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Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) H 6 pt 4 (05DEC09)

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:19 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: Okay... here is 4.3 haha... I am only going to 4.4 and then I am done with this chapter! haha. I didn't realize it was going to turn out so long but there is quite a bit I wanted to get done and said within the chapter.... more then I expected anyways.

So here it is... remember to comment...:)

begonia9508 - the dream issue is a bit odd... we will definitely find out if or if not it has meaning quite soon. But your exactly right, this is obviously a gifted boy who deserves a chance at life so there is no way that Max would turn his back on him.... especially since there is still great possibility he is his son!

Timelord31 - Glad ya got caught up;)... Zan's story should be developing quite soon... definitely in chapter 7 I believe

keepsmiling7 - I know it would be nice if Zan was more like Max... but Zan certainly doesn't show any signs of being evil like Tess -- not that Tess was completely evil... more or less misguided.
I love who you agree with Max automatically that Tess lied! haha. I think he would like the support from you.

- The jury is still out on whether Zan is Max's son... but all will be explained either way very soon.
I definitely agree with you about Isabel too, she tried to help a brotha out! Kyle should have been more appreicative at her attempt at making the situation better for her. I think they just blew off at each other for no reason really.
I figured you would enjoy the part about Michael not really knowing how to shift back... he obviously figurd it out before they got back to Louisiana... haha that was my vision too. I figured if Michael got into it, he would probably have some troubles getting out of it. I am sure it made it a bit odd for the drive home. His power boost is going to help his confidence here soon in the future.... don't you worry!

Roswellian117 - Yes, yes I like to thicken the plot. The funny thing is I had a timeline laid out from the beginning when I started. I usually never plan that far ahead for things.... So I was dropping little things in here and there right from the start which would have their own little side plots further into the story haha. This happens to be one of them!
I like to drop the small subtle hints towards things and then bring them back up in the future... keeps it interesting for me if things are sort of linked.

zaneri1 - Thanks :D :D Very good point, it would make sense for him to be rejected for that reason. And Tess was always a bit of a liar so it would make sense for her to lie again wouldn't it. You have some great thoughts there on the situation... It will be all playing out very soon so you will get to see how it all goes down soon!!
The others should be devloping their powers a bit further soon too... Some not as much as the others but it will happen!
Agreed with your Kyle/Serena comment... soon enough!
Thanks for the well wishes with finals and holidays! Hope all is going well with you this time of year, I think it's a busy time for everyone....

Thanks again for the comments guys... hope you like the new part! I'll be back soon!!! :) :) :)


Chapter Six, pt 4.3 - I Wonder


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - January 5th, 2010 6:03pm

Since there didn't seem to be anything more Michael could do at this time he decided to head back to his apartment. Realization finally sat in that he hadn't contacted Maria once since he left a little over two days ago, she would surely be upset with him.

"I gotta go Maxwell." Michael said patting him on the shoulder as he turned toward the door. Michael looked between Max and Zan, "Let me know if you need anything. I think we really need to make a plan here." The words coming from Michael's mouth was a bit odd. Michael was usually the person who acted on a whim, but for once he was feeling a bit more confident in himself.

Max nodded, "Yeah... thanks again. I'll talk to ya later."

Michael headed toward the door and quickly exited the apartment.

Isabel was sitting over with Zan and already making small talk with the boy. Isabel looked up to see the exhausted face of her brother watching over the two of them. Isabel turned her attention back to Zan, "What kind of games do you like? Is there any sort of Nintendo or anything you like?"

"What's Nintendo?" Zan questioned her with a crooked smile.

"You know, the thing you play games on. Different kinds of games like Mario and that kind of thing?" Isabel said imitating the action of playing with a remote for a game console.

"Oh you mean like PlayStation?" Zan questioned innocently.

"Yeah, I think." Isabel said looking to Max with a raised eyebrow. She had been out of game consoles so long apparently they weren't called "Nintendo" anymore.

Zan nodded his head, "Yeah I love them, especially the different racing games."

Isabel continued speaking to Zan but looked in her brothers direction, "Well you know I think I know a place which rents those..."

"Playstations?" Zan said filling the word in for her.

"Yes.. playstations..." Isabel said repeating the word, "We could head there and get you one rented so that you have something to do while you stay here with us. Would you like that?"

Zan nodded again.

"Great it's settled then. Me and you will go get it." Isabel stood from the sofa and straightened her shirt, "While we do that you might as well go home and get some rest Max. Zan will be fine here with me we will just play some games and get to know each other a bit better."

Max shook his head, "No it's alright Isabel, I can stay."

Zan hopped up from the sofa and made his way to Isabel's side. He reached up and grabbed a hold of her hand. Isabel always had a naturally ability of making children feel comfortable around her. Max looked absolutely exhausted and she knew from their previous conversation he had a lot of his mind. It would be best if he just went home and rested and recouped from his long trip.

Isabel widened her eyes in Max's direction, "No really Max, we are fine. Go home, get some rest and you can come back later."

Isabel began to lead Zan toward the door where he knelt down to put his shoes on.

Max accepted the offer from his sister. Rest was something he actually needed, although he was sure when he got home he would probably simply lie awake on the bed. Max turned to face were the pair of them were both placing their shoes on their feet.

"Thank you." Max said sincerely pressing his lips together tightly.

Isabel shrugged her shoulder, "No problem... You ready Zan?"

Zan looked up with a big smile and nodded.

"Alright let's go! Off to get the play-thingy" Isabel said looking to her brother with a smile.

"PlayStation!" Zan repeated again, excitedly.

Max face finally cracked a smile.

Family had always meant so much to the siblings. Max had always looked out for Isabel and vice versa. It took Max a while to let his parents in but it was almost instantaneous with Isabel. She always seemed to fit so well in the family atmosphere. Watching her with Zan, Max only hoped one day they could lead a normal enough life for her to have the family she deserved.

Max followed out the door behind them. They talked as they made their way down to the street where they went in opposite directions.


Michael and Maria's Apartment - January 5th, 2010 6:22pm

Michael headed directly home from Isabel's Apartment. His initial plan was to stop off somewhere on the way to pick up something to eat, since he hadn't eaten yet, but decided against it. Michael tended to get easily swept up into things and when he did, he sometimes forgot to consider others. In this case he forgot consideration for someone really important to him.


She was sure to be more then a little bit upset. Max and Michael has set out on their journey a little over 2 days ago. Michael never thought of it the entire time they were on the road but now that he was home and the excitement of it was over he remembered exactly what it was she said before he left.

"Make sure you call and let me know how you are making out."

Those word were ringing loud and clear in his head now. Michael had all but ran home. He had his keys in his hand and ready to unlock the door when he reached their apartment.

"Oh great.... your not dead." Maria said in angered tone when she caught glimpse of Michael entering the apartment.

Michael decided to try to repair the situation immediately, cause truthfully if it were the other way around he would be a bit upset as well.

"Hey, look we got..." Michael started as he made his way across the apartment toward the chair in which she was sitting.

"Save it Michael, I'm not interested. Whatever excuse you have come up with I don't wanna hear it." Maria said raising her hand in his direction for him to dissist. It was always the same. He would always come up with various different excuses of what held him back from doing what he should have. The only thing she would be willing to accept from him right now was that he was just inconsiderate.

By this time Michael made his way into the living room and sat across from Maria. Michael tried sitting in her direct line of vision, but when he did she simply turned and looked in the other direction. Michael leaned in toward Maria resting his forearms on his knees.

"Look I know I should have called. We got there and got the information and then we had to head directly to the orphanage. There was just no time."

Maria rolled her eyes and pushed herself up from her seat and began to exit the living room, "Yeah I know, I have heard it all before."

"Would you wait, you haven't even let me explain what happened out there." Michael raised the level of his voice in an attempt to stop her from leaving the room. This seemed ineffective because Maria continued on her journey toward the bedroom. Michael sat in the seat shaking his head for a minute before he got up and decided to pursue after her.

Michael headed in her direction. Once he arrived outside their bedroom he tapped on the door, "Can I come in?"

"No, go away Michael... I don't want to talk about it." Maria shouted back at him.

Michael placed his hand on the door knob and unlocked the door and entered anyway. Maria was laying on the bed facing in the opposite direction of him.

"What was the point in even asking if you were just going to do it anyway." Maria questioned her voice a bit shaky.

Maria was attempting at concealing the fact she was crying but Michael knew he all to well by now. He may not be able to see her face from where he stood to see the tears but he could hear them in her voice.

"Look Maria, I am sorry. I messed up again. You should pretty much expect this kind of thing from me by now, I know it doesn't make it right but...." Michael was abruptly interrupted.

Maria sat up and turned her attention toward him, "But what Michael? I should just deal with it because I should just expect it from you now? God do you even think before you talk? I always come second to you, no matter what else it is. You never put me before anything. There wasn't one point during that whole drive where you thought to look to Max and say, 'Hey wanna pull over here for a minute so I can give Maria a quick call, just to let her know I am still alive'" Maria looked at Michael awaiting a reply.

Michael's head slightly dropped a bit. Maria had him cornered. Really there was no excuse in this situation to have not requested a quick stop to make a phone call. Michael had just got caught up in the moment again and wasn't thinking about anything but what was happening in his present. Michael had so much about the trip he wanted to share with her - about finding Zan and developing his powers but now was not the best time.

"You know what Michael, just answer me one question." Maria pushed herself closer to the edge of the bed and now her stare intensified, it was if though she was looking deep into his soul from where she sat. "Everytime we get into an arguement over something you always use your usual cop out line. Everytime you look at me and ask me why I'm still with you if you really that bad." Maria paused a moment and pushed herself up from the bed, still holding eye contact.

Michael's head was still slightly hung lower then normal as he watched her approach him. Michael didn't answer, he didn't have to because Maria was going to continue either way.

"Well lets turn the tables around for once. Why are you still with me? If it is such a hassle for you to maintain a relationship, then why even bother? Do you even know why you are with me?"

Michael stared back at Maria trying to find the words to convince her of how much he actually loved her. Michael was never good when he was put on the spot but he did love her, more then she could ever understand. Why was it always such a necessity to explain how you love a person when it should just be blatantly obvious by now.

Michael's lips parted as her searched for the words, but they wouldn't come soon enough.

"That's what I thought." Maria said shaking her head and wiping her tears with her sleeve, "I'm not staying here tonight."

Maria pushed her way out past Michael who was nearly blocking the door.

"Maria, wait where are you going?" Michael chased behind her.

Maria grabbed her coat from the hanger, "I don't know, maybe you will want to play a bit of a guessing game for a night. Maybe I will leave for good, maybe I'll sleep on the street."

Maria wasn't going to go far but he didn't need to know that. Right now she was angry with him and she just wanted to show him what it felt like more then anything. Michael needed to be shown exactly what it was to be in her position for once - left wondering and not knowing.

Michael placed his left hand on the door to their apartment and leaned all his weight on it.

"You can't hold me here Michael, I'm not your prisoner."

Michael stared down at Maria not budging.

Maria shook her head, "Unbelievable. The world doesn't stop and start around you Michael. You can't stand here forever holding me in and the longer you do.... the further your pushing me away." Maria held her stare allowing Michael to know she was absolutely serious.

After approximately a minute pause of no speaking and only staring, Michael removed his hand from the door and took a step to the side. Maria swiftly made her way out of the apartment leaving the door open. Michael stood there in silence for a minutes before grabbing the door and slamming it violently a couple times before leaving it shut.

Michael headed down the hallway toward the bedroom. Midway down the hall he stopped to take his anger out on the wall and with one direct hit placed a hole in the wall. After retracting his hand from within the wall he continued down the hall toward the bedroom.


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - January 5th, 2010 7:22pm

Isabel and Zan had returned back to the apartment with the rented game console. Isabel was attempting at hooking it up with her nephew who seemed to already know way more about electronics then she did. Isabel eventually just gave up and watched as he quickly maneuvered his way around the game setting everything up. Isabel sat back and thought for a few minutes about what Max had told her and her own curiosities about the boy.

"So Zan.." Isabel started with, trying to organize what she wanted to ask him first. "You didn't mind coming along with Max and Michael to stay with us a bit?"

Zan shook his head, "No, I knew he was coming."

Isabel furrowed a brow, "How did you know they were coming? Did someone tell you?"

Zan continued shook his head again, "No, I just knew."

Isabel could see this was going nowhere very fast. The boy seemed plenty interested in the game and not in answering her questions. "Zan can we just talk for a minute before you start playing?"

Zan stopped hooking in the wires and turned his attention to Isabel. He looked up at her and it seemed as though he was waiting for further direction.

"It will only take a couple minutes I promise, then you can stay up as late as you want and play with the games." Isabel shot a warm, friendly smile in his direction.

This seemed to work. Zan nodded his head and sat up on the coach next to Isabel. She now had his full attention which she was sure wouldn't last for too long.

"How did you know Zan? What made you think they were coming for you?" Isabel questioned further.

Zan shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I just always had this memory of his face for as long as I could remember. I knew someone out there had to be coming for me eventually."

Isabel knew that feeling all too well. As children her and Max always dreamed about who was out there and coming for them. That was thing about being different, you always felt like you had to be special to someone out there and that eventually they would come looking for you.

Isabel was satisfied with this answer because it seemed as though Zan put thought into it, so she decided to move forward.

"When did you know you were special?"

Zan stared blankly at her. It was if he didn't expect her to know that already.

Isabel could tell the boy was in a bit of shock. Isabel quickly scanned the objects that were closest to her. Seeing nothing very nearby of interest she stood and took a couple steps toward the television. Isabel placed her hand on top of the television and used her power to turn it on then off a couple times without using the remote or buttons.

Zan looked up to her now with a look of astonishment.

"You don't have to worry, I am like you." Isabel reassured him.

"Are you my mom?" Zan questioned quickly.

Isabel was a bit taken off by guard. She hadn't expected that to be his first question, but as she stood there processing it why wouldn't it be? This was also something Isabel never considered. In her opinion Max should have explained who he was by now, but it was his decision and she was going to let him come to it on his own. However, Isabel had never given thought to the explanation of his mother. They obviously couldn't tell the boy the whole truth about his mother, it would just be to harsh for a little boy to deal with.

After a moment paused Isabel shook her head from side to side, "No, I am not." Isabel could tell immediately it broke the boys spirits.

"Do you know who they are? Is Max my dad?" Zan questioned again, grasping onto some hope he would meet his parents.

Isabel now realized she had opened a can of worms. She shouldn't have started questioning him without Max here. What was she suppose to say to him now, she didn't want to lie it would only confuse the boy further when Max decided to tell him.

Luckily for Isabel a much needed distraction was coming. Both Isabel and Zan's attention was drawn to the apartment door as the sound of someone unlocking it could be heard. The door swung open and in walked Kyle followed by Maria.

"Oh, Hey guys!" Isabel said welcoming the distraction from the question. "Come on in we were just setting up the games over here."

Kyle and Maria both looked at the boy slightly confused and then back to Isabel.

"Did you take up babysitting?" Kyle questioned.

"No, no." Isabel said shaking her head, "Zan come over here a minute." Isabel waved for him to come stand by her said. Zan hoped up from the sofa and made his way over next to her.

Kyle and Maria's jaws both simultaneously dropped. The name was all they needed to hear.

"Zan, this is Kyle and Maria. Maria and Kyle this is Zan." Isabel said formally introducing them all. "We were just setting the PlayStation up so...." Isabel started but was interrupted by an more then enthusiastic Kyle.

"We got PlayStation? When did we get PlayStation?" Kyle attempted at looking behind her to see it.

"We got it today. We rented a couple games to, I have Grand Turismo and Need for Speed do you wanna play?" Zan looked up to Kyle awaiting an answer.

"Yes! I use to love Need for Speed." Kyle and Zan both made their way back to the living room and continued hooking up the game console.

Isabel raised a brow in Kyle's direction who was acting just about as much of a kid as Zan was, "I will never understand guys and their Nintendo games..." Isabel said shaking her head before turning her attention back to Maria. "How come your here?" After the words came out of her mouth Isabel took note to the fact that Maria had obviously been crying.

"Michael and I got into an argument. I just wanted to get out of the house and I ran into Kyle when I was walking the street. I'll probably just go back to the apartment." Maria said shaking her head trying to downplay her situation.

"You can spend the night here if you like. It will be a little cramped but there is definitely room."

Maria shook her head, "No I don't want to impose on you like that."

Isabel continued, "Don't worry about it." Isabel turned her attention to the boys in the living room, "Looks like you two are sharing the pull-out, Maria is spending the night over with me. But that doesn't mean you can spend all night up playing those games." Isabel warned in a motherly tone.

Kyle and Zan turned their attention to each other.

"Lame." Kyle said trying to be discreet about it. It was followed by a chuckle from Zan.

"I heard that." Isabel replied back. Isabel turned her attention back to Maria, "Come on, let's go in the bedroom and we can talk."

Maria hesitantly nodded. She really didn't want to impose but since Isabel was being quite stubborn about it. It would be good to spend the night away just to clear her mind so she would be able to be more rash the next day when the pair of them talked.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 6 pt 4 (15DEC09)

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:39 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes:
Okay.... so exams are finally almost over... Last week was totally intense so it was a long time between my posts but I am back! Here it is, the final part to Chapter 4 pt 4.... took me long enough eh?
As usual make sure to send your comments this way... I loves gettin' em!!

nibbles2 - Michael does have a way of putting his foot in his mouth... but read on I think you will especially like this post!

keepsmiling7 - I am glad you enjoyed the previous part... Hopefully you'll enjoy this one as much! I love Isabel with Zan... when I pictured him coming to stay with them I pictured him staying with her because she would be absolutely perfect for him. Him and Kyle will definitely bond over the playstation!

begonia9508 -Of course Zan has the low-down on the game consoles... and he has to make sure to correct Isabel on everything she says wrong about them because he, like most kids, is an expert with them. I haven't played games since back before playstation so I don't even know much about them... I figured me and Izzie would have that in common... lol

mary mary - I loved that line too... it's funny because for some reason there are a lot of lines that I kind of just really envision Michael saying... He was always sort of the comical one. I like it...
This post wasn't as timely but I promise the next few definitely will be... winter break here I come!!!

Roswellian117 - Thanks, Thanks.... hope you continue to enjoy where it goes!

I guess thats it for comments... so here you are.... I can't wait for Ch 7.... we are going to be getting some action!!!

Chapter 6, pt 4.4 - I Wonder.... finally finished!!


Max's Apartment - January 6th, 2010 10:03am

Isabel had decided to pay her brother a visit.

Zan had made out fine during the night at Isabel's house. It was surprising how much the boy had already been through and he seemed unfazed by it. He seemed to be a well adjusted and independent young boy, something that reminded her very much of her brother when he was young. Isabel had offered to keep Zan with her for the night so Max could get some much needed rest. Max had asked that they not say anything to Zan about his parents yet and by accident Isabel had triggered it as a topic of conversation - luckily Maria and Kyle had come home at the opportune time to squash the situation before it progressed out of her hands.

Isabel tapped lightly on Max's apartment door and stood back in plain view for him o look through the peephole and then grant her entrance.


Isabel furrowed her brow as she pounded a little harder on the door this time. Once again she took a step back from the door and waited for her brother.

Nothing still.

Isabel reached for the door knob and gently placed her hand on it. A warm light emitted from her hand and the sound of the door unlocking could be heard. Isabel turned door knob and entered the apartment. Slowly Isabel made her way into the apartment trying to take note if anything was out of place. She could hear the sound of music playing in the distance so she decided to make her way down the hallway toward Max's room.

