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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 2:55 pm
by DreamerLaure
The party is going to start in an hour and there's still so much to do. The maid is bustling around trying to straighten the curtains and roll out the carpets from our last trip to France. I want the place to look spectacular. I think the maid is starting to get irritated with me; I overheard her in the kitchen this morning telling the cook that I'm much too demanding; far more than the previous mistress of this house, a Mrs. Monte. I may not be her, but this is my house now, and my brother indulges me, so she's just going to have to do the same.

As the hour progresses, things are moving quickly; it's a blur of activity, and I'm starting to catch the feeling. We are throwing a party and it's starting to make me swell with excitement. I find myself looking forward to whatever might happen. I am wearing an orange dress whose hue is close to red, but not quite. When I met with the dressmaker, she explained that there was just enough yellow in the fabric for it to not be noticeable. There wasn't enough time for me to stay there and sit with her as she chose the exact fabric; she showed me the color and she measured me, but I had so many other errands to do that I had to leave quickly.

When I returned, her shop was closed and I knew I would simply have to wait. That's yet another thing that wouldn't have happened in London - in London I could have come back and overlooked the process, but the power to do anything other than wait was out of my hands. Imagine my surprise then when she personally came this afternoon, an hour after I explained my dismay to my brother to find the dress package in her arms. She waited for me to get into it, made the final adjustments and wished that I would have a great party that night. I suppose I can be thankful now that I know there is an excellent dressmaker in this little way out of the way town; we might be in the middle of nowhere, away from the hubub of London, and as much as I miss it, that simple gesture of kindness warmed my heart.

The color is rich against my skin, and it complements my blond hair perfectly. I've decided to pin it up tonight into a bun in the middle of my hair, but I was a little rebelllious even and I let a few strands hang down around my ears. The shape of the dress flatters me too; the dressmaker really did wonders for there's nothing a girl likes better than a wonderful dress to wear to her party.

I go past the drawing room on my way into the kitchen to check the progress of dessert, and as I do, I catch a glimpse of my brother standing in there by the bookshelf. He likes his solitude, but now that the feeling of this party is starting to grow on me, I only hope it will have wonders for him too.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:01 pm
by ~Ruby~
This isn't a proper post since I'm still taking a break at the moment. Anyway, darkness_within_me, our Maria, seems to be MIA at the moment. Would anyone like to temp the character for a while?

Great post, Dreamerlaure

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:55 pm
by Dream Weaver

I enter to find the ballroom empty. I scan the room and I find that all the finishing touches have been made here so I head towards the kitchen. I sigh slightly, knowing what a lavish event that my dear sister has been planned to announce us to this quaint town. She flatters herself as an expert party planner. She even managed to remember even the smallest details like matching soaps in the restrooms.

I smile as I approach the kitchen area. I can faintly hear my lovely sister in the kitchen ordering the staff on the finishing touches for the fancy pastries she had flown in from London. I have to admit to myself that watching my sister enjoying our lifestyle is one of the highlights of my life. I would do anything to see that beautiful smile of hers. It lights up my guarded soul. I know she worries that I am unhappy, but I guess that in a way I have accepted my solitude.

I glance through the porthole on the door and find that Miss Melinda, our house maid, has turned away, flustered. I giggle slightly as I remember overhearing her tell the others a few days ago that Isabel was far too particular and she needed to remove the stick that was planted in her arss. Boy, she better not let Isabel ever here her make comments like that. I pity her if that happens.

I push open the door and take in the breathtaking sight that is my sister. She has her golden locks pinned up in a bun on her head and a few loose strands cascade down the side of her face. I can see the growing excitement in her sparkling eyes and her appearance warms my heart. The vibrant hue of her dress really brings out her features. I now see a woman where my kid sister once stood. I am sure she will be the bright shining star of the party and possibly the envy of many of the debutants that will be attending tonight.

I clear my throat as I cross the room towards my sister before I address her, “Miss Isabel our guests will be arriving shortly. And may I say you look radiant this fine evening.”

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:59 pm
by Dream Weaver


Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:46 pm
by DreamerLaure

I smile when I hear my brother’s proper and officious tone and, turning as daintily as I can, when I face him, I respond in kind, “Why thank you for informing me. And yes, you may say as much for I would hope it might be true.”

