Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Complete 07/12/2009

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 18 02/21/09 Pg.6

Post by candysteffi »

Hey :)

I can´t believe it´s already Sunday again. Thanks for your feedback, I looooove it :)

that was a wonderful part, i can understrand what michael did, but maybe he should try the truth.

i also understand maria..because she is left by her mother and has nobody in her life who she can really really trust...its hard to believe someone if you were disappointed like she was.
Michael won´t give up so soone :) And Maria, yeah, she got hurt so often by now, it´s hard for her to trust anyone.

Oh my goodness, I can completely relate to what Maria is going through right now with this apartment situation! I've been stressed out about finding an apartment myself lately. Except that I have a mother who loves me and doesn't abandon me and helps me pay for things. Maria's got it really hard here. Really hard. What's she going to do? Where is she going to go? I'm worried.
You might find the answer in the next part ;) And I hope you will find a new apartment soon...

Oh my god, that's right! I did, I so totally did. I can be such a pervert sometimes!
lol, well... I like it. :) And you have that little icon again, which says it very simply: SEX. I love it.

Liz's phone call was probably trying to warn them.
You´re maybe right here :) M&M will find their way back together... it´s a Candy story ;)


This part is dedicated to my wounderful beta-reader Angel :)

Part 19

A lucky hit Novemerber 30th, 2007 – Friday – 2:30 pm

School is over and I head for the supermarket near my apartment. I have to buy some food for the weekend. I don´t need to work today since Kate told me to come by tomorrow morning.

“DeLuca.” Someone calls after me. I don’t have to turn around; I already know this voice - Billy. He catches up to me and forces me to stand still with his hand on my arm.

I try to look surprised. “Oh, Billy, hey.”

“Where’re you goin’?“ he asks gruffly.

“To the supermarket.” No need to lie here.

“After that?”


Think of something, Maria.

“Good. You´ll come to Election with us today,” he says without a second thought.

“But, I have to work tomorrow morning.”

“Too bad. You’re comin’ anyway. I´ll pick you up at eleven o`clock. And put on some nice clothes, too.”

I look at him, puzzled, but he leaves before I can say another word.



I put the food that I bought a minute ago in the cart in front of me and grab one of the paper bags. Just as I start to pack it, the corkboard above me catches my attention.

‘Roomate wanted’ – is the title of a handwritten note pinned there.

I set the bag down in the cart and read further.

“Are you young, independent and reasonable? Good, I´m searching for a new roomate. $100 a month. Interested? Then call me for more information.’

My heartbeat rises. Could that be my chance?

I don’t have the cell phone or a pencil with me, so I tear the whole sheet of paper off of the corkboard and shove it into my bag.


I run home, put the bags down in the kitchen and hurry into my room. I get on my knees and search for the cell phone I threw under my bed after the fight with Michael.

Michael – the memory of him makes me wince. But I don´t have time to pity myself. Not now. With shaking hands I dial the number from the flyer.

“Hello?” A young, female voice greets me.

“Hi… um. My name is Maria. I’m calling you because I just saw your flyer in a supermarket. Are you still looking for a roommate?”

Please, say yes.

“Oh, hey, Maria. My name’s Angel. I had almost lost faith that anyone would read this, so yeah, I´m definitely still looking for someone.”

That takes a load off my mind. “Cool. Where’s the apartment?”

“Oh, it’s not far from that supermarket, the one where you found my flyer.”

Okay, now I´ll ask her the most important question. “Are you gonna need permission from my parents or anything? Because I can’t get it, but I’ll be turning 18 next week.”

She laughs. “No, I don’t need that. You’ll just be my roomy, so no one will ask questions about your age or anything. And I’m only 19, so we’re not that far apart. What do you say? You wanna come over and have a look at the room I’ve got to offer?”

“Yeah, wow. That would be cool. Can you give me the adress? Then I’ll be on my way.”


I’m kind of nervous when I knock on Angel’s front door. What if she doesn´t like me?

“Hey, Maria, right?” She greets me with a wide smile on her lips.


“C’mon in.” She steps aside and leads me inside. We stand in a small living room/kitchen combination.

“As you can see, this is the room where we could cook or just hang out together.”

“Wow, it’s comfy.”

“And this…” she walks ahead to a door and opens it, “is the bathroom. Not very big, but we do have a wide shower here. There’s a small shelf, where you can put your stuff. Okay, follow me, and I’ll show you the room that’d be yours.”

I follow her, practically vibrating with excitement. She lays her hand on the doorknob, but doesn´t open it yet. She sighs and turns around. “Look, Maria, I wanna be honest with you. I’ve lived on my own in this apartment for over a year now. But the rent got to be too much for me to afford on my own. I asked my landlord if I could look for a roommate so that I don’t have to pay the whole thing alone every month. Luckily, he’s a pretty cool guy and just gave me permission. Anyway, okay, what I actually wanted to say is, this room isn’t very big or anything. I’ve just been using it as a storeroom.”

“Oh, it´s okay. Let me just see it.”

She nods and opens the door.

She’s right. It’s not a big room, maybe three meters wide and four meters long. But, there is a huge window and I can see the sky outside. There are no high buildings or anything that would hinder the view, just the sky.

That´s all I need.

My eyes fill with tears ‘cause I can´t believe that I’ve finally found a place where I can live.

“You don’t like it, right?” Angel says, her expression a little downcast. “I thought so. I wouldn’t like it, either.”

“No, no.” I shake my head. “I LOVE it.”

She looks at me, surprised. “Are you serious?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“But, why? It’s not that impressive.”

I laugh. “It’s a castle in comparison to my current situation.”

She looks at me, puzzled.

Now it’s my turn to be honest. “My parents left me in our apartment without paying the rent. They shut off our gas, so it´s freezing cold there, but I can´t pay the debts my mother left behind. So, I really, really need a new place to stay soon.”

She smiles. “Wanna cup of tea or something? We could discuss the details, if you have time.”

I nod. “Sounds great.”

“Have a seat.” She goes into the kitchen.

“When can I move in?”

“Um, I’ve only gotta move my stuff out of this room and into my room. And I’ll have to inform my landlord. What do you think about Monday?”

“Really? That’s cool. But, um… I won’t be able to give you the full $100 then. I just started my job.”

“That’s totally fine. The rent is payable at the middle of each month, so it’d be enough if you give me the money then. I just ask that you chip in for food, drinks, bathroom tissue, and stuff like that.”

“Of course! This is getting better and better,” I say with a grin.

“I’ll have to trust you, with the payment I mean. Cause you won’t appear on the rental contract or anything.”

“Don’t worry. I will pay you. That’s the only chance for me to get a new home. I can’t afford an apartment all by myself.”


I can’t believe that I just found a new place to stay. I arrive at my “current home” with a big smile on my lips and drop down to my bed.

My cell phone starts to ring the moment I relax.

Michael! I think and grab the phone.

I can´t stop my disappointment. It’s Liz. What the hell could she want? I consider just powering off the cell phone again. But, of course, I won’t.


“Maria, it’s Liz. Can you come outside?”

“Outside?” I ask, surprised. “Where outside?”

“I’m almost at your apartment. You’ll see me. Please, we need to talk.”

“What? What are you doing here? Are you out of your mind or something?”


I can see her behind a corner next to the entrance of our building. She waves me closer.

I roll my eyes and walk towards her. Without saying a word, she grabs my hand and leads me to a car.

“Get in,” she hisses.

“What?” I shake her off. “No, I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“We won’t go anywhere. We’ll just sit in the car to hide, okay?” She looks desperate and kind of ridiculous with her beanie.

I cross my arms. “No, I don´t trust you.”

She sighs and opens the drivers’ side door. A second later she throws the keys to me. “Are you satisfied now?”

I shrug and get in the car unwillingly.

“What do you want?” I ask harshly. It hurts to be so rude to her ‘cause she was always so nice to me. But maybe it was all an act, just like it was with Michael.

“I need to talk to you!”

“About what?”

“Don’t pretend to be so clueless,” she replies sounding a little pissed now, too.

“Fine. You have one minute.” I glance at my watch.


“Time’s running out, Liz,” I tease her.

She looks at me, puzzled. “God, Maria. Can you be a little less bitchy?” She calms herself down. “Listen. Michael told me that you overheard some stuff when he was talking to Max – “

I snort, angry. “He did, huh?”

“The things he told Max weren´t true. Why don´t you believe him?”

“Did he send you to talk to me, Liz? Why don´t you leave me alone?”

“He doesn´t know that I’m with you now, okay? What do you think Michael should have told Max?” She asks provocatively.

“Well,” I stumble, “maybe the truth.”

“Oh come on, Maria. He was shocked when Max came in and he made up that story to protect YOU. Both of you.”

“It didn’t sound like a story he just made up off the top of his head.”

“Max and Michael have been best friends their entire lives. They’re like brothers; you can’t expect Michael to just forget about that fact. He just didn´t want Max to hate him.”

“Yeah, that´s the most important thing, isn’t it? Why should he have told me the truth and fooled Max the whole time? That just doesn’t make sense, does it?”

Liz grunts in frustration. “I really can’t imagine why Michael still wants to protect you. He helped you all that time and you´re too much of a coward to trust him.”

Her words hit me hard and I stay silent.

“He lied to his best friends because of you, Maria; he let you sleep at his place. I deceived Max for you. Did it never occur to you that he did that not because of some stupid revenge plans, but because of the fact that he likes you?”

“Stop it!” I scream at her, and tears are running down my cheeks. “I ask myself everyday over and over again: Did I make the right decision? But, I don’t know. I want to believe him, Liz. I really want to, but I just can´t stand another rejection.”

I open the door and get out of the car. Liz holds me back for one last moment. “I wish I could offer you proof that Michael really meant what he said to you, but I can´t.” She speaks in a soft tone now. “There is nothing I can show or tell you that will destroy all your doubts, Maria. But if you knew Michael the way I know him, you would realize that he’s done more for you than for anyone else.”

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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 19 03/01/09 Pg.7

Post by candysteffi »

Hiya :)

M&M interaction is comming up in this part again :)
how many chapters has this story?
hm, well by now I have another 8 chapters translated, but the story isn´t completed yet, so I guess it will be like 12 chapters to the end.

I changed it to that icon just for you.
aw,thank you ;)
So, now that Maria's going to have this bedroom . . . and it's a very tiny room . . . not a whole lot of space . . . if Michael were to visit and they were to end up, you know, sans clothes and sort of . . . tangled around each other . . . maybe some sweat involved . . . you see where I'm going with this? Maria's new living arrangement has potential.
I knew you were saying this, girl. lol



Part 20


Liz’ last words chase around in my head. Was she right? Should I trust Michael?

Oh, I really hate this! Why isn’t there a reliable sign over everybody’s head, so you can see if the person is lying or not? That would be very helpful. I´m an emotional wreck at the moment and nobody can help me with it, except for myself.

I have two choices: Either I trust Michael and believe that he didn´t lie to me, but to his best friends.
Or I send him packing and try to cope with my life without him.

Maybe the last one would be more reasonable, right? But, what about my feelings for him? Yes, I admit it, I have feelings for him. I don´t know what they’re all about, ‘cause I never before felt the way I feel around him. But when he kissed me, even if it was only for a few seconds, it seemed so right.

I take the phone I got from him, hold it in my hand and stare at it. Should I call him? But what am I supposd to say? No, I can´t call him. It would be too weird.

