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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:10 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys! Yeah I know poor Pogue and Reid and the others. Thanks for the replies to the last part it was fun reading them! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 20: Monsters

Pogue blinked several times as his surroundings changed yet again and he was back in his dorm room sitting on his bed. Caleb was standing in the doorway looking confused. “You alright man?”

“Yeah fine I just had a bad dream.” Pogue said not wanting to let his friend know that he had not even shut his eyes.

“Listen Reid is still kind of out of it, so he is going to stay with Liz still. He has stopped mumbling things and the shivering has slowed.” Caleb said plopping down on his own bed.

“What could have done that to him?” Pogue asked.

“No idea, but I have a feeling that Leo knows and he is just too afraid to tell us.” Caleb said.

“But how did the person know that Reid was afraid of closets?” Pogue asked.

“I want to know that as well. Sure all of us know but he had to tell us after playing hide and go seek with us as kids. No one else but family would know his fear and no one we know would lock him in a closet.” Caleb said.

“It sounds to me like whoever this person is, they have a way of finding out our deepest fears.” Pogue said and Caleb suddenly sat up looking alarmed.

“What is it?”

“I just remembered something. There was a line in our book about a demon who comes around every so often, a fear demon.” Caleb said.


“I need to take a look at the book.” Caleb said walking over to his bookcase and he pulled out and old leather book. On the other side of the book was a flickering light in dark stone basement. Reaching in farther Caleb pulled out an even thicker ancient looking book. The Book of Damnation

“What did you like memorize that thing when we were kids?” Pogue grumbled as his friend started flipping through the yellowed pages. Caleb apparently was fed up with flipping through the normal way and set the ancient book on the bed and used his powers to get to the desired page, the book’s pages flipped in as if turned by a magical wind.

There on the page was a man with gray hair, a pointed face, hawk beady eyes, thin lips, and sunken cheeks. The name across the top in old gothic letters read, Barbas, demon of fear. Caleb and Pogue silently read all that was mentioned about the upper level demon.

“What happened to Reid sounds like something this guy might do.” Caleb said.

“True but did you read the last line?” Pogue said.


“Well if you had you would have see that he was vanquished, by the Charmed Ones.” Pogue said Caleb stared at his friend both of them thinking the same thing.

“Leo!” Caleb bellowed. Blue lights filled the room and the angel stood before them looking worried.

“What who is hurt?” He asked.

“No one yet, so your charges vanquished Barbas?” Caleb asked folding his arms across his chest.

“Oh uh yeah.” Leo said, his ears turning slightly red not wanting to mention to the two powerful witches that there was a slight possibility Barbas was back.

“Cut the crap Leo.” Pogue said.

“Alright, there is a chance that the person who locked Reid in the closet is Barbas. He is an upper level demon who reads peoples deepest fear and then uses it on them to kill them. If Reid had been left in there longer he probably would have been scared to death.” Leo said.

“Is there any way to confirm this is our guy?” Caleb asked.

“We have Cole checking with his contacts in the underworld but we do not think that is going to turn anything up. The Source is worried that Liz is a huge threat to him and so is her child. Aside from actually attacking her himself he needed to send someone who could get under an immortals protection shield. Liz is not protected from her fears.” Leo explained.

“Alright we need to tell the others, you all need to help come up with a way to stop him. We need to take care of this guys.” Caleb said.

“The sisters are on it, they feared that it might have been him so to get a head start they are creating vanquishing potions.” Leo said.

“See if they can create a summoning spell as well, I want to see if a little good old fashioned firepower might do the trick.” Pogue said.

“Just know that if he shows himself there is a good chance that to save himself he will bring to life your worst fear.” Leo said before he orbed away. Caleb and Pogue grabbed the book then blinked away. The two appeared in Liz’s apartment looking around for one of their friends.

“Don’t move.” They heard Liz yell before she appeared before them in a flimsy bathrobe, showing way too much. “AH!” Liz jumped and pulled her robe on tighter at the sight of the two boys, her cheeks reddening.

“Nice robe.” Caleb laughed as he set the book down which caught Liz’s attention.

“What is going on?” Liz asked.

“Hey babe, what is taking…” Tyler stopped at the sight of his friends.

“Hi Tyler.” Pogue said glaring at his bare-chested friend. Tyler took the hint and pulled Liz with him to go and change. The two emerged moments later both looking sheepish.

“I swear we leave you alone for two minutes and you are both going at it.” Caleb said shaking his head.

“Alright enough, what is the problem?” Tyler asked motioning to the book upon receiving a shocked look from Pogue.

“We think we know who put Reid in the closet, this guy.” Caleb said showing the two the book. Liz looked troubled at the sight of the demon, as if knowing that he was the one who had the power to hurt her and her baby.

“Leo and the sisters are working on it to see if this is the guy but I am pretty sure it is him.” Pogue said remembering his dream of the graveyard.

“How so?” Tyler asked pulling Liz close.

“Earlier in my dorm I found myself in a graveyard facing my innermost fear.” Pogue said.

“What?” Liz asked.

“I was in a graveyard and I had no idea how I got there but then I saw Tyler and he just seemed so different, so angry. Liz had been killed and so had the baby and I had been the reason, Tyler called me a monster.” Pogue tried to explain. Liz looked at her cousin through weary eyes.

“What is your fear?” Liz asked.

“That I am evil. That I am going to be the reason everyone I love dies.” Pogue said.

“Well that takes care of that, I think it is safe to say we are dealing with Barbas here.” Tyler muttered.

Liz did not seem to hear her boyfriend she was too busy focusing on her cousin and how worried he was. “Pogue you are not a monster, you could never be a monster.” Liz said hugging her cousin but that did nothing.

“Liz our whole family has been evil from the start.” Pogue muttered.

“No that is not true, they were not evil people they just made bad choices. Evil is not a nature it is nurture Pogue. We choose how we want to be, all of us chose to fight the good fight instead of throwing in the towel and taking the easy way. Tell me Pogue do you want world domination?” Liz asked catching the attention of Tyler and Caleb, the two listened intently to the two cousins.

“Of course not.” Pogue said.

“Do you wish to kill an innocent?” Liz asked.


“Do you think about hurting people all the time, do you crave their blood and their cries, do you revel in pain, do you not love?” Liz asked getting more upset with each question.

“Of course not.” Pogue said.

“See you are not a monster because a monster could never love. A monster would not worry about being a monster they would just be one and they would never fear hurting their loved ones because they already have.” Liz said.

“Wow that was a good speech.” A voice croaked from the hall. The four turned to see Reid and Kyle standing there, Reid looking tired and worn.

“Reid should you be out of bed?” Caleb asked.

“I am tired of sleeping and the room was making me feel claustrophobic.” The blonde muttered as he sat down on the couch. “Liz is right Pogue, you are not a monster it is the one thing you would never be good at.”

“But our powers are evil.” Pogue said.

“No they are not, they are just associated with evil because way back when some idiot used the power for harming someone and from then on it was associated with evil. A power can’t be evil just the way the person wielding the power wields it.” Tyler said Liz grinned at her boyfriend kissing him soundly for his add in. Tyler smiled at her wrapping his arms around her kissing the top of her head.

“I guess it has just always been a fear of mine, ever since I gained my powers. I did not want to end up like the bad people in the book. I guess I never really thought about the fact that it was their choice to do harm.” Pogue said his face slightly scrunched up in concentration.

“So this Barbas guy, is he dangerous?” Kyle asked.

“If he is the person we are dealing with, he is very dangerous, he can make your worst fear come true.” Caleb said.

“And this is deadly how?” Kyle asked.

“He can scare you to death.” Reid whispered.

“Right.” Caleb said.

“He can kill me.” Liz whispered. Tyler tensed and looked to his friends to see if what his girlfriend had said was true.

“Yes.” Pogue whispered.

“We need to do something and fast.” Tyler hissed pulling Liz close.

“We know, we need to get everyone together and come up with a plan.” Caleb said.

“There is just one problem here guys” Pogue said.

“What?” Reid asked.

“It says in the book that Barbas can make himself invisible, there is no way of knowing if he is watching us. If he is than all of our plans are going to be foiled.” Pogue said.

“So we need to come up with a way of communicating so that he will not know.” Liz said.

“Right.” Tyler said.

“I think I have an idea.” Liz said, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

“Oh that is never good.” Kyle muttered.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:15 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey everyone thank you so much for your kind words during this hard time in my life. I am still having some trouble with them and no one is doing anything about the problem, but on with the story. Thanks for all of your reviews of the last part I tried to make this one longer to make up for the long period of not posting. Oh and until the situation gets resolved I am going to be posting every other day but it will not be for a long period. Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 21: Fear of What
Piper stared at the teens in front of her not believing that the answer was right in front of them the whole time. She and her sisters knew that getting involved with the teens was going to be interesting but this took the cake. Leo sat beside his wife opening and closing his mouth not knowing what to do or say to the teens standing before him all looking proud of themselves.

“Well?” Tyler asked.

“Well, we are kind of shocked.” Phoebe said.

“And honored.” Paige added.

“I think it would be a smart move.” Cole added making Liz grin since it was her idea.

“I know but this is amazing, I mean are you sure you are all alright with this?” Piper asked.

“Yes, we know what kind of danger we have put you all in and it is the least we can do.” Caleb said.

“Besides there is more than enough room for all of us.” Liz said.

“I know but what about all of you and school?” Piper asked.

“Well we can blink to our dorms and then leave for class and Liz and Kyle can blink the other two back to her place in Roswell where they can go and head off to school.” Caleb said.

“Are you sure you are alright with this?” Leo asked.

“Yes.” Reid added.

“Then we are coming, we will bring the Book of Shadows as well, who knows there might be something useful in there, besides it is the one book that will not melt our eyeballs.” Phoebe said.

“Great so orb or shimmer to the front gate of the house and Liz will let you in, she will give you the charm that allows you to be protected by the home.” Caleb said and the tiny brunette beside him nodded her head.
“Alright then see you later.” Paige said as the teens shimmered away.

“So we are going to be staying at the Covenant’s ancestral home, this is big.” Cole said the shock evident in his voice. He had never expected to be invited along to the safe haven. The plan was that they would be able to form a plan of attack on Barbas at the manor where the demon was not allowed to enter. From there they were going to live and commute to wherever they needed to go. It was a great deal and one they needed to take in order to remain safe.

“Alright people, let’s pack. This place does not have electricity.” Piper said making her sisters groan.


Liz was left alone for the first time in weeks. She was packing up her last few belongings and then she would be moving into her families home. Gorman was more than thrilled to be having so many people around but there were a few rules and the main one was that Maria, Alex and the Charmed Ones, excluding Leo, were not allowed in the attic and that they all had to keep it to a dull roar.

“How sweet she hums when she is alone.” A cold raspy voice said, amusement evident in his voice. Liz whipped around and saw Barbas in his long black coat sitting at her desk.

“How did you get in here?” Liz asked.

“What? You thought those little repellent charms were going to work?” Barbas asked letting out a cold laugh that sent goose bumps down her back.

“No but it was worth a try.” Liz said putting on a brave face.

“Such a foolish little girl.” Barbas said standing up knowing he had the girl cornered. Liz concentrated and tried blinking away but she was met with a barrier and Barbas’s amused eyes.

“Funny thing fear, it acts as a wonderful impenetrable barrier.” Barbas said smirking when he saw the fear flash in Liz’s eyes. The demon had her trapped. Waving his hand Barbas looked down at his palm smirking at the sight.

“Such a sweet fear but a very, very fun one. You Liz Parker fear death.”


Tyler was more than excited about the move to the manor. It meant that he got to live with Liz. It had been decided already that Liz and Tyler would share the Simms room since Tyler was the natural born heir and Liz was carrying his heir. Tyler put his last shirt in his bag when he felt it. It was a tingle in the back of his mind that slowly grew into a pinching pain making his eyes burn. He did not know how he knew but he knew that the problem was related to Liz. Blinking away Tyler went to find his girlfriend knowing that she was in trouble.


Tyler blinked into Liz’s bedroom and found her on the floor face down. “Liz!” He yelled pulling her into his arms.

“Liz!” He yelled again feeling her neck for a pulse, he found none.

“Leo!” Tyler yelled the blue lights filling the room quickly. Leo looked down at the girl in Tyler’s arms and immediately his hand started glowing.

“She is not breathing, she just stopped, she has a lot of internal damage it looks like someone took a sledgehammer to her insides.” Leo said waving his hand over her body. Tyler’s blue eyes darkened in fear.

“Is she going to be alright?” He whispered.

“I can heal the damage.” Leo said beginning to sweat as he repaired all of her damage. “She was almost dead, it is a good thing you found her when you did.” Leo said.

“Leo what happened to her?” Tyler asked.

“Barbas.” Leo said.

“What? How I mean she is not scared.” Tyler said.

“Do you know what her greatest fear is?” Leo asked.

“No.” Tyler muttered looking ashamed.

“Then this could very well be her greatest fear.” Leo said as his hand stopped glowing. The whitelighter looked extremely tired, Liz had been in a bad state. Liz’s eyes slowly fluttered open her brown eyes were blurry. Tyler smiled down at his girlfriend brushing the hair tenderly out of her face. Liz gave him a small smile until she suddenly let out a groan of pain and clutched her stomach.

“Leo?” Tyler asked.

“My baby.” Liz hissed, the whitelighter scrambled over to the young girl and his hand glowed over her womb.

“Damn.” Leo muttered as his hand stopped glowing.

“Leo is my baby alright?” Liz asked tears leaking out of her eyes.

“Now yes, but Liz whatever happened to you happened to the baby, but since the baby is so much smaller the baby was easier to heal.” Leo said.

“You mean my baby almost died?” Liz asked sobbing as Tyler tried to get her to calm down pulling her closer.

“Yes, Liz who did this to you?” Leo asked.

“Barbas.” Liz cried flinching when she felt Tyler growl only for him to pull Liz closer resting her head on his chest. His hands rested over the spot where his baby rested within its mother.

“Liz what exactly was your fear?” Leo asked. The young teen looked away from the two boys not meeting their eyes.

“Liz?” Tyler asked.

“Dying a slow and painful death.” Liz said.

“Baby.” Tyler said at a loss for words he just pulled her closer kissing her head not knowing what to say to her to make it all better. Leo and the teen exchanged a look before Tyler clutching Liz close blinked to the front of the ancestral home. Walking through the gate Tyler carried Liz inside even though she claimed she was perfectly capable of walking.

Tyler kept a weary eye of his surroundings not wanting to be surprised as he made his way inside the home. As he crossed the threshold with Liz in his arms he breathed a sigh of relief. “Master Simms, Miss Parker.” Gorman said smiling at the young couple but that soon disappeared when he sensed Tyler’s fear.

“What has happened?” Gorman asked motioning for Tyler to bring Liz up to the attic.

“Leo just healed her. Barbas attacked, Liz and the baby were almost gone.” Tyler whispered setting her once again on Gorman’s bed. Gorman moved over to his work table. Tyler and Liz saw him moving about working on something involving herbs and lots of crushing.

“Here drink this.” Gorman said finally handing Liz a red/blue drink that smelled of honey and apples. Liz trusting the man who guarded her family home drank the cold drink straight away.

“What did you give her?” Tyler asked stroking Liz’s head. Gorman smiled at his young master sensing his concern.

“It was something to calm her down, all of this stress is not good for her and the child.” Gorman said.

“I am going to take her to our room, let her get some rest.” Tyler said.