Once she was outside the door she realized why her brother had not answered, the music was simply to loud. Isabel paused a moment before knocking on his door, listening to the words of the song that played on the other side. A crooked smirk appeared on her face once she realized where she had heard the lyrics before.
Well, Amy hit the atmosphere,
Caught herself a rocket right out of the gutter.
And she's never coming back I fear,
Anytime it rains she just feels alot better,
And that's all that really matters to me.
Isabel tapped lightly on the door and granted a moments notice before opening the door. Max was laying on his back on the bed. Once entering the room the music was loud enough to make it nearly impossible to think, but it looked as though he was having no trouble. The expression on his face was one that was all to familiar to him. For whatever reason Max had always taken thing upon himself and rarely let anyone in, Liz was a major exception. Isabel had been bothered by it at first, all those years ago, but she come to realize that Max just really needed someone other then his sister to talk to about different things.

"Your dating yourself..." She strained her voice to try and reach Max over top the music

Max snapped out of his trance and looked up at his sister. He reached to the side of the bed and turned the volume down to a light whisper that could still be barely heard.

"What?" Max questioned as he swung his body around to sit upstaight.

"What's on your mind Max?" Isabel said taking a seat next to her brother.

Max shook his head unconvincingly, "It's nothing."

Isabel chuckled, "Then whats with the Counting Crows. I can't believe you still have this cd.... Is this the only thing you can listen to when your upset?"

Max was a bit confused before he realized that Isabel had obviously become accustomed to his pattern. It wasn't specific to the Crows necessarily, it had always been this song. Ever since Max had discovered it, it was like it spoke volumes to him. He could never explain it but it always just took him to a place he needed to go when he needed to think.

Max smiled lightly at his sisters comment, "I'm that see-through am I?"

"I prefer Chantal Kreviazuk.... but hey to each-their-own!" Isabel said with a nod. She knew what it was like to be in the mood to listen to only depressing music to make yourself that more depressed - there was something relieving in letting it out. "So what's up Max? I know you have a hard time talking to me sometimes, but ever since Liz left you have been keeping everything to yourself." Isabel paused a moment trying to gather her brothers full attention. She leaned slightly forward and turned her head to catch his gaze, once it was achieved she continued, "You can't just hold everything in forever, you need to talk."

Max pressed his lips together and nodded. His walls were finally coming down after a couple months of silence. It was eating him up inside, he couldn't take it any longer. Even the night he spent at Isabel's right before Liz left he couldn't talk to her about it, he just laid in silence as the tears poured from his eyes. Max had no more tears. It was odd that once you got to a certain point there was almost no physical signs of the pain. The pain was buried deep within him and felt like the most giant hole that had ever been dug into his very soul.

"I miss her Isabel, God I miss her." Max started, he didn't need to give a prologue to the story... Isabel would know. "I can't do it anymore. I keep trying to deal with all that's going on and I just need her. Zan is here now and I am questioning whether he is my child... I just... I don't know anymore..." Max was finally ready to talk but he was pretty much a loss for words.

Isabel wasn't even sure what to say to him. Her heart had been broken enough that surely she would be an expert by now, but she wasn't.

Max shook his head, "I need you to do something for me Isabel. I need you to dream-walk her... I need you to try and get through and just let her know how much I miss her, how much I need her." Max paused a moment, but before Isabel could reply he spoke again, "I know you don't like invading peoples privacy like that, but even if you could just find out if she was safe...." Max pleaded with his sister before she even had a chance to answer.

Isabel didn't want to do this, for the same reasons she hadn't done it to Jesse since she left. There was a difference in knowing and not knowing, and sometimes the latter was better. If she were to dream walk Jesse and find out that he had moved on, had a family of his own then her hopes would be crushed. Right now all she had was hope and she wasn't willing to give that up. The same applied for Max. It had only been two months but what if Liz had begun to actually move on from all this, what if she wanted no part of it anymore. Isabel didn't want to have to be the bearer of bad news to her brother and crush the hope he had left, the hope she could see in his eyes that so desperately wanted answers.

Reluctantly Isabel shook her head, "I will tonight. But Max if..."

"I know.." Max said before Isabel finished. Max knew what his sister was thinking it was written all over her face and if she had thought he hadn't considered it; she was wrong. Max had thought about every possibility right down to the worst case scenario. Recently he just hadn't been able to think, it was all way too much for him to deal with at once. He felt as though he was ready to know, he needed to.

Isabel nodded her hands and stretched her arms outward toward her brother


Michael and Maria's Apartment - January 6th, 2010 11:43am

Maria tried hard to make her way quietly into the apartment. She was pretty much over the entire argument of the night before. Of course she wasn't over his actions but she had always known this was who Michael was. The truth was Maria was never willing to give up on him because she knew the man he was, he was a great person beyond anyone's knowledge. Maria has a unsettling strange feeling as she made her way to toward the bedroom.

Slowly she pushed the door open to see Michael pacing back and forth in front of her. His attention was quickly drawn. They both stood in silence looking at each other for a moment. Both of them appeared as though they wanted to speak but neither did - they were both awaiting for someone to initiate conversation. Maria took a couple steps into the bedroom and while looking to the floor she began to speak, "Michael I..."

Maria never got the chance to finish her sentence. Michael being the usual Michael intentionally cut her off so now he could be the first to speak. He had a habit of doing quirking things like that, he never wanted to be the first to give in and speak but he had to be the first and last to say something.

"Look Maria I don't know how to say this or do this so I am just going to do it and you can analyze it and pick it apart later." Michael took a couple steps toward her as well. He was holding his hands out toward her and making a lot of un-calculated and awkward gestures as he did so.

Maria stomach began to turn. Knots were forming deep within her stomach, this had to be part of the uneasy feeling she had when first entering the apartment. She wanted to stop him but she knew there was no use in cutting him off once he started he would only continue until he was finished. Maria just needed him to know their petty argument the night before wasn't worth wherever he was going with this situation right now.

"Michael, Really it's not even..." Maria was abruptly interrupted again.

"You just need to let me finish because what I am going to say is important and if I don't do it now, I need to do this now." Michael said very firmly. The look in his eyes reassured her he was very serious right now.

"You have always had something to compare our relationship to, something it could never live up to. Max and Liz have that whole soul-mates thing going on ever since they laid eyes on each other. I know what you expect of this relationship but it just isn't what they have.... it's different and it will never be that."

Maria's eyes began to well with tears, she was sure now where this was going. Expecting the worst she questioned, "And?"

Michael paused a moment looking completely flustered. He reached to the bed and grabbed a paper bag and handed it to her.

"What is this?" she questioned before opening the bag. Maria reached inside and pulled out a bottle, "Shampoo?"

"And conditioner.... It's a two in one combo." Michael inserted to correct her.

"I don't get it Michael..." Maria said shaking her head confused.

"You asked me why I was with you..." Michael replied.

"So you got me shampoo?" Maria said shaking her head.

"And conditioner." Michael added correcting her again, before continuing on. "It was the first gift I ever got you. We were suppose to be going on a real date and I was trying my hardest to do exactly what it was you wanted. I stood in the aisle for almost an hour looking at everything and just trying to find one thing that would be the gesture that would win you over so I wouldn't have to fight to keep you anymore. I just wanted you to have exactly what you wanted, but I could never get it right."

Maria looked down at the bottle of shampoo and smiled as she remembered the exact night he was speaking about.

"Maria I could never give you what they have because we don't have that. We aren't soul-mates and we haven't loved each other from the moment we laid eyes on each other. But love does exist outside of that. Love doesn't have to be this absolutely perfect thing to be real. I have never been good with words so I am just going to try something, I have never done this before."

Michael reached both hands out toward Maria hoping she would accept his hands.

Maria set the bottle of shampoo on the dresser next to her and took another step forward reaching for his hands.

Michael stood staring deep into her eyes.

A moment of awkward silence passed before Maria spoke, "Michael what are you doing?"

"I said I had never done it before just give me a minute..." He said slightly frustrated with himself. Michael took a deep breath and as he had done before he allowed himself to relax and think of the one thing that made him extremely happy in the world, Maria.

Maria could feel Michael's feelings rush through her body. Her eyes closed in ecstasy as she got the most intense and beautiful flash she had ever received from him. The flash contained everything from their past, every moment he had spent with her. There wasn't one detail missed and Maria for the first time got to see how beautiful she was to Michael, from his own perspective. The flash was like a perfect chronological ordered movie of the best moments, from the time they spent their first enlightening night together in the seedy motel along the highway to the first time they made love. The flash played for what seemed like forever.

Just as the flash ended Maria's eyes fluttered open. She felt the warmth from Michael's hands still on hers but he was no longer standing in front of her. Maria looked down to the floor where Michael was knelt down. Michael reached into his pocket and pulling out the ring.

"Maria I can't offer you what you have dreamed of since you were a little girl, but I can offer you the best and worst of me. My life has never been perfect but it has never been better since you walked into it. I don't know my offer may not be enough for you but it is all I have and there is no one I would rather give myself to. I love you."

Michael had never been good with words, he was never good at phrasing even simple compliments right. Maria looked down at the man she loved and realized she wouldn't have it any other way. It may have not been perfect, but it was better then that - it was real. What they had would never be normal but as long as she had him she would be the happiest woman on the planet.

"Does this mean?" Maria questioned through tears.

Michael nodded, "Will you marry me Maria?"

There was no need for words, Maria was overwhelmed with emotion. She shook her head and bent down to join the love of her life. The pair of them set on the floor embracing each other in their absolutely beautiful moment. They were each able to accept it for what it was, and what it was more then perfect for them.


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - January 6th, 2010 10:04pm

Isabel was calling it an early night. She was getting tired out from having someone young around her apartment. Zan had got very settled and comfortable in her apartment so for the time being there was no where better for him to be. It wouldn't make a difference if he stayed here or at Max's, he was just as safe here if not safer. Isabel and Kyle were going to share the main bedroom tonight so that Zan could have the pull out to himself.

"What are you doing?" Kyle questioned trying to look over at what Isabel was holding in her hand.

"Nothing, I am just going to do a little dream-walking." Isabel said staring down at Liz's grad photo that was in her hand.

"Of who?" Kyle questioned still trying to peer over Isabel and focus his eyes to see who was in the picture.

"Never mind Kyle, Goodnight." Isabel replied.

Kyle gave up and reached over and flicked the lamp on the stand next to him, the bedroom was blanketed in darkness.

"Did you ever talk to Serena?" Isabel questioned, she had forgot to ask him in a while.

"No, no... not yet." Kyle answered. He was trying to work up the courage to speak to her again. Whatever he said to her it had to be good, he had to make sure that this time he got it right because he was sure there weren't going to be many more chances.... if any.

As Isabel's eyes focused she tilted the picture up a bit for the the light from the streetlight to catch it. Isabel emptied her mind and filled it with the picture of her friend.

Isabel fell quickly into a deep sleep and began her journey towards Liz's dreams. It always felt like floating through space before she made it to the person's dreamworld. The familiar part was about to end as Isabel felt herself almost there.

What happened next wasn't ordinary.

Isabel hit what felt like a mental block, or a wall of some sort. She could only see a bright green light emitting from a source that she could not see. Isabel tried to focus her mind to break through but it was no use, it was as though the block was fighting back against her.

Isabel shot up out of bed gasping for air. Her head hurt as though she had a terrible migraine. The noise she created caused Kyle to wake up almost immediately. Kyle flicked on the light and looked to Isabel who was setting completely upright in the bed.

"What's wrong?" Kyle questioned reaching out to her.

"I couldn't get in, I couldn't get in." Isabel replied astonished. In all the times she had tried it she had never came up against something like this. She had no idea what it meant but it couldn't be good.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 7 pt 1 (16DEC09)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:18 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: Start of Chapter 7.... It get's off to a bit of a boring start working out some of the little stuff I need to but I swear it will become more exciting in the next couple posts! Um... yeah not much to say... leave some feedback... and I'll answer the previous feedback!!

begonia9508 - Glad you liked Eve! I thought is declaration of love was beautiful too because it wasn't perfect like you see in movies or here in stories... it was real and raw like it should be.

Timelord - Thanks ;)

Natalie36 - haha, maybe there is good reason to feel that way. It will all be explained somewhat soonish... I think. lol ;)

nibbles2 - We all know Michael -- he truly is fun to write for, glad you have some fav Michael quotes cause I feel you a true Michael fan so I must be doing him a little justice! Glad you liked the proposal... I told ya a little while ago they would have their day... and there more to come for the happy couple!

keepsmiling7 - You will have to stick around to see what it means... even though I know you have been around right from the start! As for the Kyle and Serena situation.... read on!

Roswellian117 - Aw yay, glad you like the proposal! I love it too, I have been waiting to do it for a while. They truly are perfect for one another. I was late jumping on the Maria/Michael bandwagon.... but I am onboard now and not hopping off!

Chapter Seven, pt 1 - Battlefield


Liz's House - January 14th, 2010 - 2:24pm

Liz had been feeling better as of recently. In the past couple weeks her strange symptoms had died down quite a bit and only seemed to flare up when she got stressed, but she had already assumed that was part of the issue. Being home had been nice at first and she had found a lot of things to keep her mind busy and off of Max. It seemed that lately her mind kept finding its way back to him quite easily, now that she had less things to keep her mind off of it.

It was hard for her but she knew it would be the day she left. It was exactly what she wrote in the letter, if love was enough they would still be together. Things were too complicated. When she was young she could look past all the consequences their relationship had on others but knowing that the whole worlds existence was on her shoulders she just couldn't bare to be selfish. Liz kept asking herself the same questions over and over again.

"It was true right? The whole world's existence had something to do with her and Max being together? But future Max had said it was about Max and Tess being together, not Max and Liz being apart. Is it possible he was wrong and really the only thing that was damning the earth was the love forged between Liz and Max? Was this all a huge mistake that she would come to realize down the road?"

Liz was snapped back to reality when she felt the presence of another person in the room. Liz looked up from dazed stare to lock eyes with the person who had entered the room. Liz hadn't expected to see his face again so soon but then again she should have known he wouldn't stay away.

"Hey." Liz said simply.

"Hey, your father said you were up here. He knows I saw you so.... And I didn't tell anyone, your secret is safe with me." Sean replied while imitating zipping his lips shut and throwing the key.

Liz smiled in reply to Sean's comment.

Sean hesitated a moment looking around the room before his eyes met back with Liz, "So, can I come in?"

Liz didn't know what to say. Right now she would rather just be alone so she could wallow in her own self pity but on the other hand maybe a distraction from it would be nice. Liz thought about it only seconds before deciding it would be a bad idea to have Sean stay.

Liz had begun to shake her head to indicate "No" as an answer. She was about to speak but Sean beat her to the punch.

"The Evan's got a call from Max and Isabel, I thought you might want to know." Sean hoped this would grant him some time with Liz. In Sean's eyes they both needed a friend right now and there was no sense in them denying that.

Liz head perked up as she heard the words. She felt an odd feeling overwhelm her body, it was as though this is what she had been waiting for. Maybe all this time she had really just been subconsciously waiting for Max to come find her, tell her everything would be alright again and they could go on about their lives together. Liz attempted to hide her eagerness for answers but it showed right through her faulty attempt, "Oh really? What were they looking for?"

Sean shook his head as he took a couple steps further into the room, "The Evan's didn't say. They said Max and Isabel had contacted them for only a moment but they wanted to pass on a message to Aunt Amy that Maria was safe and sound." Sean paused a moment as he glanced at a very old photograph of his cousin and Liz sitting atop the bookshelf. Sean picked it up and took a look, a smile appeared across his face, "It really made Amy's day, I haven't seen her lit up like that in a long time. I think it gave her hope."

Liz nodded. She was glad to hear everything was good with everyone, that was truly her main concern. She missed them all more then anyone could know.

Sean continued making his way into the room, clearly he had distracted Liz from her initial reaction to him staying and visiting. "So Liz, you know... I know you can't be seen around town because it's not safe but I was thinking...."

Liz cut Sean off, "Sean we can't. I just I can't right now." Liz knew where he was going with this. Last time he had been over he had left his number for her to contact him, clearly she hadn't. Liz had assumed he was going to be a bit persistent with the matter - he normally was a persistent person.

Sean set the picture back down on the top of the bookshelf and nodded his head once, "Okay. But Liz, I know you could use a friend right now. I know it must be hard for you sitting here all the time alone. I am here if you need me, just a phone call away. Just think about it, honestly give it a thought and then if you still feel like it's a bad idea then I will happily stand back."

Sean took a couple back steps toward the door watching Liz and awaiting her answer.

Liz contemplated it a moment. Maybe he was right, maybe it would give her something to do and take her mind off of everything.

"Okay." Liz replied very simply.

Sean nodded, "Okay, I'll wait to hear from you then." He took another step backward and bumped into the wall. Both Sean and Liz chuckled and then Sean exited the room.

Liz sat and pondered for a while to try and figure out exactly why it was she felt so guilty about hanging out with Sean. Obviously the reason was she felt as though she would not being faithful to Max but they were only going to be hanging out as friends. After she sat and thought about it for a while she realized there really was no legitimate reason why she couldn't hang out with Sean. She finally came to the conclusion to call him later on in the evening and propose they do something later on in the week, nothing major, just something to keep her from going completely insane.


Max's Apartment - January 15th, 2010 12:34pm

"I tried again...." Isabel said her eyes darting away from her brothers for a moment, "Still nothing"

Max shook his head and stood from the kitchen table. What did this mean? He couldn't understand why Isabel wasn't about to dream walk Liz.

"Has this happened before? Like are you sure it's never happened before?" Max questioned Isabel.

Isabel shook her head from side to side.

"What does this mean? Do you know? It doesn't mean...." Max trailed off, he didn't even want to think about it. It wasn't possible he was sure if anything happened to Liz he would have felt something like she had when he had technically died.

Isabel shook her head more vigorous this time, "No. No definitely not Max. I mean after Alex died, I tried dream-walking him but there was just this void. I could dream-walk him anymore because he was no longer dreaming or thinking, not in this world anyway. This is something different, it's like there is a wall preventing me from getting in."

"Do you think she is doing this? It can't be her, she wouldn't do that." Max racked his brain trying to think of any possibility that may be causing this to happen.

"I don't know Max, I'm sorry." Isabel had already apologized but she continued to do so. More then ever her brother needed her right now and she was letting him down. She knew this had been a bad idea. Maybe Liz was trying to shut them out, maybe she was serious when she left. Isabel didn't know what to say to her brother she was as confused by the whole situation as he was.

"Something's just not right, there is something I am missing. I know it has to do with what Alex told me in the dream I just can't put my finger on it." Max raised his right hand to his chin in deep thought. Max stared in Isabel's direction but he was looking directly through her. His memory of the dream was very vivid.

"Your not suggesting this has something to do with Zan are you?" Isabel questioned.

Max snapped back to reality and his eyes focused once again on his sister, "I am not ruling anything out."

Isabel couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had Max really lost his mind, he couldn't think this way about his own son, "Are you kidding me Max, he is your son. He is an innocent little boy and you think he could have something to do with this? Hasn't he been through enough?"

Max knew how it must have sounded, but how could he be sure of anything. "Isabel all I know is that there is something to that message and I am going to get to the bottom of it."

"And what are we suppose to tell him until then Max? He had questions, don't you remember what it was like to be young and confused... how can you deny him the truth knowing what it was like for us?" Isabel was slightly frustrated with Max but she knew he was under a lot of stress right now.