I have a bigger problem to resolve: Billy.

I glance at the phone one last time and put it into my bag then. Maybe it’s a good idea to take it with me tonight.


11:00 pm

I wait outside. There is no need for him to come into the flat to pick me up. I’m nervous. Very nervous, to be honest.

“Ah, there she is,” Billy slurs from a distance. It’s not hard to figure out that he´s already a little drunk. All the other Hurricanes are with him and there’s another person I don´t know.

“Didn´t I tell you to put on some sexy clothes?” he asks when they reach me.

I look down at myself. I’m wearing a pair of blue drainpipe jeans, some high white pumps, which I bought in better times and a white top unter my jacket. Well, I think I do look sexy – just not slutty-sexy.

“It’s cold!” I respond.

“It’s not cold inside the Election.”

“I think she looks damn hot, man!” the guy I don’t know says.

Billy grins at him and drapes an arm around his neck. “That´s good Anthony, ‘cause she´s yours tonight.”

What? Did I hear him right?

“Maria, this’s my cousin Anthony. You have to be nice to him tonight.”

“What are you talkin’ about, Billy?” My voice sounds shrill. I look at Sean, Ava, Brody and Ryan in hopes of finding some indignation – but nothing. They all look down at the ground.

It´s another story when Billy makes out with some other woman, but he can´t expect from me to sleep with another man he had chosen. I’m not a whore.

“Let´s go.” Billy grabs my wrist and we walk to the Election.


Ava and Ryan are at the bar; they drink and flirt the whole time. I wish I could be as light-hearted as her.

I’m sitting in one of the booths – between Billy and Anthony. God, can it get any worse? I’m on the verge of freaking out here.

“You stay with Anthony, got that? Go dance with him, flirt with him and later, you go home with him,” Billy says to me over the loud music. I don´t think that Anthony can hear him.

I shake my head. “You can’t expect me to sleep with him.”

“I can! And I will. Take my word for it,” he blusters.

“But why?” I scream.

“Because he’s alone in town, he wants to get laid, and he thinks you’re hot.”

“But there are lots of hot woman here who would be willing to go home with him, I´m sure.”

“Listen,” he grabs my chin rudely, “you´ll do what I tell you. Or else you’ll catch it, Maria.” With these words he leaves.


Anthony keeps touching me on my leg the whole time. I don´t know how long I can stand his closeness. If I didn´t know better, I might think that he’s an attractive guy. But he´s a jerk and I hate him, because he’s the same as Billy, an arrogant asshole.

“You want something to drink?” he asks, almost touching my ear with his lips.

I back off a little. “No, thank you.”

“You’re kind of tense.“ He slides his right hand further up my thigh and comes close again.

I turn away from him and find Michael Guerin staring at me.


My heartbeat races the moment our eyes meet. I wonder how long he’s been observing me. It’s good to see him again, but the circumstances could be better. Bandits and Hurricanes in the same room... it doesn´t turn out very well most of the time.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I yell at Anthony to be heard above the noise and leave the dance hall.

I look into the mirror in the bathroom and ask myself, what I should do next. I can´t get out of this mess; it doesn’t matter if I stay or leave. But maybe it would be healthier to stay.

I leave the bathroom after a few minutes to make my way back to my seat. But someone suddenly grabs my wrist and drags me into some kind of storeroom. I want to scream, but the person presses his hand over my mouth and then the door shuts behind us and no one will hear me above the loud music outside anyway.

I spin around furiously and don´t know if I should be scared or glad when I see Michael.

“You?” I whisper, and my knees go weak when I meet his intense glance.

“Did you expect someone else?” He lifts his eyebrows in question.

I’m too shocked to respond.

“Who’s the jerk you were with?” He cuts to the chase immediately and crosses his arms.

“Why do you care?” I snap only because I´m too ashamed to tell him the truth.

“You’re not answering my question,” he states coldly.

“Are you jealous or something?” I try to hide my insecurity.

“Why should I be jealous? Any fool can see that you don´t want him to touch you.”

I guess he observed me for a while in the dance hall.

“He´s Billy´s cousin,” I whisper.

Michael rolls his eyes. “Great, another bastard in his family,” he murmurs. “Why are you hanging out with him anyway?”

I look down at the floor. I can´t tell him the whole story, it´s too embarrasing.

He takes my chin in his hand and lifts it. “Tell me the truth, Maria.” The expression on his face softens. “You’re not with him by your own choice, right?”

I nod slightly and try to hide the oncoming tears. “Um...” I gulp, “he… Billy wants me to spend the night with his cousin.”

Michael’s eyes widen in shock. “WHAT?” He slams his fist into the wall behind me. “Fuck! That jerk is out of control,” he yells.

After a few seconds he pulls himself togehter and looks straight into my eyes. “You’re not doin’ that!”

“I have no choice, I...”

“No, Maria. I won´t let you.”

“What do you suggest we do, Michael?” I scream. “We can’t do anything about it.”

“Max and I will tear them up. Both of them, and in a way that they won´t be able to fuck anyone tonight.”

“Yeah, right. It’d be Max and you against Billy, Anthony, Brody, Ryan, Sean and Brody. They’re all here, Michael.”

“Kyle and Alex are here, too.”

“Oh, come on, Alex? “ I look at him doubtfully.

“Fine. So it’s Max, Kyle and me against them. We can manage this.”

“Maybe, if you weren’t still hurt.”

“I feel fine.”

“Really?” I punch him in the stomach – not with all my strength, of course. He winces in pain.

I take a step forward and poke my finger into his chest. “You’re still far from being fine. Billy knows that and he would take advantage of it. He would hurt you, Michael. He would hurt you really bad.”

He shoves my finger away from him and looks into my eyes. “Better me than you.”

Suddenly I lose all my doubts and insecurity about him. This whole thing between Michael and me has nothing to do with some ridiculous revenge plan or wounded pride. He wants to protect me, even when he knows that he doesn’t have a realistic chance of coming out of this very well.

“I´m sorry, that I didn´t believe you,” I breathe out and blink back tears.

He seems to be a little confused by my sudden change of subject, but he realizes the significance of my words and nods.

“I have an idea. Wait here for me, I´ll be right back, okay?”


Then he leaves me alone in the room and I sit down on one of the beer cases.


After a few minutes he comes back.

“Give me your hand“, he says.

I look at him puzzled, but I do what he asked me to do. Michael pulls something of of his pockets and places it into my palm.

“Is this what I think it is? Drugs?” I look closer. “Cocaine?”

He nods.

“Michael, where did...?”

“I don’t take dugs, okay? Trust me, I´m not a total dumbass. But I know people who deal them.”

“What am I supposed to do with them? I don’t think that a purple haze will distract them from sex.”

“Did Billy and his cousin leave their jackets at the coat check at the entrance?”

I grin. “Yeah! And I have the tokens to pick them up.”

He smiles a little. “Then just make sure that Billy and his cousin have the drugs in their pockets when you leave. I´ll take care of the rest.”

I nod. “Thank you, Michael.”

“Go now, before anyone starts to wonder where we are.”

I turn around and start to leave the room. I want to hug him so bad, but I think it´s not the right time.


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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 20 03/08/09 Pg.7

Post by candysteffi »


You´re in a bad mood? Why?
I hope everything is okay and you´ll like the new part :) Thanks.

Billy is really a big A**HOLE, right? I know, sorry for that. But fortunately, Michael won´t stop to be the protector, lol.
Thanks, hun.


Part 21

Two hours later...

I put the drugs in their jackets after a while. It was so easy, it almost scares me. I don´t know what Michael has planned, but I hope that it will work, ‘cause Anthony is really disgusting me. We are dancing right now and his fingers are all over me. I try to look amused – but inside it makes me wanna puke!

Michael is still observing us and I can see the tense expression in his face when Anthony grabs my ass once more. Suddenly Billy appears next to us. “Okay, let´s go. It’s getting kind of empty here and we wanna get laid. The others left a while ago.” I recognize a tall blonde woman next to him. Seems to be his new interest.

We all head for the exit, but I have to glance back at Michael one more time. He nods in my direction and takes his phone out of his pocket.

We pick up our jackets and leave the Election. Suddenly there are three tall men in front of us. “General drug control.” One of them says and he shows his shield to us.

“Oh, come on,” Billy says, “we just wanna go home. We don´t have any drugs.”

“Then you have nothing to worry about, do you?” one of the man replies and they start to search all of us.

“No drugs, huh?” The policeman waves a small bag of cocaine in front of Billy´s nose.

“What the hell? Those aren’t my drugs. Somebody put it in my pocket.”

“Yeah, of course they did!”

“I found something, too,” the man who searched Anthony, says.

“The ladies are okay,” the third man says. “We’ll just take these two losers with us. You can spend a nice night at the police station.”

“No.” Billy screams and wants to get rid of them, but soon I hear the ‘click’ of the handcuffs.

I try to look shocked and pissed, but inside I cheer. Billy´s bitch disappears without looking back and two of the policemen drag Billy and his cousin to their car.

“Be glad that you’re not spending the night with this jackass,” the third officer says to me.

I nod absent-mindedly. “Yeah, I am.”


I sink into my bed tiredly. The sun will be coming up soon and I have to go to work. Maybe it´s not a good idea to get some sleep now. I won´t be able to stand up then.

Suddenly my cell phone starts to ring. I pull it out of my bag with shaking hands. I already know that it’s Michael.


“Hey. You´re okay?”

“Yeah. The police took Billy and Anthony with them.”

“So our plan did work.”

“Yeah. Michael? Thank you... for helping me... again.”

“It´s okay. You sound very tired. I should let you sleep.”

“No,” I answer way too quickly. I want to talk to him for a while. “Um... I mean, I have to be at work in two hours, so I’m gonna try to stay awake.”

“Are you cold? Your voice is shaking.”

“A little. Still no heat here, you know. Oh, but I found a new place to stay,” I add with excitement.

“Really? It’s not Billy’s house or anything, right?” He seems a little alarmed.

“No, no. For heaven’s sake, Michael. There’s a girl who was looking for a roomate. I visited with her yesterday and she offered me a little room. It´s nothing special, but it´s warm and nice and I can afford it.”

“That´s good. And you won’t be alone anymore. When will you move?”

“On Monday, I guess. I´ll pack my few things this weekend and then I have to find a way to bring them over to my new home.”

“I can help you, if you want to.”

“It´s too dangerous, Michael.”

“I don’t care.”


A piece of good news December 1st, 2007 – Saturday – 1:30 pm

I´m on my way home from work now. Today really sucked ‘cause there were tons of dishes to wash and now I’m exhausted. My legs feel like lead weights and I just want to sit down and rest. A little smile crosses my face when I remember how April and I broke lots of plates, when we attempted to put them in the cupboard. We had a lot of fun even though I was so tired.

“Hey, Maria.” Somone interrupts my thoughts and I look up.


Great. I don´t want to talk to one of them right now.

“How’re you doin’?”

“Well, I´m kind of tired. I got home late last night and I have to be at work at 7:00 am.”

“Oh wow, that´s really early. Hey, I heard about the incident with the police.”

“Yeah, it was really weird, you know?” I hope I don’t sound as nervous as I feel right now. “I didn’t know that Billy and Anthony had drugs.”

“They didn’t! Or at least they didn´t know that there were drugs in their pockets. I talked to Billy a few hours ago.”

