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Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 4/9

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:24 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Oh yes Max and Liz it off really well! They head out on their date in this part!

begonia9508 you are so right!

jake17 thanks Carrie!

keepsmiling7 Lol! Carolyn, you know I have twists and surprises in store for you! Yes there are still secrets to come out.

saori_1902 Thanks!

Part 4 One week later

Liz paced in her apartment she had never been this nervous for a date in her life. Serena looked at her from where she was laying on the sofa and rolled her eyes.

"Relax Liz. Max is a nice guy! I mean do you really think that Care or I would have thought he would be good for you other wise?" Said Serena
"I know Rena. I don't know why I am so nervous."
"Liz, you spent ten minutes alone with Max. Do you like him?"
"Yes. Why would I agree to go out with him if I didn't?"
"You didn't love Anthony yet you had sex with him."
"Rena, I know what I did! I will not be having sex with Max! This is our first date."
"But you want to."
"No I don't! I don't know him that well."
"Look Liz, it's OK to have those kind of thoughts about a guy on the first date."
"Where is Care?"
"Out with Brandon Foster."
"The quarterback of the football team?"
"Yep. They been going out for almost three months."
"Why didn't I know about this?"
"Her first date with him was the night that Anthony took your virginity."
"So has she slept with him yet?"
"I don't know."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Liz took a deep breath and when over to open the door. She smiled when she saw Max on the other side. He held out a single white rose.

"Thank you. I love white roses." Said Liz
"So I've heard. You look lovely tonight Liz." Said Max
"Thank you. You look nice yourself."
"Max, don't hurt Lizzie or I will get Michael and Kyle to kick your ass." Said Serena
"Serena, watch it or you might not get laid for a while." Said Max
"Evans, Kyle would have a harder time with that then me." Said Serena
"Max, as much as I enjoy talking about the sex lives of my roommates I think we should head out."
"OK. See you Serena." Said Max

Liz walked with Max down to his jeep. He helped her in and then when around to the driver's side.

"So where are you taking me?" Asked Liz
"You like Chinese?"
"I know this quiet little place not far from here. Thought it would be a good place for us to talk and get to know each other better."
"Sounds nice."
"Liz are you nervous being with me?"
"A little."
"Liz, nothing that you don't want to happen tonight will. We don't want to rush anything."
"Most guys I have met since starting college seem to only be worried about how many girls they can be with."
"I've met some girls like that."
"There were girls in my high school like that."
"I think there is at lest one in every school."

Max pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. He parked and got out and helped her out. They walked in together and were shown a table.

"So Liz what do you like?" Asked Max
"I really like sweet and sour."
"Shrimp, Chicken or pork?"
"Chicken or shrimp."
"I was going to get pepper stake."
"I'll get sweet and sour shrimp."
"I'll share mine if you share yours."

The rest of the meal was spent talking and getting to know each other.


Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 4/9

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:47 pm
by keepsmiling7
Looks like they are off to a good start.
Loved the single white rose!
Can't wait for more,

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 4/9

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:49 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next between Max and Liz. Wow the white rose is really sweet of Max. I like how Max, Serena can tease each other. I like how Max and Liz said they would share their food. I think their date will go smoothly. Hopefully Max and Liz will have a good time on their date.

L-J-L 76

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 4/9

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:47 pm
by saori_1902
How cute <3 thanks.

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 4/9

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:45 am
by begonia9508
Great part! If the guys think this way about girls, isn't it the reason that they got what they want without too much work? :?: :idea: :!:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 4/11

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:02 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes they are off to a good start. Their date isn't over yet! Yes the white rose was a very nice touch.

L-J-L 76 Max was very sweet to bring Liz a white rose. I think their date will go very well.

saori_1902 Thanks!

Eve You are right about that!

Part 5

After they finished eating Max pulled Liz out to the small dance area. Liz smiled as they started to dance. Max watched as Liz's eyes started to sparkle.

"Having a good time?" Asked Max
"The best."
"I really like you Liz."
"I like you too Max."
"I'm glad."
"Max, you know that I won't sleep with you tonight."
"Yes I know. I don't expect anything. Not even a goodnight kiss."
"You are so different then most guys I have met."
"How is that?"
"Most of them seem to think that I should just sleep with them."
"My mom would kick my ass if I treated a lady like a whore."
"Your mom sounds great."
"She is. Maybe a little over protective at times but I love her."
"She raised a good son."
"Liz, why did a sweet girl like you go out with a jerk like Anthony Stevens?"
"I thought he was a nice guy. But he only ever wanted one thing from me."
"I am sorry he treated you like that. You should be treated like a princess."
"Thank you. Max, I don't know what will happen with us. But I do want to go out again."
"I would really like that."
"If we get to the point where we sleep together I want to make sure that it's safe for you. Anthony doesn't believe in using a condom. If I had known that I would never have slept with him."
"Liz are you pregnant?"
"No. I am on birth control. My mom made go on it when I was going out with Maria's cousin Sean. He was a couple years older so she didn't trust him. He did try a couple times to get me to have sex but I always said no. In fact the only time he got his hand in my pants I kneed him in his dick. He fell to the floor crying like a baby."
"I met Sean once. Wanted to punch him in the face for the way he spoke to Maria."
"I have no idea what I saw in him."
"Well, Maria told me a lot of girls fall for him."
"Liz, will you go out with me again next week?"
"Yes. Max, I want us to take this slow OK?"
"Yeah. Uh I don't know how to say this other then to come right out with it. Have you gotten tested for STDs?"
"Yes. I go back tomorrow to get tested again."
"Good. Liz, I know I had no right to ask. But I don't want anything to happen to you because Anthony was an asshole."
"So far everything has come back negative."
"That's good. You are too sweet of a young woman to get sick because of him."
"I am glad that you care. Other then Serena and Care not many people have cared about me. I mean yeah my parents care. But they don't know what happened with Anthony."
"You know Michael does kind of see you like a sister."
"Oh I know what he did to Anthony. I actually thanked him for looking out for me."

After leaving the restaurant Max drove them back to Liz's apartment building and they got out and walked for a little while, before Max walked her to her door.

"Tonight was really nice Max. Thank you for dinner."
"It was great talking and getting to know you Liz."
"You know if either of my roommates are home they are going ask me about tonight."
"Yeah? What will you tell them?"
"That we have a date for next week."
"They will want details."
"I know. Make sure you don't tell those roommates of yours to much."
"What's to tell? We had dinner talked, danced and took a nice walk under the stars."
"That is true. Goodnight Max. Don't forget to call me."
"Oh you can count on it."

Max leaned down and placed a very gentle kiss on Liz's cheek. Liz then headed into her apartment and Max headed home passing Tommy Carter on the stairs with his girl of the night.


Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 4/11

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:37 am
by saori_1902
Glad they had a great night. <3

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 4/11

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:49 am
by begonia9508
That's what I call a gentleman! :shock: 8)

And I am happy that Liz talked clearly about what were her expectations, in their relationship!
She should have tried with the assh.le, the first time... maybe he would have been scared, who knows...

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 4/11

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:59 pm
by keepsmiling7
Too bad there aren't more Max Evans around.....
Liz has found a keeper, but it's still good to go slow.
Loved his respect for his mother.

Re: True Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 4/11

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:49 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! I wish there were more sweet kind gentle men Like Max around. I'm glad Max and Liz had a really great date. I can't wait to find out how their next date goes.

L-J-L 76