Just One: The Weight Of The World (CC/UC,ADULT) COMPLETE

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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Liz and Max are supposed to come along;) Well, yea, I never could face the fact that Lonnie was evil or that she didn't love Rath since she was with him. She's Isabel with more alien to me. And Isabel has always been great to me. Yea, why did Zan do it? I'm trying to figure it out myself. I'm keeping to the original story where he did it but I still need to figure out myself. Thanks for the feedback and for reading.

Chapter 20

Liz shifted her legs listenting to the professor speaking about their newest assigement. Max sat next to her trying to get her attention even for a bit but she refused to look at him. The last, their connection had gone deeper and she seemed alright with it. But today, she just wouldn’t even look at him. If he had only known what was in her mind. Liz’s mind wondered to yesterday.

[Previous night]

As Max left her, she found herself smiling as she tucked herself in bed. Before closing her eyes, she begged her mind not to torture her tonight with Ellie and Zan. Strangly, she had listened. But instead, she got hit by something she had never imagined. By the moment, she closed her eyes, she fell asleep, entering a world beyond her imagination.

It wasn’t even like when she saw the stairs by kissing Max in her dreams. In this dream, they had made love for the first time. But unlike in her other dreams, this was wild and unstoppable. She woke up in the middle of the night, sweaty and needy of Max and couldn’t fall asleep for hours after.


“Liz.” – finally, he called her name. –“We should start,”- he said. She looked around, noticing that their project had began. Gazing at her notes, she smiled realizing that she had written it all down. She sighed in relief not wanting to get into trouble with her daydreaming. She nodded and then her eyes met Max’s. She felt her tight lock over their connections braking and she quickly blinked. She couldn’t allow him to see her dream. She hardly could explain it to herself, what they did in her dream.

As soon as the class ended, she quickly took her textbook and note and rushed out. By the time, he came out after her, he saw her walking down the hallway, holding Serena and Nikki on both of her sides. He wondered how she was always able to have her friends around when she needed them, when he didn’t want them around. He turned the other way, making sure he didn’t miss another class. Strangly, he had music. He looked down at his scheduale. He had never actually been to it. He always found a way to avoid it.

It turned around, realizing that the bell had already ringed. And then it hit him, Liz was in that class. He smiled and stuffed his books and pulled out his music textbook. It looked like he had just bought it.

When he walked to the doors of the music room, he heard a beautiful voice from the inside, perhaps the most beautiful he had ever heard. He heard Maria sing but this was just not it, it was so much more. It had taken his soul.

I hate the world today
You're so good to me
I know but I can't change
tried to tell you but you look at me like maybe I'm an angel
innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
You must have been relieved to see the softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
all rolled into one

The voice was so powerful that it took him a moment to actually pull himself together. He finally pushed the doors open and walked inside, only to find that there was no music teacher. And then it hit him, this was the class where you went when you didn’t really want to study.

So take me as I am
This may mean you'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous
and I'm going to extremes
tomorrow I will change
and today won't mean a thing

But that wasn’t the thing that caught his eyes. The girl singing was non other then Liz, followed by Serena. His jaw dropped as he realized that she had taken his soul with her voice. Strangly, she took it in a different way that she had in all their time together.

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your health, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

He was surprised that Alex, Nikki, Tess, Zan and Lonnie were also there. Alex played the gitar along with Nikki while Zan hit the drums and Lonnie just moved her head in the beat along with Tess.

Just when you think you've got me figured out
the season's already changing
I think it's cool you do what you do
and don't try to save me

He leaned back at an empty student desk as he continued to listen to Liz’s beautiful voice. He wondered how Maria would react if she heard her. As Liz sang, she and Serena moved to the music, with their hips. He could see Zan smirking at that and Lonnie then rolling her eyes to that. It all seemed like usuall action.

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your health, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

He was surprised how Nikki and Nikki both played the gitars great. Or that Zan had his way with the drums. He had a lot to learn about them, all of them.

I'm a bitch, I'm a tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
when you hurt, when you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numbed, I'm revived
can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way

by Meredith Brooks

But Max’s eyes were locked on Liz. As she finished singing, Nikki walked up to them and the three girls nuddged each other with their hips and giggled. He trully had a lot to learn. He smiled as he saw her looking at him. She slowly walked over to him. Nobody really noticed them anymore. Alex was talking to Nikki about the gitar as Tess tried to get his attention by whispering something to his ear. She seemed to being doing a good job.

Lonnie joined her brother as he began showing her how to play the drums. She seemed like a good mimic. Serena joined them, living Max and Liz some privacy. He smiled and looked at her face. She was actually glowing. He had found about her dark secret and it didn’t seem dark. Instead, if seemed great. –“M-”- she wanted to tell him something but she couldn’t.

He dropped his bag on the floor and moved to her, his arm around her waist, pulling her close and kissing her. He felt her arms around his neck and he continued to kiss her, as their tongues began to duel. He got hit by the flashes. But they were new. They were . . . . well, they were erotic. Max couldn’t really find a right way to call them. But he didn’t mind seeing them from her. His other hand went around her waist, pulling her closer, until her body was right next to him.

Lonnie looked at them and rolled her eyes, not really interested in seeing them make out so she continued to hit the drumms getting their attention but nothing worked.

The two continued to kiss. Zan put his hand over his sister’s shoulder and shook his hand. She nodded, understanding. She watched as her brother looked at them and smiled. She was surprised how he just let Liz go after everything. But as she looked at Serena and Zan’s look on her, she knew he had a good reason.

Before she said another word, Zan took Serena’s hand and left the room. She just rolled her eyes and continued to play the drums as he had shown her.


She didn’t feel like staying in school today. Instead, she took Max’s jeep and drove to the outter part of town. She parked it in the driveway and walked to the doors. As she came to them, she took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for any of this. It just seemed to go too fast.

Then again, how could it? It’s been almost forever since her first dream took place. She took another deep breath and knocked on the doors. She wasn’t sure why she had done that. Everyone was getting used to coming in here, it was like Crashdown with privacy. She smiled at her thoughts.

He opened the doors. He wore black baggy pants, military boots and a black muscle top. He looked at her as their eyes met. She blushed, realizing that he checked her out too. She wore simple jeans, light sweater in the red color and a jeans coat over it reaching to her knees. Her hair came down, a bit curled by the face. She saw a smirk on his face and her eyes narrowed. –“Ain’t it a bit hot for that look?”- he asked her but before she could answer him back, he walked back into the house, leaving the doors open.

She walked inside and closed the doors behind her and watched as he walked back to the kitchen table and sat in his chair, reading a magazine. Without looking up at her, he spoke to her. –“All the bitches are in the school. Music shit.”- he told her. She nodded. When she didn’t say anything, he looked up at her. –“Aren’t ya supposed to be in school?”- he asked her and she nodded. Another smirk came on his face. –“Evans girl baaaaaad!”- he said, streatching the words. She giggled to his words.

When she didn’t move, he closed the magazine and moved it to the side. It was then that she realized that it was some kind of sports magazine. He looked at her, waiting to see why she was just standing there. –“I came to talk to you.”- she said strickly, trying to put her Ice Princess husk. It seemed to be working.

“’bout what?” – he asked her before she could turn her lines into a speech or something like it. –“Dreams.”- she said shortly. She saw his eyes widen at her word. He knew what she was talking about. –“Ya have them?”- he asked her. She nodded and then looked down. –“How long?”- she was surprised by his question.

”A while now.” – she said quietly. She knew that Michael would start an argument now on how it conserned him too and that she should have come to him. But she had no idea how Rath would react. And it was the truth. She had no idea who Rath really was. A desire came over her to know, to really know who he was.

She watched as he looked down and then at, nodding to her words. His next move was getting up and walking close to her. She could feel a bit nerveous around him. She looked a bit up to his face and saw a bit of a smile on his face. –“Ya scared?”- he whispered, as he saw her eyes. –“No.”- she answered sharply. A smirk came over his face. She was getting pretty annoyed by them.

She was maybe ready to answer him on it in her Ice Princess skin but she felt his large hands around her back, pulling her higher to his own and the next thing she knew, she was kissing him. Her hands slowly moved up his hands, feeling his musles and then around his neck. He moved her slowly to the side as his one hand stayed over her hip and the other higher. She felt so safe and happy in his arms.

When they broke it up, he kept holding her in the same position and and looking into her eyes, waiting for her to say something. But he found hers closed and her eyes rushing under the caps. She was still consumed in the kiss and in the flashes that came with it. She saw his life so far and she saw how he looked at her. She had never felt anything like this.

It was finally real. Whe she opened her eyes, she found him smiling at her. But it wasn’t a smirk, but a real smile. To her. As he relased her from his grip, his hand went to hers and he brought it to his mouth and kissed it. He watched as she blushed seeing it. She was not used to such a treatment. Kyle was a great boyfriend but he wasn’t that good. But Rath was. It was strange how each and every thought that she had at this point ended with Rath. How he was better in one way or the other.

They spent the entire afternoon, simply sitting on the couch and talking and kissing from time to time. Kissing was nice but they felt the need to know each other’s thoughts and feelings. It was how Serena, Liz, Nikki, Lonnie, Max and Zan found them when they walked inside. Isabel looked a bit nerveous. Max and Zan looked at the girls and found all four of them smiling, Lonnie’s smile the biggest.

The two kings exchanged looks confused by what took place here, if maybe they were completely out of the loop. The girls retrived into the master bedroom, that Zan explained, to Max, was Liz’s room. It was where she could keep things that she didn’t want her parents to find. It got Max interested in the room but his dupe warned him not to go in there unless she lets him because she could be angry at him, real angry.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Chapter 21

Liz turned around in her bed and looked at her alarm clock on the night stand. It was three in the morning. For some reason, she simply couldn’t fall asleep. She tried to remember what her day had been like, trying to find something that may have upset her this much.

She woke up bright and early since she had a school day. She spent half an hour having breakfast with Max in his usual booth, actually eating a burger with some fries. It just seemed that she grew a habbit of eating that crap, so easily.

In school, she did good. She had english with Isabel and Science with Max but she didn’t see anyone else, expect at lunch time when she had it with Serena and the pod squad.

After school, she spent about an hour in the dupe’s place simply chatting with Nikki and Ava and occasually having a silent look with Lonnie. It wasn’t anything as bad as before. Lonnie and she were friends. Both were fully aware of their past lifes and it was what connected them. Lonnie hated being on Earth most of the time while Liz was slowly beginning to realize that this was her home. It was where she belonged. But she still loved her friend, her past life’s best friend.

In the afternoon, she helped Tess and Maria in the diner which was completely new. When she first walked into the diner wearing that ridiculus aqua blue short uniform, with the antenna on her head, Michael gave her a suprising look. But with a single glare from her, as well as Maria, the ‘space boy’ as Maria called him, went back to his cooking.

Finally, at closing, Max showed up again. She could see in his eyes that he was impressed by the uniform. It wasn’t like he didn’t see it like everyday on Maria or Tess or the other waitress’s, but it was Liz. Liz, who hated fast food when she got here. Who said that she would never work in the diner. And now she was doing both. She could see the smile on his face, but she was quite oblivius to his true thoughts. He was actually thinking how Liz was slowly breaking the wall between her and the entire world and he felt happy, knowing that it meant letting him in closer to her.

And that was just her day. There was nothing big about it. Nothing she could actually talk about. She just hated days like that. Ever since she began living with Kal, she knew nothing but interesting days. Either it was in school or at night when Kal would throw wonderful Hollywood parties. And Kal was nothing like her parents, meaning he knew nothing about sending the kid to sleep at a certain time. Eleanor had even warned him about it once but he just pretended not to hear her.

Eleanor. Eleanor was really something. She was one of the protectors of the royal four. Like Kal, she was the protector of the second royal four. Nasedo’s female died in the crash and after that the rest were led to believe that Nasedo was the only one to make it alive. But Kal and Eleanor left Roswell and did their duty. They placed the pods in the New York sewers and the left. In the year, 1989, when the pod squad was to hatch, Kal wanted nothing to do with it. It was around the time when Liz came to live with them.

The first nights were terrible. Despite Kal’s good behavior torwards her, Liz had good hearing. At nights, she would hear her uncle and Eleanor arguing endlessy about the four. Eleanor wanted to do her duty but Kal wanted his nice Hollywood life. At first, she said nothing but eventually, she couldn’t even take anymore. She wanted them around. Specially, after She began to fully understand her dreams, she needed someone of her own kind, in a matter of speaking, around her. And so Kal did what she asked and she was united with Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava.

She sighed loudly and slammed her hands on the bed, hating the night. Her thoughts were running a million miles a second and she couldn’t stop them. She knew that it was probably the reason why she couldn’t just fall asleep but she just couldn’t stop herself.

And then a silently sound filled her room. She recongnized the instrumental version of ‘Break stuff’ by Limp Bizkit. It was her cellphone but she had no idea who would be crazy enough to call her at this time a night. She knew for a fact that none of the second royal four would dare or Nikki. They knew she was cranky as hell through the night. Serena was in the other room so she really didn’t need to use the phone.

