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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:42 pm
by HypnotiqBlueEyes
Just read the latest update & I am LOVING this story! I can't wait to find out what happens once Liz is awake! Please hurry back with more soon....


Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 12:44 am
by AlysLuv
Great story

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 8:23 am
by Evans3
Oh lose everyone is almost same as end of the world. I am worried of what Max will do...Mindwrapping killed Alex. Will it kill Liz? Don't leave me in the darkness. I wait for your new part! Keep writing!

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 2:24 am
by BQ1
I don't know how I managed to skip over this one, but definitely captivated

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:46 am
by Timelord31
looking forward to seeing whats next

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:17 pm
by MLfan
Great story! Please hurry back with more.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:08 am
by NotYourChick
I wonder how Liz is going to react when she finds out.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/5/14

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:01 pm
by jake17
L-J-L 76

Thank you so much for all the very sweet fb, sorry for the long wait.

Chapter three

"I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.”

A.S. Byatt

Gripping a cup of coffee tight in his hands Max stared down at the recorder still shaken by her words, lost in the tender, heartfelt way she spoke of him.

Although I can’t see him, I know him.

He places his hand over me, the warmth from his skin spreads outward till it consumes me, it feels like heaven, like a peace I’ve never known.

I know this makes no senses but… he heals me in a way I can’t explain.

Although I can’t see him, I know him.

Although I can’t see him, I trust him.

As strange as this may sound Dr. Dexton, even though I can’t see him… I love him.

Waves of confusion hit him placing deep cracks in a well cemented wall that had taken years to build.

Feeling her in his arms was almost painful, so shocking in its intensity it proved to him just how deeply he had longed for the touch of another.

For her touch…

Living such a solitary existence was his decision, definitely never one he regretted.

Her safety, her sanity was all that mattered.

The answer was immediate, but the pain of her loss, that was more intense than he could’ve ever imagined.

He knew that it was different for her, with her memories washed away she was with others, she was even married.

A battle raged inside him, a war between his heart and mind, knowing she had every right to love and be loved.

Wanting her to have the life he felt he took away, wanting only happiness for her, but the resentment was there, like a knot in his stomach only growing more bitter and painful with each day.

Max knew it was wrong but anger stewed burning his insides for the very gift he gave her, of how easily it worked, how instantly she forgot everything they were.

It was as though a small part of him thought that their love, what was between them should have been strong enough to penetrate any power.

It was ridiculous, unfair, but the heart cannot be controlled by logic or rational thinking.

It is without rules, careless, reckless.

It can lift you so high you feel as if you are flying, skimming the edge of heaven itself, then within a blink of an eye bring you to a depth of a hell you cannot imagine.

This is where Max lived, in the limbo of memories that made him fly, and the hell that was his reality.

It was in this irrational anger he chose to stay, knowing what he had to do.

Useless melancholy feelings of love would not save her from the harm that awaited her if he didn’t follow through.

Still, if he could have just one more day…

Startled out of his thoughts hearing Michael yawn as he stumbled down the hallway in his boxers Max hardened his expression readying himself for what would soon come his way.

The harsh light of day was piercing through the windows straight into Michael’s eyes as he shielded his face plopping down across from Max at the table.

“Coffee, please” he mumbled sleepily as he rubbed his eyes before raising his arms above his head for an achy stretch.

Silently Max abided his wish carefully placing a piping hot cup of black coffee in front of his mop of hair that was resting against the table.

After taking a few hearty sips Michael leaned back against the chair searching the room for signs of Liz.

“So, where is she? Fill me in on the story you gave her so I can hit the road, there’s a table in Vegas with my name on it, not to mention a little red head I’ve been waiting to – “

“I haven’t… done… anything yet.”

Lifting his bloodshot whiskey colored eyes up Michael cleared his throat roughly trying to contain his anger.

“What the hell are you talking about? This was all planned out Max, I’m supposed to be on the road in an hour, do you have any idea what this means – “

“There were... complications, I had no choice. She was too upset, it wouldn’t have worked correctly.”

Standing Michael slammed his palms down on the table knocking over his coffee.

“Bullshit! You saw her and everything came back just like I warned you it would. What? Did she recognize you? Did she remember something? That’s it right? She saw you she knew it was you she was dreaming about and you didn’t have the balls to go through with it!”

“No, Michael that’s not what happened, calm the hell down. I know what I have to do. Now go get lost for the day, she’ll be ready tonight. It’s best that you travel with her by night anyway, just let me handle it.”

Nodding Michael took a deep breath before placing his hand on the back of Max’s neck supportively.

“Max, I know this is very difficult but just remember if we keep her too long people will notice. On Monday morning if she doesn’t show up for work and the – “

“I know, I’ve got this, just go into town or something, I need to be alone with her.”

Releasing his neck Michael gave him a long grave stare before turning to walk back to the bedroom.

