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Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:11 am
by Athenea
isabelle wrote:It seems he's a pretender prince to our stolen world.
~ I loved this
M&M<3- Great Liz Post :D


"Hello. Are you feeling better now?" he says in Antarian and my eyes narrow in suspicion at the non threatening tone.” Are you ready to tell me your name?"

I glance around at the people in the room. The old medic is there, along with a new man that I recognize immediately because he is on the top wanted list along with the leader. I swallow nervously and stand up slowly. They can’t know anything for sure or I’d be dead by now, right?

I can do this. “I’m not ready to tell you anything and I never will be.” I say defiantly


Mom’s had a vision and it looks like a bad one from the way we are running down the halls looking for Dad. The vision came just in time because she was starting the whole rant about going outside the wall. I knew it was coming of course but I expected to have Angel here with me, not in a TAG cell where the very worse criminals go.

We are standing outside a cell that I guess my Dad is in there but I am not tall enough to see through the little window.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:02 am
by isabelle

“I know who you are. I just don’t know your name. I knew your mother. She called herself Tess,” I tell the blond boy, still keeping my distance, still keeping my tone non-threatening. That last was only partially true. So much of what Tess told us was deceitful; I don’t think I ever really knew her at all. There were times when I thought I’d glimpsed her true self but even those moments were likely to have been an act. I wonder what effect it would have on this boy if I brought Ava here to help question him. A familiar face…

“If you won’t tell me your name, how about if I give you one? I’ll call you Andy,” I tell him, hoping to skip the argument over names. After a while, he may be so annoyed at being called a false name, he’ll give me his real one. “Andy, my name is Max. You probably know that. My daughter thinks you killed a half-dozen Skin soldiers and rescued her. Did that really happen?”

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:38 am
by Athenea

“I know who you are. I just don’t know your name. I knew your mother. She called herself Tess,” he says and I don’t believe a word he’s saying so I continue in silence he adds “If you won’t tell me your name, how about if I give you one? I’ll call you Andy,” he says and I grimace at a use of a very human name being directed at me

“Andy, my name is Max. You probably know that. My daughter thinks you killed a half-dozen Skin soldiers and rescued her. Did that really happen?” he says and I try and hide my surprise. This is what he wants to ask me? Nothing about the war? No, trying to wring secrets out of me? Maybe he’s saving that for later.

“What’s it matter to you what I did? She’s here and safe and either way your going to kill me so why does it matter?” I ask genuinely curious.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:02 am
by isabelle

“I’m not going to kill you, Andy. WE are not animals who would kill a child for no reason,” I tell him, starting to feel angry. Khivar would. The Skins do. They torture and kill their prisoners. They would have done the same to my Hope, a mere child. ‘Prince Andy’ is also young. I’m guessing he’s not guilty of any particular war crimes save his mind-attack on me. He’s not a threat just now and I have no reason to kill him. Not yet. Is he trying to give me a reason?

I control my emotions, watching him. “I want to know what happened to Hope. If it’s true, I want to know why. Why did you help her, Andy?”

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:20 am
by CalLen

What are we doing? Why are we just sitting here letting this fool anarian interrogate us? Hey I've got an idea why don't we beat it out of him. It can't be that hard. It's times like these that make me understand why I'm not the leader. Why I'm just the follower.

I walk straight towards the cell to beside where Max stands staring at the boy. I turn to face him, but he keeps his stance not breaking eye contact with the boy. "Uh Max as fun as this whole he said/she said game is, we have about 3,000 skins headed straight for Haven, and I have a feeling it's not because they want to join in on the festivities." I say to Max who is still in the middle of interrogating his prisioner.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:38 am
by isabelle

I raise an eyebrow as Michael speaks up. I’ve been surprised at how he’s been keeping his cool through this. I was half-expecting him to get aggressive, forcing me into a good-cop/bad-cop situation. I’m not even sure that would have been a bad idea, but he has a point about the impending attack. He does have his own job to do. I am a bit surprised that he would mention it in front of our prisoner, ‘though. Why give the pretender-prince hope of a rescue? It’s not the sort of thing that will encourage him to co-operate.

“You’re right. Go do what you do best,” I tell him. "If you can spare Ava, send her down here."

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:46 am
by M&M<3

I keep hold to Hope’s hand as I drag her down to the TAG cell halls. I almost give up thinking he might have gone back to the office, until I see a handful of guards standing outside a cell. We starting running toward. “Karen where’s Max?”

She looks at me then toward the cell. Damnit I can’t disrupted him now.
“Has he been in there long?”

