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Post by StormWolfstone »


~A Week Ago~

I love bein the one with all the power. It's just so much fun. I'm the bitch on all the streets that no one wants to piss off. The street rats all do what I want or they find me handing them their asses. Not to mention, I'm not against making some of them disappear. Of course, I'm about to broaden my territory. My dreams lately are leading me to take my crew, my top dawgs with me to Roswell. Zan, the little King and his bitch, Ava. The cold princess, Lonnie and her man and Zan's general, Rath. The four of them were a damned given. Then, of course, Sly was coming along. We had something to do. My crew have been told to meet me in our place, I've got orders to give 'em.

My talks with Khivar and Nicholas are probably what spurred my dreams, but I'm the last person to complain. After all, Nicholas was kind of hot and Khivar wasn't bad either. Maybe, just maybe I'd end up having some extra fun if I decided to deal with them. For now, while I wait for the meeting time, I talk alone with Khivar. "So, you's think that I can get them preps to tell me where the fuck the granolith is hidden if I work things right, eh? I get you the granolith and I get whatever the fuck I want?" I can't help but smile at the thought.

Alright, so I would do just about anything for power, but when I think of causing harm to those close to me, nah... I don't think I'd do it. At least... not much. I couldn't kill them, I don't think. I could beat some damned sense into them if I wanted to. But, I haven't had to do shit yet. At least not to Lonnie, Rath, Ava or Zan. Sly's had a few lumps. Sly hadn't even known he'd been adopted, hadn't remembered a damned thing. I'm sure that the royal four would love to know where the hell I come in and where Sly comes in, but it's none of their damned business.

I'm a guardian, but not prone to orders as our so called protector was supposed to have been. Nah, I'm a warrior of a race similar to those of Antar, but I was also different. Sly is from the same race as I am and we were sent to guide the royals, but in reality we were given different sorts of 'memory' training of sorts. According to Khivar, I'm actually supposed to have been his sister and Sly his best-friend. Sly wasn't sent here with us though, he was sent shortly after we was. Course, I kinda doubt that shit. I think I'd be closer to Khivar if that were the damned situation.

"Tell ya what. I'll think on it, make my trip and gauge how these dudes look then let ya know." I say and simply walk away. It's time to meet the others and let them know about the trip. I've got a few minutes walk ahead of me and as I walk past a group of punks I see one that I know hasn't been around before. "Who the fuck are you?"

He's rather hot, might be a fun toy. "Name's Craig. Who the hell would you be, babe?"

"Craig... don't... ya don't wanna fuck with her..." One of the guy's by him says and I simply raise a hand to shut him up.

"I'm Danielle. This is my territory and if ya wanna roll in my hood, you's got to pay a fee." I tell him, giving him a smirk as I step closer. "So, here's the deal punk. You either get the fuck out of my hood within the next day or... you pay a toll. The toll can be as simple as you getting on your knees, your life ending, or you showing me some form of homage."

"None of the above is happening, bitch. I don't take no orders from someone that has tits."

I look around, moving up until I'm in front of him and laugh in his face a moment before I lift my hand curling my fingers into a fist and with a quick move send my fist toward his gut and watch him fall flat on his ass. "You are gonna need a nice little lesson aren't ya?" I looked at the crew he was hanging with. "Anyone here wanna vouch that this here sucker is worth letting live?"

"He's my bro, Dani. I'll give ya anything ya ask for if ya let this dickhead live long enough for me to explain things to him clearly." One of the guy's said and I laughed.

"Alright, but the next time I see this dickwad's face, he'd better have my toll. And you, on the other hand..."


I smiled as I saw the sign saying Roswell and drove into town. It wasn't going to be long before I found out what the hell it was I was going to be finding in this damned place, other then the other set of Royals. "We'll check into a hotel for a bit, chill and then maybe wreak some havok in this dull ass place." I say as we finally reach the actual damned town. It's so damned obvious that the place is a fucking dive. "Sly, I'm gonna let you take a look around for a bit. Give us a layout of the damned town. You don't look as out of place as we do." I laughed at my own comment as Lonnie began chuckling.

"Dani, let me go with him... gotta keep an eye on him right? Make certain he don't get himself into any damned trouble." Lonnie suggests and I shrug. She's got a point. Sly is a bit weaker in some things then we are and he would have the habit of becoming too friendly. Not to mention, he could tell our secrets. We don't want the royals having any hints of who we are before we're ready.