She got up from her bed and looked around the room. She noticed her jeans folded on the chair by her desk. She reached to it and grabbed her cell. She looked at the dislay surprised by the words ‘Max’. She was surprised why he called her at this time of night. Or why he was even awake.

She pressed the YES button and put it close to her ear. She could hear him breathing silently to the phone. – “Max?” – she asked right away without thinking.

“Liz, hey.” – he replied. She could tell for a fact that he was surprised by her word. It seemed like he had forgoten that the cell phones had caller ID’s. But she decided not to beat her brain up with it right now. There must have been a reason for his call at this hour.

But she couldn’t stay here and talk. She could whisper but it was somehting she really hated. –“Hold on a second.”- she said and walked to her window. She opened it and climbed out. She heard him answer but she didn’t draw much attention to what he was saying to her.

Outside, she took a deep breath, smelling the night air. –“Liz?”- she heard him call her name. –“Yeah, I’m here. What did you need?”- she said, her voice becoming strangly calm and soft. –“I . . . I’m sorry for calling you so late but . . . I just. . . ”- he was clearly struggling with something to say.

She decided not to say anything. She didn’t want to scare him off or anything. She bit her lip because it was not easy. True, it was Max and Max was the only guy who made her want to feel normal, make her feel the Liz she was hiding. But the bitchy attidude was too deep inside her to hide it. -“Isabel tried to dreamwalk you.”- he suddenly broke her thoughts as he spoke again.

“I told her she shouldn’t but you can’t really explain anything to Isabel.” – he tried to prevent her form yelling. But she said nothing. She was just too shocked. It was one of the first things that she and Lonnie had gotten into a fight for. Lonnie was learning to use her powers and it was very imporant for her to keep trying but Liz refused to share her thoughts with anyone, specially not with any amater, as she called her that day. –“Liz?”- she heard his worried voice calling her.

“I’m here.” – she replied sharpy and shortly before she could snap at him, for no real reason. She hated such invasion’s of privacy and she didn’t want Max to take the blame. –“Anyway, she just noticed that you weren’t asleep . . . so . . . I . . . ”- and he got lost in what to say again. She could hear it all in his voice. She could almost imagine him walking around his room, not knowing what to say.

“Oh!” – she said abruptly. She didn’t see that one coming. She had actually forgoten about the fact that it was three in the morning and she was still awake. It’s not something you could just forget. Then again, Max calling at this hour was not something clearly expected. –“So why did you . . .”- it was almost like she lost the will to speak, realitizing that he called her to make sure she was alright. She smiled to the idea but said nothing more.

Like he was right next to her and he could see the smile on her face, she heard him speak again. She could imagine him stopping and straighting himself, taking back his role as Max Evans, Liz Parker’s protector. No matter how much times she explained to him that she didn’t need it. –“I wanted to see if you were alright.”- he answered her. She smiled. –“Well, thank you.”

After that, they spent about half an hour more talking and then they said goodnight to each other. Her next move was leaving her cellphone down on her desk and getting into her bed. As soon as she closed her eyes, she fell asleep, with a smile on her face.


Little did Liz know that Serena was not in he room. Infact, she was in the middle of the desert, next to a small camp fire, wrapped in Zan’s hands, sleeping tightly. They decided to come here to spent some alone time, but instead they fell asleep in each others arms.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Chapter 22

The next morning, Liz woke up late. When she opened her eyes, she had to close them again right away because a ray of light hit directly at them. As she turned to the side, she glanced at the alarmclock. It was 10 am. Her eyes widen at the numbers. She couldn’t believe it. She was never late. Ever. And now, she was over an hour late. She rose from her lying position and sat up on the bed, the covers moving down to the end of her stomach. She wore a silky tank top that lay over her body loose. It was only then that she realized that she was not alone. He sat on the ledge of her window and smiling to her. –“What’s so funny?”- she said right away, without even ‘good morning’.

“Not a single thing.” – he answered as the smile from his face dissapeared. –“And good morning to you too.”- he added shortly after. She shook her head to his words and got off the bed, revealing the silky shorts. She watched with the end of her eye as he checked her out. Taking a moment, she sighed silently and walked over to him. –“Morning. Two things. First, since you’re here, why didn’t you wake me up? Second, what are you doing here? Ever heard of school?”- she spoke to him. The tone of her voice slowly changed from the discipline Liz to a bit of a playful Liz. She watched as the smile on his face returned.

”You weren’t in school and Serena said something about not spending the night in the house so I thought’s come wake you up.” – he said as she got even closer. Her hand went to his knees spreading them and then she sat on one of them. He paused for a second, not sure what she was doing. –“I’m listening.”- she said to get his attention back. He cleared his throught. –“But when I got here, I just couldn’t wake you up. You seemed so peacful. And beautiful.”- a wide smile came over her face.

“That so sweet of you, Max.”- and then she paused as he tried to lean to her face and kiss her. She pulled back and so his confused face. –“Don’t even try it. I just got up.”- she told him sharply and moved away from him and walked to the bathroom. She stopped at the doors and looked back at him. –“Don’t you be going anywhere now.”- smiling, she walked inside and closed the doors behind her. A moment later, he heard the water running.

She was taking a shower. He tried not to think about her naked body under the shower. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to but the idea would be in his head all day and he couldn’t stop himself even they started to make out. And it just seemed to early for them to be doing that.

But before he could think more about it, she walked out of the bathroom, with a robe over her body. Her face seemed worried. He walked straight to her. –“Liz, what’s wrong?”- he asked her, his voice showing clear consern. She looked at him for a second without saying anything and then she leaned her head on his shoulder. He instantly wrapped his arms around her waist. He could feel her breathing close to him but without a word. –“Liz?”- he called her again.

“It’s time.” – she said. He didn’t understand. –“Time for what?”- he asked. –“It was just a feeling but things are going to be changing now.”- he reached his hand under her chin and pulled it gently up. He could see her eyes filled with tears that she didn’t let go yet. –“Change how?”- she shrugged. –“Things like that aren’t always clear. I see the future and I can’t be sure of anything. In fact, it was just a feeling, not even a real vision.”- she said. She didn’t make any sense to him but he decided that it was best not to question her.


“So you’re saying she just lost it?” – his dupe asked him as they sat in back of their house. Max nodded to the question. Both were worried about Liz at this point. But they were the only ones that actually knew. –“And she said things will change?”- Zan continued to ask. Max nodded again and looked into the desert in the distance. –“That can’t be good.”- he heard him comment but he didn’t say anything.


Lonnie sat by the kitchen table talking quietly to Isabel. They would occasually giggle and look Rath’s way. Rath was working on lunch and Alex and Kyle just stood there. –“This ain’t looking good.”- he suddenly said as the two girls looked at him again. Alex and Kyle looked their way and smiled. Kyle tapped him on the shoulder. –“You got yourself into this, dude.”- but he quickly removed his hand as he saw the death glare Rath was giving him. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that. He didn’t need some short human telling him that.

Serena and Nikki sat on on the couch laughing too but nobody couldn’t tell about what. They barely said a word to each other. Tess would look at the from time to time from the seat by the window from time to time confused but she would return to her thoughts pretty soon after.

It wasn’t long after that they front doors opened up and Liz walked inside. –“Hey.”- she said shortly. Everyone said pretty much the same thing. Her eyes fell first to Serena and Nikko and then to Lonnie. –“Lon, we should talk.”- she said. Isabel watched as her dupe nodded and followed Liz, Serena and Nikki into the master bedroom. –“What was that about?”- Zan asked as he walked inside with Max.

“She just walked in, looked at Serena and Nikki and asked to talk to Lonnie.” – Isabel explained and walked into the kitchen area. Zan and Max watched for a second but as soon as Rath had his arms around her and started kissing her neck, the two looked away. Max’s eyes focuced on the hallway but he soon looked at Zan as he felt him arm on his shoulder. His dupe shook his head, as if he knew what he was thinking. But he jerked and Zan moved his hand.

He made his way through the hallway, into the farthest part of the house, two a two sided doors and leaned to the wall next to it. He didn’t know for sure why he was doing this. He had no right and he knew it. But he couldn’t just walk away, now that he was here. His thoughts were soon interupted by the voices inside.

“Lon, you can’t. He’s too strong. I know you think you have to . . . but Lonnie, damn it. Have many times do I have to explain to you that it not Velondra’s fault for what she did. She only listened to me. To Ellie. All she wanted was to be happy. It’s what you’ve always wanted. And when you got a chance to be happy with Ratos, I took it from you. It’s not fault, Lonnie!” – he could hear Liz speaking. She seemed like on the urge of tears.

“Our people still think I’m to blame!” – Lonnie answered her back. Lonnie had a much sharper voice but she still sounded like Isabel before crying. –“Liz, it’s not that I feel guilty, which I do. But it’s because if your dream. He expects you. He expects the granolith. If you go, you’re handing yourself to him. At least, I will give you time to prepare for him. Liz, please! Let me do this. I already gave up Rath so he could happy with my dupe.”- Lonnie’s voice soon became sobbings. Loud ones.

“You have any idea how much it hurts to look at them. She’s me but she’s not me. She’s not me because I’m right here. And I’m not I’m being selfless but damn it, it hurts. It hurts to see and it hurts be breath. And to think that I had that up there. That I could have been happy with Ratos and I waisted it for a childhood crush! God! It makes me so mad. And I hate myself. I know it’s selfish to do this because of my own regrets but I feel it’s right. It’s what I have to do!”- there was a long pause. Max wasn’t sure what was going on in there.

“Remember what you said, how you knew that you failed so you killed yourself. You knew that Zan and Max would come through for you. They would use the granolith and re-set the whole thing. And you trusted them. Because you loved them. You loved both. Now, love me. And trust me. I won’t be able to do it on own but the people will listen to me. They will listen me because of who I am. Khivar must and will be stopped and we will do it together. Do it for me, Ellie!”- Lonnie pleaded.

”I understand, Vel. I really do. And it’s hard but, you’re right. I have to trust you. Right now, you’re the only one truelly able. True unattached to anyone to be able to go.”

“Thank you, El. Thank you. I love you. And you need to know that while I’m on Antar. You will always have an alli while I’m there.” – the two broke into laughter. Max felt worried with these words. Lonnie was going on Antar and Liz was letting her do it. And he couldn’t say anything or they would know what he had been up to.

”Nikki, do you think you are ready to be paired up with Rath?” – Lonnie suddenly asked. Max’s heart began to beat faster. Lonnie may have been his sister’s dupe but she looked and sounded like Isabel. And what she was asking could mean only one thing. –“Um . . . why?”- Nikki sounded confused. –“’cos we all know that this will be dangerous and who knows if I will even return. And the royal four needs to be complete when I leave. To be sure.”- she added.


Once the talk was over, Liz left home without talking to anyone. Max walked to go after her but Serena told him that she needed a bit time to herself as al of this was just too hard for her. He respected her wishes, at least until tomorrow. Then he would comfront her, ask her to explain to him what the hell is going here.

Little did Max know that the night ahead of him was going to be . . . almost unique. And exhausting.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »


Chapter 23

AN: This is the big one.

That night, Max fell asleep pretty late as he was too worried about Liz. When he opened his eyes the next time, he was standing in the middle of the desert, dressed in black pants and a simple black T-shirt. He turned around, only to find that he was not alone.


Isabel glanced at her alarm clock. It was almost midnight and she had school tomorrow. She had Rath spent an hour talking on the phone, mostly just teasing each other for no good reason. She closed her eyes hoping have a goodnight sleep and possibly dream about Rath.

But once her eyelids fell, she felt a bright light hitting them. She opened her eyes and foundherself, in the middle of desert. She was alone but then, she wasn’t.


Rath pressed the ‘NO’ button on his cell and smiled. It felt good to take things slow with someone again. He put the cell on his night stand and moved the cover of his bed to the end of his stomach. It seemed so hot in the room. He closed his eyes and the he felt the need to open them again.

He was in the middle of the desert. He recongnized it right away, it this same place he had many dreams. At first, they were about Zan, Ava, Lonnie and him. Then they began more about him and Lonnie and then finally, they were about Isabel.

Speaking of Isabel, she was here now. He looked around, realizing that she wasn’t the only one.


Serena decided to spent another night next to Zan. She rested her head on his bare chest and fell asleep with a smile. Zan was awake a bit longer as he watched her sleep. Not long after that, he closed his already heavy eyelids.

“Zan!”- Serena’s voice woke him up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, a bright light hit him. They were in the desert. He looked at her and took her hand into his and then noticed they were not alone.


Lonnie turned in her bed not wanting to fall asleep, knowing what was to happen tonight. As much as she knew that it was the right thing, she also knew that she wasn’t ready to let go. She had never been alone, not since she came out of her pods. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to be broken away from her brother, her ex-lover and her friend.

True, the new founded connected with Liz would keep her a bit safer but still, it would never be the safe. She will never feel safe. She hesitated for a few more seconds a tear fell down her face. Taking a deep breath, she finally closed her eyes.