"All we know about Zan is from what Tess told us, do you really remember how trustworthy she was? She manipulated me into sleeping with her, this could all have been part of her plan. Who knows if she even is dead, maybe she just mind-warped Liz into believing she went in there."

Max made valid points but Isabel was sure there was another meaning to him wanting to believe this about Zan, it was his guilt.

"Max, she didn't manipulate you into sleeping with her. You slept with Tess on your own will, she didn't have that kind of power over you. I know how hard it is for you to deal with but you were young and confused.... you made a mistake. I know it is hard to have all of this come from that one night but you have to take responsibility. You can't just deny your son because it is hard for you to accept what you did. Liz forgave you years ago, you need to start forgiving yourself you can't be perfect all the time." Isabel walked toward her brother and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. "I am going to head home now, I will try a couple more times for you but I don't know how long I can keep it up... it is very draining."

Isabel words rang loud and clear in Max's mind. As Isabel left his apartment he stood there in one spot thinking about all she had to say. Was it possible he was just desperatly looking for something to clear himself of the whole situation. Max stood there contemplating it for a few more minutes before he arrived back to the same conclusion he had been for days. Something wasn't right, he would have to get to the bottom of it on his own.


Just Us Cafe - January 16th, 2010 1:37pm

Kyle waited patiently in the back booth where him and his friends had always sat. He had finally worked up the courage to call Serena and ask her to meet him to talk.

Kyle had expected to get shit and his face shoved in it, but he was wrong. Serena had accepted his offer to meet at the cafe on her day off for lunch. Every time the bell rang Kyle looked up to see if it was her who entered and every time he was disappointed. Kyle was waiting patiently but he was getting more worried as time passed.

Kyle pulled his cell phone from his pocket and check the time. He considered it official, she wasn't coming. Maybe she had just said she would meet him to be polite and get herself out of an awkward situation. Kyle contemplated sending her a message to check and see if she had forgot but he decided against it. Kyle must have been in a daze because he hadn't notice that someone had approached the table and was standing just to the side of him.

"Hey, sorry I am late." Serena said looking down to Kyle. Serena quickly slid into the other side of the booth. She wiggled her way out of her coat and set it next to her.

Seeing that Kyle's plus one had arrived the waitress returned promptly to get their order. They took a quick minute to look over the menu but since they knew it all to well it didn't take long for them to place their order.

"So..." Kyle said awkwardly trying to think of where to jump into conversation. Should he start with a "Hi, how are ya?" or skip directly to "I am an idiot, will you give me a chance."

Serena had time to think the situation over. After much deliberating about what Abigail(Isabel) had told her she decided that Duke(Kyle) really did deserve another chance.

After all a guy that goes out on a limb like that to help a friend would most likely be the kind of person who would make a very good boyfriend.

"Yes." Serena said oddly, not answering any question that had been posed by Kyle.

Kyle furrowed his brow and tipped his head back slightly, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yes, I will." Serena said with a nod.

Kyle was still slightly confused, "What do you mean? I am sort of lost here, your going to have to help me out."

Serena chuckled slightly which was followed by a smirk, "I thought about it Duke. I had time to sit back and think about it and I will give you another chance. We can start over again, start anew. That is what you asked me here for right? To see if we could give it another chance?"

Kyle hesitated a moment, he certainly hadn't thought this was the way their conversation would begin. "Well... Yeah, I mean... Yes. I mean, Yes that is what I asked you here for, I just thought it was going to be a little harder then this for some reason."

Serena shrugged her shoulders, "We are starting new here, so no more secrets. I like you Duke. I know your a good guy, I think I just need to give you an opportunity to show me that. So here is your opportunity."

Kyle wished it was that easy, he couldn't start completely fresh with her cause he still couldn't tell her the whole truth. Kyle didn't want to hesitate agreeing with her because he knew it would ruin his last chance he had with her.

"Good, fresh start." He said with a forced smile followed by a nod.

Kyle made a mental note to himself. He wasn't going to lie anymore. He would talk to the others and then he would tell her the truth, after the trust she just displayed in him it was only fair that he return that trust.


Michael and Maria's Apartment - January 16th, 2010 9:04pm

"You still haven't told them yet?" Michael shouted from the bathroom that was located nearby to their bedroom.

Maria was setting at her small table in the bedroom playing with her engagement ring. She hadn't told anyone yet that her and Michael were engaged, not for lack of excitement but because something wasn't in place.

"I just can't do it yet." Maria shouted her reply.

"I'm right here." Michael said as he entered the room. Maria looked over her shoulder at her husband-to-be. He had entered the room wearing only his boxers. It was no secret that Michael's body has been better then ever since he started the construction job, but ever since he had proposed to her he had been sexier then ever. In fact their sex drive had seemed to double within the past ten days.

"Are you having doubts or something? I thought I was the one reserved for that position. If your just going to flake out on the idea then I would like to be the first to know." Michael's insecurities were getting the better of him. He couldn't figure out why Maria hadn't told the others yet, this had been something she always talked about.

Maria shook her head as she made her way to the bed, "I just can't tell them because I haven't told Liz yet. This is the kind of thing you tell your girlfriend first." Maria climbed into the bed next to Michael and wrapped her arm around his tight, chiseled body. Maria snuggled her head down against his chest tightly enough she could feel his heart beating against her cheek. "With everything that is happening right now with her and Kivar, it just doesn't seem like the right time to come out with the big news."

Michael felt a bit relieved hearing that was the reason. To him it didn't matter when the others found out, he was just happy being with her. The only reason he had brought it up was because he was concerned she was having doubts about him.

Maria pushed herself upward for a moment so she could make eye contact with Michael, "I can tell them tomorrow if you want me too. It's really not a big deal.."

Michael shook his head, "No, no. I was just curious. If you need to wait then you need to wait."

Maria was liking this new found Michael. It seemed like he had finally completely opened up to her. Things had been great for a long time but there was a change in him lately.

"I just want to make sure Liz is alright before..."

Michael nodded.

A devilish smirk came across Maria's face as she looked Michael up and down, "But telling them has nothing to do with us consummating this proposed union."

Maria propped herself up to straddle Michael.

"Now we're talking." Michael replied flipping her over onto her back before climbing on top of her.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 7 pt 1 (16DEC09)

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:11 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: I was up late, should have been studying for my final tomorrow but I hate auditing so.... I did this instead... It't getting closer to the excitement of the this chapter... but still a little more of the boring lead-in... anyways here it is...

I know the last three posts have been pretty much right in a row... so there are some followers who havent got to post comments for the past couple... it will def give them lots of reading when they get back... But to those followers who didn't make sure to post whatever comments you have on any of the posts... even if it is one of the older ones cause I love hearing the comments!

begonia9508 - I will clarify one thing for ya, the Abigail (Isabel) thing was wrote like that incase people had forgot that it was Isabel's fake name -- It was kinda confusing but it didn't mean that Serena actually knew her real name.... ahah I love how you have it out for Serena though -- i love your comments so much
You'll also see Sean's intentions in the next post... lemme know what you think from here... I always look forward to your comments!!

keepsmiling7 - I knew there would be some people not liking Sean and Liz together... goes against the dreamer in us! Max's feelings continue as you will see in the following post! I definitely felt like Maria would want to tell Liz first -- they were so close and it is something that I feel like she would want to share with her BF first... I think she is waiting for the right time to tell everyone!

Timelord31 - I think you are right... read on!

nibbles2 - haha you know there is always a little bit of drama with the roswellians... haha. But I am enjoying them being the happy couple also! Like I have said before, I was late jumping on the Michael/Maria bandwagon... but once I did there was no getting off

Chapter Seven, pt 2 - Battlefield


Liz's Bedroom - January 16th, 2010 10:37pm

Liz had followed through on her plans to call Sean back later that night. After a short phone conversation they decided to meet up later that night to simply hang out together. Liz had pretty much been couped up in her bedroom and the Crashdown for the past month and half and she was ready to get out, even if it were only for one night. That is why they had decided to meet after dark, less chance of anyone noticing them. Sean was going to swing by and pick her up and as far as she knew they were simply going to be going for a drive around Roswell and possibly finding somewhere quiet to chat for a bit.

Liz had fallen asleep and woke up a bit later then she had planned on. She scurried quickly around her room since she figured if Sean wasn't already waiting he would be there very soon. Liz tried on a couple pairs of jeans but they were all fitting tighter then she wanted. Nancy tapped lightly on her door before entering.

"Sean is here, he is waiting downstairs." Nancy informed her daughter.

"I think it's about time I got out of the house, all this sitting around and eating the Crashdown is really doing a toll on my waistline." Liz joked with her mother as she pulled a sweater over her head.

Nancy looked her daughter up and down and chuckled, "Oh yes, what I would give to be as big as you." Liz had always been such a small girl, she barely ever gained a pound. Nancy couldn't see where she was any bigger, she looked like the same girl who had walked out of their doors ten years ago and never returned.

"I'm ready, I'm coming." Liz said grabbing a toque from her closet.

"Your going to wear that Liz?" Nancy questioned with a raised brow.

"Yeah, why not?" Liz questioned curiously.

"I don't think you should work so hard at going unnoticed, it is going to make you more noticeable." Nancy replied

"Right." Liz said chucking the toque back onto her bed. Both Nancy and Liz exited the bedroom to head down to meet Sean.


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - January 16th, 2010 11:07pm

Isabel and Kyle were just settling into their bed. Isabel was sitting up reading and Kyle was laying on his side already half asleep.

Before Kyle could go to sleep he really needed to talk to Isabel. Serena was giving him the chance at a fresh start and he wanted to be able to follow through on it with good conscious. He had thought about it a lot and he decided that it was necessary she know every detail but that she at least know the general outline so if in the future things came out it would be as much of a shock to her. The things Kyle wanted her to know where simple like his real name. No details needed to be given on aliens or their entire history until he knew her better, but he figured he owed her that at least.


"Yes?" Isabel replied not breaking from her book.

"I need to talk to you again" Kyle said rolling over to face her.

"Go ahead..." Isabel replied still focusing her attention on the book in her hands.

"I need your attention, like full attention." Kyle stated waving his hand in front of her book to try and gather it from her.

Isabel set the book down on her lap and turned her head toward Kyle.

"I need to tell Serena somethings, mainly about me but I wanted to let you know first." Kyle began explaining his situation.

A nod came from Isabel, "I don't think you need my approval to tell her about yourself, unless this has something to do with our past again."

"Well kinda..." Kyle started.

"Kyle we have been through this before you can't just let her join the I know an Alien club, it simply can't happen."

"I know, I know I get it I do." Kyle paused a moment, "But why can't she at least know my real name. We are suppose to be starting anew, with no lies and I just feel like I should be able to tell her that. I was never on the list anyway, I was never one of the ones who was singled out as being a part of this."

Isabel listened and really considered what he was saying. She knew where he was coming from but once he explained a little more about himself it would only make her more curious. "You know she will have questions, questions about why you changed your name right?"

Kyle nodded.

"Then what will you tell her? You will have to tell her something. And whatever you tell her is going to be suspicious. I just don't know how it is possible Kyle."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a knock at their apartment door that could be barely heard in the distance. Isabel's attention turned to the clock next to her.

"Who would that be at this time of night?" Isabel questioned out loud. She looked to Kyle who simply shrugged his shoulders.

Isabel hopped up from the bed and made her way out of their bedroom and down the hall toward the apartment door. Isabel glanced over to the pull out couch where Zan was laying sleeping, sprawled out nearly taking up the whole bed.

Isabel was about to unlock the door and open it but something told her to check the peephole first. Isabel looked through the peephole but didn't see anyone. Maybe she had been hearing things. She stepped away from the door and started heading back down the hallway when the tap at her door came again. Isabel stopped in her tracks and let out a loud sigh. Was this some sort of prank or something?

Isabel made her way back to the door and looked through the peephole again, this time seeing her brothers face on the other side of the door.

"Max?" she said loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door.

Max replied with a "Yes" from the other side.

Isabel quickly unlocked the door and opened it granting him access to their apartment.

"Where did you go after you knocked the first time?" Isabel questioned him.

"That was the first time I knocked..." Max stated.

Isabel had a very puzzled look come across her face. She peeked out into the hallway and looked either way to see that it was empty.

"I must have been hearing things...." Isabel trailed off a minute, closing the door she decided to question her brother on his late night visit, "So what brings you here this late?"

"I can't sleep." Max replied quickly and simply.

"Did you want to stay here? There is room next to Zan, we can just move him over a bit." Isabel questioned.

Max eyes darted to the little boy who was taking up the majority of the pull-out bed. Max had such mixed feelings looking at the boy. Obviously the boy didn't look a threat but there was just something wrong. Max had such a strong connection with his son back before he was born and after when Tess brought him back. When Max saw him on the playground that day he hadn't even realized who he was at first, it was like their bond had dissipated. Max had played it off initially as them being separated but he simply wasn't buying that now. Max had also begun questioning how exactly the boy knew they were coming. He kept saying he always knew they were coming, but was that really plausible too?

"Max?" Isabel questioned after he didn't reply. It became apparent to Isabel that Max was lost deep in thought.

"No, no. I just wanted to talk for a minute." Max replied still looking over at the boy. On the other side of the coin he felt bad for even thinking that way about a boy who was possibly his son. It was hard for him to even accept he was questioning it but everything was getting so confusing, things just were so out of whack right now it was hard for Max to tell up from down.

"I need to find her Isabel, we need to figure something out." Max turned his attention back to his sister.

Isabel knew this day was coming. She herself was very worried for Liz, like all the others were but they really had no way of finding her. If Isabel couldn't even dream-walk her to speak to her then how could they possibly find her.

"How Max? I mean I want Liz back safe and sound too, but if I can't dream-walk her then what can we do?" Isabel questioned.

Max shook his head, "I don't know, but we need to get together and figured something out. Maybe with all our energy you will be able to break through and find out where she is, if she is safe and at least warn her that there could be danger."

"But Max, I don't know if that will..." Isabel was up for trying anything but it may not work - in fact there was a good possibility it wouldn't.

"I know, it may not work. If not I will have to think of something else." Max began to pace back and fourth.

Kyle came from down the hallway to check the situation out. He was getting worried when Isabel didn't return.

"Hey Max"

Max turned his attention to Kyle who had entered the room, "Hey."

"What's up, is there something wrong?" Kyle questioned looking back and forth between Max and Isabel.

"No it's nothing, I just had to speak to Isabel. We need to all get together tomorrow and try and reach Liz." Max gave Kyle the short version of the story.

Kyle nodded, "Definitely, I am game. Whatever it takes."

"We really should either move into another room because we are going to wake Zan" Isabel stated pointing over to the boy who had tossed a couple times during their short conversation.

"It's alright, I am going to head home. I just needed to talk to someone, we can all get together tomorrow night at my house." Max said almost as a whisper, taking into account the boy sleeping.

Kyle and Isabel both nodded.

"Sorry I disturbed you guys this late, I just..." Max began to explain himself but was cut off surprisingly by Kyle.

"It's alright Max, I understand. We all love Liz, it's time we bring her home." Kyle was very sincere in what he said. The truth was the whole group of them was beginning to get more worried about her safety. At first they chalked it up to her needing time and spending time away to clear her mind. Everyone knew Liz was smart and that she would be safe but now that Isabel wasn't able to reach her they had become worried. They all knew that this couldn't be by Liz's choice, she would never make a decision to block them out like that.

"Thanks." Max replied with a nod making his way to the door.

"We will see you tomorrow Max." Isabel followed him to the door to re-lock the door after his exit.

Max nodded again and made his way through the doorway. The sound of the door closing and locking could be heard behind him as he made his way down the hallway. Max made his way down the stair and out onto the street quickly. Max began making his way down the street when he paused. A strange feeling had come across him again, one he couldn't explain like had happened that night out near the adoption centre. Max eyes darted around the empty streets but there was no one to be seen. After standing there for a minute or two looking around him he continued on his way back to his apartment. Max turned the corner and was well on his way home.

After Max was out of sight a small body appeared from the bushes. It hovered there in the shadows looking up toward the apartment where Isabel and Kyle resided and then down the street to where Max had disappeared out of sight. After minutes of standing there in the shadows the body disappeared into the blanket of darkness.


Streets of Roswell - January 16th, 2010 11:52pm

Liz and Sean had been driving around Roswell aimlessly for the past hour just catching up. For the most part their topics had consisted of general conversation about what they had seen and done over the last ten years. They had conversed about the old days and shared some good memories from their childhood as well. The pair of them was genuinely enjoyed each others company. Sean slowed the car up near the bowling alley and pulled into a parking place outside the door.

"What are we doing here?" Liz questioned slightly confused.

"I called in a favour, I got the keys I thought we could stop by here for a minute..." Sean replied looking to Liz in the passengers side.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Sean..." Liz stated.

"I figured you would say that, you don't remember do you?" Sean questioned her with a warm smile.

Liz looked to him and then to the bowling alley. She couldn't remember anything of importance regarding him and the bowling alley.

"Just trust me..." Sean hoped out of the car and made his way around to the passengers side. Sean opened the door and extended a hand to help Liz out of the car.

Liz hesitated only momentarily before accepting his hand. So far Sean had been right, she was enjoying herself like he said she would so why not give him the benefit of the doubt now. Liz smiled lightly as she joined him outside the car. Liz and Sean both made their way to the main doors of the bowling alley were Sean used the key to gain access.

Sean and Liz made their way into the bowling alley. Sean turned on the lights to a couple of the centre lanes and Liz made her way over near the lit up lanes.

After turning on the light Sean joined Liz over near the two lanes which were lit up.

"You still don't remember do you?" Sean questioned with a smile.

Liz looked around before turning her attention back to Sean. "No" she said shaking her head with a smile.

"Are you wearing socks?" Sean posed a very odd question.

Liz raised a brow intrigued by the question, "Well of course." By this time Sean was already reaching down and slipping off his shoes and chucking them to the side. He managed to not break contact with Liz, keeping his eyes locked with hers.

"Let's go then!" Sean stated before lightly sprinting toward the lane. When Sean's socks met the lane he slid with ease nearly the whole length of the lane. He turned his attention back to Liz who was now laughing hysterically at him. "Come On!"

Liz had already begun to unlace her sneakers. She chucked them to the side and made her way in front of the lane. Sean was still near the end of the lane waiting for her to slide down to him.

"If I fall you better catch me!" Liz shouted down to him.

Sean extended his arms, "I am ready, let's see if you can get a strike."

Liz took a couple steps back to give herself enough room to work up the speed needed to slide down the lane. Liz lightly jogged toward the lane and once her socks met the slippery lane wood she too slid down in the direction where Sean was standing. Liz had managed to gather more speed then him and she connected with him near the end of the lane. Sean had made and attempt at stopping her but the pair of them tumbled down in a heap near the end of the lane both laughing hysterically. The pair of them just sat there laughing for a perfectly blissful moment.

"I can't believe you remembered that night." Liz stated between chuckles and while wiping tears of laughter from her face. It had taken until Sean slid down the lane before she remembered.

"It was a good night." Sean replied.

Both Liz and Sean sat near the end of the lane where they had come crashing down. They shared a moment of silence still with bright wide smiles plastered across their face. Liz's mind fluttered back to that night and everything that had happened. The pain of seeing Max kissing Tess was still gut wrenching to this day. Then her mind made its way back to Sean and how he made her feel special again in simple gestures that night.

"It was a good night." Liz said nodding. Of course for her it wasn't entirely good but the portion she spent with Sean hadn't been bad. She couldn't judge the whole evening on the events that had transpired before she spent time with Sean.

"You know its funny to think of it now. I thought that night, I really thought I had gotten through to you." Sean remembered his feelings from that night so many years ago.