"Yeah, Lonnie. Do it. Just disguise yourself and if ya see any of the other set, let's find out where they hang." I tell her as the rest of us get settled into our hotel rooms. "When the rest of ya are done settlin' in. Come to my room and we'll get everything planned out."
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


~A week Ago~

Steppin’ out into the night I cling tightly to my thin black leather jacket, It’s not that cold but I can’t stop the shivers spreading across my body. Something’s happenin’ I can feel it. I glance over at the group of punks tossin’ a halfway deflated ball round in the jam packed street. They eye me up and down and give the understood nod. It’s one of both recognition and respect. The Bad Ass wannabe’s wouldn’t dare mess with me. I’m Zan’s Bitch. That and I’m under Danielle’s protection. DanI is like the boogey man of the streets. Veterans warn the newbies if they don’t earn their keep and stay out of our way she’ll get ’em, and trust me you do not want on her bad side. That‘s a sure way to end up lost. That‘s what happens to kids who disappear on the streets. They end up lost. Sometimes peeps that care put up flyers and such looking‘ for those that are missing. Must be nice. Being missed. Someone looking for ya. No one ever comes for us.

My stomach growls loudly much to my protests and does not show signs of lettin’ up. Trying to think back to the last time I chowed down I sigh when I realize it’s been a couple of days. ‘No time like the present’ Strolling past the absented minded vendor I swipe a slice of New York‘s finest. Mmmm pepperoni. My absolute fav. Swallowing soundly I push back the feeling of emptiness and regret to be honest I wish I had the luxury of feeling guilty for the thievery, but I don’t. Stealing is apart of my life. It’s a dog eat dog world out there and I’m just out to survive. Strolling down the alley that leads to the groups quarters I start thinking about what DanI was saying about dreams. Apparently she’s had some freakin visions or something. I didn’t really understand it all and I wasn’t about to second guess her. If she says we leave .We leave. No arguments.

I’ve had a couple of dreams about where we’re from. Their kind of hazy ,but the one thing that was clear was Zan. He was the reoccurring aspect. We were together and he was mad crazy about me. Dreams do not always reflect reality though. Don’t misunderstand Zan treats me well. He’s super protective and he’s never done nothing to hurt me, but I don’t feel like he’s all there with me ya know. He’s constantly pullin’ away from me like he doesn’t want me too close. Maybe he just sees me as a transitional bitch for him. You know the one he bangs before he finds the one he really wants. Whatever .I know we are meant to be ,and in time he’ll see that.

Out of the group I’m probably the quietest. Which is probably due to the fact that I ain’t got a lot to say. I mean every since I was pint size I knew I was different from everyone else. We have these ’gifts’. More like curses if you ask me. Course you’ll never hear me say that in front of Rath. The freak totally embraces our ‘out of this world’ nature. He’s like this well oiled machine who’s existence is based solely on fighting. No foolin’ he has an emotional IQ of about 4 year old., and most of the time he grumbles that I’m retarded. I say the general needs to get his head out of his ass, but he’s family. You take care of family. No matter what. Then there’s Lonnie. She’s a Bitch. Period. End Sentence. She sees. She wants. She takes. That’s pretty much her philosophy on life. No remorse or guilt need apply. Wish I could be that free. No, I don’t. Even though we don’t always get along the crew can count on me to be loyal. I follow orders. They’ve never given me a reason not to. I hit the spot we are supposed to meet at. Looks like I’m the first one here. Lucky me.


The Welcome to Roswell sign comes into view and my sight goes instinctively to Dani. She cracks a smile and begins dispensing orders. "We'll check into a hotel for a bit, chill and then maybe wreak some havok in this dull ass place." She commands with the confidence and expertise of a real leader. I nod and look out the window watching as some 'regular' looking kids play basket ball on a court. I turn to Zan and I see a friggin weird look on his face. I wonder what he's thinking. He's been pretty quiet all the way down. Mind reading. Now that would have been a useful power to have instead of this dumb mind warping shit.

"Sly, I'm gonna let you take a look around for a bit. Give us a layout of the damned town. You don't look as out of place as we do." Dani chuckles and I examine my gear self consciously. She's right we stick out in the worst way.

"Dani, let me go with him... gotta keep an eye on him right? Make certain he don't get himself into any damned trouble." Lonnie pipes in and Dani seems to contemplate her suggestion before shrugging in agreement.

"Yeah, Lonnie. Do it. Just disguise yourself and if ya see any of the other set, let's find out where they hang." she advises as she begins to settle into the room. "When the rest of ya are done settlin' in. Come to my room and we'll get everything planned out." She states and I shake my head obediently.

