Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature} Complete 4/6

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter20 pg2 1/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 21
When they got to the castle. Liz pushed Larek out of the way and walked into the castle. Larek followed Liz in. When Liz got to her room she went to her room and shut the door to change clothes. A few minutes later Liz walked out of her room wearing a slip as a night gown. When Liz walked out of her room she saw Larek looking at her. Larek and Liz both looked at each other.

"Larek is there a party?" Liz asked.

"Yes there is another party. And yes Kivar will be there. So that means that you will be spending tome with him," Larek said.

"What? No way!" Liz yelled.

"Yes you will," Larek said.

"Oh no I will not," Liz said.

"Yes you will," Larek said.

"No!" Liz yelled.

"Yes!" Larek yelled.

"No!," Liz said.

"Yes!," Larek said.

"No!" Liz yelled

"Yes!," Larek yelled.

"Oh yeah," Liz said.

"Yeah," Larek said.

Liz punched Larek in the nose.

"No!!," Liz screamed before walking away.

While Liz walked away Max, Serena and friends walked into the room. They saw Larek holding his nose and Liz walking away.

"What happened?" Max asked.

"Liz punched me. And I say she is very pissed right now," Larek said.

"What did you do now?" Serena asked.

"I told Liz that she had a party to go to. And she had to be nice and talk to Kivar," Larek said.

"And I told him I won't go," Liz said from her bedroom.

"I told you, you will go and you will talk to him," Larek said.

"And I told you that I won't do that? You go and talk to Kivar. And you be all nice to him," Liz said.

The ghost of Zan, Rath, Ava and Lonnie all appeared and stood next to Liz. Liz turned and looked at Zan.

"Liz can you keep Kivar busy here while we go to his place," Zan asked.

"Why? What are you up to?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry. We'll be back before the party is over," Rath said.

"Who are we? And who is going?" Liz asked.

"It is going to be me and Rath going. The girls are staying here with you. So that way you are protected," Zan said.

"Have you been talking to Larek?" Liz asked.

"What? Why are you asking?" Zan asked.

"Because Larek wants me to talk to Kivar and become close to him. So have you talked to Larek?" Liz asked.

"No I have not talked to Larek. But Larek’s plan sounds like it will work," Zan said.

"Oh you better be so glad that your dead," Liz said before walking into her room and slammed the door shut.

Zan and everyone watched as Liz walked into her bed room and slammed the door. Zan turned and looked at everyone.

"What was that all about?" Zan asked.

"Liz is mad because she doesn't want to be near or around Kivar. He tries things with her," Larek said.

"I better go and talk to her," Serena said.

"No I better. It's my fault," Larek said.

Larek walked to the door. He knocked on the door and waited a few seconds. When there was no answer Larek opened the door. Larek walked in the room and saw Liz was gone. But her bouncy doors were opened. Larek ran to the bouncy looked down and saw Liz on her horse. Liz looked up and saw Larek looking down at her. Liz smiled then turned the horse.

"Liz get back here," Larek said.

At that moment Max and friends rushed in the room and out on the bouncy. They stood next to Larek.

"Liz! Come get back here," Larek yelled.

"No See ya," Liz yelled before she rode off.

They watched as Liz rode off towards the woods. Max and friends turned and looked at Larek. Larek turned and looked at Serena, Max and friends.

"Does she always do this?" Max asked.

"Yes. But we always find her or she comes back," Larek said.

"What is out in the woods that always makes her go out there?" Maria asked.

"Out there. She goes to this peaceful waterfall. The last couple of times I found her she was laying in the sun and swimming. You never know what is out there though," Serena said.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"I mean that things have been going in the woods. And every time Liz comes back she seems relax and ready for anything. No one knows what Liz does out there. And we have all tried to find out but no luck," Serena said.

"Who is going to check on her?" Max asked.

"I'm going I need to say I'm sorry. And see if we can try and talk about it," Larek said.

"Good luck Larek. Remember to try to stay calm and talk to her," Serena said.

"You know I will. Hopefully she will want to talk to me," Larek said.

"I'm going with you?" Max said.

"No," Larek said.

"You either take me with you or I will go by myself," Max said.

"Fine. You just need to remember to follow and do what I say," Larek said.

"Ok lets go," Max said.

Max turned and looked at his friends. Isabel and friends looked at Max.

"Max be careful. And keep an eye out for Liz," Isabel said.

"You know I will. Hopefully she will be calm and talk to me and Larek," Max asked.

"Max whatever you do don't push Liz," Kyle said.

"Ok. I have to keep that in mind," Max said.

"What happens if you push Liz?" Larek asked.

"You know that yell match and the punch she gave you. That is nothing to when she gets mad it is all out war," Kyle said.

"How bad is that?" Larek said.

"Ok. Lets put it this way. If you push Liz you will be put in the hospital for a very long time," Alex said.

"How do you know about it?" Serena asked.

"A guy was a jerk to Liz. He kept pushing Liz. Liz got so mad that she punched, kicked and some other things. The guy got put in the hospital for a month. After that the guy got out he moved," Maria said.

"So don't push her," Alex and Kyle said.

"Ok. Are you ready to go?" Larek asked.

"Yeah, lets go," Max said.

Max and Larek walked towards the window. They looked around. Larek turned and grabbed a rope and threw it over. Max and Larek got over the wall and climbed down. When they got to the ground they ran to the barn. Inside the barn Max and Larek got on a horse and rode off out to the woods.

They looked around as they got more into the woods. Larek and Max came to a clearing in the middle of the woods. When they were in the clearing they saw Beautiful waterfall and a horse. Max and Larek got off the horses and looked around. Max found Liz's dress. They all looked around.

"Princess where are you?" Larek and Max yelled.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter21 pg3 2/4

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 22

Right at that moment Liz walked out of the water. Liz was wearing her undergarments as she walked out of the water. Liz walked up to Max and Larek. Max and Larek looked at Liz as she stood in front of them.

"What?" Liz asked

"What? Have you been in the water the whole time?" Liz asked.

"Yes. Larek I know how to swim. So don't worry ok," Liz said.

"Sorry. Why do you come out here so much?" Larek asked.

"I come out here because this place is quiet and very peaceful. And I liked that," Liz said.

"I think it is a nice place," Max said.

"Thanks," Liz said.

Right at that moment Kivar and Nicholas walked up to Liz, Max and Larek. They all stood face to face.

"Well princess it is nice to see you again," Kivar said as he looked Liz up and down.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" Liz asked.

"Oh, I wanted to see what you were doing my dear," Kivar said.

"As you can see she is doing good," Max said.

"Who are you?" Kivar asked.

"He is my cousin. He and other my cousins are from earth. They just came to visit for a while," Larek said.

"Oh, really. Well what is your name?" Kivar asked.

"My name is Max. And what is your name?" Max asked.

"My name is Kivar. Now here is a question what are you doing near the princess?" Kivar asked.

