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Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 23 2/13/09 p. 17

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:24 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chpt 23

Liz and Max are seven years old

"What is valentines' day?". Liz asked Max as they lay on the grass together.

"I think it's a special day for married people." Max answered, remembering how much his own father used to spoil his mother with so much gifts, the whole house would be covered with boxes of chocolates, flowers, tinsel and pink gift wraps. Of course, his father always gave his mom presents every day of their lives. Max had been taught that you just don't tell someone you love them, you need to show it them too and he idolised his parent's relationship, hoping that he'd have a wife of his own someday who he'd spoil with nice pretty presents.

"That's strange." Liz yawned. "Daddy never buys mommy anything special on this day."

"He doesn't?". Max was shocked. "But..they're married..aren't they supposed to celebrate valentines day?".

"Daddy says money is too precious to waste and mommy doesn't mind. She said I'm her greatest present." Liz beamed.

Max sat up and Liz followed his movements. "What is wrong?".

"I got you something." Max said shyly, taking out a wrapped present from his backpack and a card. "Well mommy helped me choose the present and wrap it up."

" got me a present?". Liz watched in amazement as he handed her the present.

"People give their special ones presents on this're my special one."

Liz smiled. "But I haven't got a present for you." She said sadly.

"It's okay." Max answered. "Like you are you mom's gift, you're my gift. I am lucky to have you as my bestest friend in the whole world and I never want to lose you ever."

"You won't lose me." Liz blushed. "I'll always be your bestest friend."

"Open the card."

Liz opened the card and loved the glittery hearts on the card. "Fank you Max!". She hugged Max. "I love you!".

"Love you too!". He grinned, so happy that Liz loved the card he got her.

After opening her present, Liz gasped. It was a Barbie doll, the doll she had her eyes on for a while but her father didn't buy her it. " got me my doll?".

"I knew how much you wanted it." Max said.

"You're the bestest friend I could ever have." Liz gasped with a huge smile on her face.

She then remembered something and then took off her heart locket and handed it to Max.

"Max..this is my special locket. Grandma gave it to me before she died. I want you to have it."

"I can't take that..your grandma gave it to you." Max said but Liz had already put the locket in his hand. He opened it and saw a picture of him and Liz in it.

"It's our locket because it has us in it." Liz said. "When I'm not with you, you will remember me. Us."

"You're always going to be with me." Max said and found two empty storage space at the back of the locket.

"When we grow up, we can put our grown up pictures at the back." Liz said.

"What about when we grown old together." Max teased.

"Then I'll buy another locket."

Max paused for a moment and then said what was on his mind. " you think we'll ever get married?".

"Hmm maybe."

"If I get married, I want to get married to you."

"You know I want to marry you too." Liz said and remember when Polly had a wedding with some boy in their class. Most of the girls in their class wore white to the school and had set up the wedding in the play area. Liz had thought about being the bride and Max being the groom.

"Let's get married now." Max said.

"But we're not in our wedding clothes". Liz pointed out.

"Who needs wedding clothes when I have you and you have me?".

"Oh okay." Liz said.

"Okay..repeat after me.." Max said, holding the locket and Liz's hand so the locket was sitting in-between their clasped hands. "I, Maxwell Evans take you Elizabeth Parker to be my lawfully wedded wife and promise to support you in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow and forsaking all others just for you." Max couldn't clearly remember the lines he heard on the TV but he hoped he got the main part of the vow right.

Liz took a deep breath and repeated herself after Max. "I, Elizabeth Parker, take you Maxwell Evans to be my lawfully wedded husband and promise to support you in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow and forsaking all others just for you."

Max giggled. "This is the part where the priest says I now pronounce you man and wife.."

"Let's say I now pronounce us man and wife." Liz giggled back.

"Yeah." Max nodded and on the count of one, two three, they both said the line together.

"You may now kiss the bride." Max blushed.

"You want to kiss me?". Liz said shyly. She had never kissed anyone before and neither had Max.

"Yeah..if that's okay with you?".

"I've never kissed anyone before." Liz looked away. "But I want to kiss you."

Max tried to remember the kiss scene on the TV which he mother caught him watching on day and was shocked to see her son watching such things on the TV.

"Come forward." Max said and Liz obeyed. "Look up."

Max raised himself on his knees so he could see over Liz's lips. Liz had her eyes closed and Max closed his eyes. He cupped Liz's cheek and then brought their lips together.

Present day

Liz stirred and felt a weight press down on her or something. Flickering her eyes open, she noticed she was wrapped securely in a pair of strong beautiful arms. Not just someone's arms..Max's arms.

Suddenly she was wide awake and could feel his hardness pressed up against her back. Her fingers curled around his hands in an attempt to pry them off her.

She wondered how he even got into her tent...unless she fell asleep here last night.

Max growled and pulled Liz even closer against him. "Morning."

She shivered when she could feel his lips against her neck. "Max...can you please let me go." Liz whispered, afraid if she'd stay longer something might happen between them, something she could not stop.

Max wondered if he really should let her go but released his grip on her.

Liz shuffled away from him and got up. "I'm sorry I feel asleep here last night." She apologized and hesitated as he sat up with open eyes.

"Don't be sorry." Max answered.

"I'll just go." Liz mumbled and crawled out of the tent.

She hadn't noticed Serena was watching as she left Max's tent and went to her own. Serena would definitely try and find out what was up with that Beth chick and Max.

Meanwhile Liz freshened up and changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt in her own tent. "Morning Beth." Maria greeted her. "Where were you last night?".

"I kinda of fell asleep with Amber." Liz answered, leaving the part out where she found herself in Max's arms.

"Oh, Amber woke up an hour ago. She, Serena and Poppy are just hanging out." Maria said. "That Amber is such a cutie, you know I thought Serena was her mom."

"Yeah so did I." Liz replied in a flat tone.

A bunch of girls ran up to Liz and Maria holding their notebooks and pen. "Oh my god! You're that lady on that magazine!". One of them squealed. "Can we have your autograph?!".

"Yeah sure." Liz smiled and started to sign their notebooks. They went to Maria as well who was more then happy to sign.

"Now this is what I'm talking about, recognition baby." Maria chuckled.

A couple of female teachers also asked for the autographs.

"You know, being a model is not that easy." Maria started to talk with one of the teachers.

Liz, who was bored decided to have a walk in the woods to clear her mind. She was suffering from a slight headache. The calmness of the woods had provided her with a serenity and Liz heard footsteps around her. Her vision became cloudy and she felt a sharp sting in her head.

Grabbing the sides of her head, Liz dropped to her knees and screamed in pain

and then they came, one by one...


Liz and Max are nine years old

"We're lost." Liz said sadly. "The bus left without us."

"Don't worry..we'll get home." Max said, holding her hand and leading her through the woods.

They had been on their trip to explore nature, namely bugs and plants for their school science project. Liz was very excited because it gave her the excuse of hanging with Max. They mostly saw each other on school days and her father had forbade her from even meeting anyone in the weekends and after school.

She and Max had been by the river and looking at the orange fishes swimming around and then she realised it was ten minutes past the time they had to go back. They ran through the woods and just realised how far they had walked away from the group. Liz was on the verge of crying and Max tried to make sure that Liz was okay.

"Daddy's not going to be happy." She sobbed. "He's gunna hit me".

"Your daddy hits you?". Max looked alarmed.

Liz sobbed and wiped the tears away. "He's gunna think I ran away."

"Your dad can't hit you."


"It's against the law. Child abuse isn't allowed." Max said. "Your daddy will be in prison if he breaks the law."

Liz was shocked and turned pale. Her dad will go to prison because of her. She makes him angry and her dad would suffer..

"It's my fault." She said in a quiet whisper. "I make him angry all the time."

"Stay with me." Max told Liz who started to go quiet all of a sudden.

It was just their luck when the rain started to pour and then Liz ran off ahead. "Liz wait!". Max called after her and chased her.

When he reached Liz, he found her lying on the ground sobbing in pain. "It hurts."

"What happened?". He crouched down and stroked her hair.

"I fell down and my knee hurts." Liz looked up and sobbed, her tears mixing with the rain.

Max looked at her knee and then helped Liz back up on her feet. "I'll give you a piggy back. Hop on." He instructed and she wrapped her legs slowly around his back. Max supported her on his back using both his arms, hooking them underneath her legs. "Don't worry Liz, I got you."

"Thank you Max." Whispered Liz and she wrapped her arms around him as he carried her through the rain..


"Do you remember?" The same deep voice passed through her ears, coming from behind her.

Liz stood up slowly and gasped. These memories...blurred faces and childlike voices in her mind...She was here before...she felt it. These woods had seen her before.

"You've been here before." He spoke again and she knew that he knew something about her.

Something that she didn't remember before...


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 24 2/21/09 p. 18

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:50 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone :D

Destiny (x2)

A/N: Sorry it's just a short part. I had written this a few days ago and left it there. Since my muse is nowhere to be seen I just added a few bits. This is dedicated to Destiny who was very patient. I'm hoping you enjoy this next chapter.

Chpt 24

"You've been here before." Repeated the voice in her head.

Was she dreaming? hallucinating? Her senses were not at it's highest peak and she could taste his scent on her tongue. Her own breaths surrendered to the reality...which could only mean one thing.

She wasn't crazy as she believed herself to be.

She swallowed hard and parted her trembling lips. "You're....scaring me." She slowly got up but remained in front of him.
If it was him behind her then it meant he knew something about her. Taking the plunge, she turned around and gasped when she saw him, he was standing right behind her, molten golden eyes gleaming in the sunlight which had crept through the gaps of the green forest canopy.

"It is you." She whispered.

"Yes it's me." He answered, making sure she understood this moment as real and not as a figment of her imagination.

She remained rooted to the ground so he advanced towards her, each step towards his destination. Reaching out, he cupped the side of her face. He just needed to touch her again, to feel her once more. She may have forgotten him but he could never forget her, he wanted to see if she still felt the same way..soft and smooth..

But he knew nothing would change about her. Her skin was soft as it was the last time he had seen her, touched her and made love to her.

Finding herself unable to resist his touch, she flickered her eyelids and leaned closer, raising herself on her tip toes, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his own.

Warmth spread throughout them and an ecstatic Max cradled the back of her head and snaked an arm around her tiny waist as he responded back to the kiss.

Shock sizzled through her as she felt him respond to her unexpected kiss, she couldn't believe she had given in and kissed him. He tasted so good...spicy and addictive.