The next moment, she opened her eyes. She foundself in the desert. She could see the others around her but she couldn’t look at them, not yet. She knew her eyes were still full of tears because her vision was still a bit blury.


Michael and Maria were in his apartment, sitting on his couch. They had been watching a movie and they were both getting sleepy. She knew she had to get home but she didn’t want to move from his embrace, not yet.

“You don’t have to leave. Let’s just close our eyes a bit. Rest them. And then, I’ll drive you home.”- he asured her. Naturally, that was a lie. Both knew that as soon as they closed their eyes, they would fall in a hard sleep. He leaned his head down to hers and kissed and then he smiled gently at her. She rested her head on the higher part of his chest and he put his arm around her. As he closed his eyes, he felt the sun killing his eyes.

He opened them, only to feel someone hit him on the shoulder. He looked behind him. Maria. –“You did this!”- she screamed. –“No, I didn’t.- he tried to calm her down. Before he could say more, her eyes widen. He followed her gaze, realizing that they were not alone.


They had taken a large step in their relationship, Tess thought to herself as she smiled. The next moment, he kissed her forehead, causing her to look up at him.

“What was that for, Alex?”- she whispered her question. –“Nothing. Nothing at all.”- he winked to her and smiled. She leaned to him and kissed him passionaly. When she moved away, before he could ask anything, she answered his question, echoing him.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.”- with that, she rested her head back on his shoulder, shifting her naked body, next to his own. She, Tess Guerin was no longer a virgin. She had given herself to noone else but Alex Whitman. And she was glad that she did. Alex was unique. He loved her and he gave her flashes. And she knew for a fact that that was a good thing.

She closed her eyes, only to feel the need to open them a moment later. When she did, she looked and saw Alex’s face close to hers. He seemed as confused as she did. But she felt a squeeze of her hand which caused her to smile. Looking around, she realized that the others were here too.


Kyle closed his eyes, with Nikki the last thing on his mind. As soon as he opened his eyes again, he was in the middle of the desert. He felt a tap on his shoulder. As he turned, he found Nikki behind him. Together, they looked around the place, finding the others.


Nikki turned to her eyes and closed her eyes, only to open them in the desert, or what seemed like it. She found a man with his back to her. She recognized him right away. She tapped his shoulder and as he turned, they were together at this. She searched the area around them. They weren’t alone.


Ava and Vince gazed through the window of her bedroom, into the stairs. She pointed up, and her home planet and told him a bit about it. He smiled and kissed her cheeck as she spoke. She seemed so different when she spoke about it. Not that it made her more happy then he did but it was like she was a five year-old waiting for her favourite fairy tail before bedtime. Only she was telling it now.

“Maybe we should get some sleep.”- he said and she looked at him, smiling, only to nod. He got up and took her hand, leading her to the bed. As she got inside, she relalized that he wasn’t coming with her. –“Vince?”- she called his name out.

“Aren’t ya comin’?” - when she looked up at him, she saw him smile and nod. Without another word spoken, he climbed into the bed and put covers over both of their dressed bodies and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a kiss on the back of her neck that made her shiver, it a rather delighting way.

Following that, Ava fell asleep and Vince shortly after that. The next moment, they were forced to open them again, with the bright light hitting their eyes. Ava was ready to shout at Rath or Zan for causing it but it turned out that it was just the sun. It was in the middle of the day and they were in the middle of the desert. She looked behind her, Vincent stood behind her, his hands around her waist. Before she could say anything more, she noticed that the others were present as well.


Liz sat in the chair in the corner, with her leggs by her chest, her arms hugging them. She rested her chin on her knees thinking about this night. She knew what it meant, she knew as soon as she left Lonnie. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting here but she knew it was long. She didn’t even notice the sun come down. All she thought about was loosing her best friend in the whole world. It was strange, though.

Serena was her best friend she saved her life, yet all she could think about was loosing Velondra all over again. Ellie inside cried, and so did she. Lonnie and she were not always at the best terms yet she lived her like a sister, just like she had in her past life. And now, she had allowed her best friend to make a sacrifice, so huge she could hardy think about it. But she had to let it go, she had to let her go. As the night slowly moved, she tried to keep her eyes open, just to feel the bits about Lonnie and remember all their good days. It wasn’t like Lonnie would die today but she would eventully. Her heart told her that. She understood it now. It was why she let Rath go.

Finally, sleep took her over and she closed her eyes. At first, she saw nothing but darkness. She felt her body burning for a bit. It slowly moved from her feet, through her stomach and finally to her eyes. It felt like they were burning. She had to open them. And whens he did, she wasn’t in her room anymore. She wasn’t even wearing her jeans and tank top in which she fell asleep. She wore a beautiful dark blue dress, with no holders over the shoulders, down to her feet. She felt her hair was up in a french twist.

After exemening herself, she looked around herself. Everyoone else was here. And she seemed to be in midle of everyone, like a center of the circle. She watched how they were placed. They began to move, like from an unknown force. Max and Zan stood in one place, Isabel and Lonnie stood together across them; Rath and Michael across Max and Zan like to their south and finally Tess and Ava took the last place free.

After a second, she realized that they stood just like in their four square. It didn’t take long after that that, she looked on the ground and realized that the symbol of it began to appear on the sand, a much larger this time and she stood in the center of it, on the x.

She noticed also that their human friends(Serena, Nikki, Alex, Kyle, Maria and Vincent) stood on the outer circle watching them closly. –“Liz?”- Max’s voice brought her back from her thoughts. She turned to look at her. –“What’s going on here?”- Isabel asked the question before he could.

“The royal four is about to change.” – Liz began. They noticed her voice was cold. –“New additions will be added, while the old will be free.”- she continued. Max began to speak but he felt his dupe’s gasp. This was not Liz. Isabel had met this one in her dream. Liz closed her eyes and once she opened them again, they had the color of the granolith. –“Velondra of the second royal four!”- the voice called out. –“Yeah?”- Lonnie answered her with a question. Liz turned to her.

“Velondra of the second royal four, we have been told that you desire to be set free from your four square, to concure a mission of your own.” – Lonnie nodded. She felt Zan’s, Rath’s and Ava’s eyes shooting at her but she didn’t want to look at them. She looked only at Liz, or Liz’s body. –“Very well.”- Liz spoke again, her voice female but different. –“We fully respect the new royalty and the sacrfice you wish to commit, along with my daughter, Velondra. It is good to see that the apple falls far from it’s tree. Your mother, Myra would be pleased. Your wish will be granted.”- the voice spoke, only to Lonnie.

“Nicolina Lewis!” – the same female voice called to the other side of the desert. Liz turned to their human friends and waited. Nikki took a deep breath and then walked to her. –“As Velondra takes a step away from her four square, you have been honored, to take her position and be paired with General Ratos Meyx. Do you take that chance?”- Nikki stood there, thinking. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to but it was still a bit thing to do. Finally she nodded.

Lonnie walked to the two at this point. Liz streched her hands. Nikki took one and Lonnie the other. -“The Granolith and all before Kivana Eli agree to these terms. Velondra Vaxayn, you are now free. You are no longer in the control of the royal four common powers. Only your unique powers remain with you.” – Lonnie swallowed and then nodded.

Liz turned to Nikki. –“We welcome you to the second royal four, Nicholina Lewis of the second four. You have been paired with the general but you do not need to obey to primary notes. You are not betroyed to him. You are in control of all the common of the royal four, including your own. We are well aware what they are.”- to that, she smiled and sqeezed both of their hands and then let them go.

Everyone watched as Lonnie walked to the humans and Nikki walked to stand by Isabel. –“Avarisa Nazin! Serena Young!”- Liz’s voice turned cold again and older. Serena walked to her, and so did Ava. –“You two are doing a brave thing.”- she told them. –“Perhaps, even selfish.”- she added, looking at Ava, who didn’t look back which caused Liz to smile. She was ready to be free. She took their hands.

“With this connection, Avarisa Nazin, you are set free from your four square. With this, you are not longer the bride of King Zannder Vaxayn Jr. of the second four. You are free to live.” – she spoke in the same tone, looking at Ava. She then looked at Serena. –“Serena Young, with this connection, you become Serena Young Vaxayn of the second royal four, the new bride of King Zannder. You are welcomed into the royal four and given the common powers of the four square for life.”- with that, she squeezed their hands and let them go.

Ava walked to the humans, hugging Vincent. Lonnie walked up to her and the girls hugged. Serena walked to Tess and stood by her. Liz turned for a full circle, wanting to look at all of them. –“Dark times lie ahead of you, youngsters.”- Liz continued to speak, with the female voice that she spoke before.

“We have seen the future and it in the end, it is bright . . . but the path is not.”- she paused. Everyone looked at each other. Max continued to look at her. –“What was done before, must be un-done. All must pay for their sins. But you must remember, you are not them. You are their reincarnations but your live your lives. This means, Zannder, Maxwell, you didn’t turn from my daughter to Avarisa. Velondra, Isabel Amanda, you never betroyed your brother. Just like your past life didn’t. But lives must be mended.” – she paused for a moment.

“I have the outmost confidence, that Velondra and Elizabeth will do well on Antar. And one day, we will all leave in peace. Once again, I will hold my daughter in my arms, as so will Myra and Zan.”- everyone noticed that she used ‘I’ for the first time.

But Isabel gasped to her words. It seemed like she was the only one focued on her words, specially the end. Liz turned to her. -“Isabel, your parents are Phillip and Diana Evans. Myra and Zan will hold Zan and Vel as I will hold my daughter and my son. Their essances are yet to rest, when all this over, as it should be.” – she smiled to her. –“But your mother would be proud of you, all of you. You have done wonderful in your life.”

Her eyes slowly began to return to normal and she looked at their faces. –“I guess it’s done.”- she spoke with her own voice again. And she sounded sad. –“I suppose I can get some rest now. Have a nice night.”- and with that, she dissapeared, leaving them alone.

“This is really it, isn’t it?” – Isabel spoke first, looking at Lonnie. Her dupe just nodded. –“It has to be done, Isabel. Ya all know this. I need to do it.”- she pleaded them with her voice. Zan was the first to make a move after that. He walked to his sister and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. –“We know that, sis. And we worry because we love ya. And ya know that.”- he said, almost echoing her voice with the last sentence. She cried silently in her brother’s arms.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

pandas2000 - Billy Zane plays Vince Lewis. He's a good guy and just human. Khivar is actually Hayden Christensen from Ep III of Star Wars. I think I mentioned this before.

Ah, yes; TRA. I love that story too. I'm actually in the middle of it so if I finish it before this one and I probably will, I'll be posting it anyway. And yes, It has nothing to do with the Just One series. And as for Antar, my hell, that will be coming right after Just One: The end of the world, even though the time line will be actually soon in this one. So basicly, I'm just skipping those years on Antar here.

maya - How can I not update when you write that? Lol

Thanks for the feedback. And on to the next part.

Chapter 24 – ‘She will be loved’ by Maroon 5

She opened her eyes. Nothing stopped her. It was only when she turned to her side that she realized that it was very early, maybe 6 a.m. She wasn’t even sure how she woke up in her bed when she fell asleep in the armchair.

She wanted to turn around and go right back to sleep. But something inside her stopped her. It was some part of the connection she shared with the granolith. And today, it was diferent. There was no Lonnie’s soul inside.

Instead, she found Nikki and Serena. And it was lonely, as much as it was noisy. She felt something saulty on her lips, which was the first that she realized that she was crying. She got up and took a quick shower, trying to fill her mind with other things. But she couldn’t.

When she came back to her room, it was an hour later. She had spent an whole hour in the bathroom, and strangly, it wasn’t even the a girl thing. It seemed that everything she did was just too slow. Too slow.

She opened her drawers and picked out a low rize faded jeans and a simple purple tank top with mini sleeves. She paused for a second, looking at the color of the top. A smile came to her face, thinking about the color she loved the most, the color that even her mother loved. It was the kind of color that the granolith produced on very rare occasions. In a way, it was also the color of the female part of their family.

She got dressed in silance and combed her hair, looking at the mirror. It was completely averige and straight, which was not something she wanted today. She waved her hand over her hair, curling it. Another smile came to her face, as she reached to end of her closet and took out black half boots and put them on.

Another look at the clock, made her wonder. It was 7.32. It was official. Elizabeth Parker was going to have a hard day today, and everything she does will be slow. She sighed and walked out of her room, heading to to kitchen for breakfast.


Max sat in the biology waiting for Liz but she never came. It was the only subject they had together today and it just sucked. As the bell rang, he picked his books and walked out. He found Isabel and Tess walking to him. –“Hey, Max.”- “Hi.” – the girls said at the same time.

“Hey. Have you seen Liz today?” – Isabel shook her head. He looked at Tess, who only pointed at the eraser room. He nodded, letting out a part smile and headed inside. He opened the doors and closed them behind him, only to find her on the floor.