"I'm just getting to know my lady. She has been nothing but nice and friendly to me," Max said.

"Yes that is what she does to um know such a person as yourself," Kivar said.

"Kivar stop it. And what I do with Max and Larek is none of your concern or business. So now will you leave so we can go home now," Liz said.

"Princess just watch what you do or say. Your people are watching what you do," Nicholas said.

"I know what my people are doing. Now if you both excuse us we need to go home and get ready for the party," Liz said.

"Yes my lady," Kivar and Nicholas said.

Liz put her gown on and walked over to her horse. She lifted and jumped up and was on her horse. Liz looked at Larek and Max as they got on their horses. After they got on the horses Liz turned and looked at Kivar.

"Well see you later Kivar," Liz said before she, Max and Larek all rode off.

While they were riding away they all looked at each other.

"Do you think he is following us?" Max asked.

"No. He is trying to win points with Liz. Since he wants her," Larek said.

"Wait are you telling me that Kivar wants to be with my wife?" Max asked.

"Yes. He does," Larek said.

"Can we please talk about this when we get home?" Liz asked.

Yeah, sure," Larek said.

As they got to the castle they notice Serena and friends were on the balcony watching them. Liz, Max and Larek put the horses in the barn and then walked up to the rose climber and climbed up. When they got into Liz's room Liz went to the bathroom and changed. While Max and Larek walked into the living room where their friends were waiting.

What is going on?" Larek asked.

"Nothing we were just worried about you," Serena said.

We're fine. Your not going to believe this but Kivar and Nicholas were at the waterfall," Larek said.

"What did you guys do?" Michael asked.

"All we did was have a nice talk," Max said.

"Where is Liz?" Larek asked.

"I'm right here. You need to learn to calm down," Liz said.

"Liz what the hell did Larek meant by Kivar wants you?" Max asked.

"Max you need to calm down. It's nothing to worry about," Liz said.

"And how do you know that?" Michael asked

"I don't. But I know you need to trust Larek and Serena,” Liz said.

"You all need to get ready for the ball/party. Don't worry everything will be good," Serena said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about tonight?" Alex asked.

"Um because we don't know what will happen. And plus Max and Michael are in protective mode," Maria said.

"Oh yeah that is true," Alex said.

"We better get read for tonight. Who knows what will happen," Kyle said.

"And plus we need to be ready for anything," Maria said.

After everyone left Max and Liz both looked at each other. The Liz walked away. A few seconds later Max went to his room to get ready. Everyone was getting ready for the ball/party.

Liz decided to wear a strapless lit pink gown with her hair up in curls. Liz wore the Antar crest chocker. Liz walked in the bathroom and put on her make up, earring and rings. A few minutes later Liz walked out of the bathroom and walked to her closet and grabbed her shawl. Liz wrapped her shawl around her arms.

There was a knock on the door. Liz turned and walked to the door. She opened the door and there stood Larek and Serena. They all smiled at each other.

"Are you ready to go?" Larek asked.

"Yeah. Where are Max and the others?" Liz asked.

"They are in the ballroom waiting for us," Serena said.

"Ok. Lets go. I can't wait to see how everything goes," Liz said.

"Shall we," Larek said as he put his arm out for Liz.

Liz and Serena wrapped their hands around Larek’s arm as the walked out. The walked out of the room and walked down to the ballroom. When they walked into the ballroom Everyone was staring at them. They smiled at the people as they walked to the table to get a drink. When they got to the table Liz let go of Larek’s arm and turns to get a glass of punch. She turned and looked at Larek and Serena. Larek and Serena looked at Liz.

"Where are the ghost?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry they should be here soon," Larek said.

"Where are Max and friends?" Liz asked.

Over there against the wall," Serena said as she pointed to the right.

"So far no Kivar and Nicholas yet," Larek said.

"You know were going to have to keep Max and the others away from Nicholas right?” Liz said.

"Why is that?" Serena asked.

"Because Nicholas knows who they really are," Liz said.

"Great. Anything else I should know about?" Larek asked.

"Um yeah there is one more thing Nicholas knows who I was on earth. But he doesn't know if me and Max were friends or more," Liz said.

"What! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Larek asked.

"I just remembered ok. Are we all in more danger now?" Liz asked.

"I don't know yet. We got to keep You, Max and friends away from Nicholas. That should be ok thing to do," Larek said.

"Don't worry I'll help you with it,” Serena said.

"Help him with what?" A voice said behind them
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter22 pg3 2/9

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 23

"Help him with what?" A voice said behind them.

Liz, Larek and Serena turned and saw Max and friends standing in front of them.

"What is going on? And him with what?" Max asked.

"Max do you remember that guy standing next to Kivar?" Liz asked

"Yeah, what about the guy?" Max asked.

"Max, how do I say this?" Liz asked.

"Just tell us," Michael said.

"Ok. That guy with Kivar is Nicholas," Liz said.

"What?" Michael asked.

"Yeah it was Nicholas. He doesn't know who we are yet. And we're hopping he doesn't.
Larek wants us to stay away from him," Liz said.

"Is that going to be easy or hard?" Kyle asked.

"We don't know. We just need to wait and see how it goes," Larek said.

"Is Kivar and Nicholas here now?" Isabel asked.

"We don't see them anywhere," Larek said.

"But doesn't mean they won't show up. Kivar likes to make a entrance,” Serena said.

"Great. Now we have more to worry about," Liz said.

"What else is there to worry about?" Alex asked.

"The ghost of Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie aren't back yet. We don't know where they
are," Liz said.

"How long have they been gone for?" Maria asked.

"They have been gone for a day now. I'm starting to worry," Liz said.

"Maybe they will be back when we got to the room," Tess said.

"I hope so," Liz said.

Liz turned and right at that moment Kivar and Nicholas walked in.

"Max I think now would be a good time to hide," Liz said.

"Why?" Max asked.

"Because Kivar and Nicholas just walked in. Please just stay low and away?" Liz asked
as she looked at Max.

"Ok. Well be around and watching. So don't worry," Max said before him and friends turned
and walked away.

"Alright be careful," Liz said.

"We will," Max said.

Liz, Larek and Serena watched as Max and friends walked away. They turned and saw Kivar
and Nicholas standing in front of them.

"Hello my dear. I'm glad you made it home safely," Kivar said.

"I'm glad to be home. Prey tell what were you and him doing out in the woods?" Liz asked.

"Oh, we were just talking. There is nothing to worry your pretty little head about my dear,"
Kivar said.

"Why do I have a feeling your up to something. And it is something bad," Liz said.

"Oh, dear I'm up to nothing. I just want to be with you," Kivar said.

"And prey tell why is that?" Liz asked.

"Because your beautiful and I think your kind, sexy too," Kivar said.

What Liz and Kivar didn't know was that Max, Larek, Serena and friends were close to
hear what was being said.

"Kivar I already told you I'm married. And I am very much in love with my husband,"
Liz said.

"And where is your husband?" Kivar asked.