It was too hard for her to stop and pull away...

It was only when Max pushed his tongue into her mouth she pulled away and gasped. "Oh my god."

Max was breathing heavily in an erotic heat. He hadn't been this aroused before...just by one kiss from the woman he deeply loved...

"I'm so sorry." she began apologising, trying not to stare into his lustful eyes.

If she had held on any longer, god knows what would have happened between them.

"It's supposed to happen." Max panted. "Me and you. We're supposed to happen." He took a step forward in an attempt to reach her again but she stepped back, afraid to get caught up in the moment again.

"No." She denied, shaking her head. "I don't think this is a good idea Max."

"You know you love me as much as I love you." He said, desperate to make her remember. She had to remember. "You have those visions Liz, You know who you are!". He didn't mean to raise his voice but he couldn't help himself and wished he was more gentle with her. He wanted to lure her back into who she was before not scare her off.

Liz? He called her Liz.

"You called me Liz?"." She gasped. Everyone called her Beth.

"You are Liz." He responded.

She shook her head and tried to remember, trying to force those memories to come undone at the surface. But it was no use. Nothing came.

"I have to go." She stared into confusion. No one told her anything, why Roswell seemed to be more familiar that it was, why Max seemed to know what was going on and why he had called her Liz instead of Beth.

It seemed like he was talking to someone else.

Max growled and took hold of her arm before she could leave. He wasn't going to let her go this time. No fucking way. "Last time I made the mistake of letting you go when I should have chased after you...but I was stupid not to...believing that you would return to me as soon as you are back...I cannot let myself repeat that same mistake I did five years ago Liz."

Tears swam in her eyes, "Let go of me."

What was he talking about five years ago? her leaving him? She didn't know anything about it.

"No. Not this time." He pulled her hard against his chest and she closed his eyes as soon as she felt his breath on her neck. She didn't know why she loved being in his felt good .He traced the underside of her jaw and reached her bottom lip. "You must have been through hell when he ripped us apart." He whispered in her ear.

Liz whimpered underneath his touch as his other arm wrapped around the top of her breasts. She held into his arm for dear life while being held captive in his arms.

"I know days you looked out of the window, hoping you could find me again....nights of you crying in your sleep." He added. "Because I've been through the same thing too Liz...I cried for have you back was all I ever wanted."

"Please Max." Liz sobbed, she didn't want to remember the pain he was talking about. None of it made sense.

"But it is true Liz. Your own father did this to us...we were so happy together." He felt his own eyes stinging with hot tears. "He never let you live in peace. He always took away whatever happiness you had and I was too weak to stop it. To take you away from him and be with you."

She felt his own pain and it scared the shit out of her. Oh god...if this was true...

No, her father could not be such an evil man.. Liz broke Max's grasp off her. "How dare you call my father evil!". She pointed at Max, accusing him of belittling her father. "If I loved you, then our father would have gotten us married." She lied, knowing to the extent that her father had put her with Pierre, a man she didn't feel like she loved enough.

"You dad hated me and probably still does hate me."

Liz watched the tears fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry." Guilt washed all over her. "I didn't mean to hurt you Max."

Max noticed she was wearing the same ring he had given her on her finger. She hadn't lost that ring...not after all these years...The ring had been with her since then.

"Oh god.." He wiped the tears away with the corner of his sleeve. "That ring." He pointed at it.

Liz touched her ring. "You gave this to me?".

Max nodded.

She looked at the ring. Her parents had said it was from an antique shop. Max was claiming it was given by him.

She was torn apart. Max seemed to know something and her parents were her parents. This was killing her. One of them was wrong.

But she didn't know who...

"Prove it." She hissed.

A/N: the tune to Jaws when the shark is coming lol, that's Jeff for ya. A big fat shark. :lol: :mrgreen:

Jeff had called up Pierre to tell him that they would be going the the US shortly. It was only a matter of time his wife would beg for forgiveness, Max would be out of their lives for good and Liz would be Pierre's wife.

Jeff would not let them escape from him. He was the master, he was the king.


"Have you seen Beth?" Maria asked. It had been hours since Beth had left for the woods and even Amber's father seemed to have gone missing. Serena had been taking care of Amber who began to inquire about Beth as well as her father.

"Those two better be back soon." Serena growled. She was pissed off at Max for not telling her anything and just running off with some Beth leaving his little girl behind who had no clue what her daddy was up to.

"I think Beth and Max fancy each other or something." Poppy said to Maria.

"This isn't like Beth." Maria dialled the number again and the sound of Liz's ringtone got louder. She noticed it was coming from Max's tent.

The girls opened Max's tent and found Liz's cell phone lying on the sleeping bag. "That cheeky little Beth." Maria gasped.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 25 2/24/09 p. 19

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:35 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chapter 25

Liz and Max are 15 years old


"So." She repeated, teasing him whenever he said so. It was funny because she knew he was attempting to start a conversation with the word and she had noticed many other things that no one particularly paid attention to. After all, she was his best friend.

"There's a party." He smiled, making a turn to the right with Liz walking beside him. "In Frazier woods. Interested?".

Liz stopped and Max turned around and looked at her. She noticed the hopeful look in his eyes that he really wanted to hear her say yes and go to the party with him. Frazier woods hadn't been her favorite place to be considering the last time they had been there they had been lost and got soaked to the bones. Both of them had a bad cold for weeks and she had never been to Frazier woods since. The cold wet mud..

"Okay, I'll go with you Max." Liz said. She had to push that fear aside and not let anything get in the way of her friendship with Max.

"I know your dad might be you know..."

"I'll sort it out later." She cut him off. "Besides, I have a plan." The pair began walking again.

"Huh and what is that?". Max winked.

Liz had gone to bed early and convinced her parents an early night was what she needed right now. Shoving some pillows underneath her comforter, Liz created a form which her parents would mistake it to be her so they would have no idea what was really happening. She grabbed her stuff and sneaked out the balcony, going down the ladder where Max was waiting for her. Giggling as he lead her to the jeep, she realised this was probably one of the earliest moments of her rebellious nature towards her parents..and it felt good.

Max drove them to the woods where the party was being held. Some couples were heavily making out in the back of the trucks parked outside while the rest where either doing some sort of dealing and dancing. Max helped Liz out of the jeep and lead her towards the rave party.

Some of the students had little glow sticks and bouncing around, making them look like little fire flies. The loud electric music was pumping against the trees.

Grabbing his best friend by the hips he danced with her a few times. "I hate this song." Liz groaned into Max's neck as the crude lyrics of the song were booming out of the speakers planted around the party site.

"Don't worry, I'll ask the DJ to change it." Promised Max, he took Liz's hand and they both walked to the DJ where Max requested an appropriate set of songs suiting both him and Liz. The content couple began dancing with each other, with smiles on their lips. Liz had never felt so liberated in her life before. This freedom, unlimited bliss...everything was just so perfect and being in Max's arms was even more perfect. It just felt so right, falling into his arms and letting him hold her.

She knew she wanted to feel like that all the time, just in Max's arms.

Max could feel her laugh while he danced with her and it was such a perfect night. He was so happy for some reason and it felt like his heart was going to burst right out of his chest. God, Liz's smiles, the way her eyes lit up and her sweet bunch of little giggles...she was so cute.

Once the night was over, Max had safely drove Liz back and kissed her goodnight on the forehead. Tonight was a perfect blissful night meant for the both of them and he was looking forward to have some more quality time with her.

When morning arrived, Liz was up and running in no time. She would have been tired but the thought of seeing Max again charged her with a unique sense of energy. Her parents had been surprised by her energetic moves, she was darting back and forth everywhere. From the lounge to the kitchen, up and down the stairs.

"I'm off to school now!". Liz hollered and ran out of the doors before anyone of her parents could offer her a ride to school. Seeing Max again made her so happy. She didn't feel scared of the woods anymore and she definitely wanted to go back there with Max.

At lunch, both of them were called to the principles office. Liz's mother and Max's mother were both sitting in the chair. Shit, they both thought and exchanged glances

Nancy looked distressed and Dianne was shocked. The principle wore a grim look on his face. "Miss Parker, Mr Evans." He acknowledged their presence.

Liz stepped bravely in front of Max and asked what the problem was. The two women looked at each other and then at their children. "Last night, you weren't in bed were you Liz?" Nancy looked at Liz.

Liz sighed, she was busted. Taking a deep breath, she answered. "No".


"Frazier woods." Liz mumbled under her breath. The flashes were getting a little intense as Max was describing them to her. She had a few tiny glimpse of a high school, a bedroom with a balcony and a jeep.

Max stood behind her, resting his hand on the tree while watching Liz stand by the sparkling blue lake. They had walked into the heart of the woods as he tried to get her to remember.

Liz started into her porcelain reflection in the shimmering blue waters. She wasn't Beth they told her but she was Liz. She wondered about her own feelings in the past of what Max meant to her and why this place held so much importance.

"Please remember." Max begged. He hoped after taking her to certain places of the woods, she'd at least recall a certain memory or something. She barely spoke and kept to herself, it worried him.

Liz turned around and looked at him, he claimed he was very important to her and he had a link with the ring she had been wearing for some time.

A sudden flash of a window came into mind and a pair of arms wrapping around her, she could feel it, his breath on her skin. It felt tingly and made her feel giddy...the sensation of being touched pricked on her skin and she felt like she was hearing voices, soft melodic voices playing over and over again in her head. She began looking everywhere, glancing to see who was whispering in her ears.

"Liz...what's wrong?". Max asked, noticing her strange behaviour. She looked like she was about to panic.

"Max...I get these voices in my head." She whispered in shock, tears forming in her eyes. "Please help me." She sobbed.

In no time he was at her side, cupping her cheeks in his arms like he used to before and in calm voice he called her name, trying to console a frightened Liz.

She flashed her eyes at Max and looked deep into his amber eyes. She was in a trance, he was pulling her in and the voices were playing in her head, sometimes they got louder and then quieter like violins being poorly played. It was scary...

But they soon stopped when he chanted her name like a balm to her ears. She loved the way 'Liz' rolled off his tongue. It seemed beautiful.

Both of them hadn't noticed how much time had passed until the sky was beginning to darken. They just held onto each other, blocking out the sounds of the background and savouring each other's presence.

Meanwhile a search party had been launched for the both of them. Amber had been kept with Serena who made sure nothing happened the little girl while Alex, Poppy and Maria went looking for Max and Liz. Serena even called Micheal for help and he had joined them.

