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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:27 am
by aliensister
Sorry this is over due. Here we go :)


Opening the front passenger door of the powder blue SUV, I put the small bag with my phone, head phones and CD player with CD disc holder and other things to cure some of the boredom of road trips on the floor in front of the chair, I get passenger seat due to I am first to be navigator. Kyle and Maria will be in the seat so Kyle can comfort Maria because she will probably cry and be hysterical at least that’s what I think. Michael decided he was going to drive first and since I wasn’t leaving anyone that I could sit up front and navigate.

Everyone’s possessions what little we have, have been put in the backs of the SUVs. We have about half an hour till we set off; I’m the only one outside. I don’t have any Goodbyes to say the only people I sort of know, half are coming with me and the other half really don’t like, granted the people I’m going be sharing a ride with don’t really like me either. Opening a map I stare at it with unseeing eyes, lost too deep in my thoughts. What else should I expect from these people, they have every right to hate me I came to Roswell and tried to break them all up, mind warping them and lying to them, I wouldn’t want to know me either.

With a sigh I close the map back up, man this road trip is going to be fun I think with sarcasm. Walking around both SUVs I change the License plates to that of Florida and Wisconsin, one SUV is blue and the other is red, the most common colors I could think of. I managed to get the SUVs from a contact of Nascedo, one that he used when he would move us all around America and the rest of the world. Thankfully I have their numbers.

Each SUV has a thousand dollars in it along with all the papers that everyone will need, Max and Michael changed everyone’s ID and Licenses. Max and I have access to a bank account that was set up for us by Nascedo in case this situation ever arose and when we all get far enough away from Roswell, Max and I can get money out for people to get some clothes and other necessities. Shutting the car door I begin to walk back into the mine.


In less than half an hour I will be in a car bound for New York, Leaving my family and my home, the home I have ever known. I’m scared, no scratch that I’m terrified, petrified and any other synonyms you can think of, I am. Grabbing bottles of water the Sheriff brought us, I sort of feel guilty he’s going to come back tomorrow and we’ll be gone with only a note in explanation and we’re taking his son with us.

Max said it’s better if he stays here, he can’t get in trouble for taking minors over state lines, not that he will know that seeing as we’re not going to tell him where we are going just that we have gone and to please tell our parents we love them and that it wasn’t their fault. I do agree with Max but I still feel guilty that we’re taking Kyle away from his father.

After throwing the bottles in my backpack, I look up trying to spot Liz and Maria my two best friends in the world, I don’t want to leave Maria but there’s no other way. I feel the tears start to prickle in my eyes, I don’t want to leave my Ria, what if something happens to them, we won’t know. I mean sure we have cell phones, well one of us in each car does but they’re new numbers, ones our parents don’t know.

Walking towards everyone, away from the makeshift sleeping area, I call out to Ria. I want to say my goodbyes and tell Michael to look after her for me.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:20 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

I've already placed my lime green tote into the SUV that was designated to me. It seems I took the longest of anyone to pack which is fairly impressive seeing how Isabel has a serious show fetish that rivals my own. I just couldn't figure out what to take and what to leave behind. Seventeen years worth of memories and this is all I have to show for it. A tacky bag my mother brought back from an alien convention for me. I miss my mom already. What will she do without me? Will she believe that I abandoned her just like my father did?

I must not think about that now. I have to be strong. Still the prickle of tears threaten to fall and it takes all of my inner strength to force them back. My walkman was the first to go in that sack. Along with a small cd holder carrying all of my favorites: Save Ferris, Alanis Morrisette, Dido, Sheryl Crow, and Sarah Mclachlan. As Michael would say all chick music. I did happen to sneak in a Metallica that I had purchased after one of his 'Metallica is THE greatest rock band in the world' speeches. I didn't tell him I bought it. I don't plan on doing so now. He'd probably just tease me mercilessly.

I also packed a supply of Cyprus Oil. After all I am going to be spending hours upon hours in a car with Stonewall Guerin himself. I'll need all the calming I can get. That thought leads me to the first time Spaceboy tried to 'calm' me down. If I was honest with myself I'd admit that his kiss left me anything but relaxed. Of course I also put in my lyrics book full of songs I've completed as well as some works in progress. I'm saddened that there wasn't enough space for my guitar but that's probably just as well. I want my mom to keep it. So she'll have something personal to remember me by.

Taking a deep breath I begin to toy with the charm bracelet hanging loosely on my wrist. Liz gave it to me as a token of friendship in the third grade. I still can't believe I am going to be separated from both Liz and Alex. How will I survive? Kyle will be the only other human in that vehicle to balance out the freaky alien genetics and I fear that he's more upset at our hasty departure then I am. Alex's voice calls out to me and I answer it without the slightest hesitation.