Does he suspect me? That would be bad.

“He thinks one of the Bandits planted the drugs. They were at the Election tonight and they didn´t start any trouble with us… which is very suspicious, don´t you think?”

I pretend to think about it for a while. “Maybe. Yeah... it´s really weird that they didn´t start a fight with us.... and maybe it was because of their plan to put the drugs in Billy and Anthony’s pockets without attracting attention.”

Sean nods, convinced, and I’m glad that he’s buying the story.

“So... uh... they’re out of jail now, right?”

“Anthony, yes, and he already left town, but Billy... he’s still there. He told me he’d have to stay there maybe a week or two because he has a criminal record and the cops won´t let him go without a little punishment.”

“Oh, that really sucks.” Yeah... NOT!!!

“Yeah, without him we’re totally outnumbered. I talked to Ryan and we decided that it’d be better to stay outta sight for the next few days, at least until Billy gets outta jail. If the Bandits get ahold of us we’d be too weak to beat them right now.”

I nod and try to hide my joy. One week… maybe longer, without worrying about how to escape my gang. “That sounds smart.”

“Yeah, so just go home and stay there, okay? I´ll let everyone know.”


I come home and throw myself onto my bed. I really need to sleep, and soon. But first I have to call Michael. He asked me this morning to give him a call when I was home from work, just to make sure that I´m okay and Billy didn´t ambush me somewhere.

“Hey. It´s Maria.”

“You´re at home.”



“I ran into Sean on my way home.”

“What’d he say?” His voice gets more serious with the mention of a member of the Hurricanes.

“That Billy has to stay in jail for at least a week.” I smile into the phone.

“Wow, finally one piece of good news this week.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll have to worry about them this week. What a nice birthday present he made for me without even knowing, huh?”

“Your birthday isn´t today, is it?”

“No, it´s on Wednesday; I can’t wait to turn 18.”

“I can believe that.”

“Sean also told me that Billy thinks someone in the Bandits put the drugs in their pockets.”

“Good. Then they don’t suspect you.”

“Yeah, but you have to be careful. All of you. Well, I didn´t care about Kyle and Lonnie, sorry, but I´m sure he’ll be coming up with a revenge plan while he’s in jail.”


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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 21 03/15/09 Pg.7

Post by candysteffi »

quelbebek: yeah, I know what ya mean, sometimes the day has not nough hours for all the things we wanna do, right? I´m glad you like my Michael ;)

Part 22

Save me! Again. December 2nd, 2007 – Sunday – 5:30 pm

I’m kind of nervous. Michael will be here at my flat soon. Yesterday on the phone we agreed that he’ll pick up my stuff today, ‘cause we won´t have enough time on Monday. I wonder what he thinks about me. Are we friends? Or lovers? Or what? He’s never mentioned the kiss between us again. Maybe he doesn´t want us to be anything, because it´s all so difficult. Maybe he just has a guilty conscience about Kyle and the abduction and all the things they did to me. Maybe he just helps me to quiet the voice in his head that tells him that he´s a bad person.

I don´t know. He means so much to me right now, and I hope that we can at least be friends. I’m too scared to inquire about his real intent.

Suddenly there’s a knock on the door and my heart jumps with a combination of anticipation and tension. The smile on my lips disappears when I see George on the other side of the door.

George… not Michael.

“What do you want?” I snap.

“So, you’re still alive,” he mutters.

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Whatever! I just wanna get some stuff for your mother.” He rushes through the door. “What´s that?” He motions to my packed stuff.

“Cartons,” I answer dryly.

“Don´t shit me,” he almost screams and comes towards me in a hurry.

“I´m moving out of this shithole,” I yell back.

“Where to?”

I huff scornfully. “Like I would tell you!”

“You´re an impertinent little slut,” he hisses and slaps me in the face.

My head jerks to one side; suddenly I feel kind of dizzy and I struggle to stay upright.

Just as George moves to push me against the wall, a deep male voice stops him. “Don´t touch her.”

I’m so glad to see Michael standing in the doorway.

“Who are you? The mack for this little whore here?” He buries his left hand in my hair and drags me along with him.

I wince in pain, but try to hide my weakness as much as I can.

Michael takes a few lage steps forward until he reaches us. “I said, don´t touch her.” Then he grabs George’s arm, which is holding onto me, and makes him to let me go.

He yelps at Michael’s rough handling and tries to shake him off.

“Leave!” Michael tells him angrily.

“You’re not in charge here, you son of a bitch!” George tosses back and clenches his fist.

Fortunately, Michael ducks before the punch can hit him. He looks like nothing could agitate him: his expression is cold, his body taut as he stands in the middle of the room like a stonewall.

In the twinkling of an eye, he punches my mother’s bimbo in the face and slams him against the wall right next to the door. George almost loses his consciousness for a second and Michael takes the opportunity to throw him out of the flat. “Fuck off, jerk,” he tells him and slams the door.

I still stand in the same place where George let go of me a few moments before and I stare at Michael in shock.

“You’re okay?” He comes closer.

I nod, still a little shaken. “Yeah!”

He takes my face in his hands and checks my cheek where George hit me. “Does it hurt?”

“Just a little,” I lie. Actually, my head feels like it’s going to explode with every breath.

“I guess he was you mother´s miserable wretch?”

I nod. “Right… and thank you. You saved me… again.”


Michael left after we carried all my stuff out to his car. I don´t have too many things that I’ll be taking with me to my new home.

I lie in my bed now and it´s fuckin’ cold again. I don´t have any blankets to wrap around me or anything. They’re all already in Michael´s car. So now I’m sitting on my empty bed and staring out through the window into a dark and dirty alley. I can´t wait to get away from here. Tomorrow I´ll be in a warm room. I don´t have a bed at Angel´s apartment yet, but I´ll manage it. Maybe I could ask her if I can sleep in the living room until I can afford my own new bed.

“I´ll pick you up from work tomorrow evening and then we´ll take your stuff to your new place,” Michael had said before he left.

I´m so glad, that I have him. What would I do without him?

I can´t wait to see him again.


Moving-Day December 3rd, 2007 – Monday – 6:15 pm

“You ready?” Michael asks me.

I put the last few plates in the sink and strip off the apron I wear at work. “Yeah, I think so. God, I’m so excited about my new place,” I grin at him widely.

He chuckles. “Yes, I can see that. Come on, then.”


30 minutes later…

We’re standing in front of Angel´s apartment, loaded with boxes. I almost drop one when I knock on the door.

Angel opens it and smiles kindly. “Hey, Maria, can I help you with this?“ She takes one of the boxes from me.

“Hey. I hope you don´t mind that I brought someone with me. This is Michael, and Michael, this is Angel.”

“Oh, no, it´s totally okay. Most of the time it´s so boring and quiet in the apartment. Nice to meet you, Michael.”

“Hey,” he answers simply, but politely.

The next few minutes are spent carrying all of my stuff into my new little room. “Okay, I’ll leave you two alone,” Angel says after we finish and she takes her leave.

Michael looks around my new room. “I know, it´s kind of small. But I think it´s enough.”

“Anything is better than your old place. The room here is fine, but you don´t have a bed or any furniture. Just this little shelf.”

“I know, I´ll ask Angel, if I can sleep on the couch until I can afford a bed. But it’s warm in here, isn’t it? That’s cool.” I grin.

He smiles down at me. “Yeah, it is.”

“Thank you for helping me. I owe you,”

“No, you don’t,” he denies.

“Oh, I soooo do,” I counter.

He shrugs. “Okay, I may take you up on it some time.“ He grins. “I’ve gotta go now. Max wants to meet me at a new pub.”

I nod. “Okay, I’ll see you to the door.”

We walk past the living room in silence. “Later, Angel,” he calls over his shoulder, then he lowers his gaze. “Bye, Maria. Have fun with your new roommate and your new place. I’ll see you.”

He presses his lips against my temple for a second – and then he´s gone.


I sit down next to Angel on the sofa with a soft smile on my lips.

“Sooo, that was Michael, huh?” She asks, her tone amused as she lifts her eyebrows in question.

“Yes, that was Michael.” I try to sound calm.

“He´s hot. Your boyfriend?”

I try to find a way to describe Michael, but I can´t think of anything. “No.”

“You’re not interested in him?” she asks doubtfully.

I look at her, a little abashed. “I think I am.”

“I knew it. It’s kind of obvious, you know?”

“Really? That´s bad.”

“Bad? Why? You should go for it, before some else does. He’s the kinda guy that’s in demand, I guess.”

“I wish it was so easy.”

“It is.”

“No.” I shake my head, “Believe me, it´s not. You don´t know the whole looooong story about us.”

“Wanna tell me? I’ve nothing going on tonight.” She smiles at me.

I think about it for a minute. Maybe I would feel a little better if someone knew my whole story. “Okay. So I think I should start with the fact that I’m a member of a gang. And Michael.... he´s a member of another gang....”


I´m lying on the couch now; Angel went to bed a while ago.

I told her the whole Michael-Maria story and she listened in silence. I left out some details, especially the worst fight between Michael and Billy. I don´t want to scare her. After that she had told me that I should trust my gut feelings – and whatever they say... I should go for it.

Well, my gut feeling says that on the one hand it’s dangerous to be wih Michael, but on the other hand it’s dangerous to not to be with him, too.

So tell me, what should I do?

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 22 03/22/09 Pg.8

Post by candysteffi »

Hey guys :)

I´m kind of in a hurry today so thanks

quelbekek - sorry updates only Sunday lol

April - good to have you back girl :) and awww you read this one first? :) I´m sorry but I try to catch up with 521 soon lol, your posting like a storm

an Eva - hey new reader :) hell won´t explode in this part, promised ;)

Part 23

My birthday December 5th, 2007 – Wednesday – 6:30 pm

I feel exhausted, when I climb the stairs to my home. Last night was very cool. Angel and I had a lot of fun while watching a movie on TV. We went to bed after midnight even though I had to get up early this morning. And then after a boring day in school Kate gave me a lot of work this afternoon.

All I want now is a shower, a very hot shower. Yeah, I can have a hot shower whenever I want now. That’s cool, isn´t it? That´s definitly the best birthday present I got this year.

Even if I’ve made it me by myself, I think sadly. I´m not used to getting a lot of presents, but when I was a kid my mom and grandma backed cookies and then we would go to the zoo.

I hear some noise through the door as I search around my bag for the keys. Maybe one of Angel’s friends decided to come by or something?

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” someone almost screams at me when I open the door. I stand there in shock and stare at the smiling Angel.

“How... how did you know? I don’t remember telling you my birthday is today.”

“Oh, you didn’t,” she tells me.

“But I did.” Only now do I notice Michael in the kitchen.

My jaw drops to the floor. “Michael?” I ask in disbelief.

He remembered?

“Yeah, it’s me. So you still know my name.” He grins insufferably.

“Michael came to me a few hours ago. He told me that it´s your birthday today and he wanted to give you his present here. Since I didn´t know, I don’t have a present of my own, sorry.”

“That’s okay. I don´t expect any presents from you. Either of you.”

“Well, too late, honey,” Michael states.

Did he just call me honey?

“Yeah, Michael’s present is in your room. And I made dinner for us. Pasta! I hope you like it.”

“I... I don’t know what to say... um… except for thank you.”