Splitting into two groups, Maria went with Micheal while Alex and Poppy headed in the other direction in search for the two missing people.

Poppy had dragged Alex to a trail of footprints which she had spotted and they followed it. Alex held the flashlight over the two who stood by the lake. "Ahoy there!". He hollered.

"Bingo." Poppy placed a hand on Alex's shoulder to stop herself from falling. "We've found them."


The walk back was a trek. Once they had been back, Max hugged and apologised his daughter to leaving her. Amber was hysterical and scolded her father for abandoning her like that. Max had been feeling guilty with his daughter's reaction to his absence and Serena had passed death glares his way. Once Amber had been put to sleep, Serena had her argument with Max.

"Who the fuck is she to you Max?". Serena growled. "You leave your own daughter with some strange woman whose not from this country even....I thought you were a responsible grown up father who put his little girl first...but're fucking a woman on your daughter's school trip." She hissed.

"Shut up Serena." Max snapped. "That strange woman happens to be Amber's mother!".

Serena gasped and put a hand over her mouth. "No kidding?".

Max nodded. "Everyone calls her Beth but she's my Liz and she's Amber's mom."

"Oh my god Max, why didn't you tell me before?".

"Because I didn't have the chance and besides, what was more important was that I don't let Liz leave again. Her dad's gunna take her away again." Max said softly. "She has to know the truth and then make up her mind who she wants to stay with."

"Her dad doesn't know?".

"Liz's mother told me she had to lure Liz into coming back to the US without her father's knowledge."

"Oh god..this sounds bad. What if Liz's dad finds out and hunts her down?". Serena panicked, She may have never met the man but got her account of him through Max and knew Jeff Parker wasn't good news.

"I can't let him win this time." Max shook his head.

"I'm so sorry Max, I just flipped out on you. I was so worried. I mean you never got so interested in a woman and left Amber your own daughter behind like that."

"I know. It won't happen again but I needed Liz to remember."

"Is she remembering?".

"A little." Max said and then checked the time. "Well, I'll be off, see you in the morning Ser." He waved her goodnight and crawled in his own tent which his little girl was busy asleep in.

Serena got into her own tent and went to sleep straight away. Max had kissed his daughter on the cheek before trying to catch some sleep.

What he didn't realise was Amber wasn't asleep but awake and had heard him say that Beth was Liz who was her mother.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 26 3/3/09 p. 20

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:40 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


Chapter 26

"What are you saying Mr Parker? My future wife isn't here?". The shock was evident on Pierre's face as Jeff narrated the so called story to him. They were now boarding Pierre's jet plane and Pierre still was trying to digest the news Jeff had given him.

"If we don't get to America now, you will lose her for good." Jeff hissed. "Only she is what you derserve Pierre. All the other girls are sluts."

Pierre thought about it for a moment. Elizabeth had been evasive for some time and she had been missing for almost a week now. If she had gone to America then why hadn't she informed him of it? Obviously she hadn't trusted him enough to let him know what she was up to and he believed he was her beloved fiancé.

This was the worst news ever, that his fiancé had ran away to the US and god knows who she had been with. All Pierre could think that she was being happy in another man's arms while he was left pining for her. Jeff had made it seem that he was going to lose Beth to another man if he didn't act quick. The only woman he had wanted to be with more then anything else. His Beth, He'd win her back and treat her however she wanted. He'd fix it. How can she even think of leaving him?

"I want Beth." Pierre said, looking at Jeff with courage. "I want my fiancé back."

Jeff grinned. "We need to round up some men, this isn't going to be an easy fight."


"Keep your hands to yourself!". Maria giggled as Micheal snaked them around her upper thighs. They had hours of secret make out sessions in the tent and were very hot and bothered.

Micheal kissed her cheek and smiled. "It's hard to resist you Cherie." He winked at her.

"Oh." Maria stiffened against Micheal as they lay tangled together in the tent. "Beth's fiancé always calls her that."

"Beth has a fiancé?". Michael’s ears perked up. He hadn't really talked to the brunette much but hearing from Serena, she was very important to Max. Micheal hadn't expected to hear that she was taken.

"I know! I know what you're thinking." Maria laughed, helping herself up. "Beth and Max huh?".

"I thought Max was finally opening his heart up." Micheal rubbed his eyes and sat up with Maria. "He's never been with a woman before..well at least not since I've met him."

"Yeah about that." Maria sighed and drew her knees to her chest. "Do you know who Amber's mother is?".

"He never talks about her." Micheal shrugged.

"Damn." Maria shook her head. "No one knows whose Amber's mom is." Maria bit her lip and then went for the plunge. “How did Amber end up with Max exactly and what happened to Amber’s mom?”.

"Well what I do know is that she died in childbirth. Amber had survived and her mother sadly passed away." Micheal said. “Amber was dropped at Max’s doorstep.” Micheal said, remembering the grim night where Max’s life had taken a drastic turn that changed his life forever.

"That is so sad." Maria looked disturbed. "The poor girl, she's so adorable." Maria remembered how cute Amber was and wanted to hug the life out of her.

"Yep she is a cutie." Micheal kissed Maria's hands. "Think our kids will be cute like Amber?".

Maria lightly slapped Micheal. "We're not even dating yet and you're thinking about kids!". Maria launched herself at Micheal and the two resumed kissing again.


The teachers had taken the kids for some fun activities like canoeing and paintballing. Serena watched as Max was teaching his daughter how to shoot some hoops. Amber looked wary today and not interested in the activities. Serena was worried and hoped the little girl was okay.

Max cheered when he managed to get his daughter to score. "That's my girl!". He hugged his daughter and kissed the side of her face.

He looked up and noticed Liz standing with a friend of her, Poppy. Liz had seen how affectionate Max was with his daughter and she loved that about him. Such a devoted dad.

Amber noticed Liz standing over next to the gate and ran to her. "Hi mommy!". She squealed, wrapping her arms tight around Liz's small waist.

Liz was shocked, had Amber just called her mommy?

Max was surprised to see that his little girl ran so fast to Liz and was giving her one of her biggest hugs. He smiled and felt his heart swell with happiness.

The bond between mother and daughter was stronger then anything he had seen although Liz was unaware that she was the mother of his child, Amber.

"Honey..." Liz looked down at Amber's big golden eyes. "I can't be your mommy." God, this little girl could not be her daughter, agreed that she had lost a lot of her memory and had some catching up to do but she could not have mothered a child she wasn't told about. Her parents could not be so cruel to her.

They didn't mention anything about a little girl nor anything about Roswell and Max.

"You're my mommy." Amber squeezed Liz tighter. "How could you not know me? I was in your belly mommy till I was born". The little girl's voice quivered.

Liz and Poppy exchanged glances. Poppy shrugged. "Maybe?".

Liz shook her head and stroked Amber's hair. "Sweetie, what makes you think I'm your mother?". Liz bent down to become eye level with the little girl.

"Daddy told aunt Sewena that you are my mommy." Amber hiccupped. "You are aren't you?".

Liz's mouth dropped in shock and she looked up to notice an equally shocked Max standing right behind Amber.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 27 3/11/09 p. 21

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:16 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D


destiny (x2)- Thanks for the bump sweetie!

Dedicated to those who asked for another chapter, you know who you are lol. :mrgreen:

Chapter 27

“You’re my mommy.” The little girl repeated, she would not relent.

Liz just stared down at her in shock, her pale face etched into Max’s face as the horror veiled over the situation. He did not want his daughter to find out like that nor his Liz to find out in this situation.

“Honey, what makes you so sure I’m your mother?”. Liz glanced at Max nervously before looking timidly at the little girl. She was trying to be calm and rational. The first question that popped into her mind was what made Amber so certain that she was her mother. Endless questions were running through her mind right now but what concerned her the most that she should not hurt this innocent child at all.

It was hard since she had no idea how to deal with a child. But her heart wouldn’t allow her to make her upset.

“Because daddy said so.” Amber sniffed.

“Amber, why don’t you come with me.” Max intervened.

“No daddy, I want mommy to know she’s my mommy!”. Amber removed herself away from her father and hugged Liz again.

Liz helplessly looked at Max. “Sweetie…” She spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Don’t leave me again mommy, please don’t.” Amber begged.

“I will not leave you Amber.” Liz spoke calmly and bent down. “I won’t leave you.” Cupping the girl’s cheek, she kissed her forehead.

Amber calmed down a little and then turned to her father. “See daddy, all you had to do was ask.”


“I’m so sorry Liz.” Max apologised as Liz walked past the campsite. “I had no idea..”

Liz spun around. “Max I need answers.” She wore an angry expression on her face. “You told Amber I was her mom because?..”

Max sighed and looked around, making sure no one was present. “I didn’t tell her.”

Liz’s mouth dropped as the anger and shocked slapped her in the face. “Then ?”

“I told Serena last night and I think Amber must have overheard.” Max rushed.

At that point, Liz’s world came crashing down on her. “So that means…”

“Yes Liz, you are Amber’s mother.”

Landing in Los Angeles, Jeff arranged a meeting with his men and Pierre had gone to deal with his own men, telling them what Jeff had told them. Apparently, Max Evans was a threat to him. This guy would rip Beth away from his faster then a speeding bullet, Pierre had not wanted to let years of his life go to waste because Beth met Max Evans again.

Jeff was gleefully happy to know that they had arrived before anything had happened between Max and Liz. Private investigators these days were quick and fast. Something Jeff had been grateful for. He would have never imagined he had to send a spy after his own daughter and wife. That stupid wife who couldn’t even support him. She would get hers, he promised. How dare she leave him and support her daughter? He should have come first. Well at least in his opinion.

“Max Evans, why him?”. Pierre interrupted his thoughts.

“Because he has the key to Beth’s heart.” Jeff stated in a flat tone.

Pierre scoffed. “Bull.” He shook his head. “What makes you think she will remember him? She hasn’t remembered anything in years Mr Parker.”

“Nancy is going to help her.” Jeff said. “That woman is already gotten her to see Max again.”

“What are you going to do?”.

“Eliminate Max Evans for good.”


“She’s mine.” Liz repeated again in a trance. “Amber is my daughter.”

Maria had been hugged a catatonic Liz for hours now and trying to get her to accept the situation. Max had been very close to Liz but Maria had never imagined how close he actually was. That cute little girl Amber was Liz and Max’s daughter. Maria was so shocked that Liz’s own parents would hide that from her. It was overbearingly shocking.

