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Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:03 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for all of the replies it is great seeing what all you have to say. I love Krit too which is why he is a main part of the story so there will be more of him in the rest of the fic. Please let me know what you all think of the next part!

Part 34


“Your sister? Wait I thought Zack was her brother.” Max said in confusion.

“Yes well she has several brothers all who are looking for an excuse to get rid of you permanently.” Krit said in such a calm voice that it sent chills up my back how deadly his voice sounds.

“Really because for the longest time Liz and the Parkers never mentioned anything about anymore children so you will excuse me if I am having a hard time buying everything.” Max said smirking.

“Careful Evens you are treading on very thin ice right now.” Maxie said her eyes narrowing.

“So what are you all doing here in Roswell? For years I have never seen any of you and now out of the blue you all decide to come to Roswell.” Max asked his face contorting in anger.

“Some family issues came up that need dealing with.” Krit said.

“So Liz how are things with Alec?” Max asked in a mocking tone.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked my eyes narrowing. Something is off here.

“Well I am assuming Krit here knows what I am like the others so I am just going to come out and say it. Alec is not the man you belong with I am and I am wiling to do anything to prove it.” Max said as he started to walk away.

“When are you going to take the hint? Liz does not want you.” Maxie said with her hands on her hips.

“You have a lot of spunk in you, one of these days it is going to land you in a very sticky situation.” Max said.

“Like I am afraid of some former alien king in the body of a teenage boy whose strongest power is to heal. I see a lot of damage being done there.” Maxie said laughing.

“You forget I have a second in command and an ice princess of a sister who would gladly take you down.” Max said as he walked away.

“Do you think he knows they are working with us and that his “Wife” is as well?” I asked smiling.

“I highly doubt it.” Krit said.

“So where to Liz it is ten at night and I am no where near sleepy.” Max said as the three of us continue walking.

“Well do you guys want to walk to the desert and train a little?” I asked.

“Mind if we come?” Alec asked as he and Zack came out of the shadow of the building we are standing next to.

“Let’s go.” I said as the five of us walk all the way to the New Mexico desert.

Isabel POV

“Maria, Tess you guys still awake?” I asked.

“Yes.” They both reply.

“Where are Liz and Max?” I asked.

“They don’t sleep remember they are probably in the café just goofing off.” Maria said sitting up.

“I don’t think so I heard the back door close twice.” I said sting up as Tess sits up as well.

“You think they all left?” Tess asked.

“Yes I think they left because they did not want to wake us up, but I can not sleep.” I said wrapping my blanket around me.

“Yes neither could I all that stuff from earlier is just swimming around in my head not allowing me a moments rest.” Maria grumbled.

“That was a lot of stuff to take in. I mean Liz being in Manticore longer, and Krit coming.” I said.

“I get the feeling that this is only the begging of a whole bunch of bombshells.” Tess said letting out a deep sigh.

“Okay guys I can not take it lets get out of here and go to the desert I am too wired to stay here.” I said.

“Let’s go.” Maria said as we quietly exit Liz’s bedroom and head towards the desert.

“Are we going to walk?” Maria asked.

“Heck no can we take your car?” I asked.

“Sure.” Maria said as the three of us pile into her car.

“So what do you think of Krit?” Tess asked.

“He is cool. He reminds me a lot of Liz.” I said laughing.

“Yes. You know I hate to admit it but I always thought of Liz as safe. Even when I knew her secret and what she was she always was safe to me. It is like when ever Zack is around I see this whole different side of Liz, a Liz who is care free and just well wild.” Maria said.

“I know I thought that as well, but seeing her now it totally changed my views of her and now I will admit it I respect her.” I said as we near the pod chamber.

“When I first came to Roswell I envied Liz and how normal she was. Now I don’t, I see that she has more hiding to do then me. My enemy does not even live in this galaxy her enemies are just right next door. She has to watch her back more then we do.” Tess said as we start climbing the cliffs.

“This place still gives me the creeps. No offence.” Maria said.

“None taken. I feel the same way. So much pain has happened here and it seems like nothing good can come from it.” I said.

“You came from there so that is at least a little good.” Maria said trying to make Tess and I feel better.

“Thanks.” I whispered trying to blink back the tears from all the pain this place holds.

“Hey what is that?” Tess asked pointing someplace a little farther away from the pod chamber.

“I don’t know but from the looks of it I think it is a fight.” I said.

“Come on lets go get a better look.” Maria said as we followed Tess down the side of the rock formation. We quietly crept up on the group and hide behind a boulder.

“Ahh.” A female voice yelled as a male throws her in the air. She does a flip in the air and lands on her feet in a fighting stance ready to retaliate.

“What the?” Maria asked as the female turns into a blur, and so does the male. Next to them are three others fighting. The one seems to be doing better then the other two. The two blurred figures come into focus as the female throws the male; he lands on his butt.

“Ow Liz that hurt.” Krit groaned.

“Sorry I thought you were ready for that one.” Liz said. Liz suddenly flipped into the air and Krit sprung up and kicked the blur in the air as he grabbed hold of Liz and chucked her through the air, she landed on the ground with a crack. Liz bolted back up only to deflect attacks from Max and Alec as Krit and Zack fought.

“Wow I have to say you all are good.” I said coming out from behind the boulder.

“Isabel, what are you doing here?” Zack asked holding Max in a headlock.

“We came out to the pod chamber to hang out for a while when Tess saw you so we came to check things out.” I said.

“Tess?” Liz asked as Maria and Tess came from behind the boulder.

“We could not sleep so we drove to the pod chamber.” Maria said explaining again.

“We came out here to blow off some steam and train a little.” Max said as Zack lets her go. Alec releases the chock hold he had on Liz and the pressure he was applying to Krit’s windpipe with his foot.

“What Max means is Alec and Liz are wiping the desert floor with us.” Krit said shaking off the sand.

“How did you stay so well conditioned Liz?” Alec asked.

“Whenever I saw Zack we would train. Also I come out here to the desert to work out where no one can see me.” Liz said.

“Logan still back at the house?” Max asked.

“Yes as far as we know we did not check.” Tess said.

“Wait you said something about a pod chamber what is it and where?” Krit asked.

“You see that weird rock formation that was the pod chamber. It stored the pods we hatched from and the Granilith. That was until Tess here took off back to our home world.” I said.

“Now it’s just what is left.” Maria said.

“We still come out here once in a while to think, but sometimes it is hard to get past all the pain that place has caused. The place is bathed in blood because of the secret it kept.” Tess said.

“Yeah I imagine Kal and Nasedo had to do a great deal to hide the eight of you.” Liz said.

“Wait eight?” Krit asked.

“Yes we have clones. Max’s was killed, Rath and Lonnie are messed up and well Ava as far as we know is the only sane one.” I said.

“What do your protectors do exactly?” Alec asked.

“They keep us safe and away from danger, or they did, they really only had to protect us in the pods. Now that we are out if they don’t want to they do not have to.” Tess said.

“Sounds kind of messed up.” Max said.

“Yeah but who are we to say that I mean look at us.” Krit pointed out.

“Okay I hate to be the one to point this out, but I have never seen you all fight and well it was a little scary.” Maria said causing the others to smile in pride.

“Did you see how fast they were moving it was neat? I loved it when Krit through Liz and Liz did that flip thing in the air. It was so cool.” Tess giggled.

“Thanks we are not really used to people saying we fight well.” Alec said.

“I guess so.” I said.

“Do you think you could teach me how to fight?” Tess asked.

“Sure. Isabel do you want to learn?” Liz asked.

“Yes, but what about Maria?” I asked.

“I am already being taught. I am going on three years now.” Maria said with pride.

“Cool what can you do?” Krit asked.

“Come on Maria lets show them what a good teacher I am.” Liz said as all of us stand to the side as Maria and Liz circle each other. Maria throws the first punch, which Liz easily blocks. Next Liz tries to kick Maria in the stomach, which Maria blocks by grabbing Liz’s foot and twisting it causing Liz to stumble. This goes on for a while as the two deliver many blows. Liz is the only one getting shots in, but Maria is holding her own. Then they stopped.

“That’s great Maria most can not last a second against a Transgenic, but you held your own.” Zack said.

“You must be doing well for Zack to compliment you.” Liz said.

“I am hoping to get to the point where Liz will not have to hold back, but I know that is a long way away. I think that if I am lucky I could take a guard.” Maria said.

“Just a little more training and you could.” Liz put her arm around her friend.

“Come on guys lets get back to the café the sun is coming up and we need to open the café tomorrow.” Liz said.

“Okay, Isabel, Tess and I can drive and we have room for two more.” Maria said.

“I am going to run back who is coming with?” Liz asked.

“I will.” Alec, Krit, Max, and Zack chorused.

“Okay so we will see you guys there.” Liz said as the five transgenic's blur away.

“Gee they sure are fast.” I muttered as the three of us piled into Maria’s car.

“Yeah and to think that is them going slow.” Maria said.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:31 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for all of the great reviews! please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 35

Logan POV

“Where are they?” I asked. I woke up an hour ago to find the place empty I even went down to the café to see if they were there but they were not. They were all gone.

“So I was like Pam…” Liz trailed off when she came in. She and the others are all sweaty.

“Where were all of you I was worried sick?” I asked cringing knowing I sounded like their father.

“Gee dad we just went to work out.” Alec said confirming my previous thoughts.

“Well it would have been nice if someone came and told me this maybe I would have liked to come.” I folded my arms across my chest.

“That is okay you would have just slowed us down.” Tess said.

“Yeah we just did not want to wake you. None of us could sleep so we just went to do stuff.” Max said trying to sooth me.

“Why do I get the feeling more happened then what you all are letting on?” I asked.

“Logan we just worked out and trained a little.” Alec said.

“Really well I could have offered pointers and told you all what to work on.” I said.

“Uh Logan we are trained soldiers we know what we are doing.” Zack rolled his eyes at me.

“Besides what could you add to this?” Krit asked.

“I have been in the felid long enough to know that we need to train hard so that Lydecker does not catch us unprepared.” I said.

“Logan drop the lecture you have not been in the field, you send Max to do all of your dirty work while you sit behind your computer.” Liz said.

“Really well I know Max, Zack and Krit need more training because unlike some of you they are not trained killers.” I spat getting fed up with Liz’s mightier then thou attitude.

“Oh I am going to…” Liz lunged at me but thankfully Alec caught her before she can do any damage.

“See her first instinct is to kill me she does not bother talking about her problems.” I said folding my arms across my chest. I think I proved my point.

“Logan?” Maria asked.

“Yes?” I asked.

“DUCK!” She yelled launching herself at me. Even with my exoskeleton on I am not able stop her.

“Maria, stop please!” I yelled as she punched and clawed at my face repeatedly. I taste a sweet copper in my mouth; blood. She drew blood.

“Whoa Maria.” Krit said as Zack and Krit pulled her off me; they are having a really hard time.

“Logan just, just go in your room.” Isabel said.

“Excuse me where do you get off telling me that young lady I am old enough to be your father!” I yelled.

“Yeah and my adoptive dad is no where near as mean as you and my dad who is High King of Antar would feed you to the Gandarium!” Isabel screamed as she too launched herself at me. I feel this electrical sensation coursing through my body. I look at Isabel to see her hands on my chest sending this red energy through me.

“Isabel!” Zack yelled as he yanked her off of me.

“What is wrong with you people? I was only trying to help!” I yelldd turning and stomping off to my room. I will show them!


“I can not stand him any longer! I am sorry Max but he went to far this time!” I said hearing my parents’ bedroom door close.

“I know and you have no reason to be sorry Liz. I think I am just now seeing the true Logan Cale.” Max said hurt.

“Max this is going to sound so clichéd but there are other fish in the sea. There are so many guys out there who would gladly take you out and want to get to know you.” Isabel said.

“I know, I know that I am an attractive woman I can admit it because I was made to be beautiful but I guess I just wanted to believe that Logan was one of the good ones and that he liked me for me and that he was not just using me because of my abilities.” Max sounded so utterly crushed.

“He was stupid Max you are special and a guy would have to be down right stupid not to see that and love that about you.” I said.

“I know it will just take me some time.” Max said smiling slightly.

“Well we will not push you.” Tess said.

“Okay now I know this is so going to kill this moment we were all having, but we all stink we need to shower. Who is going first?” Max asked.

“I think the guys should go first!” Maria said plugging her nose for the added effect. I did not want to add that I thought they smelled good, it was their natural sent amplified.

“Want to join me Maria?” Krit asked wiggling his eyebrows.

“Sorry already taken and if I remember correctly so are you.” Maria said.

