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Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 18 - 01/09/09

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:09 am
by PML
Okay, so my original plan is off by a chapter. There was just so much to write about before the assault of the Tower. (Including why they need to destroy the Tower. Which is discussed in this chapter.) Anyway thanks to all who are reading this story, I hope you enjoy.

katydid- Well, next chapter will have Maria waking up and the assault of the Tower. So Maria's reactions to both should be interesting.

paper- Siyan's gift to Signy is both very simple and very complicated. It has to do with what Siyan actually is, a Vaenir nature spirit, in a form similar to that of an Eastern style dragon. The Vaenir are associated with fertility and vitality, even to an extent wealth. So Siyan's blessing gave her a burst of pure life energy....

And don't worry, Kvar will get justice. Eventually.

Maria vastly enjoyed her stay on that island, if not the worry from the extra day.

Ah yes, the Tarnkappe. Powerful magical artifact that Tess will need. And yeah, you will get to see a brief view of Muspell in the next part. I would avoid that world. Niflheim isn't a good vacation spot either.

Max is the child of a nameless human woman, although just as in the show he was raised by the Evans. Isabel, who is much older than Max by the way, found him and Michael while following up some of her father's tales of Midgard. Zan was not a big believer in fidelity, and his good friend Rath, Michael's father, usually followed along on the King's extracurricular activities in Midgard.

The Granolith will be crucial in the end.

Marcus did betray the Council. He had some pretty solid reasons, but I doubt Nicholas would care. Some of those reasons for Marcus's betrayal are in this part.

Tess wanted to at least try to make it work. Max said he wasn't going to bother. And didn't. Every year he petitions for divorce at the Royal Thing, and every year it is denied. (For the good of the Realm, you know.)

Isabel is really pregnant. (Expect a baby boom. And yes there is a reason.) The Granolith is capable of warping space and time. So that alternate reality, while it was just a dream was also partially real. Alex and Isabel really had sex and that baby is really theirs.

RhondaAnn- If Michael had gotten there sooner, it is possible the potion would have saved Maria from becoming cyber. That potion will still be useful, as you will find out when Maria wakes up in the next part.

Liz had a choice when she was working on Maria. Save her baby, which was at that time only days old. Or save her heart. Liz saved the baby. Maria's heart will be rebuilt as will most of her body from the plans of her DNA and the records Liz has of her friend. LIz can not grow bone quickly enough to replace most of Maria's skeleton, so it will be synthetic as will some of her glands and she will have implants to account for the missing bone marrow.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 19

Stormhold Main Hall, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Max had been to Stormhold often. The Dvergar had been one of the few groups he could count on for support, if not always direct aid.

The Dvergar were a dying race. It was easy to forget that when you talked to one. They were tough and vital. But a quick glance around the Main Hall told the tale.

There were so few of them left. Age after Age they had fought against the forces of chaos and had slowly been ground down.

And it looked like the Ljosalfar and Humans were following in their footsteps. Would the day come when it was only darkness Trolls, Dokkalfar, and Jotnari?

A sudden voice in his ear broke him out of his sudden brooding mood. Of course, Liz was the most determined person he knew.

She would never give up.

“Hey, Max. How are things going on down there?”

“Slowly. The Dvergar and their guests are waiting for after dinner for discussing business. Hurry up and wait I guess.”

“Yeah, that is about what Alex said. He’ll be setting up a screen so I can see and be seen.”

“You’re not coming down?”

“Someone has to mind the ship.”

“How is Maria?” Max liked Michael’s spirited wife. And it would break his heart to have her die because he had worn himself out needlessly. If he had just trusted Kyle and Michael….

“She’ll be fine. It will take her a little while before she’s up to any heroics, but she’ll be fine.”

“Did Marcus’s potion work?”

“What potion? I am doing a nanite rebuild. She might hate me for it, but she is not going to die. Not on my watch. I wish I could have save Sanders. When you get back, we are going to have to discuss some sort of countermeasure to those ice bolts.”

“Okay. Um, I miss you Liz.”

“I miss you too, mister. I’ll get back to you, apparently Alex has cut a deal with the Dvergar about some scrap metal. Love you.” The line cut off.

“I love you, too.”

Max looked across the room and watched as Alex’s lanky form loomed over everyone else in the room. It wasn’t just his height. Michael had been right. He had presence.

He stood on an alien world, surrounded by magical beings of the ancient races. He had no ancient training, no mystical secrets. He didn’t even have an enhanced body like Kyle. Just a normal human.

But there was nothing normal about him. The world was ending. His own people near extinction. He was learning on the fly various ancient secrets that had quietly dominated reality.

And he was calm and collected. In command.

The Captain.

Max had spent his life being the one in charge, being the one calling the shots. And now? Now he was an advisor to Captain Alexander Whitman. Max did not know when it had changed. Alex certainly had never pushed him out of the way. In fact he had treated Max as an equal….

Max walked over to help Alex. Because in the grander scheme of things it did not matter who lead. It only matter that the deed was done.

Marcus had not gone into detail about the Tower, but Tess had.

It had to fall. Time to make it happen.

Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, Midgard

High Councilor Crosslin stood in the Old War Room and stared at the map. Red showed enemy controlled territory and blue the few remaining human spots.

He watched as the last city and Mexico flickered yellow and turned to red. “Were the Lexington and the Saratoga able to pick up any survivors?”

“Yes sir, both ships are full and on their way back to Colorado Springs. Captain Isaacs of the Lexington has requested to deny Monterey to the enemy.”

Crosslin nodded. “Has any trace been found of the Stargazer?”

“No sir. We have run over the jump residue from her last known position. The remnants lead to no known location.”

“He hasn’t gone to the moon again?”

“No sir. It is like Captain Whitman and his crew have just vanished, sir.”

“Alexander Whitman, where are you? I need your ship. Mankind needs your ship.”

Abandoned Temple to Heimdall, Antar, Alfheim

Isabel walked towards the entrance, drawn by sounds from outside. Had Alex come so soon? Kvar had said Alex would be here in a couple of days, but maybe he had come early.

But those were not sounds of a skyship, but rather sounds of battle.

Without thought she shifted into her falcon fylgia to get a better look.

She was halfway there when she realized she had not shed her clothing. She had shifted it as well. Had it all been in her mind?

Or was her Jotnari heart changing her? Would it steal her soul and make her evil?

She saw a small knot of men and women protecting a few children from a band of trolls.

Isabel swept into attack, her form fluidly changing from falcon to Alfar warrior, blade drawn. She did not remember drawing Calatin, but she wanted the trolls dead.

She wanted to feel good, to feel virtuous. To save someone, even if she could not save herself.

The trolls never saw her coming. And she broke them as she smote them with fire and Calatin. She stood there and watched as the trolls ran from her.

One of the men came to her, “Thank you my lady. I thought we were done for. Are you from the Fire Wizard’s Guild? There have been rumors of a mighty wizard come from the Guild to save us.”

“I am glad I can help. I am afraid I am no wizard. Do you have news of the capital?”

“Antar City has fallen, lady. But the army that besieged it was destroyed by some mighty magic. There were rumors of fire falling from the sky.”

A vision of a small smiling brunette talking with Michael suddenly came upon her. Michael was holding the hands of a small blonde, half of whose naked body was similar to a wickerwork basket being magically woven together by some arcane magic.

And on the brunette’s head was a small crown and she was wreathed in unseen lightning.

“Lady? Are you alright?”

Isabel shook her head and the vision faded. Something inside of her was changing. She was changing. But how and why?

And at what cost?

Isabel smiled, “Come with me. I have a place where you may find refuge. And perhaps in time safety.”

She turned to go, uncertain whether they would follow her.

Maybe her crystalline heart would make her evil in time. But until that time she would do what good she could.

She would be herself, be Isabel for as long as fate would allow. And gods help her, even after she would fight to remain herself….

Stormhold Main Hall, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Alex adjusted the screen slightly. Liz’s smiling face was suddenly seen. As was Michael’s, still in Maria’s hospital room, still holding her hand. Neither could leave the ship.

Lieutenant Martinez was also still onboard the Stargazer, and he was represented on a separate split screen with Max’s stepmother Karyn Haraldsdottir, as leader of the Ljosalfar refugees. She in particular looked uncomfortable. Not surprising as she was dressed in a ship suit and placed in front of a strange piece of technology.

But their War Council was ready.

Introductions came first, but Alex had already met the participants at the dinner the Dwarves had held in their honor. It was strange to actually hobnobbing with real Dwarves, but then he’d been in the presence of Elves for several weeks now.

His lover, no, she was his wife, was Alfar as well. He twisted the strange ring on his fingers. The Dwarves had been impressed by it, but unwilling or unable to tell him what it meant.

Just another mystery.

It wasn’t until Magister Jacen, apparently Tess’s teacher in magic, began to speak that Alex paid more then token attention. This information was new. And important.

“There are few masters of Earth Magic left, fewer still of those of us left on Nidavellir. It may very well be that I am last of my kind on this world. Even I would have perished if not for my great friend and enemy Marcus Frostfire….”

“Wait, I did rescue from that prison you were in!”

“You mean the cave you had stuffed me in? Would you have gotten me out if you had not needed to find out about the Ritual for your daughter?”


“Marcus, this isn’t about our past fights, but rather about what we have since learned. When he revived me twenty-five years ago, Marcus mentioned a plan to build a tower. One built on a world junction between Nidavellir, Midgard, Alfheim, and Muspell.

“The idea was to find a way to raise an unstoppable amount of energy so that the Dokkalfar could win the next war against the Ljosalfar. But the war had gone wrong for centuries before they had to sign that ruinous Peace treaty that all but banned them from Alfheim. How could they possibly overcome the incredibly powerful Ljosalfar? For even with their necromancy they could no longer raise enough dead to overcome their vastly more numerous foes.

“Add to this the aid, direct and indirect that the Ljosalfar gained from their unknowing allies on Midgard. For the humans were going through a period of rapid advancement, and the Ljosalfar have always maintained a better understanding and rapport with their mortal cousins.

“The Dokkalfar were looking at not only a long period of weakness, but unless the humans faltered, perhaps a permanent readjustment. Nidavellir is not as lush as either Alfheim or Midgard, and so unless something changed….

“Enter the Jotnari. They too were watching the humans with thinly disguised horror. For it is the heroes of Mankind who will be facing them on the day of Ragnarok. The fact that Hel can attempt to persuade the souls of those who die of disease or famine to join her…. Well the humans were working on eliminating both famines and disease, but they still could not eliminate their strife ingrained in them by the Gods themselves.

“Both Midgard and Alfheim are protected from direct meddling by the Jotnari. Thor’s boys in particular are known to kill on sight, while Freyr’s are a little more subtle they are no less deadly. But the Dokkalfar are not so banned, even though the sun of Midgard will kill them faster even than that of Alfheim. So both races declared war on Mankind. But humans were much too numerous for the Dokkalfar or their Troll allies to directly take on. So they used their own subtle magics to get the humans to destroy themselves. A harder task than they had assumed, I gather, but one they eventually were able to engineer.

“To persuade them to do this, the Jotnari built a Tower that would siphon a tiny bit of necromantic energy from the death of each human being. Not much from each human perhaps, but there were billions of them after all….

“So the Tower of Bones was built by the masons of Muspell from the recovered bones of men who had died unrecovered on the many battlefields of Midgard. To manage the actual necromantic magic they assigned a Rime Jotun of immense evil, by name of Tedori. She has been banned from Niflheim and Hel itself for her vampiric attacks on the souls of others.

“Tess has spoken of a child who was taken to that Tower, and I fear for the child’s very soul. For Tedori has gone further down a path of evil, that is simply unspeakable. For she he has taken to sending Dokkalfar to steal the children of men to consume.” Magister Jacen shuddered.

Marcus stood up. “This is where I come in. There may be some who wonder why I am here and not sitting comfortably leading the armies of Darkness. I will admit that there was a time when I thought I would do anything for victory. But then I met Tedori. And she offered to Feed with me.” Tears began to well in his eyes. His voice was hoarse and he was looking at Tess the whole time, his whole bearing begging for forgiveness from her. “I followed her up the Tower and into a small dining room. And strapped to a device was a little girl. She looked like a little angel and reminded me so much of you Tess. So sweet and innocent. And, and from the device there was a, a tap. And when Tedori placed a chalice under the tap and filled the glass, the girl would shudder in horrible pain. The chalice was filled with a clear liquid that glowed with a pure iridescence. Her soul. Part of her soul filled the chalice.”

Silence filled the hall. Alex scanned the hall. The Dwarves were stone faced as they watched. Tess clung to Kyle and he held her tightly. Liz’s eyes were tight. Both Max and Michael seemed angry. But the strangest response was from Karyn. Her face was fairly impassive, but Alex had made a lifetime of watching people trying to hide their feelings.

Behind those cool hazel eyes, lighter but still very much like her daughter’s, Alex could see pain and sorrow. And pity.

In flash he knew. She loved him. She had been the Queen of the Elves of Light, and he the leader of the Council that lead the Elves of the Dark. His eyes flitted back to Marcus.

It was returned. How it had happened he had no clue. How long they had….

Marcus continued, “I am a monster. I know that now. I know that I am evil, and that it is likely I can never make enough amends to atone for what I have done. But it was then, on that cool summer evening sipping the ambrosia that was that young girl’s soul that I knew that I needed to oppose this.” He slammed his fist down on the table. “That sometimes the price for power is just too high. That Tedori and the Tower must be destroyed. I tried, I tried so hard to convince the rest of the Council of the truth…. But one by one, by honeyed words or gifts of power Tedori won over the Council. And I was banished.

“I fought for so long alone. And when Tess was promised to you, Max, I remembered Jacen. And I freed him. In time I came across your organization, Max, and I sought to help you as much as I could, by magic or knowledge as I could. You should know that Kvar is your enemy. As far as I know he has never been allied with Tedori or Nicholas, but his actions have hampered yours. Added to the evil he has done to your sister….”

Max stood up and glared at Marcus, “And what of the child? What of her soul?”

“She is bound to me still. There is a fire, a cold fire that exists in the bowels of the Tower. The souls of the children are drained of all there energy, and slowly drift into that hungry fire that consumes the remains of their existence. It destroys them like they never were. I couldn’t, wouldn’t let that happen. I, I took her essence into me, to protect it.” Marcus sat down, shoulders slumped, tears flowing freely. “She reminded me so much of you Tess. I couldn’t, wouldn’t let her be destroyed. I still see her, still feel her…. I….” And the bravest Dokkalfar ever born, perhaps the strongest Alfar could take no more and he sobbed uncontrollably, arms folded, head down on the table.

Jacen placed a hand on Marcus’s shoulder. “And we shall free her one day. When Tedori is dead, and the chains that would bind her to Tedori are gone.” He turned again to face the others on the adhoc council, “You know now what you face. What we must destroy. Who will stand with us.”

Gran, the leader of the Dvergar at Stormhold spoke first, “You know you have my support.”

“And mine,” Spoke Karyn Haraldsdottir, “Although I must ask for assistance in arming my few warriors. But given arms we will stand with you.”

Max sighed. “Yes. I will help.”

Alex spoke up, “Of course. And Karyn, speak with Liz, she can arm your people if need be.”

Liz nodded, “I will get right on it. And any of the humans we picked up in Seattle who want to help.”

Martinez spoke as well, “Just tell me when and where, Alex, you know you have my support.”

And they planned deep into the night.

For tomorrow at noon, when the Dokkalfar were their weakest they would attack the Tower of Bones.

Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Signy lay in Ivan’s arms, his hands warm on her belly where her blouse had slipped up a little. His touch made her so nervous.

But unlike Kvar, it wasn’t all that unpleasant. Somehow Ivan always knew what to say or do to calm her. To allay her fears. And she was so cold, and he was so warm.

Prisoners did not rate blankets apparently. Many of the children were huddled together for warmth. But many of the older kids were paired off, and not all of them were sleeping.

She felt so full of life now. So awake and energetic. And her vague sense of people was getting sharper.