“That is what I was just about to suggest.” Gorman said laughing as Liz grumbled as she was carried out of the attic to the second floor. Tyler smiled when he saw the old room, setting Liz gently on the bed he opened the large drapes letting some sunlight into the dark room.

Liz sighed and melted into the old bed. It would creep most people out, the thought of sleeping in a bed where several generations of a family have slept, among other things. It never bothered her or Tyler, they felt comforted in the room, it was their safe haven. Tyler sighed as he pulled off his light jacket and threw it on the back of the old wooden chair. Sighing he crawled onto the bed next to Liz pulling her close.

“You alright?” Liz asked turning towards him, knowing that he had the scare of a lifetime earlier.

“Not really.” He admitted burying his head in her neck.

“I love you.” Liz said kissing his hear making him sigh in contentment.

“Love you to baby.”

Downstairs Pogue entered the manor looking around for his cousin and her boyfriend. Leo and orbed to him looking worn out, after a few minutes he had the full story and went to collect his cousin and friends bags knowing that in their rush they left everything. Liz’s parents were not going to be happy when they found out her and her friends had moved in with them into their family home. He did not want to be in the room for the conversation when they find out that Liz is pregnant. Sighing Pogue hauled the bags up the stairs knowing that they were going to the same room was a small comfort, it saved him all the lugging.

“Hey guys here is your stuff.” Pogue said not opening the door in fear of what he might see, it took a moment but a sleepy Tyler opened the door motioning Pogue in. Pogue smiled when he saw his cousin fast asleep on the bed cuddled up with an old feather pillow that Tyler had been laying on.

“Thanks man.” Tyler said not taking his eyes off of Liz.

“Go on man, get back into bed with her. I will let you know when dinner is ready and I will tell the others to stay away.” Pogue said receiving a grateful look from his friend. Tyler closed his door and made his way back over to Liz scooping her back up into his arms making sure her head was once again resting on his chest.

“What did Pogue want?” Liz mumbled into his chest a small smile on her face, she loved waking up next to him even if it was only after a short nap.

“He brought over our bags.” Tyler said pulling her up more so that her face was next to his so he could kiss her properly.

“I love that cousin of mine.” Liz said enjoying the quiet time with her boyfriend. It seemed that the two had not had a proper day together in over a month.

“Liz how are you feeling?” Tyler asked his blue eyes racking over her small form. Liz pulled him closer still scared from her encounter with Barbas that morning.

“A little scared, I mean I thought the baby and I were invincible no one could touch us but apparently fear is the exception to that rule.” Liz mumbled.

“Liz I am so sorry I was not there.” Tyler said but Liz cut him off with a small kiss.

“There was no way to know he was going to come after me at that moment. There was nothing you could have done he would have just turned your fears on you and you know that.” Liz said rubbing his jaw with the back of her hand hating to see the pain in his eyes. Tyler touched his forehead to hers.

“No more being by yourself outside of here I can’t let anything happen to you and our baby. Please Liz promise me, I can’t go through that again.” Tyler said Liz could not help the chocked up feeling she got upon hearing his heartfelt words.

“I don’t want to go through that again either. I was so scared all I wanted to do was blink away to you but my fears were trapping me. When I woke up and felt my baby was in trouble I wanted to die.” Liz cried Tyler noticed how she hugged her stomach slightly while she still held onto him.

“I know.” He said kissing her temple feeling the emotions filter through his girlfriend.

“I am so scared that he is going to come after me again and that next time the baby and I will not be so lucky.” Liz whispered.

“I am going to do everything I can to make sure he is killed Liz.” Tyler said Liz gasped as his blue eyes turned black.

“Is it wrong to be turned on by that?” Liz asked with a smirk breaking the tense moment, Tyler’s eyes turned blue again and flashed with joy.

“Not wrong at all.” He said rolling her so that his body covered hers. Liz sighed in contentment when she felt his weight on her, she missed being close to him, not just physically but emotionally as well. Tyler peppered her face in ghost kisses making her face tingle and her toes curl. Grabbing the back of his head Liz pulled him down for a slow deep kiss. Tyler groaned at the close contact with his girlfriend.

Liz wrapped her small legs around his waist pulling him closer moaning as she felt him unconsciously grind against her, his hand tangling in her long brown hair as he kissed her hungrily.

Maria stared up at the dark home in awe, not only was it big but it had this dark beauty about it. She looked to her right and saw Reid standing there with his eyes closed breathing deeply, not wanting to disturb him she just stared. He sensed her gaze, “If you listen closely you can hear the house, it sings to you. It comforts you when you are scared and makes the love in you come to the surface.” Reid whispered opening his gray eyes. He turned to Maria grinning.

“Really?” She asked.

“Yes, close your eyes.” He instructed impressed and humbled when the girl did so quickly, her trust in him was amazing. Soon her pouty lips opened in a gasp.

“Wow.” She whispered.

“Amazing right?” He asked.

“How can it do that?”

“It is an ancient magic, it has to do with our blood lines and all that is connected with them. This home has spawned some of the foulest people to ever walk this earth, but at the same time it has created a love and a bond so deep that it can never be broken.” Reid said.

“How do you all know about this?” Maria asked.

“It is written in our book, also sometimes we all come here and just sit and it is then when the house is still that you can hear it. It will always protect us.” Reid said opening the gate and handing Maria a small vile of blue liquid. She downed it quickly wrinkling her nose at the bitter taste.

“Yeah sorry about the taste, I am great with potions but Gorman is better at making them taste better.” Reid said Maria gasped as she felt this warm bubble encase her, her green eyes widening in alarm.

“Reid what is that warm feeling?”

“It is the house’s protection taking effect.” Reid explained opening the door of the home, it creaked slightly and Maria’s green eyes were met with the dim flickering light of candles in the home. She was in awe of its inner beauty, the home looked old but well cared for and loved. There were various knickknacks around that were dusted and looked new except for the fact that many had been out of production for centuries.

Maria followed Reid as he led the way through the house, he made a few turns and she found herself standing in an old kitchen that was warm and smelled of baking bread. Pogue sat at the old wooden table reading a text book and taking notes he looked up at the two who had just entered the room, a lock of his brown hair falling into his eyes. “Where is Liz?” Maria asked noticing how Pogue seemed to stiffen at the mention of his cousin’s name.

“She is upstairs with Tyler resting. After this morning she needs to take it easy.” Pogue said.

“What happened?” Reid asked setting his stuff down and motioning for Maria to have a seat.

“I will tell you when Caleb brings Alex and Kyle gets here. Leo has filled his family in on what happened.” Pogue said as Kyle opened the front door and Alex followed him and Caleb trailed behind holding an empty vile.

“Alright now what happened to Liz?” Maria asked knowing that it had to be something bad.

“Barbas came after her this morning and she and the baby almost died, Tyler found her and called Leo.” Pogue said Maria’s green eyes enlarged with alarm.

“Is she alright now?” Alex asked.

“Physically yes, emotionally I think Tyler is the only one who has any sense of what is going on with her.” Pogue said running his hand through is hair in frustration.

“It has to be hard on them both, Liz almost dying because of her fear and then finding out that because of her almost dying her kid almost did as well.” Reid said.

“Even worse Tyler had to be the one to find her, that had to be the scariest moment of his life.” Caleb said.

“Can we see her?” Maria asked.

“When she comes down for dinner yeah, but until then I have a feeling Tyler is not going to let anyone near her.” Pogue said.

“I should go wait outside for the others.” Caleb said standing up and grabbing five vial’s of blue liquid.

“Maria, Alex do you two want to put your stuff in your rooms?” Reid asked standing up when Maria nodded.

“Wait there are enough rooms for all of us to have separate rooms?” Alex asked.

“Yes. Gorman has the attic, Liz and Tyler the Simms room, Caleb in the Danvers room, Pogue in the Parry room, Leo and Piper in the blue room, Phoebe and Cole in the red room, Paige in the green room, Maria in the gold room, Kyle in the Putnam room, Alex you’re in the serpent room, and I am in the Garwin room. There are three other rooms not handed out.” Reid said leading the way.

“This home is bigger than it looks from the outside.” Maria commented as they made their way up the winding stairs.

“It was made to be deceiving magic conceals most of the house.” Reid said coming onto the landing of the second floor. It was a long hall with 6 doors spread out.

“Uh I only see six doors.” Maria commented.

“That is because the other seven are on the third floor and they are smaller. They were made for the children. Kyle yours is here, you know where.” Reid said as Kyle made his way down the hall to the sixth and final door.

“What other room is on this floor?” Maria asked.

“The blue room, it was the official guest room.” Reid said leading the way over to the next set of stairs leading to the third floor. The air felt heavier on the next floor but welcoming none the less. Reid opened the door to Maria’s room and left her to look around while he showed Alex where he was at. Moments later muffled voices filtered up the steps as Cole, Phoebe and Paige appeared at the top of the steps with Caleb.

“Have you guys seen Liz?” Paige asked.

“No but we will later.” Maria said coming out of her room.

“I imagine Tyler is keeping her even close than he used to.” Cole said.

“Probably.” Reid said as he took Maria back downstairs. Piper and Leo were talking to Pogue at the table.

“So you have not spoken to her only Tyler.” Leo said.

“Yup, even then he was in a hurry to get me out of there, he is not going to recover from this well.” Pogue let out a sigh.

“She will be safe here though and he will be more comfortable with her here.” Reid said as he pulled out Maria’s chair making her blush.

“I think that is the key element here, he feels safe enough here to let her stay.” Maria voiced.

“I have no idea what he would do if he did not have this place.” Reid said.

“Don’t want to find out either.” Pogue said when the group hear people coming down the stairs, it was Liz and Tyler both looking tired.

“Want a snack chica?” Maria asked.

“Yes please, I will help.” Liz said getting ready to go to her friend but Maria stopped her.

“Girlfriend please, I need something to do.” Maria said making Liz laugh for the first time all day.

“I bet I could think of something to keep you occupied.” Reid muttered not thinking anyone had heard him.

“I bet you could.” Tyler said sitting down at the table with Liz next to him.

“So have any of you started coming up with a plan to vanquish Barbas because I for one want him gone like now.” Liz said.

“That makes two of us.” Maria said placing a glass of water and apples with peanut butter in front of Tyler and Liz. Tyler gave Maria a large smile in thanks for thinking of him as well.

“Hey you were using a lot of energy up there, have to keep your strength up buster.” Maria said giving Tyler a small wink making Reid choke on his orange soda.

“Maria!” Liz said laughing at her best friend.

“What? We all know that the two of you did more than sleeping up there.” Maria said making Pogue laugh.

“She is right.” Reid said.

“Well it is not like this is news to anyone I mean how else do you think I got pregnant?” Liz asked.

“Immaculate conception.” Five voices chorused, Liz blushed when she saw Caleb, Alex and Kyle coming into the room.

“Then how would the baby be mine?” Tyler asked putting on a mock hurt look.

“We like to think your little guys just magically appeared in Liz.” Alex said shuddering suddenly.

“What?” Maria asked.

“Liz is like my sister, no way I want the image her and Tyler doing…things.” Alex said stealing an apple slice from Liz’s plate.

“Then don’t think about it.” Liz said giving him a mock evil glare.

“Well Maria brought it up blame her.” Alex said.

“Alright guys enough for now. Now that we are all here we should come up with a plan of action.” Phoebe said.

“Right. Did your book say if there was a potion that could vanquish him?” Paige asked.

“No potion to kill him but there is a potion to strip him of two of his most deadly powers, one to take away his power of fear and the other the power of invisibility.” Caleb said.

“What would that do?” Maria asked.

“It would take away his immortality and without fear he can’t trap you, he would just be another easy demon to vanquish.” Cole said looking relieved.

“This is good news, how long will the potion take to make?” Piper asked.

“Well that is the bad news, see the potion takes about two weeks to brew.” Reid said.

“Not too bad as far as potions go though.” Caleb said.

“Two weeks is a long time, most of our potions take only a day or so.” Paige said.

“That is because there is darker magic involved with the potion that they want to do. They don’t want to do a nice easy kill with this guy because it can’t be done. If they want to make sure that even the Source can’t bring him back then they need to use dark magic and rip his powers from him and then kill him completing all of that with a ritual.” Cole said and the four boys and Liz nodded that it was what needed to be done.

“Sounds good to me, anything to get rid of this guy for good.” Piper said.

“We will have Reid and Gorman work on the potion they are the best when it comes to potion making.” Caleb said.

“Well Paige and Piper are pretty good too.” Leo interjected.

“Leo they are not ready for this dark of a potion.” Gorman said from the doorway.

“Gorman is right this potion is not only complex but it involves blood magic which is hard to perform, dangerous and it takes years to master.” Reid said.

“So I guess you and Gorman have the job.” Paige said.

“Sorry, but we will need your help with the ending ritual. It will take a coven.” Reid said.

“Then a coven we are.” Phoebe said.

“So now what do we do?” Kyle asked.

“Uh go have fun, and don’t leave the house.” Caleb said.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:57 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hi guys happy Friday! Thanks so much for sticking with me through that part of the rough patch, I wish it was all over but I have about a month to go. I loved reading all of your reviews they kept my spirits up and made me write all that much faster. Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 22: School and Secrets

Maria just stared at her best friend as she sat on the counter eating her cereal. Liz’s cheeks had become permanently pink and her skin looked healthier if that was even possible. Maria glanced down at Liz’s stomach and smirked at the just barely visible pouch, it just looked like Liz’s stomach at become fuller, not fat. She laughed when Tyler walked into the kitchen looking groggy as usual it seemed that Liz was the only person he could handle in the morning. Liz shrieked as Tyler picked her up off the counter and sat her on his lap at the table before he rested his head on her back.

“Sleepy?” Maria asked getting a grunt which she took to mean yes.

“He was up late doing a paper.” Liz explained.

“Morning Tyler, Liz keep you up all night?” Caleb asked grabbing the box of cereal.

“No, I wish.” Tyler grumbled not lifting his head off Liz’s back. His hands locked over her stomach his thumbs rubbing small circles making Liz smile.

“Well I have to go and get ready for school.” Liz said moving to get up only for Tyler to tighten his hold on her

“Tyler I have to go.” Liz said smiling when he just pulled her closer.

“I need to graduate and besides if I don’t go to school my parents are going to get a call and then they are going to want to know what is going on and then they are going to find out I am pregnant.” Liz said grinning when Tyler quickly let go of her.

“Man you guys act like her parents are not going to figure out she is pregnant. What are you going to wait until she is delivering before you tell them?” Paige asked.

“I thought about going that route.” Tyler said.

“I just want to wait until this situation with Barbas and the Source is taken care of, let’s take care of the lesser of the two evils first.” Liz said.

“Wait your saying your parents are worse than the source of all evil?” Cole asked.

“Yes.” The teens in the room chorused.

“I thought that you all said that Liz’s dad had no powers.” Leo said.

“My dad might now have powers but he sure has something just as scary.” Liz said.

“And what might that be?” Phoebe asked.

“Her mother.” Pogue said.

“Your mom?” Piper asked smiling not able to hide her amusement.

“She is my father’s little sister and she is the only person that all of our fathers fear.” Pogue said.

“Even my dad was afraid of her.” Caleb said.

“Yeah because she almost…” At Caleb’s look Reid shut up.

“What did she almost do?” Paige asked.

“Nothing.” Liz, Pogue and Caleb quickly said.

“Let’s put it this way, like mother like daughter.” Reid said receiving a hit from Tyler.

Soon Maria, Kyle, Alex and Liz were standing at the front gate with their backpacks ready to head to school, all four looking glum. The others were able to either sit around the house all day or could come back quickly since their classes were so short. Liz grabbed Alex and Kyle grabbed Maria and the four blinked away to Liz’s home. Liz sighed as they appeared in her living room before they headed down to the café and to school.

