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Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:37 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Hey guys, I'm back. I had a late night, last night and finished this part a little while ago. I hope you all had a nice holiday, and hope you have a Happy New Year!

I'll be back next week, in a new year, to start and bring this story down to its conclusion.

Thank you so much for your feedback and I hope you enjoy

Chapter Twenty

Trust…is a fragile thing

My shirt landed on the floor minutes ago, the straps of her dress teeter on the edges of her shoulders, just one little flick of my fingers, and they’re down. Against her lips, I take in a deep breath as her hands play against my shoulders, running around my neck, down my back, and up again.

The heat between us causes the small wisps of hairs at her temples to dampen. I know we need to slow down, but I can’t. It’s physically impossible for me to stop kissing her, stop touching her—stop feeling her. Her lips part, and I begin the dance over again. Hungrily I lick at the warmth of her mouth, the taste and feel of her, so soft, so pliant. I groan in frustration of wanting her so much.

A moment later, she breaks the kiss and pants for air, pressing her face into the crook of my neck and I smile. I haven’t made out like this since I was seventeen, and it feels great. Without much thought, I step back, slip my one arm around her back and the other hooking under her knees, effectively lifting her from the counter.

“Where are you taking me?” she asks, breathless. I tilt my head and brush a kiss against her shoulder and tell her, “Into the living room, it’s more comfortable there.”

Settling her in my lap, her legs draped across mine, I pull her back into a greedy kiss. Her lips are swollen, her breath ragged, and her breasts brushes across my bare chest, I suck in a hiss of air. Even through the thin fabric of her bra I can feel her nipples pebble upon contact. I ache to touch them, to kiss them, to play with them, but that will have to wait. As much as it pains me, I can’t risk doing too much, and scaring her off.

Liz settles her arms around my neck, and kisses me in earnest. I can feel her inexperience, which if I think too fully into it; I should question. Right now nothing matters but her lips, her body, just—her.

I can’t explain it, and even if I replay my conversation with Isabel, I know that kissing Liz, being this close to her, is better than anything I’ve felt. And I feel guilty for it.

Maybe I shouldn’t but I do.

“Max—” she pants out, pressing her palm against my chest and I push back a little to regard her.

“What’s wrong?” She looks so unsure, and a part of me is trying to think, trying to clear the sexual haze she created. I rush in a lungful of air, and realize that I never did accept her apology. In addition to which, I realize she needs some security in this step we’re taking. Funny, how those uncertain feelings I can read off of her in crystal clear waves.

I take satisfaction in knowing that I can tell when she is uncertain, or truly and deeply sorry for something. It’s written all over her features, and at least in that aspect I don’t have to guess what’s on her mind.

I eye her carefully, wrap an arm around her, and lean over to the end table. I bring the box around and open it for her again; she peers down inside, and tries to hide her smile. How can I stay mad at her? It’s harder than I want to try.

I remove the necklace and place it on her, she fingers it gently and offers me a smile. Her eyes speak volumes. I watch as her eyes close and she moves in, I can’t wait to feel her again.

Capturing her face between my hands, I let her take the lead, and all I can say is she is a quick learner. However, I realize in just a few short minutes I could have her ready for something she’s not ready for.

I’ve concluded that I am ready for Liz, to be with her that way. And the reason for it nags at my conscience, but I thrust it back to the black depths of things I wish not to think about now.

Liz requires love, and if I’m not ready to give that to her, then taking her physically would only make this situation more difficult.

Pulling away, she lets out a small grumble; I can’t help but smile and place a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“There’s something we need to talk about, something you said before that I need to make you understand,” I pause and lift the straps of her dress up, covering her from my wandering eyes.

She doesn’t say a word, just watches my fingers glide up her arms, taking her straps and placing them back in their place. Then her eyes connect with mine and I can see the relief in them.

Yet another thing that gives me pause, she’s obviously not used to making out heavily, nor is she comfortable without all of her clothing on. It’s probably because of the pregnancy and how it’s changed her body, but why is she shy around me? I’ve never seen her any other way. I met her pregnant, but heeding my mother’s lecture on women, pregnancy and hormones, I realize that I’m probably reading far too into this.

Focusing back on her, I elaborate, “You mentioned that while we hadn’t officially declared it, that we were dating.” She nods and nibbles on that sweet bottom lip, I groan in frustration—sexual frustration.

“I’m sorry if I didn’t declare it in a way that you needed me to. We have a lot to learn about each other, but on this topic, this level, understand that what we are doing here is more than having a child—at least to me,” I confess, lifting my hand up to cup her cheek. Liz takes in a deep breath and opens her mouth to say something, but stops.

“What?” I inquire gently.

She looks down between us, her eyes land on my chest, and I realize that I am a bit underdressed for such a serious, yet more intimate conversation, but that’s me. I seem to have a track record of having intimate conversations with women, half naked…or just plain naked. Maybe it’s because I’m my most vulnerable then; I literally have nothing to hide, you could say.

“Max, I—” she hesitates and resettles herself on my lap. I think maybe I should go find my shirt, but I want to hear what she has to say. I need her to be able to communicate with me even when she’s not comfortable with it. How else are we supposed to move on? How can we be something more if she holds back at every turn?

“Tell me, sweetheart.” I tilt her chin up and offer her a reassuring smile.

Liz nods, as if convincing herself she can do this; whatever it is. I wait patiently as she sets her mind to it. “The way I acted before, to you in the car, it was my defense mechanism. It’s just that something you had said, about being used, just hit home for me. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. And I was afraid that, I am afraid that your feelings will change.”

“So you try and push me away?” I surmise.

Taking a deep breath, her brown eyes meet mine and she says, “Yes.”

“I guess I can understand that, everyone is afraid of rejection.” While the words leave my mouth, my head is working a mile a minute. I want to ask her what she means. Someone obviously used her, at least she feels that way. Was it Danny? Dean? My heartbeat picks up, is it someone else? Someone I know nothing about?

“Tell me the rest, Liz. Tell me who used you,” I murmur against her lips, before pressing mine firmly against hers. The tension in her body leaves, and I pull back, waiting.

Disengaging herself from my hold, and my lap, she stands. I feel the coolness immediately, and ache to pull her back, but she needs time.

I realize in that moment, she’s come to mean so much to me.

She paces in front of me, then spins on her heels, and walks across the room, places a hand on the mantle of the fireplace, and then takes a seat in front of the hearth. Wrapping her arms around herself, she begins in a whisper…

“I was sixteen, and I had this crush on a boy who was just so great. At least I thought he was,” she pauses and looks at me; a girlish awe screens her features for the moment. I realize she’s back there, sixteen again, remembering her first love. I remember mine, except there were more than one, more than a few—I refocus on her.

“He wasn’t a jock or anything, more like a book worm. He had jet-black hair, and green eyes. He was so good looking. Not what you’d think of a semi-nerdy guy. But I saw his potential right away. I had finally worked up my nerve to ask him to join me at lunch, and to my surprise he said yes. I spent the entire next day thinking of nothing but lunch period,” she smiles, and turns her head away, then shakes her head. I settle back into the couch, listening intently.

“I even thought of things we could discuss, because my friend Janice, said I should be prepared if he wasn’t a conversationalist. When the lunch bell rang, I sprang from my class and headed straight to the cafeteria. It wasn’t what I thought, we sat at a crowded table, we didn’t really get to talk, and then it was over. But he did ask me out the next day in the library. I spent the rest of my time, up until I was supposed to meet him, trying to decide what to wear. Janice even came over to help me. Alex didn’t have a clue, at that time, he was working two jobs to support us.” She rubs her hands over her knees; her dress hikes up and offers me a titillating view of her legs. I suck down my urges and focus on her face, the smile, the childlike awe it held moments ago is wiped away, and replacing it is a sadness I’ve never seen on her before.

I brace myself for the worst—God help me I’d like to find this semi-nerdy, but good looking, book worm and shove my fist down his throat for even putting that face on her. I can only imagine what I’d like to do to him once I find out what happened between them.

“We ended up dating for a month. He wasn’t at all like I thought. I figured his temperament was mild, and that we could just hang out and…whatever. Anyway, there was this party at Janice’s house, her parents were away and she used to throw sleepovers. Which is what I thought this would be, until I got there. It was what I later realized was a normal teenage party, drinking, making out. Eric, that was his name, was there, he’d been drinking a little. I’d never seen that side of him, but I was still crazy for him, so I overlooked it. I honestly don’t remember how it happened; he said he wanted to talk to me. We ended up in Janice’s room, one thing let to another and…” Liz stands, walks towards the window across the room, then turns and settles on the ledge, to face me. My entire body is taught with anger, she was innocent and he took advantage of it.

I might have had my share of girls, but they were all willing, and none too innocent in fact. From my place on the couch, I realize she’s too far away. Without a second thought I cross the room and stand in front of her, she looks up at me and offers me a crooked smile. I don’t touch her; she’s not finished yet.

“I had my first time, on the floor of my friends room. It was the worse experience of my life, at least until it was over. He didn’t talk to me; he just got dressed and left the room. I laid there in the dark and cried, I don’t remember getting dressed or even walking home.” Liz lets out a small laugh, one filled with resentment.

I can’t hide the ache in my voice, “Liz—” she silences me with a finger against my lips.

“I didn’t understand what happened. I thought that I, that it, wasn’t good for him so that’s why he left. The next day though, I tried to talk to him, to apologize,” she lets out a sarcastic huff.

“I couldn’t find him, or Janice anywhere. I didn’t tell her what happened, because I was embarrassed. So after school, I went to her house, I was going to tell her. She didn’t answer, and a part of me was worried. I went around the side of the house; they usually kept the kitchen door unlocked. I called out to her, but there was no answer. I got to her bedroom door, and was about to knock, that’s when I heard her…them.”

Liz looks up at me, the tears in her eyes are evident, she doesn’t want to cry, but I can tell how much what she saw behind that door must have hurt her.

“How didn’t I know? Janice, who was supposed to be my friend, thought convincing him to sleep with me would do me some good. That it would loosen me up. But then after hearing about my ‘performance’ decided she owed Eric a good lay, her words not mine.”

“Damnit!” I pull her into my arms and hold her, let her cry on my shoulder. And fight the urge to ask where Janice and Eric are today, so I can bury them.

“It’s something Alex, no one, ever knew about even to this day. You asked me once why I never had any friends, or even a boyfriend to mention—before Danny that is. That’s why.”

“Liz, no one should ever have to go through that. I understand why you don’t let anyone in…let me in.” I pull away, frame her face in my hands, and swipe her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. She is beautiful, and she is mine, whether she realizes it or not.

Maybe I was waiting for a sign, something to tell me that I could invest my feelings into her, I think I just found it. I think I just found her, the real Liz. The one, no one else has ever seen…not even Danny.

She lets out a puff of air, mixed with a sob of pain and can’t help my reaction to it. I need to comfort her, soothe her, and erase every bad memory she has. Taking her lips gently, I part them, tilt her chin and coax her to open fully for me. Mere seconds is all is takes to feel her cool palms against my chest, the rise and fall of her breasts against me, the swell of her belly. All of it sparks something deep within me, something I can’t control, and I find myself not wanting to.

Keeping an arm braced around her back, I cradle her hips and lift her to the nearest couch; gently I place her down and remove her shoes. Her lids are heavy, her lips swollen, and I lean up and take them again. Sweeping my tongue inside, delving deeper, drinking heavily from her. Little moans from her escape past her lips, I groan in appreciation, knowing I’m doing that to her. Slowly, gently, I reach down between us, lifting her dress; I slide between her open legs, caress her knees, her thighs, and finally I reach the place between.

Her body tenses, I kiss her hungrily, asking her with my lips, with my hands, to trust me. The moment she does is a relief; I let out a breath and move to taste the skin on her neck, while my fingers begin to draw circles over the dampness they’ve found.

Liz’s hands slide down my arms, my muscles jump the moment her soft fingers glide over them. I try and steady my breathing; my reaction to her, but it’s fruitless. I want her too much, but I have to take my time, I have to be gentle. I have to teach her to trust me, trust herself, and her instincts that I’m not like Eric, or even Danny.

I take a small satisfaction in knowing that giving me this part of her, allowing me to pleasure her, is more than she was willing to part with a few months ago with anyone.

“Sweetheart, look at me,” I whisper against her ear before pulling away. Her lids are closed but for a brief moment she opens them for me. I smile at her, she returns the sentiment and then I say, “You can tell me to stop, and I will, okay?” She hesitates for a moment then nods.

My hands slide up her hips, latch onto the thin material of her panties and slide them down her legs. Her breath hitches but she doesn’t stop me. I lean down, kissing her ankle, then up to her knee, all the way until the scent of her arousal fills me. My erection strains tightly against my jeans, but I ignore it. This is about her.

I bite my lip in anticipation, her legs part of their own accord and I settle once again between them. The tension leaves her body as my fingers trail back between, and find the wetness that’s coating her. I hold back my groan, and gently part her with my thumbs. I gauge her reaction, my eyes never leaving her face.

One strap of her dress has already fallen and I realize I want her to feel more. Removing one hand from its place, I lift it to her shoulder, pulling first one strap, then the other and finally moving to take her bra straps with them. Her eyes open, and I still. Slowly she arches her back, and slides her arms back, disengaging the hook and removes her bra, allowing me a full view of her rosy nipples.

Licking my lips, I watch as she closes her eyes once again and allows me free reign on her body. My thumb circles the hard nub gently, applying more pressure, my other hand cupping one swollen breast as I lean forward and take her into my mouth. Her body arches, a moan escapes, as I sink one finger into her wetness. I can’t help the groan that leaks from my lips as I take in her tightness, slickness, and eagerness I feel as her hands tighten on my arms, urging more from me. I switch, taking the other breast into my mouth, nibble on her nipple, as my fingers below slide sleekly in and out of her body.

“Max…” she pants, and I open my eyes to watch her.

“You feel amazing, baby.” I say, as I lean forward and capture her lips. This kiss is anything but neat; it’s hungry and wet, wet like the juices coating my finger. I move away, watch her watching me as I suck on her nipple, bite down on it gently and feel her body arch off the couch; I slide another finger inside. This time, she screams out, her entire body tensing and shaking as the first orgasm washes over her.

“My god,” she pants, her eyes open, my fingers continuing to delve into the hot wetness between her thighs. Saying that I want to sink inside of her is an understatement. I want to take her, ride her, over and over until I’m sated. Which at this point could take days.

I can sense her uneasiness, as I continue to stare at her, like she were my next meal—how I wish. I’m not done with her yet, I ask her to sit up, but I never remove my hand. She squirms a bit, and I crawl in closer, this next stunt is going to cost me, but she’s worth it. Finally I remove my hand, which she thankfully protests, I smile and tell her I’m not done yet.

Hooking my arms beneath her knees, I pull her down a little and I ache to see her and she must realize it, because with unsteady hands, she begins to lift her dress up, just enough to allow me a view of her sweet, wet pink flesh. I buck my hips against her, she gasps. I pull her down further, sinking her into the cushions and urge her to wrap her legs around my waist.

“Liz,” I groan as she bucks up against me this time. And I waste not a moment to lean over her, clasping her hips in my hands and taking a hard nipple into my mouth, I begin a gentle rocking against her exposed flesh.

“Max…ah…” I’ve leveled us off perfectly, my erection hitting her sweet spot perfectly with each rock. Back and forth, over and over, her wetness seeping through my jeans, her pants and gasps for air urging me on. My will is tested by this, because all I want to do is free myself from these damn jeans and drive into her until I feel her soft body convulse around me, until I sink so far inside of her I can feel her heartbeat around me, and until I can fill her to overflowing.

My body shudders and I’m a hairsbreadth away from coming in my jeans, something I’ve never done. I reign in my excitement and concentrate on her, on hitting her spot, and realizing that I can’t hold out much longer, I reach between us, find the hard nub and rub almost frantically.

Liz pants, “Max, oh don’t stop…please…”

“Trust me…I won’t,” I pant, leaning over placing a kiss on her stomach, right where our baby lays and it’s in that moment that I wish we had this when creating our child. Not just hot sweaty sex that I’ve had countless times, but moments of making love, creating a child.

I don’t get to ponder that for long, because her breath is picking up, her hips become insistent on rocking against mine. Not able to wait a minute longer, I reach between us, delve two fingers deep within her, and revel in the feel of her body tensing beneath mine, her moans of deep satisfaction escaping from her lips, and finally the rush of hot wetness inside of her washes over me.


Liz doesn’t look at me afterwards; she just gets herself together and rises from the couch. I reach out to grab her hand.

“Liz, wait.” Her cheeks tint to a rosy color but she looks up at me. I smile and kiss her softly, pull her against me and whisper to her. “Thank you, for trusting me.” She must have been expecting me to say something else, because when she moves and searches my face, she must find what she’s looking for because her entire face lights up and she reaches up and kisses me.

“I’m just going upstairs to…” I nod in understanding and ask her if she’s hungry.

“Starving,” she calls out and says anything I have is fine. I can’t crack the smile off my face as I head for the kitchen to place an order at my favorite Chinese restaurant.

After ordering half the menu, I stroll back into the living room to wait for her. She truly is something amazing. I think it’s a quality I have yet to find in anyone else, she’s deep down good, even though she’s been through hell and back, Liz is a good person. Not that I don’t know my fair share of good people, maybe it’s more like Liz, despite her sarcasm and her hesitation, wants to see the good in people. At first, before today that is, I thought she was too quick to judge, but it’s the other way around.

Liz doesn’t judge people; she just uses her defenses to make one think she’s forming an opinion, when in reality she needs to see how far she can push, before the truth comes out. To figure out what kind of person you are.

Today, she realized that she pushed me too far. And when she did, that wall fell, she allowed me into a part of her world no one has ever seen. Alex was right, Liz doesn’t trust easily, but in a way he was wrong, she trusts too easily. And because she knows that, she has developed a way to stave off people from getting close, this way she won’t have to get hurt in front of them.

She prefers to do her crying behind closed doors. Except when she’s around me.

Because I know damn well, Liz might be tough, but her feelings once realized, run deep. I know Liz cares about me; I know she feels something more for me, even if she hasn’t said it. This afternoon, her looking at me, telling me she was sorry, and then just moments ago on this very couch, she trusted me to not let her down, to not turn her away, and to accept her as she was.

If I had rejected her, if I had simply made her feel used, she would have told me to go to hell and would have meant it. She doesn’t half ass anything. She doesn’t know how. That makes her special, it makes her genuine, and it makes her fragile.

She knows it and now I do too.

She trusts me not to do what every other guy has done.

She trusts me not to break her heart.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Chapter 21 1/6/08

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:51 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - It's a new year, a new looking board, and a new part! I have to say posting today couldn't have been easier...I *heart* the new board!! Anyways, so the last part was the first 'adult' part and I'm happy to see you all enjoyed it...So now we get more story, more insight and I hope you enjoy it as well!

Thank you to everyone who is reading, left feedback and a little bump :D


Chapter Twenty One

All Men Are Not Created Equal

Outside on my balcony, is where she decides we should eat dinner. Stepping through the open French doors, I follow her out of my bedroom.

The sun has set, and its cooled down moderately enough to eat comfortably. We set about removing the cartons and placing the food into the plates we brought up from the kitchen.

Liz automatically sets up a plate for me, fills it with a little of everything then works on her own. And I let her without much thought. We settle down and eat in comfortable silence. I can’t keep the smile from my face as I watch her nibble on this and that. She obviously wasn’t kidding when she said she was starving.

“What?” she asks, taking a sip of her apple juice.

“Nothing,” I say, then shake my head and tell her the truth. “I’m happy, that’s all.” Liz doesn’t disappoint me when a beautiful smile reaches her face and she says, “Me too.”

I honestly don’t remember feeling this content in all my life. It’s like the puzzle that was Liz was cracked and I understand her as never before. It’s amazing how quickly, how one event, can change the picture, bring it into focus and make it clearer.

It’s like this understanding has passed between us, and we’re in on this private thing that no one else can touch. I’ve never been a part of something like that.

Until now.

“I’m so full,” Liz says, leaning back in her chair and sighing. Her face tilted towards the moon and the glow of her skin reminds me just how beautiful she is.

I’m about to tell her but she turns to me, and asks. “I wondered something and I didn’t want to ask you about it before but, Isabel mentioned it to me this afternoon.”

Curious, I turn my full attention to her. “What is it?”

“What happened with Michael and his girlfriend? Isabel was saying that the men in your family had a way with women, and that if only all men were created equal, Michael would have taken after you more than your father.” I smile; Isabel has been known to say that, especially to Michael when she felt he was acting like an imbecile.

Tilting my head back to laugh, I settle into the question at hand. Maybe getting a woman’s point of view, of someone who wasn’t close to the situation, might shed better light on it for me.

I explain the relationship, as I know it of Michael and Maria, and everything leading up to their big breakup. Liz takes a few minutes to absorb it all, then looks at me and says, “Do you know why they really broke up?”

“No. Michael won’t say, except what I told you, him not being good enough or whatever.” She nods, then reaches out for her glass, takes a sip and then looks up at me.

“Obviously, there’s something you don’t know. Because while I can understand him not thinking he’s good enough, breaking up a relationship that lasted years over it, doesn’t make sense. Not just like that. But again, I’m not really good at judging the opposite sex.” She smiles shyly.

I shake my head and say, “Liz, you have to give yourself better credit. You judged me right, didn’t you?”

Without hesitation she says, “Yes. True. But you’re different, Max. Isabel was right.”

“Don’t give me too much credit, I’m still a guy. And I still make mistakes, Liz. No one is perfect.” I’m careful to point out the obvious, because there have been occasions where I’ve been ‘involved’ with a woman who thought something of me, because she wanted to see it, not because I was leading her on.

In Liz’s case of course, it’s different. It is more with her.

“I’m sure you’re not, Max. But you’ve been in a long-term relationship…and I’m sure a few that weren’t, but your character in this situation has spoken volumes of the kind of man you are. So yes, while I realize you’re not perfect, I know that you know that, and in knowing, you don’t expect anyone else to be either. Faults and all, you’re still accepting,” she says, with a hitch in her voice, which I act as if I don’t hear. I don’t want to embarrass her, and I can’t do what I want right now with her. Which is to drag her over this table and kiss her until I feel her body melt against mine, feel her breath fan across my face and feel her…


I clear my throat, “Yes?”

“What did Maria say about it?”

“Other than telling me that she was leaving, nothing that I didn’t hear from Michael. I know she still loves him though, and I know damn well that Mike feels the same way, what I can’t figure out is why they aren’t together.”

“Maybe they had a misunderstanding, maybe they had a fight over something…it could be any number of things. I do find it odd that Michael didn’t tell you what it was. I mean what could be so bad that he couldn’t come to you, from what you’ve told me he tells you everything…”

Liz continues on, trying to work things out, when it finally hits me. She’s right, Michael would and has told me everything, we don’t keep secrets, but what could be so bad that he felt he couldn’t come to me?

There is only one thing I could think of that would affect me, that would give me pause and maybe even feel disappointed in him. But I still wouldn’t judge him.

I sit back, realizing that Liz is finished and is staring at me. Our eyes connect and almost at the same instant we both say, “Do you think he cheated on her?”

And it’s in this instant that I realize Liz and I connect on a higher level, one I’ve never reached with anyone else.

