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Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 8/6/10 Chpt 20 p.15

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:03 pm
by Hunter
A/N: I'm so sorry guys, I was supposed to update Treacherous first but I need some more time with that. It's just not hitting me, my muse. Here's a little treat for you fellow readers. I've taken a time leap and now we're in December with this story. Thanks for the fb everyone! Enjoy!

Song used in this chapter is Hallelujah by Alexander Burke.

Chapter Twenty

Months later....

"Merry Christmas." An enthusiastic smile was spread across Maria's lips as she towered over Liz, who lay on her bed.

"Urgh..." Liz groaned in reply. "Don't remind me." She turned and buried her face into her pillow. Christmas wasn't really Liz's thing; her father had always wrecked her Christmases, leaving her to clean up after the bingo parties that her father always hosts.

But for Maria, it was a different story.

She nagged Liz and pushed her off the bed. "C'mon babe. It's Christmas!"

Liz muttered something from the floor and crawled up. "I hate you, you know that right?"

Liz grabbed the duvet for support and sat on her bed again. As Liz's hands went to fix her hair, Maria pulled a big parcel off from the floor and placed it on Liz's bed. "Guess what I got you?" Maria wiggled her eyebrows.

Liz pressed her lips together and peeked at the big present. "Skating boots?" Liz took a guess, it was obvious why the box was so huge. She had been moaning about not having skating boots for the whole year. Only someone like Maria would listen to her when it came to particular matters.

"Oh.." Maria pouted and folded her arms. "How did you know?"

"How could I not know?." Liz yawned and pulled the hair band off to let her hair fall over her shoulders.

She yawned again and replied. "I've been going on about skating boots for a long time."

"Hmmm true." Maria nodded in agreement. "But I'm such a freaking awesome friend. It shows you that I'm a pair of ears too."

Liz snickered and read the tag on the gift. "Besides, what about Michael? Have you seen him lately?" Liz swallowed, she had been meaning to ask Maria about Michael for a long time. The guy barely talked to anyone these days, he had even excluded Isabel out of his life for a while. Everyone worried about him.

"No." Maria shook her head. "I've not seen him since Vanessa told him that she was his mother. I think she's to blame too but Michael...we all know Michael." Maria rolled her eyes. "He can't even make his damn mind up." Maria took her leather gloves off and a flash of sadness crawled on her face. She let it pass and put on a smile as Liz reached for her hand.

"Don't worry about him, he'll come round....eventually."

"I'm not worried. I'm just neutral. I guess." Maria shrugged. "Michael's not bothered me for weeks and I've been hanging out with Brody a lot."

"Brody?" Liz lifted her eyebrow. "The pepper jack Brody?"

Maria nodded. "Yep, the pepper jack Brody. He's such a live worm. You know we went out last night to a bonfire and damn..the guy's jokes got better and better each time. I doubt Michael would be able to keep a conversation going, ya know?" Maria grinned, recalling last night's events.

Liz knew that this Brody had won Maria over. "You and guys are getting kinda close."

"Hmmm, yeah but he's the only guy friend apart from Alex that I can tolerate. Men in general are complete bastards. Heck, I wouldn't mind dating this guy. He's so cool." Maria admitted.

"Dating him?" Liz sounded surprised. "'ve only known him for a few months. Besides, I thought you were in love with Michael?"

"Liz, I'm not in love with Michael. I thought I was but that was the old me. I'm in love with myself." Maria declared and got up from the bed. "I've had it with chasing guys. It's time for guys to chase me and tonight, Brody and I might even become an item." She finished and put her hands on her hips.

"You guys are going to do the deed?" Liz looked a little horrified, her eyes were wide as saucers.

"You know what I mean." Maria giggled. "Of course I won't sleep with him. He's not the one!" Maria spoke in a high pitched tone and shrugged.

Liz gave Maria that look. "So I see the old Maria is still in there." Liz teased.

"No." Maria denied and blushed. "Ok fine." She huffed and folded her arms. "I really, really hope that Michael comes to me tonight and rekindles our friendship. I don't want to be the one to keep following him. I'm sick of it. Maybe if he sees me with someone tonight..he'll finally make a move."

"I get you." Liz blinked, nodding in understanding.

