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Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:35 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: The jeep is my bad. :oops:


I don't know exactly where I am going. I could go over to Michael's but then I would feel the compulsive urge to clean and right now I'd much rather bask in the silence. There isn't really any one I feel I can confide in about Alex except Alex himself. I know I must sound crazy sitting out there in the cemetery having conversations with a stone. Still I can't keep myself from going out there time and time again. It makes me feel close to him. I follow the path I've taken many many times in the past souple of weeks to the grave yard.

Once I reach my destination I bend down and read the headstone. You can't move forward without knowing where your coming from. My finger tips trace over the letters of the love of my life's name. My eyes remain down cast as I whisper into the night air, "I miss you." :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:39 pm
by AntarPrince04
OOC: You're mean you know that? :lol: This would be the Perfect time to bring in "Ghost" Alex, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that just yet. Mind you, I do have another use for alex here.


Alex is dead.

That's the one thought though his whole monologue that I actually pay attention to. Alex is dead and Max blames himself. This is all fucked up I know, but hearing that, however paraphased it might be pisses the hell outta me and I fight to continue listening as Max unloads and not snap at him.

Of all the stupidity....Max takes the cake. It never fails; he always takes the responsibility, sometimes risking more than just himself to do it, and when he fails he kills himself, however figuritively, in penance; and it is not his fault! Hell, its not even his responsibility - and the one person who should be standing with him, the one who claimed to care so much about him, is the only one who blames him.

Max looks at me, he looks straight at me and I return the gaze steadily. "I wish for one night to forget all of this. To not worry about responsibility or the burden that I carry."

My heart aches at the statement, there's so much pain and sadness there it kills me. Max continues to look at me and it's almost as if he's asking - pleading - with me for help, to make it all go away. I'd do anything I can to help him, but I'm just not sure there is a way.....

My hair has began to grow and it reaches to just above my neck now; I run a hand through it in frustration, and we sit there - in silence - for what seems like ages. I'm sure it seems as if I'm frustrated with Max; I've never been the heart to heart type really and we both know it, but my frustration is the situation.

...then an idea hits me.

Max starts to speak, but I cut him off in a low, even tone - my eyes still on his. "There....may be a solution...."

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:17 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- I think I messed up the jeep thing first.


I suddenly realize the strange girl I'm watching is actually Isabel. Her hair is short and dark. Is she wearing a wig? Why would she do that?

I watch Isabel and then turn around to follow at a discrete distance, stopping when I see where she's going. The cemetary. There's no way I can pretend to just 'happen to be passing by' at the cemetary. I never even met Alex.

Guess I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow. Maybe another opportunity will present itself then.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:22 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I don't mean to be mean. LOL :lol:


I begin to ramble on and on about things that aren’t even important. I seem to be doing more of that these days. I like to think that Alex would have liked the new do. I bring a blade of grass in between my fingers and begin to play with it absent mindedly while I talk. If he were really here he’s probably tease me about the insistent babbling accusing me of channeling Maria.

Still I like to take comfort in the thought that maybe he hears my soft whispered prayers and knows that even though I never showed him the depth of my feelings when he was alive it doesn’t mean they weren’t there. They still are and forever will be. I begin to ponder over the person I’d be today had I never fell in love with Alexander Whitman. In all honesty I’d more then likely still be the ice cold princess with vast space where my heart was supposed to be that I once was.

That boy with the contagious smile changed me forever because he taught me that it’s okay to feel. Unfortunately he didn’t warn me that once you open yourself up to people you are also taking the bad in with the good. Which is why even though I have experienced a great and miraculous love I am now being subjected to a deep aching loss that seems to break my very spirit at times. Even knowing what I know now I would do it all again.

The only thing that I’d change is I would have told him how much I truly cared sooner. I wouldn’t have let fear and some misguided sense of Destiny keep me from what I knew in my soul was right. Still I never pictured that the great love of my love would come and be gone before I even graduate from high school. I guess I should be grateful. I experienced more love in those few stolen moments then many get in a lifetime.

“You know my mother thinks that I just shouldn’t speak to you. They all just expect me to move on. I just can’t stop coming until I know everything’s going to be okay. I’ll let go of you. When I’m ready.” With a slightly sad smile I rise and begin the long walk that will bring me home. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:55 pm
by AntarPrince04
Jim Valenti

"...Uhm, I've been... feeling a bit unwell lately. That's why the tv was on even... if I didn't watch it. I think I'm going to be ill or something."

I look at Kyle intently for a few moments at this. I'm a little surprised, and thrown by the suddeness of the statement; it's not what he said really it's just...out of character for Kyle.