There was a reason both Ivan and Signy were paired off together. They were different, unlike the other kids. It was more than the fact that she was Alfar, for Ivan was very human. He had the same heavy feeling about him, the same electric tang. No there was something more.

He had been touched. Augmented. Blessed.

And so had she. Siyan had done something to her. Something wonderful.

Too bad Signy was about to die.

The feeling from Ivan was not the same as hers. He was blessed, yes. It was not a dark thing. But it was heavy. Doomful.

She felt him stir from behind him, and she felt a sense of tension fill her. It was profoundly disturbing, but again, not uncomfortable. She turned her body in his arms and felt him wake.

He smiled at her, “I wish we could have met under better circumstances. Your friends are coming, and with luck they will be here in time to save you.”

“And you. I don’t want to leave without you.”

“I must complete my mission. It’s not likely I will survive it. But you, you hopefully will. I just wish we could have had more time….”

“What mission?’ She absently started to caress his back with one hand, the other reaching his cheek.

He just lay there and smiled at her, “I was approached by an angel and offered a chance to avenge my people and help save mankind. My job is to be consumed by Tedori. To poison her. So you see, there is no hope for me. Tomorrow will be my last dawn.”

“No, no, I don’t want you to, to die.”

“It is my task, my duty. And Signy, tomorrow will be hard on you too. But where I must die, you must live. Between us, you have the harder task. Except that now, now it is hard. Signy, we shouldn’t….” And yet he kissed her.

Signy’s body felt like a live wire, filled with a need to get closer to her poor doomed lover.

And she did.

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 19 - 01/18/09

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:49 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone reading this story.

RhondaAnn- Thanks.

Katydid- Thanks.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 20

Stargazer ICU, Above Stormhold, Nidavellir

The first time Maria a woke it was much too early. Her neural networks had not yet been optimized and her implants were wide open to allow Liz and Stargazer to observe Maria’s functioning.

Maria wouldn’t know about this until later. All she would know is that when she woke up she could feel everything. And her limbs wouldn’t move, twitching slightly.

And she could see it from several angles. From the cameras she could watch as Michael roused from a dead sleep to her anguished squeaks. Massive streams of data flowed incomprehensibly through her mind.

She could feel the panic build and build and BUILD.

And then darkness.

The second time she was trapped in her head. Her head felt so heavy, but she could move it. Michael called for someone. She thought it was Liz. Liz smiled at her and said something she just couldn’t understand.

There was another man, of middle height in a dark cloak. His blond hair and cold blue eyes reminded her of Tess. He said something to Michael who fumbled at some small bottle.

Michael nodded and gave her a kiss on her forehead. A kiss that seemed to linger.

Why couldn’t she talk? Why couldn’t she tell him how much she loved him?

He smiled at her and lifted her head slightly. His eyes were still full of worry and love as he lifted the vial to her lips. “You need to drink this, baby.”

She tried to nod, but she was simply too weak. She did feel the liquid pour down her throat.

There was a cool sensation as she drank it. And the taste was simply unbelievable. She could feel warmth spread out from where it rolled down her throat. She could feel as the weakness and coldness left her limbs.

As she began to feel warmth flood through her, she felt the essence of joy and bliss careen through her. And it built and built and Built…..

And darkness again.


Maria opened her eyes a sense of wellness that she had not felt in…. How long? Maybe when she had been a child?

None of the tiny aches and pains she had felt as she had grown older were there. She felt shiny and new.

She sat up and looked for Michael. She could hear him softly snoring. Why wasn’t he laying beside her?

She saw him sprawled across a couple of chairs right next to the medical bed she was laying on.

Oh, That’s right. Didn’t I die….

Wait a minute. If I died I wouldn’t be here. I must have been hurt pretty badly.

She tried to slip off the medical bed quietly, but while her muscles didn’t feel weak, she felt uncoordinated. Like her body had undergone sudden changes. She stumbled awkwardly and looked for something more than a sheet to wear.

After bumping into this and that, nearly falling a couple of times, she spied a ship suit with her name on it. She had not felt this awkward since high school. Maria shook her head slightly as she got dressed.

She was halfway done when she noticed something glaringly wrong. Her skin. All of her skin except her right arm, which still held her wedding band, were completely untanned.

Pale white skin. Even on her shoulders and legs. She scouted out for a mirror and looked at her face. It was still tanned. But even there, there were changes. The tiny beginnings of wrinkles were gone. Completely gone. And she scrubbed at her skin to see if some form of makeup or foundation.

Only skin. Perfectly tanned flawless skin.

What exactly had Liz done to her?

A part of her reached out and she felt a…. barrier of some kind. And beyond that barrier there were rustling whispers and majestic vistas.

It scared her. Not the barrier. It felt…. Safe. But what was beyond the barrier scared her in some fundamental way.

“Nice to see you are up,” Liz said quietly as she walked through the door. “We were all worried about you. I finally had to drug Michael to make him sleep.”

“Liz, what happened? I vaguely remember fighting in front of Stormhold, and then, then everything got so, so cold.”

“You were hit with a Dokkalfar arrow. It was enchanted to turn you into ice. It almost worked.”

Maria slumped to her knees. “It is true isn’t it. I froze to death. I died.”

Liz looked at Maria, simultaneously amused and annoyed, “Maria stop being melodramatic.”

“I died. I died and you, you made me, made me into a m, m, monster.”

“Maria, you are not a monster.”

“I’m a cyber now aren’t I? Not even human.” Maria began to rub vigorously at her sides, trying to feel the metal. To feel the machine she now was….

“Maria, what are you doing?”

“I’m trying to feel the implants. Trying to feel the metal bits you have stuffed me with.”

“For God’s sake, why?”

“I know that Kyle….”

“And you thought I was making you into a combat cyborg? Maria you need to calm down. I just patched you up. But unless you want to spend the next couple of years bedridden, I had to take a few short cuts. And I will be honest, without a really nice gift from Marcus Frostfire you would still be bedridden, if only for a few weeks. I don’t know what he gave you, but I want to learn how to make more of it. It made my best mednanobots look like crude toys. Of course, from what Marcus said, it would have had a problem with the amount of damage you had taken.”


Liz reached over to the mirror and touched it on the side. The surface of the mirror was no longer reflective and looked more like a video screen. Lying on the bed was a very pale Maria, her right arm frozen in place. Black ice covered most of her body as medical robots began to operate, cutting pieces away….

“Slightly over fifty-eight percent of your body was converted to ice, Maria. Fifty-eight percent. Another twelve percent was too badly damaged to save. But over the years after eradicating cancers and repairing the destroyed tissue, well, building you from near scratch….”

“But am I me? Or do I just feel like I am me?” Maria slumped slightly.

“Yes. I say yes. I was able to protect your brain and spinal column. Your wedding ring actually saved your left arm. And I also saved. No, I will let Michael tell you.” Liz smiled softly. She paused slightly, head cocked, “Look, I wanted to head off any extreme reaction but I really have a lot to do. But before I go, let me ask you this. Am I a monster, Maria? Is Kyle?”

Maria shook her head.

Liz gave her a huge hug. “Neither are you. But there are monsters out there. And the Stargazer is off to eliminate one of them.” She backed away and looked at Maria. “Michael should wake in about twenty minutes. That should give you three hours before a working breakfast that both you and Michael are to attend. I suggest you and Michael spend the time well. He’s a keeper, not my type, mind… But he stuck with you. He watched over you through the whole process. He loves you Maria. He really does.” She walked back towards the door.

“And what are you going to do, Lizzie?”

“Well I had to drug Mr. Worrywort Evans, too. He will be waking not long after Michael. I promise not to be too late to breakfast….”

Maria shook her head as she watched Liz walk away. For a moment she forgot all of her troubles and worries and smiled at Liz’s happiness. She then walked back to where Michael still lay sprawled on a couple of chairs and watched as he slept.

Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

The last pleasant thought Signy had was of being in Ivan’s arms. He had kissed her forehead, “My love, things are going to get bad. But you must hold on. You must not give in. But it will hurt. They are evil and it will hurt a great deal.”

And he had been right.

She was now attached to a large enchanted pole. Attached by seven deep spikes up and down her spine, with the last imbedded in her brain.

And it would not let her die. Each of the spikes had sent out tendrils that had encompassed the whole of her being, body and soul. It held them securely. There would be no release until they were done taking all they could from her.

And take they had. Her breaths were shallow from the tiny remnant of her lungs they had left her, her now dwindled heart beat swiftly to maintain the tiny bits of living tissue remaining. And under her heart and lungs…. Nothing. Her skin hung like garment over an empty framework.

They had not cut her, only reached in and taken. Her skin had been no barrier to their questing hands. Her screams at the feeling of their bare hands on her organs cut off at the removal of her voice box. Then silence as they removed her ear drums. Her mind had shrieked as they took her eyes and placed them in a jar.

Those last had been returned to her, coated with a substance to keep them moist….

They had taken her tear ducts and her eyes could no longer close.

And she could not die. Worse the strange intense vitality that /Siyan had given her had stayed. Most of her flesh was being consumed by the depraved denizens of the Tower, but she could feel her body striving to repair itself. She was awake and alert. And she could see.

She was not alone, there were three others planted at various points in this room scattered with tables. Only Ivan seemed alert, his eyes burning fiercely as he stared at the pretty petite blond who was being tucked into the table, by a handsome young Dokkalfar.

Ivan’s pillar was already docked, and she could see it was doing something to him. Consuming his essence. Draining his very soul of the vitality that had made him who he was.

The other two victims were further along than Ivan, one almost empty of essence. Signy watched as one of the people at the girl’s table turned the tap and a glittering liquid poured out, and the girl’s soul emptied.

And still she could not die. Signy could see the ash-like soul remnant as it clung there, still attached to its body and the totem that had destroyed her.

A troll waiter walked up to the table and hit a button. One by one the spikes that held the girl gave way and the body slipped into a hole underneath it. A drained and empty husk to be discarded.

Signy could feel as a couple of trolls set her pillar firmly to the table were she would be the main course. And as they made the last connection she felt a horrible pain lash through her soul, and she could feel as part of her soul was liquefied and drained from the pillar into the tap at the table.

Signy was ready to be consumed. She saw the three Dokkalfar girls as they laughingly walked up to the table and sat down. She watched as they ordered a dinner of some sort.

There was no wine list. Signy’s soul would be the refreshment.

Signy felt a cool breeze waft up from underneath her. She looked down at her eternal fate. A few feet past the hole there was a net set up to catch her body.

But not the remains of her soul. For she could feel that cold flame underneath it all, could almost see its blue flames, eager to consume another soul remnant.

No afterlife for Signy. No rebirth. Only a few seconds as her soul was burned off and destroyed like it had never been.

She looked up to take one last lingering look at Ivan. His dark eyes met hers across the expanse. And he mouthed ‘I love you.’ before continuing to glare at his destroyers.

She did the same and watched as they took the first glass of her soul….


Nicholas looked at the sexless nude creature that hung at his table. Tedori reached over opened the tap/ A soft glowing liquid poured out. She filled a second glass and handed it to him.

Last night with Tedori had been both the most amazing and terrifying nights he had ever spent with a woman. Most of the night she had taken the form of Tess, and that had brought back pleasant memories when he had thought she would be the one for him.

Really he had never truly given that dream up. And Tedori had fulfilled those fantasies.

He turned to Tedori, raised his glass, and the drank. It was the most heady liquor he had ever drunk. It filled him with a warmth that went so much deeper than any natural substance could.

Tedori’s cheeks flushed as she finished the glass, savoring each drop.

“So what are we celebrating?” Nicholas asked.

“The circumvention of destiny. See that brunette over there, the one with the Wolf trim?”

Nicholas nodded.

“She would have in time brought the broken remnants of your race to permanent reconciliation with the Ljosalfar. Only it won’t happen now. She is drinking the soul the Ljosa who would have become the leader of the Ljosalfar. Little Mira is treading down a path that will tie her to me, to us. Let Freyr rage, his days are numbered, and with this act the Ljosalfar are closer to extinction.”

Nicholas glanced at his now empty glass and gaze at the mute humanoid who glared back at him. “So this wine…?”

“Is three parts Indari vintage wine from Jotunheim to one part human soul. Good isn’t it”


“Nicholas don’t pretend to be naïve. You knew very well what we did up here. Don’t make me regret my choice of you to father my next child…..”

Nicholas found himself caught at a moment of decision. For a brief moment Tedori’s enchantment of him weakened. The choice he made here would forever shape his destiny. A last chance granted to him through the anti-Jotun toxin running through Ivan’s soul.

A poison built not on hate or evil, but rather knowledge. Odin had planted a seed of prophecy within the boy. A soul scent Tedori would crave and desire. And consume.

And it would kill her in time.

But Nicholas could not fully comprehend this. All he saw was the choice between resisting depravity and probably dying by Tedori’s hand…. Or power, ruling over a slice of hell with Tedori.

As always Nicholas chose power.

“Tedori, my love, there is something coming….”


Meanwhile over at the other table, Mira sat with her friends/ Their time in the Tower had been a wondrous experience/ There was something wrong about the place, some hidden darkness. But the service had been great.

She was even thinking of buying the slave boy she had had last night. Sure he was human, but he had been sweet.

And this place was not healthy for his kind. It might be a little scandalous, but surely her family would be happy enough about her choice to switch to the Owls to let it slide.

Plus she was young and would not be expected to marry so early. And a few Halflings might be useful, particularly if they were day-walkers like their father.

The roast chicken was superb. The wine was better, filling her with a warmth she had rarely felt before. She just wish she knew what the nude creature beside her table was. I looked like a human, but there was a yellowish tinge to the skin and eyes. And it was sexless, its skin a smooth expanse without even a belly button.


But the eyes…. It was almost like she could see something there….

And she could. Of course, just as Nicholas could not fully fathom the gift of prophecy he was consuming from neither could Mira fully understand the Sight she was receiving from Signy.

But while Signy’s gift had been augmented by Siyan’s blessing, it was still an Alfar gift. A gift that Mira’s ancestors had spurned in their pursuit of dark knowledge and power, but still …

The tiny voice of her distant ancestors, those who had been called simply the Alfar, before the division that would sunder their race had never been truly suppressed in Mira. The voices, the ancient voices told her how to interpret the strange sensations and visual oddities.

For the first time she could See. She could see her seemingly bubbly friend Bonwhin’s slowly curdling soul, dying under the evil she sought to master. The evil that would in time master her as it had so many of the Dokkalfar. As it already had Hradis. Her bright aristocratic friend had already made her choice, had already traveled the distance. She was evil.

And what then of Mira? What did her soul look like? Mira was afraid she knew. But it took one glance at the poor girl trapped at the pillar to know that this needed to stop.

There were limits that should not be crossed….

Worse this girl was one of them, one of the Alfar. Ljosa, it was true, but still Alfar. And they were destroying her soul. Ripping it to shreds so as to consume the pieces.

This went so far beyond even Owl necromancy…..

It must stop. It must stop now.

Hradis smiled at Mira, “This has been a fine experience. It will be nice for all of us to be able to study together again. Together we will be unstoppable.”

Bronwhin reached for the tap and filled her glass one more time, a worried expression on her face as she looked between Mira and Hradis.

“Hradis, Bronwhin, do you understand what we have done? Do you understand the magnitude of our crimes?”

Hradis looked down her nose at Mira, “We are binding our friendship. Gaining an edge against all the competition we will face amongst our people. What need does this creature have of such gifts? Gifts that would only go to waste at her death.”

“Creature? She is a girl. And she is Alfar.”

Bronwhin took another sip and said, “Ljosalfar.”

Mira looked at Bronwhin with shock, “So you knew too?”

Bronwhin would not meet her gaze.

Hradis stood. “I always knew you were weak, Mira.” She raised her hand and spoke words to a common powerful death spell.

One that Mira knew as well. Hradis was a well trained and talented Owl, conversant with powerful magics. Mira was a Wolf, trained in both magical and martial arts. Had Mira cast a counter spell or an attack spell, chances are she would have lost and died.