“Why do we even have to come to school?” Maria asked as they piled out of the car.

“Because we want to get into a good school.” Alex said scratching the back of his head out of fear when he saw Isabel and Tess up ahead.

“Great, just what I need to start my day.” Liz muttered making Kyle laugh.

“What not happy to see their majesties?” Kyle asked putting an arm around Liz, none of the four noticing the way Tess’s eyes narrowed at said appendage over Liz’s shoulder.

“What happened to you guys last night?” Isabel asked standing in front of the four her arms folded across her chest in a no nonsense manner.

“We were spending the night at Liz’s.” Maria said matching Isabel’s stance daring the alien princess to challenge her.

“Really? See Michael went there last night to look for you four when none of you answered Max’s phone calls and Michael said that Liz’s place was empty as a matter of fact we could not find you anywhere in Roswell.” Isabel said.

“Wow checking up on us that is nice.” Liz said walking away with the other three trailing behind her.

“No, Max called an urgent meeting and none of you showed up. You can’t just not show up.” Tess said.

“Tess we had other things to do last night that were not in Roswell.” Alex said trying to at least keep things civil.

“Well you should have told us.” Isabel said not liking the idea of Alex having another life.

“No we shouldn’t have. What we had to do was private, strictly human.” Maria said as the four left leaving the two stunned alien females behind in their wake.

Liz looked back to see what the two were going to do about their sudden departure when she felt a shift in energy. Her eyes flashed black using her magic to scan the distance around her but all she felt was the alien’s powers and then her eyes were back to their natural brown. Tess stared at Liz in horror, her worst fear had just been confirmed when Liz Parker’s eyes flashed black, Liz was a witch.

Liz was having a hard time getting through the day, people kept pointing at her and whispering and Max had apparently decided that it was his new personal mission to follow her all over the place. She had to go to the bathroom on the far side of school away from all of her classes just to get away from him. She was beyond annoyed now. Then to top it all off Paulie had bumped into her during forth period and hit her chest and now her breast hurt her terribly, they were so sore.

“Liz you in here?” Maria asked opening the door and peaking under the stall.

“Yes I am in the last one on the right.” Liz said as Maria’s head appeared under her door.

“Unlock the door and let me in.” Maria said and Liz complied. “What’s up babe you have been hiding in here for awhile now?” Maria asked leaning against the closed door.

“Max keeps following me and it is getting on my nerves and Paulie hit my chest and it hurts so bad now, I want to go back to the manor like now but I know that I have to go to class, I am just hoping to throw Max off long enough to get to my next class.” Liz said.

“Wow your day does suck.” Maria said pulling Liz out of the bathroom with her, both girls looked around the corner to see if any of the evil aliens were around them. The two breathed a sigh of relief when they saw none of them around and headed for their classes, “Liz.” Max said grabbing her arm out of no where swinging her around to face him.

“AH!” Liz squealed as she stumbled to keep her footing using her magic to make sure she did not make a fool of herself. Liz glared at the hand on her arm that refused to let go. Maria seeing what had happened marched up to the two and glared at Max long enough that he released his hold on Liz but it was apparent that he was not done with the small brunette.

“What Max?” Liz asked.

“Where have you been and why are you avoiding me?” Max asked.

“Run for you lives it is an alien invasion!” Alex Whitman yelled running down the hall screaming. Max looked at his friend in annoyance for making such a scene and for drawing attention to him and his other alien comrades.

“Liz…” Max turned back to Liz only to find her and Maria missing. Sighing he turned away and went to class. In the music room Alex, Maria and Liz were having quite the laugh.

“Man I owe you one.” Liz said wiping her tears of laughter from the corners of her eyes.

“That was not nearly as embarrassing as it could have been. Besides you owe Kyle one for calling me and telling me that the evil alien king was looking ready to abduct you.” Alex said.

“Well kids we only have one more class and then it is party at the manor. Reid will provide the entertainment.” Liz said noticing how Maria blushed at the mention of the blonde’s name.

“Maria is there something going on with the two of you that Liz and I don’t know about?” Alex asked giving his friend a mock glare.

“No.” Maria said before she quickly hurried out of the room and to class. Alex and Liz sighed sharing a look knowing that Maria was a terrible liar which was why she hurried away from them.

After school Liz and Kyle sat on her couch waiting for the other two to show up so they could get the heck out of there and back to the manor. Maria came in out of breath clutching her chest. “Maria?” Liz asked as her and Kyle jumped up to attend to their winded friend.

“Max and Tess are lurking around the corner I only just managed to sprint past them I have no idea if they saw me, Liz you have to go.” Maria said.

“I will take you with me, Kyle can you wait for Alex?” Liz asked as she hugged Maria preparing for the trip.

“Yeah go.” Kyle said as Liz and Maria blinked away. The two girls appeared at the front gate of the home both running inside quickly. Caleb stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he saw the two girls both looking stressed and tired.

“I hate Max and Tess.” Liz groaned.

“Me too.” Maria huffed.

“And I really hate Paulie.” Liz mumbled adjusting her top for the billionth time that day.

“Your boobs still hurt?” Maria asked.

“Oh way too much information.” Caleb said turning down the hall. Liz and Maria grinned at each other before they took off in the direction Caleb had been heading. Maria had a giddy look on her face as she tackled said boy to the floor with gusto.

“Omph.” Caleb said as he crashed to the floor with the blonde on his back.

“So baby doll have a good day?” Maria asked straddling Caleb’s back making sure her breath tickled his ear.

“Perfect darling.” Caleb replied grinning at the blonde being careful not to hurt her Caleb flipped himself so that Maria was below him. Liz looked on laughing hysterically at her two friends.

“Oh I always knew you liked it on top.” Maria giggled.

“I can go either way.” Caleb said.

“Hey guys what is going on?” Reid asked wrapping an arm around Liz watching Maria and Caleb on the ground. Liz tilted her head and saw an unusual look in her friends blue eyes.

“Nothing much, we missed you guys though.” Liz said kissing the blonde on the cheek making him smirk. Caleb got off Maria and lent her a hand in getting up. Suddenly Reid found himself on his back and a blonde little pixie was sitting on his stomach laughing at his bewildered face.

“That was fun.” Maria said before she jabbed her fingers into his sides making him laugh as she tickled the life out of him.

“Maria!” Reid squealed as he thrashed about trying to grab her hands but his laughing hindered his movements and he was not about to use his magic on her. Suddenly he grabbed her tiny hands making her green eyes go wide.

“You are so going to get it.” Reid said as Maria wrangled her hands free and bolted through the hall and up the stairs. Caleb and Liz watched in amusement as the two blondes ran through the house.

“So what is bugging you?” Caleb asked leading Liz to the kitchen. He motioned for her to take a seat as he prepared a snack for her.

“Well to start off my wonderful day, Isabel and Tess bombarded us as we entered school. Apparently last night the pod squad was looking for us all over Roswell. They are getting worse Caleb.” Liz said smiling her thanks for the cheese and crackers.

“Perfect.” Caleb grumbled.

“Oh it gets better darling.” Liz said.

“Oh no what?” Caleb asked.

“Max followed all over school today.” Liz said.

“Well that is just what you all need, him following you everywhere. He is getting more insistent.” Caleb sighed.

“I had to evade him all day and when he did catch up to me he was pretty rough.” Liz said showing her friend the bruise that was starting to form.

“He what?” Tyler asked coming into the kitchen looking furious.

“He just grabbed me too hard.” Liz said.

“That is it I have had it with him.” Tyler said moving towards the door, Caleb and Liz running after him.

“If you do anything to him it will draw unwanted attention to us from others especially the other aliens and with another enemy on our tail we do not need this.” Caleb said trying to reason with his furious friend.

“He hurt my pregnant girlfriend that is going too far.” Tyler said.

“Tyler please calm down, going after him is a bad idea.” Liz pleaded.

“He hurt you.” Tyler said pulling Liz close resting his head atop hers, Caleb did not like the furious look in his friends eyes. Normally Tyler was the calm and collected one of the group, think first fight later, but when it came to Liz he tended to think with his heart and not his head.

“I know but I doubt he meant to. The only reason I brought it up was because he had been following me around all day.” Liz said but she could tell that did not make her boyfriend feel any better. Tyler pulled her even closer but he moved her when she let out a hiss of pain.

“What?” Tyler asked Caleb looked at his friend in concern.

“Paulie bumped my chest earlier and you know sensitive my chest has become.” Liz mumbled making Caleb smirk at his friend.

“I am going to go and find Maria and Reid and make sure they did not hurt each other.” Caleb said leaving the two to have their private moment. Tyler gently touched her breast not wanting to hurt her, Liz gave him a soft kiss. Tyler grinned and deepened the kiss.

“OHG!” They heard a yell from upstairs. Liz and Tyler glanced at each other before they raced up the stairs Liz loved not having to worry about tripping and falling and hurting her baby.

Tyler and Liz saw Caleb standing at the end of the hall in Reid’s doorway looking horrified. Liz and Tyler halted next to him looking inside the room. There was Reid and Maria scrambling to pull their clothes on.

“Oh this is too good.” Tyler said.

“Why?” Liz asked.

“Because Pogue and Cole owe me ninety dollars.” Tyler said.

‘Why?” Liz asked her boyfriend her hands on her hips looking strikingly like her mother in that moment.

“Ah we all kind of bet on when Maria and Reid would get together and I won.” Tyler said.

“You bet on my best friend?” Liz asked her voice rising an octave.

“Yes.” Tyler said too afraid of Liz to lie to her.

“That is so mean.” Liz said her lower lip trembling.

“Oh I am sorry Liz.” Tyler said moving to hug her but she darted away from him towards not the Simms room but the Parry room. She barged in and slammed the door shut, her sobs sounding throughout the corridor.

“Liz, baby please open up.” Tyler said knocking on his best friends door trying to get to his girlfriend.

“Liz?” Maria asked coming out of Reid’s room looking worried, she pushed Tyler out of the way to get to her friend.

“Go away.” Liz sobbed.

“Is she mad at me?” Maria asked looking hurt.

“No she is mad at me.” Tyler said knocking on the door again knowing that her blood magic was preventing him from entering the room.

“Can’t you just barge in there?” Maria asked her voice rising as her friend cried harder.

“No she triggered the blood magic protecting the room. Since she is a Parry she is protected by the Parry magic. Just like she is carrying my heir so she is also protected by the Simms magic and if she was to go into the Putnam room she would be protected by his blood magic since Chase gave her his powers.” Tyler said laying his head against the door his girlfriend was behind.

“Hey guys what is going on?” Pogue asked seeing his friends congregated around his room, Liz nowhere in sight. As he got closer to the group he heard her crying in his room and he turned furiously toward Tyler. “What did you do?” Pogue asked.

“She found out about the bet.” Tyler muttered.

“Wait you had a bet going about her?” Maria asked sounding outraged.

“Not about her about you and Reid.” Caleb said making the blonde blush.

“Move out of my way.” Pogue ordered opening the door to his room easily and he slipped inside not allowing his friends to see inside. He found Liz cuddled up on his bed her body shaking as she cried.

“Oh Liz.” Pogue said pulling his cousin close as she cried.

“I am not even angry about the bet.” She muttered.

“Then why are you in here crying?” Pogue asked smiling down at his cousin.

“I don’t know one minute I was laughing then the next my boyfriend is the scum of the earth.” Liz sobbed chocking.

“Shh Liz calm down.” Pogue said rubbing her back.

“I don’t know what is wrong with me.” Liz cried.

“I do, as much as it pains me to say this because there is a good chance I am going to get hit here but I think it is those pregnancy hormones.” Pogue said.

“But I thought it was too early for mood swings.” Liz pouted.

“For most women it is too early but each woman’s pregnancy is different Liz and you are going to experience different symptoms.” Pogue said.

“When did you become the expert on pregnant women?” Liz asked.

“When my cousin got pregnant.” Pogue said pulling a book off of his night stand it was one of those what to expect when you are expecting books.

“You bought a book?” Liz asked teary eyed giving her cousin a small smile.

“Yes, actually Tyler, Reid, Caleb and I all went out and bought books, we keep swapping them.” Pogue told his cousin.

“Oh I love you guys.” Liz said hugging her cousin.

“Good because I love you too, now why don’t you go and tell that boyfriend of yours that. He is feeling really bad right now.” Pogue said helping her off of the bed.

“Alright I suppose I should go and talk to him.”

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:01 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks guys for the great FB I loved reading it your comments were amazing! Pandas2001 I think you have my dorm bugged because some of the questions you asked I had written in my next part :lol: ! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 23: Toils of Ipswich

Barbas was beyond furious. He could not believe that the little brats were clever enough to find a place to live and work that he was not allowed to enter. He could sense their false sense of victory. They really were childish to go running and hiding instead of facing him head on.

“Perfect.” Barbas suddenly muttered as a brilliant evil plan entered his mind. He knew that the group had one collective fear, a fear that he could very easily play with. Four people in Roswell had the means to make all of his evil dreams and plans come true. The Roswell aliens.


Liz exited her cousin’s room without looking at the occupants of the hall as she quickly made her way to her room knowing that Tyler would follow her inside since it was his family room. She sat on the bed waiting for him and she was not disappointed when Tyler entered his room looking weary of his girlfriend afraid to upset her. Liz gave him a small smile and he made his way over to her crawling on the bed towards her leaning against the headboard next to her their sides pressed closely together.

“I am sorry I freaked out on you.” Liz said looking into his deep blue eyes feeling sorry for the pain she saw in them knowing that she had caused it.

“I’m sorry I made you upset.” He whispered flinching when he saw her tear up.

“You didn’t I have no idea what is going on with me, I was not even angry really.” Liz said hating the buildup of emotions she was feeling. She was only a little over three months, she should not have been feeling this way. She let out a sigh when she felt Tyler’s arms wrap around her that was all she wanted.

“Really because you seemed angry to me, so angry that you started crying.” Tyler said flinching at the memory. He felt Liz shaking next to him and saw that she was silently crying he pulled her into his lap not knowing what was wrong.

“I promise I was not angry I just feel so off.” Liz cried burying her head into his neck. Tyler rubbed her back as she cried at a loss as to what to do to make her stop.

“I believe you but then you took off towards Pogue’s room and I couldn’t get in Liz.” She knew from his tone that her actions had hurt him.

“I’m sorry. I am just so scattered right now it is so sudden.” Liz whispered. “I love you.” Liz whispered kissing his cheek enjoying how the tension in his body just melted away.

“It’s alright Liz.” Tyler said holding her tight.

“So Maria and Reid had sex, I so saw this coming.” Liz said with a giggle.

“I think we all did.” Tyler said enjoying Liz cuddled up to him.

“So what is this I hear about my boys buying baby books?” Liz asked her eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Oh man Pogue has a big mouth.” Tyler muttered.

“Hey I like that you all have books, it makes Maria and I look less corny.” Liz said laughing at his stunned expression.

“You bought books as well?” He asked.

“The day after I found out Maria and I went shopping for books, among other things.” Liz said a slight blush tinting her face.

“What other things?” Tyler asked noticing how his girlfriend suddenly started squirming.

“We bought baby clothes, and bibs.” Liz muttered.

“Babe, there is nothing wrong with that. I am happy that you are not kicking my ass for getting you pregnant.” Tyler said stroking her soft cheek.

“Hey buster it takes two here, you are not solely responsible here.” Liz said unconsciously leaning into his touch.