Maria took a deep breath. "Well I'm glad that conversation is finished. Are you going to open that present or what?"


"I hate Christmas!" Kyle exclaimed and shook his head while he stared at baubles.

Tess let out a small chuckle. "Why?"

"Cuz, all I ever do is get laid and drunk." Kyle put the box of baubles back on the shelf. "I'm no virgin but I sure as hell do not enjoy getting laid each Christmas. I'm sick and tired of having slutty girls in Santa underwear. Besides, I don't even remember the nights."

Tess made a face. "Ok, I so did not want to hear the laid part."

"Well you asked." Kyle shrugged innocently as Tess pushed the cart down the aisle.

"Well, I thought you still had your cherry intact." Tess countered, blushing.

"I did, until you came along." Kyle teased. "Besides, you want some?" He wiggled his eyes and Tess looked at him.

"Do I want some?" Tess grinned and rolled her eyes at Kyle's cheeky suggestion. "Well, maybe tonight. We can trim lamps." She played back, enjoying where this conversation was going.

"Oh yeah, lamp trimming. I'll have to keep my equipment on the ready." He leaned in closer to Tess and gave her bum a little smack. Tess was surprised and burst out giggling.

She looked around and noticed shoppers giving them stolen glances. "I can't believe you just did that in public!"

Tess bit her bottom lip and Kyle found it adorable. "Well, I had to. It was teasing me." Kyle buried his nose into Tess' shoulder.

"Teasing you? God, Kyle you are so impossible!" Tess giggled as Kyle reached for her love handles and pulled her closer.

"Let me show you how it's done." Kyle teased.

Tess laughed. "Not in public!"


"Oh. God. I think I'm going to die." Alex grunted, pushing into Isabel one last time before exploding into her depths. Isabel shuddered as they both went over the edge.

Alex withdrew himself from between her legs and collapsed on the space next to her. "Fuck." She breathed, lying naked on the bed with Alex.

"Yeah." Alex panted and took a moment before leaning over to grab a tissue; he removed the used condom and tossed it into the trash with the tissue.

"There's nothing hotter then Christmas sex last thing on Christmas Eve..." Isabel began.

".....and first thing on Christmas morning." Alex finished.

"Damn." Isabel sighed. "You've kept me so busy..." She rolled over him to check the time on the digital clock. "Fuck!" Isabel cried and rolled over Alex. "I'm late for my Christmas job!"

Alex grunted in pain as Isabel elbowed him in the stomach. "Oh jeez."

Isabel ran like a blinded chicken in Alex's room and grabbed her discarded clothing. "I'm gunna die! I can't be fired! Oh god!" Isabel panicked and slipped into her underwear first. "Oh fuck. Oh jeez."

Alex supported himself on his shoulders and watched his girlfriend whizz across the room to get changed. "So that's it, you're just gunna leave?"

"Alex, Christmas is my life. I can't let it down." Isabel buttoned up her blouse with trembling fingers.

Alex stared at her wide-eyed. "So you're going to work like that?"

Isabel waved her hand over her face and freshened it. "Yes." She grabbed her purse that was lying on the nightstand. "I really gotta run so I'll see you tonight!" She called over her shoulder and opened the window to climb out.

Alex fell back on his bed and sighed.


Liz slipped on her pink cardigan and strolled into the kitchen to find her father. "Dad?" She called out into the busy kitchen and found Michael flipping burgers there. Her father was with him and had just finished his intense conversation with Michael.

"Liz!" Jeff smiled when he saw his daughter. "I was just telling Michael that he's hired for tonight."

Liz cringed and took a few steps closer towards them. "So the party is on for tonight?"

"Looks like it." Jeff nodded. "But, I will set you free if you want. I know I can be a real pain in the rear end." Jeff sighed.

"No dad!" Liz protested. "It's ok. I'll even take on more tasks. Just let Michael go tonight."

"I'm fine." Michael grunted.

"No, you should party tonight." Liz told Michael. "Maria's counting on you, Michael."

Michael glared at Liz but held his tongue back; he couldn't lose this job and if it meant allowing Liz to boss him around in his personal life, he would allow it. If only Jeff wasn't here, Michael would have given her an earful.