But Owls have a weakness, particularly young Owls. They focus so much on the magical plane they often leave themselves open to physical attack. Hradis died mid-spell to a thrown knife to the heart.

As Hradis vainly tried to remember the Escape spell, Mira unsheathed another throwing knife and held it ready looking at Bronwhin.

Bronwhin’s face was covered in tears. “I’m sorry, Mira. I didn’t think it would come to this. The Council, the Council said if you resisted or refused to, to kill you.”

Mira said nothing knife at hand.

“But I, I can’t Miri. I can’t kill you. I loved you both. I, I hope that someday you can forgive me.”

And Bronwhin ran.

Mira stared after her childhood friend. Now what. Mira was now an outlaw and for what? She glanced at the girl still fastened to the pillar. A pillar that was keeping her alive and consuming her soul. “I am sorry, I didn’t know…”

She heard the sound of hands clapping behind her. “Bravo, bravo. And so Destiny still strives to maintain itself. How festinating. Too bad both of you will be dead. I shall enjoy consuming your soul, Dokka.”

It was the blonde from the nearby table. Only now Mira could see that it was no Dokkalfar woman who stood before her.

It was a Rime Jotun. One both ancient and evil.

Mira focused her power and assumed her fylgia, a Dire Wolf.

“Your pathetic tricks are no match….”

“Tedori, you must pay attention to me!”

“Not now Nicholas. When this is over I will consider listening to you. Already you are beginning to bore me. Perhaps I made a mistake after all.”

“Tedori, they are coming. A lady wrapped in lightning! A golem of steel! An alliance of the mortals! They are coming!”

Tedori growled her frustration at Nicholas.

Mira looked for an opening. But this was a jotun. Mira didn’t expect a good end to this.

The Tower began to shake violently.

Nicholas said, “They are here.”

For just a moment Tedori was stunned.

Mira attacked.

Rapidly approaching the Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir.

Kyle could see the explosions as Liz fired missiles and shell fire at the Tower’s entrance. The gates built to withstand the siege weapons familiar to Alfar warfare fell rapidly to the Midgard based weapons.

Mankind had been bred for war. For this war. The Final War.

Kyle knew none of this. Only the plan that had been worked out among his friends and allies over a pleasant breakfast. He could not know that he was one of a long line of human champions fighting against the tide of darkness.

He could not know that he was fated to be here. To be a Champion of Order and Good in this dark place.

All he could know was that this place represented and evil that must be stopped. And he would stop it or die trying.

As would his friends.

And so into the fire and confusion wrought by his ‘guardian angel,’ Kyle flew the Assault Shuttle into the breach.

The stunned defenders had no clue what had hit them.

Kyle smiled under his armor. As he opened the hatches to the shuttle, he said to all of his troops, “Showtime.”

The Battle of the Tower had begun.

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 20 - 01/31/09

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:08 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone still following along this little tale.

RhondaAnn- Yes, Maria's in for a lot of shocks. Not much in this part, but next part will display a bit more of what the strike team was up to.

Mira had to make a choice and made the right one. Now it is a good question whether she will survive the epiphany.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 21

A top a ridge two miles from the Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Kvar turned around at the sound of explosions behind him. The Oracle had warned him the timing would be tight, that he had to hurry to accomplish his task.

He had used the gate at the Tower to access Muspell. And despite his powerful magics his body still carried the scars and burns from the trip. But it had been worth it.

He looked down at the ring of black gold that glittered on his hand. He could feel its power course through him. Regin’s Ring of Dominion. With this, coupled with the power of the Granolith when brought to the Temple of Ascension on Vanaheim…. He would become a god.

He would become the god. He would watch as the Aesir and Vaenir fought their futile battle against the Jotnari…. Watch as the two opposing forces of the old order destroyed themselves.

And he would take their place.

He just lacked one thing. The ability to move through the worlds at will. But not more than three miles away she lurked. The lady of the lightnings, a veritable child of Thor himself.

Kvar watched as ruin was rained down on Tedori’s Tower. This too was good. Kvar could not have let such a rival source of power linger. It would be Liz Parker’s first action for him.

And after he stole her soul it would not be the last.

He felt a shimmer of darkness resolve itself in the bright sunshine beside him. Kvar glanced at the image of a small woman who resolved beside him. The Oracle.

Her voice always seemed so sweet, but as always it carried with it the scent of doom, of fate. “And so as foretold it comes to pass.”

“Will Tedori survive this?”

“She has been a good servant. But Fate can not be forestalled. The Children of Ask and Embla have come against her to avenge the near destruction of their race at her hands. . She can not run forever. Should she escape they will eventually follow her. At their hands her doom lies.”

“And me? What does fate foretell for me?”

“Power beyond the concepts of mortals awaits you. We may meet again before the end. Farewell Kvar.” And she was gone.

Kvar watched the battle unfold. One more piece removed from the board. Clearing his path to power.

For he Kvar Svarsson would rule all of heaven and earth.

Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Tess hit the ground as the doors opened. She had sworn to Isabel that she would do all she could to save Signy. And by her auguries the child still lived and was imprisoned above.

She felt her lover’s gaze on her as she swept the Tarnkappe over her.

“Tess, where are you going?” Kyle asked.

She hoped that Kyle would forgive her, but she had to do this. Tess became invisible and she ran past the guards heading as she had last time through the servants passages.

She didn’t have much time.


Kyle watched as Tess faded from view. He wanted nothing more than to stop her, or barring that protect her.

But he had orders. He needed to secure the drop zone for the following groups. So he, a few Marines and multiple robots began their attack. The defenders were still stunned from Liz’s initial bombardment, but Kyle knew they would recover.

They would receive reinforcements in just a couple of minutes.


Michael stared at the three wizards next to him. They represented all the Alfar magical traditions. And by some miracle they were actually working together.

He had wanted to go with the first wave with Kyle and Tess, but had been over ruled. His job was to protect the wizards so that they could do their job of defusing the Tower’s power base.

The Tower was like a pernicious weed. They had to destroy the source of the Tower’s power, or the Dokkalfar would still be able to tap into the enormous reserve of necromantic energy that was stored.

That was Jacen’s preserve. Both Max and Marcus would support him, but Jacen would be the one to redirect all the bottled power.

Michael might not like it, but right now he was a glorified body guard.

Still as he had told Maria they each had to play their part whether they liked it or not.

Sound advice. He just wish it didn’t apply to him too.

Stargazer CIC, Near the Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Maria stared at the screens and panels before her in. She ached to be part of the action. It wasn’t something she had ever advertised but she had become a bit of an adrenalin junkie over the years.

She might fear her ’cyber self’ that always seemed so detached from the situation. But always there was the thrill of surviving against long odds.

Now she was an actual cyber. And while the potion Marcus had given her had accelerated her healing, given strength to newly made muscles, her body was no longer the one that she’d had. Her mind might still have all its skill, her body did not.

She would have to learn to shoot all over again. Rusty did not even begin to cover how bad her combat skills were.

The mind was willing, but the body simply was not fully in tune.

So she was here. There were a couple of Feds manning some of the other screens. And Liz, bits of Liz seemed everywhere.

Maria could feel it. She could also feel another personality lurking, even more omnipresent that Liz. But it was hesitant to do anything outside of its set routines. Liz would direct and it would act.

Maria’s job was to help coordinate the ground forces, particularly the robots. All the humans, dwarves, and Alfar, on the ground were combat trained to one degree or another. And Liz could direct her loyal army of robots.

But Liz didn’t think like a ground-pounder. Maria did. Kyle would have done an even better job, but they needed him in the field.

So Maria would command many of the ground robots, in coordination with Liz’s control of the air.

It frightened her. It frightened her how she could sense the immense streams of data coursing through the ship. A part of her, the curious part of her that always got herself into trouble, was curious how much of the flow she could handle.

Could she internalize the huge amounts that Liz seemed to? Maria did not understand how her friend could do that and still remain sane, still remain Liz….

But it called to her. And so she feared it.

Dining Chamber, Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Signy watched as Tedori toyed with young Dokkalfar woman who had decided to save her. Signy could feel the woman now, feel her despair and pain. And her determination.

She would die before she yielded.

It was strange they were connected. The pieces of Signy that Mira had stolen, that Bronwhin had stolen called to her. They connected her to them, and them to each other. Her soul would have provided an empathic link between them. Signy could even feel Bronwhin as she hid under a table nearby.

She thought she knew why it was so important to destroy the remaining ash-web of soul fragment left behind after it was drained.

For when Hradis had died, she had felt the power she had stolen return…. Along with a piece of Hradis’s substance. If a ravaged soul fragment remained and recovered…. It would be a truly fearsome Draug, one with vengeance firmly on its mind.

She was still going to die. Her essence would still be extinguished. Only it would be Tedori who destroyed her now.

If only she could help, could somehow influence events. She willed her strength, the might she had remaining along those strange pathways to strengthen Mira in her doomed attempt at saving both of them.

But maybe they could hold on just a moment longer. The imminence of death and worse made each second so very precious…..


Lower Hall of the Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Kyle watched as most of the soldiers on the strike team began their descent. His job was to keep reinforcements from following his friends.

He sighed as he sighted the stairwells leading up. He longed to follow Tess. To protect her if she needed it. To help her if she didn’t.

It wasn’t the most professional feeling. He had fallen fast and hard this time. If they lived through this he would ask her to marry him.

She’d still have to divorce Max first, but it wasn’t like that would be a problem.

Marcus might be though. All the Alfar and Dvergar seemed very respectful. He had actually been kind of cool. But there was an aura of well, iciness and death about him.

Kind of intimidating actually.

Marcus walked over to him, “Well boy, it looks like it is just us now. Go after her.”

“I need to stay her and hold….”

“Trust me son, I can hold this section myself. And my daughter will need your aid.”

“I….” Kyle wanted so much for this to be true. To follow Tess.

“I look like just an old man, huh? Not a threat.” He walked a few yards away and … stretched. Tess had said something about a spirit form, a fylgia. Often it would give insights into the character of the person who assumed the form. A form that could change and strengthen with training and practice.

Marcus was a dragon. A real scaled monstrosity more than ten feet high at the shoulder. It turned and breathed fire onto a group of trolls turning around the corner….

Instant ice sculptures. They still had the movement they’d had before and one by one shattered into tiny black shards.

In a deep gruff voice, Marcus Frostfire said, “Go now and save my daughter. But know that if you ever hurt her….”


“Go. They won’t pass me. Plus you’ll raise such a commotion with that outlandish gear…. I doubt I will see many try to pass me by.”

Kyle looked again at the destroyed trolls. “Liz there is a change of plans….” He started with Liz, to coordinate his own personal attack run.


Upper hallways of the Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands,

Tess had finally fought her way up corridors to the chambers she had come so close to reaching. She saw the captives the monsters who held the Tower still had.

“Liz, we can’t leave these kids here.”

“Well apparently Kyle is on the way, if you can just wait….”

“No, I’ve talked to one of the older kids, they’ve taken Signy. She’s not dead yet, but the tales…. I can’t let her be destroyed Liz, I can’t.”


On Board the Stargazer, Above the Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Alex stared at his status boards. Things were going fairly well. The enemy had been entirely unprepared for their attack. The strike team was cutting its way to the Tower’s roots, there to dissipate all the energy Tedori had stored.

Any moment now something was due to go wrong….



“Kyle’s making a personal attack run….”

“Following Tess?”

“Apparently sir. I have moved a few more assets to help cover the Main Hall, but, um, it seems Marcus has it well in hand.”

“Okay, this has to be more than a rogue Kyle.”

“Tess has found a bunch of children. Children she can not secure because Signy is in mortal peril.”

“But those kids….”

“Yes sir.”

Alex thought for a second. “We are going to have to send in the reserves sooner than I wanted. Send Martinez to secure the children. And find a way to follow Tess. We need to support her as much as we can. If only to send Kyle to help her.”

“Yes sir.”

And Liz was gone, her mind encompassing so much of the ships actions. What would he have done without her?


Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Trolls do not believe in the gods. Their religion, what little remains usually focuses on local forces of destruction.

Kyle had just become a major deity in their limited pantheon. Draugar, Trolls, Dokkalfar, and Jotun, all who stood before him died.

This was not without cost. Kyle was almost out of grenades and rockets. His plasma rifle had been crushed by a Jotun mace. A mace he now held himself.

Useful thing. Felt almost like a weighted baseball bat.

It had been so long since he had thought about baseball. About the world that had once existed, about the place he had always desired in it. He’d always wanted to be a baseball player.

This wasn’t exactly the same thing, but he did get to swing away at those who had helped ruin his world.

“Kyle, we know where Tess is. You need to hurry. Things are bad up there.”

Kyle’s rein on his temper frayed just a bit more at the thought of Tess being in danger.

The part of him that always stayed calm and cool, even in the heaviest firefight spoke to Liz, “Be my eyes Liz. Lead me there.”

And she did.

But there was another part of him. A part that had caused so many of the other combat cyborgs to be put down. A red mist descended.

And Kyle Valenti became a god of destruction.

Dining Chamber, Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Nicholas watched as Tedori took her time killing Mira. It would all end the same. He could see it. Endless iterations playing out before his eyes.

A gift. A gift he had stolen. Sweeter than honey.

And deadlier than poison. He could feel it feed his doubts, bolster his insecurities. Could feel it weaken his psyche.

It would end the same. No matter what happened. Tedori was having some trolls clear off one of the pillars.

Mira would be spiked to a pillar and her soul drunk away. And the remnants of her soul would be burnt to ash.

And without Mira the Dokkalfar were dead. Nicholas was not sure how, but the humans would be coming. They would come in time. And kill them all.

Somehow they missed a group. Missed a place where mankind could rally and counter-attack. It would be super science verses the ancient magics. It would destroy existence in time, planets themselves brought to utter ruin.

But no Dokkalfar would see that day. If Mira died…. If the girl Mira sought to protect died….

He could see it. But what could he do? Tedori could snap him like a twig. He was surprised Mira had held up as long as she had.

Nicholas heard one more loud crack and a harsh scream from Mira as her arms were broken yet again. Nicholas moved to grab one of the large hammers even before Tedori requested it as she carried the body over to the now prepared pillar.

He found himself staring into the eyes of the one other person whose opinion mattered to him.

Tess’s whisper was harsh, “Nicholas, have you fallen so far?”

“I can’t, I can’t resist her. She is too strong. Not even your boyfriend could defeat her. Not without killing himself.”

Tedori called to him, “Nicholas, what are you waiting for. I could just push these spikes in, but the flavor’s not the same. Precision is the key. You need to hit those spots along the spine just right….”


“Do we have another guest? I see that we do. Well come on in. Join us for dinner.” Tedori moved towards Tess.

Nicholas could feel as his will began to unravel. As it could see every horrible thing that would happen. For if he fought Tedori he would die. But he could not stand the thought of just standing by, or worse drinking in the soul of Tess. Of watching as her essence was destroyed.

Nicholas just stood there, unable to act, unable to respond. Even when he went spinning into the wall from a slap from Tedori, even as he felt his arm snap….

Nicholas was frozen in indecision, poisoned by a toxin meant to lay low an ancient evil.

As it might yet.


Tess watched as Nicholas slammed into the wall. She drew her dagger. The enchantments would help, but they were not aimed at Jotnari.

She had to buy enough time for Kyle to get here.

And so she fought. Well, it would be safer to say and so she dodged. Still, all it would take is one mistake and she might trip over something and it would be over.

And in time she was pressed up against a column on which a body hung, its spine seeming to merge with the column. The tap was flowing into a chalice, over flowing the cups boundaries the golden fluid evaporating as it his the floor.

Tedori sneered as she saw her quarry finally trapped. “How fitting.”

Tess could feel her arm break as she sought to ward off Tedori’s blow….

There wasn’t a second. A large metallic hand held the arm posed for another blow back.


Tess could see something different in the Jotun’s eyes as she turned to face Kyle. Doubt.