I glide towards him to straighten his tie. Tonight is a presentation and I won’t accept anything below any of our old standards. The situation might be different here for the people are not the same, and it’s doubtable that three newspapers will mention our party in the morning, but presentation is the first impression. I have to say you look rather dashing this evening. You might stir another strong reaction tonight as well,” I tease and my eyebrows lift devilishly.

I can remember as clear as day the party at our flat in London during the last season. The soiree was the talk of the city for several days, but the most striking thing about that particular party was that it offered us the chance to see many of our closest friends all at once. Often I can only invite a handful or I have to wait for someone else’s party to come along and bring us together, but that night brought more than just old acquaintances. Some of my oldest friends who are unwed also came too to try to attract Max’s attention. Sometimes I wonder if my brother chooses to be blissfully unaware of the sort of attention he draws, but then I can see a sparkle in his eyes as he speaks with them that implies that he knows exactly what they are playing at.

Over my glass of champagne, I watched his progress. That night whenever I could draw myself away from the conversation with whichever suitor was pursuing me for the hour, I let my eyes wander to see how he was faring. And, the most entertaining part was seeing the various women approach him and try to attract his attention. They would always walk away moments later, deflated that he didn’t share the interest that they implicitly expressed for him.

But then, maybe a strong reaction isn’t what he needs. I smile and study him carefully as we walk to the ballroom together. Yes, Max needs a reaction, but maybe just one will suffice. This is one night, I think, that may hold promise for us both. If I maintain my good spirit and he holds onto his, the party might be just as rewarding in a different way.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:04 am
by Dream Weaver

I clear my throat as I cross the room towards my sister before I address her, “Miss Isabel our guests will be arriving shortly. And may I say you look radiant this fine evening.”

She turns and she is even more beautiful with the sparkling smile on her face. “Why thank you for informing me. And yes, you may say as much for I would hope it might be true.” She glides in my direction like she is floating on air. She reaches up to gently straighten my tie. I chuckle to myself at this slight gesture. My sister always looks at all the minor details before a party. She sets very high standards and expects only perfection from everyone, including myself.

“I have to say you look rather dashing this evening. You might stir another strong reaction tonight as well,” Isabel teases as her eyebrows lift devilishly. We both turn and begin to head towards the ballroom together. She smiles at me, studying me carefully as we walk together.

I know what she’s thinking, she is hoping that for once I allow myself a little less restraint and enjoy myself a little more. I can’t help but chuckle out loud as I pause at the entrance of the ballroom to lean over and place a light kiss on her cheek. “You will be the envy of the party, my dear sister.”

I can see the anticipation in her eyes and I hear the commotion in the front of the house. Our guests are starting to arrive. I take her hand before plastering my most regal smile on my face. “Shall we head into the ballroom to prepare greeting our guests Miss Isabel Evans?”


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:01 am
by DreamerLaure
{{Great post Becky, I'm inspired :D I added something about the doorbell ringing; let me know if it's not okay}}

“You will be the envy of the party, my dear sister," Max tells me, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. That would be lovely if that did happen. In London there was always competition, but here, in this small waywards town, I'm excited to see what may happen. My brother is so sweet sometimes; he can touch my heart with the smallest compliment. His smile mirrors my own when he says, “Shall we head into the ballroom to prepare greeting our guests Miss Isabel Evans?”

I nod and respond, "Yes, I think we ought to." I hear the commotion outside as clearly as I do and it only heightens my anticipation for this party. We stand by the French doors to the ballroom, and I reach out to pull them open. They swing softly on their hinges as they widen and to what they open up to is an incredible sight. Soft light bounces off of the mirrored walls' reflection of the five chandeliers that go along the center in a straight line. A dull red carpet that frames the long wood parquet floor is only brightened by the sudden onpour of light that streams in, and in a word, the ball room is stunning.

"Max, it's simply wonderful; it's perfect," I tell him and I squeeze his forearm lightly. I'm so excited right now because it looks so spectacular. In the mirrored walls I see my reflection bouncing off and colliding with other bright reflections of me from mirrors across the room or on the ceiling as I walk through the room to admire every detail. The effect gives the impression that I'm a light spinning in the room, and I blush at its effectivity of giving the room a magical feel. We have three maids and they are all competent enough but I'm eager for them to finish organizing the small musical accompaniment we've hired. There's a violinist, a pianist, a harpist, and a celloist here this evening and the maids are helping them set up.