“Yes but I am sure Syl will not mind.” Krit said playing with Maria.

“How could you do that to Syl?” Maria asked outraged. She looks around the room at all of us.

“Wait that was a joke.” She said laughing finally catching on.

“Yes. After all of us shower, we can all open the café. Guys if you would not mind I would love it if you helped out today. We were really understaffed this week and Maria, Michael and I could really use the help?” I asked.

“I am in Tess?” Isabel asked.

“I am so in.” Tess said.

“The rest of us will help as well.” Max said.

“Okay everyone lets get this over with we have two bathrooms and nine of us so hop to it!” I yelled with a laugh as Alec and Krit hopped in the air.
Surprisingly it only took three hours for us all to get our showers. We had to stop after each shower so that the hot water could regenerate.

“So Liz is Kyle coming in today?” Tess asked as we prepare the café to open for the day. It looks like we will all be working.

“Yes he comes in usually for breakfast with his dad.” I said.

“Great.” Tess said.

“So planning on having that talk this morning?” Isabel asked unable to hide her glee.

“Yes I want to get everything out in the open as soon as possible. Also I want to see Jim and ask him if I can stay with him and Kyle again.” Tess said with a sheepish grin.

“Does Jim know that you are back?” Maria asked.

“Kyle said it would be better if he told his dad first. It hit him pretty hard when I left according to Kyle. I know that Jim saw us off, but when you all came back and I did not he took it hard.” Tess said.

“Yeah and then with his lousing his job and then just recently getting it back things over at the Valenti place have been tense.” I said feeling bad for Tess having had to give up the two people who were the only real family she ever had.

“I just hope they will both forgive me eventually.” Tess said.

“It will take time, but they will.” Maria said.

“Hey everyone.” Michael said as he came in.

“Hey Michael. Michael do you know if Max will be stopping by?” Isabel questioned.

“I don’t think so why?”

“Just wondering.” Isabel said.

“Don’t worry Isabel I think Krit scared him enough last night. I don’t think Max will come in today.” I said.

“Why what happened?” Maria asked tying her apron.

“Krit gave him a warning and when Max blew it off Krit punched him.” Max said laughing.

“Go Krit.” Tess laughed as she came out in a uniform, the antennas bobbed as she bounced around the café.

“Morning everyone!” Kyle yelled as him and his dad came into the café and took a seat at the counter. In the morning it was their favorite spot to sit.

“Hey Kyle, Sheriff.” I brought over the coffee.

“Tess.” Jim said looking at her soaking in her appearance as if she was going to disappear at any moment.

“Hey Jim. I was wondering if I could talk to you and Kyle for a second.” Tess said fidgeting with her apron, poor girl was so nervous.

“Sure.” They both said looking to me.

“Go on you can use the back room none of us will disturb you.” I said as Tess ushered them into the backroom.

“Poor girl I hope she can work everything out.” Krit said.

“Krit have you taken a liking to Tess?” Max asked.

“Yes she is a nice girl.” Krit said.

Tess POV

My palms are actually sweaty! I am starting to shake that is how nervous I am. “So Tess you are back.” Jim shied.

“Yes, I am sorry I did not come and tell you in person. Kyle and I thought it might be better if he told you first.” I said.

“Yeah well it sure was a shock.” Jim said.

“I am so sorry for leaving you both and for leaving you to deal with all of those questions. Also for making you all think that you had let a killer live in your home. If there were another way where I would not hurt the two of you I would have done it. You two were the only people who accepted me; you were my family.” I said trying not to cry. Since when did I become all emotional?

“Tess Kyle told me what happened and I too am sorry. I am sorry that I could not protect you from that monster and that you had to leave.” Jim said giving me a hug.

“Thank you. I used to think Nasedo was like my father, but now when I look back on it you were more of a father to me. You taught me how to care about others and what was right and just plain wrong. You taught me how to be human.” I said causing Jim to tear up as well as Kyle.

“Thank you Tess that ah that means a great deal to me.” Jim said.

“Kyle you have been a great friend and at times a pain in the butt but you accept me flaws and all. You always stuck up for me and you have no idea how much that means to me.” I said making the other guy shift around.

“Thanks Tess.” Kyle said smiling slightly.

“Tess do you have a place to stay?” Jim asked.

“Not really. Michael offered for me to stay at his place but it would only be temporary.” I said.

“Kyle and I discussed it last night and we would like you to come live with us again.” Jim said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Really. So what do ya say?” Jim asked.

“I would love that thank you.” I said.

“Great well I am going back upfront.” Jim said leaving as Kyle started to follow I stopped him.

“Kyle wait I need to talk to you.” I said.

“Sure Tess what’s up?” He asked sitting on the couch again.

“I know I hurt you really bad I made you think that you carried one of your best friend’s bodies. Like I said before, I whish there had been another way or some way that did not involve hurting you.” I said.

“Listen Tess I know you were just doing what you had to, to protect your people.” Kyle said, but I can still see pain in his eyes.

“Yes but it hurt the people I love. Kyle I like you and I want to have things be normal between us again.” I said why can I not get out what I want to say.

“What do you mean by like?” Kyle asked with a hopeful expression.

“I like you like you, you know in the, I want to jump your bones kind of way.” I said.

“Ah…ah…that is ah…are you serious?” Kyle asked.

“Yes. I am sorry if it makes you uncomfortable its just I have liked you for so long…” I trailed off feeling uncomfortable.

“Tess the reason I took your leaving so hard was because I too have feelings for you. I too like you. When you said you were having Max’s kid it hurt a lot.” Kyle said.

“Really I just thought that you thought of me as your sister and that you were mad at Max because he knocked up your sister.” I said.

“No I was mad at him because he walks all over everyone and if he does not get his way he throws a hissey fit. He took Liz away from me and then you. The only problem is when he took you it hurt a lot more.” Kyle said.

“Well if it makes you feel any better I never had feelings for Max.” I said.

“Really?” Kyle asked.

“Really. Even in our past life I thought of him more as a brother or best friend.” I said.

“Okay I know this is jumping the gun by a long shot here, but Tess will you go to prom with me? I promise it will be better them the last one.” Kyle asked.

“I would love to Kyle and yes this prom will be better then the last.” I said I could not help but grin.

“But before hand I think we should take the time to get to know each other again. You will be living with me and dad so it will give us plenty of time right?” Kyle asked.

“Right.” I said.

“Let’s go back out into the café before the others get worried.” Kyle laughed leading the way.

“Kyle you are such a cornball.” I said.

“And you love it.”


“Look here come Tess and Kyle and they are both smiling I take that as a good sign.” I said.

“Okay so are you still staying with us?” Jim asked eyeing Kyle.

“Yes she is we just had a few things to work out.” Kyle said.

“Like what?” Michael asked.

“Like Kyle and I going to prom together.” Tess said.

“Yes!” I yelled running to hug Tess just like the other girls and Krit. We all look at him funny.

“What I got caught up in the moment.” He said letting go of Tess.

“Okay like you guys did not see that one coming.” Kyle said.

“We knew you two had some issues to clear up, but we knew you two would go together.” I said.

“Well as fun as this has been I have to get to work. Tess you can start moving your stuff in today.” Jim said as he tipped his hat and left the café with his cup of coffee.

“I can not wait I get my own bed!” Tess said with a dreamy look.

“Looks like it is back to the couch for me.” Kyle said smiling.

“Yes well we will have to talk to your dad about adding an addition to the house.” Tess said.

“Would ya?” Kyle asked. The bell over the door rings as two men walk in both are in suits.

“Excuse me I have to go take their orders.” I said walking over to the two men who were talking quietly.

“Hi welcome to the Crashdown can I get you something to drink?” I asked.

“Just water for me.” The one man replied without looking up.

“Same.” The other man replied only he looked up, when he was looking at me something weird happened to his eyes sort of like the look transgenics get when we recognize another transgenic.

“Sure coming right up.” I said.

“Wow that man is hot.” Maria said causing Michael to frown.

“I know you can see the muscles under his clothes.” Isabel said causing Zack to get this funny look.

“He seems familiar some how.” I said.

“I think he can hear us.” Krit said as we all turn to see the guy laughing. The other guy was looking at him funny.

“I know I have seen him before.” I said biting my lip this is really bugging me.

“Here are the waters.” Maria said pushing me over to their table.

“You think you have seen me before?” The one man asked. This time I soak in his appearance I knew I had seen him before.

“You.” I said causing the others to look our way.

“Fe’nos tol.” The man growled.

“Form our ancestors. For our children’s children.” I said.

“For my father before me and for my sons.” The man replied.

“For my mother before me and for my daughters.” I said.

“So it is you.” The man said.

“How did I know to say that? Why did I say that?” I asked.

“Because it was programmed into you at birth. It is in your genes like mine. You are not just a transgenic Liz you are a familiar.” The man said. Oh this cannot be good.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:36 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey everyone so sorry for the long wait I have not been able to get online for almost a month to post I have had this part ready and it has been killing me not to be able to post it I even tried to go to the local cafe and library but no luck :? but here is the next part and please let me know what you think!

Part 36

Ames POV

She looks just like her picture. I remember when the priestess told me I had a baby sister and that she was at Manticore. My first instinct was to go charging in there but then she told me the worst of it. Humans were raising my baby sister. It was typical dad, go impregnate some mother of freaks. Yup good old dad stepped out on my mother and then the girl before me is the result.

“What!” A blonde girl screamed hysterically.

“You must be Maria one of Liz’s best friends. Listen we have been watching Liz since she was a baby we had to make sure nothing bad happened to her. My name is Ames White and this is my partner Otto.” I said.

“Oh so you are gay.” Alec said.

“No I meant he is my work partner we are with the FBI.” I said.

“Sir?” Otto asked.

“Otto you know what I am right?” I asked.

“Yes.” Otto said looking guilty. I thought he might know after all he has been oddly cooperative as of late.

“Well Liz is my half sister we have the same dad which is all that is important. We recently found that the father can pass his abilities on to his third born daughters as well not just sons, but it only works with males. Female Familiars can not have male Familiar sons.” I said.

“Oh.” Otto said understanding written all over his face. I knew this guy was smart.

“I am a transgenic!” Liz yelled.

“True, your genes were messed with and you have a lot of animal in you, but some of your abilities come from your father.” I said.

“We don’t have fathers.” Max said.

“That is correct 452 but my dad decided what could it hurt your mom was extremely beautiful so well here is Liz.” I said.

“And your dad would be?” Zack asked.

“Sandaman.” Max said.

“Correct 452.” I said I have to admit this girl is impressive.

“And that would be?” Krit asked.

“The man that created all of you. He started Manticore much to our horror.” I said.

“Wait a minute you said you were a Familiar aren’t you the bad guys?” Isabel asked.

“Correct. I have to admit you are a smarter group then what I was expecting.” I said.

“Gee thanks.” Michael said.

“How do you know our designations?” Max asked.

“I was told to hunt down and kill any transgenics. I can not kill you all in Manticore but once you all go out on missions or escape well then you are fair game.” I said laughing slightly.

“You mean you are one of the guys that keeps capturing us when we go on our missions?” Alec asked.

“Yes 494 I distinctly remember capturing you once though I doubt you remember me.” I said smiling.

“No I remember you very clearly now. You are the reason I spent four months in Psy-Ops.” Alec said folding his arms across his chest in a defiant stance.

“Well as fun as this chat has been I am here for my sister so if you don’t mind.” I said.

“You are not going anywhere with her.” Tess said extending her hand.

“What do you think you can do to me Tess? I have far superior powers and training then all of you.” I said anticipating Tess’s move.

“Wanna bet?” She asked firing a blast at me that hits me square in the chest.

“Nice shot.” I said not even flinching.

“Why are you still standing? You should at least be doubled over in pain.” Tess said worry covering her features.

“My turn.” I said jumping in the air. The others come flying at me as well. I block all of their weak punches and kicks.

“What the.” I said feeling a solid hit land not that it hurt. I look and see Max had hit me.

“I read about you 452. You 494 and my sister are the best of the best all three of you have superior genetics.” I said as we all begin to fight again.

“Take that.” Tess said stabbing my arm with a stake knife.

“What?” I asked looking at the knife sticking out of my arm. I pull the knife out as blood starts to ooze out of the wound. I wipe the blade on a napkin.

“Why are you not reacting to things that should cause pain?” Michael asked as everyone except Liz backed off; she did not fight me.

“I don’t feel pain.” I said as if it was not the most obvious thing and here I thought these people were smart.

“Why not?” Maria asked.

“Because pain is a weakness the mind can over come. Pain only slows you down in battle.” Liz said.