A part of me, realizes that everything I feel for her, could be construed as love. That I could love her for a long time to come, but I push it back down. It’s too soon, too early for me to romanticize about her, about us that way.

No matter how appealing the thought truly is..


After much protest, I leave Liz upstairs while I bring the food back down. When I cross the threshold of the kitchen, I can hear banging on my door. Looking up through the window, I spot my brother. After quickly setting the plates and bags on the counter, I let him in.

He storms past me and I say, “Hey Mike, what’s going on?”

“You knew and you didn’t think to tell me?” I sigh; obviously he’s spoken to Maria.

“It’s not what you think,” I start, but he fully enters the room and turns to me. His eyes narrowed, and clearly pained. This is not how I pictured it.

What choice do I have? I can’t lie, but I do feel guilty about not telling him sooner. I thought I had more time.

“Not what I think? Max, you knew she was leaving and you didn’t think to tell me?”

“I was going to tell you, but I needed to find the right time.”

“Hmm…the right time? You sat on that court and badgered me for answers and you knew damn well she was leaving! Damn it Max, you should have told me,” he bites out, the fight in him seems to dissipate.

He turns and walks towards the counter, takes a seat and runs a hand over his face.

“Damn, Mike. I’m sorry. I was going to talk to you tonight, see how you’d take the news. I tried to convince her to stay, but she said she couldn’t, wouldn’t be that girl. Whatever girl that is.” I feel really guilty, and I know I wronged him in the worst way. I’m his brother, I should have known better.

Michael shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair, and pins me with a furious glare. “Didn’t you think you should have told me the day you found out? What the hell were you waiting for? I don’t think there’s a right time to tell your brother his girlfriend is leaving the country!” he makes a hissing sound; I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a noise from him.

I cringe.

I tried to do the right thing.

I fucked up.

However, I find the need point out that, “She’s not your girlfriend.” He doesn’t take that well. Jumping from his stool he turns to me. “No shit, Maxwell. No shit! You know what I meant!” he growls out in frustration, stalks past me and into the living room. I take a moment before following.

Obviously, I completely underestimated my brother’s reaction to this news. I can’t take it back, even if I wanted to. What’s done is done.

Good thing I already pointed out to Liz that I’m not perfect, because I have to say I don’t have anything to say in defense to this withholding of information.

He’s my brother.

My first loyalty should have been to him.

Instead, I thought I could ‘help’ the situation, being the middleman.

I should learn to think less and keep my mouth closed even more.

Mike’s sprawled out on the couch closest to the fireplace, staring at the ceiling. As I approach he pops his head up, turns to his side, resting on his elbow to regard me.

“What the fuck were you thinking? Did you even care how I felt?” I’m taken back by the hurt not only in his voice, but clearly showing on his face.

Damn but if I didn’t royally screw this up.

“Of course I care! I thought I was helping; talking to her for you, since she said you just ignored her. I was going to tell you…” I try and explain, but he cuts off my apology.

“Max, do you remember what I got her for her last birthday?” I realize now, that Michael is somewhere else. I answer the question anyway.

“Nothing, because you weren’t together.” He nods his head and says, “Do you know what she got me?” I’m about to respond, but he jumps to his feet and beings to pace. Michael doesn’t pace.

“She bought me this book I had been looking for, for years. It was out of print, first edition, she mailed it to me at the office.”

“Damn,” I say, because at this point, I’m pretty speechless.

“I’m a son of a bitch, Max. Grade A, asshole.”

“Come on, Mike. You weren’t dating, you weren’t obligated to get her a present,” I pause when his eyes pin me down.

“Maria was pregnant.”

The room grows eerily quiet and I sink into the couch behind me, thankful for the solidity of it.

I’m trying to process what he’s telling me, but it doesn’t make sense. How could she have been pregnant, and I not know it? Serena not know it?

“You didn’t tell me? How could you keep that from me? Why?” A sarcastic smirk touches his features and he simply says, “Doesn’t feel so good does it?” I shake my head.

“I’m sorry Mike, really.”

“I know you are. Max, you’re like one of those people that take in stray dogs. All they have to do is bat their lashes and you’re a goner. I love you for it, but damn if it doesn’t piss me off when it comes into play in my life. You can’t let go of anyone.” I narrow my eyes at the irony of his words. Just like Dexter said the other day. I do have a hard time.

I’m about to apologize again, but my brother won’t hear of it. He lifts a hand in the air, and tells me he doesn’t want to hear it. And while he’s pissed, he’s more so mad at himself for not facing the truth long ago.

“I walked away from her. I can’t blame you for trying to help in a situation you knew nothing about. You meant well, Max. I can’t fault you for that.”

“Still, I should have told you. I should have. And you’re right, Dex is right too I can’t let go. I need to learn to let go.”

“Max, has anyone ever mentioned the fact that you are a bit of a control freak?” He’s teasing me, but I know there is (some) truth in his words.

I’m about to ask him when all this happened, but the sound of Liz’s voice from behind me, gives me pause.

“Is everything okay?” comes her soft voice. I look up to Michael first, who simply offers a wave to Liz, before I turn to her. I wave her over to my side, thankful for her arrival.

“Are you feeling okay?” I ask, softly as I pull her against my side. She snuggles in close and rests her head on my shoulder.

“A little sleepy, that’s all. Hi Michael,” she smiles shyly as she turns to regard him, as if she’d forgotten he was standing right there.

“How’s the champ doing?” Liz knots her brows in confusion, while Michael and I share a smile.

“Champ?” she says.

“You’re carrying an Evans in there,” he points to her protruding belly, then says, “You’ve got your work cut out for you there. If it’s a girl, she’ll be small and dainty, if it’s a boy, well you’ll have a linebacker for sure. At least that’s what we’re betting on,” he confesses with a bright smile. I notice, the ease with which my brother and my girlfriend, who haven’t spent all that much time together, seem to talk in.

I lean back, bring an arm around her shoulders and pull her into a quick hug. “No pressure,” I whisper.

“Oh, why would I feel pressure? You both are so full of it!” she admonishes.

Michael and I simultaneously, put a hand over our hearts, feigning hurt.

“Liz, you wound us,” Michael says as he takes a seat.

“Yeah. I don’t think so. Isabel already warned me about having the both of you alone in a room together. How you can just dominate the conversation and better than that, you can change a subject quicker than a heartbeat. So please,” she waves her hand dismissively in the air, “continue your conversation. I’ll just call Alex to come pick me up.” Liz makes her move and I grab her wrist.

“Why are you leaving?” I stand up beside her, and thankfully, Michael removes himself from the couch, and strolls over to the window, pretending he finds the outdoors captivating.

She turns towards me and I push her hair over her shoulders and wait. “You need some time alone to talk. I’ll just be in the way,” she says, just above a whisper, but I’m sure Mike can hear it just fine.

Shaking my head, I say, “Liz, you could never be in the way. I’m fine with you being here, sitting beside me and…”

“What about Michael?” she asks, her voice so small and unsure. The rumble of my brother’s voice causes a smile to reach both our faces.

“I’m perfectly fine with you being here Liz. In fact, maybe you can help shed some light on the disaster I’ve created that is also known as my life.”

“See, we want you to stay. Will you stay?” I ask, and she quickly nods her head. Since I can’t resist, I lean in and kiss her lips, just a brush but she closes her eyes nevertheless. I hold back my grin, take her hand and pull her back down on the couch beside me.

“Now, if you two are done. Let’s get down to this, shall we?” Mike says, drawing up against the fireplace.


“I wasn’t ready to be anybodies father. I could barely take care of myself; it would have been a disaster. That’s all I could think about.” Michael says, not looking at either of us, but just talking, getting it all out.

“I was scared out of my mind. We’d always been careful, so I wasn’t expecting it at all. Totally from left field, you know?” he finally turns to us, and we both nod. I can understand Michael’s reaction to it, completely. Because while I’m happy as hell to be having a baby with Liz, there was a part of me, a tiny part that wondered if this would even work out. Serena’s miscarriages stayed with me, but I tried not to dwell on them with Liz.

“Michael, that’s understandable. You’re a different person now. I know better than anyone where you were coming from. It was a knee-jerk reaction,” I start to explain, but he shakes his head, so I stop.

“No. Max. I really didn’t think I wanted the baby. I'll never forget her face when I told her I didn't want it. I wasn't thinking, Max. I couldn't take the disappointment on her face with me that day. She lost the baby two weeks later. It was then that I knew I couldn’t make her happy. I couldn't be what she deserved, so I broke up with her a month later.” He lets out a shuddering breath.

“Damn it, Michael.” I say, about to run through my tirade, but Liz’s hand on my arm stops me. I look to her and she shakes her head, and then looks at Michael. I wonder what she’s doing, but I sit back and wait.

“I may not know Maria, but I think she would have forgiven you for your reaction. Some guys, some girls react differently. It wasn’t as if she’d just told you she shrunk your favorite sweater. This is a whole other person you’d be helping bring into this world, you’d have to help raise them, and you’d have to be their father. It’s a big deal. So if I can be honest, I don’t think she would have hated you for it. In fact, from what Max tells me, she doesn’t hate you. In fact, I would think she was just as scared as you were.”

Michael moves quickly to the coffee table, and situates himself in front of Liz. “Do you think?”

Liz nods her head and motions for me to help her scoot up, which I do. “Michael, look you didn’t say it to be mean or to hurt her feelings right?” He nods.

“So, you didn’t have the best reaction, but it was your feelings at the time, at that moment. You can’t fault yourself for it. Could you have handled it better? Of course, but at the same time, you can’t kick yourself for feeling the way you did.”

“Yeah, but I could have done it different.”

She agrees, “You could now, but how many years ago was this?”

“A little over four.”

“And you, like Max said, are a different person. I don’t think you would react that way now. It’s when you’re older, when you’re more experienced where a reaction like that is harder to accept for a girl, I think.”

I narrow my eyes at Liz; there is something behind her words that leads me to believe she’s now referring to herself in some way.

“Did you? When you found out?” Michael asks, and I freeze. I know what Liz said about me, but did something happen with Danny that I don’t know about yet?

To my surprise, Liz laughs and says, “No. My situation was really different. But I know what it's like for a guy to tell me he doesn’t want to have kids with me. Period. Not, lets talk about it, or we’ll see…nothing. Just, I don’t want kids with you Liz. That hurt.”

Michael seems to think it over, he slips his eyes to me, and I know his question before it even leaves his mouth. It would be my question, and I’m thankful Michael is asking, so that I don’t have to.

“That sucks, but you were going to have his kid anyway right?” Liz looks away for a moment, her eyes turn to mine and I offer her a gentle smile of encouragement.

“Yes. He didn’t because he was so much older and his job, there were so many factors that he gave me, but in that moment, when he said it, while now looking back he was right, I didn’t want to hear it. I just felt let down. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I honestly never forgave him for it either. He died, and I decided that if he didn’t love me enough then I would have his child and love it more,” she pauses, her voice distant.

“I was a fool. None of that matters now though. I couldn’t be happier that this baby is Max’s. No matter what, I would go through everything all over again, knowing that I could have this with someone else. That I could share the joy and happiness of being pregnant, of having a baby with someone who just a few months ago was a stranger. I guess it doesn’t matter how it comes to be Michael, just that it does. I think second chances should be given.”

I survey Liz from the side, and hearing her say it, hearing her tell someone else other than myself, makes me want to kiss her. To hold her, to tell her everything I’m feeling for her in this moment.

Michael interrupts my thoughts, “So you think I should ask for a second chance?”

“No,” comes Liz’s quick response.

“No? Why not? You just said…” I've never seen my brother stutter, until now.

Liz reaches out and takes both of Michael’s hands in her own and looks him in the eye. “You let her go, you made a mistake and while I think you should be forgiven, Maria needs time. She waited four years for you, that’s a long time. It’s time for you to really let her go, let her figure out what she wants and if it's not you then you need to accept it. It might suck, and it might hurt, but unfortunately you have to put the ball in her court, and she needs to decide for herself what will make her happy.”

Michael looks as defeated as I’ve ever seen him in my life, “So just let her go?”

Liz nods her head and squeezes his hands before letting go. “You let her go. You don’t ask her to stay for you, but you tell her exactly how you feel. You apologize, if that’s what you want. You tell her everything you’ve been feeling since that day. Then walk away let her decide. If you make her choose right now, she may just choose you, but because she’ll still afraid of losing you. Because she obviously still loves you.”

“If she loves me, then she would stay,” Michael stubbornly says.

“Mike, what I think Liz is saying is if Maria stays for you, she’ll never have time to make peace with her decision. If she decides out of fear or regret, eventually it will come back to haunt you, haunt your relationship. You’ll never know if Maria is there because she wants to be or because she felt like she had no choice.”

Liz looks at me, her eyes smiling and I feel damn proud that I figured it out. “Right. One of the worst things for a girl is to feel like ‘that’ girl.”

“Exactly.” Michael nods his head in understanding. Liz moves to stand, excusing herself from the room. I fight the urge to follow her, to make sure she’s all right, but most of all to press her against me, to hold her, to kiss her.

“Oh and Michael?” she says over her shoulder.


“It might be nice if you get her a going away present.” She winks and makes her way towards the staircase. I turn to Michael and he looks stunned.

“Damn,” he mutters and runs a hand through his hair.

“Yeah, she can do that to you.”

I decide to give my brother some time, and make a call to Alex letting him know that Liz won’t be home tonight. Then I make a trip to the garage to remove all of Liz’s clothes. I bring them upstairs and put them in my closet, I’m careful not to disturb Liz and use the side entrance of my closet, which can be reached from the hallway leading to my bedroom.

As I make my way downstairs, I see Michael standing at the foot of the stairs looking up to me.

“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you and Serena. We should have, but Maria made me promise not to tell. Serena had already gone through the two miscarriages, you guys weren’t doing so great, and she didn’t want to put her sister through it. You know Maria, she tries to protect everyone.”

I nod my head in understanding. “Serena would have been happy—but I understand. Still, she should tell her. Serena is her sister, she should be allowed to talk to her about it and not feel guilty. I think it would be good for them,” I offer, moving the last few steps to stand in front of him.

“Yeah. Well, I’ve got some things to take care of. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I give him a quick hug, he slaps me on the back and says, “Don’t let her get away.”

Pulling back, I smile and say, “I didn’t plan on it.”

He nods and sees his way out.


I open my bedroom door and see Liz laying on the bed, facing the glass doors. She doesn’t see me walk in.

“How did you feel when you found out your wife was pregnant?” comes her soft question, I guess she did see me. I close the door behind me, and move to the bed, slide in next to her. I drape one arm around her waist before I settle in behind her, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

“The first time, I was happy. I’d always wanted a family, but then she lost it. It was hard, but I knew we’d try again. It happens to a lot of women. At least that’s what we were told, and that’s what I held onto. When she got pregnant the second time, I couldn’t even be happy. I…just thought about the first time. It was out of my hands. I felt helpless. She was my wife, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. God, I wanted to be happy, but a large part of me thought ‘I better not get my hopes up’. Awful, I know but the truth,” I confess gruffly against her shoulder, and she turns in my arms to regard me.

Liz doesn’t say anything, just looks up at me from her position. It’s like she’s looking at me for the first time, and seeing all of me, flaws in human character and all. The me I’ve never let anyone see.

With our eyes locked on one another, our breathing even, our bodies touching, I realize this is another perfect moment, one of the best in fact.

The moment I feel our child move beneath my hand.

A moment I’ve never shared with anyone else.

A moment, I realize, I never want to share with anyone but her.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Chp 21 pg 12 A/N 2/4/08

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:07 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - And so I'm back! I'm sorry it took so long, but again, there were a few things I needed to get done in this part. I want to thank you all for reading, and keeping me going, and for your awesome feedback!!

I truly hope you enjoy, and I will be back next week with another update :D



Chapter Twenty – Two

How Do You Fall In Love?

I stand by the window, watching her. I don’t remember the last time I watched a woman sleep; I never found it all that fascinating. Some men do, most don’t. With Liz, just like everything else, it’s refreshing.

Tonight, I felt our child move for the first time and I can’t even wrap my mind around it. Our child is really in there, just waiting to show his or her face. I smile deeply shifting from the windowsill to the edge of the couch. Of course I knew there was a baby in there, growing and thriving, but to actually feel it…amazing doesn’t even cut it.

I’m on the outside looking in, but I get to share this important thing with only one person on this earth. It’s my and Liz’s child, a child that was created before we even met. Now that’s one story for the family history book.


Liz and I are going to be a family, soon. The day I first saw her in the doctor’s office I didn’t think we’d be where we are now, months later. Becoming more familiar with each other, more at ease, and more than anything else, we are growing closer emotionally.

My feelings for Liz without a doubt do grow; I can feel them in every look, every touch and every kiss she shares with me.

Just like Alex said to me long ago, Liz doesn’t trust easily. But I have a feeling once she does, and you’re on the receiving end of it, it’s something to take your breath away. I would imagine that’s how she loves, one hundred percent, nothing less than everything.

To be on the receiving end of that, well it’s more than I can handle.

I’m an honest man. I however, have a problem being honest with myself. I choose to decide what I do and don’t feel for her. I shouldn’t do it, but I do. Maybe there’s a part of me that’s afraid to let someone in, someone close again, because nothing in life is a guarantee.

Liz shifts on the bed, rustling the sheets before settling silently, her breathing even. I stand and cross the room, pulling the sheets back; I climb into bed beside her.

Immediately, she rolls onto her back and manages to land right under my arm. Pulling myself into a more comfortable position, I readjust her head and wrap an arm around her waist.

“Max,” she whispers, and I think she’s awake, but when I look down at her face I notice, her eyes are still closed.

I smile as my eyelids grow heavy and sleep finally, prevails.


“Freedom!” I awake to the sound of Mel Gibson’s voice—what the hell?

My hands are stuffed underneath my pillow, as I roll over onto my back, lifting my head, I realize Liz isn’t with me anymore. Another round of shouting bellows from down the hall. The corners of my lips rise, she’s watching a movie.

Quickly rising, I make a stop to the bathroom before I pull a shirt over my head and walk towards the action sequence (the climatic) of Braveheart that has apparently just begun. When I round the corner I see Liz’s feet dangling in the air, back and forth, over the edge of the first recliner. I don’t say a word, just move in closer to get a better look at her face.

“Shit!” she hisses and swings her legs from the arm of the chair, I move a little closer, and can’t help but realize that, this is the first time I’ve heard Liz curse. She just doesn’t do it.

I see the problem right away, she’s wearing one of my white dress shirts, and she’s managed to get some orange juice on it. Not from a glass, I might add, but the actual peeled one.

“Problems?” I say softly, startling her to drop the rest of the peeled orange to the rug.

“Max! Oh…you’re up!” she squeaks and tries to reach down and grab the orange but only manages to successfully kick it with her barefoot, under the couch.

“Damn! I’m sorry!” she looks up at me sheepishly, her cheeks a rosy color and an apologetic look in her eyes. I step even closer, rest a hand on her shoulder, and smile down at her. “Don’t even worry about it. I’ll take care of that.”

Liz lets out a little sigh of relief, and something about it sets off something inside of me. Did she honestly think I’d be that upset over a stain on my shirt? I narrow my gaze as I right myself; she’s staring unseeingly at the screen.

Reaching out, I pause the movie and she still doesn’t look at me.

My brows furrow in confusion, I ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Why?” she answers, quickly. I decide I need her undivided attention. Kneeling in front of her, gently I part her knees and saddle up closer.

I start out easy, “Did you sleep well?” she stiffens visibly. I thought she slept like a baby, or maybe that was just me.

“Yes. It was okay, I guess.” I quirk my lips and regard her carefully, she isn’t a good liar at all.

“I slept great. Actually, better than I have in a long time,” I say casually, but honestly.

Her eyes meet mine, she watches me carefully, and then asks, “Really?”

I sigh; this is more serious than I thought. How can she not know? Actually, I take that back, how could she?

I heard everything she said last night to Michael. Liz has had people not want her, the stream of people seem endless to her—she doesn’t realize they don’t matter. They hold this power over her, and while I can understand, it frustrates me at the same time.

Sometimes, like right now, I want to shake her, but then I remember Liz hasn’t had many people she was able to count on in life. Alex, and whether I like it or not, Dean have been it for her.

Time for a change in her thinking, I’d say.

I run my hands up her naked legs, and smile when she shivers. Searching her eyes, I wait until I see that spark; I’m not sure what else to call it, but it’s just like a spark. It’s a change in her eyes, recognition of utter clarity that I’m looking at her.

“Liz, we need have a serious conversation.” She nods her head and I lean back on my haunches.

“I need you to trust me.”

“I do,” she’s quick to reassure me, but I know better. Her intentions are not malicious, but that doesn’t make them fair either. She wants me to trust her, but she’s not willing to put herself out there and trust me.

I shake my head, and a deep frown mars her face. I hate to upset her; she’ll never know just how much it hurts me when she’s not happy. That’s something I’m willing to admit, to myself. It’s something that I’m willing to accept even if I don’t fully understand why I feel that way.

“You don’t.”

“Max, I do…I really…” she breaks off with a deep sigh, breaking eye contact with me, then turns her head to stare at some point beyond my shoulder.

“I’m trying, Max. Can’t you understand that?” Her voice is full of frustration, but a hint of desperation also sounds. I lift my hand to her chin, tilting it down so that she is forced to look at me.

“I’m trying, Liz.”

“I know you are Max.”

“What do you want from me, Liz? What can I do to make you trust me?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s not good enough.”

Her eyes flick to mine, confusion and hurt in them. “What do you mean?”

“I mean—I’m here Liz. I’m right here and I feel like I’m alone in this. I feel like, maybe I might be giving too much, but it’s still not enough for you. I’ve got a lot to loose in this too you know?”

“I know,” she whispers.

“Do you?” My voice grows softer.

“Yes! Why are you making this so hard? Why are you making us sleeping together something more than it was?”

“Because it was.” I don’t hesitate to reassure her, that I’m not wrong, that this is something new and different for both of us.

I know before she says it, she’s going to rebuff the whole thing. “What are you talking about?” I sigh, and stand. This is hard because I never intended to tell her this much.

“Liz, I haven’t slept with another woman since I was divorced…” I chance a look at her and she looks—happy.

“Do you see what I mean?” She knows damn well I’ve had sex with women since I’ve been divorced, but I’ve never actually slept in a bed with them. I’ve never asked any of them to stay, and I’ve never wanted more with them.

“I do. I’m sorry. Max, I’m just terrified.”

“Me too, Liz. Me too.”

“I just need more time. I’m sorry Max, but…it’s what I need.” I nod my head in understanding, frustration still boils beneath my skin, but I really do understand. She hasn’t had an easy life.

I decide to change the subject.

“You know what I realized last night?”


“We haven’t even talked about baby names.”

“God! We haven’t! I can’t believe it. My mind has been all over the place.”

“Liz, are you sure you don’t want to know what we’re having?”

“Yes. I don’t want to know.”

I smile, lean in and kiss her lips before pulling her to her feet. I wrap my arms a round her and whisper against her lips. “Good, neither do I.” And I almost tell her how I feel about her, because something happened last night, the full effect of it didn’t hit me until just a few minutes ago when I was telling Liz about sleeping with her.

Something, I’m a little afraid of even saying to myself.


“Why did you lie to me?”

“Max, I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize to me. I’m just sorry you had to keep it a secret. You and Michael deserved your time to deal with things.”

