When in Vegas (AU M/L Adult)- 10/10/06 COMPLETE

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks everyone for your FB. I hope you all had a great holiday! I want to thank everyone who nominated What happens in vegas, Catching The Butterfly and Me for Most improved writer :oops: I write because it's fun and appreciate you enjoying my stories. :D



“What time is Kara getting in?” It’s almost thanksgiving and she’s flying in from Arizona for the holiday.

“Her flight gets in at 12 but she said she’s renting a car.” Liz yells from the kitchen. Renting a car? Why?

“Why is she renting a car?” I ask walking into the kitchen.

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask, she just said that she didn’t need a ride from the airport.” She shrugs and goes back to making apple pies.

“Why is she flying anyway? Arizona isn’t that far of a drive?” I steal one of the apples and bite into it.

“I don’t know Max. When she gets here you can ask her ok?” Frustrated she wipes her hands on a dish towel and places one of the pies in the oven.

“Does Kaiden need a ride or is he renting as well?” I can’t help it. She glares and me and I instantly regret my statement.

“If your that bored I can find something for you to do.”

“Ok point taken. See you in a bit.” I kiss her cheek and walk to the bedroom to change into my surfing gear. The water is getting a little cooler but I still like to go out anyway. Liz is stressed out and if I stayed in the house any longer we’d end up bickering about something stupid so I leave. I can’t help it if I miss my kids. I feel like they don’t need me anymore or something. I know it’s silly but ever since Kaiden went off to college the house has felt so empty. I thought about getting a dog but Liz refused. She said dogs were not substitutes for our kids and she’s right. It’s not that Liz isn’t enough for me but after so many years with two kids in the house you get used to a certain amount of noise.

Kara is attending the university of Arizona and should be gradating this year while Kaiden is in his second year at Yale. She was a mess when he left especially since it was so far away but she came to terms with it eventually. At first we expected Kara to get into the fashion industry after her summer internship but that changed after that summer. She ended up more interested in what I do much to our surprise. Kaiden, who was never really into science suddenly become very interested in the medical field especially medical research. The closet scientist in Liz is proud of him.

Even though Kara is close by she doesn’t come home as often as we’d like. I realize that she has her own life but we miss her. Liz insisted that they both come home this thanksgiving after Kara missed last years holidays with us to go to Europe.

I spend a few hours out on the water and jog back up to the house. Liz is still in the kitchen preparing enough food for an army and I laugh as I walk to the bedroom to change.

“Everything looks good angel.” I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

“Thanks but I haven’t really made anything.” I rest my chin on her shoulder as she mixes something in a bowl.

“Still looks good. Everything is going to be perfect.” I kiss her neck and sit on the counter while she maneuvers her way around the kitchen.

“I forgot to tell you that Kara asked me to set another plate for dinner. I’m sure it’s for Julia or something so could you get the other set of dishes out for tomorrow? I want them all to match and the one I was going to use doesn’t have enough for all of us.” I nod and think about what she said. Julia isn’t coming with her. I just spoke to her father and they are all going to aspen for the week.

“It’s not Julia. They are going to Aspen.” I blurt out.

“Oh well, it must be a friend from school then.” She shrugs and puts something in the fridge.

“What friend?” I ask.

“I don’t know Max, what is with you?”

“Sorry.” She gets so wound up around the holidays. I better keep my mouth shut for now.

“No, I’m sorry. I just want everything to be perfect. Don’t pay any attention to me.”

“Come here.” I pull her arm and wrap my arms around her waist placing a kiss on her head.

“Don’t stress yourself out. Everything will be perfect.”

“I know.” She sighs and leans into my embrace.

“What’s Kris doing lately? I haven’t had a chance to talk to Andrew at the office.”

“She’s good. I think they are going to New York for the holiday to meet up with Devin.”

“He’s at NYU right?” She goes back to maneuvering around the kitchen.

“Yeah Pre-med.”

“We’ll have to invite them over one day. I haven’t seen her in so long.” Kris has become a huge part of your family. I owe her a lot.

“I’ll give her a call after the holidays.”

“That‘s a good idea.” I look up at the clock and see that Kara should be getting in soon.

“I’m going to change before they get here.” I head to the bedroom and take a quick shower.

By the time I get out I hear voices coming from the living room and don’t recognize one of them but I know it’s male.

“Daddy!” Kara rushes over to me when I walk to the living room.

“Hey princess, how are you?” I hold her tightly.

“I’m great dad.” She pulls back a little and I notice that she’s practically glowing.

“Daddy, I want you to meet someone, this is Conrad Green.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Evans, Kara has told me so much about you.” He shakes my hand and I wonder how long she’s known this guy.

“I wish I could say the same.” I say and get a look from Liz.

“Where’s Kaiden?” Kara asks I guess breaking the silence.

“He should be here soon.” We sit in the living room and munch on some snacks.

“So Conrad how did you and my daughter meet?” I don’t like the fact that I know nothing about this kid and she brought him home for the holidays.

“Conrad is pre-law daddy.” Kara cuts in.

“Sweetie why don’t we let Conrad tell us.” I like the fact that this kid is sweating bullets.

“Well sir like Kar said I’m pre-law. We met in a mutual class of ours.” Kar? Was her name so long that he had to shorten it?

“That’s nice. So where are you from?” He goes on to tell me that he grew up in Connecticut and moved to Arizona a few years before college.

“Hey, where is everyone?” Kaiden shouts halting my interrogation.

“In here!” Kara yells back at him.

“Hey everyone.” Liz rushes to hug him and I do the same.

“You’ve lost some weight.” Liz says once he sits down.

“Mom.” He blushes. Liz has always babied him.

“Kaiden this is Conrad my-my boyfriend.” My head snaps over to Liz’s direction only to have her shake her head so I don’t say anything about that comment.

“Well well well. So how did you and my sister meet?” Kaiden asks making us all hear the story again.

“So why Arizona? I mean I’m sure there are other law programs better then that.”

“Mom!” Kara wines.

“Kaiden don’t be rude.”

“Whatever. I’m going to my room.” Kara looks upset and so does Liz.

“I’m going to go check on him.” I excuse myself and go see what’s wrong with him it’s not like Kaiden to act like this.

“Hey, can I come in?” I knock softly.

“Yeah.” I walk in and see him unpacking his clothes.

“So what’s been going on?” I sit on his bed and watch him re fold everything and put it in his drawers.

“Not much. You know classes a few parties here and there. The usual.” After the incident with Kara he re evaluated his stand point on women. Liz and I were surprised at how much he stepped up and really took on his role of brother to Kara. He sat and talked with her and really changed his attitude. We hadn’t had another pool incident ever since then.

“You hook up with anyone?”

“Hook up?” He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and laughs. “Dad, don’t use hook up anymore. It sounds funny coming from you and yeah I have a few times.”

“You being careful?” I know he is but it’s the dad type thing to say I guess.

“Always. I’m not trying to be a dad right now, trust me.”

“Good. So why don’t you like Conrad besides the obvious?” I ask once he’s done unpacking.

“I don’t know. I guess I don’t not like him. Whatever.” There he goes. The whatever again.

“There has to be a reason. You don’t even know him and you’ve said whatever twice already. What’s going on?” He stops what he’s doing and sits on the other side of his bed.

“He seems like a scum bag. I don’t know what it is but I don’t like him. He’s not staying here is he?”

“What? No way!” I hadn’t even thought about that but he’s not staying here.

“Good.” We walk back out to the living room and sit down for dinner.

“Mrs. Evans, everything looks great.” I look over and catch Kaiden roll his eyes.

“Thank you.” Dinner goes by quietly. I can sense the tension in the air and try my best to lighten it. Kaiden knows something and isn’t telling me.

After dinner we sit out back and enjoy some wine and dessert.

“I’m going to bed, the time change is getting to me.” Kaiden says and excuses himself.

“Be ready early tomorrow, we’re going out on the boat.” He nods and goes to his room.

“Excuse us for a moment.” Liz says taking me hand and dragging me inside.

“What’s going on Max?” He asks pretending to be busy in the kitchen.

“What are you talking about? Nothing is going on.”

“Bull. What did Kaiden say to you? He seems annoyed or something.” I watch her put the leftovers away and sit on the counter.

“He didn’t say anything. I asked him the same thing. I guess he’s just being a protective brother that’s all.”

“Maybe.” She shrugs. “Why don’t you have them come in. We need to figure out where Conrad is staying for the rest of the week.”

“I know he’s not staying here.” I mumble and walk back outside.

“…Kar we‘re engaged. I want to sleep with you.”

“I know that but my dad will never allow it. Just give me a few days to tell them. I have to find the right time. You don’t know my dad, he’s going to freak.. I have to wait for the right time.”

“Kar, it’s been three months. I told my parents right away. I don’t understand why you can’t tell yours.”

“It’s not the same and you know it. You know how close I am to my parents especially my dad. You barely even talk to your parents. Look just give me time ok? I promise I’ll tell them soon.”

“I don’t want to be apart from you.”

“Me either.”

My mouth hangs open as I listen to my daughter, my baby talking to her fiancé?

“Kara?” I make myself know still in full shock.

“Daddy!” She jumps out of her chair startled.

‘Is there something wrong?” I ask with my arms folded across my chest.

“N-no daddy.” She smiles nervously.

“Are you sure?” I looked towards his Conrad person and he avoids eye contact with me.

“I’m sure daddy.” That’s way too many daddies in one conversation. She can’t hide her nervousness from me.

“Ok.” I walk to the kitchen and pull Liz to our room.

“What’s going on Max?” She asks as soon as I close the bedroom door.

“What’s going on is that Kara is engaged and she didn‘t even tell us. She‘s been engaged for months!”

“What?” She asks shocked.

“She’s engaged Liz. Our baby got engaged and didn’t even tell us. God, what is she thinking? She’s going to ruin her life! She‘s too young for this.” I pace the bedroom floor running my hands through my hair.

“No, that can’t be right. Did she tell you she was engaged?”