"I ain't got a lot to unpack." I reply before turning to Zan.

"You comin' with?" I ask but I already know the answer to the question. Of course. He wouldn't go against Dani.
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Post by maougha »


It’s late when we finally arrive in Roswell which I find so much more different then New York for obvious reasons of course. New York being the big city that it is has a bustling night life, driving through Roswell I can see that it well doesn’t.

“So where to?” Our driver asks.

I look out at the darkened town. The royal four are probably at home asleep right now there well be no confronting them until later. I glance back at Khivar it is his decision however what we do now. It was his decision to fallow Danielle after all and it was his decision to tell her who they all are in hopes of making a deal with her.

I turn my gaze back to the town catching my reflection in the review mirror. It’s strange I have gone as a human boy for so long to suddenly be a nineteen year old, also Khivar’s decision. I must admit though I like it.

We are now just circling around the town with no direction. I glance back at Khivar’s silent form a chill goes down my spine he is plotting something I can tell. It’s the granolith he is after and he well do anything to get it.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


Nasedo is dead. I know its true. I was there, I saw his body dissolve into dust and yet, desperately I hope that it isn’t true. That the whole thing is a horrible nightmare that I’m about to wake up from. Nasedo might not have been the most loving person in the love but he was all I had.

He had always told me that the day might come when he wouldn’t be around to protect me. He tried to prepare me for it so that I would be able to take care of myself but apart of me never thought that he would actually leave me. Childishly, I believed that he was immortal.

And now I’m alone. I thought that I understood the meaning of loneliness. I had spent my whole life feeling lonely with only the dream of finding the others and going home to keep me going. I thought that the others would be like me, that they would accept and welcome me completely into their world, that the four of us would find our way home.

The problem with dreams is that they rarely come true. Isabel, Michael and Max don’t want me here. Hell, I don’t want to be here. I want to go home but I need their help otherwise I’m going to be stuck on this damn planet forever alone and completely lost.

I know what I want. I want off this planet. The trouble is I don’t know how to get it. Nasedo normally made the plans and I just followed his lead but he’s gone now and I have to do everything by myself.

And that’s why I am outside The Crashdown when I would rather be any where else in the world. I hate The Crashdown. I hate the stupid pictures on the wall, I hate that people are able to make money from an accident that caused so much pain in my life. If the ship hadn’t of crashed then I wouldn’t be in the mess I’m in now.

Walking into The Crash, I head to one of the booths near the back and wait for one for the waitresses to come over and take my order.
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6 More Needed

Post by StormWolfstone »

After recieving the auditions for Liz, it was a difficult decision to make they were both great. Here is the current standings for the cast list in this game.

Alexandria- Storm
Sly- (OPEN)
Maria- madroswellfan
Liz- Zanssoulmate08
Alex- (OPEN)
Kyle- Anna-Liisa

Danielle- Storm
Brand- Storm
Zan- (OPEN)
Lonnie- Storm
Max- madroswellfan
Michael- (OPEN)
Isabel- Storm
Rath- (OPEN)
Tess- (OPEN)
Ava- FaithfulAngel24

Nicholas- maougha
Khivar- Storm

btw..... anyone who's wanting to do a bit of slash sort of relationships... it can be done... the coupling list is only the end result...
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: does anyone want to double or temp???


Roswell. We had arrived and it was about damned time too. I had a few things in mind for my enemies and little did Dani know she was just a pawn. They were all pawns. With a smirk I think of the many skins that would be following directions very soon. I brought several things that my warriors needed and an all out attack could well be in the works if this didn't work the way I wanted. Humanity would end up destroyed before the Antarian Royals could do anything about it. "So, where to?"

I glance up as I hear the driver and start trying to think about just what I want to do at the moment. It was late evening, I know it's going to be difficult to start now, so I tell the driver, "Hotel. Nic and I have to check in for a while." Our driver is one of the skins that I'd brought with me very recently to Earth. Glancing over at Nicholas, I smiled and reached over placing my hand on his leg. "We've got some planning to do. A great deal of planning. Dani and the others have no idea that they are just pawns in our bigger plan."

