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Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:33 am
by Erina
Chapter 20

“Future Max?”

Both Liz and Michael paled when they saw Maria and Max standing in the doorway. They didn’t look happy.

Michael smiled nervously and approached Maria. “Hi, sweetie, what are you doing home so early?” he asked, clearly surprised.

Maria raised an eyebrow, “Sweetie? Michael, what the hell is wrong with you? First you are murmuring something about a Future Max and now you call me...sweetie? Did you hit your head while I was gone?” she asked concerned, checking his forehead and head for any injuries.

He again laughed. “Yeah, that’s it, you’re right, I don’t know what I’m talking about. I guess I spent too much time under the sun yesterday,” he said.

“No,” Max said quietly, yet everyone in the room heard him.

“No?” Michael asked, trying not to feel afraid by Max.

This was Max, his best friend, he had supported him all his life. Well, yeah, Michael had lied to him about something very, very major. He had not told him about Liz, the end of the world, Tess, Future Max...

But Max would forgive him.


Now, looking in Max’s eyes, Michael wasn’t so sure anymore. He knew that usually Max wouldn’t hurt even a fly, but this wasn’t a normal situation and Michael was afraid of Max’s reaction.

“No,” Max repeated and his gaze travelled to Liz, who was sitting on the couch. She was silent, still in some sort of shock that Max had heard her talk with Michael and that now she had to tell him everything she knew about aliens. And him.

Max spoke again. “There is something else. You both are hiding something,” he said sternly.

Maria’s eyes flew from one person to another. Liz looked so vulnerable and scared, sitting on her couch, rubbing her belly. And she had never seen Michael so scared either. He was rubbing his hands against his jeans and that was something Max did when he was nervous, Max, not Michael.

And then there was Max as well. Maria didn’t know how to describe him. He didn’t look angry, but he wasn’t happy either. He had this…neutral expression and Maria couldn’t say what he was thinking about. It was kind of scarry.

When Liz and Michael didn’t say anything, Max repeated louder, “What are you hiding, Liz?”

Liz cringed and stood up.

“Look, Max, I know you probably have hundreds of questions and…I’m going to answer them,” she said gently.

Max nodded tightly. “Let’s go to our apartment, we can talk alone there,” he said.

Liz shook her head. “No, I think it would be better if Maria and Michael were here as well,” she explained.

Michael came closer and took her hand in his. “I’m here, Liz,” he said quietly, but when he heard Max’s growl, he let go of her hand and sat down on the couch. “Let’s start, no?” he said nervously.

Liz nodded once again and looked at Max, “I know everything about you, Isabel, Michael and Tess. I know about aliens and most likely I know even more than all of you together,”

Maria gasped, but Max didn’t change his expression. Instead he was silent for a minute, before asking, “How?”

Liz looked into Max’s eyes before answering, “You told me,” she said gently and sat down on the couch as well. The baby had started giving her a hard time.

Liz started her story, “When I was sixteen, in 1999, I had a visitor. It was you from the future. And…he told me a couple of things.” Liz paused.

“What things?” Max asked, urging her to go on.

“In his timeline, I was shot when I was sixteen and ... you saved me, Max,” Liz told them. “I was lying in the crowded restaurant and you ran to me and saved me.,” she paused and looked down at her feet, “After that, everything changed. Max and I...we become closer, but Tess came to Roswell and the FBI was after you. You were captured and tortured by them,” she said a single tear sliding down her cheek.

“In that summer, I broke up with you and left to go to Florida, thinking that Tess was your destiny and you should been with her. When I came back to Roswell, you weren’t with her and…then he came again. For the first time, or second, I don’t know,” she cried, her emotions she had so well buried inside her, coming up.

“You from the future told me that you, your present you, had to be with Tess, because if you were with me, the world was going to end. I couldn’t let that happen and I let you see Kyle and I in bed together. Then we kind of drifted apart and soon after Alex’s death you slept with her, creating the baby,” she said quietly.

“Alex died?” Maria whispered.

