Tess the real dupe?

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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by killjoy »

You know that's not a bad thought.

The NYC bunch did seem to be a very bad/evil bunch while Ava was more....well not so evil.Than back in Roswell Tess went evil and killed Alex while the others were more calm.

You know that thought is not half bad.She maybe onto something there.
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by valentinebaby »

I don't know guys. I mean it's possible but you also have to look at the way Tess was raised. She was raised by Nesado who was not human at all. He was the one who made the deal that she turn over the pod squad and bring back the heir to the throne. He pushed the pod squad towards their destinies as well. Tess was probably feed the whole propaganda her entire life. Sure she had a glimpse of a real family and friends with Kyle and Jim but that couldn't have been enough. Isabel did feel a connection to her right away, it wasn't until the dreams started that Tess began to creep her out. In fact she maintained that Tess was normal up until she went to the house. And who knows what Nesado told her of her past life before she met up with the podsquad. For all she knew Khivar taking over could've been a very good thing.

The dupe's protector told them what's what and left. Rath and Lonnie turned kinda psycho, who knows what Zan was like, and Ava wasn't really around long enough to get a glimpse at what she was really like either. She wasn't included in the deal Nesado made to return the pod squad to Khivar. She was given no reason to betray Zan. As far as she was aware Zan was her husband in her past life, end of story. She didn't have a reason to lie and manipulate anybody except maybe getting home, but the people she'd be going home with had killed Zan, who she obviously cared about, why would she want to go anywhere with them after that?

It honestly probably wouldn't of mattered which one Nesado raised, as long as he did his part right.
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by begonia9508 »

It's a great question!
For me Tess wanted what Nasedo told her: she was the queen, everybody would idolize her and Max would belongs to her....
Common, they died and were mixed-up with humans DNA so they were never going to be what they certainly looks like on Antar!
In fact, they were more humans than aliens bc Nasedo said that their powers were human, their brains being only years more evoluted and they had earth DNA!
Tess may have been given a story from Nasedo about what she was in her past life but we all have a brain and a proper choice about what to believe and to do in life even with the education!
For me, Nasedo switched her pod with the one from Ava bc he knew that he couldn't manipulate her the way he did with Tess....
We read that the dupes were the defects ones so the change made sense, Tess being certainly more fitting in his plans....
She could have changed if she wanted: Jim and Kyle gave her this opportunity by giving her a family and affection but she choses to follow Nasedo plan and all the rest is history.... :lol: :roll:

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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by Cocogurl »

begonia9508 wrote:It's a great question!
For me Tess wanted what Nasedo told her: she was the queen, everybody would idolize her and Max would belongs to her....
Common, they died and were mixed-up with humans DNA so they were never going to be what they certainly looks like on Antar!
In fact, they were more humans than aliens bc Nasedo said that their powers were human, their brains being only years more evoluted and they had earth DNA!
Tess may have been given a story from Nasedo about what she was in her past life but we all have a brain and a proper choice about what to believe and to do in life even with the education!
For me, Nasedo switched her pod with the one from Ava bc he knew that he couldn't manipulate her the way he did with Tess....
We read that the dupes were the defects ones so the change made sense, Tess being certainly more fitting in his plans....
She could have changed if she wanted: Jim and Kyle gave her this opportunity by giving her a family and affection but she choses to follow Nasedo plan and all the rest is history.... :lol: :roll:

EVE :mrgreen:

That's why I always wondered. And Lonnie even said it, that one pod set was defective. That's why they made another set. And look at Tess compared to Ava. Yes, Tess was raised by Nasedo and that could've effected the way she was, but Ava was raised with people who were just as evil as Nasedo. Why didn't she turn out bad? I have lots of theories about this show. This is just one of many. :D
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by valentinebaby »

begonia9508 wrote: Tess may have been given a story from Nasedo about what she was in her past life but we all have a brain and a proper choice about what to believe and to do in life even with the education!
Yeah but you have to imagine that she was pretty secluded from everybody but Nasedo. They were on the run constantly and from what her view on humans was I doubt that she ever had a real friend, all she had was Nasedo. Even when she was finally with the other aliens the only ones whoever really seemed to bother with her were Jim and Kyle. She had to have known that she would always be second best to Max. They might have kissed durring prom but even then he had went with Liz, and only kissed her after Liz had pretty much rejected him again. Michael and Isabel never seemed to form a real attachment with her after Destiny. Why should she have any loyalty these people.
For me, Nasedo switched her pod with the one from Ava bc he knew that he couldn't manipulate her the way he did with Tess....
That's something that bothers me too. Why Tess? Why not Isabel? Isabel was the one who had been in love with Khivar, wouldn't she have been easier to sway. I never got that one.
Cocogurl wrote:That's why they made another set. And look at Tess compared to Ava. Yes, Tess was raised by Nasedo and that could've effected the way she was, but Ava was raised with people who were just as evil as Nasedo. Why didn't she turn out bad? I have lots of theories about this show. This is just one of many. :D
Maybe she did. We saw Ava for all of two episodes and sure seemed okay, but she loved Zan that much was obvious and even evil people are capable of love. Max may not have been Zan, but he looked exactly like him, and in a way he was a part of Zan. Wouldn't Max dying at the hands of the same people who killed Zan be like losing him all over again?

I'm not saying it's not possible. He certainly had the opportunity to switch the pods. Tess came out late, and if the NY set was the same or hatched later, it would've been all too easy. But at the same time he had the perfect setup to brainwash her into believing whatever he told her.