“Tonight Max, I’m leaving this mountain with or without her.”

Throwing the recorder on the counter by the sink Max watched tensely as it spun around to the back of the coffee machine.

Shaking his head he felt like a fool.

He was hanging on to the past as if it was real, as if it meant anything.

The truth was hard and cruel, it was also inescapable.

He had let her go a long time ago, nothing was going to change.

Gazing at his reflection in the window he saw the years that erased the boy he used to be.

The words on that recorder were just fragments of a memory, of a past that meant nothing now.

She had ten years of life, ten years of experiences, friends… lovers.

He had a decade of loneliness and isolation, and a lifetime to go.

Max couldn’t help the bitterness gnawing at his insides, he would use this emotion, make the anger work for him.

It was close to seven at night when he began to descend the stairs leading to the underground bunker.

Balancing a tray of food on his arm he once again lit the lamps along the wall with his palm as he walked stoically up to the closed bedroom door where she was still quietly sleeping.

Swiping his hand over the pad lock he entered placing the tray on the nightstand as he pulled a chair close to the bed.

He had a single minded goal, he was focused, clear on what he would say and do.

Taking a deep breath he looked down at her watching her intently.

The anger wasn’t hard to find, it flowed through him like hot fuel lighting a fire through his past.

His jaw clenched, his teeth gnashed together as he reached over and pressed two fingers against her forehead.

Within seconds her eyes began to flutter open almost in daze forgetting for a minute that she wasn’t home in her bed.

Sitting up straight she reached over to the tray beside the bed and smashed it against his shoulder sending her turkey sandwich and a glass of ice tea flying in the air.

Struggling to get out of bed she made a run for the door only to be flung backwards by a strong hand gripping her arm.

“Get your hands off of me!”

Pinning her against the wall he held her by the wrists trying to avoid her feet as she worked hard to knee him.

Calmly through gritted teeth Max spoke softly.

“Liz, look at me, you know me. Just calm down, it’s Max Evans from high school. I’m not here to hurt you.”

Breathless she caught his eyes gazing up at him with confusion as all the fight left her body.

“What? Max… Max Evans?”

It was still there, the total absence of history between them, the cold stare of a stranger looking up at him as if he meant nothing.

Feeling her disposition change from violence to shock he let her wrists go immediately stepping back up as if the space between them was too intimate.

Brushing her wild hair out of her face she pointed her finger at him as she nervously looked around the room.

Padding her jeans searching for her cell she cautiously backed away from him towards the door.

“Liz, you need to listen to me very carefully, you are in danger that is why we brought you here.”

Like a bullet Liz was out the door and up the stairs.

Grabbing her around the waist he pulled her close pressing his mouth to her ear, “Please just sit and listen to me, I swear to you no one is going to hurt you.”

Panting harshly she froze against him as if she was weighing her options, sizing up her chances of escaping.

Pulling out the kitchen chair he released her holding out his hand civilly motioning for her to sit.

He could see the wheels turning in her head, her narrow dark eyes darting to the drawers, across the counter, anywhere she could find a weapon.

Placing a glass of water in front of her she reached for it rapidly bringing it to her mouth before stopping suddenly as if she didn’t trust the clear liquid resting on her lips.

Taking the glass from her he took a sip showing her that it was safe before taking the seat opposite her.

Downing most of the water after giving him a nasty smirk she slammed it on the table.

“Why am I here?”

Her words were biting, cold, full of hate and he was glad for it.

Please, keep going Liz; help me do this, stay angry.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead he leaned in toward her staring into her scowling face that had only grown with beauty over the years doing his best to keep his emotions at bay.

Her eyes were wide, intense, mascara smudged under long eyelashes that kissed her flushed cheeks.

He forced images of her and another man into his head trying to sustain his distance knowing this was it.

Locking eyes with her he took a deep breath summoning his strength, letting his powers flow through him.

“Liz, it’s very important that you listen to me. I need you to pay very close attention to everything I’m saying – “

Cutting him off she scoffed at him dismissing him altogether, needing him to know who exactly was in charge.

Tilting her head to the side she moved in closer.

“The quiet shy, wouldn’t hurt a fly lab partner from my high school, who I haven’t seen in ten years has kidnapped and drugged me, believe me Max you have my undivided attention.”

Nodding Max fought against the memory of the desert, how trusting she was, how there was no evidence of that in her eyes now.

Tensing all the muscles in his body fighting away the sheer wonder that she was sitting in front of him after all this time, and all that entailed he forced the words from his mouth knowing he couldn’t wait any longer.

“Liz you are completely safe, I want you to understand that everything I’m telling you is the truth without question and that you are in no danger.”

Her big fiery eyes narrowed with what appeared to be curiosity as her shoulders relaxed.

A blank stare reflected back to him as he continued searching for the words that would make him disappear from her life once again.