Liz smiled lightly listening to him. In a way he had gotten through to her that night, he had been exactly what she needed just not in the way he had hoped.

"I'm sorry." Liz replied.

"For what?" Sean questioned with a smile.

"For everything that happened back then. I know, I mean I know I definitely confused you." Liz attempted at explaining herself.

"No you didn't, I knew." Sean said with a nod.

"You knew?" Liz questioned.

"I was in here bowling alone. I turned and there you were." Sean pointed in the direction where she had been standing. "You were wearing that little black dress, you looked as good as usual."

Liz smile widened as she listened to his recollection of the night.

"You made your way down to me and I could see it in your eyes. I knew."

Liz tilted her head slightly, "What could you see?"

"Pain. I desperately wanted it to be love or even lust." Sean said joking with her, both chuckled before he continued, "But there was pain. I never asked you what had happened cause I was sure you didn't want to talk about it. I was just happy to be part of your night, to help you get through it. Your a good girl Liz, you always have been.... you deserve the best."

Liz realized Sean had knew all along, he had knew even before she had, "I'm sorry you had to be involved like that Sean. I never meant to hurt you."

Sean nodded, "I know."

There was a pause in their conversation. It seemed as though they either both had a loss for word or they both were lost deep in their thoughts of that night together.

"I see it again Liz." Sean added.

Liz turned her attention back to him.

Their eyes met and they held each other's gaze as Sean spoke, "I see that same girl who walked through the door who was desperately wanting things to be different."

His words couldn't be truer.

Liz felt the initial sting before her eyes began to well with tears, "You've got that right."

"It can be you know." Sean added.

Liz began to shake her head.

"You were running back then and your running again today."

"It's complicated...." Liz replied with her same comment that seemed to fit so many situations.

Sean began shaking his head, "But it doesn't have to be. I know I don't know what happened between you and him. But I see the same girl I saw over ten years ago sitting in front of me." Sean paused a moment gathering his thoughts, "If I can look at the same girl, still as in love as all those years ago that means something. If he loves you even half as much....."

Sean paused again and there was another moment of silence. It was hard for Sean to say, especially having the feelings he had toward Liz. He had definitely moved on over the years and loved another woman very much. Since his divorce Sean hadn't felt anything toward another woman until he walked into Liz's room that day over a week ago.

"He would be a fool not to take you back you know. You just need to stop running Liz, whatever it is your running from. You need to face whatever it is, and once you have done that you will finally be able to live with whatever decision it is you make."

Liz listened very attentively to what he said. She had taken this time away to figure things out and spent many nights awake thinking but it took someone else putting it in words for her to be able to accept it. Sean was right. Liz had been running ever since she heard Max's destiny. She had been running because no matter how much he re-assured her from that day on she never felt as though she belonged in his future. She was always waiting for the next thing to separate them, she never just faced it for what it was. Liz was finally ready to go back and see Max again - to finally face their destiny, to make her decision once and for all.

"I should really get going..." Liz said standing up from the lane. "Sean, I can't thank you enough... you have no idea what you have done for me tonight."

Sean stood to join Liz. This is what he had expected to happen, but the truth was he would rather just see her happy. There was no point in trying to convince her in being with him if she was always going to have someone else buried deep in the back of her mind.

Liz started to make her way up the lane toward her shoes.

"Just know one more thing Liz...." Sean shouted in her direction.

Liz paused a moment and turned around to face him again.

"Whatever the outcome your life doesn't end there, it's not the be all and end all." Sean stated vaguely.

Liz knew what he was eluding to. He meant there would be other loves for her if it didn't work with Max.

Liz nodded in his direction, "Thank you, thank you for everything."

Liz quickly slipped on her sneakers and started heading toward the door.

"Hey, I can drive you home you know..." Sean shouted again followed by a smile.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 7 pt 2 (17DEC09)

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:00 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: I know, I am probably going to fast... but I am and have been quite excited about this chapter for quite some time now and I just can't stop myself... Anyways here is pt 3... so there is one more part to this chapter coming.... Uh... yeah... hope you enjoy... comments always welcome!

begonia9508 - Maybe a combination of crash food and not doing anything active might have an effect on you waist... it's hard to say!
There will definitely soon be more explanations... within the next chapter I think... but in the mean time enjoy the next part... I always love your conspiracy theories so keep them coming!!! Thanks Eve ;):)

keepsmiling7 - Thanks ;) I think Max really doesn't know what to think of Zan right now, one part of him just wants to give in an accept it... and another part of him is telling him something isn't right.... which is right or wrong right now is hard to say.....
Small frame in the shadows is about to be explained.... in the next part!!!
Sean really did have some good wisdom... I really do feel as though that was one of Max and Liz downfalls... they always tried to protect each other by keeping one another from things.... when they really should have just stood side by side and took on whatever came their way.

Roswellian117 - Thanks! Glad you loved it. And you get to find out who was in the shadows..... BELOW!!! :)

To all the others... sorry there will be so much to read when you get back... atleast it will give you something to do! haha, but still post comments about whatever section you want... even if it is a couple posts behind... I still love the feedback... its what I live for... lol

Chapter Seven, pt 3 - Battlefield


Liz's Bedroom - January 17th, 2010 1:42am

After spending the night with Sean a lot of things became very clear for Liz, almost clearer then they had ever been. She realized that whenever things between her and Max became difficult one of them always tried to face the problem alone; not including the other. They were always trying to protect the other from harm but in the long run it only seemed to cause them more troubles. Maybe that was the key, they had never stood up against anything together. Maybe it was time for them to start acting like a unit. It was hard to say what Max actually thought about the whole situation, Liz had left before she gave him time to process any of it. He would have every right to be mad at her for with holding information for all those years, especially since it had to do with such a important part of his life. The only way for her to find out now was to go to him, talk to him and find out exactly where they stood. Liz swore to herself if there was still a chance for them she would never walk out when it got tough again; she would stand by his side as his partner, his friend and his wife.

As soon as she had returned home Liz began packing her things in her suitcase. She wanted to have things ready so she could go to Max as soon as possible. She had every intention of saying goodbye to her parents this time, but it certainly didn't look like that when Nancy walked in on her packing. Liz never thought anything of it at first, but the expression Liz caught on her mothers face said it all.

"I wasn't..." Liz stopped packing a minute to explain herself to her mother.

"Going to skip out on us again without even telling us?" Nancy offered.

"I just, I want to get packed and ready. I wasn't going to leave right away, but I do have to go." Liz chuckled the shirts she was holding in her hands on the bed next to her. She made her way over to the doorway in which her mother was standing. "I need to go to him, I have wasted too much time."

"What has changed Liz? What is going to be so different this time, that is going to stop all this?" Nancy questioned her daughter. She wasn't opposed to her daughter trying to make it work with her husband, but she wanted to know that she had actually figured it out before returning to him.

"I am done of running from our problems. It's time we stand side-by-side and face them together." Liz paused. While standing there with her mother she had another moment of clarity, "I spent the night with an amazing guy who anyone would be lucky to have. He is funny, considerate, caring, and best of all normal."

Nancy shook her head, "I don't get it, then why are you going back?"

"He's not Max." Liz said a brief smile appearing on her face, "If I can sit there in front of this great guy and feel nothing for him, there is obviously a reason. Max is my everything. Tonight I remembered what I forgot for these past couple months..... Max is the love of my life, everyone else really is second best. This time I refuse to do what seems like the logical thing to do, I am going to follow my heart. Right now it's pointing in one direction."

Nancy nodded her head, "Now you know." There was only one thing Nancy wanted more then her daughter to stay right there in Roswell with her; her daughters happiness. Nancy could tell by the look in her eyes that there was only one place and one person who could make her truly happy.

Liz waited silently to see her mother's reaction. She knew it would surely be heart-breaking to them all over again, but this was something she simply had to do.

"Okay then..." Nancy said taking a deep breath, "Where do we start? Do you have any clothes over in the dresser?"

Liz mouth curved into a smile. Liz being shorter then her mother, reached upward to wrap her arms around her.

"I love you so much." Liz couldn't have been happier her mother was there to support her.

"I love you too hun." Nancy gripped tighter on her daughter then ever.


Just Us Cafe - January 17th, 2010 1:30pm

Michael was late getting on break but he hoped Maria was still waiting for him at the cafe as they had discussed. During break that morning Max had explained his plan to make an attempt at contacting Liz. Michael had agreed upon the meeting later that night and informed Max he would pass on the message to Maria. Michael didn't want to explain anything over the phone so he had simply given her a quick phone call after speaking with Max to inform her to meet him at the cafe for her lunch.

Michael entered the cafe fifteen minutes late and quickly darted toward the back of the cafe.

"Hey" Serena said as Michael flashed by.

Michael turned in her direction quickly and nodded his head, he didn't want to be rude but he was in a hurry to speak with Maria and he was sure Serena would understand that.

"Your late. I told you I couldn't take my lunch late, now I am like twenty minutes overdue." Maria informed Michael as he slid into the booth across from her.

"I know, I am sorry. I got caught up with a job and I didn't realize what time it was."

Maria shook her head, "Don't worry about it, I was merely stating." A bright smile appeared on her face as she leaned in to receive a kiss from Michael. Maria was still feeling the after effects of his proposal. If this was the feeling they were going to have then she perfectly content just being engaged.

"So what's up? What's so top secret important?"

Michael leaned in a little closer before speaking, "Liz.."

The smile quickly dropped from Maria's face, "What is it, what's wrong?"

Michael quickly licked his lips for moisture before continuing, "You know how Isabel couldn't get through to her?"

Maria nodded.

"Max thinks if we all come together, maybe we can channel enough energy to break down the wall." Michael began explaining the situation as her understood it to Maria, "You know how a lot of our power comes from this energy. Sometimes it seems like when we have others energy, others push behind us it helps us focus it. Max is hoping if we are all there and in support we will be able to break down the wall and get to her."

"Kind of like when I helped you get a memory from that key?" Maria questioned relating it back to an experience she could remember.

Michael nodded, "But on a much bigger level. Whatever Isabel is coming up against it is big. We all need to be there."

Maria raised her hands up to show submission, "Hey you had me at Liz. So when are we meeting up?"

"Later tonight, Max's place." Michael stated

"Okay great, I need to get back now. I'll see you after work at Max's then?" Maria questioned as she slid to the edge of the booth and stood.

Michael simply nodded in a reply.

Maria spun on her heel to face the direction of the door to the cafe. As Maria headed toward the door she shouted back one last message.

"By the way, pick-up the bill for my dinner..."

"What?" Michael turned his body in the booth to watch as Maria made her exit.

"Love you." Maria shouted back as her only reply.


Crashdown Cafe - January 17th, 2010 6:00pm

Jeff and Nancy decided to close the cafe early tonight since their daughter would be departing and they wanted to spend the remainder of the day with her. For the most part they just sat downstairs and chatted as though nothing were going to change. Liz always found it funny that when people knew something was inevitable they would try to ignore the topic for as long as they possibly could. Liz didn't want to leave her parents again, it was going to be hard but it was something she needed to do.

"I think I heard a horn... I'll go check." Nancy said as she pushed herself up from the seat to head out to the main sitting area of the Crashdown. Liz had called a cab to come and pick her up at approximately six to take her to the bus stop.

Liz looked up at the wall clock to check the time and it was six right on the dot.

"That's Roswell cab service for ya, never a minute to early and never a minute to late." Liz joked with her father.

Both Liz and her father stood from their seats as well. Jeff and Liz stood across from each other in silence. It was hard to find words for a goodbye when you didn't know the next time you would see the person. Usually when you said your goodbyes you always through in something about your next meeting like, "see ya next week." or "I'll see ya around." That was something neither one could say to each other because right now they had no idea.

Liz moved toward her father and wrapped her arms around him, "I love you so much."

"I know Lizzy..." Jeff replied through tears.

Liz pulled away from the hug to face her father. The look on his face instantly broke her heart. She never had to see the look on his face last time, it was even worse then she imagined.

Two streams of tears made their way down Liz's face, "I'm so sorry."

Jeff shook his head, "Don't be sorry. I am happy for what time we had with you."

Liz nodded wiping her tears from her face. Liz may not have been able to give him a definitive answer on when she would see him again, but she hadn't lost hope and neither should he, "I'll figure something out. I will be back."

Jeff nodded. He knew she couldn't promise anything but the thought of having her home again was slightly comforting.

The pair of them made their way into the main area of the Crashdown to join Nancy.

"Mom..." Liz said extending her arms in her mothers direction.

Nancy reached out and pulled her daughter close, "I said I wasn't going to cry this time. I am just going to keep positive thoughts for the future. I'll see you again, I know I will. It's not a goodbye just a see-ya later"

All three stood there in silence again until it was interrupted by the blaring of the car horn.

Liz laughed, "I guess I am holding someone up."

Both Jeff and Nancy managed to smile. All three let out a light chuckle, it was a good note to leave things on.

Jeff helped Liz to the car with her luggage. Nancy stood in the doorway watching.

Liz waved to her parents through the glass of the cab.

Jeff and Nancy stood outside the Crashdown and watched as the cab disappeared from their sight.


Max's Apartment - January 17th, 2010 07:04pm

Max had been anxious all day. His mind had been preoccupied all day at work. His mind kept replaying the details of the night ahead of them even though there was little to replay. The fact was Max had no idea how to organize this tonight, it just kind of needed to fall into place. Truthfully he was just desperate and had been grasping at straws for ideas.

Everyone had arrived at Max's apartment besides Maria, she was the last one to get off that night and that's why they decided on seven for a time to all meet. Max had begun pacing the length of his living room, something that was making everyone else very nervous. Isabel and Michael set on the couch watching Max grow increasingly more anxious. Kyle had decided to take Zan down the hallway and hang with him there for the time being, they figured it might be a lot for him to handle.

Michael watched his friend go back and forth several times before speaking, "Maxwell, you wanna take a seat? Your going to wear a hole in the floor."

"I'm fine..." Max replied while continuing his familiar route across the room.

"Well I'm not, your making me dizzy and your making Isabel nervous. You need to take a break for a minute or none of us are going to be up to doing this." Michael replied to Max.

Michael seemed to get his attention this time. Max came to a halt in his path and stood there momentarily before turning to face Michael and Isabel.

"What if it doesn't work? What then? We need to find her some way..." Max finally allowed himself to share with group.

"It will work Max, it has to." Isabel offered to try and reassure her brother. She was definitely feeling the pressure. All eyes would be on her to be able to break through and make a connection. It wasn't a position she wanted to be in but she had no other choice. Isabel nearly jumped out of her skin when the knock came at the apartment door.

Max sprung back to life and quickly made his way to the door.

"Hey!" Maria made her way into the apartment quickly, "Sorry, there was someone in there last minute who wouldn't make up their mind."

"It's alright, your here now." Max paused and looked across the room at Isabel, "We can get started."

Isabel took a deep breath trying relieve the pressure.

The group assembled in a circle on the floor. They asked Zan to wait in Max's room and put on a movie to occupy his attention. Kyle, Michael, Isabel, Max and Maria all set holding each others hands in a circle, in the middle of them was a picture of Liz for them to focus on.

"So what do we do?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know." Max replied.

"Will you be able to get in if she isn't sleeping?" Maria questioned.

Isabel ignored all the noise around her as she began to prepare herself. Once she was in the state of mind she needed to be in she informed the others of the rest, "I usually just clear my mind...." Isabel stated. Everyone turned their attention her to see she had her head tipped back and her eyes closed, "Just clear your mind, go to an empty space and wait there. From there I just let thoughts, memories, images or whatever else of the person may come to mind fill that space. Let your mind focus on her only."

Isabel kind of fell into her position. She knew they would need guidance and she wasn't short in any way. The other four listened to what Isabel had to say and followed her orders to an exact science. They all closed their eyes to join her filling their minds with the sound of Liz's voice, images of her from memories, and the love they all shared for their friend.

It only took minutes for Isabel to be shooting through space in the direction of Liz's mind. She hit the block at full speed, only this time it bent to her impact. Isabel focused harder then she ever had before straining to get through. Isabel could feel herself getting closer, she could feel the others energy flowing through her body helping push her through.
Liz had been on the bus for sometime now. She had fallen asleep almost immediately with her head against the cool glass of the bus window. There wasn't much sound on the bus tonight because there wasn't many passengers. Just as she was getting into a deep sleep something brought her wide awake. The most excruciating pain began in her stomach and worked it's way up through her body. Every inch of her body tensed as she screamed aloud in pain. Her head began pounding and he vision narrowed.

One of the other passengers was concerned and moved toward her. Liz could see the woman but nearly all sound had faded. Liz could only hear a distinct throbbing in her ears as she strained to try and listen to the woman. Liz reached out to the woman gripping her hand tightly. The immediate intense pain faded but was followed by waves of pain that nearly overlapped each other. Liz tried to pull herself to stand but just as she got her feet under her another strong wave of pain came across her body and she collapsed to the bus floor. Liz lay on the cold floor of the bus unaware of what was happening around her. Her last thought went to Max before the pain completely took over her body and consciousness faded.

The bus driver came to a stop along side the road and one of the passengers dialed 911.
Isabel's eyes shot open. She gasped for air and her grip on her brothers and Michael's hand strengthened.

"Isabel are you alright?" Max questioned.

Isabel blinked hard trying regain clear vision. Her ears were ringing but eventually the ringing died down and she could hear the concerns of her friends around her.

Max had moved directly in-front of her. He hand his hands on her shoulders trying to catch her stare repeating the same questions to her over and over.

"Are you alright?" Max continued repeating until Isabel spoke.

"I was almost in, I almost made it." Isabel said between gasps for air.

Max hugged his sister he hadn't realize how painful the experience could be for her, "It's okay Is, you tried. You did your best."

"Get Zan." Isabel stated simply.

Max pulled away from her so he could look into her eyes. Confused Max shook his head, "What... Why?"

"Get Zan, I'll be able to get in. I just need a little more energy."

Max shook his head.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Isabel" Michael stated, "You don't look so good."

Isabel shook her head, "I am fine, get him. I won't give up." Isabel stared back at her brother to let it be known she was completely serious. "Go!" she ordered.

Max hesitantly got up from the floor to retrieve Zan from the other room.

Max and Zan returned moments later and it appeared to Max as she had recovered quite a bit during the short period of time that he was gone.

Isabel smiled in Zan's directly and beckoned for him to come sit next to her. Zan walked over and sat down next to Isabel.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Isabel questioned Zan.

"Sure!" Zan said without hesitation.

"You see this girl?" Isabel reached for the picture of Liz, Maria handed it to her.

Zan nodded.

"She is a good friend of ours and she needs our help. She is lost like you were and we need to find her. Do you think you can use your special gifts to help us?"

Zan looked up to Isabel and convincingly gave a mature look of confidence.

"Alright then, it's settled. You sit here next to me, Michael you can move down a spot." Isabel paused a moment looking up to Max, "Max you sit down on my right side again."

"Isabel I don't think this is..." Max began again.

"It's my choice Max, I'm fine."

Max took his seat next to his sister. Isabel repeated the steps for the group again for them to clear their minds. After they all began to do so she leaned in closer to Zan to whisper to him.

"Your my special partner, okay?"

"Okay." Zan replied.

"Me and you both have the ability to make into people's minds. We need to do that we need to get in okay, so just focus as hard as you can with me, okay?"

Zan nodded again, closing his eyes as the others did.

This time Isabel was the last to enter. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes, "You can do this Isabel..." she muttered under her breath before entering.

