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Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:51 pm
Chrisken wrote:
Kzinti_Killer wrote: But a movie that accepts canon as it was at the end of season three, and tries to build on it is little more than an attempt to revive a corpse that died in an ugly messy fashion..."Night of the Living Dead"-style. I repeat, no thanks.

Hmmm... now I have an image of zombie Alex chasing Jesse down the dark streets of Roswell and trying to eat his brains...

not sure whether to thank you sarcastically or seriously for that notion. :lol:
I must say, that's definitely one movie I'd pay to see. LOL.

I can see it now..... haha.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:41 pm
by Lorastar
I'm the complete opposite. I don't think I would really want to watch a Roswell movie where S3 never happened. It happened. It sucked. Almost everyone hated it. I know a lot of people have expressed the thought that they should've made it all a dream. Personally, I think that's cheating the audience. You invest all this time and emotion into plot lines you hate to find out it's one big dream. You can do that for a show or two. Not two seasons.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:47 pm
by Maxssoulmate
Lorastar wrote:I'm the complete opposite. I don't think I would really want to watch a Roswell movie where S3 never happened. It happened. It sucked. Almost everyone hated it. I know a lot of people have expressed the thought that they should've made it all a dream. Personally, I think that's cheating the audience. You invest all this time and emotion into plot lines you hate to find out it's one big dream. You can do that for a show or two. Not two seasons.

I completly agree. That would be cheating everyone. Not just the audience, but the actors and creaters and writers of the show. granted some people may not have liked how 3rd season happened, but it did and you cant just make it all go away by way of a dream. plus would anyone really want to go back to where m/l arn't married and have it be same as ever, them being kids. I know I don't. I would like to see a movie, but where they are adults and to see where they ended up. I think thats what the show and fans deserve. closure. give us that and i think everything would be a lot better. okay now that i have put my two cents in i am going to go. (please dont throw things :lol: )

<3 tay

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:48 pm
by Roslover39
Lorastar wrote:I'm the complete opposite. I don't think I would really want to watch a Roswell movie where S3 never happened. It happened. It sucked. Almost everyone hated it. I know a lot of people have expressed the thought that they should've made it all a dream. Personally, I think that's cheating the audience. You invest all this time and emotion into plot lines you hate to find out it's one big dream. You can do that for a show or two. Not two seasons.
Sad but true :!:

Maxssoulmate wrote: granted some people may not have liked how 3rd season happened, but it did and you cant just make it all go away by way of a dream. plus would anyone really want to go back to where m/l arn't married and have it be same as ever, them being kids. I know I don't. I would like to see a movie, but where they are adults and to see where they ended up. I think thats what the show and fans deserve. closure. give us that and i think everything would be a lot better. okay now that i have put my two cents in i am going to go. (please dont throw things )

<3 tay
I would love to have closure.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:40 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I stand by mine. The audience was cheated *because* the third season happened. Making it unhappen would be setting that to rights. *shrugs*

Any movie that can't meet that minimum requirement doesn't get my money. And I don't trust TPTB to deliver in any case, so no more mailing in Tabasco for this fella.


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:14 pm
by suicide_eagle_rath
Well as usual, I am late to the party and missed the May 7th deadline, I would had participated if nothing else to show Roswell is still alive in the hearts and minds of people worldwide.

As for a movie, (my two-cents worth) I can only see two options at this point in time:

The first being a remake of Roswell in the future (10 plus years) with a new set of actors, circumstances, endings, etc. Hopefully, a screen writer(s) would be able to produce a fairly logical, complete, and effectively productive script. Fingers are cross for the impute of directors etc to do a quality piece. A quick note on the comment concerning gender bending in reference to Starbuck, I agree, please no, I beg the fates, please no, do not make Max or Michael into Maxine or Michelle.

The second choice would technically a prequel of Roswell dealing with Antar, the takeover by Kivar and their destruction and recreation. Of course again a new set of actors, scrip, etc would be required as well as a heavier sci-fi base.

Moreover, although I would love to see our famous Roswell actors revise their roles with a firm foundation of a script, I believe the obstacles are insurmountable; however there is always that glimmer of hope.

In the meantime, we will just have to suffice with our meager human imaginations creating scenes in our minds based on the various fictional selections that Roswell fan fiction has been graced with.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 12:02 pm
by Roslover39
:( :roll:

Excuse me, I keep hearing stuff against having the original cast reprise
their roles. Yes, I understand that they can't go back to play teens because they've aged (so have we :lol: ). Believe me I don't want that.
I would love to see them doing a movie based ten or so years into the future :idea:
That can be done :!: To all that might find what I'm expressing offensive, forgive my indulgence. I want to find out what happened after Graduation. Did they have kids, are M/M still together, did K/I get together or did she find her way back to Jesse. To me a movie with anyone other than the original cast is unacceptable unless you wanna make a prequel or, dwell on the Antar aspect or focus on the new generation of the show such as Baby Zan growing up or the children that the roswell gang might of had. I had to add my two cents.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:52 pm
by Lorastar
I can't see a whole new cast. i loved the one we had, and don't want to see new people somewhere down the line. I highly doubt I would watch it. The best thing about the show was not the plot or stories, although it was nice in the beginning, it was the chemistry between the actors, primarily Shiri and Jason.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:59 pm
by Roslover39
Lorastar wrote: The best thing about the show was the chemistry between the actors, primarily Shiri and Jason.

Amen :!: :idea:

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 1:12 pm
by Maxssoulmate
Lorastar wrote:I can't see a whole new cast. i loved the one we had, and don't want to see new people somewhere down the line. I highly doubt I would watch it. The best thing about the show was not the plot or stories, although it was nice in the beginning, it was the chemistry between the actors, primarily Shiri and Jason.

I completly agree.