"That is none of your business. He is none of your business either,” Liz said.

"You know when I find him. I'm going to hurt him,” Kivar said.

"And then it is a good idea that you can never find him," Liz said.

"Oh we will have to wait and see about that my dear," Kivar said.

"You will leave my husband alone or you will be sorry," Liz said.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Kivar asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see," Liz said.

Larek and Serena knew Liz wasn't going to back down. They also knew Kivar
wasn't going to back down either.

"So why were you late?" Larek asked.

"Oh, someone I knew needed to talk to me about a few things," Kivar said.

"Wow it must have been important," Larek said.

"Well excuse me I need some air," Liz said.

"Let me come with you," Kivar said as he grabbed Liz's arm,

"No I can walk on my own," Liz said s she tried to jerk her arm free.

"No I insist on going out with you," Kivar said as he tightened the hold on Liz's

Liz didn't get a chance to answer before Kivar pulled Liz towards them and
walked out on to the balcony over looking the town. Kivar let go of Liz's arm
and looked at her. Liz turned and looked at Kivar.

"I will find your husband and I will kill him," Kivar said.

"No you won't. I'll kill you before you hurt my husband," Liz said.

"Really?" Kivar asked.

"Yes really," Liz said.

"We have to wait and see about that dear. Since I got you alone I dieing to do
something," Kivar said.

"And what would that be?" Liz asked.

"This," Kivar said.

Kivar pushed Liz to the wall. He leaned in and kissed Liz. When Kivar's lips
touched Liz's. She bit his lips as hard as she could. Liz pushed Kivar away.

"Don't ever do that again," Liz said.

"My lip is bleeding you bitch," Kivar said.

"Good. That will teach you to leave me alone," Liz said.

"Why you little bitch," Kivar said as he walked up to her.

Liz lifted her arm and froze Kivar. Liz moved to the other side. Liz snapped
her finger and Kivar was unfrozen, Kivar walked to the wall. He turned and
saw Liz behind him.

"How did you do that?" Kivar asked.

"Do what? What are you talking about?" Liz asked.

"You were standing in front of me a second ago and now your over there,"
Kivar said.

"What? Are you ok?" Liz asked.

Kivar looked at Liz then turned away. Then Kivar turned and looked at Liz

"What?" Liz asked.

"You know I will find that husbands of yours and he will be very sorry he ever
knew you," Kivar said.

"I told you to leave my husband alone. Why would you want to hurt him?" Liz

"Because he gets to touch you whenever he wants to. And I think a lonely
human has no right to touch a princess like you,” Kivar said.

"But still he is my husband and he can touch me as long as were married
and together," Liz said.

"Well have to wait and see about that," Kivar said.

"What does that mean? What are you going to do? Liz asked.

"I'm going to kill him," Kivar said.

"Your crazy," Liz said.

Kivar grabbed Liz and pushed her against the wall. They both looked at
each other.

"Don't ever call me crazy," Kivar said.

"Your crazy," Liz said.

Kivar raised his hand and slapped Liz across the face. Liz closed her
eyes as Kivar slapped her hard across the face. After Kivar slapped her
he pushed Liz hard against the wall and walked away. Liz started to cry
when Kivar left
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Authors note pg4 2/23

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 24
Serena and Larek were talking when Max and friends walked up to them.

Where is Liz?" Max asked

"She is talking with Kivar," Larek said.

Right at that moment Kivar and Nicholas walked up to the bar talking. Max, Serena, Larek and friends looked at Kivar and Nicholas then looked at each other.

"Where is Liz? I'm starting to worry," Max said.

"Me and the girls will check outside. You look around here. Well meet back here in 10 minutes ok," Serena said.

Ok. Be careful," Larek said.

"You too," Serena said.

Serena and the girls walked out on the balcony. When they walked onto the balcony they turned and saw Liz against the wall with her hand on her cheek. Serena and the girls walked up to Liz. Liz and girls stood face to face.

"What happened?" Serena asked.

"Kivar said he was going to kill my husband. I called him crazy and he slapped me hard across the face. Then he pushed me hard against the wall," Liz said.

"Liz it's going to be ok," Tess said.

"It is never going to be ok. Kivar is very crazy," Liz said.

"Liz what are we going to do?" Maria asked.

"I don't know. But whatever the plan is it has to be good. Where are Max, Larek and guys?" Liz asked.

"They are still in the ballroom why?" Serena asked.

"Because Kivar has plans for Larek and the guys. And I don't know what his plan are for them," Liz said.

"We'll go check on them while you go to your room," Isabel said.

""Ok. Hopefully Kivar won't start anything," Serena said.

"Maria go with Liz and keep her company," Tess said.

"Let’s go check on Larek, Max and guys," Serena said.

Serena and the girls walked in the ball room. While Maria and Liz walked towards Liz's bedroom.

When Serena and the girls walked in they saw Max, Larek and guys still standing against the wall. The girls turned and saw Kivar and Nicholas at the punch table.

"Serena what are we going to do?" Tess asked.

"We are going to go talk to Max, Larek and guys. And hopefully Kivar and Nicholas won't start anything," Serena said.

Serena and the girls walked up to the guys and stood in front of them. The guys turned and looked at Serena and the girls.

Did you find Liz?" Larek asked.

"Yeah we did. Um we have to talk later. It is majorly important," Serena said.

"What is going on? And where the hell is Maria?" Michael asked.

"We'll talk about it later. Michael Maria is with Liz right now," Isabel said.

"Ok. Now tell us what the hell is wrong? And what the hell is going on?" Max asked.

"Kivar had a talk with Liz. He was going to try and start trouble with you, Larek and the guys," Serena said.

"Why do I have a feeling something happened to Liz?" Alex asked.

"We'll talk about later. How much longer is this party for?" Isabel asked.

"The party is over now," Larek said.

Larek, Serena and friends watched as everyone in the ballroom walked out. After everyone left Larek, Serena and friends all walked out of the ballroom and walked down the hallway.

Meanwhile in Liz's room
Liz was in the middle of changing when she looked up and saw Zan in her room. Liz screamed and grabbed a blanket and covered herself.

"Zan get out!" Liz screamed.

Liz turned and grabbed a pillow and threw it at Zan as she kept screaming.

"Liz calm down. It is nothing I haven't seen before," Zan said.

"Zan get the hell out!" Liz screamed.

As Liz held the towel close to her screaming and throwing things at Zan.

Meanwhile in the hallway, Max and friends heard screaming. They ran down the hall to the room. They ran in Liz's room. Max, Serena, Larek and friends saw a half naked Liz holding a towel and screaming at Zan. Zan just stood there smiling at Liz.

"Zan get out. You’re not allowed to see me like this," Liz yelled.

"You didn't have a problem with it in your past life," Zan said.

"That was my past life. This is my life now. Get out so I can get dressed," Liz said.

"No I want to stay here and watch you," Zan said.

"Zan I'm serious get the hell out of my room so I can change," Liz said.