“We did, Max. We really did.”

I look at her skeptically. “Yet I get the feeling that Michael only got half the story.”

“Max, please, I’ve got to finish packing.”

“Yeah, I know. Maria, I’m not going to ask you to stay, I understand why you have to go. I just want you to know that if you need anything, anything at all just call me. I know you have your sister, but somewhere in the middle of you and Michael being together and apart and between Serena and me divorcing we’ve become really good friends. And I trust you Maria.”

“I trust you too, Max. And I really am sorry we never told you. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it, and then when I lost the baby…I just wanted to move on you know?”

I nod my head in understanding.

“So Michael told you everything?” I nod again, taking a sip of my iced tea. While I’m sitting here with Maria, my mind is still with Liz, still entrapped in our conversation this morning. She asked me to give her time, but how long was enough? I finally for the first time in a long time feel alive, and happy and I don’t want to wait. I feel like crossing my arms and pouting and then stomping around the house, like Isabel used to do when she didn’t get her way (which wasn’t often). I still don’t understand what it is about Liz that makes me feel this way. Makes me feel just a little bit—weak.

She winces, and I drag my mind back to the conversation at hand and ask what’s wrong.

“You were right, you only got one side. Max, I talked to Serena last night and I told her I would be talking to you today. I have to be honest about how I felt.”

“One question.”


“Does Michael know this side?”

Maria runs a hand through her loose hair, and takes in a deep breath. “No. He will, Max. I promise I’m going to tell him, but not yet. I need to get over him.”

“Is that what you want to do?” I ask, a little surprised.

“I…I don’t know.” I offer her a small encouraging smile and reach across to grab her hand in mine, squeezing gently. This can’t be easy, and for some reason I suddenly realize I’m in the middle of another estrogen driven conversation. I really need to start hanging out with the guys; maybe I’ll have a poker game at my place next week. I tilt my head to regard her, and say, “Fair enough. So tell me, what happened Maria?"

She settles back in her candy cane chair, she loves this place. It’s the most pink, and colorful place I’ve ever been in, and all they sell are desserts and fruity chick drinks (thank god iced tea is usually on any menu), but for Maria I would strip my masculinity for a few minutes and step into this Candy Land of places.

“I was devastated, Max. I was pregnant, Michael and I were fighting almost everyday over stupid shit, and I was just emotionally tired. We were careful, damned careful, and yet there I was staring down at two pink lines and I just stood in the middle of my bathroom and cried. I cried because I didn’t…I didn’t want the baby. God, Max! Do you know how awful I feel and how hard that is for me to say to you, how hard it was for me to tell Serena last night?” I swallow the lump in my throat and scoot my chair closer to hers and reach up to brush away her tears.

I’m wholeheartedly unprepared to even comment on this situation, on what’s she’s saying, so I figure it’s probably best that I don’t say anything at all.

“I was pissed off at Michael because he had the guts to say what he was really feeling, and I just cowered away and blamed him, Max. I blamed him. Did he tell you that?” I shake my head, but I’m not sure what she’s talking about. It seems that Maria is only telling the story, getting it out of her system, and I’m defenseless in trying to follow fully. So I listen.

“I told Michael…” she pauses and lets out a loud sob. Thankfully the place is pretty empty, but I decide we need someplace more private. Taking care of our bill, I help her outside, and we stand out in the morning sun. She leans against my car and looks anywhere but at me.

“I told him, I lost the baby because of him. I told him, I hated him. God! Max, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t! I just felt…trapped. I felt like, this was it for Michael and I. He didn’t want a baby, he didn’t want me, and me being pregnant was the final straw.”

“He loves you Maria. After the shock he would have been happy,” I say realizing almost immediately, I should have kept my mouth shut.

She quirks her lips in a knowing smile, “You don’t have to try and make me feel better. You know your brother as well as I do. He didn’t want the baby, Max. And I didn’t either. But not because we were heartless, it was simply because we weren’t ready. But I used it as the excuse to end things with him. I couldn’t make him happy, but he wouldn’t let me go. And then…when it finally happened, when we broke up I realized the only thing I really wanted—was to be with him. I blew it, Max. I will never forgive myself for hurting him. Ever.”

I reach out, and pull her into a hug. She cries into my shoulder and I realize, that both Michael and Maria needed their space, and then she got pregnant and they reacted the best way they could. That doesn’t make it right or wrong, it just makes it real.

Something I am learning a lot about, quicker than any other life lesson tossed my way.

“I’m so-so sorry, Max.” I reach out, grabbing her gently by the shoulders and pulled her away slightly. My brows knit together in question.

“What are you apologizing to me for, Maria?”

“I don’t want you to hate me. I love Michael. I love him so much, but we stopped being what we used to be. We grew apart and it was too late to figure out where we went wrong.”

“Maria, can I ask you something?”

She settles back, swipes her eyes and nods. “Of course.”

I dig my hands into my front pockets and squint up at the sun before making up my mind. “How did you know?”

“What that we changed?” I shake my head, “No. How did you know that Michael was the one?”

She laughs softly and rests a hand on my shoulder before leaning in and saying, “He drove me crazy. Absolutely mind-numbing crazy! But he’s a great guy, and treated me like a queen. He made me feel…” she pauses as if searching for the right word. Her smile brightens when she finds it and says, “He made me feel like I belonged.”

I smile in understanding; something that most people don’t know about Maria is that she was raped when she sixteen, and it took her falling in love with Michael to realize that not all men are evil, in the truest of sense of the word.

I kiss her on the cheek and let her go. She digs in her purse for her keys, and pauses at the sound of my voice, “I could never hate you, Maria. Never. I meant what I said before, I’ll always be here for you.” She smiles through watery green eyes, and whispers, “Goodbye, Max.” I lift my hand and wave her a quick goodbye.

I watch as she pulls away before I get in my car. I decided to take my car today because Liz can’t climb up into the Range with my help anymore. I smile at that, every day she grows bigger.

Every day, I feel we take one step forward and a mile back. I wish she’d stop pushing me away. I wish I could figure out what I could do to make her trust me unequivocally. At the same time, though, I realize that while she has the potential to hurt me, I could bounce back—eventually, she would be hurt beyond words. I could never do that to her.

I have to be sure.

Have no doubts.


“Alex, I’m serious. The guy must want me to knock him the hell out,” I grind out through clenched teeth. I don’t know why I’m seething, but I am.

“Max, relax. Didn’t Dexter tell you this guy was harmless? Besides, trust me here, Liz doesn’t chew my ear off about him.” My ears perk up, I turn to him, dragging my gaze from Liz and Timmy, to Alex who’s standing beside me.

“No? Then whom does she chew your ear off about then?” I ask, with a smirk on my lips.

With a straight face he answers, “Dean.” I growl, down right, growl at that prospect, while Alex doubles over in laughter.

“I’m so happy you enjoy torturing me, Alex. I thought you were a friend.” I say not helping the laugh in my voice.

“I’m sorry, man. But damn, Max before I knew you, before I was immersed in your world, I just thought you’d be some cocky guy, who girls threw themselves at; the quintessential playboy.”

I raise a brow and ask, “And now?” He lifts his hand to slap me on the back and says, “Now, I realize that even a guy that has the looks and the money…and lets face it the power, is insecure just like the rest of us.”

I look at Alex, and see not only that he’s being sincere, but also that he enjoys messing with my mind and I smile.

“Oh damn,” he mutters and I follow his line of vision to where that rat bastard is touching Liz on her shoulders.

What in the hell—?

“Alex, I’ll be back, I have someone to kill.” I say as I stride away from the car and practically leap across the parking lot. Alex and I are picking Liz up and taking her to my parents. My dad has something to talk about with us regarding the lawsuit and of course today is Thursday, dinner night.

I hear Alex call out to me, but it’s too late, I slide right between Timmy and Liz and stare this bastard down.

“Oh, hi,” the rat bastard says, swallowing quickly. I can’t hide my grin while watching him squirm.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“A-ah, sure!” his voice squeaks and I almost feel bad…almost.

“Is there some part of Liz being my pregnant girlfriend, you don’t understand? Was there something that wasn’t clear the last time we met?” I ask, my voice jagged and my grin menacing. I’ve chopped guys down twice his size without breaking a sweat. This is too easy.

“Max!” I hear Liz’s voice behind me, her tiny fist bunching up the back of my shirt, but I won’t be deterred.

“N-no. I just was asking Liz a question.”

I quirk my eyebrow up, and stare him down. “And you have touch her to ask?”

Little Timmy boy, swallows again, and looks anywhere but at me. Meanwhile, Liz manages to squirm herself around me to slide between us. Her hands rest on my chest as she tries to push me back.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

“Max, stop being a bully!” she hisses out as my eyes leave Timmy for a second to peer down into hers.

“Liz, you can’t be serious. Why in God’s name are you letting him touch you?” I complain.

“Max, don’t you dare make it seem like something more than it was! He was asking me about where I got my dress,” she says softly. And turns to Timmy and apologizes to him.

“It’s okay, Liz.”

“What?” I’m confused, what would he care about where she got her dress? Guys don’t give a fuck, unless they want the girl out of the dress or if…if…suddenly it dawns on me.

“He’s gay?” I whisper out, and Liz elbows me in my gut, I feign pain.

“I’m gay,” Timmy says from above Liz, and I lift my eyes to him. Well damn, what do I say to that.

“Sorry,” I say.

“Me too. I should have let Liz tell you, but she was trying to protect me.”

“I’m sorry,” Liz says, and he nods at her, offering her up a smile.

“Lunch tomorrow?” he says, eyeing me cautiously, and I smile and slap him on the back.

“Sounds good. Have a good night Timmy.”

I stand holding onto Liz’s shoulders, as we watch Timmy get into his car. I can’t help but laugh.

“What is so funny, Max?”

“A person’s sexual preference isn’t funny. This is why I didn’t tell you. It’s serious and—” Successfully, I cut off her words by covering her lips with my own. Taking her in, dragging my lips against hers roughly, and stroking her back lightly.

Pulling away I say, “I wasn’t laughing at him, I was laughing at myself. Damn, I’m a fool.” Liz tips her head back and peers up at me. “Yeah you are, but I like you that way.”

My brow raises, “Yeah?” She lifts her hand and taps my nose gently with her index finger before smiling and walking away.

Oh damn.

This is serious.


Another round of laughter resounds in the living room; Alex is retelling the story of my meeting with Timmy this afternoon. Liz is sitting beside me and I rub her belly absentmindedly.

My mind still reeling over what she told me twenty minute ago.

“Max,” she had said, pulling me off to the side. “I wanted to tell you about Timmy, but I didn’t know how you’d react. I just…I should have told you. I should have trusted you. I know that.” When she’d said it, just the fact that she acknowledged it, made my heart stop. Then she’s said something I wasn’t expecting. “I want to learn to trust you, Max. I need to.”

“Why,” I had whispered to her and she smiled, leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed me softly, then said, “Because I care about you, so much.” Then she was whisked away by my mother to chat about the nursery. Leaving me stunned and holding up one of the kitchen walls with the impact of her words.

While Liz and I have both established that we cared about each other, there was something in the fact that she pulled me to the side to tell me. I swallow thickly and look down at her. Her head tossed back, her neck stretched and her laugh filling my ears, my heart.

I take a deep breath; it’s never felt this way before for me.

“That’s a great story!” Michael says, crossing the room to slap me on the back.

“Okay, let’s all head in the dinning room, dinner is a little early today.” My mother says, clapping her hands, demanding attention, which we give her because let’s face it we’re all hungry.

Just as we make our way into the dining room the doorbell sounds, and my mother turns to Liz, since she is the last one through the door and asks Liz if she can get it. “Mom, I’ll go.”

“Nonsense, Liz is capable, aren’t you honey?” my mom says to Liz with a bright smile.

“Of course. I’ll be right back.” I watch her leave, and normally I wouldn’t hesitate but for some reason, a sick sense of dread washes over me and I pivot and follow her.

How the hell did she get to the door so soon? And who the hell managed to get passed the gate without being announced? I wonder all this, as Liz stands frozen at the door. I quickly stride up beside her and look out to see…my ex-wife.

“Hi, Max.” Serena smiles and I wrap an arm around Liz’s waist, pulling her closer.

“Serena, Greg, what are you doing here?” I ask, stepping back and letting them in, taking Liz with me.

“I-we were supposed to meet with your father. We can come back if it’s a bad time,” Serena says, not taking her eyes off of Liz.

“Max, who is it?” comes my mother voice from behind us, I turn, my face obviously pale, and I’m at a loss for words.

“Serena? Oh goodness! Phillip mentioned meeting with you and then I decided to make dinner earlier, not even realizing it was today. Come in, you know where the library is, I’ll have Phillip meet you in a minute.”

“We can come back,” says Greg. I still haven’t found my voice. I wanted Serena and Liz to meet, just not like this. Not here.

I manage to reach down and grasp Liz’s hand in mine; I feel her insecurity washing over me in waves.

“Nonsense. Please, just go to the library.” My mother ushers them out of the room and looks at me, “Max, maybe you want a minute?” I nod; it’s all I can do.

When we’re alone Liz steps away, far away, in fact she’s leaving the room. I follow her soundless, out onto the back terrace, and down the stairs into the garden. Night has fallen, and it’s warm and breezy. She hasn’t said a word, I watch her, watch her hair fly around her lazily blowing in the breeze.

When she speaks, I almost miss it. “She’s beautiful, Max.” Even though she can’t see me, I shake my head and step closer.


“Don’t deny it. I’ve seen her with my own eyes,” she says spinning and looking up at me.

“I think you’re beautiful,” I say honestly, but she doesn’t see it that way. I sigh.

“Damn it, Max! Don’t side step me here. Just be honest!” she grinds out, her fists clenched at her sides. And I nod my head and step closer, right in front of her so she can only look at me.

“She’s beautiful, but I don’t love her, Liz. And no matter what you say to me, I think you are beautiful, and I love kissing you, I love holding you, I love watching you with your eyes closed, your head thrown back and a soft moan on your lips, I love hearing you laugh and I love waking up with you. But most of all,” I pause and take a deep breath, I’m not ready, but maybe I’ll never know if I’m ready until I take the leap.

“I heard you like the group Alabama, oldie but goodie?”

“What? Max what are you talking about?” she says, breathless, her chest heaving and I know exactly what she feels like.

“Just answer me, sweetheart.”

“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Dance with me, Liz.”

“What? Max, if you don’t want to—” I lean in and whisper in her ear, taking her against me and say, “Dance with me, Liz.” She does, and I begin to thumb through my memory until the lyrics are clear in my head.

“Forgive me, it’s been a while since I’ve had to sing with an audience…” I clear my throat and begin to sing.

“I’ll admit I could feel it
The first time that we touched
And the look in your eyes
Said you felt as much

But I’m not a man
Who falls too easily
It’s best that you know
Where you stand with me

I will give you my heart
Faithful and true
And all the love it can hold
That’s all I can do
Cause I’ve thought about
How long I’ll love you
And its only fair that you know
Forever’s as far as I’ll go

When there’s age around my eyes
And gray in your hair
And it only takes a touch
To recall the love we’ve shared

I won’t take for granted
You’ll know my love is true
Cause each night in your arms
I’ll whisper to you

I will give you my heart
Faithful and true
And all the love it can hold
That’s all I can do
Cause I’ve thought about
How long I’ll love you
And it's only fair that you know
Forever’s as far as I’ll go

Forever’s as far as I’ll go,” I whisper out once more before cupping her tear stained face in my hands and kiss her lips.

“That was my favorite song by them,” she says with a soft smile. I step back and smile shakily at her. I drink in the sight of her, knowing that I’ve probably ruined everything with her, but I won’t apologize and I won’t take it back.

Instead I say, “I just wanted you to know.”


Song used: Forever’s As Far AS I’ll Go by Alabama – I take no credit, I just love the song.

Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Chp 22 2/10/08 AN 3/13/08

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:30 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Rather than leave a lengthy note, I will simply thank you for your patience and your always incredible feedback. You don't even know how much it means to me that you continue to read the stories I write. I hope this was worth the LONG wait :oops:

I have to give a special thanks for La'Shon for basically giving me that push and telling me to not put so much pressure on myself to get this part done, love ya girlie!

Finally, I have posted a new story (it's a short story) on this forum called Lost Highway

I hope you will go give that a read because that story is all but one chapter, done.

Chapter Twenty-Three

A Toothbrush…never meant this much

Liz has apparently gone missing. After returning to the house, I went in search of my mother to check to see when dinner would start. In addition, I needed some time away from Liz. Because while I realized that I do feel so strongly about her, a part of me is terrified that she may not feel the same.

Does she care about me? Yes, I can honestly say that I know she does. Does she love me? I have no idea, and it’s that part that terrifies me. After my divorce, I never thought I’d feel so strongly about another woman. I knew I loved Serena, but we were always better friends, but with Liz and I, I want so much more.

Explaining it in words is useless; it’s a combination of so many feelings rushing at me, at the same time. When I’m not with her, I can only think of when I’ll see her again. And when I’m with her; I want to kiss her, hold her, to tell her everything, to share things with her I’ve never shared with another.

Above all, I never want to leave her. It’s hard to wrap my mind around it. It still seems too fast. It still seems like we still need to get to know one another longer. But I’ll be damned if she isn’t the first woman I’ve dated, just like Isabel said, that I haven’t slept with.

And one afternoon of hot and heavy making out, wasn’t nearly enough. It’s the longest I’ve gone without sex. The longest in my entire life. I can admit it, and not cringe at the thought, because I know, without a doubt that the next person I sleep with, the next person I make love to, will be Liz.

I just wish she’d give me a sign, something so that I’d know I wasn’t alone in my feelings. And I’m not the fawn all over a girl, type of guy, but damn if I don’t want to kiss her until she breaks down and tells me how she feels.

I wonder what it will take for Liz to finally tell me, in as many words as she can, how she feels about me. What I mean to her.

I excuse myself from the table, where Michael, Isabel and Alex are talking avidly about Isabel’s upcoming birthday party, and go in search of Liz. I know that Michael is trying to keep his thoughts far away from the fact that Maria’s plane leaves first thing in the morning. I feel bad for him; it’s got to hurt like a son of a bitch. But Liz was right; he needed to let her go.

Just as I am about to round the corner of the main hall, I hear voices drift down to me, and I stop immediately, they obviously haven’t noticed me.

Serena and Liz, that is.

I turn and lean back against the wall, and do something I know I shouldn’t do…eavesdrop.

“…I understand Liz. I really do. And I’m sorry for before,” Serena says.

“About what?” Liz sounds confused, that makes two of us.

“I shouldn’t have stared at you. It’s just that, I wasn’t expecting to see you.” I wish I could see their faces, but instead I’m stuck just hearing this private conversation.

Maybe I should feel bad, but a part of me wants to know what Liz will say, and more importantly what Serena will say. Not, that I think Serena would be malicious in any way towards Liz, it’s just that I know how insecure Liz really is.

Their voices grow lower, and I can’t hear a damn thing. I inch closer…

“I’m really happy for Max. He’s as happy as I’ve ever seen him, and I know it has everything to do with you.”

“With the baby, you mean.” My eyes narrow, does she still think it’s only about the baby? Has she been lying to me all this time?

“No, I had it right the first time, Liz. Max is happy with you. He deserves it, just like I do. He was my best friend and it will be sad to let him go, but I know what’s best.”

“What do you mean? You’re not going to talk to Max anymore?” I’m not sure what I think about that, but I guess a part of me, the part that people have told me I need to learn to let go, knows it’s what must happen.

“Not like we did. He has his life, and I have mine. I’m going to adopt a baby, and in a few years maybe another. I love Greg, and I love my life with him. Letting Max go, completely, will be hard, because he’s always been there, but he has someone else to watch over him now.”

“Me?” Liz asks, sounding not a little unsure.

“Of course! Liz, you and Max are going to have a baby, that’s amazing. Max has always wanted a family…”

“Did you talk about adoption with him?”

“We talked about it, but for some reason we never moved forward with it. I think we both knew, we weren’t going to make it.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m happy Liz, and I want nothing but the best for Max. And from what I can tell, that’s you and your baby.”

“Serena, can I ask you a question? It’s kind of personal so if you don’t want to—”

“Ask away.”

“Did Max ever sing to you?”

“Sing? You mean, for fun?” I can’t see Liz’s face, but I can imagine she’s shaking her head.

“No,” she hesitates, but Serena must have caught on because she answers.

My heart is beating fast; my nerves are shot, all over this one question. How will she answer it? How will Liz take it? If anything, it should only fortify my sentiments from earlier. Maybe coming from Serena, someone I was with for so long, will help Liz come to terms with my feelings for her.

“He used to sing in the shower, and he sang or hummed when he was getting ready to go out. He sang in groups at a party when he’d had way too much to drink, but to me, for me? Never.”

“Oh,” was all Liz said.

Serena sighs heavily, and says, “Liz, if Max sang to you, then that’s something he never did to me and I hope you really don’t compare what I had with Max, with what you have with him.”

Liz is quick to respond, “I’m not.” She’s lying; I can hear it in her voice. Funny, that in not being able to see her face or her facial expressions, I can more clearly hear what’s in her voice, the changes, the uncertainty, everything.

“Good. You shouldn’t because Max and I aren’t together anymore and even when we were, we were always great friends,” she pauses, and lowers her voice just a little, but not enough for me not to hear, “Even when we were together he never looked at me the way he looks at you, when you’re not looking. And that’s only my observation from the front door…so just imagine, what no one else sees.”

Damn. I’m obviously more transparent than I thought. Serena noticed within a few minutes my feelings for Liz and how strong they are. Why can’t Liz just accept it? I know there are so many reasons, so many bad examples of love she’s had, but still sometimes I wish she’d just see how I feel about her.

Like an instant spark of some sort.

A moment later, I hear the door to the library close and I take a chance and peer around the corner. Liz is standing there, her back against the bathroom door, and her head tilted upwards.

I step forward, the closer I get I notice her eyes are closed. Without opening them, she asks, “How did you know that was my favorite song?” I smile and say that I didn’t.

“But that day in your room, when you locked yourself in there, crying over your clothes not fitting. I heard the Alabama song and when I went home that night I found the song and listened to it. I had already heard it long ago, but I needed to refresh my memory. I knew I needed to remember it…for you.”

She smiles and opens her eyes slowly, turning to face me, the smile drops. My body tenses, is this bad news? Because it sure looks like that’s what she’s going to deliver to me.

“Max, there’s something I need to tell you.”


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner but I was afraid. Afraid of what you would have thought of me.”

I step closer, cradling her head in my hand; I lean in closer and kiss her lips gently. She smells incredible, like peaches. It must be her shampoo.

Pulling away, I lean my forehead against hers and whisper out against her lips, “I could never think anything bad about you, Liz. But keeping secrets from me, it worries me that you still feel the need to keep them. It scares me that you may not trust me anymore than the day we first met. It makes me think everything I’ve been feeling is one sided and that maybe, just maybe I should be worried about our baby being born and you deciding that you don’t want to be with me anymore.” I confess gruffly, leaning back and searching her face for a sign of some sort.

A sign that my faith in her, in us, isn’t misplaced.

She shakes her head and slips her hands around my waist, pressing her face against my chest. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around her, tightly.