As far as I was concerned, Nicholas was not only my second in command, he's also my lover and the only one in this that I would let stand at my side, although Vilondra... I still plan to have her again. I will make her mine and I will toss her aside if she shows one ounce of weakness or remorse. The others will die. And when they do, I will have a stronger hold over the planets. I'll take either version of Vilondra too. They both will end up being the perfect pawns and some fun. "So, Nic... are you about ready for what's to come?" I ask him with a smile, running my hand up his leg. I don't love Nic, I just enjoy him. Of course, he doesn't need to know that. His strongest power, doesn't work on me. He can mind rape the others, but not me.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

~ Isabel~

I still can't believe how close we came to losing Max and even Liz. I remember at first I'd been so pissed off at Max for telling Liz and risking us all, but now she's become a part of this and we are friends. Even Maria and I get along, which I still can't believe. She's not as bad as I thought she was, though I'll never forget how freaked out she was in the beginning. I liked keeping her scared, but the last thing we needed at the time was her opening her mouth to Valenti, but now even that didn't matter.

There was a time when no humans knew about us being hybrids, now we had five in on the secret. The Sherrif, his son, Maria, Liz and Alex. Alex, now, that's one human I don't even want to think about while sitting in the Crash after school. The way I feel toward him is confusing the hell out of me. I care about him, don't want him to get hurt, but hooking up with a human?? I'm not sure that's the way for me to go. I know that he has it bad for me, I can't help but feel sorry about that, but I really can't do much about it. The FBI would make a move some day and when they did, I didn't want Alex caught in the middle. Not to mention, I've watched Michael and Max in their relationships... and I'd rather not go there.

I see Tess walk in and I can't help but force myself not to look at her. She'd been afriend. I really thought I could trust her, then we learned that she wasn't even who we thought. She was one of us and she had been living with the very alien we'd learned was on Earth. Nacedo, the killer. She didn't bat an eye when Liz was kidnapped, could hardly care less. Of course, that's because she's supposed to be a queen and Max her king so she thinks it's just fine if something happens to get Liz out of the way, but as soon as Max and Nacedo were in danger, that was another story.

I have to admit though, she didn't manage to help us when we got past the checkpoint the cops had set up so that no one thought it was him and he'd somehow escaped. If the police had thought him escaped then we would have been in for a world of shit.

"Are you ready to order, Isabel?" I glance up to see Alexandria poised to take my order. She's wearing those sunglasses again. I can't help but wonder if she is really as clumsy as she claims or if she has something else going on at home, but really it's none of my business.

"Just the usual." I tell her and she nods, writing it down before murmuring that she'd be back with it soon. After she takes it to Jose', she heads back and I watch her go over to Tess' table and get her order pad out again.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Storm, would it be a bad idea if I'd post my audition post? Or what should I post? :? Sorry, I'm a bit lost.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

You can post your audition post... in fact anyone can do so.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I look at the ceiling of our houses living room. My life changed so absurdly - not even long ago. I almost died... but then I was saved. My first thougth after healing was that an angel had come down to rescue me, but then I saw Max Evans and well...there went that fantasy. It was all just too unhuman. Like something... Well it was weird. A sigh escapes from my lips as I get to a sitting position. I still don't know how Evans managed to do that... But I know I own my life to him. Him and to Michael Guerin, who politely removed the car from my chest. I touch the spot Evans touched when he... Well, healed.

'My life is going to change completely,' I think and close my eyes. No matter what the say, things will always be different. I will be different. Dad knows about these things too... He knew it before me. He was glad he didn't need to hide it but at the same time I saw that he was sad. Maybe he actually wanted to keep me out of the secret? To keep my life normal when he risked his life for the little green men, the four little green men. Evans, Evan's sister Isabel, Guerin and Tess Harding. Who would've known that the girl I flirted with was actually... I shake my head and sigh again. My thoughts arent going anywhere.

"Are you ok, son?" I hear my dads voice.

I think about answering 'Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about an angel called Evans' but that would sound absurd. I nod to dad silently and stop touching my chest. He knows I'mthinking about what happened. I see it from the look he's giving me. "I'm fine, dad. I'm just...confused," I tell him. That's what I am, confused about everything. None of this shouldn't be my business, but now... It became my business as well.

"Listen. You need to remember that Max and Michael saved your life. I know it's hard to accept all of this, but...," Dad starts, but I stop him.

"I know. I know. I just need some time to think about it before saying anything to anyone of them," I say. "You can tell them, if it makes them feel safer, that I... I won't say anything to anyone. People would think I'm mad, anyway," I sigh and look at dad. He nods and leaved the living room. It's going to to be a tought time for everyone of us. Not only me. It just feels unfair that I'm part of this now. At least now I know why Liz and Evans were so close. Or maybe it was real love but, it didn't matter. Evans healed Liz that day and everything changed. Everything.

And all I know is that I'm Kyle Valenti and I've been touched by an alien.
The only "ism" Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.
- Dorothy Parker
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