“That’s enough. Now, don´t stand in the door any longer. Come inside. Maybe you want to shower first?”

“Um... yeah, that would be nice. I just have to go to my room to get some clothes.”

“Oh, the box with your clothes is already in the bathroom,” Angel says and I look at her, puzzled.

“Oooookkkayy,” I answer sceptically, and then disappear to shower.


The hot water is running down my body. I sigh with relief and try to relax… well, as much as I can relax with the knowledge that Michael Guerin is on the other side of the door.

He’s here. He’s really here at my place. I can´t believe it. And he has a present for me. I wonder what it could be? I have no idea. My fingers run through my hair and along the back of my neck. How would this feel, if it were Michael touching me?

I shake my head slightly. That’s so untypical of me. I never have these kinds of daydreams – erotic daydreams. Not until I met him. It’s kind of scary.


Angel and Michael have already set the table when I come out into the living room. “Food smells good,” I comment with a soft smile on my lips.

“I hope it tastes good as well,” Angel replies from the kitchen and sets the last jar on the table. Michael is already sitting on one of the chairs. “Dinner is ready,” she calls with a grin, and takes a seat as well.

“You should have told me that it’s your birthday today, Maria. I would have bought you a little present, too.”

“You don´t have to,” I say again as I take my seat. “You already gave me the best present, when you told me that I could live here with you. So, don’t worry. And I have to mention that it´s been a long time since someone has cooked for me, too.”

“Hey, I cooked for you,” Michael complains.

I raise an eyebrow. “You bought pizza. That has nothing to do with cooking.”

He sticks his tongue out, but smiles. “Okay, you´re right.”

We eat in silence then and the pasta Angel made tastes more than fine.

“That was really delicious. But I’m so full.” I rub my belly.

“So, you’re ready for your present?” Michael asks me.

“Yeah, go on and give her the present, Michael. I´ll take care of the dishes,” Angel answers for me.


He stands in front of the door to my room and smiles at me. “Sooo... are you ready for your present?”

I still wonder what it could be, but they hadn’t given me the slightest clue about it. “I guess.”

He nods and opens the door in slow motion. “I hope you like it.”

“Oh, my God!” I rush into the room and look at a couch and a shelf, which weren’t there when I left that morning. “What... How…” I can’t even construct one simple sentence right now, I´m too confused and overwhelmed.

“So, you like it?” Michael closes the door and stands there, right behind me.

“Do I like it? I LOVE it. I can’t believe it. But, Michael, you can´t give this to me, it´s too much. It’s too expensive.”

“It’s okay. These are pieces of furniture from my apartment; I used them before I bought something new, but I still had them in the basement. I don´t need them anymore and you didn´t have any, so...”

I turn around to look at him, and tears are clouding my vision. “I... I don´t know what to say except… Thank you!”

“That’s more than enough. C’mere.” He wraps his arms around me then and I hold onto him tightly.

“It’s not enough,” I whisper and the tears keep falling.

He takes a little step back to look at me and wipes a few tears away with his thumb. “Don´t cry. It´s your birthday – and on birthday you are not supposed to cry, you´re supposed to be happy.”

“I am happy,” I rush to assure him, “it’s just... my feelings just overwhelmed me. I hadn’t expected this. I hadn’t even expected you to be here. Thank you for being here tonight, Michael.”

He just nods and gazes down at me. His brown eyes roam over my face and stop at my lips, as he moves a strand of my hair behind my ear. I can feel that my palms are sweaty, just from his look.

“I’m gonna kiss you,” he whispers, and I realize what he said only when he brushes his lips gently over mine. My eyes are still closed when he backs away a little. I have to force myself to open them again, just to catch sight of him looking at me warmly. He´s still close, only a few centimeters away from my face. A soft smile appears on his lips before he kisses me again.

This time, he doesn´t end the kiss right after it starts. As he wraps his arms around me, I run my hands around his neck and slide my fingers through his hair. His lips still move gentle and slow over my own and I have the feeling that he´s holding back a little.... because of non-existent experience with men... and my past with one jerk.


He places feather light kisses from the corner of my mouth, over my cheek to my ear. I have to hold onto him tightly, ‘cause my knees are too weak to steady myself. “You okay?” he asks softly.

Am I okay? No! I’m not okay. But, ‘not okay’ in a good way. My heart is racing, I feel dizzy and I can´t think straight. Is there any oxygen left in this room?

“Uh-huh”, is the only word I can breathe.

I can feel his soft smile against the skin of my neck before he lifts one of his hands up to cup my cheek. He comes up face to face with me again and his dark eyes stare into mine for a moment. “Don´t forget to breathe,” he says with a playful smirk, and in the next moment he´s kissing me again. And it’s more intense this time.

I let my hand travel over one side of his neck to his shoulder and then down to his muscular chest. It makes me happy that Michael’s heart races as much as mine - I can feel it under my fingertips.

Suddenly a very annoying sound disturbs us. It take me several seconds before I notice that it is coming from Michael’s pants pocket. He leans his forehead against mine and sighs in frustration. “Looks like Max is coming between us again,” he says and then pulls out his phone.

“I thought we were meetin’ at 10 o´clock? It’s not even 9 yet,” Michael growls into the phone.

“I’m out, why? Do I need your permission to leave my apartment now?”

He runs his hand over his eyes in resignation. “Fine, I’m on my way.”

Michael shoves his cell phone back into his pocket and looks at me regretfully. “I have to leave. Max is bein’ overprotective again and he wants to see me right now.”

I try to hide my disappointment. “Do you think he’s suspicious?”

He shrugs. “Maybe. But I don’t really care.”

“You don’t?”

“Well, sooner or later he’s gonna find out anyway.”

I look at him, shocked. “You think so?”

“He’s smart. He’ll figure it out at some point.” Michael pulls me back into his arms and brushes my forehead with his lips. “You don´t have to be scared. But for now, I really have to leave.”

“Okay,” I whisper against his neck and let go of him to follow.

Angel is still in the kitchen and she looks over her shoulder as we enter the living room again.

“Later, Angel!” he calls.

“Bye,” she calls back.

My heart feels heavy as we reach the front door. “I don´t want you to leave,” I blurt out and immediately feel ridiculous.

Be rational, DeLuca. The relationship with him is complicated enough.

“I don´t want to leave either, but I have to. I´ll try to come over tomorrow, okay?”

He takes a step forward, so that I´m trapped between him and the wall. His hand roams over my arms up to my neck. “G’night, Baby,” he whispers into my ear and presses his lips against my cheek before he opens the door and leaves.


Angel is grinning like a Cheshire cat as I reach her in the kitchen.

“Just friends, huh?” she teases me.

“Well…” I can’t hide the big smile. “Things changed today, I guess.”

“So, you’re together now? Like a real couple?”

“I don´t know. We kissed in my room, that´s all.”

“That’s all?” Angel sounds scandalized. “I want to know every ever-so-small detail about it. Sit down on the couch while I grab the ice cream.”

I laugh and do what she told me. It feels so good to share moments like this with a friend.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 23 03/29/09 Pg.8

Post by candysteffi »


Oh yeah, I want this Michael, too :) (don´t tell my boyfriend lol).

That one sent my mind so far into the gutter, I'm still trying to get it out.
Oh, i sooo knew you would thinking something .... adult. lol


Part 24

Confrontations December 6th, 2007 – Thursday – 6:30 am

“Morning,” I murmur when I enter the living room with narrowed eyes.

Angel is smiling at me. “Morning, Maria. I made breakfast; you want something, too? I also made coffee?”

“YES! That’d be great. I’m so tired. And I have to work until 7pm tonight. God!” Angel and I watched a movie on TV after Michael left yesterday and we went to bed late, well after midnight. I sit down on one of the chairs at the dining table and rest my head on my arms.

“You seeing Michael today?”

Michael – my heart turns a flip in my chest at the mention of his name. “I don’t know. He told me that he was gonna try to come over this evening. But, you know the complications...”

“Do you think the two of you will be able to keep your relationship a secret?” Angel looks at me doubtfully.

I shrug. “I don’t know. Probably not. Once someone from my or his gang finds out.... God, I don´t even want to think about it. I’m so stupid for starting to meet him in first place.”

“But you like him, don´t you? I mean, that´s the reason you meet him at all, right?”

I sigh. “That’s the problem – I like him too much. There is no turning back now. Well, I don´t want to turn back and be Billys bimbo all over again, but then again.... the whole thing... it really scares me.”

“I don’t think you have to be scared with Michael on your side. He seems like a strong guy to me. He won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Sometimes I have the feeling that he’s a little too brave, you know? He would put himself in danger to protect me or one of the other members of his gang. And I don´t want him to get hurt or even killed because of me.”

“You think your ex-boyfriend, what was his name again..?”


“Yes, of course. So, do you think Billy would kill somebody if worst comes to worst?”

A picture of Michael lying in the hospital after the fight with Billy pops into my mind and I wince. Actually, I don´t want to tell her this story, but maybe I’ll feel better if someone else knows about it. “Michael got knifed by him a few weeks ago. He almost died and Billy wouldn´t have minded.”

“OH!” Angel looks at me in shock.

“I know!”


Around 3 pm in the afternoon I arrive at work. Kate is already waiting for me when I open the back door of the restaurant that opens into the kitchen.

“Hey Maria,” she smiles at me and wraps her arms around me.

“Huh?” I don’t know what’s going on.

“Belated best wishes for your birthday.”

“Um, thank you. How do you know…?”

“Michael is back at work today and he and my husband stopped by here for lunch. He told me about your big day. So you’re 18 now, right?”

“I am!” It sounds weird, but I really am.

“We should celebrate this. What do you think about a promotion?” Kate asks me.

“Are you serious?” I stare at her wide-eyed.

“Of course I am. I really need a third waitress in the restaurant. We built an extension to the building a few months ago and my other two waitresses are totally overworked. I know you have to be in school during the lunch-hour rush, but you can help in the evenings. It would mean longer workdays now and then, but of course, it would also mean a bigger pay check.”

“That sounds great!” I squeak with delight. “I moved into another apartment a few days ago and I could really use the extra money.”

“Okay, so let´s go to my office and take care of the paperwork.”


I´m already off at 5 pm that afternoon. Kate sent me home as a belated birthday present, like she said. She also gave me a little time off until Sunday because the restaurant is gonna be redecorated over the weekend. I´ve decided to stop at the supermarket on my way home, to buy food. Angel told me that she´ll be home around 7 o´clock and I want to cook something for her this time.

I’m on my way down the steps to the subway station when I bump into someone else, who is going in the opposite direction.

“Oh, sorry, I didn´t...” I start to apologize, but when I lift my gaze the rest of the words stick in my throat. Max! And to his left: Michael. Fantastic.

Maybe it’d be best to just leave.

“Look who’s here!” Max says with an amused grin and he takes a step forward in a show of strength. “How irresponsible of Billy to let his little slut walk around New York all alone, when it´s almost dark.”

I try to back off a little, but stumble when my foot misses the next step. Michael grabs my arm at the last moment, preventing me from falling to the ground.

“Leave her alone, Max,” he says calmly, but his tone is determined.

Max looks at him, obviously startled by Michael’s defence of me. “Should I remind you of just how many times Billy’s intimidated Liz? He´s a bastard and...” then he turns to me, “ are his bitch.”

My heartbeat races as I see the angry look on his face. I slowly let my gaze shift to Michael – searching for help.