In all of her battle, Tedori had shown no fear.

Kyle was different. He was the last Super-soldier of the greatest war machine ever made. And his armor was covered in blood.

Other creatures blood. Jotnari blood included probably.

Her husband to be, the Giant-slayer.

She felt as the being she rested against entered her mind…..


Kyle had watched as one version of Tess smacked another into a pillar. The other was wearing the Tarnkappe and her dagger clattered to the ground.

Kyle just knew. Knew who the enemy was.

And he attacked.

He was out of ammo. His energy stores were failing. And inside of his armor, his nearly impregnable armor, Kyle Valenti was dying. He had been hit too many times, pushed himself too hard.

He had turned off his radio too keep Liz from telling him to stop. To just wait for back up.

But he knew. He knew that if he waited it would be too late.

And it would have been.

At least Tess would live. He would miss her.

His battle with Tedori was fast, vicious, primal. It had started as a series of physical attacks and quickly ended with them wrestling.

He had won awards for wrestling in High School. And he had certainly had learned more in the Army. Only this enemy could change its shape somewhat, he could feel it flow beneath him as he struggled to gain purchase.

He could feel as it grew claws, claws that pierced his armor. But finally he grabbed the head of the enemy and began to throttle it.

Even magical creatures need to breathe.

Its attacks became more and more frantic. It would die soon.

It would have too. He could feel as system after system failed, as his biometrics screamed at him.

But to save Tess it was worth it to die. So he hung on and ordered his artificial muscles to overload, And beneath him there was a snap as the creatures neck broke.

And Tedori died.

Kyle swiveled his head slightly to gain one last look at his beloved.

She was so lovely.

And Kyle died.

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 21 - 02/12/09

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:22 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone still following this rambly little tale.

RhondaAnn- Kyle did not set out to die for Tess. He just wanted to protect her. And the potion Marcus had was precious and rare. Max on the other hand might be a little useful....

Michael likes to be part of the center of action, if not always the center himself. Sure the mission he is on is important, but if everyone else does their job, he just gets to stand around and wait for Jacen and Max to do their jobs.

Maria has all of her memories, but she has no muscle memory. So she knows how to do all of this stuff, but actually controlling her body.... Very inconvient. Somehow I think she'll still be of use.

Max is supporting Jacen. He is as much a bodyguard as Michael is. Both of them have a larger part in this part.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended. For good or ill, the plot and the cast of extras is mine.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer chapter 22

Dining Chamber, Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Tess felt as the being, the creature she was resting on entered her mind.

“Greetings Ava Frostfire!”

“My name is Tess.”

“Teresa Harding, yes that is who you pose as being. But know you can not fully escape your past. Do you wish to totally cast your people aside, to let them all die?”

Visions of the future flowed into her, the future of her entire race. Oblivion. It was so close. They had pushed themselves into this spot, had fought against the Ljosalfar, Dvergar, and Mankind. But each of those other races had made plans, had patrons.

They would survive. The Dokkalfar, if any survived Ragnarok would be little more than a different style of troll. The Jotnari would not save them, would hunt them like vermin as they would any of the other ‘lesser’ races.

Did she truly wish for the people of her birth to totally be destroyed?

Part of her, and it was a large part said yes. Much of their problems stemmed from their own weaknesses.

But not all. Not all Dokkalfar were evil, any more than every Ljosalfar was good, or every human a warrior. They were people like any other, and if there were factors that needed fixing…..

Someone had to fix them. But why her?

“I will not lie to you Ava, many dangers lie ahead for your people, as they do for all who would survive this calamity. But there is a chance, a path to reclaim the Dokkalfar. To bring a restoration of what once was. To end the division, to be again what was. For there to be just the Alfar. But to do this you must save Mira and Signy. They are critical to the fight. Save them please. Mira for her honor, and Signy, save Signy because I love her. I beg of you.”

Tess saw as the person before her began to fade, as the last crumbs of energy in its soul were consumed in its conversation with her. “What of you?”

“I have served my purpose. I thought the poison I bear would have been enough to destroy Tedori, but your husband-to-be….. Vanity on my part I suppose. No matter, that she falls to a Son of Ask and Embla is all that matters. Fate, even for those who can foretell the future can be a strange thing. Goodbye. Train them well!” The last thought was faint as the last of the essence trickled out of the tap. One last golden drop hit the floor.

Ivan was dead. More than dead. His soul having no energy or spirit to make any travel began to drift down, towards the cold blue flames that were the Towers heart. To be destroyed as if he had never been.

Tess was shaking as her mind flashed back to a dark night so very long ago. To a time when she had entered her father’s library. A book had lain open and she had read the page. To this day the spell seared her soul.

It had been a spell to take possession of another’s soul.

The thought that her father would be involved in such dark magic…. She had read it over and over, until the implications of what it would do to the other person truly sank in.

She had never cast it.

Until now. The hard cold words rattled from her mouth. She had to. She did not truly know this boy, but she now what her father had done for the little girl. Ivan would haunt her, but in time she could let him go, could free him so he could gain his just rewards for his sacrifice.

And so the ash-web remnants of him became part of her. It felt uncomfortable, crowded. And still it did now react. And so she gave a tiny bit of her substance, a tiny bit of her energy.

And it awoke and with a surprised grin of gratitude and surprise faded from view. Into her. He faded into her?

She would have to ask her father.

Tess came to her senses in time to see Kyle mouth the words ‘I love you,’ before he died.

And in that now quiet chamber, Tess cried out and rushed to the man who she loved. The man who had died to save her.

Lower Basement of the Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Michael had expected a bit more excitement. But Marcus had held the upper chambers, and there had been few creatures down here.

Apparently Kyle was keeping most of the defenders of the Tower busy by himself.

Michael felt as a change rippled through the Tower. As if an oppressive weight had been lifted from all of their shoulders.

Magister Jacen smiled. “Tedori is dead. This will be easier than I thought. Max can you open this door for me?”

Max walked up and lifting his now blazingly bright cane struck the door. And it collapsed/

The wizards always got the cool tricks.

Before them was a small bedroom. A small woman, looking much like a child, but the eyes, the eyes were much to ancient. Ancient and evil.

Michael readied himself to defend Jacen and Max….

The woman spoke up, “Welcome my friends, my dearest enemies. Know that even your actions here are naught but a side show. Ragnarok continues apace, and your peoples die unprotected. Chaos shall prevail!”

And she was gone.

Max spoke, “The Oracle. That was the Oracle of the Tower.”

“Older than the Tower, my dear Fire Wizard. She has been the enemy, or perhaps the servant of the true enemy from the beginning. She or any master she has seeks the destruction of all, the recreation of that first Chaos.”

Michael said, still looking around cautiously, “Uh, why would anyone have anything to do with such a thing? I mean even the Jotnari don’t want the worlds to completely die. Who wants complete chaos rampant?”

Max said quietly, “It is said her words are always true. That she sees much of what will be.”

“Fools, my good man, they are fools. It is better to shape your future than to let the words of chaos sway you. But too many of our people are fools, I dare say. Come, past these rooms are….”

One of the quiet robots that surrounded them spoke up, “Max we need you! Kyle is hurt badly, and well, we need you. Can you make it up the Tower? I can send a Valkyrie to take you to him, but you will have to get to the surface….”

Max looked at Jacen.

Jacen smiled at him, “The gift you have is precious. Go save the human warrior if you can. These Steel Men can protect me.”

Michael nodded, “Okay lets go.”

Max shook his head, “You stay here. They will fight to protect this. Call me if you need me. Liz there is no need to send you ship. But I will need you to guide me.” Max spoke a few words in some ancient tongue.

And he was gone. A large black Raven in its place flying up the hallway.

Michael just shook his head. “Show off.”

He and Jacen continued through the Oracle’s apartments until they got to a chamber that was full of blue flame.

And Jacen began the ritual that would free the stored life energy contained in the fire. Energy from the souls of men.

Stargazer CIC, Above the Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Maria watched as Max flew away. Could Michael do that too?

Her mind rested lightly through her link to each of the six robots that remained with Michael and Jacen. The other Alfar and Dvergar were covering various corridors that lead to where they began to stop that weird flame thing.

Believing the impossible had become increasingly commonplace for her.

She just wish she could be a little less impossible herself. She checked on the other groups of robots that were scattered around the Tower.

It was funny but many of the enemy had seemed to suddenly weaken right when Jacen had said Tedori was dead. The various groups were for the most part being left alone.

But then Jacen began chanting and the big guys. The ones the Alfar were calling Jotnari began to attack again, almost in a panic. Worse they began to drive the remaining Draugar and Trolls before them. Maria watched as one group between Michael and the Main Hall was overwhelmed. Her few small robots were crushed under the weight of the attack.

She couldn’t see if anyone escaped.

She had one of the robots with Michael reach out a hand to him, “Michael, one of the other groups just got wiped out. And I think they are headed here.”

Michael took one look at the now chanting Jacen. “We can’t leave now. Can Liz send reinforcements.”

Maria shook the robots head as much as it could, “She already sent the reserves to help rescue the children above. It will take them at least a half hour before they could get here. Maybe we should regroup.”

Michael shook his head, “No, Jacen’s already started. This isn’t the sort of thing you can leave half done.”


“We need to protect him.”

And I need to protect you. “Okay. But I want you to be careful. God, I want to be there with you.”

“It is better that you are not. At least I can feel assured that you are safe.”


“I know, I love you too, Pixie.

Maria began to set up positions for her troops. At first remaining lightly in each robot seemed enough. But this was Michael….. Unbeknownst to her she began investing more and more of herself.

When the attack began, the robots acted in perfect harmony. As if they were all part of one person, one mind.

So they were. For all the fears Maria had had dissipated in her desire to protect her beloved. She through all of her knowledge and passion into the fragile AI’s running the robots. Robots that no longer took foolish chances. Robots that now had all the experience Maria had in fighting irregular warfare in Mexico.

And Maria had been good.


Kyle opened his eyes and saw a brightly lit valley. It was filled with some kind of flowers that filled the air with a heady aroma. He wished he could pick Tess a bouquet. She would love them.

He was wearing his old Army fatigues, clothes he hadn’t worn in years. Not since Dad had freed him from the rebel Army group that had tried to stage a coup.

He’d been lucky. Some of the soldiers who had been in the program earlier had actually been involved in the fight.

Just another reason most of the remaining people hated cyborgs.

He heard the sound of galloping horse. And on its back was a beautiful armored woman. She looked familiar.

Kyle had met her once before. Before the Army Valkyrie had resuscitated him.

The woman rode up to him, “Well done Kyle. Very well done, no grasp my hand and you can receive the reward you should have been given last time.”


“The glory and honor of fighting with the Gods against the Giants in Ragnarok. It will surely raise their spirits to have an actual giant-slayer amongst them.”


“Sieglinde, depart. You can not have him. By rights of the ancient covenant, I claim him.”

“Freya! He is mine, as he was supposed to be mine before those damn doctors wrest him away from me.”

Kyle lowered the hand he had raised to grab the woman on horsebacks hand and looked behind him. If the woman before him had been beautiful, this new woman put her to shame. A candle to the noon day sun, the new woman was tall, blonde, and blue eyed. “Look, there is enough of me for both of you….”

Freya just smiled at him, and Kyle’s heart filled with joy.

“Freya we need him. The final battle is near at hand.”

“I have right to half of those slain, Sieglinde, you know that. And I choose him.”

“But last time….”

“He is a changed man. Before he desired honors and glory for himself and his people. Now he desires merely to protect them. He is mine. Unless you wish to abrogate the treaty bonding the Vaenir to the Aesir on the very eve of battle?”

“I, I….”

“Go along now. Surely there are others to collect. The world is a very charnel house these days. No go.”

“I will speak to my father about this.”

“Speak to Odin if you will. By treaty I claim him.”

Kyle began feeling odd, heavy.

“Freya, hurry. He will escape!”

Kyle felt a hand touch his shoulder, easing some of the pain that was now filling him. Pain everywhere. He felt a kiss touch his cheek as everything began to go black.

“Go back to her my child. Go back to your wife to be and the son that she bears. You have done well, my child.”

On board Valkyrie Five, Enroute to the Stargazer, Nidavellir

Kyle’s world was a numbness that partly covered a world of pain. His eyes flicked open and he saw the crystal blue eyes of Tess.

“Oh, Kyle! Hold on please! Just a little longer!”

How he wished he could tell her how much he loved her, how much she had come to mean to him?

Tess looked over his body at someone else. She was so pretty. “Max isn’t there anything else you can do?”

Max shambled over to his bed, unsteadily because of the turbulence of their flight. He looked completely exhausted. He looked over Kyle and muttered a few words. “I have done what I can, Tess. I pulled the man from the brink of death, possibly a little beyond. But not far enough I couldn’t reach. But….”

“But what. I think I had help. I think one of the Gods is helping us.”


“I don’t know. And I’m too tired to think. Ask me again after I’ve gotten some rest.”

And Kyle blanked out. Alive and in the company of friends.

Cheyanne Mountain, Colorado, Midgard

High Councilor Crosslin watched the screens that showed the remaining forces of humanity. Five small outposts remained. Two would likely fall within the day.

Cheyanne Mountain would likely fall the day after. The last remnants of the Indian and Chinese forces were holed up in a section of the Himalayas. They would likely be the last group to fall.

Then it would be scattered airships and naval vessels. And… and old General Valenti on the moon. How had Crosslin forgotten him?

He closed his eyes. As far as he knew, the moon base was self sufficient to a degree. But there were so few people up there….

One of the Lieutenants broke his reverie. “Sir, we aren’t sure why, but the many of the enemy have fallen back. Most of the undead monsters have just collapsed.”

“Do we have any idea why?”

“No, sir.”

Why would the enemy falter at the cusp of victory? It made no sense…. Unless they had felt a setback else where.

“Command all units to advance. Burn all the bodies. This may be a chance we can not pass up.”

“And if it is a trap sir?”

“Then we live but one day less. Send the orders.”

Temple of Heimdall, Antar, Alfheim

Isabel smiled as she watched the small group now under her protection. How long she could protect them, she wasn’t sure. But maybe Alex would be able to protect them even after Isabel was forced to abduct Liz.

She was not looking forward to that betrayal.

She looked out at the winter shrouded world before her. And watched in awe as the clouds parted, letting the sun in. She called to the others, to those she would protect as long as she was able….

All thirty of them were silent as the felt the warm rays of the summer sun touch them.

Something had happened. Something wonderful.

Stargazer Bridge, Above the Tower of Bones, Nidavellir

Alex watched as his friends and allies stood and sat at various places along the bridge. Max looked exhausted, a tired Liz rubbing his shoulders. A battered and bruised Michael sat next to Maria holding each other close. Jacen looked tired as well, but jubilant. Even Marcus was smiling, although part of it might have been the presence of Karyn Haraldsdottir sitting at his side. A few Dvergar sat drinking some of Liz’s fine ale.

Alex hadn’t known she knew how to make ale.

Only Tess wasn’t there in person, being down with an unconscious Kyle.

“So, what now.”

Jacen spoke up. “I must say I never expected to truly be able to end that abomination. My thanks to all of you. The Dokkalfar on Midgard and Alfheim have surely discovered their now weakened state. And maybe with that energy, Nidavellir might be able to recover from its long blight.”

Liz spoke up, “Just give the word Alex, and that Tower is dust. We can’t just leave it behind us.”

Alex nodded. “Yes, but surely this isn’t everything. I mean this will weaken the Dokkalfar, but has it actually averted Ragnarok.”

Marcus said, “No. It may be to late to stop it. But there is a device that we may be able to use to protect a portion of our peoples.”

Max nodded, “The Granolith. I believe I know where it is stored.”

Liz licked her lips a little nervously, “Um, would it be possible to stop somewhere on Earth. I could really use a resupply”

Maria just glared, “What are we going to do about these, these people who could commit these atrocities.”

Michael gripped her hand firmly.

