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Re: ROSWELL: Destiny Calling (CC,MATURE/ADULT)Ch.15 07/21

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:34 pm
by Shiesty23
Chapter Fifteen

“Reunion after long separation
is even better than one's wedding night."

-Chinese Proverb
*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... (Insatiable) …<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*
Maria stood on a catwalk overlooking the large dance floor of Club Abyss in amazement. It was one of seven clubs across the city participating in Spring Break Fest, where they offered live music from local artists. The Abyss, however, used their smarts playing up to the teenage crowd. No one over the age of twenty-one was allowed in the place, and from the packed dance floor, Maria assumed every teen in and round Roswell was taking full advantage of it. When she found out, she had been shocked. The place after all is a well known strip club.

She bet no one told their parents where exactly “teen-night” was going to be. She knew she hadn’t. No way would her mother allow her to come within a foot of the door.

“It’s something, isn’t it,” Liz shouted in her ear.

Maria nodded looking around. Who would have thought a strip club could look so amazing. She always assumed places like these were smoky and dim—seedy even. Obviously, the owners of the Abyss didn’t get the memo. Underneath the dance floor, squares of flashing colorful lights changed with the beat of the music. Large towers of speakers and multicolored strobes flanked the area. Catwalks, like the one she and Liz were on, crisscrossed about fifty feet in the air so you could get an aerial view of the people below. Platforms were scattered here and there with poles at their centers. The boldest of the party goers took full advantage of them, and the cages.

“Come on, let’s dance!”

She grabbed Liz’s hand, and tugged her along the walk to the spiral stairs that lead down to the main level. Once there, she quickly weaved them through the dancers and carved out a spot for the both of them to join in the fray. Man, it felt so good to finally relax and let the stress of work, school and what she and Liz been through with the dreams, go.

Maria swayed her hips to the soulful club mix, grabbed Liz by the other hand and encouraged her to follow her lead. She smiled with approval when her friend close her eyes and let instinct take over. Liz moved her body with the drumbeat, unknowingly giving a few of the boys around her a provocative show. Not to be out done, Maria responded in kind, letting the music take control.

The sultry lyrics of a lover who wanted to be with the one she cherished had her thinking of Michael. She still couldn’t believe he was back. Her heart accelerated at the thought of his whispered words before he left the Crashdown this morning.

“I’ve missed you so much. Every day I pictured your face, your smile…your voice. I need to see you tonight…hold you. Please don’t say no...”

The memory of his warmth, his touch, made her stomach tight and her thighs tingle. She came so close to cancelling tonight. If it weren’t for the simple fact that both she and Liz had been looking forward to this night for weeks and it being totally wrong to flake out on her best friend, she would have.

“Why are you torturing yourself?”

Maria’s eyes popped open at Liz’s words. Her friend shook her head at her. “You’re thinking about Michael…and don’t even bother saying you’re not…I told you it was fine if you wanted to see him tonight. I could’ve caught a ride with someone. Heck, Sean offered three times to take me even before we knew they were back.”

Shaking her own head, Maria grabbed her by the hands and pulled her into a short spin move. “You know that’s like against the best friend rules or something. You don’t bail on your friend for a guy.”

“Oh please, Michael isn’t just any guy.”

“No he isn’t, but still, we’ve been planning this and I want to be here.”

“Wow, what a load of crap.”

Maria swatted at her, laughing. “Oh shut up and dance,” she shouted, as the DJ played the opening rifts of “#1 Crush” by Garbage, one of her favorite songs.

Fog from a machine up near the main stage gave the gyrating bodies around them the appearance of silhouettes in the flashing lights. Thick wisps swirled around Maria, adding to the illusion of seclusion. She moved to the heady beat as the lyrics wove their magic in her mind, making her long for the boy she given her heart to.