"I'm right here." I scramble to his side and throw myself at him for a desperate hug. I can't believe this is happening. While I'm scared to leave everything I've ever known I'm entirely grateful for being included on the journey. I thought for sure Michael would pull a what's best for the group and want to leave me here. Surprisingly he didn't. He seems comforted by the thought of me tagging along. Not that he would admit it. Stubborn ass. :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:35 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Trying to avoid Tess's eyes I place my gym bag into the SUV. It's not that I'm tryign to avoid her. That will be impossible with all the time we will be spending together on the road. It's just that I had the biggest crush on her and now I've found out that she's an alien. That's just my luck. Not only does my first real girlfriend dump me for someone 'Not of this Earth' ,but the next girl I develop feelings for is also out of this world. I mean that literally as well as figuritively.

Now I am about to cram into a car with Michael Guerin (who last time I checked hated my guts) Along with my dad's on again off again girlfriend's daughter: Maria Deluca (who always seemed annoyed with me when I was dating Liz) and said crush who probably thinks I am beneath her because I don't have freaky powers. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful to be alive ,and if Max hadn't healed me I would have died right there where I lay.

Still I don't know where I am supposed to go from here. I obtain all of this knowledge about how we aren't alone in the universe and it's a big conspieracy that's been covered up for over thirty years along with the fact that FBI agents will probably want to expereiment on me if they find out that I was saved. That's a lot to take in all at once. The only reason why I'm not going completely nuclear is because of my dad. He was right. All of this time he knew what he was rambling about. So did my grandfather.

It pains me to think that no one will know that what many considered lunacy was actually genuis. The Valenti name has been tarnished and I wish there was some way I could prove his brillance without revealing Max, Michael, Isabel, and Tess. Alas there isn't a way that would do so without putting them as well as myself in danger. So I go. Into the night with several people I don't really even consider friends. Maybe this is the biggest mistake I've ever made or perhaps this is just the start of my new life.

One filled with continued intrigue and no more false bravado. On the road I don't have to be Kyle star athlete. I can just be me. The version of myself long sense hiden form the rest of the world. Maybe Tess would like that person.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:17 pm
by aliensister

"I'm right here." Maria says throwing herself into my hug. Leaning down I place my head against her hair and take comfort in the familiar smell of Cedar Oil. "Oh Ria I'm going to miss you" I say sadly. Pulling away slightly I look into the bright green eyes of a girl that has been my best friend for such a big part of my life.

"Be safe k?" I whisper in her ear. "You know I love you Ria" Placing my hands on eiter side of her face, I blow a raspberry on each cheek, something I've been doing to the girls since we were in primary school. It has always made them laugh when they were down and when they smile I feel better and end up having to laugh myself.

It will only be a month that I'll be seperated from Ria but it feels like it's going to be years. I'm terrified but I have to be strong for my girls and for everyone, i know where all scared but we don't have any other choice so we just have to be strong.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:43 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Alex leans forward as best as he can with me in his arms and whispers in my ear, "Oh Ria I'm going to miss you" The sadness in his voice is evident causing me to sniff back tears of my own. This is so hard. I bite my bottom lip harshly to keep it from quivering. He pulls back slightly so he can meet my eyes and I almost lose it entirely when I see his pained expression. "Be safe k?" He stammers the emotion getting the best of him. Not trusting my own voice I simply nod the promise.

"You know I love you Ria" He places his warm hands on either side of my face and blow raspberries on each cheek the same way he’s done since we were little kids. The nostalgia of the gesture causes me to giggle uncontrollably. “I luv’s you too, Alex.” I tighten my arms around his neck allowing myself to linger a bit before I drop down to my feet. Taking a deep breath I try my best to look at this as a new opportunity. “Just think we are starting all new lives. We can do whatever we want. Be whoever we want.”

Running my hand through my hair which is a action I do a lot when under stress I meet Alex’s worried eyes. With a lowered voice I state, “Please take care of Liz. I know she thinks she’s got this all under control ,but none of us really knows what we are doing. We are still just kids. Kids in an unique situation. Don’t let her try to grow up too quickly.” I plead not wanting the weight of responsibility to fall to heavy on my best friends shoulders. On a brighter note I add,

“I think meeting at the Empire State Building is very romantic. It’s very ‘Sleepless in Seattle.’” I tease good naturedly. Needing the familiarity of childhood antics I challenge through light tears, “I’ll beat you to the top.” :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:52 am
by aliensister

“I luv’s you too, Alex.”Maria squeezes harder into the last moments of our hug.“Just think we are starting all new lives. We can do whatever we want. Be whoever we want.” Ria says trying to make light of a dark situation. Running her hands through her hair, something Ria does when she's stressed and I yearn to be able to say something or do something that would make this all easier for everyone, but I can't and it's hard.

“Please take care of Liz. I know she thinks she’s got this all under control ,but none of us really knows what we are doing. We are still just kids. Kids in an unique situation. Don’t let her try to grow up too quickly.” I only nod at Ria cause I'm to choked up to speak.

“I think meeting at the Empire State Building is very romantic. It’s very ‘Sleepless in Seattle.’” I let out a small laugh at Ria's statement, through all of Maria's teflon she's a romantic at heart.

"You would, cause your a romantic sap" I tease witha smile.

“I’ll beat you to the top.”