Liz nodded, “Yes, as we found out later that Tess was the one who killed him, but it was already too late and Max let her go to Antar. She came back later with the baby and Max gave him up for adoption. Tess died. Later we had to run away after our graduation, because the FBI was too close and we couldn’t stay in Roswell anymore,” Liz explained and she once again felt as Michael took her hand, giving her strength.

“Max and I...we eventually married and had a baby, who we named Alex, but the FBI found us,” she sobbed.

“That’s why you came again from the future, Max. Only now you wanted to prevent me from falling in love with you.”

“But he...I mean...I didn’t succeed,” Max said.

“I guess not,” Michael replied quietly.

“Wait a minute,” Maria interrupted. “Did you know about all this, Michael?”

Max’s gaze immediately slid to his friend.

Michael cleared his throat, “Hmm, yes, you could say that.”

“It’s not his fault, I needed someone I could trust,” Liz explained.

“You could have come to me,” Maria objected. “I was your best friend, remember?”

Liz sighed. “Back then you didn’t even know that aliens existed,” she said.

“True, but you still could have talked to me...or Alex, but you just…disappeared,”

“You should have come to me,” Max said rather loudly, almost making Liz jump. “It looks like you didn’t come to me in the first time either and what was the result, huh? Alex was dead and the FBI was still after us,” he said.

“Hey, Max, you can’t blame her,” Michael said, but Max quickly cut him off.

“And you, Michael. I thought you were my friend, but lying about something this important. You both were lying. You both made a huge mistake. How could you leave Isabel, Maria, Alex and I out of this, huh? What about Tess? If I understand right, she killed Alex in some other timeline, how could you let her live near us? How could you let me date her? God, I almost married her!” he cried.

“Because you were meant to be together!” Liz exclaimed.

“What? Was this all because of the Destiny? Oh, come on, people, how could you believe that crap?” he yelled.

Liz stood still.

“You believed a stranger, Liz. You wanted to give away our love to some Destiny? I don’t believe in Destiny and I know that if I had married Tess, I would have been miserable for the rest of my life. Did you want that, Liz? Did you want to make me miserable and unhappy until I died?”

She shook her head gently, her tears falling down.

Max shook his head, “I can’t do this, I have to get out of here.”

A moment later Liz, Michael and Maria heard the sound of the door closing.

Max was gone.

Michael pulled Liz in his arms and she finally let herself cry.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:15 am
by Erina
Chapter 21

“Liz, you have to calm down, think about the baby,” Michael soothed, trying not to look at Maria’s hurt face.

“I can’t believe that you both did something like this,” Maria said quietly and both Liz and Michael could hear disappointment in her voice.

Liz continued to sob. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” she repeated over and over again.

Maria just shook her head, “Who else knew about this?”

“Tess,” Michael replied.

“What? Oh God, she was... or is an enemy, I mean she kind of killed Alex. And you trusted her more than Alex or me? What about Isabel? Does she know as well?”

“Do I know what?” Isabel asked, as she walked into the room.

Liz looked at her and at Alex, who was by her side. She couldn’t go over the story again; it hurt and she was scared of their reactions.

Maria smiled nervously. “Nothing. What are you doing here?” she asked, not sure if Liz would tell Isabel and Alex the truth.

“Alex was coming through the door as we saw Max running downstairs, he looked like hell,” she commented, but everyone in the room could see that she was worried. Max usually was so serious, polite and collected, that his current behaviour troubled his sister.

Liz pulled herself out of Michael’s arms. “I have to go and find him,” she said and went to the door, but Michael stopped her.

“You are not in any shape to go out and search for him. This is not Roswell; how do you know where to find him?” he asked concerned, “You’re pregnant, you can’t walk around the city all night.”

“I have to, Michael.”

“Ok, can someone explain to me what the hell is going on here?” Alex asked, “Because you do know that you all are acting kind of weird, right?”

“Oh, where to start, huh?” Maria said, her tone half-sarcastic. She opened her mouth to say more, but Michael interrupted her.

“Maria,” he gave her a look and she didn’t say anymore.