“Very good.” I said.

“How can you move like that? You move like us?” Zack asked his face blank like a good little solider.

“I am your worst nightmare kid and like you it is all in the genes except I was born like this and not cooked up in some test tube.” I said smirking.

“What is it with bad guys or genetically enhanced people and smirking?” Maria asked.

“What?” Michael asked.

“So not the right time to analyze the facial features of an enemy Maria.” Kyle scoffed.

“I have seen you before and not just…I have seen you before.” Liz said in awe.

“I know Renfro brought you to us once so that you could be tested. That is how you got that mark on your arm which I see you have been covering with makeup.” I said pointing to her right forearm.

“They stabbed me with a burning blade covered in snake venom. It left that weird medical symbol.” Liz pouted.

“I know it is the symbol of our race. See I have one as well.” I said rolling up my sleeve to show her. Liz takes a napkin and gets water and slowly scrubs at her arm. The makeup soon washes off and the mark is clearly visible.

“OMG Liz!” Maria screamed looking at Liz’s arm.

“Sorry Maria I just hate it and the memory that comes with it.” Liz said.

“Understandable it is painful and kills many only the strong survive.” I said.

“Oh gee we are so impressed by your strength.” Max said, but it was lacking the venom she usually has when insulting people. I should know I have been watching her and the others for a long time.

“Max according to the people who did this they said most show symptoms and they were all freaked out when I did not show any.” Liz said.

“I know I heard about that. Listen I have to get going tell Renfro hi for me.” I said motioning for Otto that it was time to go. I threw down a bunch of bills knowing it was more then enough for just water.

“Wait how can I contact you?” Liz asked me causing me to stop; I cannot believe I almost forgot.

“Here my number is the first on speed dial. Otto is number 2, I founds Zack’s cell number and his is 3, Alec 4, Max aka 452 number 5, Krit/Syl 6, Maria 8, Isabel 9, Kyle 10, the Sheriff 11, and there are six more slots for more numbers.” I said as Otto and I leave, Liz just looked at the black cell phone I handed her.

“Fe’nos tol.” Liz said.

“Fe’nos tol.” I said.


I feel so dirty finding out I am related to the enemy. “Liz?” Max asked knowing me and what I am feeling.

“I just, I just…I never thought that this symbol helped link me to the enemy.” I said.

“Liz just because you share the same family member does not mean you are them.” Alec said with a haunted look.

“I know or I think I know. It was so weird seeing him I saw him in my vision and when I saw him just now something in side of me just came to life.” I said shuddering.

“What was that about You, Max, and Alec having superior DNA?” Krit asked.

“We don’t have any junk DNA all of our DNA has a purpose.” Alec said.

“And you know this how?” Zack asked.

“Because I got injured once and they did this analysis on me and found I was one of three that had no junk DNA.” Alec said.

“Liz what did you say before? What does it mean?” Kyle asked.

“It was sort of like a greeting letting the other person know you will carry on the line or something like that it is hard to explain.” I said.

“The way he fought it was like us except different there was no emotion behind it just power.” Max said looking worried.

“What was that about him having more abilities then us?” Alec asked.

“Oh why did I not see it before!” I yelled.

“What?” Alec asked.

“Tess said I had to be born with the power to see into the future and that Manticore did not know. That is impossible they crate us specifically for things, what if I get it from my dad and that Manticore did not know because they did not know at first that I was a Familiar?” I asked looking around the café at my friends.

“It is possible.” Alec said a pensive look on his face.

“Wonder what else you have received from them?” Max asked.

“I don’t know but if the way he fought was any hint I can say it will be deadly.” I said with a shudder remembering the way he used deadly pin point accuracy to fight his moves were sharp and swift always a step ahead of the others. Max and Alec were the only ones that could get a blow in and that was rare.

“His speed was amazing he seemed to sense our moves before we made them and countered them with moves I never would have thought to use.” Max said awe in her voice.

“Back at Manticore I was one of the best it is scary to think that he is just a sample of what we will be going up against and I sensed he was holding back for Liz’s sake.” Alec said looking at me dead in the eye.

“Even worse he knows about us.” Maria said looking at everyone and pointedly at Michael, Isabel and Tess.

“I know did you see how he felt like no pain when I blasted him? That was a strong enough blast to make anyone scream bloody murder.” Tess said looking somewhat panicked.

“It is in his training to not feel pain.” I said.

“What?” Isabel asked looking very confused.

“At Manticore we were taught a little about blocking pain but it never worked completely. I think White has mastered it and so have the others.” I said.

“Why did he not have the same last name?” Max asked getting up to pace a little.

“I don’t know maybe to throw people off.” I suggested.

“No it has to go deeper then that. When he was talking about your dad I detected a hint of disdaining his voice that he was trying to mask.” Max said.

“Did you guys not notice the fact that he was with the FBI?” Michael asked looking paler then usual; he looked scared.

“OMG you are right and so was the other guy.” Maria said starting to hyperventilate.

“Maria sweetie breath, breath.” I instructed.

“That does not mean he was with the special unit.” Kyle pointed out.

“No but it would be just our luck if he was.” Isabel said.

“He is with the special unit.” A man said walking into the café.

“Kal!” Tess yelled running to the short bald man.

“No way!” Kyle yelled looking like a kid in a candy store.

“What?” Michael asked.

“It’s Kal Langley the famous Hollywood producer!” Kyle yelled causing the man in question to smile.

“That I am Kyle but I am also one of the Royal Four’s protectors.” Kal said causing everything to go quiet.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 7:46 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for your replies to part 36 after such a long wait it is great seeing you are all still with the story. Ames will play a key role in the future and there will be some great interactions between Liz and White in several chapters from now. No need to fear though there will be Liz and Alec action soon :twisted: it will just take a little bit still. Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 37


“What are you doing here?” Tess asked still smiling.

“I came because I can sense trouble brewing, the enemy is coming and it is someone I fear that we all know that will betray us.” Kal said looking depressed.

“Who?” I asked fearing it one of us.

“Max Evens or Zan, I do not know why I did not sense it before when he came to LA but he is going to switch sides on us but to which I do not know.” Kal said his sadness is overwhelming.

“It is not your fault Kal.” I said causing him to look directly at me.

“Liz, right?” He asked.

“Yes and it is not your fault. Max does things on his own he is doing these things on his own free will no one is forcing him to act like a jerk.” I said.

“So his being a jerk is not just something he saves for me?” Kal asked smiling slightly.

“No I am afraid he is like that with all of us.” Isabel said.

“He is confused he does not know what his actions will lead to.” Kal said.

“What do they lead to?” Michael asked.

“To his downfall as well as all of yours. Well except for Liz here.” Kal said looking at me suspiciously.

“He thinks himself in love with Liz.” Tess said.

“That would explain that then.” Kal said the suspicion going away but he is still looking at me funny.

“What?” I asked.

“Asclepius?” Kal asked.

“Excuse me?” I asked not understanding what he is saying.

“Liz, Asclepius was the Greek God of healing.” Max pointed out.

“You bare the symbol of the ancient ones and Asclepius’s symbol.” Kal said pointing to my arm.

“Oh yeah that.” I said looking at the scare with disgust.

“Why do you have it only the ancient ones have it?” Kal asked looking more worried then anything.

“Maybe because I am an ancient one.” I said my voice rumbling, I can feel a hot liquid fire coursing through my veins.

“OMG Liz!” Tess shrieked backing away from me like I was going to kill her.

“Liz what is wrong with your eyes? Why are they blood red?” Kyle asked looking freaked.’

“What?” I asked running to the bathroom where I look into the mirror.

“Oh Liz what is going on?” Tess asked looking worried.

“Liz who was the last person you spoke with who is not in the bathroom with us right now?” Kal asked turning me so that he can get a better look at my eyes.

“Um my supposed half brother Ames White.” I said.

“And he was one of the FBI guys?” Kal asked.

“Yes.” I said.

“Did you feel anything weird when he was here?” Kal asked pulling me out of the restroom as the others follow us out back into the café.

“Yes I felt this weird warm stirring inside me like I was waking up.” I said looking down at the tile floor of the café.

“Liz I think he woke up a part of you that you will not like so much.” Kal said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked getting scared.

“Your in-human side has been at rest for a long time now I can sense it I can sense how restless it is and how badly it wants to show itself. Fight it Liz for as long as possible let this new side have time to blend with your transgenic side so that it does not overpower you.” Kal said as he started to leave the café.

“Wait Kal where are you going?” Tess asked.

“To find an answer to my question.” He said turning back to look at us.

“Be careful tonight when you go to Manticore the enemy is there you just need to find it.” Kal said looking me in the eyes as if telling me I will know whom it is.

“We will be.” Michael said as Kal nods his head and leaves.

“Liz are you okay?” Maria asked putting her hand on my shoulder to get my attention.

“No I don’t understand any of this and I want my eyes to go back to normal.” I said feeling ready to cry.

“Whoa that is too weird.” Maria said looking me in the eyes.

“Maria I know they look gorse but I don’t need you to say it.” I said feeling hurt.

“No Liz when you said you wanted your eyes to go back to normal they went back to normal.” Tess said smiling.

“What?” I asked running back into the girl’s bathroom.

“You know I have never been in the girl’s bathroom this many times let alone in a day.” Kyle said trying to lighten the atmosphere.

“Don’t get used to it.” Maria said.

“Okay this place is too cramped lets go back to the café where we have people to serve.” Tess said.

“Oh yeah right.” I said as we all head back into the café.

“Hey guys I was wondering for a second time today where you all went off to.” Logan said his hair is slicked back indicating his recent bathing.

“We just had to check something out.” Max said smiling.

“What?” Logan asked causing me to roll my eyes this guy gets on my nerves.

“Nothing.” I said.

“I think we should let the grown ups decide that Liz.” Logan said talking to me as if I was a child.

“Logan Liz is more of a grown up then you will ever be. She has seen more in her life then more elderly people.” Alec said his features showing his irritation.

“Yes well maybe that is because she was trained to see all of those things.” Logan said.

“What?” I asked this guy so does not make sense.

“You were trained to act all grown up and just given all of the knowledge that you have you did not have to work for it like the rest of us. You might act like a grown up Liz but you are really a scared little girl who is too, book smart for her own good.” Logan said.

“Hey she had to work for all the stuff she knows and I should know I have seen her with her nose buried in books always. Liz works for what she wants just like the rest of us and if you look into her eyes you would know that she is not some young naive girl she is older and wiser beyond her years.” Maria said. You can practically see the steam pouring out of her ears; her cheeks looking unusually red in contrast to her aqua or puke green uniform.

“Really and has Liz ever gotten anything below an A+?” Logan asked in a condescending voice.

“No because I work to make sure that I don’t get anything lower and it is not like I am taking blow off classes Logan I am in all AP classes.” I said getting bored with this conversation seeing as how there is not point.

“So again what were you all doing?” Logan asked.

“We were just checking out Liz’s eyes.” Alec said.

“Why?” Logan asked folding his arms across his chest trying to make himself look important.

“Because her eyes were this cool blood red and had this glow to them making her appear so…immortal.” Maria asked looking at the others.

“Yeah immortal, they looked so cool.” Kyle said smiling.

“Really then why do they look normal now?” Logan asked in his usual condescending tone.

“Because she willed them to go back to normal.” Krit said going to take a couples order that just came in.

“I wonder what Kal’s question is.” I said walking over to the counter.

“I don’t know but if he has one he will find an answer to it he is a much better protector then Nasedo.” Tess said.

“Guys I think it best not to tell Max that Kal was here, you know the history those two have.” I said as Krit goes over to the kitchen window and leaves the order with Michael as he goes and fills the drink order.

“Who is Kal?” Logan asked.

“Oh he is one of our protectors.” Tess said.

“When was he here?” Logan requested looking put off.

“Just a few minutes ago.” I told him.

“And none of you bothered to let me know? I would have liked to have talked with him a little he might be a useful ally for my Eyes Only missions.” Logan huffed.

“Um Logan I don’t think Kal would help you.” I said.

“Why not he is a protector he is obligated to help people so I will get him to help me.” Logan said as if it is the most understandable thing.

“Logan, Kal only protects us and that is a rare thing, and he is not too fond of humans I don’t think he will help.” Tess said trying to be a little nice.

“What makes you all so special? What about the humans on this planet?” Logan asked his face reddening.

“Logan they are the royal family of their race they get special protection just like the royals on this planet do.” Maria explained.

“So maybe if I just talked to him…” Logan persisted.

“No Logan and if you ask him I will make sure they never find your body.” Michael said looking really irritated as he handed Krit the order.