Something was different this time. Isabel found herself floating through space again, but this time she was headed in a different direction. She focused her mind on thoughts of Liz but the direction was still clear.

Isabel began getting very distinct flashes. She was having a memory of something she had never seen before; another crash. Isabel could feel an essence of someone very familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it. It was as though she were right there, in the small pod that was hurtling toward earth. Isabel could see blue; it was water. The pod crashed into the water with a very sudden and hard impact. She began getting flashes of boats.... people were searching for something. The next flash she got was of a smaller pod being drug ashore, there was woman inside but the face was blurred. Isabel moved closer to the pod as it began to mesh with the rocky cliff of the beach, it was as though it was being drawn inside. Just as the face started to become clear Isabel was pulled suddenly from the image.

A loud blast came at the apartment door which brought everyone out of the deep concentration. Isabel's body fell in a heap to the floor. She lay there seemingly lifeless as she tried her hardest to make it back to where she had just been. The last message she got was a simple named uttered by a familiar voice.


Max pushed Zan behind the group after realizing who has just busted down the door to his apartment.

"Nice to see you again Max, it's unfortunate this is going to be our last meeting."

Max would recognized that small frame anywhere.

"Nicholas..." he uttered angrily.

"This time I brought friends...." Nicholas said with a smile as four other filed in behind him.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 7 pt 3 (18DEC09)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:31 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes - Well here is the final part to Chapter Seven -- It kinda flew by, I think maybe I could have added a little more detail to the earlier parts... hindsights is 20/20..... but I am still happy with it. A couple major things are revealed in this part... (this chapter has been kinda revealing actually... its the reveal chapter lol). One of the things has been speculated about for a while... and the other I think no one is expecting! Um... yeah... so read on and enjoy... comment as usual ;)

keepsmiling7 - haha... I have to be somewhat cruel... we all know as much as we hate them we secretly love cliffhangers.... I have to throw a couple in here and there!
The other 4 are just a couple of somewhat powerful skins which were brought along... you can see how ther fare below ;)
You aren't the only one who is worried about the consequences of 911... read on one of the charries feels the same way!!

begonia9508 - I love that you theories! They are always so creative and a few times you have been right on the money!! It's fun writing that way so that your mind has to work... it makes it all the much more fun!
Yep Yep... the small framed boy was revealed as Nicholas... I think some ppl had suspected that! Read on to see if Zan helps defend the others!! What is happening to Liz isn't necessarily revealed exactly... I don't wanna give it away... so I'll let you read and see.

Roswellian117 - I am back with more! Sorry to leave ya hangin' -- I had to do it. As I was writing it I was like "if this was a show this is exactly where i wouldn't want the episode to end".... which led me to stop writing that part then lol. The torture makes it that much more fun! I am happy your enjoying -- hopefully you will enjoy this part.

zaneri1 - Glad ya got caught up ;)! I have come back and delivered more -- since the majority of your questions are answered directly in the next post... I'll let you read and see... sometimes I wonder if we have the same mindset or something....

mary mary - glad your caught up, must have taken a little bit to reread the story over... maybe the second time through you could see some of the foreshadowing I attempted in placing in... such as what alex said... or the whole deal with the dream max had and other little hints... lemme know if you seen anything... also let me know if you seen any inconsistancies... I worry about that happening too! Some more is revealed in this post as you will see ahead ;)

Thanks for supporting guys... I know I say this about everytime but really your comments make it all the more fun for me! I'll try to get a couple parts up of chapter eight before christmas! If not I hope everyone enjoys their holidays and I will say it now just incase.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

Chapter Eight, pt 4 - Battlefield


Max's Apartment - January 17th, 2010 8:02pm

The group scanned over the group of skins. They had come up against a large group of skins before but it was Tess who ultimately stopped them.

"Don't look so surprised Max. You lead us right here, do you really think that it's only your government that has the ability to tap phone lines?" Nicholas pushed further into the apartment with the others following behind him.

Isabel finally gathered enough strength to try and stand. Max extended an arm down to help her clamber to her feet. Once Isabel had gained her balance she leaned back to whisper to Zan, "You need to make yourself disappear, make yourself invisible to them and then hide somewhere Zan."

"Ah Vilandra...." Nicholas started, "I see the past ten years have done you well." Nicholas paused a moment to look her up and down.

"I wish I could say the same about you... but your still just a creepy adolescent boy - nothing has changed there" Isabel shot back at him.

Nicholas nodded, "I see you haven't come around yet, that's fine."

Isabel glanced behind the group to see if Zan had worked his magic yet - he had. Isabel glanced about the room and there was no sight of the boy, he would be safe for now. Isabel turned her attention back to Nicholas again, "So if Kivar wants something so badly, why does he send the second rate help to come get it?"

Nicholas laughed, "Second Rate?" Nicholas paused a moment before thrusting his right hand upward in the direction of Isabel. A beam of energy shot across the room in he direction. Max was quick to react and lifted his hand in protection. The group surrounded by a protective green shield.

"Oh yes, right, I forgot you had a few tricks up your sleeve too." Nicholas stepped to the side as the other four stepped forward.

Max scanned over them. There was really no way of telling how strong they were just by looking at them, Nicholas was one of the most powerful they came up against and he looked like a harmless child.

"Your always the protector Max, there is one problem though." Nicholas paused a moment as he paced in front between the two sides at war, "You can't protect them forever, we have been through this and it never seems like you want an actual fight and unfortunately for you, we do...."

"Drop it Max." Michael muttered under his breath.

Max shook his head.

Michael placed one hand on Max's shoulder, "Just trust me."

Max turned slightly over his shoulder to look at Michael. Max was surprised by the look of confidence in his eye, something that use to be a rarity.

Max turned back toward the group of skins. Max dropped his hand in one swift movement. Like clockwork Michael stepped forward extending a hand in the direction of one of the skins. A bright white light emitted from his hand and the blast shot the skin across the room and into kitchen counter. There was a loud crack that could be heard as the skins back met with the edge of the counter - his body disintegrated in front of them.

Max moved quickly to re-establish the protective force-field around them but he was not quick enough. Nicholas and his three other skins sent out a blast all at once. When the blast came in contact with the non-strengthened shield it broke instantly knocking all of the group who were contained in it over. The group moved quickly to get back to their feet but in the process of being blown over had been separated. When the blast hit it sent them flying backward - Max, Michael and Maria were blown in one direction while Kyle and Isabel flew off to the side.

"Ah ha!" Nicholas laughed, "Now this is quite the predicament."

Max glanced over at his sister and Kyle who seemed to absorb a great deal of the blast. Kyle had made his way back to his feet quickly but the already weakened Isabel was having troubles. With a little help from Kyle she managed to stand holding on tightly to his arm for support.

"So what do you do now fearless leader?" Nicholas posed a question, "Save yourself and your second in command or...." Nicholas trailed off as he turned to face Isabel and Kyle, "Save your sister who betrayed you and caused this whole mess to begin with? I know your not strong enough to protect both."

Max looked helplessly over at his unprotected sister and friend.

Isabel shook her head in his direction. Somehow she managed to gather enough strength to push Kyle back from her and stand on her own facing Nicholas.

Nicholas pointed his hand in the direction of Max, Michael and Maria. Two of the skins turned and lifted their arms outward toward the three of them. Quickly Max raised his hand to create the familiar force-field protecting the three of them inside.

Nicholas had them where he wanted them now. The group was separated and now Isabel was weakened and unprotected.

"How brave Vilandra, back on our planet you were never this self-destructive.... you would have never given your life to save your brothers." A wide smile appeared across the confident face of Nicholas.

"My name is Isabel..." Isabel muttered under her breath.

Max watched helplessly from across the room, "It's not her you want, it's me. Leave everyone else alone and I will go willingly." Max offered himself as a bargain. He couldn't drop the field around Michael and Maria and he didn't have the ability to create one of equal strength around Isabel.

Nicholas turned toward Max, "It's not you we want... we want her. And speaking of that, where is she?" Nicholas said looking around the room.

Nicholas let his guard down for a moment as he turned about to look around the room. Max caught a glimpse of his sister and what she was about to do. Before he could shout anything to her it was too late.

As Nicholas turned to face Isabel again she used the strength she had left, waving her hand in one quick, powerful motion that shot Nicholas across the room. Nicholas connected hard with the wall crashing down onto the floor in a heap.

"Kill Her!" Nicholas commanded from the floor.

"No!" Max yelled, still unable to drop the shield around him and the others to protect his sister.

The third unoccupied skin turned her attention toward Isabel and extended her hand in her direction.

Isabel stared the woman down as though she was looking down the barrel of a gun. What Nicholas hadn't counted on was that Isabel was not Vilandra, she would sacrifice herself for the benefit of her family and friends.

A beam of energy shot out of the hand of the skin in Isabel's direction. Kyle waited till the last possible second to jump in the line of fire. Kyle was also willing to give his life for his friends, after all he wouldn't be alive if not for them. Kyles arms wrapped around Isabel holding onto her tightly. Closing his eyes he waited for the pain that was sure to come.

But it didn't.

After a moment passed Kyle opened his eyes. He was still clutching to Isabel but they were both intact and fine. A green bubble of protection had appeared around them keeping them safe from the blast. Kyle's eyes immediately diverted to Max, Michael and Maria who were all still protected as well.

"What the?" Kyle said aloud in confusion.

"It's you Kyle, you must have developed it from Max." Isabel informed him, "Just hold tight and concentrate."

It seemed as the group was still doomed. Both sets were being protected by and energy bubble which wouldn't be able to hold out forever.

What happened next was completely unexpected.

Max attention was drawn down the hallway to where Zan had reappeared. He was sitting nearly out of sight with his head bowed and seemed to be concentrating. Max eyes darted to Nicholas who was making his way back to his feet. Max wasn't sure what Zan was doing but he knew he had to collect Nicholas attention to allow Zan to finish.

"You forgot one thing Nicholas..." Max shouted in hopes of gathering his attention.

Nicholas turned toward Max with a look of confusion.

Appearing behind Nicholas and the other skins was obvious holograms of himself, Michael and Isabel. These images were obvious projected from Zan down the hallway. A crooked smile came across Max's face as he nodded in the direction of the holograms.

"That." Max stated simply.

Nicholas spun around quickly to come face to face with the holograms.

"Quickly behind you!" He shouted at the others skins.

The 3 remaining skins turned their attention around toward the hologram, dropping the beams of energy they had been using against the others shield. All at once they directed their hands toward the projected images and shot again. This time the energy connected with their targets, but only causing the images to disappear. Their confusion led to the group having just the time they needed to strike back.

Max jumped into action quickly, tackling one of the skins to the floor. Instinctively his hand grabbed for the skins through, a bright blue light began emitting from his hand. Max could feel the life draining from the body of the skin, it was exactly the opposite feeling he received from when he was healing someone.

Michael quickly grabbed a chair and cracked it across the back of the second male skin, the impact was enough for his body to disintegrate immediately.

Isabel took on the third female skin. Their powerful beams of energy met in the middle forcing each others back and forth.

It took Nicholas no time to take in the scene and realize that things hadn't gone exactly as planned.... they were stronger then he expected. Nicholas started to flee toward the door. Surprisingly Maria sprung into action and jumped toward him tackling him to the floor. Nicholas quickly flipped her off and climbed back to his feet.

Michael turned his attention to where Maria lay on the floor and Nicholas began to flee the scene.

"No!" Michael shouted, extending his hand in Nicholas direction to shoot off another blast.

Before the blast could connection Nicholas disappeared into thin air, a trick they weren't aware he was able to do.

Everyone's attention was quickly turned to the last remaining skin who had been abandoned.

Max made his way over where the female skin was desperately fighting back the power that was increasing in strength from Isabel.

"Tell us what we want to know and we will let you go." Max spoke directly to the female skin.

Her eyes turned in Max's direction, "Never. He will get what he wants, he will find her and you can't stop him."

Max was slightly confused. This was the second time they mentioned "her". Max had thought this whole time they were coming for Zan but it was apparent that message had been incorrect.

"Who are they coming for?" Max shouted.

The skin held her stare from the corner of her eye. A smile appeared on her face as she dropped her hand, allowing Isabel's beam of energy to disintegrate her.


Unknown Hospital - January 17th, 2010 9:35pm

During the trip Liz was able to take in some of her surroundings. Her conciousness came in and faded several times throughout the trip. She could remember being surrounded by the passengers of the bus, then being loaded into the ambulance and finally arriving at the hospital. However, up until this point Liz had been unable to communicate with anyone in her surroundings.

Liz eyes shot open. Her eyes frantically wandered around the room taking in her surroundings, she was definitely in a hospital. Liz placed her hands by her side and attempted to push herself up into a sitting position. She felt a sting on the top of her left hand, upon looking she came to find an IV hooked into the top of her hand - the pressure from her attempting to push herself up must have been causing the pain in her hand.

Liz moaned aloud as her body slipped back down.

A nurse quickly made her way over to Liz bedside.

"Your awake, you gave us a scare. Just try and rest, the doctor will be in momentarily he has some questions for you."

Liz needed to get out of here immediately. This was most definitely unsafe for her, if they had found out her identity by now it was very possible the FBI was on their way to pick her up. The nurse quickly left the room to collect the doctor and return.

After seeing her disappear Liz forced herself upward. She glanced down at the IV and realized if she was going to get out of there she would have to remove it herself. Liz gripped tightly near the base and bit her bottom lip. She turned her head away from the hand and closed her eyes in an attempt to manage the pain which would follow. Just as she was about to tug she heard a voice from the door.


Liz opened her eyes and loosened her grip on the IV. She turned her attention toward the door where a doctor stood.

"I'm Doctor Horton, I've got a couple questions for you..." he said trailing off as he made his way into the room, pushing the door closed behind him.

As the Doctor approached her Liz manuevered herself on the bed as far as she could go in the opposite direction. The doctor took a seat next to her bed and flipped open her chart.

"How are you feeling?" he questioned first.

"I'm fine." Liz replied scanning the man's face trying to determine whether or not he was friend or foe.

"Do you remmeber what happened to you?"

Liz nodded her head.

"We ran some tests and everything came back completely fine. Is there any reason you can think of that would have caused you to faint on the bus?"

Liz shook her head from side to side.

"Okay... We are going to need some more information from you. The only piece of ID we found on you was your identification from Louisiana, were you headed back home?"

Liz felt a bit of relief. When they had taken on their new identities Max and Michael had used their powers to create fake identification for them. Liz had completely forgot she had rid herself of anything that tagged her to Liz Parker. This would only buy her some time, soon they would start running a search for records and find there was no Jenn Smith from Louisinna.

"Do you have insurance?"

Liz nodded, "Yes, actually if you could get me my bag and cell phone I could call my husband to bring all my information here."

"I can't do that." the doctor informed her.

Liz felt a lump form in her throat - maybe he really was her enemy.

"You can't use cell phones on this floor. I can get the bedside phone hooked up within the next couple minutes so you can make outgoing calls." the doctor shot her a friendly smile.

Liz smiled as she felt her body relax, she was in the clear for now.

The doctor stood from the deat and placed her chart back alongside the bed, "I'll go and get that hooked up now. I'll be back to check on you in an hour. My main concern is you get lots of rest. Right now your vitals seem fine and the baby is doing great as well."

Liz's body went completely numb. Had she heard him incorrectly. Did he just say baby?

"Exc... Excuse me?" Liz managed to mutter a couple words.

"The baby is fine, we monitored it's vitals the entire time you were unconcious. Actually surpringly it seemed unfazed by the whole situation, it was as thought it had some sort of protection over it the entire time. You must have angels watching over you." The doctor nodded and smiled and made his way toward the door, "I'll be back in an hour, get some rest."

Liz moved her hand to her stomach. As her hand moved over her stomach Liz got an immediate flash of the baby growing inside her. Everything began to add up over the past couple months, it had been the pregnancy that had been causing the weird fluxuation in power. Liz had been so preoccupied she hadn't even realized she had missed her period. Now it was more then just her life that was in danger.

Holding onto her stomach Liz uttered a familiar name, "Max" she said as though she was attempting to reach out to her husband and father of her child.


Isabel and Kyle Apartment - January 17th, 2010 9:52pm

"Liz?" Max said aloud as he spun around to face the apartment door.

"What is it Max?" Micahel questioned.

Max shook his head, "I swore I just heard her voice, I swore I heard her say my name." Max dropped his head in disappointment that his eyes hadn't met with Liz's as he turned around.

Michael placed a hand on Max's shoulder, "It's alright, it's probably just the stress."

"We need to figure something out, we need to find her." Max replied.

"What do you think they meant?" Maria questioned.

Everyone turned their attention toward her.

"They said they were looking for "her". Who is it they are looking for? I thought Larek said..."

"I know." Max replied, "He must have lied, maybe he was working with them and trying to divert us."

Isabel had remained silent until now. They had quickly made their way from Max's apartment since they were sure the police would be called due to the disturbance. They had made it out of there just in time and watched from a distance as the police entered the apartment. Isabel hadn't had much time to speak, but now it was her chance.

"I know who they want..." Isabel stated without emotion.

Everyones attention was now turned in her direction as she gained the spotlight.

"Who?" Max questioned.

"The second time I attemped at getting though to Liz I got a flash of a crash." Isabel stated

"Our crash?" Micahel questioned.

Isabel shook her head, "No, another one... one near water."

"What does this mean? Who was it?"

Isabel paused a moment, her eyes shifted upward to meet with her brothers, "Our mother..."

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 7 pt 4 (21DEC09)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:46 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: Alright -- So here is the latest part, start of chapter 8! You may be able to tel the focus of this chapter simply by reading the chapter name.... which btw, I totally stole the idea of using song titles for the names of my chapters from Grey's Anatomy which does the same with song titles for episode names. Don't know if anyone noticed that but thought I would share it. Also a little fun fact is there is a location mentioned in this RP which is actually located in the same province I am from -- all that is written about it is generally accepted information so if ya wanna check more out on it just search.... cause it is a real debated thing much like the Roswell UFO Conspiracy... so it was really fun working that into the RP! Um I guess thats about it. It goes without saying (and soon I won't say it haha) I love the comments so keep em coming!

- Happy to have you be the first to comment!! I am glad you are genuinely the story this much. I know I say it all the time but it really makes it all that much more worth the while. I am definitely going to take you up on that offer by the way! I am gonna start reading your story... I need some reading material... It may take me a while to catch up cause I see its grown quite long already but I will comment when I am all up to date on it!!! Then we can have something to look forward to from each other! Really happy you enjoyed the part... hope you enjoy the following.

- You are right... I doubt we have seen the end of Nicholas.... or "the annoying kid" as I wrote in my outline for the timeline of this story when I couldn't remember his name! haha. They don't seem to be interested in Zan which means either Larek lied or her got something confused in translation -- but that is definitely something we will have to explore in the future!! Hope you enjoy this part!!

Natalie36 - haha I hope the confusion is good confusion and not bad confusion.... if there is such a thing as good confusion? lol. Anyways more is here, as per usual it will get off to a slow start like in every chapter but it gets more exciting as the group gets closer to where they need to go!

- I am glad you enjoyed Kyle's heroic moment. I definitely felt like it was his time to shine... and it won't be his last of course! This is the first time Kyle has used any sort of power... so that will be explored further... but I couldn't agree more... he really turned out to be a great guy. I wanted to show that even though he states he is not in the most desirable situations that he would still do anything for his friends -- including put his life on the line like he did.
I am also glad Liz is having a baby... I am happy that secret is finally out because ppl have been speculating about it for some time now and it was hard for me to keep it a secret it until I had originally planned.... which was this part in the storyline, so I actually made it!
The below part dives in a little deeper to their mother and what Isabel saw as well as a small part to Liz and her curiousities about her pregnancy...

thanks again guys! loved the comments... hope to get atleast one more part up before christmas!