“Liz,” he turned to Liz again. “Maybe you should lie down and rest a little, I will take care of Isabel and Alex,” he suggested, but Liz shook her head.

“No, no, it’s all my fault, I have to tell them everything I know,” she said.

“I know, but you have to calm down, Liz. Go to your apartment and later, when you have calmed down, you can come up again and talk to Isabel and Alex, okay?” Michael suggested.

Liz was silent.

Maria came closer, “You have to listen to him, Liz. Right now I’m angry, but he is right, you have to think about the baby. And, Liz, you don’t look too good,”

Liz finally nodded and came to the door, “I will be back in an hour.”

While Liz was going down the stairs, she realized that she was hungry. She felt so tired and weak and she wanted nothing more than crawl in her bed and sleep. Hopefully she would be able to forget this awful day.

Liz gasped as she entered the apartment and saw Max sitting on the couch, his head in his hands.

Obviously he hadn’t heard her, since he remained still.

“Max?” Liz said quietly.

He briefly lifted his head and looked at her, before looking at the wall in front of him.

“How could you, Liz?” he whispered brokenly.

“I’m sorry.”

Max was silent before answering, “You can’t repair the damage by saying sorry, Liz,”

Liz looked down, “I know that, Max, I’m so sorry, but he, I mean you, didn’t give me any choice. I was young and scared and....I was so scared, Max.”.

“You could have come to me, I would have protected you,” Max objected.

“You couldn’t, Max. You were the same age as me and I knew that the knowledge of the end of the world would have driven us apart in the end.. What was the point in going to you and making us both miserable by knowing that we couldn’t be together?” Liz said.

“And what has changed now?” Max asked. “You must have changed your mind, since…we’re together,”

Liz shrugged, “I think that in the end Tess and I…we just decided to ignore the future and live for the present.”

“But you lied to me, Liz,” Max said again. “I know that I haven’t been honest either, without telling you what I really was, but the secrets you kept, Liz, they are more serious; and you just...left,”

Max continued, “And even now, years afterwards, you couldn’t tell me the truth; but you told Michael.”

“I know that, Max, but like I said, you have to understand me as well. At the age of 16, I was just a child, going to school and working in my parents’ restaurant. I was scared. But I know that I was wrong; in the end I messed up everything,”

“Were you planning on telling me?” Max asked.

Liz nodded, “Yes, I wanted to, but I couldn’t find the right time,”

When Max didn’t say anything, Liz asked, “Can you forgive me?”

Max looked into her eyes, before answering. “I can forgive you, Liz,” he told her honestly.“But I need time,” he added and stood up from the couch.

“What are you going to do?” Liz asked, as he came closer to her.

Max wrapped his arms around her and held her. “I’m not going to leave you, especially now when you are pregnant with our child,” he said and kissed her forehead.

“But I need to talk to Tess as well, do you know where I can find her?” he asked.

Liz shook her head, “I think she is safe, but she just needs some time.”

Max nodded and released Liz from his hug. “I’m going for a walk,” he said and grabbed his coat, “I shouldn’t be gone for long, you should rest,” he said, before leaving the apartment.

Liz wanted to go to the kitchen and get some food, but then she remembered that she had Isabel and Alex waiting upstairs. She had to talk to them.

Deciding that the food could wait, Liz headed for the door, but suddenly she felt dizzy and a moment later, everything went black.

~ ~ ~

Max was coming out of the building when he ran into someone.

“I’m sor...” he started, but the words died as he saw the person standing in the front of him

Besides her were two other men. Max didn’t recognize the first one, but he remembered the second one vaguely. He had lived in Roswell too, but what was his name?

And then there was she. The woman he had almost married.

“Tess? What are you doing here?” Max asked, absolutely surprised.

She looked different than he remembered, kind of stronger and....was there a wedding ring on her finger?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 9:39 am
by Erina
Chapter 22

When Liz finally woke up, she felt disorientated. She was lying in her bed, but something felt wrong. Very wrong.

How did she get to the bed? She remembered her talk with Max, but after that everything was kind of blurry.

The door to her bedroom opened and Max walked in. Liz couldn’t help but notice that he had changed his clothes.