She looked up at him and smiled weakly. He joined her on the floor. After kissing her cheek, he took her hand into his. –“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. It’s just so empty.” – she told him. He didn’t understood. –“Without Lonnie and Ava. Without Lonnie, mostly. I know Serena and Nikki are part of this two now but, God! She’s been my best friend for two life-times now. We don’t get along, but we share a past. She’s like a sister to me.”- she kept talking and talking, without the desire to stop.

Truth be told, it was the first time she actually spoke to anyone. As soon as she came to school, she came straight here, not wanting to talk or see anybody. As she opened her mouth to speak again, she got surprised as he pulled her close to him and kissed her. As soon as their tongue’s met, she got filled with all his emotions of love and worry. He got her sad emotions.

As their lips parted, their foreheads stood together. –“I was babbling, wasn’t I?”- she whispered, looking at him. He laughed for a bit, which made her smile.

Pulling her even closer, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. –“I don’t really mind it.” – which brought a real smile to her face. Not the weak or the memory smile, but an actually smile. Something only Max Evans only had the power to give her.

He wrapped his arms around her and they just sat there in silance. He decided not to ask her anything. A few minutes later, the bell rang. He didn’t move and neither did she.


It was about 2 pm when she arrived to the dupe’s place. She let herself in as usuall. There was noone in the living room.

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

She heard the faint sounds of Maroon 5’s ‘She will be loved’ coming from Lonnie’s room.

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

She walked up to the doors and knocked on them. –“Come in.”- she heard her friend and answer and walked inside. She found Lonnie on the bed, holding her pillow.

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

“Hey, Lon.”- she said with a sleepy smile and came to her side. When Lonnie looked at her, she sat on the bed and pulled her close to her.

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

“You still don’t have to do this.”- she continued talking. –“I know, girl. But I still do.”- Lonnie answered her.

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

And then, the strangest thing happened. Liz heard Lonnie cry, that then turned into loud sobbing. She held on to Liz just as strong as Liz had her hangs wrapped around her. Neither said nothing more for a long while.

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved

“Thanks.” – Liz heard Lonnie said through the sobs. –“You’re welcomed.”- the petite girl answered her friend and released her. Her hands instand went to Lonnie’s face as she cupped it. –“Crying is imporant. You feel better now?”

And she will be loved

Lonnie nodded and they hugged again. Another while passed until the two girls leane don the bed. Lonnie rested her head on Liz’s shoulder and Liz stroked her friend’s back.

And she will be loved

“I haven’t lelf the room. Haven’t seen nobody today.” – Lonnie spoke finally. –“How come?”- Liz asked. –“Didn’t want to see them. Answer any of their questions.”

And she will be loved

“It’s alright. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to answer their questions, Vel.” – Liz told her, using the nickname that she had given Lonnie in their past life. Lonnie looked at her for a second. –“Ya called me Vel.”- she commented.

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Liz nodded. –“I know I did. That is your nickname, remmeber?”- her friend nodded and rested her head on Liz’s shoulder again. –“You haven’t called me that in a while.”- she pointed out, causing Liz to shrugg. –“I know. And I’ve been a bitch too. But it doesn’t mean I don’t consider you my best friend, Lons. ‘cos I do. I never stopped.”

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

“I know, Vance. But thanks for sayin’ it.” – the alien princess said through a smile. –“So you think you’ll be able to handle Antar? Fancy dresses and nice talk . . .” – Liz silently liked what Lonnie had told her but decided not to fuss about it much. Instead, she moved on, to another topic.

don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

“Hell yeah!” – Lonnie shouted, causing both of them to giggle. As they sat up, they looked at each other and then giggled again. –“I don’t think you can say that there, Vel.”- Liz said through her giggles. –“I know! I know! Trust me, I can do fancy.”- Lonnie warned playfully.

And she will be loved

“Whatever you say.” – Liz added, in the same tone. What she didn’t count was getting hit by the pillow that knocked on her on the floor. When she looked at Lonnie, the shorthaired alien looked innocent. That didn’t stop Liz.

And she will be loved

She grabbed a pillow and hit Lonnie. Lonnie instantly hit back with her own. They began running around the room and hitting eachother with the pillows that soon began to open and feathers broke loose.

And she will be loved

As they paused for a second, they glanced around the room, seeing all the feathers around them, flying around free and they bursted into laughted again.

And she will be loved

They both fell on their backs and continued to laugh. –“Now this is what I call girl time.” – Liz noticed and Lonnie agreed. And then she stopped laughing and looked at Liz. –“Iz, thank ya a bunch for this. Needed it like crazy.”- she pointed out and they hugged again.

Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

“Lons, I’m gona miss you so back.” – Liz suddenly said. When Lonnie looked at her, she saw the tears in her eyes. –“I know, Iz. I’ll miss ya too. But we’ll see eachother again.”- she told her as she moved her index finder over the tear that broke free out of Liz’s eye.

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Liz nodded to those words. She knew she was right and yet, it was hard. It was so hard to let her go. In that other life that she didn’t have now, Liz never knew Lonnie like she did in this. And she loved her, she loved her so much. She had never had sisters but Lonnie was her sister, just like Velondra was. And they were one and the same. And now, she would loose for good. And it brought more tears to her eyes.

Try so hard to say goodbye

And it brought tears to Lonnie’s eyes again. She knew that Lonnie thought the same thing. They were sisters without any real bond and they loved it just like that. They didn’t need blood or anything of the kind. They had eachother and their past. It would always keep them together.

The song quietly driffted into it’s end without either noticing it. Later would Liz learn that just with their time spent together and the tears sharing, they had created a bond like no other. A connection between them, that would be much needed on Lonnie’s stay on Antar.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Thanks, pandas2001

AN: Sex start. And I'm just being predictable here with Bon Jovi as every first time to the two. Didn't want to put 'You had me at hello' here since I used it already.

Chapter 25 – 'All about loving you' by Bon Jovi

Lonnie later came out into the living room. She found her brother and Rath, talking to Ava, Serena, Nikki and Max. She knew it was a talk time. She sat down on the armchair and waited for them to say something.

“When are you leaving?” – Serena asked first. –“Tomorrow.”- she brought herself to answer her. –“Are you taking the granolith?”- Max asked the second question. She shook her head as an answer. –“No. Liz said that there is away for me to use it but not take it.”- she explained.

“Ya sure about this, Lon?” – Rath asked, standing behind the couch, with his hands crossed. She looked at her brother and then him before nodding. –“Yes, I am.”- she answered perfectly. It was not inteded but it turned out that way.

“How do you get back?” – Nikki suddenly asked. Everyone looked at her and then Lonnie. She asked one question that Lonnie couldn’t answer. She didn’t know how or if. She didn’t know if she was coming back. –“I . . . I don’t know.”- she answered honestly and looked down.

“Lonnie, ya do know.” – Zan suddenly spoke from his own seat, across her. She looked at him for a second. –“I don’t. I don’t know if I’m coming back or how I’m coming back. I’m not sure if there will be an option as that.”- she answered him, angry that he would even suggest it. Sure, she knew and he knew that she knew, but she still couldn’t believe that he would ask her that right now, when she was in so much pain.

There was a long silence in the room. Nobody said nothing. Mostly, they thought about her words, on how she might not come back. Questions arose. But the silence remained.


When Lonnie got up and left the room, Liz adjusted herself in the bed, laying on her side, with her legs next to her chest as she hugged them with both of her arms. She just needed her own time to think about it. There was no silence as she heard them talking in the living room. She heard every word. It wasn't that she had answers or didn't have. She just lay there hoping she wouldn't have to answer any of them right now.


Looking at the pages of my life
Faded memories of me and you
Mistakes you know I've made a few
I took some shots and fell from time to time
Baby, you were there to pull me through
We've been around the block a time or two
I'm gonna lay it on the line
Ask me how we've come this far
The answer's written in my eyes

Later that night, when Liz opened her eyes, she found herself in her room. She had no idea how she got back or when. Glacing around the room, she saw a figure sitting on her chair, watching her. Sitting up, she looked through the room, as she adjusted her eyes to the dark. The figure got up and walked closer to her. A smile came to her face. She couldn't fully see his face but his beautiful amber eyes stared at her with so much love.

Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you

There were no words said between them as he sat down on her side and watch her silently as she leaned closer and kissed him. Her hands instantly went to the back of the next on one on its side, touching the end of his jaw line. She felt his hand move to her back and then just one of them follow to her hair. She moaned into his mouth.

I've lived, I've loved, I've lost, I've paid some dues, baby
We've been to hell and back again
Through it all you're always my best friend
For all the words I didn't say and all the things I didn't do
Tonight I'm gonna find a way

Finally, they had to move away, in need of air. She continued to smile as their foreheads continued to be together. “Did you bring me home?” – she softly whispered to him and got a nod as an answer. She leaned in again, kissing him. The kiss was even longer this time. When they pulled away, he spoke. -“You looked so peacful that I just didn't have the heart to wake you.”- he whispered to her. Her smile widen to his words.

Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more
I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to
I'm all about lovin' you

And just then, something clicked in her. This was it, this was the night. She leaned higher, making him to look up at her as she kissed him down. Soon the kiss moved forward as his kisses moved through her jaw line, her neck. Her head went back in a glory of pleasure when she felt him stop. She looked at him confused. -“Liz, maybe we shouldn't.”- he told her, his voice clearly consered.

You can take this world away
You're everything I am
Just read the lines upon my face
I'm all about lovin' you

She watched him for a second before burrying her head in his neck for a moment. Then she moved her mouth to his ear and whispered softly. -“Max, don't worry. I want it. The question is . . . do you?”- her voice was almost flirtatious. She felt something hard agaist her and it was then that she realised that she was so close to his body that she felt his arousal. She smiled, glad to have such an impact on him. Pulling her head back, she waited for his answer. -“You know I do.”- he told her, his face so gorgeous and sweet, which she adored. - “I love you, Liz.”

Every time I look at you, baby, I see something new
That takes me higher than before and makes me want you more

“And I love you Max. Then, Now and Forever.” – the next moment, he leaned in again and picked her in his arms as he kissed her. He lay her on bed, in a full leigh. He kissed her neck as he slowly reached to her top. Kissing again,her hands moved to his buttons as she did, one by one. She felt what he wanted to do so their lips parted as she lifted her upper part and moved her hands up as he took it off for her and through it across the room. At this point, she sat up. They continued to kiss as she moved his hands away from her body and pulled his shirt off, leaving his bare chest.

I don't wanna sleep tonight, dreamin's just a waste of time
When I look at what my life's been comin' to

Her next move took him by suprise. She pulled away as her eyes travelled to his chest, at the same time as her hands did the same. As her hand moved, his chest glew. She smiled and looked at his eyes. He was suprised but he smiled. He had seen it in her vision, a moment when he did it to her. They continued to kiss as her hands moved to his pants and she unbuttoned and unzipped them. His hands moved behind her back as he worked on her bra and quieckly unhoocked it. As she allowed him to take it off from her, he looked at her breasts. They may have seemed small at first but they were beautiful. -“You're beautiful, you know that?”- he whispered to her as he moved her mouth to her right nipple and began sucking it sweetly.

I'm all about lovin' you


Throughout the night, they made love not once but three times. Both had known of it but they didn't know how good it would be. Max had worried before about her parents, only to learn that they were in Boston for a restaurant convention. Now, three hours in the morning, Liz lay peacefully, wrapped in Max's protective arms and watched him sleep. It felt so good to be in his arms, after all this time. Sometimes, her memories were a curse, but when Max was the subject, they were mainly beautiful.

She remember their first time in that other life. It was beautiful, yes. But they had done it just before she left for Antar with Zan and both knew nothing would be after that. Now, it was different. She was determened to spend her life with this men, to love him and be loved by him, until the day they grow old together, in a family bliss. She smiled to the idea. The idea of them being old, laying like this, before their end. She knew at that point that they would die together, old and happy. She would live for that.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realize that Max was awake now and he was watching her back. Returning from her thoughts, she saw his beautiful amber eyes look at her and she smiled. -“Can't sleep or something?”- he asked her, teasing her.

“I feel no need for it. Watching you sleep is so much nicer.” – she told him. He leaned and kissed her lips as his upper hand cupped her chin gently. As their lips parts, he kissed her forehead and she leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. Sighing, a wide smile came to her face as she remmembered her thoughts. Without thinking, a connection between the two lovers developed, as a result of their love making, which they didn't know. Max thought of her thought, the idea of growing old together. He knew it was in her mind but he said nothing. He simply smiled and closed his eyes.


The next day, it was a pretty jumpy, with Lonnie's departure. Liz had woken up early and called everyone, telling them to meet in the dupe's place, at 10 am. When she and Max arrived, they were the last ones to come. Everyone was in a sleepy and sad mood, scattered around the living room/kitchen/dinning room.

"Everyone here?" – Liz asked right away, without even bothering with 'good morning'. Max who had been standing next to her and holding her hand, let go and walked to the couch, sitting next to his sister. -"Yeah, we all 'ere. Let's get started."- Rath's voice came from the kitchen area, where he stood in his usual position, straight and hands crossed. She nodded.

"So how do ya do it?" – Zan asked. He sat on a kitchen chair with Serena in his lap. Liz looked at him for a moment. -"The same way we went back the last time. I take a bit of its energy for the trip and the she's off."

"So wait, ya don't trust Lons, is that it?" – Rath asked again. Liz's head snapped towards him. -"No! Rath! I don't trust the granolith. It has enough essencess to be a mind of its own. As soon as it comes near Antar, it's gona go its way. And Lonnie may not be strong enough." – she explained, her voice angry.

"No, Vance. No worries. I know. And I don't want it with me." – Lonnie spoke up from the floor by the couch, glaring at Rath. Don't mind him, Vance, Lonnie thought, mostly to herself. Liz suddenly stared at her. -"Did you just say that?"- she asked her, clearly confused.

"Say what?" – Isabel asked from the couch. -"Don't mind him, Vance."- Liz said outloud. Lonnie stared at her now. -"She didn't say anything like that."- Isabel interupte again.

What the hell is goin' on? – Lonnie thought again. –I don't what we did, Vel, but we talk without our mouths. – Liz grinned.

"As much as the staring is fun, can we please move on. Some of us have work." – Kyle spoke from the back. -"We are talking. Just our ears."- Liz spoke, raising her eyebrows. –"Alright, so this is great, Lons. We can so use this."- Liz's voice turned thrilled.

"Alright, so Lons and I have finish a thing or two and I'm thinking, meet us in the pod chamber in a hour?" – her question directed to everyone. They all nodded.

"Isabel, can I talk to ya?" – Lonnie spoke. Her dupe looked at her and nodded, after which they both left the room. -"Wonder what that is about."- Nikki said adjusting on the couch. - "Oh, I know what is about." – Liz said before she went to sit in Max's lap.


Lonnie opened the doors of her bedroom and Isabel followed in, after which she closed them. She watched for a second as her dupe made her way to the bed and sat down on it. She seemed nervous.

"Lets talk about the crap ya've been hearin' about our past life." – Lonnie stated. Isabel jerked to the thoughts. She was pretty O.K. with ignoring the whole deal by now and she didn't expect Lonnie to mention it. True, she knew that her dupe knew, Lonnie actually had much move memories of the world. But it was still not easy for her to talk about it.

"Um, Nicholas said something." – she started, causing Lonnie to raise her eyebrow. -"Nicholas is a peace of shit. Most of the things he knows wrong or he lies."- she paused before continueing. -"Aight, we had the hots for Khivar. But Khivar's brain was damanged so most of our lives it was just a crush. From both sides. And he was aight before my bro's weddin' day. Ellie fixed his brains up. How was she to know that he'd be evil as hell.

We let him in the city. Ellie promised that we could be together. When we came to the palace, she killed Ava. And then Khivar killed my bro and hubby." – Isabel jerked to her words again.

"Hubby? Husband? I thought I was betroyed to Michael." – Lonnie grinned. -"Yeah, well, we married. And it was mostly a whole lot of friendship. The last week, we may have developed something but I was too hoocked up on Khivar that I wouldn't allow myself to consider."

"Is that what all the fights with Liz had been?" – finally the Ice Princess contected the dots. She looked at her dupe and got a nod. -"I know our past life. I love Liz, I do. She's my best friend. And I don't blame her most of the time. Just sometimes. But her only crime was her love for Zan."- she sighed. Isabel nodded slowly.

"Aight, we clear on all this?" – Lonnie asked suddenly. Isabel stood up and nodded. As she came close to the doors, she couldn't really open them as Lonnie was leaning on them. Next moment, she felt Lonnie's hand on her chin, lifting it up. When their eyes met, she saw a grin. -"Ya a princess, Isabel. Don't ya forget."- Isabe smiled and nodded.

With that, they left the room. When they returned into the living room, everyone noticed Isabel's smile. She walked over to Rath and kissed him.

Not long after that, Liz and Lonnie left the house and drove off. They had much to prepare for before the rest of them joined them.
Last edited by Elizabeth Kivana on Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

pandas2001 - I ain't gona fuss much with Lons and Liz's preparation, to be honest. You'll see the result though.
existingman - You scare me, you know that? Will all your questions and such. Just so you know, Liz will learn about Zan's turn to Ava in Antar, my hell but I'll be sure to mention it here soon. Don't worry about that. And as for the dream, don't worry about it. Not all dreams come true. Ellie/Liz never knew why Zan turned from her and I never really thought about Zan knowing. He should, though. Lonnie's mission? Well, first, she's gona trick Khivar and give the first word how Ellie is not supporting what he's doing. Other then that . . . . :( Thanks for reading.

Chapter 26

Everyone arrived an hour later to the pod chamber. Max was the first to enter, with everyone else to follow. They had a sight to see when they came in. In the middle of the chamber stood Liz and Lonnie. Liz kept waving her hand around Lonnie, who was now wearing a beautiful read dress with tight straps. The end of the dress was incredably long. The strange part was that her hair was long and blond and all the tattoo's and piercings were gone. Now, she looked so much like Isabel.

But her face still had a rough look. -"Whatcha ya staring it?"- she hissed at them. -"Lonnie!"- Liz hissed back at her sharper as she continued to wave her hand around the dress, giving it beautiful flowers. Flowers that the first royal four and the human friends as out of this world. -"Sorry, sorry. What. Are. You. Looking. At?"- Lonnie corrected herself, speaking perfectly, stressing out each word, and at the same time sounding annoyed. She looked at Liz, who nodded at then back at the others.

"Ya look great, sis." – Zan spoke first, stepping forward. He came to her and kissed her forehead. -"I'd let you hug but she ain't done."- Liz came next to him. He looked at her and nodded. -"Ya really do look great, Lons."- Ava came forward too, smiling.

"Why does she have to go like this?" – Isabel spoke up. As much as she grew to like her dupe, she didn't like the fact that they were almost indentical. Liz looked at her. -"She has to be Velondra. Lonnie is a punk and punks do not exist."- she explain as she finished coloring the dress. -"Now that's one hot dress."- she smirked looking at it. -"What do you want with hair, Vel?"- she asked Lonnie.

Lonnie touched her long hair with both of her hands. -"I don't know. I don't even remember what it looks like."- but before she finished, Liz painted at a peace of the rock wall and it turned into a mirror. Lonnie walked to it and looked at her beautiful long blond hair, with the end slightly curled. She looked almost like she had on Antar. -"Maybe I could keep it down for now."- she said and watched Liz's face in the mirror, getting a nod.

"Alright, princess, I guess we're done then." – Liz said before pausing like she had remmebered something. -"Crap, I almost forgot."- she said rushing towards Lonnie, who seemed to know what it was about. She just reached her hand out, palm up. Liz put her hand over hers, palm down. There was a slight glow. -"Show this the council. It's my proval. While you're up there, they are to treat you like they would treat me."- Lonnie nodded.

"And that's a good thing?" – Tess asked, still in the back, holding Alex's hand. Liz looked at her. -"I don't really know, Tess. But it should be a bit good."- she explained.

With that said, Isabel hugged Lonnie, followed by Nikki, Serena, Tess, Rath, Max and Michael. Once it was done, Liz and Zan we left. Everyone left the three together. Zan wrapped his arms around his sister and Liz and Lonnie took hands. All three were smiling. -"You know, I remembered something yesterday." – she said, glancing from Liz to Zan.

"You were eleven." – she said, looking at Liz again. -"He kissed you for the first time. You don0t know we were there but we were. Khivar and I."- she said and smiled, seeing Liz blush. -"I remember that. I slapped him first."- Liz paused and looked at Zan. -"The look on your face after that was apslolutly priceless. So I had to kiss you again."- she grinned and looked at Lonnie.

"And don't think I don't remmeber your first. You couldn't stop talking about." – she raised and eyebrow as she saw Lonnie's flushed face. -"This I don't know about."- Zan suddenly said.

"Oh yeah. She was 14 and so was Khivar and he kissed her. He remembered seeing us and he assumed that it was supposed to be done like that. Imagine his suprise when she didn't slap him." – at this both began to giggle, Zan was confused. Lonnie could see the rest of them listening, Max and Isabel most interested. -"Didn't we talk about for like a week?"- she then added and Liz nodded.

"Well, it's time." – finally she said and Liz nodded again. She pulled her hands up and wrapped them around Lonnie's neck for a moment and then she pulled back. -"You can talk to men whenever, Lons. Don't forget."- she watched the princess nod and then she watched her turned to Zan, who only pulled her closer and held her in his arms for a bit before kissing her forehead. -"I love ya, big sista. Make me proud."- he told her and smile smiled, before kissing him on the cheek.

With that, Liz and Lonnie bent down and went through Max's pod and walked into the pod chamber, leaving everyone outside. Max went to the pod and dug down, wanting to see what was going on. Liz pulled her hand up and placed it on the the shinny part. It began to glow instantly. -"Velondra Vaxayn wishes to go on Antar."- she spoke sharply. The granolith flashed in a blue color before turning to it's natural.

She then turned to her friend and nodded, pulling her hand away. Lonnie reacher her hand towards it as he began to glow it a bright purple color. Before either knew, she was sucked in. She watched the granolith chamber from inside the granolith itself. She saw Max kneeling down by the pod and watching them. Talking another look at Liz, she only smiled and said 'I love you, Vance.' But without no sound. The next moment, she dissapeared.

She was gone and it was only the proof that Liz was to go soon. She just wishes she didn't have to. Without a word, she left the granolith chamber and got through the pod. Silently, the group walked out of the pod chamber, Liz holding Max's hand. They drove into town. Liz gave Serena her keys and she drove with Max, Isabel and Tess. Nobody said a thing through the drive. They were all shaken up about it.

The dropped Tess off at Michael's place and drove off. At this point, Liz looked back at Isabel and saw a small smile on her face. She turned her upper body right away. -"She told you the truth, didn't she?"- she asked and got a nod. She smiled. Max was confused, he clearly didn't know anything about it. -"Don't worry, Max. I'll tell you someday."- she said, giving him a soft smile. He moved his right hand from the wheel and took her left hand into it, bringing it to his mouth. He kissed it and watched her blush. Then the confusing part happen. He watched her eyes turned to complete black and back to normal with some weird light red flash.

He lost control of the car for a moment and heard his sister scream in the back. But the damage was not much. He quickly returned to the right track and continued to drive, occasually glancing at Liz as she continued to stare at the road. He didn't give any kind of explination to Isabel.


Isabel walked into her bedroom and almost instaly walked to her bed and fell on it. Max had driven her home and then said he'd drive Liz. She was confused because he could have done that before but she didn't ask much. She just felt so tired. She really needed a god night sleep. Even if it was during the day. She closed her eyes and dreamt right away.


She felt joy at first. She was actually happy. Moments after, she realized that she had been through this dream before. She held a small son in her hands and laughed alone with him as she swung him in the air. Then she watched as Michael joined her. No, it wasn't Michael. It wasn't Michael anymore. This was Rath. He was dressed in jeans and T-shirt but his hair was like Michael's only longer. He had only one piercing, in her nose. He joined them and kissed her and then the baby.

The scene shifted. The boy was in the swinging chair and she was behind him. Her smile was as wide as it could be. Rath wasn't with them but she knew he was looking at her from behind. She felt each and every emotion he had.

[End Dream]

Isabel opened her eyes and stared in the darkness of her room. She smiled remmebered her dream. Last time when she had it, she feared it. Now, she couldn't wait for it to happen. She wondered if Rath had seen the same thing.


Rath fell out of his bed and open his eyes. He remembered his dream alright. It was scary as much as it was nice. Alright, so Isabel was in it and she looked so beautiful with the smile she had. There was also a baby boy. He knew that it was his son. As much as it was beautiful to have a kid with Isabel, the idea of having children scared the shit out of him. He wasn't sure if he was ready for it.

He moved his hand over his face and realized he was wet in sweat. He shook his head and sat up on the bed again. He heard a knock on the door the next moment.

"Ya aight, man?" – he heard Zan on the doors. -"Yeah, I'm cool."- he answered quickly and heard his friend walk away.


"Is he O.K.?" – Zan heard Serena ask as he came back to his room. He smiled and nodded before getting into the bed with her. He looked at her nighty for a moment and smiled. O.K., so they did sleep together. He was her first but it wasn't the other way around. Of couse, Serena knew and she didn't really care.

He pulled her close and they fell asleep as that.


It was almost midnight. Liz sat on the lawnchair on her balcony and wrote in her journal. Max had left hours ago.

It's March 20 and I'm Liz Parker. Life can be as drastic as love sometimes. Lonnie left Earth today. We all know she's not coming back but nobody's really saying it outloud. Nobody wants to hear the truth. I know I will see her when I go but for what. I have things to do but I worry that she will be considered a traitor up there. Especially after Khivar and Nicholas, and even Margon have been filling them with.

To put that aside, I have another issue. Max. Today, when we were driving back, he took my hand and he kissed it. In that moment, he looked at me like he'd seen the devil himself. True, he'd never admit to a thing like that but I've seen that look in another lifetime and I fear it. God, I fear of loosing Max. To loosing his trust and his love, even for five minutes. But to be honest with myself, I know what he saw. Back on Antar, Zan had once kissed Ellie's hand like that. She was 11. After that, he kissed her. When Max kissed my hand, Ellie was having a flashback and I saw it. I worry sometimes about. She's inside me. She's who I am. Who I was and who I will be. But I don't want her. Sometimes the burdon that she's put on me is so painful that I don't want it. I want to be a weak alien hybrid like Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess are. I want to learn how to control my powers and just be myself. Not be this ultimate creature of all power in control of destiny for a thousand souls. It was never a destiny for me and I cannot take it.

It's Ellie's. I have been thinking about a way to separate myself from her for good. To able to look at Max and not see Zan. To be able to let him kiss my hand and not remember how Zan had done to Ellie. But most of all, I want to be able to look at Max and say, yes, I love this man. But I don't love him before my past life loved his past life. I love him as Liz Parker loves Max Evans, the boy that once saved her life and loved her for 12 life times. That's my greatest and darkest secret. And I live to the day when I will be able to be me. As I once was, in my dreams.

With her thoughts shared with her journal, she smiled and closed it. She looked up at the sky and thought about Lonnie, wondering how was Antar to her. It had been only a few hours for her but it was far more for Lonnie. She sighed.


"Sire, she has returned!" – Margon yelled through the palace walls. As he arrived to the throne room, he found Khivar on his feet waiting for news. -"My sister has returned?"- he asked, as a smile blessed his face. He watched Margon shake his head.

Khivar's face instantly showed dissapointment. -"Then why the interuption. Who would be so imporant?"- he hissed angrily, only to see the vision at the doors. She stood there like it was yesterday that she graced him with her presence at Zan's wedding. Velondra. Her beautiful blond hair fell gracefully down her shoulders and her perfect body covered with the most beautiful red dress he had ever seen, only because it was on her.

He smiled without even realizing it. Even after all this time he still loved this girl, just like he did, before he understood the world. -"My princess."- he honored her with her title. She nodded and walked to him, or rather pass him. He turned around and watched as she made her way to the throne and sat on the chair that was to was once used by Zan. She could see his dumbed face by her action.

"Khivar." – she said simply but strictly. He lifted his head, listening. -"I will need to speak to the council of our planets. Can you do that for me?"- she watched him as he slowly nodded, not understanding. Which was good. He didn't need to know that she would explain to the council the truth of his actions. She was sure that he told only lies to them. Khivar turned to Margon. -"Have it done."- he ordered. -"B . . . but, my lord?"- Margon questioned his master.

"There will be no buts. Listen to her. She will be my wife." – Khivar told him, his voice hard and soft at the same time. He turned to Lonnie. -"Isn't that right, my love?"- he asked as Margon left the throne room. -"Perhaps."- she said only. -"Now leave me. I must prepare to address the council."- she ordered. He smiled and nodded, leaving her alone.

As soon as she heard the doors closed, she took a deep breath and her sitting was no longer straight. She leaned on the back of the chair. -"Wow, that was easy."- she told herself. - Brace yaself, Iz, I'm gona need ya soon. – she send a mind message to Liz and then worried on what she would tell the council.


Through out time and space, Liz heard the voice in her head. She jerked slightly and then smiled. - - Sure thing, Vel. – she answered shortly before shutting their connection off and putting the journal at it's place.
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Thanks for the feeback, pandas2001, but pull back? Please

Chapter 27 – ‘Your Call’ by Secondhand Serenade

It was about a week later. Rath and Michael decided to make lunch for everyone. Around two, it began. Everyone was sitted around the long table in the dinning room of the dupe's house. They were laughing and giggling to what they were saying. Liz was too. Suddenly, she just zoned out. She looked around but she couldn't hear anything. It was as if the sound was taken out. She noticed Max's worried look and she read her name from his lips. But she didn't answer. A voice then kicked inside her.

Princess Velondra, we welcome you before this High Council. Why is that you wish to speak to us?, it was an older man's voice. Somehow, she recognized it but she couldn't remember the name of the person. Iz, I need ya. Ya speak for me. I can’t do this., she heard Lonnie’s thoughts. Alright, Lonnie. Give me total control., she ordered her friend mentally. As answer, she received a mental nod. She nodded and smiled.

When she glanced around the room, she noticed confused looks. She didn’t say anything to them, she just up and began walking around. - “High members of the council. I speak before you in this odd form. Princess Velondra has asked my diplomatic help. I hope you do not disagree.”

And who would this be?, she heard a female voice. –“This is Kivana Eli Xothorn, or rather her clone.”- she paused as she heard them talking among themselves. She glanced around the table and noticed Zan who got up and made his way towards Max to explain to him. Carry on, your highness, she heard the chairman speak.

“Princess Velondra volunteered to come before me to see you. I am well aware that the situation on Antar is wrong. You have been misled. It has come to my intention that my brother, Prince Khivar has taken the claim over the throne that would belong rather to me or King Zan.”

We do not accept the new royalty!, one of the older women hissed. - “Neither does my brother. Which is your mistake. My mother does not mind King Zan so why should you? I asked you a question. If you do not accept the new, you follow the old! And I am the queen old! Answer my question!” – he ordered them as he tone turned harsh. Everyone stared at her.

This cannot be done like this, your highness. You must come to Antar, she nodded, Lonnie, nod, she told her friend mentally. “Very well. You may expect me shortly, ladies and gentleman. We will finish this once and forever.”, she finished and felt the connection close.

“What happened?” – Serena asked first. She looked at her and then at Max. –“They won’t listen to Lonnie. They have no respect for the new royalty.”- she explained and then just walked out of the house without any other word. Max turned to his dupe. –“She’s leaving, isn’t she?”- his dupe nodded.


When he came by her room, she was pacing around and saying something he couldn’t hear. He came to the window and tapped on it, causing her to look his way. –“Am I interrupting or something?”- he asked her, getting a shook of her head as an answer. –“No, I was just thinking.”

Before he could say anything her cell went off. She looked around the room and found it on the bed. She reached for it and checked the ID before answering. –“I’ve been trying to reach all day. Where have you been? . . . I don’t care if you have movies to make! The thing that is a little more important here, Kal, is that fact that I am going on Antar. Yes, Antar. The very same. You need me draw it to you. I don’t know. Fine. Tomorrow. Alright, night.”- she finished her conversation and hung up.

Turning her head to Max again, she motioned him to come in. He nodded and came in, leaning on the wall by the window. –“So, you, um, leaving tomorrow?”- he asked then. –“No, Max. But Kal’s gona call me tomorrow. He’s the protector, he’s supposed to know these sort of things, you know.”

“So how long will you be?” – he said, looking everywhere but at her. She looked at his face. –“Nine.”- she just said without thinking. –“Days?”- she shook her head – “Weeks?” – she shook her head again. –“Months? Please tell me its months, Liz.”- she shook her head again and looked away as tears filled her eyes. –“Y . . . years?”- he barely said it. She nodded. –“Actually it’ll be a lot faster for you. Two years. Time is different for us.”- she said and closed her eyes, knowing that tears would escape her now.

Velondra Vaxayn, you betrayed your brother. We here by sentence your for death., a voice came through her head. She fell on the floor. Max moved to help her, she just kept staring at him with her eyes wide. Lonnie?, she called out for her friend, as she continued to stare at Max. Iz, I’m scared. Why would they do this?, she heard Lonnie’s voice in her head.

Ask them why!, she told her friend. She heard her ask. Because you were the one that let the prince enter the city on the day of your brother’s wedding and coronation., she heard the chairman answer. “How dare you?” – she hissed as she shook. - “You say you are not for the new royalty and yet you sentence her for something she didn’t even do towards her brother. How dare you, I asked you something! You hypocrites!” – she could see Max’s confused look as her vision blurred of her tears. This is not open for discussion, your highness. You were not permitted to enter this conversation., Max watched as her eyes flashes in a blue light and her blue circles turned into wider black ones. “I do not need permission of some stupid old man. I am your queen and you will bow to me. This ruling towards Princess Velondra is changed. She is free to leave.” – she hissed again.

That’s enough! Take her way. This conversation is over, your highness!, she heard he speak and she fell on Max’s chest as she felt Lonnie being hit on the head and knocked out. With Lonnie out, there was no connection forward. She just grabbed hold of Max and began to sob loudly. She had herself to blame for this. And not just for sending her on Antar but for sending her to the gates. Max said nothing, he just continued to hold her.


A few hours later, Max called a meeting by the rock formation. He and Liz were already there when the rest showed up. They sat high, with Liz rested her head on Max’s shoulder as he had his arm around her. Everyone found a place to stand and then they looked at them. –“Lonnie connected to Liz again.”- Max informed them. –“What she say, Lizzie?”- Zan said, taking a step closer. She looked up at him and started crying again. ‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault.’ She mumbled through the whole time.

Zan looked at Max wondering what that was about. –“Lonnie turned her in while the council was . . . I don’t know the whole story but she’s being blamed for letting Khivar into the city.”- Max explained and looked at Isabel, who now took a step forward and stood by Zan. –“What do you mean, Max?”- she asked him.

“They’re going to execute her for it.” – he finally said and wrapped both of his arms around Liz. Isabel looked at Zan. –“But, didn’t Liz say that they not for you that they don’t believe you’re the real king?”- Nikki stood out and asked. Zan nodded. –“How can they blame her when she was actually helping Liz’s brother?”- she asked. Max looked at her and nodded. –“She asked them the same thing”- he said.

“And what did they say?” – Isabel asked, but somehow she already knew the answer. –“They knocked Vel unconscious.”- Liz said, looked up. Her eyes were red from the crying. She looked at Zan. –“I’m sorry, Zan. This is all my fault. I never should have let her go. And I never . . . I never should have sent her to the gates. She always blames herself for yours and Rath’s deaths.”

She watched as he walked to them and took her hand and a moment later, he pulled her into his arms. –“Ya can’t blame yarself, princess. It ain’t yar fault. She wanted to go and she did. On both times. Please don’t eat yarself about it. It’s gona hurt a whole lot more.”- he felt her nod against his chest.


With the situation explained to everyone, Liz now had to get ready to go missing for two years in Earth times. Max drove her home and decided to stick around. But they didn’t talk much. He mostly watched her run around her bedroom and look for different things, make various phone calls.

Max’s thoughts were interrupted by her cell. She reached her head to the bed for it and pressed YES without looking at the ID. Putting it to her face, she began talking.


”How does this sound, kiddo, you’re going to spend the next two years in a boarding school in California.”

“Um . . . ” – she started, but he continued before she could say anything.

”No worries. It’s my school. I opened it about 10 years ago. Basically, its girl’s only. Plus, it’ll look good on your application. It’s Elite. Not a lot of girls get in.”, he explained.

“Alright, sounds right. And calls?” – she asked further.

“Only on the weekends. Eleanor can do it then. And if they want you home for some weakened or something, again she comes in.”

“Cool. That’s do. Thanks, Kal. Love you.” – she finished the conversation and waited for him to hang up.

”Love ya too, kiddo. Be careful up there!” – he answered her and hung up his phone.

She turned to Max after putting the phone back on the bed. –“What he say?”- he asked her. –“Some elite boarding he opened a few years back. Its gona look good on my Harvard application or something. And when my parents want me here or something, Eleanor will just shape shift.”- she told him as she walked over to the chair his was sitting in and curled into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder. She took a deep breath. –“This is gona suck.”- he said only. She heard him take a deep breath too. –“It’s going to be even longer for you then it will be for me.”- he commented, and felt her nod.

”I was thinking, Max.” – she said, rising herself in a sitting position on his feet. He turned his head to her.–“I have this journal that I’ve been writing for a while now. I did it the last time line too.”- he nodded, following her. –“I was wondering if you could hold on to it for me. Maybe write instead of me while I’m gone?”- he asked him. He raised his eyebrow, not expecting this but nodded. –“Can I read it?”- he asked then. She nodded twice. –“Of course. Then you will be like the third person who’s ever read it.”- she told him.

“Third?” – he asked, adjusting in his seat. –“Serena read it this timeline and Michael read it the other one. He saw me writing it once and he didn’t trust me so he read it. He trusted me after that.”- she added, not telling him everything that Michael had told her. She didn’t know how she could say it. Instead, she leaned in and kissed him, as thanks.

Before they knew it, their kiss deepened and they were taking each other’s clothes and making love to each other on Liz’s bed.


When Max opened his eyes it was 5 am, which he saw on the alarm clock in front of him. When he moved his hand to the other side of the bed, he found it empty. Turning his head, he found it to be true. Liz wasn’t here. Lighting himself up, in a sitting position, he searched the room for any sign of her but he found none.

