Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by StormWolfstone »


It's been nearly five months since I lost my mother. It's so hard to walk into the apartment I was forced to take this last month and know that I wouldn't be going home to a meal that my mother had worked hard to make. I miss her more then anything. Michael has been a blessing through the whole thing, keeping an eye on me, trying to make certain that I was alright. Still, I don't want to burden him and one could probably class me as a recluse now. I rarely go out of the house other then for school and work.

In a way, it also aids me in not thinking about attractions that I feel. It would be wrong for me to act on either one of them. Max and Zan... everytime I see them... my heart skips a beat and I feel as though I'm walking on air. Problem? They are brothers and and I'm certain they would never look my way. Especially, now. Maybe before my social status had changed, I'd have had their interest. Now though, I know I couldn't have a chance.

"Liz, how was your day?" I turn as I hear the voice of one of the elderly neighbors I have and try to give her a smile.

"I never knew it could be so hard to support myself, Mrs. Landy. How's Boto's paw?" I ask after her pet rabbit that she had mentioned needing to take to the vet earlier in the day.

"Boto will be alright. He got a cactus thorn stuck in it. Probably that fool grandson of mine was unaware he'd brough the thorn with him." She smiled and I waved.

"Have a good night. I need to get ready for work now." I tell her and then open the door to my apartment, going in and grabbing out something to stick in the mic while I run to the room and grab my things for my shower.

No one will even remember my seventeenth birthday is in three weeks. I found myself thinking as I glanced at the mirror beside me. Swiftly changing out of my clothing from school, I rushed through getting into my uniform and then drove to work.

My shift had barely begun when I was wiping down a table and saw Max come in. I can't keep myself from looking at him for a moment before forcing myself to remember that there wasn't anyway. I'm not anything to look at anymore. I'm not even socially acceptable for the most part anymore.

Sighing, I take out my order pad and move over to a table where a few of the jocks are seated and ask simply, "What can I get you guy's?"

They start spouting out their orders and I write them down. "Alright, I'll be back with your drinks in just a minute." I tell them and walk to place the food order on the small turntable before moving to the fountain drinks, pouring out each one. Then, I took out an extra glass and poured out a cherry coke, knowing that was what Max usually got.

With the drinks in hand, I make my way to the jocks table and hand out the drinks before walking over to Max's table, placing the cherry coke down. "Your usual, cherry coke." It always managed to be the same, he would sit in the booth and on most of the nights I worked it was part of my section. "When you are ready to order, let me know."

I have to force myself to turn and walk away, sighing again as I do. I'm about to start filling some of the supplies when Mrs. Valenit catches my attention. "Is there something wrong, Mrs. Valenti?"

"Liz, we just had another call out for the next shift. Would you be interested in taking the shift?" She asks me and I think of the homework I have but I know that I need the finances more.

"Sure, Mrs. Valenti. I have no problem staying until closing." I tell her and she seems relieved.

"Thanks, Liz. I appreciate it." She says and I give her a smile.

"It's really no problem, Mrs. Valenti. I'd better get back to work. No worries here." I replied and with a parting smile turned and found myself looking towards Max again before hearing, "Parker, order up."

Moving to the window, I take the orders and place them on the tray. "Thanks." Turning, I move to deliver the first order I'd recieved for my shift and then go about filling the mustard bottles. The jocks orders should be up soon and then maybe Max will be ready to order. I like hearing him talk.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by KarenEvans »

(OOC-Great post Storm)


I sigh inwardly as I emerge from the last class of the day...I hate political science!If there's one thing that could put me to sleep in a jiffy'that subject's got to be it.It didn't help either that my head is pounding...shouldn't have let my team mates come over last night.They always douse my coke with some liquor and I,like the fool I am fall for the trick everytime.

Dragging my feet towards the boy's locker room I look at all the rest of the kids heading home or towards the Crashdown...that's probably where Max is right now.Thinking of Max at the Crashdown,a small chuckle escapes me...He's such a goner for Parker.He should just tell her how he feels.

'Yeah're one to talk' says the sarcastic voice in my head mocking me again 'Like you'd ever work up the courage to tell the girl of your dreams how you feel.'

Pushing the door to the locker room I glance around and spot one of my team mates,"Hey man!" I wave at Peter Wallace as I approach my locker.He's one of the better ones,not such an asshole.

"Hey don't look so good." He replies,with an amused grin on his face

"Yeah yeah...have your laugh." I snap back testily

Quickly changing in to my trunks I head for the pool.Coach Henderson looks pepped up today...damn it...that means it's going to be killer practice today.Just as my spirit is sinking,I look across at the other pool,where the girl's team practises and I see my goddess-Isabel Evans-and instantly the sight of her recharges my to speak.

"IN THE POOL...25 LAPS TO WARM UP." yells the coach as though we all are hard of hearing

"Here we go." I mutter and dive in
Last edited by KarenEvans on Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I watch Liz take out her order pad with a graceful movement. God the girl is so beautiful. And there’s this look she gets…this one where she’s thinking. You can see the whole world through her eyes… Of course I only get glances of the world through her eyes before forcing myself to look away. But it’s still amazing.

I’m too far away to see what she says to them, but she quickly starts writing down things as the jocks talk away. She even has this way of writing. Its like she takes so much time and care in each letter, yet the writing is effortless and quick.

I see her say something to them and she heads behind the counter. Her walk is so…
God, if my brother heard me talking about a girl like this, he would flip. And Rath and Michael would kill me. They’d tell me I sound like a poet. But I don’t see anything wrong with poetry. Liz is pure poetry.