“Max?” she asked surprised. “I thought you were gone, you said you were going for a walk,” she said.

Max hesitated for a moment. “Yes, Liz, but I’m back already. You fainted, so you didn’t even realize how much time had passed,” he explained from the door.

“Oh,” Liz sighed and closed her eyes. Her body was aching and she felt sick.

“Liz, I want to talk to you,” he said and Liz frowned. What did he want to talk about?

Still standing at the door, Max said, “Liz, I don’t think this is going to work,” he said clearly. “I’m not sure if I can forgive you for all the lies,”

“What?” Liz was confused.

“You lied. To me, to my family and my friends. You betrayed me and I have come to the conclusion that I can’t live with you, knowing that fact. I can’t talk to you and wonder if you’re telling me the truth; it’s too much, Liz,” Max said.

“Huh? I thought we talked about it said you wouldn’t have any problems,” Liz was in tears.

Max couldn’t leave her, could he?

“I’m sorry, Liz, but I can’t fight my feelings. I need to spend some time away from you and…everything,” Max said.

Liz, still feeling dizzy, stood up from the bed and walked towards Max, “You can’t be serious.”

Max backed away and went into the living room, Liz after him. She gasped as she saw the packed suitcases at the door.

“What’s this?” she asked, pointing at the suitcases.

Max shrugged, “I’m going away for a while.”

“What?” Liz gasped. “You can’t be serious. The baby is going to born soon and…have you talked to Isabel?” she asked.

Max briefly looked at her pregnant belly, before taking one bag in his hand. “The baby will be fine and you have Isabel, just in case,” he said and took his other bag in the second hand.

“Max!” Liz cried as he opened the door and was ready to walk out.

He sighed and glanced at her one last time, “Don’t do this, Liz. I’m not going to stay and I think it would be the best if you don’t try to find me,” he said.

Liz was crying, wrapping arms around herself.

This couldn’t be happening.

“Goodbye, Liz,” Max said and walked out of the door.

Liz felt to the floor and sobbed. Max had left her and he wasn’t coming back. She was alone with her baby.

~ ~ ~
“This is Kyle,” Tess pointed to the man that Max had remembered vaguely, „And this is Adam,” she said about the other one.

Max was confused. Was he ‘that’ Adam Liz was talking about?

“Hi,” Adam said and extended his hand. “I’m Liz’s friend,” he said and Max shook his hand.

“Liz has been looking for you,” Max said to Adam.

Adam nodded. “Yes, I know, but...I was gone and then it was just safer to not to contact her,” he explained.

Max turned to Tess again, “What’s going on, Tess?”

“Liz might be in danger,” she said quickly.

“What?” Max cried. “What danger? She was fine just a minute ago.”

“Max, you are the King, whether you like it or not. And you have enemies. Evil and powerful enemies that will do anything to kill you, and since Liz and your unborn child are the closest people to you, they will take Liz first,” Tess explained.

“No,” Max said. “I won’t let them to take her. And who you are talking about, Tess?” he asked.

“Zan, Rath and Lonnie,” Tess said.

“Come on,” Adam urged. “We have to make sure that Liz is safe,” he said and motioned them all to the apartment.

Max was confused and wanted to ask who Zan, Rath and Lonnie were. He knew that his name on Antar was Zan and Michael had been Rath, but who was Lonnie?

Max shook his head and followed the others inside the apartment. He didn’t even ask about how Adam and Kyle knew about him being a King, since Liz might be in danger. And Liz always came first.

Max, Tess, Adam and Kyle made it just in time to see someone, who looked just like Max, go inside Liz’s apartment. They all rushed to the door, but were thrown away by some source of the power, which pushed them into the wall.

Max groaned as he felt pain in his left leg, but he ignored it as he focused his attention to two people in front of him.

There was one guy and one woman, both had piercings, but somehow Max just knew who they were.

“Rath,” he snarled angrily. “And Lonnie,” he added.

“Well, well, well...Isn’t this the powerful King of Antar?” Rath smirked.