She couldn’t have imagined how Liz felt right now.

“How could they lie to me?”.

“I don’t know but I do know that your daughter needs you right now.” Maria answered.

“How do I know if they’re telling the truth? I can’t trust anyone.” Liz whispered. “My whole life is a lie.”

“No, no” Maria patted Liz’s back. “Your life isn’t a lie, you’ve just been wronged by circumstances.”

“Why me Maria?” Liz snapped. “Why did I have five years of my life taken away from me and not only that…my own daughter…I missed those first five years of her life…I had been gone….lied to….messed with and for what? What was the result Maria?”.

Maria shrugged. “I guess you have to ask your parents that.”

“I don’t believe any of it.” She laughed. “I mean, can such cruel things happen in the world?”. She remembered her life back in Paris. She was happy there, being a model and graduating. Her father seemed very proud of her and she had a fiancé who loved her. She had a promising future waiting for her but how could she live her future if she had no idea of her past?

“Where are you going?”. Maria asked as Liz stood up.

“To get some answers.”


A/N: Song used, Don't forget about me by Enrique Iglesias

They say love is just a game
They say time can heal the pain
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose
And I guess I'm just a fool
I keep holding on to you

Max lay on the sleeping bed with his head resting on his arms as he lay on his back. He wanted to prepare the moment of telling Liz that she had a daughter with him so that she would cry in happiness and throw herself in his arms, crying that she had a promising future and that their child was the best thing that came out of their relationship.

I told you once you were the one
You know that I'd die for you
Although it hurts to see you go
Oh this time you should know
I won't try to stop you

He fucked up as usual. He let her go so many times and put those black holes in his own life and now poor Amber’s life. How could she understand what her mother had been through for five years?

Don't you forget about me baby

Don't you forget about me now
Some day you'll turn around and ask me, why did I let you go

God knew if Liz would run away again, breaking his heart along with Amber’s heart. He would die seeing his daughter suffer like he did. Death seemed more better then living without Liz but he was still breathing because of Amber and of course now that Liz was alive, he was going to hold on.

So you try to fake a smile
You don't wanna break my heart
I can see that you're afraid
But baby it's to late
Coz I'm already dying

Holding on seemed to be the only thing he could do right now and wait for Liz to make her choice.

Don't you forget about me baby
Don't you forget about me now
Some day you'll turn around and ask me, why did I let you go

Without forcing her like her father did.

She would make her own choice.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 28 & 29 3/16/09 p. 4

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:46 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: Hey guys, I've decided to write two chapters today, my muse is in action lol. I have to warn you though, Chapter 29 will be violent and may evoke anger in you guys. Other then that, enjoy! :D

Chapter 28

“She’s gone Max, I couldn’t stop her.” Maria answered.

Max sighed and ran his hands through his dark hair as he stood underneath the blinding rays of the sun that had filtered through the thick moist clouds in the sky. “Damn.” He cursed. “Do you have any idea where?”.

Maria shrugged. “All she said she was going to get some answers.”

Max silently digested Maria’s words and then realised where Liz was going. “She’s going to her mom.”

“I just hope things will be back to normal again.” Maria said. “I haven’t a clue what is going on.”

“Believe me, it’s a long story.”

“The coach is about to leave.” Serena reminded them, Maria and Max glanced at each other and then followed Serena into the coach. Amber bounced of Alex’s lap and ran straight to her father.


“Hey princess!”.

Max picked his daughter up and sat down with her. Amber snuggled in her father’s lap.

“Where’s mommy?”. Amber curiously looked around. Her mother was no where to be seen and it worried her. Soon the coach set off and Amber’s impatience started to grow a little.

“She’s gone to see her mom.” Max answered.

“Wow, she gone to see nanny?”.


Amber blinked and then thought of another question to ask. “Daddy…is mommy upset?”.

Max squeezed his eyes shut. “I think so.”


“I don’t know Amber.” Max lied, instead of telling his daughter the awful long truth, it was best to spare her the details of the situation concerning her mother.

“She will come back right?”. Amber whispered.

“I hope so Amber…” Max opened his eyes to look outside the window as the coach sped past trees. “I really hope so.”


Michael turned off his engine and Liz got out of his car. He had been utterly shocked to know that Liz was indeed Amber’s mother and Max’s love. He had wanted to meet her for so long and hopefully with her return, Max’s pain would be finally healed and put to rest. He truly hoped Liz would be the key to Max’s happiness.

“Thanks for the ride Michael.” Liz said, casting a backwards glance at him.

She didn’t know him much but he had offered to help her out and seemed like a good friend of Max’s so she trusted him.

“No problem.” Michael said.

Liz turned back and stormed into the hotel, heels clicking against the marble floor. She entered the elevator and closed her eyes when the doors closed.

Her vision took another turn..


“Dad I have school”. A twelve year old girl with long braids protested.

“School isn’t important right now.” The father growled. “You belong in the kitchen, cooking for your family. Now listen to your mother and start to learn cooking.” He pointed at the kitchen.

“But I need to go to school.” The girl insisted. “I need to go otherwise I won’t be able to graduate.”

“Fuck school”. Jeff snarled. “They put ideas into your head girl, they fake an image of freedom into little girl’s heads thinking that they can make their own choices. Only men are capable of making these choices. And I as your sole owner, made your future choices for you. You will only obey for me for the rest of your entire sordid life girl! Understood?”.

“It’s against the law..” The girl’s face snapped towards the left as her father delivered a big fat slap across her face.

“It’s against the law if you answer back to your father. You’re a devil’s child if you don’t obey your father bitch.” He said in a cold voice.

Tears ran freely down her cheeks, she was terrified of her father at this moment. Her face was stinging and she didn’t dare to answer back or god knew what he was going to do to her.

“Now go to the kitchen and cook dinner.”

She retreated back to the kitchen where her mother had been forbidden to enter by her father as punishment for her answering back to her father she had to cook dinner alone.

She was about to sob her eyes out and stopped when she saw her friend sitting at the counter, swinging his legs.

“Oh what are you doing here?”. She hissed and shut the door. “If dad finds you here…” She stopped. It was rude to backbite her father. She wasn’t allowed.

“I heard daddy’s speech.” he jumped off the counter. “How dare he order you around like that.” He sounded angry. “Just leave that nasty dad of yours and come stay with me.”

“I was wrong.” The girl said and the boy pulled her into a hug. She started to cry and he held her gently in his arms.

He dried her tears. “You’re a wonderful beautiful girl with a lot of potential. You have so much to offer to the world. Don’t let him take it away from you or that will be the biggest regret of your life.”

She smiled. He always made the pain go away. Always. “Thanks.”

He returned the smile. “Come on, let’s get cooking.”


Liz opened her eyes and noticed the doors were about to close and she had already reached the floor she was heading for. Pressing the hold button, she dodged out of the elevator and made her way to the room.

Unlocking the door, she opened it and found her friend Poppy sitting with her mother.

Both looked like the apocalypse had arrived.


Chapter 29

Max and Amber had unpacked their stuff as soon as they reached home, Max had decided to let Maria watch Amber while he took a nap.

Amber was currently watching her favourite cartoon and jumping up and down wearing one of her spongebob square pants T-shirt and shorts while singing the song.

“Shh honey, your daddy is sleeping.” Maria said, making sure Amber toned it down a little.

“Sowwy.” Amber put on her cutest smile and began to wiggle her hips. “I wove this show.”

Maria giggled to herself. “Beth your little girl is so cute.”

Waking up hours later, Maria found Amber with Max who fixed on her little shoes. “Huh? What? What did I miss?”.

“We need to get dinner.” Max realised, as they ran out of most of Amber’s favourite food. “Be back soon, will you be okay staying her or do you want to go back to the hotel?”.

Maria shook her head no. “I’ll make my own way to the hotel when I’m ready. I just need to rest for some more time.”


“See you later aunt Maria!”. Amber waved her hand at her mother’s friend.

“Later honey.”

Max took his daughter out of their apartment and into his car. Amber had insisted she wanted to try out the front seat but ended up in the back seat because Max worried a lot about her safety. “I’ll buy you a pot of ben and jerry’s? Hows that sound?”. Max asked his pouting daughter who folded her arms.

“Fine.” She didn’t look at her father.

Max smiled and then sat in his own seat before taking off into the road. It slowly began to sprinkle with rain and then the lashings of rain started.

“Oh no.” Amber gasped. “I don’t like rain daddy.”

Max put on the heater in the car. “Don’t worry sweetie, you’ll be warm now.”

Smiling he made a left turn into the intersection and they were just almost near the store until a few cars parked around his car out of nowhere, all he could see was headlights and he stopped the car, realising he had nowhere to go.

“Why did you stop daddy?”. Amber asked quietly.

A worried Max took his cell phone out. “I don’t know sweetie..” He said at the same time looking at the men who got out of the car and walked towards his car.

Max dialled in Jim’s number and waited. These men looked like they were sinister. That’s when Max’s suspicions were aroused, they had weapons with them.

“Amber, duck”. Max ordered his daughter, hoping she would not be caught in the crossfire.

Jim answered and Max quickly told him the address and what was about to happen if he didn’t make it quick.

They had already reached his car and Max had decided it was best to step out of the car and locking his daughter inside rather then having these strange scary men smash their way into their car which may result in his little girl getting injured.

“What’s going on?”. Max asked in a calm voice.

The guys looked at each other, one of them pounding the baseball bat relentlessly into their palm.

“That’s the guy.” The shortest one nodded.

Before Max could work out what was going on, the big fat guy drilled his fist into Max’s stomach. Max groaned in pain but got ready for the next hit and prevented most of them from hitting him. But they kept coming in from nowhere, grabbing his neck and arms while the harshest one used him as a punch bag.

Amber was hearing shouts of the men and the lashing rain was scaring her, she sat up and crawled near the window, wiping the fog away with her tiny hand, she noticed her dad was being strangled almost and beaten up by those nasty men.

“DADDY!” She cried and then tried to open the door. It was locked. Her father protected her too much.

“OH DADDY.” She pulled the lock on the door open and got out of the car. He would probably be angry with her for the rest of her life for doing this but there was no way she could let her father be beaten to death ever. Sobbing the same time as she ran in the unforgiving rain which got her clothes and hair completely soaked, she ran into the crossfire and tried to pry those men off her father.

“Amber no!”. Max cried as he saw his daughter among them and on of the men grabbed the little girl and pushed her out of the way.