He seems to stop and think for a moment and then he nods more to himself than to me, takes a deep breath and stands up right next to me to face Max. “She’s not anymore,” he says confidently. I wonder where all his strength comes from.

Max looks at him puzzled, but suddenly he gets it. “She’s the reason you´ve been so busy lately, right? Michael, are you fuckin’ kidding me?!” He screams loud enough that all the people around us can hear it. “God, I should have known it the moment I saw you two at your apartment. And you told me all this bullshit...” Max grasps Michael by his collar and lifts his other hand, clenching his fist.

Michael doesn´t do anything to protect himself. “Go ahead, Max! Hit me. What are you waitin’ for?”

Max lowers his fists in slow motion and turns his gaze to me. “Leave, now!” he growls.

I risk one short look at Michael who just nods, and I run down the steps – still freaked out and worried.


“Hey,” Angel opens the door smiling, “you´re cooking.”

“I try.”

“So, how was your day? I didn’t think you’d be here yet.”

“My boss let me go home early because of my birthday. And, I got a promotion.”

“Wow, that´s great.”

“Yeah,” I answer, but it doesn’t sound very excited even to my own ears. I’m still all churned up inside.

“You don’t sound very enthusiastic to me. Is everything okay?” She takes off her jacket and joins me in the kitchen.

“No, not really, I guess.”

She takes some plates out of the cupboard and starts to set the table. “Wanna tell me about it?”

I get the pizza I’ve made out of the oven and set in on the table. “Well,” I sit down on the opposite side of the table, “to cut the matter short, Max knows about Michael and me now. Max is his best friend in case I hadn’t told you.”

She almost chokes on her food. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Double oh!”

“How did he react?”

“Not so good, as you can imagine. They screamed at each other. Okay, you might as well say Max screamed at Michael. And he almost hit him.”

“Almost? What does that mean?”

“He changed his mind. Then he told me to leave. Maybe he hit him later. I don´t know. I haven´t heard from Michael.”

“Surely, he’ll come by later. Or, at least he’ll call you.”

I just nod and try to eat some of the pizza, even though I’m not hungry at the moment.


Angel and I sit on the couch and watch a total silly movie. I don’t even know the name of it. It´s almost 10 pm and I still haven´t heard anything from Michael. I look at my cell phone for the thousandth time, but there’s still nothing.

“Cool down, Maria’” my roommate says again.

“I´m gonna go shower. Will you...?”

“I’ll answer your phone and I’ll let him in, Maria. Of course, I will.”

I smile softly. “Sorry, I’m a total basket case, I know it.”

She smiles back. “You’re not. It’s okay.”


I sigh as the hot water runs down my body. This day began just perfect, why couldn’t it end that way?

I can’t think of anything except the confrontation between Max, Michael, and me. Why hasn’t he called yet? I’m sure he knows that I’m a total wreck right now. I try to imagine what could have happened after I left.

Did Max hit Michael later? Or did they just fight with words? Did Max tell the other Bandits about it? That would be bad, ‘cause two of them are in my class.

Or – and this scares me the most – did Max convince Michael that he can´t see me anymore? They’ve been best friends for years now. Michael wouldn’t risk that friendship for a girl would he?

The moment I turn off the shower, I hear the doorbell ringing. I hold my breath and listen carefully. “Hey, Michael!” Angel’s voice. “Come in. Maria´s showering, but I think she´ll be out soon.”

“Maria?” Angel knocks softly on the bathroom door.


“Michael’s here for you. I’m going to bed now. G’night.”


I step out of the shower and look at the closed door. What is waiting for me on the other side? Someone who tells me that everything will be okay or someone who wants to end things between us?

I´ll find out soon enough.
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Part 25

Post by candysteffi »


I know I let you hanging with the last part, but I hope this part will be worth the wait :)

Sorry, for that. :) You don´t have to wait any longer now. And you will find out about Max' reaction soon.

Yeah, I know, I would be scared if I were Angel, too. But Maria needed a friend so I had to come up with brave Angel, lol.
I´m glad you still like Michael and I understand your worries. But don´t worry to much for now :)

DeDe PR:
Hey and welcome :)
I´m a fan of Happy Endings, so one day... Maria will be safe. :)
I´m glad you like the fic and I hope to hear more of your opinion ;)


Part 25

My hair is still wet when I step into the living room, but I don´t want him to wait any longer, and of course, I need to know what he’s going to say.

He sits on the couch, staring at the TV. It’s almost dark in the room; the only light is provided by the small lamp over the kitchen sink that we left on. A shiver runs down my spine as he turns his head just the slightest bit in my direction. I can´t see him clearly from where I’m standing, but I can already tell that he doesn´t look very happy.

“Hey,” I whisper to hide my fear.

“Hey, beautiful,” he replies quietly.

A soft smile appears on my lips. It can’t be that bad if he’s talking like that, right? With a little more confidence I walk over to him.

“Oh, my God, what happened to you?” I gasp when I notice the bruise on his left cheek and the cut at his lips. I sit down across from him on the coffee table and turn his face softly towards the kitchen light.

“We have to clean and cool this. Come on!” I take his hand in mine and guide him to the bathroom.

“Sit down.” I point at the toilet seat. I take a washcloth out of the cabinet and wet it in the sink.

He does what I tell him to do and he rests his chin in one hand. “You know, I don´t want to complain or anything, but you didn´t even give me the slightest welcoming kiss.” He tries to smirk.

“Is it too late for that now?” I ask, glad that he´s still in a good mood, despite being hit hard by someone.

“I guess not.”

I kneel down in front of him, caressing his healthy cheek as I brush a soft kiss against the corner of his mouth, anxious to not hurt him. Then I start to dab the wet washcloth at the wounds on his lips and forehead. “Who did this to you? Max?”

He looks at me intensely for a few seconds before he answers, “Billy... Sean… Ryan.”

“Billy?” I squeak. “I thought he was still in jail.”

“Apparently not; Max and I were at the basketball court when they passed by. And Max was still pissed because of you, so he provoked Billy.”

“Did Max tell Billy anything about me... us?”

“No, maybe Max doesn´t trust you yet, but in some way I think he trusts me and he would never turn you in. He knows Billy and what he’s capable.”

I sigh with relief. “Okay.”

“You know, you’re a good nurse. Maybe next time you could wear one of those short little white nurse’s uniforms.”

“Maybe next time you can patch yourself up,” I counter with a smirk. I wouldn´t have liked to hear those words from Billy, ‘cause I would have felt cheap, but when Michael says something like that... it’s so different.

“Okay, I´m ready. Are there any other cuts, bruises or wounds on your body that aren’t so obvious?”

“No nothing.”

“Okay, then let’s go back into the living room.”

I stand up and toss the washcloth into the shower. When I start to leave the bathroom I can hear Michael groan in pain, even though he tries to hide it. His right hand is wrapped around his stomach.

“Nothing, huh?” I ask, concerned.

“Nothing that you can change. I can deal with it, don´t worry.”

“Let me see anyway.”


“Michael!” I look at him sternly. “Lift up your shirt.”

He gives up at that point. “Fine.” He places his hand on the hem of his shirt and pulls it up a few centimeters. A blue bruise appears from the left side to the middle of his belly.

“Oh, my God!” I have to look away ‘cause it seems too horrible and I can imagine how much pain he is in. “I knew it. I knew he would hit you there ‘cause he knows that you’re still hurt from his earlier attack.”

“I’m okay.’

“Bullshit, Michael. You’re not. We have to go to the hospital.”

“What? No. Maria, I’m fine.”

I hang my head. “Okay,” I whisper and my lips are trembling ‘cause I’m trying to stifle the tears that I can feel building. “I just… I just don’t want you to die.”

“What?” He closes the distance between us and wraps his arms around me. “Maria, I’m not gonna die, okay?” he says against my hair.

“I don’t want to lose you.” I sniffle against his chest.

“You won’t.”

“Let me at least get Angel. She works as a nurse. I don’t know what she’s learned until now, because she’s still in training, but maybe she can have a look at it.” I stare into his eyes pleadingly. He doesn´t want it, I can see it in the lines of his face, but he gives in.

“Fine. But don’t wake her if she’s already asleep, okay?”

“Okay,” I release him and walk out of the bathroom in the direction of her bedroom.

“Angel?” I softly knock on her door.


“Can I come in for a second?”


I open the door and slip into her room.

“What´s wrong, I heard you guys kind of arguing.”

“Michael’s hurt. Billy hit him in the face and in the stomach.”

“Yeah, I saw that when I opened the door for him. Really bad, huh?”

“He refuses to go see a doctor and I´m scared, ‘cause it´s in the same place where Billy knifed him. So, I thought maybe you could have a look at his stomach. I know you´re still in training, but...”

“Okay, I’ll do it, but Maria, there’s no guarantee here. Without an x-ray and medical supervison it´s only speculation, you have to know that.”

I nod. “Yeah, I know, but it would make me feel a little better.”

We go back to the living room together. “She didn´t wake you up, did she?” Michael asks Angel.

“No, I have to do some homework. Okay, lay down on the couch.”

Michael obeys, albeit reluctantly, and lifts his shirt. “Okay, let me see...“ Angel sits down next to him and looks at his stomach. “I have to probe your belly and it might hurt a little, okay?”

“Go ahead.”

Angel starts to probe his skin, centimeter by centimeter. He winces in pain from time to time, but refuses to say anything or even make a sound. “Maria, can you get me the penlight from the desk in my room?”

“Sure.” I go get the pen and hand it over.

“Thanks. Just follow the light with your eyes, Michael..... Good. Do you feel dizzy at all?”


“Headache? Irregular heartbeat? Pressure in your stomach?”


“Okay, if you develop any of those symptoms you need to go to a doctor – immediately. It seems like it´s just a bruise. Your abdomen is supple. Anyway, I’d advise you to go see a doctor, at the very least, if the pain and the bruising on your skin doesn’t improve in the next couple of days.”


Angel stands up and turns to me. “There are some ice packs in the freezer for his face. And....” She walks to the bathroom and comes out with a tube in her hand. “This is a cooling gel. You can rub that on the bruise on the stomach, but not in the face.”

“Thanks, Angel,” I tell her.

“Never mind. Good night then.”


I go back into the living room with the ice pack wrapped in a towel. Michael sits upright on the couch again, his eyes following my movements. When I stand right in front of him, he grabs my wrist and pulls me down to straddle his lap.

“Be careful, Michael. I don´t want to hurt you even more.” I start to press the ice pack softly against his bruise on the cheek. “What else did Max say? I can´t believe that he knows now.”

“Oh, he sooo kicked my ass when we got home – in a literal sense. He yelled and screamed at me, called me a traitor and then left my apartment.”

“I guessed as much.”

“But after two hours he came back, willing to listen to the whole story. He´s still pissed, but we´re like brothers. We went out to play basketball and he wasn´t screaming anymore. So I think that’s a good sign.”

“Okay. Make sure you watch your lips better. I can´t even really kiss you now.”

“I know. As if Billy knew what I was planning tonight, huh?”

“Don´t say that.” I let the icepack fall to the couch and wrap my arms tightly around him. “I´m so scared that something bad will happen to you,” I whisper against the skin of his neck.

He lays his hands on my shoulder and soflty pushes me back away from him. “What’s that all about, Maria? I’ve been hurt countless times before today. Why’re you so scared this time? Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Ava came to me at school today. You know who Ava is, right?”