“Max, that’s not…I’m sorry. It’s not what you think.” Her voice pleading, she tilts her head back to regard me. Tears brimming her brown eyes and I realize it’s possible to love her even more, with each passing moment. That right there, scares the shit out of me.

“Then tell me Liz.”

“Max, I wasn’t completely honest with you when I told you about Danny and about Dean.”

My entire body stiffens at the sound of both their names. This is it. This is where she tells me she was in love with Dean. That they were going to raise the baby together and I screwed things up. I came in the middle of their happy life.

I groan in misery. God, I hope I’m wrong.

“Max, Dean was supposed to be…Dean was…” she pauses and takes in a deep lungful of air, then licks her dry lips. I groan for another reason altogether. How I can think about sex at a time like this is beyond even my comprehension.

“He was supposed to be my…”

Baby’s father.

Baby’s father.

Those are the words that replay in my head, although she has yet to utter them.

“Liz! Max!” Comes my mother’s voice bellowing down the hall.

“Damn it! Liz, finish,” I grind out frustrated. Turning her head up to face me. Begging her silently not to break my heart.

Knowing now that it’s possible, it infuriates me more than words, that I could be so weak. But it’s true. She has the power to wound me irrevocably.

“Max, we can talk about it later.”

“Now Liz.” Again we ignore my mother’s call.

Her eyes are even more pleading than her voice, “Please Max, later.” I release her and let her slip out of my arms. We take off down the hall where my mother has just rounded the corner.

“There you are! I was calling you, did you hear me?” she asks and I can’t even find my voice to answer, so Liz does.

“We did, I just wasn’t feeling all that well. Max was helping me.”

“Oh, well are you sure? I can just have dinner served,” my mother’s voice is nervous and I know why.

“I’m sure. Thank you. Did you need something?”

“Oh, yes. I wanted to show you and Max the nursery.”

“Nursery?” Liz’s asks in confusion.

My mom’s face lights up and she smiles, waves us towards the staircase leading upstairs. “Of course. My grandchild needs a place of their own when they visit.” My mother takes Liz’s arm and helps her up the stairs, I stand behind Liz just incase. She’s too far along to take the stairs alone, especially since she can no longer see her feet.

When we reach the room directly across from my parent’s master bedroom suite, my mother pauses and claps Liz’s hands in her own.

“In a few short weeks, I will be a grandmother. Which is a very important job, one that I will take very seriously and,” she pauses and looks down at Liz.

“I need for Liz to know that while I do like to behave a bit on the…flamboyant side at dinner, it’s just for fun. I’m not a crazy martini drinking,” she pauses, looks over Liz’s shoulder and pins me down with a hard glare, oops!

Liz’s voice cuts through my laughter. “Diane, please don’t think I’ve judged you in any way. Seeing you all dressed up always seemed to make me feel more comfortable. It never felt stuffy, or awkward for me because you…well you…”

“Were dressed like a peacock?” My mother helps. And suddenly we all fall into a fit of laughter.

“Yes. Exactly,” she says and then clears her throat before opening up the door.

The room is a mixture of yellows and greens, stuffed animals, a crib, blankets, bookshelves filled with an array of children’s stories adorn the shelves, curtains cover the bay window in a pattern of pastel green and white swirls.

“Oh my…It’s beautiful,” Liz says, as she covers her mouth with her hands and steps fully into the room. My mother looks to me for approval, since I hadn’t seen it yet, I can tell by the worried look on her face. I smile before reaching out and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks mom.”

“I know you were going to hire a nanny and I’m sorry that I can’t watch the baby myself, but I’d like to extend the offer, that when you do hire the nanny, since you will both be working, I want you to know that our home is open. The nanny can come here and I will supervise.”

“Oh Max! That’s fantastic. I was really worried, because it would be a stranger and everything…” Liz rattles on her insecurities and I smile because she’s already made me aware of them, which is why my mother included the part of us both working.

I didn’t want to mention it to Liz yet. I need to know what she’s feeling, first. Then I will present the idea that she shouldn’t work and that I’d like her to stay home with the baby.

My home, that is.

Our home, soon enough, I hope.

“…I just wish I could be with the baby all the time.” Liz comments as she runs her hands over the plush blanket inside the crib. My mother’s eyes connect with mine, and she smiles, but I shake my head, fending off her words of encouragement that Liz should stay home.

Okay, so I planned it. I hadn’t seen the room, but my mother and I had discussed it already.

While Liz and my mother go over the room, my cell phone rings and I excuse myself into the hall.

“Max!” comes Michael’s voice just as I answer the phone. Michael reaches me, out of breath, with a smile wider than the Grand Canyon. Did he run? And once I realize who’s on the other end, my heart leaps into my throat.

This is the call.

The one that will change the future of our business; one that will make us a household name, not just in the world of gamers.

Michael is jumping up and down, and I realize that’s he’s in on the call as well. I can’t keep the smile from my voice as I listen to our itinerary for the next two weeks. A part of me can’t believe what I’m hearing.

When we hang up, both Michael and I look at each other, not speaking just breathing, deeply.

“This is it.”

“This is it.” We both say and a minute later we yell out, hi-five each other and my younger brother pulls me into a headlock, and instead of fighting I can do nothing more than laugh and lift him off his feet, and we stumble to the floor in a laughing heap.

“I knew it, Max!” he yells and I slap him on the back as we both try and garner some air.

“What’s going on?” comes Liz’s voice, and I finally notice both she and my mother are watching us avidly.

“Mom, we leave for two weeks tomorrow for Japan!” I yell and jump to my feet, pulling my mother into a hug and off her feet.

“Oh you got it!” Liz shrieks and I place my mother down, only for Michael to sweep her up.

“We got it, baby!” I smile brightly and kiss her enthusiastically.

“What is going on?” comes my father’s voice and Michael and I both try and relay the news before Alex jumps in and figures it out.

“That’s right, Alex, pack your bags! Japan here we come!” Michael roars, slapping Alex on the back. Isabel races over and hugs us both.

The hallway is packed with everyone, including Serena and Greg. I reach for Liz’s hand and whisper to her, “I love you.” She looks up at me startled, but melts against me and smiles brightly. She’s about to say something but my mother’s clapping interrupts.

“To hell with dinner! We’re going out to celebrate my babies great news!”

“I agree,” comes my father as he pulls both Michael and I into a fierce hug.

“Max, Michael, that’s excellent news. I know you guys have been working for so long and so hard for this. Greg and I are really happy for you,” Serena says, holding onto Greg’s arm. I can see her words are sincere.

“Thanks Sere.”

“Phillip thank you for everything, we’ll just be on our way,” Greg reaches out his hand to my father, but then Liz’s hand reaches out and touches my father’s arm.

“What is it?” he asks, and she says, “I think a handshake is for goodbye. I think we all should celebrate, do you?” I quickly turn to look at her and she shrugs her shoulders and I can’t help but kiss her again.

“Oh, enough of the public displays of affection,” comes Alex’s dry remark.

We all laugh as we file out of the hall and make our way downstairs and off to dinner.


I lean my head back on her pillow and reach for her hand. It’s nearly midnight, but I can’t bear to leave her. It will be two weeks until I’ll see her again.

“We’ll be what Halo was for Xbox, this is what we’ve been working for. I mean, Liz, gamers know us, but people who don’t even play video games know about Halo, you know?”

Leaning up over me while resting her head in her hand, she strokes the side of my face. She’s wearing nothing but one of those short gowns. We’re both above the covers and in total darkness.

“That’s so great, Max. I’m so proud of you. But…” she pauses her stroking and I turn to her.


“I’m going to miss you.”

“Yeah?” I ask in a whisper and turn to my side. My head resting on her pillow, one of my hands trailing up her naked leg.


“What else?” I ask, waiting to hear it. Hoping to hear it.

“I used your toothbrush,” she says, with a smile lacing her words. What in the hell does a toothbrush have to do with this, I wonder.


“When I slept over your place, I used your toothbrush.” Again I can’t figure out what I’m missing but I know it’s important for some reason.

“You used my toothbrush?” I ask, and she leans in closer, her lips a breath away from mine. My hand reaches around her back, stroking it up and down, over her bottom and squeezing it. She feels incredible.

Leaning in, her lips touch mine, my heart kicks into high gear, and then she says, “I just wanted you to know.” And her lips cover mine. My hand moves up her back, running up to her shoulder and pressing her closer.

I trace her lips with my tongue before dipping inside, tasting her, licking her, loving her. She moans softly and turns onto her back. The strap of her gown slipped off her right shoulder and I reach over her, making sure to not press down on the baby, and kiss her exposed shoulder. She moans again, her back arching and I can’t help the groan that escapes.

“I love hearing you moan,” I whisper, as I reach out and pull down the other strap of her gown, pulling it down even farther, exposing her full, round breasts. Her nipples are drawn tight and I lean down and take one into my mouth, her hands instinctively reach up to my head and press me closer, I can’t help but oblige.

“Max…” she pants out, as my hand travels over the fullness of her breasts, cupping each one, rolling the hardened peak once, twice, before switching up and taking them into my mouth. My hand moves lower, pulling her gown up, past her knees, over her thighs and exposing her to the cool air.

Her hands slip to my shoulders, inside my shirt, and down my back. I slide down against her, she protests, but I lean up and pull my shirt over my head before joining her again. “Damn,” I groan as my fingers find her wetness, spreading her, teasing her, and finally zeroing in on the tiny peak.

“Max…please…” she begs and I can’t help but smile, returning my mouth to the sweet mound of flesh that I was resting my head against, I suck her in earnest.

“I want to…Max…I want…” she groans out, the moment I press a finger deep inside of her.

Her nipple makes a popping sound as I release it. “What do you want, baby?” I ask, titling my head up and capturing her lips again, stealing the breath from her.

“I want to touch you, you have…but I haven’t.” She ducks her head and turns away, it might be dark, but up close I can see her perfectly. I smile, and remove myself from her body, lift my hands behind my head and tell her she can do whatever she wants.

Her hands are hesitant, but she’s a fast learner. Liz’s hands find the waistband of my jeans; she tugs on the button and then unzips them. I raise my hips and help her remove them, and then a minute later, her clever fingers are sliding inside of my boxers and finding my erection; standing tall and proud.

I groan as her small fingers encircle me, her inexperience clear, but her eagerness, appreciated more than she can know.

“Help me…” I reach out, without thought and wrap my hand around hers, stroking, teaching her the rhythm and then I slowly extract myself and give her free reign.

Control, is my middle name. I have a solid control on my body’s reaction during sex, but damn if I’m not at the breaking point. A few strokes of her enthusiastic hands and I have to reach out and grip her, steadying her movements.

“If you keep that up…God…just give me a minute, Liz.” She slowly removes her hand, but then to my utter surprise, grips me firmer in her hand and strokes me, up and down, over and over, squeezing it ever so, taking me to the edge within minutes. I can’t control my rapid panting. I pull her face down to my lips, I breath into her mouth, groan as my hips take on a life of their own and then she says, “Max…” and I lose control. And losing control has never felt so good before; my entire body shudders as I flood her hand.

“That was worth waiting for…I can’t wait for the rest,” she says before kissing me. I throw my head back as she moves to my neck, then my chest, and I can’t help but think…the significance of a toothbrush to Liz, never meant so much to me.

I finally know, that she loves me too.

And there is no better feeling in the world.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Ch 23 3/15/08 A/N 3/31

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:15 am
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - You guys are awesome! Thank you for the feedback and the bumps! It's Sunday and I woke up early to finish off the last little bit of this for you guys, since I'll be in the city today and tomorrow hopefully meeting one; Jason Behr!! I'm so excited, which is why I probably had enough energy to even type anything this morning.

Oh and for the record...the part about the case, total and utter BS, just go with it okay?? :wink: And so here we go...

Chapter Twenty-Four

Goodbye’s, Lost Love’s and Hamburgers

Leaving Liz last night was hard. Much harder than I thought it would be. Harder than anything I’ve had to do in a long time. I smile remembering her getting out of bed last night, digging through her small closet and pulling out a Polaroid camera. She snapped pictures of us in bed, smiling, laughing, and finally I snatched the camera from her and took a few of my own. Liz wouldn’t let me see any of them; she said they had to dry and that when I returned I could see them.

“Don’t brood, I don’t need that shit right now, Max.” I turn and see Michael coming up along side me on the sidewalk. Our jet leaves in twenty minutes and he’s late by Michael standard. I lift my hand, slap him on the back and motion for him to follow me inside.

Today is hard for him, Maria’s flight is leaving and she won’t be back, maybe not ever. Granted she said she’d be back for the birth of the baby, but I’m not holding her to that. I know this is the right thing for her, as much as it hurts my brother. I think Michael finally realized it’s what she needs but that doesn’t make it easier to swallow.

“Did you talk to Alex this morning?” he grumbles out, lifting his coffee to his lips.

“He’ll be here, he wanted to see Isabel beforehand. I think Alex had something planned for her and…”

“Yeah, he was gonna ask her to move in with him. His new place, that is.” I narrow my eyes, how did I not know? We celebrated Isabel’s birthday over a month and a half ago, and I was more than sure Alex would have asked her then.

“Seriously?” I ask, wanting to know more. Like for instance, if Liz was still going to live with him or not. However, Michael shrugs his shoulders and says, “I don’t want to talk about relationships on any level, Max. I need a break.” I nod my head and take a seat on one of the chairs, while the jet is readied for takeoff. I’ll shirk my curiosity for now.

Normally, we would take a commercial flight, but we are on a time frame and can’t afford any delays.

Five minutes later, Alex swings open the main doors of the private waiting area, a smile spread across his face, which I can only assume means my sister agreed to the arrangement. I’m happy for Isabel, Alex is a great guy for her. Perfect for her in fact, he doesn’t let her get away with shit; she has to work at the relationship just as much as he has to.

It’s what she’s needed, just never knew.

Alex approaches, we exchange greetings, and then we fall into a silence. The other guys seem okay without filling the silence.

If I’m honest, a part of me wishes I had gone to see Liz this morning. But I wanted her to sleep. A part of me is worried because while she isn’t set to go into labor for another good six weeks, I’m told babies sometime arrive sooner. I have two weeks to get what I need to get done, and get my ass back here. I will not miss my first child’s birth, not for anything.

More than that, I’m going to miss Liz. I missed her the first time, but this is different, our relationship is defined, it has meaning, and more than that, I love her. Not seeing her every day is going to be different.

We get the call that we can board the plane, and for some reason while I know we are all enthused about this opportunity, we drag our feet onto the runway.

“Ah…Max?” I’m about to take the last step into the plane, when Alex’s voice behind me gives me pause. I look over my shoulder at him ready to ask him what’s wrong, when my eyes are diverted to a point over his shoulder.

There, Liz stands, holding an envelope in her hand, her hair blowing in the gust of wind, and a smile planted brightly on her lips. My heartbeat speeds up, and I practically push Alex out of the way.

“Sorry,” I mumble, jumping down the last step and then jogging over to Liz.

“What are you doing here?” I ask somewhat out of breath. She blushes, but doesn’t duck her head as she normally would.

“Max…I…I wanted to say goodbye.” I smile down at her, wrap an arm around her shoulder and bring my head down to kiss her lips. She reaches up on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting her head to receive me.

I pull away, walking her back towards the doors, and I peer inside to see my mother standing inside.

“She wouldn’t let me call a cab, so she drove me.” I wave at my mother, and look down at Liz. The overwhelming feeling of something…love…lust…a combination of the two rushes over me and I can’t help but kiss her again.

“I know you have to leave,” she says, handing me the envelope in her hand. “But I wanted you to have these.” I take it from her, reaching to open it, but her hand on mine stops me. I look at her curiously, and she smiles. “You have to promise not to open it until you get there. Call me when you do, okay?”

“Okay. I promise. Now, I gotta go.”

Lifting her hand, she pushes the hair away from her face, and gazes up at me. She looks prepared to say something, but then doesn’t.

“What?” I ask. She shakes her head and says, “I wanted to tell you…that I’m going to miss you, Max.”

“I’m going to miss you too,” I kiss her forehead, then her cheek and finally her lips, and just as I pull away, before her eyes are even open again, I hear her say, “I love you.”

Stepping back from her, I take in a deep breath and when her brown eyes finally open again, I mouth those words right back to her and she lifts her hand in a small wave and does the most unlike Liz thing; she blows me a kiss.


From the moment we touched the ground we have been working. My original intention was to call Liz as soon as we landed, but that hasn’t worked out and now it’s about four in the morning, her time. I can’t call her for another couple of hours, but by then I’ll be busy all over again.

I haven’t opened the envelope she gave me yet, I’m waiting until I can open it and call her. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to get my brother out of his rut. He’s all business but as soon as we got back to the hotel, he wanted to be alone.

“You think Michael is all right?” Alex asks me as he flips through the television and I nod my head.

“I think so, eventually. He took Maria leaving a lot harder than I even thought.” For the next few minutes I bring Alex up to speed on Michael and Maria’s relationship, at least the parts that maybe if Isabel had told him, he didn’t know about.

“I can understand her wanting to leave, though. Sometimes I wish Liz had done the same thing with Danny…damn…sorry, didn’t want to bring him up.” Alex says and shifts on the bed.

Funny, I haven’t thought about Danny or Dean since I was in my parent’s hallway with Liz, where she was about to tell me something about them and then I got completely sidetracked. Which, normally wouldn’t happen. Then again, I’m more secure in my relationship with Liz that honestly it doesn’t really matter. Whatever it is, it’s in the past.

Okay, maybe I’m lying to myself, but since I can’t call Liz and ask her what she was going to tell me, I need to keep my head on straight. I need to stay sane.

I need to think positively, as hard as that might be.

“It’s fine.”

“Stop brooding. It’s only been a day, you can’t miss the girl that much,” says Michael as he throws open the door and makes a dive for the bed, almost missing, but making a nice save.

I eye him carefully, he doesn’t look any better and he still hasn’t eaten. He probably thinks I haven’t noticed, but I have.


“I called her,” he rushes out, stunning me.

“You called?”

“Maria. I called her. I had to. I shouldn’t have. I know, I’m supposed to give her space, but damn, I can’t. Now that she’s gone, it seems so…final. I don’t like final.” I glance at Alex, who looks just as speechless.

I’m about to grasp at the right words to say, words of encouragement, but Alex beats me to the punch.

“It’s good that you called her, I think. I feel that sometimes, girls need to be reminded of things. They seem to beat themselves into corners with their thinking, and then before you know it, they’ve completely written you out of the story. If you want in, then it’s good you called.”

Now that is exactly what I was going to say.

Michael turns, plops himself onto his back and then sighs heavily. Michael doesn’t sigh, but lately that seems to be the only indication you get to know he’s still breathing.

“She sounded happy.” Both Alex and I realize that obviously Michael isn’t listening; instead he starts to spill out everything he’s thinking. Alex and I just lean back, get prepared to listen and be there when he’s done.

Liz will understand.


Liz and I have been talking for nearly an hour, she’s filled me in on the shopping spree Isabel, my mother and her went on yesterday. And when she was done I filled her in on Michael, but Liz seemed confident that Michael just needed to give Maria time, she seemed to have faith that Maria would call Michael when she was ready.

I hope she’s right.

A few minutes later, we’re onto a new topic, “I don’t want a baby shower, Max.”

“Liz it’s tradition,” I say, knowing that Isabel hadn’t meant to let it slip but she did and now Liz wanted nothing to do with it.

“Your parents and you have already put together the nursery at your parents house, and we’re getting the one at your place done, which by the way the contractors said they would have done by the end of this week. So I can let it air out a week for you, the paint smell should be toned down by then. Anyway, I’m getting off the subject, it would be nice to have a baby shower, but there is really no reason.” It’s sweet that she’s trying to plead her losing case; I’ll play along for now.

“My dad called me earlier, about the case. They want to settle, and we need to make an offer.”

“An offer of what?”

I answer bluntly, “Money.”

“I…how would I know? Besides do we want to settle?”

“We do. Human error, lack of staff, isn’t going to hold up in court. They will plea-bargain a settlement. There have been many other cases, but if you want we can continue on.”

“How much do we get?”

I smile, not because I’m happy about settling, but in all honesty that was really the only way we could go, after speaking to my father.

“A million.”

“Dollars?” she chokes out.

“Yes. It’s only fair and…”

“I don’t want it.”

“What! Why the hell not?” I ask, not sure why I’m furious but I am. Does she think it’s some kind of charity, or that I’m paying it? I have to wonder because she was quick to decline it. I have to make her understand it’s not me.

“I don’t want the money, Max. It would be nice, but it wouldn’t be right taking it.”

“Liz, they fucked up! You’re pregnant with my baby, not with Danny’s, and I know a lot has changed between us, but how can you turn it down?” I sit up, trying to figure her out.

“Exactly. If I take the money, then I’m saying that this baby was a mistake, to the world. It’s not just between you and me, I have cameras taking pictures of me when I go to work, when I leave work, don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” I growl in frustration. I had no idea the media took that much interest in her, as they do me. I ignore it, better that way.

She sighs into the phone, “I didn’t want you getting upset, like you are. And I don’t want the money. I’m happy Max, so very happy that I’m having your baby. I won’t accept money for the doctor’s offices’ mistake.”

“If you felt this strongly, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“Because I didn’t think that much into it. But I have now.”

“Right now?” I question, bitterly. If she’s been holding out on me again…

“Right now, I promise.”

“So, then what would you like me to tell my father?”

“Tell him, I’ll take the settlement, but take my portion of it and donate it to charity. I’d like it to be to a single parents charity. That money would be appreciated more by the people who really need it, people, who don’t have anyone else.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. I know damn well Liz could use the money, but instead she’s giving it away.

I clear my throat and tell her it’s a fantastic idea, and that I will be giving my portion to the same charity as well.

“Now, that that’s settled. I wanted to ask you if you wouldn’t mind helping me paint my apartment.”

“Your bedroom?” I clarify.

“Yes, and Alex’s as well. Since I’m sure you’ve heard by now, he’s moving out with Isabel. I think it’s great, don’t you?”

“Yes I do. But wait, so you’re keeping the apartment then?” My mind kicks into overtime, I hadn’t thought about that. Damn, the best laid plans and all that other shit.

“I’m keeping it. And Alex is going to help me pay for it. I make enough to cover the rent, but then there are my other expenses. And once we get the nanny, which we need to get on top of. I’ll be able to work a few more hours and…”

“And, nothing. Liz, I wanted to wait until we could talk in person. I don’t like the idea of my child being raised by some stranger.”

She laughs, “Max, you’re being silly.” Now though I can tell it’s a nervous laugh. My confidence grows.

“I’m serious. I wanted to ask you if you would stay home and raise our baby. I know it’s asking a lot of you. And I know you have your rent to pay, but I can help you with that and…”

“I’m not your charity case, Max.”

“You’re right, you’re not. You’re my girlfriend, the mother of my unborn child, and someone who is turning out to be the love of my life. If you won’t do it, then I respect your wishes, but I’ve thought about you turning me down. So I will take a leave of absence from work.”

Liz grows silent, and all I can hear is her breathing. I’m about to ask her what she thinks, when her soft voice filters through the phone. “What were you going to do if I said yes? Would you still be working like you do now?”

I shake my head, even though she can’t see me. “No. I planned to work three days at the office and one day at home. Taking Friday off, extending my weekends with you both. I wish you wouldn’t look at things as charity, Liz, because that’s not what it is. But I respect your feelings, but I’ll just ask that you think about it, okay?”

