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Re: Incomplete (AU, CC, M/M, Mature) Ch. 20, 8/14/09, pg. 11

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:34 am
by Eva
To BB (nibbles2):
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the story all the way. And I’m afraid you’re right: this is the last chapter of the fic. Every story has to end sooner or later…

To sarammlover:
Yeah, Michael and Maria are so made for each other!

To mary mary:
Thank you very much! I had a great time!

To April:
Whoaw! You read straight through!

 Chapter 7:
K's Choice slays me.
Though I knew K’s Choice already a long time, I appreciated Sarah Bettens even more after my sister, who is a huge fan, dragged me with her to one of her concerts.
About the fic: You’re right: Michael’s life did take a huge turn and that’s not easy.

 Chapter 8: And you wanna know the saddest thing: those comments are based on real life experiences.

 Chapter 9:
thank you for introducing me to this wonderful song
You’re welcome! Jasper Steverlinck from Arid really has a great voice.
About the part you mentioned: The way he confessed his love and his doubts came clearly right from the bottom of his heart.

 Chapter 10: It’s the least you can say: the road was bumpy all the way.

 Chapter 11: Isabel was wonderful! She did a great job by showing him how wrong he was.

 Chapter 12: Cute part, huh?

 Chapter 13: It was the first step back, back to being friends.

 Chapter 14: If Maria has something in her head, you could say there’s no stop. Her stalking Michael was actually funny to watch. You can clearly see she still loves him. And that she still sees the real Michael underneath his drawn back behaviour.

 Chapter 15: Don’t know that song. I’ll look it up.

 Chapter 16: He’s doing the things right now. In the beginning he rushed himself to do things to soon and to fast. And that’s never good.

 Chapter 17: I actually didn’t know the Lollapalooza but it sounded great when I checked out their website. And well yeah, all good things come to an end as they say.

 Chapter 18: I’m glad you liked Maria’s idea.

 Chapter 19: Yeah, it is! Great friends lead to great and funny moments.

 Chapter 20: It’s indeed a full circle now. Your compliments made me blush. I’m really happy I made you think some things about handicaps through. It was actually a bit my intention. I wanted to show that a handicap only changes the situation, not the people. And that’s why I tried writing a Michael as we all know him.

Author’s note:

Like a lot of you guys already thought, this fic is running at its end. It was my first fic I wrote and I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Now that we are at the end of it, I want to thank everybody who read it and sympathized with it!
Especially a big thank you to Leila (chanks_girl), Heavenli24, somewhere87, mary mary, DeDe PR, Magalie (xmag), *BLONDIE*, tequathisy, BB (nibbles2), sarammlover and April for commenting! I really enjoyed your input!

‘Incomplete’ will not be my last fic though. At the moment I’m busy writing a new one. When everything goes alright, I hope to start my updates at the end of September. I can already promise one thing: it’s going to be something totally different!


I don't want to be
Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do
Is think of me and I have peace of mind

Gavin Degraw – I don’t want to be

A year and a half later

The tall man moved slowly through the dim hallway. Supported by crutches and an iron will, he walked carefully, step by step, in the direction of the light. Though he walked easier and steadier now than he had just a couple of months ago, it still took him a lot of effort to do so.

“Hi, wait up!”

“Mister G., wait for us!”

The yells of the four kids echoed in the hallway. Michael stopped when he heard them shout. Leaning on his crutches he waited. When they finally reached him, he smirked at the kids.

“Did you got lost, guys? It’s a Friday evening and you’re still running through school. Couldn’t you miss it for a second? Big transformation from the lazy bunch I saw earlier in my class.”

“We came to see the exhibition.”

Another one nodded. “We wanted to see your paintings.”

Michael’s smirk widened in a smile now. “Never would’ve guessed you guys were into art.”

“Well, it’s your art.” The smallest of them all pointed out.

“Whoa, man, your backpack just moved!” Ryan, one of the kids, shrieked amazed, pointing at the bag Michael was wearing on his chest. “It’s alive!”

They all took a step back.

Except for Ryan, who curiously tried to peak in it. “Is it a puppy?”