“No, I heard them talking. He was saying that he can’t be away from her. I won’t accept this. She hasn‘t even graduated college.”

“Max calm down we don’t-”

Calm down! Are you hearing me Liz? She’s engaged!”

“Shhhh. Just relax for a minute ok?”

“No I won’t relax. What I am going to do it go out there and kill that little bastard.” I make my way to the door but Liz jumps in front of me.

“You will do no such thing Max. We need to talk about this, rationally.” I snort.

“Rationally? Your kidding right? How the hell can you be so clam about this? She isn’t even out of college and she’s engaged! She hasn’t even really lived yet.” knowing that she won’t let me out of the door I sit on the edge of the bed.

“It‘s only an engagement. It‘s not the end of the world besides, there is nothing you can do about it.”

“Watch me.”

“Maxwell Evans don’t touch that door.” She makes me stop dead in my tracks.

“Liz how can you be so calm? How can you sit here and not want to kill that guy?”

“I’m upset Max but we have to talk to her first. We can’t jump to conclusions.”

“There’s nothing to jump to. I heard them, that’s enough confirmation for me.”

“Look, why don’t we wait and let her tell us. If it’s true she’ll say so eventually. We’ll deal with it then.”

“Fine but she has two days to tell us. That’s all I’m willing to wait.” I take a few deep breaths and walk back into the living room.

When I get out there I see them sitting on the sofa looking through some photo albums. Kara has the biggest smile on her face and even I’d have to admit that she does look happy.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

I totally suck. I’m so sorry for taking this long to update. Thank you all for your continued interest in this fic and for the bumps. I’m glad some of you still like this.

~*~Chapter 20~*~*

Walking out into the living room I watch Kara and Conrad for a moment and think back to a time when I was that young. I don’t feel old but looking at Kara I know that I am older but as old as I am she’s still my baby and the feeling of protectiveness will never go away.

“Kara, we need to make arrangements for Conrad.” I announce. She looks worried. Good.


“He can stay in the guest room but there will be some rules.” She looks relieved and smiles at him. “Once you go to the room you are to stay in the room until daylight. At no point in time will Kara be in the room with you with the door closed and even with the door open you are not to be on the bed at all.”


“He’s more then welcome to find a hotel for the weekend.” I cross my arms and watch her roll her eyes.

“It’s up to you but those are the rules.”

“That’s fine Mr. Evans. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home.” He stands up to shake my hand.

“Don’t make me regret it.” Kaiden comes out of his room see’s Conrad and turns around again. I need to talk to him, he knows something.

“So what happened?” Liz asks as I pass our room.

“He’s staying in the guest room. I laid down the rules for him.”

“Good. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to talk to Kaiden. Something is up with him and this Conrad guy.” She comes with me and we both walk into his room. It looks as if he never left. Clothes thrown everywhere, food on the dresser and his x-box on the floor.

“What’s up?” He asks us.

“Why don’t you like Conrad?” Might as well get to the point.

“I never said I didn’t like him.”

“Kaiden come on. I saw you come out of your room and turn back around when you saw Conrad so what is it that you don’t like about him?” Liz is walking around the room picking things up as if he’s not going to throw his things around as soon as she leaves.

“It’s his face dad, I don’t like his face.” He’s lost it. His brain may be fried from all the studying he’s been doing.

“What’s wrong with his face?” I’m curious now. “It looked fine to me.” Liz looks up and me and laughs a little.

“It’s just his face dad, I can see it all in his face. The proportions are off or something. He’s going to hurt her.” He’s perfectly serious and it’s worrying me. Maybe it’s the X-box that did it.

“Well he seems like a nice young man to me.” Liz chimes in. She should know that once Kaiden doesn’t like someone that’s it. He will never change his mind.

“Whatever mom, he’s bad news.” I watch him walk out the room and shake my head.

“And he knows all of his by looking at his face?” She shrugs and walk out after him. All I know is that if he’s right I’m putting him on television and exposing his gift.

Hours later it’s almost time for us to go to bed and I find myself walking up and down the hallway.

“Nothing is going to happen.” Liz comes out of our room.

“I know it’s not because I’m going to be right here.” I slide down the wall and sit next to the door.

“Max, what are you going to do sleep in the hallway? Your acting crazy. Come to bed.” I get off the floor and decide that a night alone with my wife might not be so bad.

“So Mrs. Evans, do you think you can keep me occupied tonight?” I crawl up her body placing kisses on the inside of her thighs

“I think I can come up with something.” She flashes me her signature smile and I’m a goner. We spend the rest of the night making love and fall asleep completely spent.

The next morning I wake up to an empty bed.. After brushing my teeth and a quick shower I walk out of the bedroom and hear the kids and Conrad talking in the kitchen.

“Good morning.” Everyone says.

“Morning.” I grab some coffee and quickly take a sip. I’m groggy as hell and don’t know why. I look at Liz and remember why. She eyes me up and down and blushes a little. I love that I can still make her blush like a school girl with one look.

“What did you want to do today?” Liz asks me.

“Daddy why don’t we drive up to LA? Conrad has never been there and I’d love to show it to him.” Suddenly the thought of going out isn’t so appealing to me.

“Why don’t you guys go? I don’t feel like driving up there.” She frowns but decides to go anyway. Kaiden refuses to go and heads back to his room.

“Why don’t you go with them? I know how much you love it up there.” I suggest to Liz.

“I don’t want to ruin their time.” She starts cleaning up the kitchen and I can tell she’s disappointed. I give her a kiss on the cheek and go catch up with Kara who is now outside with loverboy.

“Kara come here a sec please.”

“What’s up?” I look at her and for a moment I see her as a six year old who thought I was the strongest man in the world.

“Your mom really wants to spend time with you. How about you and her go to LA and Conrad can stay here with Kaiden and I.” She looks at me as if she’s thinking about it.

“I don’t know dad. I mean Conrad really wanted to go to LA too.”

“You can spend all the time you want with him when you go back home. Your mom misses you.” I don’t like the fact that she thought of choosing him over spending time with her mother.

“Ok, let me run it by him.” she gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks back over to him. I want desperately to listen to what she says to him but it would be kind of strange for me to just stand out here.

 I head to the kitchen and see Liz leaning on the sink. I have noticed that she hasn’t been feeling good but I don’t say anything, she would come to me if it were anything big.

I wrap my arms around her as she leans her head back on my chest. Kissing her cheek I ask if she’s ok.

“Yeah I think I am coming down with something.” She turns to face me giving me a quick peck on the lips.

“Maybe you should go to the doctor.” I am not one for doctors there are way to many people in this world that go for every little thing.

“I will, after the kids leave, I am sure it is just the flu.” She turns around and I see Kara coming back into the house.

“Mom, are you up for a day with me?” Liz looks at her confused.

“Aren’t you taking Conrad up to LA?” Kara shrugs

“There will be another time for me to take Conrad to LA, but I only get to spend so much time with you. Plus I think it will be great for Dad to get to know Conrad and spend some quality time with him.” Quality time? Is she serious? I don’t want to spend anytime with him. I would much rather leave him to fend for himself while I spend time with my family.

Liz excuses herself to go and get herself ready while I stand there wondering how I got roped into this. Had I known that I would have to take the boy I would have never suggested she not take him.

Kaiden comes out of his room and looks to me. “Where are they going?” did he not hear earlier? Maybe his ears are plugged.

“LA…” he smiles “And Conrad is staying with you and I.” his face drops but then a smile forms and I stop him before he gets any farther.

“And if I have to spend time with him so do you.” He glares at me and I smile, I am not going to be the only one in hell.

Liz and Kara are heading out the door when they both turn back to me. “Dad please be nice?”

“I’m always nice.” She gives me the who are you kidding look and I look to Liz.

“Please, give him a chance? He is going to be a part of this family and we might as well get used to it.” She does have a point, but used to it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

“Ok, I will try.” I give Liz a kiss and turn to kiss Kara on the cheek then watch them leave before I turn back to the living room where a very annoyed Kaiden is in a staring match with a very intimidated Conrad.

“Ok, so…” I have no idea, I could call Michael and he could come over and help but then thinking about it he would probably take Kaiden’s side and decided that his face was not proportional to his neck or his ears.

I get no response out of either of them and decide to join them on the couch. I am sure that Kaiden has some game that Conrad would be interested in playing. All boys love those video games.

“So Conrad do you game?” Game? That sounds lame but it is what all the kids call it.

“No sir, I don’t play video games.” Kaiden rolls his eyes and snickers and I throw a glare at him. But I feel the same way. What kid doesn’t play video games and is that normal?

“Oh… rot your mind?” I am thinking back to my years when my mom used to say that.

“No, I never found the mystery to what made them so great. I never figured out why yelling and screaming at a TV screen because your car is off the road was cool.” Kaiden is giving the death glare now. Kaiden does all of those things and I have to admit that I have done that more than once while my car smashed into a pole, wall or other inanimate objects.

“Oh…” I am at a loss. We sit there for a few more minutes before Conrad breaks the silence and asks Kaiden a question.

“So Kara told me you are at Yale?” Kaiden says nothing he continues to stare at whatever MTV show he is currently fixated on. I decide to answer for him.

“He is in his second year, deans list every semester.” I am a proud dad and it shows. I cant help but brag about my children’s accomplishments.

“That is really good, what are you studying?” still Kaiden says nothing he has left MTV for Bravo and is no engrossed in some random TV show about nothing.

“I don’t think he knows yet. But what do you both say we go get something to eat I am hungry.” They both agree and I grab my keys as fast as I can get down to the car.

“ok Kaiden where should be take Conrad?” Kaiden says nothing he simply looks at me and shrugs. I really need to set him straight when we get home.

“Ok well then In~N~Out it is.” Kaiden looks at me and smiles. “Well since your mother isn’t with us and we have a guest we should go.” He simply nods and of course Conrad chimes in.

“Kara has nothing but good things to say about that place.” He seems really snotty this boy.

