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Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:05 pm
by Sundae
1. I say awesome a lot and have gotten other people to say it too because I make it so damn catchy. I pride myself on it and love it when they find it annoying that they’re saying it too.

2. Instead of saying “hello,” I say “hola.” Instead of saying “thank you,” I say “gracias.” Instead of saying “what,” I say “que,” and instead of saying “common, let’s go,” I say “vamos, vamos, vamos.” --- And I’m not Hispanic. I think I do it because I took 6 years of Spanish in school (2 in middle and 4 years in high school) and my high school Spanish teacher did not allow any English in her class room that I just got use to doing it. But now its habit, and I’ve noticed I’ve gotten other people to say my “catch-phrases” regularly, including my dad, my boss, my best friend and my co-workers. My boss even did it in a meeting once. Lmao.

3. My loud voice is usually peoples inside voice. :|

4. I am an overachiever and people don’t like that. I am also a perfectionist when it comes to my work…but could care less about other people work, but if your work touches my work and it’s sloppy and messy, it drives me crazy

5. I have to be very strict and limit myself to read only in the summer months or when I’m not busy with school because books are like a black hole for me. I get so engrossed in them that I will neglect everything other than breathing, eating, and the bare necessities of survival.

6. I’m an eternal optimist and am naturally happy and bubbly and see the bright side of anything even in the grimmest of situation. Because of this, I tend to avoid pessimistic, narcissistic people that are the opposite.

7. I sing and dance anytime I cook and clean. So usually a two hour cleaning job will take me four hours because I turn the radio up reaaaaaaaaly loud, thumping loud, I grab my cleaning supplies, usually have a spatula as my mike and start dancing and singing all over the house, jumping on top of furniture and sliding across the tile floors, that a neighbor has even come by and asked me if I was throwing a party. I usually only do this alone…or unless, I know you so well or are family. My parents find this very annoying and I dance around them to annoy them more.

8. I drink straight from the bottle in the fridge, but I live by myself.

9. When ever my mom talks on the phone, my brother and I will stand behind her and start mock dancing behind her following her room to room and my mom HATES it, but it’s so funny.

10. I have sarcastic, jab, inside joke humor and tend to always make a joke after something serious happens.

11. If it’s not right with me and something doesn’t make me happy or feels right, despite other peoples’ praises that something is good, I will start all over again from scratch.

12. I can also multitask like crazy and usually when I work…it looks unorganized and messy and papers are everywhere but I can tell you exactly where everything is and once I’m done with whatever, I pile everything into a neat, organized little pile and people don’t’ know how I can do that. It apparently flusters them.

13. I consider myself to have a “copy-cat” or “chameleon” brain. I can look at something for a minute, study it a bit, and I can go home and reproduce it just like it or better, even if I don’t understand some of the underlying mechanics or concepts….somehow I can do it and it annoys people.

14. I can watch the first 30 minutes of any sport and then predict who will win and 8 times out of 10, I am right and I’ve won lot money that way and people hate it.

15. I drool slightly when I sleep and I apparently have a cuddle death grip (or so I have been told), so if you sleep next to me… :oops:

16. I talk in accents when I’m with my best friends (who do the same). We go around into a shop and will speaking in a different accent, but be serious about it. Chinese, Indian, Hispanic, New York, British, Aussie accents...I’ve even been stopped before by strangers who have asked me where I’m from as if I really speak it. But I can’t do this with some friends because they think it’s weird and pointless and annoying. Sigh…

17. I will wear the same pair of jeans two-three days in row.

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:52 am
by killjoy
My dad and I are complete opposites.He's a Class A to be in charge,life of the party and everything done by him,his way and right at that moment.Where I am laid back,don't mind letting someone else be in charge and I'm known to put things off for drives him insane :roll: :lol:

I have a bad habit of letting the wash build up till it over flows the hamper and takes me hours to wash and dry all of it.

I can't cook with the all...not one bit.Anything I try to cook turns out burnt black on the outside but yet still some how raw on the inside...I don't know how I do that! So seeing how I can't cook I always eat take out or go out to eat and never cook.At one point I didn't use my stove or oven for almost four years.If you asked me if my stove worked I wouldn't have been able to tell you yes or no.

Re: Bad/Annoying Habits

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:16 am
by secretk
Actually I don't have that much annoying habits, they are more like odd.
For example I can't eat wet food. I have to wipe it first.
Sometimes I am total perfectionist, but this is valid only when it comes to me. I don't expect much from the people around me, but I put on myself a lot of pressure.
I hate someone that is not close friend or relative to tell me what to do. In a situation like this, I will probably do the opposite just to get even :lol: .
And I am really stubborn. Even when I was kind, I was doing what I want, which was huge problem for my parents. I don't do anything without good explanation, so they had to explain me very well and had to be very persuasive, if they want me to do it.
And I am listening music all the time, even when I am studying or reading. Otherwise it is not fun at all.
I don't clean or wash anything without music.