Liz didn't wince when she saw Michael's glare. "It's Christmas Michael, don't let her down on this day at least?"

Michael ignored her and Jeff sensed the awkwardness creep in the moment. "Well, it doesn't matter. I can hire others. Michael you're free tonight." Jeff tapped his watch. "Lizzie, we'll start at five ok? Don't forget that." Jeff said on his way out, leaving Micheal to deal with Liz.

"Why are you meddling in my personal matters?" Michael hissed. "You know I hate that shit!"

"I don't care." Liz retorted with a piercing glare. "Maria cares for you and it's about time you showed it back."

Michael scoffed. "I know we've been through a long of things together Liz, but personally I think you should back off. This is my problem, not yours."

"That's your problem. You think you're separate from everyone." Liz hissed back. "But you know what? We're not Michael. We're a unit. It's going to stay that way so you can think all you want but tonight you're going to meet Maria or God help me I will hunt you down and really annoy the crap out of you." Liz vowed.

"You sound a lot like Max." Michael scoffed. "No wonder you both love each other." He grabbed the dish cloth from his shoulders and wiped his greasy hands.

"I keep hearing that from you." Liz muttered. "Besides, Max isn't here. We don't know where he is. We're all suffering for it. We don't need another runaway Czech! Sheesh Michael."

Michael was quiet for a moment and Liz watched him. "Well?"

"Remember those letters we got from him?" Michael suddenly asked. "Well...I just wondered...why does he get to get away for it. Why?"

"He's not getting away with anything." Liz folded her arms. "Just wait till he comes back."

"I'd love to see you hound him. I've had it with being on the receiving end of everyone's mistakes." Michael snorted.

"Michael....grow up." Liz stared at him in disbelief. "If you really do care about anyone other then yourself, you'll meet Maria tonight." Liz told him before leaving the kitchen.


"So how does it taste?" Dianne asked when she returned to the kitchen to hear Max's verdict on her Christmas angel fruit cake.

Max looked up at her and gave her a sheepish grin. "It's nice...mother."

"Good, good." Dianne grinned.

Isabel came storming through the door with a handful of gifts in the next second. Dianne stared at her daughter in shock and left the table. " this part of your new volunteering job?"

Isabel placed the gifts on the table and sighed. "Oh yes Mom, I gotta deliver all of these to the orphanage. Can I borrow your car?" Isabel asked and tucked away a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah sure." Dianne nodded, concerned. "Are you sure you're ok? You want some of my Angel fruit cake?" Dianne asked.

Isabel looked at the table and knew Tess's mind warp was going on. "Oh yeah, sure." Isabel grinned and charged at the table. She pulled Max's plate towards her and began devouring the untouched cake.

Dianne smiled.


"Kyle put me down! You're gunna drop me!" Tess hissed with a grin as Kyle balanced her on his shoulders.

It was her idea to put the star on the tree and now Kyle had taken advantage of the situation an kept her on his shoulders. "Nope." He refused to let her down.

Jim walked in and his eyes went wide on seeing his son being so intimate with Tess. "What in the lord-" As soon as Jim spoke, Kyle and Tess grew shock and Kyle faltered; they fell over and landed in a mass of tangled limbs.

"....Is going on?" Jim finished, blushed in embarrassment. That was his son, trying to seduce a girl. "Oh Jesus...are you okay guys?"

Tess and Kyle slowly untangled themselves from each other. "Y-yeah." Kyle replied in a shaky tone and helped Tess us. "Sorry Tess."

"We're fine, sir." Tess smiled.

Jim observed the pair. He knew something was up. He just knew it. "Kyle, I need to talk to you later." Jim finally said, after watching his son give Tess a sneaky pinch on the bum. Tess giggled in response and slapped his hand away.

Yes, there was definitely something going on.

"Oh you won't have time later." Tess grinned. "Kyle and I...." She paused and noticed Jim becoming alarmed. "No pun intended..." Tess choked while trying to get the right words out. "We kinda invited someone."

"A lady guest!" Kyle blurted out.

"Who is she?"

"Amy. Amy DeLuca." Tess replied.

"What the hell? You invited her? Why?" Jim paused. "When is she due to arrive?"

The doorbell rang. "That would be her."