“Well it is the best, as you will find out in about ten minutes.” I start the car and we head down PCH to the nearest hut.

The car ride isn’t that long but somehow minutes seem like hours when I am with this boy and it is just uncomfortable. I know that Liz and Kara need their time together but they really should have taken him with them.

We go in order our food and eat in complete silence. Nothing was said from anyone but me who asked if anyone needed more Ketchup. I can’t wait to get home and I hope those girls are back.

It is two whole hours before Liz and Kara come waltzing through the door laughing and making jokes. I am going insane and they are laughing and having the time of their lives. Which don’t get me wrong I am glad they had fun. They needed that time together; however I didn’t need this time.

“Did you have fun?” Liz asks kissing my cheek and putting down one of her many shopping bags.

“Sure why not?” she picks up the tone in my voice and wrinkles her brow. Kara is already over with Conrad and I watch them for a moment.

I remember what is was like to be in love with Liz and having the feeling like I could fly. I still do but I wonder if my baby girl is still too young for that.
I leave them alone and follow Liz to the back bedroom.

“Did you and Kara have fun?” her head pokes out of the bathroom and she smiles.

“We did, we talked about the wedding.” I bet they did.

“And? Did you talk her out of it?”

“No.” She laughs. I don’t think it’s funny though.

“Did you boys have fun?” I grunt and roll my eyes.

“If you call Kaiden not speaking once other than to me, Conrad not knowing what to say and all three of us being the most uncomfortable we have ever been fun. Than yes I would have to say we had fun.” I hear her chuckle. It would not have been so funny if it had been her.

“Max, you’ll come around. He is a lovely boy.” She keeps saying that but it isn’t making me feel better at all.

~*~Two Days Later~*~

Kara is finishing up the last of her packing when I knock on her open door. She turns her head toward me and smiles. She has her mothers smile, one that could light up a room and make a grown man melt.

“Hi daddy.” She never has gotten too old for that and I love it.

“Can I come in?” she nods her head and I walk over and sit on the bed. On the bed is her teddy bear, the first one I ever bought. I bought it when I found out Liz was pregnant.

“Wow, scruff is a little old.” She laughs and I look up. My baby girl isn’t so little anymore and while I know she is a woman, a part of me wants to keep her small and protect her from all the bad in the world.

“Yeah he is, getting up there in age.” I smile and she sits down next to me. Her arm laces through mine and her head finds my shoulder.

“Baby, are you sure you want to marry Conrad?” I have to ask, I have to make sure she is sure.

“I am positive daddy. I am surer about this than some of the other things in my life.” She picks her head up and looks at me.

“Ok, if you are sure.” I am not sure; I don’t think I will ever be, she wasn’t supposed to grow up let alone get married.

“I am.” I nod my head.

She kisses my cheek and stands up and tells me she is going to go find Liz. I can’t move. I simply sit on the bed and look around the nearly empty room and sigh. It is hard getting old.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thank you for your FB. There are only a few parts left to this, I’m sad to see it go but it’s time. I really appreciate every comment. :D

~*~*Chapter 21~*~*

The kids have been gone for a few days and Liz and I have gotten back into our routine. I’m on my way home after a busy day and hope that she’s feeling better today. She had to cancel a few jobs which is not like her but insists that everything is fine and that she’s coming down with something.

I pull into the driveway and smile when I see Kris’s car. She hasn’t been over in a while and it will nice to see her again.

“Well if it isn’t Mr. GQ himself.” I walk in and set my briefcase down.

“Hey stranger. I was beginning to think that you moved or something.”

“You wish.” I lean over and give Liz a peck on the lips then kiss Kris’s cheek.

“So how have you been?” I don’t get to see Andrew that much anymore and haven’t been up to date on their lives.

“You know, same ole stuff. The kids are getting so big I was telling Liz that I want to have another one.”

“You do not.” I laugh and sit next to Liz pulling her partially onto my lap.

“I do. With the kids out of the house now I’m lonely.”

“Yeah well think about changing diapers again and middle of the night feedings.” I remind her. Kris was an excellent mother but that didn’t stop her from complaining every step of the way.

“You have to ruin everything don’t you!” She hits me with a pillow and gets up to get a snack.

“How are you feeling?” I ask Liz when Kris walks away.

“Ok I guess. I’m going to make an appointment. I just can’t shake this.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“No but thank you.” Kris comes back with a tray full of crap.

“So Liz and I were talking about Christmas. It’s a little less then a month away you know.” How could I forget? I’ve been going nuts trying to think of what to get Liz.

“Yeah, I know. So what did you guys have planned?” I loosen my tie and kick my shoes off making myself more comfortable.

“Well, we haven’t gotten together in so long so we thought of all of us going to Colorado and renting a house there. We can ski and there will be plenty for us to do as a group.” Liz has a huge smile on her face and I know there is no way I could say no to her.

“It sounds great. Have you talked to Andrew about it?”

“Yeah, he’s all for it. Liz is going to talk to Michael and Maria tonight.”

“It sounds great. I’m sure the kids will like it too.” The thought of us all being together on such an important holiday sounds really good. Maybe that’s what Liz needs to help her feel better.

“I’m going to head down to the beach for a few.” I grab my shoes and change into my wet suit and grab my board. The water is cold this time of year but I still go out and surf, it helps keep me balanced.

As a rule I try not to think about anything while I’m out on the water but for some reason I was thinking a lot about my life today. Cheesy I know, but I was in a reflective mood for some reason. I guess that happens as we get older, we think back on our lives and the good and bad times.

By the time I get back to the house Kris is on her way out.

“Don’t be a stranger ok?” I tell her as she gathers her things.

“I won’t.” She flings her purse over her shoulder and kisses Liz and I on the cheek before walking out.

“We called Maria while you were out and she’s all for the idea.”

“I knew she would be. It’s going to be nice, all of us together like that.”

“I know. I can’t wait.” The wet suit is starting to bother me. I unzip it and start to take it off.

“You like what you see?” I say quirking an eyebrow at her when I catch her eyeing me up and down.

“Maybe.” She steps closer to me and helps me take the suit off.

“Maybe huh? Well I need to know for sure.” I wok on the tiny buttons of her shirt trying my hardest not to rip them off.

“I’d have to see the whole package to know for sure.” I finally get all the buttons undone and slowly let the shirt fall to the ground exposing her pink lace bra.

“I don’t know, I mean what would I get out of it?” Her hands pull the suit down to my waist exposing my chest to the cool air. I feel goose bumps on my chest and arms but don’t know if it’s from the coolness of the air or her touch.

“Well, you can get anything you want.” She says making me want to take her right then and there. Her hands move down and pull the rest of the suit off my body. I carefully walk us to the other side of the room and place her gently against the wall. She was wearing a skirt and it’s currently riding far enough up so that I can see her matching pink underwear.

I hold her up as she works the buttons of my swim trunks. As soon as I feel my erection free I thrust into her. I wanted to take it slow but that’s not happening right now. We can go slow the next round.

Her moans practically drive me over the edge minutes after I enter her tight passage but I hold back. I’ve mastered this art and almost always wait for her before tumbling over the edge.


The weeks leading up to Christmas are always chaotic. Work slows down but everything else kicks into high gear. Kris and Liz found a house that we will all fit into for the week. Between all of the kids and adults it’s going to be a full house. To avoid confusion we are all meeting here and flying out at the same time. I didn’t ask Kara if is bringing Conrad and have been trying to push it out of my mind. Liz went to the doctor yesterday to have some tests done. She hasn’t been feeling well and finally decided to go. We are waiting for the results and hope everything is fine.

I pull up to the mall and thank God for valet parking. I tried to do most of my shopping online but certain things I had to buy in person.

My first stop is the Apple store where I’m picking up Kara’s new laptop. She mentioned that the one she has is getting old so I thought I’d buy her a new one with all the bells and whistles.

I pick up an all in one printer as well and a new I-pod for Kaiden. He had the older model and I saw him eyeing this one online when he was home. Kaiden and Liz’s other gifts are someplace else so I walk to the line from hell and wait to check out.

Close to three hours later I make it home in enough time to hide the gifts before Liz walks in with Kris and Maria.

“Hey handsome.” Maria walks up to me and gives me a hug. It feels like I haven’t seen her in years and sadly it’s been close to a year since I actually have. It’s my fault even though no one has ever called me on it. I just wanted to focus on my family and really forgot about my friendships. This year I vow to change that.

“Hey yourself. You look great.” She smacks my chest.

“Oh so you got yourself a new girl now and forget all about me?” Kris says from the kitchen.

“I could never forget you.” I kiss her cheek. ”You’re my favorite, you know that.” I say loud enough for all to hear.

“That’s not what you were saying last night.” Liz says and we all burst out laughing. To an outsider this type of banter might sound strange or inappropriate but it’s us. As dysfunctional as it may seem this is our life and I wouldn’t change any of it.

“Are you girls all ready for next week?” I still can’t believe the holidays are coming up so soon.

“No but we will be.” I pull out some chicken for dinner and start on the veggies.

“So Max, what’s Michael getting me?” Maria sits on the counter and pops a carrot in her mouth.

“Yeah right, like I’m telling you.” A second later Kris hops up on the counter as well. I think I’m being attacked.

“What’s Andrew getting me?”

“I’m not telling you guys.” I laugh but I don’t see them laughing. Where’s Liz? I may need some help.

“Come on. We’ll tell you what Liz got you.” They both smile as if I’m going to fall for what again. We did this two years ago and what they told me Liz got me wasn’t true at all.

“Yeah just like you did two years ago?” I remind them.

“Come on we didn’t expect you to fall for that Max. A tool box? How lame is that!” Looking back on it now it is lame but I believed them.

“Well I’m not telling you so you might as well give up.” I assume they are staying for dinner and make enough food for all of us.

“You know what? You suck.”

“I love you too.” I shout as they go to find Liz.

Michael and Andrew ended up coming by for dinner. It was nice to have all of us together like that again. I’m looking forward to all of us being together for a full two weeks for the holidays.

