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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 5/9/17

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:03 am
by keepsmiling7
Hint, hint least she realizes Max is trying to tell her something.
I think Liz's weather control is soon going to go wacky! Watch out everyone.
Chris and Carolyn had an honest conversation.....hope they will be able to work out a good arrangement.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 5/9/17

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 12:44 pm
by max and liz believer
The more I hear about Liz's past and the powers she has, the more intrigued I am. She seriously has the coolest powers!

But to sleep with Liz (which I presume is what happened) and then not write her… Max! That's really not okay! Maybe if it was to protect her - if there was danger in people finding out and risk of the wrong people getting a hold of the written correspondence and reading it - then maybe I could let it slide.

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 5/9/17

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz does know that Max is trying to tell her something. But doesn't know what it is yet. Liz has very good control of her powers even when she is angry. But I wouldn't want to be on her bad side!

Jo Yes Liz does have very cool powers! You maybe right about what happened between Max and Liz before she went to school :wink: Don't think that Liz will let Max off easy for not writing her!

Part 7

The night of the ball came and Liz walked through the grand ballroom. She stopped and talked to some of those she knew. But the whole night she had a feeling that something was going to happen. Something that she was not going to be happy about.

"May I have this dance malady?"

Liz turned to see Max looking every bit the prince that he was.

"I would be honored my prince."

Max took Liz's hand and led her out to the dance floor. Liz smiled at Max. He was dressed in his formal military uniform, not that he was technically in the military. But as the Crowned Prince he was given a high rank.

"You look good in that uniform Max." said Liz
"Thank you. I have to say you look beautiful tonight."

Liz blushed. Her floor length gown was a soft baby blue. With sleeves that fell to just below her elbows. She wore a pair of white gloves that came up her arms to where the sleeves ended. At her waist was a white satin sash. Her hair was curled and piled on top of her head with a few strands falling around her face. She wore a pair of gold and diamond earrings as well as a diamond pendent.

"So uh Max can you tell me now what the reason for this ball is?"
"Yes. My father is going to announce my engagement tonight."
"Oh. Do you know who you are going to marry?"
"Yes. I was told not long after you left for school."

Liz remained silent at that news.

"Does she know?"
"No. Her father doesn't feel she needs to know. While I don't agree with him my father told me not to say anything."
"Will she be ok with it?"
"I hope so. She has a bit of a temper at times."

Liz looked into his eyes and put the pieces together from Max's clues.

"I am sure she will forgive you for your silence."
"I hope so."

The song ended and Max took Liz's gloved hand and kissed it. Then they both went their separate ways.


It was an hour later that King Philip called for everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for joining us here tonight. We have much to celebrate tonight. It is my honor to announce that my son your future king. The Crowned Prince Maxwell Philip in one year will be taking a wife. It is my pleasure to announce the official engagement of the Crowned Prince Maxwell Philip to the young Lady Elizabeth Claudia of the house of Parker."

The gathered noble and other high ranking officials cheered. Liz went pale with the announcement. She felt someone take her hand and start to led her to the stage where Max was waiting for her. She turned to see her brother Chris guiding her through the crowd.

"Liz, please don't be angry with me." Said Chris
"Tell father, he and I will talk after the ball." Said Liz coldly

Chris could see fire in his sister's eyes. He sure didn't want to be his father right now. Chris handed Liz off to Max who led her to center stage. He dropped to one knee and pulled out a six caret princess cut diamond ring. Liz nodded her head and removed the glove from her left hand. Max slid the ring on her hand and then brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. Liz removed her other glove. Then Max led her back to the dance floor for their first dance as an official couple.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 5/10/17

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 9:06 am
by keepsmiling7
I still want to know why Liz's dad had to keep this a secret??
That's really not fair to Liz......and so far she's held her temper under control. How long will that last??

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 5/10/17

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:47 am
by begonia9508
It is bad for Liz because she did not have the choice! But what about Max? did he have the choice? That's the really important question, no?

EVE :wink:

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 5/10/17

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:15 pm
by L-J-L 76
Wow Liz is keeping her temper in control. Max was trying to hint to her somehow. Liz should be glad that it is to Max and not someone else. Oh no hell is going to break lose when Liz talks to her dad.