"Do I have to?" Zan said.

"Yes. Now get the hell out," Liz said.

"Oh, your no fun," Zan said.

"Zan I'm serious get out," Liz said

Zan walked up to Liz and stood in front of her when they were face to face.

"I got a question for you?" Zan asked.

"And what would the question be Zan," Liz said.

"How do you feel about passwords?" Zan asked.

Liz looked at Zan with a weird look on her face. Liz didn't understand why Zan asked her that question.

"Passwords? What are you talking about?" Liz asked.

"Get dressed and meet me and the others in your waiting room," Zan said.

"Zan what are you up to?" Liz asked.

Zan just looked at Liz with a smile on his face. Liz knew that smiled mean he was up to something. And it was usually really bad.

"Fine. But I swear if you or any of the guys come in here without telling me your here your going to be very sorry got it?" Liz said.

"Just hurry up and change. Oh by the way you still have a hot little body," Zan said as he walked out of the room.

"Zan!" Liz yelled as she threw a vase at the door.

Liz walked into the bathroom and changed clothes. When Liz walked out of the bathroom, Liz was wearing a slip as a night gown and her hair was up in ponytail. Liz walked out of her bathroom and walked into the waiting room where Max, Serena and friends were waiting.

"Zan what did you mean by passwords?" Liz asked.

"We got everything and a lot of things from Kivar's computer,” Zan said.

"What kind of things?" Serena asked.

"Everything you ever wanted to know what Kivar is up to." Rath said.

"Did anyone catch you?" Liz asked.

"No one saw us. It was fun," Zan said.

"Fun, what are you talking about?" Liz asked.

"Oh, lets just say we had some fun," Zan said.

"What did you guys do?" Larek asked.

"We just messed with a couple of things. I say they won't know what hit them," Rath said.

"Ok. Tell us the truth what did you guys do?" Serena asked.

"We change their passwords and change a couple of things around is all," Zan said.

"Where is the disk with their plans in it?" Alex asked.

"Right here," Rath said as he held the disk.

Liz put her hand out and looked at Rath. Rath looked at Liz.

"Rath can I please have the disk?" Liz asked.

"Ok here," Rath said as he handed Liz the disk.

Liz turned and walked up to Alex. Liz and Alex both looked at each other.

"Ready to find out what is on the disk?" Liz asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 24 pg4 2/28

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 25

"Yeah, lets see what their plan is. Hopefully we will be able to stop whatever they are planning," Alex said.

Liz turned and looked at Max. Max looked at Liz. Then Liz turned and looked at the screen. Maria notice that Max and Liz were looking at each other when the other wasn't looking.

"Liz I need to talk to you," Maria said.

Liz and Maria walked across the room and stood against the wall. What Liz and Maria didn't know was Max and friends could hear what they were talking bout.

"Liz are you sure your ok after what Kivar did?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to forget it happened," Liz said.

"Let me see you cheek," Maria said.

Liz turned and showed Maria her cheek. When Maria looked at the cheek she saw that the hand print was turning into a bruise.When Maria touched the bruise Liz jerked away. Liz turned and looked at Maria.

"Does it hurt?" Maria asked.

"Yeah it hurts. I just hope Max, Larek and the guys don't find out about it," Liz said.

"I guess the word crazy pushes Kivar into hitting people," Maria said.

"Yeah, I guess it does," Liz said.

"Liz don't worry Kivar is going to pay for hurting you," Maria said.

"Yeah I know he will. I just wonder who is going to make him pay," Liz said.

"Maybe everyone will,"Maria said.

"I like the sound of that," Liz said.

"Yeah it sounds good to me too," Maria said.

"I want Kivar and Nicholas to pay for what he did to these people. And what he did to Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess," Liz said.

"I feel the same way. I think you should have Max heal your face," Maria said.

"I can't that would mean Max would know and see what happened. I don't know if I can handle that,"Liz said.

"You can handle anything. And I know you can calm Max down as I can calm Michael down," Maria said.

What Liz and Maria didn't know was Max was walking towards them listening to what was being said. Max stood in-front of Liz and Maria. Liz and Maria looked at Max.

"Liz what happened to your cheek?" Max asked.

"Oh Um. I . Do you want the truth?" Liz asked.

"Yes that would be great," Max said.

"You have to promise me that you won't get mad," Liz said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling?" Max asked.

"Max do you promise?" Liz asked.

Right at that moment Michael and friends turned and looked at Max, Liz and Maria. They listened to what was being said.

"Max do you promise?" Liz asked.

"Liz?" Max asked.

"You have to promise me first?" Liz said.

"Yes I promise. Now will you tell me," Max said.

"Larek stand behind Max just incase he gets mad," Liz said.

Larek, Michael, Kyle and Alex stood behind Max. As the girls stood next to them.

"Ok here it goes. Kivar said he will kill my husband. I told him he was crazy. And that is when he slapped me hard across the face. And when he pushed me against the wall," Liz said.

"What?" Max yelled.

"Max please calm down? I'm fine," Liz said.

"If he ever touches you again I'm going to kill him," Max said.

"Max please?"Liz asked.

"Fine. Can I heal you cheek?" Max asked.

"Please do," Liz said.

Max placed his hand on Liz's cheek and healed the bruise. After Max healed the bruise Max and Liz looked at each other.

"Liz are you ok?" Larek asked

"Yeah I just need to calm down," Liz said.

Liz was about to walk away when Max grabbed her hand. Max and Liz both looked at each other.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Liz I'm worried about you," Max said.

"Max I'm fine. I don't trust Kivar. I know he is up to something. But I wish I knew what it is," Liz said.

"Is that all that is bothering you?" Max asked.

"Why are you asking?" Liz asked.

"Liz I can tell something is bothering you. Just please tell me what it is that is bothering you," Max asked.

"Max I'm just worried ok," Liz said.

"What has got you so worried?" Max asked.

"We need to stop Kivar from hurting the people. And we can't let him know who you really are," Liz said.

"Don't worry everything is going to be ok. No one is going to get hurt," Max said.

"Max I hope you are right," Liz said.

"You know I'm right," Max said with a smile on his face.

"Maybe you are. But I guess we will have to wait and see," Liz said.

"Liz?" Max asked.

"Are you really sure your ok?" Max asked.

"Max I'm fine. I just got a lot on my mind is all," Liz said.

"Are you sure?" Max asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm going to go to bed now good night," Liz said before walking away.

After Liz walked in her room and shut the door. Max and friends turned and looked at Serena and Larek. Serena and Larek looked at Max and friends.

"What the hell is wrong with Liz?" Max asked.

"Who knows. Max you just need to give her time ok," Larek said.

"No it's not ok. She is my wife. And I want to know what is wrong?" Max said.

"Max you need to calm down and stop worrying," Serena said.

"No never," Max said as he walked towards Liz's room.