“When do you get the results back?” Liz and I are in the bedroom preparing for bed.

“Actually the day we leave.” She laughs. I can tell she’s nervous about the results.

“Did they say what it could be?” I ask her again. Maybe she’ll decide to tell me eventually.

“No. They took two vials of blood and some scans. I’ve been getting migraines lately too.” I try to conceal my worry. For a brief moment I think about what life would be like without her and I don’t like it. I watch her run the brush through her hair. I love her so much, I don’t know how it’s possible to love someone so damn much but God help me, I love this woman to death.

“What?” She laughs after catching me staring at her.

“Nothing. I love you.”

“Me too.”


“Are you picking Kara or Kaiden up?”

“What time do they get in?” I’m in the car on my way to the office to finish up a few things before we go away.

“Kara gets in at eleven this morning and Kaiden gets in at four.”

“I’ll get Kara. I think I can make Kaiden’s flight as well.” Traffic is heavy this morning and I’m trying to keep it cool

“Ok, I’m sorry to spring it up on you, I just want to get the pictures done before we go.”

“It’s fine, if I can’t make it I’ll ask Michael to go.”

“Ok. I’ll see you later.” I hang up and get in the two or more passengers lane. I don’t have time to sit in traffic this morning.

“I see you got another ticket?” Michael points out the obvious when he sees the ticket I got on my desk.

“I still got here faster then I would have had I not taken that lane.”

“Yeah but you’re a hundred bucks down now.” I was trying to forget about that.

“Did you want something or did you just want to be a pain in the ass this morning?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Taylor. It seems as if she’s getting serious about this guy she’s been dating and well…. I want to kill him.”

“Ok so what do you want from me? Help hiding the body?” I laugh but he’s looking at me seriously.

“Michael you can’t kill him.”

“Why not? We could get the Luciano brothers to help us get rid of the body.”

“Would you stop it. No one is killing anyone and we are not getting any kind of help from the Luciano brothers. You know I don’t even like doing business with them.”

“Well we have no choice about that unless your planning on building skyscrapers without concrete.” He has a point.

“Is she bringing him to Colorado?”

“Fuck no!” He looks like he’s about to burst and I laugh.

“Ok so if she’s not bringing him home for the holidays then you are fine. If she was serious she would bring him.”

“Yeah, your right. Ok ok good. Yeah, that’s good. Thanks.” He walks out talking to himself and I glace at my watch. I have two hours to go before I have to get Kara.

I’ve just finished signing all the bonus checks when Michael pops his head into my office.

“You have time for lunch today?”

“I can’t, I have to get Kara in a few.”

“Alright. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I seal the last envelope and start to clear my desk.

“Yes and please be on time.”

“Oh Maria will make sure we are on time trust me.” I pat him on the back and head down to my car. I can’t help but wonder if Kara is still with Conrad as I drive to the airport. A part of me wishes that she wasn’t but another part of me just wants her to be happy.

I park the car and walk inside the airport and as close as I can to the terminal and wait for her. You can tell the holiday s are coming up when you look around an airport. All around me I see couples and families being reunited.

“Dad!” I spin around to see Kara running towards me.

“Hey baby. Did you have a good flight?” I pick her up briefly and hug her.

“Yeah, it wasn’t too bad.” We walk to the carousel and wait for her luggage to come out.

“So are you excited about Colorado?”

“Yeah. I can’t wait to go skiing again. We haven’t been in so long.” She’s right. We haven’t been up there since before she graduated high school.

“I know. I hope I can keep up with you guys.” She laughs.

We get her luggage and head home where I will drop her off before heading back to the office then going back to the airport to get Kaiden.

“Can you drop me off at Aunt Kris’s house? I want to talk to her about something.” I’m dying to ask her what but I know she won’t tell me.

“Ok.” I assume Kris is home and see that I’m right as I pull into her driveway.

“Your mom should be done by five. I’ll be home right after I get Kaiden at four.”

“Ok dad, I love you.” She gives me a quick peck and steps out of the car. I see Kris run up to her and have to shake my head at Kris’s excitement.


I got everything done at the office that needed to be done and wished everyone a happy holiday before I left. All I have to do is get Kaiden and I’m officially on vacation.

I park my car and wonder if they have any way of tacking that I’ve been here once before. The might suspect me of something. I’m greeted by Kaiden in a totally different way then Kara. He simply pats me on my back and says his flight was alright. Unlike Kara he only has one small suitcase with his carry on. Kara had two huge suitcases a carry on and a huge purse.

“Your mom is working but she should be home soon.”

“How is mom?” He asks taking me off guard. Neither of them know that she’s been feeling sick.

“She’s fine, why?”

“She didn’t seem well right before I left. Are you sure she’s ok?”

“Yes I’m sure. Your mom is fine.” I hate lying but we don’t know anything for sure yet. He shrugs and turns his head out the window.


“Looks like no one is home.”

“Looks like it.” How about you hide your gifts before Kara gets here.

“True.” He goes to his room and I look in the fridge for something to cook. I thought about going out but want to have a nice night in instead.

“Hey, we’re home.” I hear Kara and Liz come in just as I put the food on the stove.

“In the kitchen.” I call out to them.

“Kaiden would you get off that damn x-box for a hot minute! Jeez it’s a miracle you’ve ever had a girlfriend.” I see Kara smack him in the back of the head and walk to the kitchen.

“What are you making dad?” I run down the menu for them. After getting their approval Kara and Liz go to our bedroom.

We sit down to a nice dinner but I could tell that Liz wasn’t feeling well.

“So where’s loverboy?” Kaiden asks the million dollar question.

“Kaiden don’t be nosey.” Liz says.

“What? I’m just asking what you guys want to know. Well, at least what dad wants to know.”

“Hey, don’t bring me into this. I’m just sitting here minding my own business.”

“We broke up ok and no, I don’t want to talk about it.” She looks over at me. “And no, he didn’t hurt me it just didn’t work ok.” She stops and looks over at Liz. “Yes, I’m ok with it.” We all sit and stare at each other for a while not knowing what to say. She doesn’t seem upset and I’m glad. I’m also beyond happy that they broke up. We eat the rest of our meal in silence and I get up to put the dishes away while Kara and Kaiden fight over what game we are going to play.

“How are you feeling?” I corner Liz in the kitchen. I’ve wanted to talk to her since we sat down to dinner.

“I’m fine.” I run my hands through her hair. She’s always had the softest hair.

“Are you sure?” I look her over as if I’m going to find something wrong with her.

“Yeah I’m just-”

“Mom, dad we’re ready!” The kids yell interrupting her.

“We’ll talk later.” She says and walks to the living room. Kara has gotten out Scene It and I remember the last time we played. It ended up in a battle and a very competitive one at that.

“Ok ,so teams?” Kara looks around at each of us. I look at Kara and she smiles signaling that she knows what I am thinking.

“Mom you pick.” Liz looks around and decides to pick Kaiden. I look at her and frown.

“You stole my man” she smiles wide and shakes her head.

“Well, Kara and I are going to leave you two in the dust.”

“You wish.”

“Oh I don’t think so. Just you watch Liz Evans, I am going to win this game and you are going to be begging to be on my team next time.” The kids are laughing and when we look to them Kara smiles.

“You two are worse than Kaiden and I.” Liz throws the pillow at her and she catches it and takes a seat next to me.

“Lets get this party started.” Kaiden is rubbing his hands together and he presses play on the DVD.

I look around as Kaiden, Liz and Kara talk and joke and I have to say it is moments like these when I love my life. These are the moments when I know that all the hard work has paid off. I couldn’t imagine anything better.

~~It's a filler chapter. Sorry :oops: ~~
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks for the FB guys. Only a few more parts left :(

~*~*Chapter 22~*~


“Max, Kara and I are going to pick up a few last minute things. We’ll be back in an hour or so.”

“Ok just keep track of the time. I don’t want to miss the flight.” I nod and walk out to the car where Kara is already waiting for me.

“So what did we need to get?” She asks me as I pull out onto the street.

“I just need a few toiletries and maybe a new pair of boots if we have the time.”

“Stick with me. We’ll find you the hottest pair of boots there are.” I smile and drive downtown. I would usually go to the mall but this time of year it’s murder. Plus you can get the best things in smaller shops anyway.


“Yeah baby.”

“How did you know dad was the one? I mean I know a little about your history but why didn’t you get married before dad?” That’s a loaded question.

“I don’t know. I mean I dated but nothing really serious. When I saw your dad again, I just everything clicked. “

“So it wasn’t instant?”

“There was an…instant attraction, a physical one. But it wasn’t love at first sight.” I hate admitting that but there is no sense in lying to her. She doesn’t say anything and I feel as if I shouldn’t have said that maybe.

“I love your dad sweetheart. I love him very much but I won’t lie and tell you we had a fairytale romance because we didn’t.” I park the car and wait before I get out.

“Do you think the time apart you had made a difference? I mean, if you wouldn’t have turned him down in college do you think you’d be together now?” My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. I had never thought about that.

“I-I don’t know honey. I’ve never thought about that.” She shrugs and steps out of the car. I wait a second before getting out after her. A wave of dizziness comes over me and I have to brace myself against the car.

“Mom!” Kara rushes towards me. “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine honey. Just a little lightheaded.” Taking a few deep breaths I’m able to stand alone.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, come on. Let’s find some shoes.” I smile assuring her that I’m ok. We walk into a cute boutique shop and start looking around.

“What about these mom?”

“Kara I haven’t worn heels that high since I was twenty.” She laughs and puts them back down.

“Try these on mom. They’ll keep your feet warm too.” She actually picked a nice pair of boots.

“These look nice.” I look around trying to get a sales person to find my size.

“Excuse me, do you have these in a size seven?” I hold up the shoe and wait for her answer. She’s looking at me strangely and It’s starting to bother me.

“Umm yeah, we do.” She scurries off to the stock room leaving me wondering why she was staring at me like that.

“What the hell was her problem?” Kara asks.