Amber fell flat on the groaned and was already hurt. “NO!”. An angry Max yelled and started to throw punches vigorously.

He didn’t know how it happened, but right now he had drilled his fists into many of them, completely knocking them out as he bashed their heads in.

Blood flowed down his face from the cuts they etched on him, his battered body still wouldn’t give up though until each and everyone of those assholes were down.

Grabbing the man by the neck, Max pushed his fist right into his face. This guy was a tough one, wouldn’t leave him alone and let him attend his daughter.

The rain was making it hard for Max to see and when he could see his face, he felt anger.

“So we finally come face to face.”

Jeff was looking at Max with hatred flashing through his cold eyes. Max would have let him go but this man hurt his daughter. This man would pay. Max shot his stomach with his knee and punched Jeff a few times more. Max was too quick for him to react.

The sirens pierced through the rain filled air and Max turned around, finally noticing the cops had arrived but too late. Jeff pushed Max and ran into the car before driving off. Max stumbled towards his trembling daughter and held her in his arms.

Amber sobbed into her father’s arms and the cops ran out of their car to investigate.

“It’s okay’s okay.”

Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 30 3/29/09 p. 5

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:30 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D

destiny (x2)

A/N: Dedicated to Jan for her birthday, LOVE you sweetie :D

Chpt 30

"Oh my god." Dianne rushed to her son and granddaughter as Jim walked inside the house with them. The state of the two were horrendous. Max was battered and Amber had a cut on her lip. Both were drenched.

Taking her grandchild in her arms, she pressed the little girl close to her warm body shivered at the coldness from Amber's body. "Max, what happened?". Dianne lifted her eyes to her unmoving son.

"Jeff." Jim stated. In all his years of friendship with Jeff Parker, he could have not believed that the man could do such a vile act. It disgraced him to the bones. He had to force the man's name out of his lips. He was even feeling sick that he may need to arrest this man.

Dianne eyes narrowed and she lifted her trembling grandchild in her arms. "That man has always been after my son Sherriff."

Max searched for the Vaseline and put it on his daughter's lip. The nurse hadn't been too helpful apart from providing a big blanket while he gave his statement to the police. "He's gone too far this time." Max had trouble containing his anger. He had never resented Jeff for hating him but if anyone hurt his little girl then he would lose it.

"I'm so sorry about this Mrs Evans." Jim gave her a sincere apologetic look.

"I just want that man behind bars." She sighed.

"We are on the lookout for him." Jim promised.

"But how long?". Dianne wore a hopeless expression on her face. "He's gotten away with too much." She replied, remembering everything Max had told her about Liz's father. How much of a beast he was.

"We're trying our best."

It was like he was describing a monster. Jeff didn't even sound human. Dianne now realised there wasn't a shred of humanity in him at all, attacking his own grandchild like that.

"Mom, I'm going to have to take Amber upstairs. Can she stay with you?" Max asked, taking his daughter from his mom.

"Yes honey. You know she can stay here anytime." Dianne whispered.

Amber held onto her father as he took her upstairs and ran a hot bath for her. Dianne bidded Jim goodbye and saw him to the door. Max had grabbed a towel for his daughter and his mother bathed a tired Amber before drying her up and changing her in a fresh pair of undergarments and pyjamas. A very tired Amber fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillows.

"Max, you need to get treated." Dianne pointed at her son's wounds.

"It's ok mom." Max answered. "Please take care of my daughter." Max begged his mom.

"Do you even need to ask?". Dianne said. "She's my grand daughter. I love her so much and I love you too much son. Just don't do anything reckless."

Dianne didn't have to ask what her son intended to to. He was going to go after Jeff and make him pay. She was only worried for her son's safety. "I will be." Was all Max said and kissed his daughter goodbye.

As soon as her son left, Dianne just let the tears fall out.

How much hardship did her son have to face?

Seeing Liz at the doorway, both women stood up. Poppy was the first to break the unnerving silence.

"Your dad is here." Poppy informed Liz with a worried face.

"How do you know?". Liz cocked her head to the side.

Poppy flashed Liz her badge. "I'm working for the French intelligence." She stated to Liz. She knew she could trust Liz over anything and she had been working on the Jeff case for years now. Since Poppy had predicted it wouldn't take long for Jeff to get punished, she finally shared her secret with Liz and her mother.

"Oh my god." Liz put a hand on her chest. "All this time it really that bad?". She whispered. She had never seen her father so monstrous that the seriousness has just gotten worse.

"I'm so sorry Liz but your father..." Nancy sighed. "He's not that man you thought he was for five years."

"I see." Liz nodded. "Like I wasn't the person I thought I was for the past freaking five years huh mom?".


"Do I have a daughter?".


"Why did I miss five years of her life?".

Nancy shook her head. "Jeff controlled us both Liz. I thought he'd change."

"STOP GIVING EXCUSES!". Liz was shocked at her own voice. How she just raised her voice at her own mother with widened eyes. Oh god, it was that serious.

"It was my fault, yes I was selfish." Nancy sobbed. "I wanted my husband back." She cried. "I thought maybe if we just listen to him, he will be okay again but I was wrong."

Liz shook her head. "So you took my daughter away from me." She stated bluntly. "My own child whom I probably wanted to raise with Max anyway, you didn't even let me have that chance mom. Why? Because you wanted your fucking husband back." Liz shot angrily. "What did my poor little Amber ever did to not have her own mother in her life for five freaking years?".

Poppy watched from the side as mother and daughter had a fiery confrontation. She was feeling bad for Liz and wanted to just leave. But remained still, just watching. She couldn't move at all.

"I was too scared." Nancy admitted. "Your father had changed too much." She told Liz. "The things he did to people.....he did to us and I didn't want him to ruin your life with Amber and Max. So you living a lie of bliss was much better then being constantly threatened all the time. At least he never raised his hand on you for the past five years."

"Because he got his way." Poppy said. "Sorry." She lowered her eyes. "But now he is here and will do something much worse. He's even sent a private investigator after you Liz too."

"I've got to get to Max." Liz said and turned to her friend. "Can you help me?".

Knowing that her father was not going to back down, Liz was going to need all the help she could get.


Driving angrily on the highway, Max vowed he would put an end to this. He knew he couldn't think straight. His baby was hurt. He was a pissed off father. Something Jeff would never understand. How much a child means to a father. It was still raining without mercy and he sped up to 120 miles per hour not giving a damn about his own safety. He warded the nurses off and kept his stinging wounds.

He was headed for his house. The one he brought on the outskirts of Roswell. The one he put in Liz's name in memory of her. It was a gift to Amber and everything he could possibly give her. It was Michael’s idea to put some weapons in there. Max had never been a violent person but god help him, if anyone dared to hurt his baby girl or his family he would give them hell.

At the same time he was exhausted. His eyes threatened to shut and block his vision. His heart was beating faster and before he knew it, he was spinning out of control.

Managing to keep control on his car, he drove into the driveway of his car and parked. That's when he noticed another driver behind him who parked their car behind his car.

He turned around to see who had stalked him but his breath left him when he saw Liz step out of her car with an umbrella in her hand. "Max." She called him and ran towards him, sheltering him under her umbrella.

"Liz what are you doing here?". He asked wondering how she managed to follow him with his reckless driving.

"Let's go inside." She took his arm and guided him to the front door.

When they both were inside, Liz found the switch and put the light on after closing her umbrella. She jumped back when she saw the cuts on Max's face. "Oh Max." Liz touched his cheek. Max winced and removed her hand away. He was still pissed and the last thing he wanted to do was take it out on Liz.

"He did this to you?". Liz bravely asked, guessing the answer.

"No surprise there." Max answered. "He even hurt Amber."

Liz hissed. "He hurt our little girl?".

Max was surprised. He had expected her to cry her heart out on hearing that but she sounded strong and just as pissed off as he was. She looked more tougher now, more matured.

"We need to get you cleaned up." Liz made up her mind and took his hand. "Where's the bathroom?". She looked across the mahogany work over the room. The house was absolutely beautiful. It was like a mansion in the middle of nowhere with a modern touch to it. This house must have had lots of bathrooms.

"Third room on your right, upstairs." Max gave in. He was wincing in pain and probably forming bruises right now. Liz slung one of his arms on her shoulders and helped him upstairs, silently cursing her father for putting Max through this pain.

Taking him to his room, Liz peeled his jackets off him while he kicked off his shoes and socks before entering the bathroom. She put the umbrella in the bathtub, opening it up to dry. He tore of his shirt and by the time Liz turned around holding the towels, she roamed her eyes on his torso. Damn, he was a piece of scratch that. He was a masterpiece. Beautiful and flawless...and to think she had made a baby with him....the tightness between her legs just began to increase.

She had sex with him before, a small voice in the back of her head told her. He had been inside her...felt her...touched her with his body...Liz shook her head and tried to push those naughty thoughts aside. Now wasn't the time to be lusting, he was injured.

Max noticed Liz gawping at his bare chest. He couldn't help but smirk. "Like what you see?".

Liz smiled. "You tease."

Max grinned. "You know you love me."

"Yeah, now take off your pants." Liz ordered.

"Huh?". Max wondered if he heard right.

"Take off your pants." Liz repeated in a serious tone.

Max was frozen to the spot until he felt Liz's fingertips tugging at his waistband and snapping off his belt. "Uhhh Liz?".

"You can't wear wet clothes, you'll catch a cold." Liz told him while undoing his pants. "Since you're so used to the hot weather, I'll have to take care of you."

"You lived here before you know."

"Well I've gotten used to the French weather." Liz undid his zipper and pushed his pants down. His black slacks pooled at his ankles and he was only in his boxer shorts.

"Cute." Liz smirked pulling the waistband of his boxers and letting it snap against his skin.

"Ow Liz." Max laughed. "You're playing with my shorts." Max kicked off the trousers. Liz dumped all his clothes in the laundry basket.

"You do have some spare clothes right Max?".

"This is my house." Max stated the obvious.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Liz teased. "Wouldn't want you roaming around naked."

Liz dried Max's hair and then led him to the bedroom where she sat him on the bed. He watched her as she took off her own boots and socks before climbing onto the bed with him. Opening the first aid kit, she took out some ointment and started to work on Max's wounds. She winced herself when she saw his cuts and bruises.

What did her father do to him?