“You know there is an alien threat on this planet and the humans need protection too and I am going to make sure they get it.” Logan said.

“Logan what do you think we are here for? We are here to protect your incompetent race. No offense Maria and Kyle you and several others are exceptions to this statement.” Tess said looking completely infuriated.

“Well maybe I don’t feel comfortable with your race protecting me seeing as how you got yourselves killed in your past life.” Logan said spitting a little. Tess looked ready to cry as she ran out of the café. Michael threw down his apron and Isabel walked out the front door with Michael following. Maria, Zack and Kyle go to follow but I stopped them.

“Guys allow me.” I said and they reluctantly back off.

“Just let them know…” I cut Maria off.

“I will you can count on it.” I said running out after them.

“Michael, Tess, Isabel wait please!” I yelled causing the three to stop their power walk.

“Why did you come?” Tess asked.

“You mean why me and not the others?” I asked.

“Yes.” Tess said.

“Because I asked them to stay I wanted to talk to the three of you alone.” I said.

“Listen Liz…” I cut Michael off.

“No Michael I want you three to listen.” I said startling Michael.

“What Logan said was wrong you were betrayed and unprepared you never saw it coming.” I said taking the time to look each of them in the eye before I pull them into a side street with less foot traffic.

“You three are some of the strongest most capable fighters I have ever met and that is saying a great deal seeing as how I grew up in a place filled with soldiers trained to be the best. You three are loyal and know how to defend others and not just yourselves. Michael, Isabel, and Tess will you do me and the others the honor of fighting with the royals of the house of Antar?” I asked.

“Wow Liz you make us sound like heroes.” Tess said laughing I can see tears in her eyes that she is trying to hide.

“I will fight with you. Like Tess, and Isabel I think of you as one of my sisters and I would be glad to fight with you.” Michael said giving me a hug.

“Same here Liz I know at first I was not to fond of you but over time I saw you for the amazing person you are and I know that if I stick with you I know that not only will I have a best friend, but protector, comrade in arms and a sister. I would be glad to fight beside you.” Isabel said giving me a bear hug.

“Liz when I first came to Roswell I could sense your power it is so overwhelming a person can not help but feel loved and safe around you. Even when you hated me I knew you had my back and on numerous times you did. I think it is about time I had your back. I would love to fight with you…on the same side.” Tess said causing me to laugh as we hug.

“Guys thank you and the others love you they all wanted to come after you but I stopped them. Logan is wrong you are strong fighters and anyone who threatens to hurt you will have to answer to me. Seeing as how Logan has hurt you I think it time to put him in his place, but I am going to need your help with this.” I said going into solider mode.

“Uh Liz I think that threat would have been a lot more convincing if you were not in your uniform.” Michael said causing me to look down and remember how ridiculous I look.

“Thanks dad you picked the perfect outfit.” I grumbled.

“So what do you need us to do?” Tess asked looking excited.


Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:55 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks for the reviews guys please let me know what you think of the next part!

Part 38

Max G. POV

When I heard that jerk say what he said all I could see was red. If there had not been another couple there at the café I would have gladly gotten rid of Logan.

“OMG do you think they are okay?” Maria asked panicking, she is really worried about the three of them about their feelings being crushed.

“I don’t know Maria, but I do know Liz will do everything in her power to make things right.” I said looking at Logan who appeared un-apologetic. I cannot believe I actually wanted to be with him, he was a jerk.

“What do you have to say for yourself?” Maria asked Logan her hands on her hips. I think she was going for intimidation but the uniform and the antennas make her look less then threatening.

“What Maria you know I was telling the truth they are of no use to us they only think of themselves all I wanted was to meet their protector and they did not even think about it they just said no.” Logan said throwing his hands up in the air and waving them around.

“Did you ever think that maybe they had a good reason for that?” Liz asked coming back into the café looking murderous.

“Oh and what would that be Liz please enlighten all of us since you think you are so smart.” Logan said waving his arms as if allowing her to take the stage, which only fuelled her anger.

“No thanks to you Tess called Kal and he is on his way back here. Kal has murdered innocent people in the past I don’t think he would mind killing you.” Liz said walking closer.

“Liz?” Maria asked tentatively.

“Before I left them Michael and Isabel went into my mind and they sort of un blocked it allowing me to access my powers that I inherited not only from Max but from my father.” Liz said as she slowly brought her hand up there are now loads of green streaks moving across her skin.

“Liz what is happening?” Kyle asked looking worried like the rest of us.

“Oh we just allowed her to reach the non-human part is all.” Tess said walking into the café her eyes are all black like Michael’s were when he was Rath.

“Thanks for coming Ava. Where are Rath and Lonnie?” Liz asked her eyes turning blood red again.

“Liz, Tess what is going on you two are really starting to freak us out.” Kyle said baking up slowly to come and stand by me since I was closest to him.

“We came to the decision that we were tired of hiding our true selves from all of these humans.” Tess said. I hear a loud shriek and look to see the older couple trembling with fear.

“Looks like you two started the party without us.” Michael said coming in with Isabel right behind him; their eyes are black as well.

“Sorry I got impatient.” Liz said grinning evilly. She looks at the older couple that is around the Parkers age and cocked her head.

“See what did I tell you she is a monster.” Logan said pointing at Liz, fear consuming him.

“Oh now Logan why would you call Liz that it makes me so angry when you call my sister that.” Michael or more like Rath rumbled.

“What do you…” Isabel cut Logan off as she threw what looks like a fireball at the older couple consuming them in fire.

“Max, tell the others to play along.” Liz said to me I look towards the backroom and see all four are back their looking normal. I then turn and see the other versions of them standing there with their hands extended and that was when it dawned on me they were mind warping Logan.

“Okay.” I said seeing Liz close her eyes in concentration.

“Quickly Liz and Tess are warping Logan so he does not see you tell the others.” Michael said as I nod my head.

“Guys, guys.” I said a little louder to get their attention.

“What?” Krit asked.

“It is a warp on Logan just play along I have a feeling they are going to do something really weird.” I said as the others nodded their heads in understanding.

“Oh I know what they are going to do it’s about time we witness this wall of fire Tess can conjure.” Maria said.

“Oh are you serious do you think she will?” Kyle asked. Maria is about to respond when I cut her off.

“Guys not now Liz has to drop this warp for a second.” I said as we all go over to where we were standing. I nod at Michael and he taps Liz’s shoulder causing her to drop the warp.

“What did you just do? You killed two innocents!” Logan yelled spit flying out of his mouth.

“Just tying up loose ends. We could not let them go and tell on us now could we although we will be telling the world shortly when we fly away from this planet and back to our home world.” Michael said causing Maria to look ready to laugh but thankfully Logan’s back is to her.

“What are you getting at?” Logan asked the color draining from his face.

“Just the fact that Khivar will be here in a matter of days and that Kal worked something out so that all of us can go home. He also arranged for Manticore and the Familiars to get a planet of their own.” Isabel said.

“You all are lying I know Manticore would never work with the enemy. Besides what are you going to do about us you don’t think we are just going to let Khivar have our planet do you?” Logan asked taking on this odd macho stance that looks abnormal.

“Yeah see that’s why we have to do this.” Tess said when all of the sudden another version of us pops next to us and this huge wall of fire comes at us causing the fake us to scream and cry out. I distinctly hear Maria crying.

“I knew they were killers.” Maria cried as she turned into nothing but a pile of ash.

“OMG.” Logan said looking like he is going to be sick he is looking at the spot where I used to be and cried.

“So there is one left. We are going to make an example of you proving that even though we were killed in our past lives we still kick butt.” Tess said as the warp drops and the old couple is sitting there chatting happily. Michael, Isabel, Tess, and Liz all look normal.

“What happened?” Logan asked looking wigged out.

“Just proving that our powers are still strong.” Tess said coming out of the backroom.

“Wait…what?” Logan asked.

“I believe the term used is got cha.” Alec said.

“You mean you all set me up?” Logan asked his face getting redder by the second I don’t know if it is from embarrassment or anger but I am going to take a guess and go with the later.

“Well what you said was way wrong so we just messed with you a little.” I said.

“Mess with me a little? Max I thought you were dead!” Logan yelled causing the older couple to stop and look at him.

“What do you mean she has been standing there the whole time?” The lady said looking at Logan as if he had a second head.

“Very funny guys why is it that they did not see the wall of fire and…” Maria cut Logan off.

“What on earth do you mean Logan we have all been here talking to the others.” Maria said putting on an innocent look that would make even Lydecker fall for it.

“Don’t you trick me.” Logan yelled charging at Maria.

“Hey man what is your problem?” Alec asked as he intercepts Logan. Liz ran behind the counter and grabbed the phone.

“Hey um we have a situation at the Crashdown a man just tried to attack one of the waitresses.” Liz said causing Logan to pale.

“Don’t lie Liz you know I have enough money to get myself out of this.” Logan said with a laugh.

“Oh really son?” The man at the table asked.

“Yes and would you butt out.” Logan said.

“I am afraid I can not do that son.” The man said getting up and pulling cuffs out of his pocket.

“Logan is it?” the man asked.

“Yes Logan Cale.” Logan said.

“Logan Cale you are under arrest for disturbing the peace and for attacking Maria.” The man said causing Logan to go even paler.

“You’re a cop?” Logan asked in a whisper.

“Yes sir I…”

“Thank you deputy Walker I can take it from here this is your day off after all.” Another man said. I look at the nametag on his shirt and see that it said deputy Hanson.

“Thanks Hanson. I would check for alcohol if I was you he has been acting really strange.” Walker said.

“Will do.” Hanson said leading a very scared looking Logan away in handcuffs.

“Thanks Mr. Walker.” Kyle said.

“No problem Kyle when I saw him lung at Maria I was only too happy to get him arrested. Especially after the way he has been talking to Liz.” Walker said.

“Yeah I don’t know what has gotten into him.” I said.

“Mr. Walker I would like you to meet my brothers Krit and Zack. My sister Max and my boyfriend Alec.” Liz said as we all shake hands with the older gentlemen.

“Ah so you are the one that has the Even’s boys boxers all in a bunch.” Walker said laughing.

“Wow this really is a small town and yes.” Alec said smiling his most charming smile.

“Good I hope you take care of our Liz better then he did. Miss. Harding is that you?” Walker asked.

“Yes sir.” Tess said flashing him a wide smile.

“Good to have you back I hope your aunt is feeling better?” Mr. Walker asked sounding generally concerned.

“Yes she is so my dad sent me back here to stay with the Valenti’s.” Tess said.

“Well that is wonderful dear things just were not the same with out you.” Mr. Walker said.

“Well I hate to do this it was wonderful to just sit and chat but I have a golf game in an hour and I have to go and get ready. Here is for our breakfast and your tip young man…Krit was it?” Mr. Walker asked.

“Yes sir.” Krit said smiling.

“Well here you go you did great for being new most new servers mess up the orders.” Mr. Walker said as he and his wife get up.

“Thank you.” Krit said still flashing his brightest smile.

“Your welcome bye kids have a wonderful day.” Mr. And Mrs. Walker said as they wave and leave.

“Wow you people in small towns sure are friendly.” Alec said.

“Yeah and what was that about your aunt Tess?” I asked.

“Oh it was my cover story for my absence.” Tess explained.

“Oh well I wonder what is going to happen to Logan?” I asked.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:01 am
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks guys for your reviews it keeps me writing! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 39

Logan POV

I can not believe it they let me get arrested and worse yet I have just been told they will not release me because no one has posted bail for me.
“So Logan what are you doing here?” Kyle’s dad the Sheriff asked smiling.

“Well you see my friends are just playing a little trick on me and I would really like it if you could just let me out please there has been a big misunderstanding.” I said getting up off the dirty floor.

“Well you see son I thought that at first as well until I talked to one of my off duty officers and he thinks you might be a little intoxicated. So remember when we gave you that Breathalyzer? Well it came back showing that you’re three times over the legal limit.” The Sheriff said looking at me; he looks disappointed.

“I swear I did not have anything to drink.” I said forgetting to mention the few swigs I had earlier when the others were missing.

“Son the test never lies and by law I am forced to keep you here until you sober up.” The sheriff said walking away.

“Okay so maybe I had a few sips but that was to calm my nerves I was worried sick about the others this morning they just took off with out telling me, leaving me to think the worst about what had happened.” I said tears pouring down my cheeks not only because I was chucked away by the love of my life but the cell I was in smelled like stale urine.

“Well you still have to sleep it off” The Sheriff said walking away whistling.

“This bites.” I grumbled lying down on the cot.