After a minute, she says, “Okay.”

I straighten up and dive into the next topic. One that I realized I needed a response to, as much as my last question.

“So other than shopping, what have you been up to?” I ask causally, easing into the topic that I have no doubt will come up, Dean.

“Working, napping and eating. I think if I don’t have this baby soon, I’m never going to get back to the size I was.” I smile at that, knowing that I don’t even know what size Liz really is.

“You look sexy pregnant,” I say, my voice growing husky suddenly. I clear it, there is no reason to get turned on by thinking of her pregnant, laying in her bed and talking with me thousands of miles between us.

“I’m round all over. So I’ll take your word for it.”

I’m surprised at that, “You will?”

She laughs and says, “Don’t act so surprised. I’m making an effort to understand your way of thinking when it comes to me.”

“Good. I like that. Now, anything new I should know about the baby?”

“Other than jabbing me in places I didn’t know existed, and giving me heartburn that could make the strongest man cry, nothing else. Oh, I forgot to mention the doctor called me at work today and she asked me if we’d signed up for the birthing classes. A class starts this week, and so I explained you were out of town, she said I could start it with someone else, and when you return you could catch up.”

My eyes narrow, and my interest is piqued, I ask, “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, and I’m sorry I can’t be there. Who were you thinking of?”

“Well, seeing as how Isabel is out looking at places for her and Alex to live, and I can’t drive, I thought that maybe Dean could go with me.”

“Dean? You’re not serious,” I groan, it sounds quite painful even to my ears. We’re back on this merry-go-round. Quite frankly, I’m tired of it.

“What’s wrong with him helping me?” her voice is defensive, which only pisses me off more. I’m not a controlling person, not when it comes to women, but damn, she has to know I wouldn’t be okay with this.

Rather than answer that question, I try one of my own. “What were you going to tell me in the hallway, at my parents house?”

“Max, I don’t want to tell you over the phone. It’s something I should have told you already, but…I needed time. I promise I’ll tell you when you get back.” I don’t respond; instead ask another question, one that I know I’ll get an answer to, now.

“Why Dean? I would think that you could wait two weeks for me. So tell me why did you decide on him, now?”

“I just thought we could spend some time together.”


Liz huffs into the phone, I can hear her aggravation, and a part of me knows I should just back down, but I’m tired, jetlag has kicked in full gear and I’m just tired of the secrecy between us.

“Yes. As friends, Max.”


“You know that he’s my best friend. And I’ve been spending so much time with you; and it wasn’t fair to him.”

“You’re my girlfriend, you’re supposed to see me more than your friends.” I’m a jealous puppy.

“You know you go on and on about me trusting you and then you turn around and do the same thing to me. You don’t trust me, yet I’m supposed to trust you automatically.”

“I give you no reason not to trust me,” I defend vehemently.

“Oh and I do?” Now she’s really relied up, too late to turn back now. This has been a long time coming. Unfortunately, it had to be on the phone, but it is what it is.


“How? Tell me, Max.”

“Dean. Danny…whatever you’re keeping from me. Whatever you’ve been keeping from me. Let’s call a spade a spade, Liz. I ask you to trust me, and then I follow up that request by actually doing things that will allow you to trust me.”

“Like what?”

“Serena. I stopped talking to her. We’ve both cut the cord, so to speak…”

Her voice is just above a whisper when she speaks, “I never asked you to.”

“Exactly, Liz. You didn’t have to. I want to be with you, and I want you to trust me, and I knew that having my ex-wife around, and still talking and having a friendship with her would do more harm than good for you, for us.”

“So I have to stop talking to Dean because we’re dating,” her voice has taken back its edge.

“No. I am asking you to not bring Dean up around me because we’re dating, because I’m trying like hell here to figure out if you really want to be with me, or if you’re with me because of this situation. Because let’s face it, if you weren’t pregnant, we probably would have never met,” I state the obvious, but the never spoken reason for our relationship, and damn if I didn’t mean to sound so angry about it.

She’s quiet. I’m about to apologize, but she beats me to it, “I’m sorry, Max. I didn’t know you felt that strongly. I thought it was jealousy or I don’t know some male ego thing.”

“I’m sorry too, Liz. I didn’t want to argue with you. I just need things to be honest between us. We’ll never make it otherwise,” I confess and even though I can’t see her I know she’s nodding her head.

“I know.” I smile, I know her so well.

Clearing my throat, I pull the envelope off my nightstand and tell her I haven’t opened it yet.

“Well get to it, Evans.” We both laugh, as I tug it open.

Inside are the Polaroid’s we took the other night, as well as a picture of the sonogram picture of our baby.

“I didn’t want you to forget us,” she whispers out.

“Impossible,” I say swallowing back the lump in my throat.

“Flattery, will get you everywhere,” comes her teasing voice, and then a soft laugh.

“God, Liz. I love you so damn much.”

“Good, because I love you more, Max.”

I smile at her words, and she breaks into a lighter conversation, baby names.

“I don’t want to wait until the last minute, so did you have any names in mind?” she asks, and I settle into bed more comfortably, knowing that our problems aren’t solved, but at least we are talking them out.

“I was thinking of Ronald for a boy…” I joke and she tells me her son will not be named after some scary clown passing out hamburgers to children.

I continue on, “And…Wendy for a girl.”

“Again, freaky redheaded girl with pigtails, passing out hamburgers to children,” she says this time giving up to a fit of laughter.

The sound never felt so fulfilling before.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Ch 24 4/6/08

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:01 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - And so, I am finally recovered from last week. I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures and my account, for those of you who haven’t met him, all I can say is I said the same thing, “I’m never going to meet him,” but I did! And you will to! All I can say at this point, is Jason is a freaking sweetheart!

Secondly, I must, must, must give a special shout out to La’Shon, before I signed online and found her, I was writing this story into a nice brick wall! But she brought me back from the edge of insanity; I was literally going to just scrap it, that’s how bad it was. She talked me down…got me to get myself together, like she always does and then ushered me along to finish this! Love you girl!

And lastly, I think it’s funny, well at least maybe it’s just to me and La’Shon that everyone thinks Dean is gay, sorry to tell you, that’s not it. The theories are great, but I really didn’t see a need for Liz to keep Dean being gay (if he was gay) a secret…at least not one she would be so worried about in her over hormone(d) body, that is. But it was fun!

You guys are awesome, and I enjoy reading what you think! It keeps me on my toes as well! I hope you enjoy.


kay_b -*runs and tackles!* Has it been almost a week already? Isn’t it depressing?
L-J-L 76

sylvia37 - *waves* – Liz isn’t naive, I’d say a little scared? I think that would be the best word. Good to see you around ;)

nibbles2 – well if you didn’t make me blush with your comment, I don’t know what will. Thank you. I’m glad to know, that even though this is a first person POV story, that I’m able to give you guys a full story with different characters and their feelings. It’s not easy and I knew it wouldn’t be when I first decided to write it that way.

Chapter Twenty – Five

Welcome Back

I don’t think I’ve been more excited to be home, than I am today. Two weeks of talking to her on the phone, but not being able to see her face, her smile and taste her lips is far too long. Which is precisely why I’m headed over to her place. I didn’t tell her what time our flight was coming in, just so I could surprise her.

Alex decided to head over to my parent’s house, Michael however decided he was going for a walk and I told him to call me if he needs anything. I know that he won’t, just like I know there is nothing I can do for him. In fact, I kept the fact that Maria sent me a text message saying she arrived safely. It would have served as a reminder that she didn’t call him, but that’s okay, I have a feeling, or maybe it’s just hope, that they will find their way back to each other.

Hope, funny thing is I’ve never had to rely on that before meeting Liz. But she gives me hope, because if we as two strangers can come together and not only be friends, that are having a baby, but fall in love, then I’ve got to believe in something more.

Falling into bed was always easy; falling into love was never a challenge I was up for. Liz is a challenge, I have a feeling for the rest of my life she will be, and I can’t wait. Granted, I don’t believe in fairy tales or their endings, but I know without a doubt that I love her and would do anything for her.

With an extra skip in my step, I make it to her sidewalk and check my watch. The sun is setting already and I haven’t eaten anything all day, no matter because I’ll just take Liz out for dinner.

My steps falter as I hear their voices as I reach the first step to her stoop. Without being seen, I lean over the handrail and see Liz and Dean sitting near her door. I freeze, and bend down settling down on the last seat. I shouldn’t eavesdrop, I should just make myself known, but a part of me is now wondering what in the hell he’s doing here especially when she knows I’d be coming home sometime today.

It’s probably nothing. I’m just jumping to conclusions…

“You know I love you, Liz. I always will, nothing will change that. But you can’t hide behind me anymore and I’m sorry I asked you not to tell him…” My eyes narrow in confusion and suspicion, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the him is me.

Even though I can’t see them, I can hear them perfectly from this angle, and I listen…closely.

“I understand, and to be honest, I’m sorry Dean. I’m so sorry; I used you to hide behind. I should have told him but…I was scared.”

“Scared about what? Liz, obviously he cares about you, as much as that irks my ass. I figured he’d be long gone by now, but…” Dean huffs, and I can only imagine he turns away from her because he’s silent.

“He’s going to be so angry with me,” Liz’s voice reaches my ears, shaky in quality and I feel even more unsettled. What the hell are they talking about?

A small laugh escapes from Dean’s lips, “Nah, I don’t think so, Liz. But what are you going to tell him?”

Liz doesn’t hesitate, “Everything. He deserves that and if he hates me, it’s no less than I deserve.”

“He’ll understand.” I’m so glad Dean has confidence in my forgiveness, because at this moment all I want to do is drag Liz away and demand answers.

“No, he won’t. You don’t know Max. The only thing he ever asked from me was not to lie, and not to keep secrets, and that’s all I’ve done. I’ve lied to the one person I ever really loved,” she pauses, my heart tightness, and then she says, “I’m sorry Dean. I loved Danny, but it’s nothing like what I feel for Max.”

“That’s because he never deserved you, you just were too blind to see it. Liz, he was never going to be what you wanted. And then well, when he met me, I feel like I ruined everything for you.”

“No! Don’t ever say that. Dean I was friends with you first, you mean so much to me. You’re my family, but Danny, I don’t know I guess I kept thinking, ‘If only I love him more, then he’ll want everything I want.’ I realize now, I was just fantasizing in real life, but now there’s Max and I don’t even have to fantasize, he’s so good to me. Dean, do you think he’ll forgive me for not telling him everything?” her voice breaks, and she finally begins to cry.

“He’d be a fool, Liz. But honestly, I think you’re thinking too much into this. And you know that letter; it means nothing. Danny loved you in his own way; he wouldn’t have done what you asked otherwise. I believe it, Liz. But it doesn’t matter anymore, Liz. It’s time for you to be happy.”

Damn it, it breaks my heart that she’s hurting, but to know that she’s been lying to me about…well hell, I don’t even know, but it must be bad if she thinks I won’t forgive her. At the same time, though, Dean doesn’t think it’s that bad at all.

All the muscles in my body tense, it’s time I’ve revealed myself.

Dean notices me immediately. His arm is around Liz’s shoulders, and my eyes burn with fury when I take in the sight. The ache in my chest begins to burn as I find my voice.

“Hi, Liz.” Her body stiffens visibly and she turns to look up at me, teary eyed and surprised, a wide smile on her face.

I offer her a small smile in return, I can’t help it, especially when she reaches out her hand for me to help her up, when she could have asked Dean, and I take her into my arms. She buries her face into my chest and tells me how much she’s missed me.

I kiss her temple, all the while eyeing Dean carefully; he turns his head and gives us our privacy, interesting. “Me too, sweetheart. Why are you crying?” I ask, as if I don’t know, which is half-true.

Liz disengages herself from my arms, looking up at me, her lips begin to tremble and I pull her back to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Max…I, I have to tell you something.”

“Yeah, I figured as much,” I offer casually and she snaps back, looking up me through her tears and swallows. “H-how much did you hear?”

I lean in closer, whisper into her ear, “Everything,” and then pull back, gripping her hand in mine.

“Okay. Okay,” is all she says as she turns to dismiss Dean. He quickly reaches his feet, jumps off the side of the banister and heads for his car.

“You want to take a walk?” she asks, not looking at me.

“No. How about we go to my place? I haven’t taken a shower yet, and I’m starving.” I’m trying to get her to calm down because I know if she’s a ball of tears, I’ll never get the whole story out of her, and besides watching her cry is the last thing that brings me pleasure.

“Sure, Max.” She follows me, hand in hand to my car. We drive in complete silence until we reach my living room.

I wait until she’s seated to ask my burning question. “What are you not telling me, Liz?”

Her hands are shaking when she pushes her hair back, and I hate that this is stressing her out. This is not the time for it, but honestly I can’t take knowing she’s keeping things from me any longer. This was not the reunion I was looking forward to when I got on the plane home.

“Do you want to sit down?” I take a step closer, and realize that while I want to know the truth, I burn for it; it may destroy everything we have. Sometimes knowing is worse than not knowing, I’ve learned that in the past and I do not wish for a repeat performance.

“Is it bad, Liz?” I ask, and damn but my voice is uneasy. I clear my throat and take a seat on the arm of the couch she’s sitting on.

“It depends on what you think is bad.”

I nearly growl with frustration, “Just tell me, Liz.”

“I…I lied to you about who Danny was, and who Dean is, or who he would have been or…I don’t know anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” She looks up at me, her face more serene than before, and then she says, “I think I should start at the beginning, it’s what you deserve, everything.”


I listen as she starts talking about meeting Dean, which I already heard and I ask her to move forward because the tension and the not knowing is nearly killing me.

“Okay,” she says and then she finally looks up at me. The air around us pulsating with tension, fear, anger, uncertainty and all of them wash over me while I wait.

“Dean is Danny’s son.”

That’s it? That’s what she was keeping from me? That can’t be it, or was my opinion of her situation that important to her?

“So why lie about it?” She looks up at me in confusion.

“You don’t understand do you? If you did, you wouldn’t be so calm, you would be disgusted with me,” she mumbles out as she makes a move to stand, I reach out to help her.

“Dean was my best friend, and I was in love with his father. A father he didn’t even know. He had a picture of him; he was the result of an affair Danny had with his mother. And they were reunited because of me. And I had…slept with his father! He was so disgusted with the situation.”

“Dean was?” I ask, getting angry about the fact that if Dean had that opinion about his father and Liz, then he should have kept it to himself, if Liz was his best friend.

When she shakes her head, my heart nearly standing still. “Danny was? He was disgusted with you?”

She nods again, and I rise to my feet and place a hand on her shoulder. “Liz, don’t cry over him.”

“I’m not! I’m crying over you.”

“Me?” I ask in confusion, still I don’t understand what she’s trying to tell me.

“You’re going to have to spell this out for me honey, I don’t know what you are expecting from me.”

Liz spins on her heels and walks over to the balcony window, stares out and places her hands on the glass. “I let you believe that Dean was something more to me, because it was easier than telling you the truth.”

“Which is,” I ask, coming to stand behind her. Her reflection meeting mine in the glass.

“That I spent all this time, all the time before I met you, crying over a man who never wanted me forever. He found his son, and that was all that mattered. But still, I tried and tried to get him to love me. I don’t know why,”

“I do. Liz you loved him, that wasn’t wrong. I’m sorry he hurt you. He didn’t deserve you.”

She wipes her eyes, and turns to face me, “No, Max. I don’t deserve you.” With that she walks past me and back over to the couch.


“I wanted to stay with Danny, but he wanted to get to know his son. He pushed me away but I kept coming back. I always went to Dean after Danny and I fought about the same stupid shit, and Danny thought I was having an affair with his son.”

“Liz, even I know you wouldn’t do that. He was going to be your,” I pause and swallow, “Your step-son.” That is a hard pill to swallow but it doesn’t change anything.

“That’s right. Dean is my family. I would never do that. Ever Max. Please believe me,” she pleads with her eyes and I pull her against me, her belly bigger than ever, protruding and bumping me in the stomach. I feel our baby move and I can’t help but smile. She was worried all this time that I would form an opinion about her past, about her feelings, while I’m relieved that was all she needed to tell me, a part of me is hurt that she would think that about me. And about the fact that she didn’t just tell me who Dean was instead of letting me believe the worst.

“I lied to you about Danny and me, Max. We were never married, I tried to get him to but…I guess it doesn’t matter because I’m glad we didn’t. So happy, Max.” She pulls from my arms and moves across the room.

“Why do you keep walking away from me, Liz?”

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

“I’m sorry! I just don’t want to see the look on your face.”

“What look?” I ask, softly, closing the distance between us.

“The look of disgust!” she nearly shouts, her small hands balled into fists and I fight to hide my smile. God, I do love her. Her hormones are working overtime today, poor thing.

I decide to change things up a bit, and get one final answer. “What was in the letter?” She freezes, but finally meets my gaze.

“It was stupid,” she sighs, her shoulders sagging. “It was a stupid letter, one that I found while cleaning up the apartment. I guess Danny left it for me, but it must have slid under the bed or whatever.”

“What was in it?”

“He was telling me, how wrong we were together and how selfish he was for keeping me around for as long as he did. That he pushed me away because it was what was best for me. Stuff like that,” she says, waving her hand in the air dismissively.

Skeptically, I ask, “That’s it?”

“Max, you don’t understand. I hated Danny when he died. Not only for leaving me, but because I realized that he was never [/I]with[/I] me. I followed wherever he lead and I was so damn scared that I was going to do that with you. I’m so scared that I’m going to come to rely on you and you’ll…you’ll…”

“Change my mind?” I say, moving closer, cupping her face between my hands, forcing her to look at me.

“Sorry, to break this to you, sweetheart, but you’re mine. And I’m not going anywhere, Liz. I told you I loved you and I don’t say that easily. I don’t throw that word around, and I don’t throw my feelings around, and I sure as hell would never play with your feelings that way,” I tell her, leaning in, kissing her lips softly.

When I pull back, her eyes are closed, her lips parted and I can’t resist, I kiss her again. This time deeper, pouring the last two weeks of loneliness without her into it. Her lips move easily, eagerly against mine, until finally a small moan escapes and I pull away.

Pushing her hair back away from her face, I keep her head tilted up, making sure to read the look in my eyes, and waiting until she realizes, disgust is the last thing she’ll ever see there.

Liz blinks a few times, before asking, “You’re not mad at me?” I shake my head, and say, “I’m not mad. I can’t lie and say I’m not hurt, though. I mean you could have told me all this, it would have made your relationship with Dean, make more sense and Alex would have stopped ribbing me,” I take that into consideration, “Did Alex know that I didn’t know?”

“He didn’t at first, he just thought it was a joke. But then I told him to stop talking about it because it was important that you found out from me. I never meant to hurt you. I was just afraid of losing you because…”

“You don’t know how else to be. That’s okay, Liz. But thank you for finally telling me and promise me there is nothing else?” I prod and she shakes her head. “Nothing, Max. You know it all now.”

“I do. And do you know what I think about you now that I know the truth?” She tenses and tries to look away, but I hold steadfast.

“Do you, Liz? Do you want to know what I feel about you now?”

“W-What?” she asks, unsteadily.

“I love you even more. You haven’t had it easy, and I know that. I don’t want you to think I’ve got these obscene expectations of you, Liz. I don’t. I just need you to be honest with me.”

“That’s all?” she asks, with a hint of a smile tingeing her voice.

“And I need you to love me.”

“I do.”

“And I need you to kiss me.” She does, and pulls away and whispers, “Anything else?”

I smile broadly, lean in and say, “I need you to make love to me, tonight.” With that, I take her hand, walking towards the staircase that leads to our bedroom. A place I’ve never slept with anyone but Liz.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) A/N 5/9/08

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 8:21 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Again...2 day delay here... however thanks for your patience and thanks for the awesome feedback! I'm short on time, so this is a post and go...

Also...just so you know there are only roughly 3 Chapters left of this one :(


Chapter Twenty-Six

The First Time

Liz and I never did get to make love, we didn’t even get to share another kiss, or smile. Instead she went into labor nearly twelve hours ago, and answers are few and far between.

Testing, testing and more testing.

Early labor is normal, or so I’m told. Everyone has reassured me, but still I can’t help the nagging feeling that something isn’t normal.

Michael has been watching me carefully, as if I might just strangle the next nurse that comes within a two feet of me. Worry is stamped on everyone’s face, including Dean’s. He came within minutes of my phone call.

It was only right. I had to call him; he is Liz’s best friend. She would want him here.

I drag my gaze from my brother, and over to Liz’s brother. He offers me a weak smile; he’s terrified. I’ve never seen him this way.

“Max,” comes a voice from behind me, I spin the moment I recognize it.

“Dexter,” I say, relief flooding me. He is as stable as they come in moments of crisis, and right now that’s what I need. Not another worried face, but someone who can stand next to me and keep me focused.

“Stacie, is away on business or she’d be here too. I called her. Now, tell me what’s going on?” he says, his tone even, his face the picture of serenity. I feel the tension in my shoulders lessen as I answer him.

“We were at home and her water broke. By the time we got here, she was in so much pain, I thought it was too fast, but I wasn’t really sure. She was so scared…and I didn’t know what to say…” I grasp for words, but they fail me.

Dex nods and asks, “What did the doctor say?”

“When they brought her in, they said she was four weeks early, and that they could deal with that. They were going to check her out and come back to me.”

“Did they?”

“Yes, and they said everything was fine, that it would be a few hours before anything happened, so I just waited. But about thirty minutes ago, they said something about Liz’s heartbeat and the baby’s not being normal, or I don’t know. They just threw this out at me and ran back into her room.”

“Is Serena here?” he asks me and I blink, I hadn’t thought about her.

I shake my head, run a hand through my hair, and say, “I don’t know.”

“Stay here, give me ten minutes and I’ll get you something.” Without another word he’s already headed down to the nurses station, and if I know anything about Dexter, it’s that in ten minutes I’ll have an answer; whether I like the answer or not, that’s a whole other issue.


“I don’t understand why it takes this long to bring us an answer,” Dean says from beside me. We both stand shoulder to shoulder in the center of the hall, no more than five steps from the room they have Liz in.

“Tell me about it. I wish I could just yell and get it over with, but I know that won’t help,” I say, casually.

“Yeah.” A beat of silence passes then he says, “Thanks for calling me.”

I turn to regard him, and I can’t help but smile. “If it had been a week ago, I probably wouldn’t have. Sorry.”

Dean shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. If it was the other way around, I would have taken an extra minute or thirty to call you.” We both share a quick laugh, and return to our posts.

Much to my surprise, my parents, Isabel and Michael haven’t asked me one question since they arrived. They offer their silent support, which I am grateful for, because dealing with anyone right now, will push me over the edge.

Dean however, for some reason or another, doesn’t bother me.

“She was so scared, you know? I just wish they’d let me see her,” I say, trying to hide my concern.

“She’s tough.” I nod in agreement. “And stubborn,” he tacks on and I turn to him and slap him on the back. “You’re damn right she is.”

“Max!” Again my name is called and this one is even more familiar than Dex’s.

“Sere, what’s going on?” I ask, without formalities.

“They’re coming to get you in a minute. She’s fully dilated and they found the problem and why the baby is so small. She was leaking amniotic fluid, maybe within the last week or so…anyway, that’s not important,” she rushes out, with Dexter at her shoulder now.