“You need to clear your subconscious mind of all memories – “

It was then that he heard glass breaking and felt a stinging pain across his chest.

Slowed from the energy he was expelling from the mind warp he wasn’t able to catch her before she ran outside.

Holding his chest as his blood curled out from between his fingers he stumbled out the door into the clearing.

Breathing hard, completely drained Max closed his eyes momentarily relieved when he saw her struggling in Michael’s arms.

“What the hell’s going on Max? You said it would be done by now!”

Shaking his head wincing from the pain as he pulled the long shard of glass from his chest he barked back at Michael.

“I did it! I-I mean I tried, something happened… I thought it was working, but – “

Fighting to get away Liz suddenly stopped to turn towards Michael. “Michael Guerin? That voice, you’re the one that took me last night, what the hell is happening?!”

Ignoring her Michael noticed the blood now oozing from Max’s hand as the jagged shard of glass laid on the ground by his feet.

Furious Michael fisted Liz’s collar roughly pulling her back in the house before pointing to Max sternly.

“Don’t move!”

Shoving her into the kitchen he slammed the door locking it behind him as she punched her fists on the glass.

Running outside he found Max sitting on a stump with his eyes closed.

His shirt was off and his wound was healed but a pained expression still covered his stoic face.

Kneeling down Michael tried to rein in temper.

“Tell me what happened.”

Staring now at the crimson stained grass Max shrugged defensively.

“I don’t know, I thought I felt it working, I-I thought the connection was there, she was focused in on my words then suddenly – “

“She’s stabbing you in the chest. Max… something isn’t right here.”

Standing Max began to pace with urgency as if he wished his feet could just take him someplace else … anywhere else.

“I don’t know what happened, it didn’t work! I don’t know why, I don’t have an answer for you Michael!”

Sighing Michael shook his head as he gazed out into the big orange sun as it disappeared behind the mountain.

“Maybe it didn’t work because…. deep down inside… you didn’t want it to work.”

Turning towards him Max stared him down with a look of warning that anyone else but Michael would quickly heed. “That’s bullshit.”

Softening his voice Michael backed away before turning to go inside.

“I know you still love her Max, but you can’t keep her here.”

Jumping as Michael slammed the door behind him Max collapsed onto his knees completely drained as what was left of the fading sun lit his face igniting his amber eyes like fire.

A harsh whisper left his mouth as he felt the world close in on him.

“I know.”

It seemed like an eternity before he reached the door.

He hesitated briefly preparing himself to go through it all again, hating every moment.

Once inside he saw a much calmer woman at the kitchen table staring blankly at her hands that were also stained with blood.

Connecting with Max Michael pointed towards his room, “Let me know when it’s done.”

Sitting across from her he used his ripped shirt to try and clean her hands before speaking softly but sternly.

“I forgive you Liz, I know you must be scared, but – “

Pulling her hands away from him she pointed at his chest reddened with dried blood but completely healed.

“Your skin, there’s nothing there, that’s… impossible – “

“Liz – “

No, don’t bullshit me. I felt the glass go in, I saw the blood. Who… what… the hell are you?”

He was speechless, unable to breathe as instinct took over and he brought his shirt up to the healed wound as if he could trick her.

“Never mind, I have a better question.”

Before he could react she reached for the recorder from behind her back and pressed play before throwing it across the table hitting him hard.

Her sweet voice resonated between them from the electronic devise piercing his heart.

It was all there, but she didn’t know, she couldn’t see it, the story of their lives, the peace he brought her, the love she felt.

His expression flickered between pain and seething rage trapped within a truth he could not expose.

Slamming her palms down on the table she pulled the shirt away from his chest revealing his smooth skin.

“I demand to know everything; explain why you dragged me here, how a stab wound can just disappear, and why, how you have those tapes Max.”

Grunting with frustration he grabbed her cheeks and leaned close.

Capturing her wide ebony eyes he pressed his forehead to hers as his hands trembled against her skin.

“The man on those tapes does not exist, the feelings you have are not real, he is not real – “

In that moment she broke eye contact with him as the tape played on further.

… he saved me, he put his hands on me and healed me and in that moment I felt his love for me, it was not of this world. Doctor… I know how this may sound but… he was not of this world.

Breaking out of his grasp she pushed herself away from the table as if something was triggered in the words coming from her very own voice.

Backing up against the wall she stared at his chest as if the broken pieces of her mind began to connect together like a puzzle.

Lowering his face in his hands he gripped his dark hair as he felt their bond for the first time in years.

Fragmented fragile flickers of a past wove together between them like a thorny vine of roses promising as much pain as pleasure.

It was torture, it was heaven and hell… it was love.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:03 pm
by saori_1902
Wow, that was totally intense, totally Max and Liz. I love it.

Waiting for more. :mrgreen:

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:36 pm
by MLfan
Great chapter