?) Of course we know you are merciful and beneficent only as a prelude to more pain!

And I won't even speculate as to what page in the dictionary would have an epithet appropriate to describing us... Wouldn't be pretty.

Morning Dreamgirl said:
How about they will and then fate can interfere and then loincloth Max can say "Thanks, but no thanks?"
'K, here's the business part: Have you taken out a patent, yet, on "Loincloth Max"? I think it would way out-perform, er I mean, out-sell (of course you sensed that, who know me so well) the paltry likes of Malibu Ken! ;)

And then there's the "fur-covered breasts" merchandizing tie-ins with Victoria's Secret... Or maybe, given the fur, it should be "Katherine the Great's Secret"? ;) I think you could make a fortune, :lol:

Most of all, the movie rights... With the part of Loincloth Max already cast, or "attached" as they say in the movie biz... "locked" even.

I'm stopping now. Going quietly. :shock:


Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:17 pm
by MamaDee52
Michelle, you're killin' me! :lol: Maybe we should start calling Max "The Loin King"! :lol:

hugs ~ Dee ~

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:22 pm
by Zanity
Great new part!!! Max and LeeLee are together I love it. I hear all the complaints about:
Or so he thought.
But come now people, I've actually been waiting for the other shoe to fall. Debbi just doesn't write fluff, or at least I've never seen any of it if she does. Even "Maxeo and Lizziet" where she told us:
This time, I’m going for something lighter, a little more fun, and trying to keep the angst at a minimum.
Had a fair amount of angst in it. Certainly much more angst than this story has had. I have faith that everything will turn out ok... eventually. But a few problems I think are a little overdo.

Like I said, loved the new part; patiently - though not too patiently - waiting for the next one.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:50 pm
by kay_b
So loving it, Debbi. Leelee's love for Max shines so brightly through your words. There's no other way to describe it.

But the last line makes me worry. What the heck did that mean?


Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:14 pm
by Smac

Even if it ended on a warning note, I absolutely adored that last chapter! :D It was so wonderful to read something so dreamy and you wrote it perfectly! :D I have been pretty depressed by several stories I have been reading lately and I needed something uplifting like this to get me out of my funk! The thought of Max in a loincloth and those dimples did it! :twisted: :D :D

The homecoming scene with Max and Liz was so sweet and just adorable. I love the way he ran to her and yes, anyone would be jealous of witnessing a homecoming like that if they weren't the ones involved in it! I love that she told him she saw STARS! That was lovely! And the way she told him how she knew "Max loves LeeLee" was perfect! So Dreamy and lovely!

I thought the whole chapter was just perfect and written only the way that The Breathless could write it! Thank you for making my day!!!! :D :D

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:12 pm
by Evans3
Oh why do you have to say the final words in this part? It is making me nervous!!! I can't help but think of worst things to happen. Geez, what's wrong with you? Just kidding! Keep them coming!!!

See ya next week!
Wendy Evans

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:57 am
by frenchkiss70
Smac wrote:I have been pretty depressed by several stories I have been reading lately and I needed something uplifting like this to get me out of my funk! The thought of Max in a loincloth and those dimples did it! :twisted: :D :D
I hear you!!! But Debbi, after teasing us with Max in a loincloth and this sizzling sexual tension, it was so not nice to give Max and Liz "all" that privacy, was it again Max protecting his dignity? :wink:

Anyway, I loved the sweet homecoming, and yes I was jaleous, Liz is a lucky lady *sigh* And those dimples gave me a lust fit :twisted:

Even if it's not a surprise, I'm glad Liz was not afraid of who Max is. Has she had those flash for a long time, obviously it was not the first time.

And of course, you had to end this wonderful part with this warning. Angst riled parts
coming? How is Max's old life going to interfere? He's not the only survivor?

How are we going to go through this angst without some Bretahless dreamer nookie, have mercy on us, Debbi...

Re: In The Beginning, Part 14

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:57 am
by sylvia37
BelevnDreamsToo wrote:
Breathless wrote:
Or so he thought.
And then you have to go and fuck up thier perfection!! :shock: You couldn't have left that line off?? :roll: That Perfect, Beautiful, Dreamy world you created for our darling lovers, just got squished with that freaking line!! What the hell's going to happen to mess up their perfect little world??!!!! ACK!!!!!! :shock:

Can't wait for a new part!!! :wink: Thanks J :D

Took the words right out of my mouth, J. Honestly Debbi, just couldn't let us have our nice moment of "Sigh......" before the ominous music kicked in. :wink:
