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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:13 am
by Fehr'sBear

It was all my fault. I mean, I was the one that was driving the car, and nothing happened to me, did it? December twenty fourth, that day will still haunt me for the rest of my life. Because I ruined hers. She's the one that lost her memory, her life, everything. She has to celebrate Christmas eve every single day for the rest of her life. What'll happen when everyone including her starts to look older? What will she do?

As I wash off a table at the Crashdown, where it is perpetually Christmas, I hear Liz come running down the stairs in her Alien themed outfit. “Morning Maria! Happy Christmas Eve!” She shouts, and before I can respond, the entire restaurant does it for me. I let a smile fall upon my face, and then stand up, placing the rag on the table.

"Merry Christmas Chica," I say with a practiced grin, enveloping her in a hug once she's done hugging Kyle, who was, yet again, late.

"And, I won't tell you what I'm getting you for Christmas, it'll ruin the surprise," I say playfully, the words well overused in my head. Sometimes I change it up, and other times I just say the same thing day after day after day. Because she won't ever remember.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:20 am
by madroswellfan
"Merry Christmas Chica,"
I grin as finally my bestest best friend hugs me. Now this is the perfect Christmas Eve!
"And, I won't tell you what I'm getting you for Christmas, it'll ruin the surprise,"

I pout. "Aw come on know you want to baby..."
I flutter my eyelashes at her.

At that moment the Crashdown music changes from Jingle Bells to "Santa Baby"
"I looove this song!" I say excitedly. I quickly grab Maria's hands. "Come on you have to dance with me sweetie!"

I smile sweetly at Alex. "And don't think your getting away with just sitting there, drinking your drink Mr" I tell Alex as I quickly remove one hand from Marias and give Alex his drink. "Your next" I warn him with a grin before turning back to Maria.
"So hurry down the chimney tonight!" I sing to the music as I bop my head along to it, my attenae springing around on my head. "Come on Maria...get in the Christmas know you wanna!" I say as I make her start dancing with me.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:25 am
by Fehr'sBear

"Aw come on know you want to baby..." She says, pouting, and it's a good thing I'm used to this every day, or else I'd probably give in.

All of the sudden, the song changes to Santa Baby, and Liz pulls me into the middle of the restaurant. Good grief, I hate Christmas music more than anything. At least, I have for the past few years, hearing it every day. "Come on Maria...get in the Christmas know you wanna!"

Smiling at her again, I start dancing like crazy, encouraged by the smile on Liz's face. I want to make her happy, it helps my consience a little, every day, but not enough for me to feel happy.

"I think Alex should come dance with us now," I say mischeviously, playing the old Maria, the one that Liz knew.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:35 am
by madroswellfan
(ooc: Lol...Im sorry I couldnt resist doing this...)

I grin as I see Maria dancing away. Thats my chica! Oh how I love this time of year!
"I think Alex should come dance with us now,"
I bite my lip for a moment when an idea hits me...there is one song I love the most this time of year...
"One sec..."

I quickly dash behind the counter and pull out the stereo thats linked up to the stereos around the room. I quickly grab my favourite Christmas CD and quickly skip it to track 8. I grin as I hear the opening bars to my absolutely favourite song.

I grin wickedly at Maria when the main tune begins.
"When the snowman brings the snow..." I start singing along to it.
"Well he just might like to know
He's put a great big smile on sombody's face
If you jump into your bed
Quikly cover up your head"

I ignore the fact that its gone quiet in the cafe.

"Don't you lock the doors
You know that sweet santa clause is on the way..."

I hear stomping from next door. So I decide to sing louder as the chorus comes on
"Well I wish it could be christmas everyday..."
Suddenly Dad is running into the room and snaps the stereo off. I look up at him in surprise.
"Dad?! What the..."

"I dont like that song" he says gruffly.
I raise an eyebrow at him. "Wh...I...I didn't know that...."
He mutters something that I dont catch. "What daddy?"

"Just dont play that song Liz!" he growls at me. He grabs the CD from the stereo and leaves the room. The Crashdown is deadly silent. I look at Maria and Alex confused. "What on Earth was that about?" I ask.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:55 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I'm dancing with Liz, half letting myself enjoy it, when she goes over and switches the radio to the forboden song. Good god, I hope Jeff can't hear it. But then he stomps out, and yells at her about it, leaving Liz stunned and curious.