“Okay what is?” I ask, urging her to get on with it. Dean is right at my side, along with Alex. My parents, brother and sister are not more than a step behind us.

“She says she isn’t having the baby…”


Serena looks up at Dexter who then looks at me, and I’ll be damned if he doesn’t have a gleam of a smile on his lips. What the hell?

“I’m fucking panicked here, can you get to the damn point,” I grind out, harsher than I meant, but at this point my nerves are on end.

Serena blushes and says, “Ah…maybe you want to wait until you’re in there with her.”

“How about you just tell us what the hell is going on?” chimes in Dean.

“This is something that I think Liz might appreciate sharing with Max, herself.”

“Well if you both know then it’s not much of a secret is it?” Dean says, moving closer and I place a hand on his shoulder, our eyes connect and he backs off.

“Fine. But tell me is she and the baby okay?”

“They are, but Max you have to convince her to have the baby, or they are going to do a C-Section.”

“Is she hysterical or something?” says Alex over my shoulder.

Both Serena and Dexter nod.

“So she’s scared, okay. I can handle that.” I let out a sigh of relief and break from the crowd the moment I see the nurse heading towards us.

“Mr. Evans? I’m going to need you to come with me,” she says and ushers me away. I take one look back, and I realize that when I come back down this hall…I’ll be a father.


Liz’s raised voice reaches my ears before I push open the door.

“I am not having this baby! You’re just going to have to find a wait to make the baby wait!” I almost smile at the determination in her voice.

“Liz,” I say coming to her side and she sags in visible relief.

“Max, oh thank God! I’ve only been asking for you for the past hour. I’m not sure we should have the baby here, they’re all crazy!” she says, as she breathes through another contraction. Her hair is matted to her head, her forehead and neck sweat soaked and I honestly can’t imagine how she’s handling the pain and talking to me at the same time.

I reach out and push her hair back, and run my finger down her hot, damp cheek. “Sweetheart, this is a great hospital. And I don’t think you have much of a choice, you’re having the baby today, Liz.”

“Soon,” comes the doctor’s dry reply and I try and hide my smile. Boy has she gotten under his skin.

Liz grips my hand, and looks up at me pleadingly. “We can’t have the baby yet, Max. I can’t!” I’m getting concerned once again, obviously she feels strongly about this.

“Why not?” She doesn’t answer, as she pushes through another contraction.

“That cap on your head looks so cute, Max.” What? Maybe she’s not getting enough oxygen or something.

“Liz, talk to me. Why can’t you have the baby?”

“Because we haven’t had sex! How can we have a baby? It’s not right, Max. The baby needs to wait.”

“Okay…I understand, but the baby can’t wait. And Liz, when the doctor tells you to push, you’re going to have to push.” I try to explain reasonably.

“How am I supposed to tell my child that they were conceived even before mom and dad even slept together,” she says, reaching out and pulling my arm hard enough for me to bend over her, “It’s just not normal, Max,” she grits out.

“Liz, I know it’s not but I promise, if you have the baby now,” I pause, hearing the snickering from the nurses, but tune them out, because in all honesty I’m about to break into laughter myself.

“I’ll make it up to you, Liz.”

She looks up at me, desperate and I know she’s in pain; I look at the doctor who nods his head. It’s time.

Her eyes connect with mine, “Promise,” she says.

Eagerly, I respond, “Oh hell yes, I promise.”

“Max?” she says, just as the doctor prepares for the delivery.


“I love you.” I smile at her, swipe the fresh tears in her eyes, and kiss her lips. “I love you too.”

Liz smiles at me, turns to the doctor and says, “Okay. I’m ready.”


“It’s a boy!” comes the doctors bellowing voice, as he holds up my and Liz’s baby and I can’t help but let out a puff of a sob. I don’t cry easily, but when the doctor asks me to cut the cord and then minutes later when they are laying my son in my arms, I can’t stop the stream.

“Liz…he’s beautiful,” I say passing him to her. Despite her exhaustion, she smiles and reaches for him. He’s pink, and soft and warm. A full head of black hair, and ten perfect little toes and fingers.

“Oh my God, Max,” she says looking up at me, a bright smile and tears streaking her face, I know exactly what she means.

“He’s perfect,” she whispers out, as she kisses our son’s head. I lean down and kiss her lips and reach out for him.

“We never came up with a name,” she says, her eyes half closed. I look down at my son, cradled in my arms and I smile.

It doesn’t matter what his name is, he’s mine and he’s Liz’s. I love Liz, but the love I feel for him doesn’t even compare.

“What do you think of Andrew?” I say and Liz responds softly, “I love it.” I turn to regard her, and I smile when I see her eyes closed and a smile on her lips.

Leaning down, I look into my son’s eyes and think, he’s the one thing I got right, the first time, without even trying.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Chp 26 5/13/08

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 7:06 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - And here is the update. It took me a while to write it because there were a few things I needed to take care of in the story -- I think last time I said there were only 3 parts remaining which would mean after this one there are only 2 -- however don't hold me to that. Like I said, while I know there aren't many parts left, I don't want to rush it or short change the story I've been working on for so long or you, the readers.

I'd like to welcome the new readers and the lurkers that have come out! Great to see you all, glad to know you're enjoying...Your feedback as always makes me laugh and smile, thank you!!

Wench On A Leash
FSU/MSW-94 – HUGS…for when you get a chance to read sweetie!
nibbles2 – yes children are in denial…just wait until you read this part with Max and his mom…LOL
sunrise102 – I’m still thinking about what you asked LOL Only time will tell!
StarJet – Hey there! Can I just say that’s a pretty awesome compliment coming from you, being a guy, and here I am writing from one’s POV? Thank you! And as far as the Epilogue in Liz’s POV…you’ll just have to wait and see!
ruthandnina – Andrew has found his rhythm…too bad his parents have lost it, for now.

Now let's get down to business...

Chapter Twenty – Seven

The Barbie Dream House Theory

Honestly I don’t think that gaining the ability to argue with Liz in a whispered tone is something to be proud of. Unfortunately, that’s all we seem to be doing. We don’t talk, unless we’re talking about Andrew. If we, God forbid, actually try and exchange a series of words that could be misconstrued as a conversation, she bites my head off, changes the subject and leaves the room.

Actually, if memory serves me correctly, Liz’s ass is about the only part of her body I am most familiar with nowadays. And it’s always fully clothed, so, again this is not a good thing.

Eight weeks, my son is eight weeks old today, and Liz won’t even look me in the eyes when she talks to me. She knows how much I hate that, but she doesn’t know just how worried it now makes me.

Our latest argument, which has found me alone in her bedroom, because she still won’t talk to me about our living situation, stemmed from me asking her if she really wanted to go back to work.

“Of course I do! Do you think I just want to live off of Alex’s charity and yours?” she’d hissed out at me, her eyes wide, and come to think of it, looking directly at me. Okay, so she does make eye contact, when she spits out nonsense about not wanting to take advantage of me. Like she gave birth and became this burden to me, or something.

I am back to not knowing Liz at all.

I feel utterly defeated and I honestly, don’t know what to do about it.

“Liz, would you just talk to me?” I ask, as I enter the living room, she must have put Andrew down because he’s nowhere in sight.

She spins around on me, “About what, Max?” she says, with a flip of her wrist, dismissing me again.

“About us. About…damn it Liz, anything!” My voice rises and she narrows her eyes. I forgot to whisper.

“You’re yelling and I don’t feel like arguing.”

“Why the hell not? That’s all we do. We’re getting good at it, let’s not stop now,” I retort hotly as she begins to straighten the pillows on the couch, again not facing me. I move around the couch, grasp her elbow and ask her to look at me.

“What?” her voice, defeated, but I can’t figure out why.

“Tell me what’s wrong, Liz. You can talk to me, about anything.”

“I’m just tired, Max.” For some reason, that fuels a fire inside of me. It comes down to she’s always tired, I try and help, and she doesn’t want it.

With a new determination, I pin her down with a solid, meaningful glare. “I don’t want to be a part-time father. I told you that in the beginning.”

“You’re not,” she defends weakly, trying to tug her elbow away, but I won’t let her go.

“I am. I live twenty minutes from here. I work twenty minutes from here. If I want to see Andrew, I have to leave work, come here, eat dinner alone cause you’re too tired and want to nap, and then I have to get home to change, because you sure as hell don’t want me sleeping over,” I bite out sarcastically, and she flinches visibly. I hate that I have to be this way, but being nice and accommodating has gotten me nowhere fast.

“You said you were going to hire a nanny before Andrew was born, and I figured your plans changed since you…”

I snatch my hand away and tilt her chin up to face me, searching her eyes…where are you Liz, I think.

“My plans? My plans Liz, are the last thing you’re interested in,” I say, scathingly.

Her voice soft, “That’s not true.”

“No?” I ask, stepping closer.

“No,” she replies.

“Bullshit, Liz. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but I’m standing right here and you don’t even care. I’m trying to do…hell whatever I think it is you want from me, and still nothing. You haven’t smiled at me, except when you’re talking about Andrew, you haven’t allowed me to kiss you, or touch you. I don’t know what I did, and last time I checked I didn’t go to bed one night and wake up a mind reader. Help me out here, Liz. Tell me what the fuck is wrong!”

“Stop cursing at me! You never curse!” she hisses out, walking around me. I want to reach out to her, but what’s the point? She doesn’t want me here…she doesn’t…

“Do you love me, Liz?” I ask, my voice cracking, much to my humiliation.

She stops just clear of the hallway entrance, turns and looks at me. “I love you, Max.”

“You don’t know how much I want to believe you…”

“I wouldn’t lie to you about that…”

“Then just tell me Liz. What happened to us?” Liz stares at me, her words robbed from her.

I decide to leave her house a minute later.

Since staying doesn’t get my anywhere.


I watch my mother walk around the nursery, picking up some of Andrew’s toys. The room in my house was finished a week after he came home. I had, at that point wanted to ask Liz to move in with me, officially. But the timing was always off; we had visitors and never a quiet moment.

The first three weeks of my sons life, were the best between Liz and I…but then she started to grow distant and I can’t figure it out. So, I’ve decided that since my mother had three kids, surely she can help me understand what might be going on with Liz.

“So you say she doesn’t want to talk to you? Or is it that you talk about nothing?” Interesting, I never thought about it that way. Because Liz and I did talk after Andrew was born, but come to think of it, it was superficial unless it was about our son.

Slumping my shoulders, I say, “Both?” That gives my mother pause because she turns to regard me, a look on her face that I’ve never seen before.

Striding across the room, she takes a seat beside me on the window seat I had installed in the room because Liz loved them so much. She places a hand on my shoulder, tells me to sit up straight and then begins to tell me about when she was pregnant with me.

“Your father and I weren’t prepared for you, Max. Not really. We loved each other, but I was terrified of being a mother. We had been married a year and I was just getting the hang of being a wife. Your father had opened his practice and it was still small but he was quickly gaining an excellent reputation…but it wasn’t enough. I honestly don’t know how some women did it, then or even now. They do it without stability, and I had it with your father, it wasn’t enough,” she confesses, and I’m stunned. To me, my mother is strong, and fierce and she stands up to my father when bigger men squirm away. To think of her being afraid…it helps me understand a little better. A little.

“Why wasn’t it enough? You knew dad loved you, why wasn’t that just enough?” I ask, because obviously to me, it should be enough.

She smiles at me as she leans back against one of the pillows. “Thinking back on it, it wasn’t enough because…” She breaks off and doesn’t even look like she’s going to continue.

“Because?” I hedge on, she can’t leave me hanging, she’s my mother damn it!

Shaking her head she says, “So many things, Max. What if I failed? What if I had you and realized, maybe I didn’t want kids after all? Would I regret it? Would things between your father and I change? It’s different for everyone. Some women rejoice in it.”

I surmise, “You didn’t?”

“Max, you know I love you. I love all my children, but Max you were my first. I didn’t know what to expect, but when I met you for the first time, for me it changed everything. All those insecurities were still there, don’t get me wrong, but they just made me more determined not to fail you.” I nod my head in understanding, that’s how I felt when I met my son for the first time.

“Do you think Liz feels that way?”


“No?” I ask, surprised beyond words.

“She didn’t mention anything to me,” she pauses, then looks at me, “Are you sure it isn’t something else?”

“What else would it be? Mom, I have tried to give her everything but she throws it back in my face. I bought her a diamond bracelet and earrings because I thought they would be nice on her, she wouldn’t take them. She won’t go out to dinner with me. I can’t make her happy. She won’t tell me what’s wrong. It can’t be anything else.” Standing I stride across the room, running a hand through my hair. Above all else, I can’t tell my mother Liz won’t sleep with me. She just had a baby…eight weeks ago, I remind myself and right before it she was ready and willing…now I can’t even hug her without her body growing stiff.

My mother is silent for a while, which makes me nervous. Is there something else? Is there something my mother picked up on, that I haven’t? Did Liz let something slip and my mother is afraid to tell me? A biting fear that I’m losing Liz before I even really had her pierces me.

“Liz loves you. I know she does, just in the way she speaks of you. She’s proud of you, she cares about your career, and honestly I don’t think that having Andrew has changed anything for her. Her eyes light up with him, just as much as they do when she speaks about you. I don’t notice a change in her at all, except that she’s happy all the time.” I scoff…I actually scoff over that.

I never scoff…I honestly didn’t even know what the hell that was until I just did it.

Damn it!

Changing the subject, my mom says, “She doesn’t need diamonds.”

“Yes, she does!” I grind out, and then apologize. Liz does need diamonds, of the marriage kind, I think furiously. I want to be with her, in the permanent sense but every day that we go without talking I take twenty steps back from even asking her. Hell, I can’t get her to let me sleep over, how in the hell can I make another marriage work?

In fact, thinking about marriage and Liz right now is so far out of my realm of possibilities that it’s best I leave that subject far from my mind.

“You don’t have to, Max. You’re upset. It’s okay. The point here is not to lose your head. Think about a conversation you may have had, a comment…anything. Women are fickle honey, we can be upset over something as simple as you forgetting to lock the door.” She offers me a reassuring smile.

Okay, Max. Think! I try and recall the conversations we’ve had over the past couple of weeks. But nothing stands out at me.

Obviously she sees I’m no better off then when she walked in a half hour ago. Coming to my side she wraps her arms around me, something she doesn’t do often because I’m a grown man. “I know you’re too old for this, but I think in this instance you need it,” she whispers out to me and I can’t help my smile as I close my arms around her.

She pulls back and cradles my cheek softly. “Max, you’re a smart man. I raised you so I have this on good authority,” she smiles cheekily, like my father had nothing to do with it.

“I’m sorry I can’t be more help, and I know you need some time to yourself. But, I will tell you, sometimes the answer your looking for is a lot simpler to find than you’re making it.” I nod my head and she brushes a kiss on my forehead before moving away.

Just when she’s about to cross the threshold, she pauses and looks back at me. “Max?”


“Sometimes, women need a little reassurance. And if she won’t listen, then do the next best thing.”

Intrigued, I ask, “What’s that?”

My mother lifts one shoulder, offers me a smile and a wink of her eye and says, “Lock her up in a room and make her.”

“Did that work for Dad?”

She throws her head back with a laugh and says, “How do you think you got here?”

I grumble out, “Forget I asked.”


The sun is setting and Sunday is fast approaching. I’m not any closer to talking to Liz than I was three hours ago after my mother left. I think the biggest problem I’m having in facing her, is the actual fact that maybe Liz doesn’t love me anymore.

Maybe having Andrew made her realize she doesn’t have the feelings that grew during her pregnancy. We were thrown together, of course, and I had to make a bit of a nuisance of myself in the beginning for her to even trust me. And then the night she went into labor she finally told me the truth about her and Danny and Dean.

I felt like the last barrier was done away with. I felt like we could move on. Take the next step. Granted, I wasn’t ready to propose, but I did want her with me every morning and every night.

Until Liz came along, I hadn’t even thought about marrying anyone again. I had determined that I wasn’t good as a husband and that the next woman I was with would have to understand that I wouldn’t get married again.

Those feelings and thoughts changed with Liz. After I realized that I loved her, like I never loved anyone, not even Serena, I knew I could go down that road again.

I’m a different man. And maybe that was the difference, I didn’t know what I wanted years ago, except to get my and Michael’s business going and striving…I didn’t have time for anything else.

Now I do. Now I have all the time in the world for Liz and Andrew.

Didn’t she understand that? Why did she have to be so damn stubborn and…

Just when I think I’m onto something, my cell phone ringing breaks me from my thoughts.

I answer it without looking to see it is, “Hello?”

“Hi, Max.”

“Maria? Hey, how are you?”

“Good…how’s that adorable baby of yours?” she asks, a smile in her voice. I straighten up and rest my back against the headboard.

“He’s doing great. Of course if you ever got your ass back here, you’d see for yourself.” I half joke.

She sighs, and apologizes that her work has kept her away so long. “I’ll be there in two weeks. I’m done here…” she trails off and I jump on that.

“So you’re coming back home?”


“For good?”

“I…I don’t know.” I’m confused so I ask her to elaborate.

The words sound as if she’s pulling them out of her body with great effort. “Max, I don’t know if I can do it. I can’t see him.” We don’t need to clarify, because Michael is the only one that would get her to move to another country, permanently. Damn Michael, you really fucked this one up, I think to myself.

Deciding to take a different approach, because Maria doesn’t sound as if she’s even remotely over my brother, I tell her about Liz.

“Oh, Max. I’m so sorry. She won’t tell you at all what’s bothering her?” I shake my head even though she can’t see me.

“I guess it must be overwhelming for her,” she comments and I say yes, having a baby and that whole change.

“That wasn’t what I was talking about. I know I don’t know Liz, but Max anyone that you decide to love isn’t some weak, wet behind the ears girl. And from what you’ve told me Liz is stubborn as hell, so having a baby isn’t going to break her.” Maria continues to ramble on, but somewhere in there, I get the distinct feeling Maria might be the one with the answers I’m looking for. Answers to figuring out what went wrong.

“Wait, Maria. Just go back. Overwhelming how?”

“Oh, sorry. I got ahead of myself. It’s just that, being with you in your world is overwhelming.”

My brows knitted together I ask, “How? What world?”

“Max, I know you’re a guy so you don’t get it. But you’re the Barbie dream house fantasy.”

“Barbie? What the hell are you—” I begin wanting something out of her mouth to make sense but she thankfully puts me out of my misery.

“Let’s see if I can make you understand,” she pauses then laughs softly. “Okay, when girls are little they play with their dolls, Barbie’s and what have you. Then make up these dreams of what they think they want when they get older and they reenact them with…”

“Yeah, yeah. Isabel used to do that. But are you saying that Liz is stuck in a fantasy world?” I need to hone up on my Barbie dream house fantasies, obviously, because I’m not getting it. I am far out of element.

“Focus, Max. Just listen okay?” Again I nod and she continues.

“Liz isn’t stuck in the fantasy world. She’s living it, unconventionally as it may be, she’s still living in it. How do you wrap your mind around it? She’s just had a baby with you, who up until a few months ago she didn’t know. You’re a great guy, you have a solid lifestyle, a business, anything you want; you can have. What do you do, when your life turns out better than your fantasy?”

I don’t answer because I’m only following some of it.

“How scary it must be for her. You are every girls dream in some way or another, knowingly or not. I’m not saying you’re perfect, but I’ve known you for a long time and Max, it’s got to be overwhelming for her. What comes next?”

“Are you saying she wants marriage?”

“God no! I’m sure that’s the last thing she’s thinking about.”

Frustrated I ask, “Then what does she want, Maria?”

“The next chapter.”

“Chapter? Are we talking about Barbie again?” I ask, and nearly choke with laughter at the silliness of our conversation.

I hear a small laugh, before she says, “No, in the book of love.”

“Book of love? What the hell is that? Some guide or something?”

“No. It’s what comes after the Barbie dream house fantasy. It’s called real life, and when you grow up and it’s this huge mystery, you start writing it, in your head. How things are supposed to go for you, and when they don’t, you can’t erase the chapter, you just turn to the next page. I know if I were Liz in that position, I would be wondering when I’d get control of the story again. What is my role now? Where do I fit in? Do I have anymore story to write? Or is this it?”

Light finally breaking through, I ask, “So what you’re saying is that Liz has run out of material?”

“I knew Forbes Magazine called you a genius for a reason. That’s it Max. You need to help her write that book. You need to help her fill the pages of her life, because right now she doesn’t know how the story is supposed to go. She’s probably afraid of making a mistake, of not doing the right thing. And if she’s as you say she is, the only defense she has is pushing you away.”

“How could she think that would help?” I ask, a wave of relief and hope sweeping through me. If Maria is right, then Liz is acting out of fear, but not of being with me, but of being without me.

Silly woman.

“Easy, she’s a woman and to her, it makes perfect sense. She needs you to see her, to understand her. And Max, because I’ve shared with you a secret not many men know I trust you never to speak of word of this.”

“Of course not,” I smile.

“Good, then I’ll tell you one last thing before I really have to get going.”

“What’s that?”

“Even if you don’t understand what she tells you, pretend like you do.”

I laugh outright, “You’re serious?”

“Max, I don’t want you going in there without a weapon. For a man, that’s the only one you get. If you do it well, eventually you’ll understand her better than anyone else.”

“How’s that?” I ask, because deceiving Liz doesn’t seem right at all.

“Do it well and you’ll understand what I mean. Oh and Max?”


“You’ll be rewarded, which is an extra added bonus!” she says and I can just picture a wide smile on her face.

“Maria? Why all the help? Not that I’m not grateful, because honestly I was at my wits end here.”

“Let’s just say I know what it’s like to not have your book finished.”

Without much thought I find myself saying, “You should call him.”

“I can’t.”

“Why the hell not? It’s crazy, you obviously still love him.”

“Yeah. I do. And that scares me more than anything.”


“Let’s just say, most woman have the same chapter in their book called rejection.”

“Maria, I think he’d surprise you.”

“I’m sure. Which is why I can’t.” Again, I’m left out of my element. I don’t understand, and I guess that’s the way it’s supposed to go. Men are never meant to understand the complexity of women.

“Anyway, I just called to say hi, and let you know when I’d be back.” After we bid our goodbyes, I realize for the first time, Maria didn’t ask me not to tell Michael about her coming back.

Looking down at my cell phone, I realize that while it’s getting late, my brother will be awake.

It’s time I pay him a visit. Since I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to deal with Liz. In fact, while I’m at it, I need to wrangle up a babysitter.

Because whether Liz likes it or not, we have to settle this thing between us.

A devious smile reaches the corners of my lips in thought. I wonder what Liz would look like in a pink gown…my very own Barbie. I think I could fill a couple of chapters in her book, very nicely.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) Chp 27 5/31/08

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:25 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N – So as I would have thought, most of you just couldn’t figure out Liz. I guess you’re right there side by side with Max. However, some of you did get the point of what Liz’s problem was. Remember getting the story from Max’s perspective doesn’t give you that quick fix, the glimpse inside of Liz’s mind that will give you the answer. So it takes a bit longer…at least in the end it pays off, no?

With that said, I want to thank you all for the feedback. And here I am with an update, second before the last. Yes, that does mean there is only one part left. There will not be an Epilogue. For many reasons, but for the simple fact, that after thinking it over for months on where I would leave this story, these characters, I reverted back to the fact that I already wrote the ending to the story in my head months ago. And so, that will be that. I hope you’re not all too disappointed.