“I know I am just happy you want the baby. At one point I feared you did not want our baby.” Tyler admitted.

“How could you think that? Of course I wanted our baby. Tyler we were destined to have a baby together sure it might have been a bit early for us but that does not change the fact that I love our baby. Tyler not wanting this baby would have been like me not wanting you since it is your baby.” Liz said seeing him look down it suddenly clicked in her head.

“Oh that’s it. You thought I really did not want you.” Liz said cupping his face feeling terrible when he nodded.

“Tyler I love you, I always have.” Liz said.

“Part of me has always feared that I am holding you back that I am not the one you really want.” Tyler admitted.

“I love you and only you. I mean can you honestly tell me that you can see me with another man?” Liz asked.

“What about Max?” Tyler asked.

“What about him Tyler, I was with him trying to fight being with you. The feelings I had for you scared the crap out of me.” Liz admitted.

“I know that Liz but in the back of my mind there was always this fear that you really wanted to be with him I mean Maria even told me that if she had not walked in on the two of you one day that the two of you would have had sex.” Tyler said feeling Liz stiffen.

“Wait Maria told you that?” Liz asked feeling sick.

“Yes.” Tyler said.

“Tyler I would not have slept with him Maria got the facts wrong. There was so much to the story and she never got it all. I might have made it appear as if I was going to sleep with him but I couldn’t bring myself to.” Liz said.

“But a part of you wanted to Liz.”

“No I did not. Tyler it felt so wrong I might have been mad that Maria found us but only because I was so embarrassed. Tyler when we were done I felt used and I was never more thankful for Maria’s bad timing. Then when we spent the night in the desert…” Liz was cut off by Tyler’s angry growl.

“There was a night in the desert?”

“I guess Maria did not mention that one.” Liz said her cheeks heating up in her distress.

“Nope must have slipped her mind.”

“Tyler, don’t” Liz said not liking how his eyes kept switching from blue to black in his anger.

“I can’t help it Liz.”

“I never had sex with him I just fell asleep.” Liz said.

“But you yet again tried to.” Tyler said making Liz’s eyes go black.

“No I did not!”

“Liz I get the fact that you tried to fight us but having your sex life with another guy thrown in my face is not a treat.” Tyler said his eyes matching hers the two stared at each other angry. Liz grabbed the back of his head and smashed their lips together in a hungry painful kiss. Tyler roughly pushed her onto her back and attacked her mouth and neck.

Maria and Reid were in the library feeling guilty, both could not help but feel that they were the reason Liz was upset. “We are so stupid.” Maria muttered wiping her eyes she had been silently crying.

“Not really. We were stupid about getting caught. Maria, Liz is upset for another reason entirely I get the feeling there is something else going on there that has nothing to do with us. Besides I think Liz has been rooting for us.” Reid said knowing his long time friend very well.

“Reid is right Liz’s little crying fit was not about the two of you.” Pogue said as he and Caleb sat down on two of the wing backed chairs in front of the fireplace.

“What is the problem then?” Maria asked.

“Hormones probably.” Pogue muttered.

“I thought it was too early.” Maria said.

“Each pregnancy is different.” Pogue said.

“I still can’t help but feel like I am the one who triggered her crying.” Maria said.

“Trust me, she is not upset about the two of you.” Caleb said.

“Is she alright?” Cole asked peaking his head into the room, they had heard her crying earlier but figured that her family would want to take care of her and that their presence might make Liz feel worse after all they did not know each other very well.

“Yes she is just hormonal.” Pogue sighed.

“I get the feeling she is going to only get scarier as her pregnancy progresses.” Caleb said.

“Nancy Parker all over again.” Reid muttered.

“Okay what is the story there I mean that is the second time you have mentioned Mrs. P.” Maria said.

“Well as you know Nancy is my dad’s little sister. Now women born into the Covenant are rare and having powers is even more rare. Nancy does have a few powers but they are like candles compared to Liz who is like a blazing fire.” Pogue said.

“I knew that already though.” Maria said.

“But just because Nancy has minimal powers does not mean that she did not know how to use them.” Caleb said shuddering.

“What do you mean?” Cole asked.

“Well Nancy knew how to use her powers very well. On several occasions she managed to scare the life out of our dads.” Caleb said.

“How?” Maria asked.

“She blinded my dad when she found out what he did to me.” Reid said shuddering at the memory of his father’s cries of agony.

“She used her powers to sneak around and gained a great deal of blackmail on my father.” Pogue said a smirk appearing on his handsome face.

“Like what?” Maria asked.

“Well let’s just say that my mom was not the original future Mrs. Parry there was a woman before her. Nancy found out that the woman had a few skeletons in her closet as well and well…”

“The end of the story is Pogue’s dad married his mother a month after he broke it off with the other woman.” Caleb said grinning like an idiot.

“Then there is her verbal lashings.” Pogue said.

“What about them?” Maria asked remembering the times Liz had been chewed out throughout the years, she remembered nothing special about them.

“They are earth shaking, literally.” Pogue said.

“No, I have heard Liz get yelled at the earth never shook.” Maria said.

“That is because in her eyes Liz is perfect and could never do anything wrong. Our dads on the other hand… they suffered the wrath of Nancy.” Pogue said.

“She made a three hundred year old chandler fall on my dad, if he did not use his magic he would have been killed. See with Nancy it is not the amount of power that made her so damn scary it was the way she used her powers.” Caleb said.

“So when you say like mother like daughter you mean what…”

“Well Liz and Nancy both have that fiery temper and use their gifts to their advantage.” Pogue said.

“Dude, Liz is also the only woman I am utterly terrified of.” Reid said.

“Good point.” Caleb said.

“Wait you all are afraid of a little girl?” Cole asked.

“A little girl who packs one hell of a punch.” Pogue muttered.

“What part of more powerful than us do you not get?” Reid grumbled others being more powerful than him had always been a sore spot with him.

Liz did not want to move for the life of her, her muscles were not very happy with the effort they had to use. She shifted slightly smiling when she felt the arm around her tighten she knew he was still asleep but it was cute how he did not want to let her go. The sex had been mind blowing to say the least the anger was a new element in their love making that pushed emotions and sensations they felt to a new level. After Liz could tell Tyler felt bad for being so rough with her but a few kisses quelled his fears. He had her tightly pressed to his chest making sure she did not move while he slept making her feel giddy that he loved her so much.

“Hey.” He mumbled kissing the back of her neck. Liz turned around so that she was facing him kissing him soundly making him smile. She wrapped her arms around him pulling him closer enjoying the feeling of his hands moving up and down her back.

“We should get downstairs before the others think I am going to drown you in my tears.” Liz said making Tyler laugh.

“Alright if you insist.” He faked an annoyed look making Liz giggle. Liz pulled his face to hers for a sickeningly sweet kiss that made her toes curl in pleasure. “On second thought we should stay in bed for a bit.” Liz said giggling as she was once again on her back Tyler eliciting responses from her that would make any woman jealous.

“We really should get out of here.” Liz murmured as Tyler leaned down and pecked her lips making her smile.

“I agree you need to eat something, it has been awhile.” Tyler said helping her sit up.

Maria, Reid, Caleb, Pogue and Cole made their way towards the kitchen when they hear laughing coming from the grand room. There sat Liz in jeans and a t-shirt on the counter with her legs wrapped around Tyler’s waist as he made plane noises moving the fork towards her mouth with rice on it. “Open up.” Tyler said making Liz laugh, seizing the opportunity he stuck the fork in her mouth making her eat it.

“Not bad.” Liz admitted. The others stood there taking in the scene the two made not realizing that people had come to invade their private little world.

“Hey guys.” Cole said letting them know they had an audience. Liz looked up startled, a blush tinting her golden cheeks.

“Hi.” Liz said picking up her fork to eat, releasing her legs from around Tyler.

Maria stared at her friend in amazement, she looked so happy and carefree there it was amazing. She had known Liz all of her life but she had never seen her like this it was as if she had been hiding from Maria for years only letting the four boys see her true personality.

“Tyler made his rice and chicken dish?” Reid asked looking excited.

“Yup there is more than enough for everyone.” Tyler said motioning to the two huge pots full of rice and marinated chicken.

“What smells so good?” Paige asked coming into the room her nose in the air.

“Your dinner.” Liz said and soon the whole gang was there eating.

Later that night Maria and Reid were in her room talking and board out of their minds. They were not the kind of people who were happy just sitting around the house they always wanted to go, go, go and have fun. Sure sitting around the house was nice sometimes but others it was just down right dull. “I spy with my little eye something purple.” Reid said.

“The chair in the corner.” Maria said.


“You already did that one.” Maria huffed.

“Who are we kidding we have been through every color that exists and every object in this room down to your toe nail polish.” Reid grumbled.

“Got any better ideas I am up for anything at this point?” Maria asked she knew that it had been a bad idea to ask him that when she saw the evil grin on his face.

“Maria darling put on some dancing shoes were are going to party.” Reid said getting up and leaving the blonde girl to change which she did quickly making sure she was dressed to kill it never crossed her mind that they were leaving the house even when the others had told them not to.

Reid came back to her room a half an hour later and he silently led her out of the house careful not to draw the attention of the others in the house, he wrapped his arms around the small woman as they blinked away. Maria could not help the enormous grin that spread across her face at the sight of the familiar club just outside of Roswell, Club Blaze. Reid grabbed her hand leading the way to the front of the long line getting angry glares from the people waiting in line who knew that the two were going to be turned away by the bouncer but were shocked when the bouncer grinned and quickly hurried to usher the two in.

“Hey no fair we were here first!” A girl yelled Maria thought she was one of the snotty girls from a year above her.

“VIP’s get first dibs kid.” The bouncer said making the girl blush as the two blondes entered the pounding club. Maria spun around enjoying the crazy atmosphere of the club loving how even though she was underage she was still aloud in thanks to Reid. Neither saw Michael and Isabel in line staring in shock at Maria and the other blonde.

“How did you get him to let you in I know you did not use your powers.” Maria said.

“My dad owns around fifty clubs around the world.” Reid said laughing as Maria’s jaw dropped open.

“How?” Maria asked.

“We are old money, oil in fact. Dad used a little money and set up very successful clubs. I am well known through him.” Reid explained.

Reid pulled Maria onto the dance floor right away pulling her close the two getting lost in the frantic beat. Maria gyrated against him toying with the boy while giving the others around them a sensual show. Michael and Isabel walked into the club and looked where the majority of the club’s attention was focused. A young couple dancing provocatively letting those around them know that they knew the others body intimately.

“Maria?” Isabel said making all the air leave Michael as he stared at the girl who had his heart dance erotically on another guy. His eyes narrowed when he saw the blonde’s hands travel dangerously high up Maria’s thighs. Maria did not seem to mind the hands on her even worse she looked as if she was very familiar with said hands traveling over her body. Isabel gasped when she saw Maria tilt her head back for a kiss and the guy eagerly responded. Michael watched in anger as Maria was lead to the VIP section that was blocked off with a black curtain blocking her from his view. Michael grabbed Isabel’s arm and lead her towards where he saw Maria disappear.

“Michael are you sure this is such a good idea? He is important if he got this room Michael, picking a fight with him might draw too much attention to us.” Isabel hissed as they stopped in front of the VIP section. The two stood outside unable to hear what was going on because of the club’s loud music. Isabel motioned for Michael to take a peak while she stood watch for any security. Michael peaked behind the curtain nearly lost it at the sight behind the curtain. There was Maria bare chest exposed for the world to see or more like the blonde’s lap she was on. Michael growled when he saw the blonde latch onto his Maria’s chest. It was then that he noticed that Maria’s hips were not idle, she was riding the guy, they were having sex. Michael had seen enough he closed the curtain leaning against the hard stone wall next to the room closing his eyes willing the images away that assaulted his mind. Isabel stared at her friend in worry wondering what he had seen to make him react in such a way.


“They were having sex Isabel. Maria is sleeping with that guy.” Michael growled leaving the club in a huff, Isabel following giving the curtain a look of pure loathing.

Maria slumped against Reid in exhaustion feeling very satisfied. “That was hot.” He muttered running his hands through her long locks.

“Oh yeah.” Maria sighed pulling up the top of her dress covering her up once more grinning as Reid gave her a pout. “We should be heading back before the others notice we are gone.” Maria said getting off of his lap smirking at his state of disarray which he fixed with a wave of his hand.

“Let’s go princess.” Reid said grabbing her hand and leading her through the crowd once more and out of the club. In the back ally Reid held her close blinking to the front of the manor and the two silently headed inside. Looking around the two let out a sigh of relief that no one was around.

“Where the hell have the two of you been?” Piper growled from their right, Maria took a step back at the sight of the angry witch who looked very angry.

“Piper.” Reid said turning on his charming smile.

“Cut the crap Garwin. You two into the kitchen now.” Piper growled, the two teens scurried to obey her orders her tone promising pain if they did otherwise. There in the kitchen was the rest of the household looking worried and angry.

“Reid.” Liz said letting out a sob flinging herself at the blonde. Maria looked at her friend hurt.

“She was worried that Barbas attacked him.” Caleb explained. Suddenly Liz’s eyes turned black and she started hitting Reid, hard enough to make his face contort in pain, the use of her powers giving her punches an extra bite.

“You ass you had me so worried I hate you!” Liz screamed hitting the blonde repeatedly Tyler looped an arm around her and pulled her away from a cowering Reid who rubbed his now sore chest.


“Shut up Maria.” Liz growled.

“Liz let me explain…”

“No you two could not follow one simple rule, you could have been killed. What part of enemy out there do you not get? Getting locked in a closet not enough for you Reid would you prefer to let him or another demon kill you?” Liz snarled.

“Liz…” Reid tried.

“Save it I have had enough. Caleb do with them what you will.” Liz snapped leaving the group. Maria looked at her friends retreating for a tear rolling down the side of her cheek the ramifications of what she had done hitting her.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:58 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for all of your reviews on the last part I am so glad that you liked it! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 24: The Over Kill

Michael slammed the door shut to his apartment trying to get rid of the image of Maria and that guy out of his head. From the looks of things it was not her first time nor was he just some random guy she met. He could tell by their dancing that he knew Maria very well better than Michael did and that killed him. Isabel stood there and watched as Michael vented by destroying his apartment knowing that in a few minutes she was going to have to repair the damage for him. “Michael?” Isabel asked when the alien had finally flung himself onto the couch looking empty.

“I really liked her Isabel. Besides you she was the only girl ever to take a chance on me. I lost her Isabel.” Michael muttered.

“No there could still be hope for the two of you.” Isabel said rubbing his solid back. He looked at the girl he considered a sister and sighed.

“Isabel she was having sex with him, I don’t think she is interested in me anymore. There are many things I am Isabel but stupid is not one of them and I know Maria, she would not just have sex with some guy if her heart was not in the relationship.” Michael said.

“But I thought the two of you…”

“No we never slept together Isabel, we came close but we never went all the way.” Michael sighed.

“How did things get so messed up Michael? I mean these past few months I have been a complete monster…I followed Liz I mean who the hell does that?” Isabel asked finally breaking crying into her best friend’s shoulder. Michael held her close knowing all of the emotions she had been holding back for the past several years were being released.

“I think it was destiny Isabel, before that we were happy. Maria was with me, Liz with Max and you and Alex had something going.” Michael said.

“Now he won’t even look at me.” Isabel mumbled.

“We both are to blame for how things have panned out Isabel. I might have lost Maria but I don’t think it is too late for you.” Michael said seeing the hope come through her eyes.

“You don’t think he hates me?” She whispered.