“Why the hell was she looking at you like that? Did she say anything to you?”

“No. It’s fine Kara. Maybe she thought she knew me.” I shrug and sit down waiting for her to get back. Kara sits right next to me and I hold back a laugh.

“Here you go.” She comes back out and hands me the shoes.

“I don’t like her at all.” Kara says. I smile and try the shoes on.




“They look good mom. I say you get them. And these too.” She hold out another pair of boots but those are softer and more casual.”

“Ok, let me ask if she’s got my size.”

“No, I’m going to ask her. I want to see if she looks at me all funny like she did you.” Before I have a chance to answer she walks away with the shoe in hand.

After trying on both pairs and making sure they fit we head to the register to check out.

“Did you find everything ok?” She asks.

“Yes thank you.” I had her my credit card and wait for the slip to sign.

“Oh my God, it’s you.” She says.

“Excuse me?”

“Your that girl. You know Max Evans right?”

“Who the hell are you?” Kara asks practically pushing me out of the way.

“We met once. I’m Bianca.” My face goes white then that quickly turns to anger as I think back to what she put Max and I through.

“I was a um- friend of- “ She stops, wondering if Kara is Max’s I’m sure.

“My fathers?” Kara finishes for him.

“Your- he- he’s still married?”

“Yes he’s married, happily might I add and yes I’m his daughter. He also has a son since you want to be all up in my father’s business. Anything else you want to know?”


“Good. Now give the receipt so we can get on with our family vacation.”

“Kara.” I try to get her to back down but I don’t think it’s going to work.

“What? She’s nosey.” I sign the receipt and grab the bag from her.

“Who was she mom?” I knew she would ask as soon as we got in the car.

“She was just someone your dad knew right before he met me.”

“Why was she surprised that you and dad were together?” I wonder for a moment if I should tell her the whole story.

“She and your dad were sort of…involved.”

“Ahh a jaded ex then?” I laugh because she has no idea just how jaded she was at one point.

“Sort of.” She drops the topic and I’m glad. I really didn’t want to get into the whole story with her.

“I’m going to put this stuff in my suitcase.” Kara rushes to her room.

“OK but hurry up.” I head to the bedroom to do the same.

“How was shopping?” Max comes in the room moments later.


“Really? How so?”

“Kara and I ran into Bianca.” I watch his eyes go wide. “She was working at the shoe store we went to.”

“Does Kara know?”

“I told her that you and Bianca were involved before you and I, that’s all she knows.” I’m sure he wants to ask about her, curiosity must be getting to him. I won’t put him out of his misery and say anything until he asks.

“Ok, I’ll let you finish up in here. We’re leaving in twenty.” Now I’m the one who’s shocked. I would have bet money that he would ask me something about her but he didn’t. With a shrug I go back to packing.


“Liz, Kara, we’re going to be late. Let’s go!”

“I say we leave them.” Kaiden says from inside the car.

“Be nice.” I resist the urge to honk the horn but I know Liz hates that. Plus it’s early and my neighbors might not like that.

“Finally.” They come out of the house with one suitcase each and I’m surprised that’s all they are bringing. I get behind the wheel and Liz just looks at me with her hands on her hips.

“You seriously think these are all the bags we’re bringing?”

“Yes?” I shrug.

“Your old age must be getting to you. The rest of the bags are next to the door.” I slide out of the car and start walking back to the house. “Kaiden go help your dad.” I hear her say meaning there are a shit load of bags to bring out.

“We are only going for the holidays right? I mean none of us are moving there are we?”

“Just help me please.” He has a point considering there are four bags here plus the two they brought out themselves.

“Max we’re going to be late!” She’s kidding right? We throw the bags in the car and finally get on our way to the airport. Liz has called Kris and Maria about then times to make sure everyone is on schedule.

Miraculously we make our flight on time. Baggage pickup after lading was interesting. Michael, Andrew, Dillon, Kaiden and were working overtime trying to manage all of the girls’ luggage.

“Everyone in?” I double check before signaling the driver to go ahead. We had to get a van to take us all to the house. Luckily everything is walking distance once we get to the house.

We pull up to the house and everyone is scrambling to get out of the car.

“I wonder what room I’m going to get?”

“I don’t want to share a room.”

“They better have internet.”

“I hope they have satellite TV.”

“When is dinner?” Everyone was talking at once. Liz and I look at each other and just laugh. Things are already nuts and we haven’t been here two hours.

After getting all the luggage in the house we all go inside at once.

“OK listen up everyone. There are twelve of us here there are enough rooms for all of us so there is no need to-” Before I can finish everyone makes a dash upstairs including the adults.

“Well I guess that settles that.” I say.

“Yup.” She grins at me before running up the stairs like a little kid. I stand in the living room and just laugh. It’s safe to say that this is one of the best days of my life.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
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Post by Icequeen »

Thanks for the FB guys!!! Only two parts left. :D

~*~*Chapter 23~*~

Breakfast with twelve people was interesting. I think we may have gone through three dozen eggs easily. Luckily we had paper plates because no one would have wanted to do dishes.

Today is our first full day here and it’s five days until Christmas day.

“Does anyone need anything from the ski shop?” Michael asks getting ready to pick up a few things. Kris and Maria start rattling off about twenty things that they need and the look on Michael’s face was priceless.

“Ok ,your going to have to write that down or something because there is no way I’m going to remember all of that. And I don’t think they carry coconut lime body lotion there.”

“Well you won’t know until you go now will you?” Maria counters back.

“Uncle Michael can you get me a pair of socks?” Jaden, one of Kris’s twins asks.

“See, a girl after my own heart.”

“Just make sure they are pink, not baby pink, hot pink. Oh and I only like the really short ones. You know, the ones that you can’t see sticking out of the shoes. And ask if they carry the Nitro Fate board too, I’ve been wanting to get a snow board.” The list goes on and on.

“Alright, I’m not going.” He throws his hands up in the air and surrenders.

“Why?” Maria and Jaden whine. The banter continues but there is something that’s been on my mind since before we left home and I pull Liz up to our room to ask her about it.

“How are you feeling?” I ask once we get into the room.

“I’m ok. Why?”

“Liz, what did the doctor say?” She went in for some testing and never told me the results.

“I Haven’t heard anything yet. I should be getting a call tomorrow.”

“Do they have any idea what it could be?” She doesn’t say anything. I know that it’s not good to push her so I let it go for now. I sit on the bed and pull her into my arms.

“You’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s nothing.” She lays her head on my chest and nods her head.

“I’m scared Max.”

“I know angel but you’ll be fine. I’m here, the kids are here, you have all of us. We will help you get through it, whatever it is.” We lay in each others arms until Kara comes to tell us that everyone is ready for a day of skiing.


“This sucks. This officially sucks.” Kris has landed on her ass once again.

“You don’t suck. It takes some getting used to that’s all.” I help her up for the tenth time.

“Let’s go to the kiddy slopes.” Liz know how to ski but takes one for the team since I’ve been stuck with Kris the whole time making sure she doesn’t break her neck.

“Alright.” I give Liz a kiss and go join the others.

The rest of the day seems to fly by and we head back to the house and prepare dinner. It’s my turn to cook and Liz and I are in the kitchen cutting up vegetables.

“Do we have all the gifts?”

“Yes, I took them out of my bags and hid them. They aren’t kids anymore we don’t have to hide gifts from them.”

“What about everyone else’s?” She asks.

“All taken care of. Kaiden didn’t even notice the extra bags when we loaded your stuff into the car.”

“Good.” She smiles but I can tell something is off. There are only a few more days until Christmas and I hope she gets her news sooner then later.


Today is boys day out. Michael, Andrew, Kaiden, Dillon and I are all riding snowmobiles. It was Maria’s idea for us to split into two groups after we declined to get spa treatments with them and they refused to participate in our snowmobile race.

“Alright are we doing teams or solo?” Kaiden asks from the back of the truck.

“Teams are for losers. Everyone’s solo.” Michael shouts.

“So Max, what did you get Liz for Christmas?” Andrew asks

“That my friend is a secret. You’ll all find out at the same time.”

“Your so whipped man. After all these years your still whipped.”

“Oh please, like your not.” I laugh.

“Whatever.” Michael says reaching over to turn the radio on.

“Oh come on.” the kids groan when he blasts Metalica.

“What? These are classics. You kids have zero appreciation for good music.” he starts preaching about rock bands and honestly, I’m tuning him out.


“Man uncle Michael you got so whipped.”

“Yeah dad, and when you fell off…” He stops telling the story because they are all laughing.

“Your supposed to be on my side. Why are you going against your dad.” he shouts from the back seat where he is due to his ‘fall’.

“Michael admit it man, you bit the big one. I’m surprised you didn’t break any bones.” Andrew says making me laugh. We were racing down this small kill when Michael thought he saw a deer and lost control of the snowmobile and fell off. It wasn’t anything serious, which is why we are laughing about it now, but considering he was the one that was doing the most trash talking I guess it’s ironic.

“Whatever, I so would have won that last race.”

“Sure.” We all say at the same time.

“I wonder what the girls are doing?” Andrew asks.

“Probably spending money in some store or getting pampered.”

“True.” Whatever they are doing I hope they are having a great time.


“Kris we’re not getting makeover and no one is getting their hair dyed pink.”

“It’s not permanent. Imagine the look on the guys’ faces when we walk in the door with pink hair.”

“She has a point aunt Liz.” It figures Taylor would agree.

“Sorry. Let’s do something else.”

“Well I’m up for anything but the spa or shopping.” Maria says.

“Amen!” believe it or not we are all sick of shopping. Between all the gifts and the shipping for the trip I’m shopped out.

“Let’s go ride snowmobiles or something.” It sounds interesting and we all agree.


A few hours later we come back to the house followed closely by the girls. They are all giggling and we turn to see what is so funny.

“Did you guys have a good time?” Michael asks.

“Oh yeah.” They are all giggling and I’m wondering what the hell was so funny.

“What the hell is so funny?” Michael finally asks.