And in hopes of making up for that, I’ve spent greater part of 8 hours writing this chapter today for you so you don’t have to wait longer for an update :D . I’ve kept you guys waiting for updates long enough…



Chapter Twenty – Eight
Love is all we need…
What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to ruin everything?” I ask my brother, furious doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel about what he’s doing. When he didn’t answer his doorbell, I used my key. Winding through the house, I finally found him, his back to the door, inside his office. I crept up behind him, with the intention of scaring the hell out of him. What to my surprise, I found, was him typing an instant message to Maria.

“It’s not big deal. She doesn’t even know it’s me. Calm down.” My eyes narrow down at him, he’s sitting behind his computer desk, responding to Maria online…except she doesn’t know its Michael she’s talking to.

“I can’t even tell you how twisted this is, Mike.”

His back tenses visibly and he rakes both hands through his already rumpled hair, he turns to me and looks completely defeated. I haven’t seen him look this desolate in a while, my anger recedes quickly.

Michael let’s out a long breath and stands. “I know it’s wrong. But damn it, she won’t call me. I called her, and she just won’t call me back. Do you know how frustrating it is? I have things to say, and she doesn’t even want to hear them. I’m too late. I’m just…to damn late.” He stops right in front of me, looking more lost than I’ve ever seen him, and I don’t know how to help him. I have my own problems with Liz…how can I even try and help him with Maria’s?

His voice, reminds me of the time he was seven and he took our father’s gold cufflinks the night of a big party. Michael lost them and he was terrified how angry our father would be, he turned to me the same way and asked, “Tell me what to do, Max.” Then I had an answer, now; unfortunately I’m just as lost as he is.

And he knows I am.

I decide to get to the bottom of his online excursions. I nod my head towards the computer screen, and ask, “What are you doing?” Michael looks over his shoulder and shrugs before stepping away, moving to the brown leather couch against the bookshelf across the room.

I can’t suppress a smile looking at that couch, nor can I suppress the words that spill forth; “She hated that couch so much.” He actually smiles and laughs a little, looking down at his hand smoothing out over the cool material, “Yeah. She would squint at it, like if she concentrated long enough she could make it disappear.”

I laugh, “Yeah. She was something.”

Michael grows quiet; his words are low, but not enough for me not to hear him. “I miss the hell out of her. I don’t know how to fix it. I don’t know how to get her to forgive me.” His brown eyes are swimming with uncertainty, a look I wish to never see on his face; like a man drowning.

I wonder, though, if I don’t look similar. Right now, though, Michael needs me and as much as I have going on; I can’t let him down.

Pushing my hands into my pockets, I move to the couch and take a seat on the arm opposite him.

“I talked to her before I came over.” Nodding, I realize he obviously thinks I’m about Liz, Michael doesn’t know what’s been going on between us. And in light of his current situation, it’s best he doesn’t.

“Maria. Michael, I was talking about Maria.”

His head snaps to mine, his eyes curious and raging for an answer to his unasked question, “Why did she call you?” I turn away and find my voice.

“She called to tell me she’d be home in two weeks.”

“Oh. That’s good.” Is all he says, and I look back at him, but he hasn’t moved his eyes from me. He wants more. I search for the words, for something that will help. I look towards the computer screen and a thought comes to mind.

“What did you hope to accomplish, talking to her online?”

Seeming to forget what I just told him, for the moment, he responds, “I just needed a piece of her, Max. I know it was wrong. I wasn’t going to keep it up. Even if I can’t hear her voice, seeing her words on the screen…it was all I had.” Knowing my brother, I know that’s not it. I raise my brow; he throws his head back and confesses the rest.

“Okay! So, I wanted to know if she was seeing anyone! So I pretended to be a girl, she met on a movie board. You know she loves movies, and she was addicted to that one site, so it wasn’t hard to find her. She wasn’t on for a while, and then one night three weeks ago, there she was. So I signed up and struck up a conversation with her on the board, and last week, we started a private chat.” When he doesn’t offer anymore information, I query, “How do you pretend to be a girl? I mean, how do you know she won’t catch you?”

“Easy, I lie.”

“What do you talk about?”

“Movies and shit.”

I nod my head, “Right. So what is your favorite movie?” I can’t help but rib him. I know it’s not the perfect situation, but nevertheless, it is funny.

Mumbling he says, “thenotebook.”

“What?” I ask.

He balls his fists and says, “The Notebook okay? Are you happy now!”

I cross my arms but don’t say a word.

“What? Aren’t you going to say something to that?” he grows angrier by the second. Thankfully I’ve managed to figure something out in this time.

“Maria told me that she was coming home, but she doesn’t know if she wants to see you.”

“She said that?” he inquires, with a nod of his head, almost expecting that.

“Not in so many words. She’s scared.”

His head shoots up as he regards me, “Of me?”

“Actually, no. Of herself.”

“What?” I can understand his confusion, in fact, not that I’m a pro, but I think I know how to apply what she told me about Liz, to her and Michael’s situation.

“Look, I really believe Maria loves you. And because she does she doesn’t trust herself with you. I think she’s afraid things won’t work out, and then what?”

“If she loves me, then she wouldn’t ignore me,” he bites out.

“Yeah? Didn’t you do the same thing?”

“Yes, but that was different!”

I arch a brow and say, “Really? How?”


“Yes, how was ignoring Maria, dating other girls in front of her, different? She never set out to hurt you, yet you did. Why? Did you ever ask yourself that?”

“Maxwell, what the fu—”

“Just answer it Michael. Think about it…” The room grows silent, and I’m beginning to think he isn’t going to get it, but then like a light bulb I see it.

“I wanted to hurt her, because I was scared that if I really thought about it, I would realize what I lost. What we lost. Because I knew I couldn’t have her.”

“Says who?” My brother is slowly realizing something he probably already knew, but that badass male testosterone wouldn’t let him see.


“And don’t you think, for just a minute, that maybe Maria is scared about what she lost too? That maybe she thinks she can never have it again, maybe she won’t let herself because she’s afraid?” He continues to look at me, unblinking.

“Michael, what I’m just learning about now, is that women are far more complex than you can even imagine. I don’t know what it will take for you and Maria, but I know you have something and it would be a damn shame of you to let her fear get in the way of that.”

My brother looks at me curiously and then asks, “What if she won’t listen? What if we can’t get past…the past?” Unfortunately, I have to be the bearer of bad news there.

“Then it’s her loss, but you’ll have to move on from that.” He nods his head and I’m about to leave him, but before I do, I feel I should impart some words of wisdom.

“Michael?” I say from the doorway.


“I have it on good authority, that if you have something to say, and a woman won’t listen…”


“Locking her in a room, might help her…see the light.” While he still looks confused, I know he’ll understand in a second.

I see myself out; hoping things will finally work out for him. Maria isn’t completely unreasonable. She’s just hurt and a woman who has been hurt by a man, not just any man, but the one she loves, is hard to overcome.

I’m learning more about that, day by day.

Now I need to find a babysitter…and I have just the couple in mind.


“You sure it won’t be a problem?” asks Liz of Stacie. I hold Andrew, listening to their conversation as Liz packs up his diaper bag.

“Of course not! Dex and I have been waiting weeks to have him all to ourselves. It will give us practice.” I can hear the smile in Stacie’s voice, in a little over a month they will be getting their adopted daughter.

Rubbing my finger along my son’s chubby cheek, I can’t help but suppress the lump in my throat. It amazes me that I love him more each and every day. He is my whole life, I think, just as I hear Liz’s voice.

“I’m so happy for the both of you.” I watch Liz’s face closely, her smile is bright, her eyes shinning, and she’s never looked more beautiful. Andrew decides at that particular moment to yawn and I lift him up to my shoulder, rubbing his back gently.

Liz turns to me, and the smile on her face is still in tact. She smiles at me like that when I have Andrew, but when he’s not, the smile seems to fade. Something I intend on asking her about, tonight.

I smile back at her, and she turns back to her conversation with Stacie. As I rub my sons back and feel him squirm into a comfortable position, I make him a silent promise.

To always keep Liz happy, not just for Andrew, but for himself as well.


Silence threatens to choke me after fifteen minutes. Liz has managed to avoid looking at me since Stacie left with Andrew.

With my plan, at least part of it, firmly in place, I start a casual conversation. “It’s weird not having him around, right?”

Immediately, Liz answers me. “Yes. But it’s good I think. I mean, he’s still young but I think it’s good for Stacie and Dexter. I just worry.”

I nod and smile at her, “I know. Me too. Everyday.”

To this she seems surprised, so I ask, “What?”

Shaking her head, her hair falling over her shoulders, she lifts one shoulder and bites down on her bottom lip. I stretch my legs out in front of me, crossing them at the ankles and ask her to tell me what’s on her mind.

“Nothing. I mean, it’s just you seem no casual about it. About Andrew I mean. I wish I had half your confidence.”

I throw my head back with a laugh, “It’s not confidence, it’s called scared shitless. Liz, I’m constantly worried I’m going to make a mistake. That I’m going to make a bad decision and I won’t be able to take it back.”

She appears to think that over and says, “Yes. I know what you mean.” I don’t press her, even though it sounds as if she’s talking about more than Andrew.

“So, it’s a nice day out. How about we go for a drive?” I suggest and she looks up at me.

“Sure. Let me go get changed real quick though, okay?” I nod and tell her I’m going to grab a drink from the kitchen and wait for her.

A few minutes later, she emerges from the bedroom wearing a bright yellow sundress, white flip-flops and her hair in a high ponytail.

“I’m ready.”

I step closer, wanting to touch her more than my next breath, but instead I move in, kiss her cheek and whisper, “You look beautiful.” I don’t wait for a reaction, I reach out for her hand, and she takes it and follows me out the door.

“Where are we going?” she asks, sounding like the old Liz with a smile in her voice.

“To take you practice driving. It’s been about two weeks, I think we need to get you back behind the wheel.”

“You sure?” uncertainty and a little fear evident in her voice and face. Reaching out my hand I cradle her cheek, keeping my eyes on the road, I tell her I’m sure.

“Okay. For just a little bit.”

“Just a little,” I agree.

A half hour later, Liz is nearly yelling at me because I’m not explaining myself enough. This time instead of losing my temper, I just soften my voice.

“You just need to loosen up baby. If you drive with your knuckles clenched, you’ll have a migraine in ten minutes of driving. I’m not saying let the wheel go, but just hold it comfortably.”

“I am holding it, Max.” she retorts and tightens her fingers on the wheel.

“Liz, you’ve got it in a death grip.”

“Yes. Because I don’t want to lose control.” I lean back, wondering about something.

“Liz, no matter how strong you hold the wheel, bad things can still happen. You can’t control everything.”

“I know that! Don’t you think I know that!” she blasts, out. Putting the car in park and jumping out of the drivers seat. Thankfully, we’re in a closed parking lot with no one in sight.

I sit in the car and watch as she leans up against the door, her arms crossed. Stepping out of the car, I come to her side. Standing beside her, shoulder to shoulder, I don’t look at her and I don’t speak. Instead, I just stand with her. When I feel the surge of pent up frustration leave her body, I wrap and arm around her shoulder.

“I wish you wouldn’t make this so hard. But for now, Liz, we’ll do it your way.” Turning her head up at me, she searches my eyes, trying to figure out what I’m talking about, but I sense she already knows.

“Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“To my place. I have some stuff in my trunk I need to drop off, then we can grab something to eat.”

Without another word she moves to the passengers side and I slip into the driver’s.


After hanging up my dry-cleaning, I close my closet door and see Liz standing just inside my bedroom.

“What’s wrong?” I ask and she shakes her head. Moving closer to her, I realize, her flip-flops are off and her small toes are arched into the rug.

“Are you hungry?” I ask, and she shakes her head again.

At a loss, I turn to move into the bathroom, she doesn’t follow but instead she says, “I’m sorry.” I almost don’t believe it, but when I turn to look at her, I know I didn’t imagine it.

“For what?” I ask, because honestly she could just be talking about the driving lesson.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she moves to the bed, leaning against it and looking down at her hands.

“Everything,” is all she says. I move across the room, standing in front of her, and to my surprise she looks up at me. Her eyes are brimming with unshed tears, but instead of pressing her, I place my hands on her waist and lift her onto the mattress.

I decide that sitting next to her may not be a good idea, as I begin to move away she asks me not to. Instead I take a seat on the other side of her, not touching her, though.

When it seems she’s not going to say anything further, I’m at a loss. I don’t know where to go from here.

“I miss us, Max,” she confesses looking at me. “Me too, Liz.”

She nods and bites back the rush of tears. “I don’t know where you begin.”

“How about you tell me about the day Andrew was born?” I suggest and she catches my meaning quickly. That’s the day after all, that everything changed for us.

Letting out a long sigh, she tilts her head to the side, away from me.

“When they brought me back from the delivery room, I was tired and so happy. But I was…terrified. I’m a mother. I can’t afford to not be sure about things anymore…at least that’s how I felt.”

“What were you not sure of? Me? Us?”



“Yes. I was afraid, I wasn’t enough.”

“For Andrew?” I ask, thinking maybe Maria and my mother had it wrong; hell I obviously had it wrong.

Liz turns to me and says, “No. You.”


“I don’t know how to explain it Max. Because while I’m afraid of making a mistake with Andrew. I know that I love him more than anything. He means more to me than I even thought possible. And I was prepared to be his mother before he was even born, with or without you.”

“Liz—” I begin to confirm that she doesn’t have to do it alone, but she staves off my words with a hand on top of mine.

“No. You don’t understand, Max. When I started this nearly a year ago, I was ready to be a single mother. Then you came. You were, God…Max…you were everything I had wished that Danny had been. Not that I was comparing, but it was hard not to. He was supposed to love me forever. At least, in my mind he was. The reality…well you know how that went,” she pauses, offering me a small smile. I decide to let her finish, to tell me everything, because then maybe I’ll know where I stand in all of this.

With her, I hope.

“That day, when you sang to me, telling me that you loved me. I couldn’t have imagined it better. The way you hold me. The way you kiss me. The way you accepted me, and trusted me, even when I probably didn’t deserve it. I don’t know where to go from there. It’s too much already.”

“Too much?” I ask, not really following her, but trying.

Liz nods her head, looking up at me, tears sliding down her cheeks, onto her dress and I can’t hold back my smile. I love her, more than words.

I wish that was enough, but even I know it’s not.

“I stand to lose everything now, Max.”

“No, Liz. You don’t…”

She smiles, leaning her head on my shoulder. “I do. Because you and Andrew are my life. And if you…” she pauses, takes a deep breath and continues. “If you decide that you don’t love me anymore, I don’t know how to come back from that, Max.”

I understand her fear, completely. “What if you decide you don’t love me anymore, Liz? Don’t you think it would be just as hard for me?”

Liz looks up at me, surprise on her face, but what she says next, tightens something in my chest, and knows it will never let her go.

“I could never, not love you Max. You are, the love of my life. I didn’t think it was possible for me, not after everything. But I want no one but you…ever.”

I cup her cheek in my palm, stroking it gently and then lean down and taste her lips. Salty and sweet, just like I love her.

Pulling back, I wait for her eyes to open before I whisper against her lips, “For the rest of my life, there’s only you Liz.”

“But what if…” I silence her with another kiss. This time, I pull her into my lap, wrap my arms around her and wait until her body softens against mine before leaning back.

Her lips parted and puffy, her eyes closed and her heart thrumming rapidly against my chest. I move one hand to the back of her neck, cradling it gently, rubbing her pulse soothingly.

“I can’t predict the future, but I can promise you that I will love you more than I have ever loved anyone. I can’t promise that I’ll never hurt you, but I swear it won’t be on purpose. And I can’t promise that I’ll never let you down, because I’m not perfect, but I swear I will try my best never to do it. Honestly, Liz, I can’t remember not ever loving you. And I can’t imagine, not ever loving you.”

“Max…” she says, tears overtaking her and I use that opportunity to pull her down against me. Kissing her tears, her heartache away, with the intention of replacing it with only memories of us.

Great memories.


I slide the straps of her dress down, and she goes completely still. Moments ago, she was so soft, stretching across me, kissing me like she couldn’t get enough. Now she remains above me, unmoving. Breathing heavily.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, afraid I’m pushing her too fast.

“Nothing,” she’s breathless when she says it, and instead of garnering concern, it only causes my body to strain against hers. Obviously another part of my anatomy has finally taken over fulltime, which is why it takes me longer than usual to realize Liz is moving off of me.

“Liz, wait. Did I do something?” I reach out for her and she shakes her head. But doesn’t look at me.

“Baby, come here,” I coax her into my arms; she comes but doesn’t say a word.

I stroke her back, and she wraps her arms around my neck tightly. “I’m not what you think.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t…look pretty anymore.”

“Liz, you’re beautiful to me. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

“I know. But you only see me in clothes. You haven’t seen me.”

I pull back, removing her hands from my neck, so that I can look into her eyes. “Liz, you had a baby, I realize that, but it won’t change the way I feel about you. It won’t change how much you turn me on. I promise,” I lean in and kiss her lips again, but it doesn’t appease her because she’s not kissing me back.

I let out a frustrated breath. I can’t help it, there is only so much control one man has and I’ve been hanging by a thin string for months.

“I’m sorry! Can’t we wait until later?”

“Later?” I ask, confused but then realizing it’s still early, and the sun is still up.


“Yes. Please?” I’m about to let her get away with it, but I realize instantly that it will only set us back if I give in.


“Max, I can’t. Don’t you understand? I have marks and…what if it isn’t any good. What if…I did have a baby! Maybe we should wait until…until…” she blushes brightly and I bite back my smile. I wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear, “Until what?”

“I’m not going to say it!” she hisses out but doesn’t move from my hold.

I kiss her ear, her neck, and then run my tongue back up to her ear and nibble there for a minute, asking again, “Until what? Until you’re tight again?” I say the words, only torturing myself by the minute.

“Yes,” she breathes out.

“Hmm…I think you’ll be perfect, Liz. Just…” I kiss her again, “Perfect.”

“I…I don’t know,” she says softly against my neck. I continue to kiss her neck once again, distracting her as I find the hem of her dress and lift it from her body, moving away for just a second to pull the material from her body.

I suck in a breath, no bra and a skimpy pair of panties that are as see through as they come. “Damn…” I say, capturing her lips in a heated kiss. My tongue slides hungrily into her mouth, trying to devour her, body and soul is my goal.

“Max…wait…” She pushes at my shoulders and I groan in utter frustration.

“What baby?” I manage to find words, air…

“Can we put the sheets over us?”

I growl, “No.”

“Max, you’re not being reasonable.”

“Oh trust me. I am. Now kiss me,” I say, running my hands over the perfectly shaped ass in my hands.

“You don’t understand, I told you I have marks.”

I say between kisses, “You. Don’t. Understand. I. Don’t. Care.”

“I can’t do this,” she says, and I break the kiss, my hands grow idle. I look into her eyes, and ask her, “Are you talking about stretch marks?” She seems surprised, and then she begins to move off of me again.

I grab hold of her hips, “Where are you going?”

“I know they’re ugly, you shouldn’t have to see them.”

“I’ve already seen them, and do I look like someone who wants you any less?” I ask, quirking up an eyebrow as her eyes travel down my body, my erection straining against the unforgiving denim in my lap.

She blushes, “Oh…”

“Liz, you’re not the first woman I’ve been naked with, but you are going to be the last. And I’m sorry to break this to you, those aren’t the first one’s I’ve seen.”

“Really? You’ve dated other pregnant girls?” I shake my head, how does someone who is a woman not know about this? For once, I’m not out of my element.

I pull her back into my lap, and purposely reach down and trace the one distinct mark I can even see on her hip. “Liz even women who haven’t had a baby, have stretch marks.
For lots of different reasons.”

“Did you sleep with lots of girls that have them?” she asks, going completely off the subject.

“Liz, that isn’t something I want to talk about with you. Now or ever. Now kiss me, baby, I’m dying over here.” I smile at her, and pull her under me this time, not wanting to let her get away again.


“Yeah?” I say, barely paying any attention as I slip my hands inside the elastic band of her panties.

“Would you mind taking your clothes off, now?” I lean up on my elbows and smile brightly.

“Anything for you Liz.”


I pull away panting, my entire body shaking from the restraint of not taking her, of not sinking myself into her, of not making love to her for the first time.

Her lips are swollen, her nipples puckered, her breathing, panting gasps. I reach between us, finding her swollen and wet; pushing in two fingers I watch her reaction.

Her body arches beneath me; I force myself to take my time. I’ve tasted her, I’ve teased her and now I want her.

“Liz, open your eyes and look at me.” She does, and smiles. I kiss her lips once more as I move my hand and push inside her. Finally. Just a little, because she hisses and grips my shoulders. I shudder at the feel of her tight heat wrapped around me.

“I’m sorry,” she apologizes and I reassure her, sorry is the last thing she should feel.

“Don’t be, you feel incredible. A little more, baby.” I sink further inside of her, taking her lips once again. Her body arches against mine, and I slip my hands beneath her hips, tilting her further, pressing deeper. It doesn’t take long for her body to tighten in release, nor does it take mine. It’s been too damn long.

Breathing heavily, I pull her to the side, our bodies still joined. She cuddles her body against mine, and I pull the covers over us and hold her tighter.

“I love you, Max.”

“And I Liz, love you.” I run my hand down her back and smile as she looks up at me, her chin resting on my chest.

“Was it…okay?”

I quirk and eyebrow and curl my lips up, “Okay? No, sorry Liz it wasn’t.”

“Oh…” I then pull her quickly on top of me and kiss her breast, tugging her nipple into my mouth before pulling away and looking up at her. “It was so much better. And next time I promise, it will be longer.”

“Longer?” she asks, and I nod, running my hand over her other breast.

“And hotter.”

She blinks. “Hotter?”

I tug her up with me, my back hitting the headboard, before I take her nipple into my mouth once again. “Hmm…and wetter.”

“Max…” she says, her hands wrapping around my head, tugging me closer. I reach down, and thrust into her. Feeling myself begin to recover. Once with her after all this time, just isn’t enough. Not nearly.

She moans out my name, further spurring me on. I move my hands to her waist, pushing her gently all the while thrusting shallowly into her. Finally, when I see she’s with me, I move my hands up her body, over her back, and cup her breasts. Then back down, kneading the flesh of her perfectly shaped bottom.

Gripping my face, she urges me to kiss her as I urge her to sink further down onto me. I mumble against her lips, “More, Liz. Take all…of me.” I drag in a deep breath when she finally sinks down. My head hits the wood, and I watch under heavy lids, as her hands come up to my chest as she comes again, her entire body shuddering with the force of it, squeezing me in the silken heat of her orgasm. I thrust up into her, teaching her the rhythm all the while kissing her lips, her neck, her breasts, running my hands over every exposed piece of flesh I can.

Wanting more of her. All of her.

“God,” I gasp out realizing that nothing…nothing and no one has ever felt this good.

“Max…” she pants. I thrust up, further, stretching her, pulling her with me, climbing the mountain together. And then finally…finally release comes in a blinding white light and our eyes connect. My body drawn taught and tight, feeling her body milk me to an oblivion, her body arches and I’ll be damned if she doesn’t come again, her lips part and before I can think of anything else, I say the first thing that comes to mind.