The others came back eager to know more about the mysterious moving bag.

“No, bone head, it’s a baby. Look!” The oldest, who was standing the closest to Michael, revealed the tip of the head of the child.

“Whoa! Where did you get one of those?”

His friend thumped him in the arm. “In a baby shop of course! What d’you think? D’ oh!” He rolled his eyes.

Michael laughed out loud now while shaking his head in amusement. Though he really enjoyed the kids’ bickering, he had to stop them before it got out of hand.

He removed the little child from his cosy baby carrier, so the boys could see him better. The almost newborn child snuggled closer against Michael’s chest while gripping his shirt in his tiny fist.

“Guys, may I introduce to you, Lucas Guerin. My son. Lucas, these are Pete, Ryan, Frank and Brendan. They make school and my classes completely unsafe. Be alert when you see them later ‘cause they are great basketball players too.”

“Whoa! Who’s the mom?”

“You would’ve known the answer to that question if you would actually attend your English classes instead of only going to your wood shop and gym.” Maria’s voice startled them all.

Surprised and embarrassed they looked at her. “Uh, hello Miss Deluca.”

When they looked back at Michael, the boys saw his eyebrows moving upwards. Giving them a clear sign by holding his left hand with his wedding ring upright. They corrected themselves. “Uh, Mrs Guerin.”

And before Maria could make a remark, they scooted away. “Bye Mr G.! Mrs G.!”

Maria shook her head on laughter but immediately forgot about them though. She had only eyes for Michael and her baby boy. She kissed Michael warmly while tenderly caressing Lucas’s little head. “How are my boys doing?”

“We just met Roswell High brightest but other than that we’re alright.” Michael’s grin made her giggle.

“And are you ready for the exhibition?” she asked him softly.

“Not exactly. But with you and little Lucas by my side, I can conquer almost anything.” He kissed her softly on her temple. “Come on, let’s do this before I change my mind, take you home and make love to you. If I have to start a conquest, I can easily start there. With you.”

Maria burst in laughter seeing the devilish look in her husband’s eyes. “You already got me, Michael. Didn’t I say ‘I do’ a couple of months ago?”

“Uh huh, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do it over and over again.” He smirked now. “Hey, it’s not my fault I‘m addicted to your gorgeous body!”

She cocked an eye, flattered with his compliment. “If you keep talking like that, I’m going to abduct you to the eraser room. I’ll nibble and kiss myself a way from your mouth, over your naked muscular chest towards your aroused-”

Michael moaned at the thought alone. But when he gripped his crutches to keep in control, his eyes fell on the little baby carrier on his chest. The baby!

And before Maria could finish her sentence, he stopped her by pressing his mouth on hers. She immediately wrapped her arms round his neck. Holding his weight against the wall, he kept her close to his body.

With hunger clearly written in his eyes, Michael whispered in her ears. “You can do whatever you want to do. My body and soul are yours.” And then he nodded towards Lucas. “But if it’s ok for you, we’ll wait till after the official fuzz and after we dumped this cute little man with Uncle Max and Aunt Liz.”

With one hand Maria run a finger over his backbone, sighing. “Mmm, let’s hurry then. The sooner we’re at the painting thingy, the earlier we can leave.”

Michael’s eyes twinkled. God, he felt lucky. Though his life was far from perfect, he was contented. He wouldn’t change it, not for the world. Six months ago he had married the love of his life. Maria made his life sparkle and two months ago she had given him the most beautiful present possible, their son. And together with their friends, they had a great time. He was as happy as a king.

It even didn’t bother him anymore that he hadn’t completely recovered. To his and Maria’s surprise he had started feeling little things about a year ago. Slowly but determined he had regained several locomotory abilities over the year. And though it sometimes hurt like hell, he kept pushing his boundaries.

His latest success was the possibility of putting one foot before the other. It was far from running, but it was literally and metaphorical speaking, a big step. And he was enjoying every inch of it.

Michael smiled again at Maria. Without speaking she knew what he was asking. She was ready so she nodded.

And together they walked along.