“Did you guys have a nice time?” Kris asks. She’s the only one that has stopped laughing long enough to speak.

“Yeah, why?”

“Uncle Michael we totally saw you go face first into the snow.” Kara says. Turns out they were in the same area as us.

We go out to dinner and I will never do that again. We had three waiters taking orders and everyone kept changing their minds then there was a fight over who was going to pay. I’ve never met so many people that wanted to spend money in my life.

Michael won when he snatched all of our credit cards and handed the waiter his.


Tomorrow is Christmas day and I’m sad to see it come so fast. Christmas always signals the end of the year and another year that I have aged.

“Kara told me what happened when you guys went shopping back home. When are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” We lie in bed watching the fireplace burn.

“The doctor called me.” she says softly while running her fingers up and down my chest. My body is reacting to her touch but my mind is on the phone call.

“I have a tumor….a brain tumor.” Suddenly I don’t feel so good. I can’t breathe and feel sweaty.

“A what?” I try to sit up but she stops me.

“Don’t.” She pulls me down. “I won’t be able to get it out if I look at you.” I lay back down pulling her up further so that her head is right under my chin.

“It’s benign but it’s deep in the brain. They-they don’t think they can operate.”

“What! Why the hell not!” This is crazy. I can’t believe this is happening.

“Max, it’s dangerous. It’s too deep for them to get to. My only option is radiation to try to shrink it.”

“And when do you start that?”

“I’m not.” She whispers but I heard her.

“What do you mean your not? You don’t want to live?” This is bullshit.

“Of course I want to live. But I don’t want to be sick for the better part of the rest of my life Max. I want to enjoy whatever time I have left and getting pumped up with Radiation doesn’t seem like it would be pleasant.”

“This is bullshit Liz and you know it! You seriously sitting here telling me that your going to just let this thing kill you! Think of the kids, think of me! What is wrong with you!” I jump out of the bed and pace the room.

“Don’t you think I have thought about it! I can’t bare the thought of you taking care of me like that. What is the point of doing the radiation if it’s just going to make me sick Max? Even if I did do the radiation it‘s not guaranteed to get rid of it. Most people only have two years! Two years Max and the better part of that would be spent going in and out of the hospital.” I want to vomit. I literally feel sick to my stomach right now. I rush to the bathroom and heave over the toilet.

“I know this is hard but I’m doing this for you too.”

“Bullshit.” I say with my head inches from toilet water.

“Don’t be angry.” She sits next to me rubbing my back.

“Oh and what am I supposed to be? Happy? Your giving up and I call bullshit! Take the radiation and see what happens. You may be able to live longer Liz. Don’t you want that?” I break down and cry. I’m sitting on a bathroom floor crying my eyes out and I don’t give a shit right now.

“Max, just try to see my side of this. I am thinking of you contrary to what you may think. When I was out today with Kara that’s all I thought about. I don’t want you or the kids to see me like that Max. I can’t bare that.”

“Shut up! Just shut up! This whole thing is bull! Your being selfish and you know it. All I’ve heard is I, I, I well you know what, I have an I for you. I am leaving!” I struggle to stand up and walk out of the room not bothering to notice that Kara was standing by the door.

I wish I was home. I’d be able to walk on the beach right now to clear my head. I tried that here, it was about fifty below outside. Having no other choice I sit in the living room in front of the fire. I need time to think, I need to process all of this.

My wife is dying.

My wife is dying.

Over and over I chant that in my head. It’s too bad I can’t say it out loud. I don’t understand her willingness to just die. It’s as if she’s given up on life, but why? I’ve given her a good life haven’t I? I’ve tried to be as loving and supportive as I can so why the fuck doesn’t she want to live!

I grab the nearest thing I can find and smash it against the wall. I probably shouldn’t have done that since three people come running down the stairs.

“What the hell was that?”

“N-nothing. I uh dropped something.” I lie not wanting any of them to come further in the room. I have no doubt that they will know I was crying.

“You alright man?” I hear Andrew ask.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I hear them walk upstairs and pick up some of the larger pieces of glass.

“I know your not alright.” I’m in the kitchen throwing away the glass when I hear Kris’s voice. One look at her and I know that Liz told her. I drop the glass and catch her as she throws herself into my arms.

“I don’t want her to die either Max.” I hug her tight knowing that she’s the only one that could really know how I feel. Well her and the kids.

“Me either.” She pulls away and we sit at the counter.

“Don’t be angry with her Max, She’s scared. She needs you right now.”

“Yeah well I need her for much longer then right now.”

“I know that but this is what’s happening and you have to deal with it. You don’t get to decide how long people are in your life Max. No matter how much you wish you could you just can’t.”

“She’s not even trying Kris. She’s just giving up.”

“Look at me.” I turn to face her and can tell that she’s been crying her eyes out as well. “I love her too, ok. Well all love her but you being a brat right now it’s helping anyone. Your kids are going to need you to be strong. Liz is going to need you to be strong. Stop thinking of yourself and think about what she’s going through right now. You know her and you know that she’s not a quitter. If she doesn’t want to do the radiation then she’s thought about it and that’s what’s best. She loves the hell out of you and those kids. Don’t think for one second that she hasn’t thought about you guys.” Kris has always been the voice of reason. My own personal inner voice, only everyone can hear her.

“It’s too hard Kris. I feel like I just got her back and now she might be going away. We are finally at a really good place you know? The kids are fine, we‘re fine and now she‘s dying.”

“You don’t know that for sure Max. Get a second opinion, maybe the doctor was wrong.” I know she’s trying to be optimistic but I doubt that the doctors were wrong.

“Thanks Kris.” We sit and talk for a little while longer before I’m ordered up to bed.

When I walk in the room Liz is waiting up for me. I walk over to her and just kiss her. I kiss her like I haven’t kissed her in years. I need her and tonight I will show her just how much.
My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 259
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
Location: Lost

Post by Icequeen »

Thank you all for your FB, as always you guys rock! There is only one chapter after this one, from the looks of it it will be a long one though.

FamersAmers- Thank you for lending your expertise. :D

Behrsgirl1230- Thank you. I’m glad you liked it despite the sadness.

crazy beautiful- Nothing is ever impossible. :wink:
Araxie HRH
Gaby7tvm- She is selfish isn’t she? Humm….maybe someone will call her on it :wink:

Heavenli24-All of that will be cleared up in this chapter….hopefully

Roswell3053-Sorry to make you cry but I’m glad I got my point across.
Kittens- Sorry to hear that and yeah I agree more and more ppl are dying of major illnesses lately. Scary!

LovinGuerin2Much- I told you to have faith damn it! LOL :P

~*~*Chapter 25~*~*

Our holidays in Colorado were great. Liz and I didn’t talk about her illness after that night and Kris didn’t mention it either. It was almost as if it never happened…. almost.


“We have to tell the kids Liz.” Kara and Kaiden are set to leave tomorrow to go back to school.

“Not now. When school is out. I don’t want them stressed about this.” I want to tell them now but she has a point. It wouldn’t be fair to worry them while they have tests and things with school.

“Alright but as soon as the kids get out we tell them. No backing out Liz.”

“I heard you.” She storms out of the room leaving me sitting there. This has happened a lot since we got back. Every little thing sets her off. I know she’s stressed but she can’t take it out on me like this.

“I’m going out to the beach for a while. Do you need anything before I go?”

“No.” She doesn’t look up at me, she stopped doing that. As I walk down to the beach I realize that I’m losing her again. She’s slipping through my fingers again. I won’t let it go that far again. The kids don’t deserve that.

After a few hours of surfing a thought pops into my head.

“Max I’m married, I’ve told you this already, stop calling.” I laugh. Kris can never just answer the phone normally when I call her.

“I know but it’s so hard to not call.” I go along with her little game.

“So what’s up?”

“I need a small favor from you.”

“Sounds dangerous. Count me in.” I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me.

“Can you come over and work your magic on Liz? She’s been down lately and she has an appointment tomorrow. Maybe you can come over after?” I wanted to go with Liz but she preferred to go alone.

“No problem. Just let me know what time and I’ll be there.” I let her know when Liz should be home and thank her. If anyone can get through to Liz it’s Kris.

I get home and find her on the sofa flipping through channels.

“Hey, how about we go out tonight? We can have dinner at the Marina and walk on the beach after.”

“Ok.” She doesn’t sound excited but at least she agreed.

I hear the shower running and want to join her but with her mood lately I’m not sure if that’s a good idea or not. I pace back and forth on the other side of the door before I slowly open the bathroom door. She’s been using this shower gel for the past few years and I can’t get enough of the smell. It’s become the Liz smell in my mind.

“Can I join you?” I ask after opening the shower door. She nods slowly and I step in. Her hair was wet and I slowly reach for the shampoo and work the soap into her scalp. She leans her had back on my chest as I continue to work the lather into her hair.

“That feels nice.” She says slowly with her eyes closed. Her ass is pressed up against my erection making me step back so I’m leaning against the wall.

We haven’t done it in the shower in a while and the thought of taking her right here, right now is turning me on. I feel myself rock hard pressing against her and slowly turn her around.

“I love kissing you.” I attack her lips softly biting her lower lip as I pull away from her. I hook one of her legs over my arm and slide into her. The motion makes her gasp and a smile forms on my lips. It’s nice to know, that after all these years I can still make her feel good.

“Max, Max.” She chants my name over and over as she gets closer to the edge. I’ll never get enough of the way she screams my name as she lets go and I release my seed into her.

We dry off and lay in bed exploring each other as if we were newlyweds quickly forgetting about dinner. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my night.


Max is off at work and for the first time in a while I’m home alone and bored. It’s times like these when I wish I had an office job, a job that I had to go to everyday nine to five. I had a doctors appointment earlier this morning and insisted on going alone. I know Max wants to be there every step of the way but I don’t want him there. I don’t know why but I don’t.

My head hurts, I would like to say it is from all the information that I processed today but that wouldn’t be true. My head hurts from this thing growing inside of it. My fingers tingle and my body aches and I can only imagine how it is going to be in a few months.