My eyes don’t leave Liz as she makes her way around the counter sorting out there order and then getting drinks. I could so happily spend my day just watching her. She walks over to the jocks and gives them her drinks. God what I’d give just to get her to notice me…

She turns around and walks my way. I quickly look down at my menu. Okay, Max breathe… And then she places a glass down on the table.

"Your usual, cherry coke."
I blink. Wow…she remembered? ....Does that mean I’ve been coming too often and noticed? Oh god…I must remember to sit in Maria’s section tomorrow…

"When you are ready to order, let me know."

She walks away and my heart stops pounding so ferociously. Well, it goes down a little anyway. She actually noticed me. Probably not for a good reason, but she did…
Hey, it’s a start. I gently pick up the glass and take a sip of the cherry coke. She got this for me…for me! Without asking what I wanted.

I see Liz talking to Mrs Valenti. God wouldn’t it be cool if she was given a break and she could come sit with me and we could keep eat together…
Keep dreaming Max.

It’s harder to keep staring at her when your drinking or it will make me look like I want to order. But I’m managing…just…I think. I see her deliver her order.
I take a deep breath. Ok…I’m going to do it. I’m going to order and start a conversation…
I think I’m going to be sick…
Stop it Max. You’re just talking to a waitress. I just need to make polite conversation. I take another drink of my cherry coke. Putting the menu away, I look at Liz so I can catch her eye so she knows I’m ready. This is a rare moment when I can look into her eyes for how ever brief and look at the beauty of within. I put a smile on my face and wait for her to notice me.
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Post by dreamer393 »


After getting dressed into my swimsuit, I headed out to the pool in hopes of getting some time to myself before practice began. Although none of my teammates were there yet, almost every male swimmer was there,in the other pool of course. But still they distracted me...kept me from concentrating.

I could have sworm I saw Alex checking me out. Which in a way is gross considering he my little brother's best friend, not to mention a year younger than me. Then again he is a wonderful swimmer...full of talent.

I shake my head. Was I actually considering maybe dating Alex. Must have swallowed too much chlorine.

Climbing out of the pool, I sit on the edge and wait for my other teammates to arrive along with the coach. I am always the first one here.
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Post by KarenEvans »


By the 20th lap my head was ready to burst and now on the 25th I can barely make it back to the other end of the pool...just a little more dude,you're almost there...2 metres,1're done.

Phew!!I am dead.I can't swim anymore today...please sweet Jesus,let Coach get an emergency call,heck let both coaches get emergency calls.I can't take this torture today.

Any other day and you know I can swim for three hours but this is killing me...bloody fools!I hate my team mates.

Reaching the edge I haul myself out of the water and catch my breath.

"What's wrong with you Whitman?" bellows Coach Henderson "Swimming like a little old lady today."

The other guys snigger and I glare at them...I'd so love to have death rays right now and fry them all to cinders.

"Just had a rough night Coach." I gasp

Just then I look over at the girl's pool...oh great!She had to be early today as see my fantastic performance.
Last edited by KarenEvans on Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dreamer393 »


Getting up I walk towards Alex. I offer him a small, sexy smile.

"You can do better. I have seen you swim before and today you were far from your best."

I allow my gaze to go up the length of Alex's body before it rests on his face.

I have to admit the boy is pretty good looking. All wet and half naked...Isabel stop it. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I should have just stayed sitting down.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Oh no no!This can't be happening,she's heading right this way.Relax,breath calmly,she's probably coming over to have a word with Neal,since they are co-captains.

That's the need to get panicky.I smile back at her,thinking she will pass me by but instead she acknowledges my presence

""You can do better. I have seen you swim before and today you were far from your best."

I blink in surprise and look around quickly to make sure she isn't talking to someone else,when I realise she's indeed talking to me all I manage to blurt out in my confusion is "Oh thanks!"

Way to manly stud!Now she's really going to fall for my charms.Not that there ever was a chance of that happening,since she probably sees me as her younger brother's geeky best friend.
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Post by dreamer393 »


He blinks as if shocked that I am talking to him. Why shouldn't he be? I was never exactly nice to him.

"Oh thanks!"

I run a hand through my wet hair. Honestly, I have no idea what to say or do.

" maybe teach me the backstroke later on...after practice?"

BACK STROKE. OMG. I learned that years ago...when I was still taking swim lessons. Not to mention it is often needed in competitions. He is bound to know I know how or think I am too stupid to know how.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Is she checking me out or did I imagine that her gaze went over my body before she made eye contact?I must be imagining things 'coz there are other guys here with better physiques than mine and Isabel could have any one of them.

" maybe teach me the backstroke later on...after practice? She asks me with quiet confidence.

I nearly choke when I hear the queston and I can feel the eyes of the guys within hearing distance burning holes in to my back.

"You want me to teach you the backstroke?" I say like a goldfish
Shouldn't she already know that by now?...
'Shut up you ass and stop asking yourself ridiculous questions when a golden opportunity presents itself.' says the little voice in my head again

"Sure...see you after practice." I say quickly before she changes her mind and smile at her before diving back in to the pool and plying my strokes with renewed vigour
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Post by dreamer393 »


"You want me to teach you the backstroke?"

I nodd. He probally sees right through me.

"Sure...see you after practice." He says quickly before diving back into the pool.

Now all I have to do is pretend to not know how to do back stroke although it is one of the simplest strokes.

Shouldn't be too hard? Right? wronge. I am in deep.