It was impossible to deny the evil that had taken place in the Tower beneath them. What they had done to all the children….. Signy was touch and go, Liz having to replace almost every single organ. There were a few Dokkalfar prisoners in quickly assembled jail cells.

Tess had asked for it, saying that some of them could be reclaimed….

“They will be dealt with,” Liz said in anger. “In time they will pay.”

Marcus spoke up, “Not all of us participated in those evil actions.”

Liz’s eyes burned with intensity, “Your people almost destroyed mine. That is hard to just forgive Marcus.”

Alex stood up, “Liz we can talk about this later. Everyone get some rest, tomorrow is going to be another busy day. We will stop on Earth and pick up some scrap for Liz, and then go on to find the Granolith. Liz take us away. When we are clear you have authority to destroy the Tower.”

In a cave miles from the Tower of Bones, Hecatan Wasteland, Nidavellir

Nicholas waited for sunset to continue his journey. The tunnels he had taken got no closer to Dokkheim.

Much of the madness that had affected him had faded when Tedori died. He could still feel the poison that filled his soul. Could feel as it ate away at him, but for now the madness had faded.

A vision of the great halls of Dokkheim collapsing in upon themselves had taken him. He had to warn them.

They could kill him afterwards, and he would die gladly, if he could be certain they would heed his warnings. For he felt as the power that the Tower had embodied was freed.

Their plans for the conquest of Midgard and Alfheim would have to be shelved. For it was unlikely that either the Ljosalfar or mankind would forgive or forget anytime soon. And if the humans could now travel the worlds, the Dokkalfar had more to fear than an Alfar raiding party.

The humans were horrible enough to their own kind. What would they do to his people?

Nicholas continued his vigil.

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 22 - 02/21/09

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:45 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone reading this story.

RhondaAnn- Only in part. You'll see a bit more of Maria not in this part but in the next. And how she reconciles what she has become. As for Isabel abducting Liz, that is part of what Kvar wants her to do. That and steal the Granolith.

All part of his bid to become the most powerful god in the post-Ragnarok era.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 23

Temple of Ascension, Elysian Sea, Vanaheim

Siyan sinuously approached the ancient temple through the sea. While she could fly, it was from the world’s water she drew her power.

Somewhere half a world away there was a small river that lay unattended. Her river.

She missed it. She had never planned on being gone for so long. Her sisters must think her dead.

Perhaps another was Xian River’s guardian now. Perhaps she had been forgotten.

Three hundred years a slave. First to those damn Jotuns. And then to have her soul taken by Kvar. Had it been two hundred years since she had truly been whole?

So long. And unless he made a mistake soon Kvar would be unassailable soon. A god to rival any of the High Ones of Vanaheim or Asgard.

Part of her held to hope, held onto the need for vigilance.

But she was getting so tired. Watching as Kvar destroyed first Vilandra and then led Signy to her doom. It was hard to hold onto hope.

As she crawled from the sea, she retook the form that had been forced on her. A form that now felt more comfortable than her true form. She took some of the sea foam and formed garments from them. She summoned her blade to her once more and began the long climb to the top of the mountain where the Temple sat.

The Temple had been built during one of the many long pauses in the long struggle against the Jotunari. The Temple swept dramatically into the sky, the pearlescent already gleaming with the light of the day.

It would hold that light until dawn the next day.

Say what you will about the Jotnari, they were the best builders on any of the Seven Worlds. The work here surely rivaled that even of Valhalla.

Only the Temple was uninhabited. Her people considered this a holy space, suitable for Great Deeds. The Treaty of Accord between Vaenir and Aesir had been signed here. The last time it had been used had been the trial of Loki.

Siyan could feel the power and majesty of the place seep into her. She could feel the vaettirs’ whispers as the welcomed her home.

And she spoke to them and told them what would be done here. A dark deed perhaps, but fitting to be done in such a place of power.

First to wrest from the girl her soul, and use it and her body as a conduit to draw upon the powers of her vessel. To draw all of it, soul, life, and power into one ring. To possess the essence, knowledge, and power of mankind.

Siyan drew upon the power that was her to call upon in this space and time and summoned a brazier to burn Kvar’s token.

Siyan watched the sea beat against the shore as she waited.

Aboard the Stargazer, Hecatan Wastelands, Nidavellir

Tess stared at her beloved. Since she had boarded this ship, her world had completely changed.

She had thought she knew passion, knew love. But all of her relationships had been pale in comparison to what she now had.

He had been willing to die for her. According to a tight lipped Liz, he had. It had taken two minutes for Max to arrive. For Max to use the utmost of his power to save Kyle, to pull him back from the abyss.

But it was more than that. More than just Kyle.

Tess had been coasting through life. She had cast aside her people. She had chosen another, but had she truly sought to help them? How much aid had she really given mankind?

She had been a nurse, had saved lives. She had even warded parts of Bonn, where she had lived.

But Max had done much more, so much more. And he had asked her for help.

She had refused.

She had still been mad at his betrayal. But so what? She had let personal feelings get in the way of doing something. She had stood by and watched while Midgard burned.

Could she do the same to the people of her birth? There was much to dislike about the Dokkalfar. But the visions Ivan had given her before he had died…..

Would she stand aside again as another people was destroyed. When she knew she could help.

She kissed Kyle on the cheek and moved to another room.

She peeked in on Signy. She was still pale, but Liz assured her that she would be okay.

Liz had been full of a fury unlike many she had ever seen in her life. She had not raged, it would have been easier to tolerate if she had. It had been cold. So very cold and relentless.

She knew now why Alex was Captain. By her voice Liz might have ordered a strike on Dokkheim right then and there.

Liz could manufacture laser-initiated fusion bombs by the score. She and the Stargazer could rain death upon the Dokkalfar the likes of which they could not even imagine.

Save perhaps those who had persuaded the race of man to do it to themselves.

Alex had calmed her.

But he’d been tempted. If they had been unable to save any of the captives…..

It had been close.

She walked to another room where a dark haired young woman stared at the ceiling. Tess entered. The young woman’s haunted eyes glanced at her.

“Hello, Mira. My name is Ava Frostfire. And I come to you with a choice.”

“Where am I? These devices….”

“You are aboard the flying ship Stargazer. A Midgardar ship.”

Alarm filled Mira’s gaze, before returning to a sullen acceptance. “It is as well. I deserve death.”

“Why do you think you deserve death? Your actions were heroic. You had to know you did not stand a chance.”

“As I said, I deserve death. What I did, what I, what I stole….” Tears poured from a face trying so hard to be stoic.

Tess moved to comfort the girl. The girl resisted briefly before sobbing into her shoulder. Tess rocked her back and forth. After a time, when Mira had begun to calm down, Tess said, “The girl you saved, Signy, she would have died and worse if not for your actions. As for what you… took, my teacher, Magister Jacen says she will recover.”

Mira quietly said, “I know, I, I can feel her. Her and Bronwhin. But how?”

“You three are connected. Likely that is what Hradis was trying to do, to bond you three forever. The link can be broken only through death. What other effects it may have we are uncertain. But this I know, it is better to atone for ones guilt than to merely succumb to death. Come I have something to show you..”
Tess walked towards a view screen.

Mira tested her legs before committing any weight to them. “This, this is impossible. My legs were broken. How long was I asleep?”

“Four hours. Liz works fast. You will still need some time to fully recover, but the breaks are healed. At least she didn’t have to replace anything. Poor Maria. Signy’s just as bad.”

Mira stiffly walked over to the view screen.

Tess spoke aloud, “Stargazer, show us the destruction of the Tower.”

“Yes, Tess.”

“You speak to the air….”

“Human magic. Well sort of. It will take some explaining. Now just watch the screen.”

The Tower stood, empty now, both of personnel and power, but still proud. A star suddenly grew near the base of the Tower, rapidly encompassing the entire Tower with a brilliant glare.

And where the Tower had once stood, there was a pillar of fire and smoke reaching for the heavens. It formed the tell tale mushroom shape of a large nuclear detonation.

“If our race continues on its present course, the humans will be back. And that mushroom cloud will be our fate. In truth, many of their people may wish to destroy us for what we have already done to them. And I am not sure that would be unjust.”

“Fire and Ice!”

“What I seek to do is to save our people, the little that may remain after Ragnarok. To return them to the Light. And I ask that you aid me in my endeavor. It will take time, years perhaps. You need training. But we must return in time to reclaim our people.”

Mira glanced at Tess. “Yes. All I have ever sought was to serve my people.” She closed her eyes for a moment, “And if changes have to be made. If our people need to atone for our actions, well so be it. Never again will we be the catspaw for some Hel-spawned Jotun!”

And Tess smiled.

Stargazer Bridge, Northern California heading south, Midgard

Alex was white as he glanced at the data pouring in. “So few. So very few.”

Max lay sprawled on one of the chairs. He still looked exhausted from all he had done. “And Ragnarok has not even truly begun.”

“Surely it can’t get worse….”

“Loki isn’t free yet. Until the earth shakes and his bonds are broken, the battle can not begin. For he is the leader of the Jotun assault. If there truly was a way to keep him quiescent, then perhaps we can avoid further devastation. For a time.”

“Okay, how do we find him. How do we stop this.”

“It is said that he is kept on a mountain in Midgard. But many have searched for it. It certainly would not be on Nidavellir, the Asgard would never risk it. No I fear it is on one of the lightly populated worlds. A place were it would be hard for those who seek either to free or harm him…. Muspellheim.”

Liz’s voice broke through, “Sir we are getting a transmission from Cheyanne Mountain. It’s Crosslin.”

“I will take it.”

High Councilor Crosslin appeared on the view screen. “Where the Hell have you been Captain Whitman. We know you received the codes reactivating you into service….”

“I picked up the survivors in Seattle, Councilor. Unfortunately I was not able to return. Liz send our mission files from Nidavellir. Send him everything we know.” He turned back to the screen. “I will not be able to stay either. All those wishing to disembark can do so.”

“Whitman, if you are not willing to aid us, I am removing you of command…..”

Alex cut the feed. “Liz looks like we are going to plan B…..”

Liz’s voice was calm as she reported. “Captain, the Lexington is hailing us and telling us to stop. Apparently they have been cleared to shoot at us.”

“Jump status?”

“All crew and passengers now hear this. Prepare for emergency jump. Repeat prepare for emergency jump. To commence in ten seconds…..”

On board the Lexington, Northern California, Midgard

The bridge was packed, battle stations already manned. Captain Sawyer stared at the screen. “Come on Alex, bend. Bend damn you, just this once.”

“Sir, we have no reply. They are running hot.”

“Jump status?”

“Not sure sir, the Stargazer’s not standard. Even though she’s bigger, her armament isn’t as heavy. In a straight up fight we’d win for sure. But….”

“Spit it out Lieutenant!”

“Her engines, sir. She’s got power to burn. If that were the Lexy, I would say she would need ten more minutes…. Sir she jumped out.”

“Do you have a trace?”

“No sir. It’s like at Seattle. These readings, they make no sense….”

Captain Sawyer stared into his screen, his empty screen. “Where are you, Whitman? We need you.”

The ruins of Taipei, Peoples Republic of China, Midgard

Liz began the salvage of as much material she could get. She would only be able to hide them here for so long. Sooner or later some AI would notice the changes in Taipei and someone would investigate.

They would go back to Alfheim afterwards. They were still pressed for time and there was some ancient Alfar device that might help them there.

Plus a little time burying herself in work might let herself cool down. Even Maria had left CIC in the face of her quiet rage.

Of course she was likely spending time with her husband. Those two were certainly combustible together. It is a wonder she had let him have his wounds treated.

Max was on the bridge, talking with Alex and making plans. Part of her was involved in that too. Liz had taken multitasking to a ridiculous level.

She’d had to. And now, in this town so full of ghosts…. Maybe surrounded by the remnants of a city fought over with the height of technology would remind her of all the civilians that would be involved if she began a personal war against the Dokkalfar.

So many innocent lives.

Liz continued her salvage and made plans.

Ancient Temple to Heimdall, Antar, Alfheim

Isabel stared at the now sunlit sky. The snow was finally melting off under the hot summer sun.

What had ended that horrible untimely winter?

Somehow she knew that Alex was at the heart of it.

And he was coming to her.

So when the sky suddenly filled with light and a giant ship appeared in the sky, she was the only one amongst the Ljosalfar at the Temple who did not cry out in fear.

She merely went to the front door, and with her newly strengthened powers repaired and cleaned her clothes and body. Her hand went down to caress her still flat stomach.

But she knew. The child was there. She could feel it.

Several of the braver Ljosalfar gathered behind her as she waited for her love.

And as a smaller ship landed before the Temple, Alex strode out. He stood there stock still as he caught sight of her.

Isabel could only smile as Max bumped into Alex in the hatch. He too, was stunned at her presence. But while he was recovering, Alex began to move, at first slowly, but running towards the end.

She met him halfway, their arms locking in a frantic embrace, each eager to make sure the other was real.

Moments later as both of them recovered their breath, Alex looked at her. “You are really here, aren’t you?”

“Yes I am. I am here and I am yours. And you my dear Captain are mine.”

“It is so good to see you….” Alex moved a little back to get a better look at Isabel.

Max said drolly, “So I take it I do not need to introduce you to each other?”

“Always with the dramatic appearance, eh, Max? What took you so long?”


Isabel turned to Alex, “I hate to cause any trouble, but there are a few people here who need help and….”

Arm in arm, Alex and Isabel walked back into the Temple, Max just watching as the two held each other.

Where was Kvar?

Temple of Ascension, Elysian Sea, Vanaheim

Siyan felt the change immediately.

Kvar had arrived.

She turned to face him, her face already draining of color. His face was covered in healing burns and his clothes looked worn.

But there was something about him, something darker….

For on his hand, the hand that now missed the destroyed marriage ring to Vilandra, was a ring of Black Gold.

No. It had been destroyed…..

Kvar smiled, “Well done, my servant. We but wait for Vilandra. It has begun….”

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 23 - 03/07/09

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 9:15 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone reading this story.

RhondaAnn- Thanks as always. Poor Alex. Poor Isabel. And as you will see, poor Max and Liz.

DeDe PR- Sorry for the confusing bits. Sigh, I really should put bits of backstory after the summary.

Liz is tempted to attack the Dokkalfar (Norse Dark Elves) because of all the damage they have done. And she with aid of the Stargazer can do a lot of damage. Liz can mass produce nuclear weapons.... And use them too.

That ring is an ancient device. Liz will be trapped in the sky blue gem he stole from Dokkheim, and a differnet ring. When thinking of the Black Gold Ring, think more along the lines of the Ring of the Nebelungs, or the One Ring from Middle Earth.

He is still going to steal Liz's soul, if he can.

Isabel has a mission for Kvar, and telling them he has stolen her soul will not help that mission succeed. Much the opposite, and so she can not tell anyone.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine, nor really a lot of the concepts of Ragnarok. The plot and the extras, well, those for good or ill are mine.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 24

On Board the Stargazer, Somewhere in Alfheim

Maria lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. What she had just felt as they jumped…. There had been an indescribable sense of chaos, lurking just outside of the ship. She could feel as it abraded at her sense of self. Of her soul.

She wasn’t supposed to perceive that darkness between the worlds. But she had. She had.

It was the link to the Stargazer. She couldn’t break it.

It had seemed so simple when she had pushed herself, pushed her personality and selfhood into the robots to protect Michael….

“Maria, what is wrong?” Michael’s voice was a mixture of love and exasperation.

“I, I feel… I feel stuck. I can’t break free and, and it worries me.”

“Break free of what? You aren’t making sense.”

She looked up at her husband, still bandaged up. Still sexy. He had been worth it. But what had the price been? Maria closed her eyes and could feel a little girl staring back at her.

The Stargazer. It was staring at her. And Liz, Maria could feel Liz everywhere. How could anyone do so many different things? All at once? Did Liz even realize how much she was doing?

And Maria could see things she could do too. And she was feeling part of her getting sucked into doing them. How could she not try to fix what was broken. And there was this idea she had.

