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Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:27 pm
by April
I don't think I have enough interest in the show to continue, I'm afraid. :(

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:09 pm
by April
Okay, for the past two weeks, I've seen the encore presentations on Wednesday nights, so I might be lured back in.

But seriously, WTF is this show thinking by killing off Vikki? She was one of the more interesting characters, in my opinion. I was way more invested in her than I am in Elena. I loved her and Jeremy together. I'm so disappointed now.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:09 pm
by NotYourChick
I like Lexie. Sucked that they killed her.

Them killing off Vikki was a big shock. I mean she was just turned. I would have liked to see how she grew into a full vamp.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:03 pm
by Roswellian117
Hmmmm.... Stephan walking away from Elena... sorry it was a bit New Moonish but Vampire Diaries was written WAY before Twilight. I like the show!

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:25 am
by suie
I enjoyed the show at first but the whole Elena and Stefan twist is becoming really annoying. Killing of Vicki was a big mistake imo. I liked Ian Somerhalder in LOST but I think the nail it with this role. He´s the most interesting character on the show and the main reason I keep on watching.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:55 pm
by behrlyliz
suie wrote:I liked Ian Somerhalder in LOST but I think the nail it with this role. He´s the most interesting character on the show and the main reason I keep on watching.
ITA. He's such a great actor. I think he's hilarious and he's doing an awesome job portraying Damon. He also did a good impersonation of Stefan :lol: .

I really liked last week's episode and finding out more about Bonnie's ancestor, Emily. I wonder if Damon's really giving up on his quest to bring the 27 Vampires back. Somehow I don't take Damon as the giving up type. He loves Katherine too much for that.

Anyway, I'm really enjoying VD. I like how each week it gets better and better.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:08 pm
by April
My only problem with this show is that I find Stefan and Elena so boring. But Damon is very interesting, and Ian's an awesome actor. That scene where he and Vicki were dancing a few episodes back was so cool.

I'm very interesting in the supporting characters like Bonnie and Jeremy. I just could care less about two of the three leads. :roll:

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:44 pm
by NotYourChick
Roswellian117 wrote:Hmmmm.... Stephan walking away from Elena... sorry it was a bit New Moonish but Vampire Diaries was written WAY before Twilight. I like the show!

LOL, I thought it was like Max and Liz. When he did that to her.

April I have some bad news for you. Looks like the two you don't like will stay. TV guide posted that they are doing like a Dawson, Joey and Pacey thing. Where we don't know who she will pick till the end.

I don't see Damon giving up so soon. I mean they killed that idea way too early. I think he will find a way.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 7:08 pm
by kissme4ever123
I think that I became a Vampire Diaries Fan. It is not because of the Stefan and Elaina but it is Damnon.
Even thought I am a dirhard Roswellian, I think I like it.

At first I saw all the proms and I saw one epi. I thought that it was alright, I mean I wsan't head over heal over it. I caught the the CW marthon this week I and grew to like it.

To be honest, I feel in love with Roswell have 3rd epi, but I caught the pilot epi and that how may love affair with Roswell began.

I wasn't that interrested in Vampire Diaries until this week because all of my shows that I watch was reruns. But I hve a problem, When it strts airing the new epiosides How I'am I going to watch this and Bones? And I can't miss Bones either. I did it once and I regred it.

Re: Vampire Diaries

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:09 pm
by NotYourChick
Everyone is loving the bad boy more. :lol:

They are going 50s in a ep. Can't wait to see that.