It was all her fault. If she hadn't come back to Roswell, Max would have been okay and so would their daughter. But she wouldn't have met him again and her daughter...her poor daughter. She was so innocent. Why did this have to happen to her? Poor girl must have been terrified. Her own father attacking Max so ruthlessly and then in front of Amber who got hurt too.

Max stiffened in pain as Liz treated his wounds with the ointment. "Sorry." Liz whispered against the crackling wind and the flicking dimmed lights of his room.

"Ahh." Max sighed, gripping the sheet with tight fists.

Liz bandaged his arm wounds and then continued to work on his back. It was too much for her to take. His beautiful skin pierced by her father's evil.

Tears seeped out of her wide dark brown eyes, slipping down her cheek. She blamed herself. She kissed Max's hard skin with her soft lips allowing her fallen tears to touch his skin.

Max felt her light moist presses of her lips on his skin along with hot droplets of tears. She was fighting it. He could hear her soft sobs and her constant apologies.

"No." He growled and turned around, pushing the first aid kit to the floor and grabbing Liz's face with his hands. "It's not your fault." He wanted to make her realise she had no part in it. She was just as much of a victim as their poor daughter was. Her father took advantage of her memory loss.

"I..." Liz was about to reply but Max angrily pressed his lips against his to stop her from blaming herself again. He knew what he was going to say, she was still an open book to him.

Liz was surprised by the kiss he bestowed upon her. Hot, fiery and angry...she parted her lips and relented to his powerful thrusting tongue, imagining the way his cock would pound into her body, she sighed into his mouth and let go of all her insecurities. He pulled her onto his lap and they both sucked on each other's tongues.

None of them wanting to stop, he grabbed her top and slowly peeled it off her, leaving her in her lacy bra. His hands roamed over her tender breasts, tight stomach and hips. Fuck, she was beautiful, he didn't need his eyes to see that. He just knew it.

Her soft supple skin underneath his rough hands, Liz felt like coming right there. Just one touch and she was going to cum. It amazed her how good he was with her body. Did they make love so often before?

She lifted her head and allowed him to kiss her neck as he rubbed the top of her breasts. Her nipples began to harden underneath his touch and he fumbled with her bra hook, when the clasp released, she let him remove the bra and he took a nipple into his mouth. Liz hissed in pleasure.

God...she hadn't been touched before. Not even with Pierre who probably couldn't make her feel this good anyway. With Max, it was something else. She was unsure whether to continue but her body made up the decision for her. She loved the way he was touching her.

"Oh god still taste so good." Max moaned, licking her breasts and massaging them.

Oh he had tasted her before. The fact just made her more wet. She grinded her hips against him. "Ahh yess Max, just like that." She grabbed his head and cradled it against her breasts as he sucked.

Liz moved off him and took her jeans off in front of him. Max licked his lips as an almost naked Liz stood in front of him with just her panties on. Her glorious bare beauty brought his arousal to harden.

Crawling on the bed, Liz lay down and spread her legs. He took his cue in getting in between them and sucking her neck. His fingers slipped past her panties and running over her moist folds. Fuck, she was so wet for him. He could easily slip into her now.

His manhood was swelling rapidly. He needed to plunge into her tight little body. But his love for her was more important. "Liz...look at me." He stopped sucking her neck but continued to finger fuck her, pushing his digits into her wet depths over and over again. Liz moaned in pleasure, a fine blush appearing on her cheeks as he rubbed her clit and fingered her. "Do you want this?".

It was too much for her to find out everything, that her past five years have been a complete lie and then she had a daughter too. He wasn't going to force her to make love with him just because they had been together before. He wanted to make love with her no doubt about that but she deserved to choose what she wanted in her life. He wasn't going to take that away from her. Not like her father had.

Liz stared at Max. "Are you crazy? Can't you feel how wet I am? There's no way I'm letting you off without you making love to me." She answered sharply and lifted her hips up to take up all his two fingers in her. "I want your cock in me now." She added, adding fuel to his blazing lust.

Max surrendered, took his fingers out of her with the intention of replacing them with his swollen member and hooked her panties off along with his boxers. Their first time together flashed through their minds. God, he hadn't been having that pleasure since. He only wanted Liz and Liz he got tonight. His amber eyes glazed with unshed tears as the hunger sizzled through his veins.

He braced himself as he reached her opening with his throbbing cock. Parting those lips of hers, Liz sighed in bliss when he pushed his cock in all the way. Ahh home sweet home..being inside her...god...

Liz had never felt so alive in her entire life. Max...her Max was inside her....she felt so full and complete. She didn't want this feeling to go.

Max's head was reeling with emotions, he....god....she was so tight. He withdrew and plunged back into her heat again. Her moans started to encourage him, he began ramming into her. Their hot bodies slapping against each other, his thrusts becoming full force, the bed shaking with the headboard banging against the wall as he took her over and over again.

"Oh god yesss." Liz screamed as the first orgasm ripped through her. Orgasm after orgasm, she felt like she had died and gone to heaven..

Both of them were rolling in the sheets and loving each other's bodies like they had finally found each other after such a long time..

Completing each other like a final piece of a jigsaw...

The night ended in bliss as they lay in each other's arms and the lights dimmed down.

This time they would wake up in each other's arms.

Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 31 4/21/09 p. 7

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:08 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :mrgreen:

Jessah (x2)

A/N: Sorry it took so late to update this story, I hadn't had the time to write lately due to a lot of stress. Thanks for the bump Carolyn and Jessah! :D

Chapter 31

The sunlight crept through the tiny holes of the delicate net hung over the window, lighting it’s patterns over the silk sheets of the bed and onto the exposed skin of the two lovers who were lying in each other’s arms.

Max was the first to wake up and he felt her in his arms which caused him to smile. He gazed at her with his amber flecks reflecting the light as his entire being was warmed with the fact that after so many years, they had finally found each other.

She moved a little in his arms, rubbing the tip of her nose against his chest and soon she woke up. “Morning.” Max’s deep voice caused ripples of desire to transcend throughout her.

“Morning.” She returned the smile, slowly opening her eyes and meeting his ones.

He watched her, his heart fluttering at the beauty in his arms. She was so beautiful even when she had just woken up.

Liz on the other hand could recall the passionate pleasures that Max blessed her with last night, how he touched her and made her feel…it was beautifully erotic. She had never been touched that way and she knew in her heart, she only knew Max could do that to her. Max owned her heart and she loved him.

And then there was her other life…

“Oh.” She slowly rose up and sat up in the bed holding the sheets close to her bare chest. Max could sense the worry in her actions and sat up with her. “Liz what’s wrong?”.

“I came to you to talk Max.” She slowly answered.

“I know that.”


“Made love?”

“Yes.” Liz nodded. “I’ve never been with a man before during the last five years of my life.”

Max was surprised. “Wait…you’ve never…”

Liz shook her head. “I couldn’t really. I guess I was just holding out for someone else.”

Max’s eyes watered. “And that was…”

“I now know it was you Max.”

“Oh Liz.” Max sighed and brought her hands in his before pressing his lips to them. “I know I could never be with anyone else either. I love you only.”

“I have to leave Pierre. I want to be with you.” Liz confessed. “And I want to know our daughter.”

“But your dad…”

“He’s not going to stop us this time.” Liz frowned. “Don’t you think it’s enough that he took five years of our lives Max?”.

“Liz…there’s so much more I need to tell you.” Max answered. “But first…do you remember much?”

“I’ve started to remember stuff here and there. Like yesterday in the elevator…I remembered my father screaming at me to cook the dinner when I was probably about eleven or something….” Liz’s voice grew softer. “And you were there…always.”

“Yeah, we ended up making the dinner together and you hid me in the basement.” Max chuckled, remembering the memory.

Liz and Max laughed together and noticed that this was probably the first time they actually laughed in a long time. “Wow.”


“I guess I have to take a shower.” Liz said with a shy face. Her cheeks were light pink and Max thought it was very adorable. “You do have spare towels don’t you?”

“Yeah.” I’ll get them out for you Liz. Oh you can borrow some of my clothes, I’m not done with you yet”, He teased.

“Okay.” Liz grinned, getting out of the bed with Max following her.


“Where’s Daddy?”. Amber asked curiously, propping her head on her hands as she watched her grandma stir a cake mixture.

“Sweetie, he’s at work.” Dianne lied. She had called up Max who said he had to talk to Liz and would be a while. Dianne had called up Jim for protection against Jeff Parker and the cops were patrolling the area. She didn’t want to scare her grandchild with the ugly truth.

“Is the sheriff going to arrest the bad man that hurt daddy last night?” Amber twirled a strand of her hair. She was feeling much better since it was daylight and sunny. The sunshine always calmed her down.

“All bad men go to jail.” Dianne answered with a smile and grabbed a cherry. “Here you go sweetie.”

Amber opened her mouth and took the cherry. “Thank you grandma.” She thought of another question and fired it at Dianne.

“This time daddy will come home with mommy right?”

Dianne looked at the little girl and saw the hope shining in her eyes. Unable to take that hope away, she answered. “Yes, he’s going to bring your mommy home.”


“You look beautiful even in my clothes.” Max commented with folded arms, watching Liz who had just put on his t shirt and boxer shorts.

“Thank you.” Liz blushed.

Liz was sitting on Max’s bed and he had offered to brush her hair for her. She watched in the mirror as he brushed her hair in affection for her. “Wow…someone knows how to brush hair.” She teased.

“I do it all the time for Amber.” Max admitted. “She loves her hair, ponytails, platts..buns you name it.”

“Well she does take after me.” Liz laughed.

“True.” Max soflty answered and put the brush down when he was finished.

Liz turned around and looked up at him. “Max…there’s things you want to tell me?”

Max sat down on the bed with her and took her hands in his. “Liz what I’m about to tell you, it may disturb you…you have to be emotionally ready for this.”
Liz nodded and bit her lip. “I am ready for this Max.”

“Okay…do you remember how Amber got to me?”


Max took a deep breath and began to narrate the first time he had seen their daughter.


5 years ago

Max was happy to be back with his parents during the holiday. How fast did the months go by he didn’t know but was happy to be back in dear old Roswell again for the summer. Micheal tagged along with him this time and they both were crashing at Max’s parents’ house.

Dianne and Phillip had taken a liking to Micheal who was very helpful around the house and very polite. Max was even shocked at how polite his friend could be .

A couple of week went by and they all were playing monopoly with each other. “Damn I lost again!” Micheal frowned and tossed his cards aside. “I’m such a loser.” He laughed.