She hadn’t had a guitar in ages. She wanted one.

One was being made for her right now. To her exact specifications. She could… feel the grain of the synthetic wood it would be constructed of. Volumes dictating the perfect guitar manufacturing tips scrolled through her mind even as she considered seducing her husband

Not that that would be hard.

“When I loaded myself into those robots to save you, some of me got stuck. It is still in there, still in the Stargazer. And I can’t get it out…. I, I don’t know if I want to. But I am scared. What if I get lost?”

Michael held her, wincing slightly at some of his bruises. “You should speak with Liz about this. Surely, she’s, she’s dealt with this.”

Maria gave him a look. “Later. There is no way I am going in there, Michael. I’ve never seen her like this before. She, she scared me.”

“There, there. Everything is going to be fine.”

Maria looked up and smiled. And kissed him.

And for a while everything was fine. Michael could always take away the worries.

But a part of her mind was still careening around the ship. It was a small part of her, but a part of her never the less.

Another section of the Stargazer, somewhere in Alfheim

Isabel sighed in Alex’s arms. She would have to complete her plan soon. But this was so nice. So nice to actually be able to hold him again. She watched as his eyes moved in sleep.

What was he dreaming about? Her?

Would he ever love her after today? Would he ever forgive her?

She held him, felt his body move against hers.

It would all be over all too soon.

So she kissed him and woke him. He might be tired, but she would have one last time. One more time while he still loved her.

And Alex was happy to wake for his golden goddess. Happy to make love to her. He knew something was wrong, that this was much too easy.

Liz had already informed him that Isabel was pregnant. Liz had ran a scan of everyone who had entered the ship. It was early in the pregnancy, but there was little doubt.

Alex didn’t care. He would happily raise another’s child as long as part of it was Isabel. And if she was willing they would add brothers and sisters to her child’s life.

He loved her. It was that simple.


The Stargazer watched it’s humans. It was funny how they had all paired up. All across the ship, even between the Alfar and the Humans, couples were forming.

How much of this was their animal selves needing comfort?

It/she could feel the sensations from both Liz and Maria flow into it. So strange.

And desirable.

Would she ever be real? Would there be something for her.

Was she even real?

The Stargazer continued to work.

Liz’s work, started in anger showed promise. The Stargazer reached out and contacted the satellites Liz had left in orbit across Nidavellir and Alfheim. And contacted Earth.

They would be so happy when they woke.

They could call home.

On board the Stargazer, Somewhere over Alfheim

It was early but Mira got up. It was strange to feel so well after experiencing such a horrific amount of pain. But now, now she felt… pulled towards what she did not know. But it was like she was being called….

She dressed quickly in the strange garb Ava had gotten her. It was all of one piece. The fasteners were fascinating and incredibly well made. Everything seemed so well made here on the Stargazer.

Frightening actually. It was the small things. Like the lack of seams on the clothing. Aside from the fasteners they were all of one piece. The doors opened when she approached them.

She padded through the large corridors, ignored by the few passengers that passed her by.

Humans. Midgardars. She could tell by the heavy sense about them.

One Eye’s warrior race.

Mira stopped, her hand on the door frame. Her people had tried to kill them. Had worked so hard for their destruction.

Why were they being so nice to her?

She looked into the room in front of her and gasped. All around her was a small garden full of flowering plants. The scent was heady and made her sigh. In front of the glass windows she could see a chastened and sorrowful Bronwhin talking to Signy. Signy was in a chair of some sort. She looked pale and uncomfortable as she talked with Bronwhin.

Ava/ Tess stood nearby and watched them both.

Mira was about to join them when she noticed how bright the garden was getting.

It was near dawn.

“Bronwhin! Get over here! Dawn is nigh!”

“I am sorry Mira. I can’t. I can’t do it. Be strong. Be strong for both of us. I can’t keep it. Forgive me.” She turned to Signy, “I return to you what was yours.”

And dawn took her. Mira watched in horror as the light hit her friend. But she didn’t melt. Mira watched as the light poured through her, as if she became as clear as glass.

Bronwhin whispered goodbye to Mira. And she was gone.

Mira tried to rush in to save her friend, but Tess stopped her.

“Let her go, Mira. Let her go.”

Mira could feel as her friend died. As the bonds broke. She struggled to enter the room. To join the last of her childhood friends in death.

Tess would not let her.

Quietly coming from Signy’s mouth, “She died as Ljosa? How can this be?” Her voice was different than the one she once had, and sounded unused. Liz had had to completely rebuild her voice box.

Tess muttered a few quiet words into a still hysterical Mira. As Mira calmed down, Tess answered Signy. “She died an Alfar, Signy. The Dokkalfar are cursed. And her actions broke the curse on her, but it cost her life. Do you feel any different?”

Signy nodded solemnly, clumsily moving her powered wheelchair towards Mira and Tess.

Mira, her eyes still full of tears looked at Signy. “Is this what you would have me do? Do you want the piece of you soul I stole back? I, I will…..”

Signy shook her head, “I didn’t want her to do it. But, how could I stop her? It was her choice.”

Tess hugged Mira close, “There are other ways. I am Dokkalfar, too, Mira. You know my family. The Ritual is arduous, but if you are willing to try. If you are still willing to try to save out people…..

Mira stared at the glittering sunlight no more than five paces from her. Sunlight that was deadly to her kind. Her skin would sizzle and begin to melt. And she would die.

Sweet oblivion.

Or she could struggle. And save her people.

Mira reached deep into herself for the strength she needed. “I will do as I said. I will aid you. I swear it.”

Signy and Tess smiled.

Across the Worlds

Armies and governments readied themselves. Something horrible was coming.

The End. The Final War.


The Middle Realms had already been engaged in battle. But they were broken and the scattered forces of Alfheim, Midgard, and even Nidavellir were scrambling to prepare some sort of final defense against forces unknown.

And those forces were on the move.

Hel’s endless hosts were already on the march, moving through subterranean tunnels to their appointed place.

The Naglfar was being outfitted for its prophesied journey across the ancient primordial sea. It and the rest of the fleet would carry the might of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim to attack Asgard.

The Plains of Sheol were covered in the dust of the Fire Giant cavalry as it prepared its assault on the Bifrost Bridge.

Monsters too, hidden and chained for countless centuries strained at their chains. Chains that would break soon.

The Aesir and Vaenir rallied their soon to be outnumbered troops for defense. Their cause was doomed, but should they unflinchingly face their dark foe, they would break the Forces of Evil and Chaos even as they died. And with them would march the forces of Valhalla and Folkvangr, those chosen heroes and champions born of Mankind.

The Powers waited but for a sign, for that final fateful sign that would signal the beginning of the end.

Midday aboard the Stargazer, Ships main hold., Somewhere over Alfheim.

Liz examined the Granolith. Liz had been exposed to a large amount of inexplicable phenomena since Alex had picked up Max and Michael in Denver. She had seen magic, elves, other worlds…..

And somehow this device was the most inexplicable thing she had seen.

On the base of it, it was fairly simple. It was a large metallic looking cone hovering over a large clear crystal formation. But her instruments refused to accept its reality.

They could not measure its mass for instance, it being simultaneously more massive than the sun and yet having no effect on the surrounding area. It was both full of incredible amounts of energy and entirely inert.

It was in a word, impossible.

And yet, here it was right in front of her eyes.

“It’s fascinating isn’t it?” Max said. “Who made it, and how it became part of our people’s legacy, I really don’t understand. It is said it was granted to our umpteenth ancestors to spare some of us from Ragnarok. To preserve a portion of our kind. But how it is supposed to work, well I don’t know. I talked to Alex, and persuaded him to go to the Fire Wizard’s Guild house. Hopefully more information is there.”

Liz nodded and wandered a bit around the device, still having her sensors scan it as much as possible. To understand this strange device. Who knows what secrets it might hold, what knowledge could be gained through studying it.

Alex and Isabel came through the door arm in arm. Liz could only smile at the happiness in Alex’s eyes.


“Good morning, Liz. This is Isabel, who apparently is Max’s sister.”

Liz smiled at the tall blonde woman. Part of her resented Serena’s usurpation in Alex’s life. But Alex clearly loved Isabel. And he deserved to be happy.

She was a little worried at the sudden change in Isabel’s eyes. The warm brown, so similar to Max’s suddenly became so very sad.

Isabel shook her hand, and placed her other hand on the Granolith. “It is a true pleasure to meet you, Liz. I, I am sorry.”

And they were gone.

Max stood there in the now empty hold, sirens blaring around him. Alone.

Liz, Isabel and Alex were gone. As was the Granolith.

Max slowly crumpled to his knees. Tears were freely rolling down his face.

Liz was gone…..

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 24 - 03/17/09

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:27 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone following this story.

chanks_girl- Thanks. Well that is covered in this part. Please note that Liz is a little, um distracted. As for Isabel redeeming herself, well I think that may be a distinct possiblilty in a part or two.

DeDe Pr- Thanks. Yeah the good guys never saw it coming. Alex grabbed her when she reached for Liz. Isabel did not plan on taking Alex.

RhondaAnn- The Stargazer would like to be human yes. And maybe it would possess a human. But it would not willingly hurt those it considers its family. And 'Aunt Maria' is family.

Maria was a little distracted. And what Maria at forty would do is different than what Maria would have done at eighteen. But mostly it was the fact that she was distracted. Having part of your brain running non-stop on a computer can do that to you.

Alex grabbed onto Isabel as she teleported out. He hitched a ride.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 25

On board the Stargazer, somewhere over Alfheim, midday

Maria was sleeping when it happened. Well most of her was sleeping. That tiny part of her that was now enmeshed in the Stargazer had continued to perfect her guitar.

It would have been ready for her when she awoke.

Had she been able to sleep as long as the Stargazer had estimated based on her profile and fatigue level.

But Maria felt it immediately.

An emptiness filled the ship, a void where once a vibrant presence had been.

Liz was gone.

Even before the alarms sounded, at that exact moment the Stargazer noticed something wrong, so did Maria.

And she woke up suddenly, scaring a still comatose Michael.

The ship felt so empty.

And alarms rang throughout the ship.

But it was too late.

Maria clumsily clambered out of bed and started to get dressed.

Michael shot up as he heard the alarms ring. “What the hell?”

Maria called out to the ship, “Stargazer, what happened? What happened to Liz?” And she knew. She suddenly saw what had happened. Isabel had reached out to Liz and somehow had vanished.

Maria watched from several angles as a worry was replaced by dismay on Alex’s face. As he grabbed Isabel’s shoulder just before she vanished.

And he vanished, too.

Only Max remained in the hold. Maria watched as he fell to his knees and cried.

“It is Isabel. She stole Liz and Alex. And that Granolith thingy.”

“What? How do you know? I?”

“Get dressed. You need to get to the Main hold. Stargazer, what is our status?”

“We are, we are green on the status boards.” Was what Michael heard.

Maria heard that as well. But through her link, “Aunt Maria, Mommy is gone? I am so scared! What do I do?” There was a sense of pressure as the AI of the ship strove to gain reassurance from the one human being it could still really communicate with.

“Calm down. Everything will be fine, you just need to calm down!”

“Maria, who are you talking to?”

“Michael, get down to the Main Hold, Max needs you. Liz and Alex have been abducted. By Magic. Stargazer contact the other wizards, I don’t care what they are doing, get them on the Bridge.”

“Yes, Maria.”


“Michael, I love you immensely, but if you don’t get your ass in gear and see to Max you are going to be sleeping alone for a long, long time. Now go.”

Michael shook his head and quickly got dressed. He was muttering under his breath.

Maria could have listened in, but she knew that it would be better for both of their health if she just let it slide.

One problem at a time.

Temple of Ascension, Elysium Sea, Vanaheim

Alex’s mind cleared as they left the void they had traveled through. The air felt crisp and clean. And off in the distance he heard a rhythmic booming sound.

He reacted faster than Isabel however, pushing her away from Liz. Isabel was in tears as she fought back, careful not to hurt Alex.

But really it was no contest. Isabel was part Jotun now. Alex didn’t have a chance.

It was mere moments before he was laying beneath her. Not entirely a bad place to be, except for the timing.

Liz lay on the ground, her head in her hands. Obviously shocked and obviously in pain.

“Why did you do it, Isabel? Why?”

“I had to. I simply had to. When he tells me what I have to do, I have to do it!”

“Come on, the woman I know has more will power than that! And you are Isabel, I can tell.”

“He stole my soul, Alex. He stole my soul. And now I am nothing but his plaything. I have to do what he orders.”

“So its like I Dream of Jennie? He’s your master or something?” Alex said in a cutting tone.

But Isabel just nodded. “Yes. There are limits. I have to do what he orders, what he tells me to do. And I can’t hurt him.”

“I see. But if he leaves you wiggle room, if he makes a mistake…”

Isabel nodded and got up. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to drag you into this.”

Alex dusted himself off and moved over to Liz.

Liz was just cradling her head and saying “It’s gone.” over and over.

“Lizzie, Lizzie, you have to wake up. Come on Parker, snap out of it.”

Isabel stood awkwardly over their shoulder, looking around in mildly suppressed awe.

Liz looked up, “Alex the Stargazer, it’s gone! I can’t feel it. It is like I’ve had my whole body amputated. And I am stuck. I am stuck like this.” She tilted her head slightly, “Wait, there is something there. I can almost feel….”

“Well done my dearest Vilandra! You brought me the girl. Wait, who is this?” Came a booming voice in Alfaran

Isabel stood and moved in front of Alex as if to shield him. “No, don’t hurt him, Kvar. I did what you wanted.”

“Interesting. I do believe you brought yourself a new toy.”

Liz looked at him with horror. “What are you,” she said in Alfaran.

“Very convenient, she speaks a rational tongue and not that debased mortal language. You have exceeded yourself, Vilandra.” Kvar raised his hand toward Isabel and she began to shake.

Isabel began to tremble with ecstasy and her knees began to buckle. Alex caught her before she fell, trying to protect both Isabel and Liz. “What have you done to her?”

“Merely giving her a reward. With Liz’s bit I shall be able to ascend and rule the Worlds after Ragnarok. Since she was so good, I think I will let you live. For now. Siyan, take the girl.”

Another woman, this one with skin the color of beaten bronze moved sinuously past Kvar and seized Liz.

Alex could not hold onto both of them at the same time and Liz was wrest away from him.

Liz stared in wonder at the woman who carried her away.

Alex stood up, in one last attempt at saving Liz…. Only Kvar raised his hands and Alex was flung against the marble walls.

“Take care, human, I will only exercise so much forbearance towards you. You are only Vilandra’s pet.” And Kvar left.

Alex was left alone with a quivering Isabel.

Finally he stared around himself. He was in some massive stone structure built of some glowing marble. The sky outside was a blue so deep as to be nearly impossible. The air fresh and crisp. As Isabel began to calm, Alex took a look outside the window.

They were in a massive stone structure all made of the strange luminescent marble. It rested on a cliff above the sea. A sea that seemed to stretch forever. And above there were two small moons.

Despite the stress of the situation he felt himself calm.

Alex walked over to Isabel. He had to have answers.

Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, Midgard

High Councilor Crosslin felt a hand gently shake his shoulder.

“Sir, we have a call for you. One that you will likely want to take.”

Crosslin stretched. It had been years since he’d had to resort to a cot, but he had wanted to be near the main communications center.

There was so much to be done. The enemy, whomever they had been seemed to be routed at the moment. Although those… trolls seemed to have taken a liking to the many subterranean structures that had been built throughout the world.

It would take a while before every sewer and maintenance tunnel could be cleared. But there was hope. The enemy had not destroyed all of the nanofactories they had taken, so it would be possible to rebuild.

But there were so few people now. They kept finding isolated pockets, pockets he had not expected to find. But there were fewer than a million men, women, and children.

So much death.

It came to him that he had finally achieved his goal. He was likely the supreme executive authority remaining in all of the Americas. But it failed to lift his spirits.

He had never wanted to rule a desolate world.