Max walked to Liz's bedroom door. He walked in and saw Liz was sitting on her bed. She looked up and saw Max standing in the doorway looking at her. Max walked in the room and shut the door behind him. Max walked up to the bed and stood in-front of Liz. Max and Liz were face to face.

"Max what are you doing?" Liz asked.

"Liz I wanted to check on you. Please tell me what is wrong? And please don't tell nothing is wrong. I know something is wrong.," Max said
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 25 pg4 3/10

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess of Antar
Chapter 26

"Max I'm scared ok. Kivar scares the hell out of me. I'm scared that we are not going to win this war," Liz said.

"Liz don't worry about Kivar right now. And you know we will win this war. You just have to have faith," Max said.

"Max I do have faith. I just wonder what is going on," Liz said.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"Max whenever Kivar or Nicholas touches me I feel sick. I want to know why Kivar scares me so much. I want to make Kivar pay for hurting the kids and the people," Liz said.

"Liz we'll stop him. We'll make sure he never touches anyone again. Kivar will never touch you or anyone again," Max said.

"I hope your right. Max do you really think Kivar can be killed?" Liz asked.

"Yes of course I think Kivar can be killed. I just hope I'll get to kill him," Max said.

"Max a lot of people want to kill him,” Liz said.

"I know," Max said as he sat on the bed.

Max and Liz both looked at each other. Max still couldn't believe how beautiful Liz looks. And Liz couldn't believe Max looked as cute as he did before she left.

"What?" Liz asked.

"I still can't believe you are as beautiful as the day we got married," Max said.

"I can't believe your still handsome s the day we got married," Liz said.

"Liz I love you," Max said.

"I love you too Max," Liz asked.

Max and Liz both leaned in. They were about to kiss when Michael walked into the room. Max and Liz both turned and looked at Michael.

"What do you want Michael?" Max asked.

"We found out what Kivar's plan is. You better come and see this," Michael said.

Liz stood up and was about to walk out the door when she turned and looked at Max who was sitting on the bed.

"Are you coming or what?" Liz said as he smiled.

Max looked out the door then ran after Liz. When Max grabbed Liz he kissed her on the cheek. Liz turned and looked at Max with a smile on her face. Then Max and Liz turned and looked at their friends.

"What did you find out?" Liz asked.

"Liz you are not going to believe this but Kivar wants the rebels killed. And he wants to find Zan, Lonnie, Rath, Ava and your husband killed. Kivar wants you for yourself," Alex said.

"What about the queen and the people?" Liz asked.

"He wants to give them a choice. They either follow him or be put in prison," Alex said.

"Wait what has he got plan for Liz?" Michael asked.

"He's going to get her to marry him by threats. Then after that he'll keep her in her room and never let her out," Alex said.

"Larek, Serena it's time to train the guards harder and see if any of the people want to train," Liz said.

"What are you up to Liz?" Kyle asked.

"Let’s just say if he wants a war. We'll give him a war," Liz said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Michael said.

"Michael you need to learn to trust people," Liz said.

"Yeah, Michael chill out," Serena said.

"Oh great now both of you are gaining up on me," Michael said.

"Yes. Now deal with it," Liz and Serena said.

"Michael if I were you don't push them," Larek said.

"Why? What can they do to me?" Michael asked.

"We can do this?" Liz and Serena said.

They both snapped their fingers and Michael lost all of his clothes. Liz and Serena smiled. Max and friends stood there in shock.

"Wow Michael you gained weight," Serena said.

"Huh?" Michael said.

"Michael dude look down," Alex said.

Michael looked down and saw he was naked. He looked up at Liz and Serena who were smiling.

"Ok. This is not funny. Where are my clothes?" Michael asked.

"We don't know," Liz and Serena said.

Michael grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself.

"I'm serious, where the hell are my clothes? I want them the hell back now," Michael yelled.

Liz and Serena started to walk backwards as Michael started to yell. They grabbed Larek and put him in front of them.

"Um Michael they really don't know where your clothes are. So can you stop?" Larek asked.

"What do you mean they don't know where my clothes are?" Michael yelled.

"They don't know. They don't know there powers well yet. That is why we have been pratcing their powers," Larek said.

"Oh. Can someone please get me some clothes?" Michael asked.

Liz closed her yes and snapped her fingers. Liz opened her yes and saw Michael was dressed in black jeans and a black short sleeve t-shirt. Serena and everyone were surprised. Michael looked down and he was even surprised he was dressed. Michael looked at Liz, Larek and Serena.

"Thanks," Michael said.

"No problem," Liz said.

Liz turned and looked at the computer. That is when she notices something. Liz walked up to the computer. She started to type in something and clicks on to something. When Liz got to where she wanted. Liz looked at the site. She typed in a few things and something popped up.

"Alex come here please?" Liz asked.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"Look at this site and see if you notice anything," Liz said.

Alex looked at the site he notice what Liz was talking about. Alex type in a few things and that is when Alex and Liz both notice it.

"Are you seeing what I am seeing," Liz asked.

"Yes. I see it. But I don't believe it," Alex said.

"How?" Liz asked.

"Who knows but maybe we can use this to our planning. What do you think?" Alex asked.

"Yes. But we need to use the ghost to check it out. And that means we need to keep Kivar busy some how," Liz said.

"Yeah, that is true," Alex said.

"Um hello what are you both talking about? And what are you planning?" Larek asked.

"Larek before you go crazy. Remember how you said if we knew Kivar's plan room was that it would help us?" Liz asked.

"Yes," Larek asked.

"We found it. Now all we have to do is keep Kivar busy for a couple of hours. While the ghosts check it out," Liz said.

"And how the hell are we going to do that?" Max asked.
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Author's Note pg5 4/3

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar Chapter 27

“We are not going to keep him busy. I’m going to keep him busy,” Liz said.

“How re you going to keep him busy?” Michael asked.

“You’ll just have to wit and see,” Liz said.

“Liz hat are you going to do?” Max asked.

“Max don’t worry everything will be fine,” Liz said.

“Liz I’m worried about you. Do you think you can handle this?” Max asked.

“Yes I can handle this. All I have to do is keep Kivar busy for a couple of hours. How hard can that be?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, I guess,” Max, said.

Max and Liz both looked at each other and smiled. Liz turned and looked at Larek and Serena.

“Larek, can you and Serena get everything set up for training the guards and the people,” Liz asked

Yeah, sure. Where do you want them to train?” Larek asked

“I don’t know where. We just need to make it where no one will find us. And where no one can watch us practice,” Liz said.

“Yeah, I just got the place in mind. What are you going to do about Kivar?” Serena asked.

“He asked me out last time I saw him,” Liz said.

“So what you’re going to go with him?” Michael asked

“I don’t know where he will take me. But hopefully he won’t try anything,” Liz said.

“What could Kivar try on you?” Kyle asked.

“He has his ways to keep touching you. Even though you don’t want him to touch you,” Liz said.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Max asked.

“Trust me you don’t want to know what he does,” Liz said.

“Do you know what Kivar does to Liz my wife?” Max asked.