Chapter Eight, pt 1 - Oh Mother


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - January 17th, 2010 10:03pm

"What are you saying Isabel?" Max questioned. He had heard her clearly but what she was saying couldn't be true, how could their mother be here.

"I am saying she is here Max..... I know it." Isabel confirmed exactly what Max was thinking.

"How is that possible? You were trying to get through to Liz, why would you get a flash of that?"

Isabel shook her head, "I don't know, but I think it was meant to happen. We were trying to get through to Liz and it was like she was reaching out to me. She pulled me in her direction, maybe she wanting to help us Max."

It was quite a bit to take in. Could it be possible that their long-lost mother had come to earth to aid them? Could this be who Kivar was truly after? And what had happened to Liz, when would they find her. Max was completely overwhelmed with all the new information. One thing still remained the same, his main concern was Liz. His heart was still pushing for him to find her.

"We need to find Liz.... then we can worry about our mother." Max stated after a couple minutes of processing the situation.

"Max we have to find her, she was reaching out to us. She can help us I know it...." Isabel pleaded with her brother. Maybe Isabel was favoring this plan because she had waited nearly her entire life to find her mother. Isabel was also very concerned about Liz, but she felt as though this was a sign.

Max seemed lost in thought again, he reply or give any sort of physical indication.

Isabel stood from her seat on the sofa. She made her way over to her brother and placed both hands on the side of his face. "Max I am worried about her too," Isabel paused a moment waiting for her brother to make eye contact, but he didn't. Isabel gently shook his face to try and catch his attention, "Max... are you there?"

Max snapped back, and his eyes met with his sisters.

"I can't do this anymore.... I c-can't do this." Max pulled away from his sister and headed toward the door.

"Max where are you going?" Isabel shouted across the room to him.

Max exited the apartment without saying another word.

Maria pushed herself up from her seat, "I'll go after him."

Maria began heading toward the toward the door. Michael reached out and gripped her arm stopping her in her tracks, "You can't go out there alone, it's not safe."

"I need to Michael - he needs me." Maria replied.

"Why does he need you, why can't Isabel or me go?" Michael questioned her.

"Just trust me Michael...." Maria trailed off. She looked deep into Michael's eyes, sometimes the confidence in a persons eyes was more then what could be expressed in words.

Michael starred back for a moment. His grip loosened on her arm and he nodded, "Don't take long."

Maria nodded in agreement.


"Max wait up...." Maria called to Max as she chased him down on the street.

Max was too deep in thought to even hear his friend calling out to him from behind.

"Max!" Maria shouted again. Maria picked up the pace to catch up with Max. "Wait a minute..." she grabbed at his arm to stop him.

Max turned to face Maria.

Maria recognized this face. It was the face that only appeared when Max was thinking about Liz.

"You can't just give up Max."

Max shook his head, "I don't know what to do anymore. I am tired of this, people are always looking at me for answers and I just can't have this much weight on my shoulders anymore. I have the weight of two worlds - this world I live in here and everyone around me." Max paused looking around at his surrounding, the only only planet he had ever known. Max then turned his attention to the stars above him, "And some planet out there I can't even remember."

"I know..." Maria tried to sympathize with Max.

"But you don't Maria. I don't even know if I fully understand it. I don't even know what I believe anymore, I am questioning everything. The only thing I ever had in my life that I knew for certain walked out two months ago and I don't even know if she is safe anymore. I am one person, one person in charge of determining the fate of my friends, my planet and who knows who else out there. I can't do it all, there is just no way to get it right."

Maria nodded, "You're right. There is no way you can know Max, there is no way you can be sure your making the right decision. There is one thing I know for sure..." Maria pointed back to the apartment building behind them, "There is a group of people who love your inside. We don't follow you because some prophecy says your the almighty king, we follow you because we trust you.... we trust your instincts."

Maria took a couple steps closer to Max, "And I know one other thing."

Max turned his attention back to Maria, there was something in her tone that caught his attention.

"Liz is alright. I say this because I felt it earlier when we were trying to connect with her, I felt her reaching back. I know this because she is my best friend and I don't need alien powers to seriously feel when she is in danger. And I feel this because there is so much I need to tell her that I will get the chance to." Maria took a step back from Max, "Whatever you decide we will follow you, not because we have to.... but because we want to."

Maria headed back toward the apartment to join the others.


Unknown Hospital - January 17th, 2010 10:10pm

"There having some trouble getting your line set up but they are working on it."

A nurse popped by Liz's room to inform her.

Liz simply nodded.

Once the nurse left Liz decided to check over her charts that were alongside her bed. She removed them from the clip on the side and sat there going through them, there was everything in black and white. Liz scanned the information to make sure nothing looked out of place and other then the fake name - it wasn't. The most interesting information Liz came across was about her baby. It made it that much more real to see it on the paper in front of her.

"Checking things out are ya?"

Liz looked up to see Dr Horton had entered her room.

Liz nervously laughed, "Yeah just making sure everything was in order."

Dr Horton chuckled, "I'll let you in on my professional opinion..." He paused a moment before continuing, "You'll be alright."

Liz smiled and shuffled the papers neatly and extended her hand in his direction.

"You seem worried about something, are you sure everything is alright?" He questioned her.

Liz shook her head, "It's nothing."

Doctor Horton nodded. Looking down at the papers he looked back up to his patient, "It wouldn't have anything to do with the baby would it?"

Liz looked up to him confused, how had he known that.

"It was the top page...." he said answering the question she was thinking. Doctor Horton turned the bundle around to show her.

Liz didn't know if she could trust him but she really just wanted someone to talk to, "I didn't know... I mean, I wasn't aware."

Doctor Horton nodded, "Oh, that would make sense then."

Liz raised a brow, "Huh?"

"Your passing out, it could have been your bodies way of telling you that you were doing too much while you were pregnant."

Liz nodded, "Ah." She was sure it was more then that, what had been happening to her was much more then exhaustion - it was alien.

"I am going to let you get some rest, they should have your phone working in the morning." Doctor Horton placed Liz's charts back along side her bed and headed toward the door.

"Do you know, Is it to early to tell what I am having?" Liz meekly said from her bed.

Doctor Horton shook his head, "It's too early to tell.... soon though!" He took a couple steps before turning back to face Liz, "I guess I will be the first to say it, Congratulations."

"Thank-you" Liz replied with a widened smile. For a moment she felt at peace, she had hope for the future.

Liz laid back with her hands both gently rested on her stomach, before long she drifted into a much needed deep sleep.


Kyle and Isabel's Apartment - January 17th, 2010 10:52pm

Everyone in the apartment was anxiously awaiting Max's return.

Everyone moved to the edge of their seats when the sound of the door knob could be heard turning. Max entered the apartment and made his way over to the group who were sitting and standing in various areas of the living room. Max looked around to make sure everyone was accounted for; noticeably missing was Zan.

"Where is.."

"He is in my room sleeping, it was a long night for him. I wanted to make sure he got the rest he needed." Isabel stated before Max had a chance to finish his question.

Max nodded.

"Max I just want you to know, whatever you decide...." Isabel began to state her case to him.

"I know." Max said with a nod.

"I took a walk by my apartment. The police are all over the scene, but more noticeably was the suspicious men in suits. I think the FBI are onto us here somehow."

There was a sigh that was consistent around the room.

"We need to leave here as soon as possible, they will most likely link my apartment back to you, all of you." Max stated looking around the room to his friend, "We will have to leave in the morning, we need to leave everything behind except for the most important things. Don't bring anything along with you that can be tracked back to us."
"Where are we going to go?" Isabel questioned.

Max turned directed his attention toward Isabel, "To find our mother."

"How are we going to find her?" Michael questioned from his post against the wall.

"That we are going to have to rely on Isabel for... Start searching crash sites see if there is anything at all that looks familiar, we can start from there" Max replied

"What about Liz?" Michael piped up and asked the question everyone was thinking.

Max turned his attention to face Michael. A look of sheer determination appeared across Max's face, "We are ending this once and for all."

"What do you mean... How are we going to end it?" Kyle spoke up for the first time this evening.

"By ending our threat. If there is no Kivar, there is no threat. I was thrust into this position of leader nearly ten years ago now. Back then I desperately wanted answers about my past, my history, where I came from. Ever since then I have been struggling to become this great leader that I was destined to be. I am done struggling. I am going to take on my position not because I have to anymore - but because I want to. I am going to find a way to stop all this for myself, for you and everyone else.... once and for all."

Everyone listened attentively to what Max had to say. More then ever there was a consensus of trust among the group of friends.

"It's time to take back our destiny." Max finished.

Max turned his attention to Maria across the room. She nodded and smiled in his direction. She had reached him again outside and reminded him of what was important and what he was capable of. Max understood what he had to do now, he needed to end this so when he found Liz it could all be behind them and he could put his full attention where it belonged.... with her.

*** 4 Hours Later ***

Everyone pretty much camped out in Kyle and Isabel's living room - themselves included. Zan had taken the master bedroom and Max had entered the room with him some time ago. Everyone seemed to have little trouble sleeping and all passed out fairly early - save for Isabel.

Isabel set up for a good portion of the night attempting to remember every detail of her visions. The longer she sat in the quiet and concentrated the more that came back to her. She could see and feel everything as though she was there - it was like her mother had projected her memory to her somehow. After a couple hours of retrieving memory Isabel began her Internet search to try and find anything that would like her visions to a possible crash.

Isabel searched though all the supposed UFO crashes throughout the world. She was surprised at how many there were, was it possible that they were all legitimate. As part of her search she would look up pictures or descriptions of the areas trying to tie the images she seen with a particular area to narrow it down - two hours into her search and still no luck.

Michael had been tossing and turning the entire night. He had been one who always stated this war was inevitable but now that is was here it was harder to swallow then he imaged. He finally turned over and opened his eyes to where Isabel was sitting up at the table still searching.

"Don't you think you should sleep? We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Michael said yawning through most of his sentence.

"We won't have a big day if I can't figure out where I seen this crash happen..." Isabel replied. Isabel sighed as she continued scrolling through the different pages of UFO sightings and crashes, "You wouldn't believe how many times a so called "UFO" has crashed, I never put much research into it before."

Michael rolled onto his back and sat up from the floor. After standing and positioning the blanket carefully back over Maria, Michael over to the table to join Isabel.

Isabel typed "Shag Harbour" into her image search. It was the most recent UFO sighting that she had come across which was actually compared to the Roswell UFO incident.

"I don't know if I'll ever...." Isabel stopped midway through her sentence as the images loaded, "That's it Michael, this is the place from my visions. This is it."

"Shag Harbour, is that even a real place?" Michael questioned.

"It's in Nova Scotia, Canada. It's up the east coast." Isabel said flipping back to the page of information on the incident.

"So what happened there does it say?" Michael had a first hand account of what happened in Roswell, he was interested in seeing it's comparison.

"Michael it happened in nineteen sixty-seven, that's twenty years after our crash." Isabel jaw dropped in shock. She had originally assumed that she was going to find information on a more recent crash, was it possible there mother had been here undiscovered for over forty years.

Isabel quickly read through the information, "It's pretty much standard stuff. Teenagers reported seeing lights in the sky. It crashed into the water just like in my vision. There was a naval search, I saw that as well. There are reports of it being a cover-up like here in Roswell."

"What else did you see in your vision?" Michael asked curious about the other details of exactly where she was and how come she hadn't come looking for them yet.

"It's hard to remember. I was seeing it through her eyes. She was in a pod, like ours but different.... she wasn't being grown as fetus's like us. It's like after she crashed someone came for her and drug her ashore. They worked at embedding her into the wall of the shoreline there. That was when I woke up, just as she said my name."

"I guess off to Shag Harbour it is then" Michael concluded as he stood from his seat and headed back to the floor which had doubled as his bed.

Isabel stood from her seat as well and made her way down the hallway toward the bedroom. She gently turned the knob trying to create as little noise as possible. After entering the darkened room it took her eyes a couple seconds to adjust, once they had she seen her brother sitting in the chair watching over Zan.

"Your still awake?" Isabel asked the completely redundant question.

Max nodded, "I couldn't sleep."

Isabel glanced at the bed where Zan lay asleep unaware that either of them were in the room, "He's a heavy sleeper." Isabel shot a smile in Max's direction. "He was so brave earlier tonight wasn't he?" Isabel said proud of her nephew.

Max nodded again, "Incredibly." Max paused a moment before continuing, "You know I think you were right..."

"About what?" Isabel questioned unsure of what Max was referring to.

"About Zan, about the whole situation. I think maybe I have such a hard time accepting it because I kind of have a hard time believing what i did. I acted irresponsibly and out of character. It has plagued me all these years that I made that choice, that I ever had feelings for Tess. It's not his fault, nothing Tess nor I did has anything to do with him. I think maybe I am ready, ready to be his father."

Isabel smile widened, "Don't blame yourself Max, you have been under and extreme amount of stress... it makes sense why you questioned it. Maybe the message from Alex meant something different."

Max nodded. That was what was puzzling him the most. He was willing to accept Zan as his child but something about the message still stuck in his brain, so it had to have significance of some sort.

"In other news... I think I found our crash site." Isabel moved closer to Max.

"Where?" Max questioned simply.

"Nova Scotia, Canada." Isabel replied

"Shag Harbour?" Max questioned.

Isabel nodded, "How'd you know?"

"When I worked for Milton I was going through some of the notable crash sites for an exhibit he was creating. That was one of the notable crashes after the one in Roswell. Isabel if I am not mistaken that was quite some time ago." Max attempted at recalling as much as he could from the record but it was mostly quite hazy, all the UFO crash information seemed to blend together after a while of working there.

"I know, but it is what I saw. I know she is there, she is waiting for us." Isabel replied sure of herself.

"Then we will head there. I just hope she has the answers we need." Max stood from his chair.

"I'm not going to stop trying...." Isabel stated quickly before Max had time to make a movement.

Max looked in his sisters direction curiously.

"I was close Max, I felt her. She was there and I know if I keep practicing, if I keep working I can reach her. Maybe with our mother's help I can really hone in on her and get through."

Max pressed his lips together before saying two simple words, "Thank you"

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 8 pt 1 (22DEC09)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:08 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes: Okay -- back with part two.... it's kinda short but my attention span is kinda short now so I figure I better keep the posts that way -- it may mean there is more posts to chapter 8 like there were for chapter 6! Um.... not much to explain about this one I think it's mostly self explanitory.... another one of those... "if only it happened like one hour prior things would have worked out better" situations.... but things never work out easily for th crew -- they can't catch a break ;) hope you enjoy!!

- I enjoy using the music as titles, I think it was a clever idea by whoever started it in Grey's Anatomy so I had to snatch it. I also wanted to start using music in my posts more often... to kind of give more of a feel for how people were thinking and that kind of thing..... I tried it out with Max and "Amy Hit The Atmopshere" in chapter 6 I believe. Maybe I should do it more frequently... You all should give your opinion on that -- I enjoy it when music is linked to storys because it gives it more depth to me.
Police and FBI appear to be all over Max's apartment - the crew can't take their chances.

begonia9508 - It is very possible they are on their way to Canada! :) You will have to read below, but remember Isabel is usually right when she gets image messages....

mary mary - definitely moving along quite fast.... hopefully not too fast. I agree, maybe the FBI should spend more time finding Kivar and his lackees then bothering our beloved crew! Happy Holidays to you to Ginger!!:) :)

- I am glad you loved this part too. You have officially jumped on the bandwagon with Eve in considering Serena a threat huh? The funny thing is I have already planned the sex for Liz's little baby..... but I'll never tell! ahhaah. Hope you enjoy this part as much as the others!

Chapter Eight, pt 2 - Oh Mother


Just Us Cafe - January 18th, 2010 9:01am

Dreaded Monday Morning.

Serena always hated the Monday morning shift the most. People were never ready for the week to begin and therefore were usually not in the best mood. Serena had arrived about twenty minutes early as per usual to put on the coffee and get everything ready for when they opened up - if there was one thing that was essential for a lot of people on Monday mornings it was definitely coffee. Serena was nearly finished setting everything up when she heard a tap come at the door of the cafe.

"We open in ten minutes." Serena shouted hoping the person on the other side of the door could hear her.

A couple seconds passed before the tap came again at the door.

Serena was slightly annoyed now. She didn't even get paid for the first twenty minutes of work which was necessary for getting everything ready and she sure as hell didn't want to open any earlier then she was scheduled too - even if it were only ten minutes. This time Serena swung her body around to face the person who was so eager to get in there early.

"I said we open in...." Serena began as her body spun to face the door. When she realized who was on the other side of the door she stopped.

Serena slowly made her way over to the door and unlocked it opening it to grant them access.

"Good Morning." she said with a smile.

"Morning." Kyle replied.

"It's early, I am surprised your awake and around this early.... I thought it was just some customers wanting to get in early. Are we still on for tonight?"

The look on Kyle's face was enough to tell her the answer to her question.

"Oh... well..." Serena started trying to think of something to play it off like she hadn't been excited for their first real attempt at a date.

"Do you got a minute?" Kyle questioned her.

Serena turned back to look at the clock, "I've got a bout seven and a quarter as of right now!" she replied with a bright smile.

"Do you wanna sit for a minute?" Kyle motioned in the direction of the closest table.

Serena could tell there was a seriousness about him she had never seen before, "Duke, is everything okay?"

"That's just it, it's not." Kyle said shaking his head.

The pair of them had agreed on sitting at the table but neither of them seemed to be moving toward it. There was an awkward moment of silence where they both just stood there attempting at thinking of what to say next.

"You remember how when we first met, first really started talking I told you I understood how you just wanted things to be normal in your life?" Kyle tested her memory on their first conversation. AT that time it had come out that Serena had made some bad choices in her life and she revealed that she had made those choice because she was tired of her life being ordinary. She claimed that all she wanted now was for things to go back to the way they were - for them to be normal and ordinary again.

Serena nodded, "Yes, I remember, but what does that..." she trailed off not knowing what to say next.

"I understand that because it is my life. More then anything I want things to be normal, but right now it seems like it's not possible." Kyle added.

Serena shook her head, "I don't understand, what is wrong Duke?"

"That's just it.... you don't even know my real name. I had this whole thing planned tonight where I was going to tell you everything about me. I was going to tell you about my past and who I was and I just hoped that you would understand like I understood with you. I had this whole thing planned because I wanted to be able to make an actual effort at a semi-normal life with a beautiful normal girl."

Serena was a bit in shock, she didn't even know what to say. She hated that she liked him so much because it seemed like every time she turned around things were more complicated.

"I just wanted to come by and let you know I am leaving.... I have to. I still want to tell you everything more then you can ever imagine but it would be selfish. If I told you everything about me I would be putting you in danger and that is not something I am willing to do, I won't do it. Serena, you have a chance at a normal ordinary life and I couldn't even imagine taking that from you for one moment. I just couldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"I don't know what to say... This is just..." Serena tried to find the words but really there was nothing more to say between them.

"I wish things were different, you gave me hope this past month at a normal life and for that I can't thank you enough...... I guess this is goodbye."

Serena was still in shock from it all.

Kyle leaned in close to Serena, he wanted one last kiss before he left her. "Goodbye Serena." Kyle whispered before he leaned in closer for their lips to meet.