“Tess!” Max heard Kyle’s cry as he shook the blonde girl, who was lying on the floor, her head bleeding.

Max turned his gaze from Tess’ unmoving form on the floor to the man standing in front of him.

“What do you want?” Max asked.

“Your head,” Rath said simply.

“As soon as you’re dead, Zan will become King, he won’t just be a back-up. Then we can leave this damn planet,” Lonnie added.

“Then leave Liz alone, she has nothing to do with all this,” Max said.

Rath laughed, “Nothing to do with all this? Are you kidding? That chick is pregnant with your kid, with the next heir to the throne of Antar and you’re saying that she is not connected?”

“We’re going to wait until the baby is born,” Lonnie said. “Khivar is going to be very glad about this little gift, too bad you won’t see your own child,” she smirked.

Max lunged forward, intending to kill them both, but he didn’t succeed. Rath used his powers to send Max flying down the stairs.

The last thing Max felt was the sharp pain in his head and left leg, but his thoughts…All his thoughts were of Liz.

He would save her and their child.

~ ~ ~

Liz had finally calmed down and she stood up from the floor.

She gasped when the door opened and two people came in, “Michael, Isabel?” she asked surprised. They looked different, but they were Michael and Isabel, right?

They both came closer and Liz stepped back. “What are you doi...” she didn’t finish her sentence as Lonnie placed a hand over Liz’s head and Rath held his hand over Liz’s mouth, preventing her from screaming.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:07 am
by Erina
Chapter 23

Max was lying on their bed, Liz was by his side and his hands were on her pregnant belly, as if protecting their unborn child.


Someone was shaking him, but Max wanted nothing more than stay where he was, in bed with Liz.

“Max, wake up!”

When the shaking didn’t stop, Max forced himself to open his eyes. He wanted to see Liz’s face.

He opened his eyes.

“Max! Finally. Hey, Max is awake,” Isabel screamed for the others and Max wanted to close his eyes and go back to sleep, his head was throbbing.

“Max,” Michael came into their bedroom. ”How are you?”

Wait a minute. Their bedroom? What Michael and Isabel were doing in his and Liz’s bedroom?

And where was Liz?

Suddenly everything flashed in the front of Max’s eyes. Future Max, Tess, Rath...Liz!

“Where is Liz?” Max asked and pulled himself out of the bed. “What the hell happened?” he asked as he headed for the living room, despite his headache.

In the living room more people were waiting for him. There was Alex, Maria, Kyle, Adam, Tess...another Tess.

Another Tess?

“Who are you?” Max stated bluntly, not caring how it sounded. There were two Tess’ in his living room and he wanted to know how that was possible!

The blonde girl stood up and walked over to Max, extending her hand. “I’m Ava, Tess’ dupe,” she said.

“What are you doing here? Are you trying to spy for Zan?” Max said and raised his hand, ready to attack.

Ava started to shake her head furiously. “No, I swear, I’m not with them,” she cried as Adam came behind her and wrapped his hands around her.

“She is the good one,” Tess confirmed.

Max suddenly looked at Tess as if she had two heads. “And how do we know that you are the good one?” he yelled.

Max was angry, frustrated and…scared out of his mind. Liz was pregnant and alone with his enemies, while he couldn’t sort out who was his enemy or not even in his own living room!

Isabel placed a hand on Max’s shoulder, turning his attention to her, „Max, we don’t have time for this. You have been out for hours and we have to go after Liz now. Ava is good and so is Tess, we don’t have to worry about them,” Isabel said.

“Hours?” Max gasped.

What were they still doing here? They had to go after Liz, not stand around and talk about Tess.

He walked over Tess in two steps and grabbed her. “Where is Liz! Where is she?” he cried, shaking her.

“Hey,” Kyle said and pulled Max away from Tess. “I understand your anger, buddy, but don’t come onto my wife.”

Max ignored him.

“Where is she?” he repeated again.

“They are in an old factory, just outside the city,” Ava said.

~ ~ ~

Liz was lying on their bed, Max was by her side and his hands were on her pregnant belly, as if protecting their unborn child.