“Um, I’m afraid to answer that question right now,” Larek said.

“Good because if you did I think you will be very sorry,” Alex said.

“I agree with Alex on this,” Kyle said.

Larek looked at Alex and Kyle. He knew he should be glad he agreed with Alex and Kyle. Serena, Liz and the girls all looked between Max and the people.

“Max I’m going to be fine. I just need to keep him busy. That should be easy enough, Liz said.

“Yeah and plus Liz will be wearing her necklace. Where we can see everything that is happening. And we can hear what is being said. So see, everything will be fine,” Serena said.

“Alex while I’m gone do you think you can try to break threw the codes and see what is there?” Liz said.

“Sure that should be no problem. I will start trying now. So by the time you leave it should be up and ready,” Alex said.

“Great. Now I just need to get ready and talk to Kivar. That should be easy,” Liz said.

Yeah, that should be easy,” Serena, said.

“I better go change. Serena which dress do I wear?” Liz asked.

“Wait I’ll come with you to pick out a dress,” Serena said.

Liz and Serena walked towards Liz room. When they walked in the room, they went to the closet and started to look.

Meanwhile in the living room. Max and friends all looked around. Max was mad that Liz was going to do this. He did not want anything to happen to Liz. However, he knew that Liz was going to do this no matter what. Larek looked at Max and friends and knew they were worried about Liz.

“Max do you still practice your powers?” Larek asked.

“What? How did you?” Max asked.

“Liz told me you go out to the desert sometimes and practice your powers. And I was wondering do you still do that?” Larek asked.

“Yeah, we still do that. Why are you asking?” Max asked.

Right at that moment Liz and Serena walked out of Liz’s room. Liz and Serena looked at Max, Larek and friends.

“The reason why Larek is asking is because the more you use your powers, the more things you can do,” Liz said.

“How do you know that?” Isabel asked.

“Because since I have been here Larek has been pushing me to try new things,” Liz said.

“Does it work?” Michael asked.

“Yes I have been trying new things. And I have a couple of new powers in the process,” Liz said.

“Wow that seems like a good thing. How long do you train for?” Tess asked.

“Larek has me and Serena training from 9am till 4pm every day,” Liz said.

“Isn’t that pushing you to hard?” Kyle asked.

“No not if you want to make sure your ready for anything,” Liz said.

“Oh so that is why Larek and Serena push you,” Alex said.

“Yeah that is why they push me,” Liz said.

“At least your ready for anything,” Larek said.

“Well what do you think of the dress?” Liz asked.

“It looks perfect. What are you going to do about your hair?” Larek asked.

“I’m leaving it down,” Liz said.

While Larek and Liz were talking. Max just stared at Liz. He could not believe she was wearing a peach gown that showed her breast and was tight around her waist. Max thought Liz looked beautiful. Alex, Kyle and friends could not believe how hot and beautiful Liz looked. The peach looked great with her dark tan. Liz turned and saw Max was staring at her. Liz walked up to Max and stood in front of him.

“Max do me a favor?” Liz asked.

“What is the favor?” Max asked.

“When you and everyone train, just stay calm and don’t get mad at Larek or anyone. Please?” Liz asked.

“Fine. And now promise me when you get back we talk and find out what has been going on since you left the motel?” Max asked.

“Fine. I think it is about time you and everyone know what has been going on,” Liz said.

“Good. I can’t wait to find out what you have been up to,” Max said.

“And I can’t wait to find out what you have been up to,” Liz said.

“Oh,” Max said.

“I better go and try and see if I can talk to Kivar,” Liz said.

“Yeah. Liz just be careful of Kivar and Nicholas,” Max said.

“I promise I will,” Liz said.

Liz walked into her bedroom and touched the screen. She looked at the list of people. Liz touches Kivar’s name. 5 minutes later Kivar was on the screen, Liz and Kivar looked at each other.

“What did I do to deserve your call my lady?” Kivar asked.

“Well I was wondering if you wanted to join me on a ride through the country,” Liz said.

“Of course my lady. Where do you want to meet up at?” Kivar asked.

“How about the stables in 10 minutes?” Liz asked.

“That sounds perfect. See you then my lady,” Kivar said

“Ok. See you then,” Liz said before turning off the screen
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 27 pg5 4/11

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar

Chapter 28

Liz walked out of her room and walked up to Larek. Larek turned and looked at Liz.

"Well how did it go?" Larek asked.

"Kivar is very happy about going riding throught the woods with me," Liz said.

"Good. We'll leave to train after you leave," Larek said.

"You woe me big time. And I will be collecting really soon," Liz said.

"Liz it won't be that bad," Larek said.

"Larek you don't know that. I just hate this. Kivar is a jerk and I don't care what he does to me. But I'm worried about the people," Liz said.

"Liz don't worry. We'll be watching you. So if anything goes wrong we'll be there to help you," Larek said.

"Why does that scare me more then anything?" Liz asked.

"I don't know. But like I said don't worry we'll be watching you," Larek said.

"Gee thanks. I really feel better now," Liz said.

"Liz you better go ahead and go down to the stables before Kivar gets here," Serena said.

"Yeah I better," Liz said.

"Liz wait for me I'll walk with you," Max said.

"Um ok," Liz said.

Liz and Max walked out of Liz room. They walked down the hall nd down some stairs. When they were at the bottom of the stairs they walked past the kitchen down the hall to a door. Max opened the door. They walked out the door and walked to the stables. When they walked into the stables they both saw that they were alone. Max and Liz turned and looked at each other.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Max asked

"Yes. I'll be fine. You guys will see everything that is going on," Liz said.

"Please come back safely to us?" Max asked.

"I promise," Liz said.

"Good. I'm holding you to that," Max said.

"Ok. I can't wait to find out what you and everyone has been up to since I have been gone," Liz said.

"You will be surprised when you find out," Max said.

"I bet I will," Liz said.

"You bet you will what?" A voice asked.

Liz and Max turned and saw Kivar standing infront of them. Kivar looked at both of them.

"You bet you will be surprised by what?" Kivar asked.

"Max here is going to tell me, Larek and serena the places they hae been. They said we could be surprised," Liz said.

"Oh. Now that seems interesting. Have you been to a lot of places sir Max?" Kivar asked.

"Um, yeah you could say that," Max said.

"That must be nice," Kivar said.

"Yes it is nice. Every where is different but somethings are the same," Max said.

"Max if you don't mind me asking. Why are you here with Liz? And are you married or have a girlfriend?" Kivar asked.

"Um I'm married my girlfriend a year ago," Max said.

"And pray tell where is she at this moment?" Kivar asked

"That is none of your buisness Kivar. Exuess me I need to go see Larek. Talk to you later princess?" Max asked.

"Yeah, ok later. Have fun out on your outing," Liz said.

"Oh, we will," Max said.

"Ok. See you later," Liz said.

Max watched as Liz and Kivar got on the horses. Liz looked at her hands then she looked up at Max. Kivar looked at Liz then looked at Max.