Serena wanted to fight it, but as their lips met it was another story. She felt an electric pulse race through her body causing every hair to stand on end. As their lips pressing tighter together she got an intense wave of emotion - emotion that seemed to be running through her from Kyle. It felt as though everything Kyle was thinking and feeling about her and his situation was flowing through his lips and into her body.

The kiss ended and Kyle pulled away.

Serena stood there a moment trying to take it all in. It happened so fast and she wasn't even sure what to make of what was happening, but she suddenly felt closer to him then ever. Something about this situation was so raw and real she couldn't help but feel as though it wasn't suppose to end like this.

Kyle silently took a couple steps back toward the door. He turned his body around to exit the building. Just as he placed his hand on the door to push it open he heard Serena speak from behind him.

"What's your name?" She questioned.

Kyle turned to face her.

"I just, I want to know your real name.... even if that is all" Serena said with a warm smile.

Kyle turned back around to face her, "Kyle."

Serena nodded, "It's nice to finally meet you Kyle."

Kyle nodded.

"Will you be back? I mean do you think your gonna stop through here again?" Serena shot off one last question.

"I don't know, I really have no idea where this journey is taking me." Kyle replied.

"Hopefully it brings you back through" Serena said with a nod.

Kyle flashed one last smile. He lifted one hand for a final wave goodbye, it was reciprocated by Serena.

Serena stood there for the next couple minutes taking everything in. She knew that she should have been entirely sketched out by the situation but something just seemed right about it. She has knew something wasn't right with Kyle and his situation before but she never expected it to be something like this - she didn't even know what it was but she knew it was serious.

She should have been hoping to never see him again, for it to be over and done with so she could go on about a normal life - but her feelings were completely contrary.

Serena only hoped their paths would cross again.


On The Road - January 18th, 2010 11:47am

The group had gathered what belongings were most important to them and headed out of town. They tried to make their exit as less suspicious as possible but that was kind of hard to do on such short notice. They pulled over near a bridge just before they exited the town that they had called home for over a year now. They all stood there for a moment in silence reflecting on the somewhat normal life they had begun after so long on the run. They all needed a moment to say goodbye to the small town that had become their home.

"I told her..." Kyle said simply to Isabel who was standing next to him.

"Told her what?" Isabel questioned.

"Nothing and everything all at once...." Kyle said staring off in the distance.

"Maybe it is for the best Kyle...." Isabel offered.

Kyle nodded, "This is no life to bring a young girl into who is just getting her life turned around."

Isabel wrapped her arm around Kyle's shoulder, "I am sorry, I really am."

"I know." Kyle replied.

Isabel gripped Kyle a little tighter, "I never got to say thank-you, for what you did back there."

Kyle shook his head, "Don't worry about it."

"Kyle you put your life on the line for me. There was no indication that your powers would pick that time to shine through, you were willing to die to save me. I can never thank you enough."

"I realized a lot about myself that night. I thought before that I had been dragged into this mess, that it wasn't my choice. Standing there I realized I had a thousand opportunities since I knew you all to just walk away from it all and I never took it. I think there is a reason for that, I think this is where I am suppose to be." Kyle wrapped his arm around Isabel's side and pulled her tight, "Besides now that I have my special alien powers I am a freak like all of you, who will accept me now." Kyle turned his head to Isabel and sent of a wink to inform her he was only kidding.

"Well I am happy you are here with us." Isabel stated.

"I think we should get going now you guys..." Michael called from across the way.

Isabel and Kyle turned in his direction and nodded.

Max had been standing by himself over on the bridge staring down at the water. He watched intensely as the water flowed down the river, over the rocks following the windy path that had been created by the constant rush of water.

Michael made his way over toward Max, "You ready Maxwell?"

Max nodded

Michael took a couple steps away before Max spoke.

"We need to get rid of our cell phones..."

Michael turned to face Max, "How come?"

"They are in our names, our fake name which they are going to find. They are able to track them, they are too much of a liability."

Michael nodded. He had never considered it until that moment but Max made a very good point, "I'll get the others from them."

Max nodded.

Michael headed back to their van to get the others cell phones. Max turned his attention back to the water rushing below him again. He held his cell phone tightly in his hand and hesitated throwing it. It was the last piece of his identity of Evan Smith he had left. Max slowly loosened his grip on the phone and it eventually slipped from his fingers and plunged into the water below him. Max watched as it disappeared out of sight to the bottom of the stream.

Michael returned with the others phones and their fate was the same as Max's, the bottom of the river under the bridge heading from town.

Michael turned to Max, "Let's do this."

Max nodded.

The pair of them walked back to the bridge to start their journey to the next chapter of their life, discovery of something else from their past.

Maria watched from the back of the Van as the exited town limits. That part of their life was over now, she should have been used to it by now but she wasn't. She just never considered that the next time she would be doing this it would be without Liz. Maria reached into her pocket and pulled the ring out that Michael had given her only days ago. Maria gripped it tightly in her hand as she concentrated on the thoughts of her friend.

"Come back to us soon Liz, we need you. I need you" Maria said mentally as she stared out the back of the van watching a piece of their lives disappear.


Unknown Hospital - January 18th, 2010 12:16pm

The sound of a curtain being pulled open was the first thing to wake Liz from her sleep. Liz rolled over and attempted to ignore the light that poured in through the now exposed window. Surprisingly she was able to get a good nights sleep there. She had no idea how long she had been asleep for but she wasn't ready to be awake - the past couple days had been draining, to say the least.

"Rise and shine." The nurse called to Liz as she made her way to her bedside.

"I know you don't want to be awake yet, but it's time for a check-up."

Liz moaned and opened her eyes. She squinted to see the face of the woman who had come in to check her over. Liz felt the need to assess everyone who came in the room, trying to make sure that nothing was out of the ordinary. The nurse was different from the night before, but that was to be expected with shift changes.

Liz pushed herself up into a sitting position.

The nurse came over and quickly checked her temperature with a thermometer in her ear.

"Normal." she stated as she shot the disposable piece into the garbage.

Next the nurse held Liz wrist and watched the clock as she retrieved her resting heart rate. The nurse simply nodded when she was finished with this task.

Next she placed stethoscope pieces in her ear. She leaned in closer to Liz to place the cold piece of metal on her chest direction her to breath in and out.

"All done, I think they will want to do another check on the baby but everything seems great. It was most likely just from exhaustion. They will probably hold you just one more night since you are pregnant and they want to ensure everything is entirely normal before they let you go. By the way they wanted me to pass on the message that your phone is ready to be used.

Liz smiled and replied with a simple nod.

The nurse picked up her chart looked over a couple things and seemed to tick off something, most likely that she had done the check-up. She turned to Liz and smiled one last time before exiting the room.

Liz waited until she was sure that the nurse was gone before reaching for the phone.

Liz quickly recalled a number that had been frequently used by her at one point, but hadn't been called in a while.

Liz impatiently waited to here the voice on the other side of the phone but it simply continued to ring and ring.

"Where are you Max?" she said aloud. "Answer your phone..."

Liz gave up on his number. She reached over and pressed the button to reset the phone to make another call.

Next she tired Maria. The same procedure as before and unfortunately the same outcome; no answer, but answering machine this time. Liz left a quick non-detailed message to her friend informing that she would try everyone else before retrying her again later, "Hey, it's me. I need to get a hold of you. I will try the others, if I can't get a hold of anyone... then I guess I will try again... okay.... bye"

Liz followed the same steps for the remaining numbers of her friends.

No answer for any of them.

Liz was instantly worried. What could have transpired during the past two months for them to have changed their numbers? Had something serious happened. Liz immediately began beating herself up for leaving. She needed to get back to Louisiana and she needed to get there as soon as possible. There was one problem - she needed to find a way out of the hospital and she was going to need someones help.

Liz lay in the bed for a moment racking her brain trying to think of another alternative. As she was lost in thought she gazed around the room trying to get inspiration for a solution from anything in the room. Liz eyes stopped on a neatly made pile of the clothes she had been wearing when she entered the hospital. The pile seemed just barely out of her reach on the chair next to her. Liz moved her body to the edge of the bed and reached to try and grab the jeans she had been wearing. She strained the muscles in her body to extend and grab her target. She moved so far to the edge of the bed it began tugging tightly on the IV attached to the top of her hand. She winced in pain just as she got a hold of the jeans and pulled them over to her bed.

Liz dug through the jeans pocket frantically and pulled out a small piece of paper. She hadn't been sure but she thought it may still be in there.

Liz picked up the phone and dialed the number that was written on the paper.

"Hello" a voice answered on the other line.

"Sean?" Liz questioned.

"Yes, Is this Liz? What's up?"

"I need your help...." Liz spoke more quietly into the phone.

Liz had considered calling her parents but she didn't want to alarm them or involve them any further. Besides, if she wanted to escape from somewhere she was sure Sean would be moreequipped to help her do so.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, M/L M/M I/K, TEEN) CH 8 pt 3 (24DEC09)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:42 am
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes - Back again.... so soon. I get caught up and then I just need to write. Anyways here is the third istallment of Chapter 8 - as previous thought this Chapter is going to be longer then 4 installments because there is quite a lot to happen in this chapter and I have been writing the posts about 1000 words smaller. Um -- not much to explain for this post either... just takes us a little further. It's funny because the first couple chapters time flew by... The first couple chapters happened over a period of a couple months and now the last few chapters has been pretty much over a period of a couple weeks! Anyways this will most likely be my last installment until after Christmas since today is CHRISTMAS EVE! Anyways here it is, as always thanks for the feedback... I'll reply to it below!

begonia9508 - Yep, Sean to the rescue. Soon we will see what Liz finds out about her friends and their whereabouts!
Enjoy the Holidays EVE! Enjoy time with your family, I'll wait for the delayed FB!

Natalie36 - You are right there are many possibilities to come... especially since Liz has no idea what has transpired since she left... next part should be interesting for sure. Thanks as always for the fb!

mary mary - haha I always stop at the worst times don't I? This one isn't as much of a cliffhanger.... I considered doing another cliffhanger but since I didn't know when I would be around for the next part I didn't want to do that to ya'll. It would have been near the end of this post... you can probably pretty much guess where I wanted it to end off.... but for everyone sake I played it out so there wasn't as much excitement for the next post! lol :P

keepsmiling7 - I think Kyle feels a lot better being able to share atleast that with Serena.... and I think Serena always felt something was out of place and maybe feels more at ease now.... for once I think she could tell he was telling the truth. We will see how Serena fairs very soon too, which is exciting for those who have wondered if she is friend or foe. We certainly do have a mess and it's only going to get messier from here :| ... all will work out eventually though!

- Thanks again... You will get to see Sean's part in this play out below!
You want Kyle and Izzie to fall in love huh?
By the end of this chapter we will def know whether or not they find their mother!
I sent you a message to tell ya this, but I started reading your story! I am a couple chapters in and it was killing me that I couldn't write feedback yet so I sent you a little pm! I know what you mean, writer's block is the worst. It's also kinda bad when you have a huge muse and not enough time to use it up. I have been having that happen a lot lately too! Can't wait to get caught up on your story so I can drop feedback ;)

nibbles2 - I noticed you were absent for a while, I hoped you would be back :) I am glad you like where it is going! I don't know if I put this in the intial post but my whole idea behind writing this was tying up some of the loose ends I felt were left. Don't get me wrong... I love the show more then any other show ever.... but I think there were some politics happening that left quite a few open doors. When I sat and planned this I tried to incorporate some of these plot holes so things could be answered.... the way I imagined it playing out. I just always felt from the first season finale that there was going to be more from their mother and there never was.... this was kinda my way of addressing it and playing with what could have been! And that was a huge reply.... lol.... but just wanted to explain it!

Chapter Eight, pt 3 - Oh Mother


Unknown Hospital - January 18th, 2010 12:30pm

"What's wrong Liz? Where are you?" Sean shot back quickly from the other side of the phone.

Liz was beginning to get more and more paranoid. She watched the door closely and made sure to speak quietly into the phone.

"I passed out... On the bus ride back, I passed out and I was brought into the hospital." Liz began telling Sean the back story of how she ended up where she was.

"Why did this happen? Which hospital are you in?" Sean shot off another couple questions.

"I don't know, I never even thought to ask...." Liz said trailing off as she glanced about the room for some indication. It took a moment before she realized the best place would be to check on the paper work along side the bed. Liz grabbed for her chart and flipped through a couple pages before she found the name of the hospital printed at the top of one of the documents.

"Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital" Liz replied after finding the name in the paper work.

"That must be in Katy, Texas. Your just outside of Houston." Sean stated informing Liz, "Its going to probably take me at least twelve hours to get there if I leave now."

"I know this is a really huge inconvenience Sean.... I don't want to have you get wrapped up in this but I have no one to turn to..." Liz would have rather not involved Sean but she wasn't sure she was strong enough to escape on her own - even if she did she would have no vehicle to take her the rest of the way.

"Liz I am glad you called me, I'll leave now. I just need to tell Aunt Amy something and I will be right there." Sean replied. Sean had already begun preparing himself for the trip, grabbing things around the house he would need along the way.

"I need to get out of the hospital Sean, they have my fake id and as far as they are concerned I am still Jenn Smith right now." Liz wanted to inform Sean of all the variables so he was prepared for what he was getting himself into.

"Not a problem, If I leave now I should be getting there just after midnight sometime... I'll drive pretty much non-stop. It should be easier to sneak you out in the night... I'll think of something along the way. Don't worry Liz, I'll get you out of there."

Liz's eyes filled with tears as she told Sean the final important detail to the situation, "Sean, I'm-I'm pregnant."

She needed to tell someone she knew, she had to share the news that she had discovered only a little time ago.

"Hold tight Liz, I'll be there. Just rest, we will get you out safely - trust me."

Sean and Liz ended their phone conversation.

Liz sat nervously in the bed wondering if Sean would be able to make it in time or whether or not they would figure her out before he got there.


Near the Mississippi/Alabama Border - January 18th, 2010 8:11pm

Michael had spotted a sign for a rest stop and since they hadn't stopped in a while he figured he better pull over for a bathroom break for everyone. They had decided to continue driving through the night so everyone else had been trying to sleep throughout the day to be prepared for their driving shift.

The van came to a stop in a parking space outside the empty rest stop. Michael placed the vehicle in park and shut the engine off.

"We made a pit stop, everyone out whose gotta pee...." Michael shouted to the back of the van.

Max was the first to wake. Max was located in the very back of the van with his sister and Zan. Isabel and Zan were both slumped over to one side still asleep. Max shook them both gently to wake them up for the bathroom break.

In front of them in the middle seat was Kyle. Since it was only him in the middle seat of the van he had chose to stretch out along the seat. It was supposed to be Kyle's driving turn next and that is why he was given the largest area so he could make the best of his time resting. Kyle sat up from the seat stretching and yawning.

"Are we there yet?" Kyle joked with the others in the van.

Maria replied from the front seat, "Only probably another million miles or so..."

Everyone quickly began filing out of the van and toward the restrooms.

"I am just going to wait here, I don't need to use the washroom." Max informed the others as they headed off.

Isabel called from ahead, "Max, you've gotta take Zan into the bathroom he shouldn't go in alone."

"I'll take him." Kyle replied from just ahead of Isabel.

Isabel turned and patted Zan on the back who ran up to meet with Kyle, Isabel and Maria made their way to the other side of the building for the women's washrooms.

Max and Michael were standing together outside of the van.

"Do you think she is right Maxwell? Do you think it's possible your mother has been here since sixty-seven?" Michael obviously had some doubts in Isabel's vision.

Max nodded his head, "She has never been wrong before, I trust her."

Michael nodded, "What you said back there -- about ending this for good. Do you think that's possible? Were you serious?"

Max turned to face Michael, "I've never been more serious."

Michael nodded, "Cause I have this whole thing - I think I am ready to start a real life and I just want to know that possible, I want to know I am not just going to let her down again... ya know?"

Max nodded.

There was a moment of silence before Michael piped up again.

"I asked her to marry me." he stated very simply.

Max was obviously surprised, "What? Really, when?"

"A couple days ago. We had this fight and I just realized afterward that I couldn't stand to live without her. Then I figured, if I could never be without her then why can't I promise her forever? I just wanna know that I am not going to let her down again, I don't wanna do that she doesn't deserve it. I am not a fool, I know she could do better then me."

The news of his friends engagement actually gave Max a genuine moment of happiness, "We will make sure you get your happily ever after. Congratulations Michael." Max smiled and patted his best friend of many years on the back, "Of course I assume this means I am the best-man?"

By this time everyone was heading back from the bathroom.

"Just don't say anything around the others, Maria wants to wait to tell them?" Michael informed Max quickly before the group got in earshot.

"Of course I won't, but why?" Max questioned. He couldn't think of a logical reason why Maria DeLuca wouldn't want to share this information.

Michael turned to face Max. He hesitated a moment, he didn't want to bring up Liz again cause he knew how painful it was for Max in the end Michael just couldn't lie.

"She wants to tell Liz first." Michael stated, then continuing, "We will get this mess all cleaned up and bring her home."

Michael patted Max on the back quickly before hoping in the back of the van.

Everyone began filing into the van.

"I've got this one Kyle, don't worry about it." Max pointed to the back of the van, "Sleep a while longer you can get the next one."

Kyle shook his head, "I'm alright Max. I am ready to go..."

"It's alright, I've got it I am wide awake. I'll wake you up when I am ready to switch."

Kyle nodded, "Alright, I'll get shotgun."

Kyle hopped into the front seat.

Max made his way around to the driver's side and hopped in.

Max glanced back at everyone, "Back on the road again."

With that he turned the engine on and backed out of the parking spot. They pulled back out onto the highway heading east, first they would reach the east coast and then head north.


Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital - January 19th, 2010 1:47am

Liz had planned on sleeping early and waiting up for Sean to arrive. That had been the plan anyway. Liz had a hard time sleeping during the day so she didn't get the rest she needed to help her wait up for him. She managed to stay awake until nearly midnight. By this point her eyes were getting heavy and eventually they shut without her realizing, she drifted asleep.

A while had passed and Liz had become completely unbeknown-st to her surroundings. She hadn't heard the door creep open or here someone make their way over to her bed. Liz had been off in dreamworld when she was brought back to reality by the distinct feeling of someone tapping gently on her shoulder.

Liz's eyes fluttered open. At first she couldn't see anything because it was dark in the room but her eyes soon adjusted. Liz saw a body hovering over her in scrubs and a doctor's mask covering the face. Liz instantly got a bad feeling about it. She let out a slight scream and tried to push herself away from the masked person in front of her. In doing so Liz slide herself as far as she could to the right of the bed. She began to try and pull herself off the bed when she heard a familiar voice.

"Liz, Liz, it's me" the voice called to her.

Liz paused a moment to take in the voice and realize who had been hovering above her.

"Sean?" Liz questioned.

Sean pulled the mask down off his face, "Sorry I forgot it was still on, I kinda got into the part of the doctor."

"You scared the shit out of me!" Liz informed him.

Sean chuckled and Liz couldn't help but laugh also after.

Sean glanced down at Liz. He took note of the fact she was still on IV.

"Liz, how are you going to get out of here? Are you strong enough to walk?" Sean questioned.

Liz shook her head, "I don't know, I will have to be. How did you get in here?"

Sean smiled, "Used a bit of my charm... Flirted, distracted and made off with a couple sets of doctors scrubs. Who said being a bad boy didn't have it's perks"

Liz smiled, she had forgot what Sean used to be like when they were younger. She hadn't meant to but she had definitely got the best man for the job.

"I figure you can put on the other set of scrubs and we can just attempt at walking out of here." Sean informed her of his plan. His attention was drawn back to the IV, "What are you going to do with that?"