Liz sighed and yawned, a smile on her lips. At the moment Liz had everything she had ever wanted.

Liz turned to Max, only to find his eyes open, looking at her.

“Hey,” she smiled shyly.

“Hi,” Max replied with the same smile. He took her hand and kissed it softly. “How are you feeling?” he asked concerned.

Liz smiled even wider. “I’m great, Max,” she said, but her smile disappeared as she remembered something.

“Oh no,” she said.

Max immediately was sitting on the bed, checking Liz for any injuries. “What? Where does it hurt?” he asked.

Liz shook her head. “No, no, it’s not like that, don’t worry. I just...remembered the horrible dream I had,” she shuddered at the thought of it.

“You came back from your walk and told me that you wanted to do nothing with me and left. And…then people who looked like Michael and Isabel came…and I don’t remember anything after that,” Liz said” “Max, it was so horrible to watch as you were leaving me,”

Liz expected Max to say something, laugh or ... anything, but he remained silent, with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Max?” Liz said worried. “What is it?” she asked.

Max took her hand. “Liz, it wasn’t a dream,” he said quietly.

Liz stilled, it wasn’t a dream? Was Max indeed leaving her?

Liz fought the tears as she pulled herself out of the bed and further from Max. She didn’t want to be near Max, if he didn’t want her; if he didn’t want their baby.

“Are you leaving me?” she asked in a shaky whisper.

Max eyes widened, “What?”

He bolted out of the bed and moved to Liz, locking her hand again in his, Max’s eyes searching for Liz’s, begging to look at him. He wanted Liz to see how much he loved her. He would never leave her. Never.

“It wasn’t me, Liz. I didn’t tell you that I wanted to leave you, it was Zan,” he said.

Liz frowned. Zan? She vaguely remembered that name.

Liz felt as she was being pulled inside her memories. Inside memories she didn’t want. She immediately remembered the day in the cave, when Max’s mother told that his real name was Zan. Then...Zan was Max’s dupe.

A sudden realization came over Liz. They weren’t Isabel and Michael; she had seen Rath and Lonnie. What had they all been doing in Boston?

“What? How? How they know about you? They all were supposed to be in New York,” Liz rambled.

She didn’t understand what and where had gone wrong. She had changed the future...before everything. Preventing FBI, Nasedo, Cal…everything. How had the dupes found out about them?

Max took a deep breath; he knew it would be hard for Liz to find out the truth. The real truth about what exactly happened when she was sixteen.

“It all started in the timeline when you were shoot and I saved you,” Max started explaining. “Rath killed Zan, but in the end, he and Lonnie didn’t get back to their home planet. Somehow, through Nicholas, he found out that it was possible to use the Granolith for time travel. And…he and Lonnie found us. By that time you and I, we were already married and had little Alex. A minute before FBI broke in our house, Rath and Lonnie took your memories and killed us all, leaving only dead bodies for the FBI,”

Liz shuddered, now understanding why she didn’t remember FBI in their home. Rath did all the work before them.

“From our minds, Rath found out where the Granolith was and the rest of his plan was only matter of time,” Max said. “Rath and Lonnie travelled back to the summer of 1999, giving their memories and our memories to the present Zan, Rath and Lonnie. But the original Rath and Lonnie didn’t get the bright future, they were hoping for. Zan did the same thing to them as Rath did to Zan. Both Rath and Lonnie from the future died under moving cars.”

“That left Zan, Rath and Lonnie, all at the age of sixteen. Zan came to you and persuaded you to leave Roswell, giving all your memories, in order to see the future, even Alex’s death, if you didn’t leave Roswell,” Max said. “And you pretty know much what happened after that,”

Liz didn’t say anything at first, still shocked how cruel the world was and that she had basically trusted an enemy.

“Was everything…a lie?” she asked somehow angry.

Angry at the world, at Zan, at Rath…at everyone; but mainly at herself.

Max shook his head, “No, don’t blame yourself, Liz. Yes, Zan lied and manipulated you, but your memories...they were true. You saved Alex, Liz.”