"What on Earth was that about?" She asks, and I look to Alex for support. "Um, nothing, it just really, really gets on your dad's nerves." I say quietly, walking over and putting the stereo on a nice, calm song, 'White Christmas.'

"So he just told us this morning not to play it, and you weren't down here yet." Of course, that's not the real reason. I mean, who could tolerate a song like that if your daughter really did have christmas every day.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:03 pm
by DestinyAwaits

I smile at Liz, as she comes over to see me. And before I know it, she's in a whirlwind of motion. At least she's happy. We all might be uspet about the life she missed out on, but ignorance really is bliss.

I can't even stop myself from smiling and laughing slightly as Maria even starts to enjoy herself. You don't see a lot of that these days. Maria being spunky and firey like she used to be. It just doesn't happen. She spends too much of her time blaming herself for Liz's condition and trying to make Liz happy.

I don't even mind that I didn't ahve to go through and answer Liz's questions about tomorrow, because we all know tomorrow will never come....not for Liz anyway.

And then Liz plays the one song that the rest of us don't even joke about anymore and Jeff storms out and snaps at her. It's not like Liz knew the rest of us were living perpetual Christmases for her.

"Don't worry about it," I tell her, trying to calm her nerves, I know how much she hates to be at odds with her parents. "He just seems a little touchy today," I supply,"Maybe we should keep it low key..."

Maybe that will make things better, if we don't have to have Christmas cheer in spades, since for us, it's the middle of the summer.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:09 pm
by madroswellfan
"Um, nothing, it just really, really gets on your dad's nerves."
I look at her oddly for a moment. "Wh..what?" I mutter. I watch as she goes over to the stereo and puts on White Christmas.

"So he just told us this morning not to play it, and you weren't down here yet."
The customers slowly start talking again.

I cross my arms. "That..doesn't make sense...he was listening to it yesterday... we were all in here bopping away to it..."
I raise an eyebrow. "Whats going on?" I ask quietly.

"Don't worry about it, He just seems a little touchy today, Maybe we should keep it low key..." Alex says
Low-key? Its Christmas!

I look at them for a moment before deciding that clearly they weren't going to tell me everything.

"Fine" I mutter, with a slight angry tone. Grabbing my order book I go from behind the counter and start asking for orders, huffily.
What arent they telling me?! They tell me everything!

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:26 pm
by DestinyAwaits

I sigh as Liz starts describing the day before Christmas Eve, years ago when that song didn't hold our worst fears in it yet. I glance over at Maria with a raised eyebrow.

I'm always scared that there will be a day when she'll figure it all out and she'll crash, she'll shut down. She won't understand. And then she'll go to sleep, and maybe that next day she'll remember again, maybe she won't. But she'll never remember rememebring.

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask Maria softly,"Just let her cool off??" She's never gotten this upset with me, with us. But then again, we ahven't ahd a slip up like this in a while.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:00 pm
by Zansgirl

I watch as Alex enters and Liz and Maria start to Dance. I watch as Liz goes of to get that CD. That CD. The CD that has been playing for the last couple of year, everyday. The CD that makes me want to drop everything and push away to the side that I'm a man and just sit down a cry. Yes, Kyle Valenti wants to cry everytime he hears that song.

Then, Jeff stomps out and grabs the CD. I can't really hear whats going on with the fries that are bubbling, but I have a pretty good guess at whats being said. I frown, this is how I'm going to spend the rest of my life. I'm going to be here for Liz. I would never leave. But, sometimes my mind wonders and the question 'what if?' pops into my head, but then I'm reminded of Liz and how much she needs me and I know. I know I have to stay, for her.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:23 pm
by DestinyAwaits

My stomach lurches agian as we stadn here, by the jeep, probably looking stupid as we stare at this Crashdown place in open mouthed shock.

I need to eat. And I need to eat now.

"Okay, I don't care if these people are certifiable," I comment as I heard towards the building, knowing that the others are following me. When I'm working on a decent hangover and begging to eat french fries, well, sometimes I get a little moody with people. They might need to do damage control.

I pull the door open slowly and walk inside, picking out one of the nearest booths available for us to sit in.

And this whole place is decorated like Christmas. Theyre playing Christmas songs. I can't hold back the,"What the fuck," that bubbles out of me.

Christmas decorations are good for one thing though: mellow lighting. And I grin slightly as I push my shades on top of my head. And right now, a mellow song is playing. And I'm not moving. My head completely and totally feels relief. Now my stomach just needs to.