Now that Logan is gone things have calmed down enough that I can think, but I don’t want to my thoughts keep going back to White my so called brother.

“Liz?” Alec asked looking at me concern showing in his eyes.

“Alec…I need to talk to someone can you come up to the apartment with me please?”

“Sure.” He said as I go to tell Maria she gives me a look.

“Go.” She said in understanding.

“Thanks.” I said as Alec and I head up to the apartment.

“You look worried what is it?” Alec asked cutting to the chase.

“It is just everything that is happening today it is too much. First White, then Kal, and now Logan it is too much.” I said feeling like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.

“The thing with White yeah that has to be a hard one.” Alec plopped down on my bed next to me looking concerned.

“I guess I always knew I was different from the others but to hear it actually said and to find out why is a different story. How do I know I am not some kind of monster?” I asked fighting the sob that wants out. You are a solider Liz suck it up, don’t cry, no weakness, you are not a baby.

“You are not a monster you hold back when the rest of us just want to rip others to shreds.” Alec said referring to the incident with Logan.

“That was bad but I was so upset by what he said that I had to get him back.” I said guiltily.

“I get that and personally I am all for it he needed to learn a lesson and I think that he got a good one.” Alec smirked putting his arm around me pulling me closer to his warm body.

“Sorry if I scared you.” I mumbled.

“It is alright and yes I was scared but it was worth it to see the look of pure fear on Logan’s face.” Alec said twisting his face into one of terror that mirrored Logan’s. It was a new look for the always cool and calm Alec.

“That was good.” I said laughing.

“Yes and more importantly it taught him to watch what he says to others.” Alec grinned.

“Thanks Alec I needed a laugh.” I said as I curl into his side.

“No problem that is what I am here for.” Alec grinned looking down at me.

“No you are here because you are a great friend, fighter and well yes you do relieve the stress but you are here because we need you Alec, I need you here.” I said looking up at him. How did I become so attached after only a few days? If he left I have no idea what I would do, and that more then scares me.

“Well I don’t think I am going anywhere any time soon.” Alec said.

“Good to know.”

“So how did you know about Kal?” Alec asked me.

“When Max went to LA to look for his son he ran into the other surviving protector Kal. Kal is well different and yet the same as Nasedo. They both are callus and cruel but Kal values life and human life were Nasedo killed countless humans never caring if he killed. He wanted to kill me several times but he never did.” I said.

“So can Kal be trusted?” Alec asked looking concerned.

“Yes because even thought he does not show it he really does care about his charges.” I said.

“I wonder though, what he went to go investigate?” Alec asked.

“Something about me.” I said.

“What makes you say that?” Alec asked.

“Just a feeling I have.” I picked at my clothes to keep my hands busy.

“Do you think Logan will be okay?” Alec asked.

“No because he went to far this time. He is going off the deep end Alec and you know it. Today we just pushed him head first into shark infested waters and this is a guy who can not swim.” I whispered.

Maria POV

“Hey Ria where is Liz?” Kyle asked spinning around on one of the stools.

“She is upstairs talking with Alec.” I said shooting him a pointed look warning him not to go up there.

“Okay um here is table fours order Michael it is a big one.” Kyle said heaving himself off the stool.

“Thanks man.” Michael said as he and Krit start to get the order ready.

“Who knew Krit here could cook.” Max said laughing as Krit sends a fry flying out the kitchen window at her.

“For your information I worked as a cook for years in New York and Utah.” Krit took on that famous Max look with his hip popped to the side and all.

“Utah? What were you doing there?” Kyle asked.

“Syl did not want to live someplace cold when we first escaped so for three years we stayed in Utah.” Krit said rolling his eyes.

“So what is Syl like?” Isabel asked.

“Well she is a lot like Kyle.” Zack said causing Krit to laugh.

“That she is.” Krit muttered.

“Really so she crakes a lot of jokes?” I asked.

“Yeah she has an odd sense of humor and loves sports.” Krit said.

“Sounds like my kind of girl. Next you are going to tell me she is blonde.” Kyle said laughing.

“She is.” Max, Zack, and Krit said.

“Okay now that is just weird.” Kyle mumbled walking away.

“Sorry to say Kyle but she is taken.” Krit said.

“That is cool besides she is not Tess.” Kyle said with out thinking.

“What?” Tess asked looking up from her drink order as the soda poured over the rim of the glass.

“Oh crap did I say that out loud I meant to say it in my head.” Kyle blushed to the point his ears had a pink tint.

“Yes you did.” Zack said looking at Krit closely.

“Do you like Tess?” Michael asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

“Yes.” Kyle said before slapping a hand to his mouth.

“Really?” Tess asked wiping off her hands on a dish towel.

“Es.” Kyle said nodding his head with his hand over his mouth still.

“Good because I like you too.” Tess said walking over to Kyle and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Wait a minute you are with Syl.” Zack said pointing a finger at Krit.

“What?” I asked Zack.

“It makes sense now the two of you have been together since we got out and you were always close. OMG you two are sleeping together!” Zack yelled.

“Wow and you are just now figuring this out.” Krit looked shocked.

“Yes!” Zack yelled his face turning red.

“Dude I think you are the only one who did not know.” Michael said.

“Yeah I knew.” Tess said.

“Me too.” Max chimed in.

“Same here.” Liz said as her and Alec appear from the back room.

“I knew.” Alec admitted.

“Yes I know.” Isabel said.

“I knew.” I said.

“Hey even I knew.” Kyle mumbled.

“So why am I just finding this out and does anyone else find this weird?” Zack asked sitting down.

“Hun I think you always knew you just never wanted to admit it. No it is not weird after all they are not really related.” I said sounding very wise if I do say so myself.

“I know that but I am to Syl so it is weird for me. Alec is it weird for you?” Zack asked.

“Why would it be weird for him?” Tess asked.

“Because she is my biological sister as well as Ben’s and Zack’s.” Alec explained.

“So is it?” Krit asked.

“No.” Alec said after a moment.

“Okay then it will not be weird for me either.” Zack said with a lost look on his face.

“Hey Krit is it weird knowing that you are dating the sister of your older brother and the older brother of your girlfriend is dating your sister?” Kyle asked.

“Ew man that is just weird to think about.” Krit said as Liz, Alec and Zack also crinkle their noses.

“You know Kyle I don’t think we really ever thought about it like that.” Max said.

“Yeah I know I always am. So are you all ready for tonight?” Kyle asked again still unsure if what the others are doing is a good idea. He knows Liz and the others are trained to do this kind of stuff but he cannot help but worry and neither can I.

“Yes all we have to do is walk in the front door and besides we have some extra alien fire power to back us up.” Max said dancing around Zack who kept pushing her away.

“We have done this numerous times guys it will be okay.” Zack said pushing Max as she shimmied in front of him.

“That was what you said the last time.” I mumbled.

“What was that Maria?” Krit asked looking perplexed.

“I said that was what you said last time and look what happened. Max and Liz were both shot and Max got re captured. You all said it was simple and you got hurt. Now you are going in they’re on Lydecker's invitation with out his help mind you and I can not help but worry that something is going to go wrong again.” I said taking a deep calming breath.

“Maria I am going in there with them. Liz and I both have more training then the others and we have Tess and Michael coming along. I promise no one will get killed in this group.” Alec said choosing his words carefully.

“You are a slick one.” I said.

“What?” Alec asked his hazel eyes looking lost.

“You worded that last comment just so that it said none of you would be killed but you did not say hurt or if any of the people at Manticore would be hurt.” I said putting my hands on my hips.

“She is right.” Isabel said as we all look at Alec accusingly.

“Hey guys back off he was telling the truth. Also the way he phrased it is second nature to him to all of us it is what we were trained to say, say the truth but leave out the rest. We were taught to say things so that we would be telling the truth, but not giving all of the information.” Zack said trying to ease the tension.

“Sorry it’s just we don’t want a repeat.” Kyle said shoving his hands into his faded blue jeans. That is when I first took notice of what he was wearing.

“Kyle James what on earth are you wearing?” I asked looking at the 17 year old as if he suddenly sprung another head. It is times like this when I wish I could go through that boys closet and pull out everything stupid he owns such as this.

“What is wrong with what I am wearing?” Kyle asked looking down.

“Dude you are wearing chaps, cowboy boots, a brown and white striped shirt and a brown cowboy hat.” Krit said chuckling slightly.


“What are you an extra in one of those western movies?” Isabel asked trying to contain her laughter but failing miserably.

“No. I think it looks cool and you guys never say anything when my dad does it.” Kyle pouted his brown eyes showing his confusion.

“Honey your dad is the town sheriff.” Tess said.

“So?” Kyle asked still not getting it.

“Kyle it is funny when your dad does it because he is trying to act all tough and to make fun of the old west movies. You know he is the SHERIFF.” I emphasized the sheriff part.

“Oh okay so it is cute when he does it but creepy when I do.” Kyle said understanding dawning on him.

“Right.” Liz said patting him on the back.

“You mean he was not in costume?” Alec asked looking perplexed.

“No.” Liz said laughing as Alec whistled his eyes going wide when he stares at Kyle.

“And you say he is supposed to be a ladies man but I just don’t see it.” Alec said.


Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:20 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Sorry for the wait guys I had a ton of school work last week. Please let me know what you think of this new part your replies keep me writing!

Part 40


It is now well past midnight and we are just about two clicks away from the base. We parked the cars away back for safety measures. All of us are decked out in black with a few weapons.

“We are nearing the front gate.” Alec said his eyes dilating to see what was in front of him like a cats eyes in the dark.

“There are six guards.” I said as we all increases our pace.

“One click left.” Max said as the dread started to build inside me.

“Hey you kids stop right there!” One of the guards yelled as we came near the gates.

“Relax pal I am 494 and this is 452, 513, 698, and 499 we are here to meet with Colonial Lydecker.” Alec said while the rest of us were at attention.

“Show me the barcodes.” The one guard said mockingly.

“That will be enough Corporal.” Lydecker said coming up to the gate; he had an X5 on his left and right.

“Sir these people claim to be transgenic sir.” The Lieutenant said at attention. The look on the poor mans face was priceless he was so scared. The guy had blue eyes, brown hair and olive toned skin; I do have to admit the guy was cute, but he had noting on Alec.

“That would be because they are transgenic. Follow me please.” Lydecker said. The seven of us follow him into the base that is starting to take the shape of Manticore.

“Dum de dum dum.” Krit said humming the melody commonly used in movies to let the viewers know the main characters were heading to their doom.

“Cut it out.” I said elbowing him in the stomach.

“Hey watch it your elbows are sharp.” Krit said rubbing his stomach, Lydecker just shook his head.

“In here please.” Lydeker said ushering us into a room that I assume is his office; he dismissed the other two X5’s.

“Please have a seat.” Lydecker said sitting behind his desk in his black leather chair.

“Okay let’s get to the point we met a familiar and we want to work with you.” Zack said.

“What you met a familiar are you alright?” Lydecker asked looking truly concerned.

“We survived. These guys are just as good as us if not better.” Alec said.

“He was just as fast and was not even fazed when we all attacked him at once.” Max said.

“That would be because he can not feel pain.” A female voice said from behind the group.

“Renfro how nice of you to join us.” Lydecker said in fake cheerfulness.

“494” Renfro said addressing Alec but not the rest of us.

“Madam X.” Alec said causing Lydecker to choke back a snort at Renfro’s obvious disproval.

“Now back to that whole not feeling pain issue.” Krit said looking un-amused by Alec’s antics.

“Their race values strength both mental and physical and part of their training they learn to block all physical pain. We have tried to do the same with all of you but we have not been successful so far.” Renfro said sitting on the corner if Lydecker's desk.

“Liz are you all right?” Renfro asked using 513’s outside name.

“I am not sure madam.” I said looking at the older woman carefully. Renfro was wearing a royal blue suit that made her eyes look even colder giving her a chilly persona.

“What?” Renfro asked me noticing my gaze.

“I feel drawn to White like he is trying to wake apart of me up that has been dormant since I was younger.” I said feeling very confused.

“Yes I thought as much.” Renfro said sharing a knowing look with Lydecker.

“Liz you have some powerful stuff in you and right now you only know how to work some of it you can do great things. Listen guys we want your help and we want all of you to start training again and get to know your troops better and yes that includes Michael and Tess we saw what you all could do in the desert that one night.” Lydecker said sounding impressed.

“Yes I do have to admit that Liz you did a great job with teaching Maria how to fight and I am impressed how you taught her not to fight unless she has to most transgenic X series do not think about when to fight and when not to so it showed that you have a very level head on your shoulders.” Renfro said shocking the others in the room.