He got up from the bed and put on his boxers and then his pants. He took a look in the bathroom as he put on his T-shirt. She wasn’t there, just like she wasn’t on the balcony. He walked out of her room and looked through the apartment, after that, downstairs. She wasn’t there.

Returning to her room, he scanned the place, trying to find some kind of note to where she had gone. Instead, he found a box on the chair they sat in last night. He walked over to it and took the top of, finding various things inside. The journal she spoke about, her cell phone, various letters addressed to Zan, Maria, Serena, Nikki, Ava, Isabel . . . and then one for all of them. He returned his eyes to her journal and opened it.

To his surprise, he found the last page with tomorrows, actually today’s date. He sat back on the bed to read it.

Today is March 28th and I’m Liz Parker. Today, I lost my friend. Maybe, deep down I even knew I would but it still hurt. The pain of loosing her, again. And again. I’ve lost her so many times. In the last time line, I faked my own death and made the people in Roswell believe I was gone because I believed that I brought death and pain to those around me. Today, I had doubts if I was wrong. Maybe I was right and I cause all this pain because I don’t know how to stand up and fight. I always let others do it for me.

Khivar fought for me. Hell, he’s taken the war I began into his own hands. He thinks he’s the boss. Max, when max saved my life that day in the café, he blamed himself for everything that ever happened to me. He always wanted to protect me, even when I could protect myself. Zan thought . . . I don’t know what Zan thought. When I was younger, I’d cry myself to sleep wondering why I was doing with him. There he was looking like someone I wanted so much and yet I was with him. And yet I was with him, knowing that deep down, he knew why he walked away from me. Deep down, he must have known why he picked Ava over me. It kills me to not know. I just need the truth.

Ellie inside is confused and lost. I feel it. She knows we’re going up on Antar and she know it’s not home. I know my home. My home with Max. But she doesn’t. She’s tried being with Zan on Antar, she’s tried being with Max and with this Zan and yet it never felt truly right. It was like she still waiting for that knight in a shinning armor, to swipe her away to a happy ending. And she deserves that. She’s been in this world for almost 50 years and still, she hasn’t been truly happy. I think she’s the key. My key. When I find peace for her, I will be one step closer to goal. When this war is over, I want to come home, and my home has always been Max. To him I will become back to. But now, I have a mission to take.

Max, if you’re reading this and I have a feeling you will. I’ve left. I know, it’s me being a coward but I had other choice. We both know I’d never go otherwise. Something would always keep me here. And I have a promises to keep. To Lonnie, to my other and to myself. Once I have finished, I will come back to you if you’ll still have me. I love you, Max. Just like I love you in every life time.

He dropped the journal on the floor as he read the last lines. She was gone. She left without a goodbye. He felt tears gathering on his face as he stood up and started pacing around the room. Without thinking, he slammed his fist into the bathroom door, causing it to brake, along with his hand. He wrinkled his nose in pain for a second before pulling his hand out and waving over it, with a glow. The next moment, it was fixed, just like the doors were after a few moments.

He didn’t think much after that. He grabbed his car keys from her desk and got out through the window, getting to the fire escape ladders, with which he came down with. Feeling the solid ground beneath him, he reached for his cell phone and dialed Zan’s number.

”What?” – he heard a sleepy answer on the other line.

“Zan, it’s me. She’s gone.” – he barely said. The next moment, he heard a bang. He assumed it was Zan hitting the ground. ‘Zan? What’s wrong?’, he heard Serena’s voice in the background.

Ya sure, man? Really sure? – Zan spoke again, much awake now.

“Yeah. She left a few stuff. I’m heading to the pod chamber.” – Max answered him as he started his jeep.

”Aight, ya want me there?” – Zan asked carefully.

“Um, no. Sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep. There are some letters she left. I’ll bring them by tomorrow.” – he answered quickly. He knew it was selfish but it seemed his dupe understood. Zan hung up without an answer and Max drove quickly out of town.

Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry
call I'm desperate for your voice
I'm listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat,
Just like when we would meet

Arriving to the rock formation, he parked his car and jumped out, running up the rocks. As he reached the rock, he moved his hand over the print revealing it and then pressed his palm against it, opening it. He jumped right it and ran through the podchamer without a word. He kneeled down and went through his pod and stood up, seeing the Granolith doors already opened.

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Liz turned almost right away seeing Max. –“You can’t be here, Max. It’s going to leave now.”- she hissed as he came to her. He grabbed her shoulder. –“What were you thinking, Liz? Leaving without a goodbye?”- he yelled at her. He was beyond sad and right on angry now.

Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Because every breath that you will take
while you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?

“Well sorry for trying to save from all the emotional crap. I don’t have time for that. Lonnie could have minutes not hours.” – she yelled back at him. She really didn’t have time for this. Looking up at the large Antarian clock above the doors, she saw that there were only a few minutes left.

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

“Lonnie could be dead, Liz. You could be walking into a trap.”- he yelled on.

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home

She shook her head, not believing what he was saying. –“Max, would you listen to yourself. What trap? I have more power in my smallest finger then those five planets together. My only treat is Khivar and I’m guessing he’s already overthrown.”- she continued with the same tone.

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home

“Now, I suggest you get out because there are only two minutes left.”- she said pointing at the clock. He looked up at it for the first time and looked back at her. His jaw tighten but she was right there was no time.

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home

Instead, he leaned to her and kissed her. She instantly wrapped her arms around his neck. Not long after, their lips parted.

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home

“I’m sorry. I love you. Please come back to me.”- he whispered as his eyes filled with tears. She smiled and nodded. “I will. I love you too. Now go!”- he nodded and moved away.

( I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

She grabbed his hand, to which he turned around. –“Take the box with all your stuff. This will melt them.”- he nodded and went through his pod. She watched his shadow as he paused and took something and then walked to the rock, pausing again, before leaving.

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Once the rock was closed, she turned around and looked at the granolith before looking at the clock. This was it. She took a deep breath and reached her hand towards it. Instantly, she was sucked in, feeling energy surrounding her. It was like she was flouting.

I was born to tell you I love you
and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

She looked around the granolith chamber and watched at the clock counted down it’s last seconds as a tear fell down her cheek. This was it.

( I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Location: Granolith Chamber

Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Chapter 28

Max came running down the rocks when he felt the earth shake for a bit. He continued to run, into a place where he would be more covered by some rocks and that’s where he stopped, only to watch the pick of the rocks melting. He dropped the bag on the floor realizing that Liz was right. It was actually melting. He watching as a couple of moments later, what should be the granolith moved with unbelievable speed through the sky, passing a set of weak clouds and leaving a trail mark. He continued to stare at the trail before he closed his eyes for a second and then reached the bag and got into the jeep, starting it and driving into town.

He had still much to do. He need a few hours a sleep before school tomorrow and he had to get the letters for everyone. He drove into town with his thoughts blank, not wanting to think about Liz or her departure, not wanting to crack on the road.


The earthquake was more then clear in the entire town. Zan and Serena came running out of their bedroom, holding hands, the same time Rath, Nikki and Vince came out of their rooms. –“What the hell is goin’ on?”- Rath yelled to Zan.

“It’s Liz. She’s takin’ da granolith.” – Zan explained and pulled Serena closer, protecting her. A moment later, it stopped. The three just stared at the couple. Suddenly Nikki fainted. –“NIKKI!”- Vince called his sister and kneeled down, taking her into his arms and putting her on the couch. He looked at the aliens, wanting an answer, without saying anyrhing.

”She feels it’s leaving. The granolith.” – Serena explained, moving closer to her and taking her hand. She closed her eyes and focused on something Liz thought her a long time ago. She felt her hand getting warmer while the rest saw them glowing.

Serena looked around her, seeing nothing but the darkness. She knew she was in Nikki’s head. It was something Liz thought her years ago, warning her to use it only when really needed. Suddenly, she looked around as the place gained a look. Serena recognized it as sort of a desert but she wasn’t sure where it was. She took a few steps forward, calling for Nikki. –“Nikki! Nikki, can you hear me?”

”Serena?” – she heard a voice behind her and turned around. –“What’s going on?”- she asked her, confused. Serena rushed back to her, taking her hand. –“Nikki, the granolith left Earth with Liz. You’re weak without it but you can be without it. Just try. You have to find some sort of balance between the granolith and you.”- Serena advised her friend.

“How do you know all this, Serena?” – Nikki asked her, confused on what her friend her. –“Liz once had a problem when she was younger. L.A. was too far from Roswell and she had to find sort of a balance. She did it, you can too.”- she told her, squeezing her hand. Nikki closed her eyes and then opened them, her eyes. Her eyes were purple for a second. With another blink, they turned to normal and she nodded. –“I can do this, Serena. Thanks.”- she reached out and hugged her.


Serena squeezed Nikki’s hand and felt a response. She smiled and looked at the others as Nikki sat up and hugged her. –“You did it, Nikki. I’m so proud of you.”- she told her. They were going to be alright until Liz came back.


When Max came home, it was 6 am. He knew he couldn’t walk through the front doors, so he parked his jeep in front and made his way to his window. He used his powers to open it and he snuck in, only to stumble on a body.

Before either could react, the light by his bed was turned on. He looked at his bad, finding Isabel and Tess on it. Looking back on the floor, Michael nodded before turning to the other side. He moved pass him and made his way to the bed, where he kneeled down, close to his sister. –“What’s going on?”- he whispered to her.

“Tess was already sleeping in my room when the earthquake started. Michael came running. We came to see you and you weren’t here.” – she explain to him and moved to hug him. –“I’m O.K.”- he answered her shortly. Pausing, he thought if he should say anything now. He decided she had the right to know.

”Iz, Liz left. She took the granolith with her. The earthquake happened because of it.” – he whispered to her. Tess stickled her head over Isabel’s shoulder and Michael jerked from his sleeping bag. –“WH . . . what?”- Michael started to yell but he stopped himself, continued to hiss. –“You let her take the granolith? Maxwell, have you lost your mind?”- he continued with the same harsh tone.

”Michael, leave him alone.” – it was Tess who took Max’s side. All three aliens looked at her. –“Liz clearly had a good reason for it. And we can trust her, that is more clear. So shut up.”- she warned him and turned to Max. –“Go on, Max.”- she stated in a sweeter tone.

“There’s nothing much to say. She left a few letters for all of us. She said two years.” – he informed them sadly. –“But it’s not the same for her, right?”- Tess insisted. He nodded. –“Nine years.”- he answered, realizing too later that his tone was bitter.
He looked down as silence filled the room. Isabel sat up on the bed and then kneeled next to him, hugging her brother. She knew he was hurting right now. He wrapped his arms around her, thankful that they didn’t ask anything else.


The next morning when Kal Langley woke up, he was surprised b the strange feeling of pain in his chest. But what surprised him even more was that it wasn’t physical pain in every way. It was emotional pain and it was worse then any kind of physical he could possibly feel.

By the time he got out of bed, it was already noon. He didn’t even bother with a shower or shave. Instead, he simply put on his dark blue house robe and made his way to his office without a single word said. When he got there, he turned on his TV. He had no intention listening to it as went through some old files, trying to find the reason of his problems.

“So is it true that Roswell, New Mexico was hit by a strange earthquake, Rachel?” – Bob, as the guy running the TV News at noon spoke to his colleague. The shape shifter picked his head up from the pile instantly and continued to listen to the conversation. –“Yes, Bob, it is. It was very short. It happened during the night. But what is more strange that the locals now say stories that seconds after it ended, they saw something leave the desert.”- the woman continued to report.

Kal felt the pain all over again. But this time, he knew what it was. –“Really? Well that’s interesting. Do you think it could be true? Has the authorities or the army issued a statement?”- Bob continued to ask.

“Actually yes. We have spoken to the local sheriff, a James Valenti and he has insured us that these things are very common for Roswell. People come with stories such as this, almost everyday.” – Rachel answered, with a laughter. Kal felt like crushing this woman’s skull, for his laughter. His niece was entering mortal danger on Antar and she was making fun of aliens.

But Kal was not a violent man. He trusted very few people and he killed only when truly necessary. Unlike, Nasedo, he believed that it was wrong to simply kill humans. He took off his glasses and moved his hands over his eyes as he closed them. The two continued to talk on TV. –“Well, I see. This will probably be very good for huge UFO economics of the small town. Right, Rachel?”- Bob asked.

“Certainly, Bob. In fact . . . ” – he turned the TV off. He didn’t want to hear anymore. He had a pretty good idea what it would be about but he just refused to listen to. Instead, he took his phone and dialled a very familiar number.

”Yes?” – a gentle female voice asked on the other line. A smile crept to Kal’s face but it quickly disappeared as he remembered what the conversation would be about. –“Eleanor, it’s Kal.”- he answered, waiting for her response. Yes, he could have simply said right away why he was calling but being in Hollywood for so long, both learned that it was better to make sure if someone was there before they started their conversation. –”Hey,Kal. No worries, I’m alone.” – she answered him.

“Good. Have you heard the news?” – he asked as soon as she finished talking. – ”Um, about the earthquake?”