He nods.

“She told me that there’s a Hurricane meeting tomorrow afternoon at Billy´s place. He´s planning something big against the Bandits, she said. And he wants to talk about it tomorrow with the rest of the gang.”

“He attacks us whenever he can, Maria. That’s Billy.”

I shake my head wildly. “No, Michael. This is different. He’s never made such a big deal about it. I’m scared that he´ll do something very bad. What if he plans to kill someone? Maybe you?”

He scratches his eyebrow. “I´ll talk to Max about it.”

“I´ll go to Billy´s apartment tomorrow,” I blurt out.

“WHAT? You’re kidding me!”

“I have to.” I gaze down at his chest.

“No, you don’t. Look at me, Maria.” He waits until I lift my gaze to his. “You WON`T. I can´t help you, if you’re trapped at his place.”

“I wouldn´t forgive myself if something happened to you and I could’ve prevented it,” I whisper.

“Well, I wouldn´t forgive myself if Billy hurt you tomorrow and I could’ve prevented it. So, Maria, promise me, that you won´t go there. It’s too dangerous. We’ll think of something else.”

I don’t answer.

“Maria!” His tone is a little angry now. “Promise me.”

“Okay!” I don’t want to, ’cause I think it´s the only way to find out about the truth, but I know that he really cares. And I´m kind of relieved, ‘cause the thought of going back to Billy´s apartment really freaked me out. “I promise.”

I pick up the icepack and press it at his bruised cheek again. He lets his hands wander over my thighs to my hips to pull me closer against his body. “Think you can give me a little kiss again?” He moves my hand with the icepack away from his face and lets it fall to the couch again. Gently, so as to not hurt him, I start to press soft kisses against his forehead, his temple, his right cheek and finally I brush my lips over his mouth – gently so that the cut won´t start to bleed again.

“Stay here tonight?!” I half ask, half plead.



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Part 26

Post by candysteffi »


You will find out about Billy´s plan soon...

Oh god, what's Billy planning now?
You will find out in this part...
Hmm, he's spending the night now, huh? Since this fic is rated Adult, is there any chance we could be getting a . . . you know, a . . . scene?
There will be a scene... lol, just not now, sorry ;)

DeDe PR:
lol, so many question :) You will find out what is going to happen in this part :) And about Amy.... hm, not really.
and to april ............ love the trailer really good
yeah, girl, you did a great job ;)


Part 26

Savin’ you December 7th, 2007 – Friday – 7:00 am

I wake up the next morning when a warm hand comes up over my hip to caress my belly. I smile against the pillow, ‘cause I know that it´s Michael. He squeezes his body against mine from behind and presses a kiss to my neck.

“Morning,” he mumbles. The feel of his breath over my skin sends shivers through my body and the thought of his bare chest, which is pressing against my back, doesn´t make it any better.

“Take off your shirt,” he had told me last night when we went to bed. I had done it without a second thought. He wasn’t in the mood for sex, I knew that. His body was aching and exhausted. But it felt good to just feel his skin against my own. He held me in his arms all night and made sure that I was warm.

“Michael?” I clear my throat.


“Are you my boyfriend?” I know, that’s a really stupid and total ridiculous question to ask.

He lifts his head and supports it with his hand on one side. “You want me to be?”

Well, that wasn´t the answer I’d hoped for, but I decide to be honest. I turn over until I am laying on my back and look up to him. “Yeah.”

“I am, then,” he whispers with a smirk.

“You didn’t just say that because I said I want you to, right? I mean, I really have to know if there is something... real between us.”

He breathes out. “Look, Maria. I’m not good at conversations like this. Honestly, I suck at them. I don´t know what will happen with us in the next few weeks, months or years. But I promise you, I won´t be the next Billy for you. So for now: Yes, I am your boyfriend because I want to be, okay?”

I can´t hide the big smile on my face. “And you say you aren’t good at this?” With a quick movement, I pull his face down to me and kiss him. Hopefully, I won’t hurt him to much.


“I have to leave now. My shift at work starts in 20 minutes. I’m already gonna be late.” He stands up from the kitchen chair, sets his cup in the sink and grabs his jacket, which is still lying on the couch.

I follow him to the front door. “Will I see you again today?”

“Depends. Do you have to work?”

“Nope. Only school for today and then I’m free for the rest of the weekend.”

He rummages around for something in his jacket pocket. “Here!” He presses something cold into my palm. A key.

“What’s that for?”

“My apartment; Max knows that we´re together now, so you can have it and come by whenever you want.”

“But what if some of the others will see me?”

“They don´t hang around at my place very often. But I think I’ll tell them anyway, so you don´t have to worry about them, too.”

“You will tell them? Kyle, too?”

“He has to know, Maria. And once he knows and calms down about it, you won´t have to be afraid of him ever again. He would never touch my girl!”

“He did before…..” I interject.

“I know and there is no excuse for that. I don´t want to downplay what he did. But when he did that, it was a different time, now you belong to me and he’ll accept it.”

“Okay, I trust you about this. When will you be home today?”

“I guess around four.”

“Okay, I´ll come to your place then.”

He bends down to kiss me carefully.

“You know, I hope that your lips heal soon, Michael. These soft, hardly noticable kisses don´t satisfy me.”

“Do you realize what you just said?” he asks with a grin.

“I do.”

“Okay, I have to go. And Maria, remember what you promised me.”

The Billy thing. “I will.”


School was really boring today. Two of my teachers were ill and the lessons fell out. The other students walked to some cafe near school, but I have to save my money and I don’t have any real friends here, so I just stayed in the classroom and read a few chapters in my history book.

The time passed by so damn slowly and I couldn’t wait for the school day to end, ‘cause I want to see Michael again. But it’s only 3 o’clock now. He won’t be home until 4, he said. So I decide to go home first to take a quick shower.

“Maria? Hey, Maria!” I freeze in place when I hear Sean´s voice from behind. What does he want? I try to get my shocked and horrified expression under control before he reaches me and I turn around.

“Sean, hey. I didn’t see you. What’s up?” My heart’s beating like crazy, so I’m surprised that my voice sounded so normal to my own ears.

“Come with me to Billy’s. Something VERY big has happened?” He sounds kind of puzzled.

“What do you mean by that?”

My cousin looks around as if he wants to make sure that no one will hear his next words. “We have the Hurricane chick.”

My eyes widen in horror. “Which one?”

“The girlfriend of the big boss!”

I clench my teeth so I don’t let out a whimper when the realization that Liz is with Billy right now hits me. “Are you sure?” I press, trying not to sound as hysterical as I feel at this moment.

Sean just nods. “So are you coming?”

I remember the promise that I made to Michael; I told him that I wouldn’t go to Billy´s place. But Liz is there with all the other Bandits and I know Billy won´t treat her as well as the Hurricans treated me when they kidnapped me. I have to get her out of there, I just don´t know how.

“Okay, I´m coming with you.” Hopefully, I won´t regret this.


Nervously I fumble around in the pocket of my jacket until my hand makes contact with the cell phone. Good, it was still there – just in case...

Billy opens the door for us and looks at me in surprise. “DeLuca, what an unusual guest in my house lately.” I can see the anger in his eyes, but he steps aside to let Sean and me in. Ryan and Brody are already sitting on the couch.

“Maria!” Ryan says in surprise.

“I know, I know,” I say and lift my hand up to stop them from making any other comments. “Listen, I know, I haven’t been around much lately, okay? But I have a job and school and my mom left me alone in our house, so there are a few things I have to do in my life right now.” I pull my jacket off and throw it on the couch. “And,” I turn around to face Billy, who is standing behind me, “I heard you were very unruly and kidnapped a Hurricane slut?” I force a smile onto my face and wait for him to answer. Hopefully, he doesn´t recognize my disgust for him, which I try to hide so badly.

A wide grin appears on Billy´s face. Good, he´s playing along with me. That makes me more confident for my next move. “Show me!”

Billy nods and leads me into the kitchen. Liz’ head snaps up when she hears the door open and our eyes meet. I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent me from showing any reaction. She looks so scared and lost, it breaks my heart. She has a blue bruise on her right cheek; her clothes are dirty so I know Billy must have thrown her to the ground when he attacked her. Billy had chained her to a chair and a wide piece of tape covers her mouth.

“So, what do you say?” Billy says from behind me.”

“Poor girl!” I answer in a cold voice. “She looks like a timid fawn! Do you have something special in mind for what we’re gonna do with her?”

“That’s revenge for kidnapping you. But we won´t let her just go in a few days. This will be worse. They messed with me, now they will feel the consequences.”

Fear creeps over my whole body. What will he do to her? I have to get Liz out of here very quickly. “So,” I pull myself together and turn around to meet his gaze, “you did that to take vengeance for my kidnapping? This is very brave of you!” I point my finger to his chest and give him a cheeky grin.

“Yeah,” he grabs me by my ass and pulls me to his body, “I think I deserve a reward for it, huh?” His hands stroke over my body roughly.

“I guess you do,” I whisper. “Later!”

“Hey bitch, you’re lucky Maria’s here now; she can take you to the bathroom,” Billy tells Liz and reaches her in several long strides. He releases her from the chair in a harsh way and throws her in the direction of the bathroom. “She’s had to pee for a while now. Go with her, but don´t take the tape off her mouth. And if she gives you any trouble, just kick her or beat her; she’s so weak, even you should be able to handle her.” I want to slap him right across his face, but that won´t be very helpful. Right now, I have to play along with him and wait for a good opportunity to get her out.

Liz and I enter the bathroom together and the moment I close the door, she slumps down against the wall next to me and starts to cry heavily. I kneel down in front of her. As I touch her shoulder she winces and looks at me in horror. I think she is unsure if she really can trust me, now that I showed up at Billy´s place and acted like I´m still a friend of the Hurricanes.

“It´s okay, Liz,” I whisper, afraid that Billy could hear us, “I´m here to help you. I´ll find a way to get you out of here.”

She looks at me intensely for several seconds before she hugs me desperately and starts to cry again. We stay in this position for a short while until she calms down a little bit. “You want something to drink?”

She nods and I stand up to get some water in a toothbrush mug. “Okay, pull the tape away from your mouth but be careful and don´t destroy it, we have to put it back afterwards.”

She takes some sips of the water. “Thank you. And now you have to get out of here,” she hisses.

I look at her in surprise. “What? NO, I won´t leave you alone with that bastard.”

She takes my shoulders in her small hands. “You can’t do anything right now. Go and tell the others.”

I shook my head. “No, no, Liz. I can send a text message to Michael; I have the cell out there in the living room.”

“You. Get. Out.” Liz tells me again in a firm voice. “Right now, all the others are here, Maria. There is no need to put you in danger as well, ‘cause there is nothing you can do right now. And I don´t want you to get hurt by Billy. I heard what he said to you about some reward and I´m not stupid, Maria. We both know what he wants and it would kill Michael if you did that just to stay here with me. You go to Max and Michael now and you tell them everything. But promise me that you won´t let them come over here right now. Billy has a gun in the kitchen and he would kill every Bandit who tried to get in here.”

“Oh my God”, I cover my mouth with my hand. “I don´t want to leave you alone!” It’s my turn to cry now.