"Pfft, I'll be standing on the top when you walk through the front doors" I playfully challenge her, something we have been doing well me, Ria and Lizzie since forever.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:16 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Pfft, I'll be standing on the top when you walk through the front doors" Alex challenges with a touch of playfulness that causes me to grin widely. How does he do that? Make me forget such a dire situation and instead focus on the fun aspect of it. I guess that is just the magic that is my best friend. “We’ll see, Whitman.” I scoff good naturedly before leaning up on my tip toes before messing up is hair in that careless way that seems so familiar.

“ I’m not going to worry about you too much since you’ve got your new girlfriend to keep you one your toes.” I admonish with a wink. “Just don’t drive her crazy with the.. Oh Isabel your eyes are so captivating and Oh Isabel your hair is so shiny.” With a teasing too of my hair I continue, “That’s really great in moderation just make sure you don’t use up all your compliments twenty minutes into the trip.”

Alex’s hero worship Of Isabel has always been a long running joke of ours. I don’t worry about it bothering him. He knows that I approve of their relationship. She brings out a sparkle in his eyes that I can’t help but appreciate. Besides he's got more than enough material to work with revolving Michael and my volatile on and off again thingy. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:10 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Liz throws herself into my arms and I just hold my best friend for a moment trying to grasp the concept that we are going to separated for a long time. We haven’t been apart from each other for more then weekend in ten years. Now we are both going in opposite directions and only God knows when we shall look upon one another’s face again. It’s a scary thought ,but I know we are doing the right thing. We’ve got to protect the others and their secret. This seems to be the only way we can do that without getting left behind.

I allow the tears to cascade down my cheeks as she murmurs, "Oh Maria," I sniff back the defying flood as she continues, "you do realize that I'm going to miss you right?" A sad smile dances across my features as I answer, “Of course you will. I’m only the hippest chick you know.” I mutter with a giggle. “I’m going to miss you too. Whose going to listen to me go on and on about the littlest things. I guarantee that Mr. Grumpy Pants over there will tune me out after the first five miles…If we make it that long.” I add with a playful snicker.

Liz has always joked around with me about Michael and my tempestuous relationship or lack thereof. “Please do me a favor.” I ask trying to fight back a new set of tears. “You and Alex take care of each other. You are the President and Treasurer of the ’I Know an Alien Club’ If something happens that you have to revoke your membership I am left as the Vice Presdient and only member and that’s just sad.” :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:02 am
by aliensister

"I’m not going to worry about you too much since you’ve got your new girlfriend to keep you on your toes.” I just send her a mock glare as she winks at me, cheeky minx “Just don’t drive her crazy with the.. Oh Isabel your eyes are so captivating and Oh Isabel your hair is so shiny.” I poke my tongue, I want to be really peeved at her but I know in about half an hour I'm not going to see her or hear her voice for nearly a month and it's all I can do not to cry “That’s really great in moderation just make sure you don’t use up all your compliments twenty minutes into the trip.”

"Oh Maria," Liz says as she runs over and joins in the hugs, I'm gonna miss Maria but I'm gonna mis the three amigos more."you do realize that I'm going to miss you right?" I can see the tears in both my girls eyes and I feel myself start to tear up as well. “Of course you will. I’m only the hippest chick you know.”I let out a half laugh, Maria has always had this ability, to make people when they had nothing to laugh about and I gotta say I love her for it

“I’m going to miss you too. Whose going to listen to me go on and on about the littlest things. I guarantee that Mr. Grumpy Pants over there will tune me out after the first five miles…If we make it that long.” I really wish that we didn't need to seperate, why couldn't we go together, I mean ok yeah I've litened as to why we can't all be together because eight teens in a minivan would look kinda suss but I don't like the thought of leaving Maria behind, even though we're not it still feels like it and I hate it.

“Please do me a favor.”

"You and Alex take care of each other. You are the President and Treasurer of the ’I Know an Alien Club’ If something happens that you have to revoke your membership I am left as the Vice Presdient and only member and that’s just sad.” I lay a hand on both their shoulders and nod to Maria's request as I pull them both into a hug that's full of worry and sorrow, I don't to let go but I know I have to soon but not yet.

"I love you's both so freakin much"

"More that all the stars in the solar system...ha! beat that!" I say daring them to come up with a bigger number, trying to take my mind off the fact that in a number of minutes were going to have to go our seperate ways.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:24 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Alex places one hand on Liz’s shoulder and the other on top of mine drawing us both together for a tight hug that tugs at my heart. It will be quite a while before we are all three like this again. I’m not sure how I will make it without those two to share the alien woes with.

"I love you's both so freakin much" Alex declares with a mournful tone. I inhale sharply trying to fight back another downpour of tears. "More that all the stars in the solar system...ha! beat that!" He exclaims with that childish nature that has always appealed to me.

I immediately begin pondering ways that I can top his challenge. “Well I love you times infinity.” I state with a wistful smile that doesn’t quite reach my pained eyes. “Nothing is longer then forever.” I add with a triumphant grin. :D