“Shit!” I hiss out, holding her sweat-slicked body against my own, as I flood her, thick, heavy and hot.

“H-how was that?” her husky, sex-laden voice says a few minutes later. I can’t help but bend up and capture her lips once again, hungrily.

Smiling I say, as I pull away, “I don’t have any good words right now.”

“How about a string of bad ones?” she asks, her body going lax in my arms.

I clear my throat, force my heart to stop racing by taking deep breaths and I look down at her, then further, where we are still joined and say, “Fucking great.” She throws her head back and laughs. I resist the urge to take her again, even if I were ready, my body needs recovery time now.

“Well, don’t you have anything to tell me?” I say, lifting her from me, and placing her beside me. Every bone in my body sated, the lull for sleep calling me.

Her eyes dancing, she places a hand against my heart and says, “I don’t have anything intelligent to say, right now. Give me time.”

“Hell no. You wanted me to tell you…so get to it woman.”

She giggles and looks me in the eye and takes a deep breath. “I can’t wait for you to do that again.” I pat her bottom and pull her closer. “You’re not getting off that easy, now what is it that you can’t wait for me to do again?”

“Max, why must you embarrass me?” Because it’s fun and I love watching you blush from it, but I don’t tell her.

“Sweetheart, this isn’t embarrassing, now go on. Tell me.”

“All right! I can’t wait for you to make love to me again.”

“Yeah? Why not?”

“Because it was really good.”

“Just good?”


“Just hot?”

“And sweaty.”

“So it was hot and sweaty…and good. Have I got it all?”


“You sure? Nothing else you’d like to add?”

“Nope. That about sums it up.”

“Okay good. I need a nap now.” I yawn, and while I’m sure she’s caught on to the game, she slaps my shoulder anyway.

“What? Why the violence?”

“Don’t you want to know?”

“Know what?”

“That I love that you make me come…hard.”

“Hmm…that’s my little sex kitten. Give me an hour and I’ll have your purring again.” I kiss her, as my lids grow heavy.

“Love you,” we both whisper out before falling into a deep sleep.


Re: The Book of Love (M/L,AU,Adult) A/N 7/2/08 pg 11

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:01 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - And so we finally see the end. I originally started posting this story on my birthday last year, unfortunately I was unable to finish it by my birthday this year, but only by a few days (I'll forgive myself *lol*)

So, what to say, except I want to thank everyone for sticking around for a year, it's been a long one. Your feedback, emails, PM's, have not only been helpful but very encouraging. Any mistakes, misspelling or incorrect facts are all mine. I didn't have a true beta for this story so forgive me for the errors.

This story has been a labor of dedication to the story I was trying to tell and to the challenge I took. There were of course lots of things I could have done differently, and there were a few chapters I had written a certain way and then changed them completely. And so what I plan on doing is on Roswellian Chronicles we have a new section called "Author's Cave" and in there I will be posting over the next few weeks parts of the story that would have been different, all the original rough draft writing. As well as conversations and alternative chapters, which I thought would be fun for you guys to read. So if you're interested, I'll be posting some of that over there starting on Saturday (I want to give people a chance to read the ending before they see how the beginning WOULD have been). As time progresses I will be adding such information for other stories, if you're interested ;)

With all that we go for the last time...


Chapter Twenty – Nine
The Book of Love

I carefully watch her from my position outside on the balcony. Today, is a hard day for her, Alex is her family. And he’s getting married in a few short months, to my sister. I wouldn’t have thought it were possible for Isabel to love someone like Alex, not in a bad way, but her track record with guys was less than flattering.

She’s happy though, happier than I ever thought possible. I know how she feels. When I look at Liz, when I see her watching me, I know that I’ll never love anyone the way I love her. When she holds our son, and she makes funny faces at him, when she bathes him and tells him stories about how his daddy did something funny that day, I love her more.

It’s a different kind of love; one I’m not sure has a name. Love seems like such a plain word for how I feel about Liz. I wonder if it will fade. I wonder if after some time it will feel normal. I smile when I see her head tilt back in laugher at something funny Alex just said, and I know it won’t fade.

Our relationship isn’t perfect, but we’re working through it, and most importantly we’re communicating…well I never did have a problem with that. Liz is trying though, since that night we first made love, she’s made a conscious effort to include me into her thoughts and feelings.

I know it’s hard sometimes, because she feels as though she’s being silly, or overprotective, but it means so much that she even tries. Her words aren’t always perfect, but she knows that I understand her.

For instance, one night last year, we had just finished putting Andrew to bed, when she turned to me, her face serious and asked me what I thought about her not returning to work. She had already taken an extended leave of absence, which I had encouraged, but allowed her to make the decision, rather than thrusting my opinion on her.

I’d told her I thought if that it would make her happy, that I would be perfectly fine with it. Besides, I’d said, I love the idea of her staying home raising Andrew, not that my mother would do a bad job babysitting, I just felt it was important. Liz missed out on so much of her childhood, the bonding between parents and child, and I told her I understood her need for that with our son.

She thanked me, and I again told her it wasn’t necessary. After all, she was already living with me, so I had everything I wanted.

It was then, that I had turned to her and asked her, for the first time in a long time, what she wanted.

She just smiled and said, she had it all, and while I knew that wasn’t true, I didn’t test her on it.

“Hiding out?” my father says, coming to stand beside me.

“No, I’m just giving Liz time.” He nods his head, takes of sip of his champagne and then turns, eyeing me cautiously. I know he has something on his mind.

“Out with it, Dad. You’re silence is unnerving me a bit,” I let out a shaky laugh, but I’m not jesting in the least.

“I just wondered, when you were going to make an honest woman of her?” he gestures with is glass towards Liz, who is now dancing with Dex.

My throat feels dry suddenly, and I wish I had a glass of water to delay my response. I turn away, facing the view of the city, thinking of a good response, one that won’t earn me a lecture from him. My father is very traditional, and while I know he understands the untraditional relationship Liz and I formed, he is wondering what everyone else is.

When are Liz and I getting married?

I think about that question at night, while she’s snuggled up against me, her breathing even. I think about it when she cradles our son, singing to him. I think about it while I’m at my desk at work.

The problem is, no matter how much and how long I think about it, I still have no answer. I just don’t know.

Does that mean something?

Impatiently he says, “Well?” I clear my throat and tell him, “I don’t know.”

He turns towards me, expectantly. He wants an explanation. I haven’t feared my father’s disapproval in years.

“Dad, I love her. I just…I didn’t do so great with it the first time around,” I begin to excuse myself but he promptly cuts in.

“Damn it, Max. You were kids. You didn’t know what it took to put and keep a marriage together. That was years ago. You aren’t the same person. You’re a man now. You have a successful business, you are a father, surely that counts for something.”

Good points, just not enough to convince me I won’t ruin us.

Shaking my head, I pluck the glass from my father’s fingers and take a long deep gulp.

“You’re scared?” he asks, lower this time.

I look at him over the rim of the glass and nod my head once.

“Why? You’ve been living together for nearly two years, you said you love her, and you have a beautiful son.” I hide my laugh; my father sounds every bit the lawyer he is. To him, it’s all just logical. Then again, like me, he’s a man there shouldn’t be too much of a question.

“Yeah, Dad. I love her. And I’m happy as a father, and I’m so glad I met her, no matter the circumstance.” I’m not sure what else to say.

“Is it…different?” he asks. Normally my father does not get involved in my personal life, which is why I don’t have a problem talking to him about it.

“From Serena?” He nods, and I tell him, yes.

“Good. Well then…what is the problem?”


“Hey there! Hiding from me?” comes Liz’s voice from behind us. We both start with a jump, but recover quickly.

“Not hiding, just taking a break.” Liz comes over, says hello to my father and then looks up at me, a gleam in her eye.

“I think you owe me a dance Evans,” she says, reaching out her hand and dragging me away. I look over my shoulder at my father and he just smiles.

Taking her in my arms, she folds her hands around my neck, our eyes meet and we both smile at one another. I take in a deep breath, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but why am I so undecided about asking her to marry me?

“How do you think Dean is doing?” she asks, with a hint of laughter in her voice.

“I’m sure he’s fine. He’s watched Andrew plenty of times.” I find myself laughing at the thought of Dean asking the first time if he could baby-sit for Liz and I. Liz was apprehensive, Dean never took care of a baby, but I (believe it or not) encouraged her on behalf of Dean. I knew that if anything went wrong, he’d call. He was responsible after all.

“Since when did you join Team Dean?” she had asked me and I shrugged my shoulders and said, “We bonded.” Which wasn’t a lie. When Liz went into labor, and Dean was right beside me, we had already come to an agreement, but the fact that he would have backed me up without question during that time, spoke volumes.

“I wasn’t worried about Andrew, Max. I was worried about Dean. Andrew isn’t three yet and he has Dean wrapped around his finger.” I chuckle and tell Liz not to worry about it.

Liz rests her head on my chest as we sway to the music. I break off a minute later to ask her how she’s doing.

“I’m okay. I’m just…it’s going to be weird. Alex is going to be married! I mean I knew eventually he would, but I guess I didn’t let myself think any further than that. Don’t get me wrong; I love Isabel. She’s great for him, and he for her, I just…” she trails off, moving her arms around my waist.

I lift my shoulder, nudging her a bit and she looks up, biting her bottom lip, and continues to explain. “I never thought I wouldn’t be with Alex, well not be with him just…I thought we’d be together forever, living together…it wasn’t realistic but–”

“But, you were young, and he was your whole life. I understand Liz. I really do.”

Looking up at me, she nods her head and says, “I know you do, Max. You’re the only one that ever really understood me. You’re the only one, that ever wanted to understand me.”

Sucking in another deep breath, I knew I couldn’t be happier. I knew I should ask her to be mine…but I couldn’t. Something was holding me back. I just wish I could figure it out.


Later that night, I sit across from our bed watching Liz sleep. I think I’m waiting for the answer to just hit me. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to go?

I am scared to marry her.

I know we have time, and I know I don’t have to rush it.

What if she expects more than I know how to give? What if she’s not happy? What if…

The sound of the doorbell ring gives me a start. What the hell? I immediately get to my feet and cross the room, praying that it doesn’t wake Andrew up.

“Is that the doorbell?” comes Liz’s groggy question.

“Yeah. Go back to bed,” I say over my shoulder as I make a run for the stairs.

It doesn’t sound again, thankfully, but I check to see who it is.

“Maria?” I whisper as I swing open the door. She’s crying, her hands are clutched on her purse and she looks up at me.

“I’m sorry. I…I didn’t know where else to go.” I nod my head and pull her inside. Behind me I hear Liz ask what’s wrong.

Maria begins to apologize, but Liz waves her off and ushers her down the hall to the living room.

By the time I close the door and enter the living room, Liz is seated with Maria pacing the length of the room.

“Can you believe he’d be so deceitful?” I’m not sure what she’s talking about, but by the time I reach Liz’s side I find out.

“Pretending to be a damn woman to talk to me? Why didn’t he just pick up the phone! What a coward! I told him he was, he laughed at me and said that I never listen to him. That I wouldn’t have cared that he was calling. And that…that I…” she stops in her tracks a moment later, when Liz’s voice penetrates her tirade.

“Would you have listened to what he had to say, Maria? Would you have given him a chance to tell you all the things he’d been trying to say?”

Maria spins on her heels to face both Liz and myself, and opens her mouth to respond, but the words become lost. Her shoulders sag in defeat.

“Why didn’t he just call me? We talked before on the phone, I thought it was nice. I thought…”

“What?” I finally ask.

“I don’t know.”

We sit in silence, and then I finally get the nerve to ask her. “What do you want from him, Maria?” She looks surprised, and has no answer. I probably shouldn’t get involved, but I am apparently the only one that has noticed Michael’s entrance. I must have not locked the door, or maybe it was the fact that he still has a key to the front door. And in this case, Michael needs my help.

“Do you want him to beg you to take him back? Do you want him to ask for forgiveness for all the other women? Do you want him to leave you alone?”

“You don’t understand, Max. I wanted to be here with him, all this time, but he pushed me away.” I raise my brow, calling her out and she finally comes clean. Liz sits beside me, I can tell she’s noticed Michael but she doesn’t say anything.

“Fine! Fine! Fine! I pushed him away, damn it! I did! And when he finally walked away, I couldn’t handle it. I wanted him to fight for us. I wanted him to want me…to love me. But most of all…” she breaks off, and Liz urges her on.

“Most of all, what, Maria?” Maria’s green eyes connect with Liz’s and she breaks down and says, “I wanted him to forgive me. To want me back despite all the mean things I said. And I thought these last few months, that while we were going out and spending time together, that I’d feel like…that we’d feel–right.” Gesturing with her arms opened wide, they fall to her side.

“We don’t feel right. And then I find out he lied to me, how can we ever get back to where we were? How can we, Liz?” I watch, as if in slow motion, Liz stand up and reaches Maria in a few strides. Reaching up, Liz takes both of Maria’s hands and smiles at her.

Both Michael and I can see their profiles now, nearly the same height (Maria’s got a half an inch or so on Liz), but what’s strange is that Liz looks confident and Maria looks like the lost one – when had their roles reversed?

Liz’s voice is soft and calming, Michael doesn’t move, I can’t even tell if he’s breathing, “You can’t ever go back. You can’t wish your life to be one way; no matter how hard you try. Trust me, I’ve been there. All you can do is start from right now. If you love him, then you need to tell him. If you want to be with him, then you need to be with him. Don’t let your fear force you to give up the one thing you want most in the world. I’ve gotten to know Michael without you, and I know how hard he’s been trying to figure things out. But…that doesn’t matter, Maria. It’s your life. Your choice.”

Maria’s crying deeply, something I haven’t witnessed that often. “Do you think it’s possible to start over? To just forget all the hurt and pain?” We are forgotten, I realize when Liz reaches up offering Maria a confident smile, swiping her tears away and says, “I think if you love someone you learn to love everything about them; even the bad parts. I know how hard it was for me to accept Max in the beginning. I was hurt so bad and he was everything…just everything I had wanted but he was too good to be true. He told me he wasn’t perfect, but he had no idea at that time how un-perfect I was. I was so scared of messing up, of losing him.”

“Yes, but you’re happy now. Right?”

Liz nods, “Yes, so damn happy. But Maria, my past wouldn’t allow me to move forward and I almost lost Max because of that. Not physically, because I don’t think he would have counted me out yet, thank God, but emotionally. He gave me so much of himself…and I took it and gave nothing in return. No one says you have to get it right the first time, but if you get another chance…you owe it to yourself to at least try.”

“How did you let go of the past?” Maria’s question is little more than a whisper. Liz’s response however isn’t, she takes Maria by the shoulders and spins her to face Michael, and then she says, “You have to let him love you, the only way it seems an Evans can. Completely.”

And it’s in that moment; I realize the only thing holding me back from asking Liz, is myself. I don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night and have an epiphany. And maybe I don’t think I deserve the blessings I’ve received, maybe hard times are coming our way, but I think we love each other enough to not let that determine our future.

I don’t want to regret another thing in my life.

“Max, I’m meeting Maria for breakfast, so if Michael is coming over, you need to get Andrew dressed.” Liz brushes past me the next morning. After last night, Michael and Maria ended up in one of the guest rooms, talking. Or maybe just catching up on lost time, in any event, I feel pretty good about their future.

“Can you come here for a minute?” I ask and she pauses at the threshold. She’s freshly showered and covered only in a bath towel. The expression on her face this morning makes me feel like I’m missing something.

“Liz, I wanted to ask you…” I can’t do it! She’s in a towel and I don’t have the ring, what in the hell was I thinking last night?

“What?” she looks up, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss my lips gently.

Shaking my head I return the kiss and murmur a never mind.

“Okay, I’ll see you later then. Love you.”

“I love you too, Liz.”

I never chicken out…I guess there is a first time for everything.


Leaving Andrew with Michael, since I decided I needed to make a few stops before tonight, I swing by and pick up Isabel.

“So, you’re finally going to ask her?” my sister smiles brightly at me, as we wait for the jeweler to bring out Liz’s engagement ring.

“Yeah. I’m ready.”

Isabel watches me closely, leaning gently against the counter. “What?” I ask and she shakes her head before straightening and saying, “You’re really scared aren’t you?”


“I never thought the day would come that I’d see you, scared about a woman.”

I shift my weight and rest my hip against the counter, trying to appear calm. “Iz, she’s not just some woman. She’s the mother of my child, she’s everything to me.”

Isabel sets her hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze and smiles at me, “You are going to be a great husband, Max. I never had any doubt. You deserve this, and so does she damn it. She’s waited a long time for you, Max.” I smile at her, knowing she’s right.

“I just don’t want to make any mistakes,” I mumble out as the jeweler comes over with the box containing Liz’s platinum custom-made ring. I had it designed with the help of Isabel and my mother last year. I wanted to have it ready, I wanted it to be perfect because I was only doing this one last time in my life. It had to be right.

“Well brother, I hate to tell you, you’re going to make mistakes. Lots of them, but it will be all right.” I nod my head as I pop open the lid and stare at the ring Liz will be wearing forever.

“It’s perfect,” I say to myself, but Isabel comments, “She’s going to love it almost as much as she loves you and Andrew.”

“Isabel, if I didn’t tell you before, thank you, for everything. If I made your childhood a living hell, well I’m sorry, but it was my job.” I offer her a crooked smile.

I watch as Isabel’s eyes tear up for a moment, before she blinks them and smiles brightly at me. “Don’t worry, you’re on diaper duty with my first baby.” And with that she walks out of the store.

I shake my head and don’t doubt for a minute that she was serious a second ago.


After dropping Isabel off, I find myself on a familiar doorstep. Over the last few years, I’ve become closer to this person, the last person I would have thought.

“You slumming again Evans?” comes his laugh filled voice and I look up to see him standing behind the screen door.

I smile. “Gotta spread the love. I figured your neighborhood deserved a little excitement.”

“Smart ass, what are you doing here? I thought I wouldn’t see your ugly mug until tonight.”

For a moment I’m struck dumb, tonight?

“We don’t have plans.”

“Maybe you don’t, but your girlfriend invited everyone over for dinner, earlier this morning.”

Well damn, Liz is known to have family dinners at least four times a month, it’s important to her and as hard it is for everyone, they never let her down. Ever.

Why tonight, though? It’s like she knows how hard this is for me and she has to go ahead and spoil things…just like a woman.

“You look worried, what’s going on?” he asks, coming out and joining me on the porch. It’s funny; Dean knows how to read my facial expressions pretty damn well. Not a bad thing, but not a good thing sometimes.

Not really sure how to say it, I reach into my pocket and pull out the ring box. He looks shocked, not enough though to stop him from plucking the box from my hand and opening it.

He whistles and snaps it shut. “Well if you were hoping for anyone within a three mile radius to tell if she was engaged, I’d say with that thing, there won’t be a problem.”

We both share a laugh, but he’s waiting for me to say something.

“What if she says no?” I ask, the question I have never voiced aloud to anyone. And why I chose him to do it isn’t lost on me. He’s Liz’s best friend, although nowadays he comes a close second to me.

He looks at me gauging my seriousness before responding. “Obviously, you’ve lost your mind. Liz isn’t going to say no.”

I jump all over him, “How do you know? Did she talk to you about it? Has she mentioned me taking too long? Not long enough…” I continue, but Dean moves forward and places a hand on my shoulder.

“Calm the fuck down, you’re giving me a headache. I watched your son last night, in case you forgot, that kid sucks the life out of me. He never runs out of energy. I need to recover fully before tonight,” he pauses and nods his head playfully, a smirk on his lips.

“Sorry, but seriously, what do you have for me?” I ask earnestly.


“Nothing? She doesn’t talk about it?” He shakes his head.

“Why?” I nearly come undone with panic. Maybe Liz doesn’t want me to ask yet. Maybe it is too soon for her. It’s not for me; I’ve made my decision. I want nothing more than to ask her tonight. Right now.

Dean seems to think over his answer carefully, which only leads me to believe that he knows something I don’t. “I don’t know why. But I have a feeling for this very reason. She wants you to know when you’re ready to marry her.” There is something about the way he phrased that, which leads me to believe that my timing couldn’t be better.

With a nod of my head, I turn on my heel, call a “see you later,” over my shoulder and walk with a little lighter step back to my car.


By the time I make it home, taking a slight detour to my parent’s house after I picked up Andrew, our living room is packed. Everyone, except for my parents, who I had asked to watch Andrew until dinner at seven, was there.

Clearly when Liz told my parents seven, she’d told everyone else six.

“Hey Max!” Dexter calls out, as I push through the throng of people. Since when were there so many of us? I turn to my side and notice, Serena and Greg? Obviously I’ve missed something.

“Liz!” I call out and she comes from the kitchen with a plate in her hands, which I quickly take from her and give to the nearest person, Alex.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, as I bustle her from the room, out the patio doors and pause at the threshold to regard the room full of people.

“If anyone steps outside in the next twenty minutes, I will personally hunt you down and make you pay.” With that I slam the door shut and take her hand and guide her through the thick hedges until we come to the clearing. We placed a small pond and two stone benches, at Liz’s request last year.

“Max, you’re scaring me.” I smile down at her as I reach for her other hand.

“Don’t be,” I whisper.

“Okay. Max, there’s something…” I reach up and silence her and then because I can’t help myself, kiss her.

“I can’t believe we’re here. I can’t remember not having you in my life.”

“Me either,” she murmurs, her voice thick with emotions.

“Calm down sweetheart,” I smile and then take a deep breath, and bend down on one knee in front of her.

I squeeze her hand and look up to her. “Liz, I was trying to think of the perfect way to do this. I wanted it to be special for you…memorable. But in the end all I can think of saying is, I love you. Do you remember the first time I told you that?” I ask and she whispers out through her tears, “Yes. I will never forget”

“Good, tell me if this sounds familiar then because when I thought about this moment, that night stood out. It was the first time I told you I loved you. And tonight, is the last time in my life, that I will ask a particular question. You ready sweetheart?” I ask and she nods, drawing in a shaky breath.

I begin to sing softly, for her ears only; “I will give you my heart, faithful and true, and all the love it can hold, I’ve thought about how long I’ll love you and it’s only fair that you know…forever’s as far as I’ll go.”

I take a deep breath and ask, “Liz Parker, will you marry me?”

I hear her intake of breath, as I reach into my pocket and take out the ring, holding it at her finger, as she looks down at me, tears streaming down her face, I hear the word I didn’t know how bad I needed to hear until I asked that question.


“Yes, Max, I’ll marry you!” she says kneeling down before me, wrapping her arms around me. I run my hands through her hair, and hold her, crying happy tears against my chest.

“I’m so happy, Max.” Liz says as she swipes the tears from her eyes, I help her, and cup her face in my hands, watching her closely. She’s biting on her bottom lip, but she’s still smiling.

“What is it?” I ask, because I know better. And that’s when she leans in, and whispers to me, “You’re going to be a daddy again Max.”

And it’s in this moment I realize how ironic the world truly is. A few years ago, I was divorced with no kids. My mind was made up on marriage, about a lot of things. And then she walks into my life and turns it upside down. She made me feel things I never thought possible, frustration, hope, anger, happiness…deep down, love and passion.

I know this is only the beginning and I know it won’t always be easy. But I am a patient man.

If there really is a book of love, I now know I’m capable of helping Liz fill every chapter up. It might be long and boring to some, but to me, it will be the greatest story ever written.