“Thanks madam.” I said trying not to blush under the older woman’s non-to common praise.

“So what do you say will you all start training again and become apart of Manticore?” Lydecker asked looking each one of us in the eye it was kind of unnerving but none of us showed it. I am impressed with Tess and Michael they have both their faces blank appearing impartial to what is going on around them.

“We accept the offer.” Zack said taking command as usual.

“Excellent.” Renfro said with a chilling smirk and the sad part is I can tell she is trying to be nice and meant it to be warm.

“Now please do not take this the wrong way but Tess, Michael we need to know what your powers are and when we meet the others we will need to know what they can do so that we can create a proper training regiment for you.” Lydecker said folding his hands and placing them on his desk.

“Well I can blast things, heal small things and manipulate molecular structures.” Michael said as if it was nothing.

“I can mind warp which is making people see what is not really there and I can do small blasts, dream walk, produce a small shield heal small things and manipulate molecular structures.” Tess said causing Michael’s mouth to hang open in shock.

“What?” Tess asked seeing Michael’s look.

“I did not know you could do all of that.” Michael said.

“Your powers are not as developed as mine, which are still growing. With practice yours will grow and become more powerful.” Tess said.

“Yes that is why we want to help you train.” Lydecker said.

“Sir I have a problem you see I have different abilities then the others and I also have alien powers.” I said causing Zack to shoot me a what are you thinking look.

“Okay thanks for letting us know this way we can design a special program for you.” Renfro said shocking the heck out of the others and me.

“What?” Renfro asked exasperated.

“Well its just we have never seen you this nice.” Max said looking at Renfro like she just grew a second head.

“Well I know what kind of a threat the Familiars pose.” Renfro said rolling up the bottom her suit jacket to show her stomach.

“I got this when I was taken prisoner by the Familiars they were going to sacrifice me for some ritual. I escaped with Deck’s help and came here to work for Manticore.” Renfro said showing us this nasty looking scar across her stomach it was the same one I had on my forearm.

“I know how you feel.” I said rolling up my sleeve and showing her my symbol.

“When did you get that?” Lydecker asked.

“That way my fault I was still trusting those evil bastards when I took Liz there because I knew what she was. Little did I know what they were planning on doing to the both of us. They wanted to test her and sacrifice me.” Renfro said with an apologetic look.

“I understand.” I said causing relief to shine in her eyes.

“I don’t.” Alec muttered only loud enough for me to hear.

“I know none of you will want to stay here all of the time and we don’t want you to because it will draw too much attention. We do want you all to stay here at least three nights a week you decide when.” Lydecker said.

“I can live with that.” I said.

“Same for me.” Alec said causing the others to look at us for a second before they agreed to the deal as well.

“Now I think it best to let you all in on our new program we have going. Since you all blew up our DNA lab we had to come up with a way to get more transgenic babies so we started a breading program. All X’5’s and the first three X6 units are breading.” Renfro said causing the bottom of my stomach to fall. It was just as Alec and I thought we knew they would do something but man this is sick.

“Liz I know that look and before you say anything we made sure that they couple picked their partners and most of them were already sleeping together we just cut the birth control out of their food.” Lydecker said but that does not make me feel any better.

“We were wondering if you all could participate in the breading program?” Renfro asked looking hopeful.

“What do you do with the kids?” Max asked.

“We train them like we trained all of you with the exception that you all get to see your kids.” Renfro said and I have no idea if I should believe her or not.

“Why?” Krit asked.

“Well we know how possessive cats are and we knew we would have major problems if we did not let you see your kids. We are currently setting up a new program where the X series parents actually can help train their kids. We have studied animals and learned that they learn best from mom and dad and their example.” Lydecker said.

“I am impressed.” Zack said with a serious look on his face.

“So what do you guys say will you at least think about it?” Renfro asked.

“Well I will think about it but I do not have a certain someone.” Max said shocking me.

“Well there is an available transgenic here X5 566.” Renfro said looking at Alec who busts out laughing.

“Those two are perfect for each other.” Alec said laughing still.

“I thought so but I think you should get to know him before you make any decisions.” Renfro said to Max again shocking us to death.

“Liz its Biggs.” Alec said out loud.

“No way.” I said smiling when I finally remember the animated transgenic.

“You know him Liz?” Zack asked looking surprised.

“Yes he was so much fun. Think Alec but brunet and mix that with Kyle.” I said.

“Wow that is one scary combination.” Krit said with wide eyes.

“Krit I know you do not want to involve Syl but we were hoping you would reconsider.” Lydecker said.

“I will talk to her.” Krit said. I look at Alec thinking if I want to do this or not and I guess he knew what I was thinking.

“Hey can I talk to Liz outside for a second?” Alec asked Renfro and Lydecker who nod in understanding. So the two of us get up and walk out into the deserted hall.

“So what do you think?” I asked Alec who had an intense look on his face.

“Well I know what they were saying is true because I did not detect a lie in their face so I believe they would not harm the kids.” Alec said still pensive.

“I know it’s just I don’t know if I want my kids growing up the way we did.” I said.

“I know but un like us our kids would get to see their parents.” Alec said looking me in the eye.

“So we should do this?” I asked.

“I say lets give it a go.” Alec said smirking making my worries dissolve slightly I am still torn though I mean could I really let my children grow up in a word where they were constantly in fear of dying and having to witness all of that hate. Then there is the possibility that maybe Manticore really has changed and would allow some warmth into the military. I have to admit I have always wanted children it is part of my animal drive I guess but the desire has always been there and now that I have this opportunity I really want to take it.

“Okay we will do this.” I said as the two of us headed back into Lydecker’s office.

“So we will run a few tests and see if the two of you can have children, but I don’t think there is anything to worry about because we have the top medical staff.” Renfro said to Tess.

“So?” Lydecker asked Alec and I.

“We will do it.” Alec said.

“What?!” Zack yelled.

“We are doing this Zack. Alec and I will enter into the breeding program.” I said.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:43 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for the reviews I love reading what you have to say and it keeps me writing! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 41

“Wonderful. Now Max, Liz, and Tess will you three come with me we have to run a few female type tests.” Renfro said causing Max to panic.

“No 452 it will not be painful.” Renfro said with a rare smile causing Max to settle down.

“Gentlemen come with me please.” I hear Lydecker say as we all break away for our tests. On our way down we pass a group of X6’s who looked at us oddly before they bolted to attention.

“It seems they remember you 513.” Renfro said. She explained that she had to use our designations in front of the others but in private she would call us by our names; it seems the witch does have a heart.

“Okay ladies this is doctor Walker I believe 513 has seen him before. He will be running the exams. I am sorry he is a guy but he is one of the best.” Renfro said leaving us alone she said she would be back when we were done.

“513 long time no see.” Dr. Walker said smiling. He was a cool guy he fixed me up after my many visits to Psy-ops.

“Hey doc.” I said.

“Well this must be 452 I have not seen you in a long time.” Dr. Walker said surprising us.

“I have seen you before?” Max asked studying the doctor hard.

“You probably remember me with big thick glasses, long brown hair, and about 20 pounds heavier.” The doctor said.

“Oh yeah you were the doctor I saw after I went into heat for the first time. You had to explain to me what was going on with my animal DNA.” Max said laughing causing Dr. Walker to laugh.

“Dr. Walker this is Tess Harding she is and alien.” I said causing the mans mouth to drop open in shock.

“Wow I get one of the Roswell aliens as a patient this is so cool.” The doctor said before he started the tests. The tests were pretty basic and from what Maria has told me they do them all of the time on women I think she called it a gynecological exam.

“Well that is it ladies.” Dr. Walker said picking up the phone and getting Renfro to come and get us.

“Wow that was different.” Max said smiling.


“Tess, 452, and 513 come with me please.” Renfro said ushering us out of exam room and down the hall to a bunch of private cells.

“The older X series get their pawn private corridors and these will be yours when you stay here. Here are your clothes we ask you wear.” Renfro said handing us boots and fatigues.

“The color changed.” I pointed out I have to admit this is a nice improvement.

“Yes and no. The younger series still wear beige but the older ones get baby blue or black.” Renfro said as we look through our pile of clothes there were two blue and two black.

“So if you will please get dressed I can show you around the compound and then we will meet up with the others.” Renfro said as we all walk into our cells to change. I decided to go with the black. As I was lacing up my army boots it suddenly hit me I was back. I was back in the place that turned me into a killer and took away my childhood.

As I walked out Of my cell I saw Max had gone with the black as well and when Tess came out she was in the blue.

“This way ladies.” Renfro said as she took us around Eagle Rock Tess and I found that we remembered the basic layout of the place and that only a few things have been changed like the mess hall we are about to enter we knew there would be every transgenic in there because ten o’clock was supper.

“Hey ladies.” Lydecker said coming down one of the halls with the guys. Michael, Krit and Alec were in black and Zack was in blue they all looked good.

“Well let’s present them to everyone.” Renfro said as a group of suits walked down the hall and towards us.

“This is the council.” Renfro whispered to us as we all snap to attention Michael and Tess following along.

“Well this is them right?” A black man with enormous muscles asked. I have to admit the guy was hot.

“This is some of them.” Lydecker said.

“Yes this is 452, 494, 513, 698, 499, Michael and Tess.” Renfro said.

“513 and 494 well I am glad our best are back with us.” The black man said smiling a cold smile.

“Well let’s go.” Renfro said as our small army of people walked into the mess hall and all went silent.

“Attention everyone I am pleased to announce we have some former soldiers back with us.” Renfro said as the transgenic part of our group stepped forward.

“As you all remember this is 494 and 513. Then we have 452, 698 and 499.” Renfro said introducing the 09ers.

“And this is Tess and Michael they are aliens.” Lydecker said as Michael raises his hand and sends out a small blast at the wall causing it to crumble. Tess raises her hand and fixes the wall.

“All right.” A brunet guy said running up to Alec throwing his arms around the guy.

“Hey 566.” Alec said smiling.

“513 long time no see.” Biggs said hugging me as well.

“Hey.” I said returning the hug.

“This is 452.” I shoved Max at him. Biggs mouth dropped open, at this point everyone else went back to what they were currently doing.

“Uh hi I am 566.” Biggs said.

“So I have heard.” Max said looking the transgenic up and down. Biggs must have sensed her gaze because he did a very Alec like thing and commented on it.

“See something you like?” Biggs whispered into her ear causing Max to chuckle.

“Definitely.” Max said back saucily.

“I like her.” Biggs said and Renfro with her sonic hearing smiled.

“Wonderful.” She said smiling causing Biggs to back up slightly.

“Is she sick?” Biggs asked looking scared causing Lydecker to laugh along with the rest of the council.

“I think she is just happy we are back.” Alec said putting his arm around me.

“So is the your girl now?” Biggs asked.

“Only the best for the best.” Alec said I pretend to be upset and smack his arm.

“Oww that hurt.” Alec said with a puppy dog look on his face as he rubbed his arm.

“Oh you big baby it did not hurt.” I said pinching his stomach.

“So are you really back? What happened why did you come back?” Biggs asked shocking me I thought they were all with Manticore.

“What?” Biggs asked noticing my stare.

“She is just shocked that you don’t think Manticore is all that.” Alec said.

“Well most of us don’t but we don’t leave because we have no idea what to do in the outside world because we know they do not except us.” Biggs said.

“513, 494, and 566 come with us please.” Renfro said as the three of us catch up to the rest of the group.

“We are going to have 494 and 698 will be CO’s still with 452 and 513 as their 2IC’s and 499 and 566 will be in each of your units. I want 494 and 513 together with 499 and 566 will be with 698 and 452.” Renfro said.

“Um madam we have to get back to Roswell tonight because if we don’t the others will swarm the place and things will get messy.” I said.

“We figured as much, but we would like all of you to come back tomorrow if you don’t mind.” Lydecker looked less then thrilled about us leaving but he knew it was part of the drill.

“Sure.” Zack said.

“Um can we wear our fatigues out of here please because it would be easier and we could just have them on for when we get here tomorrow.” I tried to reason.

“Actually I was just about to tell you to do just that.” Lydecker said showing us to the gate. We all waved by to 566 or Biggs and walked back to our car.

“Things have really changed.” Max admitted after we get about a click away.

“Yes they have. I think they changed because they needed us back and the only way for us to come back was if some changes were made.” I said.

“This breeding thing is weird.” Tess finally voiced.

“Yes it is.” Zack said putting his arm around her.

“So you going to talk to Kyle about it?” Michael asked.

“Yes and you Maria?” Tess asked and Michael shook his head yes.