"Well we'll see you later. Come on princess," Kivar said.

"Um yeah," Liz said.

Liz and Kivar rode out of the stables slowly then started to walk faster. Max watched as Liz and Kivar rode off. Max ran out of the stables and ran back into the castle. Max ran up the stairs and ran down the hallway to Liz's room. When he walked in the room he saw everyone was watching the video. Max walked up and stoodnext to larek. Larek turned and looked at Max.

"I can't believe Kivar interuped you and Liz's talk," Larek said.

"I know hopefully we will get to talk," Max said.

"You know you will," Larek said.

"What is going on now?"Max asked

"Nothing much. They have not said a word to each othersince they left the stables,"Larek said.

Everyone watched as Liz and Kivar rode slowly through the woods. Liz and Kivar looked around as the rode. Max, Larek, Serena and friends listened to what might be said.

"So what were you and Max talking about?" Kivar asked.

"Oh he asked if I wanted to know about where he's been," Liz said.

"Are you going to listen to what he has to say?" Kivar asked.

"Um yeah I would like to know the places he has been," Liz said.

"You know I think he has a crush on you," Kivar said.

"Really. Oh dear," Liz said.

"Why is that an oh dear?" Kivar asked.

"Well because I'm married. And you and Max are acting like crazy because you both think your in love with. Which I think is crazy," Liz said.

"What would your husband do?" Kivar asked.

"He would tell me to tell you and Max that I'm not interested. And I love my husband,"Liz said.

"What your husband don't know won't hurt him," Kivar said.

"No I will be faithful to my husband. He is faithful to me," Liz said.

"You know that seems boring. Why don't you just get him jealous," Kivar said.

"I would never do that to him," Liz said.

"How do you know he is faithful on erth while you are here?" Kivar asked

"Because we have trust and I talk to him 8 times a day," Liz said.

"I just think that is it crazy," Kivar said.

"Everything is crazy to you. But it is the human way," Liz said.

Liz and Kivar both got off their horses. Kivar walked up to Liz. He pulled her to him.

"If you were my wife I would never let you leave my side again. I would want to be with you 24/7," Kivar said

"Wow that is nice to know," Liz said.

Kivar leaned in and kissed Liz. The kiss was soft and tender. Then the kiss became hard. A few minutes after the kiss Kivar pulled away.

"That is how a man should kiss the woman he loves," Kivar said.

"My husband knows how to kiss me. You should have never kissed me without my permission," Liz said.

"Why?" Kivar asked.

"Because I'm married woman. No man kisses me but my husband," Liz said as she got on her horse.

Kivar followed Liz's lead and got on his horse and followed Liz
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 28 pg6 4/22

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar

Chapter 29

"Well have to wait and see about that," Kivar said.

"What did you say?" Liz asked.

"Oh nothing," Kivar said.

"Whatever," Liz said.

Kivar and Liz rode through the woods. Kivar rode next to Liz. Hewould look at Liz every once in a while. Liz wouldn't look at Kivar.

"Tell me what are you planing to do while you are here?" Kivar asked.

"Why?" Liz asked.

"Because I would like to get to know you better my dear," Kivar said.

"If you mean by being lovers then you can forget it. I rather not," Liz said.

"No one said we be lovers. But if you want," Kivar said.

"I rather not. Because like I said I'm happily married to a wonderful guy," Liz said.

"How do you know your husband is being faithful to you?" Kivar asked.

"Because we trust each other," Liz said.

"Can we walk a little?" Kivar asked.

"Sure if you want,"Liz asked.

Kivar got off of his horse and walked up to Liz and helped her off herhorse. Kivar had his hands on Liz's hips as he helped her down. After Kivar helped Liz off the horse they both looked at each other. Kivar raised his hand and pushed her hair away from her face. After looking at each other for a few seconds Liz turned away from Kivar and took a step back.

"Why are you always so different from the other girls I know?"Kivar asked.

"Because you forgot I'm part human. And I know how humans act," Liz said.

"Is this how humans act?" Kivar asked.

"Yes. That is how they act," Liz said.

"So what do you think of this place?"Kivar asked.

"What about this place?" Liz asked.

"This place is history. Do you want to know how this is history?" Kivar asked.

"Sure. History is sometimes good to learn. So please tell me?" Liz asked.

"Here is the history of this place. This is the place where Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava died," Kivar said.

"Who? H How did they die?" Liz asked.

"They were the royal family back then. I killed them. I had Lonnie and Ava raped by all of my men. Zan and Rath watched as my men took them. Then after I raised an ax and cut off their heads. With Lonnie and Ava I hanged them over there," Kivar said as he pointed to the tall oak tree.

"Why did you kill them?" Liz asked.

"Because I wanted to be king of all of antar," Kivar said.

"Oooh," Liz said.

"That was then. Things change now," Kivar said.

"What has changed? What are you wanting now?" Liz asked.

"Nothing has changed. What I want is you ruling by myside with me," Kivar said.

"I can't I'm married. I'm a one man woman," Liz said.

"Oh, really," Kivar said as he grabed Liz's arm.

Liz jerked her arm away and looked at Kivar. Kivar looked at Liz.

"Don't grab me. I don't want to be touched," Liz said.

"Why?" Kivar asked.

"A guy has to have my permission to touch me," Kivar said.

"And what about the ladies?" Kivar asked.

"I only let people I know touch me," Liz said.

"What about me?" Kivar asked.

"You have to ask," Liz said.

Kivar and Liz both looked at each other. They turned when they heard something coming towards them. Kivar stood infront of Liz. A few seconds later a wild bear came at them. Kivar raised his hand and started to blast the bear. The Bear kept coming at them. Then all of a sudden something pushed Liz out of the way. She was standing next to her horse. Liz looked around and saw no one was around. She turned and watched as Kivar kill the bear. After he killed the bear he ran up to Liz. Liz stood up and looked at Kivar and looked around.

"Are you ok?" Kivar asked

"I'm fine. I'm just shocked," Liz said.

"Come on. We better get you home. So you can clean up,"Kivar said.

Kivar helped Liz on her horse. Then Kivar got on his horse and they rode quickly
back to the castle. When they got bck to the stable Kivar helped Liz off the horse. They both looked at each other.

"Thank you for an interesting day," Kivar said.

"Same to you too sir," Liz said.

"I better go. Next time we go for a ride we both can have fun," Kivar said.

Liz didn't say anything but looked at Kivar. She watched as Kivar got on his horse and rode off. After Liz was sure Kivar was gone. She ran out of the stable and into the the castle. Liz ran up the stairs and down the hall to her room. When Liz walked into her room she saw everyone looking at the computer.

"I hope you all got what your looking for," Liz said.

Max, Serena, Larek and friens all turned and looked at Liz. They saw her hair was messed up and her dress was dirty and ripped.

"What happened?" Serena asked.

"Please tell me you recorded it?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, we did why?" Larek asked.