Liz frowned, “I could still have saved him without leaving. I knew about Tess and Nasedo, I could prevent it. Without leaving and....without pushing you and everyone else away,”

“Please, Liz, don’t worry about them anymore. It wasn’t your fault, it was theirs, not yours,” Max persuaded. “The past has been full of lies and pain, but we can make our own bright future. Alex is alive and Tess has changed. We are going to train our powers, so if someone still comes after us, we will be prepared,”

Liz didn’t understand. “What do you mean, I don’t have to worry about the dupes anymore? What happened?”

“Zan, Rath and Lonnie are dead,” Max said coldly, but his expression and tone changed immediately as he again looked at Liz. “They captured you and held you in an old factory, thinking about what to do with you. Rath and Lonnie wanted to wait until the baby was born, so they could take our son to Khivar. But Zan didn’t want to wait. He wanted to kill you.”

Liz was in tears, “Why? What have I done to them that was so terrible; that made Zan wanted to kill me so badly?”

Max looked away. “I’m sorry, Liz, it’s all my fault,” he said. “He wanted to kill you because of me, because I love you and you’re the mother of the future heir of Antar. You and I….when I healed you in the other timeline, we had this...connection which made me...stronger. And Zan didn’t want me to be more powerful; he needed a weak King. That’s why they came to you and told to leave Roswell, before I could heal you. Before we could form a connection,” Max explained.

“I don’t understand,” Liz said, confused by all the information. “Why ... why they didn’t kill me then? Why keep me alive, when there was a risk that you and I could still come together?”

Max smiled warmly, “Because even then when we didn’t have the connection, I still cared about you, still loved and adored you, Liz. I don’t know, perhaps Zan wanted to manipulate with me, using you. I guess we never are going to find out their real motives, but it doesn’t matter anymore. You and the baby are alive and safe. That’s all that really matters,” Max said.

He continued, “Zan and the others waited for me to marry Tess. I would be unhappy and miserable; I would be weaker. The perfect time to attack, since they had been training and working on their powers for years,” he said. “ But you came back and their plan was destroyed. Zan finally decided to kill you as soon as possible and then it would be my turn. He would become the real King of Antar, thus getting the control of Granolith, since only the King has the power to use it,”

“How do you know everything you have told me?” Liz asked. Had Zan told them everything just like that?

“Ava,” Max replied, “She told us about Zan’s plans.”


”Ava a.k.a. Athena. As we found out, she had been Adam’s girlfriend some time ago,” he explained.

“Wow, I remember, Adam had told me about her, but…she left him with a broken heart,”

Max nodded, “Yes, but that wasn’t her choice,” he said. “Ava has always been against Zan’s plans, but...they were her family. Although, when you left Roswell at the age of 16, Ava left New York and Zan as well. She came to Boston and met Adam. When he proposed to her, Ava was over the moon and said yes. But Zan found her and demanded that she came back or they would hurt Adam.”

“So she left,” Liz said.

Max nodded, “Yes, but when you came to my wedding, thus destroying their plan once again, Ava ran, found Adam and Tess and begged them to believe and help her to save us all. She had never been evil.”

“Wow,” Liz said. “She is brave, isn’t she?”

Max nodded once again, “I’m glad that in the end everything turned out so well for her as well,”

“What do you mean?”

Max chuckled, “She and Adam are going to get married soon. And, by they way, Tess and Kyle are married now.”

Liz gasped, “What? I didn’t even know they liked each other in this timeline.”

“Yeah, I guess Tess still had some secrets from us all in this timeline as well,” he laughed.

Liz just smiled; delighted by the thought that both Tess and Ava were happy.

“Liz?” asked Max, very seriously.

“Yes, Max?”

“What do you think about marriage?” Max started unsurely. “I know we haven’t talked about this before and this isn’t the most romantic time or place to propose, but ... Liz, I love you and we had wasted so much time by being apart...Elizabeth Parker, will you marry me?”

Liz smiled and opened her mouth to say ‘yes’, but suddenly she felt something, “Max? My water just broke.”

<center>The End</center>