Jim gasped in shock and looked at the door. "Oh jeez!" He began to tuck his shirt in and cursed. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner? Oh lord!" Jim quickly groomed himself, earning snickers from both Tess and Kyle as he went his way to answer the door.

"Amy!" Jim greeted her with a smile as soon as he opened the door. "Nice to see you again."


Kyle followed Tess into the kitchen and shut the door. "Think Dad will get serious with her?" Kyle asked as Tess waved her hand over the turkey.

"I hope so. It's nice to play match maker. I've never done it before and besides, Mr Valenti and Amy look so cute together. Don't you think?" Tess winked at Kyle.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Tess. "They will never be as cute as you and I."

Tess sank into his embrace for a moment. "Hmmm, true."

Kyle gave her a quick peck on the side of her lips. "I've gone so attached to you that I need to kiss you." He moaned, almost giving her a proper kiss.

Tess closed her eyes and waited but nothing happened.

"Is the din-" Jim walked in. "Oh..." Jim hurried out of the kitchen.

Kyle looked at Tess. "What the hell just happened?"

They both burst out laughing.


"Cheers!" Jeff cried happily as he opened his twentieth wine bottle. The guest held out their glasses and cheered with him. Liz watched from her seat with a small smile.

An old woman, who sat next to a bored Liz, smiled. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She began and Liz turned her tired eyes towards the woman.

"I guess." Liz yawned lifelessly.

"You're not feeling it are you?" The old woman asked, understanding Liz's situation.

"Nope. Not really." Liz replied without looking at her. "But it doesn't matter. None of it does." Liz sighed as her father gestured for her to come over. Liz removed herself from the booth and walked towards her father.

"It always matters." The old woman breathed, smiling.


Through the window, he could see her with that Brody guy. But this time, things would change. He wouldn't run away. Tapping on the glass, Michael managed to distract Maria who turned her eyes on him. He could see the happiness shine in her eyes and his heart swelled.

Maria walked out to meet him. "Michael??"

"I wanted to see you." Michael gave her a small smile and took her hand. "Please?"

Maria looked at Brody who was sitting inside by himself and reading a newspaper. She turned her eyes back on Michael. "What made you change your mind?"

"Let's just say, I'm sick and tired of being the runaway alien. I wanna be there for you. I figured I should start now." He replied. "I miss you." He added.

"I miss you too." Maria replied.

Michael kissed her on the forehead. "Let's go somewhere."

I heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the lord
But you don’t really care for music, do ya?


Well it goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing hallelujah

Alex and Isabel rolled over on the bed, deep in embrace as they devoured each other. Isabel giggled while a piece of fluff from Alex's Santa hat fell on her nose.

Their lips met again.



Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to her kitchen chair
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the hallelujah

Michael handed Maria the candle as they sat at the mass together. Maria gave him a genuine smile as they held their candles together." Here's me hoping for a new start."



Tess and Kyle laughed along with Amy and Jim as they shared a funny joke over the table. Tess shone her watery eyes at Kyle and he knew it was the best Christmas she ever had. He reached out for her hand and gave it a little squeeze.



Sweeping the remains of the rubbish on the Crashdown floor, Liz paused and wiped her forehead in exhaustion. Christmas nights were always tiring; she had decided to have a night in herself while her parents went out to the midnight mass. But still she was sleepy.

Well maybe there’s a god above
But all I’ve ever learned from love

This Christmas was probably one of the worst ones she'd ever have. At home and alone with no one to share it with, Liz continued to broom and momentarily looked up.

Was how to shoot somebody who’d out drew ya
And it’s not a cry that you hear at night

Max's face appeared in the window. He stood there in the lit darkness, his eyes tired and weary but animated on seeing her again. Liz dropped the broom.

Max moved and pushed the door open. He hesitated but walked in while Liz stared at him with her mouth open in shock. She didn't know what to say as her brain registered that Max was finally here, he had returned.

He took that one step that had her crumbling her resolve down; Liz had ran and leapt straight into his waiting arms.

Max embraced her and breathed in her scent. He had missed her so much.

Liz wound her legs around his waist and clutched onto him tightly, afraid that he would slip away again.

The couple held on to each other in that moment; making up for the time lost.