They are slightly intimidated by me still, and I relish that this time because they move quickly to finish and leave when they see me coming in their direction. As I step over to the band, they look up. "Can you please start a waltz tempo when the first of the guests arrive?" I ask and the violinist, the one who guides the tempo says, "Certainly."

The soft hum of the doorbell from the main door reaches my ears and I smile and turn back to the violinist, "And I suppose that's now."

He nods and turns to his group. He raises his hands to conduct them and the waltz begins. It's soft, and beautiful, but energized by a character. The music moves so easily with the up and down that my feet are already dancing in kind. I compose myself to keep still, for now, though, and I go back to my brother and smile, "It's beginning; can you feel it?"

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:41 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

“We are almost there” Tess stated that broke the silent of the carriage. I’m ecstatic that she did, because I do not like the silent. The silent makes me insane. I may be the quiet type of my sisters, but it doesn’t mean I like to in the silent. I smiled my sister Tess, “I wonder what the Evans will be like.” I wonder as well. I have only read in the paper that Mr. Evans and Miss Isabelle were moving here from London. They are fresh meat or how my Cousin Alexander would put it.

“You both visited them. What were they like other then insanely rich?” Tess asked to Alexander or to our papa, whoever would respond.

“My dear daughter, they are just like you and me” my papa said to Tess. I smiled at him. In my eyes my papa is the wisest and smartest man I ever met.

Soon the carriage stop and we have finally arrived at our destination. The carriage door is swung open. My papa first to get out and takes his hand out for my momma to take. When she does, we are all followed by her. I am the last to come out as I took my first view of the Evans’s Estate. It was very breathtaking of my own delight. The estate was covered with white and red roses. It was also so bright and big. It was completely opposite of my home.

I looked up as I noticed my family is ahead of me and almost inside, my sister looked at me from the distant, “Come on Lizzie.” I smiled and walked inside the Evans’s Estate. Inside was filled with people. People were dancing. Some were talking. And some were just there to be noticed by an eligible bachelor very much why my sisters and I were here.

I looked around a bit more as I stood next to Tess. “Well Momma, Papa, have a nice time. Shall we Tess?” I said as I lead her to the champagne's table. I didn’t want to be with my momma and Papa for very long. I do love my parents, but my momma could be very…noticeable. And I for one do not want to be noticeable.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:48 pm
by Dream Weaver

I watch as my sister nods in response, “Yes I think we ought to.” I watch the excitement build in her face but her demeanor never waivers. As she pushes open the French doors I am hit with the most breathtaking sight.

The soft lighting illuminates the room with the reflections of the chandeliers and I marvel at the perfect setting my lovely sister has yet again accomplished. I feel her squeeze my forearm and I can almost her squeal, but know that she will contain her composure as to not spoil her presentation. “Max, it’s simply wonderful; it’s perfect."

I release her arm, but not before smiling at her and kissing her cheek lightly. She paces the room, checking out every detail and the absolutely breathtaking site of the young woman, my sister, warms me. I almost feel myself getting a little giddy as the magical effect of the room overwhelms me. This might not be such a bad evening after all.

I see her speak to the violinist as the soft hum of the doorbell from the main door sounds again. The quartette begins to play a most enchanted waltz and I can almost see my sister start to sway playfully to the music. I smile again. I live to see her this happy. She is all the family I have and I live to dote on her.

As quickly as that playful side of Isabel immerges, it disappears as she plasters her ‘regal’ expression as she walks back in my direction. “It’s beginning, can you feel it?” Her smile lights up her beautiful eyes and I my heart swells like a proud father, announcing his daughter to the world. I am excited and anxious all at the same time. I know in my heart that it’s going to take the perfect man to allow me to let her go.

I can hear the commotion coming down the hallway and I catch a glimpse of a few dignitaries making an entrance and I know that the smoozing must begin so I take her hand up and lightly kiss her hand. I am overwhelmed with emotion. “You have outdone yourself, Is. Enjoy what is sure to be the perfect evening, thanks to my wonderful sister.”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:14 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

Here is the banner! I hope you all like it.