L-J-L 76

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 5/10/17

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 2:22 pm
by Natalie36
maybe the dad's new about the night they spent together. :shock:

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 7 5/10/17

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 4:17 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Lord Jeffrey won't be giving Liz a good reason why she couldn't know. Oh and her temper will be cut loose very shortly!

Eve Max had no say in who he would marry. It was arranged when they were children.

L-J-L 76 Liz is glad it's Max. She just won't let anyone know it! Oh stay in after the ball tonight!

Nalalie36 Their fathers arranged the marriage when Max and Liz were still very young. Long before their special night together.

Part 8

After the dance Max led Liz out to the garden terrace.

"Liz, are you ok?" Asked Max
"I will be."
"I wanted to tell you. Everyone wanted to tell you."
"It may surprise you. But I am not angry with you. I am angry with my father. I realized when we danced earlier that you were dropping hints to me. So that I wouldn't be completely off guard."
"Yeah. Liz, you know if you want you can send an official request for one of the royal guest quarters. You are entitled to them now."
"I will be requesting them. The moment you put this ring on my hand I was no longer my father's concern."
"I want to thank you for not making a scene by kicking up a storm."
"I would never embarrass your family like that. I told Chris to inform my father that he and I will be speaking tonight. So I would stay in tonight."
"We should head in. Everyone will be waiting to give us their best wishes."
"By the way Max, I am OK with it being you."
"Oh and Max while the ring is lovely. It's not really my style."
"I know. But my father had it made by the royal jeweler."
"Of course."
"Liz, you know what I have always liked about you?"
"That you are not like the other Ladies of the court. You don't care for all this showy stuff."
"Thank you. But now I have to deal with all of that since I will be your wife."
"Only in formal functions. By the way what were you studying at school?"
"Royal law."

Max smiled and kissed her on top of her head.


"Your sister handled the announcement better then I thought."

Chris turned and smiled at Carolyn. She was a little taller then Liz. She had warm blue eyes and sandy blond hair.

"Well I wouldn't go for a late night walk if I were you. She is not to happy with our father. I expect there to be some fireworks later tonight when she gets him alone."
"Were does her temper come from?"
"I don't know."
"So are you really OK that we will spend our lives together?"
"Why wouldn't I be Care?"
"Just thought you would be disappointed that you weren't matched with someone one like Pamela of the house of Troy. You know the more social kind of person."
"Where you are quite, sweet and don't just let anyone close."
"Pamela is also more beautiful then me."
"No she is not. She is nothing but a cold bitch. She would only be happy with me because it would put her close to the prince."
"While I don't care."
"Right. Now may I have this dance malady?"
"Of course kind sir."

Chris lead Carolyn out to the dance floor.


After the end of the ball Liz stormed into her father's study. Where her father was pouring himself some Antarian whiskey.

"Elizabeth, you should head to bed. It has been a big day for you." Said Jeffrey
"Not until we talk father."
"Elizabeth, there is nothing to talk about. You will marry the crowned prince."
"Oh I am not stupid! I know that I have no choice but to marry him. But what I want to know is why I had to find out with everyone else?!"
"You had no need to know."
"That is a bunch of crap!"

Outside the windows winds and rain pounded the windows. Lighting flashed in the sky and loud rumbles of thunder could be heard.

"Elizabeth, get yourself under control. You will be the proper lady you were raised to be."
"I fucking hate you! Just so you know I will be executing my right to formally request to move into the main palace in the morning."
"You will be doing no such thing!"
"You forget the moment Max placed this ring on my hand I was no long your concern."

Liz turned and stormed out of the room. As she left lighting struck just outside the study window causing the room to shake and the glass decanter of whiskey shattered a long with the glass in Lord Jeffrey's hand.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 8 5/11/17

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:10 am
by keepsmiling7
I'm glad Liz gave it to her father......he deserved every bit of it.
And she was respectful to Max and his family. She will fulfill her obligations accordingly.
Looks like she and Max are due for some long conversations to set things straight.....can't wait!

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 8 5/11/17

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 7:57 pm
by Natalie36
man she got one hell of a temper