“Zack you going to talk to Isabel?” I asked smirking at the dirty blonde who looked less then pleased that I asked him.

“Yes I want to bounce the idea off of her and see what she has to say.” Zack said.

“More like he wants her to bounce on…” Max Tess slapped her hand over his mouth

“Krit?” Max asked looking at our unusually quiet brother thanks to Tess hand which she removed so he could answer the question.

“No.” Krit said.

“At least not right now. I talked with Renfro and she said it was fine.” Krit said smiling.

“So you and Alec are doing this.” Tess said as Krit put his arm around Max.

“Yes.” We both said at the same time causing the others to crack up.

“Gee Alec I am sure Liz would have been happy to sleep with you, you did not have to go sign up for some breeding project.” Michael said as he slung his arm around me.

“I know.” Alec said slinging his arm around me as well; to get more comfortable I put an arm around each of them.

“Gee what are my parents going to say when they find out?” I asked causing Alec to stumble.

“Oh dear God I forget about them.” Alec said swallowing hard as he looked down at me.

“Oh well what ever they will do to you will not be as bad as what Zack here will do to you if you to if you do get me pregnant.” I said as Zack grunted in agreement.

“Damn straight.”

“Oh no.” Alec whimpered. The drive back to Roswell was uneventful, but we did have to listen to Max talk about how cute Biggs was and how she could not wait to talk to him some more.

We got back to the café around three that morning and saw the others asleep in a few of the booths it was so cute seeing them all like that. I went up to Kyle who was asleep on the counter and gave him a proper waking up.
“Wow Tess can your shirt be anymore see threw?” I asked as Kyle bolted upright looking around for Tess.

“Where?” Kyle asked his eyes finally landing on Tess who was in her fatigues.

“Just when you get a guys hopes up.” Kyle mumbled.

“So how did it go?” Maria asked apprehensively.

“Well you all might want to sit down we have a great deal to tell ya.” Max said as well all pull up chairs to the groups usual booth.

“Are you serious!” Maria yelled after we got done telling her and the others about our little adventure.

“Afraid so.” I said as Alec rubbed my back soothingly.

“I am in.” Kyle said rubbing his hands together looking at Tess who just laughed.

“Nice.” Tess said.

“Well I am in there is no way I am letting Liz go through with this alone as well as Tess so I will do this as long as I get my spaceboy.” Maria said as Michael smiled a rare smile.

“You will.” He chirped.

“Okay I will do this.” Isabel said causing Michael’s eyes to bug out.

“What?” poor boy looked sick.

“She said she would do it.” Zack said.

“More like she agreed to do him.” Krit said as he and Kyle snickerd.

“That is what I thought she said. Oh chest pain, pain in the chest.” Michael said rubbing his heart his breathing coming out labored as his face took on a green tinge.

“Oh you.” Isabel said swatting Michael’s arm.

“Do we have to wear that stuff?” Maria asked pointing to our fatigues.

“Yes.” I said as Isabel looked at us in horror it was like we told her she had to watch her brother having sex.

“Hey just be happy you get some color when we were little we had to wear beige.” Max said.

“Yes and the little ones still do.” Krit said.

“Oh the horror.” Kyle said seeing Maria and Isabel’s looks.

“Well you should go and get some sleep.” I told the group as the others all piled up stairs leaving only the three of us who have shark DNA.

“I am too wired to sleep.” Max kicked her feet up on the table.

“Same here.” Krit said.

“Hey guys what is the longest the two of you have ever gone with out sleep?” I asked.

“About two weeks.” Krit said.

“About three. Why?” Max asked.

“Well the longest I have ever gone with out sleep was a month.” I said causing them to scoot closer to me.

“Are you serious?” Krit asked.

“Afraid so.” I said looking down at my hands.

“Well maybe it is because your DNA is more revved up then ours after all you are not just any transgenic.” Max vented with a thoughtful look.

“Oh well it is just one of those mysteries that is 513.” I said.

“Was it just me or did it not feel weird to be called by my designation?” Krit asked Max and I. The three of us are sitting in the booth in the back still in our Manticore clothes.

“No I felt like it was sort of natural but that is probably since we were so used to being called by designations since we were born.” I said.

“I do have to admit the changes that were made are cool.” Krit said with one of his silly grins.

“Yeah but, it was still sad knowing that they still do the dunk tank.” Max said looking depressed.

“Yeah but we can not change everything.”

“So Liz are you and the others still trying to come up with ways to get back at the idiot king?” Krit asked.

“Funny, but no we decided it would be enough torture to just see me with Alec and that it was better if we did not waste energy on him. We will still play some tricks on him but, alas the trouble some triplet's plus two are no longer in business.” I said resting my head on my sister’s shoulder.

“To bad because I would have loved to of helped you.” Krit said with an evil smile.

“Wow you really are my brother.” I said leaning across the table and giving Krit a kiss on the cheek causing Krit to blush.

“I love you guys.”

“Love you too.”

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:35 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys sorry for the long wait I have been working on another fic and I forgot to post for this one :oops: I will finish this eventually no matter how long it takes! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 42

“Hey guys.” Maria said coming down into the café that morning.


“Did you all stay up all night?” Maria asked her eyes wide.

“Yes it’s the shark DNA.” Krit said smirking as Michael comes down both freshly showered.

“We had a great deal to talk about and we needed the time to cool off.” I said and Maria shot me an understanding look, she is great like that.

“Alec and Zack should be down soon.” Michael said as he starts taking down the chairs with Maria and sets up the café for the day.

“Okay thanks.” I said when there was a knock on the glass front. The five of us look to see Kyle’s dad there.

“Hey Sheriff.” Max said opening the door to let the older gentlemen and friend in.

“Hey kids I just wanted to let you know that Logan is getting released today.” Jim said looking miserable.

“You okay Jim?” Krit asked.

“No I did not get much sleep last night. Logan decided to be annoying and sing at the top of his lungs all night or at least until his voice gave on him.” Jim grumbled.

“Oh I feel for you and the others that had to listen to him.” Max said shuddering.

“That bad?” I asked.

“Think nails on a chalk board.” Jim said sitting down in a booth and closing his eyes.

“I swear after a minute of his singing I wanted to rip my ears off. Mr. Travis who was in a cell next to Logan tried to kill himself so we let Mr. Travis leave.” Jim said letting out a sigh.

“Morning beautiful.” Alec said walking into the café.

“Morning sexy.” Krit said wiggling his eyebrows.

“Sorry Krit I am a one woman man.” Alec said as he pulled me into his lap.

“Since when?” Zack asked sitting down next to Max.

“Ha, ha very funny.” Alec said.

“Morning.” I finally said when everyone calmed down some.

“So what time are we all heading over there?” Kyle asked he seemed eager to get to Manticore probably because he thinks that the sooner he can get started the sooner he can sleep with Tess.

“Around ten they want us there and ready by noon and since you all need to get aquatinted with the place we need to get there early.” I said as the others nod in approval.

“Liz did you guys change?” Maria asked.

“No we were going to shower when all of you were done and just throw our clothes that we are wearing back on.”

“Good to know.” Kyle said as Tess came down in her fatigues that is when he noticed Alec, Michael, and Zack all had theirs on as well.

“Okay let’s go get showered.” I said to Krit and Max.

“You mean like together?” Krit asked knowing full well that was not what I meant.

“Well sure why not.” Max said causing Krit to laugh.

“No way man that is gorse they are your sisters.” Kyle yelled on the other side of the back rooms swinging door.

“He really is thick.” Max said I could not help but laugh at that, I might love the guy like a brother but sometimes Kyle did not use his brain.

“Hey I heard that.” Kyle’s muffled voice came through.

“Does he really believe we would do that?” Max asked laughing as we enter my parents place.

“I am not sure.” I said Krit took his shower first then Max and finally me. The three of us head down to the café and see none other then Pam Troy sitting there filtering with Alec.

“So do you want to go some where more privet?” Pam asked scooting closer to Alec who looked really uncomfortable.

“Ah no thanks I have a girlfriend.” Alec said causing Pam to pout.

“But I can give you so much more then her.” Pam said licking her lips causing Maria to roll her eyes in disgust.

“Yeah how about an STD.” I said coming up to the booth. Alec looked so happy to see me.

“Do you mind Parker go away.” Pam said waving her hand signaling for me to shoo.

“By the way I love a man in uniform.” Pam said running her hand across Alec’s chest.

“Ah Pam that is your name right?” Alec asked.

“Yes.” Pam said with a purr.

“Liz is my girlfriend.” Alec said causing Pam to push away from him.

“Does poor Max know about you cheating on him Liz?” Pam asked in a very fake sweet voice.

“Yes because I am the one that broke up with him.” I said.

“Really I heard it was because he slept with Tess and got tired of you.” Pam said laughing.

“Me sleep with him yeah right.” Tess said laughing.

“Tess I did not see you there.” Pam said smiling.

“Really well let me set the record straight I never slept with Max and he was the one who started that rumor when Liz broke up with him. He knew that it would make her upset. Pam I would not touch Max if my life depended on it.” Tess said shuddering at the thought.

“So what is the occasion? Why are you all wearing those army clothes?” Pam asked looking me up and down in disgust.

“We were going to go work out.” Michael said causing Pam to roll her eyes.

“Well here is my number.” Pam said writing her number on one of the napkins.

“Give me a call when you want to date a real woman.” Pam said handing Alec her number.

“Are you saying my sister is not a real woman?” Krit asked as he and Zack move closer to Pam crossing their arms over their chests.

“Well who might this be?” Pam asked looking Zack up and down.

“My name is Zack.” Zack said not letting his face show any emotions.

“I am Pam.” Pam said moving closer to Zack and Krit.

“Save it Pam Zack is taken.” Maria said laughing.

“Oh yeah by who?” Pam asked glaring at Maria.

“By me.” Isabel said coming around the counter and standing by Zack.

“You do realize that Liz is my little sister.” Zack said raising his eyebrows at Pam.

“Really I thought he was her older brother.” Pam said pointing at Krit.

“Pam I have six older brothers and five older sisters.” I said rolling my eyes at her she can be so odd sometimes.

“You two look nothing alike.” Pam said.

“Different moms.” Zack said.

“Really?” Pam asked.

“Well as fun as this little chat has been Pam the kids are about to close up.” Jim said.

“Well call me.” Pam said waving at Zack and Alec before she leaves.

“Okay kids I just wanted to let you know that I will let Logan out at around one o’clock so you all should be long gone by then.” Jim said as he tips his hat and leaves.

“Good we will be at Manticore by then that way we will not have to deal with his crap.” I growled. That man really gets on my nerves.

“Wait why are you guys opening then?” Jim asked.

“Well we should have it open a little today so that my parents don’t get all mad at me.” I said.

“All right. Just be careful all of you.” Jim said as he turned and left.

“So that was Pam Troy.” Zack said smiling.

“Yes that was the she devil herself.” Isabel said with a sour look on her face. Isabel and Pam had always had this rivalry going on between them to see who was the most popular girl of West Roswell high. Too bad for Pam but, Isabel graduated early last year and now there is no longer anyone for Pam to compete with except with the girlfriends of the guys she is sleeping with and any girl who gets in the way of a guy she wants.

“Well let’s eat and get to Manticore.” Alec said.

“What can’t wait to get started in that breeding project?” Kyle asked laughing, sure Kyle like you are one to talk.

“Well actually they are starting that with Liz and I tonight.” Alec said smiling.

“When do you and Maria start Michael?” I asked.

“Well Lydecker says that they have to test Maria first then they are going to check and make sure her body can support an alien for the required amount of time before we go ahead with anything. They want to check and make sure that no harm will come to Maria, which was my original concern. That and that they might try and pair me up with Tess or Isabel now that would have been weird.” Michael said.

“Yeah I guess that goes for you and Kyle as well Tess?” I asked Tess who blushed.

“Um no actually they said that since I am an alien and I will be the one carrying the child that my blood will flush his out so that the baby will not be harmed and that they know an alien female and an human male can reproduce.” Tess said blushing an even brighter shade of red.

“Yes they want to Isabel though because they have no idea how her alien DNA will react to my DNA. Renfro had mentioned that there is the possibility her DNA will fight mine because of the animal in it and that her DNA might see it as a threat.” Zack said.

“Yeah Lydecker said that they will have to watch Liz closely because she has alien in her now thanks to Max, Familiar from her father, and then Manticores’ little cocktail so there could be some problems.” Alec said rubbing my back soothingly.

“Well at least we know that they will not let anything happen to Liz she is too important to them.” Max said slapping my back.