“Isabel the guy loved you for ages, he is just upset by your behavior. I know this is weird coming from me of all people but he is good for you. The time when he was in your life actively was the happiest I have ever seen you. You were carefree and loved life. Destiny ruined all of that Isabel, I think you should take your life back.” Michael said.

“You must have really loved her Michael for you to change like this.”

“I do, but it really opened my eyes to what we have been doing Isabel. We need to stop listening to your brother and live our own lives. We don’t have to follow destiny Isabel.” Michael said.

“But what about our people?” She asked.

“Isabel I have always dreamed of finding my family out there but I know now that my true family is here, it is you Max, and Tess. I can have a family here. Our people if they were still alive would have come for us a long time ago Isabel. I was kidding myself to think they were coming for us.” Michael sighed.

“Michael our families might be gone but you will always have me.” Isabel said giving the man she considered a brother a hug.

“Same here Iz.”


Tyler sighed leaning against his bedroom door knowing that he was needed on the other side. He hated how worried Liz had been earlier, when she found out both of her friends were missing she got physically ill. Then when she found out they had only snuck out it made something in her snap. He hated his friend in that moment for hurting his girl.

“Baby?” Tyler asked stepping into the room. He did not see her anywhere but he could hear her sniffing. His eyes darted around the room and he spotted Liz huddled in a corner of the room hugging her knees to her chest as best she could in her condition.

“I was so scared I did not know what to do.” She whispered resting her head on his shoulder as he sat down next to her in the dark corner, blue gray shadows falling over their faces.

“I know you were.” Tyler said wrapping his arms around her one of his large hands moving to rest over her stomach that had only a small puff. He felt Liz pull his shirt and him closer her small body shaking with her silent cries.

“Why did they do this?” Liz asked.

“They wanted to have fun, but they did not think.” Tyler said.

“What did Caleb do?” Liz asked.

“I left before he got really into it, but you know how he gets he started off silent and then the whisper voice came out.” Tyler said making Liz wince.

“He really is pissed.” Liz said.

“We all are. Those two put us all through hell.” Tyler said when they heard a knock at the door.

“Liz?” Maria asked. Liz sighed and snuggled closer to Tyler on the floor not moving to get up.

“Do you want me to let her in?” Tyler asked.

“No.” Liz whispered as a barrier erupted around the room preventing anyone expect members of the family from entering the room. Tyler sighed knowing Liz was hurt by her friends behavior. Sure they all understood that the two wanted to get out of the place but then again they all knew that leaving without telling the others was dangerous and made them worry for hours.

“Liz?” Maria asked again trying the door handle, a shriek erupted from outside the room.

“She tried to get in.” Tyler sighed getting up to go and help the blonde. He knew that if he wanted Maria in the room he could invite her in but he knew that Liz was too emotional and not in control of her powers, brining the blonde into the room would be a bad idea. Out in the hall Reid and Caleb were already helping Maria up.

“She tried to get in.” Tyler sounded like a broken record, Reid flinched at how cold his friend sounded.

“I was trying to get to Liz. Why did you activate the spell?” Maria asked looking at Tyler in fear not knowing if he was purposely trying to be mean.

“I did not activate the spell my heir did.” Tyler said leaning against the wall folding his arms across his chest.

“Liz did.” Maria’s green eyes filled with tears.

“Yes and no. Liz said the word but my baby was the one who carried out the request, unintentionally of course.” Tyler said.

“How is she?” Reid asked the left side of his face hidden from Maria. Tyler knew that Caleb had made himself clear as to how displeased he was with his friend. Maria of course was none the wiser to the pain her lover was in.

“Confused, hurt, angry, sad, furious, explosive, out of control…I could go on for a while here.” Tyler said.

“My best friend hates me.” Maria whispered.

“She does not hate you Maria, she is just not happy with the decision you and Reid made. Maria you want her to cool down some before she talks to you, right now her powers are shaky from her up and down emotional state.” Tyler said trying to phrase her condition just right knowing Liz was listening on the other side of the door and he did not want to do anything to make her any more upset than she already is.

“Liz would never hurt me.” Maria said her green eyes glaring furiously at the boy in front of her.

“Not intentionally Maria. We can handle her power blasts you can’t.” Tyler said before opened the door and went back into the dark room. Maria, Reid and Caleb stared at the closed door not liking the sound of Liz’s state.

“We really screwed up.” Reid muttered leaving Maria and Caleb locking himself in his room to pout.

“Caleb?” Maria asked seeing the battle wage behind the boys eyes.

“I think you should leave Liz alone for a day or so, let her come to you. Tyler is right you can’t handle a blast from her, if her powers were to get out of hand Maria she could kill you.” Caleb said before he went into the room behind her activating his blood magic as well. He felt terrible for what he had done to Reid but the pain and anger at his friend won out for his stupidity. He knew that Reid did not hold his punishment against him but that only made him feel worse. He used dark magic on his best friend, his brother and that would always haunt him for years to come.

Down in the kitchen the Charmed Ones sat at the table looking stunned by the display they had just witnessed. They expected the others to be angry but not that angry. The emotions that flowed across the room were paralyzing in how intense they were. Behind the black eyes the witches could see the pain and anger of each member of the Covenant. They could not help the fear that coursed through them when Caleb and Pogue dragged Reid down to the cellar while Cole took Maria to the library where she would not hear Reid’s screams as Caleb and Pogue enforced the code of the Covenant.

“What did they do to him?” Paige finally asked.

“It is an ancient magic of the Covenant that the eldest males use to keep the others in line. Chase would have been the oldest son but since he was not initiated into the Covenant at birth the second son, Caleb took the place of the first son and Pogue, the third son, took the place of the second. They are in a sense the oldest males and the ones who need to keep the other two in line. It is a spell to make sure that Reid will never be so bold again.” Gorman whispered having witnessed the use of the spell many times in the past.

“It is not dark magic is it?” Phoebe asked.

“Oh you bet it is.” Cole muttered.

“How would you know?” Paige asked.

“Ladies the Covenant has a history of dark witches the magic that flows through them has practiced some very dark blood magic in the past. Spells that are used for punishing are dark magic.” Cole said taking a sip of his beer feeling the need for copious amounts of alcohol.

“I thought you said these were the good guys.” Piper said giving her husband the look.

“We have been through this a hundred times Piper, they are not evil.” Leo said sighing in relief when Alex walked into the kitchen looking paler than usual.

“Hey buddy you alright there?” Phoebe asked.

“No, yes, no, maybe, I don’t know.” Alex said opening and closing the fridge but never taking anything out. The sisters shared a look wondering what was wrong with the teen.

“Who is the girl?” Gorman asked his skin crinkling as he grinned.


“The alien?” Gorman asked.

“The princess. She called crying saying she was sorry for how she treated me and that she would see me in my dreams. My dream girl is going to visit me tonight.” Alex said looking at the occupants of the room in shock.

“I thought she was the enemy.” Phoebe said.

“She is, I am in love the with enemy.” Alex said leaving the kitchen once again. Cole got up and followed the teen his girlfriend staring at his retreating form in amazement. Alex went into the billiard room and sat on the ornate red sofa staring off into space. Cole sat down next to him waiting for the teen to speak knowing he would eventually.

“I have had a crush on her since the first moment I laid eyes on her in the third grade. I was playing outside before school with Maria, Liz and Pam Troy and this girl and her brother got of f the bus. She was perfect then and is now. She has always been cold but even before I knew her secret I knew that it was just an act that she was just trying to protect herself and her feelings, I knew she did not want to let anyone in for fear of getting hurt.” Alex said taking a deep breath years of pent up emotions rising to the surface.

“When I found out she was an alien it did not freak me out like she thought it would I was used to people being different than what they appear to be because of Liz and Kyle. She was more open with me than she had been with anybody her entire life, since she hatched from her pod. Then Tess came and I could feel the ice wall erecting again. Then Max was taken to the White Room and then the whole thing with their birth mom and the destiny crap I felt her pull away. I kept after her though even when she made it perfectly clear that she was not interested.” Alex said.

“What made you stop chasing her?” Cole asked.

“She visited me in my dreams, that is her power dream walking, she told me she was in love with Michael and that the four of them had decided that their relationships with humans was making them weak and that they wanted to give destiny a try. I never told Maria any of this because she still felt like she had a shot with Michael I did not want her world to come crumbling down like mine did.” Alex said.

“So what changed now?” Cole asked trying to keep his anger at the alien princess in check.

“She called me. She told me how she followed Liz, everything Cole. I could hear it in her voice that she had finally broken. She told me how she fears that Whitaker is one of the evil aliens and that she is helpless. She said that she felt that ever since she started spending more time with Max and Tess and practicing memory retrieval that she has felt herself becoming more alien and she hates it she wants her humanity back. She said she was sorry for how she has treated me and the others and that she will explain more to me later tonight. Cole man, I am afraid that this is all some big cosmic joke that her and the others are playing or she is only coming to visit me in hopes of finding out what me and the others have been up to.” Alex admitted.

Cole sat there for a moment trying to think of what to say to his friend. “Alex I know this is not going to help much but in a situation like this all you can do is follow your heart, if it is telling you that Isabel is truly sorry then I say go for it but this time take it slow make sure you are both comfortable. Start off as friends because form what you have told me she is not used to being emotionally close with anyone. Let her build up that emotional trust with you first and same goes for you, build your trust in her and then start a romantic relationship.” Cole said.

“How did a demon get so smart?” Alex asked giving his friend one of his goofy grins. Cole laughed.

“Alex I have been around for a long time, and as they say with age comes wisdom.”

“Thanks for this Cole, I needed it. Now if you will excuse me a hot alien princess is about to rock my dreams.” Alex said leaving the upper level demon roaring with laughter in the billiard room.

No one even bothered to stop and think that night that somewhere out there an upper level demon was plotting away to his black heart’s content. No one even bothered to think that maybe just maybe Barbas had one very good trick up his sleeve.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:59 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for all the replies! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 25: Alien in Ipswich

Max stared at his sister across the breakfast table wondering what had happened to his ice princess sister. Not that he was complaining about the change, it would make her easier to work with, but it was just so sudden.

“Isabel what are you glowing about?” Their mother asked making Isabel laugh.

“I am happy that Alex has agreed to be friends with me again. We have had a strained relationship this past year and we have agreed to work on it.” Isabel said her grin widening at her mothers elated look. It was no secret, Diane Evans hated all of the boys her daughter dated none of them were ever good enough for her. Alex on the other hand he was the kind of boy she always dreamed her daughter would end up with and it looked like things were being set in motion, what more could a mother ask for. Well a better girlfriend for her son that is for sure, she loathed Tess Harding that girl ruined the only good relationship her son ever had with that sweet girl Liz Parker.

“That is wonderful darling.” Diane said noticing her sons angry expression.

“Come on Isabel it is time to go to school.” Max snapped leaving the table in a huff his sister following after him looking sad. The drive to school started off strained and silent Max too angry with his sister to speak to her but that did not last too long.

“Why did you do this Isabel we all agreed that we needed to separate ourselves from the humans, they make us weak and we are better off without them. We have a race of people to save and in order to do that we need to follow our destiny and last I checked Alex was not Michael.” Max ground out.

“This coming from the guy who still chases after Liz Parker. Come on Max you are not fooling anyone we all know you are still head over heals for Liz. You have become obsessed with her.” Isabel glared at her brother.

“Isabel, Tess thinks Liz and the others are involved with a bad bunch that have harmed our kind in the past. We can’t risk this.”Max ground out.

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe Nasedo did something to incur their wrath? Did it ever occur to you that maybe Tess has her facts wrong and that these people Liz is involved with are not the enemy?” Isabel asked.

“I trust Tess.” Max said making Isabel sick to her stomach. It felt as if she was waking up from a terrible dream, her head was becoming less foggy and she was seeing herself and those around her more clearly.

“Why Max? What has she done that has made you put so much faith in her, we barely know her.” Isabel said.

“Hey just yesterday you were on the Tess bandwagon what changed? Isabel Tess was there for me when I needed her, she helped rescue me from the white room and for that I will always hold her in close to me.” Max said.

“Max she was not the only one who helped you know, Michael did much more than Tess did, all of us were a team. Also, I have had a lot to think about these last few days and I am beginning to see that some of the choices I have been making lately are not me. I am sick of being a cold heartless princess I want to be human again.” Isabel said looking to her brother hoping he would understand. She looked harder at Max and saw his knuckles were turning white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Looking up into his eyes she gasped when she saw they were solid black.

“You do not want to be with Alex, he is human and not worth your time. Michael is your husband. I am your king and you will do what I say and Tess is your queen. Destiny is all that matters to you.” Max said smiling when he saw Isabel’s eyes go blank.

“Of course.” She said turning around and facing the road again. Max’s eyes turned amber once more as they pulled into the parking lot heading in the direction of Tess.

Barbas stood there grinning at the scene he just witnessed, it appeared that the boy king was not so gentle hearted as he would have those around him believe. This could work for him. He watched as a red Jetta pulled into the parking lot and three teens got out. He could sense the magic flowing through them, in two of the teens it was artificial a rouse but in the other it was an old blood line. A short while later a viper pulled up in front of the school catching the attention of the students out front of the school. Barbas growled when he saw Balthazar was the driver and the witch Liz Parker was the passenger. Barbas made sure he was invisible as he watched the teens.

Max glared at the man driver the flashy car, Liz looked so at ease with him. He noticed everyone was staring at her and whistled when she gave the driver a kiss on the cheek. “Pick you up after school?” Cole asked.

“Yes please.” Liz said grabbing her bag giving him a small smile as she walked over to a waiting Alex. Since she was not on speaking terms with Maria it was decided that Liz and Alex would stick together while Kyle, the only other person with active powers would stick like paste to Maria.

“Have a good day Liz, call if you need anything.” Cole said before he pealed away knowing Liz was going to be the talk of the day at school. He had to thank Paige for her brilliant idea of using his powers to get the car to Roswell. It was not hard since he was an upper level demon and had moved larger objects before. After all he did not have that pesky personal gain thing to worry about like the Charmed Ones did. Pulling into the Crashdown’s back ally he parked the car knowing it was safe in the small town before he shimmered away. He knew Liz was having a hard time at school, the kids were making fun of her since Max Evans dumped her for the new girl Tess Harding. Then she was fighting with Maria so he thought it would make her feel a little better if he drove her to school.

Liz sighed as she felt the eyes on her the rest of the day. Kyle and Alex thought the whole thing was amusing and she did have to admit it did feel nice to be special like that but Max and friends would not stop hounding her. “So Liz who is the hottie?” Balinda Becker asked in the girls bathroom during lunch.

“He is a friend visiting from San Francisco, he is staying in the town over and wanted to drive me to school today so that we could sort of catch up.” Liz said applying lip gloss mentally groaning when she saw Tess and Isabel walk into the bathroom.

“Liz we need to talk to you, now.” Tess said narrowing her blue eyes when she saw Liz roll her doe eyes.

“Coming.” Liz said wishing she could just fry the blonde alien, but that would raise to many questions so she had to hold off on that one for awhile. But if the blonde did anything Liz was not held responsible for her actions. Isabel and Tess led the way to the eraser room not noticing Liz motion for Kyle to follow them. Isabel knocked on the eraser room door and when a couple opened the door they quickly scurried out when they saw Isabel. Liz stepped inside with them feeling better knowing that Kyle was outside the door waiting to come to help her once she gave the signal.

“Liz who was that man that dropped you off this morning?” Tess asked folding her arms across her chest. Liz laughed at the two blondes in front of her not believing that they could act so stupid. Here she thought Isabel had changed at least that was what Alex had told her.