“Yeah. You know what that means, right?” – he shot his question, hoping that he wouldn’t have to explain it to her. Then again, she was a lot smarter then most would give her credit. –”She’s left. Hasn’t she?”- Eleanor answered him right away. But it seemed like she was asking confirmation. She didn’t want this anymore then he did.

“Yeah, she has. We spoke yesterday. Her alibi is two years in my school. It’s gona look good on her collage application. You know how the Parkers are about that.” – he said, the paused for a second. As soon as he did, she stepped in, her voice sounding panicked. –”Kal, my god! Nine years on Antar will be hell on her. Especially if Khivar is no longer in control.”

“I know, Eleanor. But you know how she is. She’s as stubborn as Laqua was. And you know how my sister was with these things. Always doing the right thing, always worrying about others. Especially when she blames herself for Zan’s and Rath’s death on Antar. She always has and we both know it. ” – he tried to explain it to her. But he was actually convincing himself. Convoking himself that she was doing the right thing and that everything would be alright. –”Yes, we do, Kal. That’s why it’s dangerous. She won’t be able to stop until she feels that she has completely redeemed herself.” – Her heard her sigh. –“Don’t think for a second that I don’t know that. Because I do. It’s like she carries the whole world on her shoulders. It’s been a weight on her all her life. I just wish we could do something.”- he finally expressed the truth. He felt the need to help. And it was so strong, even it meant sacrificing himself.

“Guess the whole sacrifice thing runs in the family, ha?” – she asked, like she was reading his mind. He nodded silently, even though he knew she couldn’t see it. When he didn’t answer her, she asked something else. –“What do yu want me to do, Kal? And I’ll do it.” – she told him firmly.

“I know, Eleanor. I’ll try to get in touch with Nikki or Serena and I’ll let you know. You know what it means, thought?” – he then asked her. – “Yes, I do. Your worst nightmare comes true. You’re going to be helping the royal four’s.” – she answered and he heard her giggle. –“Ha, ha. I’m sure that’s funny. I’ll call you.”- he said sharply and hung up before she could even tell him ‘bye’.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Chapter 29

When Max arrived to the dupe’s house the next morning, everyone was already waiting for him. But no, not everyone. The most important person to him was now somewhere across the galaxy. He mentally shook his head as he put the box on the table. Everyone gathered around it. –“Did you see her before she left?”- Nikki suddenly asked, sitting not for from him. He looked at her and nodded as an answer. –“I felt her leave, you know. The granolith.”- she told him.

He was slightly confused but somehow he knew that he had to turn to Serena to ask. –“She’s connected to the granolith. The same thing happened to Liz when she was living in L.A., she just felt the distance between it.”- she explained. –“She’s just a little weaker now but she’s alright.”- she added. He nodded and turned his attention to box. Now he understood why she took the granolith with her. She needed it for her strength.

Mentally shaking her head again, he took of the top of the box and looked in. He first took out the letters and handed them. One for Zan and Serena. One for Isabel and Rath. One for Michael and Maria. One for Tess and Alex. One for Nikki and Kyle. It was actually very convenient to make the letters out for couples. He was suprised that he didn’t see it before. Everyone took their letters into their hands as he reached out for the one adressed to all of them. He took it out of the envelope and stared at it for a second before he actually began to read it.

My dearest friends and family,
I know I have left you by surprise but I feel it to be right. I feel that this must end now before it gets any worse. I promised a long time ago to my human grandmother that I would follow my heart. And I see now that I haven’t. I’ve been avoiding my heart for years, worrying of the sorrow it would bring me, if I let go, even for a little love. But after a long time, I see the truth. This is what I was re-born to do. And this is for what Kivana Eli was born to do. Even if I do come back, she won’t. She will live or she will die on Antar. We both know it. And it was what we both want.

My journey will be long but I have the guts to say right now that I will solve it. I have learned so much and I have the outmost confidence it this. This is my destiny. The only one I will follow. It will lead me to hell and back but I promise you that I will return, with a smile on my face as our people, celebrate their high desired freedom. I don’t know what it was like to look at those people and speak to them of democracy. I could see in their eyes that they wanted them. And I wish to give them this freedom, to chose. Even if it’s me thy chose again.

Like I promised, I will return in two years. Until then, if anyone asks, I have been accepted to elite boarding school for girls. It’s a school that Kal opened and it will look great on my collage application. My parents will totally eat it up. Also, inside the box that Max will bring you are a several things I want you guys to hold on while I am way. First, my car. No, Zan you will not get it. Serena will be driving it. I trust her and only her. Well, maybe Max but as long as he has the jeep, he’ll be fine. Second, my cell. Nikki, since you do all the talking with Kal and Eleanor, I want you to keep it but be careful when my parents call. And third, I’ll need someone to take my job in the Crashdown. Serena, Nikki . . . Isabel, girls, work it out. Hell, all three would work for me but you’ll check with my dad.

I have to go now before Max wakes up and then I’ll just never leave. And I still have to start up the granolith. I ask you not to put your life on hold. Many of you are in love and happy and if there are any weddings planned, please don’t postpone them on my account. But I want a lot of photos when I get back. You will be safe, I promise you that. So live and enjoy. And go to collage, even if it’s across country. Or if you get major singing opportunity, you hear me, Maria? I love you guys, will all my heart. You are my biggest and dearest family and nobody comes before you. Take care of each other.


By the time he finished reading, all the girls were at the urge of tears and the guys seemed all shaken up. He reach inside the box and took out the cell and gave it to Nikki and then took the keys which he assumed were from car and gave it to Serena. She took them and held on the strongly as Zan too her into his arms and held her tight.


After Max read the letter, they sat for hours talking what they would be doing the next two years. Max insisted that they listen to Liz and move on with their lives. He got them all to go around and say what they had in mind in doing for the future. He was surprised by some of the answers he got, mostly in a good way.

“Alright, so . . . Serena, you can start.” – he said looking at his dupe’s girlfriend. She nodded and then thought about it for a second. –“I know I don’t have Liz’s voice or anything but I wanted to cry singing. Or open a bar.”- she answered not all that sure. She hadn’t really thought about it. He nodded and looked at Zan. –“I ain’t got nothing planned, dupe. jobs with money.”- he said, with a smirk.

Alex and Tess were next. –“Well, I want to finish computers in collage, which you know, Max.”- Alex answered with pure confidence. Max smiled and nodded. –“I figured I’d be working in the Crash or something.”- Tess just answered, unsure as Serena was. Next were Michael and Maria. They exchanged looks. –“Well, you know where we’ll be, Maxwell, unless Maria gets a record deal.”- Maria nodded to his words and Max turned to look at his sister and Michael’s dupe. –“Ya see, man, I always wanted to be a bartender and it’s a cool job ‘cos I can get it anywhere so it really depends on Iz’s choice of work.”- Isabel smiled and kissed his cheek for how words and then she looked at her brother.

“I don’t know. I was thinking of medicine.” – she said and blushed. Everyone looked at her. Max smiled. He had no idea that his sister wanted but e was glad that she considered something as important as medicine. He nodded and turned to the next couple, Nikki and Kyle. Nikki went first. –“I like to draw. I always wanted to do something like that.”- once she answered, she looked at Kyle, who only shrugged. –“I suppose mechanics. I haven’t really thought about it and I don’t really see myself doing anything other. It’s not like I have all these talents and I’m not even considering my dad’s job. Not now and not ever.”- he answered and nodded.

With that said, it came to the last couple, Ava and Vince. They sat on the window bench in each other’s arms. –“I don’t think ‘bout da future, duke.”- Ava answered with a shrug. –“It don’t matter to me.”- Vince took her hand and kissed it before he looked at Max. –“My parents always wanted me to be a lawyer and it’s always been like sort of my dream too. I suppose, that’s what I’ll be.”- Max nodded.

After everyone had answered, he felt like all eyes were on him. They just waited for him to answer. As he opened his mouth to speak, not completely sure what to say, the doorbell rang. Serena moved from Zan’s lap and he walked over to the doors and opened them. Everyone had their eyes on them, ready to react in an instant.

A bold man with glasses and a beautiful woman with dirty blond hair. The woman actually reminded of an actress that Isabel used to talk about all the time when they were younger. Max couldn’t remember her name but he remembered when his sister would tell him how she looked like the third boy. This was years before they re-met Michael. He was surprised to remember this but now, with her here, he could see the similarity. He watched as Ava, Serena and Nikki rushed to the pair and hugged the woman. Rath also got up and hugged the woman, who seemed truly happy to see him.

The Roswellians decided to get up to. They made it half way through the room, and there met the man, the woman, Zan, Ava, Serena, Nikki and Rath. –“I’m Eleanor and this is Kal. We are the protectors of the second four.” - the woman, whose name was Eleanor introduced herself and the man. When she spoke, she addressed Max. With a nod of her head, the introduction was over. Her eyes went to Michael as her eyes filled with tears. –“It’s Michael, isn’t it?”- she asked him. he nodded as she took a step forward.

Before anyone said anything more, Isabel’s voice was heard. –“I was right! You too look totally alike!”- Max watched as Rath took her hand and put his index finger over her lips to shut her up. He turned his attention back to Michael and Eleanor, right after. This seemed very important to him.

Michael looked back at her, his eyes asking a question so clear. –“I’ve been looking for you all my life.”- he said instead. –“I’m so sorry. I should have looked for you years ago.”- she told him. She was begging for forgiveness in her voice. He stared at her for a moment. His mind drifted off to when he met Nasedo and how he turned out not to be what he thought he would. He remembered thinking that he was his father but after knowing him, wishing so badly that he had no connection to him. But one look into this woman’s eyes, he saw the truth in them. This woman was his mother. –“Mom!” - the stonewall broke down. His eyes watered s he rested his head on his mother’s shoulder and she wrapped her arms over her son’s back.. He hugged her back and just cried like that. Max and Isabel exchanged looks. For the first time after all this time, Michael had a family, a really family. Tin all this these years, the always tried to be there for him, being his siblings and support but it was never the same. They were not really related and he always felt empty and alone. Even Maria couldn’t give him the home he desired. And now it was right in front of him. They smiled at the same time. They knew that they had been thinking the same.

After a few moments, he moved his head from his new found mother and just looked at her before smiling. She smiled back and then he looked around the room, looking for someone. Once he found her behind Max. He reached his hand for her and she stepped forward. Eleanor just watched as the short girl with long blond hair came forward and took Michael’s expanded palm. –“Mom, this is Maria.” he said, looking back at her. –“That is a beautiful name. I’m Eleanor.” – the shape shifter smiled and opened her arms to the girl. Maria was unsure at first but then she moved to her and got embraced in a warm hug by the woman.


Max never got answer about his future. and truth be told, he wouldn’t know what to answer. He had been so wrapped up in all this alien business that he hadn’t even considered. Yes, with his grades, he had a chance to go just about anywhere. But what did he want? He didn’t have the answer to that question. No, that was wrong. he had an answer. But his answer was now somewhere across the galaxy fighting a war he always thought to be his own. But he would defy her. He loved her. He had made a mistake in that life and just by not knowing it, it felt like he was paying it. Then it hit him. It was something he didn’t know until now. But the essence of king Zan was feeling guilty for what he had done to Ellie and now, he was feeling it. It felt strange to access a part of him, a part he never really understood for sure.

He turned to the other side of his bed where he had been laying for quite a long while now and just thought of it more. He knew that it was something he had to understand. It was something that didn’t allow the essence of Ellie inside of Liz rest and because of it, Liz couldn’t rest sometimes.

He looked across the room and found her journal. He got up and took it, taking a pen. This would be his first update to it. He was going to keep his promise and update this so then when she returned, she’d have ti all written down to just see.

I’ve never been the one to write anything so good so sorry for the mess. It’s now been about a day since you left. I took what you wrote seriously and I sat them down and we talked about the future, you know, what they plan on doing after high school. and I have to say, I was surprised by some of the answers.

Lets see. Serena wanted to try singing or open a bar. Zan, which you probably know, plans to do noting or rather, everything. Alex is gona do something with computers. Tess sees herself working in the diner or something. Michael and Maria will be in the Crashdown too, unless Maria gets some record deal. Rath wants to be a bartender. But get this, Isabel wants to be a doctor. yes, I took me by surprise. Nikki mentioned something about drawing and Kyle will probably be a mechanic. Ava’s up for anything too and Vince, well, I don’t know him much but he said something about being a lawyer and I can definitely see him in a suit and shaking my dad’s hand.

I never got around to answer. Truth be told, I don’t know what to say there. But anyway, before I could answer, Kal and Eleanor showed up. And to everyone’s surprise, it turned out that Michael was right. At least on one of them. You know, he always sad that those people could that they could be our parents, those four aliens. And it turned out that one of them were – Eleanor. And that’s not even the weirdest part. When we were youngest, Isabel would say for this actress Jodie Foster that she reminds her of Michael so much, almost like she was his mom. And I never believed her. At least not until I saw them next to each other. But it’s true. It was a great moment, if I may add.