A few months, I don’t really want to look down the road to what will happen in a few months. Max keeps telling me we will cross that bridge when we get there but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I know what that bridge is going to be and I don’t want to cross it, not now, not ever.
I look at my hands and fold my fingers in, it seems to help with the tingling feeling and I shake them too. This is driving me insane and it just started.

I look at my hands and wonder how long it is going to be before my whole hand tingles and then my arm and then the rest of my body. I know I wont ever feel whole again and that saddens me.

The doorbell rings and pulls me out of my thoughts.

“So how did it go today?” I look up to see Kris standing in my doorway leaning against the frame.

“It went.” She walks in and follows me to the family room. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, She has been there with me through everything and I know she will be here for me now and that is comforting.

“So…” I laugh, she should just come out and ask since she wants to know so badly.

“I like him, he seems to be a nice man, very good looking. If I weren’t married…” she rolls her eyes.

“I wasn’t talking about the doctor, ass.” We both laugh. She has always known what I have needed and she doesn’t question my humor at this time.

“I have what is called a brain stem glioma.”

“Yeah… OK, how about you say that so the rest of us can understand?” I laugh she would say that.

“I have a tumor on my brain stem.” Her eyes go wide.

“Wow, that is….”

“Not good?” I smile and she shakes her head.

“Um no, not really. They do however want to do a biopsy to make sure it is benign like he thinks. I also have to have an MRI, CAT Scan and some other tests run.” She shakes her head, she is taking this well, better than Max did.

“So they don’t know if it is benign?” I shake my head. That was the one thing I didn’t understand when I went in today.

“My primary physician said that the tumor was benign but my neurologist said that a biopsy would be needed to confirm it. Apparently it is really rare for them to be benign.” She just sits there and I have to look at my hands so that I don’t cry.

I have never been a crier and in fact I don’t think crying is necessary for every little thing. I always thought it as a sign of weakness, but as I sit here now I want to cry because I don’t know what else to do.

“What about treatment?” I press my lips together and look up at her.

“It is on my brainstem Kris, they won’t operate. It’s slow growing but it is going to continue to grow and my symptoms will start to get worse. When I have my first seizure I will have to go on an anti-seizure medicine as well as a steroid and anti-inflammatory. They told me that radiation was an option but I don’t want that. I don’t want to be sick for the time that I have left.” Time, funny how when we are little we rush to get older and farther ahead and when time is questioned it moves so fast.

“How much time Liz?” She’s always just wanted the fact. No beating around the bush with her.

“I have to wait till all my tests come back. He cant give me anything until he reviews everything and looks it over.” She shakes her head and looks at me.

“And if it is cancerous?”

“Then it would be chemotherapy and radiation, but I wont do that either.”

“Wow, so when do you have the biopsy?” I didn’t make the appointment. I almost didn’t want to. I really don’t want to know if it is cancerous or not. I would rather just do this and let it run its course and be done with it. But I won’t.

“I haven’t scheduled it yet.”

“And why not?” she is stern and I knew she would be. She respected my choice to not do the radiation but I know she wont go for the no biopsy, just like Max didn’t.
I shrug my shoulders and she doesn’t buy it.

“You have to do this Liz, you cant not do it.”

“I don’t know what to do anymore Kris. My world has just been turned upside down and I am barely staying afloat.” She sighs and she puts her arm around me.

“Liz, you aren’t alone, we are here for you. Me, Max, the kids, Maria and Michael, you aren’t alone.” I know that, but somehow I feel alone. I feel like no one can know what I am going through because they aren’t going through it.

“But I feel alone Kris and it is the worst feeling in the world.” She pulls me closer to her and I just sit there.

“But you aren’t. We will be here, all of us, no matter what.” Nothing more is said we just sit there with her arm around my shoulder. We are both not emotional people, and neither one of us likes to be touched but right now this is more comforting than any words could be.

This was hard, telling Kris was hard I can only imagine how it will be when I tell the kids.


The day that I have been dreading is upon me. School is out and the kids will be here any minute. The funny thing is that we didn’t call them to come see us, they both decided to come.

“The kids will be here any minute.” Max says before setting a plate of fruit in front of me.

“Don’t you think it’s odd that they both decided to come for a visit at the same time?” I pop a grape into my mouth.

“Not really.” He’s very ‘whatever’ about it. Something is going on.

“You don’t think they know do you?” I hope not.

“Do you think Kara would keep quiet about something like this?” He says prompting me to think about it. The old Kara wouldn’t but lately, I don’t know.

A few moments later we hear the door opening.

“Mom Dad, We’re here!” The scream and dump their bags near the door.

“We’re in the family room.” Max screams.

“Hey guys.” The both give me a hug then greet Max.

“What are you guys up to?” Kara asks.

“Not much. Waiting for you guys to get here.” I offer them some of the fruit and sit back and watch as they eat and fill us in on the school year. Suddenly I notice that they are both staring at me. It’s then that I know that they know something is going on.

I had this whole speech planned out but looking at them now I’m wondering how the hell I thought I would be able to tell my kids, my babies that I’m sick and might be dying.

“When were you going to tell us?” I look up at Kara in shock. She knows I am shocked too my face says it all. I would like to lie to them, tell them that there is nothing wrong and that it was all a mistake. That would be the easy thing, but my children are no longer babies and there is no need to lie to them.

“I wanted to wait for school to be out.” She rolls her eyes and I know she is hurting.

“Kara.” Max looks at her sternly and she lowers her head. I don’t think she knows how to act or what to say and that scares her.

I look behind me and I see Max standing behind me. He places his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

“Just tell us what it is mom.” Kaiden asks. He’s always been curious and I know he wants all the information I can give him so he can do his own research.

“Well, I have a brain tumor. It is deep in my brain and surgery is not an option.” Kara’s eyes are wide and Kaiden just sits there.

“Is it cancer?” I shake my head.

“So then you are going to be ok, right?” I can’t move. I don’t want to lie but I don’t want to tell them that I might be dying.

“Why aren‘t you answering? You can‘t die mom.” I’ve always loved how outspoken Kara has been. I hope she never looses that.

“Sweetheart, at the most, untreated I have two years to live, maybe longer if I have radiation.”

“So have the radiation. Jesus how can you be so blasé about this!” Kara is angry and her face is red. I turn to her and place my hands on her face.

“Baby, if I only have a certain amount of time together I don’t want to spend it sick and in a hospital bed. I want to spend the time that I have with the people I love doing the things that I love.” I know she isn’t buying it. I reach over and place my hand on Kaiden’s knee.

“This is what I want, and it doesn’t mean that I love you both or your father any less, ok?” Kaiden shakes his head but I know this isn’t over for Kara. Max senses this too and he and Kaiden head down to the beach.

“Sweetheart I know it may not seem like it now but I am doing this for you guys.”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” She moves away from me and crosses her hands over her chest.

“What is the point of me spending years in bed not being able to go outside or even sit up? That isn’t living Kara.”

“But you’d still be here, you’d be alive. How can you give up like this? Two years mom? Two measly years! You won’t even be at our weddings, you won’t get to see Kaiden or I have kids.” She’s right and it brings tears to my eyes. I don’t think of it as giving up though.

“I’m not giving up Kara, I’m making a choice. You may not like it but it’s my choice to make.”

“Actually it’s not. You have dad, Kaiden and I to think about. That’s your problem, your thinking about yourself.” She gets up and heads down to the beach with Max and Kaiden.

I hate to admit it but she has a point. Maybe there is something the doctors missed, maybe somehow I’d be granted a last minute miracle and this will all go away.

My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 9:14 pm
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Post by Icequeen »

Well, this is the end for Max, Liz, Kara and Kaiden. Thank you all for your comments throughout this fic. Thank you to the lurkers too. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it.

Sweet Liz

~*~*Chapter 25~*~*

The house feels empty again. The kids spent a few weeks with us but soon went off to start summer internships. Kaiden wanted to stay but he needs this internship as part of his studies. Kara is still upset with me but that’s understandable. She’s scared so she gets angry.

Max has been patient with me, he hasn’t asked me about my doctors appointments or pushed me into re thinking my options. The funny thing is that now that no one is asking me to re think anything I’m doing it on my own. I look at my children, my friends, my husband and I want to live. I want to see my kids get married, I want to see Max flip out when Kara tells him she’s getting married. I want to see them have children of their own. I want to enjoy my children’s children. I want to see Max with a full head of gray hair, assuming he still has all his hair.

“What are you thinking about?” Max comes in with a glass of iced tea and sits next to me.

“Life.” I say and smile as I grab the cup from him.

“That’s a heavy topic.” I nod. He has no idea.

“So, what about life are you thinking?”

“That I want to be in it. I want to live it.” His head snaps to my direction.


“Seriously.” He reaches over and pulls me into his arms. I feel safe, this is where I belong.


It’s been three months since my radiation treatment and I’m starting to feel like a normal person again now. As always Max was there for me round the clock. I’ve never experienced as much pain as I did going through those treatments and the only thing that helped me through was my family and friends. I knew that I was going through it all for them and it was worth it.

I’ve started writing in a journal again and am just about to pry it open when Max comes rushing into the room.

“What is it?” He looks as white as a ghost.

“It’s Kara.” My heart drops. Did something happen to her?

“W-what happened?”

“She’s…she’s getting m-married.” He can barely talk.

“What! Who told you?”

“Kaiden just called. We have to get to Vegas now! She’s on her way there.”

“How did he find out. Did she call him? What’s going on?” I see him run around the room throwing things into a suitcase like a mad man.

“Liz I don’t know. All I know is that we need to get to Vegas tonight.” I follow behind him tossing a few things into a suitcase while I try to make sense of things. What the hell could Kara be thinking? Getting married and in Vegas no less.

Less then an hour later we are on our way to the airport on a ridiculously priced flight that we booked last minute.