“An old friend.”

“Really, well it seems like a lot of those have been coming out of the woodwork lately Liz and I don’t like it, none of us do. Liz it is too dangerous for us to have so many new people in town.” Isabel said making Liz royally upset.

“Listen here you two because I am only going to say this once. I am not your servant or one of your subjects therefore you can not order me around. I can and will invite whomever I want to Roswell and there is nothing you can do about that. They are not out to get you they are not going to expose you because they don’t care about you. The way you all have been acting makes them suspicious so I suggest you four stop acting insane before you out yourselves.” Liz hissed before she opened the door and left sighing when she saw lunch was over and class had started.

“We were not done Liz.” Tess said grabbing the other girls arm and swinging her around. Liz’s gaze hardened when she faced Tess.

“Get your hand off me before you find out what happens when bleach meets fire.” Liz growled.

“I would love to see you try something.” Tess smirked.

“Don’t tempt her.” Kyle said from behind the two aliens making the squeak.

“Kyle what are you doing here?” Tess asked.

“Let go of Liz, Tess.” Kyle said not falling for her innocent act.

“Kyle I really need to talk to her and she is not listening to me.” Tess said pouting.

“Liz needs to get to class leave her alone Tess.” Kyle said his eyes narrowing when he saw Tess scrunch up her face, he knew she was trying to use her powers on him. Tess strained trying to mess with his mind so that he would leave Liz with her. Tess stopped her action feeling drained not liking that for some reason her powers were acting up. She turned an angry eye on Liz only to blanch when she realized the brunette was no longer there.

“Where did she go?” Tess asked.

“She left right around the time you started looking constipated.” Kyle said before he left the two alien girls stunned in the hall. They were messing with the wrong people.

Liz stood out front of the school waiting for Cole to pick her up. She told Alex and the others to go on ahead that she was going to be fine by herself after all she was surrounded by a bunch of teens, the chances of Barbas or any of the pod people trying anything with her was slim. She sighed when she saw the fancy car pull up gaining the same amount of looks that she had when she was dropped off. “Hey Liz.” Cole said as he pulled away.

“Hey. Thanks for coming to get me.”

“Not a problem. I was shocked to see the others. You and Maria still fighting?” Cole asked knowing the girls were when Liz’s forehead crinkled in frustration.

“I don’t know what to say to her I am still so angry with her and Reid but at the same time I miss them. Reid is like my brother and Maria is my best friend. I just can’t get over the feeling of fear I had felt that night. Cole I thought my best friends were dead and instead I find out they were off having a good time.” Liz said her anger apparent.

“I am not going to try and justify their actions Liz but maybe you should sit down with them and hear them out. They are important to you Liz and during the rough times you need all of your friends behind you.” Cole said.

“But what if I hurt them?”

“Have Tyler sit there with you, he will keep you grounded.” Cole said pulling into the café’s back ally. The two got out of the car, they looked around and shimmered away. Max stood there not believing what he had just seen. Liz and some strange guy had just vanished into thin air, but he knew that there was no way that was possible.

Barbas smirked when he saw the confused look on the teens face. He made himself invisible and began his work. “He is trying to turn her, make her into a horrible monster but you can save her all you have to do is find her.” Barbas whispered.

“I have to find her but she will not listen to me she hates me.” Max muttered to himself.

“Make her listen you know how…just use your gifts.” Barbas hissed knowing his powers of persuasion were taking effect on the alien boy.

“I can make her listen I can make her but I have to get to her first.” Max said.

“I could get you there, all you have to do is reach in front of you.” Barbas said grinning when the teen reached out his hand. Barbas grabbed his hand before they shimmered away. Barbas grinned when he saw the old Covenant home before the Roswell teen. Max appeared to be coming out of his trance and he took in his surroundings.

“Go to her and make her listen.” Barbas said grinning when he saw the teen enter the grounds through the gate unknowingly setting off a magical alarm that no one in the house heard.

Max walked up to the front of the house peering into the windows. The home was dark but it was light enough inside that he was able to make out figures moving inside. “I love those.” He heard Liz’s excited voice cry making others in the home laugh.

“That is why I made them, Tyler said you loved them.” He heard a woman say. Max seeing that the people inside were friendly went to the front door and opened it. Max was startled by a sudden stinging sensation that shocked his body. He stood there for a moment trying to regain his bearings and when the sensation passed he went inside farther.

“Liz babe have you seen my math text book?” A male voice rang from down the hall, Max scurried behind the closest door and waited for the person to pass.

“It is in the bedroom on your night stand.” Liz said stopping in front of the cellar door. Grinning at her flustered boyfriend.

“How are you feeling?” Tyler asked pulling her closer making Liz laugh.

“I am fine just a little sad, I want to go and speak with Reid later. Cole convinced me that I need to work things out with Maria and Reid. I need my friends.” Liz said.

“I agree, do you want me to do this with you?” Knowing his girlfriend.

“I will not hurt Reid he can take my blows but when I talk to Maria, I would feel better if you were there, I don’t want my best friend getting hurt.” Liz said giving her boyfriend a sound kiss on the lips.

“Liz as much as I want to continue this I need to go to class. Love you and I will see you later. Good luck with Reid.” Tyler said giving her one last kiss before he went back upstairs to retrieve his book before he left. Max waited until the guy had left before he exited the room.

“Liz.” Max said making Liz scream. Her eyes turned black as she threw Max against the door. Piper and the others came running.

“Oh my god!” Piper said upon seeing the teen boy in the home.

“Who is he?” Phoebe asked.

“Max Evans, Liz’s ex.” Paige said as the others came to where the group was congregated.

“Oh no.” Max said seeing three very angry males approaching him this did not bode well for him.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:31 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks everyone for all of your wounderful replies they are amazing and I love reading them! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 26: Dead Man Walking
“How the hell did he get here?” Reid asked his blue eyes flashing black.

“Good question.” Cole said his presence seemed to anger Max even farther.

“I knew I had to get to Liz to make her listen to me and then all of the sudden I was standing in front of the house and I came in.” Max said.

“With out knocking?” Paige asked.

“I don’t have to. Where Liz is I am.” Max said crossing his arms daring the other woman to question him.

“Ah Max this is not just my house it belongs to my family.” Liz said pointing to the three boys standing behind her. She was not happy that the alien had followed her from Roswell.

“I was wondering what the jingle was for.” Gorman said coming down the stairs.

“What?” Phoebe asked.

“When there is an intruder in the home a sort of bell sounds but apparently we missed it.” Caleb said.

“Wait anyone can get into the home?” Paige asked.

“No. Max is not human he is alien so the spells would not kill him only make him tingle. He does not want to harm us so no other spell would be activated that would kill him. Demon’s not given a potion are not allowed in nor anyone who wishes us harm.” Pogue said.

“What do you want Max?” Liz asked getting to the point she did not have the patience for her ex that day.

“I want to talk to you Liz you have to listen to me.” Max said glaring at Pogue when he put his arm around Liz.

“No way are you talking to her Evans.” Reid said.

“Max you should leave.” Kyle said.

“How is he going to get back to Roswell?” Maria asked.

“I can orb him.” Leo said.

“Liz I need to talk to you please Liz I have to talk to you I love you please I know you love me to.” Max said charging at Liz grabbing her around the waist pulling her close. Liz’s eyes turned black as she used her powers to push him off.

“What are you doing?” Liz asked as Max made a move towards her again.

“Liz baby please…”

“Alright we do need to talk.” Liz said letting out a breath she knew this conversation was a long time coming.

“Great let’s go to your room.” Max said looking excited.

“I don’t think so. There is no way Tyler would go for that.” Reid said.

“There is no way I would go for that.” Liz said.

“Why don’t you two go and talk in the library.” Piper suggested.

“Great idea. Max I will go and talk with you but on one condition, Caleb is going to be in there with us.” Liz said letting her former boyfriend know that she did not feel comfortable being in a room alone with him but not in so many words.

“Liz I would prefer if we were alone.” Max said.

“And I would prefer if Caleb was with us, besides the others will not allow us to talk unless he or one of the other two is with us but Caleb is the most diplomatic.” Liz said which was true, Caleb was the least likely to kill Max even if he was the most powerful. It was not like the boys did not think that Liz could not take care of herself because they knew she could but they did not trust Max Evans and did not want to take the chance that he would try anything.

“But Liz this is a private conversation between us we do not need a babysitter your little friend can wait with the others.” Max said.

“Max my boyfriend would prefer if his brother was present.” Liz said heading down the hall ending the debate and leading the way to the library. Caleb smirked at Max as he followed Liz leaving the alien no other choice but to follow the duo.

Max paused at the threshold of the room recognizing it from Liz’s dream. This was where she first kissed another man besides him. He glared at the couch he knew the other man was sitting on wondering if he had been there recently, if he and Liz retreated there often. “Alright Max what do you want to talk about?” Liz asked not realizing that because Caleb was there he was unable to follow through with his plan of using his powers to win Liz back.

“Liz why have you been avoiding me?” Max asked.

“Max I have been avoiding you because you have it in your head that there is a future for us and I am tired of fighting a loosing battle with you. Max I have moved on and you need to accept that and until you do so I am going to keep avoiding you.” Liz said.

“Liz I know in my heart that we are meant to be together, Liz when you kissed me you saw stars…do you see stars with this new guy?” Max asked.

“No.” Liz said not liking the look of triumph on his face. “I see more than stars I see explosions I feel amazing when I am with him I feel powerful I feel loved and comforted and I feel safe. Max I love Tyler.” Liz said for what she was sure was the thousandth time.

“Liz I saw the two of you in your dreams, you two are not soul-mates he did not stir in you the same emotions that I did when we were together. All I had to do was touch you to make your skin glow.” Max said making Caleb scoff.

“Yeah because that means so much.” Caleb muttered not caring that Max was sending him a death glare.

“Max what I have with Tyler is everything I have ever wanted in a love life and then some. He is what I want Max and there is nothing more to it. He is not just some random guy Max he is all I could want in a boyfriend, best friend, lover, and father to my child.” Liz said letting out the last bit of information on baited breath. Max did not seem to take in what she had just said at first but soon he was shaking his head.

“Liz you are too young to be thinking about kids.” Max said trying to laugh off her comment.

“Max I am not too young, I am pregnant.” Liz said feeling Caleb come up behind her giving her silent support.

“No Liz that is not possible.”

“Max I am pregnant with Tyler’s baby.” Liz said placing her hand over her puffy stomach. Max’s eyes narrowed on her stomach and he reeled at the sight. Before either Liz or Caleb knew what was happening Max was on his knees in front of Liz his hand over her womb, glowing. Liz knew that her baby was safe because she was invulnerable but his presence was disconcerting.

“Get off her.” Caleb growled ripping Max’s hand away. Max sat on the ground breathing hard his eyes showing his confusion and pain.

“You are carrying his baby, you are happy about this. Liz you are over three months along.” Max whispered.

“I know. Max it was my destiny to carry Tyler’s baby.” Liz said. Max seemed to be sitting there thinking about what had been revealed to him. Before either Caleb or Liz knew what was happening Max was on Liz tackling her to the floor his hand over his womb sending pulse waves of energy towards her baby. Liz’s eyes turned black as she blasted the alien away from her and her baby.

Caleb pulled Max up from the floor, his jet black eyes radiating his furry. “You have no idea what you have just done.” Caleb hissed using his powers to drag the alien out of the library not caring that the alien was creating a fuss drawing the attention of the others.

“What is going on?” Piper asked.

“He attacked me and my baby.” Liz said hating that her gentle ex had resorted to such violence.

“Get your crystals Paige.” Caleb said opening the cellar door throwing the alien down the waved covered stone steps not caring that the alien could break his neck. Paige set the blue crystals down on the floor holding the last one has Caleb put him inside the circle smirking when the last one was in place. Max stood up looking around him shuddering at the power radiating around the room before his eyes landed on the circle of crystals around him.

“How is this supposed to stop me?” Max asked.

“I would love to see you try and get out of that Max.” Reid said laughing at the alien’s predicament. Max smiled at the group before he moved to exit the circle only to be met with an electrical barrier that sent waves of pain through his body making his teeth clench as he tried to overcome the pain but it was too intense and he had to give up. The others in the room laughed at his attempt.

“Oh Max, you are not going anywhere.” Liz said her black eyes flashing evilly, the alien was going to pay for what he had tried to do that she was going to make sure of.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 5:45 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks guys for all of your wounderful replies. I see all of you want Max to get his :twisted: all or most will be explained in the next two parts! Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 27: Back Lash

Tyler knew something was wrong the moment he stepped through the front door. He could sense a different presence in the house and Liz was agitated, how he knew how she felt was a mystery for another day. Alex noticed his presence and motioned for him to go down to the basement. Halfway down the stone wax covered steps Tyler noticed the problem, Max Evans. He was in a ring of protective crystals which apparently did not please him. Liz was off to the side with Pogue both in a heated discussion, the room collectively turned when they noticed him standing there.

“Now Tyler before we tell you anything just promise not to go Putnam on us.” Reid said putting his hands up in an appeasing way. Tyler looked to his girlfriend and knew that she was distressed about something which only angered him further.

“No deal.” Tyler said going over to Liz and Pogue sighing when Liz burrowed into him.

“Tyler, Max tried to hurt the baby.” Liz whispered waiting for the backlash she knew was coming. She looked up startled when he did not fly away from her and start blasting Max back to Antar. His eyes were jet black but there was a still and silent anger to them unlike anything she had ever seen. It was pure hate.

“Piper, Leo, Phoebe, and Paige please go upstairs. Cole can stay.” Tyler said Liz noticed that the three witches and whitelighter hightailed in out of there knowing that they did not want to witness what was about to happen.


“No I am not going anywhere.” The tiny brunette said standing firm making Reid laugh.

“Fine then stick to Reid.” Tyler said pleased that the blonde scurried over and took Liz by the elbow over to a dark corner out of the path of his powers. Liz might have wanted to get a piece of the action but she knew that she would have to wait until the boys were done playing.

“So you must be Max Evans, we have never formally been introduced.” Tyler said smirking as Max seemed to cower at his presence his instincts letting him know that this was someone far more powerful than he could ever imagine. “I am Tyler Simms heir to the Simms line, from ancient blood brought forth to dominate this reality. See my family has a bit of a power complex, we like dominating those around us.” Tyler said grinning loving that his presence was scaring the alien king more than he could have ever hoped for.

“Now Liz is my girlfriend and I hear you have been having a hard time accepting the fact that she has moved on.” Tyler said keeping his voice deadly calm scaring the others a bit.

“I’d say he is having major issues here, he seems to think he has some kind of claim on Liz.” Caleb said his black eyes showing his amusement.

Tyler grinned coldly at Max, “You really think you have some kind of claim to my girlfriend?” Tyler asked.

“She was with me and in love with me way before she met you.” Max spat.

“So not true.” Liz said, Tyler shot her a happy look before he faced Max again.

“Max I have known Liz all her life, if I have my facts correct you were in a pod when I was playing house with Liz. She always made me be the daddy and Pogue, Caleb and Reid were the babies. She even made Kyle the dog.” Tyler said.

“Yeah and look where that got me.” Kyle muttered making the corners of Cole’s mouth twitch.

“Liz and I are in love, let her go.” Max said.

“Yet she is pregnant with my baby.” Tyler said hitting Max where it hurt.

“Only because you tricked her into having sex with you. Liz was saving herself for me and then you tricked her into giving her precious gift up.” Max said.