“Micheal.” Phillip laughed.

“Well he did lose.” Isabel grinned. “Which means it’s between us three now and I know I will win like always.”

The doorbell rang and Micheal made a face at Isabel. “Miss stuck up.”

“Shush!” Isabel hissed at Micheal.

“I’ll get the door.” Dianne smiled and decided to answer the door.

“Max!” Dianne called and Max exchanged glances with his folks at the table before running to his mother.

“Yes mom?” He asked, out of breath and then flicked his eyes towards a spiteful Jeff Parker at the door. Instantly hope filled his heart that Liz was back.

“Mr Parker?”.

“Save it.” He sounded menacing. “Take this thing and keep it.” Max looked at the basket Jeff was holding. He was wondering what was in it.

“What’s that?”

“It’s your child.” Jeff thrusted the baby seat into Max’s hands. “The thing has been causing me pain. Stupid thing won’t stop crying.”

Dianne was beyond shocked. “My son is a father?”

“He got my Lizzie pregnant.” Jeff growled.

“Where is Liz?”. Max put the baby seat down and took the small infant into his arms. The baby was awake and had amber eyes just like his own and he knew that that was his child. His baby with Liz. He couldn’t believe it that they had a baby together! His heart leapt at that fact.

“You fucking bastard. You had sex with her, got her pregnant with your child that killed her in childbirth.” Jeff snapped. “That thing killed my daughter!”. He pointed at the baby which Max was holding.

Micheal and Isabel had ended up in the hall to see what the commotion was about and Micheal heard Isabel gasp. “It’s the bad dude.” She told Micheal. She told Micheal about Max’s friend Liz who had a really nasty father. Micheal couldn’t believe he was actually here.

“Liz…Liz died?”. Max’s voice was weak and sounded like he was dying.

“Because of you, if you hadn’t gotten her pregnant maybe she would have been alive. Your mistake took her life you bastard!”.

“Don’t you dare call my son a bastard.” Dianne snapped at Liz’s father. “He has a father.”

“And I’m right here.” Phillip emerged, looking enraged. “Any iressponsible father such as yourself insulting their own grandchild is not capable of respect.” Phillip said. “Now get the hell of my propery before I call the cops and have you in court for tresspassing.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gone. Just make sure you and that thing..” Jeff pointed at the little child. “Does not come in my life again. Haven’t you taken enough already Max?”

“I’m sorry to hear about Liz but don’t you ever show your face here again.” Dianne slammed the door in Jeff’s face before he could do more damage.

Inside Max was broken up and it didn’t take long for them to notice that. Isabel took the baby from her brother’s hands right before he collapsed to the floor. Phillip and Dianne ran to their son.

“Max! Max!”

“She’s really gone?.” Was all he could say.


“Oh Max, I’m so sorry to hear that.” Tears were swimming in Liz’s eyes. “He called our baby a thing and lied about my death to you?”

Even Max couldn’t believe it himself . “Looks like it. I think he gave me Amber so he could fix a new life for you when you lost your memory. Maybe Amber would have reminded you of who you really were, of you life here…of us.”

“How dare he.” Liz gritted her teeth. “Making you go through that, he lied to you Max and that lie tore you apart.”

“Atleast I got my daughter and she was safe.” Max shrugged.

Liz shook her head and leaned towards Max, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m so sorry Max. I really am so sorry.”

Max’s arms folded around Liz and he pressed a kiss on her shoulder. “Don’t leave me again Liz.”

“Never.” Liz promised.

And another memory unfolded right before Liz’s eyes…

Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 32 5/3/09 p. 8

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:29 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Chapter 32

Liz and Max are 17 years old.

Standing at the school gates, Liz watched on as the students poured out of the building, so eager to get home unlike herself. Home was something she'd like to avoid.

Where the hell was Max?

She felt someone poke her in the back and when she turned around to see her culprit, he pulled her into a huge wind knocking hug. "Max!" She exclaimed and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I love you!"

"Why?" She laughed as he finally released her.

"Mrs Templeton gave me an A star."

"Oh that's why." Liz nodded. Max's grades were improving with her helping me. "I'm your tutor that's why."

"And I should marry you." Max kissed her hand.

Liz giggled. "Let's run to the Elvis chapel." She joked but Max's expression said something else.

"Why not?" There was the glow in his eyes, Liz couldn't resist them. Every time he had something in mind, they both had to do it.

"Are you serious Max?" She hissed and grinned. The thought of eloping was breathtaking.

"Yeah, me and you in Vegas. What could be a better summer vacation?" He winked, took Liz's hand and walked away from the school gates with her.

"What do I tell my parents?"

"Tell em it's a school thing." He shrugged. "No one can stop us now."

"No bullshit." Liz laughed.

They stared into each other's eyes and then a loud honk almost made them jump back. In front of them was Jeff Parker in his car. He was sitting there with a grumpy look on his face. Liz tore her hand out of Max's. "Sorry Max." She was mortified. Her father would never let her hear the end of it now.

Liz walked toward the car and Max stopped walking with a frown on his face. Opening the door, she greeted her father. She had no idea he was going to pick her up today.

"So you're holding hands with him now?" Jeff snorted.

"Dad...please." Liz sighed. "Can you give him a lift too?" She knew she should dare to ask but there was no way she would leave her Max.

"No." Was his reply. "Get in the fucking car."

Liz froze. "No Dad, I'll walk." She stepped back and shut the car door.

Max was amused. "Liz?"

"Come on Max." Liz held her hand out to him. Max took it and the pair started to walk. Liz didn't look back at her father. She would go home, tell her parents the truth and pack her stuff before leaving with Max. When she returned, she would stay with Max. Possibly forever. She knew the plan was uncertain but she was thinking about it now.

Jeff drove off and glared at Max as he passed him walking with his daughter on the sidewalk. Seven minutes later while crossing the road, Jeff came charging at Max who pushed Liz out of the way first and managed to dodge out of Jeff's line of fire. "OH my god Max!" Liz spun around and threw her arms around at Max.

Liz couldn't believe her father tried to knock Max down with his car. The nerve of her father! "Are you alright?" She cupped Max's face.

"Yeah I'm fine." Max replied in a shaky breath. If he wasted just one more second he would have probably ended up as road kill at the hands of Jeff Parker.

Jeff had disappeared and Liz was angry. He tried to take away her reason for living. Taking out her cell phone she dialled 911 and reported her father to the police.

Jim was shocked when he had taken the case. Liz Parker was making a claim against her own father. "I saw him try to kill my Max." Liz told Jim with conviction.

Jim turned to Max. "Is this true?"

"Yes Sherriff." Max felt bile rise in his throat. He was testifying against Liz's father. It didn't feel right.

A few minutes later, Jim had talked to Jeff and came to a conclusion. Liz was nervous. She prayed that Jim would be on the right side. "I'm sorry kids but Jeff was at home and there was no witnesses."

Liz's eyes widened and she shot up from her chair. "No ...he came to pick me up but..."

"His car is at the garage." Jim shrugged.

"No he's lying." Liz roared, taking a stand for the first time in her life. "He came to pick me up from school but I walked with Max and he tried to run Max over. He obviously won't admit it because he's scared!"

That surprised Liz, that the fact that her father could get scared. Maybe he wasn't as strong as he seemed .

"We can't take your father in sweetie." Jim tried to state. "Maybe you need some rest, I think you just had a misunderstanding."

"Don't patronize me!" Liz yelled. Max held her back from swinging a fist at the sheriff.

"Liz it's ok." Max tried to soothe her.

A few more policemen came onto to the scene but Jim said it was ok so they backed down. "Take us home then Valenti" Liz challenged. She knew her father would try to hit her if she came home. She needed to show Jim the evidence of how monstrous her father was.

Jim nodded.

Max was waiting in the sheriff’s car while Liz and Jim had gone in the house. Liz packed her stuff and was amazed by how polite her father was acting. Jim had brought his story. Jeff was a good man and nothing else. She had to get out of the house. At least her father would not be able to stop her leaving with Max.

"Have a safe trip honey." Jeff chimed in before hugging Jim goodbye.

Liz didn't bother answering back and left the house. Jim waved goodbye and left with Liz. "See, he's not a bad man." He said to Liz, convinced himself that Liz had a misunderstanding with her own father.

"You'd be surprised." She answered Jim and got into the car with Max.


"I remember when he almost killed you that day." Liz whispered against Max's fingertips. "We went to Vegas but I can't remember what happened in Vegas." She frowned.

"We did go." Max replied. "It was the best vacation of our lives."

"I want to remember." A frustrated Liz sighed. "Max can't you make me remember?"

He kissed her lips. "I will Liz, I will help you to remember everything but you need to take it easy. Any strain on your brain will cause problems not only for you but for me and Amber."

"Amber." Liz recited her daughter's name gently. "I wanted a girl called Amber."

"I know." Max grinned remembering Liz teasing him about his noticeable eyes and say that if she had a daughter, she'd call her Amber.

"She has your eyes." Liz stated, remembering the big amber eyes she first noticed.

"She has your nose, your lips." Max smirked. "Your soft hair." He reached for her hair and gently caressed the strands.

"I think we made a beautiful baby." Liz blushed. Thankfully her father could do nothing about Amber's existence and Liz prayed he would spare her daughter from his ruthless evil.

Max started to kiss her again. "We." Kiss. "Did." Kiss. "Make." Kiss "A." Kiss. "Beautiful." Kiss. "Baby." He lowered her onto the bed and pressed his lips on hers, delving into a indulgent kiss.

Slipping his hand under the shirt she was wearing, he grabbed a breast and massaged it sensually. Liz closed her eyes and spread her legs allowing him to grinded against her heat.

"Do you know how much I want you Liz? I dreamt of making love to you every night since you left. God, I've thought about it, dreamt about it and fantasized about it." He confessed. "Now I have you, I want to make each of those fantasies come to life."

He grazed his erection over the cotton clad core of hers. He could feel her hot slit.

Liz shivered underneath Max's touch. "Max..." She breathed heavily. She was getting wet all over again.

He unbuttoned his shirt on her and lapped at her breasts, running his tongue over her pert nipples. Liz moaned and reached for him. "Max...should we continue?" Liz asked, wondering what the time was. If she didn't stop this, she knew that nothing could stop them after they had went down that road again.

"Let it happen." He whispered and covered her mouth with his.


Amber started to sing to the tune on the radio as she helped her grandmother with the laundry. "La la la." She sung to one of the lion king soundtrack. "Hanuka mataata."