My daughter is getting married…in Vegas. What is she thinking? How could she do this to us? With everything that has been going on I really wonder what the hell she could be thinking. Liz is just now getting back to normal, our lives are getting back to normal and she does this.

“Do we know where we are going?” Liz asks as we get our bags.

“Yeah.” How could I forget. It’s the hotel I was staying in when I saw Liz for the first time again.

“Do we know when they are getting there?” I know she’s talking to keep my calm.

“Tonight. Kaiden is at the hotel already. Apparently Kara called him and asked him to meet her there.”

“She didn’t want us there?” I can tell that that is hurting her. Her own daughter getting married and not inviting her. I intend to find out what the hell Kara was thinking.

“I’m sure she would have called us at some point. Maybe she was just excited and forgot.” That sounds lame as hell but it’s what came to mind. She smiles and nods then stares out the window again.

“There staying at the bellagio?” She asks when we get out of the cab.

“She is.” I kiss her softly before stepping out of the cab. We grab our things and walk into the lobby. I have to admit that being back here is a bit surreal. Memories of seeing Liz for the first time in the casino flood my mind.

“Do you know what room Kaiden is in?” Liz asks looking around as if searching for them.

“He said he would leave something for us at the front desk.” I walk us over to the front desk and give the agent my name.

“Yes Mr. Evans we have a reservation for you.” She types something in the computer and I wonder how she had a reservation for us since I didn’t call ahead.

“Excuse me but when was the reservation made?” I ask just as Liz walks over and stands next to me.

“They were made a month ago.” She says with a huge smile like she’s in on some secret.

“What’s going on?” Liz asks.

“I wish I knew.” I decide not to question her and wait for our room key. She hands us our keys and calls over a bellboy to help us even though I said we didn’t need one.

“This is odd isn’t it?”

“Something is up.” We get into the elevator and watch the bellboy slide a card into a slot before pushing the button for the floor we are going to.

“Here we are Mr. And Mrs. Evans. Room 1101, our best honeymoon suite.” Honeymoon? Something is definitely up.

“Thank you.” I hand him a tip and close the door behind him.

“Max!” Liz calls for me just as the door closes.

“What happened?” I rush over to the bedroom and see her holding a card. There are two large boxes on the bed as well.

She reads the card. “Put these on and don’t spend hours trying to figure out what’s going on. We love you. Kara and Kaiden.”

“Let’s open the boxes.” I grab the one that has my name on it and lift the lid. A tuxedo?

“Max it’s beautiful.” Liz holds up a simple white gown that I can tell is going to fit her perfectly as she holds it up against her body.

“Those two are up to something.” She says with a huge grin on her face.

“Well lets not ruin it for them then. Shall we?” I unbutton my shirt and take my shoes off.

Almost an hour later the doorbell rings and a bellboy appears with a large bouquet of white roses and a small white box.

“Looks like these are for you.” I hand her the vase and pull the card out.

“Open the box and put them on, no questions. We’ll see you soon.” I open the box and pull out two blindfolds. One white and one black.

“They want us to put these on.” I say handing Liz hers. We laugh but put them on anyway. I’m curious to see what these two have panned.

“What in the world have these two planned?” She ties the blindfold around her head and I do the same. A few minutes later there is a knock on the door.

“Are you ready?” We hear someone asks.

“Yes.” the door opens and we are led out of the hotel room.

“This is freaky.” Liz says. We are brought to a car and drive off. I have to admit that I do feel a little freaked out being driven around blindfolded.

The car comes to a stop and we are led out. I hear the car pull away and reach out to grab Liz’s hand. Someone grabs me by the arm and leads me into what I assume is a building.

“Kara? Kaiden?” I ask wondering if maybe we were taken to the wrong place. No words are spoken but we are pulled further into a room. I can tell there are people in the room, I distinctly heard a few ‘shh’s’.

“Surprise.” Kara whispers into my ear and lifts the blindfold off. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the light but when they do the sight before me brings tears to my eyes.

Liz and I are standing side by side in the chapel we got married at the first time. What brings the tears to my eyes is that everyone is here. Kris, Michael, Maria, Kaiden, Kara, Andrew and Taylor.

“Oh My…” Liz breaks down at the sight before us.

“How did you guys do this?” I ask.

“We’re sneaky that’s how.” Kara laughs.

“I could kill you. Telling us that your sister is getting married!” I reach over and rustle Kaiden’s hair.

“That was the only way to get you guys to come here right away.”

“Well it worked.”

“Ok we have a wedding to get to. Everyone take your places.” Kara fixes everyone to stand where she wants and we start on the wedding ceremony.

As I stand here and listen to the minister read the words that he must have said a million times I look over at Liz and realize that I would marry her a thousand more times. I’d marry her over and over everyday.

The ceremony is over and Liz and I promise to honor and love each other until we both shall live again. Each time I say it I fall more in love with her.

“The funs not over yet. We have one more surprise but you have to put these on.” We are blindfolded once again and led to a limo. This time Kara and Kaiden are in the car with us.

“So are you going to indulge your old man and tell me where we are going?” I have to ask. Maybe she’ll be nice and tell me.

“Sorry. You’ll find out in a few anyway just sit back and relax.” I have to laugh and sit back while I wait.

“Ok we’re here.” the car door opens and we are led out.

“Duck down and take three steps.” Kaiden says as he hold me by the elbow leading the way.

“Ok sit here but don’t take the blindfolds off yet.” I sit and wait…again.

“Ok you can take them off now.” Slowly I lift the blindfold off and see that we are in a huge tent filled with candles and white flowers. The tent is set up just like our second wedding reception was.

“Max it’s beautiful.” Liz has tears in her eyes again. I lean over and kiss her softly.

“Everyone knows I’m the closest to my father, a daddy’s girl if you will. We share a special connection there is no doubt about it” We laugh at how true that is. “But what you don’t know is how much I truly admire my mother. She has always been someone that I look up to and someone who I hope to be like when I become a wife and mother. A parents job is to be there no matter what, to love us no matter what, but my mother did it with pure joy.” Liz wipes her eyes with the cloth napkin on the table. ”My parents, although mushy at times, are true role models. Everyone thinks a role model should be perfect but I don’t. A true role model is someone who can deal with problems as they come. My parents have had a fairytale love, I hope to one day feel one ounce of that love.” I stand up and kiss her cheek while I rub her back like I did when she was a kid.

“Thank you sweetheart. I love you.” I whisper in her ear. I sit back down and see that Kris has now stood up and is ready to give her speech.

“When I first saw Max I thought he was hot and encouraged Liz to go after him. When I met him for the first time I thought he was a pig and tried to convince Liz to dump his ass.” Everyone laughs including Liz. But when I got to know him I knew that he was perfect for Liz. Her knight in shining armor, her prince. I’ve known Liz and long time but I love them both the same. We’ve cried together but have laughed together even more. Max has tried for years to hide his undying love for me but I think we all know the truth.” She winks at me while I turn beet red. She’s always doing this to me. “Seriously though, you two are the best friends I could ever hope for and I thank you for introducing me to my husband, my soul mate. To the most nauseating, caring, frustrating and fun people I know.” She lifts her glass and we all take a sip.

“She’s crazy.“ Liz leans over and kisses me on my cheek. I see Michael stand up and I’m surprised he’s giving a speech.

“Maxwell and I have been friends for a very long time, we’re more like brothers. I’ve seen him at his worse and I’ve seen him at his best and I have to say that a lot of that had to do with Liz and her gift of being able to deal with him.” He lifts his glass and smiles at me. “I’m not really good at this sort of thing but I just wanted to say thank you, for being who you are and being the brother I never had.” I stand up and hug him tightly before taking my place in front of everyone.

“Wow, this really caught us by surprise.” I clear my throat and prepare to get serious. ”Each person here holds a special place in our hearts. I can honestly say that Liz and I would never have made it this far had it not been for you. Each of you brings something different and special into our lives and we thank you for that.” Everyone lifts their glasses and takes a sip of the champagne.

The reception was simple but perfect. We had everyone that was important to us there and had a blast. Liz seemed to be doing better and has been slowly progressing after her radiation treatment. The tumor isn’t completely gone but they were able to shrink it enough so that it’s not a serious threat. There is no way to tell the future but I plan on making the most of the time I am given.


“So how does it feel to me Mrs. Evans again?” We are back in the hotel room and I watch Liz go through her nighttime ritual.

“It feels nice.” She says and continues to rub lotion on her arms and legs.

“Just nice?” I slip out of bed and stand behind her. She was in the middle of brushing her hair when I slowly grab the brush from her and run it through her long locks.

“It feels great.” She throws her head back and closes her eyes as I continue to run the brush through her hair.

“I love you Liz Evans, with all my heart.” I say just above a whisper.

“And I love you.” I finish her hair and pull her out of the chair. “So what do we do now?” She asks running her hand up and down my chest.

“Well you know what they say right?”

“What happens in Vegas?” She asks.

“No.” I pull her over to the bed and sit her down.

“When in Vegas…”


In the early morning hours I sit across from the bed where my wife lies. My wife, I’ll never get tired of saying that. The mother of my children, the keeper of my heart and soul. She looks so fragile in the middle of the large bed but I know that she’s not. I look at her now and wonder how she could think that I’d survive without her, how any of us would make it without her here.

Her chest rises and falls with each breath she takes and I never thought the site of that simple act would bring such joy and relief. She lets out a soft moan and I stiffen, hoping that she doesn’t wake up. I’ve always loved to watch her sleep.

The sun is just starting to rise and I’m thankful for having another day. Another day to love, to laugh and to be loved. She slowly starts to wake up and I smile knowing that she’s mine and I am hers. They say we are never given more then we can handle and I believe that. With our friends and family by our side I know that Liz and I can handle anything that comes our way.

My Fics
Hardhat: Don't eat the tuna salad in the cafeteria. It made me throw up.
Suit: Food poisoning takes a while. How long did it take to make you sick?
Hardhat: About 5 seconds. All I can figure is, someone must've put fish in it - I'm allergic to fish.