It was then she sensed it—a soft tug on the edge of her conscious. Intuitively she turned her head toward the opposite end of the dance floor and spotted him. Michael Guerin. He wore a dark green T-shirt with faded jeans and scuffed black Lugz. He wasn’t dress for clubbing, but she didn’t mind that not one bit. Liz brushed her arm when he melted into the shadows leading to the private dance rooms in the rear of the club. All of which were locked to keep the young clientele of the night from having a way to convenient place to make out. She and Liz had gotten that info from some very disappointed classmates they bumped into earlier.

“Why are you still standing here? Go after him!”

Maria glanced at her best friend. “What about–”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll catch a ride home,” Liz shouted over the music.

Before she could protest, Liz did a little dance maneuver over to a circle of girls dancing together. Three of them Maria recognize as classmates.

“Hey, you guys mind if I hang with you,” she heard Liz yell out. They shook their head, making room for her. She smiled when Liz made a shooing motion toward her. “Call me later!”

“Thank you,” she mouthed before moving away through the pulsating crowd. Once she made it to the spot where Michael had stood, she paused, took a deep breath before stepping into cool shadow…

*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... (*><*)…<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*

Diane smiled at the sound of her daughter’s laughter and her husband’s chuckle from the living room. Both, she imagine, were probably looking at Philip’s old college memorabilia again. They had been bonding over things like that since Isabel got her acceptance letter to Boston University a week before they left Mexico. It was good she wanted to try and have as much of a normal life as she could, but the idea of her little girl moving so far away from home still made her nervous.

“I think the dish is clean, Mom. You’ve been washing it for about three minutes now.”

She gave her son a sheepish grin as she handed over the plate in question. “Sorry…my mind’s been wandering lately.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

She conned him into helping her with cleanup after dinner. She never liked anything sitting out on the draining board or in the dishwasher to dry. Her kitchen always needed to be completely clean and tidy. I’ve turned into my mother!

“How’s Michael doing,” she asked, distracting herself from that unpleasant thought. “Is he settling in okay?” He had become so much a part of their family, she missed him.

“Yeah, I guess.”

Max’s vague response had her glancing at him. Unlike his sister, who was enthusiastic about her future, he wasn’t showing an interest in anything about his life. She and Philip hoped coming home would snap him out of it, but if anything, he’s gotten worse—grown more distant, saying nothing but a few words if any each passing day.

Her worried gaze took in his far too pale complexion, and vacant eyes. She didn’t like the stubble on his face. In her opinion he was too young to have a beard. Thank God it wasn’t fully grown out. No way could she get use to that.

“Just thinking,” she murmured, when he caught her staring. She took the towel from him to dry her hands.


“Times when you and your sister were little, and how much things have changed.” Diane brushed his hair out of his eyes. He needed a haircut his bangs have gotten too long. “I’m also thinking that nothings happen in a while. Perhaps it’s getting better.”

Since that day on the beach when their powers went haywire, the kids took extra care to keep their emotions under control. Michael moving out may have helped ease some of the tension, but lately it’s gotten where Isabel and Max would start to spark off each other. A lot of it she knew came from Isabel’s growing impatience with her brother’s moodiness.

“Max have you sent off the applications I gave you for those scholarships my firm is offering?”
Diane shot her husband a discouraging look over her shoulder. This wasn’t the time to get after their son about college.

“Honey, can this wait until later—”

“Getting a jump start on this is important Diane,” Philip interrupted. “A lot of my employee’s children will be contending for those scholarships.”

“No Dad I haven’t,” Max answered, not bothering to turn to face his father.

“I gave them to you well over a month ago.”

“I just haven’t gotten around to them.”

When the lights started to flicker, Diane gave Isabel, who had come to the kitchen door, a warning look. Max was getting upset, and if her daughter joined him, there’s no telling what will happen.

“Son,” Philip went on in a much calmer tone. “I know you’ve been through a lot this summer. I also know what concerns you about being back home, but the war in Iraq has given our government something more pressing to worry about. I doubt even the FBI could spare a small group to investigate things around here at this point...and as far as the aliens who tried to hurt you and your sister and Michael…they may come back. They may not. You shouldn’t waste your life waiting to see. You have to take the steps to move on now before you look around and discover life has passed you by.”