“Well come on lets all finish up and get a move on I want to get my cell set up a little when we get there you know move things around a little and do a little cleaning.” I said as I get up and put my dishes in the dishwasher in the café’s kitchen.

“Wait clean?” Kyle asked looking at me like I grew a second head.

“Kyle you will want to keep your cell clean after all these people are army and military still.” Krit said patting Kyle on the back.

“Well Kyle can barley keeps himself clean let alone his room.” Tess said laughing.

“Don’t worry about that you will not be able to keep any possessions in there only the items they give you. Shampoo and all of your toiletries will be provided for you to keep in your room. They will do weekly inspections of your room and if they want they can check it more often.” I said.

“Well won’t this be fun.” Kyle said with a pout.

“You will get used to it after a while.” I said causing Zack, Krit and Max to look at me funny.

“Everyone ready?” Michael asked.

“Yes let’s go.” Zack said as we all lock up and pile into the cars.

“Is it just me or does it feel like you are being watched?” Maria asked

“No I feel it as well.” I said quickly looking around and when I see nothing I get into the car so we can leave.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:00 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys it is great to see so many of you staying with this fic! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 43

Isabel did not come home last night and I am starting to get worried about her. I called all of her friends and none of them were home. I even called Maria only to find that she was not home and that she was at Liz’s along with everyone else. I called but no one picked up and I even dove by the café only to see all the lights off. So I decided to stop by this morning to see if she was there and what was going on.

When I pulled up to the café I saw all of them outside getting into cars. Those new people who claimed to be her brothers and sister were in fatigues. This had me worried so I decided right then and there that I needed to follow them to make sure Liz and the others were all right. Just as the first car pulled away I saw Liz stop before getting in and look around it was as if she sensed I was watching her. As her car pulled away I followed them.

After about twenty minutes I noticed the area around me was getting more and more familiar. It was only after we went over the bridge that Liz and I jumped off of those things started to become frighteningly familiar. Soon they pulled up to the place of my nightmares Eagle Rock Military Base. I saw that Alec guy as well as that Zack guy leans out of their windows as some guards flagged them through.

“What the?” I asked only to be greeted by the silence of my jeep.

Maria POV

I never wanted to see this place, but here I am. I had heard the others talk about it and now I see what they were talking about. I guess it just brings back all of those bad memories from when Max was captured by the special unit and then we find out that Ames White Liz’s brother is the new head of the special unit and if he is one of these Familiar people then lets just say we are screwed.

“So this place is active.” I said causing Liz to laugh as she points out the window at a group of about 600 kids.

“Morning workout.” Liz said as a man blew a whistle and barked out orders.

“I am guessing they are X7’s.” Liz said becoming quiet.

“Well we are here.” Alec said stopping the car. We all get out and stretch as several of the X7’s as Liz called them looked our way in wonder.

“788 eyes forward.” The man with the whistle barked.

“Ah Commander Brooks.” Liz, Alec and Zack all said at the same time.

“Who?” I asked.

“Brooks is the guy barking out the orders he is in charge of warming up the troops.” Alec said with a smile but I could tell he was less then thrilled to see the man.

“Come on lets go report to the directors office.” Liz said as her and Alec led the way into the base.

As our group walked down the hall a group of kids walked by marching in a single file line and as we passed the they turned to stare at us. “Eyes forward.” Liz barked catching me off guard. I turned to see the kids snap back to attention and continue on their way in a perfect single file line. I looked at the others to see if they were as shocked about what just happened as I was but the only other people who were looking at her funny were Kyle and Isabel.

“Liz?” I asked in a whisper.

“Sorry it’s a habit.” Liz said looking sad.

“Hey don’t feel bad I was about to do the same.” Max said as Krit, Alec and Zack all nod in agreement.

“Sorry it will just take me a while to get used to that.” I said as Liz nodded in understanding. We all walk in silence for a little while until we reach the end of the hall where Alec knocks on the door. The plate next to the door says Lydecker.

“Enter.” A gruff voice barked and I assume it is that Lydecker guy from the café. We all walk in and there behind a large black desk is that Lydecker guy with some blonde woman standing behind him in a black suit.

“Ah welcome and this must be Maria, Isabel and Kyle.” The blonde woman said in a cold voice on her face a blank mask.

“Yes I am Maria.” I said as Isabel and Kyle then introduce themselves.

“Well I think the rest of you should go and get settled and meet in conference room C at noon.” The blonde woman said as the others pile out of the room except Krit.

“Director I would like to stay and make sure Kyle is not by himself on his first day sir.” Krit said standing in one of those military poses you see in the movies when a solider is talking to an officer of higher rank.

“Agreed at ease.” Lydecker said in a cold voice that is like a bucket of cold water. It was then that things finally dawned on me I was at Manticore. Krit must have noticed that I was panicking because he patted me on the back quickly.

“Well let me begin by telling you that for Kyle and Maria here this will not be a cake walk you will have to work hard because we will not be going easy on you we expect you to complete the same tasks as the others.” Lydecker said.

“Isabel we need to know what your powers are so we can help you.” The blonde lady said.

“Um well I can dream walk, feel people’s emotions and manipulate molecular structures.” Isabel said.

“Very well. I think it is safe to say your powers are not as advanced as the others.” Lydecker said writing something down on a note pad.

“Now Maria you have had martial arts training from 513 so you will be alright there. Kyle we will work with you to get you to where Maria is but, the two of you are much farther behind then the others.” The blonde lady said and now I am starting to wish I knew her name because I am getting the feeling that she is not Lydecker’s secretary but another director.

“Um excuse me but what is your name?” I asked the blonde lady. She smiled at me then finally tells me.

“I am director Renfro.” The lady said.

“Now Isabel it is our belief that you, Michael and Tess all have this training stored in your memories some where all we have to do is tap into that and we believe this can be achieved by you just letting loose.” Lydecker said as Isabel shakes her head in understanding. Kyle and Isabel seem so comfortable and at ease where I feel like I am about ready to run and head for the hills these people are so scary.

“Well let’s get you all checked out.” Renfro said leading Isabel and I down one hall as Lydecker leads Krit and Kyle down another.

I get the feeling that I should have been listening to what was being said that way I would know what was happening and where we were going. We walk for a while down a bunch of winding halls and making all of these turns man this building seems to go on forever. Finally Renfro opens up a door leading into a giant white room filled with medical equipment. Of course the first thing that came to my mind was…

“OMG Isabel they are putting us in the white room!” I yelled hysterically.

“Maria calm down she is taking us here so we can get tested before we enter into the breeding program.” Isabel said to me putting her hands on my shoulders so that I would stop jumping up and down.

“Really?” I asked looking from Renfro to Isabel.

“Really.” Isabel said leading me to one of the exam tables.

“Sorry I was off in la, la land when you explained all of this.” I said feeling embarrassed about my outburst.

“It is fine now let us get you both taken care of.” Renfro said.

Tess POV

“Okay let us go warm up.” Liz said as Alec lead us to the gym. When we get there that Biggs guy was there stretching on one of the blue mats. I look over at Max and see her checking him out. Biggs smiled when he saw Max and she smiled right back at him. I see great things in the future for them.

“Hey guys I heard you were here. I was starting to wonder if you had forgotten about me.” Biggs said with a puppy dog smirk on his face.

“Oh you poor baby.” I said sticking out my bottom lip in a pout.

“Tess right?” He asked and I shake my head yes.

“I like ya you have spunk.” Biggs said smiling at me.

“That goes both ways.” I said smiling I can see us becoming close friends eventually.

“So what are you doing in here?” Liz asked raising her eyebrows at Biggs.

“Well when I heard you were here I came here to work out knowing Max would be coming here so I just stretched.” Biggs said eyeing Max.

“Good you are warming up.” Lydecker said coming into the gym.

“We were just getting started.” Liz said.

“Very well when you are done with the warm up I want you all to practice sparing; I have asked two others to come in and help I figured 566 would be in here. Also Michael and Tess when you are done we have set up a special room for you to train in, which 566 can show you to. Proceed.” Lydecker said walking away again.

“So who are the others?” I asked Biggs.

“Probably X5 666 she is a feisty one and then probably X5 665 he is 666’s twin and is just as feisty except he is a little on the shy side. They are two of the best fighters.” Biggs said as we hear footsteps coming this way.

“That is them.” Alec said as Michael comes and stands by me. A moment later two people walk into the gym. It was a boy and girl who were about a year or two younger then us. The girl had strawberry blonde hair as did the boy and both of them had stone cold eyes and very pale skin making them look almost dead. The girl had this haunted look about her that screamed mess with me and die and the boy seemed almost timid in comparison, but upon closer study I could see his silent strength.

“Guys this is X5 666.” Biggs said pointing to the girl who looked us up and down. She pauses on me for a moment then moves on to Michael who is looking at her funny. She sees this and rolls her eyes.

“Then this would be 665.” Liz said coming up to the guy and shaking his hand. He was doing the same and checking each one of us out. He seemed to spend the most time on Michael and I just like his sister.

“So let us get started.” The girl said as she walked into the ring drawn on the floor.

“I suggest 698 fight her or 494.” 665 her brother said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because they are the more experienced fighters.” The boy said.

“That may be, but I know 513 and 452 are just as capable so someone get in here.” The girl said with her hand on her hip.

“I will go first.” Zack said as we all crowd around. I know Lydecker wants Michael and I in the next room but I had to see this girl fight. I don’t know why, but I get the feeling that this girl is going to kick the others butts.

“Start.” The girl barked.

Zack makes the first move he throws a right kick at her left side, which she easily deflects. She then proceeds to circle some more before she flips over Zack and kicks him in the back of the knee making him fall to the floor. She was about to kick him in the head when Zack whirls around on the floor kicking out his leg and sweeping her legs out from under her. The girl was not on the ground for a second because she flipped her self up into a standing position and her and Zack circle one another some more. Zack went to punch her in the face, but 666 grabbed his fist shoved it into his face and then kneed Zack in the stomach causing him to make a whoosh sound as the wind was knocked out of him by the girl.

“Wow she does not look like she is even trying.” I said as the two throw more punches and kicks. Zack is getting hit more then he is hitting her. I can tell the girl is getting board because she quickly in a matter of seconds throws Zack to the floor and puts her foot on his throat causing Zack to stop his movements.

“I guess she was tired of taking it easy.” Biggs said.

“What?” Max asked looking confused.

“She was taking it way too easy on him she knew he could not take her.” Biggs said.

“You all forget we have several years training on you, well all except 494 and 513.” 665 said his arms crossed.

“513 please get in there and show the others how it is done.” 665 said. So Liz tags Zack out who is rubbing his throat.

“Lets do this.” The girl 666 said.

“Bring it.” Liz said causing the girl to smirk.

The two start off circling each other much like Zack and the girl did, but soon things get different. Liz leaps at the other girl forcing the girl to do a back bend minus the hands; it looked like one of those moves out of the Matrix. 666 quickly stands up and then delivers a round house kick towards Liz that gets blocked. Soon the two are trading steady blows and kicks I had to be standing here with my mouth open in awe. Eventually the two speed up so that their bodies were a blur when all of the sudden the one girl went flying one-way and Liz the other. They both hit the opposite walls with a smack.

“Liz!” Alec yelled as our group runs over to Liz and Biggs and the other transgenic run off to 666.

“What happened?” Max asked.

“We got a little carried away and when we both did the same move on each other at the speed we were going we both just flew away with a really strong force.” Liz said sitting up.

“Good job.” 666 said coming up to us with Biggs and her brother.

“You too. I have not used a lot of those muscles in years.” Liz said standing up.

“Yeah well you are one of the only people who actually ever posed a challenge for me. Thanks.” The girl said with a smile causing her eyes to light up making them look green instead of gray.

“What?” The girl asked noticing my gaze.

“Your eyes change color.” I said with out thinking.

“Yeah it depends on the mood I am in. When I am mad or board my eyes are gray, happy green and just sitting there concentrating blue.” The girl said.

“I don’t remember you, which base were you form?” Liz asked.

“We are from the base in Michigan.” 666 said.

“Neat.” Max said.

“What about you?” 665 asked.

“They are from Wyoming. Later 513 transferred to my base with Biggs in Seattle.” Alec said.

“Wait how many bases are there?” I asked thinking there just the one.

“There are five in all Washington, Wyoming, Michigan, Nevada, and Florida.” Liz said.

“Yeah and now here in New Mexico.” 666 said.

“So who is next?” 665 asked.

“Um actually we have to get going to the conference room. We will see you later.” Max said smiling as our little group heads out of the gym and to the conference room.

“This should be fun.” Liz said sarcastically.