“I know. I don’t want to be alone either. But that’s the only possibility that we have. Stop crying or Billy will start to wonder what´s going on. I heard them talking about going to some skater event tomorrow afternoon in Manhatten, so maybe they’ll leave me here then. That could be a possibility to get me out of here.”

I take some deep breaths and nod. “Okay, I´ll try to find out more about that.”


Billy chains Liz up again when we leave the bathroom. “Did the bitch make any trouble?”

“Nope. She was no problem. You’re right, she´s too weak to defend herself.” We leave together to go into the living room and I glance back at Liz for a second before the door swings shut.

I grab my jacket from the sofa. “Okay, I have to work this evening. What are your plans for tomorrow? I don´t have to work then.”

“We’re going to this skater event in Manhatten.”

“Boring!” I say to show my disinterest for skating people. “When will you be back?”

“Around 6 pm, I guess.”

“And what will you do with her?” I point to the closed kitchen door.

“We haven´t decide yet,” Billy answers. “Maybe we’ll toss her in the trunk of my car or something. There is no way I´ll leave her here alone, not even if she´s tied up.”

“Okay, I have to go now. I think I´ll come around to this event.”

Billy leads me to the front door and presses me against the wall. “I was hoping you’d join me later tonight and give me that reward we talked about.”

“I don´t know how long I have to work.”

“I don’t care. The others will stay for a while I guess, so feel free to come by later, or else I might have to do the Bandit bitch – ‘cause I can´t go out tonight with her in my kitchen and I definitely want to get laid today. So it’s you or her.”

“Make sure the others are gone tonight,” I say with a soft grin, although I could throw up right now.

“No problem!” he replies and finally lets go of me, so that I could slip out of the door quickly.

I run down the stairs to get out of his building. The cold wind is blowing in my face when I reach the street and all I can think is: I got out, but Liz is still with them.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 26 04/19/09 Pg.9

Post by candysteffi »


DeDe PR:
Yeah, Billy is a total bastard, I agree. One day, someone will kick his ass, lol.

The girls are in mayor danger right now. Liz, 'cause obviously she#s with Billy. And Maria, 'cause she´s the only one who can help her. But they are also strong. ;)

Watch out for more M&M in this part.

The gang war will definitely increase...

Thanks guys, I sooo appreciate your FB :)


Part 27

I run up the stairs to Michael´s apartment; it’s already after 6 pm now. Maybe he´s already worried about where I am, ‘cause I told him I would be there at 4 o’clock. I wanted to call him right after I left Billy’s, but the damn battery on the cell phone is dead. Breathless I try to find the key in my bag after I reach his front door.

Some voices from inside cause me to hesitate. “She’s with the Hurricanes, Michael. I saw one of them picking her up at school.” It’s Kyle’s voice. Damn.

“Maybe she was forced to go there,” Michael answers, and I can tell that he´s pissed.

“Or maybe, she´s just a traitor and you fell for her!” That was Max and he doesn’t sound very pleasant either. Great, so now they think I betrayed them.

“Bullshit, Max. We have to go and find her.”

“Max, tell him that he´s insane,” Kyle complains. “We can´t just go to the Hurricanes. Maybe it’s a trap and they’re all waiting for you to show up there.”

“Michael, Kyle is right. Traitor or not, she´s on her own there. We can´t do anything.”

“My girlfriend is possibly at Billy’s place, her cell is turned off, and you tellin’ me I should just sit here and wait...”

Suddenly my hand wraps around the cold metal of the key in my bag. I pull it out and in less than a second and I open the door wildly. “Stop yelling at each other. I’m here now.”

For a few moments they all look in my direction, puzzled. “She has a key to your apartment? I don’t have one!” Kyle hisses angrily.

“Maria,” Michael takes several long steps towards me, “why didn’t you use your damn cell? Where have you been?” He´s more than pissed.

“I was at Billy´s place, I couldn´t call you and then the battery on this thing went dead.”

“You promised me you wouldn’t go to him. So what the fuck did you do there?”

“Stop yelling at me!” I grumble, also a little pissed now.

“We’re leaving!” Max says. “She’s back, she´s alive. This whole racket was for no reason.” Max and Kyle make their way to the front door.

“Yeah, thanks for your help,” Michael mutters in a sacastic tone.

“You´d better stay,” I reply, calmer now as I look in Max’ direction. “They kidnapped Liz.”

“What?” he screams and grabs my arm in one quick movement.

“Let her go, Max,” Michael orders.

“They have Liz. BILLY has Liz.” I repeat and stare into Max’ angry eyes.

“Bullshit! You’re lying. Liz is at work“

“Fine, if you think so, then go on and believe whatever you want,” I snap back.

Without another word, Max storms out of the apartment and Michael motions for Kyle to follow him before he kicks the door shut with one of his feet.

“I´m not lying, Michael. Liz is there. I saw her and I talked to her.” My voice quivers from lack of control over my feelings.

“I know,” he answers and I´m glad that he sounds normal again. His strong arms pull me into a hug, and it feels so good to be with him again.

“I just went with Sean after school ‘cause he told me that they had Liz. I had to see if she’s okay,” I mutter against his chest.

He guides me to the sofa and sits down on it, pulling me into his lap. His hands grasp my face softly, so that I have to look straight into his eyes. “Did he hurt you?”

“No.” Tears are running down my cheeks and he brushes them away with his thumbs. “But he hurt Liz. We have to get her out of there.”

Suddenly the front door is thrown open again. “Tell me every detail!” Max orders, totally flustered as he sits down next to us on the armchair. Kyle follows him and shuts the door behind him, leaning back then with his arms crossed.

“What makes you finally believe her?” Michael asks his best friend, his expression confused. I scramble out of his lap to sit down next to him.

“I called Liz at work, but the other woman told me that she never made it there today.” He sounds desperate to me. “Why didn´t you do something to get her out of there?”

“’Cause the whole gang is there right now. How was I supposed to get her out without the others noticing?”

“Then you should have stayed with her, if you’re saying you’re not a Hurricane anymore. She’s all alone now with those bastards.”

“That’s enough!” Michael leans forward, so that Max can´t look at me anymore and has to focus on him instead. “Are you really asking her why she got out of there?”

“Michael,” I lay one hand on his shoulder, “it´s okay.” His muscles relax then and he leans back again. I know that Max is just acting so weird, ‘cause he´s scared about his girlfriend.

I focus on him again and speak to him with a calm tone: “Liz told me to go. I didn´t want to, but she demanded it. She said I should go to you and tell you.”

“Where does that sonofabitch live?” he wants to know. “I`m getting her out there now and I will kill him if it´s necessary.”

“I also promised Liz that I wouldn’t let you go to get her now. Billy has a gun and he’ll use it if any of you tried to get in there.”

A sudden knock on the door interrupts us. “Who´s that?” Michael asks Kyle, who´s looking through the spyhole.

“Lonnie and Alex. Max called them after he found out that Liz wasn´t at work.”

Great, now the Bandits will be complete.

Kyle opens the door to let the rest of them in. “I hope it´s important!” Lonnie says the second she walks in. When she comes face to face with me, she rolls her eyes and looks at Michael. “You kidnapped the bitch again? The last time wasn´t very successful; Billy didn’t give a damn ‘bout her. So why is she here? It’s hard enough to put up with her at school.”

“We didn’t kidnap anybody this time.” Max stands up and walks around the room. “She’s one of us now, I guess.”

I look up at the dark haired man in surprise as the room goes dead silent for a few seconds.

“That´s a joke, right?” Lonnie hisses back at him.

“She’s with Michael and she just told us that Billy kidnapped Liz.” Max answers.

“Oh, come on. That’s a trap. Are you blind or something? What makes you think we can trust her?”

Max gazes at me and speaks to Lonnie. “Michael trusts her and so do I. And that´s that! We have to find a way to get Liz out.”

“Well, do the Hurricanes know that she changed fronts?”

“No, not yet,” Michael says.

“So, then it’s easy. She will get Liz out.”

“She’s not going there again,” Michael replies more to Max than to Lonnie.

Max nods. “Right. She can´t go there again. How would she get her out unnoticed? Billy would kill both of them.”

“Maybe I should go back there,” I whisper but everyone, especially Michael had heard it.

“What?” He looks at me in horror.

“I can distract Billy so that he won´t hurt her at least.”

“That’s bullshit, Maria. So you prevent Liz from getting hurt and instead you get hurt. No way! I’m not gonna let that happen.”

“Maybe we should call the police?” Alex intervenes now.

“Oh come on, then we would have to testify in court and the Hurricanes would come clean about us, too. And we would all go to jail as well,” Lonnie tells him.

“There might be a way to get her out tomorrow afternoon,” I suggest.

“What do you mean?” Max asks and sits down again to hear what I have to say.

“There is a skater event in Manhatten tormorrow. They’re all goin’ there and I asked Billy what they’ll do with Liz during the event. He told me that they might lock her in the truck of his car then.”

“That could work,” Michael muses.


Michael opens the front door and enters his own apartment. A quick glance on the watch tells me that it´s already 10pm now. The others left a few hours ago and Michael went down again to check and make sure that Max was alright.

“How is he feeling?” I lift my head from the sofa to look at him questioningly.

He comes over to me and sits down at the end of the couch, so that I´m able to crawl up a little bit to place my head on his thigh. “He’s upset, ‘cause he knows that he can´t do anything to help Liz right now and he has to wait until tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I know exactly how this feels.”

“Hey,” he lays his hand on my cheek and turns my face until I can look up at him, “don´t feel guilty or anything, okay? They all know that you couldn’t do anything.”

“I’m trying.”

“Wanna go to bed? I´m kind of tired and I want this crappy day to end really soon.”

“Yeah, good idea.”

Five minutes later we are lying in bed together. Michael wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his body. “Are you okay?” he whispers and looks down at me while one of his hands caress my hair. I can see just the profile of his face, which is illuminated from the soft light of the moon.

“I can´t stop thinking about Liz,” I answer honestly.

He bends down to press his warm lips against mine. “I know. Try to sleep a few hours and tomorrow we will her get out.”


I’m still lying awake in Michael’s bed. I can´t forget what Billy had told me before I left.

“I definitely want to get laid today. So it´s you or her.”

How can I lie here and know that Billy will rape Liz? I have to get back. Carefully I lift myself up and rest on my left ellbow to watch Michael, who´s been asleep for a while now. My fingers brush lightly through his hair. “I´m sorry, Michael, but I have to go.” I whisper and press a soft kiss against his right temple before I get out of the bed without waking him up.

I get dressed again in the dark and take my cell phone with the fully-charged battery. I know that there is a little notepad and a pencil at the waredrope next to the front door, so I decide to leave Michael a little message.


I´m sorry, but I have to go back to Billy’s. There is something I didn´t tell you. Billy said some things to me and I think he will rape Liz if I don’t go back. I can´t live and be aware of the fact that I could have saved her from that.


I glance back at him on the bed one last time and wonder if I will ever have the chance to kiss him again.

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Re: Streets of New York (AU/CC/M&M/Adult) Pt. 27 04/26/09 Pg.10

Post by candysteffi »

Hey everyone :)

Hey new reader :)
Thanks, I´m glad you like it so far.

You will find out how the group reacts about Maria´s leaving and what will happen with the girls and Billy...

Yeah, it´s not easy to get out of al of this, I guess. Of course, Max loves Liz and he is scared for her. You will find out in this part how tha girls will manage the Billy-situation.