“Max I slept with Tyler way before I even thought about dating you.” Liz said moving forward only to be pulled back by Reid.

“Face it kid, you were the rebound.” Cole said.

“Who the hell are you?” Max asked.

“Well hell would be the correct answer.” Cole said morphing into Balthazar. Max screamed at the sight of the black and red demon who was larger than any human he had ever seen.

“Meet Balthazar, Max, an upper level demon.” Pogue said as Cole let out a small laugh that sounded more like a vicious growl.

“Tess was right about all of you, you are all evil. Liz you have to listen to me baby these are bad people they are going to try and hurt you. Please Liz come with me we can go away and raise your baby together just the two of us.” Max said.

“Why should she be afraid of us? She is my little sister.” Pogue said and Max felt the air leave him. Reid released Liz and she stood by Pogue, it was then that Max recognized that their similarities were there for a reason, she was his family.

“No.” Max whispered.

“Yes, why do you think Liz spent the entire summer with me? Did you ever stop to think that the two of us looked more alike than is naturally possible? She has Parry blood in her.” Pogue said.

“No Liz is not evil she is good and pure and does not have an evil bone in her body.” Max said.

“Yeah don’t bet on that.” Reid muttered making Kyle snicker.

“She is not evil Max but she is one of us.” Tyler said wrapping his arms around Liz kissing her cheek which only seemed to enrage the alien king even more.

“Liz baby please get away from him. Tess told me that these guys are evil they kill people Liz.” Max said.

“Max I am not your baby. I love these people they are my family what part of that don’t you get? I am in love with Tyler we were destined to be together to have a baby together. You do not factor into this anywhere.” Liz said.

“I say we being teaching Max what happens when he pisses us off. After all attacking my girlfriend and kid does not sit well with me.” Tyler said.

“Okay I know I was going to let you go to town and then take my shot but please can I get in one good shot please?” Liz begged Tyler who instantly caved.

“Alright go for it.” Tyler said when Liz’s brown eyes turned jet black and she stared down at her hands and green sparks emitted from her finger tips, as if she was touching an invisible wall Liz stilled her hand in place sighing as wave upon wave of green streak’s emitted from her small hand flowing through the crystal barrier into the form of Max Evans who was screaming in pain as his body was assaulted by the inhuman current.

“I have Chase to thank for this little gift.” Liz said grinning at the amount of power she was displaying, she never had the chance to really test her powers.

“Liz.” Max ground out never taking his eyes off the tiny girl. Liz closed her hand and the sparks disappeared. Where green streaks had once roamed over his flesh red welts started appearing in the areas Liz had burned.

“See he was an extremely powerful guy, he had his powers and his fathers. Then you add those to mine and well I am a very powerful witch.” Liz said opening her hand to reveal a single white light in the palm of her golden hand. The boys in the room shuddered knowing what the magic she held was but Max stared at the innocent light lulled into a false sense of security. “See it.” Liz hissed as the light flew from her hand into Max’s body engulfing him in white light that poured out his mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. It was the light of death.

The light stopped and Max was left on the floor in a heap his whimpers sounding off the stone walls. The witches felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing Max had suffered so much. “Ah guys what was that?” Cole asked never in his demon years had he seen a power like that, a magic that left a grown man sobbing on the ground in mental anguish.

“The light of death. You know how before you die your life flashes before your eyes?” Tyler asked and Cole nodded. “Well this is similar to that except it shows all of the worst moments of your life, every terrible moment.” Tyler said making Cole shiver knowing that was far worse than death. Looking at the alien on the floor Cole knew that Max had seen more horrors than he wished in that one moment.

“Now boys go play.” Liz said before she bounced up the stairs.

Max turned to face the occupants of the room noticing Liz was gone. He never thought she had it in her to do those horrible things, she used his worst fears against him. “Well Max, now that Liz is gone let’s play.” Tyler said.

“Wait that was tame for you guys?” Cole asked.

“Very.” Caleb said.

“Please Liz did not want to do any real damage she was saving that for us.” Pogue said.

“I think I should give him a little history lesson first.” Tyler said grinning when he saw that his three friends had caught on.

“Please do.” Caleb said grinning when Max sat up grudgingly listening.

“Have you ever heard of Death, Famine, Pestilence, and Plague?” Tyler asked circling the crystal cage.

“Yes.” Max ground out.

“What about Chaos?” Tyler asked.

“Yes.” Max growled not seeing the point to the conversation.

“What if I was to tell you that there were originally five horsemen of the apocalypse and that Chaos was taken away because the others did that all on their own. What if I was to tell you that, that was how the Covenant was stated all those years ago. That we were the original horsemen of the apocalypse sent to this world to destroy it?” Tyler asked hearing Cole’s sharp intake of breath the teens realized that this was not common knowledge.

“All those years ago the original Source of all evil gave our family life, created us out of what made this world crumble.” Tyler said sending a golden ball flying at Max making the teen glow Max sucked in a breath at the images that assaulted him.

It was a strange boy he had never seen before standing in the middle of a mob of people screaming and flailing about. The teen grinned evilly at the chaos around him. “From Chaos Putnam reigned.” The boys silky voice washed over Max.

Next the scene shifted and Max saw Caleb in a mass of dead bodies. Max screamed at the stench and sight around him. Thousands upon thousands of bodies littered the area around him. “From Death Danvers regined.” Caleb said.

Max then found himself in a crowed street of an ancient city people groaning on every corner all skin and bones. There was not a drop of water in sight and the barrels of food sat rotting. “From Famine Parry reigned.” Pogue said.

Max cringed when he saw Tyler in a field of boil covered bodies, the stench was unbearable. Max looked closer and saw that the bodies were diseased. “From Plague Simms reigned.” Tyler said.

Reid came into view and behind him came a dark cloud that moved faster than anything Max had ever seen. “From Pestilence Garwin reigned.” Reid said as a swarm of locusts engulfed around him.

Max sat up gasping for air as the images left him. It was then that he realized Tess had been right these people were evil. “Now don’t get your head in a tizzy your majesty. See all of these little pests are part of everyday life. Death is not evil it is just a thing that happens to us it is neither good nor evil.” Caleb said.

“It is like our powers Max, they are neither good nor evil they are sort of on the fence.” Pogue said.

“But you are the plagues. Your in the Bible as being evil.” Max said.

“That was not us by the way we are only nineteen. Those were our ancestors and yes at times they were used for evil deeds. We have the potential for more than you realize but we hold it in never letting the full extent of our powers show. Now there are new horsemen, demons who will do anything to appease the source.” Caleb said.

“You have been miss informed by your little friend, she claims to know us but she is wrong.” Tyler said.

“Why are you doing this?” Max asked.

“You attacked my girlfriend the woman you claim to love and my child.” Tyler said.

“Not to mention you are a royal pain in my ass.” Liz hollered from the top of the steps making the boys grin.

“Get down here already.” Pogue said as Liz bounced down the steps.

“I got board.” Liz said shrugging her shoulders.

“She was mine, we were destined to be together. She is the love of my love we are soul-mates; two halves of the perfect whole. That baby should have been mine.” Max said gaining back some of his strength.

“I am not your destiny Tyler is my destiny and Tess is yours.” Liz said suddenly Max started laughing as he stared at Tyler.

“It must just piss you off to no end.” Max whispered.

“And what might that be?” Tyler asked.

“Knowing that I got there first.” Max hissed. Liz grabbed Tyler’s sleeve keeping him in place, she put a soothing hand on his back knowing his eyes were betraying his emotions.

“What? I bet it must have just killed you when you slipped inside her that you were met with no resistance, I took it not you.” Max smirked eyeing Liz like a piece of meat making her feel more than a little uncomfortable. “Remember that night Liz when we made love under the stars? Out in the desert on a blanket from my jeep. It was amazing.” Max said.

“Ah Max I never had sex with you.” Liz said.

“Yes we did Liz, under the stars that night in the desert.” Max said his eyes boring into Liz’s willing her to believe it.

“No we did not! I had lost my virginity to Tyler the previous summer.” Liz said feeling some of the tension leave her boyfriends body.

“Um guys…” Cole said he appeared concerned and frustrated.

“What?” Tyler asked.

“He is trying to use his powers on Liz, I have seen these cages enough and been in one and I know what it looks like. He is trying to use his powers on Liz.” Cole said. Tyler, Pogue, Caleb, and Reid advanced on the cage looking furious.

“So Max what are you trying to do?” Caleb asked none of them saw Liz lean against the wall clutching her head shaking herself.

“No.” She whispered.

“Liz?” Cole asked gaining the attention of the others.

“No how could he…”

“Babe?” Tyler asked.

“He mind warped me.” Liz cried tears streaming down her face.

“What?” Tyler asked his eyes blazing.

“I remember now it is like the cobwebs are clearing and I can see. It started at school he pulled me into the eraser room and told me how I wanted to make out with him and how I had to let him touch me. I never wanted that but he kept pushing and pushing and I felt this prodding of my mind and then I was kissing him. Oh god he made me take off his shirt in Michael’s apartment he warped them too! Then in the desert he tried to get me to have sex with him he said it was perfect under the stars.” Liz cried as Tyler pulled her close. The others were silent noticing the panicked look on Max’s face.

“How long?” Pogue asked.

“Over a year.” She whispered.

“Who?” Tyler asked.

“Me, Isabel, Michael, Kyle, Maria, Alex, his parents, my parents, and the sheriff.” Liz sniffed.

“Liz go upstairs with Cole.” Tyler said leaving no room for argument, she was too upset to care. The demon put his arm around the shaking girl and led her up the stone steps.

“The worst.” Caleb said looking to Tyler for guidance as to how he wanted to deal with the situation.

“The worst.” Tyler said. Max’s screams filled the cellar for hours as the four sons slowly tortured Max. The white room was nothing compared to the wrath of the sons of Ipswich.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:52 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks everyone for all of your replies I am glad you all like the twist! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Chapter 28: The Best and the Worst

The group sat convened in the kitchen trying to figure out what to do next. All of them were beyond furious with Max for mind warping Liz and the others. “I did not think he had that power.” Liz whispered.

“From what we gathered, he didn’t not before Tess got there. Liz he acquired the power through sex.” Tyler said waiting for Liz’s reaction.

“I so knew there was something going on with them. No matter how much he tried to deny it I knew he was with her but to be honest I don’t care. To be fair I was not honest with him, he had no idea about Tyler.” Liz said.

“How long have they been together?” Kyle asked.

“Since the end of the last school year.” Caleb said.

“You were right Liz.” Maria said.

“I had a feeling they were together but he kept telling me I was the only one and that we are not ruled by our destiny. I think we both proved that wrong.” Liz said grinning at Tyler.

“He has been warping a lot of people, the damage done to them is minimal but it is a good thing we figured out he has the power so we can protect our loved ones.” Pogue said looking at Maria and Alex in particular.

“Why did he mind warp Liz?” Phoebe asked.

“He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. He wanted his alien wife Tess but he could not bear the thought of Liz being with anyone else so he had to get her. He wanted both apples.” Pogue said.

“Eww.” Maria and Liz groaned.

“I am so happy that I did not willingly get into a physical relationship with him.” Liz whispered.

“That makes two of us.” Tyler said kissing her cheek making her blush.

“What are we going to do now?” Piper asked.

“I want to mess with him some more.” Tyler said.

“Agreed but I would also like to bring Isabel and Michael up to date on what is going on.” Caleb said.

“Sounds great.” Liz said snuggling closer to Tyler’s chest needing his comfort just as much as he needed hers. She could feel the anger radiating off his body and it made her anxious.

“I should be the one to tell them.” Alex said.

“Yeah since you are the only one who actually likes them.” Kyle said.

“Hey.” Alex said glaring at the Roswell jock.

“I will orb you to Roswell and wait outside for you, if you need me just yell for me.” Paige said.

“Oh that is going to be one fun conversation.” Maria muttered. Paige and Alex left the house and soon blue lights were the last sing of them before darkness settled over the land.

Liz grabbed Tyler’s hand and pulled him upstairs to their room she hated feeling his anger and wanted to make it go away. Tyler pushed Liz against the bedroom door and kissed her hard lifting her up. To say she was shocked by his actions was an understatement. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she let him do as he pleased knowing how upset he was. He seemed to know what she was thinking and pulled back to look into her eyes. “I hate what he did to you. If I could I would kill him but it would raise too many questions.” Tyler said.

“I know you would but you are right it is too dangerous to kill him. I just feel so violated that he did that to me just so that I would be with him. I don’t understand where all of this is coming from.” Liz said.

“I think he is messed up Liz.” Tyler said making Liz laugh.

“That my love is the understatement of the century. So what else do you have planned for him?” Liz asked kissing his cheek working her way up to his ear grinning when he had a hard time forming a coherent sentence.

“Ah we ah had…we had planned.” He stopped and kissed her fully like he had been dying to.

“Liz?” A voice asked from the other side of the door. Liz sighed when she realized who it was, Maria. Tyler let Liz down and huffed when he saw his girlfriend fixing herself.

“One second Maria.” Liz said.

“I thought you were going to talk to Reid first?” Tyler asked.

“I will I just have to tell her that.” Liz said opening the bedroom door. There stood Maria wringing her hands in front her eyes not staying focused on one spot.

“Hey Liz I was wondering if we could talk?” Maria asked.

“Sure, but first Maria I would like to talk to Reid. There are things I need to work out with him before I can work anything out with you because let’s face it he is much harder to work on.” Liz said and Maria nodded in understanding she could see the blondes shoulders slump in relief that she was going to get her chance to explain things. Liz kissed Tyler on the cheek as she went in search of her blonde friend. She knew he was not upstairs.

It had always been an ability of the sons, they could sense where each person was and if they were using magic or not and if they were in trouble. Liz was the only female ever to be born with the tracking as well. Except it always seemed to be strong when involving Tyler, for some reason they could even pick up on each others moods but they always chalked that up to their whole destiny thing. Liz knew that Reid was away from the others, in the cellar in the room off of the main chamber, away from Max. Liz quietly crept down the stone stairs her shadow dancing about in the flickering candle light. She saw Max in the crystal cage cowering not noticing her presence. Quickly Liz made her way into the other room. Reid looked up when he heard her enter. He was sitting on an old chair in front of a small fire.

“Hey.” Liz whispered.

“Hi.” Reid said relaxing when he realized it was only her. Liz sat on the arm of his chair knowing that he knew why she was there.

“I am pissed at you.”

“I got that.” He replied.

“Reid the only other time I was scared that bad was when I was being attacked by Barbas. I thought I lost you and Maria and then I found out you two were out having fun…”

“I know Liz we did not think I hate that we scared you. I just needed to get away from all of this, you know me I hate being cooped up for long periods of time I start to feel like a caged animal and if I did not get out of here I was going to snap.”

“Reid I know that but still think about it like this. What if I was the one who went out with Maria, how would you react then?” Liz asked she saw the wheels turning in her friends head.

“I would have flipped. You are like my sister I would have gone crazy thinking that you were out there possibly hurt…and you just made your point.” Reid said as his cheeks turned pink.

“See you would have felt like I did. Reid you are like my brother and the thought of anything happening to you made me insane. Maria is my best friend but you are my family. Next time you get a hair brained idea think about it from someone else’s perspective.” Liz said squealing as Reid pulled her into his lap hugging her tight.

“Forgive me Lizzie?” Reid asked.

“Forgiven.” Liz said kissing his cheek.

“So are you going to forgive Maria?” Reid asked feeling guilty that he caused the two best friends to quarrel.