Diane saw Max tense when Philip laid a hand on his shoulder. The bulbs in the fixture above the table blew then, startling her.

“I can’t talk about this right now,” Max murmured, moving out from under his father’s hand. “If it’s all right, I’m going to over to Valenti’s for a while…I’ll be back later.”

Releasing a tired sigh, Diane watched her son leave out the backdoor and her husband walk out of the kitchen. She hated this!

“Let him go for now,” she told Isabel when she made to follow her brother. Diane sensed Max needed some space. “How about you help me replace the bulbs and finish the dishes?”

She looped an arm through her daughter’s when she showed a bit of reluctance. One thing she learned over the summer was that her children were very protective of one another. The special connection all three shared is something she admired. “Give him some time sweetie, he’ll come around.”

*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>... (*><*)…<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*

Maria waited for her eyes to adjust to the deeper shadows, before continuing down the hallway where Michael disappeared. She discovered some kids hadn’t let lock doors deter them from making out anyway. There were couples leaned against doors and along the walls. Some were in the spotlight of the canned lighting along the ceiling, giving the illusion of them being on display, while others seem to fade in contrasting shadows.

At the end of the hall, a door to one of the private rooms had been left ajar. She suppressed a smile, knowing Michael must have used his powers to unlock it. Reaching out, she pushed it open. The moment she stepped across its threshold, lights came on reviling a breath taking sight.

From floor to ceiling, mirrors surrounded her. Some even hung in a much smaller size from thin wires giving the appearance of silver reflective rain. No props or furniture, save for a pole in the center of the room, was present.

Maria jumped when a pair of arms came around her waist. Turning quickly, her gaze locked with Michael’s, and there were no words that could sum up the intense wave of emotions running through her as she stared into his eyes.

She felt his touch a thousand times in her dreams, but now she had the reality. It felt like heaven.

“I’ve waited months,” he whispered, sliding his hands to her hips. “To touch you.” Maria gasped when he lifted her suddenly. She reflexively wrapped her legs around his waist.

“I won’t,” he continued, walking forward. “I can’t wait anymore.”

“I don’t want you to,” she replied, in a half moan when he pressed her back against the mirror behind her. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard fabric ripping. He had torn her panties from her. She was damn glad her mother made her get on birth control after she found her and Michael in bed together after he gotten in a fight with Hank. Because she doubted she had the willpower to stop this from happening.


She dug her fingernails into his shoulders when he freed himself from his jeans, and pushed into her, deep and hard. She cried out at the sheer pleasure and pain of it. They only had sex one time before. She was still pretty much virgin tight. But, oh God, it felt so damn good!

When he pressed his forehead against hers and took a ragged breath, she teased his lips with her own. Desire tingled through her body, racing like pins and needles up and down her limbs, as he began to move.

Trailing hot, hungry kisses from his mouth to his neck, she nipped him. His arousal jerked in reaction. He growled, angling her hips for full penetration in sensual retaliation. Maria gasped at the incredible sensation.

“Michael,” she moaned, squeezing him tighter with her inner muscles.

As he fervently kissed her, she realized they were creating the same colorful arcs of energy they had the first time they made love. It rippled and danced along their bodies and glimmered off the reflective surface of the mirrors around them.

She shuddered, at the faint quiver of her climax starting to build. The arcs of energy seemed to answer in kind. They increased their intensity. Michael’s ragged breath goaded her desire higher, causing her to cry out in need. Dimly she became aware of the mirror behind her bucking and wavering against her back.

Michael’s answering moan had her meeting his gaze as he moved faster. His eyes were savage, beautiful—alien. Wholly black, they impaled hers as he gave a final lunge and sent them both careening into mind-blowing ecstasy.

They cried out together as the world splintered apart. Glass shattered. Light fixtures sparked and exploded. But she didn’t give a damn. She clung to the boy she loved with all her heart and soul and let the rolling wave of pleasure take her where ever it wanted.