The thing that I think makes me more likely not to believe it is that they didn't really seem to feel a connection with Ava either. The only one who really connected with her was Liz and while that does put points in the Ava wasn't evil category because Liz had already shown herself to be a good judge of character, it doesn't really do much else.
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by Cocogurl »

valentinebaby wrote:Michael and Isabel never seemed to form a real attachment with her after Destiny. Why should she have any loyalty these people.
Because even if Michael and Isabel weren't that close to her, they still made her part of the group, as did everyone else. And Tess didn't try to have a bigger relationship with Michael and Isabel after Destiny either. Her whole obsession was Max. Sorry, but I don't give her that excuse because I feel it isn't one at all. :roll:

That's something that bothers me too. Why Tess? Why not Isabel? Isabel was the one who had been in love with Khivar, wouldn't she have been easier to sway. I never got that one.
Isabel was in love with Kivar, but Tess was the one who had to get pregnant. She had to deliver Max's heir to Khivar.

Maybe she did. We saw Ava for all of two episodes and sure seemed okay, but she loved Zan that much was obvious and even evil people are capable of love. Max may not have been Zan, but he looked exactly like him, and in a way he was a part of Zan. Wouldn't Max dying at the hands of the same people who killed Zan be like losing him all over again?
Don't remind me. I wanted to see more of the dupes. :( Yes, we only saw Ava for two episodes, but it was the same with Rath and Lonnie and in those episodes the writers showed that the differences between those three were huge. But, there's unfortunately a lot we don't know about some of the stuff that happened on Roswell. Which is why we're stuck with theories. :cry:

I still think it's a very possible theory. But, who knows. :D
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by valentinebaby »

Cocogurl wrote:
That's something that bothers me too. Why Tess? Why not Isabel? Isabel was the one who had been in love with Khivar, wouldn't she have been easier to sway. I never got that one.
Isabel was in love with Kivar, but Tess was the one who had to get pregnant. She had to deliver Max's heir to Khivar.
Okay I get that because those who are still loyal to Zan would have his heir on the throne and Khivar could run things until the kid reached a certain age. But honestly it seems rather pointless and a little over complicated.

If Max dies well we already know that next in line would be Michael. I don't quite get that either but I'll run with it, he was after all engaged to Vilandra in his past life. Next to run the the throne would most likely be Isabel or Tess. I have no way of knowing or even guessing which one of them would get the seal. Not that it really matters. Anyways, if Isabel had been picked as the betrayer and she was the one who was suppose to get them all to return to Antar all that would have to happen is for Khivar to kill Max, Michael and Tess or Ava, depending on what theory were running with, and the seal should go to Isabel, Khivar marries Isabel, and viola instant royalty no having to differ the crown to any heir of Max's when they come of age. He's King. Any children that he sired with Isabel would be in line to rule and the people of Antar have one of the Royal Four on the throne. It seems way more logical to me. Then again I'm not a writer and have no idea what was running through their minds with that entire plot line but whatever. And now that I've taken us completely off subject, I'll shut up. Sorry.
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by Cocogurl »

No, it's okay. You make a lot of sense. A lot the ideas kind of overlap one another on Roswell sometimes. I like to think the Antarians wanted to have a back up plan (or maybe a few back up plans :lol:) Just in case something happens with Max.

And as for Michael being the king in case Max dies, I agree. I don't know why they did that. Maybe their planet has something against women rulers so they chose Michael. I don't know. :lol:
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by Coccy »

I think that Isabel wasn't chosen as the "betrayer" because Kivar wanted a heir from Max not Michael
and making Isabel sleep with her brother could be rather complicate ... it makes sense to me that Kivar chose Tess.
Also, Tess said that Kivar&Co weren't her enemies.. who knows what happened on antar maybe Vilandra wasn't the only betrayer. We can't believe in the things that Tess said prior departure (about antar) because they could be all a "show" in order to make Max believe that their predecessors were in love and happy and he had to feel the same. It makes sense that she would say those things bc she needed to give him a reason to be with her.

As for Michael being the king in case Max dies i think that the reason is the fact that Rath was the second in command on antar. He was chosen by the king, the one he trusted the most. Beside Max's son couldn't inherit the seal because he was 100% human i think (and i think that this was the reason of why he got rejected on antar). And even if Max had a heir maybe Michael was supposed to be a temporary king until the heir could be old enough to rule.
Isabel didn't get the seal.. this along with some other details (like the fact that at the summit no one cared about Tess and her opinion and she didn't even get a chair at the table. She also didn't have a royal seal that could prove that she was the real queen. It seemed that they cared only about the king) makes me think that maybe on antar only the men rule :lol:
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Re: Tess the real dupe?

Post by begonia9508 »

Great thoughts everybody! :lol:

When Max saved Liz, he maybe gave her a little push, especially in her perceptiveness about people !
Maybe this push of alien powers enhanced Liz's best trait of caracter, the one who gave her the possibility to see at first sight Tess's caracter by her way of dismissing and criticizing the humans!
Ava had grown up in the undergrounds and was really cautious with the humans but never gave them the feeling to be "second hand" people!
She was really helpful to Liz and Izzy, telling them how to help save Max...
At the end, the Roswell aliens were only concerned by themselves and it was really clear when Alex died!....
It's a pity that they never developped Ava in competition with Tess! :lol:

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