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Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:53 pm
by Serenah much as writters made a great job with making Max as likeable as it is possible in the seson 1 and the beginning of 2 ( sensitive, caring, smart, warm, brave, strong- honestly what is not to like?), they did even more powerful job with making him as unlikeable as it was possible through the rest of the series :roll:
We had Liz- though sometimes annoying with her martyr complex- with her dreams she gave up on for the sake of other people, incredibly strong, soulful young woman who fought for the truth about her friend' death.
We had Michael who developed more mature, soft side, yet remaining his old brash and sarcastic self.
We had Maria who being annoying and whiny from time to time was also temperamental, vivacious an funny.
We had Alex who was just...Alex- hell everybody loved him.
We had Kyle- possibly the best, the most mature and well- developed character in the whole series.
We had Isabel- who being bitchy and self-centred got also a style ( Christmas Nazi anyone?)
We had Tess who appeared to be a traitor and murder but had a potential of being the most complex and interesting characters in show ( and her scenes with Kyle were PRICELESS).
And we had Max- who became a spineless, brainless, teary-eyed wimp with two lines ("I dont know"/"I'm so sorry") and two facial expression, whose character was regressing instead of developing.
Really kind of bad for a MAIN character with such a promising beginning. :roll:

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:16 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I have different stints where I am mad at all the charcters. Even Alex at times (Shocker I know; It was usually when he was letting Isabel treat him like dirt)

To me the whole reason behind having characters is they have flaws.Just like people. We want to be able to relate to them. Perfect characters would be boring. You know a television show is good and thought provoking when you are yelling and throwing objects at your T.V. While there are some that are worse then others. All of them have their pitfalls and bad spots. I blame the incompedence of uninspired writers. This never would have happened if Melinda Metz had wrote the series.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:21 pm
by Hopeless Romantic
FaithfulAngel24 wrote:To me the whole reason behind having characters is they have flaws.Just like people. We want to be able to relate to them. Perfect characters would be boring. You know a television show is good and thought provoking when you are yelling and throwing objects at your T.V.
I totally agree. That's why I liked Max, because of how REAL he was, how affected he was by the things that happened to him, which led him to do the things he did. Liz too, her insecurities made her make these decisions and while some people hate her for it, it was so much more REAL. Tess is the most complex and interesting character to me because she was SO multidemensional. She was brought up with one fact drilled into her all of her life, but she still had real emotions and a pull towards her human side. Perfect characters would've been boring. Half the reason I was so into the second season was because of all the emotion in it. Waiting to see what would happen next and how things would play out, it kept me coming back to it. If Max and Liz had lived their perfect life, it would've gotten old.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:32 pm
by Breathless
maxandliz4ever1357 wrote:Michael for me. I just didn't like his whole attitude. He was always sarcastic, rude, and most of the time just plain annoying. All his lecturing to Max about asking for permission from the other aliens, and then he'd just go off and do his own thing. Did he consult with Max or Isabel? Uh, no.
DITTO! From the get go I was never a fan of Michael. I didn't like his attitude, or the way he treated Liz and the rest of the humans, as if they were inferior simply because they were human. He did seem to mature in season 3, but that was mainly because Max had turned into an a**hole, so the writers needed to soften Michael to make at least someone likeable.

I also thought Maria became pretty unlikeable in season 3. Loved her in season 1 and 2, but in season 3 - in the little screen time she was given - she seemed very self centered.

Nicholas was a creepy little joke.

Rath made my skin crawl.

So did Sean.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:35 am
by Luzser1800
Kath7 wrote:I loved all of the original six, although I didn't like their actions sometimes. :wink: I didn't like Kyle at first, but grew to love him.

For me, on the show, Tess was the one I couldn't stand (although I love her in fic). The idea of Tess always made sense to me. Two guys/two girls. It was the execution that sucked. She never seemed any competition to Liz, in my opinion, and she was written in so many different ways, you never knew if you were supposed to like her, hate her, or love to hate her. In the end, I just hated her.

I also disliked the dupes, Sean (again, pointless...But I do like him in fic, on occasion), Jesse (who would have been interesting, had he been anyone besides just plain Jesse...what a waste).
I have to agree with all of this. Everyone is right when they say that Tess could have been such an emotional and complex chracter if only the writer's blah blah blah! These people are right. The point was, that in S1, the writers wanted someone to come between Max and Liz, and BANG! Here comes Tess. I actually liked Tess in S1. Yes, she was midwarping them, but at the same time, she had been raised to believe that was how you snag your man.

Then, in S2, the writers, at this point, had no idea what to do with her, so they made her out the entire S2 to seem like a genuine person with feelings and emotions, before suddenly, throwing her to the dogs on Antar, claiming her as an evil witch! I disliked Tess the most simply because she confused me. Everytime I turned around, she was either filling up the sugar bowl or switching the sugar for the salt. She was constantly back and forth, and now I'm done.


Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:55 am
by FaithfulAngel24
All good opinions!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:45 am
by killjoy
Grant :twisted: I mean dear god anywhere else when a older twenty something year old man was hitting on and dating an underage high school girl he would have went to jail. Or at least her parents would have had a fit over it :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:55 pm
by Sologirl102
Hmmmmmmmmmm. Well, personally, I'm starting to think all of them post-1st season. Sure, "everybody stumbles" but these characters STUMBLED INTO A CRATER OR SOMETHING!

Max: Dude, you... you.... GAHH! Started sweet, turned spineless, bossy, pushy, obsessed, and could do no right.


Maria: Started becoming whiney and self centered (and not in a good way)

Michael: Dude, try not to be so extreme. What's wrong with being in the middle instead of at the poles?

Alex: You DOORMAT! Either take a shit or get off the toilet concerning Isabel.

Isabel: Ditto. Don't keep stringing Alex along!

Tess: You totally screwed up the show. Why did you have to throw away the Kyle potential? I mean, if even after you get pregnant, and Max/Liz are still together, it's a lost cause!

Kyle: You may be the only one i didn't hate at some point or time. Even stalkerish, you were doing it for a good cause.

And I am done. (don't pelt me with food... unless it's candy. Happy Halloween one and all.)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:56 pm
by Sologirl102
I apologize in advance for anything anyone takes offense at, and also apologize for the crudity of some of my rantings.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:44 pm
by dreamer393
It really depends on the season for me. Season 1 I didn't like Maria...she was way too hard on Michael. and she wanted to turn him into somethine he wasn't. She didn't accept him.

I never really liked Isabel in any of the seasons. She used Alex and broke his heart. But in season 1 she was okay. In season 3 I found myself feeling sorry for her...partly because she regretted what she did...and she finally realized what she lost when Alex died.

In season 3 it would have to be Max....he was so busy trying to find his son...he didn't care how much trouble he got Liz into. Towards the middle of season 3 I didn't like Maria...not because of the m/m break up. But because she was complaining about Liz not being there for her...when Maria was the one who didn't take the time to find out that Liz could be dying.

Just to make it clear...I never HATED any of the characters. I just disliked them. I personally think the character flaws is what made Roswell...Roswell. Yes I disliked Max for getting Tess pregnant and not using protection...but the emotion involved with it was It made me realize how far apart Max and Liz had become in season 2. I am not making any I am just going to stop typing now..LOL.