DeDe PR:
Right, Liz always helped M&M and now it´s Maria´s part zo help her out...



Part 28

The moment I reach Billy’s front door Sean comes out of the apartment. “Hey, Ria. How was work?”

“Um…” God, I’m so nervous, I can´t think straight. “It was okay, I guess.”

“Okay, I´m leaving. So I’ll see you tomorrow then?”


I enter Billy´s home quietly. No one is in the living room right now; I guess the others are already gone. A muffled sound from the kitchen gets my attention. “Come on, little slut,” I hear Billy say and hope that I’m too late. Has he already touched Liz?

“Hey baby,” I announce myself from the living room and then swing the kitchen door open. Billy is pressing Liz against the wall, her arms are tied behind her back, but thank God, she’s still fully clothed. “You couldn’t wait for me, huh?” I try to sound saucy as I cross the room to stand right next to them. A quick glance at Liz reveals that she’s relieved to see me.

“Come on, you don´t really wanna fuck somebody who’s probably already fucked half of the Bandits, do you?” I whisper into his ear, desperately hoping that it would make him let Liz off the hook.

Billy looks between Liz and me for several seconds. “Right, baby, I guess you´re much more fun to fuck.”

“That´s what I wanted to hear,” I say and force a smile at him. “But first let me take a shower. I’m kind of smelly from work.”

“Take her to the bathroom with you, she needs to pee again.” He leaves the kitchen then without looking back and I take a deep, shaking breath.

“Okay, come on,” I whisper and guide her to the bathroom with me. Her whole body is quivering. The moment I lock the bathroom door behind us Liz starts to cry harshly.

“Oh, my God, Maria.”

I wrap my arms around her and try to calm her down. “Shhh, it´s okay, Liz. I’m here and I won’t leave without you. Turn around, I´m gonna untie you while we’re in here.”

“I told Max that you´re here,” I tell her.

She whirls around quickly. “But he´s not coming here, right?” she asks a little too loudly, eyes wide open, and I press my hand over her mouth.

“Shhh, not so loud or he’ll hear us. No, I told him that they can’t get in here.”

“I´m feeling so guilty now, Maria. So, they sent you again to save me?”

I shake my head. “No, they don´t know, they didn´t want me to come here again. But they’ll know when Michael wakes up and sees that I´m gone.”

“You should have stayed away, Maria. They were right.” Liz is looking at the ground now.

“Hey,” I lift her head up with two fingers, “you know what would have happened if I hadn’t come back, right?”

She nods, ashamed.

“And there is no way I´m gonna let that happen to you, okay? He will leave you alone tonight, I promise.” I turn around to turn the faucet in the shower.

“Are you really gonna shower now?” Liz asks, confused.

“Yeah, otherwise Billy will be suspicious, he´s not that dumb.”


A few minutes later I´m out of the shower and in my clothes again. My hair is still wet, but I don´t care right now.

“I have to tie you back up, okay? But I won´t make it too tight, so that you can untie yourself if it´s necessary.”

“What will you do, Maria? How we are supposed to get out of here?”

Yeah, what will you do, Maria? I don´t have a damn clue. It´s not like I can just kiss Billy good night and he will drift off to a peaceful sleep then. He wants to have sex! God, I don´t want him to touch me.

Liz must have noticed my clueless expression. “You don´t have any kind of plan, do you?” She asks, scared.

I shake my head. “No. Not yet!”

“God, Maria!” She hides her face in her hands and starts crying again.

“Don´t cry. I’ve dealt with him the last few years, and I’ll deal with him tonight, too, if it´s necessary.” I´m gonna die if I have to really do this, but I have to sound confident for her. “If I don’t come back to get you by 3am, then you’ve gotta untie yourself and get out, okay?”

She shakes her head. “No, I´m not leaving without you as well. He would know you helped me if I left without you and then he’ll ...” She can´t get out the last words, but I know what she was going to say. He would kill me.

“Okay, you said he has a gun. Where is it, do you know?”

“No, he took it with him this afternoon and I haven´t seen it again.”

I sigh. “Okay. We have to get out there now.”


I enter the living room after placing Liz back on the chair in the kitchen again and making sure that she could free herself when the time comes. Billy is lying on the couch watching a stupid reality show on MTV. “Did she give you any problems?”

“Nope. Everything went fine. She´s too exhausted to defend herself.“ I should think about taking some acting classes.

“Good, so get your little ass in my lap now,” he orders with a smug grin.

What I am supposed to do now? The only thing I can do is to play along, at least for a while. So I walk over to him and straddle his lap. He immediately starts to kiss me roughly. It takes all my strength and willpower to kiss him back. He would get pissy if I didn’t do it the way he wants it. His hands are roaming over my back to press me against his body, his bristly beard is hurting the skin on my face. My head is hurting ‘cause I´m desperately trying to think of a way out for Liz and me.

First I have to make sure that he doesn´t have the gun somewhere at his body, so my hands are wandering over all the parts of his body where a gun could be hidden. He´s moaning in response to that and it gives me the creeps and fills me with disgust. There is no sign of any weapon in his clothes. So, it has to be somewhere here in the living room, right? Liz told me he took it out of the kitchen. And there is nothing but a casual bed in his bedroom. No other furniture.

I break the disgusting kiss to talk to him. “Let’s go to your bedroom.”

“Why, we can do it right here,” he pats the sofa with a saucy grin.

I force a smile back at him. “But this thing is so small and,” I lean forward to whisper in his ear, so he can´t see my distorted face, “I wanna give you a full body massage, so you have to lay down and strech out for that.” I really hope he´s gonna play along with this; he’s never been a big fan of any kind of foreplay ever.

“Uhhh, baby, that sounds good. Carrying around that little Bandit-slut really pulled some muscles today.” YES!

I stand up then, taking his hands and leading him to the other room. “Ok, strip down to nothing,” I request, still hoping he won´t change his mind suddenly.

“Baby, I really like you this way,” he says, his voice aroused as he does what I asked of him.

Go to hell, sonofabitch!

“Okay, now, lay down prone. I want to start with you backside,” I tell him when he stands in front of me totally naked.

I climb on top of him and start to massage his shoulders first. Quick glances around the room let me know that there is nothing big and heavy which I could use to knock him out. Well, I´m sure if there was something, I wouldn’t be strong enough to knock him unconscious with it either.

“Uhh baby, this feels really good,” I hear Billy mutters. God, I wish I could just do one of these tricky grips where you can knock someone out with just a little pressure on the right location on the body. But unfortunately, I never learned how to do that.

Come on, think of something, Maria! There has to be something that you can do. Thank God, he´s lying on his stomach. This position isn’t so scary. My glance stops at the half open bedroom door then. There is a key in it...

Would that be possible? Could I lock him in here and then get Liz and leave? I don´t know, I’ll have to be really quick. But this is the only chance I have. Well, there is another possibility, but that would include having sex with him and waiting until he falls asleep. Not a very good option either. And I don´t know if I could survive doing that ever again.

Okay, I have to lock him in here. But how am I gonna do this? I have to get up, place the key on the other side of the door and lock it. How long will this take? I have to find a good explanation to get up again without making him suspicious.

“Do you have any body lotion?” I asked in a sassy tone.

“What?” He tries to look at me and lifts up his head.

“This massage will go a lot better if I use some body lotion or oil,” I explain and bend down to nibble on his earlobe to distract him from any other thoughts.

“There’s some in the bathroom, I guess,” he groans into the pillow.

“Okay, stay in this position and let me get it,” I whisper and get out of the bed. I walk through the room until I reach the door. “You really will enjoy this, baby!” I say to make noise while I pull the key out of the lock.

“Oh yeah,” he says and turns around the moment I place the key back into the lock on the other side of the door. My heart stops beating for a second and I look at him in shock. “What the fuck,” he hisses and makes a move to get out of the bed.

I wake from my sudden shock, slam the door shut and turn the key, so that he´s trapped in his bedroom now. My hands are shaking almost uncontrolable. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!

“I knew it, you treasonous bitch! You’re one of the fucking Bandits!” He hammers at the door loudly and it won´t take long for him to get out. This is an old apartment, the doors aren´t very strong. Suddenly he lets go of the door, maybe to get into his pants.

I finally remember what I have to do and run into the kitchen. “Liz, Liz. We have to get out really quickly,” I tell her frantically. I’m opening some drawes to get a knife or anything else that could be used as a weapon in case Billy makes it out of his room to quickly.

“What did you do?”, she wants to know while she unties herself.

“I locked him in the bedroom. But the door doesn´t seem very steady to me, he’ll be out soon.”

Together we run back into the living room and the pounding on the door starts again. “I´m gonna kill you, Maria!” He screams and his voice sounds dangerous.

We reach the front door, but it´s locked. “Shit,” I hiss and search aroud the keyboard next to the door to find the right key. “There are so many keys, I don´t know which is the right one,” I almost scream at Liz, who is staring at the bedroom door.

“Liz, Liz!” I try to get her attention. “Look around for the gun in here, okay? I have to figure out which key is right and I don´t know if I can do it in time.”

She nods at me, scared, and starts to look in every locker, which is in the living room. I´m concentrating on my mission again, but my hands are still shaking so bad that I have a hard time getting the keys into the lock.

The sound of cracking wood splits the air and I turn around quickly; I can see the the bedroom door move. A few more hits on the door and he will be out.

“I can´t find it,” Liz says desperately.

“Okay, forget it and come here,” I scream at her while I´m still trying to unlock the door.

Suddenly I can turn the key in the lock fully around and the door snaps open. “Thank God!” I whisper and rip it open. I grab Liz’ hand and drag her along with me out into the hallway. When we reach the top of the steps, I can hear Billy in his aparmtent again. “He managed to get out, we have to hurry!” I yell at Liz, while pulling her downstairs as fast as I can.

“Make your last wish, DeLuca!” Billy’s voice echoes through the whole staircase and I also can hear the sound a weapon makes, when it’s being loaded.

Liz and I finally reach the outer door and keep running along the street. She´s running with a slight limp and I guess Billy did that to her. “We have to run faster,” I gasp at her, but I know she isn´t able to do it.

All of the sudden, a car pulls up next to us, brakes squealing in protest at the sudden stop. I let out a startled scream, assuming that it’s another one of the Hurricanes. “Get in the car,” a male voice yells at us through the open passengers’ window, but it´s too dark to spot a face.

“It´s Kyle,” Liz says with relief and tears the door open. We almost crash into the backseat when a random shot slams into the sheet metal of the car. I quickly close the door behind us and we take off with spinning wheels. I carefully take a glance out of the rear window.

Billy is standing there on the sidewalk with his legs wide apart, the gun in his left hand… making the promise to kill me.


After we drive around a few corners, Kyle stops the car on the road side and turns around to look at Liz. “Are you hurt?”

She shakes her head. “No, nothing serious.”

Then he glances at me. “What about you?” He asks, his eyes soft and worried – much to my surprise there is no disgust or anger in his voice.

“I´m fine, too.”

Kyle nods.

“How did you find us?” I blurt out.

“Kind of haphazardly. Michael called us after he realized you left and we just got in our cars and drove around the streets in the Hurricanes territory in hope that one of us would find you.”

He pulls out his cell phone then and dials a number. “It’s me. I found them,” he replies to the person on the phone.


“No, they’re fine. Both!”


“Okay.” He hangs up then and starts the engine again.