Crosslin got up and quickly dressed. He grabbed some coffee and headed to the communications center. “All right, I am here. What is so important.”

An airman handed him a set of head phones. “They wished to speak with only you ,sir.”

“Who is it?”

“It is the Stargazer, sir.”

“The Stargazer? Do we have a lock on it? Have they returned to the Moon?”

“No, sir. They are patched into our satellite grid. We do not have a location yet sir.”

“Keep looking. They can’t hide forever.” Crosslin put the headset on and activated the security screen. He flipped on the screen and there were several people staring at him.

None of them were Captain Whitman, or Elizabeth Parker. “Well you have my attention. Now get Captain Whitman on the line. There is no time for games.”

“Good afternoon Councilor, my name is Max Evans. I am afraid both Captain Whitman and Liz Parker are unavailable. I am calling to warn you.”

“What you took over his ship and now you plan on attacking? Or are you holding them ransom?”

“Neither, I am afraid. Both of them have been abducted. We are planning a rescue attempt, and we will need no help. I called to warn you. Likely you believe that everything is calm. That the storm has passed.”

“Everything has calmed down, no help to you. Whitman could have helped, but he ran.”

“Did you not read any of the data we sent you? This is a war that encompasses more than just Earth. I know you are looking for us. But you can not find us. That is because we are no longer on Earth.”

“And you are space aliens or something.”

Michael and Max exchanged glances before Max continued. “Not exactly. It is all there in the report we sent. The upshot is that the storm has not passed. You are merely in the eye of the storm. And the most dangerous part of the storm is about to hit.”

“So what would you have us do? Right now we are trying to pick up the pieces, and you are saying the attacks will be renewed.”

“Exactly. Only the next group will be fewer in number, but much more powerful. There are only so many portals they can take…. But the one you need to be concerned about is here.” Max pointed at a map showing a section near the western coast of the Middle East. “That is where the Fire Giants will break through. They will seek to access the Bifrost Bridge. Unfortunately I am not sure where it will manifest when they arrive. If you can meet them there and stop them, all of the worlds will be grateful.”

“And if we fail?”

“They will set the world on fire.”

“Okay…. Is that all?”

“No. The sign for their attack will be right after a massive quake. I am not sure how big, but according to legend it is supposed to shake the worlds. All of them.”

“Right. So massive quake. Creatures that can set the world on fire? Any thing else?”

“The earth quake will set many of the monsters of legend free. They might cause a problem.”

“If Captain Whitman decides to end this practical joke have him send his personal codes. And if we find you without your complete capitulation, be aware that our forces have a shoot to kill order on the Stargazer. Crosslin out.” He deactivated the view screen and threw down the headset.

This was crazy! Who did they think he was.

“Call me if there is any serious news.” He then stormed off to his cot to catch just a little more sleep.

As his head hit the pillow and he shut his eyes, he sighed and rolled right back out of bed.

He contacted one the colonels who was acting as his liaison with the military end of things. He showed the recorded broadcast.

Sure it was insane. But it had been an insane couple of weeks.

There was no sense in being caught completely unprepared if the unexpected happened.

Temple of Ascension, Elysium Sea, Vanaheim

Alex had to rescue Liz. But he couldn’t just leave Isabel. To leave her would be to leave a part of himself behind. He looked again at the ring on his finger, the ring that had appeared after that strange dream. The sigils cut on it were glowing again,

He was so far out of his league here. What should he do?

Isabel began to stir. When she saw him she turned away.

“Why did you do it Isabel. Are you under some sort of spell.”

Isabel’s voice was dry and devoid of emotion, “It is the diamond ring he wears. My soul is trapped in there. Surely you noticed my heart beat sounds different?”

“I…” It had sounded a little strange, but he had been so happy to see her….

“He took my heart out and burned it. And replaced it with, with a Jotun’s heart. And through it he can control me. If he gives me an order I have to do it. I have to! I didn’t have a choice!”

Alex noted the ring on her finger. It had looked so familiar. But again, in his happiness he had ignored the odd connections. “Is that, is that my ring?”

“Yes,” Isabel looked at it fondly, “Alex, I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but that dream was real. It was real. I am your wife. And, and I am pregnant.”

“Liz told me. I will raise it like my own. Assuming of course we ever get out of here.”

“I wish I could help you, but as long as he has that ring….”

Alex thought for a moment. “Do you know what he plans to do with Liz?”

“He wants to do to her what he has done to me. And Alex. She’s not normal. I couldn’t tell with all the energy in the machines that were in the Stargazer. She is powerful. Very powerful. A wizard.”

“That is impossible. She’s been onboard my ship. There’s nothing magical….”

Isabel’s laughter was both musical and bitter. “Your ship? Didn’t my brother tell you? Magic suffuses it. It is full of power. It is different than any kind that I have seen. I couldn’t use it. But Alex, it is everywhere. And he wants it. Kvar wants everything.”

“Then we will have to stop him.” Alex said firmly.

“But how.”

Alex stood up a little straighter. “Well, I am still working on the details….”

“Making it up as you go along?” Isabel said with a wry smile, accepting his hand up.

“Let’s go.”

Stargazer Bridge, Somewhere over Antar

Max watched as the screen went blank. “Well that went well.”

Michael smirked at Max, “What did you expect?”

Kyle adjusted himself slightly in his power chair. “Crosslin may be a bastard, but he’s not dumb. He probably didn’t believe a word you said. But odds are he is still taking precautions if he can.”

Maria said quietly, “Now what? I have talked with the Stargazer. She refuses to jump without Liz.”

“So we are trapped.”

Michael said, “Have we found any settlements?”

“Nothing big enough to support all of us. Mostly small steadings that the Dokkalfar spared to take on the heavier targets first. They were thorough. And with this early frost, well it has played havoc on the crops. Lots of people going hungry this year.”

Maria sighed, “We’ll be fine as long as we can get access to root stock. Trees would do if necessary. There are limits though. We might be able to feed quite a few people. But getting the food to them without being able to jump, well…”

Max nodded. The Stargazer was capable of taking care of most of what they needed. But there had been a vast amount of work that Liz had done instinctually. Work that still needed to be done.

They needed Liz. He needed Liz.

And Alex. Strange how he had never noticed how Alex had defused so many arguments. But he had. He had known exactly what to say and when and how to say it.

He was the Captain.

And his sister. There had to be some logical reason for her actions.

He wanted them back.

He sighed as the rest of the meeting wore on, idly thinking of some way to recover them.

Tess walked through the door, her Tarnkappe on her shoulders as always.

The Tarnkappe. Of course!

Max stood. “Ladies and Gentlemen, our problems are nearly insurmountable without Liz or Alex. We need them back.”

“But we can’t jump without Liz, how can we get them back. That is assuming that we even knew where they were.”

Maria spoke up, “the Stargazer knows. It is faint, but she is still… entangled with Liz. It is possible that may fade with time, but for now. It isn’t on any of the worlds we have been to though.”

“I can sense her, too. With a bit of magic, and maybe some help from the Stargazer we should be able to find her.”

Tess looked at him, “But how Max?”

Max smiled for the first time since Liz was taken. “I have a plan.”

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 25 - 03/21/09

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:25 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along this story.

RhondaAnn- Well as for people acting odd, he's had years of experience dealing with both Max and to a lesser extent Isabel. Both of them are fairly heavy magical practicioners and talking to the air, well he's seen stranger things. And Michael's memory of things that do not directly effect him is... selective to say the least. So, yeah I doubt he remembers.

Alex said that because he assumes the baby is not his. I mean how could it be? They have been seperated for years. (Carefull application of heavy duty magic, but can you blame him for not considering that. For the baby is Alex's. Their marriage had to be consumated for it to be fully binding, and to fully break all Isabel's voluntary ties to Kvar. And tie her to Alex. That will be important as you will see. In the next part unfortunately.) As to him forgiving her, well his learning of what Isabel is fighting may well take some of the sting out his sense of betrayal.

DeDe PR- Thanks. Sorry for the wait. Stargazer is crushed by the loss of Liz. Liz has been using magic for year. She didn't know it, and the Stargazer acts as her focus. But she's been a wizard for a while. Some of the other characters had noted that in past chapters.

Dusk- thanks. I hope you continue to enjoy.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 26

Stateroom Four, Onboard the Stargazer, Somewhere over Alfheim

Maria sat on the bed, still wearing the robe from her shower.

Michael lay there watching as she struggled to play her guitar.

Her mind knew what to do, but so much is done by muscle memory…..

Maria was determined to relearn to play. To keep something of herself, to keep herself from being sucked into the massive vortex that was the Stargazer.

A part of her had to be there. The Stargazer needed it, needed another mind to not feel so crushingly alone.

The Stargazer was afraid. That was why they couldn’t jump. The others could argue up and down about some technical necessity, some logical reason why the ship needed Liz.

Liz had once said the ship was like her daughter, something that the Stargazer obviously agreed with. It even called her mommy, something it had never done until Liz was gone. And now the AI refused to activate the jump.

Because there was a tiny trace to Liz still there. A residue that would be washed away in the chaotic darkness of jumpspace. The Stargazer refused to lose that tiny bit it still held of Liz.

She felt Michael’s hands caress her back. They had made love after the meeting with Max, both desperate to possess something good before the end. To claim the other forever. Again.

Michael’s voice was soft as he whispered in her ear. “I’ve got to go. Max will be leaving….”

“And you have to see him off. I’ll see you later. Love you, Michael.”

He held her tightly for a moment, “Later, Pixie.” And he quickly dressed and left.

Maria closed her eyes and played, letting her still clumsy fingers struggle to follow where her mind was trying to direct them.

“Stargazer, what odds do you give of Max and Tess succeeding?”

“Insufficient data. I….”

“Yes,” Maria said. It was rare for the Stargazer to use pronouns to describe herself. But to Maria she was as real as any person she knew.

Maria saw her as a little girl bravely doing her best.

“I want them to succeed. But there are so many possible threats and possible failure points. We are uncertain as to where they are going. And while I can maintain contact as long as the stay on Alfheim, Earth, or Nidavellir…. I can not get a reading from Liz’s transponder. She is beyond my reach, Maria…. And she calls to me…..”

Another plan began to formulate itself in her head. There was another way. But it entailed personal fears and a very real risk.

What would she be willing to sacrifice to save Liz? To save Alex?

And maybe, just maybe the world.

And Maria absently played on.

Temple of Ascension, Elysium Sea, Vanaheim

Liz lay there bound on the table. Or was it altar? Liz wasn’t sure.

Her senses were completely disrupted by her being ripped from the Stargazer’s grid. What made it worse was a sense of the Stargazer still lingered, still sat there in her mind. Was it an echo, a memory of what had been? Or was she truly still link even across the worlds?

But there was more. In her instinctual need to fill the void, to regain her sense of place and control that she had grown so used to something else was filling her.

Raw power. Magical power.

But she had no idea of how to use it, and so it just pooled inside of her. To her eyes she now glowed slightly, a light blue.

The bronze skinned woman who had brought her here glowed with a pale green, and she could see a greenish line attached from her to Kvar. To a large emerald ring.

Kvar glowed black, like a halo of darkness that flowed from the black ring on his finger and surrounded him. It ate light.

From another ring, this one a diamond, an line of pale argent fire flowed off into the distance.

Isabel. It was linked to Isabel.

Was it any wonder that she was starting to hallucinate?

Serena stood over her, worry lining her face. “Oh, Liz, I am so sorry this happened. We should have been watching that bastard closer. And now….” Serena looked over at Kvar, “Now everything we have worked for will be for nothing.”

“You are dead.”

“You said that last time too. But Liz, you should know that death is not the end. I have been with you and Alex all along. Well, I visited I should honestly say.”

“How are you here?”

“The Stargazer. It changed me like it has changed you. It is those engines, that power overflow. The Spin Generators use magic. And those jumps. It has changed us.”

“Oh, God. Maria. I did this to her, too.”

“Did you force her to wear an interface band?”


“Then she’ll be fine. She was always a bit more plugged into this sort of stuff to begin with so a little won’t hurt her.”

“And when they kill me I will be stuck as a ghost?”

“No, Liz. It doesn’t work that way. If I wanted to I could have left. But I saw that I could help. And I was approached by… No, I doubt it would help to mention her. Liz the importance is choice. And that is why you must resist him. How you can succeed where an Alfar and a Vana have failed I do not know, but Liz you must hold on. You must remain yourself. If he steals your essence everything could unravel. All of our plans….”

“What plans?”

“Liz, the War has been going on for so long that most concerned haven’t truly thought about what the world will be like when it is over. Ragnarok is inevitable, but we can still shape how the future will be. Don’t you want your children to have the best possible children? I don’t want Faith to grow up in a world where she feels compelled to beat back the forces of Darkness. Our children, the Moon Born, will carry on for Mankind, no matter the results of the war. But how they contribute, how the work to rebuild a future that remains undetermined. I want the best for them. Don’t you?”


“Then hold on, Liz. Hold on to yourself, for help is coming.” Serena disappeared.

Liz shook her head. Had it been real? Had any of it been real? Or was she in the military hospital outside of the ruins of Boston, experiencing radiation induced hallucinations?

Kvar walked over and cut a lock of her hair. With the same knife he cut her and collected some of her blood. “I will enjoy you once you are mine my dear.” He kissed her forehead and ran one hand down her body possessively. “I would take you now, before I possessed your soul, but time is wasting. Business before pleasure.”

Liz wished she knew how to channel the power that now lay within her, to throw its force against this foul being.

Kvar laughed at her glare and walked off, to continue his work on the spell.

Siyan walked over and looked impassively at her. “I am sorry this had to happen. I am sorry I can not prevent it, but he is my master now. As he will be yours shortly.”

“You hate him.”

“Yessss,” came an almost sibilant hiss that was full of hatred. “I wait for a mistake, a single mistake that I can use to strike him down.”

“How long?”

“Two centuries. Remain vigilant. It will come. I pray to all the powers, both Light and Dark that it is soon!” She stalked off.

Liz closed her eyes. How could she defeat this spell? How could she hope to win?

For the first time in years, Liz Parker prayed.

But was anyone listening?


Alex helped a still stumbling Isabel up the last of the stairs to the Great Hall. He peeked around the corner and saw Liz tied up on what looked like an altar.

The bronze skinned woman was angrily stalking around, obviously guarding the area.

Could he take her?

If she had even the smallest fraction of Kvar’s or Isabel’s power, probably not. He had not been armed with anything more powerful than a palm stunner.

He hadn’t exactly expected to be whisked away like this or he would have been better prepared.

Would the stunner even work on her? She looked human, but that skin…. It looked like it was actually metal. If there were elves maybe she was something else…. “Isabel, do you know what that woman is?”

“Siyan? She is one of the Vaenir. One of the lesser nature spirits of this place. A river spirit if I remember.” Isabel smiled sadly, “She’s a dragon. An Eastern style dragon.”

“A dragon?” Suddenly the palm stunner seemed as useful as a feather boa.

But there had to be a way.

Somewhere in Antar, Alfheim

Max looked at Michael as he manhandled what had been his bike out of the shuttle.

Kyle had made a few modifications. Michael had never been able to afford the repulsor fields, let alone the spin generators. It had been made to be a late wedding gift.

He’d made similar modifications to Maria’s bike as well.

But if this worked, if his crazy plan worked, they would have to ride double. Tess would only be able to open a portal large enough to fit one bike through.

She would need Max to guide her there. They would be carrying a locator beacon that should allow the Stargazer to follow, if they could somehow repair whatever was wrong with the jump engines.

Otherwise it would be up to Tess and Max.

He watched as Tess kissed a still wheel chair bound Kyle passionately. Max was happy that she had found someone. She looked radiant as she looked at Kyle.

Both of them moved over to where Max waited.

Kyle’s hand was still on Tess’s arm, “Well Max, be careful and bring them back. And….”

“I’ll take good care of her too. Try to keep the ship in one piece. And if you get the signal….”

“I will do what I can. I still can’t track the problem down. The diagnostics are still running clean, but without Liz….”