Liz looked down at the top of her left hand where the IV was hooked in, "I guess I'll have to get rid of it."

Liz immediately reached and pulled off the tape which was steadying the needle on the top of her arm.

"I don't do needles so well, I think I'll turn around for this one." Sean turned his body away from Liz.

Liz gripped near the base by the insertion point. With one quick movement she pulled the IV from her hand. It didn't necessarily hurt the feeling of removing something like that from herself was more bothering then anything.

Liz pushed herself to the side of the bed. She gently lifted herself down to her feet and stood a moment gathering herself. She hadn't been on her feet for a couple days so she wanted to make sure she had her balance before she tried to do anything too strenuous.

"Okay, I am good. Hand me the scrubs."

Sean chucked the second pair of scrubs in her direction. He remained with his back turned to her so she could quickly change.

"Okay, you can turn around now." Liz informed him.

"Okay let's get going then. There is a stairwell just out these doors and to the right. I figure that will be the best way down without being noticed." Sean turned to face Liz. It was still dark in the room so he extended a hand to help her over to the door.

Liz took Sean's hand and steadied herself on him as she walked toward the door.

When they reached the door Liz and Sean both peeked out the small window that was just nearly out of Liz's reach.

Liz looked down the hall toward the nurses station at what she considered to be a definite omen.

"We are too late." Liz stated sounding defeated.

"What do you mean?" Sean questioned.

Liz closed her eyes a moment hoping she had only imagined it. Upon opening her eyes she realized it was unfortunately reality. There were men in suits at the nurses station and it appeared as they were getting information.

"The men down there... in the suits" Liz pointed in their direction.

"So?" Sean questioned unsure of what that meant.

"Don't you think it is a little odd that there are men in suits in a hospital at this time of morning. They are definitely from the FBI they must have tracked me somehow, but I don't know how they would have found my fake name unless they have been to Louisiana already...."

Just as Liz finished talking her eye caught the nurses pointing the two gentlemen in their general direction.

"Shit, shit, shit" Liz said running her hands through her hair, "There is no getting out of here. Sean you need to get away from me, when they come in just pretend to be a doctor or they may take you too."

Sean shook his head, "I am not leaving you. We can still get out of here. We just need a diversion."

"Well we better find one soon or else it will be too late." Liz nodded her head toward the window. Sean looked out and seen that the men were already en-route down the hallway in their direction.

Liz was obviously panicked but Sean was managing to keep his cool. He reached for the light and flicked it on. He looked around the room taking in his surroundings as quick as possible.

"I've got it, just follow my lead." Sean ran over toward where her bed was. Quickly he pulled the large curtain to a close, hiding the contents of Liz's hospital bed.

"On my lead, just follow me." Sean said shutting the light off again.

"What are you do...." Liz didn't get to finish the sentence when it became all to clear what Sean had planned and put into motion.

The loud sound of a fire alarm filled the hallways and the rooms of the hospital. The emergency lights in the hallways began to flash as people began to dart around the hospital like mad. Liz turned her attention to Sean who stood next to her, his hand still on the pulled alarm.

Sean moved to the window to look out. Everyone was still startled from the initial sound of the alarm.

"Quick follow me." Sean said sliding his mask onto his face.

Liz followed exactly what Sean did. She quickly tucked her hair up in one of the doctors caps and slipped a mask over her face. When she was completely ready to go Sean pushed the door open and made his way into the hallway. Liz followed Sean into the hallway. They made their way partially down the hallway where confusion and chaos had already begun. Just as they reached the hallway with the stairwell they met with the suspicious looking men - Liz froze in fear.

"Quick someone, down the hall we have a girl who is immobilized in room 507" Sean shouted above the crowd.

The two mean looked to each other quickly and hurried down the hall in the direction of Liz's room. It became very apparent at that moment they had been here to collect her.

Liz watched as they hurried down the hallway to where she was only moments ago.

Liz felt a tugging on her hand.

"Come on Liz, we have to go." Sean shouted so he could be heard of the noise in the now busy hallway.

Sean pulled on Liz and she stumbled down the hallway after him. They made their way to the stairwell and down the five flights of stairs as fast as possible.


The two FBI agents made their way into Liz's room. One secured the door while the other made his way to the closed curtain. With one quick motion he pulled the curtain open to reveal there was no one in the bed.

"She's gone." He informed his partner near the door.

They both looked around the room dumbfounded. They made sure to check any area she could be hiding and even checked the window to make sure it was secured. They had missed their chance, she had escaped.


Liz and Sean made their way across the parking lot quickly to where Sean had parked. Sean unlocked the passengers side first to help Liz into the car. Once she was secure in the car he made his way around to the driver's side to join her. Once inside the car the pair removed their scrub masks and hats. Sean stuck the keys in the ignition and started the car.

"Whew..." Sean let out a loud breath, followed by a smile, "I forgot why I used to love doing things like that. It's the exhilaration you feel during it all"

Liz shook her head, "And I forgot why I hated it all. We barely made it out of there."

"We are alright now, don't worry." Sean said trying to comfort her.

Liz shook her head and looked out the window, "We are alright now, it's the others I am worried about."

Sean turned toward Liz, "The others? You mean...."

Liz continued looking out the window but nodded her head, "Yes including Maria.... We need to get to Reeves, Louisiana"

Sean popped the car quickly into reversed and backed out of his parking place.

"Say no more, Onward to Reeves." Sean said nodding.

The car was quickly placed in drive and they sped off from the parking lot.

Their next destination was Reeves, Louisiana.

Re: Returning Normal (CC, ALL TEEN) CH 8 pt 4.1 (17FEB10)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:56 pm
by chunkmonster2
Author's Notes:

WOW - Okay, I can't believe it has been this long. I initially stated it had been over a month but it has almost been 2 MONTHS. Once again I am sorry for leaving everyone hanging... but I am back and I promise it won't happen again. So if the old fans are still around and still interested the newest installment is below. If there is any newbies who are interested in jumping in and joining with comments please feel free!! I love the comments!

My posts may be a little weak at first - its been a while so it was kind hard getting back into it... but I know once I get a couple up it will be no problem! Anyways I will wait to answer any quesiton anyone has just post em with your comments!

Happy to be back -- hope everyone had been enjoying their new year!

Chapter Eight - Oh Mother


Streets of Reeves - January 19th, 2010 10:32 am

Liz and Sean drove all night long. Once the engine to the car started it didn't stop again until they reached Reeves. The pair of them arrived in the small town several hours later just after the sun had rose and people began going about their daily lives. Unfortunately for Liz getting in contact with Max and the others was getting pressingly more difficult.

Liz looked onward to the building in which she had previously lived. Shaking her head from side to side, "I just don't get it..." Liz run her hand through her long dark hair contemplating the different possibilities. Something had been suspicious when they arrived at her former home, very suspicious. As they were about to pull up

Liz noticed it seemed as though a couple agents were posted outside the main door to their building. Sure, maybe she was being paranoid - but it all just looked too suspicious. For some reason the FBI had never got a hang of "blending" so well. Had they known they were coming to Reeves, a tiny, tiny hick town, they should have brought a change of clothes that didn't make them stand out among the towns people.

"This is because of me, I led them here somehow..." Liz said trailing off, her eyes beginning to well with tears.

Sean shook his head, "I don't think it could have been you - how would they have gotten here first?"

Liz and Sean were parked some distance down the road and watching the building to see if there was going to be any movement. The FBI were not budging from their posts and not too many were coming in and out of the building. It was obvious that if anyone was inside then they certainly weren't getting out. Liz sat quietly debating on what her next move should be. What should she do? She just couldn't let them take Max again, she knew all to well what they had done to him last time.

"I need to go in..." Liz said in a moment of haste reaching for the door handle of the passengers side door.

Sean reached over and gently grabbed her wrist, "You can't go in there, are you crazy? They are looking for you too - that's not going to help anything."

Liz turned back to Sean, tears still welling in her eyes just on the brink of making their journey down her cheek, "I can't just leave him in there. I did this to him,

I already abandoned him once."

"I can't let you go in there..." Sean replied, "There must be some other way, can't we find Isabel or Maria or any of the other guys and ask for their help. Surely they will have a plan of action or something right? That's what you guys do didn't you say - everyone in on the decisions" During their drive over night Sean had a lot of questions for Liz, for curiosity sake, this piece of information was a fact he had acquired from the drive. He had always wondered whose decision it was for them all to leave - he was relived to know it wasn't dictated and it was something they all wanted.

Liz thought a moment before pursuing her original course of action. Sean was right. If those FBI agents even seen her it wouldn't help the situation any, let alone if she head over there and try to barge in. Maybe there was an alternative, maybe her friends would be the best route. At Least that way she would have a little bit of back-up.... alien back-up.Liz's right hand fell back limp into her lap, signifying she was not about to jump from the car and spring down the street. Liz kept her attention directed at Sean.

Liz answered with a simple nod, a nod to inform him she accepted his terms - they could check with the others first.

Sean's grip loosened on her wrist and his hands made their way back to the steering wheel.

"Which way from here?" he questioned.

***10 minutes later***

The first apartment they came to was Isabel and Kyle's. Nothing looked suspicious from the outside of the house. There were no men in suits and there didn't seem to be any signs of distress. Sean and Liz took a minute to scan the area from within their parked car across the street. Once Liz decided it was safe enough to make a move she reached for the car door handle again. Liz popped out of the car quickly and as she did Sean did as well. Liz turned her body around to face Sean.

"You can't come..." Liz stated bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Sean questioned slightly confused.

"You have already risked too much - I don't want them to see you with me, I can't put another person in this position." Liz tone was one with a hint of utter stubborness.

Sean didn't seem to be buying her seriousness because he quickly made his way around the front of the car and next to Liz, "I am not letting you go in alone. I don't care what I am risking. Besides you owe me - I drove all the way through the night to pick you up." Sean seemed to be matching Liz's stubborness.

Truthfully there was no way of stopping him now - he was here and she had no control over his actions. Liz paused a moment before continuing on their journey, "You realize what your getting yourself into right?"

Sean nodded.

Liz and Sean stood in silence for a couple of seconds acknowledging the choice that Sean made. Liz knew it was her fault he was this far - but the decision to enter that building with her was his own choice - what happened from now on was a result of his decision.

Liz familiarly made her way into the apartment building. Her and Sean wasted no time - they took to the stairs to climb the three flights that would be needed to reach Isabel and Kyle's apartment. With each step Liz seemed to be picking up the pace, no longer feeling the effects of her recent weakness due to the pregnancy. She was holding on to hope - hope that when she reached the apartment her friends would all be there - all of them including Max. Once they reached the top of the stairwell they pushed through the door and into the hallway which would grant them access to the apartment. Liz quickly made her way to apartment 307 - one she had been to many times before.

Liz looked to Sean hesitating a moment. She raised her hand and paused another moment before knocking on the door. Nervously she bit her bottom lip awaiting for a reply from the other side. The mere seconds that were passing were taking forever, to the point Liz couldn't hold back her curiosity. Had they been caught too? Were they also being held. Liz quickly glanced back to Sean before tapping a little harder on the door this time, the knock echoing in the hallway. After another few seconds without reply Liz turned to Sean nearly hopeless, "What do we do now?"

Sean shrugged his shoulders unknowingly, "I don't know" he shot back for an answer. "Maybe we try to break in and see if we can tell if anything happened here?" Sean offered as a suggestion.

Normally Liz would be against that sort of thing - but desperate times called for desperate measures. Liz nodded her head to confirm that was the route she would like to take - break into her friends home. Liz placed her hand on the door knob and waited for Sean to approach, surely he would have no problem getting this door open. As Liz's hand gripped the knob she noticed something very peculiar - the knob turned with ease, it was unlocked.

Liz's brow furrowed as the door swung inward, turning to Sean again briefly before taking a couple steps into the house. Sean quickly followed behind her leaving the door open in case they needed a quick escape. They of course entered the living room first. There was a sense of whomever was there last left in a bit of hurry - things just weren't as tidy as Isabel would have left them had she had the time. Sean made his way into the kitchen to look for clues shouting back to Liz from the other room - "There is really no sign of struggle."

This was the first bit of good news. Liz agreed with that conclusion. As she looked about the living room there didn't seem to be any obvious signs of struggle, but then again if they were taken in their sleep would there be? Liz pushed forward and further into the house. She made her way down the hallway and into the bedroom that was generally just occupied by Isabel. Liz pushed the door open and entered the room. There was nothing in the bedroom that indicated struggle either - but there was something out of place. Liz quickly picked up on the fact there was a couple children's toys and a game console with games. Liz made her way over to the games, picking them up she shuffled through them quickly. They were definitely kids games - but why would Isabel have them?

"Find anything?" Sean broke the silence of the room.

Liz nearly jumped out of her skin, the games crashed to the floor free of her hands. Liz began to turn toward Sean who had kind of snuck up on her. After what she had been through it was nice when people made it known as they entered a room. Liz turned her body facing the doorway in which Sean stood. Liz was going to scold him about sneaking up on her but she didn't have time.

Liz's mouth dropped to the floor instantly after flinging her body around in Sean's direction. Sean tilted his head slightly to the side looking at Liz with curiosity. He knew from her reaction he had accidentally startled her, but why did she still looked so shocked - surely she knew it was him.

"What?" Sean questioned.

Liz didn't have a chance to utter a word. It wasn't Sean that had shocked her so much when she turned around, it was the man that was standing behind him - obviously unbeknownst to Sean. Liz reached out her hand and began to muttered a word but it was too late, the man in the suit hit the back of Sean's head - a hit that connected with quite a thud. Sean fell quickly into a heap on the floor. The man stepped over his limp body which lay on the floor.

"You have been giving us some trouble young lady." The man said with an eerie smile. He took a moment to push on his ear piece and speak into it to inform someone that they had found someone.

Liz took a couple steps backward, looking down to Sean to see if there was any sign of life. He seemed to be groaning a bit and slightly trying to move but was obviously stunned by the initial blow to the back of his head. As Liz backed up into the room the man began approaching her.

"What did you do with them" Liz angrily shot at the man.

"We haven't got the others yet - but I am sure you will come in handy with that." He replied as he narrowed in on her.

Liz was now backed into the corner of the room. There was no where else to go. She considered attempting at using the powers she had acquired so long ago - but she had very rarely put them to use, they just sort of happened when she was in a certain emotional state - like the first time she saw Tess. The man made a lunge toward Liz to grab her and as he did so it seemed to activate something within Liz - something she had felt before but not at this intensity. A pulse seemed to be instantly emitted from her body which connected with the suited man and threw him flung him the length of the room. His body came into contact with the wall with a loud crash. His body fell to the floor much like Sean's had moments before. Liz stood there a moment in shock of what had happened. Her right hand made it's way to her stomach and she had an epiphany.

All the surges of power she had been feeling -- every time she had a strange range of motions and things would blow, it was definitely because of the baby. It was like something was protecting her and the baby, but could it be Max? Liz didn't have much time to contemplate the possibilities. She rushed to Sean's side while keeping her eye on the lifeless body of the FBI agent. She wasn't sure if he had been knocked unconscious or worse, truthfully she didn't want to know she simply wanted to get Sean and get out of there for now.

"Sean are you alright?" Liz said shaking him slightly trying to bring him around.

Sean groaned loudly as he tried to push himself upward, "I think, is my head bleeding?"

Liz looked at the back of his head but nothing was visible.

Liz shook her head for him to see, "I don't see anything but we have to get out of here - fast." Liz said trying to aid Sean to his feet. After about a minute Liz helped Sean to his feet and the began to make their way from the bedroom. Liz looked back to the agent on the floor who seemed to be starting to come around.

Sean and Liz spent no time hanging around the apartment. They quickly made their exit from the apartment and eventually the building. They made their way across the street and into their parked car. They made it out in time too - because back-up arrived. Liz had assumed the position of driver since Sean wasn't in the best state just yet. Liz watched as a couple suited agents entered the building. Once they were in she started the engine to the car.

"Are you sure your alright?" Liz questioned.

Between painful moans Sean managed to reply yes. He had his seat leaned back and was holding the back of his head. It had been quite a hit he took but he felt as though he would be fine, he just needed sometime.

"What happened back there?" Sean questioned Liz. The last thing he remembered she was giving him and odd look and then he remembered awakening on the floor near to another body that was also seemingly lifeless.

"They found us." Liz said emotionless, "I need to make another stop, is that alright?" Liz turned to face Sean for an answer.

Sean didn't bother raising his head to speak, he was still in too much pain. He nodded his head from the position he lay in. Liz quickly put the car into drive and headed down the street - the next stop was going to be another familiar one for her but also a very unlikely one.

*** Five minutes later***

Liz pulled up outside Just Us Cafe. She quickly hoped out of the car and headed across the street to the small cafe. She prayed the whole time as she crossed the street her former boss wasn't there - she wouldn't have time for explanations. She was there to see one person, one person to get one answer.

"Jenn?" the familiar female voice questioned.

Liz made her way in the direction of the waitress of the small cafe. It was between breakfast and lunch so there sort of a lull in the customers at the moment which would provide the perfect opportunity for a quick conversation. Liz didn't bother to sit, she simply stood on the opposite side of the counter from Serena. Liz stared a moment trying to find the words - things had been left so awkwardly between them. Liz knew that Serena was suppose to play some part in their future but what part did she play? None of it mattered right now, Liz was looking for one answer.

"Do you know where they are?" she ended up questioning Serena quite bluntly.

Serena shook her head from side to side.

Liz turned her body away from Serena and took a couple steps in the direction of the door.

Serena shot out another answer, "There is no use, they aren't here anymore. He left..." she said pausing a moment, referring to Kyle, "They left..." she added realizing that Liz obviously wouldn't be looking for Kyle she would be looking for Max.

Liz felt a cold chill shoot up her spine. When Serena said "he" had she been referring to Max? Did something transpire between them since she left? Liz spun on her heels to face Serena again.

"Where did they go?"

Serena shrugged, "I said, I don't know. He...." Serena paused again, realizing she should be more specific, "Kyle, he said they had to leave."

Liz was a bit shocked. Serena obviously had learned Kyle's name somehow - but if she had learned his how come she didn't know Liz's real name. The whole situation was a bit odd and Liz was torn on whether she should accept the information from Serena or whether it could all be a show.

"How do you...." Liz began to question.

Serena had obviously been aware of the question to come because she was quick with an answer, quick enough to cut Liz off, "He told me. He also told me it was best I stay out of it so I am trying my hardest to."

Liz moved a bit closer toward Serena again.

Serena spoke a bit softer this time as she glanced around, "There has been people in looking for them. I played dumb. I don't know what shit it is your into, but I think it is best I don't get involved."

"All of them, I mean. Was it all of them that left?" Liz questioned hoping her prayers would be answered and that Max would be along with them.

Serena nodded her head.

Liz felt a small amount of hope, although she was still unsure whether or not Serena was to be trusted. Feeling the conversation was over Liz turned and headed toward the cafe door.

"I care about him..." Serena spit out quickly.

Liz kept her back to Serena, but listened attentively.

"Kyle, It's just... If you see him. Tell him I care about him."

Liz nodded her head and took another step toward the door.

"He misses you. He doesn't necessarily ever say it but it's written all over his face. Everyday he comes in here I can see how broken he is. It's like he loses a piece of himself each day that passes. Make sure you make it right, he deserves that."

Liz's body froze. It took nothing for her emotions to overwhelm her. A single tear streamed down her cheek as she listened to the words spoken about her husband. Liz exited the building and headed for the car.