"Well..." I stumble for a moment. I'm not sure, but I know my son and somethings bothering him. I'm not sure how to respond though. "Um....well the bug is going around", I tell him carefully. "Go lay down - get some sleep."

Ooc: Yes, I know it sucks, but Jim is difficult to write

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:19 pm
by magikhands

"There....may be a solution...." Michael says.

I stop my rambling, something I must have picked up from Maria. My eyebrows draw together as I look at him confused. I came over to vent, to finally lay my burdens on someone else for a few minutes. I never expected Michael to actually DO anything about my problems. I just wanted a willing ear. What am I thinking? Michael isn't really a willing ear, but he won't run screaming and pulling his hair out when I go into my brooding mode.

"A solution?" I ask shaking my head. "Michael, I doubt it. This stuff, there's really nothing you can do."

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:09 pm
by AntarPrince04

"A solution?" Max asks shaking his head, he's clearly a bit surprised by it. "Michael, I doubt it. This stuff, there's really nothing you can do." he reasons.

I can see the disappointment in his eye's as he does. I just chuckle and pat him on the back, getting to my feet. "Sulum forsit solutio , meus amicus -", I tell him cryptically as I lock the front door. " - You just have to know where to look."

Going quickly into the kitchen and to the frige. It's nearly bare, but I don't get paid till monday. Finding what I need fairly quick I turn away, kicking the frige door shut with my foot and put the thing in my pocket.

Back in the living room Max looks at me critically. "...Michael...what are you up to", he asks me as I reseat myself beside him. I see the somewhat nervious look and I smirk.

"Like I said Maxwell, my friend; 'Every problem has a solution...' even if it is only temperary, and I Think I have yours."

Taking a deep breath; because I know Max, I pull a plain silver flask out of my jeans pocket and as expected Max's eyes widen.

"Now, if you do this, there are a couple of rules: You stay in here wth me; and you don't tell the guys." I tell him, all traces of humor gone. The last thing I need is for the guys to find out. I'd never hear the end of it.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:51 pm
by magikhands

"Like I said Maxwell, my friend; 'Every problem has a solution...' even if it is only temperary, and I Think I have yours." Michael says returning from his kitchen. He sits down near me and pulls out a silver flask.

I try to hide my surprise. If there was alcohol in that flask I wanted nothing to do with it. I remember what happened the last time I took a sip of what Kyle had. Though I told Liz and the others I didn't remember, I did. Every minute of it.

But that got me thinking. That night of Liz's blind date, while under the influence of Kyle's alcohol, I felt free. For the first time in my life, I felt unburdened.

"Now, if you do this, there are a couple of rules: You stay in here wth me; and you don't tell the guys." Michael interrupts my thoughts.

I shake my head. "I'm not sure Michael. It only took a sip last time, and I got pretty...crazy." I look at him and tried to hide the grin that twitched my lips. I did some pretty outrageous things that night. It wasn't a wonder someone didn't see me.

But still, my mind sought the pros and cons of what Michael was offering. If I stayed here he could keep me out of trouble, right? And the thought of feeling good after such sounded like heaven.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:32 pm
by Anna-Liisa

"I guess so," I answer when dad suggests I'd go lay down.

I don't get up though. Should I... or should I not tell him about the visions... naked Max's. I guess I could ask him indirectly... but what would he know? He's not one of them. I sigh and decide to try anyway.

"It's not only that, though. I keep having weird... dreams. Ever since Max healed me. And they're.... all about him," I tell dad. "I mean, I know you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Or what's going on. Maybe it's only a period... like I'm feeling close to him cause he saved me..."

I shake my head mentally. Sleeping would mean more Max. That didn't sound so inviting. Then again, a part of my wanted to see his abs. I sigh. "Maybe I'll just go to bed and see if I get rid of both of my problems. if I don't, I'll go talk to Evans myself."

I get up and look at dad.
"I'm sure it's just the bug. You better be careful so you don't get it from me, right?"

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:27 pm
by AntarPrince04

"I'm not sure Michael." He says to me wirily, shaking his head negatively - predictably - at the offer. "It only took a sip last time, and I got pretty...crazy."

I nod understandingly at that statement. Max really isn't the type to do something like this. Even if he were human I don't think he'd have a tolerance for alcohol. Still, I know Max; I probably know Max better than his sister, and that really isn't me being arrogant. There are just things that you don't tell family, no matter what planet you're from.

"Like I said," I tell him evenly. "You stay here - with me." I sit the flask down on the coffee table, between us. I honestly donno why I bought the thing. "I'm not forcing you though."