“Only about twenty five minutes, Jim’s and General Guerrian are in with him.” I look from Karen to Hope then the other guards, and decide this can’t wait; I turn ho Hope and tell her to stay here. I walk toward the cell preparing myself for what I have to do, but stop when the pale doors in front of me start to dissolve and my body’s taken over by darkness once more…

Skin’s are running all around me, covered in armor ready for a battle. I turn around and stop breathing. We never thought they’d actually come to Earth, unless there was something Nicholas and his army couldn’t handle. “Now there’s nothing to worry about my Queen we will have Xavier back within mere hours and Max will be dead before he realizes anything, two problems solved at once.” The sound of Khivar’s voice sends shivers down my spine. I turn around once again to see the walls of the Haven and Skin’s setting up to launch their explosives toward it…

I felt a pain in face before I could see anything. Hope, Karen and Michael standing over me. “Are you ok?”

“I need to find Max,” I paused letting Michael pull me to my feet. I look around at Hope and Karen making sure neither will be able to hear me. “The Skins are coming and… Tess and Khivar are with them.”

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:36 pm
by CalLen

I step outside of the holding facilities. I notice Liz and Hope. Liz is sort of hunched over holding her head in her hand. I run to her side. "Liz, what is it?" I wait for her to come out of her haze.

I grab my walkie-talkie situated on my side. "Ava. Commander Evans would like you to join him in the TAG cells. Seems the trash we got doesn't want to cooperate. over."

I turn back to Liz waiting for the vision to fade and her to come back to me. “I need to find Max,” starts and I can already tell she knows about our invasion, “The Skins are coming and… Tess and Khivar are with them.”

"Damn it!" I grab Liz's arm to lead her into the cells. Once inside I walk over the boy slamming my fist into his face. "What the hell is going on. It's about fucking time for you to talk!"

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:04 am
by Athenea

“I’m not going to kill you, Andy. WE are not animals who would kill a child for no reason,” he says anger creeping into his voice and I fear he’s about to lose his control but then he seems to pull himself together again. “I want to know what happened to Hope. If it’s true, I want to know why. Why did you help her, Andy?”

Why did I help her? She was the first human child I had ever seen but there was more to it than that. She was different and something inside of me had to protect her no matter the price. It’s not something I can explain in words nor would I even try.

"Uh Max as fun as this whole he said/she said game is, we have about 3,000 skins headed straight for Haven, and I have a feeling it's not because they want to join in on the festivities." His second cuts in and his news gives me some hope of actually seeing my home again.

“You’re right. Go do what you do best, If you can spare Ava, send her down here." Max says and the man leaves making me relax a little but then it seems he is gone only a second when he comes back in and punches me in the face, the force of his punch sending me onto the floor. "What the hell is going on. It's about fucking time for you to talk!"

Of course I don't talk but I do glare at him from my postion on the floor, but then Hope comes into the room and my expression softens automatically. What is it about this child I barely know?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:39 am
by M&M<3

”Damn it!” Michael grabs me by the arm leading me into the cell. Once inside Michael walks over to the prisoner and punches him to the face sending the boy to the floor. ”What the hell is going on. It’s about fucking time for you to talk!”

I take this moment to pull Max aside, “I had a vision, the skins are on their way, their going to attack us.” He nods as if he already knows and keeps his head toward the boy. “His name’s Xavier… He’s Tess and Khivar’s son.” Max doesn’t let his eyes leave Xavier but nods noting that he knows this too. I take in a deep breath before continuing, “Tess and Khivar are here, on Earth; their coming with the attack.” Max looks at me staring into my eyes asking what is to happen to us, now its my turn to look away; I haven’t seen that much into the future.I don’t know if the walls are strong enough to hold that much firepower; I don’t know if Tess and Khivar will be able to figure out we used the Granolith to build the wall or if they’ll be able to break it down.

I look to this Xavier laying on the floor Michael at his feet. He looks so much like Tess it makes me a sick to see him. It feels like all the pain she'd cause me during the years she was here is floating back to me. Between getting pregnant with Max's son, killing Alex and trying to take Max away from me, its too much for me. My stomach begins to get that feeling like someones stabbing me over and over again, the way it did when Alex died. I hold onto my stomach trying not to show this weakness to anyone in the room not even Max. Tess coming back is too much, and having her son here is almost worse. She ruined our lives and now she's returned to ruin our lives once more...Wait... Pregnant with Max's son... Oh my God.

As I'm watching Xavier I see his face soften as he stares in the doorway. I look to see Hope entering the cell. I stand for a moment between them, trying to believe what I'm thinking isn't true. My eyes move from Hope to Max to Michael than lastly to Xavier, examining their faces looking for a slight lie that detects that they know the truth; but their faces give nothing away.

I look at Hope as tears start to fall off her cheeks, “Hope I told you to stay outside.”