Michael checked the bike out before letting either Tess or Max near it. “Max, I expect this baby back in one piece.”

“Take care, Michael. And take care of Maria for me, too.”

Michael just nodded and began to walk back to the shuttle.

Kyle gave Tess’s arm one more squeeze and moved the wheel chair back towards the shuttle. He was half way there when he turned and said, “Tess, I love you. Please come back to me.” And he followed Michael onto the ship.

Both Max and Tess watched as the shuttle door closed and the shuttle began to drift off back into the sky.

“We’ve had a good run, haven’t we Max?”

“Let’s see if we can’t keep it up. We just need to regain our friends. And then we can get back to saving the world.”

Tess smiled, “Let’s go be heroes.”

Max shook his head and turned on the systems for the bike. “Tess, I will settle for a quick rescue.”

Tess swung onto the bike behind him. “Is it ever that simple, Max?”

The bike began to rumble, and Max activated the repulsor field. The bike lifted off the ground. The air began to shimmer with the force of the deflector screens. They wouldn’t stop weapons, but would cut the wind. And tree branches.

Michael’s new bike was fast.

Very, very fast.

But then they had a long way to go.

Max summoned the spell that would lead him to his love. The bike began to move and Tess opened the first gate.

Max shrugged. “Let’s go be heroes then.”

Across the worlds

All the worlds still waited in quiet anticipation of the coming storm. Forces marshaled and positioned themselves to what they assumed would be their most advantageous positions.

And from time to time there would be a flicker and flash. As a strange device rocketed through countryside and cityscape, always moving towards its goal.

Moving towards its destiny.

And the fate of all creation.

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 26 - 04/01/09

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:36 pm
by PML
Thanks as always to everyone following along with this story. Now I should warn you that this part is fairly small, but it demanded to be posted now. (And I really need some sleep....) So I hope you folks enjoy as things begin to shape up to the final contest.

DeDe Pr- Hey, no problem. That is not going to happen, not when I am so close to the finish.

Poor Liz has no idea how to use magic. And as it is neither, FIre, Earth, Ice, Jotnari, or Divine, well she will have to make it up as she goes along.

As for Maria's plan, well that is why I felt compelled to post this part. Plus you get to find out what a swell guy Kvar truly is.

RhondaAnn- Maria losing herself is a very real possibility.

I probably need to edit it a little too. Basically Serena was hinting more of what has been going on in the backstory. She's part of a cabal trying not so much to win Ragnarok, but to shape the world that will come after. Kvar is aiming for the same thing, only his vision is not a pleasant one. Incoherant rambling is I vice I am desperately trying to curtail.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 27

Temple of Ascension, Elysian Sea, Vanaheim

Kvar gazed lovingly at the ring of black gold that rested on his finger. How could anyone not see the wonder and glory of this beautiful scrap of metal? Who could not feel its power as it stretched reality to provide more for its bearer?

They had found it, found where the Gods had hidden it so long ago. Hidden it to deny it to the Jotnari, deny it to those who sought to free their new ally, Loki.

He had found it. It had been the one and only time he’d fought Marcus strength to strength. And Marcus was winning.

Kvar had two choices, run or die. While it had hurt his pride he had run. Luckily Harald the Bright had also been part of their raiding party and he’d kept Marcus busy, allowing Kvar to escape.


He’d ended up half dead near an old hut on Nidavellir. The Dokkalfar witch inside had been expecting him. She had introduced him to the Oracle.

His first wife. She had given him so much. It was from her he learned the ancient human sorcery the rings he had crafted used. Sorcery that the humans had developed in the Old World to protect themselves from the Jotnari.

And to control them.

But Kvar had wanted more. More than an somewhat plain and shrewish wife. More than the children she had bore him.

And the Oracle had promised him power, more power than any living being.

For a price. There was always a price.

Even Odin had lost an eye for his wisdom.

The Oracle’s price was his children, in particular his favorite, Asabeth. The Oracle was not a creature of this world, and so needed a host. A host it could feed on and consume. Only by feeding off of the souls of children could it postpone its host’s inevitable decay.

For power, for ultimate power, Kvar sacrificed his two young sons. And he gave the Oracle his daughter to infest.

Naturally his wife disagreed. Kvar could still remember the sweet sound of his wife‘s screams as he bound her to the tree. And watched as the sun rose..

It was then after he had paid the price, the Oracle had revealed the Ring’s location. And that had only been the beginning.

Kvar stood admiring his handiwork as he crafted a simple ring of iron set with Skrymir‘s heart. It would bind the human to him. More it would bind her devices, and in time allow him to absorb them.

He wondered if Siyan realized how much of her power he had siphoned away. Vilandra he’d had for such a short time. But Siyan…. The time was soon when he would simply consume her. He could have already, but she was such a useful servant.

Even if she hated him.

He felt a prickling and knew that the enemy had sent someone. Who they could send when battle was nigh, Kvar wasn’t certain. But he would not be unopposed.

The Oracle, in the body of his daughter had told him so.

“Siyan, fetch Vilandra and guard the gateway. There will be a greeting party soon. Kill them.”

“Yes Kvar.”

Kvar watched as Siyan strode angrily from the room.

Keeping her alive was too much fun to destroy her, even if it meant a tiny bit more power. It provided so much more amusement this way.

Stargazer Captain’s Quarters, somewhere over Alfheim

Maria quietly opened the door. Funny how she had not been in these rooms since she boarded.

The last time she was here, Serena was alive. Maria closed her eyes and clutched her guitar like it was some talisman that could protect her.

It was funny, but even with all the refugees now on board the Stargazer it seemed emptier than it had been when she boarded. Without Alex or Liz, the ship felt empty.

That was why she was here. Why she would violate her friends privacy. And more.

Maria was about to violate what had become almost a shrine to Alex.

She walked briskly across the main room, to Serena’s studio. Serena had loved to paint. There were a few of her paintings still hung throughout the ship. Alex had made her studio into a permanent remembrance of his wife. It was as much a place to honor her as was Olympic size pool Serena had built in remembrance of Kevin, or the Observatory Alex had built to honor Isabel.

Tears streaked down her face as she remembered her fallen friend. “I hope you found your Kevin. I hope you are safe and happy wherever you are. Do you watch over us? We miss you.”

Maria walked among the various artifacts that had been important in Serena’s life. And found what she had come for.

It was a simple band. Or rather it looked simple, the Interface Band was anything but. It would dramatically improve the bandwidth connecting her to the Stargazer.

She was shaking as she set down the guitar, and reached for it.

She had to do it. No matter her fear. No matter the cost.

She had to save Liz. Because without her the ship just wasn’t the same. And they would not be able to stop Ragnarok. They needed her. And they needed Alex to balance her. Liz ran the machines and Alex ran the people. Without either it would fail.

And the world, the world was more important that her. More important than, “Stargazer will this hurt my baby? Will it, will it damage her?”

The voice inside her head was tense. “No. I, I think you will be fine. Even if, even if the worst happens, I can save your child. I just wish, just wish there was another way.”

“Me, too.” Maria closed her eyes. All the nightmares came back to her. All her old fears of becoming a machine, of becoming a soulless automaton. They had been made so much worse by what had happened to Kyle. What had happened to so many others.

Liz and Serena had been the lucky ones. Maria didn’t think she had their strength.

“Maria, I have been observing your biological state. I don’t think we should do this. We can find another way….”

“Have you heard from Max or Tess yet?”

“No. Not yet.”

“And if the signal came now would you be able to go to them.”

There was a pause. And anguished electronic sob. “I, I can’t I, I just can’t. I’m sorry!”

Maria felt the electronic presence pour into her implants, desperate for the comfort that only she could provide now. Had Liz even realized what she had been doing to the ship? It was alive. Fully alive now.

A person. A young person, who had depended always on Liz’s constant presence.

“But if I were there, if I kept you company…. You could do it.”


“Sorry. You can’t lie to me, chica. I can read your data collations. This is your best shot.”

“But Maria, the risk…”

“Is real. But hey its our best shot.” Maria raised the head band, her hands still shaky but more firm now that she had made her decision.

“Maybe, you should wait until we get the call…”

Maria smiled and placed the Interface Band gently on her head. “Activate.”

It all started fine as layer after layer of information and dataflows began to soar through her. But her mind began to expand and expand and expand and…..

Maria Deluca-Guerin ceased to exist.

Re: The Sorcerer and the Stargazer (AU Teen) Part 27 - 04/06/09

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:03 pm
by PML
Another day, another demi-chapter. Thanks again for everyone following along this story. With luck, I should have the next demi-chapter ready this weekend. It'll be short, like this part, but hey I have Shadows to update too.

Thanks again.

DeDe Pr- Thanks. The Oracle's current body is Kvar's daughter. Who knows, maybe her soul still hangs on underneath the evil alien presence.

Maria is lost, her sense of self merged with the Stargazer. In sci-fi terms she has undergone a Singularity Event. It has taken years for a sort of surface conciousness to develop on top of the normal AI of the computer. Right now, what was Maria is simply experiencing something completely alien to our experience. The question is whether she will ever regain her sense of self, her humanity, or if she will as she has always feared become a machine.

A taste of sci-fi in what is mostly a fantasy story.

RhondaAnn- I've been hinting this has been a possiblitly for a while. I would say you have called it right. Maria isn't dead, she just isn't human anymore.
She is lost.

Thank you for the compliment.

Disclaimer- The characters of Roswell are not mine and no infringement is intended.

The Sorcerer and the Stargazer part 28

Near the Temple of Ascension, Elysian Sea Vanaheim

Max stopped the bike. He could hear Tess’s labored breathing from the back, could hear her chanting some ancient Rhbu spell.

They were almost there.

Max deactivated the defense screens and let the bike set down on the ground for the first time in several hours.

It felt like days.

He looked back at Tess. She looked a little worn and her eyes were tightly closed. “Let’s stop here for a little while.”

“We’re not moving why?”

“We are almost there. Come on you need to stretch your legs.”

Tess opened her blue eyes for the first time. “I thought we were going to just rush in.”

“We do have to hurry, but Tess. See that island, right over there.”

Tess could barely make out the speck on the horizon. That over there?”

“Liz is there. We’re going to have to be a little more careful now. Plus, well we both need to catch our breath and get ready. Do you still have the beacon.”

Tess reached into one of her pockets. She fumbled all the little gadgets Kyle had given her. She just could not say no to him. Besides, who knew, one of his little toys could be useful… She produced the beacon. “Shall I set it off now?”

“Not yet. I am pretty sure, but we need to be positive.”

Tess took in a breath of the fragrant and pure air. She felt better already. “Where are we? This isn’t Earth or Alfheim, and it certainly isn’t Nidavellir.”

Max pointed at the second small moon crossing the sky. “Vanaheim. The stories don’t do it credit. Can’t you just feel….”

Tess nodded. She closed her eyes and felt for the local vaettir. She could feel the sheer power of Life coursing about her. Vanaheim and Asgard had formed many of the mortal ideas of heaven. The power of the local spirits filled her to the brim. And warned her of an evil, an evil that had claimed a holy place of power.

Not surprisingly it was the island they were heading for.

Also the place was calling to her. Calling to that small part of her heritage that once lived on this world.

There was a reason why Marcus Frostfire had been considered the strongest Dokkalfar in generations if not ever. Reasons why his fylgia form was that of a dragon.

He was part Vaenir.

And so too was Tess. There were reasons why even when she had been raised Dokkalfar, raised to be a Wolf, the vaettir had always loved and supported her.

But there was more. She had undergone the Ritual, a series of spells to purify the spirit. She had done this solely to allow herself the ability to walk the day, but it had done more to her. It left her open to her heritage, a heritage neither she or Marcus had ever truly known.

The Vaettir of Vanaheim welcomed her back home. And the part of her that remembered, the part of her that was from this place responded….

“Tess, are you alright?”

Tess was more than alright. She had never felt better. All of the weariness that had plagued her had vanished. She felt renewed.

And more.

Part of her wanted to frolic and play, to enjoy the new sensations and feelings that enfolded her. But Tess remained Tess. She looked at her former husband, the man who had healed the man she loved and saved him from certain death. He looked tired and worried.

She did not have the power to heal him, the gift he had was rare and precious. But she could still aid him. “I am more than good, Max. This place calls to me. And warns me. A great evil has taken control of the island we seek.”

Max looked off into the horizon again, “Of course. Well, I expected that. I just wish we knew what to expect.”

Tess reached out and washed away his weariness. “It will be fine. We just need to be steadfast. Now let’s go save out friends.”

Both of them walked back to the bike. But before Max got on he looked back at Tess. “Look Tess, before we go, I just want to say I am sorry. Sorry for all the hurtful things I have done.”

“Look Max, you never lied to me about it. You told me upfront you didn’t love me, and that you would spend as much time as you were able to be with the woman you did love. It hurt. It still does. But…, without our marriage, without all this, this insanity, I would never have met Kyle. I would never have left Nidavellir, not unless I was part of the attack group fighting to destroy Midgard.”

“I still need to apologize. I honestly doubt I would have changed anything, except maybe to fight harder to avoid our marriage. But then…. I don’t know. Maybe, maybe in a way it is better this way.”

“I’ll admit I would have liked to have avoided all the pain. And you do know, I wasn’t exactly celibate over in Germany….”

“Come on, lets go save our friends and try to build a happy ending for all of us.” Max got on the bike, adjusting the catch so his can was easily freed. A wizard needed his staff in times of trouble.

Tess climbed on behind him, her Tarnkappe furling slightly in the breeze. “Time to be heroes.”

They rode off towards the island and the Temple of Ascension.

Temple of Ascension, Elysian Sea, Vanaheim

Alex watched as the golden skinned woman approached them. He looked around for someplace to hide….

Isabel sighed. “It is too late to hide. Too late for me. You should go, go and try to save yourself. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

Alex fingered his stunner. Would it work on the strange lady? Should he even try?

Siyan looked at him sadly and spoke to Isabel, “Vilandra,” She shook her head, “Isabel, company is coming and Kvar wants us to stop it.”

Isabel reached up and grasped on of her earrings.

Alex watched as it opened up into a large container from which Isabel drew a sheathed sword. “How….?”

Isabel looked at Alex, her face still beautiful but so full of sorrow. “Magic. Now please go, I feel… a large disturbance coming. Battle is nigh.”

Alex shook his head. “I am not going to leave you Isabel. I love you and I will save you.”

Isabel just sighed. “I am beyond help, Alex. Good bye, my love.”

Both Siyan and Isabel walked off towards the entrance. Alex stared after them.

This might provide an opportunity. Kvar seemed busy, maybe he could free Liz….

He looked into the room, watching as Kvar polished a ring. But the look on Isabel’s face kept coming back to him.

She had given up. She needed him.

Who was he fooling anyway? Even if he could sneak Liz out from under Kvar, where would he go? But Isabel knew magic…. Maybe if he could save Isabel, he could save Liz….

Alex trotted off towards the entrance. He was surprised to hear voices. Familiar voices.

“Stand back, In the name of the Fire Wizard’s Guild, I am here to arrest your master Kvar for crimes against Antar and against the whole Alfar people.” That was Max.

“Max, please, I don’t want to hurt you! Please just leave!”

“Sorry Isabel, I need Liz back.”

Alex turned the last corner and saw Siyan and Tess looking warily at the other, Siyan holding a pale green sword. Isabel was barring the way from Max who looked torn. In her hand was a sword that blazed like the sun.

Isabel said sadly, “Max, you know the sword I bear. There is nothing you can do against me. And we both know I am a better fighter. I am sorry, but Liz, Liz is dead. As I am dead. There is no helping us now. Now please leave. Or I will kill you.”

Alex’s heart clenched with sorrow at the quiet pain in Isabel’s voice. For there was a certainty there. She would do it. She would kill her brother.

And he could tell that Max knew it.

He had to do something!

Being Captain always meant to having to make the hard choices.

So Alex grabbed his pocket stunner and shot Isabel in the back.