"What a lovely voice!" Micheal complimented as he stepped into the house. "Morning Aunt Dianne. Morning little Amber."

"Uncle Mikey!" Amber dropped the clothes into the basket and ran towards Micheal with her arms outstretched.

"Ammy Bear!" Micheal teased and scooped the little girl up in his arms.

"Where you been?" Amber pouted. "You left us at the camp."

"Sorry sweetie." Micheal apologised.

"Hey Micheal." Dianne smiled as she returned to the kitchen and put the radio off. "How are you?"

"I'm just okay considering I got the message on such short notice." He smirked remembering Maria just decided to spill the information out in the middle of their making out session.

"Well Max is with Liz right now and they're having their talk." Dianne said and wondered what was taking them so long and blushed when a certain reason cropped up.

"Oh right, as long as they're safe there and he can't get them."

"That bad man?" Amber chimed in. "He won't find mommy and daddy in that special house will he?"

"Nope." Micheal answered a worried Amber who began to relax with Michael’s answer.

"Yeah as long as we keep it in the D low." Dianne whispered and nodded. "Who knows that Jeff Parker could be spying on us with his high tech men from France." Dianne scoffed.

"Saddo." She heard her husband snigger while reading the paper.

"I wish the police get him already." Amber yawned. "He is a scary man."

"Yep, he is Amber but he's also stupid." Micheal said.

"He's a stupid man!" Amber declared, smiling at her uncle Mikey's words.

The doorbell rang and Dianne decided to check who it was.

Poppy stood there with a grim look on her face.


"Shit Isabel. Where are we?" A terrified Alex asked as he tried to break free of the restraints. "Isabel?"

"I'm not sure." Isabel whispered, sounding scared out of her wits.

They were at his place last night, candle light dinner and soft sexy music leading to the bed. But then there was a scream and he felt something being tied over his face bringing him to darkness.

Last night was weird. Now he woke up to find himself chained to an iron chair and Isabel was behind him also suffering from the same fate.

The place was dark and dreary, they could see anything, Alex felt like he was in one of those SAW movies and wasn't looking forward to hear that creepy voice and that ugly looking clown doll.

The light flickered and Alex made a frightened sound. "Huh?" Isabel panted. "Alex are you okay?"

"No." He whispered. "I'm beyond ok." He wondered if they would ever see the light of the day again.

Suddenly a sound pierced their ears and they noticed a razor sharp saw whirring towards them.

"Oh god Alex!" Isabel screamed, sobbing wildly as the razor inched towards her. "Make it stop! make it stop!" She wailed.

"SHIT." Alex cursed and struggled out of his chair but to no avail. The blade was speeding up. "Isabel I love you!" He yelled and closed his eyes, prepared for the bloody end.

But the whirring stopped.

Alex opened his eyes. The blade moved back automatically and was no longer a threat. "Isabel?"

"Yes Alex?"

The door was unlocked and a man came in. "Hello my captives." Jeff smirked.


Re: Holding on..(AU, M/L, Adult) Chpt 33 5/14/09 p. 10

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:37 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


And BIG THANKS to Jan who looked over this update for me. LOVE YOU :mrgreen:

Chapter 33

A/N: warning, extreme violence is used in this update.

Max and Liz are 12 years old.

"C'mere you little brat!" A drunk Jeff slurred and slipped the belt of his pants. He never drank but his friends insisted he should go out for a "meeting" and he had gotten smashed.

His wife was out shopping leaving the babysitter with Liz. Jeff had shooed the baby sitter out and given her extra so she wouldn't intervene. Liz had refused to make him dinner and wait on him hand and foot with the pathetic excuse of doing homework so he had gotten mad.

Liz hadn't seen it coming but as soon as she stepped out of the kitchen, Jeff raised his hand and smacked her across the face with his harsh belt.

Liz winced and fell backwards. Jeff stepped over her and his eyes were bloodshot. "You stupid girl. You haven't got the balls to be my daughter."

He kicked her several times on her sides and she tried to squirm out of her father's grip but he had pinned her down to the ground and continued his assault more freely since his wife wasn't here to stop him.

Kicking her legs, Liz screamed as her dad continued to slap her back and forth. There was no doubt she was bleeding. Her lip was cut and she could taste the trickling warm blood. He left her lying there after what seemed a very long time; Liz who was battered and so tried, crawled onto all fours and tried to climb up the stairs.

Her limbs were all achy and her tears dried with the blood. Jeff was mumbling incoherently and staggering like a catatonic man. When Liz managed to reach her bedroom door, Jeff grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up.

"Oh no you don't." He snarled in her ear and bashed her swollen face against the door. "You pathetic mongrel dog!"

With a little success, Liz managed to elbow her father in the stomach but he threw her down the stairs. She ended up banging her limbs and hearing a slight crunch at the end of it.

Jeff watched her for a moment and slowly walked down the stairs. Liz scrambled to her feet and gulped. Jeff balled his hands into fists and attacked.

Liz lay helpless in the bed after her father had calmed down and was too tired to beat her up anymore. Luckily she knew he didn't break any bones. She was a strong girl who had her calcium. But today she felt so pathetic and weak. He beat her up like a punch bag. Her gum was bleeding badly and she had almost fainted at the sight of blood.

So she lay there till morning and only when the sunlight hit her face, she tried to slip out of her bed. She looked in the mirror and staggered back in horror.

There was no way she could go to school like that. She was ugly.

Disgusting and ugly and purple.

Max didn't want a purple best friend. She ripped her clothes off and stepped into the shower and made sure it was icy cold. Her father made her feel like she was worthless. Pathetic. She should be punished.

She sank to her knees and sobbed, sobbing for the loss of her strength and faith in love.

Her own father hated her.

She must be a freak.

Grabbing the shower gel, she rubbed it on her skin and cried harder when it kissed her sore wounds. After her sordid shower, Liz put on some fresh clothes and decided to put her old clothes in the wash. She checked the time and it was six am in the morning. She never woke up that early.

Maybe it was the fact that she wasn't sleeping in the first place. Two hours later, he found her and grabbed her hair. "I saw the blood on your clothes." He snapped at her. "Don't you dare tell anyone about it or I will beat you up so hard you will beg for death!"

Her father was sober now but he still continued with his reign of terror. Liz narrowed her eyes, he truly hated her.

"And put some ointment on. You can't wear the evidence you dumb bitch." He pushed her towards the door and hissed. "You better hide them ugly scars from your mother too."

Instead of going to school that day or the whole week, Liz had been made to take care of her father. If she made a mistake, he would hit her again which gave her another bruise or a cut. Her mother was too busy with her job to notice and Liz had never felt so alone in her entire life.

She was pushed to the extent to telling Max not to contact her again. No more phone calls, no more meeting up. Max had sent her a letter through the post. Jeff had sent his daughter to retrieve the mail from the mailbox anyway so Liz could read her letter. Max wanted her to go to the cinema with him to watch a film they both been waiting for.

Liz knew that her father would never allow it. She wanted to tell Max the entire truth. But her shame and pride made her conceal it.

"Dad..." She whispered. "I need to go to the library." She lied.

"What for?" He snapped.

"Homework. I have lots and we don't have a computer yet."

There was a period of silence.

"You better come back early or I will hunt your ass down and beat the crap out of you."

Liz nodded earnestly and then grabbed her stuff. She cautiously watched her surroundings before unlocking the door and running outside where she would meet with Max.



Liz laced her fingers with Max. "I remembered that."

Max formed a smile, she was remembering but those memories were terrible. He felt guilt for helping her remember them awful moments.

"How can I not see the monster he was Max?" Liz frowned. "Five years I've lived with him and thought he was such a great father. He gave me Pierre..." Liz said and Max winced at the mention of the fiancé.

"Sorry." Max apologised.

"He made me into a successful model and gave me a life of fame..." Liz shook her head. "I wasn't living. My daughter....he didn't even let me raise her." Liz snapped bitterly. "He controlled that aspect of my life which angers me the most Max."

"Well your father is going to be arrested." Max held Liz's hand.

"He's not stupid Max." Liz replied softly. "He is very tight with his security and I doubt he..." Liz was cut off by Max's phone ringing.

"Sorry." Max mumbled and took his phone out to answer it.

After talking with his mum, he looked paranoid. "What? What is it?" Liz asked, feeling dread in the pit of her stomach.

"Your father." Max replied hoarsely.


Poppy had finished telling the Evans what she had discovered. Phillip was angry that she failed to stop Jeff from kidnapping his child. "I apologise Mr Evans but..." The door opened and Poppy stopped. Max walked in with Liz beside him.

"Poppy?" Liz was surprised to see her friend here but the two hugged when they saw each other.

"How are you holding up Liz?"

"Not bad but not good either." Liz replied. "Mr and Mrs Evans, this is my fault." She went towards Max's parents. "I dragged my problems into your life."

Phillip squinted at Liz. She was a nice girl and he had nothing against her but right now the safety of his own daughter mattered to him the most. "It's a little too late for apologies." He replied bitterly.

"Dad." Max warned. "It's Jeff's fault. Not Liz's."

"We can use this as evidence against Jeff Parker." Poppy said. "I've contacted my people who are watching."

"He could be raping my daughter for all we know!" Phillip hissed. "He raped his own!"

All of them were mortified. "Dad!" Max growled.

"I was never raped." Liz whispered.

"Coming from someone who doesn't remember their past." Phillip scoffed and folded his arms.

"Dad...don't you dare insult Amber's mother." Max warned.

"It's ok." Liz blinked the tears away. "I'll go and see if I can find my daughter."

Liz left the kitchen immediately and ran up the stairs. She found her daughter's room and Dianne was reading Amber a story. Amber's eyes lit up when she saw her mother walk in the room. "Mommy!"

Jumping off the bed, she ran to her mother and Liz picked her up. Amber pressed several kisses to Liz's face. "Oh mommy, I missed you so so much!"

"Me too honey." Liz smiled.

Dianne rose. "Hello Liz."

"Hello Mrs Evans."

"Please call me mom." Dianne replied.

"I don't think I should." Liz looked at her while Amber started to play braids with her hair. "After what happened."

"It's not your fault honey." Dianne said.

Liz noticed the terror in her eyes and knew now what it felt to be separated from your own child. So she wrapped an arm around Dianne and hugged her with Amber in her arms.

Dianne hugged Liz back.

Both women who shared the same anguish could only understand each other's pain.