“Eventually. With her it is different she does not know the risks and I guess I just wanted her to know the dangers. It is stupid I know but it is harder to forgive her.” Liz whispered Reid titled her chin so that she was looking at him.

“I think it is because you expected better of Maria. Liz you and I both know that I am known for not thinking before I act and that I tend to do rash things. Maria on the other hand is your best friend you expected her to know to think before she did anything but she didn’t and because of that you are finding it harder to forgive her.” Reid said.

“I guess.”

“Liz I was the one who convinced her to go.” Reid said.

“It is still hard. I plan on speaking with her after this but that conversation is not going to be pleasant.” Liz whispered.

“She is sorry Liz.” Reid said.

“I know.” Liz said standing up and heading for the door. “Hey Reid?”


“Do you love her?”

“Liz I have no idea what I feel at the moment. I feel that she is different than the other girls, she means more to me but it is still too early to call it love. I know she probably loves me or at least to some degree but you know me…”

“I know Reid. I think if given time the two of you will have an amazing relationship.” Liz said.

“I want it to be, like I said Liz, Maria is different.” Reid said.

“I know. See you later.” Liz said leaving the room. She sighed leaning against the wooden door dreading her conversation with Maria knowing that the skeletons in the closet were going to pop out.

“Liz?” Max asked seeing his ex-girlfriend leaning against a door he had not seen earlier.

“Max.” Liz said moving towards the stone steps.

“Come to torture me again?” Max asked sneering at the tiny girl.

“No darling Max that comes later.”

Liz made her way upstairs where she knew Maria was. She hated fighting with her best friend but she knew Reid was right, she had expected better of Maria. Collecting herself Liz knocked on her friends door and was immediately ushered inside. Maria appeared eager making Liz feel sorry for her. She knew that Maria did not mean to worry her but she had. “Liz I am so sorry for what happened.”

“I know.” Liz said sitting on the end of the bed.


“I spoke with Reid and well let’s just say he helped clear a few things up. There was a reason I needed to talk to him first Maria, I was not as angry with him as I am with you. I expected you to know what to do Maria I expected you to talk him out of it.” Liz said standing up suddenly to pace.

“Liz that is not fair to hold him to one standard and me another.” Maria cried.

“No it’s not but that is how it is. Maria you are my best friend he is like a brother to me. He has always been careless it is genetic for crying out loud but you on the other hand are not careless. Forgive me for expecting my best friend to have common sense and expecting her to talk Reid out of yet another one of his bad ideas. Maria I expect Reid to screw up but I don’t expect that from you.” Liz said.

“Liz that is so not fair.”

“I know that but that does not change the facts Maria.”

“I was caught up in the moment I mean one moment we were kissing and then the next minute he was asking me to go out with him. Liz I was not thinking clearly I mean I know you have had those moments, the baby is proof of that.” Maria’s eyes went wide realizing what she had said. Liz stood there her body stiff. Slowly Liz turned towards the door leaving Maria.

“Liz wait I did not mean that.” Maria said running after her friend. She raced down the stairs toward her room. “Liz!” the door to the room was closed but Maria could hear sniffling on the other side of the door.

“Liz!” Maria cried.

“What is going on?” Tyler asked the others behind him looking worried.

“I said something mean to her and she won’t come out.” Maria said flinching at the dark look Tyler sent her as he easily opened and closed the door on the group.

“What exactly did you say to her?” Piper asked.

“Well we were kind of arguing about what had happened and she had told me that she held me to a higher standard. I was so mad and then I told her how I was not exactly thinking clearly that night and that she should know all about that because she was pregnant.” Maria cried her body shaking as she cried.

“Oh man.” Pogue said Maria looked next to him and saw Reid who looked miserable.

“I did not mean what I said. I was just so mad that she forgave Reid over me.” Maria cried.

“She did so for a reason Maria. She was right we did not think but there was a catch there I never think before I act and Liz is used to that she is used to me disappointing her but you are her best friend you are always there for her and you never disappoint but then the one time you do it is a big one and she is having a hard time dealing with the fact that her best friend let her down.” Reid said.

Tyler sighed when he saw Liz back in her corner but unlike before she was not holding her knees to her chest but she was holding her stomach. He quickly pulled her into his lap on the floor hating the pain he felt from her. “Liz?”

She did not respond to him verbally but she wrapped her arms around his neck. He rubbed her back knowing that whatever happened with Maria upset her more than he thought. “Baby what happened?” He asked kissing the shell of her ear.

“Tyler do you think we were careless when I got pregnant?” Liz asked searching her boyfriends blue eyes for answers.

“Careless yes and no.” Tyler said.

“Yes!” Liz cried trying to pull away from Tyler but he held her firm.

“Liz listen to me baby listen.” Tyler said grabbing the side of her face gently. “Liz we did not always use protection in the heat of the moment that made us careless but the act that created our baby was not careless, do you get where I am going with this?” Tyler asked.


“Liz we were not careful but that means nothing, look at me Liz.” Tyler said gaining the attention of her two doe eyes that were so sad.

“I love you and I love our baby. Our actions were careless but the result was amazing.” Tyler said.

“You suck at making me feel better.” Liz said giving her boyfriend a watery smile.

“I love you Liz and don’t ever think that I think our baby is a bad thing. I am sure Maria did not mean it as an insult.” Tyler said.

“But she did.” Liz whispered.


“I told her the reason I was mad at her was because I expected better from her and then she told me that she got caught up in the heat of the moment and that I should know what that was like.” Liz whispered.

“So you think she was telling you that she expected better from you?”


“Liz you should talk to her, work this out. Baby she did not mean it she probably felt that you were attacking her. Please Liz work this out with her?” Tyler begged.

“Fine bring her in here but Tyler I need you in here with me, you can wait in the sitting area.” Liz said motioning to the other side of the room where a table, two overstuffed chairs, and a love seat sat. Tyler nodded as he got off the floor leaving Liz in her corner. Moments later Tyler appeared with a shaky Maria who tentatively walked towards Liz.

“I am sorry for saying that to you.” Maria whispered sitting down on the floor next to Liz she felt uncomfortable with Tyler sitting on the other side of the room looking at them intently.

“I am sorry for putting all of the blame on you. It’s just that I have known you for so long and I thought that after the stuff with the aliens you would know when to be careful it felt like you did not see the current situation as a threat that all that we have been through is nothing.” Liz said.

“Liz that is not true I just needed to get away from the situation it is getting to me I mean I am now dying just to go to school. Liz being stuck in someone else’s home with no electricity is a bit on the difficult side.” Maria said.

“I know Maria but we are here for our own safety, yours as well because you are going to be a target since you are our friend.” Liz said.

“Liz I am so sorry please forgive me I did not mean to treat the situation as trivial none of your lives or Reid’s life is trivial.” Maria said crying harder when she felt Liz hug her.

“I am sorry too Ria.”

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:49 pm
by Ansleyrocks
OMG guys I am so sorry for posting this so late, we have not had the internet here at school for awhile so I have not been able to get on, the library computers for some reason do not like my jump drives :x . Anyway thanks for all of your wounderful FB I loved reading all of your reactions to the last part! Plesae let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 29: Memories

Alex was nervous as to how this conversation was going to turn out. He hated knowing that the girl he was about to talk to wanted nothing to do with him even though just a day before she had told him how she wanted to work on their relationship. It looked as if Max really had messed up all of their lives. He knew that Isabel and Michael were going to feel more betrayed than any of the others even Liz had since they thought of Max as their brother. Sighing Alex knocked on Michael’s apartment door and was met with a glowering Michael.

“What do you want?” Michael asked.

“Can I speak to you and Isabel for a moment?” Alex asked giving the alien his best innocent as a baby deer look. Michael sighed rolling his eyes but let the lanky teen in anyway never seeing Paige around the corner doing a happy dance that Alex was in the apartment, that was one hurtle over with.

“Alex.” Isabel said coldly seeing the human. She did not understand why they would not leave her and her family alone.

“Hey, is Tess here?” Alex asked.

“No she is out looking for Max.” Isabel said.

“Great, look I need to tell the two of you something and this is not going to be pretty.” Alex said not really knowing where to begin so he figured he would just spit it out.

“What?” Michael snapped.

“Max has been mindwarping the two of you for months now. He has been messing with your minds making you two do whatever he wanted and when you resisted he only doubled his efforts.” Alex said the two aliens just gave him amused looks.

“Okay Alex nice try but we are not going to believe you. I cannot believe that you all are so desperate that you are trying to break us up just to get back with us.” Isabel said.

“Isabel in case you have not noticed we have been avoiding you all for months. Do you remember visiting me in my dreams two nights ago telling me you wanted to work on our relationship that you did not want to follow your destiny?” Alex asked.

“Yeah right I would never say that.” Isabel said.

“Wait Isabel that does sound familiar.” Michael said his face screwed up as if he was trying to remember something from when he was a kid but it was buried so deep it was coming in fuzzy.

“What? Michael you can’t be serious?” Isabel asked.

“I am I remember you telling me you were going to dream walk Alex.” Michael said shaking his head slightly.

“Isabel please you have to believe me I would not lie to you about this.” Alex said.

“Alex when are you going to get it you are no longer in my life, you hold me back.” Isabel said.

“Isabel listen to yourself you sound like Tess. Isabel please…” Alex said clueless as to how to get them both to break through the mindwarp. Steeling himself Alex swiftly made his way over to Isabel before she could react he kissed her deeply trying to trigger something within her. He pulled away when he did not feel her responding. She stood there motionless looking perplexed, her golden eyes went out of focus.

“Oh god.” She whispered.

“Isabel?” Michael asked.

“He is right Max has been mindwarping us.” Isabel said.

“What did he put some sort of spell on you?” Michael asked glaring at Alex who shrank back at his steely gaze.

“No Michael remember the night we went to the club and we saw Maria and that blonde guy? Michael you have to remember that was the night you realized Maria was in love with another guy. You told me not to let Alex get away that I should go after him.” Isabel said grabbing his face. Michael pulled away from her shaking his head.

“No Max would not do that to us, he made Tess swear she would not use her powers on us.” Michael said.

“But now he has that power thanks to his bed hoping.” Alex said gaining the attention of the two aliens.

“What?” Isabel asked.

“Your brother acquired the power through having sex with Tess. He is the one who has been mindwarping you not Tess.” Alex said. The two aliens shook their heads in the same manner Alex had seen Liz do it was as if they were trying to shake their memories into place and it appeared to be working. Suddenly Isabel looked up her eyes filling with tears.

“Why did he do this to us?” Isabel asked her chest heaving in her distress.

“Isabel sit down.” Alex instructed going over to the door motioning for Paige to come into the apartment the brunette appeared startling the two aliens.

“Who is she?” Isabel asked angry tears spilling down her sun kissed cheeks.

“This is a friend of mine, Paige Mathews. She knows about what has been happening. She wants to help, she is probably the only one who can.” Alex said.

“How?” Michael snapped.

“I am a social worker so I deal with the emotional drama all the time. Listen I have no idea what it is like to get my mind messed with but I imagine it is unnerving and you both probably feel betrayed by your brother but you need to listen to reason right now.” Paige said shocked when she saw the two aliens nod in agreement.

“Fine we will listen.” Michael said.

“Alright we have to fill the two of you in on a lot that has been going on…”


Tyler stared in fascination as his girlfriend at her strawberries in bed thanks to Pogue. She would dip them in cream and then bring the rip berry to her lips driving him crazy. She knew she was torturing him with her tasting but he was helpless to do anything about it since Maria, Kyle, and Pogue were in the room with them.

“So what are we going to do with Max now?” Pogue asked.

“Well we are going to wait for Michael and Isabel’s input knowing that since they are so close to him they would know what to do to Max to make him suffer the most.” Liz said.

“Man I want to mess with him more.” Kyle muttered.

“You have not even done anything to him.” Maria pointed out.

“But boy do I want to.” Kyle mumbled.

“How about we compromise and you tell us what you want to do to him and we will do it for you and let you watch?” Tyler asked not wanting his friend to use his powers that way since he was not as powerful and the magical drain would be immense for him.

“So Maria how are you going to take having Michael here?” Kyle asked being his usual tactful self.

“I will be alright, I have Reid and you guys. He has made it clear that he wants nothing to do with me.” Maria sighed.

“But we now know that Max was just making him say that.” Kyle said.

“I know but now I am with Reid and I have to admit I am much happier with him than I ever was with Michael. With Reid I don’t feel like I have to watch ever little thing that I say I can just be myself and not have to worry that he is going to fly off the handle. I can relax around him and have fun.” Maria said making Liz, Tyler and Pogue smile.

“Good answer.” Liz said.

“Well that was not just for your benefit.” Maria said stealing one of her strawberries making Liz pout a little strawberry juice caught at the corner of her mouth. Tyler sighed throwing caution and decorum to the wind, he was in his room after all, and he licked the juice off making Liz squeal in delight while the others groaned.

“Oh get a room.” Kyle said Tyler just gave him a pointed look making the jock roll his eyes.

“Well at least wait to lick each other until we are all gone.” Kyle muttered.

“Yes please.” Pogue said.

“Guys Michael and Isabel are here.” Piper said coming into the room.

“How do they look?” Pogue asked.

“Like hell. This has to be a big shock to them, please be nice to them.” Piper said as the teens followed her down the stairs to the kitchen where Isabel and Michael sat at the table looking around them stunned.

“Liz.” Isabel said her eyes zeroing in on her puffy stomach.

“Yes I am pregnant.” Liz grumbled leaning against Tyler’s chest.

“Since when?” Michael asked.

“A little over three months.” Liz said.

“Okay this is so weird I mean Tess told us you guys existed but we never thought that she was telling the complete truth, at least not when we were breaking out of the warps.” Isabel said her voice cracking slightly.

“Isabel what she told you is only half the truth, we were able to see what she told all of you from Max. There is a lot you need to know.” Liz said.

“I am gathering that.” Isabel said.

“Listen the reason our dads went off on Nasedo was because he attacked my mom.” Caleb said.

“What?” Michael asked.

“Yeah see like we said she left out a few key details.” Liz said.

“Why would he attack your mom?” Michael asked.

“Because he could sense the power she carried within her, me.” Caleb said.

“She was pregnant.” Maria explained upon their confused looks.

“And this power meant something to him?” Isabel asked.

“Yes, I am very powerful even in the womb my power could be felt to those who were in tune with the magical world. He thought that she was pregnant with an alien and he wanted to harness that power but my dad caught him before he could do anything too serious to my mom.” Caleb said.

“So the dads brought him here and beat him at his own game. He tried to fight but they were too angry and too powerful for him. He left with the impression that all of us are evil.” Pogue said.

“See we all look like our fathers, it is a genetic glitch of ours.” Tyler said.

“So when Tess saw you she remembered you from Nasedo’s memory and assumed that you were your fathers.” Isabel said.

“Right.” Caleb said.


Michael’s eyes darted around the kitchen looking for the blonde head he remembered from the club but so far he had not seen him. He wondered if he was a witch as well. “Who are you looking for?” Maria asked her ex.

“I thought there were supposed to be four of you guys.” Michael said.

“There are, Reid is upstairs preparing a potion with Gorman.” Caleb said.

“Actually I am right here.” Reid said walking into the kitchen using a towel to wipe off his face, he looked drained.

“Anything?” Pogue asked the occupants of the room looked expectant perplexing Michael and Isabel.

Reid broke out into a grin his blue eyes shining, “We did it.” Reid said.

“Oh yay!” Liz squealed hugging the blonde. The room let out a sigh of relief again confusing the two aliens.

“What did he do?” Isabel asked.

“I finished the potion.”