"Good. Because as of right now. I I can't,"Liz said as she ran out of the room.

"You better play it and we need to find out what happened," Serena said.

"Guys whatever Liz found is not good if she is locking herself in her room," Maria said.

"Play it. I want to know what has Liz upset," Max said.

Alex put the disk in and play it. They watched as Kivar kissed Liz. Liz pulled away. They watched as Kivar fought a bear and Liz being thrown back. They listened as Kivar told Liz how they died in their past life. Eveyone looked at each other.No one knew what to say or do. They were surprised by what they found out. No one said a word as the disk stopped playing.

Afew minutes later Liz walked out ofher room wearing her night gown. Liz looked at everyone.

"So I guess you know?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, we just found out. Sorry you had to hear about it," Tess said.

"I'm fine. I was just shocked how he could remember how he killed you," Liz said.

"Yeah, that was kinda shocked to find out how you died," Liz said.

"Question who or what pushed you out of the way? We didn't see anyone near you," Michael said
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 29 pg6 4/28

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Authors Note:
Hey Everyone
I just wanted to say thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback to the end. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

Mary Mary
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will like the chapters to come.You will find out soon who the person of Ghost is that helped Liz.

Keepsmiling 7
Thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will like the chapters to come.I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. You also will find out if it was a person or a ghost thatpushed Liz away.

Ken R
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I hope you will like the chapters to come.Yes Kivar is not a nice guy. I know Liz is playing wiyth fire. I know I it was bad that Kivar didn't give a care about Max and friends death. Of course Kivar doesn't care that Liz is married he just wants her. You will find out if Kivar will or try to control Liz.

Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading to find out what will happen next. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. You will have to wait and find out if Liz will kill Kivar.Yes Kivar is really bad. Yes I know that was bad that Kivar talked about Max and friends husbands death were like nothing.You will find out who or what helped Liz. You will find out if the person or ghost will help Liz and friends.


Princess Of Antar

Chapter 30

"I don't know. All I know is I was standing behind Kivar one minute. Then the next I was standing next to my horse," Liz said.

"I can't believe Kivar took you where Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess were killed," Serena said.

"Yeah, I know. I was surprised too,"Liz said.

"And why the hell did he kiss you?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. That was a shock to me. And I hit him for it," Liz said.

"Something is not right here. You told him you were marrid 4 times. And you told him not without your permission a lot," Larek said.

"I know. Something weird was going on. But I couldn't figure out what. He was I don't know," Liz aid.

"What about the legend it could be true?" Serena asked.

"What legend? What have you not told me?" Liz asked.

Serena looked at Liz then looked at Michael. Serena was acared but she knew she had to tell them.

"What do you remember about our mom?" Serena asked.

"You mean past life right?" Liz asked.

"Yeah," Serena said.

"Not much why? And why do I have a feeling I need to sit down for this?" Liz asked

"I think you better sit down for this," Larek said.

Liz sat down and looked at Serena and Larek. They both looked at her.

"Liz out mother um a wood person," Serena said.

"What does that mean?" Liz asked.

"Our mother can control the forest," Serena said.

"Ok. And what does that have to do with me?" Liz asked.

"You better tell her. Liz nd Michael need to know," Larek said.

"Um Liz in our past life you and I lived in the forest. Our Brother Rath went to live with Zan and Lonnie. Me and you knew ways to have the forest and earth to help us when we had trouble,"Serena said.

"Ok So Michael went to live with Max and Isabel. What?" Liz asked.

"We never saw Michael for a couple of years. Then One year it was your 16th birthday. Michael came home. He brought Max with him. We all hugged we missed him so much. Michael and Max started to hang out in the woods. One day you were using your powers. You never saw Max was there watching you. You turned and you were face to face with Max," Serena said.

Serena sat next to Liz. Liz and Serena both looked at each other.

"I don't know what happened that day. But you never wanted to be alone with Max again. It was weird there for a while. I talked you into tell me what was wrong. When I found out I was shocked. I didn't know what to say you do. Michael found out and he made Zan promise to never say a word. Zan promised. So everything was great again. The night Rath and Zan left Zan took you outside he gave you something as a birthday present. You hide it til they came back again," Serena said.

"What did Zan give me?" Liz asked.

Serena stood up and walked over to a shelf and grabbed a box. She walked back to Lizand sat down. Liz looked at Serena and then looked at the box. Liz opened the box and found a crystal heart. Liz looked at the hert then looked at Serena.

"What?" Liz asked.

"You told me that Zan gave you this because you were special. You hide it from Mom and Michael really good. I don't know when but you told me you and Zan were secreatly seeing each other. Then One day you and Zan vanished or a day. When you came back something changed in you," Serena said.

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"I don't know all me and our brother knew was you were happy. Which was weird to us. At night you would leave and come back in the morning in a better mood. No one knew what was going on," Serena said.

"So I was secreatly sneaking off with Zan at night and no one knew what was going on. But what does that have to do with what happened today?" Liz asked.

"Liz I'm tell you what I remember. Here is something you need to know I guess," Serena said.

"What is that?" Liz asked.

"You have mom's powers. You can do everything mom can do and more," Serena said.

"What was mom?"Liz asked.

Liz looked at Serena and saw that she was worried.

"Serena what was mom?"Liz asked

"Mom was a person that can control weather and nature. You and mom are the same. Whatever helped you must be from the future," Serena said.

"Ok. So something from nature helped me. But why? I don't remember the past," Liz said.

"The keeper of the woods must think you have returned," Larek said.

"Great some keeper thinks I come back to do something," Liz said.

"Yes that must be it. But why protect where Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess died. It must mean something," Larek said.

"Yeah, but what? Liz has never been to that place til now. Something must be going on. But the question is what?" Serena said.

"I don't know but we need to find out," Larek said.

"Liz did it feel like a hand or wind on you?"Max asked.

"I don't know. This is crazy. Whatever is going on is I don't know," Liz said.

"Liz don't worry we'll figure this out," Michael said.

"I hope so. Because whatever this is is gettinf weirder," Maria said.

"Liz remember how we know that you were ok?" Maria said.

"Yeah, I dreamed walked all of you. It was weird but you knew I was safe," Liz said.

"Yeah, that is right. We didn't know what or how but we talked it out," Alex said.

"That is true. Thanks Alex for cheering me up," Liz said.

"No problem," Alex said.

That is when Liz got an idea. She stood up and looked around.

"Zan, Rath I need your help come forth," Liz said.

All of a sudden Zan, Rath, Ava and Lonnie appeared infront of Liz, Max and friends.

"What do you need?" Zan asked.

"Zan is there a way to see what is in the woods without being known?" Liz asked

Yeah there is. But why are you wanting to know?" Zan asked.

"Kivar and I were in the woods when a bear attacked. One minute I was behind Kivar and next I was standing next to my hourse," Liz said.

"Oh, great they are trying to be known," Zan said.

"Who are you talking about?" Liz asked